Title | Genre | Company |
R Hood Legend Quest | unknown | |
R Hood Der Held von Sherwood | unknown | Data House Software |
R Hood's Gold | unknown | Loadstar |
R of Sherlock | unknown | |
R of Sherwood The Touchstones of Rhiannon | unknown | |
R of Sherwood The Touchstones of Rhiannon | unknown | Adventure International |
R of Sherwood The Touchstones of Rhiannon | unknown | Adventure International |
R of the Wood | unknown | Odin Computer Graphics |
R Smith's International Cricket | unknown | Challenge Software |
R Type | Action | Irem |
R Type | unknown | |
R-Nest | unknown | Colosoftware |
R-Type | unknown | Electric Dreams Software |
R-Type | unknown | Sega Corporation |
R-Type III: The Third Lightning | unknown | Irem Software Engineering, Inc. |
R.A.F. | unknown | Meisters |
R.A.M | Action | Topo Soft |
R.A.M | Action | Topo Soft |
R.A.M | Action | Topo Soft |
R.A.M | Action | Topo Soft |
R.A.M 2 | Action | Topo Soft |
R.A.M. | unknown | |
R.B.I. 2 Baseball | unknown | Domark |
R.B.I. 2 Baseball | unknown | |
R.B.I. Baseball | Sport | Tengen |
R.B.I. Baseball | Sport | Tengen |
R.B.I. Baseball 2 | Sport | Tengen |
R.B.I. Baseball 2 | Sport | Tengen |
R.B.I. Baseball 2 | unknown | Tengen |
R.B.I. Baseball 2 | unknown | Tengen |
R.B.I. Baseball 3 | Sport | Tengen |
R.B.I. Baseball 3 | Sport | Tengen |
R.B.I. Baseball 3 | unknown | Tengen |
R.C. Grand Prix | Action | Seismic Software NA - Sega EU/AU |
R.C. Pro-Am | Sport | Rare, Ltd. |
R.C. Pro-Am | Sport | Nintendo Co., LTD |
R.C. Pro-Am II | Sport | Tradewest, Inc. |
R.C.A. | unknown | |
R.E.M. | unknown | |
R.I.P. | Action | White Elephant Games |
R.I.P. H.T.G. 1989 08 Hacker Trick Group | unknown | |
R.I.S.K. | unknown | The Edge Software |
R.M.S. Titanic | unknown | Electric Dreams |
R.O.T.O. | unknown | ANALOG Computing |
R.O.T.O. | unknown | ANALOG Computing |
R.O.T.O. | unknown | ANALOG Computing |
R.O.T.O. | unknown | ANALOG Computing |
R.O.T.O. | unknown | ANALOG Computing |
R1-D1 | Action | Your Commodore |
R1-D1 Unit Attack | unknown | Your Commodore |
RA | unknown | K-Soft |
RA | unknown | K-Soft |
RA | unknown | K-Soft |
Ra! | unknown | Rainbow Arts |
Ra's Revenge | unknown | GJS |
Raaah Lovely | unknown | |
Rabbish III | unknown | |
Rabbit Pie | unknown | Illusion |
Rabbit Pie | unknown | Illusion |
Rabbit Shoot | unknown | Phipps Associates |
Rabbit Shoot | unknown | Phipps Associates |
Rabbit Shoot | unknown | Phipps Associates |
Rabbit Trap | unknown | Interface Publications |
Rabbit-Ball | unknown | BJK-DBS |
RACE | unknown | |
Race | unknown | Mike Fleischner |
Race Ace | unknown | Micro Gold |
Race Ace | unknown | Micro Gold |
Race Ace | unknown | Compute! |
Race Against Time, The | unknown | Codemasters Plus |
Race Car Simulator | Sport | Creative Solutions |
Race Chase | unknown | |
Race Drivin' | unknown | THQ Inc. |
Race Drivin' | Sport | |
Race Drivin'; | Simulation | Tengen Inc. |
Race for Midnight | unknown | Avant-Garde |
Race Fun | unknown | Rabbit Software |
Race in Space | unknown | ANALOG Computing |
Race in Space | unknown | ANALOG Computing |
Race in Space | unknown | ANALOG Software |
Race in Space | unknown | ANALOG Software |
Race of the Bones | unknown | Markt & Technik |
Race the Nags | Sport | Dick Olsen |
Race the Nags | unknown | Dick Olsen |
Race Track | unknown | Sinclair Research |
Race Track | unknown | Sinclair Research |
Race-Car | unknown | Multi-System |
Race-Chase | unknown | Sunshine Publications |
Race, The | unknown | |
Race, The | unknown | Players Premier Software |
Race, The | unknown | Players Premier Software |
Race, The | unknown | |
RACE: The WTCC Game | unknown | SimBin |
Race! | Simulation | Carl Erikson |
RACEBAAN | unknown | |
Racehorse Pinochle | unknown | Loadstar |
Racen | unknown | |
Racer | unknown | PC Solutions |
Racer | unknown | PC Solutions |
Racer Mini Yonku: Japan Cup | unknown | Konami Computer Entertainment Japan, Inc. |
RACER! | unknown | |
Racer! | unknown | Cursor Magazine |
RACETRACK | unknown | |
Racing Car | unknown | Balazs Almasi |
Racing Days | Sport | Kitt Peak |
Racing Days R | Sport | Feral Interactive |
Racing Destruction Set | Sport | Electronic Arts |
Racing Destruction Set | unknown | Electronic Arts |
Racing Destruction Set | unknown | Electronic Arts |
Racing Destruction Set Custom Tracks | unknown | Electronic Arts |
Racing Destruction Set Custom Tracks LaRock | unknown | Electronic Arts |
Racing Manager | unknown | Virgin Games |
Racing Manager | unknown | Virgin Games |
Rack 'em | Sport | Accolade |
Rack'em Up | unknown | Roklan |
Rack'em Up | unknown | Roklan |
Racket Attack | Sport | Jaleco |
Racquetball | Sport | Apollo |
Racter | Strategy | INRAC Corporation |
Racter | unknown | Mindscape |
Rad Racer | Sport | Square |
Rad Racer | Sport | Nintendo Co., LTD |
Rad Racer II | Sport | Square Co., Ltd. |
Rad Racket: Deluxe Tennis II | unknown | A Wave |
Rad Ramp Racer | unknown | |
Rad Ramp Racer | unknown | Mastertronic Plus |
Rad Ramp Racer | unknown | Mastertronic Plus |
Rad Warrior | Action | Epyx |
Rad Warrior | unknown | Epyx |
Rad Warrior | Action | |
Rad Warrior | unknown | Palace Software |
Radar | unknown | Gerhard Klauser |
Radar | unknown | Markt & Technik |
Radar Lander: Caves | unknown | Cascade Games |
Radar Landing | unknown | |
Radar Lock | Action | Atari |
Radar Rat Race | unknown | Commodore |
Radax | unknown | CP Verlag |
Raddings #1 | unknown | |
Raddings #2 | unknown | |
Raddings #3 | unknown | |
Raddish-One | unknown | Madox |
Raddish-Two | unknown | Markt & Technik |
Radeloos | unknown | John Vanderaart |
Radia Senki: Reimei-hen | unknown | Tecmo, Ltd. |
Radiator | unknown | Destiny |
Radical Castle | Adventure | Christopher Kent Wigginton |
Radical Rebound | Action | Radical Rebound Software |
Radical Rex | Action | Activision |
Radical Waste | unknown | Pota Fervendo Produ |
Radical! | unknown | |
Radikal Bikers | Action | Infogrames |
Radio Baseball | Sport | Electronic Arts |
Radio City | unknown | |
Radio Control Flight Simulator | unknown | John Kallend |
Radio Control Flight Simulator Disk Jockey crack ds Midnight Magic A.P.P.L.E. crack | unknown | |
Radio Controlled ACtion | unknown | Golden Eagle |
Radio Days | unknown | |
Radio Search | unknown | Commodore Magazine |
Radioactive | unknown | |
Radiomania | unknown | Zenobi Software |
Radiomania - Intro | unknown | Zenobi Software |
Radius | unknown | |
Radius | unknown | |
Radius | unknown | Players Premier |
Radix - Beyond the Void | Action | Epic MegaGames |
Radix: Beyond the Void | unknown | |
Radix: Beyond the Void | Action | Epic Games |
RADLER.3 | unknown | |
Radonium | unknown | Compute! |
RADs | unknown | Compute! |
radwarrior | unknown | |
Radwarrior | unknown | Epyx |
radwarrior DOS | unknown | |
radwarrior PRODOS | unknown | |
Radzone | unknown | |
Raf | Strategy | The Meisters |
RAF | unknown | XXX |
RAF - Battle of Britain | unknown | Discovery Games |
Raft-Away River | unknown | Jacaranda Wily |
Ragdoll Masters | Action | Rag Doll Software |
Rage Hard | unknown | |
Rage of Mages | Action | Monolith Productions, Inc. |
RAGE: Campaign Edition | Action | Aspyr Media |
Ragged #04 | unknown | |
Ragged #4 | unknown | |
Ragged #6 | unknown | |
Raging Beast Ole! | unknown | Firebird |
Raging Thunder | unknown | RUN/IDG Communications |
Ragnablock | Action | CEZ GS |
Ragnarok | RPG | |
Ragnarok aka Valhalla | RPG | Optyk |
Rags #03 | unknown | |
Rags To Riches | Action | Melody Hall Publishing Corp |
Rags to Riches | unknown | Melody Hall Publishing |
Rags to Riches | unknown | |
Rags to Riches | unknown | Interplay |
RAH-66 Comanche versus Ka-52 Hokum | Simulation | Razorworks |
Rai'Morth's Hollow | unknown | Michael Walter |
Raid | unknown | Pasion Company |
Raid | unknown | Ahoy! |
Raid | unknown | S. Reece |
Raid 2000 | unknown | Mirrorsoft |
Raid 2020 | Action | Color Dreams |
Raid on Bungeling Bay | Action | Brøderbund Software |
Raid On Bungeling Bay | unknown | Broderbund |
Raid on Bungeling Bay | unknown | Hudson Soft, LTD. |
Raid on Bungeling Bay | Action | Brøderbund |
Raid on Gravitron | unknown | Antic Software |
Raid on Lethos | unknown | Dave Newton |
Raid on New York | unknown | Videoquest Inc. |
Raid over Libya | unknown | Mole-Eater |
Raid Over Moscow | Action | Access Software |
Raid over Moscow | unknown | Access Software |
Raid over Moscow | unknown | Access Software |
Raid over Moscow | unknown | Access Software |
Raid over Moscow | unknown | Access Software |
Raid over Moscow | unknown | Access Software |
Raid Over Moscow | unknown | Access Software |
Raid Over Moscow | unknown | Access |
Raid over Moscow | unknown | U.S. Gold |
Raid over Moscow | unknown | U.S. Gold |
Raid over Moscow | unknown | U.S. Gold |
Raid Over Moscow | unknown | Access |
Raid Over Moscow | unknown | Access |
Raid Sur Tenere | unknown | |
Raiden | Simulation | Imagitec Design |
Raiden Trad | unknown | Electro Brain |
Raider | unknown | Markt & Technik |
Raider of the Cursed Mine | unknown | Arcade Software |
Raider of the Cursed Mine | unknown | Arcade Software |
Raiders | unknown | Cascade Games |
Raiders from Mars | unknown | |
Raiders of Space | unknown | General Masters |
Raiders of the Lost Arch | unknown | Fuft |
Raiders of the Lost Ark | Adventure | Atari, Inc. |
Raiders of the Lost Ring Galaxy Gates Microgammon 2.0 Space Raiders v2 Side Invaders Burnout Bubbles | unknown | |
RAIL | unknown | |
Rail | unknown | Chris Torkildson |
Rail Boss | unknown | Dave Rotor & Peter Wood |
Rail Road | unknown | |
Rail Runner | unknown | Granada Publishing |
Rail Traffic Control: Birmingham | unknown | |
Rail Traffic Control: Bristol TM | unknown | Ashley Greenup |
Rail Traffic Control: Buxton | unknown | Dee-Kay Systems |
Rail Traffic Control: Crewe | unknown | |
Rail Traffic Control: Doncaster | unknown | |
Rail Traffic Control: Liverpool Lime Street | unknown | Dee-Kay Systems |
Rail Traffic Control: Penzance | unknown | |
RailKing | unknown | David H. Neal |
Railroad | unknown | Radarsoft |
Railroad Empire | Strategy | Seika Corporation |
Railroad Tycoon | unknown | Microprose |
Railroad Tycoon | Strategy | MicroProse |
Railroad Tycoon | Strategy | Microprose |
Railroad Tycoon | unknown | Microprose |
Railroad Tycoon | unknown | Microprose |
Railroad Tycoon | unknown | Microprose |
Railroad Tycoon 2 | unknown | |
Railroad Tycoon 3 | Strategy | MacSoft |
Railroad Tycoon Deluxe | Strategy | |
Railroad Tycoon Deluxe | unknown | |
Railroad Tycoon Deluxe | Strategy | MicroProse |
Railroad Tycoon Deluxe | RPG | Microprose |
Railroad Tycoon Deluxe | unknown | Microprose |
Railroad Tycoon Deluxe | unknown | Microprose |
Railroad Tycoon II | Strategy | Gathering of Developers |
Railroad Works | Puzzle | CBS Software |
Rails West! | unknown | SSI |
Rails West! | unknown | SSI |
Railwar v3.2 | unknown | Ryan Biggs |
Railway Challenge | unknown | Sunflowers |
Railways | unknown | |
Rain'Net | Puzzle | Fantasoft |
Rainbow | unknown | Zzap! 64 |
Rainbow Challenge | unknown | Loadstar |
Rainbow Chaser | Action | Commodore Disk User |
Rainbow Chaser | unknown | Psychonetix |
Rainbow Fish - The most beautiful fish in the ocean | Educational | Emme/Lexis Numérique |
Rainbow Fish and the Amazing Lagoon | Educational | Emme/Lexis Numérique |
Rainbow Fish and the Whale | Educational | EMME Interactive |
Rainbow Islands | Action | Ocean |
Rainbow Islands | unknown | Taito |
Rainbow Islands | Action | Ocean Software, Inc. |
Rainbow Islands | Action | Taito |
Rainbow Islands | Action | Taito |
Rainbow Islands | Action | Taito |
Rainbow Islands The Story of Bubble Bobble 2 | unknown | |
Rainbow Islands - The Story of Bubble Bobble 2 | unknown | Ocean |
Rainbow Islands - The Story of Bubble Bobble 2 | unknown | Ocean |
Rainbow Islands - The Story of Bubble Bobble 2 | unknown | Ocean |
Rainbow Islands - The Story of Bubble Bobble 2 | unknown | Ocean |
Rainbow Islands: The Story of Bubble Bobble 2 | unknown | Taito America Corporation |
Rainbow Space Donkey Escape | Action | Niall Moody |
Rainbow Square Dance | unknown | Addison-Wesley |
Rainbow Towers | unknown | Pooh Bear |
Rainbow Walker | unknown | Synapse Software |
Rainbow Walker | unknown | Synapse Software |
Rainbow Walker | unknown | Synapse Software |
Rainbow Walker | unknown | Synapse Software |
Rainbow Web: An Enchanted Matching Adventure | Puzzle | MumboJumbo |
Rainfighter | unknown | Markt & Technik |
Rainforest Adventure | Puzzle | GameHouse |
Raingame | unknown | MST |
Rainstorm | unknown | Chuck Ristau |
Rainstorm | unknown | Chuck Ristau |
Rainstorm | unknown | Chuck Ristau |
Rainy Day | unknown | CCS |
Rainy Day | unknown | CCS |
Rainy Day Fun | unknown | Thorn Emi |
Rainy Day Games | unknown | Baudville |
Raj Raj | unknown | |
Raketa Kiloves | unknown | |
Ralf 2 | unknown | |
Ralli | unknown | Tomi Malinen |
Rallo Gump | Action | Edge Creations |
Rallo Gump | unknown | Homebrew Software |
Rally 2001 | unknown | Interface Publications |
Rally Bike | Sport | Romstar |
Rally Championships | Simulation | Flair Software |
Rally Championships | unknown | Flair Software |
Rally CPC | unknown | |
Rally Cross | unknown | |
Rally Cross Simulator | unknown | Codemasters |
Rally Driver | unknown | Hill MacGibbon |
Rally Driver | unknown | Hill MacGibbon |
Rally Driver | unknown | |
Rally Driver | unknown | Hill MacGibbon |
Rally II | unknown | |
Rally Racer | unknown | Compute! |
Rally Shallenge | unknown | Tomi Malinen |
Rally Shift | Sport | CodeBlender |
Rally Simulator | unknown | Zeppelin Games |
Rally Simulator | unknown | |
Rally Simulator | unknown | Zeppelin Games |
Rally Speedway | Sport | John Anderson |
Rally Speedway | unknown | Adventure International |
Rally Speedway | unknown | Adventure International |
Rally Speedway | unknown | Adventure International |
Rally Speedway | unknown | Adventure International |
Rally Speedway | unknown | Commodore |
Rally Speedway 2 | unknown | John Anderson & The USA Team |
Rally Sport | Simulation | Jukka Jakala |
Rally Trophy | unknown | Bugbear |
Rally-K | Simulation | Kurt W. Dekker |
Rally-X | Sport | Namco |
Rallye | unknown | Karlheinz Herpel |
Ralph Bosson';s High Seas | Simulation | Garde Games of Distinction |
Ram It | Action | Telesys |
Ram It Down | unknown | |
Ram It Down | unknown | |
Ram Rod | unknown | RUN/IDG Communications |
Rama | Adventure | Dynamix |
Ramblas El Caso Vega | unknown | |
Ramblas Investigador Privado | unknown | Mind Games |
Ramble over Nazca | unknown | Systems Editoriale |
Rambo | unknown | Ocean |
Rambo | Action | Acclaim Entertainment |
Rambo | Action | Pack-in-Video Co., Ltd. |
Rambo First Blood Part II | unknown | |
Rambo - First Blood Part 2 | Adventure | Mindscape |
Rambo - First Blood Part Ii | Action | Ocean |
Rambo 3 | Action | Taito |
Rambo 3 | unknown | Ocean |
Rambo and Rocy | unknown | Geir Drange |
Rambo First Blood Part II Picture | unknown | Ocean |
Rambo III | unknown | |
Rambo III | unknown | Ocean |
Rambo III | Action | SEGA |
Rambo III | Action | Ocean Software |
Rambo III | unknown | Sega Corporation |
Rambo S1 | unknown | |
Rambo S2 | unknown | |
Rambo: First Blood Part II | unknown | Ocean |
Rambo: First Blood Part II | unknown | Angelsoft |
Rambo: First Blood Part II | unknown | Angelsoft |
Rambo: First Blood Part II | Adventure | Angelsoft |
Rambomix 2 | unknown | |
Rambug II | unknown | ANALOG Computing |
Rambug II | unknown | ANALOG Computing |
Rambug II | unknown | ANALOG Computing |
Rambug II | unknown | ANALOG Computing |
Rambug II | unknown | ANALOG Computing |
Ramiro el Vampiro | Action | Mojon Twins |
Ramon Rodriguez | unknown | Erbe Software |
Ramonovo Kouzlo | Adventure | Riki Computer Games |
Rampage | Action | Activision |
Rampage | unknown | Activision |
Rampage | Action | Bally Midway |
Rampage | Action | Bally Midway |
Rampage | Action | Bally Midway |
Rampage | unknown | Activision |
Rampage | unknown | Activision |
Rampage | unknown | Activision |
Rampage | unknown | Monarch Development |
Rampage | unknown | Activision |
Rampage | unknown | Monarch Development |
Rampage | unknown | Activision |
Rampage | unknown | |
Rampage | Action | Bally Midway |
Rampage | Action | Data East Corporation |
Rampage | Action | Bally Midway |
Rampage Demo | unknown | |
Rampage Demo | unknown | |
Rampage Demo | unknown | |
Rampage Pinball | unknown | Halfway |
Rampart | Strategy | Electronic Arts |
Rampart | unknown | Konami Computer Entertainment Japan, Inc. |
Rampart | Action | Electronic Arts |
Rampart | Action | Electronic Arts |
Rampart | RPG | Electronic Arts |
Rampart | RPG | Electronic Arts |
Rampart, The | Action | Iber |
Ramparts | unknown | Go! |
Ramparts | unknown | Go! |
Ramparts | unknown | |
Ramparts | unknown | Go! |
RAMS | unknown | Markt & Technik |
Ramses vom Nil | unknown | Vril |
Ramsete | unknown | Manuel D. Caballero |
Rana | unknown | |
Rana Rama | unknown | Hewson Consultants |
Rana Rama | unknown | |
Ranarama for the Sinclair ZX Spectrum | unknown | Hewson |
Ranaremake | Action | CEZ RD |
Ranch | unknown | Spinnaker Software |
Rancho | unknown | Idealogic |
Randamn | unknown | Ron Nepsund |
Randamn | unknown | |
randamn bugfixed | unknown | |
Randex | unknown | R.A. Soft |
Random Access | unknown | |
Random Attack | unknown | Micro-Engineering |
Random Attack | unknown | Micro-Engineering |
Random Attack | unknown | Micro-Engineering |
Random Champ 8 | unknown | Blinkey Bill |
Random Division Quiz | unknown | |
Random Maze | unknown | Tab Books |
Randy in Sokobanland | unknown | Ofihombre Studios |
Ranger Fox | Action | SoftAction |
Ranks | unknown | |
Ranks 5 | unknown | |
Ranx | Action | Ubi Soft Entertainment Software |
Ranx: The Video Game | unknown | |
Rap Jam: Volume One | unknown | Motown Software |
Rap Sample 1.00 | unknown | |
Rapax Mega Demo | unknown | |
Rape and Escape 1 | unknown | |
Rape and Escape 2 | unknown | |
Raped | unknown | |
Rapede - The Centipede's Revenge | unknown | Visions Software Factory |
Rapede - The Centipede's Revenge | unknown | Visions Software Factory |
Rapid Application Product 1 | unknown | |
Rapid Fire | unknown | Mastertronic |
Rapid Fire | unknown | Mastertronic |
Rapid Fire | unknown | Mastertronic |
Rapid Fire | unknown | Mastertronic |
Rapina in Famiglia | unknown | Sandro Certi & Franco Toldi |
Rapscallion | unknown | Bug-Byte Software |
Rapscallion | unknown | Bug-Byte Software |
Raptor - Call of the Shadows | Action | Apogee |
Raptor: Air Superiority Fighter | Action | Constant Variable |
Raptor: Call of the Shadows | Action | Apogee Software, LTD. |
Raptor: Call of the Shadows | Action | Apogee |
Raptor: Call of the Shadows | Action | Cygnus |
Raptor: Call of the Shadows | unknown | Cygnus |
Rapunzel mit dem guldenen Haar | unknown | Karlheinz Herpel |
Rascal | unknown | |
Rascals | unknown | Compute! |
Rascan | unknown | Super Game 2000 |
Rasen-Maher | unknown | Europa Computer-Club |
Rasenmaher | unknown | Lothar Becks |
Rasputin | unknown | Firebird Software |
Rasputin | unknown | Firebird Software |
Rasputin | unknown | Firebird Software |
Rasputin | unknown | |
Rastan | Action | |
Rastan | unknown | Imagine Software |
Rastan | unknown | Sega Corporation |
Rastan | unknown | Taito |
Rastan | unknown | Taito |
Rastan | unknown | Taito |
Rastan | unknown | Taito |
Rastan Demo | unknown | |
Raster Blaster | unknown | BudgeCo |
Raster Blaster | unknown | BudgeCo |
Raster Demo 3 | unknown | |
Raster Madness | unknown | |
Raster Runner | unknown | Mastertronic Plus |
Raster Runner | unknown | |
Raster Saga | unknown | |
Rastercrime | unknown | |
Rasterix | unknown | |
Rasterix | unknown | |
Rasterscan | Puzzle | Mastertronic |
Rasterscan | unknown | Mastertronic |
Rasterscan | unknown | |
Rasterscan | unknown | Mastertronic |
Rastertron | unknown | Hawksoft |
Raszyn 1809 | unknown | Mirage |
Raszyn 1809 | unknown | Mirage |
Rat Connection | unknown | |
Rat Race | unknown | MMG Micro Software |
Rat Trails | unknown | Virgin |
Rat-Run | unknown | Ian Maclaren & John Launsberry |
Rat! | unknown | MikeM16 |
Ratapede | unknown | A.R. |
Ratatouille | Action | Disney/Pixar |
Ratbeef with Tapesalad and a Cool Coke | unknown | |
Rath Tha | unknown | |
Rath-tha | Action | Positive |
Rath-tha | Action | Positive |
Rath-tha | Action | Positive |
Rath-tha | Action | Positive |
Rath-Tha | unknown | K.F.R. Soft |
Ratio | unknown | |
Ratio 80, Digital Dynamit | unknown | |
Ratrun | unknown | Cursor Magazine |
Ratrun | unknown | C.T. Nadovich |
Rats | unknown | Cascade Games |
Rats, The | unknown | Hodder & Stoughton |
Rats, The | unknown | Hodder & Stoughton |
Rats, The - Intro | unknown | Hodder & Stoughton |
Rats, The - Intro | unknown | Hodder & Stoughton |
RATS! | unknown | Compute! |
Rats' Revenge | unknown | |
Rats' Revenge | unknown | |
Rats' Revenge | unknown | |
Ratterflatter | unknown | Magic Disk |
Rattle & Hum | unknown | |
Rattler | Misc | Microsoft |
Rattler | unknown | Atlantis Software |
Rattler | unknown | Atlantis Software |
Rattler | unknown | Atlantis Software |
Rattler Race | unknown | Christopher Lee Fraley |
Raumpatrouille | unknown | Commodore Disc |
Raumpatrouillie | unknown | S+S Soft |
Raumpirat | unknown | Malzan |
Raumpirat | unknown | Data Media |
Raumschiff Enterprise | unknown | Tiger-Crew-Disk |
RAUMSCHLACHT | unknown | |
Ravage | Simulation | AlphaHelix |
Rave Da Scene | unknown | |
Rave Shuttle: The Cosmic Challenge | Adventure | NAVIGO Multimedia |
Ravebeat 2 | unknown | |
Raven 7 | unknown | |
Raven, The | unknown | 8th Day Software |
Ravenhearst (Mystery Case Files) | Puzzle | Big Fish Games |
Ravening | unknown | |
Ravenloft - Strahd';s Possession | RPG | Strategic Simulations Inc. |
Ravenloft: Der Fluch des Grafen | Adventure | SSI |
Ravenloft: Stone Prophet | RPG | |
Ravenloft: Strahd's Possesion | unknown | SSI |
Ravenloft: Strahd's Possesion | unknown | SSI |
Ravenloft: Strahd's Possesion | Adventure | SSI |
Raw Power | unknown | |
Raw Recruit | unknown | Mastertronic Added Dimension |
Raw-Master | unknown | Tomi Blinnikka |
Rawhead vs. Tommy | unknown | |
Ray Bradbury's The Martian Chronicles Adventure Game | Adventure | Byron Preiss Multimedia |
Ray's Maze | Adventure | Ray Dunakin |
Raylroad tycoon | Strategy | MicroProse |
Rayman | Action | Ubi Soft |
Rayman 2: The Great Escape | Action | Ubi Soft |
Rayman 3: Hoodlum Havoc | Action | Feral Interactive |
Raymond Pringle's Quest for the Fabled Jar of Pickled Cabbage | unknown | Delbert the Hamster Software |
Rays | unknown | Tartan Software |
Raze's Music Pack | unknown | |
Razor Freestyle Scooter | unknown | |
Razor Ripp 01 | unknown | |
Razoredge | unknown | |
Razors Edge | unknown | |
RC Quest | unknown | |
RChess | Puzzle | Strategic Studies Group |
RCI Demo III | unknown | |
rder | unknown | |
RDF 1985: When Superpowers Collide | unknown | SSI |
Re Artu | unknown | |
Re-Beep | unknown | Compute! |
Re-Bounder | unknown | Gremlin Graphics |
Re-Volt | Simulation | Acclaim Entertainment |
Re! | Misc | Pivoňka Software |
Re! (Mariáš) | Puzzle | 1993 |
Re! (Mariáš) | Puzzle | 1993 |
REA M 50 Percent 1999 12 29 Scala Productions Smash Designs | unknown | |
Reach For The Stars | unknown | |
Reach! | unknown | Commodore Magazine |
React | unknown | Compute! |
Reaction | unknown | CP Verlag |
Reaction | unknown | Elcomp Publishing |
Reaction Tester | unknown | Vaxalon |
Reaction Time | unknown | Andrew Colin |
Reaction Time | unknown | Ian Collier |
Reaction-Time Tester | unknown | Tab Books |
Reactor | Action | Gottlieb, Parker Brothers |
Reactor | Puzzle | CleverMedia |
Reactor | unknown | CP Verlag |
Reactor Five | unknown | Silver Creek Observatory |
Reactor Run | unknown | Golden Games |
Read This | unknown | |
Read, Write & Type! | Educational | California Neuropsychology Services |
Reader Rabbit | unknown | The Learning Company |
Reader Rabbit 1 | unknown | The Learning Company |
Reader Rabbit 1st Grade: Capers on Cloud Nine | Educational | The Learning Company |
Reader Rabbit 2 | Educational | The Learning Company |
Reader Rabbit 2nd Grade: Mis-cheese-ious Dreamship Adventure | Educational | The Learning Company |
Reader Rabbit 3 | Educational | The Learning Company |
Reader Rabbit and Friends: Let's Start Learning! | Educational | The Learning Company |
Reader Rabbit Dreamship Tales | Educational | The Learning Company |
Reader Rabbit Kindergarten | Educational | The Learning Company |
Reader Rabbit Personalized Math Ages 6-9 | Educational | The Learning Company |
Reader Rabbit Preschool: Sparkle Star Rescue! | Educational | The Learning Company |
Reader Rabbit Toddler | Educational | The Learning Company |
Reader Rabbit's Interactive Reading Journey 1 | Educational | The Learning Company |
Reader Rabbit's Kindergarten | Educational | The Learning Company |
Reader Rabbit's Math Ages 4-6 | Educational | Inc. |
Reader Rabbit's Math Ages 4-6 | Educational | Inc. |
Reader Rabbit's Reading Development Library 1 | Educational | The Learning Company |
Reading Blaster: Ages 9-12 | Educational | Davidson and Associates |
Reading Detective Beginning | Educational | The Critical Thinking Company |
Reading Galaxy | Educational | Brøderbund |
Reading Level, Concentration, Word Wars, Lemonade, Math Decathlon | unknown | |
Reading Made Easy - Phonics Funhouse | Educational | Dorling Kindersley |
Reading Maze | Educational | Great Wave Software |
Ready 2 Rumble Boxing | unknown | |
Ready for Math with Pooh | Educational | Disney Interactive |
Ready Steady Go | unknown | Alternative Software |
Reaktionstest | unknown | |
Real Acid | unknown | |
Real Brus Lii, The | Action | Iron Gate |
Real Carambola | unknown | Settimana Games/Edigamma |
Real Estate | unknown | Handic Software |
Real Estate Tycoon | unknown | |
Real International Karate Demo | unknown | |
Real Multicolor Hires Scroller | unknown | |
Real Poker | Puzzle | Henderson Associates |
Real Stunt Experts, The | unknown | |
Real Thing, A | unknown | |
Real Time Snap | unknown | Tiger-Crew-Disk |
Real Way of Pleasure, The | unknown | |
RealGirls Strip Poker | Puzzle | Pokai Software |
Reality Preview | unknown | |
Reality Tennis | unknown | TCH |
Really Smart Game | unknown | Andy Kavanagh |
Realm | unknown | |
Realm | Action | Titus Software |
Realm of Darkness | unknown | Zenobi Software |
Realm of Darkness | unknown | Zenobi Software |
Realm of Darkness | unknown | River Software |
Realm Of Impossibility | Action | Electronic Arts |
Realm of Impossibility | unknown | Electronic Arts |
Realm of Impossibility | unknown | Electronic Arts |
Realm of Impossibility | unknown | Electronic Arts |
Realm of Impossibility | unknown | |
Realm of Impossibility | unknown | Electronic Arts |
Realm of Impossibility | unknown | Electronic Arts |
Realm of Impossibility | unknown | Electronic Arts |
Realm of Impossibility | unknown | Dro Soft |
Realm of Impossibility | unknown | |
Realm of the Undead | unknown | MC Lothlorien |
Realm, The | unknown | Cult Games |
Realm, The | unknown | Cult Games |
Realm, The | unknown | Cult Games |
Realm! | unknown | Firebird |
Realms | Strategy | Graftgold |
Realms | unknown | Graftgold |
Realms of Arkania | unknown | Attic Entertainment Software GmbH |
Realms of Arkania - 2. Star Trail | RPG | Attic Entertainment |
Realms of Arkania 3 - Shadows over Riva | RPG | Attic Entertainment |
Realms of Arkania Vol. 2: Star Trail | unknown | Sir-tech Software, Inc. |
Realms of Arkania: Star Trail | Action | Attic |
Realms of Chaos | Action | |
Realms of Chaos | unknown | Apogee |
Realms of Chaos | unknown | Apogee |
Realms of the Haunting | Adventure | |
Realms of the Haunting | Action | Gremlin Interactive Ltd. |
realMYST | Adventure | Cyan |
Realmz | RPG | Fantasoft |
RealPool | Sport | Digital Fusion |
RealSports Baseball | Sport | Atari, Inc. |
RealSports Baseball | Sport | Atari, Inc. |
RealSports Boxing | Sport | Atari |
RealSports Football | unknown | Atari |
RealSports Football | unknown | Atari |
RealSports Football | unknown | Atari |
RealSports Football | unknown | Atari |
RealSports Football | Sport | Atari, Inc. |
RealSports Soccer | Sport | Atari |
RealSports Tennis | unknown | Atari |
RealSports Tennis | unknown | Atari |
RealSports Tennis | unknown | Atari |
RealSports Tennis | unknown | Atari |
RealSports Tennis | Sport | Atari |
RealSports Volleyball | Sport | Atari |
Realtime Vektor | unknown | |
Reaper | unknown | Ubi Soft |
Reaper Arena | Action | Epic Banana |
Reaping The Dungeon | RPG | |
Reason 4 Treason #5 | unknown | |
Reaxion Extended | unknown | Binary Zone |
Rebel | unknown | Virgin Games |
Rebel Bomber | unknown | Keypunch Software |
Rebel Charge at Chickamauga | unknown | SSI |
Rebel Charge Chickamauga | unknown | SSI |
Rebel Fighter | unknown | Milwaukee Software |
Rebel Force | unknown | |
Rebel Planet | unknown | U.S. Gold |
Rebel Planet | unknown | U.S. Gold |
Rebel Planet | unknown | Adventure International |
Rebel Planet | unknown | U.S. Gold |
Rebel Planet | unknown | |
Rebel Planet | unknown | U.S. Gold |
Rebel Planet | Adventure | Adventure Soft |
Rebel Runner - Operation: Digital Code | unknown | Family Production |
Rebel Star - 1 Player | unknown | Firebird Software |
Rebel Star - 1 Player | unknown | Firebird Software |
Rebel Star - 2 Players | unknown | Firebird Software |
Rebel Star - 2 Players | unknown | Firebird Software |
Rebel Star - 2 Players | unknown | Firebird Software |
Rebel Star II - Alien Encounter - 1 Player | unknown | Silverbird Software |
Rebel Star II - Alien Encounter - 1 Player | unknown | Silverbird Software |
Rebel Star II - Alien Encounter - 1 Player | unknown | Silverbird Software |
Rebel Star II - Alien Encounter - 2 Players | unknown | Silverbird Software |
Rebel Star II - Alien Encounter - 2 Players | unknown | Silverbird Software |
Rebels and Lords | unknown | Ahoy! |
Rebelstar Raiders | Strategy | Julian Gollop |
Rebelstar Raiders - Scenario 1 - Moonbase | unknown | Red Shift |
Rebelstar Raiders - Scenario 1 - Moonbase | unknown | Red Shift |
Rebirth 2 | unknown | |
Rebound | unknown | MicroValue |
Rebounder | Action | Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd |
REBOUNT | unknown | |
Recall #01 | unknown | |
Recall #02 | unknown | |
Recall #06 | unknown | |
Recall #2 4 | unknown | |
Recherche Miss X Deseperement | unknown | |
Recipe Box | Misc | Sonoma Graphics |
Reckless Drivin' | Action | Jonas Echterhoff |
Reckless Rufus | unknown | Alternative Software |
Reckless Rufus | unknown | Alternative Software |
Reckless Rufus | unknown | |
Reckless Rufus | unknown | Alternative Software |
Reckless Rufus | unknown | Alternative Software |
Recoil | unknown | RUN/IDG Communications |
Recoil #2 | unknown | |
Recol | unknown | Tpug Magazine |
Recollect A Game of Remembering | unknown | |
Recollection Issue #2 | unknown | |
Recon | unknown | Mastertronic |
Reconsider | unknown | |
Recovery | unknown | Jioi Chabek |
Recreate | unknown | |
Recuperation 2 | unknown | |
Recycle | Strategy | Ben Resner |
Recycler | unknown | |
Red | unknown | Markt & Technik |
Red Alert | Strategy | Westwood Studios |
Red Alert | unknown | Zenobi Software |
Red Alert | unknown | Ahoy! |
Red Alert | unknown | Zenobi Software |
Red Alert | unknown | Mr. Chip Software |
Red Alert | unknown | Zenobi Software |
Red Alert | unknown | Zenobi Software |
Red Arrows | unknown | Database Software |
Red Arrows | unknown | |
Red Arrows | unknown | Database Software |
Red Arrows | unknown | Database Software |
Red Arrows | unknown | Database Software |
Red Arrows | unknown | Database Software |
Red Attack | unknown | Unique |
Red Baron | Simulation | BMB Compuscience |
Red Baron | Simulation | Sierra |
Red Baron | unknown | MC Lothlorien |
Red Baron | unknown | MC Lothlorien |
Red Baron | Action | Dynamix, Sierra On-Line |
Red Baron | Simulation | Dynamix |
Red Baron | Simulation | Sierra |
Red Baron | unknown | Sierra |
Red Baron | unknown | Sierra |
Red Baron | RPG | Sierra |
Red Baron 3D | Simulation | Dynamix, Inc. |
Red Baron: Mission Builder | unknown | Sierra |
Red Baron: Mission Builder | unknown | Sierra |
Red Baron: Mission Builder | RPG | Sierra |
Red Box | unknown | |
Red Cat | Action | Davilex |
Red De Aarde | unknown | |
Red Door | unknown | Tartan Software |
Red Door | unknown | Tartan Software |
Red Door | unknown | Tartan Software |
Red Dust | unknown | Maik Holstein |
Red Dwarf Adventure, Part 1 | unknown | Michael Dodson |
Red Dwarf Adventure, Part 3 | unknown | Michael Dodson |
Red Dwarf Adventure, Part 4 | unknown | Michael Dodson |
Red Dwarf Adventure, Part 5 | unknown | Michael Dodson |
Red Dwarf: Infinity Welcomes Careful Drivers | Adventure | |
Red Dynamite Pack | Misc | Positive |
Red Dynamite Pack | Misc | Positive |
Red Dynamite Pack | Misc | Positive |
Red Dynamite Pack | Misc | Positive |
Red Earth | unknown | Capcom Co., Ltd. |
Red Faction | Action | THQ Inc. |
Red Faction 1.2 | Action | Volition |
Red Ghost | unknown | Maelstrom Games |
Red Gum II | unknown | Markt & Technik |
Red Heat | unknown | Ocean |
Red Heat | unknown | |
Red Hook's Revenge | Misc | ImagiSoft |
Red Hot Dogs | unknown | |
Red L.E.D. | unknown | |
Red L.E.D. | unknown | Starlight Software |
Red Lightning | Strategy | SSI |
Red Lion, The | unknown | Mystic Software |
Red Max | unknown | Code Masters |
Red Max | unknown | Code Masters |
Red Max | unknown | Code Masters |
Red Max | unknown | Codemasters |
Red Moon | Adventure | Level 9 Computing |
Red Moon | unknown | Level 9 Computing |
Red Moon | unknown | Level 9 Computing |
Red Moon | unknown | Level 9 Computing |
Red Moon | unknown | Level 9 Computing |
Red Moon | unknown | Level 9 Computing |
Red Muzix | unknown | |
Red October | unknown | |
Red Orchestra 3.1 | Action | TripWire |
Red Scorpion | unknown | Quicksilva |
Red Scorpion | unknown | Quicksilva |
Red Scorpion | unknown | Quicksilva |
Red Scorpion | unknown | Quicksilva |
Red Sea Crossing | Action | Inspirational Video Concepts |
Red Sedan II | unknown | Interface Publications |
Red sky at morning | Strategy | |
Red Storm | unknown | |
Red Storm Rising | Simulation | MicroProse |
Red Storm Rising | Simulation | MicroProse |
Red Storm Rising | Simulation | MicroProse |
Red Sunset | Action | ESP Soft |
Red Sunset | Action | ESP Soft |
Red Weed | unknown | MC Lothlorien |
Redcoats | unknown | MC Lothlorien |
Redhawk | Adventure | Melbourne House |
Redhawk | unknown | Melbourne House |
Redhawk | unknown | |
Redhawk | unknown | Melbourne House |
Redhawk | unknown | Melbourne House |
Redhawk | unknown | Melbourne House |
Redhawk II Kwah! | unknown | |
Redhawk II - Kwah! | unknown | Melbourne House |
Redhead's Revenge | unknown | |
Redheads: 47 Matches | unknown | Duncan Computer Services |
Redhook's Revenge | Strategy | ImagiSOFT |
Redhook's Revenge | Strategy | |
Redline F-1 Racer | unknown | Absolute Entertainment |
Redline Racer | Sport | Criterion Studios |
Redneck Deer Huntin’ | unknown | |
Redneck Rampage | unknown | |
Redneck Rampage | unknown | |
Redrum | unknown | |
Reederei | unknown | United Software |
Reelect JFK | Adventure | |
Reelect JFK | unknown | |
Reflection | unknown | Compute! |
REFLECTIONS | unknown | |
Reflections | unknown | Artic Computing |
Reflector | unknown | |
Reflex | unknown | RUN/CW Communications |
Reflex | unknown | |
Reflex Bowling Alley | unknown | Interface Publications |
Reflexis | unknown | CP Verlag |
Reforger 88 | unknown | Gary Grigsby |
Reformation #01 | unknown | |
Reformation #02 | unknown | |
Reformation #04 | unknown | |
Reformation #05 | unknown | |
Reformation #06 | unknown | |
Reformation #08 | unknown | |
Reformation #5 | unknown | |
Refreshin' | unknown | |
Refreshing | unknown | |
Regatta | unknown | Sams Software |
Regenspel | unknown | |
Regeszparbaj | unknown | Peter Porosz |
Reggie Jackson Baseball | unknown | Sega Corporation |
Regieren | unknown | |
Regierung | unknown | Mario Walther |
Rehenes, Los | unknown | Álea |
Rehenes, Los | unknown | Álea |
Reigen Doushi | unknown | Pony Canyon |
Reign Of | unknown | |
Reindeer Rescue | Action | AtariAge |
Reis-Staerke | unknown | Aquarius |
Reise nach Atlantis | unknown | Peter Menke |
Reisespiel | unknown | |
Rejoice: Aretha Ōkoku no Kanata | unknown | Yanoman |
Reka | unknown | Colic |
Relationsship Across the World | unknown | |
Relax | unknown | Synapse Software |
Relax | unknown | Synapse Software |
Relax #08 | unknown | |
Relax #11 | unknown | |
Relax #12 | unknown | |
Relax #13 | unknown | |
Relax #14 | unknown | |
Relax #16 | unknown | |
Relax #17 | unknown | |
Relax #18 | unknown | |
Relax #19 | unknown | |
Relax #22 | unknown | |
Relax June | unknown | |
Relax November Issue | unknown | |
Relax Rippings! | unknown | |
Relaxed Style | unknown | |
Relaxing | unknown | |
Releasable | unknown | |
Relentless | unknown | |
Relentless | unknown | |
Relentless | unknown | |
Relevo's Snowboarding | unknown | Relevo Videogames |
Relief Action | unknown | |
Relief Pitcher | Sport | Left Field Entertainment |
ReLIGHTening | unknown | |
Reliquia, La | unknown | Roolandoo |
Reliquia, La | unknown | Roolandoo |
Remains of Bdemo | unknown | |
Remark #02 | unknown | |
Remark #03 | unknown | |
Remark #04 | unknown | |
Remark #05 | unknown | |
Remark #06 | unknown | |
Remark #07 | unknown | |
Remark #14 | unknown | |
Remark #16 | unknown | |
Remark #17 | unknown | |
Remark #18 | unknown | |
Rematch | unknown | Niklas Hemsida |
Remember | unknown | CP Verlag |
Remember It | unknown | Loadstar |
Remembers Music Collection d Whittaker 3 | unknown | |
Rememory | unknown | Compute! |
Remix Sample | unknown | |
Remoff 2 | unknown | |
Remote Control | Misc | MTV Networks |
Remote Control | unknown | Hi Tech |
Remote Control | Puzzle | |
Renaissance | unknown | UMI |
Renaissance | unknown | United Microware Industries Inc. |
Renaud - Marche à l'Ombre | unknown | |
Rendering Ranger: R2 | Action | Virgin Interactive |
Rendezvous 1.0 Edu Ware working and restored title | unknown | |
rendezvous rama 1 | unknown | |
rendezvous rama 2 | unknown | |
rendezvous rama 3 | unknown | |
rendezvous rama 4 | unknown | |
Rendezvous v1.0 | unknown | Edu-Ware |
Rendezvous v1.2 | unknown | Edu-Ware |
Rendezvous with Rama | Adventure | Telarium |
Rendezvous with Rama | unknown | Telarium |
Rendezvous with Rama | unknown | Telarium |
Rendezvous with Rama | unknown | Telarium |
Rendezvous with Rama | Adventure | |
Rendezvous with Rama | unknown | Trillium |
Renegade | Action | Taito |
Renegade | unknown | Brothers Production |
Renegade | unknown | Imagine Software |
Renegade | unknown | Imagine Software |
Renegade | unknown | Technos Japan |
Renegade | unknown | Technos Japan |
Renegade | unknown | Technos Japan |
Renegade | unknown | Imagine Software |
Renegade | unknown | Imagine Software |
Renegade | unknown | Imagine Software |
Renegade | unknown | |
Renegade | unknown | |
Renegade | unknown | Imagine Software |
Renegade | unknown | Imagine Software |
Renegade | unknown | Imagine Software |
Renegade | Action | |
Renegade | unknown | Taito America Corporation |
Renegade | unknown | Taito |
Renegade F-16 | unknown | Luna Software |
Renegade II - Target Renegade | unknown | Imagine Software |
Renegade II - Target Renegade | unknown | Imagine Software |
Renegade II - Target Renegade | unknown | Imagine Software |
Renegade II - Target Renegade | unknown | Imagine Software |
Renegade II - Target Renegade | unknown | Imagine Software |
Renegade III The Final Chapter | unknown | |
Renegade III - The Final Chapter | unknown | Imagine Software |
Renegade III - The Final Chapter | unknown | Imagine Software |
Renegade III - The Final Chapter | unknown | Imagine Software |
Renegade Legion Interceptor | Strategy | |
Renegade Legion: Interceptor | unknown | SSI |
Renegade Robot | unknown | Family Computing |
Renegade Robot II | unknown | Family Computing |
Renju | unknown | PC Solutions |
Renju | unknown | S. Komiya |
RENNEN | unknown | |
Rent a Piece of Action | unknown | |
Rentakill Rita | unknown | Mastertronic |
Repeat Me | unknown | |
Repeat the Sequence | unknown | RUN/CW Communications |
Repeat!! | unknown | John Currie |
Repel | unknown | Chris Sorrel & Jim Walker |
Replugged | unknown | ESC |
Repoker de Ases | Misc | 4MHz |
Report | unknown | Markt & Technik |
Report | unknown | Markt & Technik |
Report: Die Jagd nach einer guten Story | unknown | Markt & Technik |
Reprieve | unknown | |
Repton | unknown | Sirius Software |
Repton | unknown | Sirius Software |
Repton | unknown | Sirius Software |
Repton | unknown | Sirius Software |
Repton | unknown | Sirius Software |
Repton | unknown | Sirius Software |
Repton | unknown | Alligata Software |
Repton | unknown | Alligata Software |
Repton | unknown | |
Repton | unknown | Sirius Software |
Repton | unknown | Sirius Software |
Repton | unknown | Sirius Software |
Repton | unknown | |
Repton | unknown | Alligata Software |
Repton 2 | unknown | Alligata Software |
Repton 2 | unknown | Alligata Software |
Repton III | unknown | Superior Software |
Repton, Frenzy, Mutant | unknown | |
Republic: The Revolution | unknown | |
Repulsar | unknown | Softek Software International |
Requiem: en mordgata pa 1600-talet | Adventure | Paregos Mediadesign |
Res Arcana: Diana Ray: Uranai no Meikyuu | unknown | Coconuts Japan |
Resaca | unknown | Alberto Vinuela |
Rescate | unknown | |
Rescate | Action | Sygran |
Rescate | Action | Sygran |
Rescate Atlantida | unknown | |
Rescate Atlantida | unknown | Dinamic Software |
Rescate Atlantida | unknown | Dinamic Software |
Rescate Atlantida | unknown | Dinamic Software |
Rescate Atlántida | unknown | Dinamic |
Rescate Atlántida | unknown | Dinamic |
Rescate Atlántida | unknown | Dinamic |
Rescate Atlántida | unknown | Dinamic |
Rescate del Tesoro | Action | Investrónica |
Rescate en el Golfo | unknown | Opera Soft |
Rescate en el Golfo | unknown | |
Rescate en el Golfo | unknown | Opera Soft |
Rescate en el Golfo | unknown | Opera Soft |
Rescate en el Golfo | unknown | Opera Soft |
Rescate en el Golfo | Action | Opera Soft |
Rescate en el Golfo | Action | Opera Soft |
Rescate en el Golfo | Action | Opera Soft |
Rescate en el Golfo | Action | Opera Soft |
Rescate en el Golfo | Action | Opera Soft |
Rescate en el Golfo | unknown | Opera Soft |
Rescate en la Montana | unknown | Load 'n' Run |
Rescate en la Montaña | Action | Cibercomp |
Rescate en la Montaña | Action | Load n Run |
Rescue | unknown | Osbourne/McGraw-Hill |
Rescue | unknown | Mastertronic |
Rescue | unknown | Mastertronic |
Rescue - Intro | unknown | CRL Group |
Rescue Adventure | unknown | Gilsoft |
Rescue at 94k | unknown | Ron V. Webber |
Rescue at Rana | unknown | Loadstar |
Rescue at Rigel | RPG | Epyx |
Rescue at Rigel | RPG | |
Rescue from Atlantis | unknown | |
Rescue from Doom | unknown | The Guild |
Rescue Mission | unknown | Page 6 Magazine |
Rescue Mission | unknown | Systems Editoriale |
Rescue Mission | unknown | d Adams |
Rescue Mission | unknown | Sega Corporation |
Rescue Mission - Phase 2 | unknown | |
Rescue Mission - Phase 2 | unknown | |
Rescue of Blondell | unknown | Compute! |
Rescue of Blondell | unknown | Compute! |
Rescue of Blondell | unknown | Compute! |
Rescue On Fractalus | Action | Lucasfilm Games |
Rescue on Fractalus | unknown | |
Rescue on Fractalus | unknown | Lucasfilm Games |
Rescue on Fractalus | unknown | Activision |
Rescue on Fractalus! | Action | Lucasfilm Games |
Rescue on the Centauri | unknown | Alex Kloian |
Rescue Pod | unknown | Compute! |
Rescue Raiders | unknown | Sir Tech |
Rescue Raiders | unknown | Sir Tech |
Rescue Raiders | unknown | Sir Tech |
Rescue Raiders | unknown | |
Rescue Raiders | unknown | copycat |
Rescue Raiders 1.2 | unknown | |
Rescue Rover | Puzzle | SoftDisk |
Rescue Rover | Puzzle | id Software |
Rescue Rover | Puzzle | |
Rescue Rover 2 | Puzzle | id Software, Inc. |
Rescue Rover 2 | Puzzle | |
Rescue Rover 2 (Dognapped!) | Puzzle | id Software |
Rescue Squad | unknown | Muse Software |
Rescue: The Embassy Mission | unknown | Kemco/Seika |
Rescue: The Embassy Missions | Strategy | |
RESCUE! | unknown | |
Rescuing Orc | Action | usebox.net |
Resident Evil | Adventure | |
Resident Evil | Action | Capcom Co., Ltd. |
Resident Evil 2 | Adventure | |
Resident Evil 3: Nemesis | unknown | |
Resilon | unknown | |
Resolution 101 | unknown | Astral |
Resolution 101 | Action | Astral |
Respect 100 Percent 19xx Lepsi Development | unknown | |
Respectable | unknown | |
Resplendency | unknown | |
Responsibility | unknown | |
Restless Stressless | unknown | |
Restricted Area | unknown | |
Resumma | unknown | J.S. Fransesch |
Resumma | unknown | J.S. Fransesch |
Retaliation | unknown | The Guild Adventure Software |
Retarded Creatures & Caverns | unknown | Zenobi Software |
Retarded Creatures & Caverns | unknown | Zenobi Software |
Retour | unknown | Commodore Disc |
Retour d'Ali Gator, Le | unknown | |
Retribution #2 | unknown | |
Retro Ball | unknown | HesWare |
Retro Basket Master | unknown | CheapeeSoft |
Retro Basket Master | unknown | CheapeeSoft |
Retro City Rampage | Action | VBLANK Entertainment |
Retro Wars Episode IV¼ | Adventure | Amiga Wave |
Retroactive | unknown | |
Retrofire! | unknown | ANALOG Computing |
Retrofire! | unknown | ANALOG Computing |
RetroForce | Action | Climacus |
Retrograde | unknown | Thalamus |
Retroinvaders | Action | Climacus |
Retrospection Pack | unknown | |
Return Fire | Action | Warner Interactive |
Return of Artline Designs, The | unknown | |
Return of Atlas | unknown | The Skull |
Return of Double Dragon | Action | Technos Japan |
Return of Heracles | unknown | Quality Software |
Return of the Gods, The | unknown | |
Return of the Holy Joystick | unknown | Delta 4 Software |
Return of the Holy Joystick | unknown | Delta 4 Software |
Return of the Ice Man | unknown | |
Return of the Incredible Machine - Contraptions | unknown | Dynamix |
Return Of The Jedi | Action | Domark |
Return of the Jedi - Death Star Battle | unknown | Parker Software - Sinclair Research |
Return of the Jedi - Death Star Battle | unknown | Parker Software - Sinclair Research |
Return of the Living Dead 5 Percent 1997 Warriors of the Wasteland | unknown | |
Return of the Living Death | unknown | |
Return of the Megadildo | unknown | |
Return Of The Mutant Camels | Action | Mastertronic |
Return of the Mutant Camels | unknown | Llamasoft |
Return of the Phantom | Adventure | MicroProse Software, Inc. |
Return of the Phantom | unknown | MPS Labs |
Return of the Phantom | Adventure | MicroProse |
Return of the Phantom | Adventure | Microprose |
Return of the Phantom | Adventure | Microprose |
Return of the Space Warriors | unknown | Alpha Omega |
Return of Valkyr, The | Action | M.A. Soft |
Return to Castle Dracula | unknown | |
Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Arkot | Action | ArKot 24 |
Return to Dark Castle (aka Dark Castle 3) | Action | Z Sculpt Entertainment |
Return to Doom | Adventure | |
Return to Earth | unknown | The Guild Adventure Software |
Return to Earth | unknown | Saturnsoft |
Return to Earth | unknown | Saturnsoft |
Return to Eden | unknown | Level 9 Computing |
Return to Ithaca | unknown | Atlantis Software |
Return to Ithaca | unknown | Atlantis Software |
Return to Ithaca | unknown | Atlantis Software |
Return to Karven | unknown | |
Return to Krondor | RPG | Activision |
Return to Krondor | RPG | |
Return to Kroz | Action | |
Return to Oz | unknown | U.S. Gold |
Return to Oz | unknown | |
Return to Oz | unknown | U.S. Gold |
Return to Oz | unknown | U.S. Gold |
Return to Ringworld | Adventure | Tsunami Media |
Return to Ringworld | Adventure | Tsunami Media |
Return to the Homecastle! | unknown | Harri & Ilpo Hakkarainen |
Return to the Homecastle! | unknown | HIH-Soft |
Return to Zork | Adventure | |
Return to Zork | Adventure | Infocom |
Return to Zork | Adventure | Infocom |
Return, The | unknown | |
Return, The | unknown | |
Returned Racoon | Action | Kyunghee University |
Reunion | Strategy | Amnesty Design |
Reunion | unknown | Amnesty Design |
Reunion | unknown | Amnesty Design |
Reveal | unknown | Mastertronic |
Reveal | unknown | |
Reveal | unknown | Mastertronic |
Revealed #01 | unknown | |
Revealed #04 | unknown | |
Revelation | unknown | Softek |
Revenant | RPG | Cinematix Studios, Inc. |
revenant2 | Misc | company |
Revenge | unknown | |
Revenge | unknown | |
Revenge Adventure | unknown | |
Revenge of Balrog | unknown | Don Boner & Freda Boner |
Revenge of Cyon | unknown | Compute! |
Revenge of Defender | Action | Epyx |
Revenge of Defender | Action | Epyx |
Revenge of Lode Runner | unknown | |
Revenge of Lode Runner | unknown | Broderbund |
Revenge of Lode Runner | unknown | Broderbund |
Revenge of Shinobi, The | Action | SEGA Enterprises |
Revenge of the Beefsteak Tomatoes | Action | Fox Video Games |
Revenge of the Bobs, The | unknown | |
Revenge of the C5 | unknown | Atlantis Software |
Revenge of the C5 | unknown | |
Revenge of the Defender | unknown | Epyx |
Revenge of the Defender | unknown | Epyx |
Revenge of the Killer Tomatoes | unknown | Visions Software Factory |
Revenge Of The Mutant Camels | Action | Llamasoft |
Revenge of the Mutant Camels | unknown | Llamasoft |
Revenge of the Mutant Camels | Action | Llamasoft, LTD. |
Revenge of the Plutonian Flies | unknown | David Scribellito |
Revenge of the Space Pirates - Part 1 - Daris | unknown | FSF Adventures |
Revenge of the Space Pirates - Part 2 - Waystar | unknown | FSF Adventures |
Revenge of the Toothless Vampire | unknown | The Guild Adventure Software |
Revenge of Whoop | unknown | |
Reverberations | unknown | Russell Glasser |
REVERS! | unknown | |
Reversal | unknown | |
Reverse | unknown | Mirage |
REVERSE | unknown | |
Reversi | Puzzle | |
Reversi | unknown | Artsci |
REVERSI | unknown | |
Reversi | unknown | Input 64 |
Reversi | unknown | |
Reversi | unknown | Interface Publications |
Reversi | unknown | Sinclair Research |
Reversi | unknown | |
Reversi | unknown | Ahoy! |
Reversi | unknown | |
Reversi | unknown | Sinclair Research |
Reversi | unknown | Virgin |
Reversi | unknown | Elcomp Publishing |
REVERSI 80 | unknown | |
Reversi Champion | unknown | |
Reversi GTI | unknown | CP Verlag |
Reversi II | unknown | APX |
Reversie | unknown | |
Reversor | unknown | Peter Witzgall |
Revision 2011 Invitation | unknown | |
Revoler Kid | unknown | Micael Boenold |
Revolt of Don’s Knights | RPG | Emerald Software |
Revolution | unknown | Future Publishing |
Revolution | unknown | |
Revolution | unknown | |
Revolution | unknown | U.S. Gold |
Revolution | unknown | U.S. Gold |
Revolution X | unknown | |
Revolution X | unknown | Acclaim Entertainment / Sunsoft |
Revolver | unknown | Alternative Software |
Revolver | unknown | |
Revolverheld | unknown | Commodore Dossier |
Revs | Sport | Firebird |
Revs | unknown | Firebird |
Reward | unknown | |
Rewinder X | unknown | |
Rex | unknown | Martech Games |
Rex | unknown | |
Rex | unknown | Martech Games |
Rex | unknown | Martech Games |
Rex Hard | unknown | Mister Chip |
Rex Hard | unknown | Mister Chip |
Rex Hard | unknown | Mister Chip |
Rex Hard | unknown | Mister Chip |
Rex I | unknown | CP Verlag |
Rex Nebular and the Cosmic Gender Bender | Adventure | MicroProse |
Rex Nebular and the Cosmic Gender Bender | Adventure | Microprose |
Rex Nebular and the Cosmic Gender Bender | Adventure | Microprose |
Rex Nebular and the Cosmic Gender Bender | Adventure | Microprose |
Rex Nebular and the Cosmic Gender Bender | unknown | Microprose |
Rex Nebular and the Cosmic Gender-Bender | Adventure | MicroProse |
Rex Ronan: Experimental Surgeon | unknown | Raya Systems |
RexChess | Puzzle | Larry Kaufman, Don Dailey |
Reyes y Castillos | unknown | Special Soft |
RFX | unknown | |
RGB | unknown | |
Rhaa Lovely | unknown | |
RHEM 2: The Cave | Adventure | Knut Müller |
Rhyme Cryme | unknown | Zenobi Software |
Rhythm Machine IV, The | unknown | |
Rhythm Rocker | unknown | |
RIAG Bard's Tale Additional Floppy | unknown | |
RIAG Bard's Tale Characters and Utilities | unknown | |
RIAG Bard's Tale Main Boot | unknown | |
RIAG Eamon Volume E85 The Time Portal Adventure 85 | unknown | |
RIAG Eamon Adventure Volume E1 Beginner's Cave | unknown | |
RIAG Eamon Adventure Volume E9 Assault on the Clone Master | unknown | |
RIAG OSEJA Data Disk Pascal | unknown | |
RIAG OSEJA Master Disk Pascal From Paul Lebeau | unknown | |
RIAG Volume 02 Fire Organ | unknown | |
RIAG Volume 215 Magic Scroll | unknown | |
RIAG Volume 370 Icewar Hi Res Strategy Game | unknown | |
RIAG Volume 387 Adventure Writer 1 | unknown | |
RIAG 10C Eamon Adventure 03 Caves of the Mind | unknown | |
Ribbit | unknown | |
Ricachet | unknown | |
Richard Petty's Talladega | unknown | Cosmi |
Richard's Curling Game | Sport | Richard Woloshyn (Gluonic Systems Research) |
Richtofen's Revenge | unknown | Compute! |
Rick | Action | Edisoft |
Rick Dangerous | Action | Core Design |
Rick Dangerous | unknown | Firebird |
Rick Dangerous | unknown | |
Rick Dangerous | unknown | Firebird Software |
Rick Dangerous | unknown | Firebird Software |
Rick Dangerous | unknown | Firebird Software |
Rick Dangerous | Action | |
Rick Dangerous | Action | Core Design, Microplay Software |
Rick Dangerous | Action | Microplay |
Rick Dangerous | Action | Core Design |
Rick Dangerous | Action | Core Design |
Rick Dangerous | RPG | Core Design |
Rick Dangerous | unknown | Core Design |
Rick Dangerous 2 | Action | Core Design |
Rick Dangerous 2 | Action | Core Design |
Rick Dangerous 2 | Action | MicroStyle |
Rick Dangerous II | unknown | |
Rick Dangerous II | Action | Core Design |
Rick Davis's World Trophy Soccer | unknown | Novotrade |
Ricochet | Action | Firebird |
Ricochet | unknown | RUN/IDG Communications |
Ricochet | unknown | |
Ricochet | unknown | Firebird Software |
Ricochet | unknown | |
Ricochet Maze | unknown | |
Ricochet Muncher | unknown | General Masters Corporation |
Riddick Bowe Boxing | unknown | Extreme Entertainment Group |
Riddle of Master Lu | Adventure | Sanctuary Woods, Inc. |
Riddle of the Sphinx | Action | Imagic |
Riddler's Den | unknown | Electric Dreams Software |
Riddler's Den | unknown | Electric Dreams Software |
Riddles of Herne | unknown | Anthony Rose |
Rider - Intro | unknown | Virgin Games |
Riders of Rohan | Strategy | Konami |
Riders of Rohan | unknown | Konami |
Riders of Rohan | unknown | Konami |
Riders of Rohan | unknown | Konami |
Ridge Racer | Action | Namco Ltd |
Ridicule 2 | unknown | |
Riding the Rapids | unknown | Players Software |
Riding the Rapids | unknown | |
Riding the Rapids | unknown | Players Software |
Riffs in Space | unknown | |
Rifle Range | unknown | Mastertronic |
Rifle Range - Intro | unknown | Mastertronic |
Rifts of Time, The | unknown | Pocket Money Software |
Rig Attack | unknown | |
Rigel's Revenge | unknown | Bulldog |
Rigel's Revenge | unknown | |
Rigel's Revenge | unknown | Bulldog |
Rigel's Revenge | unknown | Bulldog |
Rigel's Revenge | unknown | Bulldog |
Rigel's Revenge | unknown | Mastertronic |
Right Again | unknown | Ascension Designs |
Right Sign, The | unknown | |
Rigoberto el Cazador | Action | Edisoft |
Rij Test | unknown | Courbois Software |
Rik the Roadie | unknown | |
Rik the Roadie | unknown | Alternative Software |
Riki Tiki 64 | unknown | Roger D. Burge |
Rim Raiders | unknown | Paul Shirley |
Rimblendén | unknown | Jarel |
RiME | unknown | Grey Box |
RiME | unknown | Grey Box |
RiME | unknown | Grey Box |
RiME | unknown | Grey Box |
Ring Cycle | RPG | Maelstrom |
Ring des Lichtes, Der v2.0 | unknown | |
Ring King | Sport | Woodplace, Data East |
Ring King | Sport | Data East Corporation |
Ring Master | unknown | |
Ring Master | unknown | |
Ring ni Kakero | unknown | Masaya |
Ring of Darkness, The | unknown | Wintersoft |
Ring Quest | unknown | Uburrg Software |
Ring Riders | Action | Gaelco |
Ring Ring Ring | unknown | |
Ring Ring Ring | unknown | |
Ring Wars | unknown | Cascade Games |
Ringmaster | unknown | APX |
Ringo | unknown | Systems Editoriale |
ringquest1 | unknown | |
Rings of Medusa | Adventure | Starbyte |
Rings of Medusa | unknown | Starbyte Software |
Rings of Medusa | Strategy | Starbyte |
Rings of Medusa 2 | unknown | Starbyte Software |
Rings of Medusa Gold | Strategy | Starbyte |
Rings of Medusa II: The Return of Medusa | RPG | Starbyte |
Rings of Medusa II: The Return Of Medusa | unknown | Starbyte |
Rings of Power | RPG | Naughty Dog, Electronic Arts |
Rings of Saturn, The | unknown | |
Rings Of Zilfin | Adventure | SSI |
Rings of Zilfin | unknown | SSI |
Ringside Boxing | unknown | Compute! |
Ringside Boxing | unknown | Reslain Software |
Ringside Karate | unknown | Compute! |
Ringside Seat | unknown | SSI |
Ringside Seat | unknown | SSI |
Ringside Seat | unknown | SSI |
Ringworld: Revenge of the Patriarch | Adventure | Tsunami Games |
Ringworld: Revenge of the Patriarch | Adventure | |
Ringworld: Revenge of the Patriarch | Adventure | Tsunami Media |
Ringworld: Revenge of the Patriarch | Adventure | Tsunami |
Río Blanco | Action | Microhobby |
Riot | unknown | Domain Software |
RIOT | unknown | |
Rip Off! - The Plagiarism of 1984 | unknown | ANALOG Computing |
Ripley's Believe It or Not! – The Riddle of Master Lu | Adventure | Sanctuary Woods |
Ripper | Adventure | Take-Two Interactive |
Ripper | unknown | Take-Two Interactive |
Ripper! | unknown | Avalon Hill |
Ripping Yarns | unknown | |
Ripple Island | unknown | Sunsoft |
Rippoff | unknown | |
Rise of Nations + Thrones and Patriots Expansion | unknown | |
Rise of the Dragon | Adventure | Sierra |
Rise of the Phoenix | unknown | Koei |
Rise of the Robots | Action | |
Rise of the Robots | Action | Acclaim Entertainment / Sunsoft |
Rise of the Robots | Action | Mirage Technologies |
Rise of the Triad | Action | Apogee |
Rise of the Triad: Dark War | Action | Apogee Software, LTD. |
Rise of the Triad: Dark War | Action | Apogee |
Rise of the Triad: Dark War | unknown | Apogee |
Rise of the Triad: Dark War | unknown | Apogee |
Rise of the Triad: Power Pack | Action | Apogee |
Rise Out from Dungeons | Puzzle | ASCII Corporation |
Risers & Sliders | unknown | Loadstar |
Risico | Strategy | Virgin Interactive |
Risicom 64 | unknown | Systems Editoriale |
Risiko | unknown | Markt & Technik |
Risiko Super | unknown | Himer Datentechnik |
Risk | Strategy | Parker Brothers |
Risk | unknown | |
Risk | unknown | |
Risk | unknown | Azeroth, Inc. |
Risk | unknown | Joker Software |
Risk | Strategy | Bernstein-Zirkel |
Risk .nib | unknown | |
Risk v1.4 .nib | unknown | |
Riskant II | unknown | |
Risky Holding | unknown | Idealogic |
Risky Rescue | unknown | Antic |
Risky Woods | Action | Electronic Arts |
Risky Woods | unknown | Electronic Arts |
Risky Woods | Action | Electronic Arts |
Risky Woods | unknown | Electronic Arts |
Risperdal Dreams | unknown | |
Ristar | Action | Sega |
Ristar | Action | Sega Corporation |
Rites of Passage | unknown | Damian Steele |
Ritter | unknown | CP Verlag |
Ritual II | unknown | |
Ritual II | unknown | |
Rival Chess | Puzzle | Chris Moreton & Russ Newman |
Rival Chess | Puzzle | Alastair Scott |
Rival Chess | Puzzle | Alastair Scott |
Rival Gangs | Action | zxpresh |
Rival Turf! | unknown | Jaleco |
Riven - The Sequel to Myst | Puzzle | Cyan Worlds |
Riven: The Sequel to Myst | Adventure | |
River Chase | unknown | Cyberia Inc. |
River City Ransom | Action | Technos Japan Corp. |
River City Ransom | Action | Technos Japan Corp. |
River City Ransom | Action | Technos Japan |
River Crossing | unknown | Tab Books |
River of no Return | unknown | Andrew J Guy |
River Patrol | Action | Orca Corporation, Tigervision |
River Race | unknown | |
River Racers | unknown | TND Games |
River Raid | unknown | Activision |
River Raid | Action | Activision |
River Raid | unknown | Activision |
River Raid | Action | Activision |
River Raid | unknown | Activision |
River Raid | unknown | Activision |
River Raid | unknown | Activision |
River Raid | unknown | Activision |
River Raid | unknown | Activision |
River Raid | unknown | Activision |
River Raid | unknown | Activision |
River Raid | unknown | Activision |
River Raid | unknown | Activision |
River Raid | unknown | |
River Raid II | Action | Activision |
River Raid II Remake | Action | |
River Rat | unknown | ZiMAG |
River Rat | unknown | ZiMAG |
River Rescue | unknown | Thorn EMI |
River Rescue | unknown | Thorn EMI |
River Rescue | unknown | Thorn EMI |
River Rescue | unknown | Thorn EMI |
River Rescue | unknown | Thorn EMI |
River Rescue | unknown | Thorn Emi Video |
River Run | unknown | RUN/CW Communications |
Riverside Kingdom | unknown | |
Riziko | unknown | |
Rms Titanic | Simulation | Electric Dreams Software |
RMS Titanic | unknown | Activision |
RND TEST | unknown | |
Roach Hotel Roadblock Beachhead | unknown | |
Roach Race | unknown | Tab Books |
Road Avenger | unknown | |
Road Blasters | unknown | U.S. Gold |
Road Blasters | unknown | U.S. Gold |
Road Blasters | unknown | |
Road Blasters | unknown | U.S. Gold |
Road Block | unknown | Compute! |
Road Block | unknown | Compute! |
Road Fighter | Sport | Konami |
Road Fighter | Sport | Konami |
Road Fighter | Action | Konami Computer Entertainment Japan, Inc. |
Road Frog | unknown | Spectrum Games |
Road Kill & Xerix | unknown | Mojo Software |
Road Patrol | unknown | Melbourne House |
Road Racer | unknown | Hyperion Software |
Road Racer | unknown | Binary Zone |
Road Racers | unknown | Artic Computing |
Road Racers | unknown | Artic Computing |
Road Raider | unknown | Mindscape |
Road Rally USA | unknown | Bantam Software |
Road Rash | Simulation | Electronic Arts |
Road Rash | Sport | Electronic Arts |
Road Rash | Sport | |
Road Rash | Sport | Sega NA - U.S. Gold EU |
Road Rash | Sport | Electronic Arts |
Road Rash | Sport | Electronic Arts |
Road Rash | Sport | Electronic Arts |
Road Rash 3 | Sport | Electronic Arts |
Road Rash 64 | Sport | THQ |
Road Rash II | Sport | Electronic Arts |
Road Rash II | Sport | Electronic Arts |
Road Riot 4WD | Sport | THQ Inc. |
Road Roller | unknown | Knight Software |
Road Roller | unknown | Knight Software |
Road Runner | Action | Atari |
Road Runner | unknown | Protek Computing |
Road Runner | unknown | |
Road Runner | unknown | U.S. Gold |
Road Runner | unknown | Tengen |
Road Runner and Wile E. Coyote | unknown | |
Road Runner and Wile E. Coyote | unknown | Hi-Tec Software |
Road Runner and Wile E. Coyote for the Sinclair ZX Spectrum | unknown | Hi-Tec Software |
Road Runner’s Death Valley Rally | Action | ICOM Simulations, Sunsoft |
Road Runner's Death Valley Rally | unknown | Acclaim Entertainment / Sunsoft |
Road Runner’s Death Valley Rally | unknown | |
Road Skunk | unknown | Nickelodeon |
Road to Gettysburg, The | unknown | SSI |
Road Toad | Action | CDS |
Road Toad | unknown | Elfin Software |
Road Toad | unknown | Commercial Data Systems |
Road Wars | unknown | Melbourne House |
Road Wars | unknown | Melbourne House |
RoadBlasters | Sport | Mindscape, Inc. |
Roadblock-64 | unknown | Mohamed Assari |
Roadburner | Action | Players Premier |
Roader | unknown | Compute! |
Roadhog | unknown | Osbourne/McGraw-Hill |
Roadkiller | unknown | Super Game 2000 |
Roadmix | unknown | |
RoadRace2000Miles | unknown | |
Roadrunner | Action | Mindscape |
Roads of Plexar, The | unknown | Mastertronic Added Dimension |
Roads of Plexar, The | unknown | Mastertronic Added Dimension |
Roads of Plexar, The | unknown | Mastertronic Added Dimension |
Roadtoad | unknown | Nibbles & Bits |
Roadwar 2000 | Strategy | SSI |
Roadwar 2000 | unknown | SSI |
Roadwar 2000 | unknown | |
Roadwar 2000 | unknown | |
Roadwar 2000 | unknown | |
Roadwar 2000 | unknown | Wizardware Group |
Roadwar 2000 | unknown | Wizardware Group |
Roadwar 2000 v1.2 | unknown | SSI |
Roadwar Europa | Strategy | |
Roadwar Europa | unknown | SSI |
Roadwar Europa | unknown | SSI |
Roadwar Europa | unknown | Wizardware Group |
Roadwar Europa | unknown | Wizardware Group |
Roadwars | unknown | Melbourne House |
Roadwars | Action | Melbourne House |
Rob Hubbard Classic Music | unknown | |
Rob Hubbard Classic Music 2 | unknown | |
Rob Hubbard Demo | unknown | |
Rob Hubbard Music Collection | unknown | |
Rob Hubbard Music Sampler 1 | unknown | |
Rob Hubbard Sound Mix No. 5 | unknown | |
Rob Hubbard Sound Track Sample II | unknown | |
Rob Hubbard's Mega Selector | unknown | |
Rob Hubbard's Sound Track Sample 1 | unknown | |
ROB J's Lunar Lander | unknown | |
Rob's Newest | unknown | |
Robal | unknown | Mirage |
Robal | unknown | Mirage |
Robal | unknown | Mirage |
Robbbot | unknown | |
Robber | unknown | Virgin Games |
Robber | unknown | Virgin Games |
Robber & Cop | unknown | Udo C. Wende |
Robbers of the Lost Tomb | unknown | Timeworks |
Robbo | unknown | L.K. Avalon |
Robbo | unknown | Amilton |
Robbo | Puzzle | |
Robbo 5 | unknown | |
Robbo 653924 | unknown | Glonisz Soft |
Robbo 76 | unknown | War Tiger |
Robbo 96-98 | unknown | L.K. Avalon |
Robbo II | unknown | RoboSoft |
Robbo III | unknown | Bartek Walos |
Robbo IV | unknown | B.Walos & W.Strus |
Robbo Konstruktor | unknown | L.K. Avalon |
Robbo Konstruktor | unknown | L.K. Avalon |
Robbo Konstruktor | unknown | L.K. Avalon |
Robbo V | unknown | Atarax |
Robby | unknown | Input 64 |
Robby | unknown | Input 64 |
Robby-Chess 2.0 | unknown | Markt & Technik |
Roberta Williams' Phantasmagoria | Adventure | Sierra On‑Line, Inc. |
Robin | unknown | Indescomp |
Robin & Orchid | Adventure | Ryan Veeder |
Robin Hood | Adventure | Millenium |
Robin Hood | Action | Xonox |
Robin Hood - Legend Quest | Action | Codemasters |
Robin Hood - Legend Quest | unknown | Codemasters |
Robin Hood: Conquests of the Longbow | Adventure | Sierra On-Line |
Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves | RPG | Virgin Games |
Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves | RPG | Virgin Games |
Robin Hood: The Legend of Sherwood | RPG | Spellbound Entertainment |
Robin of Sherlock | unknown | Silversoft |
Robin of Sherlock | unknown | Silversoft |
Robin of Sherlock | unknown | Silversoft |
Robin of Sherlock | unknown | Silversoft |
Robin of Sherlock | unknown | Silversoft |
Robin of Sherlock | unknown | Silversoft |
Robin Of Sherwood - The Touchstones Of Rhiannon | Adventure | Adventure International |
Robin of Sherwood - The Touchstones of Rhiannon | unknown | Adventure International |
Robin of Sherwood - The Touchstones of Rhiannon | unknown | Adventure International |
Robin of Sherwood - The Touchstones of Rhiannon - Intro | unknown | Adventure International |
Robin Of The Wood | Adventure | Odin Computer Graphics |
Robin of the Wood | unknown | Odin Computer Graphics |
Robin of the Wood | unknown | Odin Computer Graphics |
Robin of the Wood | unknown | Odin Computer Graphics |
Robin of the Wood | unknown | Odin Computer Graphics |
Robin Smith's International Cricket | unknown | Challenge Software |
Robin To The Rescue | Action | Solar Software |
Robin: Wojownik Czasu | unknown | L.K. Avalon |
Robin: Wojownik Czasu | unknown | L.K. Avalon |
Robinson's Requiem | unknown | Silmarils |
Robinson's Requiem | RPG | Silmarils |
Robinson's Requiem | unknown | Silmarils |
Robo | unknown | MR-Soft |
Robo Drum, The | unknown | |
Robo Raid | unknown | Binary Zone |
Robo Rumble | Strategy | |
Robo Rumpus | unknown | Atlantis Software |
Robo Rumpus | unknown | Atlantis Software |
Robo Runner | unknown | CP Verlag |
Robo Warrior | unknown | Jaleco |
Robo-City | unknown | Argus Press |
Robocide | unknown | |
Robocod (James Pond 2) | Action | Millennium |
RoboCop | Action | Ocean Software |
Robocop | unknown | Ocean |
Robocop | Action | Ocean |
RoboCop | Action | Data East Corporation |
Robocop | unknown | Ocean |
RoboCop Back | unknown | |
RoboCop Front | unknown | |
RoboCop 2 | unknown | |
Robocop 2 | unknown | Ocean |
RoboCop 2 | Action | Data East, Ocean |
RoboCop 2 | Action | Data East, Ocean |
RoboCop 2 | unknown | Data East Corporation |
Robocop 3 | unknown | |
Robocop 3 | unknown | Ocean |
RoboCop 3 | Action | Probe Software, Ocean |
RoboCop 3 | Action | Probe Software, Ocean |
RoboCop 3 | Action | Probe Software, Ocean |
RoboCop 3 | Action | Probe Software, Ocean |
RoboCop 3 | unknown | Ocean Software, Inc. |
Robocop 3 | unknown | Ocean |
Robocop Demo | unknown | |
RoboCop Versus The Terminator | Action | Virgin Interactive |
RoboCop Versus the Terminator | Action | Virgin Games |
RoboCop Versus the Terminator | Action | Virgin Games |
RoboCop Versus the Terminator | Action | Virgin Games |
RoboCop Versus the Terminator | Action | Virgin Games |
RoboCop Versus the Terminator | Action | Virgin Games |
Robocop vs Terminator | unknown | |
Robodemons | Action | Color Dreams |
Robodive | unknown | Micro Text Publications |
RoboMaze II Part 2: The Tower | unknown | Wetware |
Robon | unknown | Softek Software International |
Roboservant | unknown | Markt & Technik |
RoboSport | Strategy | The Dreamers Guild |
RoboSport | Strategy | Electronic Arts |
RoboSport | Action | Electronic Arts |
RoboSport | Action | Electronic Arts |
Robot | unknown | Mirage Designs |
Robot Attack | unknown | |
Robot Attack | unknown | Mastertronic |
Robot Battle | unknown | United Software of America |
Robot Battle | unknown | |
Robot Commando | RPG | Puffin Books |
Robot Escape | unknown | SPE |
Robot Escape | unknown | SPE |
Robot Factory | unknown | Ventamatic |
Robot Factory | Action | Ventamatic |
Robot Knights | unknown | Red Rat Software |
Robot Knights | unknown | Red Rat Software |
Robot Messiah | unknown | Alphabatim |
Robot Messiah | unknown | Alphabatim |
Robot Messiah | unknown | Alphabatim |
Robot Odissey | Strategy | |
Robot Rascals | Misc | Ozark Softscape |
Robot Rascals | unknown | Electronic Arts |
Robot Rascals | unknown | Electronic Arts |
Robot Rascals | Strategy | |
Robot Rescue | unknown | Loadstar |
Robot Riot | unknown | Silversoft |
Robot Riot | unknown | Silversoft |
Robot Ron | unknown | |
Robot Rover 2 | Puzzle | Solar fusion software |
Robot Run | unknown | NET Software |
Robot Runner | unknown | Mario Walther |
Robot Scape | Action | Sygran |
Robot Tank | Action | Activision |
Robot Traxx | unknown | Super Game 2000 |
Robot War .nib | unknown | |
Robot War.nib | unknown | |
Robotank | unknown | Dave Ponting |
Robotank | unknown | |
Robotech S1 | unknown | |
Roboterangriff | unknown | Tiger-Crew-Disk |
Robotics | unknown | Andrew Willmott |
Robotics | unknown | Ocean |
Roboto | unknown | Bug-Byte Software |
Robotrek | RPG | Enix Corporation |
robotron | unknown | |
Robotron | unknown | PAB |
Robotron | unknown | Atari |
Robotron | unknown | PAB |
Robotron 2084 | Action | Illinois Pirates League |
Robotron 2084 | unknown | Atari |
Robotron 2084 | unknown | Atari |
Robotron 2084 | unknown | |
Robotron 2084 | unknown | |
Robotron 2084 | unknown | Atari |
Robotron 2084 | unknown | Atarisoft |
Robotron 2084 | unknown | |
Robotron 2084 | unknown | Atari |
Robotron: 2084 | Action | Vid Kidz, Williams Electronics |
Robots | Puzzle | |
Robots Of Dawn | Adventure | Epyx |
Robots of Dawn | unknown | Epyx |
Robots of Dawn | unknown | Epyx |
Robots of Xerxes | unknown | Interface Publications |
Robotwar | unknown | Muse |
Robotwar | unknown | Muse |
Robotwar | unknown | Muse |
Robotwar | unknown | Muse |
Robotwar | unknown | Muse |
Robowar | unknown | Loadstar |
RoboWarrior (Bomber King) | Action | Hudson Soft |
Robox | unknown | Markt & Technik |
Robox | unknown | Magna Media |
Robozone | unknown | |
Robyn Hode | unknown | ACD Software |
Robyn Hode | unknown | ACD Software |
Roc ’N Rope | Action | Konami, Coleco |
Rocco | unknown | Gremlin Graphics Software |
Rock | unknown | |
Rock 'n Roller | unknown | Topo Soft |
Rock 'n Roller | unknown | |
Rock 'n Roller | unknown | Topo Soft |
Rock 'n Wrestle | unknown | Melbourne House |
Rock 'n Wrestle | unknown | |
Rock 'n' Rhythm | unknown | Spinnaker Software |
Rock 'n' Roll Racing | Action | Interplay |
Rock 'n Roll | unknown | Rainbow Arts |
Rock 'n Roll | unknown | Rainbow Arts |
Rock 'n Shaolin | unknown | ? |
Rock Box 1 | unknown | |
Rock Castle | unknown | |
Rock da House | unknown | |
Rock Fall | unknown | Your Computer/Business Press International |
Rock Fall | unknown | Paul Hammond & Daniel Lundin |
Rock Hopper | unknown | |
Rock Mix IV | unknown | |
Rock n' Bolt | unknown | Activision |
Rock n’ Bolt | Puzzle | Action Graphics, Activision |
Rock n' Roll Racing | Sport | Interplay Entertainment |
Rock N' Bolt | Action | Activision |
Rock Paper Scissors | unknown | |
Rock Raid | unknown | |
Rock Run | unknown | |
Rock Run | unknown | Binary Zone |
Rock Run | unknown | Cosine |
Rock Run | unknown | Binary Zone |
Rock Shock 3 | unknown | |
Rock Star Ate My Hamster | Simulation | Codemasters |
Rock Star Ate My Hamster | Strategy | Codemasters |
Rock Star Ate my Hamster | unknown | Codemasters |
Rock the Bells | unknown | |
Rock the Night | unknown | |
Rock This | unknown | |
Rock with Robb | unknown | |
Rock'n Riffs 4 | unknown | |
Rock'n Role #01 | unknown | |
Rock'n Role #04 | unknown | |
Rock'n Role #05 | unknown | |
Rock'n Role #06 | unknown | |
Rock'n Role #07 | unknown | |
Rock'n Role #09 | unknown | |
Rock'n Role #10 | unknown | |
Rock'n Role #11 | unknown | |
Rock'n Role #13 | unknown | |
Rock'n Role #14 | unknown | |
Rock'n Role #15 | unknown | |
Rock'n Role #19 | unknown | |
Rock'n Role #20 | unknown | |
Rock'n Role #22 | unknown | |
Rock'n Role #23 | unknown | |
Rock'n Role #31 | unknown | |
Rock'n Roll | Puzzle | Rainbow Arts |
Rock'n'Roll 2 | unknown | |
Rock'n'Roll 3 | unknown | |
Rock'N Roll | Action | Rainbow Arts |
Rock'n Roller | Action | Topo Soft |
Rock'n Roller | Action | Topo Soft |
Rock'n Roller | Action | Topo Soft |
Rock'n Roller | Action | Topo Soft |
Rock'N Wrestle | Sport | Melbourne House |
Rocket | unknown | Howard Feldman |
Rocket Ball | unknown | IJK Software |
Rocket Knight Adventures | Action | Konami |
Rocket Launch | unknown | Cascade Games |
Rocket Raider | unknown | C-Tech |
Rocket Ranger | Adventure | Cinemaware |
Rocket Ranger | unknown | Cinemaware |
Rocket Ranger | Action | |
Rocket Ranger | Action | Kemco/Seika |
Rocket Ranger | unknown | Cinemaware |
Rocket Ranger | unknown | Cinemaware |
Rocket Repairman: The Further Adventures of Cavern Commander | unknown | Red Rat Software |
Rocket Roger | unknown | Alligata Software |
Rocket Roger | unknown | Alligata Software |
Rockets | Action | Unknown |
Rockett's Adventure Maker | Educational | Purple Moon |
Rockett's Camp Adventures | Educational | Addictive Media |
Rockett's First Dance | Educational | Purple Moon |
Rockett's Tricky Decision | Educational | Purple Moon |
Rockford | Puzzle | First Star Software |
Rockford | unknown | Mastertronic |
Rockford | unknown | Mastertronic |
Rockford | unknown | Mastertronic Added Dimension |
Rockford | unknown | Mastertronic Added Dimension |
Rockford: The Arcade Game | unknown | Mastertronic |
Rockford: The Arcade Game | unknown | Mastertronic |
Rockford: The Arcade Game | unknown | Mastertronic |
Rockford: The Arcade Game | Puzzle | |
Rockford: The Arcade Game | unknown | First Star Software |
Rockford: The Arcade Game | unknown | First Star Software |
Rockhouse | unknown | |
Rocki Rockano in Lolliland | unknown | Peter Liepa & Alexander Langer |
Rockin' Factor | unknown | |
Rockin’ Kats | Action | Atlus |
Rockit | unknown | |
Rockman | unknown | Mirage |
Rockman | unknown | Mastertronic |
Rockman | unknown | Mastertronic |
Rockman | unknown | Icon Design |
Rockman & Forte | unknown | Capcom Co., Ltd. |
Rocko's Modern Life: Spunky's Dangerous Day | unknown | Viacom New Media |
Rocks! | unknown | ANALOG Computing |
Rocks! | unknown | ANALOG Computing |
Rockstar | Adventure | Wizard Games |
Rockstar! | unknown | |
ROCKWELL DEMO | unknown | |
Rocky | Sport | SEGA |
Rocky | unknown | Wicked Software |
Rocky | unknown | Dinamic Software |
Rocky | unknown | Dinamic |
Rocky | unknown | Dinamic |
Rocky | unknown | Dinamic |
Rocky | Action | Sega Corporation |
Rocky Horror Show, The | unknown | CRL Group |
Rocky Horror Show, The | unknown | CRL Group |
Rocky Horror Show, The | unknown | Activision |
Rocky Horror Show, The | unknown | |
Rocky Horror Show, The | unknown | CRL Group |
Rocky Mountain Trophy Hunter: Interactive Big Game Hunting | Strategy | Sunstorm Interactive |
Rocky Rodent | Action | Irem Software Engineering, Inc. |
Rocky';s Boots | Educational | The Learning Company |
Rockys Words | unknown | |
Rocman | unknown | Magic Team |
Rocman | unknown | Magic Team |
Rocman | unknown | Magic Team |
Rocman | unknown | Magic Team |
Rocopix II | unknown | |
Rod Land | unknown | |
Rod-Land | unknown | Storm Software |
Rod-Land | Action | Ion Storm Inc |
Rodent Run | unknown | Naffsoft |
Rodent's Revenge | unknown | Christopher Lee Fraley |
Rodeo | unknown | |
Roderic | unknown | Mirage |
Rodney to the Rescue | unknown | Trelawny Software |
Rodney's Wonder Window | unknown | Voyager |
Roger Clemens' MVP Baseball | Simulation | LJN |
roger rabbit 1a | unknown | |
roger rabbit 1b | unknown | |
roger rabbit 2a | unknown | |
roger rabbit 2b | unknown | |
Roger Rabbit in Hare Raising Havoc | Action | BlueSky Software |
Roger Rabbit: Hare Raising Havoc | unknown | Disney |
Roger Rabbit: Hare Raising Havoc | unknown | Disney |
Roger Wilco's Spaced Out Game Pack | Action | Sierra On-Line, Inc. |
Rogue | RPG | Codebusters Inc. |
Rogue | RPG | Artificial Intelligence Design |
Rogue | unknown | Mastertronic |
Rogue | unknown | Mastertronic |
Rogue | unknown | Mastertronic |
Rogue | unknown | Mastertronic |
Rogue | unknown | |
Rogue | unknown | Mastertronic |
Rogue | RPG | |
Rogue | RPG | Epyx |
Rogue | unknown | Mastertronic |
Rogue Comet | unknown | |
Rogue Sunbathers | unknown | Compute! |
Rogue the Dog! | unknown | Binary Zone |
Rogue Trooper | unknown | Piranha |
Rogue Trooper | unknown | Piranha |
Rogue Trooper | unknown | Piranha |
Rogue Trooper | unknown | Alternative Software |
Rogue Trooper | unknown | Macmillan Software |
Rogue Trooper | unknown | Piranha |
Rogue Trooper | unknown | Piranha |
Rogue Trooper | unknown | Macmillan Software |
Rogue Trooper | unknown | |
Rogue64 | RPG | Badger Punch Games / Bitmap Soft |
Rokudenashi Blues | unknown | Bandai America, Inc. |
Rokudenashi Blues: Taiketsu! Tokyo Shitennou | unknown | Bandai America, Inc. |
Rol Crusaders | unknown | DDM |
Roland Ahoy! | unknown | |
Roland Goes Digging | unknown | |
Roland Goes Square Bashing | unknown | |
Roland in Space | unknown | |
Roland in the Caves | unknown | |
Roland in the Caves | unknown | |
Roland in the Caves | Action | Amsoft |
Roland in the Haunted House | unknown | |
Roland in the Haunted House | unknown | |
Roland in Time | unknown | |
Roland on the Ropes | unknown | |
Roland on the Ropes | unknown | Amsoft |
Roland on the Run | unknown | |
Roland's Rat Race | unknown | Ocean |
Roland's Rat Race | unknown | Ocean |
Roland's Ratrace | unknown | Ocean |
Roland'S Ratrace | Action | Ocean |
Roll 'm Up | Sport | Dommelsch |
Roll Off | unknown | Loadstar |
Roll Over | unknown | CP Verlag |
Roll'em | unknown | ANALOG Computing |
Roll'Em | unknown | Naffsoft |
Rollan Football | unknown | Compute! |
Rollaround | unknown | |
Rollaround | unknown | Mastertronic |
Rollaround | unknown | Mastertronic |
Rollcage | Simulation | Psygnosis |
Rolled Oats | unknown | Torky |
Rollende Panzer | unknown | Karlheinz Herpel |
Roller Ball | unknown | Edicola |
Roller Ball | unknown | Ocean |
Roller Coaster | unknown | Elite Systems |
Roller Coaster | unknown | Elite Systems |
Roller Coaster | unknown | Elite Systems |
Roller Coaster | unknown | Elite Systems |
Roller Coaster Tycoon | unknown | |
Roller Coaster Tycoon 2 | unknown | |
Rollerball | unknown | HAL Laboratory, Inc. |
Rollerblade Racer | Action | Hi Tech Expressions |
Rollerboard | unknown | Capital Software Designs |
Rollercoaster | unknown | Brookfield Software |
ROLLERCOASTER | unknown | |
Rollercoaster Rumbler | Action | Tynesoft |
RollerCoaster Tycoon | Misc | Microprose Software, Inc. |
Rollerdash | unknown | RUN/IDG Communications |
Rollergames | Action | Konami Industry Co. Ltd |
Rollergames | unknown | Ultra Games |
Rölli ja metsänhenki | Adventure | Elävät Kirjat |
Rollin | unknown | Atlantis Software |
Rollin | unknown | Atlantis Software |
ROLLing eX.tre.me | unknown | Gaelco |
Rolling Ronny | Action | |
Rolling Stones: Voodoo Lounge | Adventure | Second Vision |
Rolling Thunder | Action | U.S. Gold |
Rolling Thunder | unknown | U.S. Gold |
Rolling Thunder | unknown | |
Rolling Thunder | unknown | U.S. Gold |
Rolling Thunder | unknown | U.S. Gold |
Rolling Thunder | Action | Namco |
Rolling Thunder | unknown | Imanok |
Rolling Twins | unknown | CP Verlag |
Rollingo | unknown | Super Game 2000 |
Rollo and the Brush Bros | unknown | Windmill Software |
Rollo and the Brush Bros. | Misc | Windmill Software |
RollOver | unknown | Enginuity |
Rolloverture | unknown | Sunrise Software |
Rolo to the Rescue | Action | Vectordean, Electronic Arts |
Roma | unknown | Sony |
Roman Empire | unknown | MC Lothlorien |
Roman Numerals | unknown | |
Romance of the Three Kingdoms | Strategy | KOEI |
Romance of the Three Kingdoms 2 | Strategy | KOEI |
Romance of the Three Kingdoms 3 | Strategy | KOEI |
Romance of the Three Kingdoms II | Simulation | Koei |
Romance of the Three Kingdoms III: Dragon of Destiny | unknown | Koei |
Romance of the Three Kingdoms III: Dragon of Destiny | unknown | KOEI |
Romance of the Three Kingdoms IV: Wall of Fire | unknown | Koei |
Romancia | Action | Tokyo Shoseki |
Romancing SaGa | unknown | Square Co., Ltd. |
Romancing SaGa 3 | RPG | Square Co., Ltd. |
Romantic encounters at the dome | Adventure | |
Romba | unknown | |
Rome and the Barbarians | unknown | Krentek Software |
Rome: Pathway to Power | Adventure | Millennium |
Rome: Pathway to Power | Adventure | |
Rome: Pathway to Power | unknown | Millenium |
Rome: Pathway to Power | unknown | Millenium |
Romeo | unknown | |
Rommel | Action | Compulogical |
Rommel's Revenge | unknown | Crystal Computing |
Rommel's Revenge | unknown | Crystal Computing |
Rommel's Revenge | unknown | Crystal Computing |
Rompe Muros | Action | Infodisc |
Romulus | unknown | Quicksilva |
Ronaldo V-Football | unknown | Infogrames |
Ronnie Goes to Hollywood | unknown | 8th Day Software |
Ronnie Goes to Hollywood | unknown | 8th Day Software |
Roog | unknown | |
Rookie | unknown | Mastertronic |
Room of Doom | Action | CommaVid |
Room Ten | unknown | |
Room Ten | unknown | CRL Group |
Room Ten | unknown | CRL Group |
Roomlord | unknown | Paramount |
Rooms | unknown | Tomi Malinen |
Rooms of Doom | Action | |
Rooms of the Lost Jewel | unknown | Science Fair |
Root Race | unknown | Compute! |
Rootin' Tootin' | unknown | HesWare |
Rootin' Tootin' | Action | HesWare |
Rorke's Drift | unknown | Impressions |
Rosen's Brigade | unknown | Gentry Software |
Rosen's Brigade | unknown | Gentry Software |
Rosselsprung | unknown | |
Roswell the Alien Autopsy | unknown | |
Rotamint | unknown | Tronic Verlag |
ROTATE | unknown | |
Rotate | unknown | |
Rotate! | unknown | Sunshine Publications |
Rotated Shit | unknown | |
Rotation Craze | unknown | Loadstar |
Rotato Poker | unknown | Loadstar |
Rotazione di Numeri | unknown | |
Rotor | unknown | Arcana Software |
Rotor | unknown | Arcana Software |
Rotox | unknown | |
Rotox | unknown | Creative Materials |
Rouge Midget II: Return of the Scarlet Shortguy | unknown | Damian Steele |
Rough House 21 | unknown | Nick Wilkins |
Rough Rider | unknown | General Masters |
Roulett | unknown | Commodore Disc |
Roulett | unknown | S+S Soft |
Roulette | unknown | Antic |
Roulette | unknown | Antic |
Roulette | unknown | Universal Software |
Roulette | unknown | Gerhard Riegel |
Roulette | unknown | Micromega |
Roulette | unknown | |
Roulette | unknown | |
Roulette | unknown | Peter Weighill |
Roulette | unknown | Markt & Technik |
Roulette | unknown | Elcomp Publishing |
Roulette | unknown | Dymond Software |
Roulette | unknown | |
ROULETTE | unknown | |
Roulette | unknown | Mike Fleischner |
Roulette | unknown | Commodore Disc |
Roulette | unknown | Micromega |
Roulette | unknown | Stefan Freise |
Roulette | unknown | |
Roulette | unknown | Heinz Prangenberg |
Roulette | unknown | M Radetzki & J. Wellenhausen |
Roulette | unknown | Input 64 |
Roulette 2 | unknown | Team 64 |
Roulette Wheel | unknown | Lawrenceville Press |
Round 42 | Action | Elven Software |
Round About | unknown | Datamost |
Round About | unknown | Datamost |
Round About | unknown | Datamost |
Round R | unknown | Loadstar |
Round the Bend! | unknown | Zeppelin Games |
Round Up | unknown | ANALOG Computing |
Roundabout | unknown | Mark Tuttle & Kevin Mykytyn |
RoundAbout | unknown | Charles M. Duncan |
Roundabout | unknown | |
Roundball: 2-on-2 Challenge | unknown | Mindscape, Inc. |
Roundheads & Cavaliers | unknown | Argus Press Software |
Roundheads & Cavaliers | unknown | Argus Press Software |
Rout | unknown | |
Route-16 Turbo | Sport | Sun Electronics |
Route-16 Turbo | Sport | Sunsoft |
Routine Inventor | unknown | |
Row Boat | unknown | Wicked Software |
Row Regatta | unknown | |
Rowly | unknown | Tronic |
Rox | unknown | Tiger-Crew-Disk |
Rox 64 | unknown | Llamasoft |
Rox 64 | unknown | Llamasoft |
Rox III | unknown | Llamasoft |
Roy Of The Rovers | Sport | Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd |
Roy of the Rovers | unknown | Gremlin Graphics Software |
Royal | unknown | |
Royal Adventures of a Common Frog | unknown | Automata UK |
Royal Arte | unknown | |
Royal Birkdale Championship Golf - The Back 9 | unknown | Ocean |
Royal Birkdale Championship Golf - The Back 9 | unknown | Ocean |
Royal Crown | unknown | |
Royal Demo 1 v2 | unknown | |
Royal Flash | unknown | |
Royal Flush Pinball | Action | |
Royal Quest, The | unknown | |
Royal Rescue | unknown | Compute! |
Royal Scot | unknown | |
Royalty Logos | unknown | |
RPG Demo | unknown | Creation Madness |
RPG Tsukūru 2 | unknown | ASCII |
RPG Tsukūru: Super Dante | unknown | ASCII |
RPM Racing | unknown | Interplay Entertainment |
RTC Kings Cross | unknown | Dee Kay Systems |
RTC Penzance | unknown | Dee Kay Systems |
Rtl+ #1 | unknown | |
rU801dmc | unknown | |
Rubber Bandit Ball | unknown | RUN/IDG Communications |
Rubber Duck | unknown | |
Rubbish Monster | unknown | Data Becker |
Rubicon | unknown | Bug-Byte Software |
Rubicon | unknown | Bug-Byte Software |
Rubicon | unknown | |
Rubics Wurfel | unknown | Computing Today |
Rubik Cube | Puzzle | Wendell Hicken |
Rubik Cube | Puzzle | - |
Rubik's Cube | unknown | Peter Craven |
Rubik's Cube | unknown | Dieter Moeller & Matthias Weber |
RUBIK'S CUBE | unknown | |
Ruby Runabout | unknown | Scorpio Software |
Ruby Runabout | unknown | Scorpio Software |
Rucu | unknown | L.K. Avalon |
Rudi the Rat | unknown | Input 64 |
Rudra no Hihō | unknown | Square Co., Ltd. |
Ruecktro | unknown | |
Ruelps Construction Kit | unknown | |
Ruff and Reddy | unknown | Hi-Tec Software |
Ruff and Reddy | unknown | Hi-Tec Software |
Ruff and Reddy | unknown | Hi-Tec Software |
Ruff and Reddy in The Space Adventure | unknown | |
Ruff and Reddy in The Space Adventure | unknown | Hi-Tec Software |
Ruff and Reddy in The Space Adventure | unknown | Hi-Tec Software |
Ruff and Reddy in The Space Adventure | unknown | Hi-Tec Software |
Rug Really Tied Room Together, The | unknown | |
Rug Rider | unknown | Gamesman |
Rugby Boss | unknown | |
Rugby Coach | unknown | Cult Games |
Rugby Coach | unknown | Cult Games |
Rugby Manager | unknown | Artic Computing |
Rugby Manager | unknown | Mastertronic Plus |
Rugby World Cup ’95 | unknown | |
Rugby: The World Cup | unknown | Domark |
Rugrats Mystery Adventures | Action | Brøderbund |
Ruin Arm | unknown | Bandai America, Inc. |
Ruin of Xerx | unknown | Lunasoft |
Ruine Eckstein | unknown | Kudi-Soft |
Ruiner Pinball | unknown | |
Ruins of Cawdor | RPG | Sierra On-Line |
Rukkertje and Co | unknown | |
Rule Again | unknown | |
Rule the Kingdom | unknown | RUN/CW Communications |
Ruler | unknown | |
Rules of Engagement | Strategy | |
Rules of Engagement | unknown | Omnitrend Software |
Rules of Engagement | unknown | Omnitrend Software |
Rules of Engagement 2 | Strategy | |
Rules of Engagement 2 | unknown | Impressions |
Rules of Engagement 2 | unknown | Impressions |
Ruleta | unknown | Petr Svoboda |
Ruleta | unknown | |
Ruleta | unknown | Mastersoft |
Rulette | unknown | Dave Barnes |
Rum Runner | unknown | Genesis Software |
Rumball | unknown | Timothy Goodacre |
Run Bill Run | unknown | CEZ Silver |
Run For Cover | unknown | |
Run for Gold | unknown | Hill MacGibbon |
Run for Gold | unknown | |
Run for It | unknown | Weekly Reader Family Software |
Run for It | unknown | Optimun Resource |
Run for It | unknown | Optimun Resource |
run for it | unknown | |
Run for the Money | unknown | Scarborough Systems |
Run for the Money | unknown | Tom Snyder |
Run for the Money | unknown | Scarborough Systems |
Run Harry | unknown | Simon & Schuster |
Run Riki Run | unknown | Roger D. Burge |
Run Saber | Action | Atlus Software, Inc. |
Run the Gauntlet | unknown | Ocean |
Run the Gauntlet | unknown | |
Run the Road | unknown | |
Run Your Own Train A | unknown | |
Run Your Own Train B | unknown | |
Run Your Own Train Dox | unknown | |
RUN-Trophy '86 | unknown | RUN/CW-Publikationen |
Run, Bronwynn, Run! | unknown | FSF Adventures |
Run, Bronwynn, Run! | unknown | FSF Adventures |
Run, Bronwynn, Run! | unknown | FSF Adventures |
Runaway | Adventure | Pendulo Studios |
Runaway | unknown | Niklas Hemsida |
Runaway | unknown | CP Verlag |
Runaway | Adventure | Pendulo Studios |
Runaway | Adventure | Pendulo Studios |
Runaway | Misc | Pendulo Studios |
Runaway 2 | Adventure | Pendulo Studios |
Runaway 2 | Adventure | Pendulo Studios |
Runaway 2 | Adventure | Pendulo Studios |
Runaway 2 | Adventure | Pendulo Studios |
Runaway City | Adult | JAST Co. |
Runaway City | Adventure | |
Runaway Robots | unknown | |
Runequest | unknown | Micro Text Publications |
Runes of Zendos, The | unknown | Dorcas Software |
Runes of Zendos, The | unknown | Dorcas Software |
Runes of Zendos, The | unknown | Dorcas Software |
Runestone | unknown | |
Runestone | unknown | Firebird Software |
Runestone of Zaobab, The | unknown | Eric Stewart |
Runestone of Zaobab, The | unknown | Eric Stewart |
Runestones | unknown | Compute! |
Runfill | unknown | Elcomp Publishing |
Runic | Action | Inc |
Runner | unknown | Your Computer/Business Press International |
Running Battle | Action | Sega Corporation |
Running Demo | unknown | |
Running Man, The | Action | Grandslam |
Running Out | unknown | |
Running Wild | unknown | |
Runway 64 | unknown | Susie Software |
Ruote Corazzate | unknown | Super Game 2000 |
Rupert And The Ice Castle | Action | Quicksilva |
Rupert and the Ice Castle | unknown | Quicksilva |
Rupert and the Ice Castle | unknown | Bug-Byte Software |
Rupert and the Ice Castle | unknown | Bug-Byte Software |
Rupert and the Ice Castle | unknown | Bug-Byte Software |
Rupert and the Toymaker's Party | unknown | Quicksilva |
Rupert and the Toymaker's Party | unknown | Quicksilva |
Rupert And The Toymaker'S Party | Action | Quicksilva |
Rupert and the Toymakers Party | unknown | Quicksilva |
Rush | unknown | |
Rush 'N Attack | Action | Konami |
Rush 'n Attack | unknown | Imagine Software |
Rush at Party | unknown | |
Rush Hour | unknown | APX |
Rush Hour | unknown | Binary Zone |
Rush'n Attack | unknown | |
Russia: Great War In The East | Strategy | SSG |
Russia: The Great War in the East 1941-1945 v1.0 | unknown | SSG |
Russian Roulette | unknown | Tab Books |
Russian Roulette | unknown | Alfred Das |
Russian Roulette #1 | unknown | |
Russian Toilette | unknown | The P.B.C.A. Team |
Russian's Attack | unknown | Microhobby |
Russians | unknown | |
Russin | unknown | |
Russisch Roulette | unknown | Commodore Disc |
Russki Duck | unknown | Gebelli Software |
Ruthless | unknown | |
Rx 220 | unknown | |
Ryan Milford | unknown | Jackson |
Rycerz | unknown | Mirage |
Rycerz | unknown | Mirage |
Rychle Sipy | unknown | S.I.S. |
Rychle Sipy | unknown | MAJA Software - CID Software |
Rychle Sipy | unknown | MAJA Software - CID Software |
Rygar | Action | Tecmo |
Rygar | unknown | U.S. Gold |
Rygar | unknown | |
Rygar | unknown | U.S. Gold |
Rygar | unknown | U.S. Gold |
Rygar | unknown | U.S. Gold |
Rygels Revenge | unknown | Mastertronic |
Ryshka | unknown | CP Verlag |
RytíÅ™i Grálu | RPG | Centauri Production |
Ryuuko no Ken 2 | unknown | Saurus |
Rzekotka | unknown | Jacek Binkul |
Rzekotka | unknown | Jacek Binkul |