2001 Games


Robot 629
4x4 EVO 2SportAspyr
Abadía del Crimen, LaunknownManuel Pazos
ABC BanchouEducationalEureka Multimedia
Abu Simbel Profanation RemakeunknownRetrospec
Add-ons for Ambrosia games and moreActionEureka Multimedia
Adding & SubtractingEducationalEureka Multimedia
Advance WarsStrategyNintendo Co., LTD
Adventure at the Chateau d'OrAdventureKarma Labs
Agent QT PieActionJohn Butler
Airburst (Classic)ActionFreeverse
AirtaxiActionSebastian Pech
Algebra WorldEducationalCognitive Technologies Corporation
Alice in WonderlandAdventureEMME Interactive
Aliens Versus Predator GoldActionMacPlay
Alone in the Dark - The New NightmareAdventureAtari
Alpha BlazePuzzleJohn Mauro
Amazing AnimalsEducationalEureka Multimedia
Arcade RallyunknownLukas Petrik
Arcade RallyunknownLukas Petrik
Arcanum - of Steamworks and Magick ObscuraRPGActivision
Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magick ObscuraRPGTroika Games
Arena CrystalisActionCrystal Aura Software
ArkkubeActionDevilish Games
ArkkubeActionDevilish Games
ArkkubeActionDevilish Games
ArkkubeActionDevilish Games
Aspirin 3: Gynk's Big TroubleActionSebastian Brytting
Astro AssemblerActionHollywood Publishin
Astro AssemblerActionHollywood Publishin
Astro AssemblerActionHollywood Publishin
Astro AssemblerActionHollywood Publishin
Astro AssemblerActionHollywood Publishin
Astro AssemblerActionHollywood Publishin
Atlantis II (aka Beyond Atlantis)AdventureCryo Interactive
Atlas: The Gift of AramaiRPGDigital Terra
Attack of the Mutant Camelsunknown
Auf Wiedersehen MontyAction
Backyard BasketballSportHumongous Entertainment
Backyard Football 2002SportHumongous Entertainment
Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of AmnRPGBioWare
Beauty or the BeastAdventureLexis Numérique
Benjamin Blumchen. BauernhofspielEducationalbmv
Bibi Blocksberg 3 - Freitag, der 13.AdventureBVM Produktion
Bibi und Tina 3 - Das große HerbstturnierAdventureKIDDINX
Black & WhiteSimulationElectronic Arts
Black & WhiteStrategy
Blinky Bill's Extraordinary Cartoon MakerEducationalForest Interactive
Blobby VolleySportD. Skoraszewski
Bruce Lee [remake]ActionMark Rosten
Bubble RainunknownImanok
Bugaboo (The Flea) RemakeActionPaul Robson
BuggedAdventureAnssi Räisänen
Building PanicActionYamada No Ana Project
Caillou: Magic PlayhouseEducationalBrighter Child Interactive
Capitalism 2unknown
Capitán Trueno, ElAdventureZeta Multimedia
Captain BumperActionCasady & Greene
Catch the KreisActionDregenrocks
Championship Manager QuizSportKing of the Jungle
Colibricks 1.3ActionMichel Colman
Commandos 2unknownEidos
Commandos 2unknownEidos
Commandos 2unknownEidos
Commandos 2unknownEidos
Commandos 2unknownEidos
Covalence Solitaire 1.0.2PuzzleDavid Blyth
Cowy the MinesweeperPuzzleMartin Wengenmayer
Creatures Villageunknown
Dark Mist: The Wizard VanishesAdventureEmerald Forest Toys
DeadEnd 3DPuzzleWolfgang Thaller
Dell Magazines CrosswordsPuzzleSierra
Deluxe Ski JumpSportMediamond
DumbtrisPuzzlePhilip Winterberg
dwCaveunknownAdrian Gonzalez
Earth 2140Strategye.p.i.c. interactive
Elf ForestActionDragon Software
Emperor's New Groove Activity CenterActionDisney Interactive
Empire EarthStrategyStainless Steel Studios
EtherlordsStrategyFishtank Interactive
Europa Universalis IIStrategyParadox Entertainment
Evil Twin: Cyprien's ChroniclesActionUbi Soft
ExcaliBugunknownDinamic Multimedia
Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of SteelStrategy
Farmers MahjonggPuzzleTomi Engel
Final FighterActionZOK-Software
Frog SquadActionLightmare Interactive
FuckstoryAdventureKapr Soft
Galactic CoreStrategyRichard White
GLFightersActionWolfire Games
Golden SunAdventureNintendo Co., LTD
GothicRPGPiranha Bytes
Gradius IIIActionImanok
Harpoon IIIStrategyAdvanced Gaming Systems
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stoneunknown
Hostile WatersStrategyRage
I Spy Treasure HuntEducationalBlack Hammer Productions
Icewind DaleMiscAtari
IcoAdventureSony Computer Entertainment Europe Ltd.
Iggy's AdventureActionGriggs Domler
iMac MemoryPuzzleSkalmac
Independence War 2ActionAtari
Independence War 2: Edge Of ChaosSimulation
Jet Set Willy - Maria vs Some BastardsunknownManic Miner Technologies
Jet Set Willy - StupidunknownNick Aldridge
Jet Set Willy - Wet Sunday Afternoon Graphical RemixunknownDarren McCowan
Jet Set Willy - Willy vs the Vampire LordunknownLee Tatlock
Jiggy! (Shareware)PuzzleMaverick Software
Jill the GoddessActionWOPR2K
Jimmy & Les 7 merveilles du mondeEducationalLittle Browser/Mandarine interactive
Jump Start Spy Masters: Max Strikes BackEducationalKnowledge Adventure
JumpStart Spy Masters: Unmask the PranksterEducationalKnowledge Adventure
Jurassic Park III: Danger Zone!ActionKnowledge Adventure
Jurassic Park III: Dino DefenderActionKnowledge Adventure
King's Quest I: Quest for the Crown - VGA RemakeAdventureAnonymous Game Developers Interactive
Kingdom Under FireActionPhantagram Co., Ltd.
Kommissar Kugelblitz 2 - Geheimnis von Spooky HillAdventureTerzio
Kuru Kuru KururinPuzzleNintendo Co., LTD
La Máquina de Hacer Tareas IIEducationalUnlimited
Legendary LairRPGRobert L. Steely
Lernen macht Spass 4. KlasseEducationalTerzio
Live! BoxingunknownDinamic Multimedia
Mac DooMLegacy v1.32ActionCalum Robinson
MacPuyoPuzzleLiquid Metal Software
MagerTrisunknownPer Olofsson
MagerTrisunknownPer Olofsson
MagerTris 2KunknownPer Olofsson
Manky MazeunknownSado Masochism Software
Mario and LuigiAction
Masterbagels 2001unknownJohn M. Charroux
Mattel Classic FootballunknownThe Skull
May Involve Heavy LiftingunknownTen Tonne Wasp
Metal Warrior 3unknownElectric Harem
Metal Warrior 3 v1.1unknownElectric Harem
Mia's Math Adventure: Just In Time!EducationalKutoka Interactive
Millie Meter's Nutrition AdventureEducationalTivola Publishing
MinimaunknownR Harbron
Monkey Shines 2: Gorilla WarfareActionFantasoft
Monster HunterStrategyContraband
Mortadelo y FilemónAdventureZeta Games
Mortadelo y FilemónAdventureZeta Games
Mykropolis - Planet der Roboter (Russian version)AdventureTivola
Mystery Island IIAdventureKoingo Software
NetHack - Falcon's EyeRPG
Newcomer Enhanced Version Rev.2unknownProtovision
NibblesActionCMY Multimedia
NightStoneunknownVirgin Interactive
NightStoneunknownVirgin Interactive
Niño MalounknownCyberniño
O!Kay! CD-ROMs 2001EducationalBVM Produktion
On the EdgePuzzleSilver Darkness
Otto MaticActionPangea Software
Pac ManActionFreeware
PaybackActionApex Designs
PC AsteroidsActionRobe Inie
PC Calcio 2001unknownDinamic Multimedia
Prochazka v C...unknownJiri Svoboda
ProgearActionCapcom Co., Ltd.
Q*bertActionArtech Studios
Quake (Fruitz of Dojo)ActionFruitz of Dojo
Quartzeroids 2ActionJohn-Michael Mulesa
Rainbow Fish and the Amazing LagoonEducationalEmme/Lexis Numérique
Rainbow Fish and the WhaleEducationalEMME Interactive
Rally TrophyunknownBugbear
Reader Rabbit 1st Grade: Capers on Cloud NineEducationalThe Learning Company
Reader Rabbit 2nd Grade: Mis-cheese-ious Dreamship AdventureEducationalThe Learning Company
Reader Rabbit KindergartenEducationalThe Learning Company
Reader Rabbit Preschool: Sparkle Star Rescue!EducationalThe Learning Company
Reading Detective BeginningEducationalThe Critical Thinking Company
Reaxion ExtendedunknownBinary Zone
Red FactionActionTHQ Inc.
Red Faction 1.2ActionVolition
Rock RununknownCosine
RuletaunknownPetr Svoboda
RunawayAdventurePendulo Studios
RunawayAdventurePendulo Studios
RunawayAdventurePendulo Studios
Santa's Secret ValleyAdventureAHA Software
Scorched 3DStrategy
Secret TiesunknownVic Tokai Corporation
Segunda Muerte de Dracula, LaunknownIron Chip
Serious Sam - The First EncounterActionCroteam
Serious Sam: The First EncounterActionGathering of Developers
Session v1.4unknownMore Gore Software
ShaolinunknownJonathan Wells
SharkzunknownTND Games
SharkzunknownTND Games
SheepStrategyFeral Interactive
Sherlock Holmes: His Most Difficult CaseunknownAndrew Williams
Shrek: Fire DonkeyunknownDreamworks
SillyBallsActionWilliam Thimbleby
SnakeunknownStefano Tognon
Snake 2KunknownStefano Tognon
Snake 2k GameunknownIce Team
Snake 512b Game v1.02unknownIce Team
Solar QuestunknownLoadstar
Space Battle Deluxe v2.2unknownMore Gore Software
Space Invadarz on VacationunknownRichard Bayliss
Space Invaders 2001unknown
Space Quest: The Lost ChapterAdventureFreeware
Space TripperActionPomPom Games
Space512unknownPer Olofsson
Splidge's Snowball CaperunknownTND Games
Squish The Legend if the Lost AlienunknownR Evans
Star Trek: Away TeamStrategyReflexive Entertainment
Star Wars: Galactic BattlegroundsStrategy
StrategiunknownPetr Svoboda
SurrenderStrategyRon DuCros
Taxi Driver PinballunknownAndreas Altinger
Temple TantrumActionGround Zero Software
Tennis Masters SeriesSportMicroids
Terra PlagiataunknownOlaf Pieters
Tetrattack!unknownStephen L. Judd
The Castle of Dr. MalvadoAction
The Corporate MachineStrategy
The Incredible Machine - Even More ContraptionsunknownDynamix
The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of AgesActionNintendo Co., LTD
The Magic School Bus: Volcano AdventureEducationalKnowWonder
The Magic School Bus: Whales & DolphinsEducationalKnowWonder
The Mummy MysteryAdventureBig Tune New Media
The Mystery of the Mission MuseumEducationalSan Diego State University
The Ultimate WormgameunknownChristian Schiller
The Weakest LinkunknownBackward Engineering
TinyrinthunknownMark Seelye
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Rogue SpearActionRed Storm
Tom Clancy';s Ghost ReconStrategyRed Storm Entertainment
TripleAStrategySean Bridges & Others
Turtle TurmoilActionBrainfreeze Entertainment
Twenty-Sixth Floor LobbyunknownA. Jota
UleaborgunknownAleksi Eben
Ultra Mortal Kombat VendettaAction
Uncle Albert's Fabulous VoyageAdventureEmme/Lexis Numérique
Uncle Albert's Mysterious IslandAdventureEmme/Lexis Numérique
Underground Detective AgencyEducationalThe Web Production
UnoPuzzleMikael Bergerholm
UnprovokedActionCortic Software
UplinkStrategyIntroversion Software
UplinkSimulationIntroversion Software
Uplink: Hacker Eliteunknown
Vampire: The Masquerade – RedemptionRPGMacSoft
Vortex Next GenerationActionFeline Entertainment
Warbird 2.7 HiRes (!) CockpitsSimulationiEN
WarBirds 2.77SimulationiENtertainment Network
Warm FuzziesActionAngela Brett
WarpzoneunknownMatt Simmonds
Was ist Was - Wissen von A - ZEducationalBVM Produktion
WealthStrategyHarley Bradley
Wizardry 8RPGSir-Tech
X BallActionCrystal Pier Software
X-Plane 6SimulationLaminar Research
Xanti 1 - Aufregung im WunderwaldAdventureBVM Produktion
Ye Knights of the Coffee TableunknownTND Games
Yogurt Commercial IIAdventureEpic Banana
ZeppelynunknownBackward Engineering
Zoo Tycoonunknown
Zoombinis Mountain RescueEducationalThe Learning Company
Zork: Grand InquisitorAdventureActivision