2000 Games


Robot 249
10-Key RacingSportChrysler Graphics
20000 Avant J.C.unknown
3D Brick Bash 2.0ActionMatthew Diamond
3D Ultra Lionel TraintownPuzzle
4thEncounterPPCActionGreg Ewing
4x4 EvolutionSportGathering of Developers
9:05AdventureAdam Cadre
À la recherche du paquet de Choco KrispiesAdventureKellogg's
À la recherche du paquet de Choco KrispiesAdventureKellogg's
Addy Junior 2 - Lesen und RechnenEducationalCoktel
Addy Junior 2 - MusikEducationalCoktel
Adiboo: Discover Music, Melody & RhymeEducationalKnowledge Adventure
Adventures with Kanga Roddy - The Journey To Snow MountainEducationalAmerican Champion Entertainment
Age of Empires II: The ConquerorsStrategy
American McGee's AliceActionAspyr
American McGee's AliceActionElectronic Arts
AquaZone Desktop Pure Goldfish (Aquazone Desktop Life Pure <金魚>)Strategycinomix
Arthur's Camping AdventureEducationalMattel Interactive
Arthur's KindergartenEducationalHuman Code
Artus contre le Démon du MuséeEducationalGyoza Media
Asteroid StormActionDavid Stark
Asteroids (MacSoft)ActionActivision
AstroBlastActionJarir Maani
ATV RallyStrategyATV Information and Education Group
Avara Aftershock 1.5ActionAftershock Team
AvernumRPGJeff Vogel
Avernum 2RPGJeff Vogel
Backyard Baseball 2001SportHumongous Entertainment
Backyard Soccer MLS EditionSportHumongous Entertainment
Bad MilkAdventureDreaming Media
Baldur's GateRPGBioWare
Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn & Throne of BhaalRPGBioWare
Baldur's Gate 2: Shadows of AmnRPG
Barbie as Princess BrideAdventureRandom Games
Beach Head 2000ActionWizardWorks
Beatmania Da!!ActionHands On Entertainment
Being Andrew PlotkinAdventureJ. Robinson Wheeler
Benjamin Blumchen. ReporterspielEducationalBVM Produktion
Benjamin Blumchen. ZoospielEducationalBVM Produktion
Blobby VolleySportFreeware
BlockOut 2Puzzle
Bricks 2000PuzzleFreeware
Bricks 2000PuzzleInner-Smile.com
C-DogsActionRonny Wester
Call to Power 2StrategyActivision
Capitán Trueno, ElAdventureZeta Multimedia
Carmageddon: TDR 2000ActionTorus Games
Chessmaster 2000, Theunknown
Chessmaster 2000, Theunknown
Code Head: Calculated RiskEducationalKnowledge Adventure
Code name: Hell SquadActionDigital Dreams
Color HarmonyPuzzleCountry Fox
Combat Mission: Beyond OverlordStrategyBig Time Software
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2ActionElectronic Arts
Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun - FirestormStrategyElectronic Arts
Cro-Mag Rally Full PPCActionPangea Software
Cyberworld: Body TalkEducationalact-two
Daria's InfernoAdventureSelectSoft
Dark Reign 2Strategy
Deluxe Ski JumpingSportMediamond
Der Vergrabene SchatzunknownThomas Kneissler
Descent 3ActionInterplay
DesperabisAdventureFlorian Born
Deus ExRPG
Deus ExActionEidos Interactive, Inc.
Diablo IIActionBlizzard Entertainment
Digger (remake)ActionFreeware
Disney's Magic Artist 3DEducationalDisney Interactive
Div FroggerActionPako Rojas
Drei Fragezeichen - Das Geheimnis des MagiersAdventureUnited Soft Media
Duel 2000unknown
Dungeon Keeper 3: War for the OverworldStrategy
Ein Fall für Dich und das Tiger-Team: Das Geheimnis der Goldenen MumieAdventureTerzio
Emergency Room: Code BlueStrategyLegacy Interactive
Escape From Monkey IslandAdventureLucasArts
Euro League FootballunknownDinamic Multimedia
EvolvaActionInterplay Productions
Excitebike 64SportLeft Field Productions, Nintendo
F/A-18 Hornet 3.1 & KOREA 1.1 (Updates)SimulationGraphic Simulations
Fairy NightsAdventure
Final BoutActionImanok
FostiatorActionCDIV Games
FostiatorActionCDIV Games
Fuego de DragónunknownLogin
Fuzzy's World of Miniature Space GolfunknownPixel Painters
Gal Pani XAction
Games Interactive #2PuzzleEncore
Giants - Citizen KabutoActionInterplay
Giants: Citizen KabutoActionInterplay Entertainment
GrouchActionDinamic Multimedia
GrouchActionDinamic Multimedia
Ground ControlStrategy
Ground ControlStrategySierra On-Line Inc.
Hamtaro JankenunknownShogakukan
Happyland AdventuresActionFree Lunch Design
Helicoptero 2000unknown
Hitman: Codename 47ActionIO Interactive
Hitman: Codename 47ActionEidos Interactive, Inc.
Homeworld: CataclysmStrategyBarking Dog Studios
I Love Phonics!EducationalDorling Kindersley
Ice Cream TruckEducationalSunburst
Icewind DaleRPGBlack Isle Studios
Icewind DaleRPG
Icewind DaleAdventureInterplay Entertainment
Icewind DaleRPGBlack Isle Studios
Imperium Galactica 2StrategyDigital Reality
Invaders 78unknown
Jagdverband 44ActionHammer Technologies
Jagdverband 44ActionHammer Technologies
Jagdverband 44ActionHammer Technologies
Jagdverband 44ActionHammer Technologies
Jagdverband 44ActionHammer Technologies
Jagdverband 44ActionHammer Technologies
Jet Set Willy - A Bulgarian RequiemunknownAdban de Corcy
Jet Set Willy - Willy's Afterlife v2.00unknownAdban de Corcy
Jet Set Willy 1-1unknownNick Aldridge
Jönssonligan: Jakten på MjölnerAdventureIQ Media Nordic
Kawasaki ATV PowersportsSportMonkey Byte
Kawasaki Jet-Ski WatercraftSportEncore
Kid Pix InventionsEducationalThe Learning Company
Kid RunActionMonkey Farm Software
King of the HillStrategyFlying Tiger
KPI BallActionBoh-ken
Last Call (aka Happy Hour)StrategyCutlerCreative
Legend of Zelda, The: Majora’s MaskActionNintendo
Leif and the American VikingEducationalSVT Sveriges Television
Lloni be GoodActionDevilish Games
M - Alien ParanoiaActionDinamic Multimedia
Magic Hat aka SlimersActionWebfoot Technologies
MagykunknownTND Games
MagykunknownTND Games
Majesty: The Fantasy Kingdom SimStrategyCyberlore
Manic Miner 2000unknownFELL
Maximum PoolSportDynamix
MDK 2ActionInterplay
Melt DownunknownBinary Zone
Metal Slader Glory: Director's CutunknownNintendo Co., LTD
Micro FighterunknownArts of Darkness
Midtown Madness 2unknownAngel Studios
Millenium ShblibunknownMirage Designs
Millennium ShblibunknownBinary Zone
Missile Busters 2unknownTND Games
Missile Busters 2 Special EditionunknownTND Games
MonopolyunknownLeisure Genius
Mortadelo y FilemónAdventureZeta Multimedia
Mortadelo y FilemónAdventureZeta Multimedia
MW4 Agents of Metal Dojo v2unknownCovert BitOps
NaumachiaStrategyAPO Games
NevermoreAdventureNate Cull
NoxRPGWestwood Studios
O!Kay! CD-ROMs 2000EducationalBVM Produktion
Once Upon a Time... LifeEducationalThe Learning Company
Ouch!unknownMirage Designs
Ouch!unknownMirage Designs
Pajama Sam 3: You Are What You Eat From Your Head To Your Feet!AdventureHumongous Entertainment
Panto's Story (パントス ストーリー)AdventureKodansha
Paper MarioRPGNintendo
Patrician 2: Quest for Powerunknown
PC AtletismounknownFX Interactive
PC Fútbol 2000unknownDinamic Multimedia
PC Fútbol 2000unknownDinamic Multimedia
PC Fútbol 2000 Selección EspañolaunknownDinamic Multimedia
PC Fútbol 2001unknownDinamic Multimedia
Pelle Svanslös Goes Treasure-huntingAdventureVioma
Phonics Alive! 6: TypingEducationalAdvanced Software
Picross NP Vol. 6unknownJupiter
Picross NP Vol. 7unknownJupiter
Picross NP Vol. 8unknownJupiter
Plunk!PuzzleTimothy M Brown
PokéROMEducationalBasis Applied Technology
PowballActionAnthony Hamilton
Prisión, LaunknownDinamic Multimedia
Prism LandActionMidas Interactive Entertainment Ltd.
Project IGI: Im Going InActionUbi Soft
Putt-Putt Joins the CircusAdventureHumongous  Entertainment
Puzz-3D: The Orient Express from the TwentiesPuzzleDyad Digital Studios
Quake III ArenaActionActivision
Racehorse PinochleunknownLoadstar
Rayman 2: The Great EscapeActionUbi Soft
Reading Made Easy - Phonics FunhouseEducationalDorling Kindersley
Recipe BoxMiscSonoma Graphics
Return of the Incredible Machine - ContraptionsunknownDynamix
RobotunknownMirage Designs
Round RunknownLoadstar
Screamer 4&#215;4unknownChannel 42 Software
ShadeAdventureAndrew Plotkin
Siebenstein 2: Rudi und die Glitzermanten von FrierlandEducationalTerzio
Simon the Sorcerer 2: The Lion, the Wizard and the WardrobeAdventureAdventuresoft
Simon the Sorcerer II: The Lion, the Wizard and the WardrobeAdventureAdventure Soft Publishing
Small HouseAdventureZou Studio
Smashing DriveActionGaelco
Spaceship DuelunknownLoadstar
Star Trek: Voyager – Elite ForceActionRaven
Star Wars Math: Jabba's Game GalaxyEducationalLucas Learning
Starcrossed IIunknownLoadstar
StarlancerSimulationDigital Anvil
Stealth 4unknownTND Games
Target-X 2unknownMirage Designs
Target-X 2unknownMirage Designs
TerminusRPGVicarious Visions
The Legend of the Prophet and the AssassinAdventureArxel Tribe
The Longest JourneyAdventureFuncom
The Magic School Bus: In ConcertEducationalKnowWonder
The Operative: No One Lives ForeverActionMonolith Productions, Inc.
The Operative: No One Lives Foreverunknown
The Puzzle Page #188unknownLoadstar
The Puzzle Page #190unknownLoadstar
The Puzzle Page #192unknownLoadstar
The Silver SceptreunknownNathan Butcher
The SimsSimulationMaxis Software Inc.
The SimsStrategyMaxis
The Wonders of Electricity: An Adventure in SafetyEducationalInteractive Solutions New Media
Thief 2: The Metal AgeActionEidos
Thief 2: The Metal AgeActionEidos Interactive, Inc.
Thunder ArenaunknownTND Games
Thunder ArenaunknownTND Games
Thunder ArenaunknownTND Games
Tomb Raider: The Last RevelationAdventureCore Design
Torched EarthActionDelta Code
Torched EarthActionDelta Code
Typing Fighter IIActionApcom
Unreal Goldunknown
Unreal TournamentActioncompany
Valley of DeathunknownTomi Malinen
Vampire The Masquerade - RedemptionRPGActivision
Vampire: The Masquerade - RedemptionRPG
Virtual Game StationStrategyConnectix
VirtualHamsterStrategyIan J. Lander
WaterRaceSportFrench Touch
Wild Westunknown
Windows 3.1 Shareware: ULS3X320unknownWilliam W. Odlum
Wishful ThinkingunknownThe Skull
Wishful Thinking Deluxe VersionunknownThe Skull
Wizards & WarriorsRPGHeuristic Park, Inc.
X-Plane 5SimulationLaminar Research
Xenon 2000: Project PCFunknown
Zeus: Master of Olympusunknown
Zoboomafoo: Animal KidsEducationalBrighter Child Interactive