Title | Genre | Company |
265snake | Action | Brainstorm |
265snake | Action | Brainstorm |
Amores de Brunilda, Los | unknown | Retroworks |
Amores de Brunilda, Los | unknown | Retroworks |
Amores de Brunilda, Los | unknown | Retroworks |
Bagman | Action | |
Broken Sword 5: The Serpent's Curse | Adventure | Revolution Software |
Captain Verdeterre's Plunder | Adventure | Ryan Veeder |
Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead | RPG | Kevin Granade |
ESP Soft Collection | Misc | ESP Soft |
FX Fútbol 2.0 | unknown | FX Interactive |
Gauntlet | Action | AAMSX |
Gaurodan | Action | Locomalito |
Gaurodan | Action | Locomalito |
Gazzel Quest | Action | Demon Videogames |
Goku Mal | Action | Mojon Twins |
Gorgeous Gemma | unknown | Impulse9 |
Lemris | Puzzle | 1994 |
Malaika | Action | Relevo Videogames |
Misco Jones | Action | Radastan |
Misco Jones | Action | Radastan |
Mr. Cracksman | Action | Relevo Videogames |
Náyade Resistance | Action | Pentacour |
Nightmare on Halloween | Action | Radastan |
Ollie Ollie Oxen Free | Adventure | Carolyn VanEseltine |
Princess Rescue | Action | AtariAge |
Putty Squad | Action | Ocean Software, Inc. |
Ramiro el Vampiro | Action | Mojon Twins |
Robin & Orchid | Adventure | Emily Boegheim |
Shouganai | Action | Paxanga Soft |
Sir Ababol II | Action | Mojon Twins |
Sir Ababol II | Action | Mojon Twins |
Tex Bonaventure and the Temple of the Water of Life | Adventure | Jim Warrenfeltz |
The House at the End of Rosewood Street | Adventure | Michael Thomét |
WitchavenRL | RPG |