1993 Games


Robot 834
11 in 1 Ball SeriesMiscJ.Y. Company
15 Move Hole PuzzleAdultDEMONsoft
1830: Railroads & Robber BaronsStrategyAvalon Hill
1869StrategyMax design
18th Airborneunknown
1993trisPuzzleYoung K. Chung
1st Division ManagerSportCodemasters
3D Brick BashActionMatthew Diamond
3D Paddle Bash!ActionMatthew Diamond
3D World TennisSportSimulmondo
3d24unknownL.K. Avalon
58 in 1MiscSuper Technos.
7 Cities of GoldStrategyElectronic Arts
7 in 1 (Super Big)MiscUnlicensed pirate multicart
8 Ball DeluxeActionPAS Systems/Amte
8-Ball EmulatorStrategyScott Knudsen
A Journey Into XanthAdventure
A Journey into XanthAdventureNeil Sorenson
A320 AirbusSimulation
A320 Airbus: Edition USASimulationThalion
A320 Airbus: EuropeSimulationThalion Software
A320 Airbus: USASimulationThalion Software
Aa HarimanadaActionSega
Abandoned Places 2RPGArtgame
ABC Monday Night FootballSportData East Corporation
Accele BridunknownTomy
Ace ExplorerEducationalMindplay
Aces Over EuropeSimulationDynamix
Aces Over EuropeSimulation
Aces Over EuropeSimulationDynamix
Aces over EuropeSimulationDynamix
Aces over EuropeSimulationDynamix
Aces over EuropeunknownDynamix
Aces over EuropeunknownDynamix
Aces over Europe patch diskunknownDynamix
Achtung, die Kurve!ActionHero Music Company
AcquireActionToucan Track Club
Action PachiounknownCoconuts Japan
ActRaiser 2unknownEnix Corporation
ActRaiser 2ActionQuintet, Enix
Adventures of Pinocchio, TheunknownBit Managers
Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and FriendsunknownTHQ Inc.
Aero FightersActionVideo System
Aero the Acro-BatunknownSunsoft
Aerobiz SupersonicunknownKoei
After DarkunknownBerkeley Systems
Aide de CampunknownHPS
Aide de Camp Module: Stalingrad PocketunknownHPS
Air Duel: 80 Years of DogfightingunknownMicroprose
Air Duel: 80 Years of DogfightingunknownMicroprose
Air Traffic Controller SimulatorStrategyG.E.Randall
Albert OdysseyunknownSunsoft
AlcahestunknownSquare Co., Ltd.
ALeX-WORLD (アレックス・ワールド)AdventureAS Entertainment Planning
Alien BlastunknownDean Garraghty Software
Alien BreedActionTeam 17
Alien Breed 2: The Horror ContinuesActionTeam17 Software Limited
Alien Breed II: The Horror ContinuesActionTeam 17
Alien CarnageActionApogee
Alien LegacyStrategyYbarra Productions
Alien LegacyunknownSierra
Alien LegacyunknownSierra
Alien vs PredatorActionActivision
Alien Vs. Predator (SNES)ActionInformation Global Service
AliensunknownMarc Tebeka
Allan Border's Cricketunknown
Alone in the Dark 2unknown
Amazon SkullsunknownToggle Booleans
Amazon: Guardians of EdenunknownAccess Software
AmbermoonRPGThalion Software
Ambush at SorinorStrategy
Ambush at SorinorStrategyMindcraft
Ambush at SorinorStrategyMindcraft
Ambush at SorinorunknownMindcraft
An American TailunknownCapstone
Ancients 1 - Death WatchRPGFarr-Ware Software
Ancients 2 - Approaching EvilRPGFarr-Ware Software
Ancients I: Death WatchRPGFarrware
Ancients II: Approaching EvilRPGFarrware
Ancients II: Approaching EvilRPGEpic Megagames
AnstossunknownAscon GmbH
AnstossunknownAscon GmbH
AnstossunknownAscon GmbH
Anstoss: World Cup EditionunknownAscon GmbH
AppleFieldPuzzleLorenzo Cangiano
Apprentice, TheunknownZenobi Software
Arabian NightsActionKrisalis
Arcade TriviaPuzzleZeppelin Games
Arcade Trivia QuizPuzzle
ArcheounknownProxima Software
Archer MacLean's PoolSportVirgin
Arcus SpiritsunknownSammy Studios
Ardy LightfootActionASCII Entertainment
Aretha the Super FamicomunknownYanoman
Argo CheckersPuzzleArgo Games
Arkanoid (Eclipse Software)ActionEclipse
Arkanoid III The Last Chanceunknown
Armaeth - The Lost KingdomAdventureReal World Soft
Armaëth: The Lost KingdomunknownGrandslam
ArmageddonunknownSVC Software
Arnie 2unknown
Arnie 2ActionZeppelin Games
Art Of FightingunknownTakara
Arthur's Teacher TroubleEducationalThe Learning Company
Astérix and the Great RescueActionCore Design
Astérix and the Great RescueActionCore Design
Astérix and the Great RescueActionCore Design
Astérix and the Secret MissionActionSEGA Enterprises
AtomicunknownPhilippe Lesire
AurumunknownL.K. Avalon
AurumunknownL.K. Avalon
AvenunknownProxima Software
AvishPuzzleBUG Multisystem Ltd.
Avish!PuzzleBUG Multisystem Ltd.
Axis The Game CheaterMiscBaseline Publishing
B.O.B.unknownElectronic Arts
Baby LabyrinthActionSimone and Marianna Bettini
BabyLabyrinthActionSimone Bettini
BackGround TetrisPuzzleAlex Yakovlev
BackGround TetrisPuzzleAlex Yakovlev
BackstageAdventureArt Department
Bailey's Book HouseunknownEdmark
Ball Bearingunknown
BalloonzActionAcumen Software
BarahirunknownL.K. Avalon
BarahirunknownL.K. Avalon
BarahirunknownL.K. Avalon
BarbarianunknownL.K. Avalon
BarbarianunknownL.K. Avalon
BarbarianunknownL.K. Avalon
BarbarianunknownL.K. Avalon
Barbie Super ModelEducationalTahoe Software
Barbie Super ModelAction
Barbie: Super ModelunknownHi Tech Expressions
Barney Bear Goes to the FarmEducationalFree Spirit Software
Bases Loaded 4SportJaleco
Bass Duelunknown
Batman ReturnsActionKonami Computer Entertainment Japan, Inc.
Batman ReturnsActionKonami
Battle CarsSportNamco Ltd
Battle ClashunknownNintendo Co., LTD
Battle Dodge Ball IIunknownBanpresto
Battle Isle 2StrategyBlue Byte
Battle Isle 2200StrategyBlue Byte
Battle Isle 93 - The Moon of ChromosStrategyBlue Byte Software, Inc.
Battle Isle 93: The Moon of ChromosStrategy
Battle Master: Kyuukyoku no SenshitachiunknownToshiba
BattleshipunknownMindscape, Inc.
Battletoads & Double DragonActionTradewest, Rare
Battletoads in BattlemaniacsActionRare Limited
Battletoads in BattlemaniacsActionRare Limited
Bazooka BlitzkriegunknownBandai America, Inc.
BC RacersSimulationCore Design
Beethoven 2Action
Beethoven: The Ultimate Canine Caper!unknownHi Tech Expressions
Beethoven's 2ndActionHi Tech Expressions
Beethovens 2ndActionHi Tech Expressions
BelzerionAdventureHuman Entertainment
Beneath A Steel SkyAdventureVirgin Interactive Entertainment
Betrayal at KrondorunknownDynamix
Bi-Fi Roll: Snack Zoneunknown
Bi-Fi Roll: SnackzoneAdventureArt Department
Bible BuffetunknownWisdom Tree
Bing Bing! BingounknownKSS
Bio MenaceActionApogee
Bio MenaceActionApogee
Bio Menace - Episode 3: Master CainActionApogee Software
Bio Menace Episode 1: Dr. Mangle's LabAction
Bio Menace Episode 2: The Hidden LabAction
Bio Menace Episode 3: Master CainAction
Bio Miracle Bokutte UpaunknownKonami Computer Entertainment Japan, Inc.
Bishoujo Janshi Suchie-PaiunknownJaleco
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon RunknownBandai America, Inc.
Black HolePuzzleLouis DeSetto
Black HolePuzzleLouis DeSetto
Black SectAdventureLankhor
Black SectAdventure
Black Tower II - A Serpentine TaleunknownZenobi Software
Blake Stone 1: Aliens of Goldunknown
Blake Stone: Aliens of GoldActionApogee Software, LTD.
Blake Stone: Aliens of GoldActionApogee
Blake Stone: Aliens of GoldActionApogee
Blake Stone: Aliens of GoldunknownApogee
Blake Stone: Aliens of GoldunknownApogee
Blake Stone: Aliens of GoldunknownApogee
Blake Stone: Aliens of GoldunknownApogee
Blake Stone: Aliens of GoldunknownApogee
Blake Stone: Aliens of GoldunknownApogee
Blake Stone: Aliens of GoldunknownApogee
Blake Stone: Aliens of GoldunknownApogee
Blaster Master 2ActionSunsoft
BlitzPuzzlePC Solutions
Block BreakerPuzzleYutaka Emura
BlockBreaker, 3.01E for Windows.unknownYutaka Emura
BlocksPuzzleScott Fiske
BlocksPuzzleScott Fiske
Bloodstone - An Epic Dwarven TaleRPGMindcraft
BludištěunknownIng. Miroslav Nemecek
BludištìunknownIng. Miroslav Nemecek
Blue ForceAdventureTsunami
Blues Brothers 2ActionTitus
Body BlowsActionTeam 17
Body BlowsActionTeam 17
Body BlowsActionTeam17
Body BlowsunknownTeam17
Body Blows GalacticActionTeam17 Software Limited
Body Blows: Have the Fight of Your Life!ActionTeam 17
BombiunknownPower Per Post
BOTunknownDreamers Guild
Boxing Legends of the RingSportElectro Brain
Bram Stoker’s DraculaActionPsygnosis Limited
Bram Stoker's DraculaActionSony Imagesoft
Bravo Romeo Deltaunknown
Break Time: The National Pool TourSportFCI
Breath of FireRPGCapcom Co., Ltd.
Breath of FireRPGCapcom
Brutal RecallunknownK-Soft
Brutal RecallunknownK-Soft
Brutal Sports FootballSportMillenium
Brutal Sports FootballSportMillennium
Brutal Sports FootballunknownMillenium
Bubble Bobble - The AdventureunknownAP's Adventures
Bubble Bobble: Part 2unknownTaito America Corporation
Bubble DizzyAction
Bubble TroubleunknownDreamers Guild
Bubsy in: Claws Encounters of the Furred KindunknownAccolade
Buggy RunSportSIMS Co., Ltd.
Buggy RunActionSega Corporation
Bully's Sporting DartsunknownAlternative Software
Bully's Sporting DartsSportAlternative Software Ltd.
Bundesliga Manager 3unknown
Bunny BricksAction
Bunny BricksActionSilmarils
Burai: Hachigyoku no Yuushi DensetsuunknownIGS
BurntimeStrategyMax Design
BurntimeActionMax Design MBH
BurntimeStrategyMax Design
Buzz Aldrin's Race Into SpaceStrategyStrategic Visions, Inc.
Buzz Aldrin's Race into SpaceSimulation
C.I.T.Y. 2000: LondonunknownRollogame
Caesar iii crackStrategyMacPlay
Call of Chtulhu: Shadow of the CometMiscInfogrames Europe
Campaign 2StrategyEmpire Software
Cannon FodderActionVirgin Interactive
Cannon FodderStrategySensible Software
Cannon FodderunknownVirgin
Cannon FodderunknownVirgin
CAPCOM's MVP FootballSimulationCapcom Co., Ltd.
Captain DynamoActionCode Masters
Captain Tsubasa IV: Pro no Rival TachiunknownTecmo, Ltd.
Capture the FlagStrategyCarr Software
Capture the FlagStrategy
Car & DriverSimulationLooking Glass Technologies
CarnageSimulationZeppelin Games
Carriers at WarunknownSSG
Carriers at War 2SimulationSSG Strategic Studies
Carriers at War 2unknownSSG
Carriers at War: Construction KitunknownSSG
CartePuzzleArt Min
Casino BlackJack for Windows V.2.1s.unknownPyramid Software Development (PSD)
Casino DerbyunknownParty Room 21
Castle Adventure Simulatorunknown
Castle of the WindsRPGEpic MegaGames
Castle of the WindsRPG
Catacomb Apocalypse, TheActionSoftdisk Publishing
Catacomb Armageddonunknown
Celtic CarnageunknownZenobi Software
Central Point PC Tools ProunknownCentral Point
Cerv IActionVladimir Chvatil
Cerv IActionVladimir Chvatil
Cerv IIActionVladimir Chvatil
Cerv IIActionVladimir Chvatil
Cervii (ÄŒervi)ActionVladimír Chvátil
CHAMP Centipedeunknown
Championship ManagerunknownDomark
Championship Manager '93StrategyDomark
Championship manager '93SportDomark
Championship Manager 93unknown
Championship Manager ItaliaStrategyDomark
Championship PoolSimulationMindscape, Inc.
Chaos EngineActionBitmap Brothers
Chaos EngineunknownBitmap Brothers
Chaos Engine, TheActionBitmap Brothers
Chaos Engine, TheActionThe Bitmap Brothers
Chaos Engine, TheActionThe Bitmap Brothers
Chaos Engine, TheActionThe Bitmap Brothers
Chinese SolitaireunknownRandy Rasa
Chip ’N Dale: Rescue Rangers 2ActionCapcom
Chopper Duelunknown
Chuck Rock II: Son of ChuckActionSega Corporation
CimmerjanunknownSindicato del Software
CimmerjanunknownSindicato del Software
Civilization 1.0 for WindowsStrategyMicroProse \(Sid Meier\)
Clash of SteelStrategyStrategic Simulations, Inc.
Clash of SteelStrategy
Classic RoadunknownVictor Interactive Software
Clay FighterMiscInterplay Productions
CliffhangerActionSony (CSG) Imagesoft
CliffhangerActionMalibu Interactive
CliffhangerActionSpidersoft, Sony
CliffhangerActionSpidersoft, Sony
Code: EuropeEducationalSynergistic Software
Code: EuropeunknownCompu-Teach
Cohort II: Fighting for RomeStrategyImpressions
Color A DinosaurunknownVirgin Games
Comanche: Maximum OverkillSimulationNovalogic
Comanche: Maximum OverkillunknownNovalogic
Comanche: Maximum OverkillunknownNovalogic
Comanche: Maximum OverkillunknownNovalogic
Comanche: Maximum OverkillunknownNovalogic
Comanche: Mission Disk 1 - Global ChallengeunknownNovalogic
Comanche: Mission Disk 1 - Global ChallengeunknownNovalogic
Comanche: Mission Disk 1 - Global ChallengeunknownNovalogic
Comanche: Mission Disk 2 - Over the EdgeunknownNovalogic
Comanche: Mission Disk 2 - Over the EdgeunknownNovalogic
Comanche: Mission Disk 2 - Over the EdgeunknownNovalogic
Companions of XanthAdventureLegend Entertainment Company
Companions of XanthAdventureLegend Entertainment Company
Companions of XanthunknownLegend Entertainment
Companions of XanthunknownLegend Entertainment
Companions of XanthunknownLegend Entertainment
Complete Chess SystemunknownOxford Softworks
Computer Undergroundunknown
Conquest of the Longbow - The Legend of Robin HoodAdventureSierra
Conveni Wars Barcode Battler Senki: Super Senshi Shutsugeki Seyo!unknownEpoch Co.
Cool Coyote aka Fire & IceActionRenegade Software
Cool SpotActionVirgin Games
Cool WorldunknownOcean Software, Inc.
Cool WorldActionTwilight
Cool WorldActionOcean
Cool WorldunknownOcean
CooltrisunknownNew Breed Software
Cosmic SpaceheadActionCodemasters
Cosmic SpaceheadunknownCodemasters
Cosmic SpaceheadunknownCodemasters
Cosmo Gang the PuzzleunknownNamco Ltd
Cosmo Police Galivan II: Arrow of JusticeunknownNichibutsu
Coverdisk: PC Games (1993/03)unknown
Coverdisk: PC Games (1993/05)unknown
Coverdisk: PC Games (1993/06)unknown
Coverdisk: PC Games (1993/07)unknownElectronic Arts
Coverdisk: PC Games (1993/08)unknown
Coverdisk: PC Games (1993/09)unknownMindcraft
Coverdisk: PC Games (1993/10)unknownInterplay
Coverdisk: PC Games (1993/11)unknown
Coverdisk: PC Games (1993/12)unknown
Coverdisk: PC Games (1994/01)unknownEpic Megagames
CPC Invadersunknown
Crash 'n BurnActionCrystal Dynamics
Crayon Shin-chan: Arashi wo yobu EnjiunknownBandai America, Inc.
Crayon Shin-chan: Ora to Poi PoiunknownBandai America, Inc.
Crazy Nick's Roger Wilco's Spaced Out Games PackAction
Crime cityAdventureImpressions
Crime Cityunknown
Crime cityAdventureImpressions
Crime FighterSimulation
Crystal Missionunknown
Crystals of KingsunknownZenobi Software
Crystals of KingsunknownZenobi Software
Crystals of Kings - IntrounknownZenobi Software
Crystals of Kings - IntrounknownZenobi Software
Curse of the CatacombsActionFroggman
Curse of the CatacombsActionFroggman
Cyber Culture Magazine, Vol. 1, Issue 1.unknownCreatiVision
Cyber RaceActionCyberdreams Inc.
Cycle WarzActionVectorScope Software
Cycle WarzActionVectorScope Software
CzaszkiunknownL.K. Avalon
CzaszkiunknownL.K. Avalon
CzaszkiunknownL.K. Avalon
Czaszki + ElectraunknownL.K. Avalon
DaemonsgateunknownImagitec Design
Daffy Duck: The Marvin MissionsunknownSunsoft
Daibakushou Jinsei Gekijou: Dokidoki SeishununknownTaito America Corporation
Daiku no Gen-san 2: Akage no Dan no GyakushuuunknownIrem Software Engineering, Inc.
Daisy QuestEducationalJohan Strandberg
DaisyQuestEducationalGreat Wave Software
Dalek AttackActionAlternative Software
Dama italianaunknownPC Solutions
DancerStrategyBetter Homes and Gardens
Dangerous Dave: Dave Goes NutzActionSoftdisk Publishing
Dangerous Dave: Risky RescueAction
Dangerous StreetsActionMicromania
Dare to DreamunknownEpic Megagames
Dark AbyssunknownMirage
Dark AbyssunknownMirage
Dark AbyssunknownMirage
Dark Gladiator, TheunknownFSF Adventures
Dark Sun - Shattered LandsRPGStrategic Simulations Inc.
Dark Sun - Shattered LandsunknownSSI
Dark Sun - Shattered LandsunknownSSI
Dark Sun: Shattered LandsRPG
Darkmere: The Nightmare's BegunRPGZero Hour Software
Das schmutzige ErbeAdventureUmweltbundesamt
Das Telekommando kehrt zurückAdventureTelekom
Dave Goes Nutz aka Dangerous Dave 4ActionSoftdisk Publishing
Dave Goes Nutz!ActionSoftdisk
Day of the TentacleAdventureLucasarts
DeadEndPuzzleWolfgang Thaller
Death BradeunknownI'Max
Deep Duck Trouble starring Donald DuckActionSEGA Enterprises
DeimosunknownSonix Software
DeimosunknownSonix Software
DeimosunknownSonix Software
DeimosunknownSonix Software
Delta VunknownBethesda
DemonunknownGlonisz Soft
DemonunknownGlonisz Soft
Demon BlueActionMicroValue
DenebunknownRobespix Software
Dennis the MenaceActionOcean Software, Inc.
Der Rote Mondsteinunknown
Desert Speedtrap Starring Road Runner & Wile E. CoyoteunknownSega Corporation
DetroitunknownImpressions Games
DetroitStrategySierra On-Line Inc.
DiarmidunknownZenobi Software
DiarmidunknownZenobi Software
Die Neue StadtunknownV.Delboi & O.Scholz
Die PruefungunknownKingsoft
Die PruefungunknownKingsoft
Die Schöne Und Das BiestunknownInfogrames
Die SiedlerStrategyBlue Byte
Die SiedlerRPGBlue Byte
Die SiedlerunknownBlue Byte
Die SiedlerunknownBlue Byte
Dinopark TycoonStrategyMECC
Dinopark Tycoonunknown
Dinosaur AdventureEducationalKnowledge Adventure
Disney’s AladdinActionVirgin, Capcom
Disney’s DuckTales 2ActionCapcom
Disney’s DuckTales 2ActionCapcom
Disney’s Goof TroopPuzzleCapcom
Disney's The Jungle BookActionVirgin Interactive
Dizzy - MagiclandActionCodemasters
Dizzy - Prince of the YolkfolkunknownCodemasters
Dizzy VII - Crystal Kingdom DizzyunknownCodemasters
Dizzy: Prince of the Yolkfolkunknown
Dizzy';s FastfoodActionCodemasters
Dizzy's KwiksnaxPuzzleCodemasters
DJ PuffAction
DJ Puffs Voltcantic CapersActionCodemasters
Dogfight - 80 Years of Aerial WarfareActionMicroprose Software, Inc.
Dogfight - 80 Years of Aerial WarwareSimulationMicroProse
Dogfight: 80 Years of DogfightingunknownMicroprose
Dolucky no KusayakiuunknownTechnos Japan Corp.
Dominate v1.0 for Windows 3.1unknownShadoware
DoomActionID Software
DoomActionid Software
DoomActionid Software
Doomunknownid Software
Doomunknownid Software
Doomunknownid Software
Doomunknownid Software
DoomAdventureid Software
DoomRPGid Software
Doomunknownid Software
Doomunknownid Software
Doomunknownid Software
Doomunknownid Software
Doomunknownid Software
Doom patch diskAdventureid Software
Doom: Aliens!!unknownid Software
Doom: Special EditionStrategyid Software
Doom: Special EditionRPGid Software
Doraemon 2: Nobita no Toys Land DaiboukenAdventureEpoch Co.
Doraemon: Nobita to Yousei no KuniunknownEpoch Co.
DOS-Trend Heftdiskette 4/5/93unknownPearl Agency
DOS-Trend Heftdiskette 8/9/93unknownPearl Agency
DOSmineStrategyDavid Vancina
DosmineStrategyDavid Vancina
Dr. Robotnik’s Mean Bean MachinePuzzleSega
Dr. Robotnik’s Mean Bean MachinePuzzleSega
Dr. Robotnik’s Mean Bean MachinePuzzleSega
Draconus IV: La LeyendaunknownWillysoft
Dracula UnleashedAdventureICOM Simulations
Dracula UnleashedAdventureIcom Simulations
Dragon Ball Z: Super ButōdenunknownBandai America, Inc.
Dragon Force - Day 3unknown
Dragon Quest I & IIRPGEnix, Chunsoft
Dragon Quest I & IIunknownEnix Corporation
Dragon's EarthunknownHuman Entertainment
Dragon's LairunknownKonami
Dreamworld PogieActionUnreleased
Droga WojownikaunknownASF
Droga WojownikaunknownASF
Droga WojownikaunknownASF
Drop It!unknownSonix Software
Duke Nukem 2Action
Duke Nukem 2unknownApogee
Duke Nukem 2unknownApogee
Duke Nukem 2unknownApogee
Duke Nukem IIActionApogee Software, LTD.
Duke Nukem II - Episode 4Action
Dungeon HackRPG
Dungeon HackRPGSSI
Dungeon HackRPGSSI
Dungeon Master 2: The Legend of SkullkeepRPGFTL Games
Dwie WiezeunknownASF
Dwie WiezeunknownASF
Dwie WiezeunknownASF
Dwie WiezeunknownASF
Dwie WiezeunknownASF
Dwie WiezeunknownASF
Dylan Dog - 11 - IL marchio rossoActionSimulmondo
Dylan Dog - 11 - IL marchio rossoActionSimulmondo
Dylan Dog - 12 - Il lungo addioActionSimulmondo
Dylan Dog - 13 - I killer venuti dal buioActionSimulmondo
Dylan Dog - 14 - Il Bosco degli assassiniActionSimulmondo
Dylan Dog - 15 - InferniActionSimulmondo
Dylan Dog - 16 - FantasmiActionSimulmondo
Dylan Dog - 17 - Il cimitero dimenticatoActionSimulmondo
Dynamic StadiumunknownSammy Corporation
Dziedzictwo GigantowunknownMirage
Dziedzictwo GigantowunknownMirage
Eagle Eye MysteriesAdventureEA Kids
Eagle Eye Mysteries in LondonAdventureHigh Score Productions
Eagle Eye Mysteries: The OriginalAdventure
Eagle Eye Mysteries: The OriginalEducationalElectronic Arts
Eamon 019 - Death TrapunknownNelson, J.
Eamon 023 - The Temple of NgurctunknownJ. & R. Plamondon
Eamon 036 - The Citadel of BloodunknownHodson, E.
Eamon 050 - Behind the Sealed DoorunknownBerge, T.
Early MathEducationalBright Star Technology
Earth Command: The Future of Our World is in Your HandsStrategyVisionary Media
Earth InvasionActionOracle Software
Easy MoneyunknownL.K. Avalon
Ecco the DolphinActionSEGA of America, Inc.
Eco Quest 2 - The Lost Secret of the RainforestunknownSierra
EcoQuest 2: Lost Secret of the RainforestActionSierra On-Line Inc.
Edo no KibaunknownMicro World
Eight Ball DeluxeActionAmtex
Eight Ball Deluxe v2ActionAmtext
Eishockey ManagerSportSoftware 2000
Eishockey ManagerStrategySoftware 2000
El-FishStrategyElectronic Arts
ElectraunknownL.K. Avalon
ElectraunknownL.K. Avalon
ElectraunknownL.K. Avalon
ElectraunknownL.K. Avalon
Electro ManActionxLand Games
Electro Man aka Electro BodyActionEpic MegaGames
Elefanten!Strategyelefanten Schuh GmbH
Elfos de Maroland, LosunknownKame Soft
Elfos de Maroland, LosunknownKame Soft
Empire DeluxeStrategyNew World Computing
Empire DeluxeStrategy
Empire DeluxeStrategyWhite Wolf Productions
Empire DeluxeStrategyNew World Computing
Empire DeluxeunknownNew World Computing
Empire DeluxeunknownNew World Computing
Empire DeluxeunknownNew World Computing
Empire Deluxe ScenariosunknownNew World Computing
Endless HorrorAction
Energie-ManagerStrategyRauser Advertainment
Epic PinballActionEpic
Epic PinballAction
Epic PinballActionEpic Games
Epic PinballActionEpic MegaGames
Epic PinballunknownEpic Megagames
Epic PinballunknownEpic Megagames
Epic PinballunknownEpic Megagames
Epic PinballunknownEpic Megagames
Epic Pinball - Crash & BurnunknownEpic Megagames
Epic Pinball - CyborgirlunknownEpic Megagames
Epic Pinball - CyborgirlRPGEpic Megagames
Epic Pinball - Deep SeaunknownEpic Megagames
Epic Pinball - EnigmaunknownEpic Megagames
Epic Pinball Pack 1unknownEpic Megagames
Epic Pinball Pack 2unknownEpic Megagames
Epic Pinball Pack 3unknownEpic Megagames
EquinoxActionSony Imagesoft
Eric the UnreadyAdventureLegend Entertainment Company
Eric the UnreadyAdventure
Escaping Habit, TheunknownZenobi Software
Evasive ActionSimulation
Eye of the Beholder 3RPGSSI
Eye of the Beholder 3 - Assault on Myth DrannorRPGSSI
Eye of the Beholder 3: Assault on Myth DrannorAdventureSSI
Eye of the Beholder 3: Assault on Myth DrannorunknownSSI
Eye of the Beholder 3: Assault on Myth DrannorunknownSSI
Eye of the Beholder 3: Assault on Myth DrannorunknownSSI
Eye of the Beholder 3: Assault on Myth DrannorunknownSSI
Eye of the Beholder III: Assault on Myth DrannorRPGSSI
Eye of the StormSimulation
Eye of the StormunknownRebellion Developments
F-1 Grand Prix Part IIunknownVideo System
F-15 Strike Eagle 3SimulationMicroProse
F-15 Strike Eagle 3unknownMicroprose
F-15 Strike Eagle 3unknownMicroprose
F-15 Strike Eagle 3unknownMicroprose
F.A.S. SoccerSportGeorge Loo
F/A-18 HornetSimulationGraphic Simulations
F1SportDomark Software
F1 (Formula One)SportLankhor
F1 (Formula One)SportLankhor
F1 (Formula One)SportLankhor
F1 (Formula One)SportLankhor
F1 ROC II: Race of ChampionsunknownSeta
FaceMakerPuzzleJeff Buell
FaceTrexPuzzleSoleau Software
FactoryEducationalWings for Learning
Factory: The Industrial DevolutionPuzzleRoundHouse Software
Family DogunknownMalibu Games
Family FeudunknownGameTek Inc
Fantastic Adventures of Dizzy, TheActionCodemasters Software
Fantastic DizzyAdventureCodemasters
Fantasy EmpiresStrategy
Fatal Fury 2unknownTakara
Fatal RelationsAdventureC's Ware
Fates of TwinionunknownSierra
Fates of TwinionunknownSierra
Fatty Bear';s Birthday SurpriseEducationalHumongous Entertainment
Fatum - IntrounknownASF
Fatum - IntrounknownASF
Fatum - IntrounknownASF
Fields of GloryStrategy
FIFA International SoccerSportElectronic Arts
Fighter’s HistoryActionData East
Final Demand, TheunknownZenobi Software
Final Doom: The Plutonia Experimentunknownid Software
Final Doom: TNT: Evilutionunknownid Software
Final Fight 2ActionCapcom
Final StretchunknownLOZC G. Amusements
Fine ArtistunknownMicrosoft
Fire & IceunknownGraftgold
Fire & IceunknownGraftgold
Fire and IceAction
Fire PowerunknownASF
Fire PowerunknownASF
First SamuraiunknownKemco/Seika
Fist FighterSportZeppelin Games
Flak AttackunknownDreamers Guild
FlashbackActionDelphine Software
FlashbackAdventureDelphine Software International
Flinstone's AdventuresunknownJK Soft
Flintstones, The: The Surprise at Dinosaur Peak!ActionTaito
Football Manager 3unknown
For Pete's SakeunknownZenobi Software
For Pete's SakeunknownZenobi Software
Forgotten Realms: Unlimited AdventuresRPG
Formula 1 SensationunknownPalcom
Four Hillsunknown
Four Season 1.01unknownRandy Rasa
Four Symbols, TheunknownFSF Adventures
Four Symbols, TheunknownFSF Adventures
Frank & MarkunknownL.K. Avalon
Frank & MarkunknownL.K. Avalon
Frank & MarkunknownL.K. Avalon
Frank & MarkunknownL.K. Avalon
Freddy PharkasAdventureSierra
Freddy PharkasunknownSierra
Freddy PharkasunknownSierra
Freddy Pharkas - Frontier PharmacistunknownSierra
Freddy Pharkas: Frontier PharmacistAdventure
Freddy Pharkas: Frontier PharmacistAdventureSierra On-Line
Front Page Sports Football ProunknownDynamix
Front Page Sports Football ProunknownDynamix
Front Page Sports: Football ProSportDynamix, Inc.
Frontier: Elite 2StrategyGameTek
Frontier: Elite 2Simulation
Frontier: Elite 2SimulationGameTek
Frontier: Elite 2SimulationGameTek
Frontier: Elite 2unknownGameTek
Frontier: Elite 2unknownGameTek
Frontier: Elite IIMiscGameTek Inc
Frontier: First EncountersunknownGameTek
Fury of the FurriesActionKalisto
Fury of the FurriesActionMindscape, Inc.
Fury of the FurriesActionKalisto
Fury of the FurriesActionKalisto
Gabriel KnightAdventureSierra On-Line
Gabriel Knight: Les Peches des AncetresunknownSierra
Gabriel Knight: Sins of the fathersAdventureSierra On-Line Inc.
Gabriel Knight: Sins of the FathersunknownSierra
Gabriel Knight: Sins of the FathersActionSierra
Gabriel Knight: Sünden der VäterunknownSierra
Gabriel Knight: Sünden der VäterunknownSierra
Gadget: Invention, Travel, & Adventure (ガジェット)AdventureSynergy Interactive
Galacta - The Battle for SaturnActionSean M. Puckett
Galactic Warrior RatsunknownSummit Software
Gamma ZeeActionDwight Rogers
Ganbare Daiku no GensanunknownIrem Software Engineering, Inc.
Ganbare Goemon 2: Kiteretsu Shōgun MagginesuunknownKonami
Garry Kitchen's Super Battletank: War in the GulfunknownAbsolute Entertainment
Gary Grigsby's War in RussiaStrategy
Gary Grigsby's War in RussianStrategyStrategic Simulations Inc.
Gary Grigsby's War in RussiaunknownSSI
Gateway 2 - HomeworldAdventureLegend Entertainment Company
Gateway 2: HomeworldAdventureLegend Entertainment
Gateway II: HomeworldAdventureLegend
GateworldActionHomebrew Software
GateworldunknownHomebrew Software
Gauntlet IVActionAtari Games, Tengen
Gear WorksunknownHollyware
Gegege no Kitarou: Fukkatsu! Tenma DaiouunknownBandai America, Inc.
Geheimprojekt DMSOPuzzleArt Department
Geheimprojekt DMSOunknownMerckle GmbH
Gekitotsu Dangan Jidōsha Kessen: Battle MobileunknownSystem Sacom
GemstonesunknownWilliam D. Rinehart
GemstonesunknownWilliam D. Rinehart
Gendai Daisenryaku EXunknownSystemSoft
Genghis Khan 2 - Clan of the Grey WolfStrategyKoei Corporation
Genghis Khan II: Clan of the Gray WolfunknownKoei
Get the Girl!unknownVince Paul Balatbat
GetaLife v1.0; version \unknownDave Crawford
GladiatorsActionSteve Metcalf
Global DominationStrategyImpressions
Global DominationStrategy
Global DominationunknownImpressions
Global GladiatorsActionVirgin Interactive
Global WarunknownL.K. Avalon
Global WarunknownL.K. Avalon
Global WarunknownL.K. Avalon
Go! Go! Dodge LeagueunknownPack-in-Video Co., Ltd.
Goal!SportVirgin Games
Gobliins 2: The Prince BuffoonAdventure
Goblins 3unknownCoktel Vision
Goblins 3: QuestMiscSierra On-Line Inc.
God of thunderPuzzleFreeware
God of ThunderRPG
God of ThunderAdventureAdept Software
Golden Axe 3ActionSEGA Enterprises Ltd.
Golden Locket, TheunknownZenobi Software
Golden Locket, The - IntrounknownZenobi Software
Goof TroopPuzzleCapcom
GP RiderunknownSega Corporation
GP-1SportGenki, Atlus
GP-1SportAtlus Software, Inc.
Grabbed by the Ghoulies!unknownFSF Adventures
Great Naval Battles: North Atlantic 1939-43 - America in the AtlanticunknownSSI
Great Naval Battles: North Atlantic 1939-43 - Scenario BuilderunknownSSI
Great Naval Battles: North Atlantic 1939-43 - Super Ships of the AtlanticunknownSSI
Guns 'R' Usunknown
Gunstar HeroesActionTreasure
Gunstar HeroesActionTreasure
Gus Goes to CybertownunknownModern Media Ventures
Hail!ActionKen Iwasa
Hakunetsu Pro Yakyuu '94: Ganba League 3unknownEpic/Sony Records
HamstersPuzzleInterQuest Productions
Happyweed!ActionChristopher B. Council
Hatayama Hatch no Pro Yakyuu News! Jitsumei HanunknownEpoch Co.
HawkmoonunknownL.K. Avalon
Hebereke's PopoonPuzzleSunsoft
Hedor del Dinero, ElunknownLópez Grao
Hedor del Dinero, ElunknownLópez Grao
Heirs to the throneStrategyQuantum Quality Productions
Heli KillerunknownTajemnice Atari
Helicopter MissionSimulationRauser Advertainment
Helicopter MissionunknownBundeswehr
Helicopter MissionunknownBundeswehr
HeliousStrategyAlbino Frog Software, Inc.
Helious 2StrategyAlbino Frog Software, Inc.
Hell CabAdventureDigital Fusion, Inc.
Helvera - Mistress of the ParkunknownFSF Adventures
Heros: The Sanguine SevenAction
HexxagonPuzzleArgo Games
Hexxagon 2PuzzleArgo Games
Higashio Osamu Kanshuu Super Pro Yakyuu StadiumunknownTokuma Shoten
Hired GunsRPGDMA Design Limited
Hired GunsunknownPsygnosis
Hired GunsRPGPsygnosis
Holiday LemmingsStrategyPsygnosis
Holiday Lemmings '93PuzzlePsygnosis Limited
Holiday Lemmings 1993PuzzlePsygnosis
Holye Classic Card GamesStrategySierra
Homey D. ClownAdventure
Homey D. ClownunknownCapstone
Honba za PoklademunknownProxima Software
Honkaku Mahjong: TetsumanunknownNaxat Soft
HonkyunknownL.K. Avalon
HonkyunknownL.K. Avalon
Honoo no Toukyuuji: Dodge Danpei 2unknownSunsoft
Hoshi no Kirby: Yume no Izumi no MonogatariunknownNintendo Co., LTD
Hot BlocksunknownNIX
Hugo III: Jungle of Doom!AdventureGray Design Associates
Human BaseballunknownHuman Entertainment
HydraulikunknownL.K. Avalon
HydraulikunknownL.K. Avalon
Il Grande Gioco di Tangentopoliunknown
Illusion of GaiaRPGEnix Corporation
Illusion of GaiaRPGQuintet
In ExtremisActionU.S. Gold
In ExtremisunknownUS Gold
IncaunknownCoktel Vision
IncaActionCoktel Vision
IncaunknownCoktel Vision
IncaunknownCoktel Vision
IncaAdventureCoktel Vision
IncaActionCoktel Vision
IncaActionCoktel Vision
IncaunknownCoktel Vision
Inca 2unknownCoktel Vision
Inca 2unknownCoktel Vision
Inca 2 - WiracochaunknownCoktel Vision
Incredible Machine, ThePuzzleSierra On-Line
Indiana Jones and the Fate of AtlantisAdventureLucasarts
Indianapolis Motor Speedway Expansion PackunknownPapyrus
IndyCar RacingSimulationPapyrus Publishing
IndyCar RacingSportPapyrus
IndyCar RacingunknownPapyrus
IndyCar RacingunknownPapyrus
IndyCar RacingunknownPapyrus
IndyCar Racing Expansion PackunknownPapyrus
Inindo: Way of the NinjaunknownKoei
Innocent Until CaughtAdventureDivide By Zero
Innocent Until CaughtAdventure
Innocent Until CaughtAdventurePsygnosis Limited
Inspector GadgetAdventureHudson Soft, LTD.
InspektorunknownOrkus Software
Intelligent Strategy Games 10StrategyOxford Softworks
Interactive Girls Club GamesPuzzle
Interactive Girls collectionAdultInteractive Girls Club
International AthleticsSportZeppelin Games
International Ninja RabbitsActionMicroValue
International Open Golf ChampionshipSportOcean Software
International Rugby ChallengeunknownOxford Mobius
International TennisSportZeppelin Games
International TennisunknownZeppelin
International TennisunknownZeppelin
International Tennis TourSimulationTaito America Corporation
Interplay's 10 Year Anthology CD-ROMunknownInterplay
Iron HelixAdventureDrew Pictures
Isle of the DeadActionRainmaker Software
Isle of the Deadunknown?
J.League Soccer Prime GoalunknownNamco Ltd
Ja-JounknownYFA Software
Jack in the DarkAdventureInfogrames Europe
Jack in the Darkunknown
Jack in the DarkAdventureInterplay Productions
JackalActionViper Games
James Bond 007: The DuelActionDomark Software
James Pond 2: Codename RoboCodActionTengen - U.S. Gold
James Pond 2: Codename: RoboCodAction
James Pond 2: Codename: RoboCodActionMillennium Interactive Ltd.
James Pond II - RoboCodActionMillenium
Jet-Man SillyunknownProxima Software
JetpackActionAdam Petersen
JetpackActionSoftware Creations Ltd.
JetpackActionSoftware Creations
Jetpack: Christmas SpecialAction
Jetpack: Christmas SpecialActionSoftware Creations
Jill of the Jungle - Jill Goes UndergroundActionApogee
Jim Power - The Lost Dimension in 3DActionLoriciel
Jim Power: The Lost Dimension in 3-DunknownElectro Brain
Jimmy Connors Pro Tennis TourSportUbisoft
Jimmy Connors TennisSportUbi Soft
Jissen Pachi-Slot HisshouhouunknownSammy Corporation
John Madden Football '93SportEA Sports
JoJo no Kimyou na BoukenunknownCobra Team
JonathanAdventurePhoenics C.R.
JonathanAdventureSoftware 2000
Jonny Quest: Curse of the Mayan WarriorsunknownHollyware
Journeyman Project, TheAdventurePresto Studios
Joy Mech FightunknownNintendo Co., LTD
Jumping JackunknownASF
Jungle StrikeActionElectronic Arts, Inc.
Jungle Wars 2: Kodai Mahō Atimos no NazounknownPony Canyon
Jurassic ParkAdventureOcean
Jurassic ParkActionOcean Software, Inc.
Jurassic Parkunknown
Jurassic ParkActionOcean Software
Jurassic ParkActionBlueSky Software
Jurassic ParkunknownOcean
Jurassic ParkunknownOcean
Justicieros, LosAdventurePicmatic
Kaiketsu Yanchamaru 3: Taiketsu! ZouringenunknownIrem Software Engineering, Inc.
Kamen RiderActionBandai America, Inc.
Kampania WrzesniowaunknownL.K. Avalon
Karamalz CupSportArt Department
Kasparov’s GambitPuzzleHeuristic Software, Electronic Arts
Kasparov';s GambitStrategyElectronic Arts
Kawasaki Caribbean ChallengeSportGameTek Inc
Keiba Eight SpecialunknownMisawa
Ken´s LabyrinthActionFreeware
Ken’s LabyrinthActionAdvanced Systems
Ken's Labyrinthunknown
Ken's LabyrinthunknownEpic Megagames
Kendo RageActionSeta
KernawunknownL.K. Avalon
Keroppi to Keroriinu no Splash Bomb!unknownCharacter Soft
Kessen! Dokapon Okukoku IV: Densetsu no Yuusha TachiunknownAsmik Ace Entertainment
KeyWackEducationalE&P Ware
KhurdianunknownIceberg Software
Kid DraculaActionKonami
Kid Klown in Night Mayor WorldunknownKemco/Seika
Kid's TypingEducationalBright Star Technology
KidnappedunknownZenobi Software
Kikuni Masahiko no Jantoushi Dora OuunknownPlanning Office Wada
King's Quest VI: Heir Today, Gone TomorrowAdventureSierra
King';s Table - The Legend of RagnarokStrategyGameTek
King's Table: The Legend of RagnarokStrategy
King's Table: Legend of RagnarokunknownMirage
KingmakerunknownU.S. Gold
KingmakerunknownU.S. Gold
Kirby’s AdventureActionHAL Laboratory
Kirby's AdventureAdventureNintendo Co., LTD
Kliatba NociunknownUltrasoft - Sintech
Kliatba NociunknownUltrasoft - Sintech
Kolo FortunyunknownKrystian Walczyk
Kolo FortunyunknownKrystian Walczyk
Kolo Fortuny 2unknownRobespix Software
Kolo Fortuny 2unknownRobespix Software
Koutetsu no KishiunknownAsmik Ace Entertainment, Inc
KowbojunknownYFA Software
Kronolog - The Nazi Paradox aka Red HellAdventureMerit Software
Krusty's Fun HousePuzzleFlying Edge
Krusty's Super Fun HouseunknownAcclaim Entertainment / Sunsoft
Krusty';s Super Fun houseActionAcclaim Entertainment
Krusty's Super FunhouseAction
Kunio-kun no Dodge Ball: Zenin Shuugou! Tournament SpecialunknownTechnos Japan Corp.
Kunio-kun no Dodgeball da yo Zen'in Shūgō!!unknownTechnos Japan Corp.
Kunio-kun no Nekketsu Soccer LeagueSportTechnos Japan Corp.
Kwik Snax DizzyPuzzle
Lamborghini American ChallengeSportTitus Software
Lands of Lore - The Throne of ChaosRPGWestwood Studios
Lands of Lore: The Throne of ChaosRPG
Lands of Lore: The Throne of ChaosPuzzleVirgin Interactive
Lands of Lore: The Throne of ChaosRPGWestwood Studios
Lands of Lore: The Throne of ChaosRPGWestwood
Lands of Lore: The Throne of ChaosRPGWestwood
Lands of Lore: The Throne of ChaosunknownWestwood
Lands of Lore: The Throne of ChaosunknownWestwood
Lands of Lore: The Throne of Chaos - Patch diskAdventureWestwood
Larry LoaderPuzzleSoleau Software
Lasersoft Video GamblingunknownLasersoft
LaserstrikeunknownKevin Ng
Last Action HeroActionSony Imagesoft, Psygnosis
Last Action HeroActionSony Imagesoft, Psygnosis
Last Action HeroActionSony Imagesoft, Psygnosis
Last Action HeroActionSony Imagesoft, Psygnosis
Last Action HeroActionSony Imagesoft, Psygnosis
Last Action HeroActionSony (CSG) Imagesoft
Last Will DizzyunknownOleg Moskalenko
Lawnmower Man, TheActionSales Curve Ltd.
Le Maître des ContesEducationalClub PoM Logiciels
Leading CompanyunknownKoei
Learn The AlphabetPuzzle
Legacy, The: Realm of TerrorRPGMagnetic Scrolls
Legend of Kyrandia (CD version)AdventureVirgin Games
Legend of Kyrandia 2 - The Hand of FateAdventureWestwood Studios
Legend of Kyrandia 2: Hand of fateAdventure
Legend of Zelda, The: Link’s AwakeningActionNintendo
Legends of murderRPGSoftDisk Publishing
Leisure Suit Larry 6 - Shape Up or Ship OutunknownSierra
Leisure Suit Larry 6: Reib Auf oder Schieb Ab!unknownSierra
Leisure Suit Larry 6: Shape Up or Slip OutAdventureSierra
Leisure Suit Larry 6: Shape Up or Slip Out!AdventureSierra On-Line
Lemmings 2 - The TribesActionPsygnosis
Lemmings 2: The TribesPuzzlePsygnosis Limited
Lemmings 2: The TribesPuzzlePsygnosis
Lemmings 2: The TribesPuzzlePsygnosis
Lemmings 2: The TribesAdventurePsygnosis
Lemmings 2: The TribesRPGPsygnosis
Lemmings 2: The TribesRPGPsygnosis
Lethal Tenderunknown
Lethal Tenderunknown?
Lethal WeaponActionOcean Software, Inc.
Life of a Lone Electron, TheunknownZenobi Software
Link: The Faces of EvilActionAnimation Magic
Litil DivilAction
Litil DivilunknownGremlin
LiverpoolSportGrandslam Entertainment Ltd
Lock OnunknownVic Tokai Corporation
Logic GamesunknownABC Software
Lost in TimeunknownCoktel Vision
Lost in TimeunknownZenobi Software
Lost in TimeunknownCoktel Vision
Lost in TimeAdventureSierra On-Line Inc.
Lost in TimeAdventureCoktel Vision
Lost in TimeAdventureCoktel
Lost in Time: Episode 1unknownCoktel
Lost in Time: Episode 2unknownCoktel
Lost RobotunknownMarkt & Technik
Lost Tomb of Ananka, TheunknownCompass Software
Lost Tomb of Ananka, TheunknownCompass Software
Lotus - The Ultimate ChallengeSimulationGremlin
Lotus: The Ultimate ChallengeSportGremlin Graphics Software Ltd.
Lotus: The Ultimate ChallengeunknownMagnetic Fields
Lotus: The Ultimate ChallengeunknownMagnetic Fields
Lufia & the Fortress of DoomRPGNeverland Co., Ltd.
Lufia & the Fortress of DoomunknownTaito America Corporation
Lufia & the Fortress of DoomRPGNeverland, Taito
Luna LandaunknownBinary Zone
Lunar JailbreakunknownQuantum Logic
LycanthropyunknownZenobi Software
LycanthropyunknownZenobi Software
M LabyrinthPuzzle
Madden NFL '94SportElectronic Arts
Magia FortunyunknownASF
Magic BoyActionBlue Turtle
Magic CastleunknownMarkt & Technik
Magic ColorsunknownMarkt & Technik
Magic FieldsunknownCP Verlag
Magische SteineunknownMarkt & Technik
MagneticStrategyX-ample Architectures
MagneticunknownCP Verlag
Major StrykerActionApogee Software, LTD.
Major StrykerActionApogee
Major Strykerunknown
Major StrykerunknownApogee
Man Enough: The Ultimate Social AdventurePuzzleTsunami Media
Mario is Missing!unknownThe Software Toolworks
Mario Is Missing!EducationalThe Software Toolworks, Inc.
Mario's Time MachineEducationalThe Software Toolworks, Inc.
Mario's Time MachineunknownSoftware Toolworks
Master of DarknessActionSega Corporation
Master of OrionStrategyMicroProse
Master of OrionStrategyMicroprose Software, Inc.
Master of OrionStrategySimTex
Master of OrionStrategyMicroprose
Master of OrionunknownMicroprose
Master of Orion 1 + 2StrategyMicroProse
Masters of CombatunknownSega Corporation
Math CircusPuzzleGreygum Software
Math Dodger!EducationalArcadia Productions
Mayhem in MonsterlandActionApex Designs
Maze of Agdagon v1.0unknownAgda Group
Maze of Agdagon v1.02unknownAgda Group
Mazinger ZunknownBandai America, Inc.
McDonaldlandunknownOcean Software, Inc.
MECC A339B Dog Sled Ambassadors side 1unknownMinnesota Educational Computing Corporation
Mega BombermanActionHudson Soft
Mega Lo ManiaStrategyVirgin Interactive
Mega Man 6ActionCapcom
Mega Man XActionCapcom
Mega Man XActionCapcom
Mega Man XActionCapcom U.S.A., Inc.
Mega TronunknownWizard Software
Mega TronunknownWizard Software
Mega TurricanActionData East
Melee: The Battle BoardgameunknownMnemonic Productions
MeltdownunknownZenobi Software
Mephisto Gideon ProfessionalPuzzleLokasoft
Merchant Princeunknown
Merlin ChallengeSimulationDigital Integration Ltd.
Metal & Lace: The Battle of the Robo BabesActionMegaTech Software
Metal & Lace: The Battle of the Robo BabesActionMegaTech
Metal & laceAction
Metal Combat: Falcon's RevengeunknownNintendo Co., LTD
Metal MarinesStrategy
Metal MastersActionElectro Brain
Metal Max 2RPGData East / Kuusoukagaku
Mezase Top Pro: Green ni Kakeru YumeunknownJaleco
Michael Jordan in FlightunknownElectronic Arts
Michael's PuzzlesunknownLoadstar
Micheal Jordan in Flightunknown
Mickey’s Safari In LetterlandActionBeam Software, Hi Tech Expressions
Micro MachinesActionCodemasters
MicroManunknownBrian L. Goble
MicroProse Entertainment Pack Vol #1: Dr Floyd's Desktop ToysunknownMicroprose
Microsoft ArcadeunknownMicrosoft
Microsoft ArcadeunknownMicrosoft
Microsoft Flight Simulator 5.0SimulationBruce Artwick Organization Ltd.
Microsoft Flight Simulator 5.0SimulationMicrosoft Corporation
Microsoft Flight Simulator 5.0SimulationMicrosoft
Microsoft Flight Simulator 5.0SimulationMicrosoft
Microsoft Flight Simulator 5.0SimulationMicrosoft
Microsoft Flight Simulator 5.0unknownMicrosoft
Microsoft Flight Simulator Update DiskSimulationMicrosoft
MicroxunknownL.K. Avalon
MicroxunknownL.K. Avalon
Midway CommandunknownCompute!
Miecze Valdgira II: Wladca GorunknownASF
Miecze Valdgira II: Wladca GorunknownASF
Miecze Valdgira II: Wladca GorunknownASF
MiG-29: Deadly Adversary of Falcon 3.0unknownSpectrum Holobyte
Might and Magic 5: Darkside of XeenRPG
Mighty Final FightActionCapcom
Mighty Final FightActionCapcom
Mighty Final FightunknownCapcom Co., Ltd.
Mille BornesunknownCompute!
Mind Cross WarunknownThe Smart Soft
Mind Cross WarunknownThe Smart Soft
MinefieldunknownMarkt & Technik
Mines!unknownANG Software
Minesweeper 64unknownErik Engdahl
Minus 90MiscALO-Software
Miracle GirlsunknownTakara
Mirage ThunderunknownSoftstar Information
Missile ActionunknownMirage
Misterios del Gusano, LosunknownVideofex
Mole's QuestunknownDreamers Guild
Monster BashAction
Monster BashActionApogee Software, LTD.
Monster BashunknownApogee
Monster Maker III: Hikari no MajutsushiunknownSofel
Moraff's Dungeon of the UnforgivenRPG
Moraff's Super Blast 3PuzzleMoraffware
More Vegas Games Entertainment Pack for WindowsunknownThe Dreamers Guild
Mortal KombatActionMidway Games
Mortal KombatunknownAcclaim Entertainment / Sunsoft
Mortal KombatSportMidway
Mortal KombatunknownMidway
Mortal KombatunknownMidway
Mortal KombatunknownMidway
Mortal KombatunknownMidway
Mortal KombatunknownMidway
Mortal Kombat IIActionMidway Games, Inc.
Mōryō Senki MADARA 2unknownKonami
Moscow NightsunknownBlack Legend
Motoko-chan no Wonder KitchenunknownAjinomoto
MozaikAdultImage Line Entertainment
Mr. Drumstix' Music StudiounknownHowling Dog Systems
MS-DOS 6.22unknownMicrosoft
Ms. Pac-ManActionNamco Ltd
MscicielunknownYFA Software
MscicielunknownYFA Software
MuehleunknownArt Project
MuehleunknownArt Project
Murder - He SaidunknownZenobi Software
Murder Times Seven!unknownLoadstar
Muzeum mrtvolAdventureComputer Experts
MystAdventureBrøderbund Software
Mystery at the MuseumsPuzzle
NanotankunknownTwin Dolphin Games
National Lampoon's Chess Maniac 5 Billion and 1StrategySpectrum Holobyte
NBA All-Star ChallengeSimulationLJN
NBA JamSportMidway Games
NBA JamSportMidway Games
NBA JamSportMidway Games
NBA JamSportAcclaim
NBA ShowdownSportEA Sports
NeronunknownL.K. Avalon
NeronunknownL.K. Avalon
NeronunknownL.K. Avalon
NeronunknownL.K. Avalon
Neugier: Umi to Kaze no KodōunknownTelenet Japan
New DizzyunknownN. Kutin - D. Paltusov
New Great Giana-Sisters II v1.2unknownThe 7A3
NFL Coaches Club FootballunknownMicroprose
NFL FootballSportKonami
NHL ’94SportElectronic Arts
NHL '94SportElectronic Arts
NHL Hockeyunknown
NHL HockeySportElectronic Arts
NHL HockeyunknownElectronic Arts
NHL HockeyunknownElectronic Arts
NHL Stanley CupSportHAL Laboratory / Nintendo
Nigel Mansell's World Championship RacingSportGameTek Inc
Nigel Mansell's World Championship RacingunknownGremlin
Nobunaga no Yabou: HaoudenunknownKoei
Nobunaga's AmbitionSimulationKoei
Norton Commander 4.0unknownSymantec
Norton Utilities 7.0unknownSymantec
NovaunknownCP Verlag
Nueve de Cada Diez Lapidas Estan CambiadasunknownSindicato del Software
Nueve de Cada Diez Lapidas Estan CambiadasunknownSindicato del Software
Nueve de Cada Diez Lapidas Estan CambiadasunknownSindicato del Software
Oda Nobunaga: Haou no GundanunknownAngel
Og the GreatunknownDamian Steele
OgratonunknownCP Verlag
Ogre Battle: The March of the Black QueenunknownEnix Corporation
On the BallunknownAscon GmbH
One LifeunknownP&S Software
Onita Atsushi FMWunknownPony Canyon
Operation Combat II: By Land, Sea & AirStrategy
Operation Europe: Path to Victory 1939–1945unknownKoei
Origin FXunknownOrigin
Ormus Saga II, The Guild of DeathunknownMike Doran Software
Oseong-gwa HaneumAdventureGoldstar Software
Out to LunchActionMindscape, Inc.
OutlanderActionMindscape, Inc.
OutRun 2019SportSega
OverlordMiscVirgin Games
Oxyd Magnum!unknownDongleware
P.World IIunknownTranquillizer
Pac ManiacAction
Pac-AttackPuzzleNamco Ltd
Pacc Mann De Luxe v.2unknownSYS PD
Pacc Mann De Luxe v2unknownSYS PD
Pachi Slot Adventure 2: Sorotta Kun no Pachi Slot TanteidanMiscCoconuts
Pachi-Slot Love StoryunknownCoconuts Japan
Pachinko Monogatari: Pachi-Slot mo Aru deyo!!unknownKSS
Pachinko Wars IIunknownCoconuts Japan
Pachio-kun 5: Jr no ChousenunknownCoconuts
Pangea - Return to Planet EarthRPGInteractive Computer Entertainment
ParcheeseMiscXavier Egusquiza
ParcheeseMiscXavier Egusquiza
Particle ManActionRon Kapps
Pathways Into DarknessActionBungie
PatriotunknownThree-Sixty Pacific
Patriot CommandActionAntonio A. Lagana
Paulie PythonunknownCraig P. Thompson
PC BasketunknownDinamic Multimedia
PC FútbolunknownDinamic Multimedia
PC GolunknownDDM
PC Zone Demo Disk (Sep 2 1993)unknown?
Peewee HockeyunknownLoadstar
Pentamino 1.0unknownIgor Davydov
Penthouse Hot NumbersPuzzle
Penthouse Hot Numbers DeluxeAdultMagic Bytes
Penthouse Hot Numbers DeluxeunknownMagic Bytes
Penthouse MahjongunknownMagic Bytes
Pepper's Adventure's in TimeunknownSierra
Pepper's Adventures In TimeAdventureSierra On‑Line, Inc.
Pepper's Adventures in TimeunknownSierra
Perihelion: The ProphecyRPGMorbid Visions
PerseusunknownZenobi Software
PerseusunknownZenobi Software
Personal Computer Whirled!unknownZenobi Software
PhantasmagoriaunknownThe Guild Adventure Software
Phantasy Star IV: The End of the MillenniumRPGSega
Pinball DreamsActionDigital Illusions
Pinball DreamsAction
Pinball DreamsAction21st Century Entertainment
PingunknownGeorge Victor Czerniecki
PipeunknownCP Verlag
Pirates! GoldActionMicroprose Software, Inc.
Pirates! GoldStrategyMicroProse Software
Pirates! GoldStrategyMicroProse
Play a MatchunknownCP Verlag
PlokunknownTradewest, Inc.
PlokActionSoftware Creations
PlutoniumunknownCP Verlag
Police Quest 4 - Open SeasonunknownSierra
Pop!ActionBit Culture
Pop’n TwinbeeActionKonami
Pop'n TwinBeeunknownKonami
Populous 2StrategyElectronic Arts
Populous 2unknownElectronic Arts
Populous 2unknownElectronic Arts
Populous 2AdventureElectronic Arts
Populous 2unknownElectronic Arts
Populous 2unknownElectronic Arts
Populous 2: Trials of the Olympian GodsStrategy
Populous II: Trials of the Olympian GodsStrategyElectronic Arts
PornPipeAdultImage Line Entertainment Software
PorntrisAdultImage Line Entertainment Software
Power MovesunknownKaneko
Power ShooterActionJay Kramer
Power ShooterActionJay Kramer
Power Strike IIActionCompile, SEGA
Prairie Dog HuntAction
Predator 2ActionArena Entertainment
Prehistorik 2ActionTitus
Prehistorik 2Action
Prehistorik 2ActionTitus
Prehistorik 2ActionTitus
Premier Manager 2unknown
Premier Manager 2StrategyGremlin
Prince of EvilActionSoftstar
Prince of Persia 2ActionBroderbund
Prince of Persia 2: The Shadow & The FlameActionBrøderbund Software
Prince of Persia 2: The Shadow & The FlameActionBrøderbund Software
Prince of Persia 2: The Shadow & The FlameunknownBroderbund
Prince of Persia 2: The Shadow & The FlameRPGBroderbund
Princess Maker 2unknown
Princess Maker 2SimulationGainax
Private Eye MysteriesunknownAccess Software
Pro Mahjong KiwameunknownAthena
Pro Sport HockeySportJaleco
Project NomadActionGameTek
ProtostarAdventureTsunami Media
ProtostarAdventureTsunami Media
Protostar: War on the FrontierunknownTsunami Games
Protostar: War on the FrontierSimulation
Protostar: War On The FrontierunknownTsunami
PršíMiscPavel Káš
Psycho KillerunknownDelta 4 Interactive
Pub PokerunknownRussell Oates
PuggsyActionPsygnosis Limited
Pyokotan no Dai MeirounknownSunsoft
QuadrantunknownMichael Strelecki; Thomas Heinrich; Thomas Detert
QuadrigaunknownInternational Software Factory
QuarterPoleSimulationMicroleague Interactive Software
QuatrixunknownMarkt & Technik
Quest For Glory 4 - Shadows of DarknessunknownSierra
Quest for Glory 4: Shadows of DarknessunknownSierra
Quest for Glory 4: Shadows of DarknessunknownSierra
Quest for Glory 4: Shadows of DarknessunknownSierra
Quest For Glory IV: Shadows of DarknessRPGSierra On-Line
Quest for Glory: So You Want to Be a Hero?AdventureSierra
Quest for the Dark SwordAdventureIain Becker
QuicKitunknownTopo Soft
R Hood Legend Questunknown
R Hood Der Held von SherwoodunknownData House Software
R-Type III: The Third LightningunknownIrem Software Engineering, Inc.
Race the NagsunknownDick Olsen
Race the NagsunknownDick Olsen
Ragnarok aka ValhallaRPGOptyk
Rags to Richesunknown
Rags to RichesunknownInterplay
Railroad Tycoon DeluxeStrategy
Railroad Tycoon Deluxeunknown
Railway ChallengeunknownSunflowers
RC Questunknown
Re!MiscPivoňka Software
Reality TennisunknownTCH
Realms of Arkania - 1. Blade of DestinyRPGAttic Entertainment
Reaping The DungeonRPG
Red Hook's RevengeMiscImagiSoft
Red sky at morningStrategy
Redhook's RevengeStrategyImagiSOFT
Redhook's RevengeStrategy
Redline F-1 RacerunknownAbsolute Entertainment
Rescue RoverPuzzleSoftDisk
Return of the PhantomAdventureMicroProse Software, Inc.
Return of the PhantomunknownMPS Labs
Return of the PhantomAdventureMicroProse
Return of the PhantomAdventureMicroprose
Return of the PhantomAdventureMicroprose
Return to ZorkAdventure
Return to ZorkAdventureInfocom
Return to ZorkAdventureInfocom
Reversi GTIunknownCP Verlag
Riddick Bowe BoxingunknownExtreme Entertainment Group
River Raid II RemakeAction
Robin Hood - Legend QuestunknownCodemasters
RoboCop Versus The TerminatorActionVirgin Interactive
RoboCop Versus the TerminatorActionVirgin Games
RoboCop Versus the TerminatorActionVirgin Games
RoboCop Versus the TerminatorActionVirgin Games
RoboCop Versus the TerminatorActionVirgin Games
RoboCop Versus the TerminatorActionVirgin Games
Rock 'n' Roll RacingActionInterplay
Rocket Knight AdventuresActionKonami
Rocky RodentActionIrem Software Engineering, Inc.
Rod-LandActionIon Storm Inc
Roger Wilco's Spaced Out Game PackActionSierra On-Line, Inc.
Rogue SunbathersunknownCompute!
Rokudenashi BluesunknownBandai America, Inc.
Rollan FootballunknownCompute!
Rollerblade RacerActionHi Tech Expressions
Romance of the Three Kingdoms 3StrategyKOEI
Rome: Pathway to PowerAdventure
Rotato PokerunknownLoadstar
Rules of Engagement 2Strategy
Rules of Engagement 2unknownImpressions
Rules of Engagement 2unknownImpressions
Run SaberActionAtlus Software, Inc.
S.O.SActionVic Tokai Corporation
SaboteurAdventurePavel Pospíšil
Safe Opening SimulatorPuzzle
Sailing MasterSportStarboard Software
Sailor MoonunknownBandai America, Inc.
Sam & Max - Hit the RoadunknownLucasArts
Sam & Max Hit the RoadAdventureLucasArts
Samurai ShodownActionSNK Corporation
Samurai ShodownActionSNK Corporation
Samurai ShodownActionSNK Corporation
Samurai ShodownActionSNK Corporation
Sand StormActionMVP Software
SandstormunknownMVP Software
Sango FighterAction
Sanrio Carnival 2unknownCharacter Soft
Sanrio World Smash Ball!unknownCharacter Soft
Santa';s Xmas CaperActionZeppelin Games
Santa's Xmas CaperAction
Saturday Night Slam MastersSportCapcom
Saturday Night Slam MastersSportCapcom
Schach 64unknownMarkt & Technik
Scooter';s Magic CastleEducationalElectronic Arts
Screen Antics: Johnny CastawayunknownSierra
ScrylisunknownGoldy Games
Scuba VentureActionSoftdisk Publishing
SD Kidou Senshi Gundam 2unknownAngel
Sea CommandunknownRyan Chenery
Sea Command: Air Command IIunknownBinary Zone
Sea to SeaunknownLoadstar
SEAL TeamSimulationElectronic Arts
Seal TeamunknownElectronic Arts
Search for the Lost DickunknownVortex Software House
Secret of ManaRPGSquare
Secret of ManaActionSquare Co., Ltd.
Secret of Monkey IslandunknownLucasfilm
Secret of the StarsunknownTecmo, Ltd.
Sega World Tournament GolfActionSega Corporation
Sengoku DenshouunknownCrea-Tech / Data East
Sensible SoccerSportSensible Software
Sensible Soccer: European ChampionsSportRenegade Software
SensounknownMarek Roth
Settlers, TheStrategyBlue Byte Software GmbH & Co. KG
Settlers, TheStrategyBlue Byte
Seven Cities of GoldunknownElectronic Arts
Seven Cities of Gold (Commemorative Edition)unknown
Seven Cities of Gold: Commemorative EditionStrategyElectronic Arts
Sex Tetris v1.2unknownRussian Soft
SextrisunknownÍñigo Ayo
Seymour Goes to Hollywoodunknown
Shadow CasterRPGRaven Software
Shadow CasterunknownRaven
Shadow of YserbiusRPG
Shadow Presidentunknown
ShadowcasterActionRaven Software
ShadowrunRPGBeam Software
ShadowrunRPGData East
Shin Momotarou DensetsuunknownHudson Soft, LTD.
Shining Flower: HikaruHanaAdventureMaze
Shining Force IIStrategySonic Co., SEGA
Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja MasterActionMegasoft
Shinseiki OdysselyaRPGVic Tokai Corporation
ShitunknownANG Software
Shougi: FuurinkazanunknownPony Canyon
Sid & Al's Incredible ToonsunknownSierra
Sid & Al's Incredible ToonsPuzzle
Sid Meier's CivilizationunknownMicroProse
Sid Meier's Railroad Tycoon DeluxeSimulationMicroprose Software, Inc.
Silva Saga II: The Legend of Light and DarknessunknownSeta
SilverballActionEpic Megagames
SilverballActionEpic Games
SilverballunknownEpic Megagames
SilverballunknownEpic Megagames
SilverballunknownEpic Megagames
SilverballunknownEpic Megagames
Silverball Plus 2unknownEpic Megagames
Sim City 2000SimulationMaxis Software Inc.
SimAntEducationalMaxis Software Inc.
SimCity 2000SimulationMaxis
SimCity 2000unknown
SimCity ClassicunknownMaxis Software
SimCity ClassicunknownMaxis Software
SimCity ClassicunknownMaxis Software
SimCity Classic GraphicsunknownMaxis Software
SimFarmunknownElectronic Arts
SimFarmunknownElectronic Arts
SimFarmunknownElectronic Arts
Simon the SorcererAdventureAdventuresoft
Simon The SorcererAdventureInfocom
Simon the SorcererAdventureAdventure Soft
Simple MindsunknownANG Software
Simulman - 01 - Simulman!ActionSimulmondo
Simulman - 02 - Nella morsa di SS-DOSActionSimulmondo
Simulman - 03 - Nel regno di DoorsActionSimulmondo
Simulman - 04 - Il mondo simulatoActionSimulmondo
Simulman - 05 - I rapitori di sogniActionSimulmondo
Simulman - 05 - I rapitori di sogniActionSimulmondo
Simulman - 06 - Luna ParkActionSimulmondo
Simulman - 07 - Il grande freddoActionSimulmondo
Simulman - 08 - Il giardino virtualeActionSimulmondo
Simulman - 09 - Il giocattolaioActionSimulmondo
Simulman - 10 - PentagramActionSimulmondo
Simulman - 11 - Jailhouse RockActionSimulmondo
Sink or SwimPuzzle
Sink or SwimunknownZeppelin
Skat 2010unknownCreaTeam-Software
Skunny KartSportCopysoft
SkyroadsActionCreative Dimensions, Blue Moon Software
SkyRoadsSportBluemoon Software
Slam!SportRobert Epps
Slater & Charlie Go CampingunknownSierra
Slicks ';n SlideSimulationT&J Kaupinnen
Slicks 'n' SlideSport
Slide PokerunknownLoadstar
Slimey's Mine: Hip Hop VersionunknownSimon Pick & Kinley-Fresh Productions
Smash TennisSportNamco Ltd
Smiley Affair, Theunknown
Smurfs, TheActionInfogrames
Smurfs, TheActionInfogrames
Smurfs, TheActionInfogrames
Smurfs, TheActionInfogrames
Smurfs, TheActionInfogrames
Smurfs, TheActionInfogrames
Smurfs, TheActionInfogrames
SmusunknownL.K. Avalon
SmusunknownL.K. Avalon
SmusunknownL.K. Avalon
Snack ManunknownBinary Zone
Snake or DieunknownCP Verlag
SnowballunknownL.K. Avalon
SnowballunknownL.K. Avalon
Soccer KidunknownOcean Software, Inc.
Solar WindsAction
Soldiers of FortuneunknownSpectrum HoloByte
Solomon's Key 2PuzzleTecmo
Sonic ChaosunknownSega Corporation
Sonic the Hedgehog ChaosActionAspect, Sega
Sonic the Hedgehog ChaosActionAspect, Sega
Sonic the Hedgehog: SpinballActionSega
Sonic the Hedgehog: SpinballActionSega
Sorcerer of the Claymorgue CastleunknownAdventure International
SOSunknownVic Tokai Corporation
SOTE Der Schatten des Boesen Harcons FluchunknownMarkt & Technik
Soukou Kihei Votoms: The Battling RoadunknownTakara
Soul & SwordunknownZamuse
Space HulkStrategyElectronic Arts
Space HulkActionElectronic Arts
Space HulkStrategyElectronic Arts
Space HulkStrategyElectronic Arts
Space JobActionKarstadt AG
Space PiratesunknownMarkt & Technik
Space Quest 5 - Roger Wilco in the Next MutationunknownSierra
Space Quest 5 Patch DiskunknownSierra
Space Quest 5 Patch DiskunknownSierra
Space Quest 5: Die Nächste MutationunknownSierra
Space Quest 5: The Next MutationunknownSierra
Space Quest 5: The Next MutationunknownSierra
Space Quest 5: The Next MutationunknownSierra
Space Quest V: The Next MutationAdventureDynamix
Space TrekunknownCompute!
Special Forces: Operation Blood IIunknownMirage
Special Forces: Operation Blood IIunknownMirage
Special Forces: Operation Blood IIunknownMirage
Speed Racer in The Challenge of Racer XunknownAccolade
SpiderAdultBuena Vision
Spiritual WarfareAction
Spiritual WarfareunknownWisdom Tree
Spit Wad WillyActionRaoul Said
Splay MasterActionChris Elsbfree
Sports MastersunknownEmpire
Spy GamesunknownGumi Software
Spy GamesunknownGumi Software
Spy MasterunknownL.K. Avalon
Spy MasterunknownL.K. Avalon
Spy MasterunknownL.K. Avalon
Spy MasterunknownL.K. Avalon
Spy MasterunknownL.K. Avalon
Squeak!unknownThe Guild Adventure Software
Star FoxActionHAL Laboratory / Nintendo
Star FoxActionNintendo, Argonaut Software
Star Trek: Judgement RitesunknownInterplay
Star Trek: Judgement RitesAdventureInterplay
Star Trek: Judgement RitesStrategyInterplay
Star Trek: Judgement Rites - Movie & Sound PackunknownInterplay
Star Trek: Judgment RitesAdventureInterplay
Star Trek: Judgment RitesActionInterplay
Star Trek: The Next GenerationSimulationAbsolute
Star Wars ChessPuzzleThe Software Toolworks
Star Wars Chessunknown
Star Wars ChessStrategy
Star Wars ChessunknownSoftware Toolworks
Star Wars: Rebel AssaultActionLucasArts
Star Wars: Rebel Assaultunknown
Star Wars: Rebel AssaultActionLucasArts
Star Wars: X-WingSimulation
Star Wars: X-WingActionLucasArts
Starflight: A Cosmic AdventureunknownThe Guild Adventure Software
Stars and RingsunknownEagleware International
Stars and RingsunknownEagleware International
Steel MachineActionSPC Vision
Steel TalonsunknownLeft Field Entertainment
Steg the SlugActionCodemasters
Stellar EmpiresStrategyTahuya Bay Software
Stickybear's Math TownEducationalOptimum Resource
Stop That Bomb!unknownLoadstar
Street MachineunknownCP Verlag
Street SlaughterunknownBinary Zone
StreetsunknownL.K. Avalon
StreetsunknownL.K. Avalon
StreetsunknownL.K. Avalon
StreetsunknownL.K. Avalon
Streets of RageActionSega Corporation
Streets of Rage 2ActionSEGA Enterprises
Streets of Rage 2ActionSega Corporation
Stress IIunknownDaniel Himmel
Strike CommanderSimulation
Strike CommanderunknownElectronic Arts
Strike CommanderSimulationElectronic Arts
Strike CommanderSimulationElectronic Arts
Strike Commander Speech PackunknownElectronic Arts
Strike Commander: Tactical OperationsRPGElectronic Arts
Strike Commander: Tactical OperationsSimulationElectronic Arts
Strike Commander: Tactical OperationsunknownElectronic Arts
Strike ForceunknownKeypunch Software
Strike ForceunknownKeypunch Software
Strike SquadunknownMindcraft
Strip Poker ProfessionalunknownArtworxs
Strip Poker Professional Data Disk 1: Kathy & MorganActionArtworxs
Strip Poker Professional Data Disk 10: Allison & MeganActionArtworxs
Strip Poker Professional Data Disk 11: Amy & JessicaActionArtworxs
Strip Poker Professional Data Disk 12: Christi & RebeccaActionArtworxs
Strip Poker Professional Data Disk 13: Barbra & MeredithActionArtworxs
Strip Poker Professional Data Disk 14: Erika & SergioActionArtworxs
Strip Poker Professional Data Disk 15: Jill & MarianneActionArtworxs
Strip Poker Professional Data Disk 16: Cindy & MichelleActionArtworxs
Strip Poker Professional Data Disk 2: Jack & SamanthaActionArtworxs
Strip Poker Professional Data Disk 3: Gina & HollyActionArtworxs
Strip Poker Professional Data Disk 4: Desiree & StaceyActionArtworxs
Strip Poker Professional Data Disk 5: Kelly & MaureenActionArtworxs
Strip Poker Professional Data Disk 6: Melissa & SuziActionArtworxs
Strip Poker Professional Data Disk 7: Maria & TraciActionArtworxs
Strip Poker Professional Data Disk 8: Donna & VickyActionArtworxs
Strip Poker Professional Data Disk 9: Lisa & MikeActionArtworxs
Subtrade: Return to Irataunknown
Suburban CommandounknownAlternative Software
Subwar 2050SimulationMicroProse
Sunset RidersActionKonami
Sunset RidersActionKonami
Sunset RidersActionKonami
Super Advanced Lawnmower Simulator Adventure 2 - The SequelunknownCreative.Radical.Alternative.Production Games
Super Baseball 2020SportTradewest, Inc.
Super BattleshipStrategyMindscape, Inc.
Super BikkurimanunknownBEC
Super BombermanunknownHudson Soft, LTD.
Super BombermanActionHudson Soft
Super Caesars PalaceunknownVirgin Interactive
Super Chase H.Q.unknownTaito / I.T.L
Super ConflictStrategyVic Tokai Corporation
Super Dominos BrothersunknownEagleware International
Super Dunk StarunknownSammy Corporation
Super Famista 2unknownNamco Ltd
Super Formation Soccer IIunknownHuman Entertainment
Super Goal! 2SimulationJaleco
Super GodzillaActionToho
Super High ImpactSportAcclaim Entertainment / Sunsoft
Super James PondunknownAmerican Softworks
Super KeibaunknownI'Max
Super Kyousouba: Kaze no SylphidunknownKing Records
Super Kyuukyoku Harikiri StadiumunknownTaito / I.T.L
Super Mahjong 2: Honkaku 4 Nin Uchi!unknownI'Max
Super Mario All-StarsActionNintendo
Super Mario All-StarsActionNintendo Co., LTD
Super Nichibutsu Mahjong 2: Zenkoku Seiha HenunknownNichibutsu
Super NovaunknownTaito / I.T.L
Super Power LeagueunknownHudson Soft, LTD.
Super PuttyunknownU.S. Gold
Super Puyo PuyounknownBanpresto
Super RockfallunknownCompute!
Super Scope 6PuzzleHAL Laboratory / Nintendo
Super Slam DunkSimulationVirgin Interactive
Super Slap ShotSimulationVirgin Interactive
Super Solvers - Gizmos & Gadgets!EducationalThe Learning Company
Super SoukobanunknownPack-in-Video Co., Ltd.
Super Space InvadersunknownFrank Gasking & Richard Bayliss
Super Space InvadersunknownFrank Gasking & Richard Bayliss
Super Star Wars: The Empire Strikes BackActionLucasArts, Sculptured Software
Super Star Wars: The Empire Strikes BackunknownJVC / LucasArts
Super Street Fighter II: The New ChallengersActionCapcom
Super Strike EagleunknownMicroprose Software, Inc.
Super Turnament PongActionMichael Duhm
Super TurricanActionFactor 5
Super UnounknownTomy Corporation
Super Valis IVunknownAtlus Software, Inc.
Super WidgetActionAtlus Software, Inc.
Superman: The Man of SteelActionSega - Virgin Interactive
Supreme WarriorActionCrystal Dynamics
Suzuka 8 HoursSportNamco Ltd
SvÄ›ták BobAdventureBohewia software
Swap ItunknownMarkt & Technik
Sword Quest 2 - Tale of the TalismanRPGErik Badger
Sword Quest 2: Tale of the TalismanRPG
Sword World SFCunknownMirage / T&E Soft
Syn Boga WiatruunknownL.K. Avalon
Syn Boga WiatruunknownL.K. Avalon
Syn Boga WiatruunknownL.K. Avalon
Syn Boga WiatruunknownL.K. Avalon
SyndicateStrategyBullfrog Productions
SyndicateStrategyBullfrog Productions
SyndicateActionElectronic Arts
SyndicateunknownElectronic Arts
SyndicateunknownElectronic Arts
SyndicateunknownElectronic Arts
SyndicateunknownElectronic Arts
SyndicateunknownElectronic Arts
Syndicate: American RevoltStrategyBullfrog Productions, Ltd.
Syndicate: American RevoltActionElectronic Arts
Syndicate: American RevoltunknownElectronic Arts
T2 - The Arcade GameActionMidway
Taikyoku Igo: GoliathunknownBullet-Proof Software
Take a Break! PinballunknownSierra
Take•A•Break CrosswordsPuzzleDynamix
TamerunknownLK Avalon
Tanks DestroyerActionGamos Ltd.
Tarkus and the Orbs of DoomunknownTiger Developments
Tarkus and the Orbs of DoomunknownTiger Developments
Tarkus and the Orbs of DoomunknownTiger Developments
Tarkus and the Orbs of DoomunknownTiger Developments
Taz-ManiaActionAcclaim Entertainment / Sunsoft
Team Telekom PelotonunknownPeter Diehm
TechnoManiacStrategyJoe Fleck
Technus: Technologic SoldierunknownMirage
Technus: Technologic SoldierunknownMirage
Technus: Technologic SoldierunknownMirage
Technus: Technologic SoldierunknownMirage
Tecmo Super NBA BasketballSimulationTecmo, Ltd.
Tecmo World Cup '93ActionSega Corporation
Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles: Tournament FightersActionKonami Computer Entertainment Japan, Inc.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament FightersActionKonami
Temple of DregunknownDorothy Millard
Teresa: House GuestAdultInteractive Girls Club
Teresa: House GuestAdventure
Terminator 2: Judgment DayunknownLJN
Terminator 2: The Arcade GameunknownAcclaim
Terminator 2: The Arcade GameunknownAcclaim
Terminator 2029: Operation ScourActionBethesda Softworks
Terminator RampageActionBethesda Softworks
Terminator, TheActionMindscape
Terminator, The: RampageActionBethesda Softworks
Terror of the CatacombsunknownSoftdisk
Terror of the CatacombsunknownSoftdisk
Tetrisunknown576 kByte
Tetris 2unknownNintendo Co., LTD
Tetris 2PuzzleNintendo
Tetris 2PuzzleNintendo
Tetris 2PuzzleNintendo
Tetris Battle GaidenunknownBullet-Proof Software
Tetris FlashunknownNintendo Co., LTD
Tetrixunknown576 kByte
TFXSimulationDigital Image Design Ltd.
The 7th GuestAdventure
The 7th GuestPuzzleTrilobyte
The 7th SagaunknownGameplan21
The Addams Family: Pugsley's Scavenger HuntunknownOcean Software, Inc.
The Adventures of MicroManunknownBrian L. Goble
The Amazon TrailAdventureMECC
The Amazon TrailunknownMECC
The Atlantis AdventureunknownAura
The Atomix PlusunknownBlackfire!
The Awesome Adventures of Victor Vector & Yondo: The Last Dinosaur EggAdventureSanctuary Woods
The Awesome Adventures of Victor Vector & Yondo: The Vampire's CoffinAdventureSanctuary Woods
The Beverly HillbilliesAdventureIntraCorp
The Beverly HillbilliesAdventure
The Beverly HillbilliesunknownCapstone
The Blue & the GrayunknownImpressions
The CaveunknownJohn Foskett
The Chaos EngineActionRenegade Software
The Complete Universal Military SimulatorunknownIDI
The Even More Incredible MachinePuzzleDynamix
The Even More! Incredible MachineunknownDynamix, Inc.
The Even More! Incredible MachineunknownSierra
The Even More! Incredible MachineunknownSierra
The Even More! Incredible MachineActionSierra
The FlashunknownSega Corporation
The Geekwad - Games of the GalaxyActionTsunami Media
The Great Battle IIIunknownBanpresto
The Great War: 1914 - 1918Strategy
The GreensunknownShadoware
The Hand of FateAdventureWestwood Studios
The HordeStrategyCrystal Dynamics
The HumansPuzzle
The HumansunknownGameTek Inc
The Humans 2unknownGameTek
The Incredible MachineunknownDynamix
The Incredible MachinePuzzle
The Last GuardianunknownL.K. Avalon
The Legend of Kyrandia 2AdventureElectronic Arts
The Legend of Kyrandia 2RPGElectronic Arts
The Legend of Kyrandia: Hand of FateAdventureVirgin Interactive
The Legend of RagnarokStrategyImagitec
The Lost VikingsAction
The Lost VikingsActionInterplay Productions
The Lost VikingsStrategyInterplay
The Lost VikingsunknownInterplay
The Lost VikingsAdventureInterplay
The Lost VikingsunknownInterplay
The Lost VikingsunknownInterplay
The Lost WorldunknownAtlas Adventure Software
The Mahjong TouhaidenunknownVideo System
The Maniac TalesunknownStefan Bohn
The Maniac Tales IIunknownStefan Bohn
The Ocean Life ProjectunknownPeter Diehm & Werner Karsten
The OttifantsunknownSega Corporation
The PatricianunknownTriptychon Software
The Peace KeepersunknownJaleco
The ProphecyAdventureCoktel Vision
The ProphecyAdventureCoktel Vision
The Puzzle Page #104unknownLoadstar
The Ren & Stimpy Show: Buckeroo$!unknownTHQ Inc.
The Ren & Stimpy Show: Veediots!unknownTHQ Inc.
The SettlersStrategyBlue Byte Software
The SettlersStrategyBlue Byte
The SettlersStrategyBlue Byte
The SettlersunknownBlue Byte
The Shinri Game: Akuma no KokorojiunknownVisit
The Simpsons: Bart's NightmareunknownAcclaim Entertainment / Sunsoft
The SnakeunknownMarkt & Technik
The Software Toolworks Game Pack 3unknownSoftware Toolworks
The Staff of PowerunknownAdventure Workshop
The Super Aquatic Games Starring The AquabatsunknownSeika Corporation
The Swiss Family Robinson: An Island AdventureEducationalMulti Dimensional Communications
The TerminatorunknownDomain Software
The TerminatorunknownDomain Software
The Terminator: RampageActionBethesda Softworks
The TreehouseunknownBroderbund
The Ultimate Doomunknownid Software
The Wacky World of Miniature GolfPuzzlePhilips Sidewalk Studio
The War ZoneunknownSYS PD
The Westbury MysteryunknownDorothy Millard
The Wizard of OzunknownSeta
The Working StoneunknownMarkt & Technik
The Wurg GameunknownMister X
Theme Park U.K.unknownZenobi Software
Theme Park U.S.A.unknownZenobi Software
Theseus and the MinotaurunknownThe Guild Adventure Software
ThingunknownFrank Gasking
Thomas the Tank Engine 2Sport
Thoroughbred BreederunknownHect
Tiles & Tribulations: Windows Game Like KlaxunknownTechnological Computer Innovations
Tiles And TribulationsunknownTechnological Computer Innovations
Tiles v2unknownDavid Robertson
Tiles v2unknownDavid Robertson
Time SlipActionVic Tokai Corporation
Tiny Toon Adventures 2: Trouble in WackylandunknownKonami Computer Entertainment Japan, Inc.
ToadforceunknownPlayers Software
ToggleunknownMarkt & Technik
Tom & JerryActionHi-Tech Expressions
Tom and JerryActionHi Tech Expressions
Tony La Russa Baseball IIunknownSSI
Top Gear 2SportKemco/Seika
Top Gear 2SportGremlin Interactive
Top Gear 2SportGremlin Interactive
Top SecretunknownMirage
TornadounknownSpectrum Holobyte
TornadounknownSpectrum Holobyte
Tornado: Operation Desert StormunknownSpectrum Holobyte
Torneko no Daibōken: Fushigi no DungeonunknownChunsoft
Total CarnageunknownMalibu Games
Town With No NameunknownDelta 4 Interactive
Tracon for WindowsSimulation
Tracon II for WindowsunknownWesson International
Trap SpringerunknownThe Guild Adventure Software
Traps 'n' TreasuresActionNightingale
Triple Action Volume 2unknown
Trisz DivinisunknownASF
Trisz DivinisunknownASF
TroddlersPuzzleSales Curve Interactive
TroddlersActionSeika Corporation
TroddlersPuzzleSales Curve Interactive
TroddlersPuzzleSales Curve Interactive
TroddlersPuzzleAtod Design KB
Tuff E NuffunknownJaleco
TurbulenceunknownBeyond Belief
TurbulenceunknownBeyond Belief
Uchū no Kishi: Tekkaman BladeunknownBEC
Ultima 7 Part 2: Serpent IsleRPG
Ultima 7, part II: Serpent IsleRPGElectronic Arts
Ultima 7, part II: Serpent IsleAdventureElectronic Arts
Ultima 7, part II: Serpent IsleunknownElectronic Arts
Ultima 7, part II: The Silver SeedRPGElectronic Arts
Ultima 7, part II: The Silver SeedunknownElectronic Arts
Ultima Underworld 2: Labyrinth of the WorldsunknownElectronic Arts
Ultima VII, part 2: Serpent IsleRPGOrigin
Ultima VII: The Black GateRPGORIGIN Systems
Ultima: Warriors of DestinyunknownFCI
Ultimate GinStrategyAccidental Software
Ultimate SoccerSportSega Corporation
Ultimuh MCMLXVII: Part 2 of the 39th TrilogyRPG
Ultra SevenunknownBandai America, Inc.
UltrabotsStrategyElectronic Arts
UltrabotsunknownElectronic Arts
UninvitedunknownICOM Simulations, Inc.
Unlimited AdventuresunknownSSI
Unnatural SelectionStrategy
Unnatural SelectionunknownElectronic Arts
Unnecessary Roughnessunknown
Unnecessary RoughnessunknownAccolade
Unnkulia Zero: The Search for AmandaunknownD.A. Leary
Unspeakable ViolenceunknownLoadstar
Uridium 2ActionGraftgold
USA Ice Hockey in FCSportJaleco
Ushio to ToraunknownYutaka
Utok Bile MyskyunknownProxima Software
Utopia: The Creation of a NationMiscGremlin Graphics Software Ltd.
V for Victory (series)StrategyAtomic Games
V for Victory: Gold - Juno - SwordStrategyAtomic Games
V for victory: Gold-Juno-SwordStrategy
V for Victory: Gold-Juno-SwordunknownThree-Sixty
V for Victory: Gold-Juno-SwordunknownThree-Sixty
V for Victory: Market GardenStrategyAtomic Games
V for Victory: Market GardenunknownThree-Sixty
V for Victory: Market GardenunknownThree-Sixty
V for victory: Market-GardenStrategy
V for Victory: Velikiye LukiunknownThree-Sixty
ValkyrieSimulationDonald A. Hill Jr.
Various GamesunknownVarious
Vegas StakesunknownHAL Laboratory / Nintendo
Veil of DarknessRPGStrategic Simulation, Inc.
Veil of Darknessunknown
Veil of DarknessRPGEvent Horizon
Veil of DarknessunknownSSI
Veil of DarknessAdventureSSI
Veil of TiersunknownLoadstar
Victor LoomesAdventurePromotion Software
VidaAdultInteractive Girls Club
Vida XAdultInteractive Girls Club
Video PokerPuzzleGlenn Seemann
VietnamunknownCommodore Format
VikingsStrategyRealism Entertainment
ViorisunknownBinary Zone
VitaminunknownMarkt & Technik
VlakActionMiroslav Nemecek
Waggle-O-Mania!unknownDominic Morris
Waggle-O-Mania!unknownDominic Morris
Wall PipePuzzleSoleau Software
Walls of RomeStrategyMindcraft
Walls of RomeStrategyMindcraft
Walls of RomeunknownMindcraft
War in the GulfSimulationEmpire Software
Warlords 2StrategyStrategic Studios Group
Warlords 2StrategyStrategic Studies Group (SSG)
Warlords 2unknownSSG
Warlords 2: Scenario BuilderStrategySSG
Warlords IIStrategyStrategic Studies Group (SSG)
Warriors of LegendRPG
Wayne's WorldAdventureTHQ Inc.
Wayne';s WorldAdventureCaptstone Software
Wayne's WorldunknownCapstone
We're Back! A Dinosaur's StoryunknownHi Tech Expressions
Ween: The PropechyAdventureCoktel Vision
Ween: The ProphecyunknownCoktel Vision
Ween: The ProphecyAdventure
Whale's Voyage: CD EditionunknownFlair Software
Whale's VoyageRPG
Whale's VoyageunknownFlair Software
Wheel of FortuneunknownUdo
When Two Worlds WarStrategy
Where in Space is Carmen Sandiego?unknownBroderbund
Where in Space is Carmen Sandiego? DeluxeAdventure
Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego?unknownHi Tech Expressions
Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? DeluxePuzzleBroderbund Software
Who's Afraid of the Balrogunknown
Whoops! 2unknownANG Software
Wild West – The Incredible Adventures of Donald ReddishAdventureProline
Wild West: The Incredible Adventures of Donald ReddishAdventureProline
Wild West: The Incredible Adventures of Donald ReddishAdventureProline
Windows 3.1 en idioma EspañolunknownMicrosoft
Windows 3.1 Freeware: LabylandunknownDirk Plate
Windows 3.1 Shareware: _aztecunknownNew Zone Productions
Windows 3.1 Shareware: _cas11aunknownRick Saada
Windows 3.1 Shareware: _dareunknownCliff Bleszinski
Windows 3.1 Shareware: 0x_10unknownPentti Moilanen
Windows 3.1 Shareware: 0X-10unknownPentti Moilanen
Windows 3.1 Shareware: 2WINGAMSunknownPhilip B. Cook
Windows 3.1 Shareware: 3dxwd123unknownRichard Wagner
Windows 3.1 Shareware: 3SHUFF10unknownChris Gruel
Windows 3.1 Shareware: 4PLAY12unknownAndy Smith
Windows 3.1 Shareware: 4PLAY13unknownAndy Smith
Windows 3.1 Shareware: 4WINSunknownPerry Prust
Windows 3.1 Shareware: 4WINS202unknownPerry Prust
Windows 3.1 Shareware: abmunknownKent Rollins
Windows 3.1 Shareware: ABM_CMDunknownKent Rollins
Windows 3.1 Shareware: ABSTRACTunknownMichael Perry
Windows 3.1 Shareware: ACBJunknownOleg Goldfayn
Windows 3.1 Shareware: acbj100unknownOleg Goldfayn
Windows 3.1 Shareware: acc200unknownRichard R. Sands
Windows 3.1 Shareware: acctmn11unknownWinnovation
Windows 3.1 Shareware: ACHIunknownFiras Bushnaq
Windows 3.1 Shareware: ADA_T100unknownBill Yow
Windows 3.1 Shareware: ADA-T100unknownBill Yow
Windows 3.1 Shareware: ALIEN102unknownMarc Tebeka
Windows 3.1 Shareware: AMAZE321unknownStuart Swain
Windows 3.1 Shareware: amaze334unknownStuart Swain
Windows 3.1 Shareware: AMAZE384unknownStuart Swain
Windows 3.1 Shareware: AMAZE402unknownStuart Swain
Windows 3.1 Shareware: ANAGRAMunknownTim Hill
Windows 3.1 Shareware: APPLMATHunknownYou and Me Products
Windows 3.1 Shareware: ASTERO03unknownCarl von Blixen
Windows 3.1 Shareware: ASTLITEunknownGuy Straley
Windows 3.1 Shareware: atoms20unknownMike McNamee
Windows 3.1 Shareware: atoms21unknownMike McNamee
Windows 3.1 Shareware: ATOMS21AunknownMike McNamee
Windows 3.1 Shareware: AZTECunknownNew Zone Productions
Windows 3.1 Shareware: b_box10unknownKevin S. Murray
Windows 3.1 Shareware: BACKUP12unknownMark Brownstein
Windows 3.1 Shareware: balclm10unknownPedro Sander
Windows 3.1 Shareware: ballclimunknownPedro Sander
Windows 3.1 Shareware: BASTILLEunknownFiras Bushnaq
Windows 3.1 Shareware: BBARNEYunknownGareth
Windows 3.1 Shareware: BCRYPunknownJim Fox
Windows 3.1 Shareware: bcryp11unknownJim Fox
Windows 3.1 Shareware: bddunknownGlacier Edge Technology
Windows 3.1 Shareware: bdd150unknownGlacier Edge Technology
Windows 3.1 Shareware: bdp150unknownGlacier Edge Technology
Windows 3.1 Shareware: BG200unknownBob Dolan
Windows 3.1 Shareware: BIBLCRPTunknownJim Fox
Windows 3.1 Shareware: bjwin21unknownJohn Washburn
Windows 3.1 Shareware: blackboxunknownChristophe Yvon
Windows 3.1 Shareware: blacko30unknownPatrick L. Mills
Windows 3.1 Shareware: blc301unknownYutaka Emura
Windows 3.1 Shareware: BLC312unknownYutaka Emura
Windows 3.1 Shareware: BLITZ52WunknownPC Solutions
Windows 3.1 Shareware: BLKBOXunknownChristophe Yvon
Windows 3.1 Shareware: blockunknownYutaka Emura
Windows 3.1 Shareware: BLWIN350unknownMichael J. Ahlers
Windows 3.1 Shareware: bmaster1unknownNeil Sanford
Windows 3.1 Shareware: BOGOU211unknownLance Frohman
Windows 3.1 Shareware: BOXEMunknownFlat Rabbit Software
Windows 3.1 Shareware: BOXEM10unknownFlat Rabbit Software
Windows 3.1 Shareware: brainj15unknownBrain Jam Publications
Windows 3.1 Shareware: BRATS20unknownAlbert C. Ashton
Windows 3.1 Shareware: brgamesunknownFiras Bushnaq
Windows 3.1 Shareware: bteaserunknownAlan F. Shikoh
Windows 3.1 Shareware: BUGSWATunknownMike Murphy
Windows 3.1 Shareware: BUTMAD20unknownDavid W. Palmer
Windows 3.1 Shareware: CAMAZEunknownRon Helwig
Windows 3.1 Shareware: CARDSWS1unknownDavid Jean
Windows 3.1 Shareware: CASINOunknownPyramid Software Development
Windows 3.1 Shareware: CASINO21unknownPyramid Software Development
Windows 3.1 Shareware: CHAINunknownJonas Olsson
Windows 3.1 Shareware: cheat100unknownGordon Haff
Windows 3.1 Shareware: CLCKSOLunknownBarry Fanion
Windows 3.1 Shareware: cnfd11unknownPete Koziar
Windows 3.1 Shareware: CNFND121unknownPete Koziar
Windows 3.1 Shareware: codebraunknownGreg Nesbitt
Windows 3.1 Shareware: COLWIN1CunknownAlston Software Labs
Windows 3.1 Shareware: compoundunknownMatt Tagliaferri
Windows 3.1 Shareware: confnd10unknownPete Koziar
Windows 3.1 Shareware: CSBTunknownNelson Ford
Windows 3.1 Shareware: csno21unknownPyramid Software Development
Windows 3.1 Shareware: CUBEunknownJonas Olsson
Windows 3.1 Shareware: CWEVAL10unknownEdward E. Dellow
Windows 3.1 Shareware: CXWD124unknownRichard Wagner
Windows 3.1 Shareware: D4WIN20unknownStephen B. Kinsch
Windows 3.1 Shareware: DBM10unknownDan Puraty
Windows 3.1 Shareware: DBM10AunknownDan Puraty
Windows 3.1 Shareware: DEQUOTunknownSam C. Misemer
Windows 3.1 Shareware: DEQUOTERunknownSam C. Misemer
Windows 3.1 Shareware: discardunknownMatt Tagliaferri
Windows 3.1 Shareware: DISCARDWunknownMatt Tagliaferri
Windows 3.1 Shareware: domina10unknownSam C. Misemer
Windows 3.1 Shareware: DOMINATEunknownSam C. Misemer
Windows 3.1 Shareware: DOTSunknownRalph W. Whitfield, Jr.
Windows 3.1 Shareware: dots20unknownRalph W. Whitfield, Jr.
Windows 3.1 Shareware: dpro3winunknownTim Trahan
Windows 3.1 Shareware: DRAGONunknownAngelo Lombardi
Windows 3.1 Shareware: dragoncunknownAngelo Lombardi
Windows 3.1 Shareware: DUCKunknownAndrew Novotak
Windows 3.1 Shareware: ecneuq11unknownMatthew L. Smith
Windows 3.1 Shareware: ECNEUQESunknownMatthew L. Smith
Windows 3.1 Shareware: EMLunknownYutaka Emura
Windows 3.1 Shareware: eml301eunknownYutaka Emura
Windows 3.1 Shareware: emp101eunknownYutaka Emura
Windows 3.1 Shareware: EUCH11unknownJ.J. Lehett
Windows 3.1 Shareware: ffws1unknownPAS Software
Windows 3.1 Shareware: FLSHCD10unknownYou and Me Products
Windows 3.1 Shareware: FONCHES2unknownJerry Feris
Windows 3.1 Shareware: FSunknownRandy Rasa
Windows 3.1 Shareware: FS101unknownRandy Rasa
Windows 3.1 Shareware: FS102unknownRandy Rasa
Windows 3.1 Shareware: FSTMOUSEunknownPyramid Software Development
Windows 3.1 Shareware: gems10unknownSteven Marshall
Windows 3.1 Shareware: GETALIFEunknownDave Crawford
Windows 3.1 Shareware: GHOSTunknownAlbert C. Ashton
Windows 3.1 Shareware: GHOSTC10unknownAlbert C. Ashton
Windows 3.1 Shareware: GREENS15unknownShadoware
Windows 3.1 Shareware: greensv1unknownShadoware
Windows 3.1 Shareware: gtgunknownVince Paul Balatbat
Windows 3.1 Shareware: HANGEMunknownEric Jarrett
Windows 3.1 Shareware: HEARTS12unknownPaul Pedriana
Windows 3.1 Shareware: hi_lounknownRoderick A. Begbie
Windows 3.1 Shareware: HJMM1unknownAlston Software Labs
Windows 3.1 Shareware: HRTSunknownPaul Pedriana
Windows 3.1 Shareware: hrts20unknownPaul Pedriana
Windows 3.1 Shareware: HURRunknownSystems Software Developing, Inc.
Windows 3.1 Shareware: hurr101unknownSystems Software Developing, Inc.
Windows 3.1 Shareware: HURRI101unknownSystems Software Developing, Inc.
Windows 3.1 Shareware: icicle20unknownMatt Tagliaferri
Windows 3.1 Shareware: JMLIFEunknownJean Michel
Windows 3.1 Shareware: KCHESW10unknownArk Angles
Windows 3.1 Shareware: KIDS1unknownPaul Murdaugh
Windows 3.1 Shareware: KIDS2unknownPaul Murdaugh
Windows 3.1 Shareware: KINGCOunknownFinancial Systems Associates, Inc.
Windows 3.1 Shareware: KISMETunknownAlan Harder
Windows 3.1 Shareware: KLOKSunknownSteven Marshall
Windows 3.1 Shareware: kloks10unknownSteven Marshall
Windows 3.1 Shareware: kngcrn12unknownFinancial Systems Associates, Inc.
Windows 3.1 Shareware: LADunknownMike Berro
Windows 3.1 Shareware: LAD101unknownMike Berro
Windows 3.1 Shareware: ladun101unknownMike Berro
Windows 3.1 Shareware: LEAP10unknownElla Hobson
Windows 3.1 Shareware: LEAPFROGunknownElla Hobson
Windows 3.1 Shareware: lil20unknownZane Rathwick
Windows 3.1 Shareware: LOGIGRunknownMavabe
Windows 3.1 Shareware: LOGIGRAMunknownMavabe
Windows 3.1 Shareware: lottopunknownConan L. Brown
Windows 3.1 Shareware: LVIEW31unknownLeonardo Haddad Loureiro
Windows 3.1 Shareware: MAGNETOunknownMarc-Thomas Clifton
Windows 3.1 Shareware: MAPWINunknownBarthel Steckemetz
Windows 3.1 Shareware: MASTMAZunknownSpice Software
Windows 3.1 Shareware: MATCHITunknownPaul Navarre
Windows 3.1 Shareware: MCHEATunknownKeith Garner
Windows 3.1 Shareware: MICRO1unknownBrian L. Goble
Windows 3.1 Shareware: micromanunknownBrian L. Goble
Windows 3.1 Shareware: MIMA250unknownScott A. Murray
Windows 3.1 Shareware: mind101unknownGary Evans
Windows 3.1 Shareware: mind4winunknownGary Evans
Windows 3.1 Shareware: MMIND10unknownCompass Point Software, Inc.
Windows 3.1 Shareware: MODM12unknownCalvin L. Wong
Windows 3.1 Shareware: MOTHERunknownCade Roux
Windows 3.1 Shareware: MRPILLunknownRodney Wood
Windows 3.1 Shareware: MSQU103unknownRandy A. Harris
Windows 3.1 Shareware: nailsunknownRoss C. Goldstein
Windows 3.1 Shareware: NAMEGAMEunknownToggle Booleans
Windows 3.1 Shareware: namegm10unknownToggle Booleans
Windows 3.1 Shareware: nedwld10unknownDavid S. Smiczek
Windows 3.1 Shareware: NEDWORLDunknownDavid S. Smiczek
Windows 3.1 Shareware: NEURALNunknownDavid S. Smiczek
Windows 3.1 Shareware: NEWTON10unknownPaul Keet
Windows 3.1 Shareware: NFL93WunknownThomas C. Kerr
Windows 3.1 Shareware: NMMW08unknownCarl von Blixen
Windows 3.1 Shareware: ODASHunknownRasmus Wickholm
Windows 3.1 Shareware: oilbrn12unknownAl Funk
Windows 3.1 Shareware: OMYWD1EunknownGreg Martin
Windows 3.1 Shareware: OUBLIETunknownA.B. Data Sales, Inc.
Windows 3.1 Shareware: paigow20unknownChris G. Straghalis
Windows 3.1 Shareware: parsecndunknownBrad L. Rucker
Windows 3.1 Shareware: PATRN005unknownStar Graphics Corp.
Windows 3.1 Shareware: patuman2unknownMr. Patuman
Windows 3.1 Shareware: PDICE11unknownRonald G. Moore
Windows 3.1 Shareware: PELVISunknownBrett McDonald
Windows 3.1 Shareware: PENTPUZLunknownKurt Van den Branden
Windows 3.1 Shareware: PFW40unknownBlue Chip Computing, Inc.
Windows 3.1 Shareware: PGTunknownJohn L. Hancock
Windows 3.1 Shareware: ppythonunknownCraig P. Thompson
Windows 3.1 Shareware: PPYTONunknownCraig P. Thompson
Windows 3.1 Shareware: PUISS4unknownDidier Barzin
Windows 3.1 Shareware: PYTHONunknownCraig P. Thompson
Windows 3.1 Shareware: PZL8_103unknownEric Bergman-Terrell
Windows 3.1 Shareware: QCWGAMEunknownDoe Entertainment
Windows 3.1 Shareware: QUADWINunknownSverrir A. Berg
Windows 3.1 Shareware: QUENZARunknownSandra Garvie
Windows 3.1 Shareware: quenzr10unknownSandra Garvie
Windows 3.1 Shareware: QUENZR12unknownSandra Garvie
Windows 3.1 Shareware: RANGN111unknownRudy Miller
Windows 3.1 Shareware: RANGOONunknownRudy Miller
Windows 3.1 Shareware: REVERSIunknownMicrosoft
Windows 3.1 Shareware: RHAPSODYunknownJeffrey R. Marken
Windows 3.1 Shareware: RISK100unknownPeter Hjaeresen
Windows 3.1 Shareware: ROBOTSunknownDavid W. Hoy
Windows 3.1 Shareware: ROCKET11unknownR. Powell
Windows 3.1 Shareware: rouletunknownPyramid Software Development
Windows 3.1 Shareware: rouletteunknownPyramid Software Development
Windows 3.1 Shareware: SCRAMBL2unknownRichard Mansfield
Windows 3.1 Shareware: SCRAPSunknownChris Peterson
Windows 3.1 Shareware: scraps10unknownChris Peterson
Windows 3.1 Shareware: SHIHTAOunknown
Windows 3.1 Shareware: SHOOTunknownStardust Software
Windows 3.1 Shareware: shooter1unknownAlbert C. Ashton
Windows 3.1 Shareware: SHOTGN10unknownAlbert C. Ashton
Windows 3.1 Shareware: SIMMAP10unknownBrentley Smith
Windows 3.1 Shareware: SINKV11unknownAnders Wihlborg
Windows 3.1 Shareware: SLGOLFunknownSteve Laterra
Windows 3.1 Shareware: slgolf10unknownSteve Laterra
Windows 3.1 Shareware: SLIDEunknownPaul Navarre
Windows 3.1 Shareware: SLIDERunknownSteven Marshall
Windows 3.1 Shareware: slider10unknownSteven Marshall
Windows 3.1 Shareware: SNWunknownDan Puraty
Windows 3.1 Shareware: spanitunknownMark T. Chapman
Windows 3.1 Shareware: SPCROCKSunknownAdam J. Taub
Windows 3.1 Shareware: spexp1unknownJeffrey R. Marken
Windows 3.1 Shareware: SPTVL1unknownJeffrey R. Marken
Windows 3.1 Shareware: STATS25unknownCarl Andrews
Windows 3.1 Shareware: ste2v10unknownSteven Marshall
Windows 3.1 Shareware: stickm10unknownFinancial Systems Associates, Inc.
Windows 3.1 Shareware: STLEMPunknownTahuya Bay Software
Windows 3.1 Shareware: STLEMP10unknownTahuya Bay Software
Windows 3.1 Shareware: SVPOKEunknownElton M. Inada
Windows 3.1 Shareware: svpoke10unknownElton M. Inada
Windows 3.1 Shareware: SVPOKERunknownElton M. Inada
Windows 3.1 Shareware: SWATMunknownJim Fox
Windows 3.1 Shareware: swatm11unknownJim Fox
Windows 3.1 Shareware: TAILunknownIan Firth
Windows 3.1 Shareware: TAKEONEunknownJimmy Kavanagh
Windows 3.1 Shareware: TANKTK10unknownAlbert C. Ashton
Windows 3.1 Shareware: TAZunknownStar Graphics Corp
Windows 3.1 Shareware: THINGSunknownPaul DeWolf
Windows 3.1 Shareware: tilesunknownTechnological Computer Innovations
Windows 3.1 Shareware: TOWER100unknownDave Read
Windows 3.1 Shareware: towers20unknownPeninsula Software
Windows 3.1 Shareware: towns10unknownSteven Marshall
Windows 3.1 Shareware: TOWNS11unknownSteven Marshall
Windows 3.1 Shareware: TRE7unknownMarzano Gianfranco
Windows 3.1 Shareware: TRIOunknownTorensoft Consulting
Windows 3.1 Shareware: TTIME12unknownMerryWare
Windows 3.1 Shareware: TYAHOOunknownDan Puraty
Windows 3.1 Shareware: TYH20FunknownDan Puraty
Windows 3.1 Shareware: UCS1V100unknownMichael Harvey
Windows 3.1 Shareware: UCS2V100unknownMichael Harvey
Windows 3.1 Shareware: UFOTK10unknownAlbert C. Ashton
Windows 3.1 Shareware: uhshelpunknownRobert Norton
Windows 3.1 Shareware: ulp110unknown4A Software
Windows 3.1 Shareware: ULTMA17BunknownJay J. Falconer
Windows 3.1 Shareware: USHOOTunknownSteve Nabieszko
Windows 3.1 Shareware: vcw73unknownWilliam A. Jackson
Windows 3.1 Shareware: VDP20unknownWalter Toews
Windows 3.1 Shareware: VDPOKERunknownWalter Toews
Windows 3.1 Shareware: VPOKERunknownPyramid Software Development
Windows 3.1 Shareware: VPOKER13unknownPyramid Software Development
Windows 3.1 Shareware: WALIENunknownMarc Tebeka
Windows 3.1 Shareware: walien03unknownMarc Tebeka
Windows 3.1 Shareware: waliens2unknownMarc Tebeka
Windows 3.1 Shareware: WALLBALLunknownTuomo Reipsaari
Windows 3.1 Shareware: WARBOAT1unknownJim Cunningham
Windows 3.1 Shareware: WARBOATSunknownJim Cunningham
Windows 3.1 Shareware: WATORW1unknownDr. Warren L. Kovach
Windows 3.1 Shareware: WATORW11unknownDr. Warren L. Kovach
Windows 3.1 Shareware: WBRIDGunknownDavid Fullerton
Windows 3.1 Shareware: wcubeswunknownKillTime Software
Windows 3.1 Shareware: wdstk11unknownFrank Bielsik
Windows 3.1 Shareware: WESunknownBrett McDonald
Windows 3.1 Shareware: wes100unknownBrett McDonald
Windows 3.1 Shareware: williunknownChris Nokleberg
Windows 3.1 Shareware: WINCOINSunknownGary Moore
Windows 3.1 Shareware: WINDOGunknownIan Firth
Windows 3.1 Shareware: WINDOG10unknownIan Firth
Windows 3.1 Shareware: WINFISHunknownIan Firth
Windows 3.1 Shareware: WINGOunknownBob Dolan
Windows 3.1 Shareware: WINGO1unknownMichael Cahill
Windows 3.1 Shareware: wingo10gunknownBob Dolan
Windows 3.1 Shareware: winpool3unknownIsmail Arit
Windows 3.1 Shareware: winqueenunknownSteven Cheng
Windows 3.1 Shareware: WINTunknownBrett McDonald
Windows 3.1 Shareware: WINTREKJunknownJoseph Jaworski
Windows 3.1 Shareware: WINYAHunknownMichael Rapier
Windows 3.1 Shareware: WINYOTunknownTodd Short
Windows 3.1 Shareware: WINYOTZunknownTodd Short
Windows 3.1 Shareware: winytz20unknownTodd Short
Windows 3.1 Shareware: winyzunknownPhilip DiSario
Windows 3.1 Shareware: WINYZ11unknownPhilip DiSario
Windows 3.1 Shareware: WINZEEunknownScott Gifford
Windows 3.1 Shareware: wntriv12unknown
Windows 3.1 Shareware: WNYTZ20DunknownTodd Short
Windows 3.1 Shareware: wo_williunknownChris Nokleberg
Windows 3.1 Shareware: WOLunknownDan Puraty
Windows 3.1 Shareware: wol11unknownDan Puraty
Windows 3.1 Shareware: WOL21DunknownDan Puraty
Windows 3.1 Shareware: WORDMANunknownCarl Bjoerk
Windows 3.1 Shareware: WORMWRLDunknownKevin Ng
Windows 3.1 Shareware: WOWSPILLunknownBen C. Pullen
Windows 3.1 Shareware: wrmwldunknownKevin Ng
Windows 3.1 Shareware: WROIDS10unknownStephen Baxter
Windows 3.1 Shareware: ws210unknownBrett McDonald
Windows 3.1 Shareware: WSLAMunknownRobert Epps
Windows 3.1 Shareware: wt170unknownBrett McDonald
Windows 3.1 Shareware: wtictacunknownStephen Smith
Windows 3.1 Shareware: WWUMP_10unknownMonte Ferguson
Windows 3.1 Shareware: WYN101unknownDaniel Montaron
Windows 3.1 Shareware: yacht221unknownFrank Bielsik
Windows 3.1 Shareware: YALIFEunknownJean Michel
Windows 3.1 Shareware: ZAN12CunknownPSS LL/CT
Windows 3.1 Shareware: zanti05unknownPSS LL/CT
Windows 3.1 Shareware: ZANTI1unknownPSS LL/CT
Windows 3.1 Shareware: ZZCOLR10unknownJason Balmuth
Windows 3.1: 0616unknownRobert Epps
Windows 3.1: 2804unknownAlbert C. Ashton
Windows 3.1: 6037unknownSteven Marshall
Windows 3.1: PRO111unknownStar Graphics Corp.
Windows 3.1: PRO133unknownSystems Software Developing
Windows 3.1: PRO226unknownPeter Lok
Windows 3.1: PRO291unknownBob Dolan
Windows 3.1: smartcatunknownBill Dickson
Windows 3.1: ZANTIunknownPSS LL/CT
Windows 3.x: Nuts - a puzzle game.unknown
Wing CommanderMiscORIGIN Systems
Wing Commander AcademySimulation
Wing Commander AcademySimulationOrigin
Wing Commander AcademyunknownElectronic Arts
Wing Commander AcademyunknownElectronic Arts
Wing Commander AcademyunknownElectronic Arts
Wing Commander AcademyunknownElectronic Arts
Wing Commander: PrivateerSimulation
Wing Commander: PrivateerunknownElectronic Arts
Wing Commander: PrivateerActionElectronic Arts
Wing Commander: PrivateerunknownElectronic Arts
Wing Commander: Privateer: Righteous FireActionElectronic Arts
Wing Commander: Privateer: Speech PackActionElectronic Arts
Wing Commander: The Secret MissionsunknownMindscape, Inc.
Winning PostSimulationKoei
Winter Olympics: Lillehammer ’94SportU.S. Gold
Winter Olympics: Lillehammer ’94SportU.S. Gold
Winter Olympics: Lillehammer ’94SportU.S. Gold
Winter Olympics: Lillehammer ’94SportU.S. Gold
Winter Olympics: Lillehammer ’94SportU.S. Gold
Winter Olympics: Lillehammer '94SportU.S Gold
Winter Olympics: Lillehammer '94unknown
Winter Olympics: Lillehammer '94unknownU.S. Gold
Wladcy CiemnosciunknownLK Avalon
WloczykijunknownL.K. Avalon
WloczykijunknownL.K. Avalon
WloczykijunknownL.K. Avalon
WolfchildunknownVirgin Interactive
Wondrous MagicunknownASCII
World CitiesunknownLoadstar
World Class RugbyunknownImagineer Co., Ltd.
World HeroesunknownAcclaim Entertainment / Sunsoft
World Soccer '94: Road to GlorySimulationCoconuts Japan
World Soccer LeagueunknownE&J Software
World Tour Tennisunknown
World Tour TennisunknownElectronic Arts
World War II: Battles of the South PacificunknownQQP
World War II: Battles of the South PacificunknownQQP
Worlds of Legend: Son of the EmpireRPG
WozzleunknownCP Verlag
WozzleunknownCP Verlag
Wrestling SuperstarsunknownCodemasters
Wrestling SuperstarsunknownCodemasters
Wrestling SuperstarsunknownCodemasters
WWF King of the RingSportLJN
WWF Royal RumbleSportLJN
Wyprawy KupcaunknownMirage
Wyprawy KupcaunknownMirage
X-Com - UFO Defense \(Win\)StrategyMicroProse
X-WingunknownLucas Arts
X-WingunknownLucas Arts
X-WingunknownLucas Arts
X-WingunknownLucas Arts
X-WingAdventureLucas Arts
X-WingunknownLucas Arts
X-Wing: B-WingunknownLucas Arts
X-Wing: B-WingunknownLucas Arts
X-Wing: Imperial PursuitunknownLucas Arts
X-Wing: Imperial PursuitunknownLucas Arts
X-Wing: Imperial PursuitunknownLucas Arts
X-Wing: Imperial PursuitunknownLucas Arts
X-Wing: Imperial PursuitunknownLucas Arts
X-Wing: Upgrade KitunknownLucas Arts
X-Wing: Upgrade KitunknownLucas Arts
Xak: The Art of Visual StageActionAcclaim Entertainment / Sunsoft
XargonunknownEpic Megagames
XargonunknownEpic Megagames
XargonunknownEpic Megagames
XargonunknownEpic Megagames
XenosActionJECO Software
Xmas LemmingsPuzzleDMA Design
XXIV!PuzzleMark Ambachtsheer
YachtunknownFrank Bielsik
Yadamon: Wonderland DreamsunknownTokuma Shoten
YAMS!PuzzleHeinrich Schnermann
Yo! Joe! Beat the GhostsActionHudson Soft Company
Yoshi's CookiePuzzleBullet-Proof Software
Yoshi's SafariunknownHAL Laboratory / Nintendo
Young MerlinRPGWestwood Studios
Ys IV: Mask of the SununknownTonkin House
Ys IV: The Dawn of YsActionHudson Soft, LTD.
YS2 Issue 1unknownY-Not Software
YS2 Issue 2unknownY-Not Software - Delta 4 Software
YS2 Issue 3unknownY-Not Software - Delta 4 Software
Yume Maboroshi no GotokuunknownIntec
Yuujin: Janjuu GakuenunknownVarie
ZarkovPuzzleChess Laboratories
Zelda: The Wand of GamelonActionAnimation Magic
ZeliardActionSierra On-Line
Zen: Intergalactic NinjaActionKonami Computer Entertainment Japan, Inc.
ZeusunknownL.K. Avalon
ZeusunknownL.K. Avalon
ZeusunknownL.K. Avalon
ZeusunknownL.K. Avalon
ZeusunknownL.K. Avalon
ZeusunknownL.K. Avalon
ZeusunknownL.K. Avalon
ZillionunknownCP Verlag
ZillionunknownCP Verlag
ZillionunknownCP Verlag
ZOA: The Zone of AvoidanceActionCasady & Greene
Zombies Ate My NeighborsActionLucasArts, Konami
Zombies Ate My NeighborsActionLucasArts, Konami
Zombies Ate My NeighborsunknownKonami
Zombies Ate My NeighborsActionKonami
Zone 66SimulationEpic Megagames
Zone 66ActionEpic Games
Zone 66ActionEpic MegaGames
Zone 66ActionEpic MegaGames
Zoo KeeperEducationalDavidson & Associates
ZumbajaunknownKrysal Software
ZumbajaunknownKrysal Software
Zurk's Learning SafariPuzzleSoleil Software, Inc.