1996 Games


Robot 420
101 Amazing Things To Do With Your ComputerEducationalKingfisher
101 Dalmatians Puppy PuzzleunknownDisney
101 Dalmatians PuzzlePuzzleDisney Interactive Studios
1497: Five Years AfterStrategyJan Hagqvist
15x15 Picture PuzzlePuzzle
2D Mini MazeunknownMark Green
3 Skulls of the ToltecsAdventureRevistronic
3 Skulls of the ToltecsAdventure
3 Skulls of the ToltecsAdventureRevistronic
3 Skulls of the ToltecsAdventureRevistronic
3D Dinosaur Adventure (Anniversary Edition)EducationalKnowledge Adventure
3D MazeunknownMr Scratcher
3D Shooter & Five DiceunknownMojo Software
3D Ultra Pinball - Creep NightActionDynamix
3D World & FlashcardsunknownMojo Software
3D Xmas Adventure: Santa’s RescueActionPie in the Sky Software
9: The Last ResortAdventureGT Interactive
A Case For Cap & CoEducationalTivola
A Day in the Life of ArnoldunknownSteve Lake
A Day in the Life of ArnoldunknownSteve Lake
A Day in the Life of ArnoldunknownSteve Lake
A FolyounknownLaszlo Nyitrai
A-10 Cuba!SimulationActivision
AbaccusPuzzlePautex JF
Abbalone 3DPuzzleAnomic Software
Absolute PinballActionUnique Development Studios
Absolute PinballActionUnique Development Studios
Absolute SolitairePuzzleGlenn Seemann
AbuseActionCrack dot Com
AbuseActionCrack dot com
Ace DetectiveEducationalMindplay
Ace ReporterEducationalMindplay
Ace VenturaAdventureMorgan Creek Productions, Inc.
Aces High - The True Duel SimulatorSimulationCadaver
Actua SoccerSportGremlin Interactive
Advanced civilizationStrategyAvalon Hill
Advanced Destroyer SimulatorunknownFutura
Adventure in BristolunknownGarry Lancaster?
Adventures of Tintin, The: Prisoners of the SunActionInfogrames
Adventures of Tintin, The: Prisoners of the SunActionInfogrames
Adventures of Tintin, The: Prisoners of the SunActionInfogrames
Airport SimulatorStrategyMigoSoftWare
Aladdin Find The Treasure GameAction2-Lane Media
AlbionRPGBlue Byte
Alfred PelrockAdventureDDM
Alien Breed 3D II: The Killing GroundsActionTeam 17
Alien IncidentAdventureHousemarque
Alien IncidentAdventureGameTek
Alien Rampageunknown
Alien RampageunknownInner Circle Creations
Alien RampagePuzzleInner Circle Creations
Alien TrilogyActionProbe Entertainment
Alien Trilogyunknown
Alien virusAdventureVic Tokai
AllostrisPuzzleFrithjof Kohl
Alone in the Dark 2ActionBrainstorm Software
Alone in the Dark 3ActionBrainstorm Software
Amazon Trail IIAdventureMECC
AMBER: Journeys BeyondAdventureChangeling Software
American Civil War - From Sumter to AppomattoxunknownFrank Hunter
AnagramsunknownJohn Foskett
Ancient Domains of Mystery (ADOM) v1.1RPG
Angel Devoid: Face of the EnemyActionElectric Dreams
Angelique Voice FantasyunknownKoei, NEC
Ankh 2: Tutankhamen no NazoAdventureIbis Inc.
Annihilation ProActionStuart Snaddon
Anthea Turner's National Lottery SimulatorunknownAlan Moore
Anvil of dawnRPGStrategic Simulations Inc.
Apache LongbowSimulationDigital Integration
Aquaman: War of the Water WorldsAdventureInverse Ink
Arcade AmericaAction7th Level
Arcade ClassicsMiscAl Baker & Associates
Arcade ClassicsMiscAl Baker & Associates
Arcade Volleyball Deluxeunknown-
Arcade’s Greatest Hits: The Atari Collection 1MiscDigital Eclipse
Archaeology of the FutureEducationalClaude Guillemot
Archimedean DynastySimulation
Archimedean DynastyunknownMassive Development
Archon Ultra CD-ROMunknownFree Fall Associates
Arthur's Reading RaceunknownBroderbund
AssassinStrategySteven H. Taylor
AsterbammActionDavid Cook
Asterix & ObelixActionInfogrames
Asterix & ObelixunknownInfogrames
Asterix and the Secret MissionunknownSega Corporation
Astrid Lindgren's Pippi LongstockingEducationalAhead Multimedia
Astro Fire & Arcade PaddleunknownMojo Software
AttilaStrategyLüder Osmers
Avalon CasinosunknownIntermedia
AvaraActionAmbrosia Software
Azalta: Cult of the RavenRPG
Azile and ElizaStrategyTom Bender
Azrael's TearAdventureIntelligent Games
Back to Baghdad: The Ultimate Desert Storm SimulationunknownMilitary Simulations, Inc.
BackMan!EducationalInteractive Multimedia Production
Bad MojoAdventurePulse Entertainment
Bahamut LagoonRPGSquare Co., Ltd.
Baku Baku AnimalunknownTec Toy
Bakumatsu Kourinden OniunknownBanpresto
BaldiesStrategyCreative Edge Software
Barbie Magic Fairy Tales: Barbie As RapunzelAdventureMattel Interactive
BARQ: The Rise of FreedomunknownLogicators
Bass Masters Classic: Pro EditionunknownBlack Pearl Software
Batman ForeverActionAcclaim Entertainment
Batman ForeverActionAcclaim
Batman: Partners in PerilAdventureInverse Ink
Battle Arena ToshindenAction
Battle ShipsunknownTWAUG Newsletter
Battlearena ToshindenActionPlaymates Interactive Entertainment
BattleStarunknownGregory Braun
BedlamActionMirage Technologies
Being a Scientist: The Case of the Vanishing TreesEducationalAnglia Multimedia
Bermuda SyndromeAdventureCentury Interactive
Best Shot Pro GolfunknownASCII
Big Science ComicsEducationalTheatrix Interactive
Birthright: The Gorgon's AllianceStrategySynergistic Software, Inc.
Birthright: The Gorgon's AllianceStrategy
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon SuperS – Zenin Sanka!! Shuyaku SoudatsusenunknownAngel
Blob FactoryunknownJeremiah Golden
Blood & MagicStrategyInterplay
Blood & MagicStrategyInterplay
Blood & MagicStrategyInterplay Productions
Blood & MagicStrategy
Bobby Fischer Teaches ChessunknownMission Studios
BombazounknownLaszlo Nyitrai
Bomberman B-DamanunknownHudson Soft, LTD.
Boston Computer Society Disk ImagesActionBoston Computer Society
Brandish 2 ExpertunknownKoei
Braveheart Screensaverunknown
Breakfree & XerixunknownMojo Software
BreathlessActionFields of Vision
Broken Sword 2 - The Smoking MirrorAdventureRevolution Software
Broken Sword: The Shadow of the TemplarsAdventureRevolution Software, Ltd.
Broken Sword: The Shadow of the TemplarsAdventureVirgin Interactive
Broken Sword: The Shadow of the TemplarsAdventureRevolution Software
Bud Tucker in Double TroubleAdventureMerit Studios (Europe) Limited
BugunknownJake Jilg
Build That TowerunknownIan Collier
Burp-ManunknownMr Scratcher?
Cabol IIActionD•revolution
CAD CreationsunknownSoftKey
Caesar IIunknownImpressions Games
Caesar IIStrategyImpressions
Candy Land AdventureAdventureHasbro Interactive
Cantona FootballunknownIan Coates
Capital PunishmentActionclickBOOM
Caribbean DisasterStrategySilver Style
Carmen Sandiego: Junior Detective EditionEducationalBrøderbund
CasperActionNatsume Co., Ltd.
CastleunknownIan Collier
Castle of Dr. BrainunknownSierra On-Line
Castle of Dr. Malvado, TheActionHammer Technologies
Cat + MouseunknownIan Collier
CatFight: The Ultimate Female Fighting GameActionPhantom Card
Cave WarsStrategy
CavewarsStrategyBroken Arrow Entertainment
CDProWunknownBruce Bukovics
Chain ReactionPuzzle
CHAMP GalaxiaActionChamProgramming
CHAMP KongActionChamProgramming
CHAMP Pac-emActionChamProgramming
Chaos OverlordsStrategy
Charlie de EendActionWiering Software
Charlie the DuckActionWiering Software
Charlie the DuckActionWiering Software
ChessunknownIan Collier
Chex QuestActionDigital Cafe
ChickensPuzzleMartin Magnusson
Chill ManorunknownCapitol Multimedia
Christmas NiGHTS into DreamsActionSega Corporation
Civilization 2Strategy
Civilization IIStrategyMicroprose Software, Inc.
Clock Tower 2AdventureASCII Entertainment
Clueless ChessStrategy-
College Football USA 96SportElectronic Arts
College SlamSportAcclaim Entertainment, Inc.
Colony Wars 2492StrategyBlack Legend
Color BallsPuzzle
Color LinesPuzzleABSYS Company
Comet Busters! 1.4unknownSteven Hugg
Comet Busters! 1.4 - version with working soundunknownSteven Hugg
Command & Conquer: Red AlertStrategyWestwood Studios, Inc.
Command & Conquer: Red AlertMiscVirgin Interactive
Command & Conquer: The Covert OperationsStrategyWestwood Studios, Inc.
Congo: Descent into ZinjAdventureViacom
Conquest of the New WorldStrategyQuicksilver Software, Inc.
Conquest of the New WorldStrategyInterplay
Conquest of the New World (Deluxe Edition)Strategy
Conway’s Game of LifeStrategyAlan Hensel
Crash BandicootActionSony Electronic Publishing, Ltd.
Crime Santa ClauseunknownETC Group
Crime ScoutsEducationalAid Association for Lutherans
Crossing the Red SeaunknownH. F. Buerer
Cruis’n WorldSportMidway Games
Crusader 2: No RegretActionOrigin Systems
Crusader 2: No RegretActionOrigin Systems
Crusader: No Regretunknown
Crusader: No RegretActionOrigin
Cutthroat IslandunknownAcclaim Entertainment, Inc.
Cyber SpherePuzzlePsycon Software
Cyber SphereActionClay Hellman
CyberiaActionInterplay Productions
CydoniaunknownVirtual Fantasies
DaggerfallRPGBethesda Softworks
Daisenryaku Expert WWII: War in EuropeunknownASCII
DAISENRYAKU V DXStrategySystemSoft Corporation
Darby the DragonAdventureBrøderbund
Dark HalfRPGEnix Corporation
Dark Room SimulatorunknownIain Scrimgeour
Dark Seed IIAdventureCyberdreams
Davis Cup Complete TennisunknownThe Dome
DDM Soccer '96unknownDDM
DDM Soccer '97unknownDDM
DDM Soccer 96SportDigital Dreams Multimedia
DeadlineunknownMillennium Interactive
Deadlock: Planetary ConquestStrategy
Death RallySport
Death RallySport
Death RallySportApogee Software, LTD.
Death RallyActionApogee
Dee Dee's Dexter DollunknownCartoon Network
Deep RedActionEdiciones Mago
Der Produzent – Die Welt des FilmsStrategySilver Style
Derby Stallion '96unknownASCII
Descent 2ActionParallax Software
Destination: PyramidsEducationalEdmark
Destruction Derby 2SimulationPsygnosis
Detritus: The Daemon's QuestunknownMyndgaemz
Devil's Canyon: A Dinamation AdventureEducationalTeraMedia
DiabloRPGBlizzard North
DiabloRPGBlizzard Entertainment
Diamonds 3DunknownVarcon Systems
Die Enviro-Kids greifen einAdventureArt Department
Die Fugger IIStrategySunflowers
Discoveries of the DeepunknownCapstone Software
Discworld 2: Mortality Bytes!Adventure
Discworld II: Missing Presumed…!?AdventurePerfect Entertainment
Disney’s PocahontasActionBuena Vista Games
Disney's Ariel the Little MermaidActionTec Toy
Dive: The Conquest of Silver EyeunknownDiamond Software
Dizzy VIII - Little JokeunknownTimur Company
Dizzy VIII - Little JokeunknownTimur Company
Dizzy WarehouseunknownYury Schapov
Dogs of WarStrategy
Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong’s Double Trouble!ActionNintendo
Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble!ActionNintendo Co., LTD
DoomunknownDigital Reality
Doom 2DActionPrikol Software
Doom: D!ZONE MACActionMacSoft
DoReMi Fantasy: Milon no Dokidoki DaiboukenunknownHudson Soft, LTD.
Dr. Å ílenecAdventureMirage
Dracula's SecretunknownKathi Atkinson
Dragon Ball Z: Hyper DimensionunknownBandai America, Inc.
Dragon Knight 4unknownBanpresto
Dragon Lore 2: The Heart of the Dragon ManAdventureCryo Interactive Entertainment
Drascula: The Vampire Strikes BackAdventure
Duke Nukem 3DAction3D Realms Entertainment
Duke Nukem 3DActionFormGen Inc.
Duke Nukem 3DAction3D Realms Entertainment
Dunkle Schatten 1 & 2unknownThe Art Department
Duracell: Run the BunnyunknownAdware
DykeunknownColin Meeks
Earthworm Jim 1 + 2ActionInterplay
Earthworm Jim 2Action
EasterthonActionGreg Ewing
Eek!Stravaganza: The EeX FilesAdventureInverse Ink
EF2000 (Special Edition)SimulationDigital Image Design Ltd.
EinsteinunknownIan Collier
Eksperyment DelfinunknownThe Seven Stars
Elroy Hits the PavementAdventureHeadbone Interactive
Elroy's Costume ClosetAdventureHeadbone Interactive
Emperor of the Fading SunsStrategy
En el Nombre del SeñorunknownKurioV Soft
Energy BreakerStrategyTaito America Corporation
Eternity InnPuzzleLittleFingers Software
EUFA EURO 96 EnglandSportGremlin Interactive
Evil's DoomRPGOlympia Entertainment Group
Exile II - Crystal SoulsunknownJeff Vogel
Exile II: Crystal SoulsRPG
F-16 Fighting FalconSimulationDigital Integration Ltd.
F-22 Lightning 2Simulation
F.A.R.M. PatrolActionFive Guys from Stanford
F/A-18 Hornet 2.0 (Strike! Missions)SimulationFront
F1 Manager 96SimulationSoftware 2000
FableAdventureTelstar Electronic Studios
Fantasy GeneralStrategyStrategic Simulations Inc.
Fantasy GeneralStrategySSI
FearsActionBomb Software
Férias Frustradas do Pica-PauunknownTec Toy
FIFA 97SportElectronic Arts
FIFA 97unknown
Fightin' SpiritActionLight Shock
FillerunknownDamion Yates
Final DOOMActionGT Interactive
Final Soccer ChallengeunknownM. Magnusson and M. Brynervall
Final Soccer ChallengeunknownM. Magnusson and M. Brynervall
Fire Emblem: Seisen no KeifuunknownNintendo Co., LTD
Fisherman's FriendunknownJA Software
Fisherman's FriendunknownJA Software
Fishing KoushienunknownKing Records
FlippersPuzzleMichel de Messieres
Formula One Grand PrixunknownGeoff Crammond
Four Card Blind Hookey vIIunknownJohn Foskett
Frankenstein's Helper 3.0EducationalRobert Schenk
Franklin Learns MathunknownSanctuary Woods
Frantic FleaActionGameTek Inc
Free Enterpriseunknown
FreeCell PlusunknownTom Warfield
Front Mission Series: Gun HazardunknownSquare Co., Ltd.
Fuga, LaAdventureStratos
Furuta Atsuya no Simulation Pro Yakyuu 2unknownHect
GalaxusActionAlgomedia Software
Gambling HouroukiunknownVap
Game DoctorMiscIllume
Gearheads CDStrategyR/GA Interactive
Gearheads CDStrategyR/GA Interactive
Gender WarsStrategy8th Day, The
Gender WarsunknownThe 8th Day
Gene Machine, TheAdventureDivide By Zero
GenewarsStrategyElectronic Arts
GeoSafari AnimalsEducationalEducational Insights
Germicide 3D: Return to the Park (aka Health Quest)EducationalEntrex Software
GexActionCrystal Dynamics, Inc.
Ginga Sengoku Gun'yūden RaiunknownAngel
Gokinjo BōkentaiRPGPioneer LDC
Grand Prix 2SportMicroProse Ltd.
Grand prix manager 2SportMicroProse
Grand Prix WizardSport
Great Naval Battles vol. 5: Demise of the Dreadnoughts 1914-18Simulation
Green Eggs and HamunknownBroderbund
GT RacingunknownImagineering
Guía Ciclismo Actual 96unknownDDM
Gus and the Cyberbuds: Stellar Game CellarunknownModern Media Ventures
Gus Goes to Cyberstone ParkunknownModern Media Ventures
Gustavinho em o Enigma da EsfingeAdventure44 Bico Largo Multimídia
H2OStrategyWebfoot Technologies
HangmanunknownMr Scratcher
Hariboy's QuestunknownCondor Software
Harvest MoonSimulationAmccus
Harvest MoonSimulationPack-in-Video Co., Ltd.
HarvesterAdventureDigiFX Interactive, Inc.
HarvesterAdventureDigiFX Interactive
Heartthrob MemorialSimulationKonami
Heisei Gunjin ShougiunknownCarrozzeria
Heroes of Might & MagicStrategyNew World Computing
Heroes of Might & Magic 2 - Gold EditionStrategyNew World Computing
Heroes of Might and Magic IIStrategy
Heroes of Might and Magic II: The Succession WarsAdventureThe 3DO Company
Heroes of Might and Magic II: The Succession WarsStrategyNew World Computing
Hexen: Deathkings of the Dark CitadelActionRaven Software Corporation
Holiday Islandunknown
Hot SpeedActionEdiciones Mago
Hoyle SolitaireunknownSierra On-Line
Hunter HuntedunknownDynamix
Hunter HuntedActionDynamix
HysteriaunknownIvan Straka
IcebloxunknownKarl Hörnell
id AnthologyActionGT Interactive
Igo ClubunknownHect
Imperium RomanumAdventureEGO Software
IncantationActionTitus Software
Indiana Jones and his Desktop AdventuresunknownLucasArts
Indiana Jones and his Desktop AdventuresAdventureLucasArts
Indiana Jones and his Desktop AdventuresunknownLucas Arts
Indiana Jones and his Desktop AdventuresunknownLucas Arts
Indiana Jones and his Desktop AdventuresunknownLucas Arts
IndyCar Racing 2SimulationSierra
Infinity CityEducationalHeadbone Interactive
Inner WorldsAction
Inner WorldsActionSleepless Software Inc.
International Moto XunknownGraftgold
InterposeActionKatz Media
InterposeunknownTwilight Zone Software
InterposeActionKatz Media AS
Interpose X-mas GreetingsActionTwilight Zone Software
Interpose Xmas GreetingsActionKatz Media AS
Invaders 1978ActionJames Eibisch
Iron BloodAction
Isozuri: Ritou HenunknownPack-in-Video Co., Ltd.
It's a Funny Old GameunknownAnguilla Software
J.League '96 Dream StadiumunknownHudson Soft, LTD.
Jagged Alliance: Deadly GamesStrategy
Jagged Alliance: Deadly GamesStrategySir-Tech
Jane's Combat Simulations: Advanced Tactical FightersSimulation
Janosch - Riesenparty für den TigerEducationalNavigo
JauntTrooper - Mission: FirestormRPGDave Scheifler
Jet Set Willy - The '96 RemixunknownPaul Howard
Jikkyō Power Pro Wrestling '96: Max VoltageunknownKonami
Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu '96 Kaimaku HanunknownKonami
Jissen Pachi-Slot Hisshouhou! Yamasa DensetsuunknownSammy Corporation
Jissen Pachinko Hisshouhou! 2unknownSammy Corporation
Jonny Quest: The Real Adventures – Cover-up at RoswellAdventureVirgin Sound and Vision
Joyous RebelRPG
Judge DreddActionAcclaim
Jumper Dude & XerixunknownMojo Software
Jumpin' DerbyunknownNaxat Soft
Jumpstart ToddlersEducationalKnowledge Adventure
K3ActionI. Ecenarro
Ken Griffey Jr.'s Winning RunSimulationNintendo Co., LTD
KetchupunknownSikor Soft
Keyboom!ActionMichel de Messieres
Kick Off 96SportAnco Software
Kid Phonics 2 - Ages 7-9EducationalDavidson & Associates
Kidou Senshi Z Gundam: Away to the NewTypeunknownBandai America, Inc.
Kids Arcade PakActionMacSoft
Killer Instinct GoldActionRare Ltd., Midway
Killing TimeActionLogicware
King Kong 10ActionThird Wave Information Co., Ltd
KingdomunknownIan Collier
Kingdom - The Far ReachesAdventureInterplay Entertainment
Kingdom O' MagicAdventureGT Interactive Software Corp.
Kirby Super StarActionHAL Laboratory
Kirby Super StarActionNintendo Co., LTD
Kirby Super Star™ActionNintendo Co., LTD
Kishin Douji Zenki: Tenchi MeidouunknownHudson Soft, LTD.
Kome BumbActionEdiciones Mago
Konami's Ping Pongunknown
Krazy Ivanunknown
Kuusou Kagaku Sekai Gulliver BoyunknownBandai America, Inc.
Lab-RatActionEnrique O. Guerrero
Labour PainsunknownZenobi Software
Labour PainsunknownZenobi Software
LandSharkStrategyJ. Spicer
Last Knight in CamelotActionAdventure LearningWare
Le cauchemar de PPDAdventureCanal+ Multimedia
Legend of the Silver TalismanRPG
Leisure Suit Larry 7 - Love for Sail!unknownSierra
Leisure Suit Larry in Love for Sail!AdventureSierra On-Line
LemmingiunknownOrion Development
Lennus II: Fuuin no ShitounknownAsmik Ace Entertainment
LEO - Žhavá číslaPuzzleVladimír PeníÅ¡ka Corporation
LEO - Žhavá číslaAdultVochozka Trading
Leonard Nimoy's PrimortalsAdventureBig Entertainment
Leonardo the InventorEducationalSoftKey
Leyendas de LhodryeunknownIsland Dream
Lighthouse: The Dark BeingAdventureSierra On‑Line, Inc.
llhore - Windows 3.1 DonationwareunknownStar Lizard Software
Loom Preview v1.0unknown
Lords of the Realm IIStrategySierra On-Line
Los JusticierosActionDinamic Multimedia
Lost Files of Sherlock Holmes: The Case of the Rose TattooAdventureMythos Software Inc.
Lucky Charms Memory MachineunknownGeneral Mills, Yumnasium Games
Lunch TimeunknownBinary Zone
M.A.X - Mechanized Assault & ExplorationActionInterplay Productions
M.A.X.: Mechanized Assault and ExplorationStrategyInterplay Productions Ltd.
M&M's Bag EmunknownMars, Incorporated
M&M's Melt EmunknownMars, Incorporated
Mac Arcade Pak IIActionTony Breitzman
MacChessPuzzleWim van Beusekom
Mad TV 2StrategyGreenwood Entertainment
Madden NFL 97SportElectronic Arts
Madō Monogatari: Hanamaru DaiyōchienjiunknownCompile
Magic BoyActionJVC
Magic Carpet 2: The Netherworldsunknown
Magic FieldsunknownZack
Magic FieldsunknownZack
Magic Tales: Sleeping Cub's Test of CourageAdventureCapital Multimedia
Mahoujin Guru Guru 2unknownEnix Corporation
Maniac SquareunknownGaelco
Manic KartsunknownManic Media Productions
Manic Miner 3 - Tales from a Parallel UniverseunknownCheese Freak Software
Manic Miner 3 - Tales from a Parallel UniverseunknownCheese Freak Software
Marathon 2: Durandalunknown
Mario Kart 64SportNintendo
Marvel Super Heroes: War of the GemsunknownCapcom Co., Ltd.
Marvelous: Mōhitotsu no TakarajimaunknownNintendo Co., LTD
Master of Orion 2StrategySimtex
Master of Orion 2: Battle at AntaresStrategy
Master of Orion II: Battle at AntaresStrategySimTex
Math HeadsEducationalTheatrix
Maui Mallard in Cold ShadowActionNintendo Co., LTD
Maximum RoadkillunknownBits Studios
MazeunknownIan Collier
Maze 2unknownIan Collier
MechWarrior 2: 31st Century CombatActionActivision
Mechwarrior 2: MercenariesSimulationActivision
MechWarrior 3050unknownActivision
Megafortress Mega PakunknownThree-Sixty Pacific
Megami Ibunroku PersonaStrategyAtlus Software, Inc.
MegaTraveller CD-ROM: The Zhodani Conspiracy & Quest for the AncientsunknownParagon Software
Metal RageunknownTitus
Metal SlugActionSNK Corporation
Microsoft Return of ArcadeunknownMicrosoft
Microsoft Return of ArcadeSimulationMicrosoft
MiedosoActionM. Toscano
MiedosoActionM. Toscano
MiedosoActionM. Toscano
MiedosoActionM. Toscano
MiedosoActionM. Toscano
Mighty Math: Carnival CountdownEducationalEdmark
Mighty Sword of the Dark, TheunknownAlan Moore
Mini Yonku Shining Scorpion: Let's & Go!!unknownASCII
Mission CriticalAdventureLegend Entertainment
Mission Force: CyberstormunknownDynamix
Mohawk & Headphone JackActionBlack Pearl Software
Momotarou Dentetsu HappyunknownHudson Soft, LTD.
Mondo WordounknownLoadstar
Mondo Wordo II: Knees Calhoon's RevengeunknownLoadstar
Money TownEducationalDavidson & Associates
MonstaniaunknownPack-in-Video Co., Ltd.
Monster Truck MadnessSport
Monty Python & the Quest for the Holy GrailPuzzle7th Level
More v1.4unknownDominic Morris
Mortal Kombat TrilogyActionMidway Games
Mr. Blobby Goes Down the NewsagentsunknownBlood
Mr. Wonder's Greatest Toyshop on EarthEducationalMartin Koronka
Mujintou MonogatariunknownKSS
Mutant Chicken RacesSimulation
Mutation of J.B.AdventureInvention
Muzzle VelocityunknownDigi4Fun
Nanatsu No HikanAdventureKoei
NASCAR RacingSportPapyrus Design Group
Navy StrikeSimulationEmpire Interactive
NBA Hang TimeunknownMidway Games
NBA HangtimeSportMidway
NBA HangtimeSportMidway
NBA HangtimeSportMidway
NBA Live 97SportEA Sports
NecrobiusAdventureDaniel Auld
NecromanticsunknownEffigy Software
Need for Speed, The: Special EditionSportPioneer Productions
Nemac IVActionZenTek
Nemesis: The Wizardry AdventureunknownSir-Tech
NET:ZoneunknownCompro Games
NeuroidunknownSikor Soft
Neverhood, TheAdventureThe Neverhood, Inc.
New Yatterman: Nandai Kandai YajirobeeunknownYutaka
NFL Quarterback Club 96unknownAcclaim Entertainment / Sunsoft
NHL 97unknownEA Sports
Nichibutsu Collection 1unknownNichibutsu
NihilistunknownBits Corporation
Nikolai's MysteriesEducationalI. Hoffmann + Associates Inc.
Nikolai's PharaohsEducationalI. Hoffmann + Associates Inc.
Nikolai's ToysEducationalI. Hoffmann + Associates Inc.
Nintama Rantarō 2unknownCulture Brain
Nintama Rantarō SpecialunknownCulture Brain
Nobunaga no Yabou: TenshoukiunknownKoei
Noir: A Shadowy ThrillerAdventureTSi, Inc.
NormalityAdventureGremlin Interactive Ltd.
Noughts and CrossesunknownDamion Yates
Numbers ParadiseunknownAcclaim Japan
Nyaaaah! 03: A Licence to Lick the BibletsunknownBinary Zone
Nyaaaah! 04: A Licking Experience for SnodgeunknownBinary Zone
Nyaaaah! 04.2 Judgement DayunknownBinary Zone
Nyaaaah! 05unknownBinary Zone
Nyaaaah! 06unknownBinary Zone
Nyaaaah! 07: The Final ChapterunknownBinary Zone
Nyitrai MatrixunknownLaszlo Nyitrai
ObsidianAdventureAdam Wolff
Ocean TraderSimulationSoftware 2000
Oddballz EggzStrategyPF Magic
Oddballz: Your Wacky Computer PetzStrategyPF Magic
Odyssey: The Legend of NemesisRPGMacSoft
OffensiveStrategyWave Software Ltd.
Offensive: Western Front 1944-45unknownWave Software
Oil EmpireStrategy88th Panzer Division
Olympic SoccerSportSilicon Dreams
Olympic SoccerunknownSilicon Dreams
Olympic Summer GamesSportU.S. Gold
Olympic Summer GamesSportTiertex Design Studios
Olympic Summer GamesSportTiertex Design Studios
Olympic Summer GamesSportTiertex Design Studios
Ongaku Tsukūru: KanadeeruunknownASCII
Onside Complete SoccerunknownMovietime
Opera FatalAdventureHEUREKA-Klett
Operation RescueActionLamprey Systems
Opération Teddy BearEducationalIndex+
Ora JatekunknownLaszlo Nyitrai
OrbitunknownDamion Yates
Orion BurgerAdventureSanctuary Woods, Inc.
Orion BurgerunknownSanctuary Woods
Orion BurgerAdventureSanctuary Woods
Osadníci (Polanie)StrategyMDF
OuijaunknownMago Soft
OuijaunknownMago Soft
Over the ReichStrategy
OverboardunknownIan Collier
P.T.O. III / 提督の決断 IIIStrategyKoei
P'tongActionBen Spees
Pac 2000ActionEdiciones Mago
PacMac DeluxeActionDAPPSoft
Pacman 96unknownLaszlo Nyitrai
Pajama Sam: No Need To Hide When It's Dark OutsideAdventureHumongous Entertainment
Palace of Sand (Sultan's Palace)AdventureLouise Hope
Panzer GeneralStrategyHalestorm
PaRappa the RapperActionSony Computer Entertainment Europe Ltd.
Parlor! Mini: Pachinko Jikki Simulation GameunknownNippon Telenet
Passiance Klondike v1.1unknownDigital Reality
PC Basket 4.0unknownDinamic Multimedia
PC Calcio 4.0unknownDinamic Multimedia
PC calcio 5.0 (96/97)SportDynamic
PC Fútbol 5.0unknownDinamic Multimedia
PC Fútbol Argentina 4.0unknownDinamic Multimedia
PC MusunknownCírculo A.S.M.
PC Selección Española de FútbolunknownDinamic Multimedia
PC TuteunknownCírculo A.S.M.
Pebble Beach no Hatou New: Tournament EditionunknownT&E Soft
PegLeg 2ActionSean D. Ansorge
PensatorunknownPepetoni Soft
PGA European TourunknownBlack Pearl Software
PGA Tour 96unknownBlack Pearl Software
Phantasmagoria 2AdventureActivision
Phantasmagoria: A Puzzle of FleshAdventure
Pick Up the Phone Booth and DieAdventureR. Noyes
Pilotwings 64SimulationNintendo
Pinball 3D~VCRunknownSpidersoft
Pinky and the Brain ConcentrationunknownKids' WB
PisqorxPuzzleMartin Schmidt
Plague: In the Maze of the MindunknownSoftforum
Plus 3 Tennis IIunknownDamion Yates
Pokémon Blue VersionRPGNintendo
Pokémon Red VersionRPGNintendo
Pokémon Red VersionStrategyNintendo Co., LTD
PokerunknownIan Collier
Ports Of Call & Double X SlotsunknownMojo Software
Power Piggs of the Dark AgeActionTitus Software
Power Rangers Zeo versus The Machine EmpireActionCyberFlix/Saban Entertainment
Power Rangers Zeo: Battle RacersunknownBandai America, Inc.
Pray for DeathActionLight Shock Software s.n.c.
Pray for DeathunknownLightShock Software
Pray for DeathAction
Prehistorik ManActionTitus
Primal RageActionProbe
Prince of Persia 2: The Shadow and the FlameunknownTitus Software
Private EyeAdventureSimon & Schuster Interactive
Pro Kishi Jinsei Simulation: Shōgi no HanamichiunknownAtlus Software, Inc.
Professor Finkle's Times Table FactoryEducationalSing 'n' Learn Software
Psychic DetectiveAdventureElectronic Arts
Punky DuckunknownCondor Software
Purple DemonunknownAlan Moore
Pyramid PatienceunknownTiger's Claw
QMunknownBinary Zone
QuakeActionid sofware
QuakeActionid Software
QuakeActionID Software
Quarantine 2 - Road WarriorActionGameTek
QuarkActionSpencer Seidel
QuartoPuzzleAlan Weiss
Quasar WarsActionLight Designs
Quest Of Yipe!RPGKevin Kinell
Quest: The Dungeon EscapeunknownMichael Duhm
Quest: The Dungeon EscapeunknownMichael Duhm
QuickShot DeluxeActionJim Plamondon
Rainbow ChallengeunknownLoadstar
Rally SportSimulationJukka Jakala
RamaAdventureDynamix, Inc.
Rave Shuttle: The Cosmic ChallengeAdventureNAVIGO Multimedia
RChessPuzzleStrategic Studies Group
Reaction TimeunknownIan Collier
Reader Rabbit's Interactive Reading Journey 1EducationalThe Learning Company
Ready for Math with PoohEducationalDisney Interactive
RealmActionTitus Software
Realms of Arkania 3 - Shadows over RivaRPGAttic Entertainment
Realms of the HauntingActionGremlin Interactive Ltd.
Red Dwarf: Infinity Welcomes Careful DriversAdventure
Red EarthunknownCapcom Co., Ltd.
Resident EvilActionCapcom Co., Ltd.
Resident Evil (Bio Hazard)AdventureCapcom
Return FireActionWarner Interactive
Revolt of Don’s KnightsRPGEmerald Software
Revolution XunknownAcclaim Entertainment / Sunsoft
Rhyme CrymeunknownZenobi Software
Richard's Curling GameSportRichard Woloshyn (Gluonic Systems Research)
Ring CycleRPGMaelstrom
RipperAdventureTake-Two Interactive
RipperunknownTake-Two Interactive
Road Kill & XerixunknownMojo Software
Road RashSimulationElectronic Arts
Road RashSport
Rock RununknownBinary Zone
Rock RununknownBinary Zone
RPG Tsukūru 2unknownASCII
Rudra no HihōunknownSquare Co., Ltd.
RytíÅ™i GráluRPGCentauri Production
Sailor Moon and Her Sailor Scouts Computer Fun SetunknownGryphon Software Corporation
Sakin IIPuzzleAmuse Inc.
Same GameunknownHudson Soft, LTD.
Sandy v3.2unknownDatri Software
Sanrio Tiny Park: Volume 2unknownSanrio Co. Ltd.
Santa Fe Mysteries: The Elk Moon MurderAdventureActivision
SapiensAdventureDidier & Olivier Guillion
Schiffe versenkenStrategyTivola
School House Rock! America RockEducationalCreative Wonders
Schoolhouse Rock: Exploration StationEducationalCreative Wonders
Schoolhouse Rock: Exploration StationEducationalCreative Wonders
Schoolhouse Rock: Math RockEducationalCreative Wonders
ScorcherSimulationGT Interactive
Scrabble CD-ROMPuzzleHasbro Interactive
Screamer 2ActionVirgin Interactive
SD Gundam Power Formation PuzzleunknownBandai America, Inc.
Search for the Wonderful Whotsit, TheunknownAdventure Probe Software
Season of the SakuraAdultJAST USA
Secret Agent: The Escapeunknown
Secret MissionunknownMicroids
Seek and Destroyunknown
Sensible World of Soccer '96/'97SportRenegade Software
Sensible World of Soccer 95/96SportSensible Software
Sensible World of soccer 96/97SportSensible Software
Sesame Street: Get Set to LearnunknownCreative Wonders
Settlers II, The: Veni, Vidi, ViciStrategyBlue Byte Software GmbH & Co. KG
SGA II: Super Galaxy Apocalypse IIunknownBinary Zone
Shadow of the DevilAdventureRiki Computer Games
Shards 1.3PuzzleMike & Pat Dooley
Shblib, Cheese and CloudsunknownBinary Zone
Shine: Die Angst hat einen NamenAdventureChilli
Shoot That TankunknownIan Collier
Sid Meier's Civilization IIStrategyMicroProse Software
Silent HunterStrategyStrategic Simulations Interactive (SSI)
Silent HunterSimulationSSI
Sim Classics 3 in 1 PackStrategyMaxis
SimCity Jr.unknownImagineer Co., Ltd.
SimonunknownClinton T. Graham
SimTower: The Vertical EmpireStrategyMaxis Software Inc.
Skat 2095unknownCreaTeam-Software
SkiingunknownDamion Yates
Slam Tilt: The Pinball GameAction21st Century Entertainment
Slots of TriviaunknownUltisoft
Smagly 2unknownCrystal Dream
Smart Games Word Puzzles #1unknownSmart Games, Inc.
Sokoban v1.0unknownDominic Morris
Solid IceunknownStrategy First
Sonic 3D BlastActionSEGA
Sonic's SchoolhouseunknownBAP Interactive
Soreyuke Ebisumaru Karakuri Meiro: Kieta Goemon no Nazo!!unknownKonami
Sound Novel TsukūruunknownASCII
Space DudeunknownEvryware
Space Trader (Beta)StrategyKevin Quigley
Speccy SimonunknownBlood
Speccy SimonunknownBlood
SpecDaleksunknownTony Blews
SpeedRageunknownHexerei Games
SplaymasterActionChris Elsbree
Spriggan PoweredunknownNaxat Soft
Spycraft: The Great GameActionActivision
Star Control 3Strategy
Star Control 3ActionLegend Entertainment Company
Star GeneralStrategy
Star GeneralStrategyMindscape
Star MerchantunknownLK Avalon
Star OceanRPGtri-Ace Inc.
Star OceanAdventureEnix Corporation
Star PinochleunknownLoadstar
StarballunknownVolume 11 Software
Stars 2unknownDamion Yates
Stars 3unknownDamion Yates
Stay Tooned!unknown<span class="small">Funnybone Interactive</span>
Steven Spielberg's Director's ChairStrategyKnowledge Adventure
Street Fighter Alpha 2ActionCapcom Co., Ltd.
Street Fighter Alpha 2ActionCapcom
StrifeunknownRogue Entertainment
StrifeRPGRogue Entertainment
Strike BaseunknownMax Design
Strike BaseActionMax Design
Strike Team IIunknownBinary Zone
StuntmanunknownIan Collier
Sugoroku Ginga SenkiunknownBottom Up
Supapoon DXunknownYutaka
Super BomberunknownMr Scratcher
Super Bomberman 4ActionHudson Soft
Super Contra 7ActionWaixing, E.S.C.
Super Famista 5unknownNamco Ltd
Super Fire Pro Wrestling X PremiumunknownHuman Entertainment
Super Formation Soccer 96: World Club EditionunknownHuman Entertainment
Super Mario 64ActionNintendo
Super Mario 64ActionNintendo Co., LTD
Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven StarsRPGNintendo
Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven StarsunknownHAL Laboratory / Nintendo
Super Nichibutsu Mahjong 4: Kiso Kenkyuu HenunknownNichibutsu
Super Nyaaaah! 96unknownBinary Zone
Super Puyo Puyo Tsuu RemixunknownCompile
Super Robot Taisen Gaiden: Masou Kishin: The Lord of ElementalunknownBanpresto
Super SaperunknownMariusz Zaleski
Super Stardustunknown
Super Street Fighter 2Action
Super Street Fighter II TurboActionGameTek
Supercars InternationalSportThe Hit Squad
SurroundunknownMr Scratcher
SurvivalunknownThe Tiger
Swigridova KletbaAdventureAgawa
Syndicate WarsStrategyBullfrog
Syndicate WarsStrategy
Syndicate WarsActionElectronic Arts
Syndicate WarsStrategyBullfrog
SynnergistunknownVicarious Visions
TAIHEIYOU SENSHIEducationalImagineer
Takeru: Letter of the LawAdventureEagle Peak Interactive
Teach Yourself HyperCardEducationalMark Gregory
Teen AgentAdventure
Tekichuu Keiba JukuunknownBanpresto
Tempest 2000ActionJeff Minter
Tempest 2000unknown
Terminal VelocityActionMacSoft
Terminator: SkyNET, TheActionBethesda Softworks
Terra Nova: Strike Force CentauriActionLooking Glass Studios
TerraTopiaAdventureVirgin Sound and Vision
Tetris - The Text AdventureunknownStephen Smith
Tetris (Academysoft)Puzzle
Tetris AttackPuzzleIntelligent Systems, Nintendo
Tetris AttackPuzzleIntelligent Systems, Nintendo
TEWShipsunknownIan Collier
Tex Murphy: The Pandora DirectiveAdventure
The Adventures of SeanAdventureAndrew Tegelaar (Rancid Tomato Software)
The Baby-Sitters Club Friendship KitEducationalSidewalk Studios
The Berenstain Bears in the DarkunknownBroderbund
The BrainiesunknownTitus Software
The Chaos Engine 2ActionBitmap Brothers
The Crystal MazeunknownDigital Jellyfish
The Crystal SkullAdventureSome Interactive
The Dame Was LoadedunknownBeam Software
The Dame Was LoadedAdventure
The Dame Was LoadedAdventureBeam Software
The Elder Scrolls: Chapter II - DaggerfallActionBethesda Softworks
The Games FactoryunknownEuropress
The Gene Machine – The Great British AdventureAdventureDivide By Zero
The Hollywood MurdersAdventureMichael Zerbo
The Lost Adventures of LegendunknownLegend Entertainment
The Lost Files of Sherlock Holmes: The Case of the Rose TattooAdventure
The Louvre MuseumEducationalLearn Interactive
The Magic School Bus Explores Inside the EarthunknownMicrosoft
The MaskunknownBlack Pearl Software
The Mutation of J.B.unknownNEO / Riki Computer Games
The NeverhoodAdventureDreamWorks Interactive
The Puzzle Page #139unknownLoadstar
The Sacred Mirror of KofunAdventureFuture Concept
The Settlers II: Veni, Vidi, ViciStrategyBlue Byte Software
The SmurfsAction
The Sultan of TurkeyunknownLoadstar
The TenementunknownLoadstar
The TenementunknownLoadstar
The Time Warp Of Dr. BrainunknownDynamix
The Tobias Political Preference TestunknownLoadstar
The Towers of LoadstarunknownLoadstar
Three Sisters’ StoryAdultJAST Co.
Tigers on the Prowl 2unknownHPS
Time CommandoActionAdeline Software
Time CopunknownRover Soft
Time CopunknownRover Soft
Time CopunknownRover Soft
Time CopunknownRover Soft
Time ParadoxunknownFlair Software
Time SlaughterActionBloodlust Software
Time SlaughterAction
Tintin in TibetActionInfogrames
Tokimeki Memorial: Densetsu no Ki no Shita deunknownKonami
Tomb RaiderActionEidos Interactive
Tomb RaiderActionEidos Interactive, Inc.
Tomb RaiderPuzzleCore Design
ToonstruckAdventureBurst Studios
Total War: The Complete SSG Macintosh Wargame CollectionStrategyStrategic Studies Group
Touge Densetsu: Saisoku BattleunknownBullet-Proof Software
TowerStrategyBAO Ltd.
Tower DreamunknownASCII
Tower PokerunknownLoadstar
Toy StoryPuzzleDisney Interactive
Traga-PerrasunknownGabriel Rodriguez Calzada
Transport TycoonStrategyDigital Amusement
Transport Tycoon DeluxeStrategyMicroProse Software
Traverse: Starlight & PrairieunknownBanpresto
Treasure Hunter GRPGSting Entertainment
Treasure Hunter GStrategySquare Co., Ltd.
Trial by MagicunknownSilver Lightning Software
Triplane TurmoilSimulationDodekaedron Software
Trouble with TrollsunknownZenobi Software
TrubesunknownPanc Software
Turbo RacersunknownMatt Smith
Twisted Metal with Restored CD AudiounknownSony Interactive Entertainment Inc.
Typing Tutor 7EducationalDavidson & Associates
Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3ActionMidway Games
Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3unknownWilliams Entertainment
Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3ActionMidway Games
Ultimate Soccer Manager 2SportImpressions Games
Ultimate Soccer Manager 2unknown
Ultimate Spin DoctorPuzzleCallisto Corporation
UltraDicePuzzleIntergalactic Development Inc.
Umi no Nushi TsuriunknownPack-in-Video Co., Ltd.
Uncle Fudd's TreasureAdventureLeslie Wooddavis
Unknown WorldsunknownBoris Dietrich
Unlimited WarriorsActionDigitalica
Unlimited WarriorsunknownDigitalica
Upside DownunknownLK Avalon
Urban Runner: Lost in TownAdventureCoktel Vision
Valley Racer 3DunknownMatt Smith
Ve stínu magieRPGDivision
Vegas TrekAdventureCary Torkelson
VersteckenunknownMr. Joker
Victorian ParkAdventureBandai
Vigilance on Talos VActionPolyEx Software
Vikings: The Strategy of Ultimate ConquestActionGT Interactive
Vinny PuhunknownVB
Virtual PoolSportCeleris
Voyeur II: Watching is not enough…PuzzlePhilips Interactive Media
VS. CollectionunknownBottom Up
Wacky Zany Painter GuyunknownBlood
Wakuwaku Gal's Net WorkStrategyCinema Supply
War 3010: The RevolutionunknownAdvanced Productions
War WindStrategyDreamForge Intertainment
Warcraft II: Beyond The Dark PortalRPGBlizzard
Washing DayunknownGarry Lancaster
Wave Race 64: Kawasaki Jet SkiSportNintendo
Wayne Gretzky’s 3D HockeySportMidway
Weekend WarriorActionBungie
Wembley Rugby Leagueunknown
WhizzunknownTitus Software
Williams Arcade's Greatest HitsActionWilliams Entertainment
WinblockerunknownSchenk & Horn
Windows 3.1 Shareware: BRASILunknownAlex Pato Hoffman
Windows 3.1 Shareware: DCARDS11unknownDynoTech Software
Windows 3.1 Shareware: DTILES10unknownDynoTech
Windows 3.1 Shareware: EASTERunknownAmbrosine
Windows 3.1 Shareware: LANIMALSunknownLawrence Goetz
Windows 3.1 Shareware: SDODGEMunknownP.S. Neeley
Windows 3.1: 2812unknownTyler Dauwalder
Windows 3.1: 3646unknownPhilippe Basciano
Windows 3.1: DYNIXunknownCrnko Nenad
Windows 3.1: WINNIB20unknownTyler Dauwalder
Windows 3.1: WVASTERunknownAnthony Carin
Windows 3.1: WVBOUTunknownAnthony Carin
Windows 3.1: WVCLIFTunknownAnthony Carin
Windows 3.1: WVPONGunknownAnthony Carin
Windows 3.1: WVSTREKunknownAnthony Carin
Windows 3.1: WVSWORDunknownAnthony Carin
Windows 3.1: ZMAXunknownWilliam Hood
Winning Post 2: Program '96unknownKoei
Winter GoldunknownHAL Laboratory / Nintendo
Witchaven 2: Blood VengeanceActionCapstone Software
WWF in Your Houseunknown
WWF WrestleMania: The Arcade GameunknownAcclaim Entertainment / Sunsoft
X-Men 3: Mojo WorldunknownTec Toy
X-Plane 2SimulationLaminar Research
X-Words DeluxePuzzleAndrew Trevorrow
Xenophage: Alien BloodSportActionApogee Software, LTD.
Xenophage: Alien BloodSportAction
XSActionSci Games
XTETunknownAuric Vision Ltd. ZES't Corp.
YahtzeeunknownChristine Benoit
YahtzeeunknownChristine Benoit
Yellow Brick Road 3: Harapeko Tsuki To Hoshi Atsume (removed duplicate)AdventureSynergy Interactive
Yendorian Tales - Book 1 - Chapter 2RPGSmithWare
Yogi's Mega Games 001unknownJellystone Park
Yogi's Mega Games 020unknownJellystone Park
You Don't Know Jack: MoviesPuzzleBerkeley Systems
You Don't Know Jack: SportsSportBerkeley Systems
You Don't Know Jack: Volume 2PuzzleBerkeley Systems
Youchien Senki MadaraunknownDatam Polystar
Ys V ExpertunknownNihon Falcom Corp.
ZStrategyBitmap Brothers
Zeddas: Horror Tour 2AdventureCaravan Interactive
Zenkoku Kōkō Soccer Senshuken '96unknownMagical Company
Zone RaidersActionImage Space
ZonezPuzzleAndrew Walters
Zoombinis Logical JourneyEducationalBrøderbund
Zork NemesisAdventureActivision
Zork Nemesis: The Forbidden LandsPuzzleActivision
ZPCActionGT Interactive