A Games


Robot 001
A Boy and His BlobPuzzle
A Brief History of TimeEducationalCreative technology Ltd.
A Case For Cap & CoEducationalTivola
A Change in the WeatherAdventureInfocom
A Christmas Eve NightmareunknownDan Johnson
A City Dies Whenever Night Fallsunknown
A Color Clown Comes to Town: Help ScreenunknownDiAmar Interactive Corp
A Day at the RacesunknownRed Rat Software
A Day At WorkAdventureEpic Banana
A Day in the LifeunknownMicromega
A Day in the LifeunknownMicromega
A Day in the LifeunknownMicromega
A Day in the LifeunknownMicromega
A Day in the LifeunknownMicromega
A Day in the LifeunknownMicromega
A Day in the Life of ArnoldunknownSteve Lake
A Day in the Life of ArnoldunknownSteve Lake
A Day in the Life of ArnoldunknownSteve Lake
A Dudley DilemmaAdventuretbf
A Dudley DilemmaAdventure
A Dungeon RompunknownZenobi Software
A Fistful of Blood CapsulesunknownZodiac Software
A Fistful of Blood CapsulesunknownZodiac Software
A Fistful of Blood CapsulesunknownZodiac Software
A Fistful of Blood CapsulesunknownZodiac Software
A Fistful of Blood CapsulesunknownZodiac Software
A Fistful of Blood CapsulesunknownZodiac Software
A Fistful of Blood CapsulesunknownZodiac Software
A Fistful of Blood Capsules - IntrounknownZodiac Software
A Fistful of Blood Capsules - IntrounknownZodiac Software
A Fistful of NecronomiconsunknownZenobi Software
A FolyounknownLaszlo Nyitrai
A Game of StrategyStrategyHenrik Hoexbroe
A Game of StrategyStrategyHenrik Hoexbroe
A Golden WakeAdventureGrundislav Games
A Golden WakeAdventureGrundislav Games
A Harvesting Moonunknown8th Day Software
A Harvesting Moonunknown8th Day Software
A Harvesting Moonunknown8th Day Software
A Hero for SoraniaunknownAdventure Probe Software
A Holiday to RememberunknownVisual Dimensions
A Holiday to RememberunknownVisual Dimensions
A Journey Into XanthAdventure
A Journey into XanthAdventureNeil Sorenson
À la recherche du paquet de Choco KrispiesAdventureKellogg's
À la recherche du paquet de Choco KrispiesAdventureKellogg's
A Legacy for Alaric II - The Magic IsleunknownZenobi Software
A Legacy for Alaric II - The Magic IsleunknownZenobi Software
A Legacy for Alaric II - The Magic IsleunknownZenobi Software
A Legacy for Alaric v2unknownZenobi Software
A Legacy for Alaric v2unknownZenobi Software
A Legacy for Alaric v3unknownZenobi Software
A Legacy for Alaric v3unknownZenobi Software
A Legacy for Alaric v3unknownZenobi Software
A Line in the SandStrategy
A Line in the SandunknownSSI
A Line in the SandunknownSSI
A Lot of Mathematicsunknown
A Magician's Apprenticeunknown
A Mess O' TroubleAdventureRay Dunakin
A Mind Forever VoyagingAdventureInfocom
A Mind Forever VoyagingAdventureInfocom
A Mind Forever VoyagingAdventureInfogrames
A Monster Ate My HomeworkPuzzleGeek Beach
A New BeginningAdventureDaedalic Entertainment
A Night with TroiAdventure
A Nightmare on Elm Streetunknown
A Nightmare on Elm StreetunknownSharedata
A Or AnunknownCES
A Personal NightmareAdventureBox Office
A Personal NightmareAdventure
A Pokol AngyalaunknownOliver Gaspar
A Popples Christmas AdventureunknownAmerican Greetings
A Question of ScruplesunknownLeisure Genius
A Right Pair of...unknownNaffsoft
A Rtunknown
A Shadow on GlassunknownPsychaedelic Hedgehog Software
A Shadow on GlassunknownPsychaedelic Hedgehog Software
A Silly Noisy HouseEducationalPeggy Weil
A Soupcon of TroubleunknownAdventure Probe Software
A Soupcon of TroubleunknownAdventure Probe Software
A Spell of Christmas IceunknownStar Dreams
A Spell of Christmas IceunknownStar Dreams
A Tangled TaleunknownDouble Play Adventures
A Tangled TaleunknownDouble Play Adventures
A Team, Theunknown
A Thief in the NightunknownWesty Productions
A Thief in the NightunknownWesty Productions
A Ticket to RideunknownMastertronic
A Ticket to RideunknownMastertronic
A Tiltott Varosunknown
A to Snad NEunknownJM-Soft
A To Snad Ne!unknown
A To Snad Ne!unknown
A Vampyre StoryAdventureAutumn Moon
A View To A KillActionDomark
A Weana Partieunknown
A Western AdventureunknownKHP
A-10 Attack!SimulationParsoft Interactive
A-10 Cuba!SimulationActivision
A-10 Tank KillerStrategyDynamix
A-10 Tank KillerunknownDynamix
A-10 Tank KillerunknownDynamix
A-10 Tank KillerunknownDynamix
A-10 Tank KillerunknownDynamix
A-10 Tank KillerunknownDynamix
A-OK! The Wings of MercuryEducationalApogee Software
A-OK! The Wings of Mercury 68kEducationalInteractive Magic
A-Team, TheunknownZafiro Software Division
A-Team, TheunknownZafiro Software Division
A-Team, TheunknownZafiro Software Division
A-Team, TheunknownZafiro Software Division
A-Team, TheunknownZafiro Software Division
A-Team, TheunknownZafiro Software Division
A-Train Construction SetStrategyOcean
A-Train Construction SetunknownOcean
A-Train Construction SetunknownOcean
A-ZoneunknownB.Ware Software
A.E. Side 1unknown
A.G.E.SimulationCoktel Vision
A.J.';s World of DiscoveryEducationalCoktel Vision
A.L.I.E.N.SActionBrett Anderson
A.R.N.O.L.D.unknownStatic Soft
A.S.P. Air Strike PatrolunknownSeta
a2 a2sudoku v1.3 A2Sudoku Version 1.3 Supports Real Time Clocksunknown
a2 adventureunknown
a2 Bop N Wrestleunknown
a2 crosswordunknown
a2 Crystal Questunknown
a2 derbyunknown
a2 eliteunknown
A2 FS1, Apple Panic, Sabotage, Raster Blasterunknown
a2 Lords of Conquestunknown
a2 reversiunknown
a2 TAKE 1unknown
a2 TimeOut Central 10unknown
a2 TimeOut Central 11unknown
a2 TimeOut Central 14unknown
a2 TimeOut Central 16unknown
a2 Where in Europe is Carmen Sandiego demounknown
a2 world championship.karateunknown
A2-FS1 Flight SimulatorunknownsubLOGIC
a2anaunknownMatteo Trevisan
A320 AirbusSimulationThalion
A320 AirbusSimulation
A320 AirbusSimulationThalion
A320 AirbusSimulationThalion
A320 Airbus Vol. 2SimulationGames 4 Europe
A320 Airbus: Edition USASimulationThalion
A320 Airbus: USASimulationThalion Software
A4 NetworksunknownAtari
A4 NetworksunknownAtari
Aa HarimanadaActionSega
Aaahh!! Real MonstersActionViacom New Media
AaarghunknownBinary Design
Aaargh!unknownMelbourne House
Aaargh!ActionMelbourne House
Aaargh!ActionMelbourne House
Aaargh!ActionMelbourne House
Aargon Deluxe GoldPuzzleRed Marble Games
AbaccusPuzzlePautex JF
Abacus ProjectEducationalPeter Tax
Abadía del Crimen Extensum, LaAdventureManuel Pazos & Daniel Celemin
Abadía del Crimen Extensum, LaunknownManuel Pazos
Abadia del Crimen, LaAdventureOpera Soft
Abadia del Crimen, LaunknownOpera Soft
Abadia del Crimen, LaunknownOpera Soft
Abadía del Crimen, LaunknownOpera Soft
Abadía del Crimen, LaunknownOpera Soft
Abadía del Crimen, LaunknownOpera Soft
Abadía del Crimen, LaunknownOpera Soft
Abadía del Crimen, LaunknownManuel Pazos
Abadía del Crimen, LaunknownHabisoft
Abadía del Crimen, La/Sir FredMiscOpera Soft
Abadox: The Deadly Inner WarActionMilton Bradley
AbalonePuzzlePeter Tax
AbaloneunknownOlivier Thill
Abandoned PlacesRPGInternational Computer Entertain
Abandoned Places 2RPGArtgame
Abandoned Places: A Time for HeroesunknownArtGame
Abbalone 3DPuzzleAnomic Software
ABCunknownSikor Soft
ABCunknownSikor Soft
ABC BanchouEducationalEureka Multimedia
ABC Fun KeysEducationalC.E. Krehbiel
ABC Monday Night FootballSportData East USA
ABC Monday Night FootballSportData East Corporation
ABC Monday Night FootballunknownData East
ABC SportsunknownPat Maloney
ABC Wide World of Sports BoxingSportData East USA
ABC Wide World of Sports: BoxingunknownData East
ABC Wide World of Sports: BoxingunknownData East
ABC Wide World of Sports: BoxingunknownData East
Abeja Sabia 1, LaunknownAnaya
Abeja Sabia 2, LaunknownAnaya
Abeja Sabia 3, LaunknownAnaya
Abenteuer AtlantisunknownKnorr
Abenteuer EuropaAdventureSPD
Abenteuer EuropaAdventureSPD
Abenteuer im WeltraumunknownAtari
Abobo's Big AdventureActionTeam Bobo
AbracadabraunknownProein Soft Line
Abracadabra!ActionPhelios inc
Abracadabra!unknownTG Software
Abracadabra!unknownTG Software
Abracadabra!unknownTG Software
abracadata designyourowntrain s1unknown
Abrams Battle TankSimulationDynamix, Inc.
Abrams Battle TankSimulationDynamix
Abrams Battle TankSimulationElectronic Arts
Absolute MahJongPuzzleAbsolutist
Absolute PinballActionUnique Development Studios
Absolute PinballActionUnique Development Studios
Absolute SolitairePuzzleGlenn Seemann
Absolute StocksStrategySplinter Software
Absolute ZeroActionDomark
Abu Simbel ProfanationunknownGremlin Graphics Software
Abu Simbel Profanationunknown
Abu Simbel ProfanationunknownGremlin Graphics Software
Abu Simbel ProfanationunknownGremlin Graphics Software
Abu Simbel ProfanationunknownDinamic Software
Abu Simbel ProfanationunknownDinamic Software
Abu Simbel ProfanationunknownDinamic
Abu Simbel ProfanationunknownDinamic
Abu Simbel ProfanationunknownDinamic
Abu Simbel ProfanationunknownDinamic
Abu Simbel ProfanationunknownDinamic
Abu Simbel ProfanationunknownDinamic
Abu Simbel ProfanationunknownDinamic
Abu Simbel Profanation RemakeunknownM.A. Soft
Abu Simbel Profanation RemakeunknownM.A. Soft
Abu Simbel Profanation RemakeunknownRetrospec
AbuseunknownCrack dot Com
AbuseActionCrack dot Com
AbuseActionCrack dot com
Abuse v2.9unknownDon't Ask Computer Software
Abuse v2.9unknownDon't Ask Computer Software
Abuse v2.9unknownDon't Ask Computer Software
AbwehrunknownWerner Spahl
Abyss - IntrounknownCCS
Abyss - IntrounknownCCS
Academy Tau Ceti IIunknown
Academy - Tau Ceti II - Mission Don't PanicunknownCRL Group
Academy - Tau Ceti II - Mission Don't PanicunknownCRL Group
Academy - Tau Ceti II - Mission If It Moves...unknownCRL Group
Academy - Tau Ceti II - Mission If It Moves...unknownCRL Group
Academy - Tau Ceti II - Mission If It Moves...unknownCRL Group
Academy - Tau Ceti II - Mission If It Moves...unknownCRL Group
Academy - Tau Ceti II - Mission The Sands of TimeunknownCRL Group
Academy - Tau Ceti II - Mission The Sands of TimeunknownCRL Group
Academy: Tau Ceti IIunknownCRL Group
Accele BridunknownTomy
AcceleratorunknownCentury City Software
AcceleratorunknownCentury City Software
AcceleratorunknownCentury City Software
Accolade ComicsAdventureAccolade
ACE Air Combat Emulatorunknown
Ace 2SimulationCascade
ACE 2unknownCascade Games
ACE 2unknownCascade Games
ACE 2 The Ultimate Head to Head Conflictunknown
ACE 2 - The Ultimate Head to Head ConflictunknownCascade Games
ACE 2 - The Ultimate Head to Head ConflictunknownCascade Games
ACE 2 - The Ultimate Head to Head ConflictunknownCascade Games
ACE 2 - The Ultimate Head to Head ConflictunknownCascade Games
ACE 2 - The Ultimate Head to Head ConflictunknownCascade Games
ACE 2 - The Ultimate Head to Head ConflictunknownCascade Games
ACE 2088 - The Space-Flight Combat SimulationunknownCascade Games
ACE 2088 - The Space-Flight Combat SimulationunknownCascade Games
ACE 2088 - The Space-Flight Combat SimulationunknownCascade Games
ACE 2088 - The Space-Flight Combat SimulationunknownCascade Games
ACE 2088 - The Space-Flight Combat SimulationunknownCascade Games
ACE 2088 - The Space-Flight Combat SimulationunknownCascade Games
ACE 2088 - The Space-Flight Combat SimulationunknownCascade Games
Ace DetectiveEducationalMindplay
Ace ExplorerEducationalMindplay
Ace LowunknownCCS
Ace LowunknownCCS
Ace of AcesSimulationAccolade
Ace of AcesActionAccolade, U.S. Gold, Artech
Ace of AcesunknownAccolade
Ace of AcesunknownU.S. Gold
Ace of AcesunknownAccolade
Ace of AcesunknownU.S. Gold
Ace of AcesunknownU.S. Gold
Ace of Acesunknown
Ace of AcesActionAccolade, U.S. Gold, Artech
Ace of AcesActionAccolade, U.S. Gold, Artech
Ace of AcesSimulationSega Corporation
Ace of AcesunknownUS Gold
Ace ReporterEducationalMindplay
Ace VenturaAdventureMorgan Creek Productions, Inc.
Ace: Air Combat EmulatorSimulationCascade Games Ltd
Aces High - The True Duel SimulatorSimulationCadaver
Aces of the DeepSimulationDynamix, Inc.
Aces of the DeepSimulationDynamix
Aces of the DeepSimulationDynamix
Aces of the DeepunknownDynamix
Aces of the Deep: Expansion DiskunknownDynamix
Aces of the Deep: Expansion DiskunknownDynamix
Aces of the PacificSimulation
Aces of the PacificSimulationDynamix
Aces of the PacificSimulationSierra
Aces of the PacificRPGSierra
Aces of the PacificunknownSierra
Aces of the PacificunknownSierra
Aces of the PacificunknownSierra
Aces of the PacificActionSierra
Aces of the PacificunknownSierra
Aces of the Pacific - Patch BRPGSierra
Aces of the Pacific - WWII: 1946unknownSierra
Aces of the Pacific - WWII: 1946unknownSierra
Aces of the Pacific - WWII: 1946unknownSierra
Aces of the Pacific - WWII: 1946unknownSierra
Aces Over EuropeSimulationDynamix
Aces Over EuropeSimulation
Aces Over EuropeSimulationDynamix
Aces over EuropeSimulationDynamix
Aces over EuropeSimulationDynamix
Aces over EuropeunknownDynamix
Aces over EuropeunknownDynamix
Aces over Europe patch diskunknownDynamix
Acey-DeuceyunknownCreative Computing
Acey-DeuceyunknownL&S Computerware
Acey-DeuceyunknownL&S Computerware
Achtung die Kurve!Action
Achtung SpitfireStrategyAvalon Hill
Achtung, die Kurve!ActionHero Music Company
Acid DropPuzzleSalu Ltd.
Acid TetrisPuzzle
Acid TrapunknownDemetrius Cross
Ack-Ack AttackActionKurt W. Dekker
Ack-Ack Attack!ActionPLBM Games
Ack-Ack Attack!unknown
Ack! ManActionCarey Nash
Acky's XP BreakoutActionIsotope 244
ACME Animation FactoryEducationalSunsoft
Acme Glass CubeunknownIolo Davidson
Acme Glass CubeunknownIolo Davidson
Acme Glass CubeunknownIolo Davidson
AcornActionP.P.P. Ediciones
AcorraladoActionAmiga Wave
AcquireActionToucan Track Club
AcquireStrategyAvalon Hill
Acquire EStrategyJuergen Bermann
Acro JetunknownU.S. Gold
Acro Jetunknown
Acro JetunknownU.S. Gold
Acro JetunknownU.S. Gold
Acro JetunknownU.S. Gold
Acro JetunknownU.S. Gold
Acro JetunknownU.S. Gold
Acrobat MissionunknownTechiku
Across Lite for PPC MacsPuzzleCary Torkelson
Across the RhineSimulationMicroProse
Action 52MiscActive Enterprises
Action BikerSportMastertronic
Action CountdownMiscKixx
Action CountdownMiscKixx
Action FighterSport
Action FighterunknownFirebird Software
Action FighterunknownFirebird Software
Action Fighterunknown
Action FighterunknownFirebird Software
Action FighterSportSega
Action FighterSportSega
Action FighterSportSega Corporation
Action FighterunknownSega
Action FighterunknownSega
Action FighterunknownSega
Action ForceunknownVirgin Games
Action ForceunknownVirgin Games
Action ForceunknownVirgin Games
Action ForceunknownVirgin Games
Action Forceunknown
Action Force IIunknownVirgin Mastertronic
Action Force IIunknownVirgin Mastertronic
Action Force IIunknownVirgin Mastertronic
Action Force IIunknownVirgin Mastertronic
Action Force IIunknownVirgin Mastertronic
Action HollywoodActionTHC
Action in New YorkActionInfogrames
Action in the North AtlanticStrategyGeneral Quarters Software
Action in the North AtlanticStrategy
Action PachiounknownCoconuts Japan
Action Point 2009: mojofltr ASCII Demounknown
Action Point 2009: mojofltr Encodeunknown
Action Point 2009: mojofltr My Demounknown
Action Point 2009: mojofltr Text Snakeunknown
Action QuestunknownJV Software
Action QuestunknownJV Software
Action QuestunknownJV Software
Action ReflexunknownMirrorsoft
Action ReflexunknownMirrorsoft
Action ReflexunknownMirrorsoft
Action ReflexunknownMirrorsoft
Action ReflexunknownMirrorsoft
Action ReflexunknownMirrorsoft
Action Serviceunknown
Action ServiceunknownCobra Soft
Action SoccerSportLudimedia SAS
Action SoccerunknownLudi Media
Action Soccerunknown
Action Stations!unknownInternecine
Action Stations! Aka Naval Surface Combat 1922 - 1945SimulationRAW Entertainment
Action SuperCross v1.2SportBalász Rózsa
Action-Strategy BaseballSportCary Torkelson
Active LancerActionde software
Activision Anthology Remix EditionActionActivision
Activision Decathlon, TheSportActivision
Activision's Atari 2600 Action PackActionActivision
Activision's Atari 2600 Action Pack 2ActionActivision
ActRaiserActionEnix Corporation
ActRaiserActionQuintet, Enix
ActRaiser 2unknownEnix Corporation
ActRaiser 2ActionQuintet, Enix
Actua SoccerSportGremlin Interactive
Actua SoccerSportGremlin Interactive Ltd.
Actua SoccerSportGremlin
Actua Soccer 3SportGremlin
Ad AstraunknownGargoyle Games
Ad AstraunknownGargoyle Games
Ad AstraunknownGargoyle Games
Ad AstraunknownGargoyle Games
Ad AstraunknownGargoyle Games
Ad AstraunknownGargoyle Games
Ad AstraunknownGargoyle Games
Ad Listerunknown
Adam & EveActionGluk Video
AdaxunknownL.K. Avalon
AdaxunknownL.K. Avalon
AdaxunknownL.K. Avalon
Add-ons for Ambrosia games and moreActionEureka Multimedia
AddaladdaunknownDavid Cowell
AddaladdaunknownDavid Cowell
Addams Family ValuesRPGOcean Software, Inc.
Addams Family, TheActionOcean Software
Addams Family, TheunknownOcean
Addams Family, TheunknownOcean
Addams Family, Theunknown
Addams Family, TheunknownOcean
Adder AttackunknownMogul Communications
Adder AttackunknownMogul Communications
Adding & SubtractingEducationalEureka Multimedia
Addy 5 Grade 7EducationalCoktel
Addy 7EducationalCoktel
Addy Junior - Natur und TechnikEducationalCoktel
Addy Junior 2 - Lesen und RechnenEducationalCoktel
Addy Junior 2 - MusikEducationalCoktel
ADDY Kids 5.0: Deutsch Klasse 1 + 2EducationalCoktel Vision
ADDY Kids 5.0. Mathe Klasse 3 und 4EducationalCoktel
Addy Teens 5 Grade 5+6EducationalCoktel
AdebarunknownRaindorf Soft
AdebarunknownRaindorf Soft
AdelunknownMind Games
Adiboo: Discover Music, Melody & RhymeEducationalKnowledge Adventure
Adidas Championship Footballunknown
Adidas Championship FootballunknownOcean
adidas Championship Tie BreakunknownStarbyte Software
Adidas Championship Tie Breakunknown
Adidas Championship Tie-BreakunknownOcean
Adidas Championship Tie-BreakunknownOcean
Adidas Championship Tie-BreakunknownOcean
Adiós a la Casta Episode 1Action4MHz
Adiós a la Casta Episode 2Action4MHz
Admiral Graf Speeunknown
Admiral Graf Speeunknown
Admiral Graf SpeeunknownTemptation Software
Admiral Graf SpeeunknownTemptation Software
Admirals CommandStrategySimoneSystems Software
Admirals CommandStrategySimoneSystems Software
ADOM (PPC Versions)StrategyRevaro Software
Adrenalin Racing XSportRevaro Software
Adult Oneunknown
Adult Twounknown
ADV CON1unknown
Advance WarsStrategyNintendo Co., LTD
Advanced Advocacy SimulatorunknownDerek Jolly
Advanced Binary SimulatorunknownRadovan Garabik
advanced blackjackunknown
Advanced BlackjackunknownMuse
Advanced CivilizationunknownAvalon Hill
Advanced Coin SimulatorunknownCodehamsters
Advanced Death Simulatorunknown
Advanced Destroyer SimulatorSimulationFutura
Advanced Destroyer SimulatorunknownFutura
Advanced Destroyer Simulatorunknown
Advanced Destroyer SimulatorSimulation
Advanced Destroyer SimulatorStrategyFutura
Advanced Dungeons & DragonsAdventureElectronic Arts
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons - Dragons of FlameActionPony Canyon
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons - DragonStrikeActionFCI
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons - Heroes of the LanceActionPony Canyon
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons - HillsfarStrategyPony Canyon
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons - Pool of RadianceunknownPony Canyon
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Character Roller v1.1unknownBob Curtain
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Collector's EditionRPGMacSoft
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Heroes of the Lanceunknown
Advanced Flight TrainerSimulationEdward Lenner
Advanced Lawnmower SimulationSimulationGardensoft
Advanced Lawnmower Simulator IIunknownJA Software
Advanced Milkfloat Simulator, TheunknownStuart Brady
Advanced NetwarsActionCaldera
Advanced PatienceunknownTiger's Claw
Advanced Pinball SimulatorunknownCode Masters
Advanced Pinball SimulatorunknownCode Masters
Advanced Pinball SimulatorunknownCodemasters
Advanced Pinball Simulatorunknown
Advanced Pinball SimulatorunknownCodemasters
Advanced Pinball SimulatorunknownCodemasters
Advanced Pinball SimulatorunknownCodemasters
Advanced Pro Wife SimulatorunknownAndy Kavanagh
Advanced Road Rage SimulatorunknownBlood
Advanced Soccer SimulatorunknownMastertronic Plus
Advanced Soccer SimulatorunknownMastertronic Plus
Advanced Tacticalunknown
Advanced Tactical Fighterunknown
Advanced Tactical Fighter 2Simulation
Advanced Tactical Fighter IIunknownDigital Integration
Advanced Thinking SkillsEducationalCompedia Software
Advanced W*nking SimulatorunknownA.J. Moss
Advanced Wallpaper Simulatorunknown
Advanced XoruAdventureCastle Technologies
Advanced Year 2000 SimulatorunknownRob Erlich
Advantage Tennisunknown
Advent RisingAdventureGlyphX Games
Advent X-5unknownAntic
AdventureunknownMax Manowski
AdventureunknownMicro Gold
AdventureunknownAdventuresoft UK
AdventureunknownMicro Gold
AdventureunknownAdventuresoft UK
AdventureunknownMicro Gold
AdventureunknownAdventuresoft UK
AdventureunknownA Bit Better Associates
Adventure - 1unknown
Adventure - Only the Fittest Shall Survive, The v3.5unknownGreen Valley Publishing
Adventure (aka Colossal Cave Adventure)AdventureWilliam Crowther / Don Woods
Adventure 1unknownAbersoft
Adventure 1unknownAbersoft
Adventure 1unknownAbersoft
Adventure 1unknownAbersoft
ADVENTURE 2unknown
Adventure 2 - PoliticounknownD.J. Moody
Adventure 200unknownC.J. Coombs
Adventure 3 - The Satan CrystalsunknownD.J. Moody
Adventure 4 - Voodoo CastleunknownAdventure International
Adventure A The Planet of Deathunknown
Adventure A - The Planet of DeathunknownArtic Computing
Adventure A - The Planet of DeathunknownArtic Computing
Adventure A - The Planet of DeathunknownArtic Computing
Adventure A - The Planet of DeathunknownArtic Computing
Adventure A - The Planet of DeathunknownArtic Computing
Adventure A - The Planet of DeathunknownArtic Computing
Adventure A - The Planet of DeathunknownArtic Computing
Adventure A - The Planet of DeathunknownArtic Computing
Adventure at the Chateau d'OrAdventureKarma Labs
Adventure at Vandenberg A.F.B.unknownANALOG Computing
Adventure B Inca Curseunknown
Adventure B - Inca CurseunknownArtic Computing
Adventure B - Inca CurseunknownArtic Computing
Adventure B - Inca CurseunknownArtic Computing
Adventure B - Inca CurseunknownArtic Computing
Adventure B - Inca CurseunknownArtic Computing
Adventure B - Inca CurseunknownArtic Computing
Adventure B - Inca CurseunknownArtic Computing
Adventure C The Ship of Doomunknown
Adventure C - The Ship of DoomunknownArtic Computing
Adventure C - The Ship of DoomunknownIncentive Software
Adventure C - The Ship of DoomunknownIncentive Software
Adventure C - The Ship of DoomunknownArtic Computing
Adventure C - The Ship of DoomunknownArtic Computing
Adventure C - The Ship of DoomunknownArtic Computing
Adventure C - The Ship of DoomunknownArtic Computing
Adventure C - The Ship of DoomunknownArtic Computing
Adventure C - The Ship of DoomunknownArtic Computing
Adventure C - The Ship of DoomunknownArtic Computing
Adventure C - The Ship of Doom v2unknownArtic Computing
Adventure Construction SetRPG
Adventure Construction Set Disk 1 Frontunknown
Adventure CrazeunknownAndrew Ward
Adventure D Espionage Islandunknown
Adventure D - Espionage IslandunknownArtic Computing
Adventure D - Espionage IslandunknownArtic Computing
Adventure D - Espionage IslandunknownArtic Computing
Adventure D - Espionage IslandunknownArtic Computing
Adventure D - Espionage IslandunknownArtic Computing
Adventure D - Espionage IslandunknownArtic Computing
Adventure D - Espionage IslandunknownArtic Computing
Adventure D - Espionage IslandunknownArtic Computing
Adventure D - Espionage IslandunknownArtic Computing
Adventure D - Espionage IslandunknownArtic Computing
Adventure Disk 21unknown
Adventure E - The Golden AppleunknownArtic Computing
Adventure E - The Golden AppleunknownArtic Computing
Adventure E - The Golden AppleunknownArtic Computing
Adventure E - The Golden AppleunknownArtic Computing
Adventure E - The Golden AppleunknownArtic Computing
Adventure E - The Golden AppleunknownArtic Computing
Adventure ElfActionBlockdot
Adventure F - The Eye of BainunknownArtic Computing
Adventure F - The Eye of BainunknownArtic Computing
Adventure F - The Eye of BainunknownArtic Computing
Adventure F - The Eye of BainunknownArtic Computing
Adventure F - The Eye of BainunknownArtic Computing
Adventure G - Ground ZerounknownArtic Computing
Adventure G - Ground ZerounknownArtic Computing
Adventure H - Robin HoodunknownArtic Computing
Adventure in BristolunknownGarry Lancaster?
Adventure in SereniaAdventure
Adventure in SereniaAdventureOn-Line Systems
Adventure in SereniaunknownSierra
Adventure in the Fifth Dimension!unknownANALOG Computing
Adventure in the Fifth Dimension!unknownANALOG Computing
Adventure in TimeunknownPhoenix Software
Adventure in TimeunknownPhoenix Software
Adventure Inlay: Safari EditionPuzzleGameHouse
Adventure IslandunknownAntic
Adventure IslandActionHudson Soft, LTD.
Adventure Island IIActionHudson Soft, LTD.
Adventure Island IIIActionHudson Soft, LTD.
Adventure Listerunknown
Adventure Masterunknown
Adventure Masterunknown
Adventure Masterunknown
Adventure MathunknownEpic MegaGames
Adventure No. 01: Adventureland v3.9-416unknownAdventure International
Adventure No. 02: Pirate Adventure v3.9-408unknownAdventure International
Adventure No. 03: Mission Impossible v3.9-306unknownAdventure International
Adventure No. 05: The Count v3.9-115unknownAdventure International
Adventure No. 06: Strange Odyssey v3.9-119unknownAdventure International
Adventure No. 07: Mystery Fun House v3.9-145unknownAdventure International
Adventure No. 07: Mystery Fun House v3.9-145unknownAdventure International
Adventure No. 08: Pyramid of Doom v3.9-124unknownAdventure International
Adventure No. 09: Ghost Town v3.9-123unknownAdventure International
Adventure No. 10: Savage Island, Part I v3.9-123unknownAdventure International
Adventure No. 10: Savage Island, Part I v3.9-123unknownAdventure International
Adventure No. 10: Savage Island, Part I v3.9-123unknownAdventure International
Adventure No. 11: Savage Island, Part II v3.9-133unknownAdventure International
Adventure No. 12: The Golden Voyage v3.9-182unknownAdventure International
Adventure No. 13: The Sorcerer of Claymorgue Castle v3.9-123unknownAdventure International
Adventure No. 15: The Treasure of Andromeda v3.9-182unknownAdventure International
Adventure Number 01 - AdventurelandunknownAdventure International
Adventure Number 01 - AdventurelandunknownAdventure International
Adventure Number 01 - AdventurelandunknownAdventure International
Adventure Number 02 - Pirate AdventureunknownAdventure International
Adventure Number 02 - Pirate AdventureunknownAdventure International
Adventure Number 03 - Secret MissionunknownAdventure International
Adventure Number 03 - Secret MissionunknownAdventure International
Adventure Number 06 - Strange OdysseyunknownAdventure International
Adventure Number 06 - Strange OdysseyunknownAdventure International
Adventure Number 10 - Savage Island Part 1unknownAdventure International
Adventure Number 13 - Sorcerer of Claymorgue CastleunknownAdventure International
Adventure Number 13 - Sorcerer of Claymorgue CastleunknownAdventure International
Adventure of Little Green ManunknownMr Oswald
Adventure on a BoatunknownsubLOGIC
Adventure QuestunknownLevel 9 Computing
Adventure TelephoneunknownTearsoft
Adventure Tutorunknown
Adventure WriterRPGGilsoft
Adventure Writerunknown
Adventure!AdventureEpiboly Software
Adventure!unknownCreative Computing
Adventure!unknownCreative Computing
Adventuredisk Number 1unknown
Adventureland (Graphic Version)AdventureAdventure International
adventureland thecount missionimpossible mysteryfunhouse pirateadventure voodoocastleunknown
AdventureMakerMiscEpiboly Software
Adventurer's NightmareunknownWicosoft
Adventurer's NightmareunknownWicosoft
Adventurers' Museum, TheAdventureLee Chapel
Adventures ContinueActionPCNONOGames
Adventures de Moktar, Lesunknown
Adventures du ka Traitement Bzzz, Lesunknown
Adventures in MathEducationalIBM
Adventures in MusiclandEducationalElectronic Courseware Systems
Adventures In Odyssey 3: The Great EscapeAdventureDigital Praise
Adventures in Odyssey: The Sword of the SpiritAdventureDigital Praise
Adventures in Odyssey: The Treasure of the IncasAdventureDigital Praise
Adventures of Barsak the Dwarf, The - The Early DaysunknownGilsoft International
Adventures of Barsak the Dwarf, The - The Early DaysunknownGilsoft International
Adventures of Barsak the Dwarf, The - The Early DaysunknownGilsoft International
Adventures of Barsak the Dwarf, The - The Early DaysunknownGilsoft International
Adventures of Basildon Bond, Theunknown
Adventures of Batman & Robin, TheActionKonami, Clockwork Tortoise
Adventures of Batman & Robin, TheActionKonami, Clockwork Tortoise
Adventures of Bayou Billy, TheActionKonami, Inc.
Adventures of Captain ComicunknownColor Dreams, Inc.
Adventures of Captain Comic, TheActionColor Dreams
Adventures of Captain Comic, TheActionColor Dreams
Adventures of Dino RikiActionHudson Soft, LTD.
Adventures of Dr.Know-it-All Inside Human BodyEducationalTom Snyder Productions
Adventures of LoloPuzzleHAL Laboratory
Adventures of LolounknownHAL Laboratory, Inc.
Adventures of Lolo 2PuzzleHAL Laboratory
Adventures of Lolo 2PuzzleHAL Laboratory, Inc.
Adventures of Lolo 3PuzzleHAL Laboratory
Adventures of Lolo 3PuzzleHAL Laboratory, Inc.
Adventures of Lolo IIunknownHAL Laboratory, Inc.
Adventures of Micro Man - Crazy Computer v1.5MiscBrian L Goble
Adventures of Mr. Reach: Dunk Mr. PlaqueActionJohnson and Johnson
Adventures of Pinocchio, TheunknownBit Managers
Adventures of Rad Gravity, TheActionInterplay Productions Ltd.
Adventures of RobboPuzzle
Adventures of Robin HoodAdventureMillennium Interactive Ltd.
Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and FriendsunknownTHQ Inc.
Adventures of Saint Bernard, TheunknownCarnell Software
Adventures of Saint Bernard, TheunknownCarnell Software
Adventures of Saint Bernard, TheunknownCarnell Software
Adventures of Sid Spider, TheunknownDavid Pegg
Adventures of Sinbad, TheunknownAtlantis Software
Adventures of Sinbad, TheunknownAtlantis Software
Adventures of Timothy Gunn, TheActionCNG Soft
Adventures of Tintin, The: Prisoners of the SunActionInfogrames
Adventures of Tintin, The: Prisoners of the SunActionInfogrames
Adventures of Tintin, The: Prisoners of the SunActionInfogrames
Adventures of Tom SawyerunknownSeta
Adventures of TRONActionMattel
Adventures of Willy BeamishAdventureDynamix
Adventures of Willy BeamishunknownSierra
Adventures of Willy BeamishunknownSierra
Adventures of Willy BeamishunknownSierra
Adventures of Yogi BearunknownCybersoft
Adventures on Pirate IsleActionFeline Entertainment
Adventures with Kanga Roddy - The Journey To Snow MountainEducationalAmerican Champion Entertainment
AdventureWriter vA01 & Rescue AdventureunknownCodeWriter
AE Frontunknown
AE List AE Boss Dick Muncher 10 DDDunknown
AE RGB option v1.7 for RAmWorks & RamWorks IIunknown
Aegean VoyageunknownSpinnaker Software
Aegean VoyageunknownSpinnaker Software
Aegis - Guardian of the FleetSimulationSoftware Sorcery
Aerial AssaultunknownSega Corporation
Aero FightersActionVideo System
Aero JetActionSygran
Aero the Acro-BatunknownSunsoft
Aerobiz SupersonicunknownKoei
AeroFighters Assaultunknown
AeronautunknownBill Edison
Aesop's FablesEducationalDiscis Knowledge Research Inc.
Affaire Sydneyunknown
AffenjagdunknownEuropa Computer Club
Afghan AttackunknownSouthern Software
Afghan AttackunknownSouthern Software
Afghan Attack - IntrounknownSouthern Software
Africa GardensunknownGilsoft International
Africa TrailAdventureMECC
African AdventureAdventureSoftside
African AdventureAdventure
African Desert CampaignStrategyMatt Kaufman
African RaidersSimulationInference
African Raiders-01Sport
African SafariAdventureInterdisc
African Trail SimulatorSportCrom Software
African Trail SimulatorSport
After BurnerSimulationSEGA
After BurnerSimulation
After BurnerActionSunsoft
After BurnerActionSega
After BurnerSimulationSega
After Burner 2SimulationSega
After Burner IIActionSega
After Burner IIActionSega
After Burner IIActionSega
After Burner IIunknownSega
After DarkunknownBerkeley Systems
After Dark GamesActionBerkeley Systems
After PearlunknownSUPERware
After ShockunknownInterceptor Micros Software
After Shockunknown
After ShockunknownInterceptor Micros Software
After ShockunknownInterceptor Micros Software
After ShockunknownInterceptor Micros Software
After the WarActionDinamic Software
After the WarunknownDinamic Software
After the Warunknown
After the WarunknownDinamic Software
After the WarunknownDinamic Software
After the WarunknownDinamic Software
After the WarunknownDinamic Software
After the WarunknownDinamic Software
After the WarunknownDinamic Software
After the WarunknownDinamic Software
After the WarunknownDinamic Software
After the WarunknownDinamic Software
After the WarActionDinamic
After the WarActionDinamic
After the WarActionDinamic
After the WarActionDinamic
After the WarActionDinamic
After the WarActionDinamic
After the WarActionDinamic
AftermathunknownRich Masek
AftermathunknownAlternative Software
AftermathunknownAlternative Software
AftermathunknownAlternative Software
Afternoon Adventure Series - Raiders of the ReebokunknownCompletely Grounded Software
Afternoon Adventure Series - StoriesunknownCompletely Grounded Software
AfteroidsunknownZigurat Software
AfteroidsunknownZigurat Software
Ag PitonunknownAguev E.
Agatha Christie: Death on the NilePuzzleFloodlight Games/I-play (previously Oberon)
Agatha Christie: Murder on the Orient ExpressAdventureAWE Productions
Agatha's FollyunknownZenobi Software
Agatha's FollyunknownZenobi Software
Agatha's FollyunknownZenobi Software
Agatha's FollyunknownZenobi Software
Age of Conquest IIIStrategyhttp://www.noblemaster.com
Age of EmpiresStrategy
Age of EmpiresStrategy
Age of Empires 2: The Age of KingsStrategy
Age of Empires II + The Conquerorsunknown
Age of Empires II: The ConquerorsStrategy
Age of Empires IIIStrategyEnsemble Studios
Age of MythologyStrategyEnsemble Studios
Age of WondersStrategy
Age of WondersStrategy
Age of Wonders - Shadow MagicStrategycompany
Age of Wonders 2 - The Wizard';s ThroneStrategyTriumph Studios
Age of Wonders 2: The Wizard's ThroneStrategy
AgeanPuzzleSplinter Software
Agent 0/8/15unknownHomecomputer
Agent 009unknownJeff'n Jeff
Agent 009unknownJeff'n Jeff
Agent 1unknown
Agent 99unknownAlkohol Soft
Agent Orangeunknown
Agent OrangeunknownA & F Software
Agent OrangeunknownA & F Software
Agent OrangeunknownA & F Software
Agent QT PieActionJohn Butler
Agent USAPuzzleScholastic Wizware
Agent USAunknownScholastic Wizware
Agent USAunknownScholastic Wizware
Agent USAunknownScholastic Wizware
Agent USAunknownScholastic Wizware
Agent USAunknownScholastic Wizware
Agent USAunknownScholastic
Agent USAunknownScholastic
Agent USA, Ballblazer, Drelbsunknown
Agent X IIunknown
Agent-X IIunknownMastertronic
Agent-X IIunknownMastertronic
Agent-X IIunknownMastertronic
Agent-X in The Brain Drain CaperunknownMastertronic
AGEOD's American Civil War - The Blue and the GrayStrategyAGEOD
AggravationStrategyCutlass Software
AggressionStrategyExpert Source Code
AgitatePuzzleSplinter Software
AGONAdventurePrivate Moon Studios
aGORA: Soul of the OracleRPGKnowble Design
Aguas BravasunknownLoad n Run
Agypten entdecken mit PlaymobilEducationalPlaymobil Interactive
Ah DiddumsunknownImagine Software
Ah DiddumsunknownImagine Software
Ah DiddumsunknownImagine Software
Ah DiddumsunknownImagine Software
Ah DiddumsunknownImagine Software
Aha!PuzzleComputer Systems Odessa
Ahhh!!unknownCRL Group
Ai to Yuujou no Neko Monogatari: Jingle Cats: Love Para Daisakusen no MakiPuzzleSony Music Entertainment
aiclunknownMatteo Trevisan
Aide de CampunknownHPS
Aide de Camp Module: Stalingrad PocketunknownHPS
Aigina'S ProphecyActionvic Tokai Inc
Aigle d'Or, L'unknown
Aim for the Ace! Typing SmashEducationalSSI Tristar
AINunknownMatteo Trevisan
Air AttackunknownANALOG Computing
Air AttackunknownSuperSoft
Air AttackActionGTS
Air Attack IIStrategyJeff Miller
Air BallActionMicrodeal
Air BattleunknownJ.H. Palevich
Air BrushunknownSoft Hits
Air BrushunknownSoft Hits
Air BucksSimulationImpressions Games
Air BucksSimulationSierra On-Line Inc.
Air BusterActionKaneko
Air Cars II Tronunknown
Air CavalryunknownCybersoft
Air Cobraunknown
Air CobraActionGTS
Air DefenceunknownCCS
Air Duel: 80 Years of DogfightingunknownMicroprose
Air Duel: 80 Years of DogfightingunknownMicroprose
Air FireunknownRebit Soft Bank
Air Force CommanderStrategyImpressions Games
Air FortressActionHAL Laboratory, Inc.
Air HockeySportChristopher Gross
Air HockeyunknownANALOG Computing
Air MailActionIron Gate
Air PatrolActionPower Software
Air Power - Battle in the SkiesSimulationMindscape
Air RaidActionMen-A-Vision
Air Raid 2000unknownAntic
Air RaidersActionMattel Electronics
Air RescueunknownAtlantis Software
Air RescueunknownSega Corporation
Air Strike USASimulationCinemaware
Air Strike USASimulation
Air SupportunknownSynapse Software
Air SupportunknownSynapse Software
Air SupportActionPsygnosis
Air Traffic ControllerSimulationCascoly Software
Air Traffic ControllerunknownCreative Computing
Air Traffic Controllerunknown
Air Traffic Controller SimulatorStrategyG.E.Randall
Air TraxPuzzlePresearch Incorporated
Air WarriorSimulationKonami
Air WarriorunknownOn-Line Entertainment
Air WarriorunknownOn-Line Entertainment
Air-Sea BattleActionAtari, Inc.
AirballPuzzleAtari Corporation
Airbase InvaderunknownCP Software
Airborn IIActionC.C.A.M.
Airborne RangerStrategyMicroProse
Airborne Rangerunknown
Airborne RangerunknownMicroprose
Airborne RangerunknownMicroprose
Airborne RangerSimulationMicroprose
Airborne RangerunknownMicroprose
Airborne RangerunknownMicroprose
Airborne!ActionJonathan Gay
Airburst (Classic)ActionFreeverse
Airburst ExtremeActionFreeverse
Airlift RescueActionDavid Fleming
AirlineunknownAdventure International
AirlineStrategyFalken Software
Airline Tycoon DeluxeStrategyRuneSoft
AirlockActionData Age
Airplane SimulatorunknownTed Kurtz
Airport '82unknownJRS Software
Airport '82unknownJRS Software
Airport '82unknownJRS Software
Airport '82 - IntrounknownJRS Software
Airport Mania: First FlightStrategyReflexive Entertainment
Airport SimulatorStrategyMigoSoftWare
AirpuckActionBob Mandel
AirpuckActionBob Mandel
AirspeederunknownFiedrich Zohmann
AirstrikeunknownEnglish Software
AirstrikeunknownEnglish Software
Airstrike IIunknownEnglish Software
Airstrike USASimulationSpotlight Software
Airstrike USAunknownDigital Integration
AirtaxiActionSebastian Pech
AirwolfunknownElite Systems
AirwolfunknownElite Systems
AirwolfunknownElite Systems
AirwolfunknownElite Systems
AirwolfunknownElite Systems
AirwolfunknownElite Systems
AirwolfunknownElite Systems
AirwolfunknownElite Systems
AirwolfunknownElite Systems
AirwolfunknownElite Systems
AirwolfunknownElite Systems
AirwolfunknownElite Systems
AirwolfActionKyugo Boueki
AirwolfActionBeam Software
Airwolf IiActionElite
Airwolf IIunknownEncore
Airwolf IIunknown
Airwolf IIunknownEncore
Airwolf IIunknownEncore
Airwolf IIunknownEncore
AjedrezunknownPatxi Projects
AjedrezMiscPatxi Projects
Ajedrez KarpovunknownMicroparadise Software
Akagawa Jirō no Yūrei ResshaAdventureKing Records
AkaklikéEducationalCécile Chaumet
AkalabethunknownCalifornia Pacific Computer
AkalabethunknownCalifornia Pacific Computer
AkalabethRPGRichard Garriott
Akalabeth: World of DoomRPG
Akalabeth: World of Doomunknown
AkbarrunknownA. Viedma
AkbarrunknownA. Viedma
Akcionar IIunknownINFO Soft
AkericounknownCrazy Soft
AkiraunknownTaito America Corporation
AkkadiaPuzzleFire Maple Games
AknadachunknownProxima Software
Akuma no ShōtaijōAdventureKemco/Seika
Akuma-kun: Makai no WanaStrategyBandai America, Inc.
Akumajou Special: Boku Dracula-kunActionKonami Computer Entertainment Japan, Inc.
Al Ladron!unknownLuis F. Sanchez
Al Stradunknown
Al Unser Jr. Arcade RacingSportKalisto
Al Unser Jr. Turbo RacingunknownData East Corporation
Al Unser Jr.'s Road to the TopSportMindscape, Inc.
Al-Qadim - The Genie';s CurseRPGSSI
Al-QuadimunknownStrategic Simulations, Inc. (SSI)
Aladdin Activity CenterEducationalDisney Interactive
Aladdin Find The Treasure GameAction2-Lane Media
Aladdin_activity_centreAdventureDerek Allen
Aladdin's CaveunknownArtic Computing
Aladdin's CaveunknownArtic Computing
Aladdin's CaveunknownArtic Computing
Aladdin's CaveunknownArtic Computing
Aladdin's CaveunknownArtic Computing
Aladdin's Caveunknown
Alan WakeActionRemedy Entertainment/Nitro Games
Albert OdysseyunknownSunsoft
AlbionunknownBlue Byte
AlbionunknownBlue Byte Software
AlbionRPGBlue Byte
AlcahestunknownSquare Co., Ltd.
AlcatrazAction221B, Infogrames
Alcatraz HarryunknownMastertronic
Alcatraz HarryunknownMastertronic
Alcatraz Harry 2 - The Doomsday MissionunknownScorpio Gamesworld
Alcazar the Forgotten FortressunknownActivision
Alcazar The Forgotten Fortressunknown
Alcazar The Forgotten Fortressunknown
AlchemistunknownImagine Software
AlchemistunknownImagine Software
AlchemistunknownImagine Software
AlchemistunknownImagine Software
AlchemistunknownImagine Software
AlchemistunknownImagine Software
AlchemistunknownImagine Software
AlchemistunknownImagine Software
AlchemistunknownImagine Software
Alchemist PuzzleunknownVaxalon
Alchemy DeluxePuzzlePopCap Games
Aldo AgainActionBen and Dave Ibach
Aldo AgainAction
Aldo’s AdventureActionYahoo Software
Aldos AssaultActionBen and Dave Ibach
Ale Hop!ActionTopo Soft
Alerta LunarActionGTS
Aleshar - The World of IceRPGHypothermia
AlexActionJennifer L. Sweeney
Alex - Robbo 3unknownRobo-Soft
Alex Higgin's World SnookerSportLindensoft
Alex Higgins World Poolunknown
Alex Higgins World Snookerunknown
Alex Kidd BMX TrialActionSega Corporation
Alex Kidd in Miracle WorldActionSEGA
Alex Kidd in Miracle WorldActionSega Corporation
Alex Kidd in Shinobi WorldActionSEGA
Alex Kidd in the Enchanted CastleActionSEGA Enterprises
Alex Kidd: High-Tech WorldActionSEGA Enterprises
Alex Kidd: High-Tech WorldActionSega Corporation
Alex Kidd: The Lost StarsActionSEGA
Alex Kidd: The Lost StarsunknownSega Corporation
ALeX-WORLD (アレックス・ワールド)AdventureAS Entertainment Planning
Alex: Robbo 3unknownL.K. Avalon
Alex: Robbo 3unknownL.K. Avalon
AlfActionAlien Productions
ALFActionSega Corporation
Alf - World of WordsEducationalVision Software
Alf in the Color CavesunknownSpinnaker Software
Alf, The First AdventureunknownBox Office
Alf, The First AdventureunknownBox Office
ALF: The First AdventureunknownBox Office
ALF: The First AdventureunknownBox Office
Alf';s Thinking SkillsEducationalVision Software
Alfa 1unknownMicrodinamite
Alfa BootunknownStanBit
Alfa BootunknownStanBit
Alfred ChickenunknownMindscape, Inc.
Alfred PelrockAdventureDDM
Alge-Blaster 3EducationalDavidson & Associates
Alge-Blaster Plus !EducationalDavidson & Associates
Algebra WorldEducationalCognitive Technologies Corporation
AlgodooStrategyAlgoryx Simulation AB
Alhambra TalesActionDinamic
Ali BabaunknownSuzy Soft
Ali Baba and the Forty ThievesunknownQuality Software
Ali Candil y el Tesoro de Sierra Morenaunknown
Ali-BebeunknownFuture Stars
Ali-BebeunknownFuture Stars
Alí-BebéActionFuture Stars
AliantsunknownTDC Distributors
AliantsunknownTDC Distributors
Aliants: The Desperate Battle for EarthActionKeyPunch
Alias 'The Magpie'AdventureJ. J. Guest
Alias UndergroundActionABC Media
Alibaba and 40 ThievesActionSega
Alice - Through the Looking GlassPuzzleSteve Capps and Marge Boots
Alice : eventyrspill basert på "Alice in Wonderland"unknownIngar Holm m.fl
Alice CatcherActionCandy
Alice GreenfingersStrategyMac Joy
Alice GreenfingersStrategyMac Joy
Alice Greenfingers 2StrategyMac Joy
Alice Greenfingers 2StrategyMac Joy
Alice In VideolandActionAudiogenic Software Ltd
Alice in WonderlandAdventureR.C. Johnson
Alice In WonderlandAdventureWindham Classics
Alice in WonderlandAdventureEMME Interactive
Alice in WonderlandAdventure
alice in wonderland 1unknown
alice in wonderland 2unknown
Alice: An Interactive MuseumAdventureSynergy Interactive
Alicia en el Pais de las MaravillasunknownDanisoft
Alicia en el Pais de las MaravillasunknownDanisoft
Alicia en el País de las MaravillasunknownDanisoft
Alicia en el País de las MaravillasunknownDanisoft
Alida: The Enigmatic GiantAdventureDejavu Worlds
AlienActionFox Video Games
AlienunknownMind Games
AlienunknownMind Games
AlienunknownMind Games
AlienunknownGary Howland
AlienunknownAvalon Hill
AlienunknownMind Games
AlienunknownCascade Games
AlienunknownMind Games
AlienunknownMind Games
AlienunknownCascade Games
AlienunknownMind Games
AlienunknownCascade Games
AlienActionEdiciones Manali
Alien ³ActionAcclaim, Probe Software Ltd.
Alien 3ActionProbe Software
Alien 3ActionLJN
Alien 3DActionFox Interactive
Alien 8ActionIgnacio Perez Gil
Alien 8unknownUltimate Play The Game
Alien 8unknownUltimate Play The Game
Alien 8unknownUltimate Play The Game
Alien 8unknownUltimate Play The Game
Alien 8unknownUltimate Play The Game
Alien 8unknownUltimate Play The Game
Alien 8unknownUltimate Play The Game
Alien 8unknown
Alien 8unknownUltimate Play The Game
Alien 8 RemakeunknownRetrospec
Alien 8 RemakeunknownRetrospec
Alien 8 RemakeunknownManuel Pazos
Alien AbductionActionRed Marble Games
Alien Action DomeActionChris Sloane
Alien AlleyActionThe Coriolis Group
Alien AmbushunknownMicro D
Alien Ambush, Congo, Gold Rush, Ribbitunknown
Alien ArcadeActionLuxenberg Software
Alien ArcadeunknownSean Callahan
Alien ArenaActionCOR Entertainment
Alien AsylumunknownAntic
Alien AsylumunknownAntic
Alien AttackActionFantasoft
Alien AttackunknownCascade Games
Alien AttackunknownCascade Games
Alien Attackunknown
Alien AttackunknownCascade Games
Alien Bash IIActionGlen Cumming
Alien BlastunknownDean Garraghty Software
Alien Break Inunknown
Alien Break Inunknown
Alien BreedActionTeam 17
Alien BreedActionTeam 17
Alien BreedActionTeam 17
Alien BreedActionTeam17
Alien BreedunknownTeam17
Alien breed - ObliterationActionFreeware
Alien Breed (Special Edition 92)ActionTeam17 Software Limited
Alien Breed 2: The Horror ContinuesActionTeam17 Software Limited
Alien Breed 3 - Tower AssaultActionTeam 17
Alien Breed 3DActionTeam 17
Alien Breed 3D II: The Killing GroundsActionTeam 17
Alien Breed II: The Horror ContinuesActionTeam 17
Alien Breed Special Edition 1992ActionTeam 17
Alien Breed: Tower AssaultActionTeam 17
Alien Breed: Tower AssaultActionTeam 17
Alien BrigadeActionAtari Corporation
Alien BugsunknownAndrew Davie
Alien CabalActionQASoft
Alien CarnageAction
Alien City, TheunknownPirate Software
Alien ConfinationunknownPhysical Dreams
Alien ConfinationunknownPhysical Dreams
Alien ConspiracyActionEpic Banana
Alien CrossfireStrategyAspyr
Alien CurseunknownProfisoft
Alien CurseunknownProfisoft
Alien Death Mine Massacre XIIunknownStephen Smith
Alien DestroyerunknownKuma Computers
Alien DestroyerunknownKuma Computers
Alien DestroyerunknownKuma Computers
Alien DestroyerunknownKuma Computers
Alien DestroyerunknownKuma Computers
Alien EggunknownAPX
Alien Encounter v2unknownDavid Firth
Alien EvolutionunknownGremlin Graphics Software
Alien EvolutionunknownGremlin Graphics Software
Alien EvolutionunknownGremlin Graphics Software
Alien Fires 2199 ADRPG
Alien FluxActionPuppy Games
Alien ForceActionRobert Epps
Alien ForceunknownRobert Epps
Alien GardenunknownEpyx
Alien HellunknownSyncro
Alien Highway Encounter 2unknown
Alien Highway - Encounter 2unknownVortex Software
Alien Highway - Encounter 2unknownVortex Software
Alien Highway - Encounter 2unknownVortex Software
Alien Highway - Encounter 2unknownVortex Software
Alien Highway - Encounter 2unknownVortex Software
Alien Highway - Encounter 2unknownVortex Software
Alien Highway - Encounter 2unknownVortex Software
Alien Highway for the Sinclair ZX SpectrumunknownVortex Software
Alien IncidentunknownHousemarque Ltd.
Alien IncidentAdventureGameTek
Alien Interventionunknown
Alien InvadersActionLinda Frasier
Alien KillunknownMastertronic
Alien KillunknownMastertronic
Alien KillunknownMastertronic
Alien LegacyunknownYbarra Productions
Alien LegacyunknownYbarra Productions
Alien LegacyStrategyYbarra Productions
Alien LegacyunknownSierra
Alien LegacyunknownSierra
Alien Life Form ALFunknown
Alien LogicRPGSSI
Alien MazeunknownCRL Group
Alien NationsStrategyJoWooD Productions Software GmbH
Alien OdysseyActionArgonaut Software Ltd.
Alien PhobiaActionn.a.
Alien PhobiaActionn.a.
Alien Rain .nibunknown
Alien Rampageunknown
Alien RampageunknownInner Circle Creations
Alien RampagePuzzleInner Circle Creations
Alien Research CentreunknownZenobi Software
Alien Resurrectionunknown
Alien RuptureunknownGreen Fish Software Enterprise
Alien ShooterActionSigma Team
Alien SoldierActionSega Corporation
Alien SoldierActionTreasure
Alien StormActionSega Corporation
Alien SwarmunknownTitan Programs
Alien SwarmunknownTitan Programs
Alien Swarm v06unknownInhome Software
Alien Swarm v06unknownInhome Software
Alien Swarm v06unknownInhome Software
Alien SyndromeActionSega
Alien SyndromeunknownACE Software
Alien Syndromeunknown
Alien SyndromeActionTengen
Alien SyndromeActionACE
Alien SyndromeActionACE
Alien SyndromeunknownSEGA
Alien Tank Attackunknown
Alien TrilogyActionProbe Entertainment
Alien Trilogyunknown
Alien TyphoonunknownStarcraft
Alien virusAdventureVic Tokai
Alien VirusunknownTrecision
Alien Vs PredatorActionRebellion
Alien vs PredatorActionActivision
Alien: EscapeunknownPhysical Dreams
Alien: EscapeunknownPhysical Dreams
Alien³unknownArena Entertainment
AliensunknownElectric Dreams Software
AliensunknownElectric Dreams Software
AliensunknownElectric Dreams Software
AliensunknownElectric Dreams Software
AliensunknownElectric Dreams Software
AliensunknownMarc Tebeka
AliensActionSoftware Studios
Aliens Onlineunknown
Aliens USunknown
Aliens vs. Predator 2ActionMacPlay
Aliens: A Comic Book AdventureAdventure
Aliens: The Computer Gameunknown
Aliens: The Computer GameunknownActivision
Aliens: The Computer GameunknownActivision
Aliens: The Computer Gameunknown
AlienTicunknownSean E. Bishop
All American BasketballunknownZeppelin Games
All Around FrippleTownEducationalEdmark
All dogs go to heavenActionMerit Studios
All Dogs Go to HeavenAction
All New World of LemmingsPuzzle
All New World of LemmingsStrategyDMA Design
All New World of LemmingsPuzzlePsygnosis Limited
All New World of LemmingsRPGPsygnosis
All New World of LemmingsSimulationPsygnosis
All New World of LemmingsunknownPsygnosis
All New World of LemmingsunknownPsygnosis
All Night Nippon Super Mario Bros.ActionFuji Television, Nintendo
All or NothingunknownAbbex Electronics
All or NothingunknownAbbex Electronics
All Point BulletinActionUnknown
All Point Bulletinunknown
All Valley Karate ChampionshipsActionIron Gate
All-Pro BasketballSportVic Tokai Corporation
All-Star Baseball 99SportAcclaim Entertainment
All-Star Baseball 99SportAcclaim Entertainment
Alla Scoperta Dell'InformaticaunknownFederico Motta Editore
Allan Border';s CricketSportAudiogenic
Allan Border's Cricketunknown
Alley 19 BowlingSportMasque Publishing
Alley CatActionSynSoft
Alley CatActionSynapse Software
Alley CatActionSynapse Software
Alley DriverunknownCascade Games
AlleykatActionHewson Consultants Ltd
AlleywayActionIntelligent Systems Co.
AlleywayActionIntelligent Systems
Allied GeneralunknownStrategic Simulations, Inc. (SSI)
Allied GeneralStrategySSI
ALLIGATOR 2unknown
Alligator HuntActionGaelco
AllostrisPuzzleFrithjof Kohl
Alma de GuerrerounknownBeyker Soft
AloneAdventurePaul Michael Winters
Alone in the DarkAdventureInfogrames
Alone in the Dark - The New NightmareAdventureAtari
Alone in The Dark 2unknownInfogrames Entertainment SA
Alone in the Dark 3unknown
Alone in the Dark 3MiscI-Motion
Alone in the Dark 3AdventureInfogrames
Alonso Racing 2005unknownTopGam
Alp ManunknownSar-An Computer Products
Alpha 1unknownStefan Wisskirchen
Alpha Battle IIActionAdam Winiecki
Alpha BlazePuzzleJohn Mauro
Alpha CentauriStrategy
Alpha MissionActionSNK Corporation
Alpha MissionActionSNK
Alpha ProtocolRPGObsidian Entertainment
Alpha RununknownAntic
Alpha ShieldunknownSirius Software
Alpha ShieldunknownSirius Software
Alpha ShieldunknownSirius Software
Alpha StormActionPsygnosis
Alpha StormunknownTAG
Alpha WavesActionInfogrames
Alpha WavesAction
Alpha WavesSimulationInfogrames
Alpha WavesunknownInfogrames
Alpha-RaidunknownVideo Showcase
Alpha-RaidunknownVideo Showcase
Alphabet GamesunknownAtlantis Software
Alphabet GamesunknownAtlantis Software
Alphabet MazeunknownArrays
Alphabet ZoounknownSpinnaker Software
Alphabet ZoounknownSpinnaker Software
Alphabet ZoounknownSpinnaker Software
Alphabet ZoounknownSpinnaker Software
AlphaBonk FarmEducationalHeadbone Interactive
AlphaNatixPuzzleMonkey Byte
alpine encounter 1unknown
alpine encounter 2unknown
Alpine GamesunknownAtlantis Software
Alpine GamesunknownAtlantis Software
Alpine GamesunknownAtlantis Software
Alpine GamesunknownAtlantis Software
Alpine Gamesunknown
AlstradunknownThe Guild
AltairPuzzleBarry Day
Alter EgoSimulationActivision
Alter EgoRPGActivision
Alter Ego - FemaleSimulationActivision
Alter Ego: Male Versionunknown
Alter-EarthunknownDouble Play Adventures
Alter-EarthunknownDouble Play Adventures
Alter-EarthunknownDouble Play Adventures
Altered BeastActionSega
Altered BeastunknownActivision
Altered BeastunknownActivision
Altered Beastunknown
Altered BeastunknownActivision
Altered BeastAction
Altered BeastActionActivision
Altered BeastActionSega Corporation
Altered BeastActionSega
Altered BeastActionSega
Altered DestinyAdventureAccolade
Altered DestinyAdventureAccolade
Alternate Reality The Cityunknown
Alternate Reality The Cityunknown
Alternate Reality The Dungeon Disk 1 Frontunknown
Alternate Reality The Dungeon Disk 2 Frontunknown
Alternate Reality - The CityRPGDataSoft
Alternate Reality Dungeon Character Editor!unknownBen Flanagan
Alternate Reality: The CityRPG
Alternative World GamesunknownGremlin Graphics Software
Am Laufenden BandunknownChet Walters
AmadoPuzzleYong Choi
AmandaStoriesAdventureAmanda Goodenough
Amarillo Slim's Real Poker: 5 Card StudunknownVilla Crespo
AmauroteunknownMastertronic Added Dimension
AmauroteunknownMastertronic Added Dimension
AmauroteunknownMastertronic Added Dimension
AmauroteunknownMastertronic Added Dimension
AmauroteunknownMastertronic Added Dimension
AmauroteunknownMastertronic Added Dimension
AmauroteunknownMastertronic Added Dimension
AmauroteunknownMastertronic Added Dimension
AmauroteunknownMastertronic Added Dimension
AmauroteunknownMastertronic Added Dimension
AmauroteunknownMastertronic Added Dimension
AmazedunknownRemington Steele
AmazingPuzzleSteve Capps
Amazing Adventures: The Forgotten DynastyPuzzlePopCap Games
Amazing AnimalsEducationalEureka Multimedia
Amazing MazePuzzleDonovan W. Foster
Amazing MazeunknownScott Martin
Amazing MazeAction
Amazing Spider-Man, TheActionParagon Software Corporation
Amazing Voyageunknown
AmazonAdventureTelarium Corp.
Amazon (Arcade Version)ActionC. Disc Comp
Amazon SkullsunknownToggle Booleans
Amazon Trail IIAdventureMECC
Amazon Trail: 3rd EditionEducationalThe Learning Company
Amazon WarriorActionNew Generation Software
Amazon: Guardians of EdenAdventureAccess Software
Amazon: Guardians of EdenunknownAccess Software
Amazon: Guardians of EdenAdventure
Amazon: Guardians of EdenAdventureAccess Software
Amazon: Guardians of EdenunknownAccess
Amazon: Guardians of EdenunknownAccess
Amazon: Guardians of EdenunknownAccess
Amazonator: The Nation of PowerAdventurePISTON Interactive
AMBER: Journeys BeyondAdventureChangeling Software
AmbermoonRPGThalion Software
AmberstarRPGThalion Software
AmberstarAdventureThalion Software
Ambriel SnakeActionAmbriel Software
Ambush at SorinorStrategy
Ambush at SorinorStrategyMindcraft
Ambush at SorinorStrategyMindcraft
Ambush at SorinorunknownMindcraft
Amelie Minuitunknown
America Oudan Ultra Quiz: Shijou Saidai no TatakaiunknownTomy
America's AgentunknownKMP Soft
America's AgentunknownKMP Soft
America's Cup Challengeunknown
America's Army: Special ForcesActionUnited States Army
America's Greatest Arcade Hits 3DActionMacSoft
America'S CupSportU.S. Gold
American 3D PoolunknownZeppelin Games
American 3D PoolunknownZeppelin Games
American Battle DomeunknownTsukuda Original
American Challenge, TheunknownMindscape
American Challenge, TheunknownMindscape
American Challenge: A Sailing SimulationSimulation
American Civil War - From Sumter to AppomattoxunknownFrank Hunter
American DreamMiscCoconuts
American FootballunknownMind Games
American Footballunknown
American FootballunknownMind Games
American FootballunknownMind Games
American Football: Touchdown FeverSportKAC
American Gladiatorsunknown
American GladiatorsActionGameTek Inc
American McGee's AliceActionAspyr
American McGee's AliceActionElectronic Arts
American Tag Team Wrestlingunknown
American Tag Team Wrestlingunknown
American Tag Team WrestlingunknownZeppelin Games
American Turbo Kingunknown
American Turbo KingunknownVirgin Mastertronic
Amerzone: The Explorer's LegacyAdventure
Amiga Noid 100 Percent 1988 06 30 The Supply Teamunknown
AmjuActionJason Colman
Amju Pet ZooActionAmju Games
Amju Super Cool PoolActionAmju Games
AmnesiaAdventureCognetics Corp.
amnesia 1unknown
amnesia 2unknown
amnesia 3unknown
amnesia 4unknown
Amnesia Data Diskunknown
Amo del Mundounknown
Amo del MundounknownPositive
Amo del MundoActionPositive
Amo del MundoActionPositive
Amo del MundoActionPositive
Amo del MundoActionPositive
AmoebArenaStrategyCasady & Greene
Amores de Brunilda, LosunknownRetroworks
Amores de Brunilda, LosunknownRetroworks
Amores de Brunilda, LosunknownRetroworks
Amoto's PufunknownSPE
Amoto's PufunknownSPE
Amoto's PufActionSPE
Amoto's PufActionSPE
Amoto's Puf RemakeActionDock Tower
Amphibian!unknownBusiness Data Center
Amphibian!unknownBusiness Data Center
AmpsActionPaul A. Perkins
Amsilvania Castleunknown
Amsilvania CastleunknownMagic Team
Amstra Damesunknown
Amstrad Shuffleunknown
Amulet of Darath, TheunknownZenobi Software
Amulet of Darath, TheunknownZenobi Software
Amulet of Darath, TheunknownZenobi Software
Amulet of YendorRPGKeypunch
Amulets & ArmorRPG
Amulets & ArmorRPG
Amunt La InformàticaunknownCentre Divulgador d
Amunt La InformàticaunknownCentre Divulgador d
Amusement Planet Phantasmagoria (アミューズメント プラネット ファンタスマゴリア)AdventureAi ga areba Daijobu Ltd.
An Afternoon in 1989unknownGil Megidish
An American TailunknownCapstone
An American Tail: Animated MovieBookAdventureSound Source Interactive
An Elder Scrolls Legend: BattlespireRPG
An Everyday Tale of a Seeker of GoldunknownZenobi Software
Anacreon: Reconstruction 4021Strategy
AnacrosticsPuzzleCountry Road Software
AnagramsunknownJohn Foskett
Analog ManunknownANALOG Computing
Analog ManunknownANALOG Computing
Anastasia: Adventures with Pooka and Bartok!AdventureFox Interactive
Anatema: Legenda o prekliatiAdventureRune Software
AnchorheadAdventureMichael S. Gentry
Ancient Art of WarStrategyBrøderbund Software, Inc.
Ancient Art of WarunknownBroderbund
Ancient Art of War at SeaunknownBroderbund
Ancient Art of War at SeaActionBroderbund
Ancient Domains of MysteryRPGThomas Biskup
Ancient Domains of Mystery (ADOM) v1.1RPG
Ancient Land of YsRPGKyodai
Ancient Land of YsRPGKyodai
Ancient Land of Ysunknown
Ancient Land of YsunknownNihon Falcom
Ancient Land of YsActionNihon Falcom
Ancient Land of YsActionNihon Falcom
Ancient LandsEducationalMicrosoft Home
Ancient PyramidunknownEvan Wright
Ancient Secrets: Quest for the Golden KeyAdventureEncore
Ancients 1: DeathwatchRPG
Ancients 2 - Approaching EvilRPGFarr-Ware Software
Ancients 2: Approaching EvilRPG
Ancients I: Death WatchRPGFarrware
Ancients II: Approaching EvilRPGFarrware
Ancients II: Approaching EvilRPGEpic Megagames
And Yet It MovesPuzzleBroken Rules
Andomeda Conquestunknown
Andor's TrailRPGOskar Wiksten
Andre Agassi TennisSimulationTecMagik
Andrew'sunknownIan Collier
Android 2unknownVentamatic
Android 2unknown
Android 2unknownVentamatic
Android 2unknownVentamatic
Android 2unknownVentamatic
Android 2 v2unknownVortex Software
Android 2 v2unknownVortex Software
Android 2 v2unknownVortex Software
Android AttackunknownPretzelland Software
Android DemoActionjadegame.com
Android Nim!unknownAnthony Ramos
Android One The Reactor Rununknown
Android One - The Reactor RununknownVortex Software
Android One - The Reactor RununknownVentamatic
Android One - The Reactor RununknownVortex Software
Android One - The Reactor RununknownVortex Software
Android One - The Reactor RununknownVortex Software
Android One - The Reactor Run - IntrounknownVortex Software
Android One - The Reactor Run - IntrounknownVortex Software
Android One - The Reactor Run - IntrounknownVortex Software
Android One - The Reactor Run - IntrounknownVortex Software
Android Pit RescueunknownAbacus Programs
AndroideunknownERE Informatique
AndroidsunknownSunshine Books
AndroidsunknownSunshine Books
AndrokidsPuzzlePhelios inc
AndromedaunknownGebelli Software
AndromedaunknownGebelli Software
Andromeda ApocalypseAdventureMarco Innocenti
Andromeda AwakeningAdventureMarco Innocenti
Andromeda ChessunknownAndromeda
Andromeda ConquestunknownAvalon Hill
Andromeda ConquestunknownAvalon Hill
Andromeda ConquestunknownAvalon Hill
AndrotonunknownANALOG Computing
AndruunknownAndrew Davie
AndruunknownAndrew Davie
AndurilunknownGors Soft
Andy CappunknownMirrorsoft
Andy Cappunknown
Andy CappunknownMirrorsoft
Andy CappunknownMirrorsoft
Andy CappunknownMirrorsoft
Andy CappunknownMirrorsoft
AnfractuosunknownPlayers Software
AnfractuosunknownPlayers Software
Angel 1unknown
Angel Devoid: Face of the EnemyActionElectric Dreams
Angel Nieto Pole 500unknownOpera Sport
Angel Nieto Pole 500unknownOpera Sport
Angel Nieto Pole 500unknownOpera Sport
Angel Nieto Pole 500unknownOpera Sport
Angel Nieto Pole 500unknownOpera Sport
Angel Nieto Pole 500unknownOpera Sport
Angel Nieto Pole 500unknownOpera Sport
Angel Nieto Pole 500ccunknown
AngeliqueunknownKoei, NEC
Angelique A Grief Encounterunknown
Angelique Voice FantasyunknownKoei, NEC
Angels vs DevilsActionEnigma Software
Angels vs DevilsActionEnigma Software
Angels vs DevilsActionEnigma Software
AngleballunknownMastertronic Added Dimension
AngleballunknownMastertronic Added Dimension
AngleballunknownMastertronic Added Dimension
AngleballunknownMastertronic Added Dimension
AngleballunknownMastertronic Added Dimension
AnglerunknownVirgin Games
Angleworms IIunknownStan Ockers
Angleworms IIunknownStan Ockers
Angry BirdsPuzzleRovio Entertainment
Angry Birds MacActionRovio Entertainment
Angry Birds Seasons MacActionRovio Entertainment
Angry Birds Space MacActionRovio Entertainment
Angry Birds: BreakfastPuzzleRovio Entertainment
Angry Birds: RioPuzzleRovio Entertainment
Angry Birds: SeasonsPuzzleRovio Entertainment
Angry Birds: SpacePuzzleRovio Entertainment
Angry Birds: Star WarsPuzzleRovio Entertainment
AniGuessEducationalAniware AB
Anillo, ElunknownJuan Antonio Paz Salgado
Anillo, ElunknownJuan Antonio Paz Salgado
Animal MathEducationalDonald Pavia
Animal QuestEducational
Animal QuestunknownAlive Software
Animal QuestunknownAlive Software
Animal Vegetable Mineralunknown
Animal Vegetable Mineralunknown
Animal Vegetable Mineralunknown
Animalier 1.unknown
Animalier 2.unknown
Animaniacs Game PackActionFunnybone Interactive
Animated Memory GameStrategy
Animated PuzzleunknownAtari
Animated Strip PokerunknownKnightsoft
Animated Strip PokerunknownKnightsoft
Animated Strip PokerunknownKnightsoft
Animation CreationunknownIBM / Mouseworks Computing
AnkebergsaventyretunknownStefan Andersson
Ankh 2: Tutankhamen no NazoAdventureIbis Inc.
Ankh 3AdventureIbis Inc.
Ankh 3 Battle of the GodsAdventureDeck13 Interactive GmbH
Ankh or 64 Rooms: An Adventure in the Metareal WorldunknownDavid Van Brink
Ankoku Shinwa: Yamato Takeru DensetsuunknownTokyo Shoseki
Annals of RomeStrategyPSS
Annals of RomeunknownPSS
Annals of RomeunknownPSS
Annals of RomeunknownPSS
Annihilation ProActionStuart Snaddon
Anniversaire de Bobby, L'unknown
Anno 1602: Creation of a New WorldStrategyMax Design
Another Day at Work: Wednesday (Unfinished)ActionRay Dunakin
Another Lifeless Planet and Me With No BeerAdventure
Another WarRPGMacPlay
Another WorldActionDelphine Software
Another WorldActionGolden Disk 64
Another WorldunknownRobert Drag
Another WorldunknownRobert Drag
Another WorldunknownRobert Drag
Another Worldunknown
Another WorldActionU.S Gold
Another WorldActionInterplay
Another WorldActionDelphine
Another WorldAdventureDelphine
Another WorldunknownDelphine
Another World Demake for Apple IIunknownVince Weaver
AnstossunknownAscon GmbH
AnstossunknownAscon GmbH
AnstossunknownAscon GmbH
Anstoss: World Cup EditionunknownAscon GmbH
Ant AttackActionQuicksilva
Ant AttackunknownQuicksilva
Ant AttackunknownQuicksilva
Ant AttackunknownQuicksilva
Ant AttackunknownHansesoft
Ant AttackunknownQuicksilva
Ant AttackunknownQuicksilva
Ant Attack!Action
Ant EaterunknownRomox
Ant Run ProPuzzleSoleau Software
Ant WarsunknownGary Evans
Antagonisten, DeunknownAddison-Wesley Productions
Antarctic AdventureActionKonami
AntaresunknownDro Soft
Antartic adventuresActionFreeware
Ante-Up at The Friday Night Poker ClubStrategy
Anthea Turner's National Lottery SimulatorunknownAlan Moore
Anti Ballistic MissileActionEMD
Anti Gtyunknown
Anti-Sub PatrolunknownRoklan
AntibodyActionMarco Carra
AnticipationStrategyNintendo Co., LTD
AntiISDA WarriorunknownVentzislav Tzvetkov
AntiquadraPuzzleGrayson Myers
AntiriadActionPalace Software
Ants AfireActionJim Love
Antteroo the MutantunknownCentral Solutions
Anttilis Mission II, The - Deep ProbeunknownCompass Software
Anttilis Mission II, The - Deep ProbeunknownCompass Software
Anttilis Mission II, The - Deep ProbeunknownCompass Software
Anttilis Mission, TheunknownCompass Software
Anttilis Mission, TheunknownCompass Software
Anttilis Mission, TheunknownCompass Software
Anttilis Mission, TheunknownCompass Software
Anvil of DawnunknownDreamForge Intertainment
Anvil of DawnunknownNew World Computing
Anvil of DawnRPGDreamForge Intertainment
Anyone for CardsunknownBonita Masteller
Anyone for Cards?PuzzleCapstone Software
ApacheunknownJuan Antonio Paz Salgado
ApacheActionF.J. Barroso
Apache LongbowSimulationDigital Integration
Apache Raid!!unknownPirate Software
Apache Raid!!unknownPirate Software
Apache Raid!!unknownPirate Software
Apache StrikeSimulationUnknown
APB - All Points BulletinunknownDomark
APB - All Points BulletinunknownDomark
APB - All Points BulletinunknownDomark
ApeironActionAmbrosia Software
Apeiron XActionAmbrosia Software
Apocalipsis NewunknownIdealogic
Apocalypse - BritainunknownRed Shift
Apocalypse - BritainunknownRed Shift
Apocalypse - CarribeanunknownRed Shift
Apocalypse - CarribeanunknownRed Shift
Apocalypse - EuropeunknownRed Shift
Apocalypse - EuropeunknownRed Shift
Apocalypse - LondonunknownRed Shift
Apocalypse - LondonunknownRed Shift
Apogee Software Bonus Disk 7unknownApogee
Apogee Software Shareware LibraryunknownApogee
Apollo 11unknownM. Schulz
Apollo 11unknownDarkstar
Apollo 11unknownDarkstar
Apollo 11unknownDarkstar
Apollo 18 - Mission to the MoonSimulationAccolade
Apollo 18: Mission to the MoonSimulation
Apollo 18: Mission to the MoonunknownArtech
Apple 2 Games - Sierra CollectionunknownSierra
Apple 2 Trekunknown
Apple BowlunknownApple Computer
Apple CatcherunknownNaffsoft
Apple CD-ROM Titles SamplerEducationalApple
Apple Cider SpiderActionSierra Online Inc
Apple Cider SpiderunknownSierra
Apple Cider SpiderunknownSierra
Apple Crunch for GameDOS vol 1unknown
Apple Crunch for GameDOS vol 2unknown
Apple Crunch for GameDOS vol 3unknown
Apple Crunch for GameDOS vol 4unknown
Apple Crunch for GameDOS vol 5unknown
Apple DOS 3.3Punknown
Apple Education II Elementary, My Dear Appleunknown
Apple File Text File Utilitiesunknown
Apple Games Discovery Softwareunknown
Apple Games by Allen WyattunknownAllen Wyatt
Apple Graphics Gamesunknown
Apple II Desire 1k DemounknownVince Weaver
APPLE II GARAGEunknownMatteo Trevisan
APPLE II GARAGE TWOunknownMatteo Trevisan
Apple II Kerbal Space ProgramunknownVince Weaver
Apple II Lemmings / Homestar ExpansionunknownVince Weaver
Apple II Peripherals diskette 077 0217 Aunknown
Apple II Trek Later versionunknown
Apple II Twitter Bot EntriesunknownVince Weaver
Apple II Wargames DemounknownVince Weaver
Apple InvaderunknownCreative Computing
Apple InvaderunknownCreative Computing
Apple Invadersunknown
Apple JamunknownDK'Tronics
Apple JamunknownDK'Tronics
Apple PairingunknownFan's Brother
Apple PanicActionBroderbund
Apple PanicunknownBroderbund
Apple PanicunknownBroderbund
Apple PanicunknownBroderbund
Apple PanicunknownBroderbund
Apple PanicunknownBroderbund
Apple PanicunknownBroderbund
Apple PanicunknownBroderbund
Apple PanicunknownBroderbund
apple panic 17k file DOSunknown
apple panic 17k file PRODOSunknown
Apple Spec Database 1.02 (run-time version).EducationalCasady & Greene
Apple SpiceunknownMarin Computer Center
Apple TrekunknownApple
apple trekunknown
Apple-Siders Disk 060unknownApple-Siders of Cincinnati
AppleFieldPuzzleLorenzo Cangiano
Appleodian II, other gamesunknown
Appleton, TheunknownWalter Pooley
Appleton, TheunknownWalter Pooley
Appointment with F.E.A.R.RPGPuffin Books
Apprenti Sorcier, L'unknown
Apprentice, Theunknown
Apprentice, TheunknownZenobi Software
April 7thunknownZenobi Software
Apteryx IIActionMichael Zahniser
Apventure to AtlantisunknownSynergistic Software
Apventure to AtlantisunknownSynergistic Software
AquaActionCEZ Silver
Aqua Blooper PiperPuzzleCasady & Greene
Aqua-RamaActionGedeon Maheux et.al.
AquaManActionDoug Diego
Aquaman: War of the Water WorldsAdventureInverse Ink
AquanoidPuzzleHeineke and Finger
AquaNox 2 - RevelationActionJoWood
AquaParkActionMac Game Store
AquariaActionAmbrosia Software
AquariusunknownBug-Byte Software
AquariusunknownBug-Byte Software
AquasquadunknownAtlantis Software
AquatronunknownSierra On-Line
AquatronunknownSierra On-Line
AquatronunknownJustin Gray
aquatron PRODOSunknown
Aquatron uncredited crack The Factor Game Paul A Page 1978 Intruder Martiansunknown
Aquazone DeluxeStrategy9003inc
AquaZone Desktop Pure Goldfish (Aquazone Desktop Life Pure <金魚>)Strategycinomix
Arabian Dream ScheherazadeunknownCulture Brain
Arabian NightsAdventureJustin Ficarrotta
Arabian NightsActionKrisalis
ArachnidunknownSoftSide Publications
Arachnoid: Predator of WorldsActionJustin Ficarrotta
ArachnophobiaActionBlueSky Software
Araiguma RascalunknownMasaya
ArañaActionEnrique Soto
ArañaActionEnrique Soto
Arana, LaunknownYear Zero Software
ArashiActionProject STORM team
AraxunknownCom-Art Software
Arc of DoomAdventureKeystone Productions
Arc Of YesodAdventureThor Computer Software
Arc of Yesod, TheunknownThor Computer Software
Arc of Yesod, TheunknownThor Computer Software
Arc of Yesod, TheunknownThor Computer Software
Arc of Yesod, TheunknownThor Computer Software
Arc of Yesod, TheunknownThor Computer Software
Arc of Yesod, TheunknownThor Computer Software
Arc of Yesod, TheunknownThor Computer Software
Arc of Yesod, TheunknownThor Computer Software
Arc of Yesod, TheunknownThor Computer Software
Arc of Yesod, TheunknownThor Computer Software
Arc of Yesod, TheunknownThor Computer Software
Arc of Yesod, TheunknownThor Computer Software
Arcade #1ActionKeyPunch
Arcade #2unknownKeypunch Software
Arcade Album 1unknown
Arcade AmericaAction7th Level
Arcade Blockbusters!unknownCapcom
Arcade BonanzaunknownKeypunch Software
Arcade BonanzaunknownKeypunch Software
Arcade Boot Campunknown
Arcade Boot Campunknown
Arcade Boot CampunknownJohn Besnard
Arcade Boot CampunknownJohn Besnard
Arcade ClassicsMiscAl Baker & Associates
Arcade ClassicsMiscAl Baker & Associates
Arcade Flight Simulatorunknown
Arcade Flight SimulatorunknownCodemasters
Arcade Flight SimulatorunknownCodemasters
Arcade Flight SimulatorunknownCodemasters
Arcade Flight SimulatorunknownCodemasters
Arcade FootballunknownSoftware Simulations
Arcade Fruit MachineunknownZeppelin Games
Arcade Fruit MachineunknownZeppelin Games
Arcade Fruit MachineunknownZeppelin Games
Arcade Fruit MachineunknownZeppelin Games
Arcade Fruit MachineSimulationZeppelin Games Limited
Arcade GamesunknownKeypunch Software
Arcade GamesunknownKeypunch Software
Arcade HitsunknownCapcom
Arcade IIunknownKeypunch Software
Arcade InsanityunknownAvant-Garde
arcade machine 1unknown
arcade machine 2unknown
Arcade PoolActionTeam 17
Arcade PoolunknownTeam 17
Arcade PoolRPGTeam 17
Arcade RallyunknownLukas Petrik
Arcade RallyunknownLukas Petrik
Arcade Smash HitsMiscVirgin Games
Arcade Smash HitsActionSega Corporation
Arcade TriviaPuzzleZeppelin Games
Arcade Trivia QuizunknownZeppelin Games
Arcade Trivia QuizunknownZeppelin Games
Arcade Trivia QuizunknownZeppelin Games
Arcade Trivia QuizunknownZeppelin Games
Arcade Trivia QuizunknownZeppelin Games
Arcade Trivia QuizunknownZeppelin Games
Arcade Trivia QuizunknownZeppelin Games
Arcade Trivia QuizunknownZeppelin Games
Arcade Trivia QuizPuzzle
Arcade Trivia Quiz Simulatorunknown
Arcade Typing TutorActionDoc White Software
Arcade VolleyballSportUnknown
Arcade Volleyball Deluxeunknown-
Arcade’s Greatest Hits: The Atari Collection 1MiscDigital Eclipse
Arcade's Greatest Hits: The Atari Collection 1unknownMidway Games
ArcadiaunknownImagine Software
ArcadiaunknownImagine Software
ArcadiaunknownImagine Software
ArcadiaunknownImagine Software
ArcadiaunknownImagine Software
ArcadiaunknownImagine Software
ArcadiaunknownImagine Software
Arcadia 64ActionImagine
ArcanaActionNew Generation Software
ArcanaRPGHAL Laboratory, Inc.
Arcane ArenaRPGFreeverse
Arcanoid IVunknownRambit
Arcanum - of Steamworks and Magick ObscuraRPGActivision
Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magick ObscuraRPGTroika Games
Arch Rivalsunknown
Arch RivalsSportMidway
Arch RivalsSportMidway
Arch RivalsSportMidway
Arch Rivals: A Basketbrawl!SportAcclaim Entertainment, Inc.
Archaeology of the FutureEducationalClaude Guillemot
ArcheounknownProxima Software
Archer MacLean's PoolSportVirgin
Archers, TheunknownMosaic Publishing
ArcherySportBrian Blankenship
Archibald Applebrook's AbenteuerunknownWeltenschmiede
Archibald's AdventuresAction300AD.com
Archimedean DynastySimulation
Archimedean DynastyunknownMassive Development
ArchipelagosPuzzleAstral Software
ArchipelagosunknownAstral Software
ArchipelagosunknownAstral Software
ArchonStrategyElectronic Arts
ArchonunknownThe Ramjam Corporation
ArchonunknownThe Ramjam Corporation
ArchonunknownAriolasoft UK
ArchonunknownElectronic Arts
Archon – The Light and the DarkActionElectronic Arts
Archon IIunknown
Archon II Adeptunknown
Archon II - AdeptunknownElectronic Arts
Archon II - AdeptunknownElectronic Arts
archon ii adeptunknown
Archon II: AdeptunknownElectronic Arts
Archon II: AdeptunknownElectronic Arts
Archon II: AdeptunknownElectronic Arts
Archon II: AdeptunknownElectronic Arts
Archon UltraStrategySSI
Archon UltraunknownSSI
Archon UltraunknownSSI
Archon Ultra CD-ROMunknownFree Fall Associates
Archon: the Light and the DarkStrategy
Archon: The Light and the Darkunknown
Arctic AdventureActionApogee
Arctic AdventureAction
Arctic AdventureActionApogee Software
Arctic AdventureunknownApogee
Arctic FoxStrategyElectronic Arts
Arctic Foxunknown
Arctic FoxunknownElectronic Arts
Arctic FoxunknownElectronic Arts
Arctic FoxSimulation
Arctic Fox for the Sinclair ZX SpectrumunknownElectronic Arts
Arctic MovesActionDinamic Multimedia
Arctic MovesActionDinamic Multimedia
Arctic MovesActionDinamic Multimedia
Arctic ShipwreckActionCommodore
ArcticfoxunknownElectronic Arts
ArcturusunknownVisions Software Factory
ArcturusunknownVisions Software Factory
ArcturusunknownVisions Software Factory
Arcus SpiritsunknownSammy Studios
Ardeny 1944unknownStanBit
Ardeny 1944unknownStanBit
ArdyunknownDaily Computer Game
Ardy LightfootActionASCII Entertainment
Ardy The AardvarkunknownDatamost
Ardy The Aardvarkunknown
Are You Afraid of the Dark: The Tale of Orpheo's CurseunknownNickelodeon
Are You Afraid of the Dark? The Tale of Orpheo's CurseAdventureNickelodeon
Area 51unknown
ArenaunknownMC Lothlorien
ArenaunknownMC Lothlorien
Arena 3000unknownMicrodeal
Arena 3000unknownMed Systems
Arena 3000unknownMicrodeal
Arena 3000unknownMed Systems
Arena 3000unknownMicrodeal
Arena CrystalisActionCrystal Aura Software
Arena GamesRPGJeff Derstadt
Arena of DeathRPGRich O'Brien
Arena RacerunknownAntic
Arena!unknownTitan Programs
Arena!unknownTitan Programs
AresActionAmbrosia Software
AresunknownMixt Software
AresunknownMixt Software
AresunknownMixt Software
Aretha II: Ariel no Fushigi na TabiunknownYanoman
Aretha the Super FamicomunknownYanoman
ArexunknownAdventure International
ArexunknownAdventure International
ArexunknownAdventure International
ArexunknownAdventure International
Argo AdventureAdventureBBS Interactive Multimedia
Argo CheckersPuzzleArgo Games
Argo sunknown
Argonaut 2149ActionHolmes Futrell
Argos (fr)AdventureRichard Soberka
Argos Arcade Gameunknown
Argos no JuujikenunknownSalio
Argos no Senshi: Hachamecha DaishingekiunknownTecmo, Ltd.
ArgusActionNMK, Jaleco
Ariane's puzzlePuzzleBlockdot
Ark PandoraAdventureRino Marketing Ltd
Ark, TheunknownReelax Games
ARK...ActionScott DeMers
ArkanoidPuzzleTaito, Nova Logic
Arkanoid (Eclipse Software)ActionEclipse
Arkanoid 2unknown
Arkanoid 2 - Revenge of DohActionTaito
Arkanoid 2 - Revenge of DohActionTaito
Arkanoid 2: The Revenge of DohAction
Arkanoid Construction Setunknown
Arkanoid Editorunknown2c
Arkanoid II Revenge of Dohunknown
Arkanoid II Revenge of Dohunknown
Arkanoid II - Revenge of DohunknownImagine Software
Arkanoid II - Revenge of DohunknownImagine Software
Arkanoid II - Revenge of DohunknownImagine Software
Arkanoid II: Revenge of DohActionTaito
Arkanoid III Doh Strikes Againunknown
Arkanoid III The Last Chanceunknown
Arkanoid IVunknown
Arkanoid Vunknown
Arkanoid: Doh It AgainunknownTaito America Corporation
Arkanoid: Revenge of DOHActionTaito America Corporation
ArkkubeActionDevilish Games
ArkkubeActionDevilish Games
ArkkubeActionDevilish Games
ArkkubeActionDevilish Games
ArkosunknownZigurat Software
ArkosunknownZigurat Software
ArkosunknownZigurat Software
ArkosunknownZigurat Software
ArkosunknownZigurat Software
ArkosunknownZigurat Software
ArkosunknownZigurat Software
ArkosunknownZigurat Software
ArkosunknownZigurat Software
ArkosunknownZigurat Software
ArkosunknownZigurat Software
ArkosunknownZigurat Software
Arm WrestlingActionImanok
Arm WrestlingActionImanok
Arm WrestlingActionImanok
Arm WrestlingActionImanok
Arm WrestlingActionImanok
Arm WrestlingActionImanok
Arm WrestlingActionImanok
Armada 2525Strategy
Armada 2525unknown?
ArmadoActionTricky Software
Armadura Sagrada de Antiriad, LaunknownErbe Software
Armaeth - The Lost KingdomAdventureReal World Soft
Armaëth: The Lost KingdomunknownGrandslam
ArmageddonunknownSVC Software
ArmageddonunknownKing Cruces Software
Armageddon Man, Theunknown
Armageddon Man, TheunknownMartech Games
Armageddon Man, TheunknownMartech Games
Armageddon Man, TheunknownMartech Games
Armageddon Man, TheunknownMartech Games
Armageddon: First StrikeActionCodenautics
Armagetron AdvancedActionArmagetron Advanced Team
Armand and the Foppish HatAdventureJeff Hanson
Armchair QuarterbackSportPseudonym Software
Armchair Quarterbackunknown
Armchair QuarterbackunknownShareData
Armed WormsActionJonas Kukkonen
Armed WormsActionJonas Kukkonen
ArmorStrategyBrad Sanders
Armor AlleyActionInformation Access Technologies
Armor Alleyunknown
Armor AlleyunknownThree-Sixty Pacific
Armor AlleyPuzzleThree-Sixty Pacific
Armor AssaultunknownEpyx
Armor AssaultunknownEpyx
Armor AttackActionGCE
Armor Battle (Armor Ambush)ActionMattel Electronics
Armored FistStrategyNovaLogic
Armored fistSimulation
Armorik the Viking: The Eight ConquestsunknownInfogrames
ArmyStrategyDwain Goforth
ArmyStrategyDwain Goforth
Army MenStrategy
Army Men 2Strategy
Army Men: Sarge&#8217;s Heroesunknown
Army MovesActionImagine
Army MovesunknownImagine Software
Army MovesunknownSummit Software
Army MovesunknownImagine Software
Army MovesunknownImagine Software
Army MovesunknownSummit Software
Army MovesunknownDinamic Software
Army Movesunknown
Army MovesunknownImagine Software
Army MovesunknownImagine Software
Army MovesunknownSummit Software
Army MovesunknownImagine Software
Army MovesunknownImagine Software
Arnal & DrakunknownTorasoft
ArnhemStrategyCases Computer Simulations
Arnhem: The Market Garden OperationStrategy
Arnie 2unknown
Arnie 2ActionZeppelin Games
Arnold Goes to Somewhere Elseunknown
Arnold in the Haunted Houseunknown
Arnold the AdventurerunknownZenobi Software
Arnold the AdventurerunknownZenobi Software
Arnold the Adventurer IIunknownZenobi Software
Arnold the Adventurer IIunknownZenobi Software
Arnold the Adventurer IIIunknownZenobi Software
Around the PlanetunknownMirage
Around the PlanetunknownMirage
Around the PlanetunknownMirage
Around the PlanetunknownMirage
Around the WorldunknownSUPERWare
Around the World in 80 Days: A Story Painting AdventureunknownNovotrade
Arquimedes XXIunknownDinamic Software
Arquimedes XXIunknownDinamic Software
Arquímedes XXIunknownESP Soft
Art of FightingActionSNK
Art of FightingActionSNK
Art Of FightingunknownTakara
Artefakt PrzodkowunknownASF
Artefakt PrzodkowunknownASF
Artefakt PrzodkowunknownASF
Artefakt PrzodkowunknownASF
Artefakt PrzodkowunknownASF
ArtesiansunknownReno Soft
Arthur: The Quest for ExcaliburAdventureBob Bates
Arthur: The Quest for ExcaliburAdventure
Arthur's Computer AdventureunknownBroderbund
Arthur's Reading RaceunknownBroderbund
Arthur's BirthdayEducationalBrøderbund
Arthur's Camping AdventureEducationalMattel Interactive
Arthur's Computer AdventureEducationalBrøderbund
Arthur's KindergartenEducationalHuman Code
Arthur's Reading GamesEducationalSoftKey
Arthur's Teacher TroubleEducationalThe Learning Company
Arthur's Wilderness RescueEducationalThe Learning Company
ArtilleryStrategyKirk Crawford
Artillery Combat \(EGAbomb\)StrategyRad Delaroderie
Artillery DuelStrategyXonox
Artillery SimulatorunknownSoftSide Publications
Artillery SimulatorunknownSoftSide Publications
ArtRageous!EducationalFuture Vision Multimedia
ArturaunknownGremlin Graphics Software
ArturaunknownGremlin Graphics Software
ArturaunknownGremlin Graphics Software
ArturaunknownGremlin Graphics Software
Artus contre le Démon du MuséeEducationalGyoza Media
Artus et le vaisseau fantômeEducationalMusée national de la marine
Arx FatalisRPGArkane Studios
As the Link Turnsunknown
As You Like It™unknownJKS Development
Asameshimae NyankounknownZamuse
Ascii Sectorunknown
Ascii SectorActionChristian Knudsen
Asghan: The Dragon SlayerActionSilmarils
AshcanStrategyJerry Fritschle
Ashes of EmpireActionMidnight
Ashes to Ashes...ActionDaniel R. Matejka
Ashes, TheunknownCCS
Ashes, TheunknownCCS
Ashita no JoeunknownK Amusement Leasing
Ask Guru JoeStrategyGameloft
askey_prodosunknownPaul Wasson
ASO: Armored Scrum ObjectunknownSNK Corporation
Aspar G.P. MasterunknownDinamic
Aspar G.P. MasterunknownDinamic
Aspar G.P. MasterunknownDinamic
Aspar G.P. MasterunknownDinamic
Aspar G.P. MasterunknownDinamic
Aspar G.P. MasterunknownDinamic
Aspar G.P. MasterunknownDinamic
Aspar GP MasterSport
Aspar GP Masterunknown
Aspar GP MasterunknownDinamic Software
Aspar GP MasterunknownDinamic Software
AspirinActionSebastian Brytting
Aspirin 2ActionSebastian Brytting
Aspirin 3: Gynk's Big TroubleActionSebastian Brytting
asrunknownGary Plowman, Matteo Trevisan
AssassinStrategySteven H. Taylor
Assassin's Creed IIActionUbisoft
Assassin's Creed: BrotherhoodActionUbisoft
AssaultStrategyBrad Sanders
Assault CityActionSega Corporation
Assault Courseunknown
Assault CourseunknownPlayers Premier Software
Assault CourseunknownPlayers Premier Software
Assault Port Stanleyunknown
Assault Trooperunknown
Assault TrooperActionWebfoot Technologies
Assault VehiclesActionMidas Interactive
AssaultCubeActionRabid Viper Productions
AssholePuzzleGreg Munro
Assignment 46unknownMike Andruschak
AstunknownGary Plowman, Matteo Trevisan
AsteraxActionArvandor Software
AsterbammActionDavid Cook
AstérixActionSEGA Enterprises
Asterix - Operation GetafixAdventureCoktel Vision
Asterix & ObelixActionInfogrames
Astérix & ObélixActionInfogrames
Astérix & ObélixActionInfogrames
Astérix & ObélixActionInfogrames
Asterix & ObelixunknownInfogrames
Astérix and the Great RescueActionCore Design
Astérix and the Great RescueActionCore Design
Astérix and the Great RescueActionCore Design
Asterix and the Great RescueunknownSega Corporation
Asterix and the Magic Cauldronunknown
Asterix and the Magic CauldronunknownMelbourne House
Asterix and the Magic CauldronunknownMelbourne House
Asterix and the Magic CauldronunknownMelbourne House
Astérix and the Secret MissionActionSEGA Enterprises
Asterix and the Secret MissionunknownSega Corporation
Asterix et la Potion Magiqueunknown
Asterix: Operation Getafixunknown
Asterix: Operation GetafixunknownCoktel
Asteroid Field, Star Thief, Missile Command, Bach, Keysunknown
Asteroid MinersunknownMMG Micro Software
Asteroid RununknownPaul Lefebvre
Asteroid StormActionDavid Stark
AsteroidsActionAtari Inc.
AsteroidsActionAtari, Inc.
AsteroidsunknownCavalier Computer
AsteroidsActionCraic Design
Asteroids (flash movie & widget)ActionChris Marks
Asteroids DeluxeActionAtari, AtariAge
Asteroids IIunknownIncubus Software
AsteroidyunknownFontana Publishing
Astra PhantasmunknownAd Astra
Astrid Lindgren's Pippi LongstockingEducationalAhead Multimedia
Astro AssemblerActionHollywood Publishin
Astro AssemblerActionHollywood Publishin
Astro AssemblerActionHollywood Publishin
Astro AssemblerActionHollywood Publishin
Astro AssemblerActionHollywood Publishin
Astro AssemblerActionHollywood Publishin
Astro Attackunknown
Astro Attackunknown
Astro BlasterActionRolf Franzon
Astro BlasterunknownInvestronica
Astro BlasterunknownQuicksilva
Astro BlasterunknownQuicksilva
Astro Blaster Pinballunknown
Astro ChaseunknownFirst Star Software
Astro ChaseunknownFirst Star Software
Astro ChaseunknownParker Brothers
Astro ChaseunknownFirst Star Software
Astro ChaseunknownFirst Star Software
Astro ChaseunknownFirst Star Software
Astro ChaseunknownFirst Star Software
Astro Chase 3DActionFirst Star Software
Astro Chicken ]I[unknownJandal
Astro DodgeActionDigital Marketing Corp.
Astro Fang: Super MachineunknownA Wave
Astro Fireunknown
Astro FireActionORT Software
Astro Fire & Arcade PaddleunknownMojo Software
Astro Marine CorpsunknownDinamic Software
Astro Plumberunknown
Astro Robo SASAunknownASCII
Astro Robo SasaActionASCII
Astro WarriorActionSEGA Enterprises
Astro WarriorActionSega Corporation
Astro-DroidunknownRed Rat Software
Astro-DroidunknownRed Rat Software
Astro-DroidunknownRed Rat Software
Astro-GroverunknownCBS Software
AstroballunknownDigital Reality
AstroballunknownDigital Reality
AstroBlastActionJarir Maani
AstrocloneunknownHewson Consultants
AstrocloneunknownErbe Software
AstrocloneunknownHewson Consultants
AstrocloneunknownHewson Consultants
AstrocloneunknownHewson Consultants
AstrocloneunknownHewson Consultants
AstromedaunknownRino Marketing
AstroMenaceActionMikhail Kurinnoi
Astron IXunknownCosmi
AstronomicaAdventureHYPER-QUEST Inc.
AstronutunknownSoftware Projects
AstronutunknownSoftware Projects
AstronutunknownSoftware Projects
AstronutunknownSoftware Projects
AstronutunknownSoftware Projects
AstroplanerunknownRomik Software
AstroplanerunknownRomik Software
AstroRock 2000ActionLogicware
Astrosmash (Astroblast)ActionMattel Electronics
AstroSquidActionAladdin Systems
AstrowarriorsunknownApogee Software
Astrowulards, TheActionOff Software
Astrowulards, TheActionOff Software
AsylumAdventureDoppelganger Adventures Inc
AT RobotsPuzzleEd T. Toton
At the CarnivalPuzzle
At the Carnival (aka The Puzzle Gallery)PuzzleCliff Johnson
ATAC: The Secret War Against DrugsSimulation
ATAC: The Secret War Against DrugsunknownMicroprose
ATAC: The Secret War Against DrugsunknownMicroprose
ATAC: The Secret War Against DrugsunknownMicroprose
ATAC: The Secret War Against DrugsunknownMicroprose
AtalanAdventureAtlas Adventure Software
Ataque Nuclearunknown
Atari Arcade Classics for MacintoshActionAtari
Atari Arcade Lunar LanderActionLarry Kepko
Atari Double Monopoly v3.1unknownS.L.C.
Atari Double Monopoly v3.1unknownS.L.C.
Atari Greed v0.91unknownWinfried Piegsda
Atari Nuclear Power PlantunknownHASE
Atari RogueunknownAntic
Atari TarotsunknownAtari
Atari Video CubePuzzleGeneral Computer Corporation
Atari vs. CommodoreunknownFrantisek Slovacek
Atari XL SokobanunknownKE-Soft
Atarian AttackunknownMuenzenloher GmbH
AtaroidunknownAtari Magazin
AtaroidunknownAtari Magazin
Atartris IIunknownBlind Squirrel Software
Atartris v1.01unknownBlind Squirrel Software
AtarzeeunknownANALOG Computing
AtaxxPuzzleLarry Kepko
ATCunknownAvante Garde
AthenaunknownImagine Software
AthenaunknownImagine Software
AthenaunknownImagine Software
AthenaunknownImagine Software
AthenaunknownImagine Software
AthenaunknownImagine Software
AthenaunknownImagine Software
AthenaunknownImagine Software
AthenaunknownImagine Software
AthenaActionSNK Corporation
AthenaActionSNK Corporation
AthleteunknownBuffer Micro
Athletic WorldSportBandai America, Inc.
Atic AtacunknownUltimate Play The Game
Atic AtacunknownUltimate Play The Game
Atic AtacunknownUltimate Play The Game
Atic AtacunknownUltimate Play The Game
Atic AtacunknownUltimate Play The Game
Atic AtacunknownUltimate Play The Game
Atic AtacunknownUltimate Play The Game
Atic AtacunknownUltimate Play The Game
Atic AtacunknownUltimate Play The Game
Atic AtacunknownUltimate Play The Game
Atic AtacunknownAGL / Ultimate / others
Atland Previewunknown
AtlantisunknownNoch Software Inc.
AtlantisPuzzleBig Fish Games
Atlantis II (aka Beyond Atlantis)AdventureCryo Interactive
Atlantis no NazounknownSunsoft
Atlantis RevengeunknownALA Software
Atlantis Sky PatrolActionBig Fish Games
Atlantis: The Lost TalesAdventureCryo Interactive
Atlas Assignment, TheunknownVirgin Games
Atlas Assignment, TheunknownVirgin Games
Atlas Assignment, TheunknownVirgin Games
Atlas Assignment, TheunknownVirgin Games
Atlas Explorer side Aunknown
Atlas: The Gift of AramaiRPGDigital Terra
AtmoidsunknownAndre Weber
Atom AntunknownHi-Tec Software
Atom Antunknown
Atom AntunknownHi-Tec Software
Atom SmasherunknownC.C.P.
Atom SmasherunknownC.C.P.
Atom Smasherunknown
AtomicunknownPhilippe Lesire
Atomic Battleunknown
Atomic Betty: Intergalactic ConspiracyEducationalAtomic Cartoons
Atomic BombermanAction
Atomic BondsPuzzleIdle King
Atomic CannonActionIsotope 244
Atomic Driverunknown
Atomic Fictionunknown
Atomic GnomunknownPowersoft
Atomic Punk (Bomber Boy)ActionHudson Soft
Atomit IIunknownKE-Soft
Atomit IIunknownKE-Soft
AtomixPuzzleThalion Software GMBH
Atomix II - HexagoniaunknownProxima Software
Atomova KatedralaunknownMiroslav Mzik
ATP Tour SimulatorunknownProxima Software
ATRAMunknownWebsters Software
ATRAMunknownWebsters Software
AtrogunknownZafiro Software Division
Attack Animal GakuenunknownPony Canyon
Attack at EP-CYG-4unknownRomox
Attack at EP-CYG-4unknownRomox
Attack MarblesStrategyMartin Martinez
Attack of the Alien WatersunknownGreen Fish Software Enterprise
Attack of the EmpireunknownChibur
Attack of the Killer Tomatoesunknown
Attack of the Killer TomatoesunknownGlobal Software
Attack of the Killer TomatoesunknownGlobal Software
Attack of the Killer TomatoesunknownGlobal Software
Attack of the Killer TomatoesunknownTHQ Inc.
Attack of the Ma-Ma'sActionDavid P. Derwin
Attack of the Mutant Artificial TreesActionBlockdot
Attack of the Mutant CamelsunknownHuman Engineered Software
Attack of the Mutant CamelsunknownLlamasoft
Attack of the Mutant CamelsunknownHesWare
Attack of the Mutant CamelsunknownLlamasoft
Attack of the Mutant CamelsunknownCreative Data
Attack of the Mutant CamelsunknownLlamasoft
Attack of the Mutant CamelsunknownLlamasoft
Attack on AltairActionWindmill Software
Attack on AtlantisunknownCentury City Software
Attack on Pearl HarborunknownLegendo
Attack on the DoomstarunknownAntic
AttackerunknownCascade Games
AttackerunknownCascade Games
AttilaStrategyLüder Osmers
ATV RallyStrategyATV Information and Education Group
ATV Simulatorunknown
ATV Simulator - All Terrain VehicleunknownCodemasters
ATV Simulator - All Terrain VehicleunknownCodemasters
ATV Simulator - All Terrain VehicleunknownCodemasters
ATV Simulator - All Terrain VehicleunknownCodemasters
ATV TrackunknownGaelco
Au Revoir Montyunknown
Auf dem Weg nach EuropaunknownBundesregierung
Auf Wiedersehen MontyActionGremlin Graphics Software Ltd
Auf Wiedersehen Montyunknown
Auf Wiedersehen MontyunknownGremlin Graphics Software
Auf Wiedersehen MontyunknownGremlin Graphics Software
Auf Wiedersehen MontyunknownGremlin Graphics Software
Auf Wiedersehen MontyunknownGremlin Graphics Software
Auf Wiedersehen MontyunknownGremlin Graphics Software
Auf Wiedersehen MontyunknownGremlin Graphics Software
Auf Wiedersehen MontyunknownGremlin Graphics Software
Auf Wiedersehen MontyunknownGremlin Graphics Software
Auf Wiedersehen MontyAction
Auf Wiedersehen PetunknownTynesoft
Auf Wiedersehen PetunknownTynesoft
Auftrag in der Bronxunknown
Aunt Velma's Coming to Tea!unknownZenobi Software
AURA AdventuresunknownAura
Aura BBS PinballunknownAura
Aura BBS PinballunknownAura
Aura BBS PinballunknownAura
Aura BBS PinballunknownAura
Aural QuestunknownStar Dreams
Aural QuestunknownStar Dreams
Aural QuestunknownStar Dreams
AurascopeunknownZenobi Software
AureonunknownDragonHold Software
AurumunknownL.K. Avalon
AurumunknownL.K. Avalon
Aussie Joker PokerPuzzleJoker Software
Aussie Safariunknown
Aussie SpellFORCEEducationalEdAlive
AusterlitzStrategyDr. Peter Turcan
AusterlitzunknownMC Lothlorien
AusterlitzunknownMC Lothlorien
AusterlitzunknownMC Lothlorien
AusterlitzunknownMC Lothlorien
Austerlitz 1805unknownCCS
Austerlitz: Napoleon&#8217;s Greatest Victoryunknown
Australian Rules Footballunknown
Australian Rules Football - The Outback Amateur LeagueunknownAgain Again
Australian Rules Football - The Outback Amateur LeagueunknownAgain Again
Australian Rules Football - The Victorian Football LeagueunknownAgain Again
Australian Rules Football - The Victorian Football LeagueunknownAgain Again
Australian Rules Football - The Victorian Football LeagueunknownAgain Again
Australian Rules Football - The Victorian Football LeagueunknownAgain Again
Auto ConcentrationunknownScene+
Auto DuelSimulationOrigin
Auto KursivunknownW. Janowsky
Auto ManiaActionMikro-Gen
Auto RallyunknownClemens Carsten
AutobahnunknownH. Schiehl
AutobahnunknownH. Schiehl
AutobotsPuzzleL. Scott Emmons
AutocrashunknownZigurat Software
AutocrashunknownZigurat Software
AutocrashunknownZigurat Software
AutoDuelActionChuck Bueche (Chuckles)
AutoduelRPGElectronic Arts
autoduel docs and mapunknown
Automobili LamborghiniSportTitus
AutomonopoliunknownAutomata UK
AutomonopoliunknownAutomata UK
AutomonopoliunknownAutomata UK
AutomonopoliunknownAutomata UK
AutorennenunknownEMM Software
AutorennenunknownEMM Software
Autos LocosunknownÁlea
Autos LocosunknownÁlea
Autostopista GalacticounknownVentamatic
Autostopista GalácticoActionVentamatic
Autostopista Galáctico (v2)ActionVentamatic
Autre Aventure, L'unknown
AV-8B Harrier AssaultStrategyDomark Software
AV-8B Harrier AssaultunknownDomark
AV-8B Harrier AssaultunknownDomark
AV-8B Harrier AssaultunknownDomark
Avadon TrilogyRPGJeff Vogel
Avalanche - The Struggle for ItalyunknownCCS
Avalanche ExtremePuzzleDracosoft
AvalonunknownHewson Consultants
AvalonunknownHewson Consultants
AvalonunknownHewson Consultants
AvalonActionHewson Consultants
Avalon CasinosunknownIntermedia
Avalon Hill collectionunknown
Avalon QuizunknownTajemnice Atari
Avalon QuizunknownTajemnice Atari
AvaraActionAmbrosia Software
Avara Aftershock 1.5ActionAftershock Team
Avatar: The Last Airbender - The Path of ZukoAdventureNickelodeon
AvenunknownProxima Software
AvengerunknownAbacus Programs
AvengerunknownGremlin Graphics Software
AvengerunknownGremlin Graphics Software
AvengerunknownAbacus Programs
AvengerunknownGremlin Graphics Software
AvengerunknownGremlin Graphics Software
AvengerunknownGremlin Graphics Software
AvengerunknownAbacus Programs
Aventura en el Siglo XXIVunknownRVM
Aventura en WildlandunknownInfodisc
Aventura Espacial, Launknown
Aventura Espacial, LaunknownAventuras AD
Aventura Espacial, LaunknownAventuras AD
Aventura Espacial, LaunknownAventuras AD
Aventura Espacial, LaunknownAventuras AD
Aventura Espacial, LaunknownAventuras AD
Aventura Espacial, LaunknownAventuras AD
Aventura Espacial, LaunknownAventuras AD
Aventura Espacial, LaunknownNightwolf
Aventura InterminableunknownJ.M. Mayoral
Aventura Original, Launknown
Aventura Original, LaunknownAventuras AD
Aventura Original, LaunknownAventuras AD
Aventura Original, LaunknownAventuras AD
Aventura Original, LaunknownAventuras AD
Aventura Original, LaunknownAventuras AD
Aventura Original, LaunknownAventuras AD
Aventura Original, LaunknownAventuras AD
Aventura Original, La - Part 1 - La BusquedaunknownAventuras AD
Aventura Original, La - Part 1 - La BusquedaunknownAventuras AD
Aventura Original, La - Part 1 - La BusquedaunknownAventuras AD
Aventura Original, La - Part 1 - La BusquedaunknownAventuras AD
Aventura Original, La - Part 1 - La BusquedaunknownAventuras AD
Aventura Original, La - Part 2 - El EncuentrounknownAventuras AD
Aventura Original, La - Part 2 - El EncuentrounknownAventuras AD
Aventura Original, La - Part 2 - El EncuentrounknownAventuras AD
Aventuras en el Bosque Maldito, LasunknownCreativos Editorial
Aventures au Chateauunknown
Aventures de Jack Burton, Lesunknown
Aventures de Moktar, Lesunknown
AvernumRPGJeff Vogel
Avernum 2RPGJeff Vogel
Avernum 3RPGJeff Vogel
Avernum: Second TrilogyRPGJeff Vogel
AvishPuzzleBUG Multisystem Ltd.
Avish!PuzzleBUG Multisystem Ltd.
AvoidunknownTad Browne
Avoid the NoidActionSharedata, Inc.
Avoid the NoidActionCalifornia Merchandising Concepts, Inc.
Avoid the NoidActionSharedata
Avoid the NoidSimulationSharedata
Avventura nel castelloAdventureFreeware
AWACSunknownJohn Hitchcock
awacs funknown
AwakeningAdventureGeorg Rottensteiner
Awakening 100 Percent 1992 The Ancient Temple Side Bunknown
Awakening, TheActionOniric Factor
AwariunknownOrbis Publishing
AwariunknownOrbis Publishing
Awesome Animated Monster Maker: Ultra EditionAdventureHoughton Mifflin
Awesome BlackjackPuzzleBryan Arntson
Awesome CrapsPuzzleBryan Arntson
Awesome EarlSportBubble Bus Software
Awesome Earl in SkateRockAction
Awesome Earl in SkateRockunknownBubble Bus
Awesome RoulettePuzzleBryan Arntson
Awesome SicBoPuzzleBryan Arntson
aWormActionSerpent Software
Ax Battler: A Legend of Golden AxeRPGSEGA Enterprises
AxeunknownTop Ten Software
Axe of Kolt, TheunknownFSF Adventures
Axe of Kolt, TheunknownFSF Adventures
Axe of Kolt, TheunknownFSF Adventures
Axe of Kolt, TheunknownFSF Adventures
Axe of Kolt, TheunknownFSF Adventures
Axe of Kolt, TheunknownFSF Adventures
Axe of Kolt, TheunknownFSF Adventures
Axe of Kolt, TheunknownFSF Adventures
Axe of Kolt, TheunknownFSF Adventures
Axe of Kolt, TheunknownFSF Adventures
Axe of Kolt, TheunknownFSF Adventures
Axe of Kolt, TheunknownFSF Adventures
Axe of RageAction
Axiom VergeActionThomas Happ Games
Axis & Allies: Iron Blitz EditionStrategyMicroProse
Axis and AlliesStrategy
Axis and Allies: Iron BlitzStrategy
Axis AssassinunknownElectronic Arts
Axis AssassinunknownElectronic Arts
Axis AssassinunknownElectronic Arts
Axis AssassinunknownElectronic Arts
Axis AssassinunknownElectronic Arts
Axis Assassinunknown
Axis Assassinunknown
Axis The Game CheaterMiscBaseline Publishing
Axium AdventuresAdventureSoleau Software
Axys The Last Battleunknown
Aymun: Aprendiz de PirataAdventureCMY Multimedia
Ayo The Game of Africaunknown
Ayrton Senna’s Super Monaco GP IISportSega
Ayrton Senna’s Super Monaco GP IISportSega
Ayrton Senna’s Super Monaco GP IISportSega
Ayrton Senna's Super Monaco GP IISportSega Corporation
AzadaPuzzleBig Fish Games
Azalta: Cult of the RavenRPG
Azile and ElizaStrategyTom Bender
AzkendPuzzleMyth People
Azrael's TearAdventureIntelligent Games
AztecActionDatamost Inc
AztecunknownLuca Bordoni
Aztec - Hunt for the Sun GodunknownHill MacGibbon
Aztec - Hunt for the Sun GodunknownHill MacGibbon
Aztec AdventureStrategySEGA Enterprises
Aztec AdventureunknownSega Corporation
Aztec AssaultunknownZenobi Software
Aztec ChallengeActionCosmi
Aztec TombAdventureAlligata Software
Aztec TombPuzzleEndurion