1983 Games


Robot 999
101 Monochrome MazesunknownIBM
1984 - The Game of Economic SurvivalunknownIncentive Software
1984 - The Game of Economic SurvivalunknownIncentive Software
1984 - The Game of Economic SurvivalunknownIncentive Software
1994 - Ten Years AfterunknownVisions Software Factory
1994 - Ten Years AfterunknownVisions Software Factory
1994 - Ten Years AfterunknownVisions Software Factory
1994 - Ten Years AfterunknownVisions Software Factory
1994 - Ten Years AfterunknownVisions Software Factory
3-D Maze EscapeunknownAntic
3-D Tic-Tac-ToeunknownAnsgar Zerfass
3-D Tic-Tac-ToeunknownOrwin Software
3D Combat ZoneunknownArtic Computing
3D Combat ZoneunknownArtic Computing
3D Combat ZoneunknownArtic Computing
3D Combat ZoneunknownArtic Computing
3D Combat ZoneunknownArtic Computing
3D Combat ZoneunknownArtic Computing
3D DefendaunknownContrast Software
3D Master GameunknownSupersoft Systems
3D Master GameunknownSupersoft Systems
3D Master Game - IntrounknownSupersoft Systems
3D Master Game - IntrounknownSupersoft Systems
3D OxounknownOasis Software
3D OxounknownOasis Software
3D OxounknownOasis Software
3D PacmanunknownFreddy Kristiansen
3D PainterunknownCDS Microsystems
3D PainterunknownCDS Microsystems
3D PainterunknownCDS Microsystems
3D PyramidunknownGreen Fish Software Enterprise
3D Seiddab AttackunknownHewson Consultants
3D Space WarsunknownHewson Consultants
3D Space WarsunknownHewson Consultants
3D Space WarsunknownHewson Consultants
3D Space WarsunknownHewson Consultants
3D SpacewarsActionGraftgold
3D Star WarsunknownCustom Cables International
3D Star WarsunknownCustom Cables International
3D StrategyunknownQuicksilva
3D Strategy - IntrounknownQuicksilva
3D TunnelunknownNew Generation Software
3D TunnelunknownNew Generation Software
3D TunnelunknownNew Generation Software
3D TunnelunknownNew Generation Software
3D TunnelunknownNew Generation Software
3D TunnelunknownNew Generation Software
3D TunnelunknownNew Generation Software
3D TunnelunknownNew Generation Software
3D VortexunknownJ.K. Greye Enterprises
3D WordunknownP. Monger
3D-QuadracubeunknownArtic Computing
3D-QuadracubeunknownArtic Computing
3D-RavijnunknownSoft & Easy
3D-RavijnunknownSoft & Easy
51unknownTh. Dargell
A Or AnunknownCES
Abracadabra!unknownTG Software
Abracadabra!unknownTG Software
Abracadabra!unknownTG Software
AbwehrunknownWerner Spahl
Ace LowunknownCCS
Ace LowunknownCCS
Activision Decathlon, TheSportActivision
AddaladdaunknownDavid Cowell
AddaladdaunknownDavid Cowell
Adder AttackunknownMogul Communications
Adder AttackunknownMogul Communications
Advanced BlackjackunknownMuse
AdventureunknownMicro Gold
AdventureunknownMicro Gold
AdventureunknownMicro Gold
Adventure 2 - PoliticounknownD.J. Moody
Adventure 3 - The Satan CrystalsunknownD.J. Moody
Adventure E - The Golden AppleunknownArtic Computing
Adventure E - The Golden AppleunknownArtic Computing
Adventure E - The Golden AppleunknownArtic Computing
Adventure E - The Golden AppleunknownArtic Computing
Adventure E - The Golden AppleunknownArtic Computing
Adventure E - The Golden AppleunknownArtic Computing
Adventure in the Fifth Dimension!unknownANALOG Computing
Adventure in the Fifth Dimension!unknownANALOG Computing
Adventure in TimeunknownPhoenix Software
Adventure in TimeunknownPhoenix Software
Adventure QuestunknownLevel 9 Computing
Adventure WriterRPGGilsoft
Adventurer's NightmareunknownWicosoft
Adventurer's NightmareunknownWicosoft
Adventures in MathEducationalIBM
Adventures of Saint Bernard, TheunknownCarnell Software
Adventures of Saint Bernard, TheunknownCarnell Software
Adventures of Saint Bernard, TheunknownCarnell Software
Adventures of Sinbad, TheunknownAtlantis Software
Adventures of Sinbad, TheunknownAtlantis Software
AdventureWriter vA01 & Rescue AdventureunknownCodeWriter
Ah DiddumsunknownImagine Software
Ah DiddumsunknownImagine Software
Ah DiddumsunknownImagine Software
Ah DiddumsunknownImagine Software
Ah DiddumsunknownImagine Software
Air BrushunknownSoft Hits
Air BrushunknownSoft Hits
Air Raid 2000unknownAntic
Air TraxPuzzlePresearch Incorporated
Airplane SimulatorunknownTed Kurtz
Airstrike IIunknownEnglish Software
AlchemistunknownImagine Software
AlchemistunknownImagine Software
AlchemistunknownImagine Software
AlchemistunknownImagine Software
AlchemistunknownImagine Software
AlchemistunknownImagine Software
AlchemistunknownImagine Software
AlchemistunknownImagine Software
AlchemistunknownImagine Software
AlienunknownCascade Games
AlienunknownCascade Games
AlienunknownCascade Games
Alien AmbushunknownDANA
Alien AttackunknownCascade Games
Alien AttackunknownCascade Games
Alien AttackunknownCascade Games
Alien MazeunknownCRL Group
Alley CatActionSynapse Software Corporation
Alley DriverunknownCascade Games
Alp ManunknownSar-An Computer Products
Alpha RununknownAntic
Alpha ShieldunknownSirius Software
Alpha ShieldunknownSirius Software
Alpha ShieldunknownSirius Software
Alphabet ZoounknownSpinnaker Software
Amazing MazePuzzleDonovan W. Foster
Amazing MazeAction
Android 2unknownVentamatic
Android 2unknownVentamatic
Android 2unknownVentamatic
Android 2unknownVentamatic
Android 2 v2unknownVortex Software
Android 2 v2unknownVortex Software
Android 2 v2unknownVortex Software
Android One - The Reactor RununknownVortex Software
Android One - The Reactor RununknownVentamatic
Android One - The Reactor RununknownVortex Software
Android One - The Reactor RununknownVortex Software
Android One - The Reactor RununknownVortex Software
Android One - The Reactor Run - IntrounknownVortex Software
Android One - The Reactor Run - IntrounknownVortex Software
Android One - The Reactor Run - IntrounknownVortex Software
Android One - The Reactor Run - IntrounknownVortex Software
Android Pit RescueunknownAbacus Programs
AnglerunknownVirgin Games
Animation CreationunknownIBM / Mouseworks Computing
Ant AttackunknownQuicksilva
Ant AttackunknownQuicksilva
Ant AttackunknownQuicksilva
Ant AttackunknownHansesoft
Ant AttackunknownQuicksilva
Ant AttackunknownQuicksilva
Antarctic AdventureActionKonami
Apocalypse - BritainunknownRed Shift
Apocalypse - BritainunknownRed Shift
Apocalypse - CarribeanunknownRed Shift
Apocalypse - CarribeanunknownRed Shift
Apocalypse - EuropeunknownRed Shift
Apocalypse - EuropeunknownRed Shift
Apocalypse - LondonunknownRed Shift
Apocalypse - LondonunknownRed Shift
Apollo 11unknownDarkstar
Apollo 11unknownDarkstar
Apollo 11unknownDarkstar
Apple Cider SpiderunknownSierra
Apple Cider SpiderunknownSierra
Apple-Siders Disk 060unknownApple-Siders of Cincinnati
AquariusunknownBug-Byte Software
AquariusunknownBug-Byte Software
AquatronunknownSierra On-Line
AquatronunknownSierra On-Line
AquatronunknownJustin Gray
Arcade InsanityunknownAvant-Garde
Arcadia 64ActionImagine
ArcherySportBrian Blankenship
ArchonStrategyElectronic Arts
ArchonunknownThe Ramjam Corporation
ArchonunknownThe Ramjam Corporation
ArchonunknownElectronic Arts
Archon – The Light and the DarkActionElectronic Arts
Arctic ShipwreckActionCommodore
Ardy The AardvarkunknownDatamost
Arena!unknownTitan Programs
Arena!unknownTitan Programs
ArexunknownAdventure International
ArexunknownAdventure International
ArexunknownAdventure International
ArexunknownAdventure International
Around the WorldunknownSUPERWare
Artillery DuelStrategyXonox
AsteroidsunknownP.S. Newby
AsteroidyunknownFontana Publishing
Astra PhantasmunknownAd Astra
Astro BlasterunknownInvestronica
Astro BlasterunknownQuicksilva
Astro BlasterunknownQuicksilva
Astro ChaseunknownParker Brothers
AstroplanerunknownRomik Software
AstroplanerunknownRomik Software
Atic AtacunknownUltimate Play The Game
Atic AtacunknownUltimate Play The Game
Atic AtacunknownUltimate Play The Game
Atic AtacunknownUltimate Play The Game
Atic AtacunknownUltimate Play The Game
Atic AtacunknownUltimate Play The Game
Atic AtacunknownUltimate Play The Game
Atic AtacunknownUltimate Play The Game
Atic AtacunknownUltimate Play The Game
Atic AtacunknownUltimate Play The Game
Atlantis RevengeunknownALA Software
Atlas Assignment, TheunknownVirgin Games
Atlas Assignment, TheunknownVirgin Games
Atlas Assignment, TheunknownVirgin Games
Atlas Assignment, TheunknownVirgin Games
Attack Of The Mutant CamelsActionHesWare
Attack of the Mutant CamelsunknownHuman Engineered Software
Attack of the Mutant CamelsunknownHesWare
Attack on AltairActionWindmill Software
AttackerunknownCascade Games
AttackerunknownCascade Games
Aural QuestunknownStar Dreams
Aural QuestunknownStar Dreams
Aural QuestunknownStar Dreams
AutobahnunknownH. Schiehl
AutobahnunknownH. Schiehl
AutomonopoliunknownAutomata UK
AutomonopoliunknownAutomata UK
AutomonopoliunknownAutomata UK
AutomonopoliunknownAutomata UK
AutorennenunknownEMM Software
AutorennenunknownEMM Software
Autostopista GalácticoActionVentamatic
Axis AssassinunknownElectronic Arts
Axis AssassinunknownElectronic Arts
Axis AssassinunknownElectronic Arts
Axis AssassinunknownElectronic Arts
Axis AssassinunknownElectronic Arts
Aztec ChallengeActionCosmi
Aztec TombAdventureAlligata Software
B-1 Nuclear BomberunknownAvalon Hill
B-1 Nuclear BomberSimulationThe Avalon Hill Game Company
Bachelor PartyAdultMystique
BackgammonunknownSinclair Research
BackgammonunknownCP Software
BackgammonunknownCP Software
BackgammonunknownSinclair Research
BackgammonunknownHewson Consultants
BackgammonunknownSinclair Research
BackgammonunknownCP Software
BackgammonunknownHewson Consultants
BackgammonunknownHewson Consultants
Backgammon 5.0unknownOdesta
BallblasterunknownLucasfilm Games
BallblasterunknownLucasfilm Games
BallblasterunknownLucasfilm Games
BallblasterunknownLucasfilm Games
BallblazerunknownLucasfilm Games
Ballistic InterceptorunknownGeneral Masters
Ballistic InterceptorunknownGeneral Masters
BalloonunknownH. Nijland
BalloonunknownH. Nijland
Balloon HopperunknownSQ
Balloon RescueActionAlligata Software
Bank HeistActionFox Video Games
Bank HeistActionFox Video Games
BargeunknownK-Tek Software
Barmy BurgersunknownBlaby Computer Games
Barmy BurgersunknownBlaby Computer Games
Barmy BurgersunknownBlaby Computer Games
Barmy BurgersunknownBlaby Computer Games
Barmy BurgersunknownBlaby Computer Games
Barmy BurgersunknownBlaby Computer Games
Barmy BurgersunknownBlaby Computer Games
BaronunknownTemptation Software
Baron - The Real Estate SimulationunknownBlue Chip
Barrel JumpunknownCascade Games
Barrel JumpunknownCascade Games
BarreldropunknownGames Machine
BaseballunknownInhome Software
BaseballunknownInhome Software
BaseballunknownInhome Software
BaseballunknownInhome Software
BaseballunknownNintendo Co., LTD
BasketballunknownCascade Games
Batalla NavalunknownTaller de Aplicaciones Informaticas
Batalla NavalMiscTAI
Battle 1917unknownCCS
Battle 1917 - IntrounknownCCS
Battle 1917 v2unknownCCS
Battle for NormandyStrategyTactical Design Group
Battle for NormandyStrategy
Battle of the Parthian KingsunknownAvalon Hill
Battle of the Toothpaste TubesunknownK-Tel Productions
Battle of the Toothpaste TubesunknownK-Tel Productions
Battle of the Toothpaste TubesunknownK-Tel Productions
Batty BuildersunknownEnglish Software
Batty BuildersunknownEnglish Software
Batty BuildersunknownEnglish Software
Batty BuildersunknownEnglish Software
BC's Quest for TiresunknownSierra On-Line
BC's Quest for TiresunknownSoftware Projects
BC's Quest for TiresunknownSoftware Projects
Beach HeadunknownAccess Software
Bear BovverunknownArtic Computing
Bear BovverunknownArtic Computing
Bear BovverunknownArtic Computing
Beat the Beatles v1.1unknownInteractive Software
BedlamunknownAWA Software
BeetlemaniaunknownMC Lothlorien
Beneath Apple ManorRPG
Beneath Apple ManorRPGThe Software Factory
Beneath Apple Manor: The Special EditionunknownQuality Software
Bermuda Race, TheunknownSams Software
Berserker RaidsunknownBAEN Enterprises
Bert and the SnakeAction
Beta RununknownJ.A. Horn
Big Match SoccerunknownWintersoft
Big TopActionFuntastic
Big TopunknownFuntastic
BigfootunknownDave Kosmal
BigfootunknownDave Kosmal
BimbounknownJoe the Lion
BimbounknownJoe the Lion
BingounknownTaller de Aplicaciones Informaticas
BingounknownTaller de Aplicaciones Informaticas
BingounknownJ.L. del Río
BingounknownJ.L. del Río
Birds and the Bees, TheunknownBug-Byte Software
Birds and the Bees, TheunknownBug-Byte Software
Birds and the Bees, TheunknownBug-Byte Software
Birds and the Bees, TheunknownBug-Byte Software
Birds and the Bees, TheunknownBug-Byte Software
Birds and the Bees, TheunknownBug-Byte Software
Birds, TheunknownRabbit Software
Bismark - Strategy TwounknownASP Software
Bismark - Strategy TwounknownASP Software
Bismark - Strategy TwounknownASP Software
Black FridayunknownEMM Software
Black Hole, TheunknownQuest Microsoftware
Black Hole, TheunknownQuest Microsoftware
Black Hole, TheunknownQuest Microsoftware
Black PlanetunknownPhipps Associates
Black PlanetunknownPhipps Associates
Black Planet - IntrounknownPhipps Associates
Black Planet - IntrounknownPhipps Associates
BlackjackunknownKeyword Software
Blade AlleyunknownPSS
Blade AlleyunknownPSS
Blade AlleyunknownPSS
Blade AlleyunknownPSS
Blind AlleyunknownSunshine Books
Blockade RunnerunknownThorn Emi Video
Blocked InunknownD. Milwain
Blocked InunknownD. Milwain
Blocked InunknownD. Milwain
Blue MaxunknownSynapse Software
Blue MaxunknownSynapse Software
Blue MaxunknownSynapse Software
Blue MaxunknownSynapse Software
Blue MaxunknownSynapse Software
Blue MaxunknownSynapse Software
Bluebush ChessPuzzleBluebush Software
Bobby is Going HomeActionBit Corporation
BogglesunknownCascade Games
BogglesunknownCascade Games
BogglesunknownCascade Games
Boing BoingActionIdealogic
Boing!ActionFirst Star Software
Bokosuka WarsStrategyASCII
Bombastic!unknownEnglish Software
Bombastic!unknownEnglish Software
Bomber ManunknownHudson Soft
BombermanActionHudson Soft Company Ltd.
BonkersunknownProcom Software
Bounce PanicunknownPoppy Soft
Bouncing Kamungas, TheunknownPenguin Software
BowlsunknownCascade Games
BowlsunknownCascade Games
BoxesunknownInside Info
Bozy BoaunknownCDS Microsystems
Bozy BoaunknownCDS Microsystems
Brad Blasts the Galactic BarbariansunknownExpress Software
Brain DamageunknownSilversoft
Brain DamageunknownSilversoft
Brain StrainersunknownCarousel Software
Break the Bank!unknownGentry Software
Break the Bank!unknownGentry Software
Break-AwayunknownProcom Software
Break-AwayunknownProcom Software
Break-AwayunknownProcom Software
BreakoutunknownCascade Games
Bridge PlayerunknownCP Software
Bridge PlayerunknownCP Software
BristlesunknownFirst Star Software
BristlesunknownFirst Star Software
BristlesunknownFirst Star Software
BristlesunknownFirst Star Software
BristlesunknownFirst Star Software
British LowlandunknownCCS
Bubble BusterunknownSinclair Research
Bubble BusterunknownSinclair Research
Bubble-HeadunknownTellus Systems
Buck RogersunknownSega
Buck Rogers: Planet of ZoomunknownAtari
Buffalo StampedeunknownGeneral Masters
Bugaboo the FleaunknownQuicksilva
Bugaboo the FleaunknownQuicksilva
Build a CityunknownAqua Soft
Build a CityunknownAqua Soft
Bumper BashSimulationSirius Software, Spectravision
Bumpomov's DogsunknownAPX
Bumpomov's DogsunknownAPX
BunnyunknownAutomata UK
Burger BlasterAction
Burgertime, Cubit, Alien Typhoonunknown
BushidoActionEbenel Enterprises
Busqueda en la Mina MalditaunknownVentamatic
Busy BabyunknownRoyale Software
Busy BabyunknownRoyale Software
Byte, TheunknownCCS
Byte, TheunknownCCS
C'est la VieunknownAdventure International
CabmanunknownMicro Power
Caesar The CatActionMirrorsoft Ltd
Campo de MinasunknownInvestronica
CannibalsunknownCalisto Software
CannibalsunknownCalisto Software
Cannon BallunknownHudson Soft
Cannon BallunknownHudson Soft
Captain BeebleunknownInhome Software
Captain BeebleunknownInhome Software
Captain BeebleunknownInhome Software
Captain BeebleunknownInhome Software
Captain Sticky's GoldunknownEnglish Software
Captain Sticky's GoldunknownEnglish Software
Captain Sticky's GoldunknownEnglish Software
Capture the Enemy Space ShipStrategyInternational PC Owners
Capture the FlagunknownSirius Software
Car JourneyunknownHeinemann - Hill MacGibbon
Car JourneyunknownHeinemann - Hill MacGibbon
Car-Slide-RaceunknownProspek Computing Cooperation
Car-Slide-RaceunknownProspek Computing Cooperation
CargounknownCascade Games
Cargo DockunknownCascade Games
Carnival MassacreunknownThorn EMI
Carnival MassacreunknownThorn EMI
Carrier ForceunknownSSI
Castle ColditzunknownK-Tel Productions
Castle HassleunknownRoklan
Castle HassleunknownRoklan
Castle HassleunknownRoklan
Castle QuestunknownCompute!
Castle WolfensteinunknownMuse
Castle WolfensteinunknownMUSE Software
Castle WolfensteinunknownMuse
Castles and KeysunknownRomox
CaterpillarunknownCDS Microsystems
CaterpillarunknownCDS Microsystems
Cave InunknownSunset Software
CavemanunknownCRL Group
CavernunknownCascade Games
Cavern CreaturesunknownDatamost
Cavern CreaturesunknownDatamost
Cavern FighterunknownBug-Byte Software
Cavern FighterunknownBug-Byte Software
Cavern FighterunknownBug-Byte Software
Caverns of BobActionBob, Inc.
Caverns of CallistounknownOrigin Systems
Caverns of CallistounknownOrigin Systems
Caverns of CallistounknownOrigin Systems
Caverns of CallistounknownOrigin Systems
Caverns of CallistounknownOrigin Systems
Caverns of KhafkaunknownCosmi
Caverns of KhafkaunknownCosmi
Caverns of KhafkaunknownCosmi
Cellar TerrorunknownGeneral Masters
CentipedeActionR. J. Grafe
CentipedesunknownEMM Software
CentropodsunknownRabbit Software
CentropodsunknownRabbit Software
Chack’n PopActionTaito
Chack’n PopActionTaito
Chambers of ZorpunknownGardner Computing
Chambers of ZorpunknownGardner Computing
Chambers of ZorpunknownGardner Computing
Champion BaseballSportAlpha Denshi, SEGA
Champion TennisSportSEGA Enterprises
Championship DartsunknownShadow Software
Championship GolfunknownHayden Software
Chancellor of the ExchequerunknownMach-Ina Strategy Games
Chemie - Das Periodensystem der ElementeunknownGerd Konig
ChessunknownParker Brothers
Chez 21unknownMicrolon
ChivalryunknownOptimum Resource
ChivalryunknownOptimum Resource
ChockmanunknownHyperion Software
Chopper ChaseunknownALA Software
Chopper RescueunknownBlaby Computer Games
Chopper X-1unknownR&R Software
Chuck Norris SuperkicksActionXonox
Chuckie EggunknownA & F Software
Chuckie EggunknownA & F Software
Chuckie EggunknownA & F Software
Chuckie EggunknownA & F Software
Chuckie EggActionA&F Software
Citadel WarriorunknownEnglish Software
Citadel WarriorunknownEnglish Software
CityunknownTerminal Software
City DefenderunknownVaba Software
City of ThievesRPGPuffin Books
Classic AdventureunknownMelbourne House
Classic HangmanPuzzle
ClipperunknownProgram Design
ClipperunknownProgram Design
Clown Downtown (Walker)ActionStarsoft, Quelle
Cohen's TowersunknownDatamost
Cohen's TowersunknownDatamost
Cohen's TowersunknownDatamost
Colditz CastleunknownPhipps Associates
Colditz CastleunknownPhipps Associates
Colditz Castle - IntrounknownPhipps Associates
Colditz Castle - IntrounknownPhipps Associates
Colditz Castle - IntrounknownPhipps Associates
Colony 7unknownSystem 3 Software
Colony 7unknownSystem 3 Software
Colossal AdventureunknownLevel 9 Computing
Colour ClashunknownRomik Software
Colour ClashunknownRomik Software
Colour ClashunknownRomik Software
Combat LeaderunknownSSI
Combat LeaderunknownSSI
Come Come Come ComeunknownMonser
Computer BragunknownTurtle Software
Computer Football StrategyunknownAvalon Hill
Computer ScrabbleunknownSinclair Research
Computer ScrabbleunknownSinclair Research
Computer Tutor - Basic Arithmetic and Algebra - Part FourunknownJohn C Paynter & Mary Ann Paynter
Computer Tutor - Basic Arithmetic and Algebra - Part FiveunknownJohn C Paynter & Mary Ann Paynter
Computer Tutor - Basic Arithmetic and Algebra - Part OneunknownJohn C Paynter & Mary Ann Paynter
Computer Tutor - Basic Arithmetic and Algebra - Part ThreeunknownJohn C Paynter & Mary Ann Paynter
Computer Tutor - Basic Arithmetic and Algebra - Part TwounknownJohn C Paynter & Mary Ann Paynter
Computer WarunknownThorn EMI
Computer WarunknownThorn EMI
Computer WarunknownThorn EMI
Computer WarunknownThorn EMI
CondensationunknownALA Software
ConfrontationunknownMC Lothlorien
ConfrontationunknownMC Lothlorien
Confrontation - AfhganistanunknownMC Lothlorien
Confrontation - AngolaunknownMC Lothlorien
Confrontation - KentunknownMC Lothlorien
ConfusionunknownBlaby Computer Games
Congo BongoActionSEGA Corporation
Congo BongoActionSEGA Corporation
Congo BongounknownSega
Congo BongounknownSega
Congo BongounknownSega
Congo BongounknownSega
Congo BongounknownSega
Congo BongounknownSega
Congo BongounknownSega
Congo BongounknownSega
Congo, Epoch, Gold Rush, Mating Zoneunknown
Conquering WorldsunknownDatamost
ConquestActionWindmill Software
ConquestunknownWindmill Software
CookieunknownUltimate Play The Game
CookieunknownUltimate Play The Game
CookieunknownUltimate Play The Game
CookieunknownUltimate Play The Game
CookieunknownUltimate Play The Game
Copter ChaseunknownGeneral Masters Corporation
Copter ChaseunknownGeneral Masters Corporation
Corn CropperunknownCCS
Corridors of GenonunknownNew Generation Software
Corridors of GenonunknownNew Generation Software
Corridors of GenonunknownNew Generation Software
Corridors of GenonunknownNew Generation Software
Corridors of GenonunknownNew Generation Software
Cosmic Balance IIunknownSSI
Cosmic Balance IIunknownSSI
Cosmic DebrisunknownArtic Computing
Cosmic DebrisunknownArtic Computing
Cosmic DebrisunknownArtic Computing
Cosmic GuerrillaunknownCrystal Computing
Cosmic GuerrillaunknownCrystal Computing
Cosmic GuerrillaunknownCrystal Computing
Cosmic LifeunknownSpinnaker Software
Cosmic RaidersunknownMikro-Gen
Cosmic TunnelsunknownDatamost
CrackpotsActionActivision, Inc.
CrashunknownMogul Communications
Crash DiveActionFox Video Games
CrawlerunknownCRL Group
CrawlerunknownCRL Group
Crazy BalloonsunknownA & F Software
Crazy BalloonsunknownA & F Software
Crazy BalloonsunknownA & F Software
Crazy BugsunknownAWA Software
Crazy BugsunknownAWA Software
Crazy GolfunknownMr. Micro
Crazy GolfunknownMr. Micro
Crazy KongunknownRoland G. Huelsmann
Creepy CavernsunknownAnthony Ramos
Creepy CrawlerunknownMikro-Gen
Crime Wave, Crystal Castles, Mario Brothersunknown
Cross ForceActionSpectravision
Crossbow: The Legend of William TellActionExidy
Crossbow: The Legend of William TellActionExidy
Crossbow: The Legend of William TellActionExidy
Cruising on BroadwayunknownSunshine Books
Cruising on BroadwayunknownSunshine Books
Crypt of MedeaunknownSir Tech
Crypto CubePuzzleDesignWare
Crypto CubePuzzleDesignWare
Crystal CastlesActionAtari, Inc.
Curse, TheunknownGilsoft International
CybernomeunknownLeisure and Business Developments
CypherunknownCascade Games
Cyrus IS ChessunknownSinclair Research
Cyrus IS ChessunknownSinclair Research
Cyrus IS ChessunknownSinclair Research
Cyrus IS ChessunknownSinclair Research
Czorian Siegeunknown?
Da' FuzzunknownRoklan
Da' FuzzunknownRoklan
Da' FuzzunknownRoklan
Damsel In DistressActionAlligata Software
Dandy Dungeon Levels 1unknownAPX
Dandy Dungeon Levels 2unknownAPX
Dandy Dungeon Levels 2unknownAPX
Dandy Dungeon Levels 3unknownAPX
Dandy Dungeon Levels 3unknownAPX
Dandy Dungeon Levels 4unknownAPX
Dandy Dungeon Levels 4unknownAPX
Dandy Dungeon Levels 5unknownAPX
Dandy Dungeon Levels 5unknownAPX
Dandy Dungeon Levels 6unknownAPX
Dandy Dungeon Levels 6unknownAPX
Dandy Dungeon Levels 7unknownAPX
Danger CrosswalkunknownALA Software
DatadorunknownZX Data
DatadorunknownZX Data
Death CruiserunknownNoble House Software
Death in the CaribbeanunknownMicrofun
Death ZoneunknownAFG
Death's Head HoleunknownPeaksoft
Delta Drawing v3.23unknownSpinnaker Software
Demon KnightunknownASP Software
Demon KnightunknownASP Software
Denis through the Drinking GlassunknownApplications Software Specialities
Denis through the Drinking GlassunknownApplications Software Specialities
Des Chiffres et des LettresunknownAtari
Destination UnknownunknownFrank T. Wittenmayer
Destiny: The CruiserunknownAdventure International
DestroyerunknownAbacus Programs
DestroyerunknownImpact Software
DestroyerunknownImpact Software
DetectiveunknownASP Software
Detective, ElunknownVentamatic
Detective, TheunknownArcade Software
Deuces WildunknownK-Tek Software
Devil BirdsunknownMacronics Systems
Devil Rides In, TheunknownCarnell Software
Devil's DareunknownJay Gee
Devil's DareunknownJay Gee
Devil's IslandunknownGilsoft International
Devils of the DeepunknownRichard Shepherd Software
Devils of the DeepunknownRichard Shepherd Software
Di-Lithium LiftunknownHewson Consultants
Di-Lithium LiftunknownHewson Consultants
Diamond MineunknownRoklan
Diamond MineunknownRoklan
Diamond TrailunknownGilsoft International
Diamond TrailunknownGilsoft International
DiamondsunknownEnglish Software
DiamondsunknownEnglish Software
DiamondsunknownEnglish Software
DiamondsunknownEnglish Software
DiceunknownEMM Software
DiceunknownEMM Software
Dice PuzzlePuzzlePanda
Die Scharfe WandaunknownGames Machine
Dig dugActionAtari Games
Dig DugunknownAtari
Dig DugunknownAtari
Dig DugunknownAtari
Dig DugunknownAtari
DiggerMiscWindmill Software
Digger DanunknownOcean
Digger DanunknownOcean
Dimension DestructorsunknownArtic Computing
Dinky DiggerunknownPostern
Do-Do & the Sno-BeesunknownBlaby Computer Games
Do-Do & the Sno-BeesunknownBlaby Computer Games
Dog Daze DeluxeunknownAPX
Dog Daze DeluxeunknownAPX
Dog Daze DeluxeunknownAPX
Donkey KongActionNintendo / Atari
Donkey Kong 3ActionNintendo
Donkey Kong Jr.unknownNintendo Co., LTD
Donkey Kong Jr. no Sansuu AsobiunknownNintendo Co., LTD
Donkey Kong JuniorunknownAtari
Doomsday CastleunknownFantasy Software
Doomsday CastleunknownFantasy Software
Doomsday CastleunknownFantasy Software
Doomsday CastleunknownFantasy Software
Doomsday CastleunknownFantasy Software
Doomsday CastleunknownFantasy Software
Doomsday CastleunknownFantasy Software
Doomsday CastleunknownFantasy Software
Doomsday CastleunknownFantasy Software
Doomsday CastleunknownFantasy Software
Dr. MindwarpunknownALA Software
Dr. Who AdventureunknownComputer & Video Games
Dragon BlasterunknownGeneral Masters
Dragon's GoldunknownCascade Games
Dragon's GoldunknownCascade Games
Dragon's HideawayunknownALA Software
Dragon's LairActionAdvanced Microcomputer Systems
Dragon's LairActionSullivan Bluth Interactive Media, Inc.
DraughtsunknownP. Macey
DreadnoughtsunknownMC Lothlorien
DrelbsunknownSynapse Software
DrelbsunknownSynapse Software
DrelbsunknownSynapse Software
DrelbsunknownSynapse Software
Driller TanksunknownSinclair Research
DroidsunknownTG Software
DroidsunknownTG Software
DroidsunknownTG Software
DrolActionBrøderbund Software
DrolunknownBrøderbund Software
Dungeon Master, TheunknownCrystal Computing
Dungeon Master, TheunknownCrystal Computing
Dungeon Master, TheunknownCrystal Computing
Dungeon Master, TheunknownCrystal Computing
Dungeon Master, TheunknownCrystal Computing
E.T.unknownMacronics Systems
E.T. - IntrounknownMacronics Systems
E.T. Phone Home!unknownAtari
E.T. Phone Home!unknownAtari
E.T. Phone Home!unknownAtari
E.T.X. - The Extra-Terrestrial XargonunknownAbbex Electronics
E.T.X. - The Extra-Terrestrial XargonunknownAbbex Electronics
Earth Dies Screaming, TheActionSirius Software
Ed-OnunknownAdd-On Electronics
Eddy Langfinger, der MuseumsdiebActionQuelle
Egg FarmunknownLasersound
EggomaniaActionU.S. Games
Election GameStrategyOrion Software
Elektro StormunknownPSS
Elektro StormunknownPSS
Elektro StormunknownPSS
Elevator ActionActionTaito
Elevator ActionActionTaito
EncounterunknownSevern Software
EncounterunknownSevern Software
Encounter!unknownSynapse Software
Encounter!unknownSynapse Software
Encounter!unknownSynapse Software
Encounter!unknownSynapse Software
Energy FieldsunknownPan Books
Epyx Preview DiskunknownEpyx
Eric and the FloatersunknownSinclair Research
Eric and the FloatersActionHudson Soft
Escalador LocounknownVentamatic
Escalador Loco, ElActionVentamatic
ET Phone Home!unknownAtari
Everest AscentunknownRichard Shepherd Software
Everest AscentunknownRichard Shepherd Software
EvolutionActionSydney Development
ExerionActionJaleco Ltd.
ExerionActionJaleco Ltd.
Exit WatchunknownK-Tek Software
Exocet BlastoffunknownGeneral Masters
Fabulous WandaActionGames Machine Ltd
FaceMakerunknownSpinnaker Software
FaceMakerunknownSpinnaker Software
Factor BlastunknownHayden Software
Factory, TheunknownSunburst Communications
Falcon BeertenderActionFalcon
Falcon PatrolActionVirgin Games
Fall GelbunknownSimulations Canada
Falls of Shalor, TheunknownC.P. Woodward
FantasiaunknownRabbit Software
Farmer HoraceunknownCCS
Fat CityunknownRichard Hefter - Steve Worthington
Fat CityunknownRichard Hefter - Steve Worthington
Faust's FollyunknownAbbex Electronics
Faust's FollyunknownAbbex Electronics
Faust's FollyunknownAbbex Electronics
Feasibility ExperimentAdventureChannel 8 Software
Field, TheunknownCascade Games
FighterunknownWerner Spahl
Fighter CommandunknownSSI
Fighter PilotunknownInterceptor Software
Fighter PilotunknownDigital Integration
Fill'er Up!unknownANALOG Computing
Fill'er Up! IIunknownANALOG Computing
Fill'er Up! IIunknownANALOG Computing
Final OrbitunknownSirius Software
Final OrbitunknownSirius Software
Final OrbitunknownSirius Software
Fire AntActionMogul Communications Ltd
Fire FlyActionMythicon
Fire One!unknownEpyx
FirebirdsunknownSoftek Software International
FirebirdsunknownSoftek Software International
FireflashunknownAbacus Programs
FirefleetunknownEnglish Software
FischenunknownKurt Windolf Westerland
Fishing MissionunknownCascade Games
Five Card Stud PokerunknownSoftSide Publications
Flash GordonActionSirius Software
Fleet SweepActionMirror Images
Fleet SweepActionMirror Images Software, Inc.
Fleet SweepunknownMirror Images Software
Flight Simulator 1unknownsubLOGIC
Flight Simulator II v1.0unknownsubLOGIC
Flight Simulator II v1.0unknownsubLOGIC
Flip and FlopunknownFirst Star Software
Flip and FlopunknownFirst Star Software
Flip and FlopunknownFirst Star Software
Flip and FlopunknownFirst Star Software
FlippitunknownSinclair Research
FluchtunknownP.W. Software
Flying TrainunknownChris Sievey
Flying TrainunknownChris Sievey
FogunknownK-Tek Software
Forbidden ForestunknownCosmi
Forbidden QuestAdventure
Force FighterunknownPerfection Software
Force FighterunknownPerfection Software
Force FighterunknownPerfection Software
Forest, TheunknownPhipps Associates
Fortress of the Witch KingunknownAvalon Hill
Fraction FeverunknownSpinnaker Software
Frankenstein’s MonsterActionData Age
Frantic FreddieActionCDS
Freddy FishunknownMirror Images Software
FrenzyunknownSpectrum Games
Friendlyware PC ArcadeunknownFriendlysoft
Frog 5unknownArtic Computing
Frog 5unknownArtic Computing
Frog 64ActionAlligata Software
Frog MasterActionCommodore
FroggerunknownA & F Software
Frogger, Spitfire Simulator, Missile Defenses, Night Driverunknown
FroggyunknownDJL Software
Frogrun 64ActionAnirog Software
Frontier GalaxyunknownALA Software
Fruit MachineunknownDK'Tronics
Fruit MachineunknownDK'Tronics
Fruit MachineunknownDK'Tronics
G MenunknownALA Software
G.I. Joe: Cobra StrikeActionParker Brothers
Galactic AbductorsunknownAnirog Software
Galactic GladiatorsStrategyStrategic Simulations Inc.
Galactic Gliders, SpartanunknownMicro Arcade
Galactic PatrolunknownCRL Group
Galaxy AttackunknownSunshine Books
Galaxy DefenceunknownCascade Games
Galaxy WarlordsunknownR&R Software
Galaxy WarlordsunknownR&R Software
GalaxytrekAdventureCapital PC Software Exchange
Gas HogActionSpectravision
Gateway To ApshaiAdventureEpyx
Gateway to ApshaiunknownEpyx
Gateway to ApshaiunknownEpyx
Gateway to ApshaiunknownEpyx
Geister FahrerunknownKlaus Kopecz
Geister FahrerunknownKlaus Kopecz
General ElectionunknownBug-Byte Software
Ghost ManorActionXonox
Ghost TownunknownVirgin Games
Ghost!unknownAction Software
Ghost's RevengeunknownMicromania
Ghost's RevengeunknownMicromania
GnasherunknownR&R Software
Go to JailunknownAutomata UK
Gob StopperunknownCalisto
Gold DiggerunknownBlaby Computer Games
Gold MineunknownSpectravideo
Gold MineunknownSpectravideo
Gold MineunknownDK'Tronics
Gold MineunknownDK'Tronics
Gold RushunknownThorn Emi Video
Gold RushunknownThorn Emi Video
GoldgraberunknownThoralf Klatt
GoldgraberunknownThoralf Klatt
GolfunknownVirgin Games
GolfunknownVirgin Games
GolfunknownVirgin Games
Golfing WorldunknownCP Software
Golpe, ElActionSoftware Center
Gomoku IIIunknownBob Harris
Gomoku Narabe RenjuPuzzleNintendo
Gomoku Narabe RenjuunknownNintendo Co., LTD
Goodbye CharlieunknownCompute!
GorgonunknownK-Tek Software
GorgonunknownPhipps Associates
GorgonunknownPhipps Associates
GotchaunknownBlaby Computer Games
Grab An AppleunknownPage 6
GrailunknownSevern Software
Grand Prix DriverunknownBritannia Software
Great Maine to California Race, TheunknownHayden Book
Greedy GulchunknownPhipps Associates
Greedy GulchunknownPhipps Associates
Greedy GulchunknownPhipps Associates
Greener Than You Think!unknownFrank Wittenmayer
Grey Seas - Grey SkiesunknownSimulations Canada
Grid RununknownArcade Software
Grid-BugunknownAdd-On Electronics
GridrunnerunknownHuman Engineered Software
GridrunnerunknownHuman Engineered Software
GrouchounknownAutomata UK
Ground ZeroActionHot Shot Telespiele
Grow WormunknownComputer & Video Games
Guardian, TheunknownPSS
Guardian, TheunknownPSS
Guardian, TheunknownPSS
Guardian, TheunknownThe Guild
GumballunknownRobert Cook
Gun BoatunknownALA Software
Gun FightunknownEpyx
Gun FightunknownEpyx
Gun FightunknownEpyx
Gun FightunknownEpyx
GunlawunknownVortex Software
GuzzlerActionTehkan, Tsukuda
Gwendolyn: Pursuit of a PrincessunknownArtworx
Gypsum CaveAdventureAdventures Inc
HalloweenActionWizard Video Games
Halls of the ThingsunknownCrystal Computing
Halls of the ThingsunknownCrystal Computing
Halls of the ThingsunknownCrystal Computing
Handy DandyunknownGentry Software
Hanoi KingunknownContrast Software
Happelaar - SpacmanunknownYour Computer
Hard CheeseunknownDK'Tronics
Hard CheeseunknownDK'Tronics
Hard Hat MackActionElectronic Arts
Hard Hat MackunknownElectronic Arts
Hard Hat MackunknownElectronic Arts
Hard Hat MackunknownElectronic Arts
Hard Hat MackunknownElectronic Arts
Hard Hat MackunknownElectronic Arts
Hard Hat MackunknownElectronic Arts
Hard Hat WillyunknownInhome Software
Harrier Attack!unknownDurell Software
Harrier Attack!unknownDurell Software
Harvey WallbangerunknownANALOG Computing
Harvey WallbangerunknownANALOG Computing
Haunted HedgesunknownMicromega
Haunted HedgesunknownMicromega
Haunted House (Alligata Version)ActionAlligata Software
Hazard RununknownArtworx
Headbangers HeavenunknownLlamasoft
Headbangers HeavenunknownLlamasoft
Headbangers HeavenunknownLlamasoft
Headbangers HeavenunknownLlamasoft
Heathrow Air Traffic ControlunknownHewson Consultants
Heathrow Air Traffic ControlunknownHewson Consultants
Heist, TheunknownMicrofun
Heist, TheunknownMicrofun
Heist, TheunknownMicrofun
Helicopter RescueunknownB.I.S.
Here Comes the SununknownAlligata Software
Heroes Of KarnAdventureInterceptor Software
HexpertActionAnirog Software
Hidden CityunknownBytewell
Hidden CityunknownBytewell
High FlyerSimulationCommodore
High NoonunknownWork Force
High NoonunknownWork Force
High NoonunknownWork Force
Highrise HarryunknownBlaby Computer Games
Highrise HarryunknownBlaby Computer Games
Homer's Honey CrazeunknownNew World
Horace & the SpidersunknownSinclair Research
Horace & the SpidersunknownSinclair Research
Horace & the SpidersunknownSinclair Research
Horace & the SpidersunknownSinclair Research
House of Shadows, TheunknownShadow Software
House of Shadows, TheunknownShadow Software
Hover BovverActionLlamasoft
Hummer House of HorrorunknownLasersound
Humpty Dumpty Mystery, TheunknownWidgit Software
HunchyunknownMr. Micro
Hungry HoraceActionMelbourne House
Hunter-KillerunknownProtek Computing
Hunter-KillerunknownProtek Computing
Hustler Plays Pool, TheunknownOmega Software
Hustler Plays Pool, TheunknownOmega Software
Hyperblast!unknownEnglish Software
Hyperblast!unknownEnglish Software
I.Q. BaseballunknownDavka
ImperatorStrategyThomas Wolf
In Search Of The Most Amazing ThingPuzzleSpinnaker Software
In Search of the Most Amazing ThingunknownSpinnaker Software
InfernounknownCascade Games
Inka-TempelunknownF+K Ware
Inka-TempelunknownF+K Ware
International SoccerActionCommodore
International Soccer (Commodore Version)SportCommodore
Invincible IslandunknownRichard Shepherd Software
Invincible IslandunknownRichard Shepherd Software
Invincible IslandunknownRichard Shepherd Software
Invincible Island - Hintsunknown
Invincible Island - Hintsunknown
Ion RoadwayunknownAPX
Island, TheunknownVirgin Games
Island, TheunknownVirgin Games
It's Only Rock 'n' RollunknownK-Tel Productions
It's the PitsunknownC. Anthony Ray
ItasundoriousunknownHudson Soft
ItasundoriousunknownHudson Soft
J-BirdPuzzleOrion Software, Inc.
J-BirdActionOrion Software
J.BirdunknownOrion Software
J.BirdunknownOrion Software
Jail BreakunknownB. Williams
James Bond 007ActionParker Brothers
James Bond 007ActionParker Brothers
Jawbreaker IVunknownSierra On-Line
JawzunknownElfin Software
JawzunknownElfin Software
JedyunknownM.K. Circuits
Jerkoff JuniorunknownKloey Detect
Jet Boot JackunknownEnglish Software
Jet Boot JackunknownEnglish Software
Jet Boot JackunknownEnglish Software
Jet Boot JackunknownEnglish Software
Jet Boot JackunknownEnglish Software
Jet Boot JackunknownEnglish Software
Jet Boot JackunknownEnglish Software
JetmobileunknownCascade Games
JetpacunknownUltimate Play The Game
JetpacunknownUltimate Play The Game
JetpacunknownUltimate Play The Game
Jewels of Darkness #3: Dungeon AdventureunknownLevel 9 Computing
Jewels of Darkness #3: Dungeon AdventureunknownLevel 9 Computing
Jewels of Darkness Trilogy II - Adventure QuestunknownLevel 9 Computing
Jewels of Darkness Trilogy II - Adventure QuestunknownLevel 9 Computing
Jewels of Darkness Trilogy II - Adventure Quest v2unknownLevel 9 Computing
Jewels of Darkness Trilogy III - Dungeon AdventureunknownLevel 9 Computing
Jewels of Darkness Trilogy III - Dungeon AdventureunknownLevel 9 Computing
Jewels of Darkness Trilogy III - Dungeon AdventureunknownLevel 9 Computing
Jewels of Darkness Trilogy III - Dungeon AdventureunknownLevel 9 Computing
John Anderson's Rally SpeedwayunknownAdventure International
Johnny RebunknownMC Lothlorien
Johnny RebunknownMC Lothlorien
Johnny RebunknownMC Lothlorien
Journey to the PlanetsunknownRoklan
JoustunknownWilliams Electronics
JoustunknownSoftek Software International
Jr. Pac-ManActionBally Midway Manufacturing
Jr. Pac-ManActionBally Midway Manufacturing
Jugador de Ajedrez, ElunknownInvestronica
Jumping JackunknownImagine Software
Jumping JackunknownImagine Software
Jumping JackunknownImagine Software
Jumping JackunknownImagine Software
Jumping Jacks Big AdventureunknownHarald Siegmund
Jumping Jacks Big AdventureunknownHarald Siegmund
Jumping Jacks Big AdventureunknownHarald Siegmund
Jumping Jim v0.3unknownJim D'Agostino
Jumpman JuniorunknownEpyx
Jumpman JuniorunknownEpyx
Jumpman JuniorunknownEpyx
Jumpman JuniorunknownEpyx
Jungle AdventureunknownCCS
Jungle BoyunknownIrata Verlag
Jungle FeverunknownA & F Software
Jungle FeverunknownA & F Software
Jungle Fever v2unknownA & F Software
Jungle HuntActionTaito
Jungle HuntunknownAtari
Jungle HuntunknownAtari
Jungle HuntunknownAtari
Jungle Hunterunknowncopycat
Jungle TroubleunknownDurell Software
Jungle TroubleunknownDurell Software
Jungle TroubleunknownDurell Software
Juno FirstunknownDatasoft
Juno FirstunknownDatasoft
Juno FirstunknownDatasoft
Juno FirstunknownDatasoft
KamikazeunknownA & F Software
KangarooActionSun Electronics
Karmic CavernsunknownPMI
Ket Trilogy I - Mountains of KetunknownIncentive Software
Ket Trilogy I - Mountains of KetunknownIncentive Software
Ket Trilogy I - Mountains of KetunknownIncentive Software
Keystone KapersActionActivision, Inc.
Keystone KapersunknownActivision
Keystone KapersunknownActivision
Kid GridActionTronix
Kids on KeysunknownSpinnaker Software
Killer KongunknownBlaby Computer Games
KillerwattActionAlligata Software
KniffelunknownAnsgar Zerfass
KniffelunknownAnsgar Zerfass
Knight's QuestunknownPhipps Associates
Knight's QuestunknownPhipps Associates
Knight's QuestunknownPhipps Associates
Knight's QuestunknownPhipps Associates
Knights of the DesertStrategy
Knights of the DesertunknownSSI
Knights of the Round TableunknownALA Software
Knot in 3DunknownNew Generation Software
Knot in 3DunknownNew Generation Software
KongunknownAnirog Software
KongunknownAnirog Software
KongunknownAnirog Software
KongunknownStephen Hall - Nicholas Walmsley
Korth Trilogy, The 2 - Besieged - Part 1 - Alpha BaseunknownPenguin Books
Korth Trilogy, The 2 - Besieged - Part 2 - LandfallunknownPenguin Books
Korth Trilogy, The 2 - Besieged - Part 3 - SimulatorunknownPenguin Books
Kosmic PirateunknownBlaby Computer Games
Krazy KongunknownPSS
Krazy Kong 64ActionAnirog Software
Krazy KopterunknownEnglish Software
Krazy KopterunknownEnglish Software
Krazy Kopter v2unknownEnglish Software
La Boite a MusiqueunknownAtari
LabirintunknownDarko - Vlado
LabyrinthunknownAxis Software
LabyrinthunknownAxis Software
Labyrinth (Commodore Version)ActionCommodore
Lancer LordunknownRabbit Software
Land of SaganunknownMikro-Gen
Land of the PyramidsunknownMach Three
LanderunknownP.W. Norris
LanderunknownP.W. Norris
Lander - IntrounknownP.W. Norris
Lander - IntrounknownP.W. Norris
Las Vegas LadyunknownMogul Communications
LaserunknownCascade Games
Laser CourseunknownGeneral Masters
Laser GatesActionImagic
Laser SnakerunknownPoppy Soft
Laser SnakerunknownPoppy Soft
Laser ZoneActionLlamasoft
Laser ZoneunknownQuicksilva
Laserwarp v2unknownMikro-Gen
Laserwarp v2unknownMikro-Gen
Last Gladiator, TheunknownElectronic Arts
Last Sunset for LatticaunknownArcade Software
LeapfrogunknownCDS Microsystems
Learning with LeeperunknownSierra On-Line
Leopard LordunknownKayde Software
Lepus RevengeunknownALA Software
LighthouseunknownALA Software
Limited over CricketunknownCRL Group
Limited over CricketunknownCRL Group
Limited over Cricket - IntrounknownCRL Group
Limited over Cricket - IntrounknownCRL Group
Little BoxesunknownContrast Software
LivewireunknownANALOG Computing
LivewireunknownANALOG Computing
LocounknownCampbell Systems
Lode RunnerActionBroderbund
Lode RunnerActionBrøderbund Software
Lode RunnerunknownBroderbund
Lode RunnerunknownBroderbund
Lode RunnerunknownBroderbund
Lode RunnerActionBrøderbund
Lode RunnerunknownBroderbund
Lode RunnerunknownBroderbund
Lode Runner IIunknownRalf Bertenberg
LojixunknownVirgin Games
Loony ZoounknownPhipps Associates
Loony Zoo - IntrounknownPhipps Associates
Lord of the OrbunknownJose Suarez
Lords of TimeunknownLevel 9 Computing
Lords of TimeAdventureLevel 9 Computing
Los Angeles 1984 GamesunknownKonami
LostunknownVirgin Games
Lost In The LabyrinthAdventureStack Computer Services Ltd
Lost in the LabyrinthunknownStack Computer Services
Lost over BermudaunknownElfin Software
Lost over BermudaunknownElfin Software
Love Quiz 2unknownKeith Burton
Lucifer's RevengeunknownGeneral Masters Corp
Lucifer's RevengeunknownGeneral Masters Corp
Luna CrabsunknownMicromega
Lunar AttackunknownK'Soft
Lunar AttackunknownK'Soft
Lunar AttackunknownK'Soft
Lunar JetmanunknownUltimate Play The Game
Lunar JetmanunknownUltimate Play The Game
Lunar JetmanunknownUltimate Play The Game
Lunar LanderunknownCascade Games
Lunar LanderunknownCompute!
Lunar LanderunknownPhoenix Publishing Associates
Lunar LanderunknownJim Butterfield
Lunar LanderunknownCascade Games
Lunar LeeperunknownSierra On-Line
Lunar LeeperunknownSierra On-Line
Lunar LeeperunknownSierra On-Line
Lunar LeeperunknownSierra On-Line
Lunar LeeperunknownSierra On-Line
Lunar RescueunknownCRL Group
Lunar RescueunknownProgram One
M.U.L.EStrategyElectronic Arts
M.U.L.E.unknownElectronic Arts
M.U.L.E.StrategyOzark, Electronic Arts
M.U.L.E.StrategyElectronic Arts
M.U.L.E.StrategyElectronic Arts
Mad LibunknownPat Tubbs & Earl Evans
Mad MarthaunknownMikro-Gen
Mad MarthaunknownMikro-Gen
Mad Martha 2unknownMikro-Gen
Mad Martha 2unknownMikro-Gen
Mad's RevengeunknownBernd Hentschel
Magic CastleunknownGilsoft International
Magic III PinballunknownSen
Magic JigsawunknownGranada Publishing
Magic JokersunknownCCS
Magic MeaniesunknownCDS Microsystems
Magic MountainunknownPhipps Associates
Magic MountainunknownPhipps Associates
Magic Mountain - IntrounknownPhipps Associates
Magic SquareunknownCommodore
MahjongunknownNintendo Co., LTD
Major League HockeyunknownThorn EMI
Major League HockeyunknownThorn EMI
Man-eng - Master of EvilunknownChiang Brothers
Manhattan BlitzunknownCascade Games
ManiacunknownProspek Computing Cooperation
ManiacunknownProspek Computing Cooperation
ManiacunknownProspek Computing Cooperation
Maniac MinerunknownGentry Software
Manic MinerActionSoftware Projects
Manic MinerunknownSoftware Projects
Manic MinerunknownSoftware Projects
Manic MinerunknownSoftware Projects
Manic MinerunknownSoftware Projects
Manic MinerunknownSoftware Projects
Manic MinerunknownBug-Byte Software
Manic MinerunknownSoftware Projects
Manic MinerunknownSoftware Projects
Manic MinerActionBug-Byte Software
Marine WarsActionKonami
Mario Bros.ActionNintendo
Mario Bros.ActionNintendo
Mario Bros.unknownAtari
Mario Bros.unknownAtari
Mario Bros.unknownAtari
Mario Bros.unknownAtari
Mario Bros.unknownAtari
Mario Bros.unknownNintendo Co., LTD
Mario's BreweryunknownMr. Computer
Martian KOunknownCascade Games
Martian KOunknownCascade Games
Martian PnerunknownCompute!
Master BuilderPuzzleSpectravision
Master MindunknownWerner Spahl
MastermindunknownM.S. Boboli
Masters of the Universe: The Power of He-ManActionMattel Electronics
Masters of TimeunknownCosmi
Masters of TimeunknownCosmi
Match WitsunknownCBS Software
Math MileageunknownCBS Software
MathematicsunknownRoy R. Dugan
Mating ZoneunknownTom Luhrs
MaxitunknownCourbois Software
Maxter MindunknownAntic
Maze ChaseunknownHewson Consultants
Maze ChaseunknownHewson Consultants
Maze ChaseunknownHewson Consultants
Maze Craze Construction SetunknownEric Hammond
Maze Craze Construction SetunknownEric Hammond
Maze Craze Construction SetunknownEric Hammond
Maze Death RaceunknownPSS
Maze Death RaceunknownPSS
Maze Death RaceunknownPSS
Maze Death RaceunknownPSS
Maze EaterunknownU.T.S.
Maze ManunknownTurbo Software Incorporated
Maze MasterunknownHesWare
MazeBloxunknownWilliam Stephens
Mc Wash Goes BathingunknownAC Data Games
McKensieunknownSoftware Projects
MemoryunknownHagemann Dusseldorf
MengcopunknownEd Wegryn
Metamorphosis 2 Attack on CyglorxunknownMogul Communications
Metamorphosis 3 The Creator's RevengeunknownMogul Communications
Metamorphosis 3 The Creator's RevengeunknownMogul Communications
Metamorphosis 4 Labyrinth of the CreatorunknownMogul Communications
Meteor MightunknownGeneral Masters
Meteor MissionunknownMelbourne House
MeteoritenunknownKristian Kohntopp
Metro BlitzunknownCymbal Software
Mickey in the Great OutdoorsunknownAtari
Micro Mouse Goes De-BuggingunknownMC Lothlorien
Micro Mouse Goes De-BuggingunknownMC Lothlorien
Micro PenunknownContrast Software
Micro Prolog v1.0unknownLPA
Micro ShuttleunknownGeneral Masters
Micro SubunknownRobert Stach
MicroadditionunknownHayden Software
MicrobotunknownSoftek Software International
MicrobotunknownSoftek Software International
MicrobotunknownSoftek Software International
Microchess #3unknownNorgayer Software
Microdeal ShuttleunknownMicrodeal
Midway CampaignStrategy
MIG Alley AceunknownMicroProse
Might & Magic: Lava Pits of AznarunknownSanctum Software
Mike Edwards' Realm of ImpossibilityunknownBRAM
MillibugunknownDK Tronics
Mind Over ElectronsunknownGranada Publishing
Mind WarpunknownEuro-Byte
Mine ShaftActionSierra / IBM
Mine ShaftActionSierra On-Line
Mine ShaftunknownSierra
MinefieldunknownGranada Publishing
MinerunknownG.J. Heeringa & G.V. Dieten
Miner 2049'erunknownU.S. Gold
Miner 2049erActionMicro Fun
Miner 2049er Volume IIActionBig Five Software
Mines of MoriaunknownSevern Software
Mines of MoriaunknownSevern Software
Mines of SaturnunknownSaturn Developments
Minit ManunknownPenguin Software
Minnesota Fat's Pool ChallengerunknownHesWare
Missile CommandunknownInterceptor Micros
Missile ControlActionVideo Gems
Missile DefenceunknownAnirog Software
Missile DefenceunknownAnirog Software
Missile DefenceunknownAnirog Software
Missing LinksunknownHesWare
Mission 1: Project VolcanounknownMission Software
Mission ImpossibleunknownSilversoft
Mission ImpossibleunknownSilversoft
Mission OmegaunknownPulsonic
Mission: AsteroidunknownSierra Online
Miti-PacunknownMichael Tischer
Moby DickunknownCymbal Software
Moby DickunknownCymbal Software
MogelnunknownSytntax Magazin
Mogul ManiacunknownRomox
Mogul ManiacunknownRomox
Molar MaulunknownImagine Software
Mole AttackunknownBrookfield Software
MondflugunknownNikolaj Georgiew
MoneybagsunknownPhoenix Publishing Associates
Monkey BiznesunknownArtic Computing
Monkey BiznesunknownArtic Computing
Monolithic LaserunknownGeneral Masters Corp
Monopole CBM-64unknownRabbit Software
Monster AttackunknownSiren
Monster AttackunknownSiren Electronic
Monster MathEducationalIBM
Monster MunchunknownAtlantis Software
Monster MuncherunknownSpectrum Games
Monster PanicunknownTimothy Bogen
Monster PanicunknownBinary Zone
Monster Smash!unknownDatamost
Monster Smash!unknownDatamost
Monster WalkunknownBeister Software
Monsters & MagicunknownPrickly Pear Software
Monsters in HellunknownSoftek Software International
Montezuma's RevengeunknownUtopia Software
MooglesunknownSirius Software
Moon Beam ArcadeunknownZiMAG
Moon Beam ArcadeunknownZiMAG
Moon Beam ArcadeunknownZiMAG
Moon BuggyunknownAnirog Software
Moon BuggyunknownVisions Software Factory
Moon Buggy!unknownAnirog Software
Moon BugsActionWindmill Software
Moon DustunknownCreative Software
Moon MarauderunknownAPX
Moon PatrolActionAtarisoft
Moon PatrolAction
Moon PatrolunknownAtari
Moon RescueunknownZX Computing
Moon ShuttleunknownDatasoft
Moon ShuttleunknownDatasoft
Moon ShuttleunknownDatasoft
Moon ShuttleunknownDatasoft
Moon ShuttleunknownDatasoft
MoonbaseunknownLippe Enterprises
MoonlanderunknownOrion Software
Morris Meets the BikersunknownAutomata UK
Morris Meets the BikersunknownAutomata UK
Mosaic PuzzleunknownCompute!
MosquitounknownRUN/CW Communications
MotorwayunknownCascade Games
Mount St. HelensunknownVictor T. Ao
Mountain KingunknownCBS Software
Mountain KingunknownCBS Software
Mountain KingunknownBeyond Software
Mountain KingActionCBS Electronics
Mr. CoolunknownSierra On-Line
Mr. CoolunknownSierra On-Line
Mr. CoolunknownSierra On-Line
Mr. CoolunknownSierra Online
Mr. CoolunknownSierra Online
Mr. CoolunknownSierra On-Line
Mr. Do!’s CastleActionUniversal
Mr. PostmanActionBit Corporation
Mr. Robot and His Robot FactoryunknownDatamost
Mr. Robot and His Robot FactoryunknownDatabyte
Mr. Robot and His Robot FactoryunknownDatabyte
Mr. Robot and His Robot FactoryunknownDatamost
Mr. Robot and His Robot FactoryunknownDatamost
Mr. Robot and His Robot FactoryunknownDatamost
Mr. Robot and His Robot FactoryunknownDatamost
Mr. TNTunknownHesWare
Mr. XunknownWullewatz
Ms. Pac-ManunknownAtari
Ms. Pac-ManActionAtari Games
Ms. Pac-ManunknownAtari
Ms. Pac-ManunknownAtari
Ms. PacmanunknownAtari
MULEunknownElectronic Arts
MunchunknownCascade Games
MunchunknownCascade Games
Munch Man 64unknownSolar Software
Munch MazeunknownCompute!
MunchmanunknownContrast Software
MunchyunknownCraig Gluck
MurderunknownRabbit Software
MurderunknownRabbit Software
MurderunknownRabbit Software
Murder at the ManorunknownGemtime
Murder by the Dozenunknown
Murder on the ZinderneufunknownElectronic Arts
Murder On the ZinderneufunknownElectronic Arts
Murder on the ZinderneufAdventureFree Fall Associates
Murder on the ZinderneufAdventureElectronic Arts
Mushroom AlleyunknownVictory Software
Musical PilotunknownCharlie Kulas
MutantunknownGreat Lakes
Mysterious Adventures IunknownBrian Howarth
Mysterious Adventures No. 01 - Golden BatonunknownChannel 8 Software
Mysterious Adventures No. 01 - Golden BatonunknownChannel 8 Software
Mysterious Adventures No. 01 - Golden BatonunknownChannel 8 Software
Mysterious Adventures No. 01 - Golden BatonunknownChannel 8 Software
Mysterious Adventures No. 01 - Golden BatonunknownChannel 8 Software
Mysterious Adventures No. 02 - Arrow of Death - Part 1unknownChannel 8 Software
Mysterious Adventures No. 02 - Arrow of Death - Part 1unknownChannel 8 Software
Mysterious Adventures No. 02 - Arrow of Death - Part 1unknownChannel 8 Software
Mysterious Adventures No. 02 - Arrow of Death - Part 1unknownChannel 8 Software
Mysterious Adventures No. 02 - Arrow of Death - Part 1unknownChannel 8 Software
Mysterious Adventures No. 03 - Arrow of Death - Part 2unknownChannel 8 Software
Mysterious Adventures No. 03 - Arrow of Death - Part 2unknownChannel 8 Software
Mysterious Adventures No. 03 - Arrow of Death - Part 2unknownChannel 8 Software
Mysterious Adventures No. 04 - Escape from Pulsar 7unknownChannel 8 Software
Mysterious Adventures No. 04 - Escape from Pulsar 7unknownChannel 8 Software
Mysterious Adventures No. 04 - Escape from Pulsar 7unknownChannel 8 Software
Mysterious Adventures No. 05 - Feasibility ExperimentunknownChannel 8 Software
Mysterious Adventures No. 05 - Feasibility ExperimentunknownChannel 8 Software
Mysterious Adventures No. 06 - The Time MachineunknownChannel 8 Software
Mysterious Adventures No. 06 - The Time MachineunknownChannel 8 Software
Mysterious Adventures No. 07 - CircusunknownChannel 8 Software
Mysterious Adventures No. 07 - CircusunknownChannel 8 Software
Mysterious Adventures No. 08 - Wizard of AkyrzunknownChannel 8 Software
Mysterious Adventures No. 08 - Wizard of AkyrzunknownChannel 8 Software
Mysterious Adventures No. 08 - Wizard of AkyrzunknownChannel 8 Software
Mysterious Adventures No. 08 - Wizard of AkyrzunknownChannel 8 Software
Mysterious Adventures No. 09 - Perseus and AndromedaunknownChannel 8 Software
Mysterious Adventures No. 09 - Perseus and AndromedaunknownChannel 8 Software
Mysterious Adventures No. 09 - Perseus and AndromedaunknownChannel 8 Software
Mysterious Adventures No. 10 - Ten Little IndiansunknownChannel 8 Software
Mysterious Adventures No. 10 - Ten Little IndiansunknownChannel 8 Software
Mysterious Adventures No. 10 - Ten Little IndiansunknownChannel 8 Software
Mysterious Adventures No. 10 - Ten Little IndiansunknownChannel 8 Software
Mysterious Adventures No. 10 - Ten Little IndiansunknownChannel 8 Software
Mysterious Adventures No. 10 - Ten Little IndiansunknownChannel 8 Software
Mysterious Adventures No. 11 - WaxworksunknownChannel 8 Software
Mysterious Adventures No. 11 - WaxworksunknownChannel 8 Software
Mystery MansionunknownJohn Cocke
Mystery Master - Murder By the DozenunknownCBS Software
Mystery Master: Murder by the DozenunknownCBS Software
Mystery of Silver MountainunknownUsborne Publishing's Listing
Mystic MansionunknownJV Software
Mystic Tower - IntrounknownAardvark Software
Mystic Tower, TheunknownAardvark Software
Mystical DiamondsunknownCascade Games
NATO CommanderunknownMicroProse
NATO CommanderunknownMicroProse
NATO CommanderunknownMicroProse
NavaroneunknownRabbit Software
NecromancerunknownSynapse Software
NeoclypsActionCymbal Software Inc
NeoclypsunknownPersonal Software Services
Neptune's DaughtersunknownEnglish Software
Neptune's Daughters SubunknownEnglish Software
Network AnaylserunknownNumber One Systems
Neutral ZoneunknownAccess Software
Neutral ZoneunknownAccess Software
Never Trust a BlondeunknownAdd-On Electronics
NiblyunknownG. Reimuth & U. Schonewolf
Nick NackunknownAlpha Software
Night FighterunknownAlpha Software
Night GunnerunknownDigital Integration
Night GunnerunknownDigital Integration
Night Strike!unknownTG Software
Night Strike!unknownTG Software
Nightflite IIunknownHewson Consultants
Nightflite IIunknownHewson Consultants
NimunknownCascade Games
NimunknownLawrenceville Press
Nimble TimbleunknownGranada Publishing
Nine Men MorrisunknownGranada Publishing
Nitro PlanetunknownGeneral Masters Corp
Nordic SkiunknownLen Dorfman
North Atlantic 86unknownSSI
North Sea CopterunknownMelbourne House
Nowotnik Puzzle, TheunknownPhipps Associates
NukescanunknownMinatron computing
NukescanunknownMinatron Computing
NukewarunknownAvalon Hill
O' Rileys Mineunknown
O'Riley's MineunknownDatasoft
O'Riley's MineunknownDatasoft
O'Riley's MineunknownDatasoft
O'Riley'S MineActionDatasoft
ObelixActionAtari, Inc.
Odradek: Microstudies in Artificial Intelligence #3unknownC.C. Schroeder
Oil BaronsStrategyEpyx
Oil TycoonunknownCompute!
Oil's WellunknownSierra On-Line
Oil's WellunknownSierra On-Line
Oil's WellActionSierra
Oils WellActionSierra Online Inc
Oils WellunknownSierra Online
Oils WellunknownSierra On-Line
Oils WellunknownSierra On-Line
Oils WellunknownSierra Online
Old IronsidesunknownXerox Education
Old IronsidesunknownXerox Education
Omega 2unknownPulsonic
Omega RununknownCRL Group
OmetronunknownSoftware Projects
OmetronunknownSoftware Projects
One on OneunknownCompute!
One On OneunknownElectronic Arts
One on One Julius Irving and Larry BirdunknownElectronic Arts
One-on-OneunknownElectronic Arts
One-on-OneunknownElectronic Arts
One-on-OneunknownElectronic Arts
One-On-One BasketballSportElectronic Arts
Open SesameunknownSulis Software
Operation WhirlwindunknownBroderbund
Orange SquashunknownMerlin Software
Oranges and LemonsunknownK.J.B. Programs
Orc AttackunknownThorn EMI
OrionunknownSoftware Projects
OrionunknownSoftware Projects
OthellounknownStack Computer Services
OthellounknownStack Computer Services
OublietteunknownBear Software
Over the RainbowunknownRenegade Software
OwariunknownB. Elkins
Ozzy's OrchardunknownTG Software
Ozzy's OrchardunknownTG Software
Pac Kong (Inca Gold)ActionGoliath
Pac ManPuzzleOrion Software
Pac-Man +3unknownAtarisoft
Pac-Man 2unknownHenrik Wening
Pacadot MazeunknownThe Compucats
PacmanunknownMajestic Software
PacmanunknownDonald Burden
PainterunknownA & F Software
PakacudaunknownRabbit Software
PaladinunknownTriad Software
PandemoniaunknownCRL Group
PangounknownCourbois Software
PanicunknownGeneral Masters
Panic 64ActionInterceptor Software
Panic 64unknownInterceptor Micros
Panzer-JagdunknownAvalon Hill
ParachuteActionHome Vision
ParallaxunknownLondon Software
ParallaxunknownLondon Software
ParallaxunknownLondon Software
ParallaxunknownLondon Software
ParasunknownMC Lothlorien
ParasunknownMC Lothlorien
ParatroopersunknownRabbit Software
ParatroopersunknownRabbit Software
ParatroopersunknownRabbit Software
ParatroopersunknownRabbit Software
ParatroopersunknownRabbit Software
Paris in DangerunknownAvalon Hill
Pat the PostmanunknownMikro-Gen
Pat the PostmanunknownMikro-Gen
PatienceunknownM.J. Line
PawnchessunknownContrast Software
Pea PickerunknownC.P. White
Pearl HarbourunknownSabresoft
Pearl HarbourunknownSabresoft
PedestrianunknownLuna Software
PegasisunknownCommercial Data Systems
Pegasis UlisesunknownCommercial Data Systems
Pegasus OdysseyunknownComm Data
Pegasus OdysseyunknownCommercial Data Systems
PensateunknownPenguin Software
PensateunknownPenguin Software
Pepsi InvadersActionAtari, Inc.
Perplexian ChallengerunknownProgressive Peripherals & Software
Perseus & AndromedaunknownChannel 8 Software
PET Super BaseballunknownJinshi Suzuki & Bill Munch
Petch PengounknownColosoftware
Phantom Karate DevilsunknownPhantom Devils
Phantom Karate DevilsunknownPhantom
Phantom Karate DevilsunknownPhantom Software
Pharaoh's PyramidunknownMaster Control Software
Pharaoh's PyramidunknownMaster Control Software
Pharaoh's PyramidunknownMaster Control Software
Pharaoh's PyramidunknownMaster Control Software
Pharaoh's Tomb, TheunknownPhipps Associates
Pharaoh's Tomb, TheunknownPhipps Associates
PiunknownBlanchard Smith
Pi-EyedunknownAutomata UK
Pick-A-Dilly PairunknownActioncraft
Pick-A-Dilly PairunknownActioncraft
Pie-ManunknownPenguin Software
Pierre de Vie, LaunknownBigoo
Pigs in Space starring Miss PiggyActionAtari, Inc.
Pin TableunknownGranada Publishing
Pinball Construction SetunknownBill Budge
Pinball Construction SetunknownBill Budge
Pinball Construction SetunknownBill Budge
Pinball SpectacularActionCommodore
Pinball SpectacularunknownCommodore
Pinball WizardunknownCP Software
PipesPuzzleCreative Software
PipesunknownCreative Software
PiranhaunknownALA Software
Pirate IslandunknownWork Force
Pitman SevenunknownVisions Software Factory
Pitman SevenunknownVisions Software Factory
Plague SpotunknownInterface Publications
Planet of CrawlersunknownGeneral Masters
Planet of the Robots: Robot WarunknownDaniel Tobias & Thorania Software
Plaque ManunknownBCI Software
Plaque ManunknownBCI Software
PlasmaniaunknownSirius Software
PlasmaniaunknownSirius Software
Plumb CrazyActionTerminal Software
Pner-IslandunknownJMP Software
PodunknownEuro Byte
Pogo JoeunknownScreenPlay
Pogo JoeunknownScreenPlay
Pogo JoeunknownScreenPlay
Pogo JoeunknownScreenplay
Poker SamunknownDon't Ask Software
Poker-FaceunknownGranada Publishing
PokerSAMunknownDon't Ask Computer Software
PokerSAMunknownDon't Ask Computer Software
PokerSAMunknownDon't Ask Computer Software
Pole PositionunknownAtari
Pole PositionunknownAtari
Pole PositionunknownAtari
Pole Position 2SportNamco Limited
Pole Position IISportNamco
Police ArtistunknownSir-Tech Software
Polyps from PlutounknownDuncan Porter & Daniel Melander
PontoonunknownArcade Software
PontoonunknownKeith Berry
PontoonunknownArcade Software
Pontoon, Roulette & Aces HighunknownMr. Chip Software
PoolunknownCDS Microsystems
PoolunknownBug-Byte Software
Pool BilliardunknownCommodore
Pool BilliardunknownCoomodore
PopeyeActionParker Brothers
PopeyeunknownParker Brothers
PopeyeunknownParker Brothers
PopeyeunknownParker Brothers
PopeyeunknownParker Brothers
PopeyeunknownParker Brothers
PopeyeunknownParker Brothers
PopeyeActionNintendo Co., LTD
Popeye no Eigo AsobiActionNintendo
Popeye no Eigo AsobiunknownNintendo Co., LTD
PottitunknownRomik Software
Potty PainterunknownRabbit Software
Potty Painter In the JungleunknownRabbit Software
Preppie! IIunknownAdventure International
Presidential CampaignunknownTimeworks
Pressure CookerActionActivision
Princess and the FrogunknownRomox
Private EyeActionActivision
PrivateerunknownMC Lothlorien
Pro GolfunknownHome Computer
Professional Tour GolfunknownSSI
Protector 2unknownSynapse Software
Protector IIunknownSynapse Software
ProteusunknownAbacus Programs
Psi SpyunknownPostern
PssstunknownUltimate Play The Game
PssstunknownUltimate Play The Game
PssstunknownUltimate Play The Game
Puc Manunknown
Puck-ManunknownClaus Mayer
Pulga, LaActionIndescomp
Pulga, LaActionIndescomp
Pulga, LaActionIndescomp
Pulga, LaActionIndescomp
PunchyunknownMr. Micro
PunchyunknownMr. Micro
PunchyunknownMr. Micro
Purple TurtlesActionQuicksilva
Purple TurtlesunknownQuicksilva
Push OffunknownSoftware Projects
Push OffunknownSoftware Projects
Pushy PigunknownArkin Software
Puzzle Gates of the IncasunknownIIT
Puzzle Gates of the IncasunknownIIT
Pyramid of DoomunknownCommodore
Pyramid of RamesesunknownLongman Software
Pyramid, TheunknownFantasy Software
Pyramid, TheunknownFantasy Software
Pyramid, TheunknownFantasy Software
Q-BertActionParker Brothers
Q-BertunknownParker Brothers
Q-BopperunknownAccelerated Software
Q*BertunknownParker Brothers
Q*BertunknownParker Brothers
Q*BertunknownParker Brothers
QuackunknownClifford Ramshaw & Mark Ramshaw
QuackersunknownRabbit Software
Quark IXunknownCommodore
Quark IXunknownCommodore
Quark IXunknownAndromeda Software
QuasarunknownJonathan Dubman
Queen of HeartsunknownSSI
Queen of HeartsunknownSSI
Quest AdventureunknownHewson Consultants
Quest AdventureunknownHewson Consultants
Quest for the Garden of EdenunknownPhoenix Software
Quest for the Sun GemunknownBinary Zone
QuetzalcoatlunknownVirgin Games
Quick StepunknownImagic
Quick StepunknownImagic
QuickdrawunknownM. Richter
QuicksandunknownAlpha Software
QuincyunknownSevern Software
QuincyunknownSevern Software
Quintic WarriorunknownQuicksilva
Rabbit ShootunknownPhipps Associates
Rabbit ShootunknownPhipps Associates
Rabbit ShootunknownPhipps Associates
Rabbit TrapunknownInterface Publications
Race AceunknownMicro Gold
Race AceunknownMicro Gold
Race FununknownRabbit Software
Racing ManagerunknownVirgin Games
Racing ManagerunknownVirgin Games
Rack'em UpunknownRoklan
Rack'em UpunknownRoklan
Raid on GravitronunknownAntic Software
Raid on New YorkunknownVideoquest Inc.
Raider of the Cursed MineunknownArcade Software
Raider of the Cursed MineunknownArcade Software
RaidersunknownCascade Games
Raiders of SpaceunknownGeneral Masters
Rail RunnerunknownGranada Publishing
Rails West!unknownSSI
Rainbow WalkerunknownSynapse Software
Rainbow WalkerunknownSynapse Software
Rainbow WalkerunknownSynapse Software
Rally SpeedwaySportJohn Anderson
Rally SpeedwayunknownAdventure International
Rally SpeedwayunknownAdventure International
Rally SpeedwayunknownAdventure International
Rally SpeedwayunknownAdventure International
Rampage PinballunknownHalfway
Ramses vom NilunknownVril
RandamnunknownRon Nepsund
Rapede - The Centipede's RevengeunknownVisions Software Factory
Rapede - The Centipede's RevengeunknownVisions Software Factory
RasenmaherunknownLothar Becks
Rat RaceunknownMMG Micro Software
Reach for the Stars: The Conquest of the GalaxyunknownSSG
RealSports FootballunknownAtari
RealSports FootballunknownAtari
RealSports FootballunknownAtari
RealSports FootballunknownAtari
RealSports TennisunknownAtari
RealSports TennisunknownAtari
RealSports TennisunknownAtari
RealSports TennisunknownAtari
RealSports TennisSportAtari
RecolunknownTpug Magazine
Red AlertunknownMr. Chip Software
Red BaronunknownMC Lothlorien
Red BaronunknownMC Lothlorien
Red Sea CrossingActionInspirational Video Concepts
Red WeedunknownMC Lothlorien
ReflectionsunknownArtic Computing
RegattaunknownSams Software
Reise nach AtlantisunknownPeter Menke
ReptonunknownSirius Software
ReptonunknownSirius Software
ReptonunknownSirius Software
ReptonunknownSirius Software
ReptonunknownSirius Software
ReptonunknownSirius Software
ReptonunknownSirius Software
ReptonunknownSirius Software
ReptonunknownSirius Software
RepulsarunknownSoftek Software International
Rescue AdventureunknownGilsoft
Rescue at RigelRPGEpyx
Rescue at RigelRPG
Rescue SquadunknownMuse Software
Retrofire!unknownANALOG Computing
Retrofire!unknownANALOG Computing
Return of HeraclesunknownQuality Software
Return to EarthunknownThe Guild Adventure Software
Revenge of the Beefsteak TomatoesActionFox Video Games
ReversiunknownInterface Publications
ReversorunknownPeter Witzgall
Richtofen's RevengeunknownCompute!
Ricochet MuncherunknownGeneral Masters Corporation
Rider - IntrounknownVirgin Games
Rij TestunknownCourbois Software
Ring of Darkness, TheunknownWintersoft
Ringside SeatunknownSSI
Ringside SeatunknownSSI
Ringside SeatunknownSSI
Rise Out from DungeonsPuzzleASCII Corporation
River ChaseunknownCyberia Inc.
River RaidunknownActivision
River RaidunknownActivision
River RaidunknownActivision
River RaidunknownActivision
River RaidunknownActivision
River RaidunknownActivision
River RaidunknownActivision
River RaidunknownActivision
River RaidunknownActivision
River RescueunknownThorn EMI
River RescueunknownThorn EMI
River RescueunknownThorn EMI
River RescueunknownThorn EMI
River RescueunknownThorn EMI
Road BlockunknownCompute!
Road BlockunknownCompute!
Road FrogunknownSpectrum Games
Road RacerunknownHyperion Software
Road RacersunknownArtic Computing
Road RacersunknownArtic Computing
Road RunnerunknownProtek Computing
Road ToadunknownElfin Software
RoadtoadunknownNibbles & Bits
RobberunknownVirgin Games
RobberunknownVirgin Games
Robbers of the Lost TombunknownTimeworks
Robin HoodActionXonox
Robin To The RescueActionSolar Software
RobonunknownSoftek Software International
Robot RiotunknownSilversoft
Robot RiotunknownSilversoft
Robot RununknownNET Software
Robot TankActionActivision
RobotankunknownDave Ponting
Robotron 2084unknownAtari
Robotron 2084unknownAtari
Robotron 2084unknownAtari
Robotron 2084unknown
Robotron 2084unknownAtari
Roc ’N RopeActionKonami, Coleco
Rocket RaiderunknownC-Tech
Rodney to the RescueunknownTrelawny Software
RogueRPGArtificial Intelligence Design
RogueRPGArtificial Intelligence Design
Roland in the CavesActionAmsoft
Roller BallunknownOcean
RollercoasterunknownBrookfield Software
Rollo and The Brush BrothersActionWindmill Software
Rommel's RevengeunknownCrystal Computing
Rommel's RevengeunknownCrystal Computing
Rommel's RevengeunknownCrystal Computing
Rootin' Tootin'unknownHesWare
Rootin' Tootin'ActionHesWare
Rosen's BrigadeunknownGentry Software
Rosen's BrigadeunknownGentry Software
Rough RiderunknownGeneral Masters
Roulette WheelunknownLawrenceville Press
Round AboutunknownDatamost
Round AboutunknownDatamost
Round AboutunknownDatamost
Round UpunknownANALOG Computing
Rox 64unknownLlamasoft
Rox 64unknownLlamasoft
Royal Birkdale Championship Golf - The Back 9unknownOcean
Royal Birkdale Championship Golf - The Back 9unknownOcean
Rubbish MonsterunknownData Becker
Rule the KingdomunknownRUN/CW Communications
Run for the MoneyunknownTom Snyder
Rush HourunknownAPX
Russian RouletteunknownAlfred Das
S.A.S. AssaultunknownMikro-Gen
SabotageunknownEric Lawo
SailingActionDynetron Company
Sam SpadeunknownSilversoft
Sam SpadeunknownSilversoft
Sam SpadeunknownSilversoft
Sammy LightfootunknownSierra
Sammy LightfootunknownSierra Online
Sammy LightfootunknownSierra
SamsonunknownSoftware Group
Sand CastleunknownGranada Publishing
SaratogaunknownPaul Wehner
SaratogaunknownPaul Wehner
SaratogaunknownPaul Wehner
Sargon IIunknownHayden Software
Sargon IIunknownHayden Software
Sargon IIIPuzzleHayden Software
Sargon IIIunknownHayden Book
Sargon IIIunknownHayden Book
Sargon IIIunknownHayden Book
Satan's PendulumunknownMinatron Computing
Savage IslandunknownCommodore
Savage Island: Part IunknownCommodore
Savage Island: Part IIunknownCommodore
Savage PondunknownStarcade Software
Save Me, Brave KnightunknownF451 Software
Save New YorkunknownCreative Software
Save Our ShipActionTechnoVision
Schiffe VersenkenunknownOmega-Soft
SchizoidsunknownImagine Software
SchizoidsunknownImagine Software
Scott Adams Adventure PackunknownAdventure International
Scramble 64unknownInterceptor Micros
Scuba DiveunknownDurell Software
Scuba DiveunknownDurell Software
Scuba DiveunknownDurell Software
Scuba Dive SubmarinistaunknownDurell Software
Sea BanditunknownGentry Software
Sea BanditunknownGentry Software
Sea ChaseunknownRomox
Sea ChaseunknownRomox
Sea DragonStrategyAdventure International
Sea Dragonunknown
Sea HarrierunknownCourbois Software
Seawolf IIunknownEpyx
See-Saw ScrambleunknownRomik Software
See-Saw ScrambleunknownRomik Software
Sega FlipperSimulationSEGA Enterprises
SerpentunknownHans Meijer
Serpent's StarunknownBroderbund
Seuis Shoot'em Up in SpaceunknownSSI
Shaft RaiderunknownProgram One
Shaky Game, TheunknownOlympic Software
Shaky Game, TheunknownOlympic Software
ShamusunknownSynapse Software
ShamusunknownSynapse Software
Shamus: Case IIunknownSynapse Software
Shamus: Case IIunknownSynapse Software
Shamus: Case IIunknownSynapse Software
Shamus: Case IIunknownSynapse Software
Shamus: Case IIunknownSynapse Software
Shark AttackunknownRomik Software
Shark AttackunknownRomik Software
Shark Game, TheunknownOlympic Software
SharkfinunknownInterface Publications
ShatablastunknownLeisure & Business Developments
SheepwalkunknownVirgin Games
Sheer PanicunknownVisions Software Factory
Shifty SamunknownRandom House
ShogununknownRobert Wallace
Shootin’ GalleryActionImagic
Shooting GalleryunknownRSS
Short CircuitunknownCascade Games
Show DownunknownChristian Griesbeck
ShowdownunknownArtic Computing
ShufflerunknownStack Computer Services
ShuttleunknownBlaby Computer Games
ShuttleunknownBlaby Computer Games
Shuttle EscapeunknownCompute!
Shuttle SimulatorunknownMicrodeal
Shuttle SimulatorunknownMicrodeal
SiliconunknownRomik Software
Silicon Dreams Trilogy I - SnowballunknownLevel 9 Computing
Silicon SaladunknownBeagle Bros
Silicon WarriorunknownEpyx
Silly 64unknownSilly Software
SilonunknownRene Kaldenberg
SimonunknownRene Kaldenberg
Sindbad MysteryActionSEGA
Sir LancelotActionXonox
Siren CityunknownInterceptor Micros
SkiunknownCourbois Software
Ski JumpunknownCascade Games
Ski ManunknownEdgardo Kijel
Ski RununknownVirgin Books
Ski-DevilunknownCymbal Software
Ski-Three-DeeunknownTrelawny Software
Skier-64unknownJeff Hanson
SkittlesunknownCascade Games
Skramble!unknownAnirog Software
Sky BlazerunknownBroderbund
Sky DiverunknownScele & Ufo Software
Sky SkipperActionNintendo, Parker Brothers
Slalom Slalom GiganteunknownLoad 'n' Run
Slap DabunknownAnirog Software
Sleuth: A Murder Mysteryunknown
Slicker PuzzleunknownDK'Tronics
Slicker PuzzleunknownDK'Tronics
Slicker PuzzleunknownDK Tronics
Slot Machine Version IunknownTimeworks
Slot Machine Version IIunknownTimeworks
Smuggler's CoveunknownQuicksilva
Smuggler's CoveunknownQuicksilva
SnakeunknownPhoenix Publishing Associates
SnakeunknownArtic Computing
Snake ByteunknownSirius Software
Snake ByteunknownSirius Software
Snake Escape!unknownCompute!
Snake PitunknownPostern
SnipersunknownGranada Publishing
Snooper Troops The Disappearing DolphinunknownSpinnaker Software
Snooper Troops The Granite Point GhostunknownSpinnaker Software
Snoopy and the Red BaronActionAtari
SnorkelunknownGranada Publishing
SnurfunknownManfred Katoch
Soccer SupremounknownPan Books/Personal Computer News
Solar FoxActionBally Midway
Solar FoxunknownCommodore
Solar ShipunknownCascade Games
Solar StormActionImagic
SolarisunknownSoftel Software
SolarisunknownSoftel Software
Solo FlightunknownMicroProse
Solo FlightunknownMicroProse
Solo FlightunknownMicroProse
Solo FlightSimulationMicroProse
Solo FlightSimulationMicroprose
Sonic Boom!unknownNET Software
Sorcerer's CastleunknownMikro-Gen
Sorcerer's CastleunknownMikro-Gen
Sorcerer’s ApprenticeActionAtari
SOS im WeltallunknownTronic Verlag
SOS TerroristsunknownCommodore
SpaceunknownTronic Verlag
Space ActionunknownHandic Software
Space BlockadeunknownManfred Katoch
Space CommandersActionData Products, Inc.
Space Commanders 2ActionData Products, Inc.
Space Commanders IIActionajf
Space CowboyunknownAvalon Hill
Space DodgeunknownGeneral Masters
Space DuelunknownCompute!
Space FreezeunknownGeneral Masters Corporation
Space GameunknownLawrenceville Press
Space GunnerunknownRTC
Space InvadersunknownKeypunch Software
Space IslandunknownTerminal Software
Space IslandunknownTerminal Software
Space KnightsunknownReston Publishing
Space MayhemunknownCymbal Software
Space MinerActionCharles Karp
Space Minerunknown
Space MissionunknownCascade Games
Space PanicunknownMikro-Gen
Space PanicunknownMikro-Gen
Space SearchunknownCascade Games
Space ShuttleunknownMicrodeal
Space ShuttleunknownMicrodeal
Space Shuttle: A Journey into SpaceunknownActivision
Space Shuttle: A Journey into SpaceunknownActivision
Space Shuttle: A Journey into SpaceSimulationActivision
Space SpikesunknownThree Sigma
Space Station ZebraunknownBeyond Software
Space StormunknownCourbois Software
Space ThiefunknownCompute!
Space Trader 64unknownDoug Caruthers
Space TrainunknownCentaur Engineering Systems
Space WarunknownAPX
Space Zombies v2unknownMikro-Gen
SpaceturdunknownJohn P. Shay
Spare ChangeunknownBroderbund
Spare ChangeunknownBroderbund
Spare ChangeunknownBroderbund
Spark BugsunknownRomox
Spatial BilliardunknownCommodore
Spawn of EvilunknownDK'Tronics
Spawn of EvilunknownDK'Tronics
Spawn of Evil - IntrounknownDK'Tronics
Spawn of Evil - IntrounknownDK'Tronics
Spawn of Evil v2unknownDK'Tronics
Spectral PanicunknownHewson Consultants
Spectral SkiingunknownCascade Games
SpectrapedeunknownProtek Computing
SpectraprobeunknownArtic Computing
Spectraprobe - IntrounknownArtic Computing
SpectrasmashunknownRomik Software
Spectrasmash - IntrounknownRomik Software
Spectroid StormunknownAbersoft
SpectronunknownVirgin Games
Spectrum Fruit-MachineunknownBook
Spectrum Micro ChessunknownArtic Computing
Spectrum Micro ChessunknownArtic Computing
Spectrum SafariunknownCDS Microsystems
Spectrum SnookerunknownArtic Computing
Spectrum SnookerunknownArtic Computing
Spectrum SnookerunknownArtic Computing
Spectrum SnookerunknownArtic Computing
Speed RacerunknownT&F Software
SpelunkerActionMicro Graphic Image
SpelunkerunknownMicro GraphicImage
Sperm InvadersunknownSchmidlap
Spider CityunknownSirius Software
Spider CityunknownSirius Software
Spider QuakeunknownGentry Software
Spider WebunknownAlpha Software
SpideronunknownHyperion Software
SpinadsunknownDixie Software
SpitballunknownCreative Software
Splat!unknownIncentive Software
SPOC: The Chess MasterPuzzleCypress Software
Spooky House AdventureunknownPyramid Software
SprengmeisterunknownSoftware CBM 64
Spud And Mug ShootunknownSams Software
SpukhausunknownMartin Vitek, Andre Fachat & Chris Mills
Spy HunterSportBally Midway
Spy-PlaneunknownGilsoft International
Spy's DemiseunknownPenguin Software
Spy's DemiseunknownPenguin Software
Spy's Demise 2unknownPenguin Software
SpyderActionMirror Images Software
Squirmy WormyunknownJohn Prince
Squirmy WormyunknownJohn Prince
Squish 'emunknownSirius Software
Squish 'emunknownSirius Software
Squish'emunknownSirius Software
SS AchillesunknownBeyond Software
SS AchillesunknownBeyond Software
St. Andrew's AdventureunknownEdward Carroll
St. Andrews GolfunknownArtic Computing
St. Andrews GolfunknownArtic Computing
Stack 64 SimonunknownStack
Stack ConcentrationunknownStack
Star BallunknownJim Bren - Dale Dehler
Star BattleunknownTimeworks
Star CrystalsunknownProgram Design
Star CrystalsunknownProgram Design
Star Fleet I: The War Begins!SimulationInterstel Corporation
Star Fleet I: The War Begins!unknownCygnus
Star FoxActionMythicon
Star JackerActionSEGA
Star League BaseballunknownGamestar
Star League BaseballunknownGamestar
Star MazeunknownSir-Tech Software
Star MazeunknownSir-Tech Software
Star PilotunknownCourbois Software
Star PostunknownCommodore
Star RangerunknownCommodore
Star Soccer - Super LeagueunknownWatson Software Services
Star Soccer - World CupunknownWatson Software Services
Star TrackerunknownAlpha Software
Star TrailunknownSinclair Research
Star TrekunknownSega
Star TrekunknownSega
Star TrekunknownInterceptor Micros
Star TrekunknownSega
Star TrekunknownSega
Star TrekunknownJeff Lewis
Star TrekunknownSega
Star TrekunknownCascade Games
Star Trek 3000unknownDK'Tronics
Star Trek Guerra GalacticaunknownSega
Star Trek IVunknownFrank Chambers
Star Trek: Strategic Operations Simulatorunknown
Star WarsunknownAtari
Star Wars: Jedi ArenaActionParker Brothers
Star Wars: Return of the Jedi - Death Star BattleunknownParker Brothers
Star Wars: Return of the Jedi - Death Star BattleunknownParker Brothers
Star Wars: Return of the Jedi - Death Star BattleActionParker Brothers
Star Wars: The Arcade GameActionParker Brothers
Star Wars: The Empire Strikes BackunknownHarald Siegmund
Starbase DefenseunknownAnirog Software
Starbase FighterunknownGentry Software
Starbase FighterunknownGentry Software
Starbase FighterunknownGentry Software
Starfire WarriorunknownDatasoft
Starfire WarriorunknownDatasoft
Stargate CourierunknownCosmi
StargunnerunknownMesec Corp.
Starship EnterpriseunknownSilversoft
Starship EnterpriseunknownSilversoft
Starship TravellerRPGPuffin Books
Steeple JackunknownEnglish Software
Steeple JackunknownEnglish Software
Stellar 7unknownSoftware Entertainment Company
Stellar DodgerunknownTerminal Software
Stellar TriumphunknownH.A.L. Labs
Stellar WarsunknownKevin A. Moughtin
StellungskriegunknownHauk & Malzan
Sterne jagenunknownR. Mudrak
Sternjaeger 64unknownMarkt & Technik
Stickybear Basket BounceunknownWeekly Reader Family Software
Stock ExchangeunknownInterface Publications
Stock MarketunknownCCS
Stock MarketunknownASP Software
Stocks and BondsunknownAvalon Hill
StomperunknownCascade Games
StonkersunknownImagine Software
StonkersunknownImagine Software
Stop the ExpressunknownSinclair Research
Stop the ExpressunknownSinclair Research
Stop the ExpressActionHudson Soft
Strange Brew - The Electronic TarotunknownWarlock
Strange OdysseyunknownCommodore
Strategix: Napoleonic WarsunknownCentury Communications
Strawberry Shortcake: Musical Match-UpsPuzzleParker Brothers
Street FighterunknownShards Software
Strip BlackjackunknownSansoft Plus
Strip PokerunknownArtworx
Strip PokerunknownArtworx
Strip PokerunknownArtworx
StrokerunknownMagic Carpet Software
StuntmanunknownAlpha Software
StyxMiscWindmill Software
StyxunknownWindmill Software
Sub AttackunknownCompute!
Sub AttackunknownCompute!
subLOGIC Flight Simulator IISimulationsubLOGIC
Submarine CommanderunknownPatrick Buckland
Suicide StrikeunknownTronix
Sunburst: Geometric Supposer: TrianglesunknownSunburst Communications
Sunburst: Survival Math SkillsunknownSunburst Communications
Super ArabianActionSunSoft
Super BallunknownAxis Software
Super BallunknownAxis Software
Super Black Belt KarateunknownComputer Applications
Super BlitzunknownCommodore
Super BunnyunknownDatamost
Super CentipedeunknownC-Tech
Super ChessunknownCP Software
Super ChessunknownCP Software
Super ChessunknownCP Software
Super Chess II v2.1unknownCP Software
Super CobraunknownParker Brothers
Super CobraunknownParker Brothers
Super DogfightunknownTerminal Software
Super FrootunknownCBM UK
Super Gridder RedunknownTerminal Software
Super LeagueunknownCross Software
Super LeagueunknownCross Software
Super LeagueunknownCross Software
Super PipelineunknownTaskset
Super RaceunknownCourbois Software
Super Skramble!unknownTerminal Software
Super SmashunknownCommodore
Super Star Trek EnhancedunknownD.M. Conley
Super Stud PokerunknownLotsaBytes
Super Waiterunknown
Super ZaxxonunknownSega
Super ZaxxonunknownDatasoft
Super ZaxxonunknownDatasoft
Super-TankunknownCraig Gluck
SupergameunknownS+S Soft
Superman IIIunknownAtari
Superman IIIunknownAtari
SurvivalunknownDoug Rolfe
SurvivorunknownSynapse Software
Swamp AttackunknownDigital Arts
Swordfight at MidnightunknownSunshine Books
Swordfight at MidnightunknownSunshine Books
SwordpointunknownIsa Software
Swordquest: FireworldActionAtari
SwordQuest: WaterWorldActionAtari
Swordquest: WaterworldActionAtari
T.G.I.F.unknownAvalon Hill
T.G.I.F.unknownAvalon Hill
TAC: Tactical Armor CommandunknownAvalon Hill
TAC: Tactical Armor CommandunknownAvalon Hill
TAC: Tactical Armor CommandunknownAvalon Hill
TAC: Tactical Armor CommandunknownAvalon Hill
Tactical Armour CommandunknownAvalon Hill
Tag Team WrestlingSportData East
Tank AtakunknownSupersoft
Tank BattleunknownHarald Siegmund
Tank TraxunknownAmoeba Software
Tank TraxunknownAmoeba Software
Tank WarsunknownMr. Computer
TanksunknownCascade Games
TanxunknownDK Tronics
TapperActionBally Midway
TapperActionBally Midway
TapperActionBally Midway
TargetunknownCourbois Software
TaxiunknownDigital Integration
TaxiunknownDigital Integration
TazActionAtari, Inc.
TelengardAdventureAvalon Hill Microcomputer Games Inc
TempestunknownEMM Software
Ten Little IndiansunknownChannel 8 Software
Ten PinsunknownCascade Games
Terror from the DeepunknownKayde Software
Terror-Daktil 4DunknownMelbourne House
Terror-Daktil 4DunknownMelbourne House
Terror-Daktil 4DunknownMelbourne House
Terry'a TravelsunknownAlgray Software
Test MatchunknownCRL Group
Test MatchunknownCRL Group
Test Match - IntrounknownCRL Group
Tether TerrainunknownIdlebyte Software
Tetracrystals of VeluriaunknownCompute!
Texas Chainsaw Massacre, TheActionWizard Video Games
TGIFunknownAvalon Hill
The Bean MachineunknownSteve Robinson
The Bean Machine v1.2unknownSteve Robinson
The Citadel of ChaosRPGPuffin Books
The Dragonriders of PernunknownEpyx
The E FactorunknownCosmi
The E FactorunknownCosmi
The E FactorunknownCosmi
The Ebony CastleunknownMarney Kliever
The ExterminatorMiscWindmill Software
The Forest of DoomRPGPuffin Books
The HobbitAdventureMelbourne House
The Incredible LaboratoryunknownSunburst Communications
The Incredible LaboratoryunknownSunburst Communications
The Incredible LaboratoryunknownSunburst Communications
The Man from N-10unknownQuantum Leap
The Mummy's TombunknownCymbal Software
The Murder at Osbourne CastleunknownThe Guild Adventure Software
The Mutant SpidersunknownHandic Software
The Nite-ExpressunknownTechnics
The Nowotnik PuzzleunknownD.P. Nowotnik
The Octopus MazeunknownPowerPlay Magazine
The Pharaoh's CurseunknownSynapse Software
The PitunknownHesWare
The QuestunknownPenguin Software
The RatunknownCymbal Software
The Ring of PowerunknownQuicksilva
The Secret of Bastow ManorunknownGameworx
THE SPANISH HANGMANunknownGeorge Earl D'Asaro
The Spy Strikes BackunknownPenguin Software
The Spy Strikes BackunknownPenguin Software
The Streets of LondonunknownSupersoft
The Sword of ZedekunknownJohn O'Hare
The Tail of Beta LyraeunknownDatamost
The Tail of Beta LyraeunknownDatamost
The Token of GhallunknownInterceptor Micros
The Train GamePuzzleMicrosphere
The ViperunknownCompute!
The WitnessAdventureInfocom
The WitnessunknownInfocom
The WitnessAdventure
The WitnessAdventureInfocom
The Wizard of AkyrzunknownChannel 8 Software
Thinking HarderunknownCompute!
ThresholdunknownSierra Online
ThrustaunknownSoftware Projects
Thunder BombsunknownPenguin Software
Thunder BombsunknownPenguin Software
ThundergroundActionSEGA Enterprises
TickerunknownFloop Enterprises
Tierce d'Auteuil Course a HandicapunknownPh. Onclinx
Tiger HuntersunknownALA Software
Tiger TanksunknownNufekop
Time RunnerunknownFunsoft
Time RunnerunknownFunsoft
Time RunnerunknownFunsoft
Time TravellerunknownSulis Software
Time-Gate - ManualunknownQuicksilva
Time-LineunknownGilsoft International
Titan EmpireunknownMuse
Tomb of Dracula, TheunknownFelix Software
Tomb of Dracula, TheunknownFelix Software
Tombs of XeiopsunknownRomik Software
Tootie FruityunknownDream Software
Topless TinaunknownLadySoft
TorpedounknownSusie Software
TorpedounknownR. Jacob
Torpedo BomberunknownCentury Communications
Totl.Infomaster 3.6unknownTOTL Software, Inc.
Tourist TrapunknownZX Computing
Tourist TrapunknownZX Computing
Tournament GolfunknownAvalon Hill
TRaceONunknownWork Force
TracerunknownTom Wells
Track & FieldunknownKonami
Trade WindsunknownWD Software
Traffic JamunknownIsland Software
Train DispatcherunknownSignal Computer Consultants
Train Game, The - Track AunknownMicrosphere
Train Game, The - Track AunknownMicrosphere
Train Game, The - Track BunknownMicrosphere
TrainsunknownSpinnaker Software
TrainsunknownSpinnaker Software
TrainsunknownSpinnaker Software
TrainsunknownSpinnaker Software
Transporte AereounknownA.R.V.
Transylvanian TowerunknownRichard Shepherd Software
Tranz AmunknownUltimate Play The Game
Tranz AmunknownUltimate Play The Game
Tranz AmunknownUltimate Play The Game
Trap!unknownW. Schneider
Trax!unknownPaul Clansey
Treasure HuntunknownAmba Software
Treasure HuntunknownAmba Software
Treasure IslandunknownPyramid Software
Tree SurgeonunknownWestern Technologies
Tree SurgeonunknownWestern Technologies
Tree SurgeonunknownWestern Technologies
Tree SurgeonunknownWestern Technologies
TriadunknownAdventure International
TriadunknownCommodore International
Tricky TracksunknownRobin Oblad
Troll's TaleunknownSierra On-Line
Troll's TaleunknownSierra
TronunknownEMM Software
TronunknownEMM Software
TronunknownWerner Spahl
Tronic CycleunknownC&O Micro Systems
Trooper TruckunknownRabbit Software
Troublesome WordsunknownW.J. Real
Trucking USAunknownVril
TrustunknownRantom Software
TrustunknownRantom Software
TSI CyclesunknownTurbo Software Incorporated
TSI Maze ManunknownTurbo Software Incorporated
Tube CubeunknownASP Software
Tube Train TerrorunknownJRS Software
Tube Train TerrorunknownJRS Software
Tuerme von HanoiunknownOmega-Soft
TumlerunknownViking Data
TumlerunknownViking Data
Tuneles MarcianosunknownVentamatic
Tunnel RunnerActionCBS Electronics
Tunnels of TharunknownInterface Publications
Turbo DriverunknownBoss Software
Turbo Sixty FourunknownLimbic Systems UK
TurmoilunknownSirius Software
TutankhamunknownParker Brothers
U-Boat 26unknownCompute!
U-Boat HuntunknownProtek Computing
UFO-AdventureunknownJoachim Glaubercht
UghunknownChris Morris
Ultima 2 - Revenge of the EnchantressRPGSierra
Ultima 3 - ExodusRPGOrigin System
Ultima II Killer CharacterunknownBlack Hole
Ultima III: ExodusRPGOrigin
Ultima: Escape from Mount DrashActionSierra On-Line
Universal Chaos (Targ)ActionTelegames
Unscramble - A Word GameunknownJohn R. Kelley
Up for GrabsunknownSpinnaker Software
Up Up and AwayunknownRingblack Software
Urban UpstartAdventureRichard Shepherd Software
Urban UpstartunknownRichard Shepherd Software
Urban UpstartunknownRichard Shepherd Software
Urban UpstartunknownRichard Shepherd Software
Vagan AttackunknownAtlantis Software
Vagan AttackunknownAtlantis Software
Valley of the SpidersunknownInterface Publications
Vampire VillageunknownTerminal Software
Vampire VillageunknownTerminal Software
Vector Chaseunknown
Velnor's LairunknownQuicksilva
Venus Voyager 2unknownEnglish Software
VibrationsunknownGranada Publishing
Vier GewinntStrategyUnknown
Violent UniverseunknownQuest Microsoftware
Visions SnookerunknownVisions Software Factory
Visions SnookerunknownVisions Software Factory
Visions SnookerunknownVisions Software Factory
Visions SnookerunknownVisions Software Factory
Volcanic DungeonunknownCarnell Software
Volcanic DungeonunknownCarnell Software
Volcanic PlanetunknownThorn Emi Video
Vortex RaiderunknownInterceptor Micros
Voyager 64unknownBilly Soft
VulturesunknownJ. Morn Micros
Wall BallActionAvalon Hill
Wall StreetunknownTimeworks
Wall WalkunknownT. Tang
War 70unknownCCS
Wargle!unknownHayden Software
Warlock's CastleunknownInterface Publications
WarlokunknownCalisto Software
Warp TrapunknownCourbois Software
Warrior Of Ras Ii - KaivAdventureScreenplay
Warrior of Ras Vol.I: DunzhinunknownScreenplay
Warrior of Ras Vol.II: KaivunknownScreenplay
Warrior of Ras Vol.III: The WyldeunknownScreenplay
Warrior of Ras Vol.IV: ZigguratunknownScreenplay
WaterloounknownCentury Communications
Wavy NavyunknownSirius Software
WaxworksunknownChannel 8 Software
Web MasterunknownH&H Int'l Trading
Webster: The Word GameunknownCBS Software
Webster: The Word GameunknownCBS Software
Wega StationunknownRalf Werner
Wentworth EastunknownHornby Software
Wentworth WestunknownHornby Software
Wheeler DealerunknownMr. Chip Software
Who Killed Cock RobinunknownWidgit Software
Widow's RevengeunknownNufekop
Wild West HerounknownTimescape Software
Wild West HerounknownTimescape Software
WildcatterunknownJohn van Ness
WildwasserunknownTitus Neumann
Wing WarActionImagic
Winged WarlordsunknownCDS Microsystems
Winged WarlordsunknownCDS Microsystems
Wings Out of ShadowunknownBerserker Works
Wizard of WorunknownCommodore
Wizard of WorunknownCommodore
Wizard's Warriors, TheunknownMastertronic
Wizard's Warriors, TheunknownMastertronic
Wizardry 3: Legacy of LlylgamynRPG
Wizardry 3: The Legacy of LlylgamynunknownSir-Tech
Wizardry III Legacy of LlylgamynunknownSir-Tech Software, Inc.
Wizards and DragonsunknownALA Software
World Class DartsunknownAlphasoft
World Powerunknown
WormunknownCourbois Software
WormsunknownElectronic Arts
Worms?unknownElectronic Arts
Worms?unknownElectronic Arts
Worms?unknownElectronic Arts
WurmunknownDennis Merbach
X-ManAdultUniversal Gamex Corporation
X-MazeunknownJonathan Smith
X-MazeunknownJonathan Smith
Xeno IIunknownAnirog Software
Xeno IIunknownAnirog Software
Xenon RaidunknownEnglish Software
YahtceeunknownAnik Micro Systems
YahtzeeunknownP. Battermann
YahtzeeunknownElke Saller
YahtziunknownWork Force
YahtzieunknownBob Hemmings
YahtzieunknownBob Hemmings
YamatoActionSEGA Enterprises
YompunknownVirgin Games
Yomp - IntrounknownVirgin Games
Yomp - IntrounknownVirgin Games
Yurk AttackunknownDavid Hembrow
Z-ManunknownDJL Software
Z-Tack (Base Attack)ActionBomb
ZapunknownThe Code Works
Zappy ZooksunknownRomik Software
ZaraksunknownCRL Group
ZaraksunknownCRL Group
ZaxxanunknownStarzone Software
ZebbedyunknownVincent & Peter Li
ZeeslagjeunknownBrookfield Software
ZeppelinunknownSynapse Software
Zeta AffairunknownJay R. Jaeger
ZeusunknownAardvark Software
ZFL FootballunknownTeam Enterprises
Zig ZagounknownR.V.Rij Software
Ziggarat of DreadunknownCustom Cables International
Ziggarat of DreadunknownCustom Cables International
Zip ZapunknownImagine Software
Zip ZapunknownImagine Software
Zip ZapunknownImagine Software
Zolan Adventure, TheunknownSoftek Software International
Zolan Adventure, The - IntrounknownSoftek Software International
Zompy StompunknownNibbles & Bits
Zoo Masterunknown
Zork 2 - The Wizard of FrobozzAdventureInfocom
Zork I - The Great Underground EmpireAdventureCommodore
Zork II: The Wizard of FrobozzAdventure
Zork Iii - The Dungeon MasterAdventureCommodore
ZX KarteisystemunknownMartin Gehrke
ZX ReversiunknownCP Software
ZzoomunknownImagine Software
ZzoomunknownImagine Software
ZzoomunknownImagine Software
ZzoomunknownImagine Software
ZzoomunknownImagine Software
ZzoomunknownImagine Software
ZzoomunknownImagine Software