B Games


Robot 420
B 29AP Twerps Horizon Vunknown
B-1 Nuclear BomberunknownAvalon Hill
B-1 Nuclear BomberSimulation
B-1 Nuclear BomberunknownPowersoft
B-1 Nuclear BomberunknownAvalon Hill
B-1 Nuclear BomberunknownPowersoft
B-17 Flying FortressSimulation
B-17 Flying FortressunknownMicroprose
B-17 Flying FortressunknownMicroprose
B-17 Flying FortressunknownMicroprose
B-24 Combat SimulatorSimulation
B-RoomPuzzleYoshiro Kato
B-WingsActionData East Corporation
B-Wings: Battle WingsActionData East
B.A.D.ActionWebfoot Technologies
B.A.T.AdventureUBI Soft
B.A.T.unknownUbi Soft
B.A.T.RPGUbi Soft
B.A.T. 2 : The Koshan ConspiracyAdventure
B.A.T. IIunknownUbi Soft
B.A.T. IIunknownUbi Soft
B.C. BillActionImagine
B.C. KidActionFactor 5
B.I.G.unknownFree Mind
B.O.B.unknownElectronic Arts
B&B BaseballSportToshiaki Nagawa
B1 Bomber GameunknownAvalon Hill
Baba's PalaceunknownBytedreams
BabalibaunknownDinamic Software
BabalibaunknownDinamic Software
BabalibaunknownDinamic Software
BabalibaunknownDinamic Software
BabalibaunknownDinamic Software
BabalibaunknownDinamic Software
Babe Animated Preschool AdventureEducationalSound Source Interactive
Babel no TouunknownNamco Ltd
Baboon!ActionRelevo Videogames
Babszem JatekunknownLaszlo Nyitrai
Babszem JatekunknownLaszlo Nyitrai
Baby DadounknownR. Franco
Baby Jo Going Homeunknown
Baby LabyrinthActionSimone and Marianna Bettini
Baby Pac-ManActionBally Midway, AtariAge
Baby PokerunknownR. Franco
BabyLabyrinthActionSimone Bettini
Babylon 5EducationalSierra
Babylon 5: I've Found HerSimulation
BabyloniaPuzzleSuricate Software
Bachelor PartyAdultMystique
BachmanActionIngemar Ragnemalm
Back to Baghdad: The Ultimate Desert Storm SimulationunknownMilitary Simulations, Inc.
Back to Realityunknown
Back to SkoolunknownMicrosphere
Back to SkoolAdventureMicrosphere
Back to Skool for the Sinclair ZX SpectrumunknownMicrosphere
Back to the FutureunknownLJN
Back to the Futureunknown
Back to the FutureunknownElectric Dreams Software
Back to the FutureunknownElectric Dreams Software
Back to the Futureunknown
Back to the FutureunknownElectric Dreams Software
Back to the FutureunknownElectric Dreams Software
Back to the FutureunknownElectric Dreams Software
Back to the FutureActionLJN Toys, Beam Software
Back to the Future 2ActionImage Works
Back to the Future 3ActionImage Works
Back to the Future IIActionImage Works
Back to the Future II & IIIunknown
Back to the Future IIIunknownImage Works
Back to the Future Part IIunknownImages Software
Back to the Future: The GameAdventureTelltale
Back TrackunknownANALOG Computing
BackBayStrategyJeff Strobel
BackgammonPuzzleSharedata, Inc.
BackgammonPuzzleThe Dream Machine
BackgammonPuzzleAtari, Inc.
BackgammonPuzzleDavid Young
BackgammonunknownTK Computer Products
BackgammonunknownTK Computer Products
BackgammonunknownTK Computer Products
BackgammonunknownSinclair Research
BackgammonunknownOasis Software
BackgammonunknownCP Software
BackgammonunknownCP Software
BackgammonunknownSinclair Research
BackgammonunknownCDS Microsystems
BackgammonunknownHewson Consultants
BackgammonunknownSinclair Research
BackgammonunknownCP Software
BackgammonunknownCDS Microsystems
BackgammonunknownCDS Microsystems
BackgammonunknownOasis Software
BackgammonunknownHewson Consultants
BackgammonunknownHewson Consultants
BackgammonunknownMicroforum Manufacturing
Backgammon 5.0unknownOdesta
Backgammon RoyaleStrategyOxford Softworks
BackGround TetrisPuzzleAlex Yakovlev
BackGround TetrisPuzzleAlex Yakovlev
BackMan!EducationalInteractive Multimedia Production
BackPackerEducationalBMG Interactive Entertainment
BackPacker JuniorEducationalIQ Media Nordic AB
Backpackers Guide to the UniverseunknownFantasy Software
Backpackers Guide to the UniverseunknownFantasy Software
Backpackers Guide to the UniverseunknownFantasy Software
Backpackers Guide to the Universe - The GuideunknownFantasy Software
Backpackers Guide to the Universe - The GuideunknownFantasy Software
Backpackers Guide to the Universe - The GuideunknownFantasy Software
BackrgammonStrategyKrista Comp.
BackslashPuzzleErik K. Veland
BackstabPuzzleAdam Miller
BackstageAdventureArt Department
Backstreet Boys: Puzzles In MotionPuzzleHaemimont Games/Learning Technologies
Backyard BaseballSportHumongous Entertainment
Backyard Baseball 2001SportHumongous Entertainment
Backyard Baseball 2003SportHumongous Entertainment
Backyard BasketballSportHumongous Entertainment
Backyard FootballSportHumongous Entertainment
Backyard Football 2002SportHumongous Entertainment
Backyard SoccerSportHumongous Entertainment
Backyard Soccer 2004SportHumongous Entertainment
Backyard Soccer MLS EditionSportHumongous Entertainment
Bacterik Dreamunknown
Bacterion! - The Plague of 2369unknownANALOG Computing
Bacterion! - The Plague of 2369unknownANALOG Computing
Bad BloodRPG
Bad CatActionRainbow Arts
Bad CatunknownRainbow Arts Software
Bad Day on the MidwayAdventureInscape
Bad DreamunknownProxima Software
Bad DreamunknownProxima Software
Bad DudesActionData East
Bad DudesActionData East Corporation
Bad DudesunknownData East
Bad DudesunknownData East
Bad Dudes VS Dragon NinjaAction
Bad Dudes Vs Dragon NinjaActionData East
Bad Dudes Vs Dragon NinjaActionData East
Bad Dudes vs. Dragon NinjaunknownOcean Software, Inc.
Bad MachineAdventureDan Shiovitz
Bad Maxunknown
Bad MilkAdventureDreaming Media
Bad MojoAdventurePulse Entertainment
Bad Mojo ReduxAdventurePulse Entertainment
Bad News BaseballSimulationTecmo, Ltd.
Bad NightunknownPalas
Bad Street BrawlerActionMindscape
Bad Street BrawlerActionMattel
Bagne de Nepharia, Launknown
Bahamut LagoonRPGSquare Co., Ltd.
Bailey's Book HouseunknownEdmark
Baja BuggiesunknownGamestar
Baja BuggiesunknownGamestar
Baja BuggiesunknownGamestar
Baja BuggiesunknownGamestar
Baken Hisshou Gaku: Gate InunknownKAC
Baker St 221unknown
Baker's GameunknownJoseph R. Chiko
Baker's DozenPuzzleEric Snider
Baku Baku AnimalPuzzleSega
Baku Baku AnimalPuzzleSega
Baku Baku AnimalunknownTec Toy
Bakukyuu Renpatsu!! Super B-DamanunknownHudson Soft, LTD.
Bakumatsu Kourinden OniunknownBanpresto
Bakushou! Ai no GekijouunknownCoconuts
Bakushou! Star Monomane ShitennouunknownPack-in-Video Co., Ltd.
Bakushou!! Jinsei GekijouunknownTaito America Corporation
Bakushou!! Jinsei Gekijou 2unknownTaito America Corporation
Bakushou!! Jinsei Gekijou 3unknownTaito America Corporation
Bakusou PC Choro QActionTakara/Inner Brain
BalancePuzzleKAMPO Interactive
Balance of PowerunknownMindscape
Balance of Power The 1990 Editionunknown
Balance of Power: The 1990 EditionStrategyIncredible Technologies
Balance of the PlanetEducationalChris Crawford
BalderdoushPuzzleGeorges Lobry
BaldiesStrategyCreative Edge Software
BaldiesStrategyCreative Edge
Baldur's GateRPGBioWare
Baldur's GateAdventureBlack Isle Studios
Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of AmnRPGBioWare
Baldur's GateRPG
Baldur's Gate 2: Shadows of AmnRPG
Baldur's Gate III: The Black HoundRPG
Ball Bearingunknown
Ball Blasterunknown
Ball BreakerunknownCRL Group
Ball Breakerunknown
Ball Breaker IIunknownCRL Group
Ball Breaker IIunknownCRL Group
Ball Breaker IIunknown
Ball Breaker IIunknownCRL Group
Ball Breaker IIunknownCRL Group
Ball Breaker IIunknownCRL Group
Ball CrazyunknownMastertronic Added Dimension
Ball CrazyunknownMastertronic Added Dimension
Ball Crazyunknown
Ball CrazyunknownMastertronic Added Dimension
Ball GameActionEsprit Software
Ball HarbourunknownComputronic
Ball RaceSimulationCarl McLawhorn
Ball RaiderActionDiamond
Ball TrapunknownRipoff Software
Ballade du Lutin, LaunknownLoriciels
BallblasterunknownLucasfilm Games
BallblasterunknownLucasfilm Games
BallblasterunknownLucasfilm Games
BallblasterunknownLucasfilm Games
BallblazerSportLucasfilm Games
BallblazerSportLucasfilm Games
BallblazerunknownLucasfilm Games
BallblazerunknownLucasfilm Games
BallblazerunknownLucasfilm Games
BallblazerunknownLucasfilm Games
BallblazerActionPony Canyon
BallblazerSportLucasfilm Games
Ballgame 2PuzzleToxic Dream
Ballistic InterceptorunknownGeneral Masters
Ballistic InterceptorunknownGeneral Masters
BallisticsunknownJohn Carmody
BalloonunknownIan Collier
BalloonunknownH. Nijland
BalloonunknownH. Nijland
Balloon Busterunknown
Balloon CapersunknownBignose Software
Balloon CapersunknownBignose Software
Balloon FightActionNintendo
Balloon FightunknownNintendo Co., LTD
Balloon HopperunknownSQ
Balloon KidActionNintendo
Balloon PopunknownWhite Bag Software
Balloon RescueActionAlligata Software
BalloonierunknownNew Breed Software
BalloonzActionAcumen Software
Ballyhoo r97 851218unknown
BallzunknownIsmail Ibric
Balrog and the Cat, TheunknownZenobi Software
Balrog and the Cat, TheunknownZenobi Software
BaltronunknownToei Animation
BANunknownKimberly kubus
BananaunknownVictor Entertainment Inc.
BananaPuzzleVictor Musical Industries
Banana PrinceunknownTakara
Bananas in Pyjamas - It's Fun TimeEducationalKoei
BananiaunknownDATA BECKER
BananoidActionWilliam Rieder
BanatronActionThomas G. Hanlin III
BanaTronActionThomas G. Hanlin III
Banda Salvaje, Launknown
Banda Salvaje, LaunknownPiratassoft
Banda, LaunknownStars
Bandai Golf: Challenge Pebble BeachSimulationBandai America, Inc.
BanditunknownSpartan Software
BanditunknownK. Deakes
BanditunknownK. Deakes
Bandit Boulderdash 01unknownBurton Bandit
Bandit Kings of Ancient ChinaStrategyKoei
Bandit Kings of Ancient ChinaStrategyKoei / Infogrames
Bandit Kings of Ancient ChinaStrategy
BanditsunknownSirius Software
BanditsunknownSirius Software
BanditsunknownSirius Software
BanditsunknownSirius Software
BanditsunknownSirius Software
BanditsunknownSirius Software
Bang! Bang!Strategy
Banger RacerunknownCult Games
Banger RacerunknownCult Games
Bangers & Mashunknown
Banjo-KazooieActionRare, Nintendo
Bank Bang!unknownMirage
Bank Bang!unknownMirage
Bank Bang!unknownMirage
Bank Bang!unknownMirage
Bank HeistActionFox Video Games
Bank HeistActionFox Video Games
Bank PanicActionSanritsu Denki
Bank PanicActionSanritsu Denki
Bank PanicunknownSega Corporation
Bank PanikunknownComputer Kontakt
Bank PanikunknownComputer Kontakt
Bank Street Music WriterEducationalMindscape
Bank Street Writer III 20 column versionunknown
Bank Street Writer III teacher toolsunknown
BansheeActionCore Design LTD.
BansheeActionCore Design
Banyon WarsStrategyWilliam Soleau
Banzai!ActionJonathan Gay
Bar GamesSportAccolade
Bar GamesunknownAccolade
BarahirunknownL.K. Avalon
BarahirunknownL.K. Avalon
BarahirunknownL.K. Avalon
BarbarianunknownPsygnosis Ltd.
BarbarianunknownL.K. Avalon
BarbarianunknownL.K. Avalon
BarbarianunknownL.K. Avalon
BarbarianunknownL.K. Avalon
BarbarianunknownMelbourne House
BarbarianunknownMelbourne House
BarbarianunknownMelbourne House
BarbarianunknownMelbourne House
BarbarianunknownMelbourne House
Barbarian - 1 PlayerunknownPalace Software
Barbarian - 1 PlayerunknownPalace Software
Barbarian - 1 PlayerunknownPalace Software
Barbarian - 2 PlayersunknownPalace Software
Barbarian - 2 PlayersunknownPalace Software
Barbarian - 2 PlayersunknownPalace Software
Barbarian - RemakeActionTDB Soft
Barbarian 2ActionPalace Software
Barbarian IIActionPsygnosis Limited
Barbarian IIunknownPalace
Barbarian II The Dungeon of Draxunknown
Barbarian II - The Dungeon of DraxunknownPalace Software
Barbarian Part 3unknown
Barbarian QuestunknownDarkkat Adventures
Barbarian: The Ultimate WarriorActionPalace Software
BarbarossaunknownSammy Corporation
BarbieActionHi Tech Expressions
Barbie as Princess BrideAdventureRandom Games
Barbie as Sleeping BeautyAdventureGorilla Systems
Barbie Magic Fairy Tales: Barbie As RapunzelAdventureMattel Interactive
Barbie Mermaid AdventureAdventureKnowledge Adventure
Barbie of Swan Lake: The Enchanted ForestAdventureVivendi Universal
Barbie Super ModelEducationalTahoe Software
Barbie Super ModelAction
Barbie: Super ModelunknownHi Tech Expressions
Barcarolle in YellowAdventureVictor Ojuel
BarchouunknownCentral Solutions
Barcode WorldunknownSunsoft
Bard's Tale II Dungeon 1 Diskunknown
Bard's Tale II Dungeon 2 Diskunknown
Bard's Tale II The Destiny Knight Side 1unknown
Bard's Tale II The Destiny Knight Side 2unknown
Bard's Tale, TheunknownElectronic Arts
Bard's Tale, TheunknownElectronic Arts
Bard's Tale, The - Party MergerunknownElectronic Arts
Bard's Tale, The - Party MergerunknownElectronic Arts
Bard's Tale, The - Party MergerunknownElectronic Arts
Bard’s Tale 1: Tales of the UnknownRPGInterplay, Electronic Arts
Bard’s Tale 1: Tales of the UnknownRPGInterplay, Electronic Arts
Bard's TaleRPGElectronic Arts
Bard's ConstructionsetMiscInterplay
Bard's Tale 2 - The Destiny KnightRPGInterplay
Bard's Tale 3 - Thief of FateRPGInterplay
Bard's Tale Trilogy (Remastered)RPGKrome Studios
Bardic Rites, TheunknownZenobi Software
Bargain BasementunknownCreative Sparks
Bargain BasementunknownCreative Sparks
BargeunknownK-Tek Software
Bargon AttackAdventure
Bargon AttackAdventureCoktel Vision
Barkley Shut Up and Jam!SportAccolade
Barmelo 3Dunknown
Barmy BurgersunknownBlaby Computer Games
Barmy BurgersunknownBlaby Computer Games
Barmy BurgersunknownBlaby Computer Games
Barmy BurgersunknownBlaby Computer Games
Barmy BurgersunknownBlaby Computer Games
Barmy BurgersunknownBlaby Computer Games
Barmy BurgersunknownBlaby Computer Games
Barney Bear Goes to SchoolEducationalFree Spirit Software
Barney Bear Goes to SpaceEducationalFree Spirit Software
Barney Bear Goes to the FarmEducationalFree Spirit Software
Barney CarnageActionBlue Chip Software
Barney’s Hide and Seek Gameunknown
BarnstormunknownWhite Bag Software
Barnyard BlasterunknownAtari
Barnyard BlasterunknownAtari
Barnyard BlasterunknownAtari
BaronunknownTemptation Software
Baron - The Real Estate SimulationunknownBlue Chip
BARQ: The Rise of FreedomunknownLogicators
BarrackActionGreg Lovette
Barrel JumpunknownCascade Games
Barrel JumpunknownCascade Games
BarreldropunknownGames Machine
Barrier Reefunknown
Barrio PeligrosoActionEdisoft
Barroom BrawlunknownAH
Barrow QuestunknownCCS
Barrow QuestunknownCCS
Barry Mc Guigan's Boxingunknown
Barry McGuigan World Championship BoxingunknownGamestar
Barry McGuigan World Championship BoxingunknownGamestar
Barry McGuigan World Championship BoxingunknownGamestar
Barry McGuigan World Championship BoxingunknownGamestar
Barry McGuigan World Championship BoxingunknownGamestar
Barry McGuigan World Championship BoxingunknownGamestar
Barry McGuigan World Championship BoxingSportSportsware Productions
Bart vs. the Space MutantsunknownAcclaim
BaryonSimulationACRO Studio
Base Hunterunknown
Base, Theunknown
Base, The - Part 1 - The PrisonunknownThe Guild
Base, The - Part 2 - The Submarine BaseunknownThe Guild
BaseballunknownInhome Software
BaseballunknownInhome Software
BaseballunknownInhome Software
BaseballunknownInhome Software
BaseballunknownNintendo Co., LTD
Baseball \(+ Pong pack\)SportKeypunch
BASEBALL 7.4unknown
Baseball Mogulunknown
Baseball Mogul 2006unknown
Baseball Simulator 1.000SportCulture Brain
Baseball Star: Mezase SankanouunknownSNK Corporation
Baseball StarsSportSNK Corporation
Baseball StarsSportSNK Corporation
Baseball Stars IIunknownRomstar
Baseball StrategyunknownAvalon Hill
Bases LoadedunknownJaleco
Bases Loaded 3, Ryne Sandberg PlaysunknownJaleco
Bases Loaded 4SportJaleco
Bases Loaded II: Second SeasonSportJaleco
Bash 'n' GrabunknownIan Armstrong
Bash Big BlueActionFrederick A. Huxham
Bashi Bazook: Morphoid MasherunknownJaleco
BASIC BiorhythmsunknownAntic
Basic BurgerunknownANALOG Computing
Basic Math (Fun With Numbers)PuzzleSears
Basil The Great Mouse Detectiveunknown
Basil - The Great Mouse DetectiveunknownGremlin Graphics Software
Basil - The Great Mouse DetectiveunknownGremlin Graphics Software
Basil - The Great Mouse DetectiveunknownGremlin Graphics Software
Basil the Great Mouse DetectiveunknownGremlin Graphics Software
Basket Case 2.0PuzzlePaul J. Costa
Basket CasesunknownCNG Soft
Basket Coachunknown
Basket CoachunknownRym Soft
Basket MasterSportDynamic Multimedia
Basket PlayoffunknownSimulmodno
BasketballSportAtari, Inc.
BasketballunknownCascade Games
Basketball ChallengeunknownXOR Corporation
Basketball NightmareActionSega Corporation
Basketball Pro StyleunknownR&R Software
Basque Terrorists Loose in DartfordunknownInfected Software
Bass Duelunknown
Bass Masters ClassicSportBlack Pearl Software
Bass Masters Classic: Pro EditionunknownBlack Pearl Software
Bass Tourunknown
BasstourSportOlsen Outdoors
Bat 'n BallPuzzleButton Soft
Bat BoyActionGreenweb
Bat ManunknownFX software
BataliaActionThe Right Brothers
Batalla NavalunknownTaller de Aplicaciones Informaticas
Batalla NavalMiscTAI
Batalla NavalMiscInvestrónica
BatatlanunknownSimulations Canada
Batlle Chess 4000StrategyInterplay Productions
Batman The Caped Crusaderunknown
Batman - The Caped Crusader - Part 1 - A Bird in the HandunknownOcean
Batman - The Caped Crusader - Part 1 - A Bird in the HandunknownOcean
Batman - The Caped Crusader - Part 1 - A Bird in the HandunknownOcean
Batman - The Caped Crusader - Part 2 - A Fete Worse than DeathunknownOcean
Batman - The Caped Crusader - Part 2 - A Fete Worse than DeathunknownOcean
Batman - The Caped Crusader - Part 2 - A Fete Worse than DeathunknownOcean
Batman - The MovieunknownOcean
Batman - The MovieunknownOcean
Batman - The MovieunknownOcean
Batman - The Puaj EditionunknownMicro House
Batman - The Puaj EditionunknownMicro House
Batman ForeverActionAcclaim Entertainment
Batman ForeverActionAcclaim Entertainment, Inc.
Batman ForeverActionAcclaim
Batman ReturnsActionKonami, Malibu Interactive
Batman ReturnsActionKonami Computer Entertainment Japan, Inc.
Batman Returnsunknown
Batman ReturnsAction
Batman ReturnsActionKonami, Malibu Interactive
Batman ReturnsActionKonami, Malibu Interactive
Batman ReturnsActionKonami, Malibu Interactive
Batman ReturnsActionKonami, Malibu Interactive
Batman ReturnsActionKonami, Malibu Interactive
Batman Returnsunknown
Batman ReturnsActionKonami
Batman ReturnsunknownSpirit of Discovery
Batman The MovieActionOcean
Batman: Justice UnbalancedEducationalThe Learning Company
Batman: Partners in PerilAdventureInverse Ink
Batman: Return of the Jokerunknown
Batman: Return of the JokerActionSunsoft
Batman: Return of the JokerActionSunsoft
Batman: Return of the JokerActionSunsoft
Batman: the Caped CrusaderAdventureOcean
Batman: The Caped CrusaderunknownSpecial FX Software
Batman: The Caped CrusaderunknownSpecial FX Software
Batman: the Caped Crusaderunknown
Batman: The Caped CrusaderunknownOcean
Batman: The Caped CrusaderunknownOcean
Batman: the MovieAction
Batman: The MovieActionOcean
Battalion CommanderunknownSSI
Battalion CommanderunknownSSI
BattleunknownAbacus Programs
Battle 1917unknownCCS
Battle 1917 - IntrounknownCCS
Battle 1917 v2unknownCCS
Battle Arena ToshindenActionTamsoft Corporation
Battle Arena ToshindenAction
Battle BeastActionInteractive Entertainment
Battle Beyond the Starsunknown
Battle BlazeunknownAmerican Sammy
Battle BugsStrategySierra / Epyx
Battle BugsunknownEpyx
Battle BugsStrategy
Battle BugsPuzzleEpyx
Battle BugsunknownSierra
Battle BugsunknownSierra
Battle CarsSportNamco Ltd
Battle CheeseStrategyBrad Boggess
Battle ChessMisc
Battle Chessunknown
Battle ChessStrategy
Battle ChessStrategyInterplay Productions
Battle ChessPuzzleInterplay
Battle ChessunknownInterplay
Battle ChessunknownInterplay
Battle ChessAdventureInterplay
Battle ChessAdventureInterplay
Battle ChessStrategyInterplay
Battle ChessStrategyInterplay
Battle ChessunknownInterplay
Battle ChessunknownInterplay
Battle Chess 2 - Chinese ChessStrategyInterplay Productions
Battle Chess 2: Chinese ChessStrategy
Battle Chess 2: Chinese ChessunknownInterplay
Battle Chess 4000StrategyInterplay Productions
Battle Chess 4000unknownInterplay
Battle Chess side Aunknown
Battle Chess side Aunknown
Battle CityActionNamco
Battle CityunknownFlash
Battle CityunknownFlash
Battle CityunknownNamco Ltd
Battle CityActionNamco
Battle ClashunknownNintendo Co., LTD
Battle CommandSimulationOcean Software
Battle Commander: Hachibushuu Shura no HeihouunknownBanpresto
Battle CrossActionImagineering
Battle Dodge Ball IIunknownBanpresto
Battle FieldunknownAtlantis Software
Battle FieldunknownAtlantis Software
Battle FieldunknownAtlantis Software
Battle FleetStrategyWade L. Corby
Battle FleetunknownNamco Ltd
Battle For AtlantisStrategySoleau Software
Battle for Midway, TheunknownPSS
Battle for Midway, TheunknownPSS
Battle for NormandyunknownSSI
Battle for NormandyStrategy
Battle for the UniverseActionMisty Software
Battle for WesnothStrategyVarious
Battle FormulaunknownSunsoft
Battle Grand PrixSportHudson Soft, LTD.
Battle HamsterunknownSofcom
Battle in the B RingunknownANALOG Computing
Battle IsleStrategy
Battle IsleActionBlue Byte Software
Battle IsleStrategyBlue Byte
Battle IsleStrategyBlue Byte
Battle IsleRPGBlue Byte
Battle Isle 2StrategyAccolade
Battle Isle 2StrategyBlue Byte
Battle Isle 2200StrategyBlue Byte
Battle Isle 3: Shadow of the EmperorStrategyBlue Byte
Battle Isle 93 - The Moon of ChromosStrategyBlue Byte Software, Inc.
Battle Isle 93: The Moon of ChromosStrategy
Battle Isle Data DiskStrategyBlue Byte
Battle Isle Data Disk 2unknownBlue Byte
Battle JockeySportVirgin Interactive
Battle MasterStrategy
Battle Master: Kyuukyoku no SenshitachiunknownToshiba
Battle of AntietamStrategySSI
Battle of AntietamunknownSSI
Battle of AusterlitzStrategyGeneral Quarters Software
Battle Of BritainunknownDiscovery Games
Battle of BritainunknownPSS
Battle of BritainunknownMicrogame Simulations
Battle of BritainunknownMicrogame Simulations
Battle of HothunknownTukumo
Battle of Olympus, TheRPGInfinity
Battle of Olympus, TheRPGInfinity
Battle of Shiloh, TheunknownSSI
Battle of Shiloh, The .nibunknown
Battle of the Bulgeunknown
Battle of the Bulge, TheunknownCCS
Battle of the Bulge, TheunknownCCS
Battle of the Bulge, TheunknownCCS
Battle of the Parthian KingsunknownAvalon Hill
Battle of the PlanetsunknownMikro-Gen
Battle of the Toothpaste TubesunknownK-Tel Productions
Battle of the Toothpaste TubesunknownK-Tel Productions
Battle of the Toothpaste TubesunknownK-Tel Productions
Battle Out RunSportSEGA Enterprises
Battle Out RunActionSega Corporation
Battle PinballunknownBanpresto
Battle RacersActionBanpresto
Battle Robot RetsudenunknownBanpresto
Battle SatunknownFiras Bushnaq
Battle ShipsunknownMirage
Battle ShipsunknownTWAUG Newsletter
Battle ShipsunknownMirage
Battle Shipsunknown
Battle ShipsunknownEncore
Battle ShipsunknownEncore
Battle ShipsunknownEncore
Battle Soccer 2unknownBanpresto
Battle Soccer: Field no HashaunknownBanpresto
Battle Spheresunknown
Battle Squadron: The Destruction of the Barrax EmpireActionInnerprise
Battle Stadium: Senbatsu Pro YakyuuunknownIGS
Battle Star v2.0unknownMike Love
Battle StormunknownParty Room 21
Battle SubmarineunknownPack-in-Video Co., Ltd.
Battle TankunknownAlan Reeve
Battle Tank Simulatorunknown
Battle Trekunknown
Battle Tycoon: Flash Hiders SFXunknownRight Stuff
Battle Valleyunknown
Battle ValleyunknownRack-It
Battle ValleyunknownRack-It
Battle WrathActionCerebral
Battle Zeque DenunknownAsmik Ace Entertainment
Battle ZoneStrategyUnknown
Battle ZoneunknownQuicksilva
Battle ZoneunknownQuicksilva
BattlecarsunknownGames Workshop
BattlecarsunknownGames Workshop
BattlecarsunknownGames Workshop
BattlecarsunknownGames Workshop
BattlecarsunknownGames Workshop
BattlecarsunknownGames Workshop
BattlecarsunknownGames Workshop
BattlecarsunknownGames Workshop
Battlecars - DesignerunknownGames Workshop
Battlecars - DesignerunknownGames Workshop
Battlecars - DesignerunknownGames Workshop
Battlecruiser 1unknownSSI
Battlecruiser 2unknownSSI
Battlefield 1942ActionDICE
Battlefield 2142ActionDigital Illusions CE AB
Battlefield Germany - 1 PlayerunknownPSS
Battlefield Germany - 1 PlayerunknownPSS
Battlefield Germany - 2 PlayersunknownPSS
Battlefield Germany - 2 PlayersunknownPSS
BattleGrid 1.0unknownBob Dolan
Battlehawks 1942StrategyLucasFilm Games
Battlehawks 1942Simulation
BattleroomunknownSouthern Nevada Atari Computer Club
BattleroomunknownSouthern Nevada Atari Computer Club
Battles of DestinyunknownQQP
Battles of NapoleonStrategySSI
Battles of NapoleonStrategySSI
BattleshipunknownEagle Computer Systems
BattleshipunknownMindscape, Inc.
Battleship (CD-i)unknown
Battleship Commander 1980 Quality Software DOS 3.3 conversionunknown
BattlesightunknownVersa Computing
BattlestarStrategyGregory Braun
BattleStarunknownGregory Braun
BattleTech - The Crescent Hawks InceptionRPGInfocom, Accolade
BattleTech 2: The Crescent Hawk's RevengeStrategyInfocom
BattleTech CompilationunknownActivision
BattleTech CompilationunknownActivision
BattleTech: The Crescent Hawk's RevengeunknownWestwood Associates
BattleTech: The Crescent Hawk's RevengeunknownWestwood Associates
BattletoadsActionRare, Ltd.
BattletoadsActionSega Corporation
Battletoads & Double DragonActionTradewest, Rare
Battletoads in BattlemaniacsActionTradewest, Inc.
Battletoads in BattlemaniacsActionRare Limited
Battletoads in BattlemaniacsActionRare Limited
BattlezoneActionAtari, Inc.
Batty BuildersunknownEnglish Software
Batty BuildersunknownEnglish Software
Batty BuildersunknownEnglish Software
Batty BuildersunknownEnglish Software
baudville videovegas v12511 crackedunknown
Bay PilotunknownAntic
Bazooka BillunknownMelbourne House
Bazooka BillunknownMelbourne House
Bazooka BillunknownMelbourne House
Bazooka BillunknownMelbourne House
Bazooka BlitzkriegunknownBandai America, Inc.
Bazooka SueAdventureStarbyte
BC BillunknownImagine Software
BC RacersSimulationCore Design
BC RacersunknownCore Design
BC RacersActionCore Design
BC's Quest for TiresunknownSierra On-Line
BC's Quest for TiresunknownSoftware Projects
BC's Quest for TiresunknownSoftware Projects
BC's Quest For Tiresunknown
BC's Quest for TiresAction
BC's Quest for TiresunknownSierra
BCMActionESP Basic
Be-Bop High School: Koukousei Gokuraku DensetsuunknownData East Corporation
Beach Buggy Simulatorunknown
Beach Buggy SimulatorunknownSilverbird Software
Beach Buggy SimulatorunknownSilverbird Software
Beach Buggy SimulatorunknownSilverbird Software
Beach Buggy SimulatorunknownSilverbird Software
Beach Buggy SimulatorunknownSilverbird Software
Beach HeadunknownAccess Software
Beach Headunknown
Beach Head 2000ActionWizardWorks
Beach Head 2002ActionWizardWorks
Beach Head II The Dictator Strikes Back!unknown
Beach Head II: The Dictator Strikes BackunknownAccess Software
Beach Head II: The Dictator Strikes BackunknownAccess Software
Beach Head II: The Dictator Strikes BackunknownAccess Software
Beach LandingunknownWeekly Reader Family Software
Beach LandingunknownWeekly Reader Family Software
Beach LandingunknownWeekly Reader Family Software
Beach LandingunknownOptimun Resource
Beach VolleyunknownOcean
Beach Volleyunknown
Beach VolleySportOcean
Beach-HeadunknownU.S. Gold
Beach-HeadunknownU.S. Gold
Beach-HeadunknownU.S. Gold
Beach-HeadunknownU.S. Gold
Beach-HeadunknownU.S. Gold
Beach-HeadunknownU.S. Gold
Beach-Head IIunknownAccess
Beach-Head IIunknownAccess
Beach-Head IIunknownAccess
Beach-Head II - The Dictator Strikes Back!unknownU.S. Gold
Beach-Head II - The Dictator Strikes Back!unknownU.S. Gold
Beach-Head II - The Dictator Strikes Back!unknownU.S. Gold
Beach-Head II - The Dictator Strikes Back!unknownU.S. Gold
Beach-Head II - The Dictator Strikes Back!unknownU.S. Gold
Beaky and the Egg SnatchersunknownFantasy Software
Beaky and the Egg SnatchersunknownFantasy Software
Beaky and the Egg SnatchersunknownFantasy Software
Beaky and the Egg SnatchersunknownFantasy Software
Beam, Theunknown
BeamatronunknownDave Oblad
BeamatronunknownDave Oblad
Beany BopperActionSirius Software
Bear BovverunknownArtic Computing
Bear BovverunknownArtic Computing
Bear BovverunknownArtic Computing
Bear GeorgeunknownCheetahsoft
Bear GeorgeunknownCheetahsoft
Bear IslandunknownGilsoft International
Bear IslandunknownGilsoft International
BeastPuzzleDan Baker
BeastActionDan Baker
Beast of Torrack Moor, TheunknownMarlin Games
Beast of Torrack Moor, TheunknownZenobi Software
Beast Warunknown
Beast WarunknownAvalon Hill
Beastie FeastieActionBeyker Soft
BeastiesunknownInternational Software Factory
Beasts 'n BumpkinsStrategyElectronic Arts
Beat ’Em & Eat ’EmAdultMystique
Beat the Beatles v1.1unknownInteractive Software
Beat the Clockunknown
Beat the HouseunknownInterplay
BeatchaunknownRomik Software
Beatle QuestunknownNumber 9 Software
Beatmania Da!!ActionHands On Entertainment
Beautiful DreamerunknownSpectrum Adventure Exch Club
Beautiful DreamerunknownSpectrum Adventure Exch Club
Beauty and the BeastPuzzle
Beauty or the BeastAdventureLexis Numérique
Beavis & Butthead: Bug JusticeAction
Beavis & Butthead: Court ChaosAction
Beavis & Butthead: Hock-a-LoogieAction
Beavis & Butt-Head: Do UAdventure
Beavis & Butt-Head: Virtual StupidityAdventure
Beavis and Butt-headunknownViacom New Media
Beavis and Butt-Head in Virtual StupidityAdventureViacom New Media
Bébé's KidsActionMotown Software
BedlamActionBeam International
BedlamActionMirage Technologies
BedlamunknownAWA Software
Bedlam 2 - Absolute BedlamActionMirage Technologies
Bee 52ActionCamerica
BeebulunknownScorpio Gamesworld
Beef DropunknownKen Siders
Beer Belly Burt's Brew BizunknownAmericana Software
Beer Belly Burt's Brew BizunknownAmericana Software
Beer Belly Burt's Brew BizunknownAmericana Software
Beer Belly Burt's Brew BizunknownAmericana Software
Beer Belly Burt's Brew BizunknownAmericana Software
Beer Hunter, Theunknown
Beer Rununknown
Beer ShotunknownKamil Bednar
BeerlandunknownProxima Software
Beet the DevilAdventureCarolyn VanEseltine
Beethoven 2Action
Beethoven: The Ultimate Canine Caper!unknownHi Tech Expressions
Beethoven's 2ndActionHi Tech Expressions
Beethovens 2ndActionHi Tech Expressions
Beetle Maniaunknown
BeetlemaniaunknownMC Lothlorien
BeetrisPuzzleSimsalabim Software
Beets 'n' EggsunknownMesoft
Beets 'n' EggsunknownMesoft
Beets 'n' EggsunknownMesoft
Beginning of the End, TheunknownZenobi Software
Beginning of the End, TheunknownZenobi Software
Behind Closed DoorsunknownZenobi Software
Behind Closed DoorsunknownZenobi Software
Behind Closed DoorsunknownZenobi Software
Behind Closed Doors II - The SequelunknownZenobi Software
Behind Closed Doors II - The SequelunknownZenobi Software
Behind Closed Doors II - The SequelunknownZenobi Software
Behind Closed Doors III - Revenge of the AntsunknownZenobi Software
Behind Closed Doors III - Revenge of the AntsunknownZenobi Software
Behind Closed Doors III - Revenge of the AntsunknownZenobi Software
Behind Closed Doors IV - Balrog's Day OutunknownZenobi Software
Behind Jaggi Lines!unknownLucasfilm Games
Behind Jaggi Lines!unknownLucasfilm Games
Behind Jaggi Lines!unknownLucasfilm Games
Behind the Iron GateActionEgo
Behold AtlantisunknownZenobi Software
Being a Scientist: The Case of the Vanishing TreesEducationalAnglia Multimedia
Being Andrew PlotkinAdventureJ. Robinson Wheeler
Bejeweled & AlchemyActionPopCap Games
Bejeweled 2 DeluxePuzzlePopCap Games
Bekstvo iz KPD GrljevcaunknownNikola Alivojvodic
BelegostunknownCybexlab Software
Bells, Theunknown
Below the RootAdventureWindham Classic
Below the RootAdventureWindham Classics
Below the RootunknownWindham Classics
BelzerionAdventureHuman Entertainment
Beneath A Steel SkyAdventureVirgin Interactive Entertainment
Beneath A Steel SkyAdventureVirgin Interactive
Beneath A Steel SkyAdventureRevolution Software
Beneath A Steel SkyAdventureRevolution
Beneath A Steel SkyunknownRevolution
Beneath A Steel SkyRPGRevolution
Beneath A Steel SkyunknownRevolution
Beneath a Steel SkyunknownRevolution
Beneath Apple Manorunknown
Beneath Apple ManorRPG
Beneath Apple ManorRPGThe Software Factory
Beneath the PyramidsunknownCrystalware
Benjamin Blumchen. BauernhofspielEducationalbmv
Benjamin Blumchen. ReporterspielEducationalBVM Produktion
Benjamin Blumchen. ZoospielEducationalBVM Produktion
Benkei Gaiden: Suna no ShouunknownSunsoft
Bennie the BurglarunknownMB - APG Software
Benny Bunny - FirefighterunknownSinclair Programs
Benny Bunny - FirefighterunknownSinclair Programs
Benny Bunny - Gold RushunknownSinclair Programs
Benny Bunny - Gold RushunknownSinclair Programs
Benny Bunny - Haunted BelltowerunknownSinclair Programs
Benny Bunny - Haunted BelltowerunknownSinclair Programs
Benny Bunny - Monster MansionunknownSinclair Programs
Benny Bunny - Monster MansionunknownSinclair Programs
Benny Hill's Madcap Chase!unknownDK'Tronics
Benny Hill's Madcap Chase!unknownDK'Tronics
Benny Hill's Madcap Chase!unknownDK'Tronics
Benny Hill's Madcap Chase!unknownDK'Tronics
Bentley Bearunknown
Bentley Bearunknown
Berks IIIunknown
Berlin 1948AdventureTime Warp
Berlin 1948unknownRainbow Arts
Berlin ConnectionAdventurePromotion Software
Bermuda Race, TheunknownSams Software
Bermuda SyndromeActionCentury Interactive
Bermuda SyndromeAdventureCentury Interactive
Bermuda TriangleActionData Age
Bermuda Triangle, TheunknownZenobi Software
Berserker RaidsunknownBAEN Enterprises
Bert and the SnakeAction
BertieunknownPage 6 Magazine
Bertie BugunknownPersonal Computer Games
Berzap!unknownInfinity Limited
Berzap!unknownInfinity Limited
Berzap! Captain InfinityunknownInfinity Limited
Berzap! v2.1unknownInfinity Limited
BerzerkActionStern Electronics, Inc.
Best Keiba: Derby StallionunknownASCII
Best of Bill Budge, TheunknownBill Budge
Best of the Bestunknown
Best of the Best Championship KarateSportFutura, Loriciels
Best of the Best Championship KarateSportFutura, Loriciels
Best of the Best Championship KarateSportFutura, Loriciels
Best of the Best Championship KarateSportFutura, Loriciels
Best of the Best: Championship KarateunknownElectro Brain
Best Play Pro YakyuuunknownASCII
Best Shot Pro GolfunknownASCII
Best Thing Since Sliced Bread, Theunknown
Bestial WarriorunknownDinamic Software
Beta 2515unknown
Beta FighterunknownArtworx
Beta RununknownJ.A. Horn
BeTiled!unknownCEZ Silver
BeTiled!unknownCEZ Silver
Betrayal at KrondorunknownDynamix
Betrayal in AntaraRPGSierra On‑Line, Inc.
Betu 2005unknownNyitraiSOFT
Beurk Rogerunknown
Beverly Hills CopAction
Beverly Hills Copunknown
Beverly Hills CopunknownTynesoft
Beverly Hills CopunknownTynesoft
Bewesoft's RaceunknownABBUC
Beyond Beyond Wolfenstein 1unknown
Beyond Beyond Wolfenstein 2unknown
Beyond Castle WolfensteinActionMuse Software
Beyond Castle WolfensteinunknownMuse Software
Beyond Castle WolfensteinunknownMuse Software
Beyond Castle WolfensteinunknownMuse Software
Beyond Castle WolfensteinunknownMUSE Software
Beyond Castle WolfensteinunknownMuse
Beyond Castle WolfensteinunknownMuse
Beyond Castle WolfensteinunknownMuse
Beyond Castle Wolfensteinunknown
Beyond Castle Wolfensteinunknown
Beyond Castle WolfensteinunknownMuse
Beyond Castle Wolfensteinunknown
Beyond Castle Wolfensteinunknown
Beyond Castle WolfensteinActionMuse Software
Beyond Castle WolfensteinunknownMuse
Beyond ColumnsPuzzle
Beyond ColumnsPuzzleBrad P. Taylor
Beyond DivinityRPGLarian Studios
Beyond El DoradounknownZenobi Software
Beyond FloppyunknownGreg Hale - Ted Cohn
Beyond Oasis (The Story of Thor)RPGAncient
Beyond PinballunknownDark Logic
Beyond Rescue Raidersunknown
Beyond the Black HolePuzzleSoftware Toolworks
Beyond the Black HoleAction
Beyond the Ice PalaceunknownElite Systems
Beyond the Ice Palaceunknown
Beyond the Ice PalaceunknownElite Systems
Beyond the Ice PalaceunknownElite Systems
Beyond the Ice PalaceunknownElite Systems
Beyond the Ice PalaceunknownElite Systems
Beyond the Law: The Third WaveActionModern Games
Beyond the TitanicAdventureApogee
Beyond the TitanicAdventure
Beyond Zorkunknown
Beyond Zork - The Coconut of QuendorAdventureInfocom
Beyond Zork: The Coconut of QuendorAdventure
Beyond Zork: The Coconut of QuendorunknownInfocom
Beyond Zork: The Coconut of QuendorRPGInfocom
BezareunknownSouthwestern Data Systems
BGM v0.5unknownMark K. Vallevand
Bi-Fi Roll: Action in HollywoodAdventureFreelance Development
Bi-Fi Roll: Snack Zoneunknown
Bi-Fi Roll: SnackzoneAdventureArt Department
Bibi Blocksberg 12 - Der verhexte LiebesbriefAdventureKIDDINX
Bibi Blocksberg 3 - Freitag, der 13.AdventureBVM Produktion
Bibi Blocksberg: Die verhexte ZeitreiseAdventureKIDDINX
Bibi und Tina 3 - Das große HerbstturnierAdventureKIDDINX
Bibi und Tina 4 - Spuk im ZeltlagerAdventureBVM Produktion
Bible Adventuresunknown
Bible AdventuresunknownWisdom Tree
Bible AdventuresActionWisdom Tree
Bible AdventuresActionWisdom Tree
Bible Buffetunknown
Bible BuffetunknownWisdom Tree
Bible BuilderPuzzle
Bicycle BridgeStrategy
Bicycle HolidayPuzzleSWFTE International
Biene MajaunknownComputronic
Biene MajaunknownComputronic
BiffunknownBeyond Belief
BiffunknownBeyond Belief
BiffunknownBeyond Belief
BiffdropunknownJ.D. Casten
Big Bad JohnunknownTynesoft
Big Ben Strikes AgainunknownArtic Computing
Big Ben Strikes AgainunknownArtic Computing
Big Ben Strikes AgainunknownArtic Computing
Big Blue Disk SamplerunknownSoftdisk
Big BoggleunknownGameTek
Big BusinessStrategyDigiTek
Big Businessunknown
Big BusinessunknownDigiTek
Big Daddy's Cocktail BackgammonunknownJoe Dobson
Big Game FishingSportSimulmondo
Big Game Fishingunknown
Big Ichigeki! Pachi-Slot DaikouryakuunknownAsk Koudansha
Big League Soccerunknown
Big League Soccer 2unknown
Big MacunknownG. Bredon
Big MacunknownApple
Big Mac IIeunknownApple
Big Match SoccerunknownWintersoft
Big Money DeluxePuzzlePopCap Games
Big Nose Freaks OutActionCamerica
Big Nose the CavemanunknownCamerica
Big Railway AdventureunknownMark Gipson
Big Red Adventure, TheAdventureDynabyte
Big Red RacingSimulationDomark
Big Red RacingSport
Big Red RacingSportDomark Software
Big Science ComicsEducationalTheatrix Interactive
Big Screen Herounknown
Big Sea: The Better One Will Winunknown
Big Sky TrooperActionJVC
Big Sleaze, TheunknownPiranha
Big TopActionFuntastic
Big TopunknownFuntastic
Big Top o' FunMiscMindscape
Big Trouble in Little ChinaunknownElectric Dreams Software
BigfootunknownDave Kosmal
BigfootunknownDave Kosmal
BigfootSportAcclaim Entertainment, Inc.
Biggles - The Secret WeaponunknownMirrorsoft
Biggles - TimewarpunknownMirrorsoft
Biggles - TimewarpunknownMirrorsoft
Bignose's USA AdventureunknownCodemasters
Bigtop Barneyunknown
Biing! – Sex, Intrigen und SkalpelleStrategyreLINE Software
Biing!: Sex, Intrigue and ScalpelsStrategyreLINE Software
Biker Daveunknown
Biker Mice from MarsSportKonami
Biker Mice From MarsActionKonami
Bikkuri Nekketsu Shin Kiroku! Harukanaru Kin MedalSportTechnos Japan Corp.
Bikkuriman World: Gekitou Sei SenshiunknownHudson Soft, LTD.
Bilestoad, TheunknownMangrove Earthshoe
BiljardunknownBirger Larsson
Bill & Ted's Excelent AdventureAdventureOff The Wall Productions
Bill and Ted’s Excellent Video Game AdventureAdventure
Bill Elliot's NASCAR ChallengeunknownKonami
Bill Elliot's NASCAR ChallengeunknownKonami
Bill Laimbeer's Combat BasketballSportHudson Soft, LTD.
Bill Walsh College FootballSportEA Sports
BilliardsunknownM. Miklyaev
BilliardsunknownThorn EMI
Billy 2unknown
Billy BongunknownMC Lothlorien
Billy BongunknownMC Lothlorien
Billy BongunknownMC Lothlorien
Billy la Banlieueunknown
Billy the Kidunknown
Billy the KidunknownVirgin Mastertronic
Billy The KidAction
Billy the Kid Returns!unknownAlive Software
BiM The Wonder PupunknownLurios
BimbounknownJoe the Lion
BimbounknownJoe the Lion
Binary LandPuzzleHudson Soft
Binary LandActionHudson Soft, LTD.
Bing Bing! BingounknownKSS
BingounknownTaller de Aplicaciones Informaticas
BingounknownTaller de Aplicaciones Informaticas
BingounknownCreativos Editoriales
BingounknownJ.L. del Río
BingounknownJ.L. del Río
Bingo BayunknownHatier
Biniax 2unknownMojon Twins
Bio MenaceActionApogee
Bio MenaceActionApogee
Bio Menace - Episode 3: Master CainActionApogee Software
Bio Menace Episode 1: Dr. Mangle's LabAction
Bio Menace Episode 2: The Hidden LabAction
Bio Menace Episode 3: Master CainAction
Bio Miracle Bokutte UpaunknownKonami Computer Entertainment Japan, Inc.
Bio Senshi Dan: Increaser tono TatakaiActionJaleco
Bio Spheresunknown
BioforgeAdventureORIGIN Systems
Biology The Cell side Aunknown
Biomechanical ToyActionGaelco
Bionic CommandoActionCapCom, U.S.A.,Inc
Bionic Commandounknown
Bionic CommandoAction
Bionic CommandounknownCapcom Co., Ltd.
Bionic NinjaunknownZeppelin Games
Bionic Ninjaunknown
Bionic NinjaunknownZeppelin Games
BIORHYTHM 1.5unknown
BiosActionEdiciones Manali
BioshockAction2K Boston/2K Australia
Bird WeekunknownToemiland
Bird WeekActionLenar, Toshiba EMI
Birdie ShootStrategyMacPlay
Birds and the Bees 2, The - AnticsunknownBug-Byte Software
Birds and the Bees 2, The - AnticsunknownBug-Byte Software
Birds and the Bees 2, The - AnticsunknownBug-Byte Software
Birds and the Bees, TheunknownBug-Byte Software
Birds and the Bees, TheunknownBug-Byte Software
Birds and the Bees, TheunknownBug-Byte Software
Birds and the Bees, TheunknownBug-Byte Software
Birds and the Bees, TheunknownBug-Byte Software
Birds and the Bees, TheunknownBug-Byte Software
Birds of PreySimulationElectronic Arts
Birds of PreyunknownElectronic Arts
Birds of PreyunknownElectronic Arts
Birds, TheunknownRabbit Software
Birth of the PhoenixunknownPhoenix Software
Birthright: The Gorgon's AllianceStrategySynergistic Software, Inc.
Birthright: The Gorgon's AllianceStrategy
Bishop's Square + Maxwell's DemonunknownDatasoft
Bishoujo Janshi Suchie-PaiunknownJaleco
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon RunknownBandai America, Inc.
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon S: KurukkurinunknownBandai America, Inc.
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon SuperS – Zenin Sanka!! Shuyaku SoudatsusenunknownAngel
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon SuperS: Fuwa Fuwa PanicunknownBandai America, Inc.
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon: Another StoryunknownAngel
Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon S: Jougai Rantou!? Shuyaku SoudatsusenunknownAngel
Bismarck: The North Sea ChaseunknownDatasoft
Bismark - Strategy TwounknownASP Software
Bismark - Strategy TwounknownASP Software
Bismark - Strategy TwounknownASP Software
BitLogicActionOXiAB Game Studio
BITMANunknownA.J. Bedard
Bitwa o Wyspe IIunknown
Biz, TheunknownVirgin Games
Biz, TheunknownVirgin Games
Black & WhiteSimulationElectronic Arts
Black & WhiteActionPat Morita Team
Black & White 2 plus Battle of the GodsRPGRobosoft/Lionhead
Black & White Platinum PackRPGLionhead Studios
Black & WhiteStrategy
Black ArrowunknownCoyote Software
Black BeardActionTopo Soft
Black BeardActionTopo Soft
Black BeardActionTopo Soft
Black BeardActionTopo Soft
Black BeltActionTengen Inc.
Black BeltunknownEarthware
Black Beltunknown
Black BeltActionSega Corporation
Black BoxunknownAntic
Black BoxunknownVincent Ting
Black CauldronAdventureSierra On‑Line, Inc.
Black Cauldron Disk 1 Backunknown
Black Cauldron Disk 1 Frontunknown
Black Cauldron Disk 2 Frontunknown
Black Cauldron Disk 3 Frontunknown
Black Cauldron - RemakeAdventureDreamMaster
Black CrownStrategy
Black CryptRPGRaven Software Corporation
Black CryptRPGRaven Software
Black CrystalunknownCarnell Software
Black DahliaAdventureTake-Two Interactive
Black Dwarf's Lair, TheunknownNewsoft Products
Black Fountainunknown
Black FridayunknownRobert Baker
Black FridayunknownEMM Software
Black GoldStrategyStarbyte
Black GoldStrategyRainbow Arts
Black HawkunknownCreative Sparks
Black HawkunknownCreative Sparks
Black HawkunknownCreative Sparks
Black HolePuzzleLouis DeSetto
Black HolePuzzleLouis DeSetto
Black Hole 3DActionCommodore Spain
Black Hole Pinballunknown
Black Hole, TheunknownQuest Microsoftware
Black Hole, TheunknownQuest Microsoftware
Black Hole, TheunknownQuest Microsoftware
Black JackunknownZX Data
Black Jackunknown
Black JackunknownIdealogic
Black JackunknownInfodisc
BLACK JACK 80unknown
Black LampunknownAtari
Black LampunknownAtari
Black LampunknownAtari
Black LampunknownAtari
Black LampunknownFirebird Software
Black LampunknownFirebird Software
Black LampunknownFirebird Software
Black LampunknownFirebird Software
Black Land v1.0unknown
Black Magicunknown
Black MagicunknownDatasoft
Black MagicunknownU.S. Gold
Black MagicunknownU.S. Gold
Black MagicunknownDatasoft
Black MagicunknownU.S. Gold
Black MagicunknownDatasoft
Black MondayStrategyKeypunch Software
Black Mondayunknown
Black Moon ChroniclesStrategy
Black Onyx, TheRPGBullet-Proof Software
Black Onyx, TheRPGBullet-Proof Software
Black OrbActionCarl Erikson
Black PlanetunknownPhipps Associates
Black PlanetunknownPhipps Associates
Black Planet - IntrounknownPhipps Associates
Black Planet - IntrounknownPhipps Associates
Black Sage, TheunknownPoly-Versa-Technology Software
Black SectAdventureLankhor
Black SectAdventure
Black Sect 2: The Cursed CryptAdventureBrocanty Games
Black ShadesActionWolfire Games
Black Star: Agent of JusticeAdventure
Black ThorneActionInterplay
Black Tigerunknown
Black TowerunknownZenobi Software
Black TowerunknownZenobi Software
Black TowerunknownZenobi Software
Black TowerunknownZenobi Software
Black Tower II - A Serpentine TaleunknownZenobi Software
Black Tower, TheunknownDollarsoft
BlackbeardunknownTopo Soft
BlackhawkunknownOrion Software
BlackJackMiscJ.T. Chisholm
BlackjackStrategyJ. S.
BlackjackunknownAndrew Davie
BlackjackunknownKeyword Software
BlackjackunknownA Wave
Blackjack Academyunknown
Blackjack Academyunknown
Blackjack CasinounknownAPX
Blackjack CasinounknownAPX
Blackjack CasinounknownAPX
BlackoutAdventureDeadline Games
Blackout 2.0unknownZarkware
Blacksmith Market Falconsunknown
Blackstar: Agent of JusticeAdventure
BlackThorneActionInterplay Productions
Blackwell UnboundAdventureWadjet Eye Games
Blade AlleyunknownPSS
Blade AlleyunknownPSS
Blade AlleyunknownPSS
Blade AlleyunknownPSS
Blade Eagle 3-DActionSega Corporation
Blade RunnerAdventure
Blade RunnerunknownCRL Group
Blade Runnerunknown
Blade RunnerunknownCRL Group
Blade RunnerunknownCRL Group
Blade WarriorunknownCodemasters
Blade WarriorunknownCodemasters
Blade Warriorunknown
Blade WarriorActionImage Works
Blades of ExileRPG
Blades of SteelSportKonami
Blades of SteelunknownKonami
Blades of SteelunknownKonami Computer Entertainment Japan, Inc.
Blades of SteelunknownKonami
Blain HomeActionIron Gate
Blake Stone 1: Aliens of Goldunknown
Blake Stone 2: Planet Strikeunknown
Blake Stone: Aliens of GoldActionApogee Software, LTD.
Blake Stone: Aliens of GoldActionApogee
Blake Stone: Aliens of GoldActionApogee
Blake Stone: Aliens of GoldunknownApogee
Blake Stone: Aliens of GoldunknownApogee
Blake Stone: Aliens of GoldunknownApogee
Blake Stone: Aliens of GoldunknownApogee
Blake Stone: Aliens of GoldunknownApogee
Blake Stone: Aliens of GoldunknownApogee
Blake Stone: Aliens of GoldunknownApogee
Blake Stone: Aliens of GoldunknownApogee
Blake Stone: Planet StrikeunknownApogee
Blake Stone: Planet StrikeunknownApogee
Blake Stone: Planet StrikeunknownApogee
Blake's 7AdventureDefence Force
BlasphemousActionTeam 17
BlasphemousActionTeam 17
BlasphemousActionTeam 17
BlasphemousActionTeam 17
BlasphemousActionTeam 17
Blast Corpsunknown
Blast CorpsSportRare, Nintendo
Blast!unknownANALOG Computing
Blast!unknownANALOG Computing
Blast!unknownANALOG Computing
Blasted Squaresunknown
Blaster MasterunknownSunsoft
Blaster MasterActionTokai, Sunsoft
Blaster MasterActionSunSoft
Blaster Master 2ActionSunsoft
Blaster, Minotaur, Raster Blaster, Shuffleboardunknown
BlasteroidsunknownImage Works
BlasteroidsunknownImage Works
BlasteroidsunknownImage Works
BlasteroidsActionImage Works
BlaZeon: The Bio-Cyborg ChallengeunknownAtlus Software, Inc.
Blazing Paddlesunknown
blazing paddlesunknown
Blazing Paddlesunknown
Blazing Paddlesunknown
Blazing Thunderunknown
Blazing ThunderunknownHi-Tec Software
Blazing ThunderunknownHi-Tec Software
Blazing ThunderunknownHi-Tec Software
Blaznivy DomunknownMiro & Rasto
Blesounie 1.unknownTomas Frinta
Blimp Raid-Weird War IunknownMr. Crispy
Blimp Raid-Weird War IIunknownMr. Crispy
BlindAdventureAndrew Metzger
Blind AlleyunknownSunshine Books
Blind WarsStrategySoleau Software
BlinkyunknownJames Stage
Blinky Bill's Extraordinary Cartoon MakerEducationalForest Interactive
Blinky's Scary SchoolunknownZeppelin Games
Blinky's Scary SchoolunknownZeppelin Games
Blip & BlopActionFreeware
BlissAdventureCameron Wilkin
BlitzPuzzlePC Solutions
BlitzunknownIan Collier
Blitz DraughtsStrategy
BlitzkriegunknownProgramma Software
Blitzkrieg - Battle at the ArdennesStrategyCommand Simulations
Blitzkrieg, Photar, Nightcrawler, Sabotage, Sneakersunknown
Blizzard PassunknownAdventuresoft UK
Blob FactoryunknownJeremiah Golden
Blob QuestunknownRichard Swann
Blob QuestunknownRichard Swann
Blobby VolleySportFreeware
Blobby VolleySportD. Skoraszewski
Block BreakerPuzzleYutaka Emura
Block ForceActionRCM
Block Invadersunknown
Block KuzushiunknownPlanning Office Wada
Block O ManiaPuzzle
Block Outunknown
Block Outunknown
Block PuzzleunknownRassilon Software
Block PuzzleunknownRassilon Software
Block PuzzleunknownRassilon Software
Block PuzzleunknownRassilon Software
Block SmasherunknownAJC Software Unlimited
Block'em rev2.0unknownAPX
BlockadePuzzleDon Laabs
Blockade RunnerunknownThorn Emi Video
BlockageActionFabrizio Zavagli
BlockBreaker, 3.01E for Windows.unknownYutaka Emura
BlockbusterunknownD. Knowles
BlockbusterActionAudiogenic Software
BlockbustersunknownMacsen Software
BlockbustersunknownMacsen Software
BlockbustersunknownMacsen Software
Blockbusters - Gold RununknownMacsen Software
Blocked InunknownD. Milwain
Blocked InunknownD. Milwain
Blocked InunknownD. Milwain
BlockoutPuzzleCalifornia Dreams
BlockOut 2Puzzle
BlocksPuzzleScott Fiske
BlocksPuzzleScott Fiske
Blocks from HellPuzzleToren K. Smith
Blocks from HellPuzzleToren K. Smith
Blodia Land: Puzzle QuestunknownTonkin House
BloodActionGT Interactive Software Corp.
BloodActionMonolith Productions
Blood & MagicStrategyInterplay
Blood & GutsunknownQuicksilva
Blood & MagicStrategyInterplay
Blood & MagicStrategyInterplay Productions
Blood & MagicStrategy
Blood 2ActionSilverfox
Blood 2 - The ChosenActionAtari
Blood BowlunknownDestiny Software Productions Inc.
Blood BowlunknownDestiny Software
Blood BrothersunknownGremlin Graphics Software
Blood BrothersunknownGremlin Graphics Software
Blood BrothersunknownGremlin Graphics Software
Blood BrothersunknownGremlin Graphics Software
Blood BrothersunknownGremlin Graphics Software
Blood BrothersunknownGremlin Graphics Software
Blood Brothersunknown
Blood BrothersunknownGremlin Graphics Software
Blood Moneyunknown
Blood MoneyunknownPsygnosis
Blood of Bogmole II - Zogan's RevengeunknownCompass Software
Blood of Bogmole II - Zogan's RevengeunknownCompass Software
Blood of Bogmole II - Zogan's RevengeunknownCompass Software
Blood of Bogmole III - Wizards SkullunknownCompass Software
Blood of Bogmole III - Wizards SkullunknownCompass Software
Blood of Bogmole III - Wizards SkullunknownCompass Software
Blood of Bogmole, TheunknownCompass Software
Blood of Bogmole, TheunknownCompass Software
Blood of Bogmole, TheunknownCompass Software
Blood of Bogmole, TheunknownCompass Software
Blood of Bogmole, TheunknownCompass Software
Blood Omen: Legacy of KainActionCrystal Dynamics, Inc.
Blood QuestunknownQuestware
Blood ValleyunknownGremlin Graphics Software
Blood Valleyunknown
BloodbathActionFreedom Factory
BloodlustActionDavid Johnston & Mike Goatly
BloodrayneAdventureTerminal Reality
Bloodrayne 2AdventureTerminal Reality
Bloodstone - An Epic Dwarven TaleRPGMindcraft
Bloodwings: Pumpkinhead's RevengeunknownBAP Interactive
BloodwychunknownImage Works
BloodyunknownP.J. Software
Bloody PawsunknownG.LL. Software
Bloody PawsunknownG.LL. Software
Bloody PawsActionG.LL.
Bloody Warriors: Shan-Go no GyakushuuunknownToei Animation
Blown AwayAdventureImagination Pilots/MGM Interactive
BludiskounknownRadovan Garabik
BludištěunknownIng. Miroslav Nemecek
BludištìunknownIng. Miroslav Nemecek
Blue Angel 69Puzzle
Blue Angel 69AdultMagic Bytes
Blue Angelsunknown
Blue Angelsunknown
Blue Angels: Formation Flight SimulationSimulation
Blue Angels: Formation Flight SimulationunknownAccolade
Blue Angels: Formation Flight SimulationunknownAccolade
Blue ForceAdventureTsunami
Blue MaxunknownSynapse Software
Blue MaxunknownAtari
Blue MaxunknownSynapse Software
Blue MaxunknownSynapse Software
Blue MaxunknownSynapse Software
Blue MaxunknownSynapse Software
Blue MaxunknownSynapse Software
Blue MaxunknownU.S. Gold
Blue MaxunknownU.S. Gold
Blue MaxunknownU.S. Gold
Blue MaxunknownU.S. Gold
Blue MaxunknownU.S. Gold
Blue Max 2001unknownSynapse Software
Blue Max: Aces of the Great WarSimulation
Blue Max: Aces of the Great WarSimulationThree-Sixty Pacific, Inc.
Blue RibandunknownCCS
Blue RibandunknownCCS
Blue RibandunknownCCS
Blue ShadowActionNatsume, Inc.
Blue Starunknown
Blue Team BridgeunknownAntic
Blue Team BridgeunknownAntic
Blue Team BridgeunknownAntic
Blue Team BridgeunknownAntic
Blue ThunderunknownRichard Wilcox Software
Blue ThunderunknownRichard Wilcox Software
Blue ThunderunknownRichard Wilcox Software
Blue Tombunknown
Blue Warunknown
Blue Warunknown
Blue-PrintunknownCBS Software
Blue-PrintunknownCBS Software
Blue-PrintunknownCBS Software
Bluebush ChessPuzzleBluebush Software
BlueprintActionBally Midway, CBS Electronics
Blues BrothersActionTitus
Blues Brothers 2ActionTitus
Blues Brothers RPGRPG
Blues Brothers, Theunknown
Bluewater HunterSportEncore
Blusy ShopunknownMSXNAKE
Blusy ShopunknownMSXNAKE
BMX Air MasterSportTNT Games
BMX Freestyleunknown
BMX Freestyle SimulatorunknownCodemasters
BMX Freestyle SimulatorunknownCodemasters
BMX Freestyle SimulatorunknownCodemasters
BMX Freestyle SimulatorunknownCodemasters
BMX KidzunknownFirebird Software
BMX KidzunknownFirebird Software
BMX Kidzunknown
BMX KidzunknownFrebird
BMX KidzunknownFirebird Software
BMX Ninjaunknown
BMX NinjaunknownAlternative Software
BMX NinjaunknownAlternative Software
BMX RacersunknownMastertronic
BMX RacersunknownMastertronic
BMX RacersunknownMastertronic
BMX RacersunknownMastertronic
BMX Racers for the Sinclair ZX SpectrumunknownMastertronic
BMX SimulatorunknownCode Masters
BMX SimulatorunknownCode Masters
BMX SimulatorunknownCode Masters
BMX SimulatorunknownCodemasters
BMX SimulatorunknownCodemasters
BMX SimulatorunknownCodemasters
BMX SimulatorSportCodemasters
BMX Simulator 2unknownCodemasters
BMX Simulator 2unknownCodemasters
BMX Simulator 2unknownCodemasters
Bo Jackson BaseballSportData East Corporation
Bo Jackson BaseballunknownData East
Bo Jackson BaseballunknownData East
Bob Morane Jungle 1unknown
Bob Morane Ocean Murphyunknown
Bob Morane - Chevalerieunknown
Bob the HamsterMiscHamster Republic
Bob WinnerAdventureLoriciels
Bob's Full Houseunknown
Bob's Full HouseunknownDomark
Bobby BearingunknownThe Edge Software
Bobby BearingunknownThe Edge Software
Bobby Bearingunknown
Bobby BearingunknownThe Edge Software
Bobby BearingunknownThe Edge Software
Bobby Fischer Teaches ChessunknownMission Studios
Bobby Fischer Teaches ChessPuzzleMission Studios
Bobby Fisher teaches chessStrategy
Bobby is Going HomeActionBit Corporation
BobsleighunknownDigital Integration
Bodo Illgner's Super Soccerunknown
Body BargainAdventureAmanda Lange
Body BlowsActionTeam 17
Body BlowsActionTeam 17
Body BlowsActionTeam17
Body BlowsunknownTeam17
Body Blows GalacticActionTeam17 Software Limited
Body Blows GalacticActionTeam 17
Body Blows: Have the Fight of Your Life!ActionTeam 17
Body HarvestActionDMA Design
Body Harvestunknown
Body TravelunknownIdealogic
Bodyworks Voyager: Missions in AnatomyunknownSoftware Marketing Corporation
Boeing 727unknown
BoersenspielunknownAxel Kruse
Bog of BritunknownStormbringer Software
BogeymanAdventureElizabeth Smyth
Boggit, TheunknownCRL Group
BogglesunknownCascade Games
BogglesunknownCascade Games
BogglesunknownCascade Games
BogOutunknownLance Frohman
Boiler HouseunknownFront Runner
Boing BoingActionIdealogic
Boing PlopunknownDominic Morris
Boing!unknownNeil Ottaway
Boing!ActionFirst Star Software
Boing! IIunknownTiger Developments
Boing! IIunknownTiger Developments
Bokosuka WarsunknownASCII
Bokosuka WarsStrategyASCII
Boleivol BeachunknownEdiciones Manali
BoleraunknownEdiciones Manali
BolixunknownACA Soft
BolounknownSynergistic Software
Bolo (1995)ActionDongleware Verlags GmbH
bolo 14k file DOSunknown
bolo 14k file PRODOSunknown
Bolo BallPuzzle
Bolo, Dig Dug, Drelbs, Guardian, Robotron2084unknown
Bolo, People Pong, Trick Shotunknown
Bomb DownunknownRoemer Union
Bomb FusionunknownMastertronic
Bomb FusionunknownMastertronic
Bomb JackActionTehkan
Bomb JackunknownElite Systems
Bomb Jackunknown
Bomb JackunknownElite Systems
Bomb JackunknownElite Systems
Bomb JackunknownElite Systems
Bomb JackunknownElite Systems
Bomb JackunknownElite Systems
Bomb JackunknownElite Systems
Bomb JackunknownElite Systems
Bomb JackunknownElite Systems
Bomb JackunknownElite Systems
Bomb JackunknownElite Systems
Bomb JackunknownElite Systems
Bomb JackAction
Bomb JackActionTehkan
Bomb JackActionInfogrames
Bomb JackActionBrainDead
Bomb JackActionKralizec
Bomb Jack IIunknownElite Systems
Bomb Jack IIunknownElite Systems
Bomb Jack IIunknownElite Systems
Bomb Jack IIunknownElite Systems
Bomb Jack IIunknownElite Systems
Bomb Jack IIunknown
Bomb Jack IIunknownElite Systems
Bomb Jack IIunknownElite Systems
Bomb Jack IIunknownElite Systems
Bomb RunAction
Bomb Run 64ActionPicaro Games
Bombastic!unknownEnglish Software
Bombastic!unknownEnglish Software
BombazounknownLaszlo Nyitrai
BomberunknownAlan Reeve
Bomber AttackunknownAvalon Hill
Bomber Bob in Pentagon CapersunknownBug-Byte Software
Bomber JackunknownKE-Soft
Bomber JackunknownKE-Soft
Bomber KingunknownHudson Soft, LTD.
Bomber ManunknownHudson Soft
Bomber RaidActionSanritsu Denki Co.
Bomber RaidActionSega /EU - Activision NA
BombermanActionHudson Soft
BombermanActionHudson Soft
BombermanunknownHudson Soft, LTD.
Bomberman B-DamanunknownHudson Soft, LTD.
Bomberman GBActionHudson Soft
Bomberman IIActionHudson Soft
Bomberman IIPuzzleHudson Soft, LTD.
BombfusionunknownVirgin Mastertronic
BombfusionunknownVirgin Mastertronic
BombiunknownPower Per Post
Bombs Away!unknownBryan Zillwood
BombscareunknownFirebird Software
BombscareunknownFirebird Software
BombscareunknownFirebird Software
BombscareunknownFirebird Software
BombscareunknownFirebird Software
BombscareunknownFirebird Software
BombSweeperPuzzleCorey Daubanton
BombuzalunknownImage Works
BombuzalunknownImage Works
Bonanza Brosunknown
Bonanza Bros.ActionSEGA Enterprises
Bonanza Bros.ActionSEGA Enterprises
Bonanza Bros.unknownSega Corporation
Bone: Out from BonevilleAdventureTelltale
BonesunknownCorporation AS-DS
BongounknownAnirog Software
BongounknownAnirog Software
Bongo BoogieActionPhelios inc
Bongo's BashunknownRomero, John
BonifacunknownPetulka Software
BonkunknownANALOG Computing
BonkersunknownProcom Software
Bonnie's BookstorePuzzleNew Crayon Games
Bons BondunknownTruand Band
Bonweshar UctopurunknownFantasy
Bonzo Meddlerunknown
Booger BungeeunknownBlackeye Software
Boogerman: A Pick and Flick AdventureActionInterplay
Boogerman: A Pick and Flick AdventureActionInterplay
Boogerman: A Pick and Flick AdventureunknownInterplay Entertainment
Book of the DeadunknownEssential Myth
Book of the DeadunknownCRL Group
Book of the DeadunknownEssential Myth
Book of the DeadunknownCRL Group
Booky ManunknownGluk Video
Boot CampAction
BootèeunknownMojon Twins
BootyunknownFirebird Software
BootyunknownFirebird Software
BootyunknownFirebird Software
BootyunknownFirebird Software
BootyunknownFirebird Software
Booty - Hidden GameunknownFirebird Software
bop n wrestleunknown
Bop'N Wrestleunknown
Bor-FiesunknownSoft Well
Border HarrierunknownSole Solution Software
Border ZoneAdventureInfocom
Border ZoneAdventure
Border ZoneAdventureInfocom
Border ZoneAdventureInfocom
Bored of the RingsunknownDelta 4 Software
Bored of the RingsunknownSilversoft
Bored of the RingsunknownDelta 4 Software
Bored of the RingsunknownSilversoft
Bored of the RingsunknownDelta 4 Software
Bored of the RingsunknownSilversoft
Bored of the RingsunknownSilversoft
Bored of the RingsunknownDelta 4 Software
Bored of the Ringsunknown
BorgunknownSirius Software
Borland Turbo Basic 1.0unknownBorland
Borland Turbo C++unknownBorland
Borrowed TimeAdventure
Borrowed TimeAdventureInterplay
Borrowed Time aka Time to DieAdventureActivision
Borscht RaiderActionShannon Schroeder
BorzakunknownZafiro Software Division
Bosconian '87unknownMastertronic
Bosconian '87unknownMastertronic
Bosconian '87unknown
Bosconian '87unknownMastertronic
Boss, TheunknownPeaksoft
Boston Bomb ClubPuzzle
Boston Computer Society Disk ImagesActionBoston Computer Society
BOTunknownDreamers Guild
Both BarrelsunknownSirius Software
Boulder BombersunknownANALOG Computing
Boulder BombersunknownANALOG Computing
Boulder Crashunknown
Boulder DashPuzzleFirst Star Software
Boulder DashunknownOliver Cyranka
Boulder DashunknownOliver Cyranka
Boulder DashunknownIron Soft
Boulder DashunknownMicroLab
Boulder Dashunknown
Boulder DashunknownData East Corporation
Boulder DashunknownFirst Star Software
Boulder Dash Construction Kitunknown
Boulder Dash - Construction KitunknownDatabyte
Boulder Dash - Construction KitunknownDatabyte
Boulder Dash - Construction KitunknownDatabyte
Boulder Dash - Construction KitunknownDatabyte
Boulder Dash [remake]PuzzlePetr Simon
Boulder Dash 1 & 2unknownFirst Star Software
Boulder Dash 2PuzzleFirst Star Software
Boulder Dash Construction KitunknownFirst Star Software
Boulder Dash Construction KitunknownFirst Star Software
Boulder Dash Construction KitunknownFirst Star Software
Boulder Dash Construction KitunknownFirst Star Software
Boulder Dash Construction KitPuzzle
Boulder Dash Construction KitunknownFirst Star
Boulder Dash Construction Kit Data Disk #1unknownMega Magazine
Boulder Dash Construction Setunknown
Boulder Dash IIunknownFirst Star Software
Boulder Dash IIunknownFirst Star Software
Boulder Dash IIunknownFirst Star Software
Boulder Dash IIunknownFirst Star Software
Boulder Dash IIunknownFirst Star Software
Boulder Dash IIunknownFirst Star Software
Boulder Dash IIunknownFirst Star Software
Boulder Dash IIunknownFirst Star Software
Boulder Dash IIunknownMicro Fun
Boulder Dash II Rockford's Riotunknown
Boulder Dash II - Rockford's RiotunknownPrism Leisure
Boulder Dash II - Rockford's RiotunknownPrism Leisure
Boulder Dash IIIunknown
Boulder Dash IIIunknownPrism Leisure
Boulder Dash IIIunknownPrism Leisure
Boulder Dash VunknownIron Soft
Boulder Dash VunknownToo Trek Moscow S.N.G.
Boulder Dash VIunknownToo Trek Moscow S.N.G.
boulderdash 2unknown
Boulders and BombsunknownCBS Software
Boulders and BombsunknownCBS Software
Boule Infernale, Launknown
Boun ZaiunknownCentaurisoft
Boun ZaiunknownCentaurisoft
Bounce PanicunknownPoppy Soft
Bounce ZoneAction
BouncesunknownBeyond Software
BouncesunknownBeyond Software
BouncesunknownBeyond Software
Bouncin' Fernounknown
Bouncin' Fernounknown
Bouncing BabiesActionDave Baskin
Bouncing BabiesActionDave Baskin
Bouncing BertyunknownPower Software
Bouncing BertyunknownPower Software
Bouncing Kamungas, TheunknownPenguin Software
Bounty Bob Strikes BackunknownU.S. Gold
Bounty Bob Strikes BackunknownU.S. Gold
Bounty Bob Strikes Backunknown
Bounty Bob Strikes BackunknownU.S. Gold
Bounty Bob Strikes Back!unknownAackosoft
Bounty HunterunknownCodemasters
Bounty HunterunknownCodemasters
Bounty Hunterunknown
Bounty Hunter, TheunknownZenobi Software
Bounty SwordunknownPioneer LDC
Bow, TheunknownThe Power House
BowlingSportAtari, Inc.
Bowling 2000unknownProxima Software
Bowling v2unknownTK Computer Products
BowlsunknownCascade Games
BowlsunknownCascade Games
Bowser Landunknown
Box WorldunknownTzvetkov, Ventzislav
BoxeounknownRafael Vico Costa
BoxeounknownEdiciones Manali
BoxeounknownRafa Vico
Boxer RebellionPuzzleCarpenter
BoxesunknownInside Info
Boxing Legends of the Ringunknown
Boxing Legends of the RingSportElectro Brain
Boxing ManagerunknownD&H Games
Boxing ManagerunknownWillysoft UK
BoxxlePuzzleThinking Rabbit
Boy Racerunknown
Boyd File, TheunknownZenobi Software
Bozy BoaunknownCDS Microsystems
Bozy BoaunknownCDS Microsystems
BR-032 ConstellationunknownL.K. Avalon
Brad Blasts the Galactic BarbariansunknownExpress Software
Brain DamageunknownSilversoft
Brain DamageunknownSilversoft
Brain Games For WindowsunknownFiras Bushnaq
Brain LordPuzzleEnix Corporation
Brain StrainersunknownCarousel Software
BrainstormunknownBubblebus Software
BrainstormunknownBubblebus Software
BrainstormunknownFirebird Software
brainteaserblvd 11k file DOSunknown
brainteaserblvd 11k file PRODOSunknown
BrainWaveunknownDexterity Software
BrainWave 2: Return of the NanobotsunknownDexterity Software
Bram Stoker's DraculaunknownProbe Entertainment
Bram Stoker’s DraculaActionPsygnosis Limited
Bram Stoker's DraculaActionSony Imagesoft
Brandish 2 ExpertunknownKoei
Brandish 2: The Planet BusterunknownKoei
Brands Hatchunknown
Brány SkeldaluRPGNapoleon Games
Brave Dwarves: Back for TreasuresActionGameOver-Games
Braveheart Screensaverunknown
Bravo Romeo Deltaunknown
Braxx Bluffunknown
Braxx BluffunknownMicromega
Braxx BluffunknownMicromega
Breach 2StrategyOmnitrend Software
Breach 2unknownImpressions
Breach 2unknownImpressions
Break NeckunknownLusitania
Break Out IIunknownTB Software
Break the Bank!unknownGentry Software
Break the Bank!unknownGentry Software
Break Time: The National Pool TourSportFCI
Break-AwayunknownProcom Software
Break-AwayunknownProcom Software
Break-AwayunknownProcom Software
Breakfree & XerixunknownMojo Software
BreakoutActionAtari, Inc.
BreakoutActionKenneth Silverman
BreakoutActionKenneth Silverman
BreakoutunknownIan Collier
BreakoutunknownCascade Games
Breakout ORIGINAL version by Steve Wozniakunknown
BREAKOUT 3.1unknown
BreakQuestActionNurium Games/Red Marble Games
Breakthrough in the ArdennesunknownSSI
BreakthruunknownU.S. Gold
BreakthruunknownU.S. Gold
BreakThruunknownData East Corporation
Breakthru in 3DActionAvalon Hill
BreakThru!unknownSteve Fry
BreakThru!PuzzleSpectrum HoloByte
Breath of FireRPGCapcom Co., Ltd.
Breath of FireRPGCapcom
Breath of Fire IIRPGCapcom Co., Ltd.
Breath of the DragonunknownEnglish Software
Breath of the DragonunknownEnglish Software
Breath of the DragonunknownEnglish Software
BreathlessActionFields of Vision
Brett Hull HockeySimulationAccolade
Brett Hull Hockey '95unknownAccolade
Brett Hull Hockey 95SportAccolade
Brian - The Novice BarbarianunknownZenobi Software
Brian and the Dishonest PoliticianunknownZenobi Software
Brian and the Dishonest PoliticianunknownZenobi Software
Brian BloodaxeunknownThe Edge Software
Brian Bloodaxeunknown
Brian BloodaxeunknownThe Edge Software
Brian Clough's Football FortunesunknownCDS Software
Brian Clough's Football Fortunesunknown
Brian Clough's Football FortunesunknownCDS Microsystems
Brian Jacks Superstar ChallengeunknownMartech Games
Brian Jacks Superstar Challengeunknown
Brian Jacks Superstar ChallengeunknownMartech Games
Brian Jacks Superstar ChallengeunknownMartech Games
Brian Jacks Superstar ChallengeunknownMartech Games
Brian the BoldunknownCentral Solutions
Brian the Bold - IntrounknownCentral Solutions
Brick Breakerunknown
Brick BreakerActionDro Soft
Brick BreakerActionDro Soft
Brick BreakerActionDro Soft
Brick Breaker II TurbounknownHenry Yu
Brick, Theunknown
Brick, TheunknownDelta Software
Brick, TheActionDelta
Brick, TheActionDelta
Brick, TheActionDelta
Brick, TheActionDelta
Bricklayer's NightmareunknownANALOG Computing
BricksunknowniLogic Soft
Bricks 2000PuzzleFreeware
Bricks 2000PuzzleInner-Smile.com
Bride of Frankensteinunknown39 Steps
Bride of Frankensteinunknown39 Steps
Bride of Frankensteinunknown
BridgeunknownJohn Hooper
Bridge 5.0unknown
Bridge 6.0 Your Bid For Entertainmentunknown
Bridge 7.0Strategy
Bridge BuilderunknownJim Chapman
Bridge ChallengerunknownGeorges Duisman
Bridge HopperPuzzleI. Harness
Bridge Itunknown
Bridge MasterunknownDynacomp
Bridge PlayerunknownCP Software
Bridge PlayerunknownCP Software
Bridge Player 2unknownCP Software
Bridge Player 2 - ReviewunknownCP Software
Bridge Player 3unknown
Bridge Player 3unknownCP Software
Brik-BatunknownNew Atari User
Brimstone disk 1unknown
Brimstone S1unknown
BristlesunknownFirst Star Software
BristlesunknownFirst Star Software
BristlesunknownFirst Star Software
BristlesunknownFirst Star Software
BristlesunknownFirst Star Software
British BobActionRelevo Videogames
British LowlandunknownCCS
British Super LeagueunknownCult Games
British Super LeagueunknownCult Games
BrixPuzzleMichael Riedel
BrixPuzzleEpic MegaGames
Brix 1 & Brix 2: DeluxeStrategyEpic Games
Brix 2nd versionPuzzleMichael Riedel
brkunknownGary Plowman, Matteo Trevisan
Brocha GordaunknownEdiciones Manali
broderbund applepuckman crackedunknown
Broderbund Pirated Softwareunknown
BrogueRPGBrian Walker
Brojke i SlovaunknownNikola Alivojvodic
Broken SwordAdventureRevolution Software
Broken Sword 2 - The Smoking MirrorAdventureRevolution Software
Broken Sword 2: The Smoking MirrorAdventure
Broken Sword 3 - The Sleeping DragonAdventureRevolution Software
Broken Sword 5: The Serpent's CurseAdventureRevolution Software
Broken Sword II: The Smoking MirrorAdventureRevolution Software
Broken Sword: The Angel of DeathAdventureRevolution Software/Sumo Digital
Broken Sword: The Shadow of the TemplarsAdventure
Broken Sword: The Shadow of the TemplarsAdventureVirgin Interactive
Broken Sword: The Shadow of the TemplarsAdventureRevolution Software
Bronkie the BronchiasaurusEducationalRaya Systems
Bronx Street Copunknown
Bronze Dragon Side IIunknown
Bronze Dragon Side IIunknown
Brood SlayerunknownCCS
Brood SlayerunknownCCS
Brook the BarbarianunknownRichard Silfverberg
Bruce LeeActionDataSoft, Inc.
Bruce LeeunknownDatasoft
Bruce LeeunknownDatasoft
Bruce LeeunknownDatasoft
Bruce LeeunknownDatasoft
Bruce LeeunknownDatasoft
Bruce LeeunknownU.S. Gold
Bruce LeeunknownU.S. Gold
Bruce LeeunknownU.S. Gold
Bruce LeeunknownU.S. Gold
Bruce LeeunknownDatasoft
Bruce LeeunknownDatasoft
Bruce Leeunknown
Bruce LeeunknownU.S. Gold
Bruce LeeunknownU.S. Gold
Bruce LeeunknownU.S. Gold
Bruce LeeunknownU.S. Gold
Bruce LeeunknownU.S. Gold
Bruce LeeunknownDatasoft
Bruce Lee [remake]ActionMark Rosten
Bruja, LaunknownMicrobyte
Brum BrumunknownAstor Software
Brum BrumunknownAstor Software
Brunswick World: Tournament of ChampionsunknownTHQ Inc.
Brush RollerActionRCM Group
Brutal RecallunknownK-Soft
Brutal RecallunknownK-Soft
Brutal RecallunknownK-Soft
Brutal Sports FootballSportMillenium
Brutal Sports FootballSportMillennium
Brutal Sports FootballunknownMillenium
Brutal StoryunknownIvan Straka
Brutal: Paws of FuryAction
Brutal: Paws of FuryunknownGameTek Inc
Brutal: Paws of FuryActionGameTek
Brutal: Paws of FuryActionGameTek
btlaiunknownMatteo Trevisan
Bubble Bath BabesAdultHacker International
Bubble Bath BabesunknownPanesian
Bubble BobbleActionTaito America Corp.
Bubble BobbleunknownFirebird Software
Bubble BobbleunknownFirebird Software
Bubble Bobbleunknown
Bubble BobbleunknownFirebird Software
Bubble BobbleunknownFirebird Software
Bubble BobbleActionTaito Corporation
Bubble BobbleunknownTaito
Bubble Bobble Backunknown
Bubble Bobble Frontunknown
Bubble Bobble 1unknown
Bubble Bobble - The AdventureunknownAP's Adventures
Bubble Bobble 2unknown
Bubble Bobble 4 CPCunknowncngsoft
Bubble Bobble 4CPCActionCNG Soft
Bubble Bobble: Part 2unknownTaito America Corporation
Bubble BusterunknownSinclair Research
Bubble BusterunknownSinclair Research
Bubble DizzyunknownCodemasters
Bubble Dizzyunknown
Bubble DizzyunknownCodemasters
Bubble DizzyunknownCodemasters
Bubble DizzyunknownCodemasters
Bubble DizzyunknownCodemasters
Bubble DizzyAction
Bubble GhostAction3RE International
Bubble GhostunknownAccolade
Bubble Ghostunknown
Bubble Ghostunknown
Bubble Ghostunknown
Bubble GhostPuzzleAccolade
Bubble GhostunknownAccolade
Bubble GirlunknownTHE BEST
Bubble Girl 2unknownTHE BEST
Bubble PopActionSoftware of Sweden
Bubble RainunknownImanok
Bubble RununknownTynesoft
Bubble TroubleunknownPlayers
Bubble Trouble XActionAlex Metcalf & David Wareing
Bubble ZoneunknownRichard Gore
Bubble-HeadunknownTellus Systems
BubblerunknownUltimate Play The Game
BubblerunknownUltimate Play The Game
BubblerunknownUltimate Play The Game
Bubsy IIunknownAccolade
Bubsy in: Claws Encounters of the Furred KindunknownAccolade
Buck RogersActionSega
Buck RogersRPGSSI
Buck Rogers Planet Of Zoomunknown
Buck Rogers - Matrix CubedRPGSSI
Buck Rogers - Planet of ZoomunknownU.S. Gold
Buck Rogers - Planet of ZoomunknownSega
Buck Rogers - Planet of ZoomunknownU.S. Gold
Buck Rogers - Planet of ZoomunknownSega
Buck Rogers - Planet of ZoomunknownSega
Buck Rogers - Planet of ZoomunknownU.S. Gold
Buck Rogers - Planet of ZoomActionSega
Buck Rogers – Planet of ZoomActionSega
Buck Rogers and the Planet of Zoomunknown
Buck Rogers: Countdown to DoomsdayRPGSSI
Buck Rogers: Countdown to DoomsdayRPGSSI
Buck Rogers: Countdown to DoomsdayRPGSSI
Buck Rogers: Matrix CubedRPGSSI
Buck Rogers: Matrix CubedRPGSSI
Buck Rogers: Matrix CubedStrategySSI
Buck Rogers: Planet of ZoomActionSEGA Enterprises
Buck Rogers: Planet of ZoomunknownAtari
Buck Rogers: Planet of ZoomActionSEGA Enterprises
Buckaroo BanzaiunknownAdventure International
Bucks!unknownJaeger, Bruce
Bucks!unknownJaeger, Bruce
Bucks!unknownJaeger, Bruce
Bucky O'HareActionKonami
Bud Tucker in Double TroubleAdventureMerit Studios (Europe) Limited
BuddiesunknownInternational Software Factory
Budgie Kongunknown
BudokanActionElectronic Arts
BuergermeisterunknownDieter Asbrock
BuergermeisterunknownDieter Asbrock
Buffalo Bill's Wild West Showunknown
Buffalo Bill's Wild West ShowSportTynesoft
Buffalo Bill's Wild West Showunknown
Buffalo Bills Rodero gamesActionMicroValue
Buffalo StampedeunknownGeneral Masters
BugunknownJake Jilg
Bug AttackunknownCavalier Computer
Bug AttackunknownCavalier Computer
Bug AttackunknownCavalier Computer
Bug Battleunknown
Bug BlasterunknownCrystal Computing
Bug BomberunknownKingsoft
Bug HuntunknownAtari
Bug HuntunknownAtari
Bug HuntActionAtari
Bug Off!unknownAdventure International
Bug Outunknown
Bug WorldunknownKd Games
Bug-EyesunknownIcon Software
Bugaboo (The Flea) RemakeActionPaul Robson
Bugaboo the FleaunknownQuicksilva
Bugaboo the FleaunknownQuicksilva
Bugdom 2AdventurePangea Software
BuggedAdventureAnssi Räisänen
Buggy 2unknown
Buggy BlastunknownFirebird Software
Buggy BlastunknownFirebird Software
Buggy BlastunknownFirebird Software
Buggy BoyunknownElite Systems
Buggy BoyunknownElite Systems
Buggy Boyunknown
Buggy BoySportTatsumi
Buggy Boy - East TrackunknownElite Systems
Buggy Boy - Offroad TrackunknownElite Systems
Buggy ChallengeActionTecfri
Buggy PopperunknownData East Corporation
Buggy RangerunknownDinamic Software
Buggy RangerunknownDinamic Software
Buggy Rangerunknown
Buggy RangerActionDinamic
Buggy RangerActionDinamic
Buggy RangerActionDinamic
Buggy RangerActionDinamic
Buggy RangerunknownDinamic
Buggy RunSportSIMS Co., Ltd.
Buggy RunActionSega Corporation
BugsActionData Age
Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle, TheActionKemco
Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle, TheActionKemco
Bugs Bunny Rabbit RampageunknownSunsoft
Bugs Bunny ScreensaverunknownRichard Ratayczak
BuGS Version 1.0unknownJeremy Rand (Rand-Emonium Software)
BugsyunknownCRL Group
BugsyunknownCRL Group
BugsyunknownCRL Group
BugsyunknownCRL Group
BugsyunknownCRL Group
Buick DimensionsunknownGeneral Motors
Build a CityunknownAqua Soft
Build a CityunknownAqua Soft
Build That TowerunknownIan Collier
Building PanicActionYamada No Ana Project
Bulbo and the Lizard-KingunknownZenobi Software
Bulge, TheunknownMC Lothlorien
Bulge, TheunknownMC Lothlorien
BulldogunknownHayden Software
BulldogunknownHayden Software
Bulls & BearsunknownThe Stock Exchange
Bulls CowsunknownWIN
Bulls EyeunknownMacsen Software
Bulls Eyeunknown
Bulls Eyeunknown
Bulls Vs Blazers and the NBA PlayoffsunknownEA Sports
BullseyeunknownIan Collier
Bully EmbassyunknownRobert Frosdick
Bully's Sporting DartsunknownAlternative Software
Bully's Sporting DartsSportAlternative Software Ltd.
Bump 'n' BurnActionSofteyes
Bump ’N’ JumpSportData East
Bump, Set, Spike!unknown
Bumper BashSimulationSirius Software, Spectravision
BumperballunknownLondon Software
Bumpomov's DogsunknownAPX
Bumpomov's DogsunknownAPX
Bumpy's Arcade Fantasyunknown
Bumpy's Arcade FantasyPuzzleLoriciel
Bumpy's Arcade FantasyPuzzle
Bundesliga Manager ProfessionalunknownSoftware 2000
Bundesliga Manager 3unknown
Bundesliga Manager HattrickSportKRON Software
Bundesliga Manager HattrickunknownSoftware 2000
Bundesliga Manager HattrickStrategySoftware 2000
Bundesliga Manager Hattrick SupporterSimulationSoftware 2000
Bundesliga Manager Professionalunknown
Bundesliga Manager ProfessionalunknownSoftware 2000
Bundesliga Manager ProfessionalSimulationSoftware 2000
Bundesliga Manager ProfessionalunknownSoftware 2000
Bundesliga Manager ProfessionalunknownSoftware 2000
Bunker SwampunknownGreen Fish Software Enterprise
Bunker, LeunknownSylvain Fatome
BunkersunknownL.K. Avalon
BunnyunknownAutomata UK
Bunny Bricksunknown
Bunny BricksAction
Bunny BricksActionSilmarils
Bunny BustersunknownC.A. Cole
Bunny Game and Pinballunknown
Bunny HopunknownCompute!
Burai FighterunknownTaito America Corporation
Burai: Hachigyoku no Yuushi DensetsuunknownIGS
BurbujoActionP.P.P. Ediciones
Bureau 13AdventureGameTek
Bureau 13unknownTake-Two Interactive Software
Burger BlasterPuzzleUnknown
Burger BlasterAction
Burger ChefunknownGordon T. Kakegamic
Burger ChefunknownGordon T. Kakegamic
Burger TimeActionDate East USA
Burger Timeunknown
BurgertimeunknownData East Corporation
BurgerTimeunknownNamco Ltd
Burgertime , Buzzard Baitunknown
burgertime 21k file DOSunknown
burgertime 21k file PRODOSunknown
Burgertime, Cubit, Alien Typhoonunknown
Buried BucksunknownANALOG Software
Buried BucksunknownANALOG Software
Buried BucksunknownANALOG Software
Buried BucksunknownANALOG Software
Buried BucksunknownANALOG Software
Burn UsActionCarambalán Studios
Burn UsActionCarambalán Studios
Burn: CycleAdventureTrip Media
Burning DesireAdultPlayAround
Burning SteelunknownSSI
BurntimeStrategyMax Design
BurntimeActionMax Design MBH
BurntimeStrategyMax Design
Burp-ManunknownMr Scratcher?
Búscate la VidaActionP.P.P. Ediciones
Bush BuckStrategyPC Globe Inc.
Bush BuckStrategyPC Globe Inc.
Bush Buck: Global Treasure HunterStrategy
Bushi Seiryuuden: Futari no YuushaunknownT&E Soft
BushidoActionEbenel Enterprises
Business Demounknown
Business simulatorunknown
BusinessmanunknownOlgierd Niemyjski
Busqueda en la Mina MalditaunknownVentamatic
Bust a movePuzzleFreeware
Bust OutunknownDennis Debro
Bust Outunknown
Bust-A-MoveAction21st Century Entertainment
Buster Blockunknown
Busy BabyunknownRoyale Software
Busy BabyunknownRoyale Software
Butch - Hard GuyunknownAdvance Software
Butcher Hillunknown
Buzz Aldrin's Race Into SpaceStrategyStrategic Visions, Inc.
Buzz Aldrin's Race into SpaceSimulation
Buzz Aldrin's Race into SpaceunknownVirgin
By Fair Means or Foulunknown
By Fair Means or FoulunknownSuperior Software
By Fair Means or FoulunknownSuperior Software
Bygg hus med Mulle MeckEducationalGravity e-learning
Byte BanditunknownRinzai Satori
Byte BanditunknownRinzai Satori
Byte BittenunknownFirebird Software
Byte BittenunknownFirebird Software
Byte, TheunknownCCS
Byte, TheunknownCCS
Byzantine PerspectiveAdventureLea Albaugh