Gamebook Games


Robot 598
Appointment with F.E.A.R.RPGPuffin Books1985
Caverns of the Snow WitchRPGPuffin Books1984
City of ThievesRPGPuffin Books1983
Deathtrap DungeonRPGPuffin Books1984
Demons of the DeepRPGPuffin Books1986
Freeway FighterRPGPuffin Books1985
House of HellRPGPuffin Books1984
Island of the Lizard KingRPGPuffin Books1984
Masks of MayhemRPGPuffin Books1986
Murder at the Diogenes ClubAdventureBerkley1987
Robot CommandoRPGPuffin Books1986
Scorpion SwampRPGPuffin Books1984
Seas of BloodRPGPuffin Books1985
Space AssassinRPGPuffin Books1985
Starship TravellerRPGPuffin Books1983
Sword of the SamuraiRPGPuffin Books1986
Talisman of DeathRPGPuffin Books1984
Temple of TerrorRPGPuffin Books1985
The Citadel of ChaosRPGPuffin Books1983
The Forest of DoomRPGPuffin Books1983
The Rings of KetherRPGPuffin Books1985
The Warlock of Firetop MountainRPGPuffin Books1982
Trial of ChampionsRPGPuffin Books1986