1991 Games


Robot 247
100 in 1 Contra 16 FunctionMiscSupervision
1000 MigliaSportSimulmondo
1st Division ManagerunknownCodemasters
1st Division Managerunknown
1st Division ManagerunknownCodemasters
2 Player Soccer SquadunknownCult Games
20 in 1MiscKaiser
22 + 1 in 1MiscUnknown
31 in 1MiscSupervision
3D Construction KitunknownDomark
3D Construction KitunknownDomark
3D Grand Prix ChampionshipunknownZeppelin Games
3D Grand Prix ChampionshipunknownZeppelin Games
3D-MazeunknownMichael Howard
4-D Sports boxingunknown
42 in 1MiscUnlicensed pirate multicart
4D Prince of persiaActionFreeware
4D Sports BoxingSportMindscape, Inc.
4D Sports BoxingunknownMindscape
4D Sports BoxingunknownMindscape
4D Sports Boxing 2.0unknownMindscape
64 in 1MiscSupervision
688 Attack SubSimulationSega Corporation
7 Card StudStrategyVilla Crespo Software
7 ColorsPuzzleInfrogames
750cc Grand PrixunknownCodemasters
750cc Grand PrixunknownCodemasters
750cc Grand PrixunknownCodemasters
A Night with TroiAdventure
A Silly Noisy HouseEducationalPeggy Weil
A-10 Tank KillerStrategyDynamix
A.G.E.SimulationCoktel Vision
A320 AirbusSimulationThalion
ABC Wide World of Sports BoxingSportData East USA
ABC Wide World of Sports: BoxingunknownData East
ABC Wide World of Sports: BoxingunknownData East
ABC Wide World of Sports: BoxingunknownData East
Ace of AcesSimulationSega Corporation
AcquireStrategyAvalon Hill
Action 52MiscActive Enterprises
Action Stations! Aka Naval Surface Combat 1922 - 1945SimulationRAW Entertainment
Adam & EveActionGluk Video
Addams Family, TheActionOcean Software
Addams Family, TheunknownOcean
Addams Family, TheunknownOcean
Addams Family, Theunknown
Addams Family, TheunknownOcean
Admirals CommandStrategySimoneSystems Software
Admirals CommandStrategySimoneSystems Software
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons - Heroes of the LanceActionPony Canyon
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons - HillsfarStrategyPony Canyon
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons - Pool of RadianceunknownPony Canyon
Advantage Tennisunknown
Adventures of Dr.Know-it-All Inside Human BodyEducationalTom Snyder Productions
Adventures of Lolo 3PuzzleHAL Laboratory
Adventures of Lolo 3PuzzleHAL Laboratory, Inc.
Adventures of Robin HoodAdventureMillennium Interactive Ltd.
Adventures of Willy BeamishAdventureDynamix
Adventures of Willy BeamishunknownSierra
Adventures of Willy BeamishunknownSierra
Adventures of Willy BeamishunknownSierra
AggravationStrategyCutlass Software
Air RescueunknownAtlantis Software
AirlineStrategyFalken Software
Akagawa Jirō no Yūrei ResshaAdventureKing Records
AkbarrunknownA. Viedma
AkbarrunknownA. Viedma
Aldos AssaultActionBen and Dave Ibach
Alice: An Interactive MuseumAdventureSynergy Interactive
Alien BreedActionTeam 17
Alien BreedActionTeam 17
Alien StormActionSega Corporation
Alien Tank Attackunknown
AlstradunknownThe Guild
Altered DestinyAdventureAccolade
AmandaStoriesAdventureAmanda Goodenough
America Oudan Ultra Quiz: Shijou Saidai no TatakaiunknownTomy
American GladiatorsActionGameTek Inc
Amulet of Darath, TheunknownZenobi Software
Amulet of Darath, TheunknownZenobi Software
Amulet of Darath, TheunknownZenobi Software
Ancients 1: DeathwatchRPG
Animal QuestEducational
Animated Memory GameStrategy
Another Lifeless Planet and Me With No BeerAdventure
Another WorldActionDelphine Software
Another WorldActionGolden Disk 64
Another Worldunknown
Another WorldActionU.S Gold
Apogee Software Bonus Disk 7unknownApogee
Apple SpiceunknownMarin Computer Center
Aqua Blooper PiperPuzzleCasady & Greene
ArachnophobiaActionBlueSky Software
ArashiActionProject STORM team
Arcade Blockbusters!unknownCapcom
Arcade HitsunknownCapcom
Arctic AdventureAction
Arctic AdventureAction
Arctic AdventureActionApogee Software
Arctic AdventureunknownApogee
Armada 2525Strategy
Armada 2525unknown?
ArmorStrategyBrad Sanders
Armor Alleyunknown
Armor AlleyunknownThree-Sixty Pacific
Armor AlleyPuzzleThree-Sixty Pacific
Arnal & DrakunknownTorasoft
AssaultStrategyBrad Sanders
AstérixActionSEGA Enterprises
AsylumAdventureDoppelganger Adventures Inc
Atomix II - HexagoniaunknownProxima Software
Attack MarblesStrategyMartin Martinez
Auf dem Weg nach EuropaunknownBundesregierung
Aunt Velma's Coming to Tea!unknownZenobi Software
AureonunknownDragonHold Software
AutocrashunknownZigurat Software
AutocrashunknownZigurat Software
AutocrashunknownZigurat Software
Avalanche - The Struggle for ItalyunknownCCS
Axys The Last Battleunknown
Baby Jo Going Homeunknown
Back to the Future 3ActionImage Works
Back to the Future IIActionImage Works
Back to the Future IIIunknownImage Works
BackBayStrategyJeff Strobel
BackrgammonStrategyKrista Comp.
Bad BloodAdventureOrigin Systems Inc
Bakushou!! Jinsei Gekijou 2unknownTaito America Corporation
Bakushou!! Jinsei Gekijou 3unknownTaito America Corporation
Ball GameActionEsprit Software
Barbarian IIActionPsygnosis Limited
BarbieActionHi Tech Expressions
Bard's ConstructionsetMiscInterplay
Barney Bear Goes to SchoolEducationalFree Spirit Software
Bart vs. the Space MutantsunknownAcclaim
Bases Loaded 3, Ryne Sandberg PlaysunknownJaleco
Basketball Pro StyleunknownR&R Software
BasstourSportOlsen Outdoors
Batman: Return of the JokerActionSunsoft
Batman: Return of the JokerActionSunsoft
Batman: Return of the JokerActionSunsoft
Battle ChessMisc
Battle Commander: Hachibushuu Shura no HeihouunknownBanpresto
Battle FleetStrategyWade L. Corby
Battle FormulaunknownSunsoft
Battle IsleStrategy
Battle IsleActionBlue Byte Software
Battle IsleStrategyBlue Byte
Battle IsleStrategyBlue Byte
Battle IsleRPGBlue Byte
Battle Isle Data DiskStrategyBlue Byte
Battle Isle Data Disk 2unknownBlue Byte
Battle MasterStrategy
Battle SatunknownFiras Bushnaq
Battle StormunknownParty Room 21
BattleGrid 1.0unknownBob Dolan
BattleTech 2: The Crescent Hawk's RevengeStrategyInfocom
BattletoadsActionRare, Ltd.
BattletoadsActionSega Corporation
BeerlandunknownProxima Software
Behold AtlantisunknownZenobi Software
Bermuda Triangle, TheunknownZenobi Software
Best Keiba: Derby StallionunknownASCII
Bible AdventuresunknownWisdom Tree
Bible AdventuresActionWisdom Tree
Bible AdventuresActionWisdom Tree
Bicycle HolidayPuzzleSWFTE International
Big Game FishingSportSimulmondo
Big Game Fishingunknown
Big Nose the CavemanunknownCamerica
Bill Laimbeer's Combat BasketballSportHudson Soft, LTD.
Birds of PreySimulationElectronic Arts
Birds of PreyunknownElectronic Arts
Birds of PreyunknownElectronic Arts
Black GoldStrategyStarbyte
Black GoldStrategyRainbow Arts
Blackout 2.0unknownZarkware
Blade WarriorActionImage Works
Blue ShadowActionNatsume, Inc.
Blues BrothersActionTitus
Blues Brothers, Theunknown
Bo Jackson BaseballSportData East Corporation
Bo Jackson BaseballunknownData East
Bo Jackson BaseballunknownData East
Bomb RunAction
Bomber JackunknownKE-Soft
Bomber JackunknownKE-Soft
Bomberman IIActionHudson Soft
Bomberman IIPuzzleHudson Soft, LTD.
Bonanza Brosunknown
BonesunknownCorporation AS-DS
BonifacunknownPetulka Software
Boston Bomb ClubPuzzle
Boulder Dash Construction Kit Data Disk #1unknownMega Magazine
BreakoutActionKenneth Silverman
BrixPuzzleMichael Riedel
Bubble Bath BabesAdultHacker International
Bubble Bath BabesunknownPanesian
Bubble Dizzyunknown
Bubble DizzyunknownCodemasters
Bubble DizzyunknownCodemasters
Bubble DizzyunknownCodemasters
Bubble DizzyunknownCodemasters
Bundesliga Manager Professionalunknown
Bush BuckStrategyPC Globe Inc.
Bush BuckStrategyPC Globe Inc.
Bush Buck: Global Treasure HunterStrategy
Byte BanditunknownRinzai Satori
Byte BanditunknownRinzai Satori
CadaverunknownImage Works
CadaverunknownImage Works
CadaverunknownImage Works
CadaverunknownImage Works
Cadaver - The PayoffRPGBitmap Brothers
Cadaver: The PayoffAdventureImage Works
Caesar's PalaceSportUnknown
California Games 2unknownEpyx
CamelStrategyCary Torkelson
Captain America and the AvengersunknownData East Corporation
Captain CommandoActionCapcom
Captain Hook's PotluckunknownA.S.C.S.
Captain PlanetunknownMindscape International
Captain PlanetunknownMindscape International
Captain Planet and the PlaneteersunknownMindscape, Inc.
CastleunknownSami Tammilehto
Castle of Dr BrainPuzzleSierra On-Line
Castle of Dr. BrainPuzzleSierra
Castle of Dr. BrainAdventure
Castle of Dr. BrainMiscSierra On-Line Inc.
Castle of Dr. BrainPuzzleSierra On-Line
Castle WarlockunknownAdventure Probe Software
Castles: The Northern CampaignStrategyQuicksilver Software, Inc.
Castles: The Northern CampaignAdventureInterplay
Castles: The Northern CampaignAdventureInterplay
Castlevania II: Belmont’s RevengeActionKonami
Catacomb 2ActionSoftdisk
Catacomb 3-DAdventureSoftdisk
Catacomb 3DunknownSoftdisk
Catch 88unknownSimon Trew
Cave NoireActionKonami
Caves of Darknessunknown
Center Court TennisSportVisutech
Cerius II - InteraliaunknownAtlantis Software
Challenge of the Ancient EmpiresPuzzleLearning Company
Challenge, TheunknownZenobi Software
Champ, TheunknownLinel Software
Champion of the RajStrategy
Champion of the RajActionLevel 9 Computing
Championship BowlingSportAthena
Championship RallySportHAL Laboratory, Inc.
Championship RununknownImpulze
Championship RununknownImpulze
Championship RununknownImpulze
Chard, TheunknownSalpicao
Chase H.Q.SportSega Corporation
Chefs Mate IIunknownDominic Morris
ChessBase 3.0MiscChessBase
Chessmaster 3000PuzzleSoftware Toolworks
Chevy ChaseunknownHi-Tec Software
Chibi Maruko-chan: Harikiri 365-Nichi no MakiunknownEpoch Co., Ltd.
Chibi Maruko-chan: Uki Uki ShoppingunknownNamco Ltd
Chip 'N Dale: Rescue RangersActionCapcom Co., Ltd.
Chip's ChallengePuzzle
Chip's ChallengeunknownEpyx
ChompunknownJerry J. Shekhel
Choplifter II: Rescue SurviveActionBeam Software
Chou Jinrou Senki: WarwolfunknownTakara
Chrobak TruhlikunknownUltrasoft
Chuck Yeager's Air CombatSimulation
Chuck Yeager's Air CombatunknownElectronic Arts
Chuck Yeager's Air CombatActionElectronic Arts
Chuck Yeager's Air CombatunknownElectronic Arts
Ci U Than Trilogy II Los Templos Sagradosunknown
Ci-U-Than Trilogy II - Los Templos SagradosunknownAventuras AD
Ci-U-Than Trilogy II - Los Templos SagradosunknownAventuras AD
Cince Igualesunknown
Cisco HeatSimulationImage Works
Cisco HeatunknownImage Works
Cisco Heatunknown
Cisco HeatSport
Cisco HeatunknownImage Works
Cisco Heat: All American Police Car RaceSimulationJaleco
CivilizationStrategyMicroProse \(Sid Meier\)
CivilizationStrategyMicroprose Software, Inc.
CJ's Elephant AnticsunknownCodemasters
CJ's II - In the USAunknownCodemasters
CJ's II - In the USAunknownCodemasters
Cohort - Fighting for RomeStrategyImpressions Games
Cohort: Fighting for RomeStrategyImpressions
Comic, Arcade & AventuraMiscDro Soft
Comic, Arcade & AventuraMiscDro Soft
Comic, Arcade & AventuraMiscDro Soft
Comic, Arcade & AventuraMiscDro Soft
Coming AttractionsunknownFreeware Demo
Command H.Q.StrategyMicroplay
Command HQStrategyMicroprose
Command HQunknownMicroprose
Commander Keen - Episode 4Action
Commander Keen - Keen DreamsMiscApogee
Commander Keen 4: Secret of the OracleActionApogee Software, LTD.
Commander Keen 5: The Armageddon MachineActionid Software
Commander Keen 5: The Armageddon MachineActionApogee Software, LTD.
Commander Keen 6 - Aliens Ate My Baby SitterActionFormGen, Inc.
Commander Keen in Goodbye, Galaxy!ActionApogee
Commander Keen: Aliens Ate My Babysitter!unknownid Software
Commander Keen: Aliens Ate My Babysitter!unknownid Software
Commander Keen: Aliens Ate My Babysitter!unknownid Software
Commander Keen: Aliens Ate My Babysitter!unknownid Software
Commander Keen: Aliens Ate My Babysitter!unknownid Software
Commander Keen: Aliens Ate My Babysitter!unknownid Software
Commander Keen: Aliens Ate My Babysitter!Actionid Software
Commander Keen: Goodbye, Galaxy!ActionApogee
Commander Keen: Goodbye, Galaxy!unknownApogee
Commander Keen: Goodbye, Galaxy!unknownApogee
Commander Keen: Goodbye, Galaxy!unknownApogee
Commander Keen: Goodbye, Galaxy!ActionApogee
ConanunknownMindscape, Inc.
Conan IunknownUV Software
Conan the CimmerianRPGVirgin
Conan the CimmerianunknownVirgin
Conan the CimmerianunknownVirgin
Conan: the CimmerianRPG
Conan: The CimmerianAdventureVirgin Interactive
Conflict: Middle EastunknownSSI
Conman the BarbaricunknownElven Adventurers
Conman the BarbaricunknownElven Adventurers
Conquests of the LongbowAdventureSierra On-Line
Conquests of the LongbowAdventureSierra
Conquests of the LongbowunknownSierra
Conquests of the LongbowunknownSierra
Conquests of the LongbowunknownSierra
Conquests of the Longbow - The Legend of Robin HoodunknownSierra
Conquests of the Longbow: The Legend of Robin HoodAdventureSierra On-Line Inc.
Corel ArtShow '91unknown
Corncob 3DunknownMVP Software
Corncob 3DunknownMVP Software
CorporationActionCore Design
Cosmos CopunknownGluk Video
Cover Girl Strip PokerStrategy
Cover Girl Strip PokerAdultEmotional Pictures
Covert ActionStrategyMatt Kaufman
Crete 1941unknownCCS
Crete 1941unknownCCS
CribbageunknownWalter Warniaha
Crime CityAdventureISC
Crime Does Not PayActionTitus
Crisis ForceActionKonami Computer Entertainment Japan, Inc.
Crisis in the Kremlinunknown
Croisère pour un cadavreunknownDelphine
Croisère pour un cadavreunknownDelphine
Cromwell at War 1642-1645unknownCCS
Cromwell at War 1642-1645unknownCCS
Cruise for a CorpseAdventureDelphine Software
Cruise for a CorpseAdventure
Cruise for a CorpseAdventureU.S Gold
Cruise for a CorpseAdventureDelphine Software International
Cruise for a CorpseAdventureDelphine
Cruise for a CorpseunknownDelphine
CruncherActionKarsten Finger
CruncherunknownKarsten Finger
Crystal CavesAction
Crystal WarriorsRPGSega
Curse of Calutha, TheunknownZenobi Software
Curse of Calutha, TheunknownZenobi Software
Curse of Calutha, TheunknownZenobi Software
CyberboxPuzzleDoug Beeferman
Cybercon IIIunknownUS Gold
D-ForceunknownAsmik Ace Entertainment
Daffy DuckActionRiedel Software
Daffy Duck PI: The Case of the Missing LettersPuzzle
Dai-2-ji Super Robot TaisenunknownBanpresto
Daiku no Gen-sanunknownIrem Software Engineering, Inc.
DaleksunknownWalter Wu
Dames SimulatorunknownInfogrames
Danan: The Jungle FighterActionSega Corporation
Danger! Adventurer at Work!unknown
Danger! Adventurer at Work!unknownThe Guild
Dangerous Dave - The Haunted MansionActionSoftDisk
Dangerous Dave in the Haunted MansionActionSoftdisk
Danny Sullivan’s Indy HeatSportLeland, Tradewest
Darius TwinunknownTaito America Corporation
Dark AgesAction
Dark AgesActionApogee Software
Dark AgesunknownApogee
Dark AgesunknownApogee
Dark Designs 1 - Grelminar's StaffRPGSoftdisk Publishing
Dark Designs 2 - Closing the GateRPGSoftdisk Publishing
Dark StaffunknownF. Oliver
Darkest RoadunknownZenobi Software
Darkest Road II - 'Twas a Time of DreadunknownZenobi Software
Darkest Road III - The Unborn OneunknownZenobi Software
DarkmanActionOcean Software, Inc.
DartsSportSoftdisk Publishing
Das ErbeAdventureComad
Das Schloß Von Dr. BrainunknownSierra
Death BringerActionEmpire
Death Knights of KrynnRPGStrategic Simulations Inc.
Death Knights of KrynnRPG
Death Knights of KrynnRPGSSI
Death Knights of KrynnRPGSSI
Death Knights of KrynnActionSSI
Death Knights of KrynnAdventureSSI
Death Knights of KrynnunknownSSI
Deathbringer: The Sword of AbaddonActionEmpire Software
Defender of the CrownStrategy
Desafío FinalActionEdiciones Manali
Desert IslandunknownG.I. Games
Desmond and GertrudeunknownDelbert the Hamster Software
Desperado 2unknownTopo Soft
Destination: MarsunknownCompu-Teach
Destination: Mars!unknownCompu-Teach
Devastating Blow - 1 PlayerunknownBeyond Belief
Devastating Blow - 1 PlayerunknownBeyond Belief
Devastating Blow - 2 PlayersunknownBeyond Belief
Devastating Blow - 2 PlayersunknownBeyond Belief
Die HardActionActivision
Die KathedraleAdventureSoftware 2000
DIF-1 Laser TankActionSoftstar
Dinamic Pack '92, TheMiscDinamic
Dinamic Pack '92, TheMiscDinamic
Dinamic Pack '92, TheMiscDinamic
Dinamic Pack '92, TheMiscDinamic
Dinamic Pack '92, TheMiscDinamic
Dinamic Pack '92, TheMiscDinamic
Dinamic Pack '92, TheMiscDinamic
Dirt Track RacerunknownZeppelin Games
Dirt Track RacerunknownZeppelin Games
Discovery – In the Steps of ColumbusStrategyImpressions
Disney's TaleSpinActionCapcom Co., Ltd.
Dizzy Down the Rapidsunknown
Dizzy - Down the RapidsunknownCodemasters
Dizzy - Down the RapidsunknownCodemasters
Dizzy - Down the RapidsunknownCodemasters
Dizzy - Down the RapidsunknownCodemasters
Dizzy - Down the RapidsunknownCodemasters
Dizzy - Fantasy WorldActionCodemasters
Dizzy V Spellbound Dizzyunknown
Dizzy V - Spellbound DizzyunknownCodemasters
Dizzy V - Spellbound DizzyunknownCodemasters
Dizzy V - Spellbound DizzyunknownCodemasters
Dizzy V - Spellbound DizzyunknownCodemasters
Dizzy V - Spellbound DizzyunknownCodemasters
Dizzy V - Spellbound DizzyunknownCodemasters
Dizzy VI Prince of the Yolkfolkunknown
Dizzy VI - Prince of the YolkfolkunknownCodemasters
Dizzy VI - Prince of the YolkfolkunknownCodemasters
Dizzy VI - Prince of the YolkfolkunknownCodemasters
Dizzy VI - Prince of the YolkfolkunknownCodemasters
Dizzy VI - Prince of the YolkfolkunknownCodemasters
Dizzy: Prince of the YolkfolkActionBig Red Software
Dizzy: Prince of the YolkfolkActionBig Red Software
Doki! Doki! Yuuenchi: Crazyland DaisakusenunknownVap
Dokonala Vrazda II - BukapaounknownUltrasoft
Double CrossunknownMicroforum Manufacturing Inc.
Double Dragon III The Rosetta Stoneunknown
Double Dragon III - The Rosetta StoneunknownStorm Software
Double Dragon III: The Sacred StonesunknownAcclaim Entertainment, Inc.
DowntownunknownAtlantis Software
DowntownunknownAtlantis Software
Downtown Special: Kunio-kun no Jidaigeki Dayo Zenin Shuugou!unknownTechnos Japan Corp.
Dr. RudyPuzzleKevin Jay North
Dr. SbaitsoSimulationCreative Technology
Drachen von LaasunknownAttic
Draconus II: The Story ContinueunknownNational Soft
Draconus II: The Story ContinueunknownNational Soft
Dragon Ball Z II: Gekishin Freeza!!unknownBandai America, Inc.
Dragon CrystalStrategySega Corporation
Dragon's Lair II: Time WarpActionReadySoft
DruglordStrategyFantasyWare, Inc.
Duke NukemActionApogee Software, Ltd.
Duke NukemAction
Duke NukemunknownApogee
Duke Nukem 2MiscApogee
Duke Nukem Episode 1: Schrapnel CityActionApogee Software, LTD.
Duke NukumunknownApogee
Duke NukumunknownApogee
Duke NukumActionApogee
Dungeon MasterRPGJVC
Dungeons of AvalonRPGZeret
Dusk of the GodsRPG
Dynamite BatmanActionSunsoft
Dynamite DukeunknownSega Corporation
Eagle's RiderActionInfogrames
Eagle's Riderunknown
Eamon 029 - The Lost Island of AppleunknownBrown, D.
Eamon 068 - The Smith's StrongholdunknownPorter, A.
Eamon 075 - Temple of the GuildunknownDoumakes, D.
Eamon 078 - The Prince's TavernunknownDavis, R.
Eamon 090 - The Doomsday ClockunknownTankard, J.
Eamon 107 - The Last DragonunknownPender, R.
Earl Weaver Baseball 2SportElectronic Arts
EclipseunknownZenobi Software
Eco Quest 1 - The Search for CetusunknownSierra
Eco-SaurusEducationalFirst Byte
EcoQuest: The Search for CetusAdventureSierra On-Line Inc.
EggerlandPuzzleVampire Vangeance
EgyptunknownHuman Entertainment
EgyptPuzzleHuman Creative
Einmal Kanzler seinStrategyComputerpartner T&S GmbH
EL ESCAPEunknownAlejandro J. Cura
ElfActionOcean Software, Inc.
EliminatorActionJerry Judd
EliminatorActionJerry Judd
Eliminator Boat DuelSportElectro Brain
Eliminator Boat DuelSportSculptured Software, Electro Brain
Elite PlusStrategyRealtime Software
Elite PlusunknownMicroplay
Elvira - Mistress Of The DarkAdventureFlair Software Ltd
Elvira - The Arcade GameActionFlair Software
Elvira 2 - The Jaws of CerberusRPGAccolade
Elvira: The Arcade GameunknownFlair Software
Elvira: The Arcade GameunknownFlair Software
Engineering Jones and The Time Thieves of DSPeaPuzzlePrentice Associates
Eric the UnreadyAdventureLegend Entertainment
Eric the UnreadyAdventureLegend
Eskimo GamesSportGolden Disk 64
ESS MegaSimulationCoktel Vision
Euro BossunknownChallenge Software
European Superleagueunknown
European SuperleagueunknownCDS Microsystems
Eve of Shadowsunknown
ExileActionAudiogenic Software Ltd
Exodus: Journey to the Promised LandunknownWisdom Tree
Exodus: Journey to the Promised LandPuzzleWisdom Tree
Exodus: Journey to the Promised LandPuzzleWisdom Tree
Exodus: Journey to the Promised LandPuzzleWisdom Tree
Exploding AtomsunknownProxima Software
ExterminatorunknownAudiogenic Software
Extra InningsSimulationSony Imagesoft
ExtremeunknownDigital Integration
Eye of the BeholderRPGWestwood Associates
Eye of the BeholderRPGWestwood Studios
Eye of the BeholderRPGSSI
Eye of the BeholderAdventureSSI
Eye of the BeholderAdventureSSI
Eye of the BeholderunknownSSI
Eye of the BeholderunknownSSI
Eye of the BeholderunknownSSI
Eye of the Beholder 1 & 2unknownSSI
Eye of the Beholder 2 - The Legend of DarkmoonRPGSSI
Eye of the Beholder 2 - The Legend of DarkmoonRPGSSI
Eye of the beholder 3: Assault on Myth DrannorRPG
F 16 Combat Pilotunknown
F-117A - Stealth Fighter 2SimulationMicroProse
F-117A Nighthawk Stealth Fighter 2.0unknownMicroprose
F-117A Nighthawk Stealth Fighter 2.0unknownMicroprose
F-117A Nighthawk Stealth Fighter 2.0unknownMicroprose
F1 Tornado SimulatorunknownZeppelin Games
F1 Tornado SimulatorunknownZeppelin Games
F29 RetaliatorSimulationOcean
Facing the EmpireStrategyMVP Software
Falcon 3.0SimulationSpectrum Holobyte
Falcon 3.0SimulationSpectrum HoloByte
Falcon 3.0SimulationSpectrum Holobyte
Falcon 3.0unknownSpectrum Holobyte
Falcon 3.0: Mig-29unknownSpectrum Holobyte
Falcon 3.0: Operation Fighting TigerunknownSpectrum Holobyte
FalloutPuzzleBrad P. Taylor
Famicom Jump II: Saikyou no 7 NinunknownBandai America, Inc.
Far WestActionEdiciones Manali
FascinationAdventureCoktel Vision, MDO
Fatal FuryActionSNK
Fatal FuryActionSNK
Fate: Gates of DawnRPGreLINE Software
Fiendish Freddy's Big Top of Fununknown
Final BattleRPGMirrorsoft
Final conflictActionImpressions
Final Fantasy IVAdventureSquare Co., Ltd.
Final Fantasy IVRPGSquare
Final FightunknownCapcom
Final FightActionCreative Materials
Fire Landunknown
Fire WarriorActionElectromagic
Fire WarriorActionElectromagic
Fire-Brigade: The Battle for Kiev 1943unknownPanther Games
Fireteam 2200StrategyRAW Entertainment
FireTeam 2200unknownRAW Entertainment
First Past the PostunknownZenobi Software
First SamuraiActionVivid Image
First samuraiActionImage Works
Fisher King, TheunknownZenobi Software
Fisher King, TheunknownZenobi Software
Flames of FreedomunknownMicroprose
Flash, TheActionProbe Entertainment
Flash, TheActionProbe Entertainment
Flight of the IntruderSimulationMindscape, Inc.
Flintstones, The: Rescue of Dino & HoppyActionTaito
Flip ItunknownMikropol
Flying WarriorsunknownCulture Brain
Forgotten Worldsunknown
Forgotten WorldsunknownSega Corporation
Formula 1 Grand PrixSport
Frankenstein: The Monster ReturnsActionBandai America, Inc.
FredunknownQueurope Agency
FredunknownL.K. Avalon
FredunknownL.K. Avalon
FredunknownL.K. Avalon
FredunknownL.K. Avalon
FredunknownQuerope Agency
Free D.C.!Adventure
Free DC!unknownCineplay
Full ContactActionTeam 17
Fun HouseActionHi Tech Expressions
Fuzzical FighterActionSigma Enterprises
G Log R360unknown
G.I. Joe: A Real American HeroActionKID, Taxan
Gain GroundActionSega Corporation
Galactic ConquestStrategyScarecrow Software
Galactic FrontiersStrategyHuman Media
Galactix 2 - The Search for the Lost OrbsActionRichard L. Wright
Galaxi BarkonidunknownMHS Studio
Galaxi BarkonidunknownMHS
Galaxy 5000: Racing in the 51st CenturyunknownActivision
Gamer's Edge SamplerunknownGamer's Edge
Games, The: Winter ChallengeSportMindSpan
Gang WarsRPGDoerr Bros Software
Gateway to the Savage FrontierRPGSSI
Gateway to the Savage FrontierunknownSSI
Gateway to the Savage FrontierAdventureSSI
Gazza 2unknown
Gazza IIunknownEmpire Software
Gazza IIunknown
Gazza IIunknownEmpire Software
Gazza IIunknownEmpire
Genghis KhanStrategyKOEI
Genghis KhanunknownPositive
Genghis KhanunknownPositive
Genghis KhanunknownPositive
Genghis KhanunknownPositive
Genghis KhanunknownPositive
Genghis KhanunknownPositive
Ghengis Kahnunknown
Ghouls 'n GhostsunknownSega Corporation
Gigablast: The Aggressive PlanetunknownMHS Studio
Gimmi a Break: Shijou Saikyou no Quiz Ou KetteisenunknownParty Room 21
Gnome AloneStrategy
GoalunknownNew Era Software
GoalunknownNew Era Software
GobliiinsPuzzleCoktel Vision
GodsActionBitmap Brothers
GodsActionBitmap Brothers
GodsActionBitmap Brothers
GodsStrategyBitmap Brothers
Gold HuntPuzzleEric Saito
Golden AxeAction
Golden Axe IIActionSEGA Enterprises
Golden Axe WarriorRPGSEGA Enterprises
Golden Eagleunknown
Golden Immortal: Volume OneunknownWhitestar Mageware
Golden Pyramid, TheunknownZenobi Software
Golden Sword of Bhakhor, TheunknownZenobi Software
Golden Sword of Bhakhor, TheunknownZenobi Software
Golden Sword of Bhakhor, TheunknownZenobi Software
Golf Grand SlamSportHect
Goofy's Railway ExpressunknownDisney
Gorby no Pipeline DaisakusenunknownTokuma Shoten
Grand Prix 500 2SimulationMicroids
Grand Prix 500 2Sport
Grand Prix 500cc 2unknown
Great Courts 2SportBlue Byte
Great Courts 2unknownBlue Byte
Great Napoleonic BattlesStrategy
Green SonjaunknownPsychaedelic Hedgehog Software
Gremlins 2ActionHi Tech Expressions
Ground WarStrategyEnque Software
Ground WarStrategyEnque Software
Ground War 2StrategyEnque Software
Ground War 2StrategyEnque Software
Guldkorn ExpressenPuzzle
Gunship 2000SimulationMicroprose
GunsightunknownKonami Computer Entertainment Japan, Inc.
HAL's Hole in One GolfSimulationHAL Laboratory / Ape, Inc.
Hammer BoyActionDinamic Software
Hammer BoyunknownDinamic Software
Hammer Boyunknown
Hammer Boyunknown
Hammer BoyActionDinamic
Hammer BoyActionDinamic
Hammer BoyActionDinamic
Hammer BoyActionDinamic
Hammer BoyActionDinamic
Hammer BoyActionDinamic
Hammer BoyActionDinamic
Hammer of Grimmold, TheunknownZenobi Software
Hammer of Grimmold, TheunknownZenobi Software
Hammer of Grimmold, The v2unknownZenobi Software
HangMan PlusPuzzleKen Winograd
Harlem GlobetrottersSportGameTek Inc
Hawk StormunknownPlayers Premier Software
Hawk StormunknownPlayers Premier Software
Hawk Stormunknown
Hawk StormunknownPlayers Premier Software
Headline Harry and the Great Paper RaceEducationalDavidson & Associates
Headline Harry and The Great Paper RaceunknownDavidson & Associates
Heart of ChinaAdventureSierra
Hearts for WindowsunknownPaul Pedriana
HeimdallRPG8th Day, The
Heisei Tensai BakabonunknownNamco Ltd
Hero QuestAdventureGremlin Interactive
Hero QuestunknownGremlin Graphics Software
Hero QuestunknownGremlin Graphics Software
Hero QuestunknownGremlin Graphics Software
Hero Questunknown
Hero QuestunknownGremlin Graphics Software
Hero QuestRPGGremlin
Hero Quest Return of the Witchlordunknown
Hero Quest - Return of the Witch LordunknownGremlin Graphics Software
Heroes of the LanceunknownTengen - U.S. Gold
HeroQuestMiscGremlin Graphics Software Ltd.
HextrisPuzzleEzra Dreisbach
Hideous, TheunknownYear Zero Soft
High SpeedSimulationTradewest, Inc.
Hill Street BluesAdventureKrisalis Software Ltd.
Hill Street BluesStrategyKrisalis
Hiryuu no Ken Special: Fighting WarsunknownCulture Brain
Hob's HoardunknownZenobi Software
Hob's HoardunknownZenobi Software
Hokuto no Ken 4: Shichisei Hakenden: Hokuto Shinken no Kanata eunknownToei Animation
Holiday Lemmings (Xmas Lemmings) '91PuzzleDMA Design Limited
Home AloneActionCapstone
Home AloneActionTHQ Inc.
Home AloneunknownManley & Associates
Honzovo DobrodruzstviunknownPanthersoft
Horror Zombies from The CryptActionMillennium
Hot SlotsSimulationPanesian Ltd.
HovertankActionid Software
Hoyle - Book of Games Vol. 3unknownSierra
Hoyle - Book of Games Vol. 3unknownSierra
Hoyle's Book of Games 3 - Great Board GamesunknownSierra
Hudson HawkActionOcean Software
Hudson HawkunknownOcean
Hudson HawkunknownOcean
Hudson Hawkunknown
Hudson’s Adventure Island IIActionHudson Soft
Hugo 2 - Whodunit?AdventureGray Design Associates
Hugo 2: Whodunit?AdventureGray Design Associates
Hundir la FlotaMiscM.A. Soft
Hundir la FlotaMiscM.A. Soft
Hundir la FlotaMiscM.A. Soft
Hundir la FlotaMiscM.A. Soft
Hunt for Red October, The Based on the Movieunknown
HunterunknownAtlantis Software
HunterunknownAtlantis Software
Huxley Pigunknown
Huxley PigunknownAlternative Software
Huxley PigunknownAlternative Software
Huxley PigunknownAlternative Software
Huxley PigunknownAlternative Software
Huxley PigunknownAlternative Software
HyperoidunknownHutchins Software
HyperZoneunknownHAL Laboratory / Ape, Inc.
Ian Botham's CricketunknownCelebrity Software
Ian Botham's CricketunknownCelebrity Software
Ide Yousuke Meijin no Jissen Mahjong IIunknownCapcom Co., Ltd.
IdiliarunknownGrupo Creators Union
IdiliarunknownGrupo Creators Union
IdiliarunknownGrupo Creators Union
IdiliarunknownGrupo Creators Union
IdiliarunknownCreators Union
InchWorm!ActionMike Amadeo
IndentureAdventureCraig Pell
Indiana Jones and The Last CrusadeunknownTaito America Corporation
Insector Hecti in The InterchangeunknownHi-Tec Software
Insector Hecti in The Interchangeunknown
Insector Hecti in The InterchangeunknownHi-Tec Software
Intel386 SX Math CoProcessor UtilitiesunknownIntel
International Championship AthleticsSportGolden Sector
International Ninja RabbitsAction
International Ninja Rabbitsunknown
International Ninja RabbitsunknownMicroValue
Into the MysticunknownRiver Software
Intruder Alert II - Invaders from Planet XunknownCompass Software
Intruder Alert II - Invaders from Planet XunknownCompass Software
Invasión LunaunknownRafa Vico
Island of DangerAdventureRichard E. Carr
Isolated WarriorActionNTVIC
It came from the desertAdventureFreeware
Jackie ChanunknownHudson Soft, LTD.
Jade Necklace, TheunknownZenobi Software
Jade Necklace, TheunknownZenobi Software
Jahanghir Khan';s SquashSportKrisalis
Jahangir Khan's World Championship Squashunknown
Jahangir Khan's World Championship SquashunknownKrisalis Software
Jai AlaiunknownOpera Soft
Jai Alaiunknown
Jaleco Rally: Big Run: The Supreme 4WD ChallengeunknownJaleco
James Pond 2 - Codename: RobocodActionElectronic Arts
James Pond 2 - Codename: RobocodAdventureElectronic Arts
James Pond 2 - Codename: RobocodunknownElectronic Arts
James Pond II: Codename RobocodActionMillennium
Jeep WarActionEdiciones Manali
Jester's JauntunknownZenobi Software
Jester's JauntunknownZenobi Software
Jester's JauntunknownZenobi Software
Jester's JauntunknownZenobi Software
JigsawedunknownTito Messerli, Microsoft
Jimmy Connors Pro Tennis Tourunknown
Jimmy White Whirlwind Snookerunknown
Jimmy White's Whirlwind SnookerSportVirgin
Jimmy White's Whirlwind SnookerunknownVirgin
Jimmy White's Whirlwind SnookerunknownVirgin
Jimmy's Soccer ManagerunknownBeyond Belief
Jimmy's Soccer ManagerunknownBeyond Belief
Jmeno RuzeunknownProxima Software
Jocky Wilson's Compendium of Dartsunknown
Jocky Wilson's Compendium of DartsunknownZeppelin Games
Jocky Wilson's Darts CompediumunknownZeppelin Games
Joe & Mac - Caveman NinjaActionNew World Computing
Joe & Mac: Caveman NinjaActionData East
Joe & Mac: Caveman NinjaActionData East
Joe & Mac: Caveman NinjaActionData East
Joe & Mac: Caveman NinjaActionData East
Joe & Mac: Caveman NinjaActionData East
Joe & Mac: Caveman NinjaunknownData East
Joe & Mac: Caveman NinjaunknownData East
Joe and Mac Cavemen NinjaAction
Joe Blade 4unknownPlayers Premier Software
John Madden Football IIunknownElectronic Arts
John Madden Football IIunknownElectronic Arts
Johnny CastawayunknownSierra
Jones in the Fast LaneunknownSierra
Jones in the Fast Laneunknown
Jones in the Fast LaneActionSierra On-Line Inc.
Jonny Quest in Doctor Zin's Underworldunknown
Jonny Quest in Doctor Zin's UnderworldunknownHi-Tec Software
Jonny Quest in Doctor Zin's UnderworldunknownHi-Tec Software
Jugando al Ajedrezunknown
JuJu DensetsuunknownTaito America Corporation
Jumpman 2ActionApogee
Jumpman Lives!ActionApogee Software
Juvei QuestunknownNamco Ltd
Kabuki: Quantum FighterunknownHAL Laboratory, Inc.
Kaiketsu Yanchamaru 2: Karakuri LandunknownIrem Software Engineering, Inc.
Kangaroo CourtStrategyDave and P.F. Dumanis
Kani MisoActionHideki Mori
Karate KingActionEdiciones Manali
Katie's FarmEducationalLawrence Productions
KengiPuzzleSoftware 2000
KentrisPuzzleKen Silverman
Kentucky RacingunknownAlternative Software
Kentucky RacingunknownAlternative Software
Kentucky Racingunknown
Kero Kero Keroppi no DaiboukenunknownCharacter Soft
Kick-Box VigilanteunknownZeppelin Games
Kick-Box VigilanteunknownZeppelin Games
Kick-Box VigilanteunknownZeppelin Games
Kid Icarus: Of Myths and MonstersActionNintendo
Kidou Senshi Gundam F91: Formula Senki 0122unknownBandai America, Inc.
Killer Ballunknown
Killing CloudunknownImage Works
King of the MonstersActionSNK
King of the MonstersActionSNK
King's BountyRPGNew World Computing
King's Quest 5: Absence Makes the Heart Go Yonder!AdventureSierra
Kiwi Kraze: A Bird-Brained Adventure!unknownTaito America Corporation
Kobyashi Ag'Kwo - A Return to NaruunknownZenobi Software
Kong's Revengeunknown
Kong's RevengeActionZigurat
Kong's RevengeActionZigurat
Kong's RevengeActionZigurat
Kong's RevengeActionZigurat
KoolahPuzzleMarko Teittinen
Krazy Kartoonist Kaper, TheunknownFSF Adventures
Krazy Kartoonist Kaper, TheunknownZenobi Software
Kung Fu 2 (Spartan X 2)ActionIrem
Kuwait AssaultActionProein
Kyuukyoku Harikiri Stadium IIIunknownTaito America Corporation
La Grande ArmeeStrategy
LabyrinthActionEagle I. Berns
Laffer's UtilitiesunknownSierra
Laffer's UtilitiesunknownSierra
Laffer's UtilitiesunknownSierra
Lagaf: Les Aventures de Moktar - Vol 1: La ZoubidaActionTitus Ltd.
Lagrange PointunknownKonami Computer Entertainment Japan, Inc.
Las Vegas IIunknown
Laser GhostunknownSega Corporation
Laser InvasionActionKonami Computer Entertainment Japan, Inc.
Last Believer, TheunknownThe Guild
Last Ninja 3ActionSystem 3 Software, Ltd.
Last Warrior, TheunknownIron Chip
League FootballunknownCult Games
LeanderActionPsygnosis Limited
Legend of the Mystical Ninja, TheActionKonami
Legend of Zelda, The: A Link to the PastRPGNintendo
Leisure Suit Larry 1 (Color)AdventureAl Lowe
Leisure Suit Larry 1: In the Land of the Lounge LizardsAdventureSierra On-Line
Leisure Suit Larry 5AdultSierra On-Line
Leisure Suit Larry 5 - Passionate Patti Does A Little Undercover WorkunknownSierra
Leisure Suit Larry 5: Passionate Patti Does a Little Undercover WorkunknownSierra
Leisure Suit Larry 5: Passionate Patti Does a Little Undercover WorkunknownSierra
Leisure Suit Larry 5: Passionate Patti Does a Little Undercover WorkunknownSierra
LemmingsStrategyPsygnosis Limited
Les Aventures de Moktar - Vol 1: La ZoubidaAction
Les Manley in: Lost in L.A.Adventure
LetrisunknownProxima Software
Life GenesisunknownJim Horne, Microsoft Corp.
Light the ConkunknownDominic Morris
Light the ConkunknownDominic Morris
Little Mermaid: Ningyo HimeunknownCapcom Co., Ltd.
Lone Ranger, TheActionKonami
Lone Wolfunknown
Lone Wolf III - The Mirror of DeathunknownAudiogenic Software
Lone Wolf III - The Mirror of DeathunknownAudiogenic Software
Lone Wolf: The Mirror of DeathAction
Lone Wolf: The Mirror of DeathunknownAudiogenic Software
Lop Earsunknown
Lop EarsunknownPlayers Software
Lop EarsunknownPlayers Software
Lord of the Rings 2 - The Two TowersRPGInterplay
Lost Dragon, TheunknownTartan Software
Lost Dragon, The - IntrounknownTartan Software
Lotus Turbo Challenge 2SportElectronic Arts, Gremlin Graphics
Lucky Dime Caper, TheActionSEGA Enterprises
Mach One: America's Best 25 Entertainment Hitsunknown
Mad Painter!ActionSteve Elder
Mad TVStrategyRainbow Arts
Mad TVStrategyRainbow Arts
Mad TVStrategyRainbow Arts
MadixunknownCommodore Disc
Magic Candle II, The: The Four and FortyRPGMindcraft Software, Inc.
Magic DartsSportSeta
Magic Jewelry IIPuzzleRCM Group
Magic PocketsActionBitmap Brothers
Magic PocketsActionRenegade
Magic Treasure AdventureunknownTartan Software
Magic Treasure AdventureunknownTartan Software
Magic Treasure AdventureunknownTartan Software
Magic Treasure Adventure - IntrounknownTartan Software
Magical Taruruuto-kun: Fantastic World!!unknownBandai America, Inc.
Magnetic Scrolls CollectionAdventure
Mah JonggunknownRUN/IDG Communications
Mahjong RPG Dora Dora DoraunknownNatsume Co., Ltd.
Maldicion de Aros, LaunknownCarlos Moreno
Maldicion de Aros, LaunknownCarlos Moreno
Maldición de Aros, LaunknownIstari Design
Manchester United Europeunknown
Manchester United EuropeunknownKrisalis Software
Manchester United EuropeunknownKrisalis Software
Mansión de Pinosverdes, LaunknownNA Software
Mansión de Pinosverdes, LaunknownNA Software
Mansión de Pinosverdes, LaunknownNA Software
Mansión de Pinosverdes, LaunknownNA Software
Manta-ManiaunknownCP Verlag
Mario Andretti's Racing ChallengeSport
Mario Andretti's Racing ChallengeunknownElectronic Arts
Mario Open GolfunknownNintendo Co., LTD
Mario's Desert Worldunknown
Mark Set Go!unknownCP Verlag
MarsfighterunknownCommodore Disc
Martian DreamsRPGOrigin
Martian MemorandumAdventure
Martian MemorandumAdventureAccess Software
Martian MemorandumunknownAccess Software
Martian MemorandumunknownAccess Software
MasterblazerunknownRainbow Arts
Match, TheunknownCult Games
Matrix ManiaunknownMarkt & Technik
Maupiti IslandAdventure
Maupiti IslandunknownLankhor
Maupiti IslandunknownLankhor
Maupiti IslandunknownLankhor
MechanicusunknownCP Verlag
Medieval Lords: Soldier Kings of EuropeunknownSSI
Medieval WarriorsunknownMerit Software
Mega BoxMiscDinamic
Mega BoxMiscDinamic
Mega BoxMiscDinamic
Mega BoxMiscDinamic
Mega BoxMiscDinamic
Mega BoxMiscDinamic
Mega BoxMiscDinamic
Mega lo ManiaStrategySensible Software
Mega Lo ManiaStrategySensible Software
Mega Lo ManiaStrategySensible Software
Mega Lo ManiaunknownSensible Software
Mega Man 4ActionCapcom
Mega Man 4ActionCapcom Co., Ltd.
MegaphoenixunknownDinamic Software
MegaphoenixunknownDinamic Software
MegaphoenixunknownDinamic Software
Megatraveller 2: Quest for the ancientsRPG
MegaTraveller 2: Quest for the AncientsunknownParagon Software
MemoryunknownCommodore Disc
Merchant ColonyStrategyImpressions Games
Merchant Colonyunknown
Merchant ColonyStrategyImpressions
Mermaids of Atlantis: The Riddle of the Magic BubbleunknownA Wave
Metal MaxRPGData East Corporation
Metal Mech: Man & MachineunknownJaleco
Metal MutantAction
Metal MutantPuzzleSilmarils
Metal Slader GloryunknownHAL Laboratory, Inc.
Metal StormActionIrem Software Engineering, Inc.
Metrix v1.1unknownSTF
Miami ChaseunknownCodemasters
Miami Cobra GTunknown
Miami Cobra GTunknownPlayers Software
Miami Cobra GTunknownPlayers Software
Mickey's Runaway ZoounknownDisney
Mickey's Jigsaw PuzzlesunknownDisney
Mickey's Runaway ZoounknownDisney
Micro MachinesSportCodemasters Software
Microfair MadnessunknownZenobi Software
Microfair MadnessunknownZenobi Software
Microfair Madness IIunknownZenobi Software
Microsoft Entertainment Pack Volume 2unknownMicrosoft
Microsoft Entertainment Pack Volume 3unknownMicrosoft
Midwinter 2: Flames of FreedomStrategy
Midwinter IIunknownMicroprose
Midwinter II: Flames of FreedomStrategyMaelstrom
Miecze ValdgiraunknownASF
Miecze ValdgiraunknownASF
Miecze ValdgiraunknownASF
MiG-29 FulcrumSimulationDomark
MiG-29 FulcrumSimulation
MiG-29 FulcrumunknownDomark
MiG-29 FulcrumunknownDomark
MiG-29 FulcrumunknownDomark
Might and Magic 3: Isles of TerraRPG
Might and Magic III: Isles of TerraunknownNew World Computing
Might and Magic III: Isles of TerraRPGNew World Computing
Might and Magic III: Isles of TerraRPGNew World Computing
Might and Magic III: Isles of TerraunknownNew World Computing
Might and Magic III: Isles of TerraAdventureNew World Computing
Might and Magic III: Isles of TerraunknownNew World Computing
Might and Magic III: Isles of TerraunknownNew World Computing
Mighty BombjackunknownElite
Mike Ditka Ultimate Footballunknown
Mike Ditka Ultimate FootballunknownAccolade
Mike the Cave-ManunknownMarkt & Technik
Milk RununknownCompute!
Millenium 2.2StrategyParagon
MindbreakerunknownCP Verlag
Mini PuttunknownA Wave
Minna no Taabou no Nakayoshi DaisakusenunknownCharacter Soft
MissionunknownZeppelin Games
Mission SharkunknownL.K. Turtle
Mission SharkunknownL.K. Avalon
Mission XunknownG.I. Games
Mission: ImpossibleAdventure
Mixed up Fairy TalesunknownSierra
Mixed-Up Fairy TalesAdventureSierra On-Line Inc.
Mixed-Up Fairy TalesunknownSierra
Mixed-Up Fairy TalesunknownSierra
Mixed-Up Mother Goose (MPC - VGA)AdventureSierra On‑Line, Inc.
Moe Pro!: Saikyou-henunknownJaleco
Molecularr 2unknown
Monkey Island 2 - LeChuck's RevengeunknownLucasArts
MonopolyunknownParker Brothers
Monster HuntunknownMHS-Studio
Monster Maker: 7 Tsu no HihouunknownSofel
Monster Truck RallySportINTV
MontrixunknownCP Verlag
Monty Python's Flying CircusAction
Monuments of MarsActionApogee
Monuments of MarsAction
Monuments of MarsActionApogee Software
Monuments of MarsunknownApogee
Moon TorcunknownAtlantis Software
Moon TorcunknownAtlantis Software
Moonfallunknown21st Century
Moonfallunknown21st Century
Moonfall Keycodesunknown21st Century
Moonshine RacersSport
Moonshine RacersActionPeakStar
Moonstone: A Hard Days KnightActionMindscape
Moraff's BlastActionMoraffware
Moraff's StonesPuzzleMoraffWare
Moraff's WorldRPG
Move ItunknownMarkt & Technik
Move OutunknownCP Verlag
Mr. DynamiteunknownMarkt & Technik
Mr. SetamunknownMike
MuistipeliunknownPetri Hassinen
Multi-Player Soccer ManagerunknownCult Games
Multi-Player Soccer ManagerunknownD&H Games
Multi-Player Soccer ManagerunknownD&H Games
Murder ClubAdventure
Murder Makes Strange DeadfellowsAdventureTiger Media
My JongunknownBruce G. Fish
My Life My Love: Boku no Yume: Watashi no NegaiunknownBanpresto
Nahost 91unknown
Naval AssaultunknownNathan Grant & Mark Spezzano
Navigation SimulatorunknownNaval Education
Navy SEALsunknownOcean
NCAA - Road to the Final FourSportBethesda Software
Nemesis the Go MasterStrategyNemesis Enterprises
NES Open Tournament GolfSportNintendo Co., LTD
Nest of Bastards, TheunknownGreg Fox
Netwars \(2.06\)ActionNovell, Inc.
Neuseeland Kiwi GmbH 3unknownPeter Diehm
Neverwinter NightsRPGStrategic Simulations Inc.
Neverwinter NightsRPGSSI
New Math Blaster PlusEducationalDavidson & Associates
New York NyankiesunknownAtlus Software, Inc.
NFL Pro League Football \(1991 Edition\)SportMicro Sports Inc.
NHL HockeySportPark Place Productions
NHL Hockey (EA Hockey)SportElectronic Arts
Night MareunknownTomas Balon
Night ShiftunknownU.S. Gold
Night ShiftunknownU.S. Gold
Night Shiftunknown
Night ShiftunknownU.S. Gold
Niji no Silk Road: Zig Zag BoukenkiunknownVictor Entertainment Inc.
Ninga Demo ReelunknownNinga
Ninja Gaiden 2: The Dark Sword of ChaosunknownGameTek
Ninja Gaiden III: The Ancient Ship of DoomActionTecmo
Ninja Gaiden III: The Ancient Ship of DoomunknownTecmo, Ltd.
Ninja Jajamaru: Ginga DaisakusenunknownJaleco
Nmongo BongoActionEdiciones Manali
No Greater Gloryunknown
No Greater Glory: The American Civil WarStrategySpace Time Simulations
No Greater Glory: The American Civil WarunknownSpace Time Simulations
No Greater Glory: The Civil WarStrategySSI
Nobunaga's Ambition: Lord of DarknessStrategyKOEI Co., Ltd.
Nolan Ryan's BaseballSimulationRomstar
Not the Lord of the RingsunknownPsychaedelic Hedgehog Software
Nova 9unknownSierra
Nova 9StrategySierra
Nova 9 - Return of Gir DraxonActionSierra
Nova 9: The Return of Gir Draxonunknown
NOW: A Computer Chess ProgramPuzzleImagination Enterprises
NY WarriorsunknownVirgin
Nythyhel Part 1unknownThe Guild Adventure Software
Nythyhel Part 2unknownThe Guild Adventure Software
ObitusRPGPsygnosis Limited
ObitusAdventurePsygnosis Limited
Obocchama-kununknownTecmo, Ltd.
Off the WallsunknownMarkt & Technik
Off to EuropePuzzleGlamus
Oh No, More LemmingsStrategyPsygnonis
Omega Zone, TheunknownPeter Curtis
Omega Zone, TheunknownPeter Curtis
On the MoonunknownMarkt & Technik
Once Upon a Time - AbracadabraAdventureCoktel Vision
Once Upon a Time - Baba YagaAdventureCoktel Vision
Once Upon a Time - Little Red Riding HoodAdventureCoktel Vision
Once Upon A Time: Little Red Riding HoodAdventureCoktel Vision
Opaque DungeonsunknownMarkt & Technik
Operation C (Probotector)ActionKonami
Operation Desert StormActionBungie
Operation MerkurunknownRom Software
Operation Secret StormActionColor Dreams
OpiumunknownCP Verlag
OrdagounknownP. Torrecilla
Otaku no Seiza: An Adventure in the Otaku GalaxyunknownM&M
Out Run EuropaSportUS Gold
Out Run EuropaunknownU.S. Gold
OutRun EuropaSportProbe Software
OutRun EuropaSportProbe Software
Over the NetunknownGenias
Pac Ball 2unknown
Pachinko DaisakusenunknownCoconuts
Pachinko: Chinese Pinballunknown
Pachio-kun 4unknownCoconuts
Pack PowersportsMiscZigurat
Pack PowersportsMiscZigurat
Pack PowersportsMiscZigurat
Pack PowersportsMiscZigurat
PacmanActionM. Tsuji
Paganitzu, Episode One: Romancing The RoseActionApogee
Palace Hotel v2unknownYear Zero Software
Panic DizzyActionCodemasters
Panic DizzyunknownCodemasters
Panic Dizzyunknown
Panic DizzyunknownCodemasters
Panic DizzyunknownCodemasters
Paper Boy 2ActionMindscape
Paperboy 2ActionTengen
Paperboy 2ActionTengen
Paperboy 2ActionTengen
Paperboy 2ActionTengen
Paperboy 2ActionTengen
Parasol HenbeeunknownEpoch
Parasol Stars: Rainbow Islands IIunknownOcean Software, Inc.
Paris to DakarunknownCodemasters
Patience QuartetunknownDave J. Bride
Patton Strikes Back: The Battle of the BulgeStrategyBrøderbund
Patton Strikes Back: The Battle of the BulgeunknownBroderbund
Penthouse Electric JigsawAdultmicroPHAZE, Merit Software
Perestroika 2 Le Retourunknown
PerestrojkaunknownProxima Software
PertharionunknownCP Verlag
PertharionunknownCP Verlag
PGA Tour GolfSportThe Dreamers Guild
Phantastic JourneyunknownFrederik Holst
Pharaoh's TombAction
Phileas Fogg's Ballo0n Battlesunknown
Phileas Fogg's Balloon BattlesunknownZeppelin Games
Phileas Fogg's Balloon BattlesunknownZeppelin Games
Philip and Marks Big AdventureunknownNo Logic Software
PhoenixunknownZenobi Software
Pick 'n Pileunknown
Pick Up AllunknownMarkt & Technik
Pick'n PilePuzzleUbiSoft
Pipe DreamPuzzle
Pipe DreamunknownLucasArts
Pirates!unknownUltra Games
Piso ZerounknownZigurat Software
Piso ZeroActionZigurat
Piso ZeroActionZigurat
Piso ZeroActionZigurat
Piso ZeroActionZigurat
Pit FighterAction
Pit Fighterunknown
Pit-Fighter: The Ultimate CompetitionunknownDomark
Planet's EdgeRPG
Planet's Edge - The Point of No ReturnunknownNew World Computing
Planet's Edge - The Point of No ReturnunknownNew World Computing
Planet's Edge - The Point of No ReturnunknownNew World Computing
PlopunknownPage 6 Magazine
Pohadkova ZemeunknownK-Soft
Point of AttackStrategyHPS Simulations
Police Quest 1 - VGA remakeAdventureSierra
Police Quest 3 - The KindredunknownSierra
Police Quest 3: The KindredunknownSierra
Police Quest 3: The KindredunknownSierra
Police Quest 3: The KindredAdventureSierra
Police Quest 3: The KindredunknownSierra
Police Quest 3: The KindredunknownSierra
Police Quest III: The KindredAdventureSierra On-Line
PonorkyStrategyJaroslav Křepinský
PoogaboounknownOpera Soft
PoogaboounknownOpera Soft
PoogaboounknownOpera Soft
PoogabooActionOpera Soft
PoogabooActionOpera Soft
PoogabooActionOpera Soft
PoogabooActionOpera Soft
Pools of DarknessRPG
Pools of DarknessunknownSSI
Pools of DarknessStrategySSI
Popeye 2ActionAlternative Software
Popeye 2unknown
Popeye 2unknownAlternative Software
Populous 2 - Trials of the Olympian GodsStrategyBullfrog
PosthelperunknownRaster Software
Power BladeActionTaito Corporation
Predator 2ActionKonami
Predator 2unknown
Predator 2unknown
Predator 2unknown
PrehistorikActionTitus Interactive
Pressing BoxingunknownEdiciones Manali
PrideunknownCP Verlag
Prince of PersiaActionBrøderbund
Princess Tomato in the Salad KingdomunknownHudson Soft, LTD.
Prison BluesunknownThe Guild
Professional FootballerunknownCult Games
Project S.O.LunknownCP Verlag
Project-X III - The Micro MutantunknownCompass Software
Project-X III - The Micro MutantunknownCompass Software
Prophecy: The Viking ChildAction
Prophecy: Viking ChildunknownGametek
PršíPuzzleMartin Filip
PršíPuzzleMartin Filip
Psychic WorldunknownSega Corporation
Pure SeedunknownCP Verlag
Puzzle ManiaunknownCompute!
QBasic GorillasStrategyMicrosoft Corporation
QBasic NibblesActionMicrosoft Corporation
QBasic NibblesAction
QixunknownTaito America Corporation
QuackShot starring Donald DuckActionSega
QuackShot starring Donald DuckActionSEGA of America, Inc.
Quad Xunknown
Quad X2 Crashunknown
Quattro AdventureActionCodemasters
Quick Draw McGrawunknown
Quick Majik AdventureRPGNeurosport
Quo VadisPuzzleAndrea Pellizzon
R Smith's International CricketunknownChallenge Software
R.B.I. 2 BaseballunknownDomark
R.B.I. 2 Baseballunknown
R.B.I. Baseball 3SportTengen
R.B.I. Baseball 3SportTengen
R.B.I. Baseball 3unknownTengen
Race Drivin';SimulationTengen Inc.
Racing CarunknownBalazs Almasi
Rad Racket: Deluxe Tennis IIunknownA Wave
Radia Senki: Reimei-henunknownTecmo, Ltd.
RadiomaniaunknownZenobi Software
Radiomania - IntrounknownZenobi Software
Raiden TradunknownElectro Brain
RainbowunknownZzap! 64
RainfighterunknownMarkt & Technik
RampartunknownKonami Computer Entertainment Japan, Inc.
Rattler RaceunknownChristopher Lee Fraley
ReactionunknownCP Verlag
Reading MazeEducationalGreat Wave Software
ReaperunknownUbi Soft
RecycleStrategyBen Resner
Red AlertunknownZenobi Software
Red AlertunknownZenobi Software
Red AlertunknownZenobi Software
Red AlertunknownZenobi Software
Red Dynamite PackMiscPositive
Red Dynamite PackMiscPositive
Red Dynamite PackMiscPositive
Red Dynamite PackMiscPositive
Rescate en el GolfoActionOpera Soft
Rescate en el GolfoActionOpera Soft
Rescate en el GolfoActionOpera Soft
Rescate en el GolfoActionOpera Soft
Rescate en el GolfoActionOpera Soft
Rescue RoverPuzzleid Software
Rescue RoverPuzzleid Software, Inc.
Rescue RoverPuzzle
Rescue Rover 2Puzzleid Software, Inc.
Rescue Rover 2Puzzle
Rescue Rover 2 (Dognapped!)Puzzleid Software
Riders of RohanStrategyKonami
Riders of RohanunknownKonami
Riders of RohanunknownKonami
Riders of RohanunknownKonami
Rings of Medusa II: The Return of MedusaRPGStarbyte
Rings of Medusa II: The Return Of MedusaunknownStarbyte
Rings of PowerRPGNaughty Dog, Electronic Arts
Rise of the DragonAdventureDynamix
RiskunknownAzeroth, Inc.
Road RashSportElectronic Arts
Road RashSportElectronic Arts, Inc.
Road RashSportElectronic Arts
Road Runner and Wile E. Coyoteunknown
Road Runner and Wile E. CoyoteunknownHi-Tec Software
Road Runner and Wile E. Coyote for the Sinclair ZX SpectrumunknownHi-Tec Software
Robbo 76unknownWar Tiger
Robbo IIIunknownBartek Walos
Robbo IVunknownB.Walos & W.Strus
Robbo VunknownAtarax
Robin Hood: Prince of ThievesRPGVirgin Games
Robin Hood: Prince of ThievesRPGVirgin Games
RoboCop 2ActionData East, Ocean
RoboCop 2ActionData East, Ocean
RoboCop 2unknownData East Corporation
RoboMaze II Part 2: The TowerunknownWetware
Rockin’ KatsActionAtlus
Rod Landunknown
Rod-LandunknownStorm Software
Rodent's RevengeunknownChristopher Lee Fraley
Roger Rabbit in Hare Raising HavocActionBlueSky Software
Roger Rabbit: Hare Raising HavocunknownDisney
Roger Rabbit: Hare Raising HavocunknownDisney
RollerdashunknownRUN/IDG Communications
Rolling RonnyAction
Rolling TwinsunknownCP Verlag
Romance of the Three Kingdoms IISimulationKoei
Rooms of DoomAction
RotoxunknownCreative Materials
RouletteunknownUniversal Software
Round the Bend!unknownZeppelin Games
RoundAboutunknownCharles M. Duncan
Rubik CubePuzzleWendell Hicken
Rugby CoachunknownCult Games
Rugby CoachunknownCult Games
Rugby: The World CupunknownDomark
Rules of EngagementStrategy
Rules of EngagementunknownOmnitrend Software
Rules of EngagementunknownOmnitrend Software
Running BattleActionSega Corporation
S.C.A.T.: Special Cybernetic Attack TeamunknownNatsume Co., Ltd.
S.T.U.N. RunnerunknownDomark
SaborActionGamos Ltd
Saddam's RevengePuzzleBovine Software
Safari IIActionJohn Gallaugher
Saga of a Mad BarbarianunknownPsychaedelic Hedgehog Software
SaperunknownL.K. Avalon
SaperunknownL.K. Avalon
SaperunknownL.K. Avalon
SaperunknownL.K. Avalon
Saper X1unknownXe-Team
SarakonPuzzleStarbyte Software
Saran TrilogieunknownMichael Haertig
Sargon VStrategyActivision Publishing
Sargon V: World Class ChessPuzzleActivision
ScapeghostAdventureLevel 9 Computing
SchatzsucheunknownPDPD Software
SchizounknownCommodore Disc
SchoolhouseEducationalMaverick Software
Schwert & Magie Folge 5 & 6unknownGDG
Schwert und Magie 5: Das Haus des VampirsRPGGerman Design Group
Schwert und Magie 6: Der Turm des TodesRPGGerman Design Group
Schwert und Magie IIIunknownGerman Design Group
Scooby & Scrappy Doo +6unknownHi-Tec Software
Scorched EarthStrategyWendell Hicken
Scorched EarthActionWendell Hicken
ScorpionunknownCharles M. Duncan
Scrabble DeluxePuzzleVirgin Games
SD Gundam Gachapon Senshi 4: New Type StoryunknownYutaka
SD Gundam Gaiden: Knight Gundam Monogatari: Ooinaru IsanunknownAngel
SD Keiji: BladerunknownTaito America Corporation
Sea HawksunknownDave Costello
Secret Scout in the Temple of DemiseunknownColor Dreams
Secret Weapons of the LuftwaffeSimulationLucasFilm Games
Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe: Do 335 PfeilSimulationLucas Arts
Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe: He 162 VolksjägerunknownLucas Arts
Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe: P-38 LightningSimulationLucas Arts
Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe: P-80 Shooting StarSimulationLucas Arts
Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe: P-80 Shooting StarRPGLucas Arts
Sector PatrolunknownCompute!
Sega ChessPuzzleProbe Software
Sega ChessunknownSega Corporation
SengokuActionSNK, Data East
Señor de los Anillos, ElunknownDimassoft
Señor de los Anillos, ElunknownDimassoft
Senso: C64unknownMarkt & Technik
SentenceunknownDouble Density
Sesame Street ABC & 123unknownHi Tech Expressions
SeXXcapadesAdultSexxy Software
Seymour Take One!unknown
Seymour at the MoviesunknownCodemasters
Seymour at the MoviesunknownCodemasters
Seymour at the Moviesunknown
Shadow Dancerunknown
Shadow Dancer - The Secret of ShinobiActionSega Corporation
Shadow SorcererRPGSSI
Shanghai Karate IIunknownZenith Designs
Sharkey's MollunknownZeppelin Games
Sharkey's Mollunknown
Sharkey's MollunknownZeppelin Games
Sherlock Holmes Consulting DetectiveAdventure
Sherlock Holmes: Consulting Detective Vol. IPuzzleIcom Simulations
Sherlock: The Game of LogicPuzzle
Shi-Kin-JouunknownToei Animation
ShiftrixunknownSoftware 2000
Shin 4 Nin Uchi Mahjong: Yakuman TengokuunknownNintendo Co., LTD
Shining in the DarknessActionSEGA Enterprises Ltd.
Shodan Morita ShougiunknownSeta
Shogi MasterStrategyIshi Press International
ShoikanunknownCP Verlag
Shounen Ashibe: Nepal Daibouken no MakiunknownTakara
Showdown Hockey!unknownAussemware
Sid Meier's CivilizationStrategyAtari
Sid Meier's CivilizationunknownAtari
Sid Meier's CivilizationStrategyAtari
Sid Meier's CivilizationStrategyAtari
Sid Meier's CivilizationRPGAtari
Sid Meier's CivilizationRPGAtari
Sid Meier's CivilizationunknownAtari
Sid Meier's CivilizationunknownAtari
Sid Meier's CivilizationunknownAtari
Sierra & Dynamix Coming Attractions Demo DiskunknownSierra
Sierra DemosunknownSierra
Sim CitySimulationHAL Laboratory / Nintendo
SimAntStrategyElectronic Arts
SimAntunknownElectronic Arts
SimAntunknownElectronic Arts
SimAntunknownElectronic Arts
SimAntunknownElectronic Arts
SimAntAdventureElectronic Arts
SimAntunknownElectronic Arts
SimAntunknownElectronic Arts
SimAntunknownElectronic Arts
SimAnt: The Electronic Ant Colonyunknown
SimAnt: The Electronic Ant ColonyStrategyMaxis Software
SimAnt: The Electronic Ant ColonyStrategyMaxis Software
SimCityStrategyElectronic Arts
SimCityStrategyElectronic Arts
SimCityunknownElectronic Arts
SimCityunknownElectronic Arts
SimCityunknownElectronic Arts
SimCityRPGElectronic Arts
SimCityRPGElectronic Arts
SimCityunknownElectronic Arts
SimCityAdventureElectronic Arts
SimCityActionElectronic Arts
SimCityActionElectronic Arts
SimCityunknownElectronic Arts
SimCityunknownElectronic Arts
SimCityunknownElectronic Arts
SimCity Graphics Set 1: Ancient CitiesunknownElectronic Arts
SimCity Graphics Set 2: Future CitiesunknownElectronic Arts
SimCity Graphics Set 2: Future CitiesRPGElectronic Arts
SimCity Graphics Set 2: Future CitiesunknownElectronic Arts
SimCity Graphics Set 2: Future CitiesunknownElectronic Arts
SimCity Graphics Set 2: Future CitiesunknownElectronic Arts
SimCity Terrain EditorActionElectronic Arts
SimCity Terrain EditorunknownElectronic Arts
SimCity Terrain EditorRPGElectronic Arts
SimCity Terrain EditorunknownElectronic Arts
SimCity Terrain EditorunknownElectronic Arts
SimCity Terrain EditorunknownElectronic Arts
SimCity Terrain EditorunknownElectronic Arts
SimonunknownJeff Elkins
Simon the SorcererAdventureAdventuresoft
Simon the SorcererAdventureAdventuresoft
Simon the SorcererunknownAdventuresoft
Simon the SorcererunknownAdventuresoft
Simon the SorcererunknownAdventuresoft
Simon the SorcererunknownAdventuresoft
Simon the SorcererunknownAdventuresoft
Simon the SorcererunknownAdventuresoft
Simon the SorcererunknownAdventuresoft
Simpsons, The - Arcade GameActionKonami
Simpsons, The: Bart vs. the Space MutantsActionImagineering
Simpsons, The: Bart vs. the WorldActionAcclaim Entertainment
Simpsons, The: Bart vs. the WorldActionAcclaim Entertainment
SimRabbitStrategyPaul B. Jones
Sir RichardunknownPeter Diehm
Sir RichardunknownPeter Diehm
SkatunknownMarkt & Technik
Skate or Die: Bad ’N RadSportKonami, Inc.
Ski FreeAction
Ski HotelunknownPeter Diehm & Andreas Leitner
Skull & Crossbonesunknown
Skull & CrossbonesunknownDomark
Sky High StuntmanunknownCodemasters
Sleeping Gods LieAction
Slightly Magicunknown
SLOT-8SimulationRick Lawsha
Smart BallunknownSony Imagesoft
Smash T.V.unknownAcclaim Entertainment, Inc.
Smash TVunknown
Smash TVunknownOcean
Smiley's RununknownMarkt & Technik
Smirking Horror, Theunknown
Snake Rattle 'n' RollActionNintendo Co., LTD
Snare!unknownBeyond Belief
Snoopy Game ClubEducationalAccolade
Snow BrothersunknownCapcom Co., Ltd.
Snow Joke!unknownZenobi Software
SnowstrikeunknownU.S. Gold
Soccer RivalsunknownCult Games
Solar JetmanunknownSoftware Creations
SolitaireunknownCP Verlag
SolitaireunknownCP Verlag
Solitaires SupremeunknownLoadstar
Sonic the HedgehogActionSega
Sonic the HedgehogActionSega
Sonic the HedgehogActionSega Corporation
Sonic the HedgehogActionSega
Space 1889unknownParagon
Space Ace 2: Borf's RevengeAdventure
Space Mazesunknown
Space Quest 1 VGA - The Sarien EncounterAdventureSierra
Space Quest 4 - Roger Wilco and the Time RippersAdventureSierra
Space Quest I: The Sarien EncounterAdventureSierra On-Line
Space Quest: Roger Wilco in the Sarien EncounterAdventureSierra On-Line, Inc.
Space Shuttle ProjectActionAbsolute
Spacewrecked: 14 Billion Light Years From EarthunknownCelestial Software
Spanky's QuestActionNatsume Co., Ltd.
Spartan X 2ActionIrem Software Engineering, Inc.
Speed RacerunknownBob Stoner
Speed Racer IIunknownBob Stoner
SpeedballActionMirrorsoft - Virgin Interactive
Spellcasting 201: The Sorcerer's ApplianceAdventureLegend Entertainment
Spike in TransylvaniaunknownCodemasters
Spike in TransylvaniaunknownCodemasters
Spikey in TransylvaniaunknownCodemasters
Spinal Tapunknown
Spirit of AdventureRPGAttic Entertainment Software
Spirit of AdventureRPG
Spirit of ExcaliburunknownSynergistic Software
Spooky CastleunknownAtlantis Software
SpringerunknownMarkt & Technik
Springer IIunknownMarkt & Technik
Stack 'emunknownLoadstar
Stack UpunknownZeppelin Games
Stack UpunknownZeppelin Games
Stack UpunknownZeppelin Games
Stack UpunknownZeppelin Games
Staff of Power, TheunknownZenobi Software
Star Bowlsunknown
Star BowlsunknownZigurat Software
Star ControlunknownAccolade
Star Controlunknown
Star controlMiscAccolade
Star JumpunknownLoadstar
Star Trek: 25th AnniversaryActionInterplay
Star WarsActionBeam Software, JVC
Star WarsActionBeam Software, JVC
Star WarsActionBeam Software, JVC
Stealth BomberunknownLoadstar
Steigenberger HotelmanagerunknownBomico
Steigenberger HotelmanagerStrategyFirst Step
Stellar 7unknownDynamix
Step by StepunknownMarkt & Technik
SterntalerunknownMarkt & Technik
Stones 1.0 Windows VersionunknownMichael C. Miller
Strange TaleunknownAdvanced Adventure Creations
StratahexunknownOyvind Vevang
Street Fighter 2: The World WarriorActionCapcom Co., Ltd.
Street GangsunknownInfogrames
Street rod 2SportCalifornia Dreams
Street Rod 2unknownCalifornia Dreams
Street Rod 2unknownCalifornia Dreams
Street Rod 2: The Next GenerationSportLogical Design Works
Street Rod 2: The Next GenerationSportCalifornia Dreams
Streets of RageActionSEGA Enterprises
Striker ManagerunknownCult Games
Striker ManagerunknownCult Games
Strip Poker 3AdultArtworx
Strip Poker 3Strategy
Strip Poker IIIAdultArtworx Software
StumpunknownCP Verlag
Stun Runnerunknown
Sub BurnerunknownCommodore Format
Sugoro Quest: Dice no Senshi-tachiunknownTechnos Japan Corp.
Sum-KaunknownMarkt & Technik
SupaplexPuzzleDigital Integration
SupaplexPuzzleThink!Ware Development
SupaplexPuzzleThink!Ware Development
Super Baseball Simulator 1.000SimulationCulture Brain
Super Bases LoadedSimulationJaleco
Super Boy IIIActionZemina
Super CarsSportElectro Brain
Super Castlevania IVActionKonami
Super Castlevania IVActionKonami
Super Castlevania IVActionKonami
Super Chinese 3ActionCulture Brain
Super Cup FootballunknownHewson Consultants
Super Fire Pro WrestlingunknownHuman Entertainment
Super Ghouls ’N GhostsActionCapcom
Super Ghouls 'n GhostsActionCapcom Co., Ltd.
Super Jeopardy!unknownGameTek Inc
Super Jeopardy!PuzzleGameTek
Super Jeopardy!PuzzleGameTek
Super Jeopardy!unknownGameTek
Super Jeopardy!unknownGameTek
Super Kick-OffunknownSega NA - U.S. Gold EU
Super Mario Bros. Print WorldunknownHi Tech Expressions
Super Mario Bros. Print WorldunknownHi Tech Expressions
Super Monaco GPunknown
Super Monaco GPunknownU.S. Gold
Super Monaco Grand PrixunknownU.S. Gold
Super Ninja BoyActionCulture Brain
Super R-TypeMiscIrem Software Engineering, Inc.
Super Seymour Saves the Planetunknown
Super Seymour Saves the PlanetunknownCodemasters
Super Skweekunknown
Super Sled AcerMiscMike Brent
Super SoccerSportHAL Laboratory / Nintendo
Super Solvers - Operation NeptuneEducationalThe Learning Company
Super Solvers: Spellbound!Puzzle
Super Space InvadersActionTaito
Super Space Invadersunknown
Super Space InvadersunknownDomark
Super Space InvadersunknownDomark Software
Super Space InvadersunknownTaito
Super Space InvadersunknownTaito
Super Space InvadersunknownTaito
Super Space InvadersunknownTaito
Super SprintSportCaltron
Super TennisSportTokyo Shoseki
Super TennisSportHAL Laboratory / Nintendo
Super TennisSportTokyo Shoseki
Super TetrisPuzzleSpectrum HoloyByte
Super TetrisunknownSpectrum Holobyte
Super TetrisunknownSpectrum Holobyte
Super Wagyan LandunknownNamco Ltd
Super ZeeslagunknownSir Clive - Mr ZX
Super ZeeslagunknownSir Clive - Mr ZX
Superkid in Spaceunknown
Superman: The Man of SteelunknownFirst Star
SWIVunknownStorm Software
SWIVActionRandom Access
Symantec Code BreakerunknownSymantec
Symantec Game PackunknownSymantec
Symantec JacksunknownSymantec
Symantec Memory BlocksunknownSymantec
Symantec Pick Up SticksunknownSymantec
Symantec Smart DotsunknownSymantec
T-Zero aka T-Zer5AdventureDennis Cunningham
T2: The Arcade GameActionMidway, Probe, Acclaim
T2: The Arcade GameActionMidway
T2: The Arcade GameActionMidway, Probe, Acclaim
T2: The Arcade GameActionMidway, Probe, Acclaim
T2: The Arcade GameActionMidway, Probe, Acclaim
T2: The Arcade GameActionMidway, Probe, Acclaim
Tai-Chi TortoiseunknownZeppelin Games
Tai-Chi TortoiseunknownZeppelin Games
Taito BasketballunknownTaito America Corporation
Takahashi Meijin no Boukenjima IIunknownHudson Soft, LTD.
Take 'EmunknownCP Verlag
Talisman of Lost SoulsunknownThe Guild
Talisman of Power, Theunknown
TangrisunknownThomas Kemmer
TanksStrategyRichard Z. Ward
Tarzan Goes ApeunknownCodemasters
Tarzan Goes ApeunknownCodemasters
Tarzan Goes Ape!unknownCodemasters
Tasten Racer IIunknownPeter Diehm
Taxman Cometh, TheunknownZenobi Software
Taxman Cometh, TheunknownZenobi Software
Team SuzukiSimulationGremlin
Team SuzukiunknownKonami
Team SuzukiunknownKonami
Tecmo Super BowlSportTecmo
Tecmo Super BowlSportTecmo, Ltd.
Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles - The Coin-OpunknownImage Works
Teenage Mutant Ninja TurtlesunknownKonami
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 - The Arcade GameActionKonami
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: The Manhattan ProjectActionKonami Computer Entertainment Japan, Inc.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3 - The Manhattan ProjectActionKonami
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV: Turtles in TimeActionKonami
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Manhattan MissionsAction
Tenchi o Kurau II: Shokatsu Koumei DenunknownCapcom Co., Ltd.
Terminator 2unknownOcean
Terminator 2 Judgement Dayunknown
Terminator 2 - Judgement DayunknownOcean
Terminator 2 - Judgement DayunknownOcean
Terminator 2: Judgement DayActionB.I.T.S., LJN
Terminator 2: Judgment DayActionSoftware Creations
Terminator 2: Judgment DayActionSoftware Creations
Terminator 2: Judgment DayActionSoftware Creations
Terminator 2: Judgment DayActionLJN Entertainment, Inc.
Terminator 2: Judgment DayActionDementia, Ocean Software
Terminator 2: Judgment DayActionSoftware Creations
Terror from SarnathunknownYear Zero Software
Terror from SarnathunknownYear Zero Software
TetraVexunknownScott Ferguson
Tetris 2unknown
Tetris 2 + BomBlissunknownBullet-Proof Software
The Addams FamilyActionOcean
The Adventures of Robin HoodAdventureMillennium
The Adventures of Willy BeamishAdventureSierra On-Line Inc.
The Ball GameStrategy
The Bard's Tale Construction SetunknownInterplay
The Bard's Tale Construction SetunknownInterplay
The Bard's Tale Construction SetunknownInterplay
The Basket Managerunknown
The Blues BrothersActionTitus Interactive
The Case of the Cautious CondorAdventureTiger Media
The Castle of Dr BrainPuzzleSierra
The Castle of Dr BrainunknownSierra
The Charge of the Light BrigadeunknownImpressions
The Chessmaster 3000StrategyThe Software Toolworks, Inc.
The Chessmaster 3000unknownSoftware Toolworks
The Chessmaster 3000unknownSoftware Toolworks
The Cyber ShinobiActionSega Corporation
The Dungeon of DunjinAdventureMagnus Olsson
The Family Feud All NewunknownGameTek Inc
The Fantastic Adventures of DizzyunknownCamerica
The Final BattleAdventure
The Flintstones: The Rescue of Dino & HoppyActionTaito America Corporation
The Godfatherunknown
The Godfather: The Action GameunknownCreative Materials
The Hound of the BaskervillesPuzzleOn-Line
The Hunt for Red OctoberActionHi Tech Expressions
The Hunt for Red OctoberActionBeam Software
The ImmortalAdventureElectronic Arts
The King of Kings: The Early YearsunknownWisdom Tree
The Krion ConquestActionVic Tokai Corporation
The Laser RobotunknownMHS-Studio
The Laser RobotunknownMHS-Studio
The Last NinjaunknownJaleco
The Legend of the Mystical NinjaunknownKonami
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the PastActionNintendo Co., LTD
The Lone RangerunknownKonami Computer Entertainment Japan, Inc.
The Lost AdmiralunknownQQP
The Lost AdmiralunknownQQP
The Lost PatrolAction
The Lost Treasures of InfocomunknownInfocom
The Lost Treasures of Infocom Vol IIunknownInfocom
The Lost Treasures of Infocom Vol IIunknownInfocom
The Magic CandleunknownMindcraft
The Magic Candle 2unknownMindcraft
The Magic Candle 2unknownMindcraft
The Magic Candle 2unknownMindcraft
The Magic Candle v1.11unknownMindcraft
The ManagerSportSoftware 2000
The Manager (Camp. italiano)SportSoftware 2000
The Million Dollar Great Jewel HeistunknownDorothy Millard
The Neverending Story 2: The Arcade GameAction
The New Zealand StoryunknownOcean Software, Inc.
The Ormus SagaunknownMike Doran Software
The Ormus SagaunknownMike Doran Software
The Perfect GeneralStrategy
The Perfect GeneralStrategyWhite Wolf Productions
The Perfect GeneralStrategyWhite Wolf
The Perfect GeneralunknownWhite Wolf
The Perfect GeneralunknownWhite Wolf
The Perfect GeneralunknownWhite Wolf
The Perfect General Scenario Disk: World War II Battle SetunknownWhite Wolf
The Perfect General Scenario Disk: World War II Battle SetunknownWhite Wolf
The Perfect General: Greatest Battles of the 20th CenturyunknownWhite Wolf
The Puzzle Page #080unknownLoadstar
The Puzzle Page #081unknownLoadstar
The RavenunknownCompute!
The ReflexunknownBombjack
The Return of MedusaRPGStarbyte Software
The RocketeerActionBandai America, Inc.
The RocketeerAction
The RocketeerunknownNovaLogic
The ScotsunknownPeter Diehm
The Second WorldunknownMagic Bytes
The Secret Codes of CYPHER: Operation WildlifeunknownTanager
The SimpsonsAction
The Simpsons: Bart vs the Space MutantsunknownAcclaim
The Simpsons: Bart vs the Space MutantsunknownAcclaim
The Simpsons: Bart vs the Space MutantsunknownAcclaim
The Simpsons: Bart vs. The Space MutantsunknownAcclaim Entertainment, Inc.
The Simpsons: Bart vs. The WorldunknownAcclaim Entertainment, Inc.
The Slipperyunknown
The Spaceball IIunknownMarkt & Technik
The Taking of Beverly Hillsunknown
The TerminatorActionBethesda
The TerminatorSimulationBethesda Softworks
The TerminatorunknownBethesda
The TerminatorAdventureBethesda
The TreehouseEducationalBroderbund
The Ultimate EventunknownMichael Oltmanns
The Ultimate StuntmanActionCamerica
The UntouchablesunknownCaltron
The Warsaw RobbounknownP.W. Software
The Wild Ride II Pinballunknown
There's a Bomb Under ParliamentunknownZenobi Software
Thomas the Tank Engine and Friendsunknown
Thruster BallunknownZzap! 64
Thunder Burnerunknown
Thunder Jawsunknown
Thunder SpiritsunknownSeika Corporation
Thunderhawk AH-73MSimulationCore Design Ltd.
Thunderhawk AH-73MunknownVirgin
Time WarriorunknownZenobi Software
Time Warrior - Intro 1unknownZenobi Software
Time Warrior - Intro 2unknownZenobi Software
Time Warrior - LandscapeunknownZenobi Software
Time ZoneunknownSigma Enterprises
TimequestAdventureLegend Entertainment
TimequestAdventureLegend Entertainment
Times SquareunknownLoadstar
Tiny Skweeks, Theunknown
Tiny Toon AdventuresActionKonami
Tiny Toon AdventuresunknownKonami Computer Entertainment Japan, Inc.
Titus the Fox: to Marrakech and BackActionTitus
TokiunknownTaito America Corporation
Tom & JerryunknownHi Tech Expressions
Tom and JerryunknownHi-Tech Expressions
Tombola PacunknownPDPD Software
Tony La Russa Ultimate Baseballunknown
Tony La Russa's Ultimate BaseballunknownSSI
Tony La Russa's Ultimate BaseballunknownSSI
Tony La Russa's Ultimate BaseballunknownSSI
Top Cat in Beverly Hills Catsunknown
Top Cat in Beverly Hills CatsunknownHi-Tec Software
Top Cat in Beverly Hills CatsunknownHi-Tec Software
Top Gun: Danger ZoneunknownKonami
Tornado ECRunknownCodemasters
Total Eclipse II The Sphinx Jinxunknown
Total Eclipse II - The Sphinx JinxunknownIncentive Software
Total Eclipse II - The Sphinx JinxunknownIncentive Software
Total Recallunknown
Total RecallunknownOcean
Total RecallunknownOcean
Totally RadActionJaleco
Touchdown FeverunknownSNK Corporation
Tough GuysunknownCP Verlag
Tour 91unknown
Toyota Celica GT Rallyunknown
Toyota Celica GT RallyunknownGremlin Graphics Software
Trans TasmaniaunknownPeter Diehm
Treasure IslandunknownZenobi Software
Treasure IslandunknownZenobi Software
Treasure IslandunknownZenobi Software
Treasure MasterActionAmerican Softworks
Treasure of Santa Maria, TheunknownZenobi Software
Treasure TrapActionElectronic Zoo
Tresor d'Ali Gatorunknown
Triple PlaysunknownCharles M. Duncan
Tristan PinballSimulationLittleWing
Trog!unknownAcclaim Entertainment, Inc.
TroikaActionDima Pavlovski
Trouble at BridgetonunknownThe Adventure Workshop
Trump Castle 2Strategy
Trump Castle IIunknownCapstone
Tsuppari WarsunknownSammy
Tsuru Pika Hagemaru: Mezase! Tsuru Seko no AkashiunknownJaleco
TunnelerActionGeoffrey Silverton
Turbo Kart Racerunknown
Turbo Kart RacerunknownPlayers Software
Turn 'n BurnunknownFlair Software
Turrican II - The Final FightunknownRainbow Arts
Turrican II: The Final FightActionRainbow Arts, Factor 5
Turrican II: The Final FightunknownRainbow Arts
Turrican II: The Final FightunknownRainbow Arts
Turrican II: The Final FightActionFactor 5
Tut's TombunknownMicrosoft
TV Sports Baseballunknown
TV Sports: Boxingunknown
Twelve o'ClockunknownCP Verlag
Twilight 2000Strategy
Twilight: 2000unknownMicroprose
Twilight: 2000unknownMicroprose
Twilight: 2000unknownMicroprose
Typhoon of SteelStrategySSI
U.N. SquadronunknownCapcom Co., Ltd.
Ultima Vi - The False ProphetAdventureOrigin Systems Inc
Ultima: Worlds of Adventure 2: Martian DreamsRPG
Ultima: Worlds of Adventure 2: Martian DreamsRPGElectronic Arts
Ultima: Worlds of Adventure 2: Martian DreamsunknownElectronic Arts
Ultimate League SoccerunknownA Wave
Ultimate League SoccerSportC&E Entertainment
Ultra SlotunknownUnited Innovations Plus
Ultra SlotunknownUnited Innovations Plus
Ultraman: Towards the FutureunknownBandai America, Inc.
UMS 2: Nations at WarunknownRainbird
UMS 2: Nations at WarunknownRainbird
UMS II: Nations at WarStrategyIntergalactic Development Inc.
Uncharted WatersStrategyKoei
UndergroundunknownMarkt & Technik
UnrealunknownUbi Soft
UnrealunknownUbi Soft
Unreal (Ordilogic)unknown
UrbanunknownZenobi Software
Utopia: The Creation of a NationStrategyCelestial Software
V For VictoryStrategyThree-Sixty Pacific
V for Victory: D-day Utah BeachStrategy
V for Victory: D-Day Utah BeachunknownThree-Sixty Pacific
V for Victory: D-Day Utah Beach 2.0unknownThree-Sixty Pacific
V for Victory: Utah BeachStrategyAtomic Games
V-GaunknownMagic Disk
V-GaunknownMagic Disk
Valley of PerilAdventureThomas Reed
Van Diemen's LandunknownPeter Diehm
Venganza MortalunknownLuis M.B.
Vengeance of ExcaliburRPGSynergistic Software
Venice Beach VolleyballunknownA Wave
VertigoActionSpectrum HoloByte
Vette!SportSpectrum HoloByte
Vice: Project DoomActionSammy
VideomationunknownTHQ Inc.
Vier gewinntunknownCommodore Disc
Violator of Voodoo, TheunknownZenobi Software
Violator of Voodoo, TheunknownZenobi Software
Virtual Reality StudioEducationalDomark Software
Virtual WorldsunknownIncentive Software
Virus 64unknownCompute!
VizActionVirgin Mastertronic
VolfiedActionTaito Corporation
Volley BallunknownGluk Video
VolleyballunknownRaster Software
VolleyboundunknownRUN/IDG Communications
Vrazda na ZamkuunknownMS Software
Vysvoboď princeznu ArabeluAdventureEleps
Wacky DartsunknownCodemasters
Wacky DartsunknownCodemasters
Wagon Train 1848EducationalMECC
Wai Wai World 2: SOS!! Paseri JouunknownKonami Computer Entertainment Japan, Inc.
Walls of RomeStrategyMindcraft
WarunknownMark Dembrowski
War In The GulfunknownCCE
WarheadunknownEric Lee Steadle
Warlock: The AvengerunknownMillennium
Warlock: The AvengerActionMillennium
Warm UpunknownGenias
Wayne Gretzky HockeySportTHQ Inc.
Wayne Gretzky Hockey 2unknownBethesda
Weaver IIunknownMarkt & Technik
Well, Theunknown
Western Front: The Liberation of Europe 1944-1945unknownSSI
Wetten DassunknownPCSL Software
Wetten Dass..?PuzzlePCSL
Wheel of Fortune Featuring Vanna WhiteunknownGametek
Wheel of Fortune: Golden EditionunknownGametek
Wheel of Fortune: Golden EditionunknownGametek
Where in America's past is Carmen Sandiego?PuzzleBroderbund Software
Where in America's Past is Carmen Sandiego?unknownBroderbund
Where in America's Past is Carmen Sandiego?unknownBroderbund
Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?unknownBroderbund
White Knightunknown
Wild Ballunknown
Wild West Worldunknown
Window WizardunknownreLINE
Windows 3.1 Shareware: ABACOunknownCarlos Fragio
Windows 3.1 Shareware: arachnidunknownIan Heath
Windows 3.1 Shareware: ATLUSunknownHyrax Systems
Windows 3.1 Shareware: attaxxunknownJon Reiser
Windows 3.1 Shareware: AUTOCONunknownCean Howman
Windows 3.1 Shareware: BANDITunknownThe Wicked Witch Software Company
Windows 3.1 Shareware: BLACKOUTunknownPatrick L. Mills
Windows 3.1 Shareware: BLCE12unknownYutaka Emura
Windows 3.1 Shareware: BLITZERunknownSteve Sherman
Windows 3.1 Shareware: blitzrunknownSteve Sherman
Windows 3.1 Shareware: BLOBunknownKevin S. Murray
Windows 3.1 Shareware: bogunknownEric Bergman-Terrell
Windows 3.1 Shareware: BOG106unknownEric Bergman-Terrell
Windows 3.1 Shareware: BS100unknownBob Dolan
Windows 3.1 Shareware: BUSTOUTunknownTimothy G. Baldwin
Windows 3.1 Shareware: BUTMADunknownDavid W. Palmer
Windows 3.1 Shareware: BUTTONunknownDavid W. Palmer
Windows 3.1 Shareware: calcsolunknownDaniel Thomas
Windows 3.1 Shareware: CHESS321unknownDaryl Baker
Windows 3.1 Shareware: CHOMPW11unknownJerry J. Shekhel
Windows 3.1 Shareware: CIPHWN10unknownNels Anderson
Windows 3.1 Shareware: CLCSOLunknownDaniel Thomas
Windows 3.1 Shareware: COLORSunknownVerena H. Knels
Windows 3.1 Shareware: conect4unknownBrian R. Malcolm
Windows 3.1 Shareware: CONNECT4unknownBrian R. Malcolm
Windows 3.1 Shareware: CRAPSunknownChuck Englert
Windows 3.1 Shareware: CRIB101unknownGreg Baker
Windows 3.1 Shareware: CUBICunknownGeoffrey Chappell
Windows 3.1 Shareware: DEAPSEAunknownDavid van der Spoel
Windows 3.1 Shareware: diceunknownHans J. Boeck
Windows 3.1 Shareware: DICEROLLunknownBenjamin L. Combee
Windows 3.1 Shareware: ELANA11unknownAndrew Rowe
Windows 3.1 Shareware: FENCESunknownSteve Blanding
Windows 3.1 Shareware: G15unknownVladimir Faynshteyn
Windows 3.1 Shareware: GOLDHUNTunknownEric Saito
Windows 3.1 Shareware: GUESS1unknownBruce Jaeger
Windows 3.1 Shareware: HOPunknownDavid A. Feinleib
Windows 3.1 Shareware: HYPRD1unknownEdward Hutchins
Windows 3.1 Shareware: ICHINGunknownEric Bergman-Terrell
Windows 3.1 Shareware: KLOTSKIunknownZH Computer
Windows 3.1 Shareware: LIFEunknownKevin M. Reilly
Windows 3.1 Shareware: LIFEAPPunknownKevin M. Reilly
Windows 3.1 Shareware: LIFEWRKSunknownRichard J. Wagner
Windows 3.1 Shareware: MAGICunknownCarlos Fragio
Windows 3.1 Shareware: MAGICOunknownCarlos Fragio
Windows 3.1 Shareware: MATCHunknownDave Veith
Windows 3.1 Shareware: MATSAT09unknownFiras Bushnaq
Windows 3.1 Shareware: MEGAPIXunknownJohn Forde
Windows 3.1 Shareware: MEMGM10unknownFutureWorks
Windows 3.1 Shareware: MJSHEL40unknownSteve Shattuck
Windows 3.1 Shareware: MOONTL04unknownJeffrey Altman
Windows 3.1 Shareware: MULTPUZunknownCarlos Fragio
Windows 3.1 Shareware: NACunknownPeter K. Clapham
Windows 3.1 Shareware: PATSOLunknownRichard R. Sands
Windows 3.1 Shareware: PEGunknownOscar Waddell
Windows 3.1 Shareware: PEGPUZLunknownOscar Waddell
Windows 3.1 Shareware: PUGILWRSunknownPaul D. Dembowski
Windows 3.1 Shareware: ROACH21unknownNew Generation Software
Windows 3.1 Shareware: ROBOWINunknownEdward Kilham
Windows 3.1 Shareware: ROLLERunknownLucas Williams
Windows 3.1 Shareware: ROLLEZunknownRichard J. Fecteau
Windows 3.1 Shareware: SAGE12unknownServices Rendered
Windows 3.1 Shareware: SCWunknownJerry W. Galloway
Windows 3.1 Shareware: scw103unknownJerry W. Galloway
Windows 3.1 Shareware: SMFPOKERunknownPaul D'Ascensio
Windows 3.1 Shareware: SMRTDICEunknownMonte Ferguson
Windows 3.1 Shareware: SNAKESunknownKevin Patch
Windows 3.1 Shareware: SOLUSunknownYorgo Vergos
Windows 3.1 Shareware: TAIPEI50unknownDave Norris
Windows 3.1 Shareware: TETWINunknownJoe Briatico
Windows 3.1 Shareware: TOBORunknownNicholas Lonsky
Windows 3.1 Shareware: TRIPLETSunknownHal Dean
Windows 3.1 Shareware: VBDALEKSunknownWalter Wu
Windows 3.1 Shareware: VBSLOTSunknownMelvin Bittinger
Windows 3.1 Shareware: WCDBRK2unknownKenneth Fogel
Windows 3.1 Shareware: winadv10unknownWolfgang Strobl
Windows 3.1 Shareware: WINCRIBunknownNashua PC
Windows 3.1 Shareware: WINFBALLunknownTSoft
Windows 3.1 Shareware: WINIQunknownTerry Wilkins
Windows 3.1 Shareware: WINMATHunknownJim Fox
Windows 3.1 Shareware: WINROULTunknownA.J. Withers
Windows 3.1 Shareware: WINSHARKunknownJames D. Tyminski
Windows 3.1 Shareware: WINSKIunknownChris Pirih
Windows 3.1 Shareware: WINTICunknownSean E. Bishop
Windows 3.1 Shareware: WINTTTunknownChris Alrich
Windows 3.1 Shareware: WINWHEELunknownRussell R. Mueller
Windows 3.1 Shareware: WJ2_0AunknownBrett Liddicoet
Windows 3.1 Shareware: WSIMONunknownMark Gamber
Windows 3.1 Shareware: WWHEEL14unknownRussell R. Mueller
Windows 3.1 Shareware: YACHTZunknownBob Dolan
Windows 3.1 Shareware: yaghtz_2unknownFrank Bielsik
Windows 3.1 Shareware: YATETRISunknownPeter Mueller
Windows 3.1 Shareware: YTZ110RunknownBob Dolan
Windows 3.1 Shareware: ZONEONEunknownPaul McClymont
Windows 3.1: SCW101DunknownJerry W. Galloway
Windows Entertainment Pack 2PuzzleMicrosoft
Windows Entertainment Pack 3PuzzleMicrosoft
Wing CommanderActionOrigin
Wing Commander 2: Special Operations 1ActionElectronic Arts
Wing Commander 2: Special Operations 1unknownElectronic Arts
Wing Commander 2: Special Operations 1unknownElectronic Arts
Wing Commander 2: Special Operations 1unknownElectronic Arts
Wing Commander 2: Special Operations 2unknownElectronic Arts
Wing Commander 2: Speech Accessory PackActionElectronic Arts
Wing Commander 2: Speech Accessory PackAdventureElectronic Arts
Wing Commander 2: Speech Accessory PackunknownElectronic Arts
Wing Commander 2: Speech Accessory PackunknownElectronic Arts
Wing Commander 2: Vengeance of the KilrathiSimulation
Wing Commander 2: Vengeance of the KilrathiActionElectronic Arts
Wing Commander 2: Vengeance of the KilrathiAdventureElectronic Arts
Wing Commander 2: Vengeance of the KilrathiunknownElectronic Arts
Wing Commander 2: Vengeance of the KilrathiunknownElectronic Arts
Wing Commander 2: Vengeance of the KilrathiunknownElectronic Arts
Wing Commander 2: Vengeance of the KilrathiStrategyElectronic Arts
Wing Commander 2: Vengeance of the KilrathiStrategyElectronic Arts
Wing Commander II: Vengeance of the KilrathiActionOrigin
Winter ChallengeSportAccolade
WinWheelunknownRussell R. Mueller
WinzerunknownStarbyte Software
Woody The WormActionGolden Disk 64
Woody the WormunknownCP Verlag
Word ZapPuzzleRealtime Associates, Jaleco
WordtrisunknownSpectrum Holobyte
World ChampunknownRomstar
World Champion IcehockeyunknownArtic Computing
World Championship SoccerunknownElite
World Class Leader BoardunknownSega NA - U.S. Gold EU
World Class RugbySportAudiogenic Software Ltd
World Class RugbyunknownAudiogenic Software
World Class Rugbyunknown
World Class RugbyunknownAudiogenic Software
World CricketunknownZeppelin Games
World Cupunknown
World League SoccerSportMindscape, Inc.
Worlds of Ultima 2: Martian DreamsunknownElectronic Arts
Wrath Of The DemonActionReadysoft Inc
WunderlandunknownCommodore Disc
WURM: Journey to the Center of the EarthunknownAsmik
WWF WrestlemaniaSportOcean
WWF Wrestlemaniaunknown
X-Men 2: The Fall of the Mutantsunknown
Xenon 2 MegablastActionMirrorsoft - Virgin Interactive
XenopodsActionSoftdisk Publishing
Xmas LemmingsActionDMA Design, Psygnosis
Xmas Lemmings 1991MiscPsygnosis Limited
XtronActionKeyPunch Software
XyphrActionEugene Lin
YllabiunknownCharles M. Duncan
YoshiPuzzleGame Freak, Nintendo
Yoshi no TamagounknownNintendo Co., LTD
Ys III - Wanderers from YsActionNEC Technologies, Inc.
Ys III: Wanderers from YsRPGVictor Entertainment Inc.
ZackunknownAbyss Connection
Zahada Tajemneho DomuunknownK-Soft
Zahada Tajemneho DomuunknownK-Soft
Zeichner, Derunknown
ZellionunknownEike Kiltz
ZellionunknownEike Kiltz
ZellionunknownEike Kiltz
ZellionunknownEike Kiltz
Zero WingActionToaplan Co., Ltd.
Znicte Saddama HusajnaunknownMaraex Soft
Zombie NationActionMeldac
Zona 0SimulationTopo Soft
Zona 0unknown
Zona 0Sport
ZoomerangunknownColin Jones
ZoomerangunknownColin Jones
ZoomerangunknownColin Jones