PC Games


Robot 751
007 A View To A KillAdventureMindscape1985
007 GoldfingerAdventureMindscape1987
007 License to KillActionDomark1989
007: Licence to KillActionQuixel, Domark Limited1989
007: Licence to KillunknownDomark1989
007: Licence to KillunknownDomark1989
1-0 Soccer ManagerSportWizard Games of Scotland, Ltd.1992
1000 MigliaSimulationSimulmondo1992
1000 Miglia: 1927-1933 Volume 1unknownSimulmondo1992
1000 Miglia: 1927-1933 Volume 1ActionSimulmondo1992
100000 Dollar PyramidMiscBox Office1988
101 Dalmatians Print StudiounknownDisney1997
101 Dalmatians Puppy PuzzleunknownDisney1996
101 Monochrome MazesunknownIBM1983
101: The Airborne Invasion of NormandyStrategy1998
10th FrameSportAccess Software1987
15 Move Hole PuzzleAdultDEMONsoft1993
15x15 Picture PuzzlePuzzle1996
1830 RailroadsunknownSimTexunknown
1830 Railroads and Robber BaronsStrategyAvalon Hill1995
1830: Railroads & Robber BaronsStrategyAvalon Hill1995
1869StrategyMax Design1992
1869StrategyMax Design1992
1869unknownMax Design1992
1893: A World's Fair MysteryAdventure2003
18th Airborneunknown1993
18th Hole Miniature GolfSportUnknown1987
1942: The Pacific Air WarunknownMicroproseunknown
1942: The Pacific Air WarunknownMicroprose1994
1944: Across The RhineunknownMicroproseunknown
1993trisPuzzleYoung K. Chung1993
20000 Leagues Under the SeaAdventureM. Rougeulle1988
221B Baker StreetPuzzleDatasoft1987
240 RacingSport1998
2400 A.D.RPGOrigin Systems, Inc.1988
2400 ADunknownOrigin1988
25ActionDevilish Games1998
2c4 (Forza 4)StrategyFreewareunknown
3 Skulls of the ToltecsAdventure1996
3 Skulls of the ToltecsAdventureRevistronic1996
3 Skulls of the ToltecsAdventureRevistronic1996
3-D Helicopter SimulatorSimulationSierra1987
3-D Helicopter SimulatorSimulation1987
3-D Tic-Tac-ToePuzzleAtari1980
3-D Ultra Mini GolfunknownSierra1997
3-DemonActionJohn D. Price and Rick Richardson1984
3-K TriviaunknownIBM1984
3D Construction KitunknownDomark1991
3D Construction KitunknownDomark1991
3D Cyber Blasterunknown1992
3D Cyberpuckunknown1992
3D CyberPuckSportTicsoft1994
3D PitfallPuzzleJ. Shramko1995
3D PitfallStrategyJ. Shramko1995
3D PoolSportMicroPlay Software1990
3D Shooter & Five DiceunknownMojo Software1996
3D Ultra Lionel TraintownPuzzle2000
3D World & FlashcardsunknownMojo Software1996
3D World BoxingSportSimulmundo1992
3D World BoxingunknownSimulmondo1992
3D World TennisSportSimulmundo1992
3D Xmas Adventure: Santa’s RescueActionPie in the Sky Software1996
3D-MazeunknownMichael Howard1991
3x8MiscCírculo A.S.M.1992
4 Queens Computer CasinoStrategy1992
4-D Sports boxingunknown1991
4D Prince of PersiaActionKirill A. Terebilov1994
4D Sports - TennisSportMindscape1992
4D Sports BoxingSportMindscape, Inc.1991
4D Sports BoxingunknownMindscape1991
4D Sports BoxingunknownMindscape1991
4D Sports Boxing 2.0unknownMindscape1991
4D Sports DrivingSportBrøderbund Software1990
4D Sports TennisSportMindscape, Inc.1990
4D Sports: DrivingunknownBroderbund1990
4D Sports: DrivingRPGBroderbund1990
4D Sports: DrivingRPGBroderbund1990
4th & InchesunknownAccolade1988
4th & InchesunknownAccolade1988
4th & InchesunknownAccolade1988
4th & Inchesunknown1988
4th and InchesSportAccolade1985
4th ProtocolStrategyAriolasoft1985
4th ProtocolStrategyAriolasoft1985
4x4 Off-Road RacingSimulationEpyx1988
5 Days a StrangerAdventureFreeware2003
5 Days a StrangerPuzzleFully Ramblomatic2003
5 Exitos de Opera SoftMiscOpera Soft1990
5A Side SoccerSportMastertronic1984
5th FleetunknownStanley Associatesunknown
5th FleetStrategy1994
5th FleetunknownAvalon Hill1994
5th FleetStrategyAvalon Hill1994
5th Fleet Scenario Module 1unknownAvalon Hill1994
688 Attack SubunknownElectronic Arts Inc.unknown
688 Attack SubSimulationSega Corporation1991
688 Attack SubunknownElectronic Arts1989
688 Attack SubunknownElectronic Arts1989
688 Attack SubActionElectronic Arts1989
688 Attack SubunknownElectronic Arts1989
688 Attack SubunknownElectronic Arts1989
688 Attack SubunknownElectronic Arts1989
7 Card StudStrategyVilla Crespo Software1991
7 CitiesunknownOzark Softscapeunknown
7 Cities of GoldStrategyElectronic Arts1993
7 ColorsPuzzleInfrogames1991
7 Days a SkepticAdventureFreeware2004
7 dní a 7 nocíAdultPterodon Software1994
7 Spirits of RaActionSir-Tech Software, Inc.1987
7 y 1/2, LasunknownMicrohobby1985
7th LegionStrategyMicroProse1997
8 Ball DeluxeActionPAS Systems/Amte1993
8088 OthelloPuzzleUnknown1985
A Change in the WeatherAdventureInfocom1995
A Color Clown Comes to Town: Help ScreenunknownDiAmar Interactive Corp1997
A Dudley DilemmaAdventuretbf1988
A Dudley DilemmaAdventure1988
A Game of StrategyStrategyHenrik Hoexbroe1990
A Game of StrategyStrategyHenrik Hoexbroe1990
A Golden WakeAdventureGrundislav Games2014
A Golden WakeAdventureGrundislav Games2014
A Journey Into XanthAdventure1993
A Journey into XanthAdventureNeil Sorenson1993
A Line in the SandStrategy1992
A Line in the SandunknownSSI1992
A Line in the SandunknownSSI1992
A Mind Forever VoyagingAdventureInfocom1985
A Mind Forever VoyagingAdventureInfocom1985
A Mind Forever VoyagingAdventureInfogrames1985
A New BeginningAdventureDaedalic Entertainment2010
A Night with TroiAdventure1991
A Nightmare on Elm streetAction1989
A Nightmare on Elm StreetunknownSharedata1989
A Personal NightmareAdventureBox Office1989
A Personal NightmareAdventure1989
A-10 Tank KillerStrategyDynamix1991
A-10 Tank KillerunknownDynamix1990
A-10 Tank KillerunknownDynamix1990
A-10 Tank KillerunknownDynamix1990
A-10 Tank KillerunknownDynamix1990
A-10 Tank KillerunknownDynamix1990
A-Train Construction SetStrategyOcean1992
A-Train Construction SetunknownOcean1992
A-Train Construction SetunknownOcean1992
A.G.E.SimulationCoktel Vision1991
A.J.';s World of DiscoveryEducationalCoktel Vision1992
A320 AirbusSimulationThalion1991
A320 AirbusSimulation1993
A320 AirbusSimulationThalion1992
A320 Airbus: USASimulationThalion Software1993
A4 NetworksunknownAtari1995
A4 NetworksunknownAtari1995
AaarghunknownBinary Designunknown
Abadía del Crimen Extensum, LaunknownManuel Pazos2016
Abadía del Crimen, LaunknownOpera Soft1987
Abadía del Crimen, La/Sir FredMiscOpera Soft2008
AbaloneunknownOlivier Thill1999
Abandoned PlacesRPGInternational Computer Entertain1992
Abandoned Places: A Time for HeroesunknownArtGame1992
ABC Fun KeysEducationalC.E. Krehbiel1989
ABC Monday Night FootballSportData East USA1989
ABC Monday Night FootballunknownData East1989
ABC Wide World of Sports BoxingSportData East USA1991
ABC Wide World of Sports: BoxingunknownData East1991
ABC Wide World of Sports: BoxingunknownData East1991
ABC Wide World of Sports: BoxingunknownData East1991
Abenteuer AtlantisunknownKnorr1992
Abenteuer EuropaAdventureSPD1994
Abenteuer EuropaAdventureSPD1994
Abobo's Big AdventureActionTeam Bobo2012
Abrams Battle TankSimulationDynamix, Inc.1989
Abrams Battle TankSimulationDynamix1988
Abrams Battle TankSimulationElectronic Arts1988
Absolute PinballActionUnique Development Studios1996
Absolute PinballActionUnique Development Studios1996
Absolute ZeroActionDomark Software1995
Abu Simbel ProfanationunknownDinamic1985
Abu Simbel Profanation RemakeunknownM.A. Soft1998
Abu Simbel Profanation RemakeunknownRetrospec2001
AbuseunknownCrack dot Comunknown
AbuseActionCrack dot Com1995
AbuseActionCrack dot com1996
Academy: Tau Ceti IIunknownCRL Group1986
Ace 2SimulationCascade1987
ACE 2unknownCascade Games1987
ACE 2unknownCascade Games1987
Ace of AcesSimulationAccolade1987
Ace of AcesActionAccolade, U.S. Gold, Artech1986
Ace of AcesunknownUS Gold1986
Ace VenturaAdventureMorgan Creek Productions, Inc.1996
ACE: Air Combat EmulatorSimulation1986
Aces High - The True Duel SimulatorSimulationCadaver1996
Aces of the deepSimulation1994
Aces of the DeepSimulationDynamix1994
Aces of the DeepSimulationDynamix1994
Aces of the DeepunknownDynamix1994
Aces of the Deep: Expansion DiskunknownDynamix1994
Aces of the Deep: Expansion DiskunknownDynamix1994
Aces of the PacificSimulation1992
Aces of the PacificSimulationDynamix1992
Aces of the PacificSimulationSierra1992
Aces of the PacificRPGSierra1992
Aces of the PacificunknownSierra1992
Aces of the PacificunknownSierra1992
Aces of the PacificunknownSierra1992
Aces of the PacificActionSierra1992
Aces of the PacificunknownSierra1992
Aces of the Pacific - Patch BRPGSierra1992
Aces of the Pacific - WWII: 1946unknownSierra1992
Aces of the Pacific - WWII: 1946unknownSierra1992
Aces of the Pacific - WWII: 1946unknownSierra1992
Aces of the Pacific - WWII: 1946unknownSierra1992
Aces Over EuropeSimulationDynamix1993
Aces Over EuropeSimulation1993
Aces Over EuropeSimulationDynamix1993
Aces over EuropeSimulationDynamix1993
Aces over EuropeSimulationDynamix1993
Aces over EuropeunknownDynamix1993
Aces over EuropeunknownDynamix1993
Aces over Europe patch diskunknownDynamix1993
Achtung die Kurve!Action1995
Achtung, die Kurve!ActionHero Music Company1993
Acid TetrisPuzzle1998
Ack-Ack AttackActionKurt W. Dekker1995
Ack-Ack Attack!ActionPLBM Games1995
Ack-Ack Attack!unknown1995
Ack! ManActionCarey Nash1989
AcquireStrategyAvalon Hill1991
Action FighterSport1989
Action FighterSportSega1986
Action FighterunknownSega1989
Action FighterunknownSega1989
Action FighterunknownSega1989
Action in the North AtlanticStrategyGeneral Quarters Software1989
Action in the North AtlanticStrategy1989
Action Point 2009: mojofltr ASCII Demounknownunknown
Action Point 2009: mojofltr Encodeunknownunknown
Action Point 2009: mojofltr My Demounknownunknown
Action Point 2009: mojofltr Text Snakeunknownunknown
Action ServiceunknownCobra Soft1990
Action SoccerSportLudimedia SAS1995
Action SoccerunknownLudi Media1995
Action Soccerunknown1995
Action Stations!unknownInternecine1990
Action Stations! Aka Naval Surface Combat 1922 - 1945SimulationRAW Entertainment1991
Action SuperCross v1.2SportBalász Rózsa1997
Actua SoccerSportGremlin Interactive1995
Actua SoccerSportGremlin Interactive Ltd.1995
Actua SoccerSportGremlin1995
Actua Soccer 3SportGremlin1999
Admirals CommandStrategySimoneSystems Software1991
Admirals CommandStrategySimoneSystems Software1991
Advanced CivilizationunknownAvalon Hillunknown
Advanced Destroyer SimulatorSimulationFutura1990
Advanced Destroyer SimulatorunknownFutura1996
Advanced Destroyer SimulatorSimulation1990
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons - Dragons of FlameActionPony Canyon1992
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons - Heroes of the LanceActionPony Canyon1991
Advanced Flight TrainerSimulationEdward Lenner1987
Advanced NetwarsActionCaldera1997
Advanced Tacticalunknownunknown
Advanced Tactical Fighter 2Simulation1990
Advanced Tactical Fighter IIunknownDigital Integration1990
Advanced Thinking SkillsEducationalCompedia Software1992
Advanced XoruAdventureCastle Technologies1989
Advantage Tennisunknown1991
Advent RisingAdventureGlyphX Games2005
Adventure Construction SetRPG1987
Adventure in SereniaAdventure1982
Adventure in SereniaAdventureOn-Line Systems1980
Adventure in SereniaunknownSierra1982
Adventure MathunknownEpic MegaGames1992
Adventure of Little Green ManunknownMr Oswald1997
Adventure WriterRPGGilsoft1983
Adventures in MathEducationalIBM1983
Adventures of Captain ComicunknownColor Dreams, Inc.unknown
Adventures of Captain Comic, TheActionColor Dreams1988
Adventures of Micro Man - Crazy Computer v1.5MiscBrian L Goble1994
Adventures of RobboPuzzle1994
Adventures of Robin HoodAdventureMillennium1992
Adventures of Tintin, The: Prisoners of the SunActionInfogrames1996
Adventures of Willy BeamishAdventureDynamix1991
Adventures of Willy BeamishunknownSierra1991
Adventures of Willy BeamishunknownSierra1991
Adventures of Willy BeamishunknownSierra1991
Aegis - Guardian of the FleetSimulationSoftware Sorcery1994
African AdventureAdventureSoftside1984
African AdventureAdventure1997
African Desert CampaignStrategyMatt Kaufman1986
African RaidersSimulationInference1986
African Raiders-01Sport1989
African Trail SimulatorSportCrom Software1990
African Trail SimulatorSport1990
After BurnerSimulationSEGA1989
After BurnerSimulation1989
After BurnerSimulationSega1989
After Burner 2SimulationSega1989
After Burner IIActionSega1987
After Burner IIunknownSega1989
After DarkunknownBerkeley Systems1993
After the WarActionDinamic Software1989
After the WarActionDinamic1989
Agatha Christie: Murder on the Orient ExpressAdventureAWE Productions2006
Age of EmpiresStrategy1997
Age of EmpiresStrategy1997
Age of Empires 2: The Age of KingsStrategy1999
Age of Empires II + The Conquerorsunknownunknown
Age of Empires II: The ConquerorsStrategy2000
Age of WondersStrategy1999
Age of WondersStrategy1999
Age of Wonders - Shadow MagicStrategycompany2004
Age of Wonders 2 - The Wizard';s ThroneStrategyTriumph Studios2002
Age of Wonders 2: The Wizard's ThroneStrategy2002
Agent USAPuzzleScholastic Wizware1984
Agent USAunknownScholastic1984
AggravationStrategyCutlass Software1991
AggressionStrategyExpert Source Code1990
Aide de CampunknownHPS1993
Aide de Camp Module: Stalingrad PocketunknownHPS1993
Air BallActionMicrodeal1987
Air BucksSimulationImpressions Games1992
Air BucksSimulationSierra On-Line Inc.1992
Air Duel: 80 Years of DogfightingunknownMicroprose1993
Air Duel: 80 Years of DogfightingunknownMicroprose1993
Air Force CommanderStrategyImpressions Games1992
Air Power - Battle in the SkiesSimulationMindscape1995
Air Strike USASimulationCinemaware1990
Air Strike USASimulation1990
Air Traffic ControllerSimulationCascoly Software1985
Air Traffic Controllerunknown1985
Air TraxPuzzlePresearch Incorporated1983
Air WarriorSimulationKonami1992
Air WarriorunknownOn-Line Entertainment1990
Air WarriorunknownOn-Line Entertainment1990
Airborne RangerStrategyMicroProse1988
Airborne Rangerunknown1988
Airborne RangerunknownMicroprose1987
Airborne RangerunknownMicroprose1987
Airborne RangerSimulationMicroprose1987
Airborne RangerunknownMicroprose1987
Airborne RangerunknownMicroprose1987
Airlift RescueActionDavid Fleming1995
AirlineStrategyFalken Software1991
AirpuckActionBob Mandel1992
AirpuckActionBob Mandel1992
Airstrike USASimulationSpotlight Software1990
Airstrike USAunknownDigital Integration1990
AirtaxiActionSebastian Pech2001
AkalabethRPGRichard Garriott1980
Akalabeth: World of DoomRPG1981
AkbarrunknownA. Viedma1991
Al-Qadim - The Genie';s CurseRPGSSI1994
Al-QuadimunknownStrategic Simulations, Inc. (SSI)unknown
Aladdin Treasure Gameunknown1996
Alan WakeActionRemedy Entertainment/Nitro Games2012
AlbionunknownBlue Byteunknown
AlbionunknownBlue Byte Software1995
AlbionRPGBlue Byte1996
AlcatrazAction221B, Infogrames1992
Aldo AgainActionBen and Dave Ibach1989
Aldo AgainAction1989
Aldo’s AdventureActionYahoo Software1987
Aldos AssaultActionBen and Dave Ibach1991
Aleshar - The World of IceRPGHypothermia1997
Alex Higgin's World SnookerSportLindensoft1986
AlfActionAlien Productions1988
Alf - World of WordsEducationalVision Software1988
ALF: The First AdventureAction1987
ALF: The First AdventureunknownBox Office1987
Alf';s Thinking SkillsEducationalVision Software1988
Alfred PelrockAdventureDDM1996
Aliants: The Desperate Battle for EarthActionKeyPunch1988
Alice : eventyrspill basert på "Alice in Wonderland"unknownIngar Holm m.fl1990
Alice in WonderlandAdventureR.C. Johnson1989
Alice in WonderlandAdventure1989
AlienActionEdiciones Manali1992
Alien 8 RemakeunknownRetrospec2008
Alien AlleyActionThe Coriolis Group1994
Alien ArcadeunknownSean Callahan1994
Alien BreedActionTeam 171993
Alien BreedActionTeam 171991
Alien BreedActionTeam171992
Alien BreedunknownTeam171992
Alien breed - ObliterationActionFreeware2005
Alien Breed 3 - Tower AssaultActionTeam 171994
Alien Breed: Tower AssaultActionTeam 171994
Alien CabalActionQASoft1997
Alien CarnageAction1994
Alien Fires 2199 ADRPG1988
Alien ForceActionRobert Epps1990
Alien ForceunknownRobert Epps1990
Alien IncidentunknownHousemarque Ltd.unknown
Alien IncidentAdventureGameTek1996
Alien LegacyunknownYbarra Productions1994
Alien LegacyunknownYbarra Productions1995
Alien LegacyStrategyYbarra Productions1993
Alien LegacyunknownSierra1993
Alien LegacyunknownSierra1993
Alien LogicRPGSSI1994
Alien PhobiaActionn.a.1997
Alien PhobiaActionn.a.1997
Alien Rampageunknown1996
Alien RampageunknownInner Circle Creations1996
Alien RampagePuzzleInner Circle Creations1996
Alien ShooterActionSigma Team2003
Alien SyndromeActionSega1989
Alien SyndromeunknownSEGA1989
Alien TrilogyActionProbe Entertainment1996
Alien Trilogyunknown1996
Alien virusAdventureVic Tokai1996
Alien VirusunknownTrecision1995
AliensunknownMarc Tebeka1993
Aliens Onlineunknownunknown
Aliens versus Predator (PC)unknownunknown
Aliens: A Comic Book AdventureAdventureunknown
AlienTicunknownSean E. Bishop1992
All dogs go to heavenActionMerit Studios1989
All Dogs Go to HeavenAction1989
All New World of LemmingsPuzzle1994
All New World of LemmingsStrategyDMA Design1994
All New World of LemmingsPuzzlePsygnosis Limited1994
All New World of LemmingsRPGPsygnosis1994
All New World of LemmingsSimulationPsygnosis1994
All New World of LemmingsunknownPsygnosis1994
All New World of LemmingsunknownPsygnosis1994
All Point BulletinActionUnknownunknown
Alla Scoperta Dell'InformaticaunknownFederico Motta Editore1990
Allan Border';s CricketSportAudiogenic1994
Allan Border's Cricketunknown1993
Alley CatActionSynSoft1984
Alley CatActionSynapse Software1984
Alley CatActionSynapse Software1984
Allied GeneralunknownStrategic Simulations, Inc. (SSI)unknown
Allied GeneralStrategySSI1995
Alone in the DarkAdventureInfogrames1992
Alone in the Dark - The New NightmareAdventureAtari2001
Alone in The Dark 2unknownInfogrames Entertainment SAunknown
Alone in the Dark 3unknown1994
Alone in the Dark 3MiscI-Motion1994
Alone in the Dark 3AdventureInfogrames1994
Alpha CentauriStrategy1999
Alpha ProtocolRPGObsidian Entertainment2010
Alpha StormActionPsygnosis1997
Alpha StormunknownTAG1997
Alpha WavesActionInfogrames1990
Alpha WavesAction1990
Alpha WavesSimulationInfogrames1990
Alpha WavesunknownInfogrames1990
Alter EgoSimulationActivision1986
Alter Ego - FemaleSimulationActivision1986
Alter Ego: Male Versionunknown1986
Altered BeastActionSega1990
Altered BeastAction1990
Altered BeastActionSega Corporation1990
Altered BeastActionSega1988
Altered DestinyAdventureAccolade1990
Altered DestinyAdventureAccolade1990
Alternate Reality - The CityRPGDataSoft1988
Alternate Reality: The CityRPG1988
AmadoPuzzleYong Choi1990
Amarillo Slim's Real Poker: 5 Card StudunknownVilla Crespo1989
Amazing MazePuzzleDonovan W. Foster1983
Amazing MazeAction1983
Amazing Spider-Man, TheActionParagon Software Corporation1989
AmazonAdventureTelarium Corp.1984
Amazon SkullsunknownToggle Booleans1993
Amazon: Guardians of EdenAdventureAccess Software1992
Amazon: Guardians of EdenunknownAccess Software1993
Amazon: Guardians of EdenAdventure1992
Amazon: Guardians of EdenAdventureAccess Software1992
Amazon: Guardians of EdenunknownAccess1992
Amazon: Guardians of EdenunknownAccess1992
Amazon: Guardians of EdenunknownAccess1992
Amber: Journeys BeyondAdventureunknown
AmberstarRPGThalion Software1992
AmberstarAdventureThalion Software1992
Ambush at SorinorStrategy1993
Ambush at SorinorStrategyMindcraft1993
Ambush at SorinorStrategyMindcraft1993
Ambush at SorinorunknownMindcraft1993
American Challenge: A Sailing SimulationSimulation1986
American Civil War - From Sumter to AppomattoxunknownFrank Hunter1996
American Gladiatorsunknown1992
American McGee's AliceActionElectronic Arts2000
American McGee’s Aliceunknownunknown
Amerzone - The Explorer';s LegacyAdventureMicroids1999
Amerzone: The Explorer's LegacyAdventure1999
AmnesiaAdventureCognetics Corp.1986
Amo del MundoActionPositive1990
Amoto's Puf RemakeActionDock Tower2007
Amulet of YendorRPGKeypunch1986
Amulets & ArmorRPG1997
Amulets & ArmorRPG1997
An American TailunknownCapstone1993
An Elder Scrolls Legend: BattlespireRPG1997
Anacreon: Reconstruction 4021Strategy1987
Ancient Art of WarStrategyBrøderbund Software, Inc.1984
Ancient Art of WarunknownBroderbund1984
Ancient Art of War at SeaunknownBroderbund1987
Ancient Art of War at SeaActionBroderbund1987
Ancient Domains of MysteryRPGThomas Biskup1994
Ancient Domains of Mystery (ADOM) v1.1RPG1996
Ancient Land of YsRPGKyodai1989
Ancient Land of YsRPGKyodai1989
Ancient Land of YsunknownNihon Falcom1989
Ancient Land of YsActionNihon Falcom1989
Ancient Land of YsActionNihon Falcom1989
Ancients 1: DeathwatchRPG1991
Ancients 2 - Approaching EvilRPGFarr-Ware Software1993
Ancients 2: Approaching EvilRPG1994
Ancients I: Death WatchRPGFarrware1993
Ancients II: Approaching EvilRPGFarrware1993
Ancients II: Approaching EvilRPGEpic Megagames1993
Angel Nieto Pole 500unknownOpera Sport1990
Animal MathEducationalDonald Pavia1986
Animal QuestEducational1991
Animal QuestunknownAlive Software1992
Animal QuestunknownAlive Software1992
Animated Memory GameStrategy1991
Animation CreationunknownIBM / Mouseworks Computing1983
Annals of RomeStrategyPSS1986
Anno 1602: Creation of a New WorldStrategyMax Design1998
Another Lifeless Planet and Me With No BeerAdventure1991
Another WorldActionDelphine Software1991
Another Worldunknown1991
Another WorldActionU.S Gold1991
Another WorldActionInterplay1990
Another WorldActionDelphine1990
Another WorldAdventureDelphine1990
Another WorldunknownDelphine1990
AnstossunknownAscon GmbH1993
AnstossunknownAscon GmbH1993
AnstossunknownAscon GmbH1993
Anstoss: World Cup EditionunknownAscon GmbH1993
Ant Attack!Action1994
Antarctic AdventureActionKonami1984
Antartic adventuresActionFreeware1984
Ante-Up at The Friday Night Poker ClubStrategy1990
Anti Ballistic MissileActionEMD1982
Anvil of DawnunknownDreamForge Intertainmentunknown
Anvil of DawnunknownNew World Computing1995
Anvil of DawnRPGDreamForge Intertainment1995
Anyone for CardsunknownBonita Masteller1994
Apache StrikeSimulationUnknown1989
Apogee Software Bonus Disk 7unknownApogee1991
Apogee Software Shareware LibraryunknownApogee1992
Apollo 18 - Mission to the MoonSimulationAccolade1988
Apollo 18: Mission to the MoonSimulation1987
Apollo 18: Mission to the MoonunknownArtech1988
Apple 2 Games - Sierra CollectionunknownSierra1980
Apple PanicActionBroderbund1982
Apple PanicunknownBroderbund1982
AquanoidPuzzleHeineke and Finger1992
AquaNox 2 - RevelationActionJoWood2003
ArachnophobiaActionBlueSky Software1991
Arcade #1ActionKeyPunch1986
Arcade #2unknownKeypunch Software1988
Arcade Blockbusters!unknownCapcom1991
Arcade FootballunknownSoftware Simulations1989
Arcade Fruit MachineSimulationZeppelin Games Limited1990
Arcade GamesunknownKeypunch Software1988
Arcade GamesunknownKeypunch Software1988
Arcade HitsunknownCapcom1991
Arcade PoolunknownTeam 171994
Arcade PoolRPGTeam 171994
Arcade RallyunknownLukas Petrik2001
Arcade RallyunknownLukas Petrik2001
Arcade TriviaPuzzleZeppelin Games1993
Arcade Trivia QuizPuzzle1993
Arcade VolleyballSportUnknown1987
Arcade Volleyball Deluxeunknown-1996
Arcanum - of Steamworks and Magick ObscuraRPGActivision2001
Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magick ObscuraRPGTroika Games2001
Archer MacLean's PoolSportVirgin1993
ArcherySportBrian Blankenship1983
Archibald Applebrook's AbenteuerunknownWeltenschmiede1995
Archimedean DynastySimulation1996
Archimedean DynastyunknownMassive Development1996
ArchipelagosPuzzleAstral Software1989
ArchipelagosunknownAstral Software1989
ArchipelagosunknownAstral Software1989
ArchonStrategyElectronic Arts1984
ArchonunknownElectronic Arts1983
Archon – The Light and the DarkActionElectronic Arts1983
Archon UltraStrategySSI1994
Archon UltraunknownSSI1994
Archon UltraunknownSSI1994
Archon Ultra CD-ROMunknownFree Fall Associates1996
Archon: the Light and the DarkStrategy1984
Arctic AdventureActionApogee1988
Arctic AdventureAction1991
Arctic AdventureActionApogee Software1991
Arctic AdventureunknownApogee1991
Arctic FoxStrategyElectronic Arts1985
Arctic FoxSimulation1987
Arctic MovesActionDinamic Multimedia1995
Are You Afraid of the Dark: The Tale of Orpheo's CurseunknownNickelodeon1994
Area 51unknownunknown
Argo CheckersPuzzleArgo Games1993
ARK...ActionScott DeMers1988
ArkanoidPuzzleTaito, Nova Logic1988
Arkanoid (Eclipse Software)ActionEclipse1993
Arkanoid 2unknownunknown
Arkanoid 2 - Revenge of DohActionTaito1988
Arkanoid 2 - Revenge of DohActionTaito1988
Arkanoid 2: The Revenge of DohAction1989
ArkkubeActionDevilish Games2001
Arm WrestlingActionImanok2004
Armada 2525Strategy1991
Armada 2525unknown?1991
Armaeth - The Lost KingdomAdventureReal World Soft1993
Armaëth: The Lost KingdomunknownGrandslam1993
Armchair QuarterbackSportPseudonym Software1985
Armchair Quarterbackunknown1985
Armchair QuarterbackunknownShareData1986
Armed WormsActionJonas Kukkonen1989
Armed WormsActionJonas Kukkonenunknown
Armor AlleyActionThree-Sixty Pacific1990
Armor Alleyunknown1991
Armor AlleyunknownThree-Sixty Pacific1991
Armor AlleyPuzzleThree-Sixty Pacific1991
Armored FistStrategyNovaLogic1994
Armored fistSimulation1994
Armorik the Viking: The Eight ConquestsunknownInfogrames1988
ArmyStrategyDwain Goforth1989
ArmyStrategyDwain Goforth1989
Army MenStrategy1998
Army Men 2Strategy1998
ArnhemStrategyCases Computer Simulations1987
Arnhem: The Market Garden OperationStrategy1988
Arnie 2unknown1993
Arnie 2ActionZeppelin Games1993
Around the World in 80 Days: A Story Painting AdventureunknownNovotrade1994
Arthur: The Quest for ExcaliburAdventure1989
Arthur's Computer AdventureunknownBroderbund1998
Arthur's Reading RaceunknownBroderbund1996
Artillery Combat \(EGAbomb\)StrategyRad Delaroderie1988
Arx FatalisRPGArkane Studios2002
As You Like It™unknownJKS Development1995
Ascii Sectorunknown2007
Ascii SectorActionChristian Knudsen2009
Aspar G.P. MasterunknownDinamic1988
Aspar GP MasterSport1989
Assault Trooperunknown1997
Assault TrooperActionWebfoot Technologies1997
Asterix - Operation GetafixAdventureCoktel Vision1989
Asterix & ObelixActionInfogrames1996
Asterix: Operation Getafixunknown1989
Asterix: Operation GetafixunknownCoktel1989
Astro BlasterActionRolf Franzon1988
Astro Chicken ]I[unknownJandalunknown
Astro DodgeActionDigital Marketing Corp.1982
Astro Fireunknown1994
Astro FireActionORT Software1994
Astro Fire & Arcade PaddleunknownMojo Software1996
AsylumAdventureDoppelganger Adventures Inc1991
AT RobotsPuzzleEd T. Toton1997
At the CarnivalPuzzle1990
ATAC: The Secret War Against DrugsSimulation1992
ATAC: The Secret War Against DrugsunknownMicroprose1992
ATAC: The Secret War Against DrugsunknownMicroprose1992
ATAC: The Secret War Against DrugsunknownMicroprose1992
ATAC: The Secret War Against DrugsunknownMicroprose1992
AtlantisunknownNoch Software Inc.unknown
AtmoidsunknownAndre Weber1990
AtomicunknownPhilippe Lesire1993
Atomic BombermanAction1997
AtomixPuzzleThalion Software GMBH1990
Attack on AltairActionWindmill Software1983
Attack on Pearl HarborunknownLegendo2007
AttilaStrategyLüder Osmers1996
Auf dem Weg nach EuropaunknownBundesregierung1991
Auf Wiedersehen MontyAction2001
AusterlitzStrategyDr. Peter Turcan1989
Austerlitz: Napoleon’s Greatest Victoryunknownunknown
Auto DuelSimulationOrigin1988
AutobotsPuzzleL. Scott Emmons1989
AutoduelRPGORIGIN Systems, Inc.1988
AutoduelRPGElectronic Arts1988
AV-8B Harrier AssaultStrategyDomark Software1992
AV-8B Harrier AssaultunknownDomark1992
AV-8B Harrier AssaultunknownDomark1992
AV-8B Harrier AssaultunknownDomark1992
Avalon CasinosunknownIntermedia1996
Aventura en el Siglo XXIVunknownRVM1997
Aventura en WildlandunknownInfodisc1989
Aventura Espacial, LaunknownAventuras AD1990
Aventura Espacial, LaunknownNightwolf2007
Aventura Original, LaunknownAventuras AD1989
AvishPuzzleBUG Multisystem Ltd.1993
Avish!PuzzleBUG Multisystem Ltd.1993
Avoid the NoidActionSharedata, Inc.1989
Avoid the NoidActionCalifornia Merchandising Concepts, Inc.1989
Avoid the NoidActionSharedata1989
Avoid the NoidSimulationSharedata1989
Avventura nel castelloAdventureFreeware1982
Awesome EarlSportBubble Bus Software1988
Awesome Earl in SkateRockAction1988
Awesome Earl in SkateRockunknownBubble Bus1988
Axe of RageAction1989
Axis & Allies: Iron Blitz EditionStrategyMicroProse1999
Axis and AlliesStrategy1998
Axis and Allies: Iron BlitzStrategy1999
Azalta: Cult of the RavenRPG1996
Azrael's TearAdventureIntelligent Games1996
B-1 Nuclear BomberSimulation1981
B-17 Flying FortressSimulation1992
B-17 Flying FortressunknownMicroprose1992
B-17 Flying FortressunknownMicroprose1992
B-17 Flying FortressunknownMicroprose1992
B-24 Combat SimulatorSimulation1987
B.A.D.ActionWebfoot Technologies1997
B.A.T.AdventureUBI Soft1990
B.A.T.unknownUbi Soft1990
B.A.T.RPGUbi Soft1990
B.A.T. 2 : The Koshan ConspiracyAdventure1992
B.A.T. IIunknownUbi Soft1992
B.A.T. IIunknownUbi Soft1992
B.I.G.unknownFree Mind1997
Baba's PalaceunknownBytedreams2017
Baby Jo in Going HomeActionLoriciel1991
Babylon 5: I've Found HerSimulation2003
Back to Baghdad: The Ultimate Desert Storm SimulationunknownMilitary Simulations, Inc.1996
Back to the Future 2ActionImage Works1990
Back to the Future 3ActionImage Works1991
Back to the Future Part IIunknownImages Software1990
BackgammonPuzzleSharedata, Inc.1986
BackgammonPuzzleThe Dream Machine1992
BackgammonunknownMicroforum Manufacturing1990
Backgammon 5.0unknownOdesta1983
Backgammon RoyaleStrategyOxford Softworks1990
BackGround TetrisPuzzleAlex Yakovlev1993
BackGround TetrisPuzzleAlex Yakovlev1993
BackrgammonStrategyKrista Comp.1991
Bad BloodRPG1990
Bad CatunknownRainbow Arts Software1987
Bad DudesActionData East1989
Bad DudesunknownData East1988
Bad DudesunknownData East1988
Bad Dudes VS Dragon NinjaAction1988
Bad Dudes Vs Dragon NinjaActionData East1988
Bad Street BrawlerActionMindscape1987
Bailey's Book HouseunknownEdmark1993
Balance of PowerunknownMindscape1986
Balance of Power - The 1990 EditionStrategyMindscape1989
Balance of the Planetunknown1990
BaldiesStrategyCreative Edge Software1996
BaldiesStrategyCreative Edge1995
Baldur's GateAdventureBlack Isle Studios1998
Baldur';s GateRPGAtari1999
Baldur';s Gate 2 - Shadows of AmnRPGAtari2000
Baldur's GateRPG1998
Baldur's Gate 2: Shadows of AmnRPG2000
Baldur's Gate III: The Black HoundRPG2003
Ball GameActionEsprit Software1991
Ball RaceSimulationCarl McLawhorn1988
Ballgame 2PuzzleToxic Dream1992
BalloonzActionAcumen Software1993
BallzunknownIsmail Ibricunknown
BANunknownKimberly kubus2017
BananiaunknownDATA BECKER1992
BananoidActionWilliam Rieder1989
BanatronActionThomas G. Hanlin III1989
BanaTronActionThomas G. Hanlin III1989
Bandit Kings of Ancient ChinaStrategyKOEI1989
Bandit Kings of Ancient ChinaStrategy1989
Bang! Bang!Strategy1990
Bank Street Music WriterEducationalMindscape1986
Banyon WarsStrategyWilliam Soleau1990
Bar GamesSportAccolade1989
Bar GamesunknownAccolade1989
BarbarianunknownPsygnosis Ltd.unknown
Barbarian 2ActionPalace Software1989
Barbarian QuestunknownDarkkat Adventures1995
Barbie Super ModelEducationalTahoe Software1993
Barbie Super ModelAction1993
Bard’s Tale 1: Tales of the UnknownRPGInterplay, Electronic Arts1985
Bard's ConstructionsetMiscInterplay1991
Bard's TaleRPGInterplay1985
Bard's Tale 2 - The Destiny KnightRPGInterplay1985
Bard's Tale 3 - Thief of FateRPGInterplay1988
Bargon AttackAdventure1992
Bargon AttackAdventureCoktel Vision1992
Barney Bear Goes to SchoolEducationalFree Spirit Software1991
Barney Bear Goes to SpaceEducationalFree Spirit Software1992
Barney Bear Goes to the FarmEducationalFree Spirit Software1993
BARQ: The Rise of FreedomunknownLogicators1996
BaryonSimulationACRO Studio1995
Baseball \(+ Pong pack\)SportKeypunch1987
Baseball Mogulunknown1997
Baseball Mogul 2006unknown2005
Basket MasterSportDynamic Multimedia1990
Basket PlayoffunknownSimulmodno1992
Basketball ChallengeunknownXOR Corporationunknown
Bass Duelunknown1993
Bass Tourunknown1992
BasstourSportOlsen Outdoors1991
Bat 'n BallPuzzleButton Soft1995
BataliaActionThe Right Brothers1986
Batlle Chess 4000StrategyInterplay Productions1992
Batman ForeverActionAcclaim Entertainment1996
Batman ForeverActionAcclaim1996
Batman ReturnsAdventureKonami1992
Batman ReturnsAction1992
Batman ReturnsActionKonami, Malibu Interactive1992
Batman ReturnsunknownSpirit of Discovery1992
Batman The MovieActionOcean1990
Batman: the Caped CrusaderAdventureOcean1988
Batman: the Caped Crusaderunknown1988
Batman: The Caped CrusaderunknownOcean1988
Batman: The Caped CrusaderunknownOcean1988
Batman: the MovieAction1990
Battle Arena ToshindenAction1996
Battle BeastActionInteractive Entertainment1995
Battle BugsStrategySierra / Epyx1994
Battle BugsunknownEpyx1995
Battle BugsStrategy1994
Battle BugsPuzzleEpyx1995
Battle BugsunknownSierra1995
Battle BugsunknownSierra1995
Battle CheeseStrategyBrad Boggess1995
Battle ChessMisc1991
Battle ChessStrategy1988
Battle ChessStrategyInterplay Productions1988
Battle ChessPuzzleInterplay1989
Battle ChessunknownInterplay1989
Battle ChessunknownInterplay1989
Battle ChessAdventureInterplay1989
Battle ChessAdventureInterplay1989
Battle ChessStrategyInterplay1989
Battle ChessStrategyInterplay1989
Battle ChessunknownInterplay1989
Battle ChessunknownInterplay1989
Battle Chess 2 - Chinese ChessStrategyInterplay Productions1990
Battle Chess 2: Chinese ChessStrategy1990
Battle Chess 2: Chinese ChessunknownInterplay1990
Battle Chess 4000StrategyInterplay Productions1992
Battle Chess 4000unknownInterplay1992
Battle CommandSimulationOcean Software1990
Battle FleetStrategyWade L. Corby1991
Battle For AtlantisStrategySoleau Software1990
Battle for NormandyStrategyTactical Design Group1983
Battle for NormandyStrategy1983
Battle for WesnothStrategyVarious2004
Battle HamsterunknownSofcom1995
Battle IsleStrategy1991
Battle IsleActionBlue Byte Software1991
Battle IsleStrategyBlue Byte1991
Battle IsleRPGBlue Byte1991
Battle Isle 2StrategyAccolade1994
Battle Isle 2StrategyBlue Byte1993
Battle Isle 2200StrategyBlue Byte1993
Battle Isle 3: Shadow of the EmperorStrategyBlue Byte1995
Battle Isle 93 - The Moon of ChromosStrategyBlue Byte Software, Inc.1993
Battle Isle 93: The Moon of ChromosStrategy1993
Battle Isle Data DiskStrategyBlue Byte1991
Battle Isle Data Disk 2unknownBlue Byte1991
Battle MasterStrategy1991
Battle of AntietamStrategySSI1986
Battle of AntietamunknownSSI1987
Battle of AusterlitzStrategyGeneral Quarters Software1989
Battle SatunknownFiras Bushnaq1991
Battle WrathActionCerebral1995
Battle ZoneStrategyUnknown1987
Battlearena ToshindenActionPlaymates Interactive Entertainment1996
BattleGrid 1.0unknownBob Dolan1991
Battlehawks 1942StrategyLucasFilm Games1988
Battlehawks 1942Simulation1988
Battles of DestinyunknownQQP1992
Battles of NapoleonStrategySSI1990
Battles of NapoleonStrategySSI1990
BattlestarStrategyGregory Braun1989
BattleStarunknownGregory Braun1996
BattleTech - The Crescent Hawks InceptionRPGInfocom, Accolade1988
BattleTech 2: The Crescent Hawk's RevengeStrategyInfocom1991
BattleTech CompilationunknownActivision1992
BattleTech CompilationunknownActivision1992
BattleTech: The Crescent Hawk's RevengeunknownWestwood Associates1990
BattleTech: The Crescent Hawk's RevengeunknownWestwood Associates1990
BattlezoneActionAtari, Inc.1980
Bazooka SueAdventureStarbyte1997
BC RacersSimulationCore Design1993
BC RacersunknownCore Design1995
BC's Quest for TiresActionSierra1984
BC's Quest for TiresAction1984
BC's Quest for TiresunknownSierra1984
Beach Head 2000ActionWizardWorks2000
Beach Head 2002ActionWizardWorks2002
BeastPuzzleDan Baker1984
BeastActionDan Baker1986
BeastiesunknownInternational Software Factory1992
Beasts 'n BumpkinsStrategyElectronic Arts1997
Beat the HouseunknownInterplay1995
Beauty and the BeastPuzzle1992
Beavis & Butthead: Bug JusticeAction1995
Beavis & Butthead: Court ChaosAction1995
Beavis & Butthead: Hock-a-LoogieAction1995
Beavis & Butt-Head: Do UAdventureunknown
Beavis & Butt-Head: Virtual StupidityAdventureunknown
Beavis and Butt-Head in Virtual StupidityAdventureViacom New Media1995
BedlamActionBeam International1987
BedlamActionMirage Technologies1996
Bedlam 2 - Absolute BedlamActionMirage Technologies1997
Beethoven 2Action1993
Beethoven's 2ndActionHi Tech Expressions1993
Beethovens 2ndActionHi Tech Expressions1993
Beetlejuice - Skeletons in the ClosetActionHi-Tech Expressions1990
BeetrisPuzzleSimsalabim Software1989
Below the RootAdventureWindham Classic1984
Below the RootAdventureWindham Classics1984
Below the RootunknownWindham Classics1984
Beneath A Steel SkyAdventureVirgin Interactive Entertainment1993
Beneath A Steel SkyAdventureVirgin Interactive1994
Beneath A Steel SkyAdventureRevolution1994
Beneath A Steel SkyunknownRevolution1994
Beneath A Steel SkyRPGRevolution1994
Beneath A Steel SkyunknownRevolution1994
Beneath a Steel SkyunknownRevolution1994
Beneath Apple ManorRPG1983
Beneath Apple ManorRPGThe Software Factory1983
Berlin 1948AdventureTime Warp1990
Berlin 1948unknownRainbow Arts1989
Berlin ConnectionAdventurePromotion Software1994
Bermuda SyndromeAdventureCentury Interactive1996
Bert and the SnakeAction1983
Betrayal at KrondorunknownDynamix1993
Beverly Hills CopAction1990
Beverly Hills CopunknownTynesoft1990
Beverly Hills CopunknownTynesoft1990
Beyond castle WolfensteinActionMuse Software1984
Beyond Castle Wolfensteinunknown1985
Beyond Castle WolfensteinActionMuse Software1984
Beyond Castle WolfensteinunknownMuse1985
Beyond ColumnsPuzzle1989
Beyond ColumnsPuzzleBrad P. Taylor1989
Beyond DivinityRPGLarian Studios2004
Beyond the Black HolePuzzleSoftware Toolworks1989
Beyond the Black HoleAction1989
Beyond the TitanicAdventureApogee1986
Beyond the TitanicAdventure1986
Beyond Zork - The Coconut of QuendorAdventureInfocom1987
Beyond Zork: The Coconut of QuendorAdventure1987
Beyond Zork: The Coconut of QuendorunknownInfocom1987
Beyond Zork: The Coconut of QuendorRPGInfocom1987
Bi-Fi Roll: Snack Zoneunknown1993
Bible BuilderPuzzle1992
Bicycle BridgeStrategy1992
Bicycle HolidayPuzzleSWFTE International1991
Big Blue Disk SamplerunknownSoftdisk1989
Big BoggleunknownGameTek1990
Big BusinessStrategyDigiTek1990
Big Businessunknown1990
Big BusinessunknownDigiTek1990
Big Game FishingSimulationSimulmondo1991
Big Game Fishingunknown1991
Big Red RacingSimulationDomark1995
Big Red RacingSport1995
Big Red RacingSportDomark Software1994
Big Sea: The Better One Will Winunknown1994
Big TopActionFuntastic1983
Big TopunknownFuntastic1983
Big Top o' FunMiscMindscape1989
Biing! – Sex, Intrigen und SkalpelleStrategyreLINE Software1995
Bill & Ted's Excellent AdventureAdventureCapstone1990
Bill Elliot's NASCAR ChallengeunknownKonami1990
Bill Elliot's NASCAR ChallengeunknownKonami1990
BilliardsunknownM. Miklyaev1989
Billy The KidAction1990
Billy the Kid Returns!unknownAlive Software1994
BiM The Wonder PupunknownLuriosunknown
Bio MenaceActionApogee1993
Bio MenaceActionApogee1993
Bio Menace - Episode 3: Master CainActionApogee Software1993
Bio Menace Episode 1: Dr. Mangle's LabAction1993
Bio Menace Episode 2: The Hidden LabAction1993
Bio Menace Episode 3: Master CainAction1993
BioforgeAdventureORIGIN Systems1995
Bionic CommandoActionCapCom, U.S.A.,Inc1987
Bionic CommandoAction1988
BiosActionEdiciones Manali1990
Birds of PreySimulationElectronic Arts1991
Birds of PreyunknownElectronic Arts1991
Birds of PreyunknownElectronic Arts1991
Birthright: The Gorgon's AllianceStrategy1996
Black & WhiteSimulationElectronic Arts2001
Black & WhiteStrategy2001
Black BeardActionTopo Soft1988
Black BoxunknownVincent Ting1992
Black CrownStrategy1995
Black DahliaAdventureTake-Two Interactive1998
Black GoldStrategyRainbow Arts1991
Black HolePuzzleLouis DeSetto1993
Black HolePuzzleLouis DeSetto1993
Black JackunknownInfodisc1989
Black MondayStrategyKeypunch Software1987
Black Mondayunknown1987
Black Moon ChroniclesStrategy1999
Black OrbActionCarl Eriksonunknown
Black SectAdventureLankhor1993
Black SectAdventure1993
Black Sect 2: The Cursed CryptAdventureBrocanty Games2020
Black Star: Agent of JusticeAdventure1995
Black ThorneActionInterplay1994
BlackJackMiscJ.T. Chisholm1984
BlackjackStrategyJ. S.1989
Blackout 2.0unknownZarkware1991
Blackstar: Agent of JusticeAdventure1995
BlackThorneActionInterplay Productions1994
Blackwell UnboundAdventureWadjet Eye Games2007
Blade RunnerAdventure1997
Blades of ExileRPG1997
Blades of SteelunknownKonamiunknown
Blades of SteelunknownKonami1987
Blades of SteelunknownKonami1990
Blake Stone 1: Aliens of Goldunknown1993
Blake Stone 2: Planet Strikeunknown1994
Blake Stone: Aliens of GoldActionApogee Software, LTD.1993
Blake Stone: Aliens of GoldActionApogee1993
Blake Stone: Aliens of GoldActionApogee1993
Blake Stone: Aliens of GoldunknownApogee1993
Blake Stone: Aliens of GoldunknownApogee1993
Blake Stone: Aliens of GoldunknownApogee1993
Blake Stone: Aliens of GoldunknownApogee1993
Blake Stone: Aliens of GoldunknownApogee1993
Blake Stone: Aliens of GoldunknownApogee1993
Blake Stone: Aliens of GoldunknownApogee1993
Blake Stone: Aliens of GoldunknownApogee1993
Blake Stone: Planet StrikeunknownApogee1994
Blake Stone: Planet StrikeunknownApogee1994
Blake Stone: Planet StrikeunknownApogee1994
BlasphemousActionTeam 172019
Blimp Raid-Weird War IunknownMr. Crispyunknown
Blimp Raid-Weird War IIunknownMr. Crispyunknown
Blind WarsStrategySoleau Software1994
Blip & BlopActionFreeware2002
BlitzPuzzlePC Solutions1993
Blitz DraughtsStrategy1992
Blitzkrieg - Battle at the ArdennesStrategyCommand Simulations1988
Blob FactoryunknownJeremiah Golden1996
Blobby VolleySportFreeware2000
Blobby VolleySportD. Skoraszewski2001
Block BreakerPuzzleYutaka Emura1993
Block O ManiaPuzzle1989
Block SmasherunknownAJC Software Unlimitedunknown
BlockadePuzzleDon Laabs1986
BlockageActionFabrizio Zavagli2003
BlockBreaker, 3.01E for Windows.unknownYutaka Emura1993
BlockbusterActionAudiogenic Software1988
BlockoutPuzzleCalifornia Dreams1989
BlockOut 2Puzzle2000
BlocksPuzzleScott Fiske1993
BlocksPuzzleScott Fiske1993
Blocks from HellPuzzleToren K. Smith1992
Blocks from HellPuzzleToren K. Smith1992
BloodActionGT Interactive Software Corp.1997
BloodActionMonolith Productions1997
Blood & MagicStrategyInterplay1996
Blood & MagicStrategyInterplay1996
Blood & MagicStrategyInterplay Productions1996
Blood & MagicStrategy1996
Blood 2 - The ChosenActionAtari1998
Blood BowlunknownDestiny Software Productions Inc.unknown
Blood BowlunknownDestiny Software1995
Blood Moneyunknown1990
Blood MoneyunknownPsygnosis1989
BloodbathActionFreedom Factory2014
BloodrayneAdventureTerminal Reality2003
Bloodrayne 2AdventureTerminal Reality2005
Bloodstone - An Epic Dwarven TaleRPGMindcraft1993
Bloodwings: Pumpkinhead's RevengeunknownBAP Interactive1995
BludištěunknownIng. Miroslav Nemecek1993
BludištìunknownIng. Miroslav Nemecek1993
Blue Angel 69Puzzle1989
Blue Angel 69AdultMagic Bytes1989
Blue Angels: Formation Flight SimulationSimulation1989
Blue Angels: Formation Flight SimulationunknownAccolade1989
Blue Angels: Formation Flight SimulationunknownAccolade1989
Blue ForceAdventureTsunami1993
Blue Max: Aces of the Great WarSimulation1990
Blue Max: Aces of the Great WarSimulationThree-Sixty Pacific, Inc.1990
Bluebush ChessPuzzleBluebush Software1983
Blues BrothersActionTitus1991
Blues Brothers 2ActionTitus1993
Blues Brothers RPGRPG2004
Bluewater HunterSportEncore1999
Bo Jackson BaseballunknownData East1991
Bo Jackson BaseballunknownData East1991
Bob the HamsterMiscHamster Republic1994
Bob WinnerAdventureLoriciels1986
Bobby Fischer Teaches ChessunknownMission Studios1996
Bobby Fischer Teaches ChessPuzzleMission Studios1994
Bobby Fisher teaches chessStrategy1994
Body BlowsActionTeam 171993
Body BlowsActionTeam 171993
Body BlowsActionTeam171993
Body BlowsunknownTeam171993
Bodyworks Voyager: Missions in AnatomyunknownSoftware Marketing Corporation1994
BogOutunknownLance Frohman1992
Boleivol BeachunknownEdiciones Manali1992
BoleraunknownEdiciones Manali1992
BolixunknownACA Soft1994
Bolo BallPuzzle1992
Bomb JackAction1984
Bomb RunAction1991
BombuzalunknownImage Works1989
BombuzalunknownImage Works1989
Booger BungeeunknownBlackeye Software1998
Boot CampAction1989
Bop'N Wrestleunknown1988
Border ZoneAdventureInfocom1987
Border ZoneAdventure1987
Border ZoneAdventureInfocom1987
Border ZoneAdventureInfocom1987
Borland Turbo Basic 1.0unknownBorland1988
Borland Turbo C++unknownBorland1992
Borrowed TimeAdventure1985
Borrowed Time aka Time to DieAdventureActivision1985
Boston Bomb ClubPuzzle1991
BOTunknownDreamers Guild1993
Boulder DashPuzzleFirst Star Software1984
Boulder DashunknownFirst Star Software1984
Boulder Dash [remake]PuzzlePetr Simonunknown
Boulder Dash 1 & 2unknownFirst Star Software1985
Boulder Dash 2PuzzleFirst Star Software1985
Boulder Dash Construction KitPuzzle1987
Boulder Dash Construction KitunknownFirst Star1987
Bounce ZoneAction1990
Bouncing BabiesActionDave Baskin1986
Bouncing BabiesActionDave Baskin1984
Bowser Landunknownunknown
BoxeounknownEdiciones Manali1990
Boxer RebellionPuzzleCarpenter1982
Brain Games For WindowsunknownFiras Bushnaq1992
BrainWaveunknownDexterity Software1995
BrainWave 2: Return of the NanobotsunknownDexterity Software1997
Bram Stoker's DraculaunknownProbe Entertainment1995
Bram Stoker’s DraculaActionPsygnosis Limited1993
Braveheart Screensaverunknown1996
Bravo Romeo Deltaunknown1993
Breach 2StrategyOmnitrend Software1990
Breach 2unknownImpressions1990
Breach 2unknownImpressions1990
Breakfree & XerixunknownMojo Software1996
BreakoutActionKenneth Silverman1991
BreakoutActionKenneth Silvermanunknown
BreakoutActionAtari, Inc.1978
BreakThru!unknownSteve Fry1994
Brett Hull Hockey 95SportAccolade1995
Brick Breaker II TurbounknownHenry Yu1994
Brick, TheActionDelta1989
BricksunknowniLogic Soft1997
Bricks 2000PuzzleFreeware2000
Bricks 2000PuzzleInner-Smile.com2000
Bridge 7.0Strategy1992
Bridge HopperPuzzleI. Harness1990
BrixPuzzleMichael Riedel1991
BrixPuzzleEpic MegaGames1992
Brix 1 & Brix 2: DeluxeStrategyEpic Games1992
Brix 2nd versionPuzzleMichael Riedel1992
Brocha GordaunknownEdiciones Manali1992
BrogueRPGBrian Walker2009
Broken SwordAdventureRevolution Software2008
Broken Sword 2 - The Smoking MirrorAdventureRevolution Software1996
Broken Sword 2: The Smoking MirrorAdventure1997
Broken Sword 3 - The Sleeping DragonAdventureRevolution Software2003
Broken Sword 5: The Serpent's CurseAdventureRevolution Software2013
Broken Sword II: The Smoking MirrorAdventureRevolution Software1997
Broken Sword: The Angel of DeathAdventureRevolution Software/Sumo Digital2006
Broken Sword: The Shadow of the TemplarsAdventure2009
Broken Sword: The Shadow of the TemplarsAdventureVirgin Interactive1996
Broken Sword: The Shadow of the TemplarsAdventureRevolution Software1996
Bruce LeeActionDataSoft, Inc.1987
Bruce LeeunknownDatasoft1984
Bruce Lee [remake]ActionMark Rosten2001
Brutal Sports FootballSportMillenium1993
Brutal Sports FootballunknownMillenium1993
Brutal: Paws of FuryAction1995
Brutal: Paws of FuryActionGameTek1995
Bubble BobbleActionTaito America Corp.1989
Bubble BobbleActionTaito Corporation1989
Bubble BobbleunknownTaito1989
Bubble DizzyunknownCodemastersunknown
Bubble DizzyAction1993
Bubble GhostAction3RE International1988
Bubble GhostPuzzleAccolade1987
Bubble GhostunknownAccolade1988
Bubble GirlunknownTHE BEST2002
Bubble Girl 2unknownTHE BEST2002
Bubble PopActionSoftware of Sweden1997
Bubble TroubleunknownDreamers Guild1993
Buck RogersActionSega1984
Buck RogersRPGSSI1990
Buck Rogers - Matrix CubedRPGSSI1992
Buck Rogers - Planet of ZoomActionSega1984
Buck Rogers – Planet of ZoomActionSega1984
Buck Rogers: Countdown to DoomsdayRPGSSI1990
Buck Rogers: Countdown to DoomsdayRPGSSI1990
Buck Rogers: Matrix CubedRPGSSI1992
Buck Rogers: Matrix CubedRPGSSI1992
Buck Rogers: Matrix CubedStrategySSI1992
BuddiesunknownInternational Software Factory1992
BudokanActionElectronic Arts1989
Buffalo Bill's Wild West Showunknown1989
Buffalo Bills Rodero gamesActionMicroValue1989
BugunknownJake Jilg1996
Bug BomberunknownKingsoftunknown
Bug WorldunknownKd Gamesunknown
Bugaboo (The Flea) RemakeActionPaul Robson2001
Buggy RangerActionDinamic1990
Buggy RangerunknownDinamic1990
Bugs Bunny ScreensaverunknownRichard Ratayczak1994
Buick DimensionsunknownGeneral Motors1992
Building PanicActionYamada No Ana Project2001
Bully's Sporting DartsSportAlternative Software Ltd.1993
Bumpy's Arcade FantasyPuzzleLoriciel1992
Bumpy's Arcade FantasyPuzzle1992
Bundesliga Manager ProfessionalunknownSoftware 20001992
Bundesliga Manager HattrickSportKRON Software1994
Bundesliga Manager HattrickunknownSoftware 20001994
Bundesliga Manager HattrickStrategySoftware 20001994
Bundesliga Manager Hattrick SupporterSimulationSoftware 20001994
Bundesliga Manager Professionalunknown1991
Bundesliga Manager ProfessionalunknownSoftware 20001992
Bundesliga Manager ProfessionalSimulationSoftware 20001992
Bundesliga Manager ProfessionalunknownSoftware 20001992
Bundesliga Manager ProfessionalunknownSoftware 20001992
Bunny BricksAction1993
Bureau 13AdventureGameTek1995
Bureau 13unknownTake-Two Interactive Software1995
Burger BlasterPuzzleUnknownunknown
Burger BlasterAction1983
Burger TimeActionDate East USA1982
BurgertimeunknownData East Corporationunknown
Burning SteelunknownSSI1995
BurntimeStrategyMax Design1993
BurntimeActionMax Design MBH1993
BurntimeStrategyMax Design1993
Bush BuckStrategyPC Globe Inc.1991
Bush BuckStrategyPC Globe Inc.1991
Bush Buck: Global Treasure HunterStrategy1991
BushidoActionEbenel Enterprises1983
Business simulatorunknown1987
Bust a movePuzzleFreeware1997
Buzz Aldrin's Race into SpaceSimulation1993
Buzz Aldrin's Race into SpaceunknownVirgin1992
Byte BanditunknownRinzai Satori1991
Byte BanditunknownRinzai Satori1991
C-DogsActionRonny Wester2000
C.I.A. AdventureAdventureInternational PC Owners1982
C.I.T.Y. 2000: LondonunknownRollogame1993
C.Y.P.H.E.R. Operation US PresidentsEducationalTanager Software Productions1992
CAD CreationsunknownSoftKey1996
CadaverRPGBitmap Brothers1990
CadaverunknownImage Works1991
CadaverunknownImage Works1991
CadaverunknownImage Works1991
CadaverunknownImage Works1991
Cadaver - The PayoffRPGBitmap Brothers1991
Cadaver: The PayoffAdventureImage Works1991
CaesarStrategyImpressions Games1992
Caesar 2StrategySierra1995
Caesar 3StrategyActivision1999
Caesar 3unknown1998
Caesar IIStrategyImpressions1995
Caesar's PalaceSportUnknown1991
California Draw Low-BallMiscRaymond M. Buti1986
California GamesSportEpyx1988
California GamesActionEpyx, Inc.1988
California GamesSportEpyx1988
California GamesSportEpyx1988
California Games 2SportEpyx, Inc.1990
California games 2SportEpyx1990
California Games 2unknownEpyx1991
California Games IIActionEpyx, Inc.1990
California Pro GolfSportMastertronic Group1988
California Pro GolfunknownMastertronic1989
Calixto IslandAdventureMark Data Products1984
Call of Chtulhu: Prisoner of IceMiscInfogrames1995
Call of Chtulhu: Shadow of the CometMiscInfogrames Europe1993
Call of Dutyunknownunknown
Call of Duty: United Offensiveunknownunknown
Call to Power 2StrategyActivision2000
Callahan's Crosstime SaloonAdventureLegend Entertainment1997
Callahan's Crosstime SaloonAdventure1997
Calmira 3.2 for Windows 3.1unknownCalmira2008
Camelot WarriorsunknownDinamic1985
CampaignStrategyEmpire Software1992
CampaignSimulationEmpire Software1992
Campaign 2StrategyEmpire Software1993
Campaign: Tactical & Strategic War SimulationunknownEmpire1992
Campeones PCMiscTopo Soft1990
Cannon FodderStrategyVirgin1994
Cannon FodderActionVirgin Interactive1994
Cannon FodderunknownVirgin1993
Cannon FodderunknownVirgin1993
Cannon Fodder 2StrategyVirgin1994
Cannon Fodder 2ActionVirgin Interactive1994
Cannon Fodder 2unknownVirgin1994
Cannon Fodder 2unknownVirgin1994
Cap ManAction1999
CapitalismSimulationInteractive Magic1995
Capitalism 2unknown2001
Capitalism Plusunknown1997
Capitán SevillaActionDinamic1988
Capitán Trueno, ElActionDinamic1989
Capitán Trueno, ElAdventureZeta Multimedia2000
Capitán Trueno, ElAdventureZeta Multimedia2001
Captain Bible in Dome of DarknessAdventureBridgestone Multimedia1994
Captain BloodAdventureEre Informatique1988
Captain Comic 2unknownComputerEasy1990
Captain Comic 2unknownComputerEasy1990
Captain Comic 2 - Fractured RealityActionColor Dreams1990
Captain DynamoActionCode Masters1993
Captain Gysi – Galaxis FuturaAdventureBURNS Entertainment1998
Captain Gysi und das Raumschiff BonnAdventurePDS1997
Captain Gysi und das Raumschiff BonnAdventurePDS1997
Captain Power and the Soldiers of the FutureActionBox Office Inc.1988
Captain ZinsunknownDresdner Bank1994
Capture the Enemy Space ShipStrategyInternational PC Owners1983
Capture the FlagStrategyCarr Software1993
Capture the FlagStrategy1993
Captured by Pirates!Strategytbf1992
Car & DriverSimulationLooking Glass Technologies1993
Car & DriverunknownLerner Research1992
Car & DriverunknownLerner Research1992
Car and DriverSport1992
Car and DriverSportElectronic Arts1992
Car Builderunknown1982
Car Builder v2.02SimulationOptimum Resource1982
Card SharksPuzzleSharedata1988
Card SharksunknownShareData1988
Cargo Bay DeluxePuzzleMVP Software1995
Carlos SainzunknownZigurat1990
CarmageddonActionStainless Software1997
CarmageddonSimulationStainless Software1997
Carmageddon: TDR 2000ActionTorus Games2000
CarnageSimulationZeppelin Games1993
Carrier CommandSimulationRainbird1988
Carrier CommandSimulationMicroplay1989
Carrier Strike - South Pacific 1942-44SimulationStrategic Simulation Inc.1992
Carrier Strike: South Pacific 1942-44Strategy1992
Carrier Strike: South Pacific 1942-44unknownSSI1992
Carriers at WarunknownSSG1993
Carriers at War 2SimulationSSG Strategic Studies1993
Carriers at War 2unknownSSG1993
Carriers at War: Construction KitunknownSSG1993
Cartels & CutthroatsStrategyStrategic Simulation Inc.1984
Casino BlackJack for Windows V.2.1s.unknownPyramid Software Development (PSD)1993
Casino GamesStrategyIBM1982
Casino GamesSimulationIBM1982
Casino MasterMiscUnknownunknown
Caso Cerrado I: La MansiónunknownPapada Soft1997
Castelian (Tower Toppler)ActionHewson Consultants1987
CastleunknownSami Tammilehto1991
Castle AdventureAdventureKevin Bales1984
Castle Adventureunknown1984
Castle AdventureRPGKevin Bales1985
Castle ElsinoreAdventureTemple Software1992
Castle MasterAdventureDomark Software1990
Castle master 2unknown1990
Castle Master 2 - The CryptAdventureDomark Software1990
Castle of Dr BrainPuzzleSierra On-Line1991
Castle of Dr. BrainPuzzleSierra1991
Castle of Dr. BrainunknownSierra On-Line1996
Castle of Dr. BrainAdventure1991
Castle of Dr. BrainMiscSierra On-Line Inc.1991
Castle of Dr. BrainPuzzleSierra On-Line1991
Castle of Dr. Malvado, TheActionHammer Technologies1996
Castle of the WindsRPGEpic MegaGames1993
Castle of the WindsRPG1993
Castle of the Winds I: A Question of VengeanceunknownEpic Megagames1994
Castle of the Winds I: A Question of VengeanceunknownEpic Megagames1994
Castle of the Winds II: Lifthransir's BaneunknownMonkey Business1994
Castle of the Winds: Part 2RPG1989
Castle WolfensteinActionMuse Software1984
Castle Wolfensteinunknown1984
Castles 2: Siege & ConquestStrategyInterplay1994
Castles 2: Siege & ConquestunknownInterplay1994
Castles 2: Siege & Conquest demounknownInterplay1994
Castles 2: Siege and ConquestStrategy1992
Castles II: Siege & ConquestStrategyInterplay1994
Castles: The Northern CampaignAdventureInterplay1991
Castles: The Northern CampaignAdventureInterplay1991
CastlevaniaActionUnlimited Software1990
CASTLEVANIA Fight !unknownunknown
CASTLEVANIA Xtacyunknownunknown
Cataclysm: Dark Days AheadRPGKevin Granade2013
Catacomb 2ActionSoftdisk1991
Catacomb 3-DAdventureSoftdisk1991
Catacomb 3DunknownSoftdisk1991
Catacomb Abyssunknown1992
Catacomb Armageddonunknown1993
Catch the KreisActionDregenrocks2001
Catch'emMiscDave Edson1989
CatFight: The Ultimate Female Fighting GameActionPhantom Card1996
Cats IIunknownSixunknown
Cave QuestRPGLightwave Consultants1985
Cave WarsStrategy1996
Caveman Ugh-lympicsSportElectronic Arts1989
Caveman Ugh-Lympicsunknown1989
Caveman Ugh-LympicsunknownDynamix1989
Caverns of BobActionBob, Inc.1983
Caverns of ChaosAdventurePaul Martinez and Alison Castro1992
Caverns of GinkActionGinkware1985
Caverns of KrozAction1989
Caverns of Kroz 2Action1989
Caverns of ZoarreAdventureThomas Hanlin III1984
Caves of ThorAdventureApogee1990
Caves of Thorunknown1989
CavewarsStrategyBroken Arrow Entertainment1996
CD BasketunknownDinamic Multimedia1995
CD ManActionCreative Dimensions1989
CD-ManActionCreative Dimensions1989
CD-Man 2ActionCreative Dimensions1989
CD-Man Version 2.0ActionCreative Dimensions1992
CDProWunknownBruce Bukovics1996
CefalusunknownEdiciones Manali1990
Celtic Tales - Balor of the Evil EyeStrategyKOEI1995
CentaurPuzzleVictor Vikhrev1990
CentaurPuzzleVictor Vikhrev1990
Center Court TennisSportVisutech1991
Centerfold SquaresPuzzle1988
Centerfold SquaresAdultArtworx Software1988
CentipedeActionR. J. Grafe1983
Central IntelligenceunknownOcean1994
Central Point PC Tools ProunknownCentral Point1993
CenturionunknownBits of Magicunknown
CenturionunknownElectronic Arts1990
Centurion: Defender of RomeStrategyBits of Magic1990
CerberusunknownTH Gamesunknown
Ceremony of InnocencePuzzleReal World Multimedia1997
Cerv IActionVladimir Chvatil1993
Cerv IActionVladimir Chvatil1993
Cerv IIActionVladimir Chvatil1993
Cerv IIActionVladimir Chvatil1993
Chain ReactionPuzzle1996
Challenge of the Ancient EmpiresPuzzleLearning Company1991
Challenge of the Five RealmsRPG1992
Challenge of the Five Realms: Spellbound in the Realm of NhagardiaunknownMicroprose1992
Challenge of the Five Realms: Spellbound in the Realm of NhagardiaunknownMicroprose1992
Chamber of the Sci-Fi Mutant PriestessAdventureCryo1989
Chamber of the Sci-Mutant PriestessAdventureMindscape1989
Chamber of the Sci-Mutant PriestessMiscData East Corporation1989
CHAMP AsterocksActionChamProgramming1997
CHAMP Asteroidsunknown1997
CHAMP Centiped-emActionChamProgramming1997
CHAMP GalagonActionChamProgramming1997
CHAMP GalaxiaActionChamProgramming1996
CHAMP InvadersActionChamProgramming1997
CHAMP KongActionChamProgramming1996
CHAMP Ms. Pac-emActionChamProgramming1997
CHAMP Ms. Pac-manAction1994
CHAMP Pac-emActionChamProgramming1996
Champion of the RajStrategy1991
Champions of KrynnRPGSSI1990
Champions of KrynnRPGSSI1990
Champions of KrynnRPGSSI1990
Champions of KrynnunknownSSI1990
Championship BackgammonStrategySpinnaker1987
Championship BoxingSportSierra On-Line1984
Championship Golf: The Great Courses of the World - Volume I: Pebble BeachunknownInterplay1986
Championship Lode RunnerActionBroderbund1984
Championship Lode RunnerunknownBroderbund1984
Championship Managerunknown1992
Championship ManagerunknownDomark1993
Championship Manager '93StrategyDomark1993
Championship Manager 2SportDomark1995
Championship Manager 2unknownSports Interactive1995
Championship Manager 2SportDomark Software1995
Championship Manager 2006SportBeautiful Game Studios2006
Championship Manager 93unknown1993
Championship Manager 97/98SportSports Interactive Limited1997
Championship Manager ItaliaStrategyDomark1993
Championship Manager QuizSportKing of the Jungle2001
Chansey GolfunknownAdobeWorksunknown
Chaos EngineActionBitmap Brothers1992
Chaos EngineActionBitmap Brothers1993
Chaos EngineunknownBitmap Brothers1993
Chaos Engine, TheActionThe Bitmap Brothers1993
Chaos MinigolfunknownAntonio Barra1998
Chaos OverlordsStrategy1996
Charlie ChaplinMiscU.S. Gold1988
Charlie de EendActionWiering Software1996
Charlie the DuckActionWiering Software1996
Charlie the DuckActionWiering Software1996
CHASM The RiftunknownAction Forms Ltd.unknown
Cheat Machine 2.03AdventureA Forest Software1995
CheckersunknownGregory Thatcher1990
Checkers for WindowsStrategy1997
Cheesy Invadersunknownunknown
ChessPuzzleMichael Rakaska1980
Chess \(english\)StrategyPsion Ltd.1985
Chess \(french\)StrategyPsion Ltd.1985
Chess 8088StrategyDon Berg1984
Chess Player 2150PuzzleOxford Softworks1989
Chess SimulatorunknownInfogrames1989
Chess88PuzzleDon Berg1984
ChessBase 3.0MiscChessBase1991
ChessGeniusPuzzleLang Software1992
Chessmaster 2000StrategySoftware Country1986
Chessmaster 2000PuzzleSoftware Toolworks1986
Chessmaster 2100StrategySoftwork Toolworks1988
Chessmaster 3000PuzzleSoftware Toolworks1991
Chessmaster 9000Strategy2002
ChessNet 3unknownDesign Track1994
Chewy: Esc from F5unknownBlue Byte1997
Chewy: ESC von F5AdventureBlue Byte1995
Chex QuestActionDigital Cafe1996
Chicago 90SimulationMicroids1989
Chicago 90unknownMicroids1989
Chicago 90unknownMicroids1989
Chichén ItzáunknownAventuras AD1992
Chicken InvadersActionInterAction Software1999
ChickensPuzzleMartin Magnusson1996
Chill ManorunknownCapitol Multimedia1996
China Sea Traderunknown1989
Chinese CheckersPuzzleImagiSOFT1992
Chinese SolitaireunknownRandy Rasa1993
Chip's ChallengeunknownEpyxunknown
Chip’s ChallengePuzzleEpyx1989
Chip';s ChallengePuzzleEpyx1990
Chip'n Dale: Rescue Rangers : The Adventure in Nimnul's CastleunknownWalt Disney1990
Chip's ChallengeunknownEpyx1991
ChompunknownJerry J. Shekhel1991
Chopper CommandoSimulationUnknown1988
Chopper Duelunknown1993
Choppy the Pork ChopunknownKoroBrown Softwareunknown
Christoph KolumbusStrategySoftware 20001994
Chronicles of Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bayunknownunknown
ChronomasterunknownDreamForge Intertainment1995
Chuck Yeager Air CombatSimulationElectronic Arts1992
Chuck Yeager's Air CombatSimulation1991
Chuck Yeager's Advanced Flight TrainerunknownElectronic Arts1987
Chuck Yeager's Advanced Flight TrainerunknownElectronic Arts1987
Chuck Yeager's Air CombatunknownElectronic Arts1991
Chuck Yeager's Air CombatActionElectronic Arts1991
Chuck Yeager's Air CombatunknownElectronic Arts1991
Chuckie EggActionA&F Software1983
CifroideunknownD. Alonso2003
Circuit's EdgeRPG1990
Circuit's EdgeunknownWestwood1990
Circus Attractionsunknown1989
Circus AttractionsunknownRainbow Arts1989
Circus EmpireunknownEnlight Software2007
Circus GamesSportKeypunch1987
Circus MaximusSportThe Avalon Hill Game Co.1984
Cisco HeatSimulationImage Works1991
Cisco HeatSport1991
Cisco HeatunknownImage Works1991
City of Lost ChildrenAdventure1997
Civil WarunknownThe Avalon Hill1987
CivilizationStrategyMicroProse \(Sid Meier\)1991
CivilizationStrategyMicroprose Software, Inc.1991
Civilization 1.0 for WindowsStrategyMicroProse \(Sid Meier\)1993
Civilization 2Strategy1996
Civilization IIStrategyMicroprose Software, Inc.1996
Civilization II - Fantastic Worldsunknownunknown
Civilization II: Test of TimeStrategy1999
Civilization VStrategyFiraxis2010
CJ's Elephant AnticsunknownCodemasters1991
Claas APS-SpielActionClaas1995
Clash of SteelStrategyStrategic Simulations, Inc.1993
Clash of SteelStrategy1993
Classic ConcentrationPuzzleShareData1988
Classic ConcentrationPuzzle1988
Classic Concentration 2PuzzleSharedata1989
Classic HangmanPuzzle1983
Classifiche e PrimatiunknownFederico Motta Editore1992
ClaustrofobiaunknownTeam Software1998
ClawActionMonolith Productions, Inc.1997
Clone InvadersActionGary Quiring1989
Clone InvadersActionGary Quiring1989
Cloud KingdomsPuzzleMillenium1990
Cloud KingdomsPuzzle1990
Člověče nezlob se!unknownAriel Software1990
Človeče, nehnevaj sa!unknownOndro Vršanský1990
Člověče, nezlob se!MiscAriel Software1990
Club DeadunknownMTV1994
Club Football The ManagerSportBoms1994
Club Football: The ManagerunknownTeque1994
Clue Master DetectivePuzzleVirgin Mastertronic1989
Clue!, TheAdventureneo Software1994
Clueless ChessStrategy-1996
Clyde's AdventureAction1992
Clyde's RevengeAction1995
CoachSportNew Era Software1989
Cobra MissionRPGMegaTech Software1992
Cobra's Arc RemakeAdventureNerlaska Studio2007
CocineroActionEdiciones Manali1990
Code-name: IcemanAdventure1989
Code: EuropeunknownCompu-Teach1993
CogitounknownCorinne Mizac1992
Cohort - Fighting for RomeStrategyImpressions Games1991
Cold DreamsunknownImmortality productionunknown
Colección de Juegos '92MiscTopo Soft1992
Colección Dinamic 90MiscDinamic1989
Colin McRae Rally 3unknownCodemasters2003
ColiseumActionTopo Soft1988
Colmena, LaMiscOpera Plus1992
ColonizationStrategyMicroProse \(Sid Meier\)1994
ColonizationStrategyMicroprose Software, Inc.1995
Colony Wars 2492StrategyBlack Legend1996
Color BallsPuzzle1996
Color BusterPuzzle1992
Color HarmonyPuzzleCountry Fox2000
Color LinesPuzzleGamos Ltd1992
Color TailsPuzzleCountry Fox1998
Colosso Revengeunknown1997
Colosso Secretunknown1997
Colossus Backgammonunknown?1990
Colossus Bridgeunknown?1990
Colossus Chess XStrategy?1989
Colossus Draughtsunknown?1990
Columbus DiscoveryPuzzle1992
Comanche: Maximum OverkillSimulationNovalogic, Inc.1992
Comanche: Maximum OverkillSimulationNovalogic1993
Comanche: Maximum OverkillunknownNovalogic1993
Comanche: Maximum OverkillunknownNovalogic1993
Comanche: Maximum OverkillunknownNovalogic1993
Comanche: Maximum OverkillunknownNovalogic1993
Comanche: Mission Disk 1 - Global ChallengeunknownNovalogic1993
Comanche: Mission Disk 1 - Global ChallengeunknownNovalogic1993
Comanche: Mission Disk 1 - Global ChallengeunknownNovalogic1993
Comanche: Mission Disk 2 - Over the EdgeunknownNovalogic1993
Comanche: Mission Disk 2 - Over the EdgeunknownNovalogic1993
Comanche: Mission Disk 2 - Over the EdgeunknownNovalogic1993
Combat ChessStrategy1997
Combat Classics 3unknownEmpire1994
Combat CourseunknownCobra Soft1989
Combat TanksunknownRed Herring1994
Comet Busters!unknownSteven E. Hugg1994
Comet Busters! 1.4unknownSteven Hugg1996
Comet Busters! 1.4 - version with working soundunknownSteven Hugg1996
Comic, Arcade & AventuraMiscDro Soft1991
Coming AttractionsunknownFreeware Demo1991
Comix ZoneAction1995
Command & ConquerStrategyWestwood Studios1995
Command & ConquerStrategyWestwood Studios1995
Command & ConquerStrategyVirgin Interactive1995
Command & Conquer Update DiskunknownWestwood1995
Command & Conquer: Red AlertMiscVirgin Interactive1996
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2ActionElectronic Arts2000
Command & Conquer: Tiberian SunStrategyElectronic Arts1999
Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun - FirestormStrategyElectronic Arts2000
Command & Conquer: Red Alertunknownunknown
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2unknownunknown
Command & Conquer: Sole SurvivorStrategy1997
Command Adventures: Starshipunknown1995
Command H.Q.StrategyMicroplay1991
Command HQStrategyMicroplay1990
Command HQStrategyMicroprose1991
Command HQunknownMicroprose1991
Commander Keen - Episode 1Action1990
Commander Keen - Episode 4Action1991
Commander Keen - Keen DreamsMiscApogee1991
Commander Keen 1: Marooned on MarsActionApogee Software, LTD.1990
Commander Keen 2: The Earth ExplodesActionid Software1990
Commander Keen 2: The Earth ExplodesActionApogee Software, LTD.1990
Commander Keen 3: Keen Must Die!Actionid Software1990
Commander Keen 3: Keen Must Die!ActionApogee Software, LTD.1990
Commander Keen 4: Secret of the OracleActionApogee Software, LTD.1991
Commander Keen 5: The Armageddon MachineActionid Software1991
Commander Keen 5: The Armageddon MachineActionApogee Software, LTD.1991
Commander Keen 6 - Aliens Ate My Baby SitterActionFormGen, Inc.1991
Commander Keen 7: The Keys of KrodaciaActionCeilick2006
Commander Keen 8: Dead in the DesertActionCeilick2009
Commander Keen 9: Battle of the BrainsActionCeilick2011
Commander Keen in Goodbye, Galaxy!ActionApogee1991
Commander Keen in Invasion of the VorticonsActionApogee1990
Commander Keen, chapter one: Marooned on MarsunknownApogee1990
Commander Keen: Aliens Ate My Babysitter!unknownid Software1991
Commander Keen: Aliens Ate My Babysitter!unknownid Software1991
Commander Keen: Aliens Ate My Babysitter!unknownid Software1991
Commander Keen: Aliens Ate My Babysitter!unknownid Software1991
Commander Keen: Aliens Ate My Babysitter!unknownid Software1991
Commander Keen: Aliens Ate My Babysitter!unknownid Software1991
Commander Keen: Aliens Ate My Babysitter!unknownApogee1990
Commander Keen: Aliens Ate My Babysitter!Actionid Software1991
Commander Keen: Goodbye, Galaxy!ActionApogee1991
Commander Keen: Goodbye, Galaxy!unknownApogee1991
Commander Keen: Goodbye, Galaxy!unknownApogee1991
Commander Keen: Goodbye, Galaxy!unknownApogee1991
Commander Keen: Goodbye, Galaxy!ActionApogee1991
Commander Keen: Invasion of the VorticonsActionApogee1990
Commander Keen: Invasion of the VorticonsunknownApogee1990
Commander Keen: Invasion of the VorticonsunknownApogee1990
Commander Keen: Invasion of the VorticonsunknownApogee1990
Commander Keen: Keen DreamsunknownSoftdisk1992
Commander Keen: Keen DreamsunknownSoftdisk1992
Commander Keen: Keen DreamsunknownSoftdisk1992
Commander Keen: Keen DreamsunknownSoftdisk1992
Commander Keen's EscapeunknownMarkJenkins666unknown
CommandoActionData Ease1987
Commandos - Behind Enemy LinesStrategyPyro Studios1999
Commandos 2unknownEidos2001
Commandos 2 & PraetoriansMiscKalypso Media2020
Commandos 3unknownEidos2003
Commandos CompleteMiscMastertronic2009
Commandos Strike ForceunknownEidos2006
Commandos: Beyond the Call of DutyStrategy1999
Companions of XanthAdventureLegend Entertainment Company1993
Companions of XanthAdventureLegend Entertainment Company1993
Companions of XanthunknownLegend Entertainment1993
Companions of XanthunknownLegend Entertainment1993
Companions of XanthunknownLegend Entertainment1993
Complete Chess SystemunknownOxford Softworks1993
Computer DiplomacyStrategy1984
Computer Undergroundunknown1993
Con Air Screensaverunknown1997
Conan - The CimmerianRPGVirgin Interactive1992
Conan the CimmerianunknownVirgin1991
Conan the CimmerianunknownVirgin1991
Conan: the CimmerianRPG1991
Conan: The CimmerianAdventureVirgin Interactive1991
ConcentrationunknownJerry Hogsett1992
Concurrent DOS (CDOS) 386unknownDigital Research1989
Conflict - The Middle East Political SimulatorSimulationVirgin Mastertronics1990
Conflict EuropeunknownMirrorsoft1989
Conflict in VietnamStrategyMicroProse / Sid Meier1986
Conflict in VietnamStrategy1986
Conflict in VietnamunknownMicroprose1987
Conflict: EuropeStrategy1989
Conflict: FreespaceSimulationVolition1998
Conflict: KoreaStrategy1992
Conflict: Korea the First Year 1950-1951unknownSSI1992
Conflict: Middle EastunknownSSI1991
Conflict: The Middle East Political SimulatorStrategyVirgin Interactive Entertainment1990
Conflict: The Middle East Political SimulatorStrategyVirgin1990
Conflict: The Middle East Political SimulatorunknownVirgin1990
Conflict: The Middle East Political SimulatorunknownVirgin1990
Congo BongoActionSega1984
Congo Bongounknownsega1984
Congo: Descent Into ZinjPuzzleFunsoft1995
Conquered KingdomsunknownQQP1992
ConquerorStrategyRainbow Arts1989
ConquestActionWindmill Software1983
ConquestunknownWindmill Software1983
Conquest by Sean O'ConnorStrategy2004
Conquest of CamelotAdventureSierra1990
Conquest of JapanStrategy1992
Conquest of JapanunknownImpressions1992
Conquest of the Longbow - The Legend of Robin HoodAdventureSierra1993
Conquest of the New WorldStrategyInterplay1996
Conquest of the New World (Deluxe Edition)Strategy1996
Conquests of Camelot: The Search for the GrailunknownSierra1989
Conquests of Camelot: The Search for the GrailunknownSierra1989
Conquests of the LongbowAdventureSierra On-Line1991
Conquests of the LongbowAdventureSierra1991
Conquests of the LongbowunknownSierra1991
Conquests of the LongbowunknownSierra1991
Conquests of the LongbowunknownSierra1991
Conquests of the Longbow: The Legend of Robin HoodAdventureSierra On-Line Inc.1991
ConstructorSimulationSystem 3 Software1997
ContraActionBanana Development1988
Contraption ZackPuzzleMindscape1992
Contraption ZackPuzzle1992
Conway’s Game of LifeStrategyAlan Hensel1996
Cool Coyote aka Fire & IceActionRenegade Software1993
Cool Croc TwinsActionEmpire Interactive1992
Cool SliderPuzzleCountry Fox1998
Cool SpotActionVirgin1994
Cool SpotActionVirgin Interactive1994
Cool SpotActionVirgin Interactive Entertainment1994
Cool SpotActionVirgin1994
Cool WorldActionOcean1993
Cool WorldunknownOcean1993
Core War PlusStrategy1984
Corel ArtShow '91unknown1991
Corncob 3DSimulation1992
Corncob 3DunknownMVP Software1991
Corncob 3DunknownMVP Software1991
Corncob DeluxeunknownPersonal Companion Software1994
Corona Mágica, LaActionProein1990
Corporate RaiderSimulationSoftServ, Inc.1987
CorporationActionCore Design1991
Corridor 7Action1994
Corridor 7unknownCapstone Software1994
CorruptionAdventureMagnetic Scrolls1988
CorsariosActionOpera Soft1989
Cosa NostraActionOpera Soft1986
Cosmic CrusaderActionFuntastic1982
Cosmic Crusaderunknown1982
Cosmic CrusaderunknownFuntastic1982
Cosmic SheriffActionDinamic1989
Cosmic SheriffunknownDinamic Software1989
Cosmic Soldier: Psychic WarRPG1989
Cosmic SpaceheadActionCodemasters1993
Cosmic SpaceheadunknownCodemasters1993
Cosmo's Cosmic AdventureActionApogee1992
Cosmo’s Cosmic Adventure: Forbidden PlanetActionApogee Software1992
Cosmo's Cosmic Adventure: Forbidden Planet Part 1 of 3ActionApogee Software, LTD.1992
Cosmo's Cosmic AdventuresAction1992
Cosmo's Cosmic AdventureActionApogee1992
Cougar ForceAction1990
CountdownAdventureAccess Software1990
CountdownunknownAccess Software1990
Counter Strike: Condition Zerounknownunknown
Cover Girl Strip PokerStrategy1991
Cover Girl Strip PokerAdultEmotional Pictures1991
Coverdisk: PC Games (1992/10)unknown1992
Coverdisk: PC Games (1992/11)unknown1992
Coverdisk: PC Games (1993/03)unknown1993
Coverdisk: PC Games (1993/05)unknown1993
Coverdisk: PC Games (1993/06)unknown1993
Coverdisk: PC Games (1993/07)unknownElectronic Arts1993
Coverdisk: PC Games (1993/08)unknown1993
Coverdisk: PC Games (1993/09)unknownMindcraft1993
Coverdisk: PC Games (1993/10)unknownInterplay1993
Coverdisk: PC Games (1993/11)unknown1993
Coverdisk: PC Games (1993/12)unknown1993
Coverdisk: PC Games (1994/01)unknownEpic Megagames1993
Coverdisk: PC Games (1994/02)unknown1994
Coverdisk: PC Games (1994/03)unknown1994
Coverdisk: PC Games (1994/04)unknown1994
Coverdisk: PC Games (1994/05)unknown1994
Coverdisk: PC Games (1994/06)unknown1994
Covert ActionunknownMicroproseunknown
Covert ActionStrategyMicroProse1990
Covert ActionunknownMicroprose1990
Covert ActionAdventureMicroprose1990
Cow V - The Great Egg QuestunknownJ. Suchman1992
CozumelunknownAventuras AD1990
Crack DownunknownSega1990
Crash CourseunknownSpectrum Holobyte1990
Crash GarretAdventureEre Informatique1987
Crazy CarsSimulationTitus1989
Crazy Cars 2SimulationTitus1989
Crazy Cars 2Sport1989
Crazy Cars 3SimulationTitus1992
Crazy Cars 3Sport1992
Crazy Cars IIIActionTitus Interactive1992
Crazy Cars IIIunknownTitus1992
Crazy Cars IIIunknownTitus1992
Crazy Nick's Leisure Suit Larry CasinoStrategy1992
Crazy Nick's Parlor Games with Laura BowStrategy1992
Crazy Nick's Roger Wilco's Spaced Out Games PackAction1993
Crazy Nick's Software Picks: King Graham's Board Game ChallengeStrategy1992
Crazy Tanks!unknownAJC Software Unlimitedunknown
Crazy Taxiunknownunknown
Crazy TaxiSport2002
Crazy Virusunknownunknown
Create with Garfield! Deluxe EditionunknownAhead Designs1987
Creative ContraptionsEducationalBantam1985
Creative Reader CollectionunknownNovotrade1995
Creative WriterunknownMicrosoft1995
Creatures Egg DiskunknownWarner Interactive1997
Creatures Villageunknown2001
CribbageunknownWalter Warniaha1991
Cribbage MasterunknownNinga Software1992
Cricket 97SportBeam Software1997
Crime and PunishmentStrategyJ. Kress and G. Newman1984
Crime and Punishmentunknown1984
Crime CityAdventureISC1991
Crime CityunknownSteve Redpath1992
Crime Cityunknown1993
Crime cityAdventureImpressions1993
Crime CityAdventureImpressions1992
Crime CityAdventureInteractive Fantastic Fiction1992
Crime does not payActionTitus Interactive1990
Crime FighterSimulation1993
Crime TimeAdventureStarbyte1990
Crime WaveActionAccess Software1990
Crime WaveAction1990
Crime WaveunknownAccess1990
Crime WaveStrategyAccess1990
Crime WaveStrategyAccess1990
Crisis at the KremlinStrategySpectrum Holobyte1992
Crisis in the Kremlinunknown1991
Crisis in the KremlinStrategySpectrum HoloByte1992
Critical MassActionDurell Software Ltd.1986
Croisère pour un cadavreunknownDelphine1991
Croisère pour un cadavreunknownDelphine1991
CrossbowActionAbsolute Entertainment1989
Crossbow: The Legend of William Tellunknown1990
Crossbow: The Legend of William TellActionExidy1983
CrossfireActionOn-Line Systems1982
Crossing the Red SeaunknownH. F. Buerer1996
Cruise for a CorpseAdventureDelphine Software1991
Cruise for a CorpseAdventure1991
Cruise for a CorpseAdventureU.S Gold1991
Cruise for a CorpseAdventureDelphine1991
Cruise for a CorpseunknownDelphine1991
CruncherActionKarsten Finger1991
CruncherunknownKarsten Finger1991
Crusade in EuropeStrategyMicroProse1986
Crusade in EuropeStrategy1985
Crusade in EuropeunknownMicroProse1986
Crusader 2: No RegretActionOrigin Systems1996
Crusader 2: No RegretActionOrigin Systems1996
Crusader: No Regretunknown1996
Crusader: No RegretActionOrigin1996
Crusader: No Remorseunknown1995
Crusader: No RemorseMiscElectronic Arts1995
Crusader: No RemorseActionOrigin1995
Crypto CubePuzzleDesignWare1983
Crypto CubePuzzleDesignWare1983
Crystal CavesAction1991
Crystals of ArboreaRPG1990
Crystals of ArboreaRPGSilmarils1990
Crystals of ArboreaRPGSilmarils1990
CSI: Crime Scene InvestigationAdventure369 Interactive2003
CSI: Deadly IntentAdventureTelltale Games2009
CSI: Fatal ConspiracyAdventureTelltale Games2010
CSI: Hard EvidenceAdventureTelltale Games2007
CSI: MiamiAdventure369 Interactive2004
Cueva del Dragón, LaActionEdiciones Manali1990
Curse of EnchantiaAdventureCore1992
Curse of EnchantiaAdventure1992
Curse of EnchantiaAdventureCore Design LTD.1992
Curse of EnchantiaAdventureCore Design1992
Curse of the Azure BondsRPGSSI1989
Curse of the Azure BondsRPG1989
Curse of the Azure BondsRPGSSI1989
Curse of the Azure BondsRPGSSI1989
Curse of the Azure BondsunknownSSI1989
Curse of the Azure BondsunknownSSI1989
Curse of the Azure BondsunknownSSI1989
Curse of the Azure BondsActionSSI1989
Curse of the CatacombsActionFroggman1993
Curse of the CatacombsActionFroggman1993
Cyber Culture Magazine, Vol. 1, Issue 1.unknownCreatiVision1993
Cyber empireStrategyStrategic Simulations Inc1992
Cyber EmpiresStrategySSI1992
Cyber EmpiresunknownSSI1992
Cyber PoliceActionDinamic Multimedia1997
Cyber RaceActionCyberdreams Inc.1993
Cyber SpherePuzzlePsycon Software1996
Cyber SphereActionClay Hellman1996
CyberboxPuzzleDoug Beeferman1991
Cyberbox 2PuzzleDoug Beeferman1992
CyberBykes: Shadow Racer VRunknownArtificial Software1995
Cyberchase ScreensaverunknownPBS Kids2005
CyberchessPuzzleGamer's Edge1992
Cybercon IIISimulation1992
Cybercon IIIunknownUS Gold1991
Cybergenic Ranger: Secret of the Seventh PlanetunknownSymtus1990
CyberiaActionInterplay Productions1996
Cyberia v1.86unknownunknown
CyberMage: Darklight Awakeningunknownunknown
CyberSpace CrosswordunknownIvory Tower Software1992
Cybersphere PlusAction1997
CyborgAdventureSentient Software1982
CyborgunknownSentient Software1982
Cycle WarzActionVector Scope1995
Cycle WarzActionVectorScope Software1993
CyclemaniaunknownCompro Games1994
Cycles, The: International Grand Prix RacingSportAccolade1989
CyclonesunknownStrategic Simulations, Inc. (SSI)unknown
CyClonesunknownRaven Software1995
CydoniaunknownVirtual Fantasies1996
CyrusStrategyIntelligent Chess Software1986
Czorian Siegeunknown?1983
D-Day - America InvadesStrategyThe Avalon Hill Game Company1995
D-Day: The Beginning of the EndStrategy1994
Déjà Vu 2AdventureICOM Simulations1986
Déjà Vu: A Nightmare Comes TrueAdventureMindscape1987
DaemonsgateRPGImagitec Design1992
DaemonsgateunknownImagitec Design1993
Daffy DuckActionRiedel Software1991
Daffy Duck PI: The Case of the Missing LettersPuzzle1991
DaggerfallRPGBethesda Softworks1995
Daily Double Horse RacingunknownCDS Software1988
Dalek Attackunknown1992
DaleksunknownWalter Wu1991
Dama italianaunknownPC Solutions1993
Dames SimulatorunknownInfogrames1991
Dan DolmeAdultBurning Dreams1994
Danger Worldunknown69 Soft1997
Dangerous DaveActionSoftdisk, Inc.1990
Dangerous DaveActionSoftdisk Publishing1990
Dangerous Dave in Copyright InfringementActionJohn Carmack, Tom Hall1990
Dangerous Dave in the Haunted MansionActionSoftdisk1991
Dangerous Dave: Dave Goes NutzActionSoftdisk Publishing1993
Dangerous Dave: Dave Goes Nutz!Action1995
Dangerous Dave: Risky RescueAction1993
Dangerous StreetsActionMicromania1994
Dangerous StreetsAction1994
Dare to DreamunknownEpic Megagames1993
Darius Gaidenunknown1998
Dark AgesAction1991
Dark AgesActionApogee Software1991
Dark AgesunknownApogee1991
Dark AgesunknownApogee1991
Dark Ages 1 - The ContinentsRPGMike Hoopmann1997
Dark CastleActionThree Sixty1987
Dark CastleAction1987
Dark CastleunknownSilicon Beach1986
Dark CenturyActionTitus France1990
Dark Designs 1 - Grelminar's StaffRPGSoftdisk Publishing1991
Dark Designs 2 - Closing the GateRPGSoftdisk Publishing1991
Dark ForcesActionLucasarts1995
Dark Horizons Lore: InvasionSimulation2004
Dark LegionsActionStrategic Simulations Inc.1994
Dark LegionsActionStrategic Simulations Interactive (SSI)1994
Dark LegionsStrategySilicon Knights1994
Dark LegionsunknownSSI1994
Dark Queen of KrynnRPG1992
Dark Reign 2Strategy2000
Dark Reign: The Future of WarStrategy1997
Dark SeedAdventureCyberdreams1992
Dark Seed 2AdventureCyberdreams Inc.1995
Dark Seed IIAdventureCyberdreams1995
Dark SideActionIncentive1988
Dark Sideunknown1988
Dark Sun - Shattered LandsunknownStrategic Simulations, Inc. (SSI)unknown
Dark Sun - Shattered LandsunknownSSI1993
Dark Sun - Shattered LandsunknownSSI1993
Dark Sun - Wake of the RavagerRPGStrategic Simulations Inc.1994
Dark Sun: Shattered LandsRPG1993
Dark WolfActionD'India Software1994
Dark WoodsActionJocke The Beast2002
Dark WoodsActionJocke The Beast2002
Dark Woods 2AdventureJocke the Beast2002
DarkerSimulationPsygnosis Limited1995
DarkspyreRPGEvent Horizon1990
Dart 'm UpSportDommelsch1999
DartsSportSoftdisk Publishing1991
Daryl F. Gates Police Quest: Open SeasonAdventureunknown
Das AmtunknownGreenwood1995
Das BootSimulationArtech1990
Das BootSimulationThree Sixty1990
Das Boot: German U-Boat SimulationSimulation1990
Das Schloß Von Dr. BrainunknownSierra1991
Das Schwarze Auge 2: SternenschweifunknownAttic1994
Das Schwarze Auge: Die SchicksalsklingeRPGAttic1992
Das Telekommando kehrt zurückAdventureTelekom1993
Daughter of SerpentsAdventure1992
Daughter of SerpentsAdventureMillennium Interactive Ltd.1992
Daughter of SerpentsAdventureMillennium1992
Daughter of SerpentsAdventureMillenium1992
Daughter of Serpents aka The ScrollAdventureMillennium Interactive1992
Dave Dude in: The Holiday Story '95unknownPhilipp Schröder1995
Dave Goes Nutz!ActionSoftdisk1993
David Wolf - Secret AgentAdventureDynamix1990
David Wolf: Secret AgentunknownDynamix1989
David's KongAction1984
Davidic MatchupEducationalGodly Games1994
Davids KongActionDavidunknown
Davis Cup Complete TennisunknownThe Dome1996
DawgfightSimulationSoftdisk Publishing1992
Dawn PatrolSimulationEmpire Interactive Entertainment1994
Dawn PatrolSimulationEmpire Interactive1994
Dawn PatrolSimulation1994
Dawn PatrolSimulationRowan Software1994
Dawn PatrolSimulationEmpire Interactive1994
Dawn PatrolunknownEmpire Interactive1994
Dawn RaiderActionSoftstar1990
Dawn Raiderunknown1990
Day of the PharaohStrategy1989
Day of the TentacleAdventureLucasarts1993
Day Of The ViperRPGAccolade1989
Days of ThunderSimulationMindscape1990
Days of ThunderunknownMindscape1990
Days of ThunderunknownMindscape1990
Daytona USA Deluxeunknownunknown
DDM Soccer '95unknownDDM1995
DDM Soccer '96unknownDDM1996
DDM Soccer '97unknownDDM1996
DDM Soccer 96SportDigital Dreams Multimedia1996
De Gouden KelkAdventureUnknown1987
DeadlightActionMicrosoft Studios2012
DeadlineAdventureInfocom, Inc.1982
DeadlineunknownMillennium Interactive1996
Deadlock: Planetary ConquestStrategy1996
Deadly RacerSport1994
Death BringerRPGPandora1989
Death BringerActionEmpire1991
Death by BackgammonStrategy1990
Death Car v1.5unknownAJC Software Unlimitedunknown
Death GateAdventureLegend Entertainment Company1994
Death GateAdventure1994
Death GateAdventureLegend Entertainment Company1994
Death GateAdventureLegend Entertainment1994
Death Knights of KrynnunknownStrategic Simulations, Inc. (SSI)unknown
Death Knights of KrynnRPG1991
Death Knights of KrynnRPGSSI1991
Death Knights of KrynnRPGSSI1991
Death Knights of KrynnActionSSI1991
Death Knights of KrynnAdventureSSI1991
Death Knights of KrynnunknownSSI1991
Death RallySport1996
Death RallySport1996
Death RallySportApogee Software, LTD.1996
Death RallyActionApogee1996
Death SquadronSimulationGatecom1992
Death SwordAction1988
Death Sword (Barbarian)ActionPalace Software1987
DeathbringerActionEmpire Software1992
DeathtrackSimulationActivision, Inc.1990
Decision at GettysburgStrategy1990
Decision in the DesertStrategy1985
Decisive Battles of the American Civil War Vol. 1StrategyStrategic Studies Group1987
Decisive Battles of the American Civil War Vol. 2 and 3StrategyStrategic Studies Group1988
Decisive Battles of the American Civil War, Vol. 2unknownSSG1988
Decisive Battles of the American Civil War: Vol. 3Strategy1992
Deduce It!unknownInternational Software Factory1992
Dee Dee's Dexter DollunknownCartoon Network1996
Deep IIMiscALO-Software1994
Deep RedActionEdiciones Mago1996
Deep SpaceActionSir-Tech Software, Inc.1987
Deer HunterSimulationSunstorm Interactive1997
DefCon 1StrategyROMulus Software1992
Defcon 5unknownunknown
DefenderActionWilliams Electronics1980
Defender II (Stargate)ActionWilliams Electronics1981
Defender of Boston: The Rock Island MysteryRPG1992
Defender of the CrownStrategyCinemaware1987
Defender of the CrownStrategyCinemaware1986
Defender Of The CrownStrategyMaster Designer Software Inc.1987
Defender of the CrownStrategyCinemaware1987
Defender of the CrownunknownCinemaware1987
Defender of the CrownunknownCinemaware1987
Defender of the CrownunknownCinemaware1987
Defender SiraunknownSpriteunknown
Defensa del EstrechoActionInfopress1986
Deja Vu 2: Lost in Las VegasAdventureMindscape1989
Deja Vu: A Nightmare Comes True!!AdventureICOM Simulations1985
Delta ForceActionNovalogic1998
Delta VActionBethesda Softworks1994
Delta VunknownBethesda1993
Deluxe Scrabble for WindowsunknownVirgin1992
Deluxe Ski JumpSportMediamond2001
Deluxe Ski JumpingSportMediamond2000
Deluxe Trivial PursuitPuzzleDomark1992
DeluxePaint IIunknownElectronic Arts1988
DeluxePaint IIunknownElectronic Arts1988
Delvion Star InterceptorunknownDigital Dreams Multimedia1995
Delvion: Star InterceptorunknownDigital Dreams Multimedia1995
Demo Sampler: Fight for VictoryunknownLucas Arts1990
Demon BlueActionMicroValue1993
Demon BlueAction1992
Demon StalkerRPGMicro Forte1988
Demon StalkersAction1989
Demon's ForgeAdventureMastertronics1987
Demon's Tomb - The AwakeningAdventurecompany1989
Demon's Tomb: The AwakeningAdventure1989
Demon's WinterRPG1989
Demon's ForgeunknownSaber Software1987
Demon's Tomb: The AwakeningunknownVirgin1989
Demon's Tomb: The AwakeningunknownVirgin1989
DemoniaActionDemon Videogames2018
Demons WinterRPGStrategic Simulations, Inc.1989
Depict1ActionRetro Affect2010
Depth DwellersAction1994
Der BaulöweunknownSoftware 20001994
Der PatrizierStrategyAscon1992
Der PatrizierRPGAscon1992
Der PlanerStrategyGreenwood Entertainment1994
Der Schatz im SilberseeAdventureLinel1994
Des Chiffres Et Des LettresPuzzleLoriciels1987
Desafío FinalActionEdiciones Manali1991
DescentMiscParallax Software1994
DescentActionInterplay Productions1995
DescentSimulationParallax Software1994
Descent 2MiscParallax Software1995
Descent 2ActionParallax Software1996
Descent 3ActionInterplay2000
Descent: FreeSpace - The Great WarSimulation1998
Desert RatsStrategyCases Computer Sim.1987
Desert StrikeActionGremlin1994
Desert StrikeActionElectronic Arts1992
Desert Strike: Return to the Gulfunknown1994
Desert Strike: Return to the GulfActionElectronic Arts1992
Desert Strike: Return to the GulfActionElectronic Arts1992
DesperabisAdventureFlorian Born2000
DesperadoActionTopo Soft1987
Destination: MarsunknownCompu-Teach1991
Destination: Mars!unknownCompu-Teach1991
Destruction DerbySimulationPsygnosis1995
Destruction DerbyActionPsygnosis Limited1995
Destruction DerbyunknownReflections Interactive1995
Destruction DerbySport1995
Destruction DerbySportPsygnosis1995
Destruction Derby 2SimulationPsygnosis1996
DethKarzSimulationBeam Software1998
Detritus: The Daemon's QuestunknownMyndgaemz1996
DetroitunknownImpressions Games1993
DetroitStrategySierra On-Line Inc.1993
Deus Exunknownunknown
Deus ExRPG2000
Deus ExActionEidos Interactive, Inc.2000
Deus Ex: Invisible WarRPGIon Storm2004
DiabloRPGBlizzard North1996
DiabloActionBlizzard Entertainment1997
DiabloRPGBlizzard Entertainment1996
Diablo IIActionBlizzard Entertainment2000
Diabolik - 01 - Inafferrabile CriminaleActionSimulmondo1992
Diabolik - 02 - La Gemma di SalomoneActionSimulmondo1992
Diamond Balls 3PuzzleUnknown1992
Diamonds 3DunknownVarcon Systems1996
Dick Tracyunknown1990
Dick Tracy Crimestoppers Print KitunknownDisney1990
Dick Tracy Crimestoppers Print KitunknownDisney1990
Dick Tracy: The Crime-Solving AdventureunknownDisney1990
Dick Tracy: The Crime-Solving AdventureunknownDisney1990
Die Abenteuer von MicromanunknownBrian L. Goble1994
Die by the SwordActionInterplay Productions1998
Die Enviro-Kids greifen einAdventureArt Department1996
Die Fugger IIStrategySunflowers1996
Die HardActionActivision1989
Die HardunknownDynamix1989
Die HardunknownDynamix1989
Die HardunknownDynamix1989
Die Hard 2ActionGrand Slam1992
Die Hard 2: Die Harderunknown1992
Die Hard 2: Die HarderunknownGrandslam Video1992
Die Hard Trilogyunknownunknown
Die Hard Trilogy (PC)unknownunknown
Die Hard: Nakatomi Plazaunknownunknown
Die Höhlenwelt-Saga: Der leuchtende KristallAdventureWeltenschmiede1994
Die KathedraleAdventureSoftware 20001991
Die Sage von NietoomAdventure4th Generation Studios1995
Die Schöne Und Das BiestunknownInfogrames1993
Die SiedlerStrategyBlue Byte1993
Die SiedlerRPGBlue Byte1993
Die SiedlerunknownBlue Byte1993
Die SiedlerunknownBlue Byte1993
DiepStrategyVincent Diepeveen1995
DIF-1 Laser TankActionSoftstar1991
Dig DugActionNamco1982
Dig DugunknownAtari1983
Dig ItunknownPixel Painters Corporationunknown
Dig-Dogs: Dumm GelaufenunknownBC GmbH Verlags1994
Dig-Dogs: StreetbustersunknownBC GmbH Verlags1994
DiggerMiscWindmill Software1983
Digger RemasteredActionAndrew Jenner1998
DiggersunknownMillennium Interactive1994
Diggers 2: ExtractorsPuzzle1995
Dilbert's Desktop GamesAction1997
Dime Cityunknown1995
Dime CityStrategyCyberdyne Systems1995
Dimensión OmegaActionPositive1989
Dinamic Pack '92, TheMiscDinamic1991
Dink SmallwoodRPG1997
Dink SmallwoodRPG1998
Dink SmallwoodActionIridon Interactive1998
Dino SlotunknownBrett McDonald1994
Dinopark TycoonStrategyMECC1993
Dinopark Tycoonunknown1993
DinosActionCarlos Fierro1989
Dinosaur BallsPuzzle1992
DiplomacyStrategyAvalon Hill1984
DiplomacyStrategyAvalon Hill1984
Disciples of SteelRPG1994
Discoveries of the DeepunknownCapstone Software1996
Discovery: In the Steps of ColumbusStrategyImpressions1991
DiscworldunknownTeeny Weeny Games, Ltd.unknown
DiscworldunknownTeeny Weeny Games, Ltd.unknown
DiscworldAdventurePsygnosis Limited1995
DiscworldAdventurePerfect 10 Productions1995
Discworld 2: Mortality Bytes!Adventure1996
Discworld II: Missing Presumed…!?AdventurePerfect Entertainment1996
Disgruntled WarthogunknownNickelodeon1995
Disney's Animated Storybook: The Lion KingunknownDisney Interactive1994
Disney’s Duck Tales: The Quest for GoldActionWalt Disney Computer Software1990
Disney's AladdinActionVirgin Interactive1994
Disney's AladdinAction1994
Disney's The Jungle BookAction1995
Dive BomberSimulation1989
Dive BomberunknownUS Gold1988
Dive: The Conquest of Silver EyeunknownDiamond Software1996
Divide by Pig ErrorunknownMutantleg2016
Divine DivinityRPGLarian Studios2002
Dizionario Di InformaticaunknownFederico Motta Editore1990
Dizzy - Fantasy WorldActionCodemasters1991
Dizzy - MagiclandActionCodemasters1993
Dizzy - Prince of the Yolk FolkActionCodemasters1990
Dizzy - Prince of the Yolk FolkActionCodemasters1990
Dizzy - Prince of the YolkfolkunknownCodemasters1993
Dizzy DiceunknownPlayers1990
Dizzy: Prince of the Yolkfolkunknown1993
Dizzy: Prince of the YolkfolkActionBig Red Software1991
Dizzy';s FastfoodActionCodemasters1993
Dizzy's KwiksnaxPuzzleCodemasters1993
DJ PuffAction1993
DJ Puffs Voltcantic CapersActionCodemasters1993
DMCA's SkyActionASMB Games2016
DNDRPGR O Software1986
DodgerunknownIvan Mackintosh1994
Dog FuckerunknownMarek Kapolkaunknown
Dogfight - 80 Years of Aerial WarfareActionMicroprose Software, Inc.1993
Dogfight - 80 Years of Aerial WarwareSimulationMicroProse1993
Dogfight: 80 Years of DogfightingunknownMicroprose1993
Dogs of WarStrategy1996
Dogs of WarStrategySoftware Engineering1997
Dolphin Boating Simulatorunknown1988
Domark PC Games Collection Vol 1unknownDomark1992
Dominate v1.0 for Windows 3.1unknownShadoware1993
DominusStrategyVisual Concepts1994
DominusStrategyUS Gold1994
Don QuijoteunknownDinamic1987
Don't Go AloneRPGAccolade1989
Don't Go AloneRPGAccolade1989
Don't Go AloneRPG1989
Don't Go AloneRPGAccolade1989
Donald Duck´s PlaygroundActionSierra / Disney1988
Donald Duck's PlaygroundEducationalU.S Gold1986
Donald Duck's PlaygroundunknownSierra1988
Donald's Alphabet ChasePuzzle1988
Donald's Alphabet ChaseunknownDisney1988
Donald's Alphabet ChaseunknownDisney1988
Donkey BASSport1981
Donkey KongActionNintendo / Atari1983
Donkey.basSportIBM, Microsoft1981
DoomActionID Software1993
DoomActionid Software1993
DoomActionid Software1993
Doomunknownid Software1993
Doomunknownid Software1993
Doomunknownid Software1993
Doomunknownid Software1993
DoomAdventureid Software1993
DoomRPGid Software1993
Doomunknownid Software1993
Doomunknownid Software1993
Doomunknownid Software1993
Doomunknownid Software1993
Doomunknownid Software1993
Doom 2Actionid Software1994
Doom 2: Hell on EarthActionid Software1994
Doom 2DActionPrikol Software1996
Doom 3ActioniD Software2004
Doom II: Hell on EarthActionVirgin Interactive1994
Doom patch diskAdventureid Software1993
Doom: Aliens!!unknownid Software1993
Doom: Special EditionStrategyid Software1993
Doom: Special EditionRPGid Software1993
Doomdark's RevengeStrategy1985
Dope WarsStrategy1999
DOS-Trend Heftdiskette 4/5/93unknownPearl Agency1993
DOS-Trend Heftdiskette 8/9/93unknownPearl Agency1993
DOSmineStrategyDavid Vancina1993
DosmineStrategyDavid Vancina1993
Double AgentunknownFlair Software1998
Double BlocksPuzzleErnest Yale1990
Double CrossunknownMicroforum Manufacturing Inc.1991
Double DragonActionArcadia1988
Double Dragon 2 - The RevengeActionVirgin Mastertronic1989
Double Dragon 2: The RevengeunknownTechnos1989
Double Dragon 2: The RevengeunknownTechnos1989
Double Dragon 2: The RevengeunknownTechnos1989
Double Dragon 2: The RevengeunknownTechnos1989
Double Dragon 2: The RevengeunknownTechnos1989
Double Dragon 3 - The Rosetta StoneActionTechnos Japan1990
Double Dragon 3 – The Rosetta StoneActionTechnos Japan1990
Double Dragon 3: The Rosetta StoneActionTechnos1990
Double Dragon 3: The Rosetta StoneunknownTechnos1990
Double DribbleSportKonami1987
Double Dribbleunknown1990
Double DribbleunknownKonami1990
Downhill ChallengeunknownBroderbund1989
Downhill ChallengeunknownBroderbund1989
Dr SbaitsoPuzzleCreative Labs1992
Dr. BlackjackMisc1992
Dr. Drago's Madcap ChaseStrategyBlue Byte1995
Dr. MarioPuzzleJ. David Hamilton1992
Dr. RudyPuzzleKevin Jay North1991
Dr. RudyPuzzleKevin Jay North1992
Dr. Ruth Computer Game of Good SexPuzzle1986
Dr. SbaitsoSimulationCreative Technology1991
Dr. Seuss's ABCunknownBroderbund1995
Dr.Doom´s revengeActionMedalist International1989
Drachen von LaasunknownAttic1991
Dračí Historie (Dragon History)AdventureNoSense1995
Dracula in LondonStrategy1988
Dracula UnleashedAdventureIcom Simulations1993
Dracula's SecretunknownKathi Atkinson1996
Drag and DropunknownIsmail Ibricunknown
Dragón DoradounknownDavid Díaz1998
Dragon ForceStrategyInterstel Corporation1989
Dragon Force - Day 3unknown1993
Dragon LordStrategy1990
Dragon Lore: The Legend BeginsAdventureCryo1994
Dragon SpiritunknownNamco1988
Dragon StrikeActionWestwood, Strategic Simulations, Inc.1990
Dragon StrikeSimulation1990
Dragon WarsRPGInterplay1989
Dragon WorldAdventure1984
Dragon’s LairActionAdvanced Microcomputer Systems1989
Dragon's LairAdventure1989
Dragon's Lair 2: Time WarpAdventure1990
Dragon's Lair 3: The Curse of MordreadAdventure1992
Dragon's BreathunknownSpotlight Software1990
Dragon's BreathunknownSpotlight Software1990
Dragon's LairunknownDigital Leisure1989
Dragon's LairunknownDigital Leisure1989
Dragon's LairunknownDigital Leisure1989
Dragon's LairunknownDigital Leisure1989
Dragonriders of PernStrategy1987
DragonsActionF.A. Willshaw1986
Dragons of FlameRPGSSI1989
Dragons of FlameRPG1989
Dragons of FlameunknownSSI1989
Dragons: A Challenge in ChivalryAction1986
DragonsphereAdventureMicroprose Software, Inc.1994
Drain StormunknownDave Horner1997
DrakkarunknownDiabolic Software1989
Dráscula: The Vampire Strikes BackAdventureunknown
Dream Pinball 3DActionTopWare Interactive2006
Dream ZoneAdventureBaudville1988
Dream ZoneAdventure1988
Dream ZoneAdventureNaughty Dog1987
Dreamfall: The Longest JourneyAdventureFuncom2006
DreamWebAdventureCreative Reality1994
DreamwebAdventureEmpire Interactive1994
DreamwebAdventureEmpire Interactive1994
DreamwebAdventureEmpire Interactive1994
Driller - Space Station OblivionStrategyIncentive1988
Driver: Parallel LinesunknownReflections2007
Drug WarsStrategyJohn E. Dell1984
Drug wars: a game based on the New York drug marketunknown1984
DruglordStrategyPhil Erwin1992
Druid: Dæmons of the MindunknownSir-Tech1995
Duck Huntunknown1995
Duck TaleunknownDisney Interactiveunknown
Duck Tales: The Quest for GoldAction1990
Duck Tales: The Quest for GoldActionThe Walt Disney Company1990
Duck Tales: The Quest for GoldunknownDisney1990
Duke NukemunknownApogeeunknown
Duke NukemAction1991
Duke NukemunknownApogee1991
Duke Nukem 2MiscApogee1991
Duke Nukem 2unknownApogee1993
Duke Nukem 2unknownApogee1993
Duke Nukem 2unknownApogee1993
Duke Nukem 3Dunknownunknown
Duke Nukem 3DActionFormGen Inc.1996
Duke Nukem 3DAction3D Realms Entertainment1996
Duke Nukem 3D: Reloadedunknown2011
Duke Nukem Episode 1: Schrapnel CityActionApogee Software, LTD.1991
Duke Nukem IIActionApogee Software, LTD.1993
Duke Nukem II - Episode 4Action1993
Duke Nukem: Nuclear Winterunknownunknown
Duke NukumunknownApogee1991
Duke NukumunknownApogee1991
Duke NukumActionApogee1991
DumbtrisPuzzlePhilip Winterberg2001
DuneStrategyVirgin Games1990
DuneAdventureVirgin Interactive1992
Dune 2StrategyWestwood Studios1992
Dune 2: The Battle for ArrakisunknownElectronic Arts1992
Dune 2: The Battle for ArrakisAdventureElectronic Arts1992
Dune 2: The Battle for ArrakisunknownElectronic Arts1992
Dune 2: The Battle for ArrakisunknownElectronic Arts1992
Dune 2: The Battle for ArrakisunknownElectronic Arts1992
Dune 2: The Building of a DynastyunknownElectronic Arts1992
Dune 2: The Building of a DynastyunknownElectronic Arts1992
Dune 2: The Building of a DynastyunknownElectronic Arts1992
Dune 2: The Building of a DynastyunknownElectronic Arts1992
Dune 2000StrategyWestwood Studios1998
Dune 2000StrategyWestwood Studios1998
Dune GenerationsStrategy2002
Dune II: The Building of a DynastyStrategyVirgin Interactive1992
Dune II: The Building of a DynastyStrategyWestwood Studios1992
Dungeon CrawlRPG1997
Dungeon ExplorerRPGJohn Murphy1990
Dungeon ExplorerRPG1990
Dungeon HackunknownDreamForge Intertainmentunknown
Dungeon HackRPGSSI1993
Dungeon HackRPGSSI1993
Dungeon KeeperStrategy1997
Dungeon KeeperStrategyElectronic Arts1997
Dungeon KeeperStrategyBullfrog1997
Dungeon Keeper 2Strategy1997
Dungeon Keeper 3: War for the OverworldStrategy2000
Dungeon MasterRPGFTL1988
Dungeon MasterRPGFTL1989
Dungeon MasterRPGFTL1989
Dungeon Master 2unknownFTL Gamesunknown
Dungeon Master 2: The Legend of SkullkeepunknownFTL Games1994
Dungeon Master 2: The Legend of SkullkeepunknownFTL Games1994
Dungeon Master 2: The Legend of SkullkeepunknownFTL Games1994
Dungeon Master's Assistant Volume I: EncountersunknownSSI1988
Dungeon Master's Assistant Volume II: Characters and TreasuresunknownSSI1989
Dungeon MercenaryRPGhgames2016
Dungeon of ShalanAdventureSoftDisk Publishing1988
Dungeon SiegeRPGGas Powered Games2002
Dungeon SiegeActionMicrosoft Corporation2002
Dungeons of KairnRPG1989
Dungeons of Kremlin™ / Подземелья КремляunknownГелиос (Gelios)1995
Dungeons of KrozActionScott Miller1989
Dungeons of Kroz 2Action1989
Dunkle SchattenAdventureArt Department1994
Dunkle Schatten 1 & 2unknownThe Art Department1996
Dunzhin - Warrior of Ras Volume 1unknown?1982
Duracell: Run the BunnyunknownAdware1996
Dusk of the GodsRPG1991
DX-Ball 2Action1998
Dylan Dog - 01 - La regina delle tenebreActionSimulmondo1992
Dylan Dog - 02 - Ritorno al crepuscoloActionSimulmondo1992
Dylan Dog - 03 - Storia di nessunoActionSimulmondo1992
Dylan Dog - 04 - OmbreActionSimulmondo1992
Dylan Dog - 05 - La mummiaActionSimulmondo1992
Dylan Dog - 06 - MaelstromActionSimulmondo1992
Dylan Dog - 07 - Gente che scompareActionSimulmondo1992
Dylan Dog - 08 - La clessidra di pietraActionSimulmondo1992
Dylan Dog - 09 - Il maleActionSimulmondo1992
Dylan Dog - 10 - I vampiriActionSimulmondo1992
Dylan Dog - 11 - IL marchio rossoActionSimulmondo1993
Dylan Dog - 11 - IL marchio rossoActionSimulmondo1993
Dylan Dog - 12 - Il lungo addioActionSimulmondo1993
Dylan Dog - 13 - I killer venuti dal buioActionSimulmondo1993
Dylan Dog - 14 - Il Bosco degli assassiniActionSimulmondo1993
Dylan Dog - 15 - InferniActionSimulmondo1993
Dylan Dog - 16 - FantasmiActionSimulmondo1993
Dylan Dog - 17 - Il cimitero dimenticatoActionSimulmondo1993
Dylan Dog - Gli UccisoriActionSimulmondo1992
Dylan Dog: Murderersunknown1992
Dylan Dog: Through the Looking GlassAdventure1992
DynaunknownHudson Soft Company, Ltd.unknown
Dyna BlasterActionUbi Soft1992
Dyna BlasterunknownHudson1992
DynablasterPuzzleHudson Soft1992
DynatechunknownMagic Bytes1992
E-MotionunknownUS Gold1990
Eagle Eye MysteriesAdventureEA Kids1993
Eagle Eye Mysteries in LondonAdventureEA Kids1994
Eagle Eye Mysteries: The OriginalAdventure1993
Eagle's RiderActionInfogrames1991
Eagle's Riderunknown1991
Earl Weaver BaseballSportElectronic Arts1987
Earl Weaver Baseball 2SportElectronic Arts1991
Earth 2140 - TrilogyStrategyTopWare Interactive1997
Earth 2150unknownunknown
Earth 2160StrategyTopWare Interactive2005
Earth InvasionActionOracle Software1993
Earthly delightsAdventure1984
EarthsiegeActionSierra On-Line Inc.1994
Earthworm JimActionShiny Entertainment1994
Earthworm Jim 2Action1996
East vs West: Berlin 1948AdventureRainbow Arts1989
East vs West: Berlin 1948AdventureRainbow Arts1989
Eat ItunknownMarko Teittinen1989
Eat ItunknownMarko Teittinen1989
EbooblutionActionH. Zapata2003
EchelonSimulationAccess Software1988
Eco PhantomsActionElectronic Zoo1990
Eco Quest 1 - The Search for CetusunknownSierra1991
Eco Quest 2 - The Lost Secret of the RainforestunknownSierra1993
Eco Quest: The Search for CetusAdventureSierra On-Line1992
Eco-KidActionEdiciones Mago1997
Eco-KidActionEdiciones Mago1997
Eco-KidActionEdiciones Mago1997
Eco-SaurusEducationalFirst Byte1991
Econ's ArenaunknownGlen DeBiasa1994
EcopolicyStrategyFrederic Vester1989
EcoQuest 1: The Search for CetusunknownSierra On-LIne1992
EcoQuest 2: Lost Secret of the RainforestActionSierra On-Line Inc.1993
EcoQuest: Die Suche nach CetusunknownSierra1992
EcoQuest: The Search for CetusAdventureSierra On-Line Inc.1991
EcoQuest: The Search for CetusAdventureSierra1992
EcoQuest: The Search for CetusunknownSierra1992
EcoQuest: The Search for CetusunknownSierra1992
EcstaticaActionPsygnosis Limited1994
EcstaticaPuzzlePsygnosis Limited1994
Eden BluesAdventureERE Informatique1987
Edmark DemounknownEdmark1995
Edward O. Thorp's Real BlackjackunknownVilla Crespo1990
EF 2000Simulation1995
EF2000 aka Eurofighter 2000SimulationOcean Software1995
EGA BackgammonPuzzle??unknown
EGA BombActionRad Delaroderie1988
Ega TrekStrategyNels Anderson1992
EGA Trekunknown1988
EGA wallsPuzzlePolik1989
EGA-RoidsActionDesigner Sortware1986
EgawallsActionMichelangelo Policarpo1989
EgawallsActionMichelangelo Policarpo1989
EggerlandPuzzleVampire Vangeance1991
Eight Ball DeluxeActionAmtex1993
Eight Ball Deluxe v2ActionAmtext1993
Einstein Jr.'s ClassroomEducationalDinosoft1992
Eishockey ManagerSportSoftware 20001993
Eishockey ManagerStrategySoftware 20001993
Eksperyment DelfinunknownThe Seven Stars1996
El-FishSimulationMaxis Software1993
El-FishStrategyElectronic Arts1993
Elder Scrolls - ArenaRPGBethesda Softworks1994
Elder Scrolls, The: ArenaRPGBethesda Softworks1994
ElectranoidPuzzlePixel Painters1994
ElectranoidActionPixel Painters1995
Electric Crayon 3.1 - Super Mario Bros & FriendsEducationalMerit Software1992
Electric Crayon 3.1 - At the ZooEducationalMerit Software1992
Electric Crayon Deluxe - Dinosaurs are ForeverEducationalPolarware1988
Electric Crayon Deluxs - Teenage Mutant Ninja TurtlesEducationalMerit Software1990
Electric JigsawPuzzleMerit Software1990
Electric Lights, Colored Peg Game For WindowsunknownSoftware in Motion1992
Electro ManAction1994
Electro ManActionxLand Games1993
Electro ManunknownEpic Megagames1992
ElectromanActionxLand Games1992
ElectromanunknownEpic Megagames1992
ElementsStrategyVilla Crespo Software1994
Elevators from HellActionJohn Shramko1992
ElfActionOcean Software1992
ElfActionOcean Software, Inc.1991
ElflandActionCarl Erikson1992
Elimination WhistunknownBarrie Bulin1994
EliminatorActionJerry Judd1991
EliminatorActionJerry Judd1991
EliteStrategyFrontier Developments1987
EliteActionAcornsoft, Firebird1984
Elite PlusStrategyRealtime Software1991
Elite PlusunknownMicroplay1991
ElizaSimulationJoseph Weizenbaum1988
Elmo's Chicken DanceunknownSesame Workshopunknown
Elmo's Fire SafetyunknownSesame Workshopunknown
Èloveèe, nehnevaj sa!unknown-unknown
Elvira - The Arcade GameActionFlair Software1991
Elvira 2 - The Jaws of CerberusRPGAccolade1991
Elvira: The Arcade GameunknownFlair Software1991
Elvira: The Arcade GameunknownFlair Software1991
ElysiumunknownMagic Bytes1992
Emergency RoomEducationalunknown
Emergency Room 2Educationalunknown
Emilio Butragueño ¡Fútbol!unknownTopo Soft1988
Emilio Sánchez VicariounknownZigurat1989
Emmanuelle: A Game of EroticismAdultCoktel Vision1989
Emmanuelle: A Game of EroticismAdventure1989
Emmanuelle: A Game of EroticismunknownTomahawk1989
Emperor of the Fading SunsStrategy1996
Empire - War of the CenturyStrategyInterstel1988
Empire 2 - The Art of WarStrategyNew World Computing1995
Empire DeluxeStrategyNew World Computing1993
Empire DeluxeStrategy1993
Empire DeluxeStrategyWhite Wolf Productions1993
Empire DeluxeStrategyNew World Computing1993
Empire DeluxeunknownNew World Computing1993
Empire DeluxeunknownNew World Computing1993
Empire DeluxeunknownNew World Computing1993
Empire Deluxe ScenariosunknownNew World Computing1993
Empire EarthStrategyStainless Steel Studios2001
Empire Earth 2 - Gold EditionStrategySierra2005
Empire Earth 3StrategySierra2007
Empire II: The Art of WarStrategy1995
Empire SoccerSportGraftgold1994
Empire Soccer 94unknownEmpire1994
Emulation: Do-It-Yourself LawyerunknownExpert Software1994
Emulation: Expert Casino for WindowsunknownExpert Software/RavensQuest Software1995
Emulation: Expert Greeting Card MakerunknownExpert Software/Fintech Software1994
Emulation: Financial Freedom Business CardsunknownM & R Technologies1995
Emulation: Home AccountantunknownBrad Winslow1995
Emulation: PhoneCodeunknownDan Begallie1995
Emulation: Surpass SpreadsheetunknownSilvaSoft Software1995
Emulation: TabWorks Demo DiskunknownXSoft/Xerox1994
Emulation: Write-It!unknownSilvaSoft Software1995
En el Nombre del SeñorunknownKurioV Soft1996
En la Sima del Buho MalditounknownJarel1990
EnclaveActionTopWare Interactive2002
EncounterActionCory Bruening1984
Encyclopedia of War: Ancient BattlesStrategy1988
Endless HorrorAction1993
Endorfununknownonesong partners, Inc.1995
Enemy StarunknownOwen Thomas1999
Enemy ZeroAdventureunknown
Engelska provetunknownNiklas Hemsidaunknown
Engineering Jones and The Time Thieves of DSPeaPuzzlePrentice Associates1991
Enigma de Aceps, ElunknownACE Soft1987
EnterpriseunknownMelbourne House1989
Entombed - Episode 1Adventure1997
Entomorph: Plague Of The DarkfallRPG1995
Epic Baseballunknown1995
Epic PinballActionEpic1993
Epic PinballAction1993
Epic PinballActionEpic Games1993
Epic PinballActionEpic MegaGames1993
Epic PinballunknownEpic Megagames1993
Epic PinballunknownEpic Megagames1993
Epic PinballunknownEpic Megagames1993
Epic PinballunknownEpic Megagames1993
Epic Pinball - Crash & BurnunknownEpic Megagames1993
Epic Pinball - CyborgirlunknownEpic Megagames1993
Epic Pinball - CyborgirlRPGEpic Megagames1993
Epic Pinball - Deep SeaunknownEpic Megagames1993
Epic Pinball - EnigmaunknownEpic Megagames1993
Epic Pinball Pack 1unknownEpic Megagames1993
Epic Pinball Pack 2unknownEpic Megagames1993
Epic Pinball Pack 3unknownEpic Megagames1993
Erben des ThronsunknownGerman Design Group1992
Eric the UnreadyunknownLegend Entertainment1997
Eric the UnreadyAdventure1993
Eric the UnreadyAdventureLegend Entertainment1991
Eric the UnreadyAdventureLegend1991
Ernie';s Big SplashEducationalMuppets1986
Escape from DeliriumunknownVirtual X-Perience1997
Escape from deliriumAdventure1995
Escape from Dr. Colossounknown1997
Escape from HellRPGElectronic Arts1990
Escape from HellRPG1990
Escape from HellunknownElectronic Arts1990
Escape from MinosActionCEZ Silver2009
Escape From Monkey IslandAdventureLucasArts2000
Escape from the Planet of the Robot MonstersActionTengen1990
Escape from the Planet of the Robot Monstersunknown1990
Escape from the Planet of the Robot MonstersActionAtari Games, Domark1989
EsheepSimulationGod's Pet Lama Corp.1998
Espada Sagrada, LaunknownTopo Soft1990
ESS MegaSimulationCoktel Vision1991
Eternal DaughterActionBlackeye Software2002
EtherlordsStrategyFishtank Interactive2001
EUFA EURO 96 EnglandSportGremlin Interactive1996
Euro League FootballunknownDinamic Multimedia2000
Europa Universalis IIStrategyParadox Entertainment2001
European Championship 1992unknown1992
Evasive ActionSimulation1993
Evasive ActionunknownSoftware Toolworks1994
Evasive ActionunknownSoftware Toolworks1994
EverEternal WinterWorldActionSilverNova - FreeWare Game Developers2007
Evidence: The Last RitualAdventureunknown
Evil Blood Wolfensteinunknownid Software1992
Evil Twin: Cyprien's ChroniclesActionUbi Soft2001
EvolutionActionSydney Development1983
EvolvaActionInterplay Productions2000
ExcaliBugunknownDinamic Multimedia2001
Executive Suiteunknown1982
Exile II - Crystal SoulsunknownJeff Vogel1996
Exile II: Crystal SoulsRPG1996
Exile III: Ruined WorldunknownSpiderweb Software1997
Exile III: Ruined WorldRPG1997
Exile: Escape from the PitRPG1995
Exodus: Journey to the Promised LandPuzzleWisdom Tree1991
Exotic Car ShowroomunknownCapstone1992
Expert Puzzles and MazesunknownJay W. Littman1992
Explora 2Adventure1989
ExplorationunknownSoftware 20001995
ExplorationStrategySoftware 20001994
Export PinballActionUnknownunknown
Extreme AssaultSimulation1997
Extreme AssaultActionBlue Byte1997
Extreme PaintbrawlActionCreative Carnage1998
Extreme PinballActionElectronic Arts1995
Eye of HorusActionMindscape1989
Eye of HorusActionLogotron1989
Eye of HorusunknownFanfare1989
Eye of HorusunknownFanfare1989
Eye of The BeholderunknownStrategic Simulations, Inc. (SSI)unknown
Eye of the BeholderRPGSSI1991
Eye of the BeholderAdventureSSI1991
Eye of the BeholderAdventureSSI1991
Eye of the BeholderunknownSSI1991
Eye of the BeholderunknownSSI1991
Eye of the BeholderunknownSSI1991
Eye of the Beholder 1 & 2unknownSSI1991
Eye of The Beholder 2unknownStrategic Simulations, Inc. (SSI)unknown
Eye of The Beholder 2unknownStrategic Simulations, Inc. (SSI)unknown
Eye of The Beholder 3unknownStrategic Simulations, Inc. (SSI)unknown
Eye of the Beholder 3RPGSSI1993
Eye of the Beholder 3: Assault on Myth DrannorAdventureSSI1993
Eye of the Beholder 3: Assault on Myth DrannorunknownSSI1993
Eye of the Beholder 3: Assault on Myth DrannorunknownSSI1993
Eye of the Beholder 3: Assault on Myth DrannorunknownSSI1993
Eye of the Beholder 3: Assault on Myth DrannorunknownSSI1993
Eye of the Beholder III: Assault on Myth DrannorRPGSSI1993
Eye of the StormSimulation1993
Eye of the StormunknownRebellion Developments1993
Eye Saver for Windows 3.1unknownSteve Moraff1994
Eyed ballsunknownJ.S. Oliver1997
F-117A - Stealth Fighter 2SimulationMicroProse1991
F-117A Nighthawk Stealth Fighter 2.0unknownMicroprose1991
F-117A Nighthawk Stealth Fighter 2.0unknownMicroprose1991
F-117A Nighthawk Stealth Fighter 2.0unknownMicroprose1991
F-14 TomcatSimulationActivision1990
F-14 TomcatunknownActivision1990
F-15 Strike EagleSimulationMicroProse1985
F-15 Strike EagleunknownMicroprose1984
F-15 Strike EagleunknownMicroprose1984
F-15 Strike EagleunknownMicroprose1984
F-15 Strike Eagle 2SimulationMicroprose1989
F-15 Strike Eagle 2unknownMicroprose1989
F-15 Strike Eagle 2unknownMicroprose1989
F-15 Strike Eagle 2unknownMicroprose1989
F-15 Strike Eagle 2: Operation Desert StormunknownMicroprose1989
F-15 Strike Eagle 3SimulationMicroProse1993
F-15 Strike Eagle 3unknownMicroprose1993
F-15 Strike Eagle 3unknownMicroprose1993
F-15 Strike Eagle 3unknownMicroprose1993
F-15 Strike Eagle IIISimulation1992
F-16 Combat PilotSimulationElectronic Arts1989
F-16 Combat PilotSimulation1989
F-16 Combat PilotunknownElectronic Arts1989
F-16 Combat PilotunknownElectronic Arts1989
F-16 Combat PilotunknownElectronic Arts1989
F-16 Combat PilotunknownElectronic Arts1989
F-19 Stealth FighterSimulation1988
F-19 Stealth FighterSimulationMicroProse1988
F-19 Stealth FighterunknownMicroprose1988
F-19 Stealth FighterunknownMicroprose1988
F-19 Stealth FighterunknownMicroprose1988
F-19 Stealth FighterunknownMicroprose1988
F-22 Lightning 2Simulation1996
F-29 RetaliatorunknownDigital Image Design1995
F.E.A.R. First Encounter Assault ReconActionVivendi Universal Games, Inc.2005
F.GodmomActionJohn Blackwell1992
F1 (Formula One)SportLankhor1993
F1 ManagerunknownSimulmondo1989
F1 Manager 96SimulationSoftware 20001996
F29 RetaliatorSimulationOcean1991
F29 RetaliatorunknownOcean1990
F40 PursuitunknownTitus1989
F40 Pursuit SimulatorSport1989
Face InvadersunknownMr. Crispyunknown
Face offSportGamestar1989
Face Off!SportActivision1989
FacesStrategySpectrum Holobyte1990
FaceTrexPuzzleSoleau Software1993
Facing the EmpireStrategyMVP Software1991
Facts in ActionEducationalSpirit of Discovery1994
Fade to BlackAdventureDelphine1995
Fade to BlackActionElectronic Arts1995
Faery Tale AdventureunknownMicroillusionsunknown
Faery tale adventure II: Halls of the deadRPGEncore1997
Fahrenheit 451AdventureTelarium1986
Fairy NightsAdventure2000
Fairy Tale Adventure 2: Halls of the DeadRPG1997
FalconSimulationSpectrum Holobyte1987
FalconunknownSpectrum Holobyte1989
FalconunknownSpectrum Holobyte1989
FalconunknownSpectrum Holobyte1989
Falcon 3.0SimulationSpectrum Holobyte1991
Falcon 3.0SimulationSpectrum HoloByte1991
Falcon 3.0SimulationSpectrum Holobyte1991
Falcon 3.0unknownSpectrum Holobyte1991
Falcon 3.0: Mig-29unknownSpectrum Holobyte1991
Falcon 3.0: Operation Fighting TigerunknownSpectrum Holobyte1991
Falcon A.T.unknownSpectrum Holobyte1988
Falcon A.T.unknownSpectrum Holobyte1988
Falcon ATSimulationSpectrum Holobyte1988
Falcon BeertenderActionFalcon1983
Fallen AngelActionEmerald Software1989
Fallen AngelAction1989
FalloutPuzzleBrad P. Taylor1992
FalloutRPGBlack Isle Studios1997
FalloutPuzzleBrad P. Taylor1992
FalloutPuzzleBrad P. Taylor1991
Fallout 2RPGBlack Isle Studios1998
Fallout 2RPG1998
Fallout 2RPGBlack Isle Studios1998
Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of SteelStrategy2001
FallthruAdventurePaul H. Deal1990
Family FeudMiscSharedata1987
Family FeudPuzzle1987
Fantastic Adventures of Dizzy, TheActionCodemasters Software1993
Fantastic Dizzyunknown1994
Fantastic Four - a.k.a. Questprobe feat. The Human Torch and The ThingAdventureLoad n Go1985
Fantasy EmpiresStrategy1993
Fantasy EmpiresStrategySSI1994
Fantasy EmpiresunknownSSI1994
Fantasy EmpiresunknownSSI1994
Fantasy EmpiresunknownSSI1994
Fantasy EmpiresunknownSSI1994
Fantasy EmpiresunknownSSI1994
Fantasy GeneralunknownStrategic Simulations, Inc. (SSI)unknown
Fantasy GeneralStrategySSI1996
Fantasy PakunknownKeypunch Software1987
Fantasy WarsStrategy1C Publishing2007
Fantasy World DizzyunknownCodemasters1990
Fantasy World DizzyunknownCodemasters1990
Far CryActionCrytek2004
Far WestActionEdiciones Manali1991
FaraonikActionEdiciones Manali1992
FärdenunknownNiklas Hemsidaunknown
Farenheit 451Adventure1984
FascinationAdventureCoktel Vision1992
Fast BreakSportAccolade1988
Fast BreakunknownAccolade, Inc.1988
Fast BreakunknownAccolade1988
Fatal ChallengeActiontbc1992
Fatal RacingunknownGremlin1995
Fatal RelationsAdventure1998
Fates of TwinionunknownSierra1993
Fates of TwinionunknownSierra1993
Fatman - The Caped ConsumerActionIO Product1994
Fatty Bear';s Birthday SurpriseEducationalHumongous Entertainment1993
Fenimore Fillmore's RevengeAdventureNobilis2008
Ferrari Formula 1Sport1989
Ferrari Formula OneSimulationElectronic Arts1989
Ferrari Formula OneunknownElectronic Arts1989
Ferrari Formula OneunknownElectronic Arts1989
Ferrari Formula OneunknownElectronic Arts1989
Fidelity Chessmaster 2100Strategy1989
Fields of GloryStrategySpectrum Holobyte1994
Fields of GloryStrategy1993
Fields of GloryStrategyMicroprose1994
Fields of GloryunknownMicroprose1994
Fields of GloryunknownMicroprose1994
Fiendish Freddy's Big Top o' FunActionGray Matter1989
FIFA '96SportElectronic Arts1995
FIFA 2000unknownunknown
FIFA 97SportElectronic Arts1996
FIFA 97unknown1996
FIFA Internatioan SoccerSportElectronic Arts1994
FIFA Soccer 96unknown1995
FIFA: Road to World Cup 98unknown1997
Fight 'N' JokesunknownNasty Brothers Software1997
Fighter BomberSimulationActivision1989
Fighter BomberunknownActivision1989
Fighter Bomber: Advanced Mission DiscunknownActivision1989
Fighter DuelSimulationPhilips Interactive Media1995
Fighter WingSimulationMerit Studios1995
Fighter WingunknownMerit Studios1995
Fighter Wing: Manual ViewunknownMerit Studios1995
Filler \(Russian\)StrategyGamos1990
Final Assault aka Chamonix ChallengeSportInfrogrames Europe1988
Final BattleRPGMirrorsoft1991
Final conflictActionImpressions1991
Final Doomunknownunknown
Final Doom: The Plutonia Experimentunknownid Software1993
Final Doom: TNT: Evilutionunknownid Software1993
Final Fantasy VIIRPGSquare1998
Final FighterActionZOK-Software2001
Final FrontierStrategyPSS1989
Final FrontierStrategy1989
Final Liberation: Warhammer Epic 40,000StrategyHolistic Design1997
Final OrbitActionAftershock Entertainment1989
Final OrbitunknownInnerprise1990
Final Soccer ChallengeunknownM. Magnusson and M. Brynervall1996
Final Soccer ChallengeunknownM. Magnusson and M. Brynervall1996
Final SoulAdventuretbc1995
Finders KeepersAction2007
Fine ArtistunknownMicrosoft1993
Fire & ForgetSimulationTitus1988
Fire & Forget 2 - The Death ConvoySimulationTitus1990
Fire & IceunknownGraftgold1993
Fire & IceunknownGraftgold1993
Fire and ForgetSport1988
Fire and Forget 2Sport1988
Fire and IceAction1993
Fire FighterStrategyEben Sprinsock1985
Fire FighterStrategyEben Sprinsock1985
Fire Hawk: Thexder - The Second ContactunknownSquare1990
Fire Hawk: Thexder - The Second ContactStrategySquare1990
Fire KingRPGElectronic Arts1990
Fire KingunknownSSG1990
Fire PowerStrategyMicro Illusions1988
Fire PowerAction1988
Fire PowerunknownMicroprose1988
Fire WarriorActionElectromagic1991
Fire WindunknownThe Fourth Dimension Team1997
Fire-Brigade - The Battle for Kiev - 1943StrategyPanther Games1989
Fire-Brigade: The Battle for Kiev 1943unknownPanther Games1991
FirefallActionRecreational Softwareunknown
FireguyunknownDoug E. Martinunknown
Firehouse RescueEducationalGameTek1988
Firestorm - The Forest Fire SimulationSimulationCricket Software1995
Fireteam 2200StrategyRAW Entertainment1991
FireTeam 2200unknownRAW Entertainment1991
Fireworks for Windows 3.1unknown1990
First ExpeditionSimulation1988
First SamuraiActionVivid Image1991
First SamuraiAction1992
First samuraiActionImage Works1991
First SamuraiunknownUbi Soft1992
Fish FilletsPuzzleALTAR Interactive1998
Five-a-side Indoor Soccerunknown1986
Five-A-Side Indoor SoccerunknownMastertronic1986
Flag RacerunknownAJC Software Unlimitedunknown
Flak AttackunknownDreamers Guild1993
Flames of FreedomunknownMicroprose1991
Flash Gordon: Il Rapimento di Daleunknown1992
Flash Traffic: City of AngelsAdventureunknown
Flash Traffic: City of AngelsunknownTsunami Games1994
FlashbackActionDelphine Software1993
FlashbackAdventureDelphine Software International1993
Flashy CarsunknownGoldy Games1992
Flea ZapperunknownStacy and Megan1997
Fleet DefenderSimulation1994
Fleet DefenderSimulationMicroProse1994
Fleet DefenderSimulationMicroprose1994
Fleet DefenderunknownMicroprose1994
Fleet Defender: ScenarioSimulationMicroprose1994
Fleet SweepActionMirror Images1983
Fleet SweepActionMirror Images Software, Inc.1983
Fleet SweepunknownMirror Images Software1983
Flek!MiscPivoňka Software1992
Flight Commander 2unknownCharles Moylan1994
Flight Commander 2unknownAvalon Hill1994
Flight of The Amazon QueenAdventure1995
Flight of the Amazon QueenAdventureRenegade Software1995
Flight of the Amazon QueenAdventureInteractive Binary Illusions1995
Flight of the Amazon QueenAdventureWarner Interactive1995
Flight of the Amazon QueenunknownWarner Interactive1995
Flight of the Amazon QueenunknownWarner Interactive1995
Flight of the IntruderSimulation1990
Flight of the IntruderunknownSpectrum Holobyte1990
Flight of the IntruderunknownSpectrum Holobyte1990
Flight of the IntruderunknownSpectrum Holobyte1990
Flight UnlimitedSimulationLooking Glass Studios1995
FlightmareSimulationPeter Adams1984
FlintstonesActionHanna-Barbera Productions, Inc.1990
Flipper the ZipperActionRussco1987
Floor 13StrategyPSI Software1992
Floppy FrenzyActionWindmill Software1982
Floppy FrenzyAction1982
Flowers of MysteriaAdventureDavid Sweeney2018
Flying GutsunknownMarty Valenti1995
Flying Tigersunknown1994
Flying TigersActionTicsoft1994
Flying Tigers 2unknown1994
Flynn & FrecklesunknownRookie Hero Games2018
Follow the ReaderAdventure1992
Fool's ErrandunknownMiles Computing1989
Football (For Windows)Sport1992
Football Club SimulatorunknownFX Interactive2016
Football Fanaticunknown1998
Football GloryActionBlack Legend Ltd.1995
Football GlorySportCroteam1995
Football Gloryunknown1995
Football GloryunknownCroteam1994
Football ManagerStrategyAddictive Games1982
Football Manager 3unknown1993
Forbidden CastleAdventureMindscape1985
Forbidden CastleAdventure1985
Forbidden QuestAdventure1983
Ford SimulatorSimulationFord Motor Company1987
Ford Simulator 2SimulationThe SoftAd Group1989
Ford simulator 3Sport1992
Ford simulator 5SimulationThe SoftAd Group1994
Ford Simulator 5Sport1994
Ford Simulator IIunknownFord1987
Forgotten Realms: Unlimited AdventuresRPG1993
Forgotten Worldsunknown1991
Formula 1unknownunknown
Formula 1 Grand PrixSport1991
Formula OneSport1994
Fort ApacheStrategy1992
FostiatorActionCDIV Games2000
Fountain of DreamsRPG1990
Four Hillsunknown1993
Four Hillsunknown-unknown
Four Season 1.01unknownRandy Rasa1993
FoxunknownTitus Interactiveunknown
Fox Rangerunknown1992
Frankenstein: Life or Death?unknownMerit Studios1995
Franklin Learns MathunknownSanctuary Woods1996
Fray LuisActionHollywood Publishin1998
Fray SimónunknownOI32012
Freakin' Funky FuzzballsunknownSir-tech1990
Freakin' Funky FuzzballsunknownSir-tech1990
Freakin' Funky FuzzballsunknownSir-tech1990
Freddy FishunknownMirror Images Software1983
Freddy HardestAction1988
Freddy HardestActionDinamic1987
Freddy HardestunknownDinamic1988
Freddy PharkasAdventureSierra1993
Freddy PharkasunknownSierra1993
Freddy PharkasunknownSierra1993
Freddy Pharkas - Frontier PharmacistunknownSierra1993
Freddy Pharkas: Frontier PharmacistAdventure1993
Freddy Pharkas: Frontier PharmacistAdventureSierra On-Line1993
Freddy's Rescue RoundupActionIBM1984
Frederick Pohl's GatewayAdventureLegend1992
Frederick Pohl's GatewayunknownLegend1992
Frederik Pohl's GatewayAdventureLegend Entertainment1992
Frederik Pohl's GatewayAdventure1992
Free D.C.!Adventure1991
Free DC!unknownCineplay1991
Free Enterpriseunknown1996
FreeCell PlusunknownTom Warfield1996
Freedom ForceStrategyIrrational Games2002
Freedom Force vs The 3rd ReichActionIrrational Games2005
Freespace 2ActionInterplay1999
Friday: Death to Arthur YahtzeeunknownBen Croshawunknown
Friendlyware PC ArcadeunknownFriendlysoft1983
Fritz 2PuzzleChessBase1992
Fritz 3PuzzleChessBase1994
Frog ManActionSaber Software1997
Frog SquadActionLightmare Interactive2001
Frogger 2 - Three DeepunknownKonami1984
Frogger 2 - ThreeedeepActionParker Brothers1984
Frogger Jr.Action1984
Front LinesunknownImpressions1994
Front Page Sports Baseball 94unknownDynamix1994
Front Page Sports Football ProunknownDynamix1993
Front Page Sports Football ProunknownDynamix1993
Front Page Sports: Baseball '94unknownDynamix1994
Front Page Sports: FootballunknownDynamix1992
Frontier - First EncountersActionGameTek1995
Frontier: Elite 2StrategyGameTek1993
Frontier: Elite 2Simulation1993
Frontier: Elite 2SimulationGameTek1993
Frontier: Elite 2SimulationGameTek1993
Frontier: Elite 2unknownGameTek1993
Frontier: Elite 2unknownGameTek1993
Frontier: Elite IIMiscGameTek Inc1993
Frontier: First EncountersSimulation1995
Frontier: First EncountersActionGameTek Inc1995
Frontier: First EncountersunknownGameTek1993
FructusunknownPhilippe Basciano1995
Fuck QuestAdultRichard Eter1998
Fuck QuestAdventure1998
FuckstoryAdventureKapr Soft2001
Fuego de DragónunknownLogin2000
Fuga, LaAdventureStratos1996
Full Metal PlaneteStrategy1990
Full Metal PlaneteunknownInfogrames1990
Full ThrottleunknownLucasArts1995
Full ThrottleAdventure1995
Full ThrottleAdventureLucasArts1995
Full ThrottleAdventureLucasArts1995
Full Tilt! PinballActionCinemaware1995
Funnels & BucketsEducationalData Sage1984
Fury 3Simulation1995
Fury Furriesunknownunknown
Fury of the FurriesActionMindscape, Inc.1993
Fury of the FurriesActionKalisto1993
Fury of the FurriesActionKalisto1993
Fútbol ProunknownSport Interactive1997
Future WarsAdventureDelphine Software1990
Future warsAdventureInterplay1990
Future WarsunknownDelphine1990
Future WarsActionDelphine1990
Future WarsunknownDelphine1990
Future WarsunknownDelphine1990
Future Wars: Adventures in TimeunknownDelphine Software1992
Future Wars: Adventures in TimeAdventureInterplay Productions1990
Fuzzy's World of Miniature Space GolfunknownPixel Painters2000
Fuzzy's World of Miniature Space GolfSportPixel Painters Corporation1995
Fuzzy's World of Miniature Space Golfunknown1995
Fuzzys World of Miniature Space GolfSportPixel Painters1995
FX FighterunknownArgonaut Software1995
FX Fútbol 2.0unknownFX Interactive2013
FX Fútbol 2015unknownFX Interactive2014
Gabriel KnightAdventureSierra On-Line1993
Gabriel Knight 2 - The Beast WithinunknownSierra1995
Gabriel Knight 3 - Blood of the Sacred Blood of the DamnedAdventureActivision1999
Gabriel Knight: Les Peches des AncetresunknownSierra1993
Gabriel Knight: Sins of the fathersAdventureSierra On-Line Inc.1993
Gabriel Knight: Sins of the FathersunknownSierra1993
Gabriel Knight: Sins of the FathersActionSierra1993
Gabriel Knight: Sünden der VäterunknownSierra1993
Gabriel Knight: Sünden der VäterunknownSierra1993
Gal Pani XAction2000
Galacta - The Battle for SaturnActionSean M. Puckett1993
Galactic BattleActionSoftdisk Publishing1990
Galactic CapitalismStrategyUnknownunknown
Galactic ConquerorActionTitus France1988
Galactic EmpireStrategyCoktel Vision1990
Galactic EmpireunknownTomahawk1990
Galactic GladiatorsStrategyStrategic Simulations Inc.1983
Galactic Warrior RatsunknownSummit Software1993
Galactic Wars EXActionVolcano Bytes2022
GalactixActionRichard L. Wright1992
Galactix 2 - The Search for the Lost OrbsActionRichard L. Wright1991
Galax EmpiresunknownBBM1998
GalaxytrekAdventureCapital PC Software Exchange1983
Galdregon's DomainRPG1988
Galdregon's DomainunknownPandora1989
Galleons of Gloryunknown1990
Galleons of Glory: The Secret Voyage of MagellanStrategyBrøderbund1990
Galleons of Glory: The Secret Voyage of MagellanunknownBrøderbund1990
Game and Watch: ParachuteActionNintendo1981
Game OverActionDinamic Software1988
Game OverActionDinamic1987
Game Over & PhantisunknownDinamic1988
Game Over 2 (a.k.a. Phantis 2)ActionDinamic Software1987
Game Over IIunknownDinamic1988
Gamer's Edge SamplerunknownGamer's Edge1991
Games Magazine Presents Word PuzzlesunknownMVP Software;Villa Crespo Software1994
Gamma Force - The Pit of a Thousand ScreamsAdventureActivision1988
Gamma Force - The Pit of a Thousands ScreamsAdventureInfocom1988
Gamma Force in The Pit of a Thousand ScreamsAdventureTom Snyder Productions1988
Gary Grigsby's Pacific WarStrategy1992
Gary Grigsby's War in RussiaStrategy1993
Gary Grigsby's War in RussianStrategyStrategic Simulations Inc.1993
Gary Grigsby's Pacific WarunknownSSI1992
Gary Grigsby's War in RussiaunknownSSI1993
Gateway 2 - HomeworldAdventureLegend Entertainment Company1993
Gateway 2: HomeworldAdventureLegend Entertainment1993
Gateway II: HomeworldAdventureLegend1993
Gateway to the Savage FrontierRPGSSI1991
Gateway to the Savage FrontierunknownSSI1991
Gateway to the Savage FrontierAdventureSSI1991
GateworldActionHomebrew Software1993
GateworldunknownHomebrew Software1993
GatoSimulationSpectrum Holobyte1984
GauntletAdventureMindscape, Atari Games1986
Gauntlet 2AdventureMindscape, Atari Games1989
Gauntlet 2unknownAtari1989
Gauntlet 2unknownAtari1989
Gauntlet IIActionAtari Games1986
GazillionaireunknownNaomi Kokubo1994
Gazza 2unknown1991
Gazza IISportEmpire Interactive1992
Gazza IIunknownEmpire1991
Gazzel QuestActionDemon Videogames2013
Gear WorksPuzzleIdea Software1992
Gearbox the AlienunknownMr. Crispyunknown
Gearhead GarageSimulationunknown
Gecko ShuffleunknownCharles Timmerman1994
Geheimprojekt DMSOPuzzleArt Department1993
Geheimprojekt DMSOunknownMerckle GmbH1993
GeishaAdventureCoktel Vision1990
GeishaAdultCoktel Vision1990
GeishaunknownCoktel Vision1990
GemfireunknownKOEI Co., Ltd.unknown
Gemini-2ActionParagon Software Corporation1986
GemstonesunknownWilliam D. Rinehart1993
GemstonesunknownWilliam D. Rinehart1993
Gemstones IIIPuzzleWilliam D. Rinehart1994
GemWorldAdventureWilliam O. Cain1995
Gendai Daisenryaku EXunknownSystemSoft1993
Gender WarsunknownThe 8th Day1996
GenewarsStrategyElectronic Arts1996
Genghis KhanStrategyKOEI1989
Genghis KhanunknownPositive1991
Genghis Khan 2 - Clan of the Grey WolfStrategyKoei Corporation1993
Gengis KhanStrategy1989
Gengis Khan 2: Clan of the Gray WolfStrategy1992
Gertrude';s SecretsEducationalThe Learning Company1982
Get the Girl!unknownVince Paul Balatbat1993
GetaLife v1.0; version \unknownDave Crawford1993
Gettysburg: The Turning PointunknownSSI1986
GFL Championship FootballSportActivision1987
Ghost 1.0Action@unepic_fran2016
Ghostbusters 2ActionActivision1989
Ghosts 'n GoblinsActionCapcom1987
Ghosts 'n Goblins remakeAction2004
Giana Sisters 32KActionMyth1998
Giana Sisters 32KActionRainer Sinsch1998
Giana Sisters: Twisted DreamsActionBlack Forest Games2012
GiantkillerAdventureTopologika Software1987
Giants - Citizen KabutoActionInterplay2000
Giants: Citizen KabutoActionInterplay Entertainment2000
Girlfriend Construction SetSimulationTom Scheffler1989
GladiatorActionForgotten Sages1992
Glider 4.0Action1994
Glider 4.0 for WindowsunknownJohn Calhoun1994
Global ConquestStrategy1992
Global ConquestStrategyMicroProse1992
Global ConquestStrategyMicroplay1992
Global DominationStrategyImpressions1993
Global DominationStrategy1993
Global DominationunknownImpressions1993
Global EffectStrategyMillenuim Interactive1992
Global Effectunknown1992
Global EffectStrategyMillenium Interactive1992
Global EffectStrategyMillenium Interactive1992
Global Thermo WarStrategy1985
Gloriana: In the Service of the CrownunknownAscaron1997
Glub GlupActionEdiciones Manali1992
Gnome AloneActionVisionairs1992
Gnome AloneStrategy1991
Gnome RangerAdventureLevel 9 Computing1987
Gnome RangerAdventure1987
Gnome Ranger 2: Ingrid's BackAdventure1988
Go Bear Go!ActionCEZ RD2008
Go SimulatorPuzzleIshi Press International1992
Go SimulatorunknownIshi Press International1992
Go SimulatorunknownIshi Press International1992
GoalunknownNew Era Software1991
GoalunknownNew Era Software1991
Goal 2SportWizard Games1992
Goal!SportDini and Dini Productions1994
Gobble ManActionAlex Shah1992
GobliiinsPuzzleCoktel Vision1991
Gobliiins 4AdventureSnowberry Connection2009
Gobliins 2 - The Prince BuffoonPuzzleCoktel Vision1992
Goblin's Quest 3unknownSierra1994
Goblins 3unknownCoktel Vision1993
Goblins 3: QuestMiscSierra On-Line Inc.1993
GobmanActionFilipe Mateus1992
God of ThunderRPGArgo Games1994
God of ThunderRPG1993
God of ThunderAdventureAdept Software1993
GodsActionBitmap Brothers1991
GodsActionBitmap Brothers1991
GodsActionBitmap Brothers1991
GodsStrategyBitmap Brothers1991
GoJoeActionBJB Productions1990
GokkastPuzzleBig 'Elro'1988
Gold HuntPuzzleEric Saito1991
Gold of the AmericasStrategyStepehen Hart, Ian Trout1989
Gold of the Americas: The Conquest of the New WorldStrategy1989
Gold of the Americas: The Conquest of the New WorldunknownSSG1989
Gold RushAdventureSierra1988
Gold RushAdventureSierra1988
Gold RushAdventureSierra1988
Gold RushunknownSierra1988
Gold RushunknownSierra1988
Gold Rush!Adventure1988
Golden AxeActionSega1990
Golden AxeActionSega1990
Golden AxeunknownSega1990
Golden AxeunknownSega1990
Golden AxeunknownSega1990
Golden AxeunknownSega1990
Golden BasketunknownOpera Sport1990
Golden Eagleunknown1991
Golden Immortal: Volume OneunknownWhitestar Mageware1991
Golden Oldies: Volume 1 - Computer Software ClassicsAdventure1985
Golf Pro 2000 Down UnderunknownBrilliant Interactive1997
Gone Fishingunknown1989
GonzzalezzActionOpera Soft1989
GoodyunknownOpera Soft1988
GoodyActionOpera Soft1987
GoodyActionOpera Soft1987
Goody ReturnsunknownEbrain Mobile2006
Goofy's Railway ExpressunknownDisney1991
Goonies, TheActionBrain Games2006
Gorky 17RPGcompany1999
GothicRPGPiranha Bytes2001
Gothic IIRPGPiranha Bytes2003
Gouranga GameunknownCellSoftunknown
Gouranga PikourangaunknownCellSoftunknown
Gran Prix CircuitSportAccolade1988
Grand monster slamActionRainbow Arts1989
Grand Prixunknown1989
Grand Prix 2SportMicroProse1995
Grand Prix 500 2SimulationMicroids1991
Grand Prix 500 2Sport1991
Grand Prix 500 ccSportMicroïds1986
Grand Prix 500ccunknownMicroïds1987
Grand Prix CircuitSportAccolade1988
Grand Prix CircuitunknownAccolade1988
Grand prix manager 2SportMicroProse1996
Grand Prix UnlimitedSport1992
Grand Prix WizardSport1996
Grand Slam BridgeSportCybron1986
Grand Theft AutoActionDMA Design1997
Grand Theft Autounknown1997
Grand Theft AutoActionTake-Two Interactive, Inc.1997
Grand Theft AutoActionDMA Design1997
Grand Theft Auto 2ActionDMA Design1999
Grand Theft Auto 2unknown1999
Grandmaster ChessunknownIntraCorp, Inc.unknown
Grandmaster ChessunknownCapstone1992
Grandmaster ChessStrategyCapstone1992
Great Courts 2SportBlue Byte1991
Great Courts 2unknownBlue Byte1991
Great Giana Sisters, TheActionTime Warp Productions1987
Great Napoleonic BattlesStrategy1991
Great Naval Battles vol. 2: Guadalcanal 1942 - 43Simulation1994
Great Naval Battles vol. 3: Fury in the Pacific 1941-1944Simulation1995
Great Naval Battles vol. 4: Burning Steel, 1939-1942Simulation1995
Great Naval Battles vol. 5: Demise of the Dreadnoughts 1914-18Simulation1996
Great Naval Battles Vol. II: Guadalcanal 1942-43unknownSSI1994
Great Naval Battles Vol. IV: Burning Steel, 1939-1942StrategySSI1995
Great Naval Battles: Fury in the Pacific, 1941-44unknownDivide By Zero Software1995
Great Naval Battles: North Atlantic 1939 - 1943Simulation1992
Great Naval Battles: North Atlantic 1939-43 - America in the AtlanticunknownSSI1993
Great Naval Battles: North Atlantic 1939-43 - Scenario BuilderunknownSSI1993
Great Naval Battles: North Atlantic 1939-43 - Super Ships of the AtlanticunknownSSI1993
Green Eggs and HamunknownBroderbund1996
Gremlins 2ActionHi Tech Expressions1991
Gremlins 2ActionTopo Soft1990
Grid PokerSportJeff Anderson1994
Griel’s Quest for the SangraalunknownKaroshi Corp.2005
Grim FandangoAdventureLucasArts1998
Grim FandangoAdventureLucasArts1998
GrimeMiscMark Elendt1989
GripplePuzzleDoug B.1990
GrouchActionDinamic Multimedia2000
Ground ControlStrategy2000
Ground ControlStrategySierra On-Line Inc.2000
Ground WarStrategyEnque Software1991
Ground WarStrategyEnque Software1991
Ground War 2StrategyEnque Software1991
Ground War 2StrategyEnque Software1991
Grover's Animal AdventuresunknownHi-Tech Expressions1988
Grover's Animal AdventuresunknownHi-Tech1987
Guardians of Infinity: to Save KennedyAdventure1988
Guarida Valshar, LaunknownJarel1998
Guerilla WarActionData East1987
Guerrero SolitarioActionInfodisc1989
Guerrilla Warunknown1987
Guerrilla WarActionSNK1987
Guerrilla WarunknownData East1987
Guerrilla WarunknownData East1987
Guía Ciclismo Actual 96unknownDDM1996
Guillermo TellActionOpera Soft1989
Guldkorn ExpressenPuzzle1991
Gulf StrikeStrategy1986
Gulf StrikeunknownThe Avalon Hill1985
Gumboots AustraliaAdventure1990
Gunboat – River Combat SimulationSimulationAccolade1990
Gunman Chroniclesunknownunknown
Guns 'R' Usunknown1993
Gunship 2000unknownMicroproseunknown
Gus and the Cyberbuds: Stellar Game CellarunknownModern Media Ventures1996
Gus Goes to Cyberstone ParkunknownModern Media Ventures1996
Gus Goes to CybertownunknownModern Media Ventures1993
Guts 'n' Garters in DNA DangerunknownMagic Canvas Entertainment1997
Guy Spy and the crystals of ArmageddonActionReadySoft Incorporated1992
Guy Spy and the Crystals of ArmageddonAdventure1992
Guy Spy and the crystals of ArmageddonActionReadySoft Incorporated1992
Guy Spy and the Crystals of ArmageddonunknownReadysoft1992
Guy Spy and the Crystals of ArmageddonunknownReadysoft1992
H.U.R.L.ActionMillennium Media Group1994
H.U.R.L.unknownMillennium Media Group1995
H.U.R.L. (Slob Zone 3D)Action1994
H2OunknownWebfoot Technologies, Inc.unknown
Hacker 2 - The Doomsday PapersStrategyActivision1986
Hacker II: The Doomsday PapersAdventureActivision1986
Haegemonia: Legions of IronStrategyDigital Reality2002
Half-LifeActionSierra On-Line Inc.1998
Halloween HarryRPGApogee1994
Halloween HarryunknownApogee1994
Halls of Montezuma: A Battle History of the United States Marine CorpsunknownSSG1990
Halls of Montezuma: A Battle History of the United States Marine CorpsunknownSSG1990
Halls of the Dead: Faery Tale Adventure IIunknownThe Dreamers Guild1997
Halo: Combat Evolvedunknownunknown
Hamburger HellAction1986
Hammer BoyActionDinamic Software1991
Hammer BoyActionDinamic1991
Hammer BoyunknownDinamic1990
Hammer of the GodsStrategyHolistic Design1994
Hammer of the GodsunknownHolistic Design1994
Hammer of the GodsStrategyHolistic Design1995
HamstersStrategyInterQuest Productions1994
HamstersPuzzleInterQuest Productions1993
Hamtaro JankenunknownShogakukan2000
Hamtaro Painting GameunknownShogukanunknown
HangmanPuzzleKhobey Software1988
HangmanPuzzleKhobey Software1988
HangmanunknownMicroforum Manufacturing Inc.1992
Hanna-Barbera's Cartoon CarnivalunknownFunhouse Design1995
Hanse - Die Expedition \(German\)StrategyAscon GmbH1994
Happyland AdventuresActionFree Lunch Design2000
Harald HardtandActionPalmolive A/S1992
Hard Drivin'Sport1990
Hard Drivin'unknownDomark1990
Hard Drivin'unknownDomark1990
Hard Drivin' 2unknownDomark1990
Hard Hat MackActionElectronic Arts1984
Hard Hat MackAction1984
Hard Hat MackunknownElectronic Arts1984
Hard NovaRPGElectronic Arts1990
Hard NovaunknownElectronic Arts1990
Hard NovaunknownElectronic Arts1990
Hardball 2unknown1989
Hardball 2unknownAccolade1989
Hardball 2unknownAccolade1989
HardBall 3SportAccolade1992
Hardball 3unknownAccolade1992
Hardball 3unknownAccolade1992
Hardball 3unknownAccolade1992
Hardball 4SportAccolade1994
HardBall 4unknownMindSpan1994
Hardball 5SportAccolade1995
Hariboy's QuestunknownCondor Software1996
Harlem GlobetrottersSportGameTek1990
Harley Davidson: Road To SturgisSimulationMindscape1989
Harley-Davidson: The Road to SturgisunknownMindscape1989
HarpoonunknownThree-Sixty Pacific1989
HarpoonStrategyThree-Sixty Pacific1989
HarpoonunknownThree-Sixty Pacific1989
HarpoonunknownThree-Sixty Pacific1989
HarpoonunknownThree-Sixty Pacific1989
Harpoon 2unknownThree-Sixty Pacific1994
Harpoon BattleSet 2: North Atlantic ConvoysunknownThree-Sixty Pacific1989
Harpoon BattleSet 2: North Atlantic ConvoysunknownThree-Sixty Pacific1989
Harpoon BattleSet 2: North Atlantic ConvoysunknownThree-Sixty Pacific1989
Harpoon BattleSet 3: The MED ConflictunknownThree-Sixty Pacific1989
Harpoon BattleSet 3: The MED ConflictunknownThree-Sixty Pacific1989
Harpoon BattleSet 4: IOPGunknownThree-Sixty Pacific1989
Harpoon Challenger Pak - Signature EditionunknownThree-Sixty Pacific1989
Harpoon Designers' Series 1: BattleSet EnhancerunknownThree-Sixty Pacific1989
Harpoon Designers' Series 2: Post-Graduate Naval Operations & TacticsunknownThree-Sixty Pacific1989
Harpoon Patch DiskunknownThree-Sixty Pacific1989
Harpoon Scenario EditorunknownThree-Sixty Pacific1989
Harpoon Scenario EditorunknownThree-Sixty Pacific1989
Harrier Jump JetunknownMicroprose1992
Harrier Jump JetStrategyMicroprose1992
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stoneunknown2001
HarvesterAdventureDigiFX Interactive1996
Hat TrickSportBally Sente1987
Hat TrickSportBally Sente1984
Haunted Mission AdventureAdventureAdventureWare1986
Hawaii High - The Mystery of the TikiunknownSanctuary Woods1994
Head over Heels RemakeunknownHelmantika2003
Headline Harry and the Great Paper RaceStrategyDavidson & Associates1991
Headline Harry and The Great Paper RaceunknownDavidson & Associates1991
Heart of ChinaAdventureSierra1991
Hearts for WindowsunknownPaul Pedriana1991
Hearts of IronStrategyParadox Entertainment2002
Heat Wave - Offshore Superboat RacingSimulationAccolade1990
Heaven and EarthStrategyBuena Vista Software1992
Heaven';s DawnAdventureArt 9 Entertainment Inc.1995
Heavy BarrelActionData East Corporation1989
Heavy MetalActionAccess1989
Hedor del Dinero, ElunknownLópez Grao1993
HeimdallRPGCore Design1992
HeimdallunknownCore Design1992
Heimdall 2ActionCore Design1994
Heimdall 2unknownCore Design1994
Heimdall 2: Into the Hall of WorldsRPG1994
Heimdall 2: Into the Hall of WorldsunknownCore Design LTD.1994
Heimdall 2: Into the Hall of WorldsRPGThe 8th Day1994
Heirs to the throneStrategyQuantum Quality Productions1993
Helicopter MissionunknownBundeswehr1993
Helicopter MissionunknownBundeswehr1993
Helicopter SimulatorSimulation??unknown
HeliousStrategyAlbino Frog Software, Inc.1993
Helious 2StrategyAlbino Frog Software, Inc.1993
Hell - A Cyberpunk ThrillerAdventureGameTek1994
Hell: A Cyberpunk ThrillerunknownTake-Two Interactive1994
Hellcat AceSimulationMicroProse1984
Hellcat AceunknownMicroprose1984
Hellfire ZoneSimulationPanoramic Software1995
Helter SkelterActionThe Assembly Line1989
Helter SkelterPuzzle1989
Hercules Print StudiounknownDisney Interactive1997
HereticActionRaven Software1994
HereticActionid Software1994
Hereticunknownid Software1994
Heretic: Shadow of the Serpent RidersActionID Software1994
Hero QuestAdventureGremlin Interactive1991
Hero Questunknown221B Software Development1995
Hero's Quest: So you Want to be a HeroRPGSierra On-Line1989
Hero’s Quest: So You Want To Be A HeroRPGSierra On-Line1989
Hero';s HeartStrategyEverett Kaser Software1992
Hero's Quest: So You Want to be a HerounknownSierra1989
Hero's Quest: So You Want to be a HerounknownSierra1989
Hero's Quest: So You Want to be a HeroStrategySierra1989
Heroes CollectionMiscTopo Soft1992
Heroes of Might & MagicStrategyNew World Computing1996
Heroes of Might & Magic 2 - Gold EditionStrategyNew World Computing1996
Heroes of Might & Magic 3MiscNew World Computing1999
Heroes of Might and MagicAdventureNew World Computing1995
Heroes of Might and MagicStrategyNew World Computing1995
Heroes of Might and Magic IIStrategy1996
Heroes of Might and Magic II: The Succession WarsAdventureThe 3DO Company1996
Heroes of Might and Magic II: The Succession WarsStrategyNew World Computing1996
Heroes of Might and Magic III: The Restoration of ErathiaStrategy1999
Heroes of Might and Magic III: The Restoration of ErathiaStrategyNew World Computing1999
Heroes of the 357thSimulation1992
Heroes of the 357thunknownElectronic Arts1992
Heroes of the 357thunknownElectronic Arts1992
Heroes of the 357thunknownElectronic Arts1992
Heroes of the LanceActionSSI1988
Heroes of the Lanceunknown1989
Heroes of the LanceunknownSSI1989
Heroes of the LanceAdventureSSI1989
Heroes of the LanceStrategySSI1989
Heroes of the LanceunknownSSI1989
HeroQuestMiscGremlin Graphics Software Ltd.1991
Heroquest 2004StrategyFreeware2004
Heros: The Sanguine SevenAction1993
HexenunknownRaven Software1995
HexenAdventureRaven Software1995
Hexen 2ActionRaven1997
Hexen: Beyond Hereticunknown1995
Hexen: Beyond HereticActionID Software1995
HextrisPuzzleEzra Dreisbach1991
Hexx: Heresy of the WizardRPG1994
HexxagonPuzzleArgo Games1993
Hexxagon 2PuzzleArgo Games1993
Hi-OctaneSportElectronic Arts1995
Hidden Agendaunknown1989
Hidden AgendaStrategySpringboard1988
Hidden AgendaStrategyTrans Fiction1988
Hidden RunawayunknownPendulo Studios2012
High CommandunknownKamyan Software1992
High Command: Europe 1939-'45unknownThree-Sixty Pacific1992
High Command: Europe 1939-45Strategy1992
High Seas Traderunknown1995
Highway FighterSport1995
Highway HunterActionSafari Software1994
Highway HunterSport1994
Highway Hunter: Episode 1unknownB&N Companies1995
Highway Patrol 2Sport1990
Highway Patrol IIunknownMicroids1990
Highway Patrol IIAdventureMicroids1990
Highway Patrol IIunknownMicroids1990
Hill Street BluesAdventureKrisalis Software Ltd.1991
HillsfarRPGStrategic Simulations Inc1989
Hired GunsRPG1993
Hired GunsunknownDMA Design1995
Hired GunsunknownPsygnosis1993
Hired GunsRPGPsygnosis1993
History Line 1914-1918StrategyBlue Byte1992
History Line 1914-1918StrategyBlue Byte1992
History Line 1914-1918unknownBlue Byte1992
History of the Worldunknown1997
Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, TheAdventureInfocom1984
Hitman: Codename 47ActionEidos Interactive, Inc.2000
Hits for Six: Vol. 7unknownPrism Leisure1994
Hobbit, The: Software AdventureAdventureBeam Software1982
Hockey League Simulatorunknown1990
Hocus PocusActionApgoee1994
Hocus PocusActionApogee Software, LTD.1994
Hocus PocusunknownApogee1994
Hocus PocusunknownApogee1994
Hocus PocusPuzzleApogee1994
Hole in One Miniature GolfSportDigitek1989
Holiday islandSimulationSunflowers1997
Holiday LemmingsStrategyPsygnosis1993
Holiday Lemmings '93PuzzlePsygnosis Limited1993
Holiday Lemmings '94MiscPsygnosis Limited1994
Holiday Lemmings 1993PuzzlePsygnosis1993
Hollywood HijinxAdventureInfocom1986
Hollywood MonstersAdventurePendulo Studios1997
Hollywood PicturesStrategyStarbyte1995
Hollywood SquaresPuzzleGametek1988
Hollywood SquaresPuzzle1989
Holy GrailAdventure1984
Holye Classic Card GamesStrategySierra1993
Home AloneActionCapstone1991
Home AloneunknownManley & Associates1991
Homeword SpellerunknownSoftware Design Associates1986
HomeworldAdventureSierra On-Line Inc.1999
Homeworld: CataclysmStrategyBarking Dog Studios2000
Homey D. ClownAdventure1993
Homey D. ClownunknownCapstone1993
Hooligans: Storm Over EuropeStrategy2002
Horacio EsquiadorActionPanik Software2004
Horror Zombies from the CryptActionAstral Software1990
Hostage: Rescue MissionActionInfogrames1989
Hostile WatersStrategyRage2001
Hot SpeedActionEdiciones Mago1996
HotshotunknownPrism Leisure1989
House of CardsStrategy1989
House of CardsunknownVirgin1989
House of the Deadunknown1998
HovertankActionid Software1991
How Things Work in BusytownunknownRichard Scarry1994
Hoyle - Book of Games Vol. 1unknownSierra1989
Hoyle - Book of Games Vol. 1unknownSierra1989
Hoyle - Book of Games Vol. 1unknownSierra1989
Hoyle - Book of Games Vol. 1unknownSierra1989
Hoyle - Book of Games Vol. 2unknownSierra1990
Hoyle - Book of Games Vol. 2unknownSierra1990
Hoyle - Book of Games Vol. 2unknownSierra1990
Hoyle - Book of Games Vol. 2SimulationSierra1990
Hoyle - Book of Games Vol. 2unknownSierra1990
Hoyle - Book of Games Vol. 3unknownSierra1991
Hoyle - Book of Games Vol. 3unknownSierra1991
Hoyle Classic GamesunknownSierra1995
Hoyle Official Book of GamesStrategySierra On-Line1989
Hoyle Official Book of Games: Volume 1MiscSierra On-Line Inc.1989
Hoyle SolitaireunknownSierra On-Line1996
Hoyle's Book of Games 2 - SolitaireunknownSierra1990
Hoyle's Book of Games 3 - Great Board GamesunknownSierra1991
Hugo 2 - Whodunit?AdventureGray Design Associates1991
Hugo 2: Whodunit?Adventure1991
Hugo 2: Whodunit?AdventureGray Design Associates1992
Hugo 3: Jungle of DoomAdventure1992
Hugo II: Whodunit?AdventureGray Design Associates1992
Hugo III: Jungle of Doom!AdventureGray Design Associates1993
Hugo på Nye EventyrActionITE1994
Hugo's House of HorrorsAdventureGray Design Associates1990
Hugo’s House of HorrorsAdventureGray Design Associates1990
Hugo's House of HorrorsAdventureGray Design Associates1990
Hugo's House of HorrorAdventureGray Design Ass.1990
Hugo's House of HorrorsAdventure1990
Hugo's House of HorrorsunknownGray Design Associates1990
Humans 3: Evolution - Lost in TimePuzzle1995
Humans, TheActionImagitec, GameTek1992
Humphrey RemakeActionRetrospec2004
HuntedunknownNiklas Hemsidaunknown
Hunter HuntedunknownDynamix1996
Hunter HuntedActionDynamix1996
HurlementsActionUbi Soft1988
Hurra DeutschlandStrategyPromotion Software1994
Hurra DeutschlandunknownRainbow Arts1994
Hyper Princess PitchActionRemar Games2011
HyperoidActionFree Software Foundation1989
HyperoidunknownHutchins Software1991
I Have No Mouth And I Must ScreamAdventureAcclaim Entertainment1995
I Have No Mouth, and I Must ScreamAdventureThe Dreamers Guild1995
I-0 Jailbait on the InterstateAdventureAdam Cadre1997
I-WarSimulationParticle Systems1997
I, Damiano - The Wizard of PartestradaAdventureBantam1985
I, Damiano: The Wizard of PartestradaAdventureBantam Software1985
I. M. MeenunknownAnimation Magic, Inc.1995
I.M. MeenEducationalAnimation Magic1995
Ian Botham's CricketSportGamart, Mason Software1992
Ian Botham's CricketunknownCelebrity Software1991
IBM BASIC QuizEducationalApogee1988
IcebloxunknownKarl Hörnell1996
Icewind DaleMiscAtari2001
Icewind DaleRPG2000
Icewind DaleAdventureInterplay Entertainment2000
Icewind DaleRPGBlack Isle Studios2000
Icewind Dale 2RPGAtari2002
Icon - The Quest for the RingAdventureMacrocom, Inc.1984
If It Moves, Shoot ItActionBroderbund1989
IgnitionSportVirgin Interactive1997
Igor - Objective UikokahoniaAdventureOptik Software1995
Igor: Objective UikokahoniaAdventureOptik Software, Inc.1995
Igor: Objetivo UikokahoniaAdventurePendulo Studios1994
Ikari III: The RescueAction1990
Ikari WarriorsActionSNK1986
Ikari WarriorsunknownData East1986
Ikari Warriors 2 - Victory RoadActionSNK1986
Ikari Warriors II: Victory RoadunknownData East1986
Il drago delle caverneAdventureFreewareunknown
Il Filo di AriannaunknownFederico Motta Editore1990
Il giardino incantatoAdventureFreeware1995
Il Grande Gioco di Tangentopoliunknown1993
IL-2 Sturmovik - 1946SimulationUbisoft2006
Illusions of Deception Episode 1unknownStasis Enterprisesunknown
Illusions of Deception Episode 2unknownStasis Enterprisesunknown
Imperial Conquest 2StrategySerious Games1997
Imperial GloryunknownEidos2005
ImperialismunknownFrog City Software, Inc.unknown
ImperialismStrategyFrog City1997
Imperialism 2: The Age of ExplorationStrategyFrog City1999
ImperiumStrategyElectronic Arts1990
ImperiumStrategyElectronic Arts1990
Imperium Galactica 2StrategyDigital Reality2000
Imperium RomanumAdventureEGO Software1996
Impossible Mission 2ActionEpyx1988
Impossible Mission IIunknownEpyx1988
In ExtremisActionU.S. Gold1993
In ExtremisunknownUS Gold1993
In Search of Dr. RiptideAction1994
In Search of Dr. RiptideActionPack Media, Inc.1994
In Search of the Most Amazing ThingEducationalSpinnaker Software1983
In the 1st DegreeAdventureunknown
In the ChipsunknownCreative Software1984
In the Days of Knights & KingsStrategyEntrex Software1989
In the Dead of NightAdventureTrecision S.p.A.1995
IncaunknownCoktel Vision1992
IncaunknownCoktel Vision1993
IncaAdventureSierra On-Line Inc.1992
IncaActionCoktel Vision1993
IncaunknownCoktel Vision1993
IncaunknownCoktel Vision1993
IncaAdventureCoktel Vision1993
IncaActionCoktel Vision1993
IncaActionCoktel Vision1993
IncaunknownCoktel Vision1993
Inca 2unknownCoktel Vision1993
Inca 2unknownCoktel Vision1993
Inca 2 - Nations of ImmortalityAdventureCoktel Vision1994
Incredible Machine, ThePuzzleSierra On-Line1993
IncubationStrategyBlue Byte1997
IncunabulaStrategyAvalon Hill1986
IndentureAdventureCraig Pell1991
Independence Dayunknownunknown
Independence WarSimulation1997
Independence War 2ActionAtari2001
Independence War 2: Edge Of ChaosSimulation2001
Independence War DeluxeMiscAtari1999
Indiana Jones 3 - and the Last CrusadeunknownLucasArts1989
Indiana Jones 4 - and the Fate of AtlantisunknownLucasArts1992
Indiana Jones and his Desktop AdventuresunknownLucasArts1996
Indiana Jones and his Desktop AdventuresAdventureLucasArts1996
Indiana Jones and his Desktop AdventuresunknownLucas Arts1996
Indiana Jones and his Desktop AdventuresunknownLucas Arts1996
Indiana Jones and his Desktop AdventuresunknownLucas Arts1996
Indiana Jones and the Fate of AtlantisAdventureLucasArts1992
Indiana Jones and the Fate of AtlantisAdventureLucas Arts1992
Indiana Jones and the Fate of AtlantisunknownLucas Arts1992
Indiana Jones and the Fate of AtlantisunknownLucas Arts1992
Indiana Jones and the Fate of AtlantisunknownLucas Arts1992
Indiana Jones and the Fate of AtlantisAdventureLucas Arts1992
Indiana Jones and the Fate of AtlantisunknownLucas Arts1992
Indiana Jones and the Fate of AtlantisunknownLucas Arts1992
Indiana Jones and the Fate of AtlantisAdventureLucas Arts1992
Indiana Jones and the Fate of AtlantisAdventureLucas Arts1992
Indiana Jones and the Fate of AtlantisRPGLucas Arts1992
Indiana Jones and the Fate of AtlantisunknownLucas Arts1992
Indiana Jones and the Fate of AtlantisunknownLucas Arts1992
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis: The Action GameunknownLucas Arts1992
Indiana Jones and the Infernal MachineAdventureLucasArts1999
Indiana Jones and the Last CrusadeActionLucasGames1989
Indiana Jones and the Temple of DoomActionAtari Games1989
Indiana Jones and the Temple of DoomunknownLucas Arts1989
Indiana Jones and the Temple of DoomAdventureLucas Arts1989
Indiana Jones in Revenge of the AncientsAdventureMindscape1987
Indiana Jones: Revenge of the AncientsAdventure1987
Indianapolis 500SimulationPapyrus Design Group1989
Indianapolis 500Sport1989
Indianapolis 500SportPapyrus1989
Indianapolis 500: The SimulationunknownPapyrus1989
Indianapolis 500: The SimulationunknownPapyrus1989
Indianapolis 500: The SimulationunknownPapyrus1989
Indianapolis 500: The SimulationunknownPapyrus1989
Indianapolis 500: The SimulationunknownPapyrus1989
Indianapolis 500: The SimulationunknownPapyrus1989
Indianapolis Motor Speedway Expansion PackunknownPapyrus1993
Industry Giant 2unknown2002
IndyCar RacingSimulationPapyrus Publishing1993
IndyCar RacingSportPapyrus1993
IndyCar RacingunknownPapyrus1993
IndyCar RacingunknownPapyrus1993
IndyCar RacingunknownPapyrus1993
IndyCar Racing 2SimulationSierra1996
IndyCar Racing Expansion PackunknownPapyrus1993
InfernoActionOcean of America1994
Inferno: The Odyssey ContinuesActionDigital Image Design1994
Infiltrator 2StrategyMindscape1987
Infiltrator 2unknown1988
Infiltrator IIunknownMindscape1988
Infinite PatienceunknownShaun Flisakowskiunknown
Infra ArcanaRPGMartin Törnqvist2011
Ingrid';s BackAdventureLevel 9 Computing1988
Inherit the Earth - Quest for the OrbAdventureNew World Computing1994
Inherit the Earth - Quest for the OrbAdventureNew World Computing1994
Inherit the Earth: Quest for the OrbAdventureThe Dreamers Guild1995
Inner WorldsAction1996
Inner WorldsActionSleepless Software Inc.1996
Innocent until caughtAdventurePsygnosis1993
Innocent Until CaughtAdventure1993
Innocent Until CaughtAdventurePsygnosis Limited1993
Innocent Until CaughtAdventureDivide By Zero1994
Innocent Until CaughtAdventurePsygnosis1994
Innocent Until CaughtunknownPsygnosis1994
Inordinate DesireStrategyBlack Legend Software1995
Inordinate DesireunknownBlack Legend1995
Inside TraderStrategySoftServ, Inc.1987
Inside Traderunknown1987
Inspector GadgetAdventureAzeroth1992
Inspector Gadget: Global terror!Adventure1992
Inspektor Zebok: Das ErbeAdventureSillyWood Productions1994
Intel386 SX Math CoProcessor UtilitiesunknownIntel1991
Intelligent Strategy Games 10StrategyOxford Softworks1993
Interactive Girls Club GamesPuzzle1993
Interactive Girls collectionAdultInteractive Girls Club1993
International AthleticsSportZeppelin Games1993
International AthleticsSportOpera Soft1992
International AthleticsSportTrue Emotions1992
International Bridge ContractorsStrategyGreystone Software1984
International Cricket Captain IIISportChildish Things2007
International KarateSportSystem 31989
International KarateunknownSystem 31986
International Moto XunknownGraftgold1996
International Ninja RabbitsAction1991
International Ninja RabbitsunknownMicroValue1991
International Open Golf ChampionshipSportOcean Software1993
International Rugby ChallengeunknownOxford Mobius1993
International Sensible SoccerunknownSensible Software1992
International SoccerSportZeppelin Games Ltd.1994
International SoccerunknownZeppelin1994
International Soccer ChallengeSportRed Rat Software1990
International Soccer ChallengeunknownMicroStyle1990
International Sports ChallengeSportEmpire Software1992
International Superstar Soccer 3SportKonami Computer Entertainment Osaka (KCEO)2003
International TennisSportZeppelin Games1993
International TennisunknownZeppelin1993
International TennisunknownZeppelin1993
International Tennis OpenSportInfogrames1994
International Tennis OpenunknownInfogrames1994
InterphaseunknownImage Works1989
Interplay's 10 Year Anthology CD-ROMunknownInterplay1993
InterposeActionKatz Media1996
InterposeunknownTwilight Zone Software1996
InterposeActionKatz Media AS1996
Interpose X-mas GreetingsActionTwilight Zone Software1996
Interpose Xmas GreetingsActionKatz Media AS1996
Interstate '76ActionActivision1997
Interstate '76Sport1997
Into the Eagle';s NestActionMindscape1987
Invaders 1978ActionJames Eibisch1996
Invaders 78unknown2000
Invasion of the Mutant Space Bats of DoomActionPop Software1995
Invasion of the Mutant Space Bats of DoomActionPop Software1994
Invasion of the Mutant Space Bats of DoomActionPop Software1994
Invisible Hours, TheunknownGame Trust2017
Iron BloodAction1996
Iron CrossStrategyNew World Computing1994
Iron CrossStrategy1994
Iron CrossunknownNew World Computing1994
Iron LordStrategyUbi Soft1990
Iron LordStrategy1990
Iron LordunknownUbi Soft1990
Iron LordunknownUbi Soft1990
Iron SeedSimulation1994
Iron Seedunknown1994
Iron SeedStrategyChannel 71994
Ironman OffroadunknownThe Leland Corporationunknown
Ironman's Offroad RacingunknownTradewest1990
Ironman's Offroad RacingunknownTradewest1990
Ironman's Offroad RacingunknownTradewest1990
IronSeedStrategyChannel 71994
Ishar 2: Messengers of DoomRPG1994
Ishar 2: Messengers of DoomunknownSilmarils1994
Ishar 3: The Seven Gates of InfinityRPGSilmarils1994
Ishar 3: The Seven Gates of InfinityRPGSilmarils1994
Ishar 3: The Seven Gates of InfinityRPGSilmarils1994
Ishar compilationRPGSilmarils1994
Ishar: Legend of the fortressRPGSilmarils1992
Ishar: Legend of the FortressRPG1992
Ishar: Legend of the FortressunknownSilmarils1992
Ishar: Legend of the FortressAdventureSilmarils1992
Ishido: The Way of StonesunknownAccolade1990
IskibActionCompute! Publication1989
Isla de Tokland, LaunknownÁngel Ros1999
Isla, Amante NaturalunknownEdison Soft1999
Island of DangerAdventureRichard E. Carr1991
Island of Dr. BrainunknownSierra1992
Island of Mystery AdventureAdventureAdventureWare1985
Island PerilunknownElectric Fantasies1995
Isle of the DeadActionRainmaker Software1993
Isle of the DeadunknownRainmaker Software1994
Isle of the Deadunknown?1993
Isle WarsStrategySoleau Software1994
It Came From the DesertAdventureCinemaware1989
It Came from the DesertActionCinemaware1989
It Came from the DesertunknownCinemaware1990
It Came from the DesertunknownCinemaware1990
It's a Funny Old GameunknownAnguilla Software1996
Italy 1990SportU.S. Gold Ltd.1990
Italy 1990unknown1990
Italy 1990unknownCodemasters1990
Italy 90 aka World Class SoccerSportUS Gold1990
Italy 90 SoccerunknownSimulmondo1989
J-BirdPuzzleOrion Software, Inc.1983
J-BirdActionOrion Software1983
J.R.R. Tolkien's Riders of RohanStrategy1997
J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings, Vol. IRPG1990
J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings, Vol. II: The Two TowersRPG1992
JabatounknownAventuras AD1989
JabatounknownAventuras AD1989
Jabato \(Spanish\)AdventureAventuras AD1989
JabbertalkyEducationalAutomated Simulations1982
Jack Flash: Mutiny of the ThingsActionCAPS Softwaredesign1994
Jack in the DarkAdventureInfogrames Europe1993
Jack in the Darkunknown1993
Jack in the DarkAdventureInterplay Productions1993
Jack Nicklaus Gold & Course Design - Signature EditionSportAccolade1992
Jack Nicklaus Gold & Course Design - Signature EditionSportAccolade1992
Jack Nicklaus Gold & Course Design - Signature EditionSportAccolade1992
Jack Nicklaus Golf & Course Design: Signature EditionunknownAccolade1992
Jack Nicklaus Golf & Course Design: Signature Editionunknown1992
Jack Nicklaus Screen SaversunknownAccolade1994
Jack Nicklaus' Greatest 18 Holes of Major Championship GolfSportAccolade1988
Jack Nicklaus' Greatest 18 Holes of Major Championship GolfSportAccolade1988
Jack Nicklaus' Greatest 18 Holes of Major Championship GolfunknownAccolade1988
Jack Nicklaus' Unlimited Golf & Course DesignunknownAccolade1990
Jack Nicklaus' Unlimited Golf & Course DesignunknownAccolade1990
Jack the RipperMiscGameTek1995
Jack the RipperAdventure1995
JackalActionViper Games1993
Jackson CityActionG.LL.1990
Jagdverband 44ActionHammer Technologies2000
Jagged AllianceStrategy1994
Jagged AllianceStrategySir-Tech1995
Jagged AllianceStrategySir-Tech1995
Jagged Alliance - Deadly GamesStrategySir-Tech Software1995
Jagged Alliance 2unknownunknown
Jagged Alliance 2Strategy1999
Jagged Alliance 2StrategySir-Tech1999
Jagged Alliance: Deadly GamesStrategySir-Tech1996
Jahanghir Khan';s SquashSportKrisalis1991
Jahangir Khan World Championship SquashunknownKrisalis1990
James Bond 007: GoldfingerAdventure1986
James Clavell's ShogununknownVirgin1986
James Clavell's ShogununknownVirgin1986
James Clavell's ShogununknownVirgin1986
James Clavell's ShogunAdventureInfocom1989
James Clavell's ShogunAdventure1989
James PerisAdventurePavo Entertainment2012
James Pond 2 - Codename: RobocodActionElectronic Arts1991
James Pond 2 - Codename: RobocodAdventureElectronic Arts1991
James Pond 2 - Codename: RobocodunknownElectronic Arts1991
James Pond 2: Codename: RoboCodAction1993
James Pond 2: Codename: RoboCodActionMillennium Interactive Ltd.1993
James Pond II - RoboCodActionMillenium1993
Jane's Combat Simulations: Advanced Tactical FightersSimulation1996
Janitor JoeActionKevin Bales1984
Janitor JoeAction1984
Jazz JackrabbitAction1994
Jazz JackrabbitActionEpic MegaGames1994
Jazz JackrabbitActionEpic Megagames1994
Jazz Jackrabbit - Holiday Hare 1995ActionEpic MegaGames1995
Jazz Jackrabbit 2: The Secret FilesActionGathering of Developers1999
Jazz Jackrabbit Holiday HareAction1994
Jazz the JackrabbitActionEpic Games1994
Jazz the Jackrabbit 2: Holiday Hare '98ActionGathering of Developers1998
Jazz the Jackrabbit 2: The Christmas ChroniclesActionNCI Dotcom1999
Jazz The Jackrabbit: Holiday Hare '94ActionEpic Games1994
Jazz The Jackrabbit: Holiday Hare '95ActionEpic Games1995
Jedi Knight: Dark Forces IIAction1997
Jeep WarActionEdiciones Manali1991
Jeopardy!PuzzleSharedata Inc1987
Jeopardy! 1st EditionunknownGametek1990
Jeopardy! 2nd EditionunknownGametek1990
Jeopardy! 3rd EditionStrategyShareData1989
Jeopardy! 4th EditionStrategyShareData1990
Jeopardy! Junior EditionStrategyShareData1989
Jeopardy! New Sports EditionStrategyShareData1988
Jeopardy! Sports EditionunknownGametek1990
Jesus MatchupEducationalGodly Games1994
Jet MotoSimulationSony Interactive Studios1997
Jet Set WillyActionSoftware Projects1984
Jet Set Willy remakeAction1999
Jet StrikeunknownTeam Hoi1994
JetFighter - The AdventureSimulationVelocity1988
Jetfighter 2: Advanced Tactical FighterSimulation1990
JetFighter II: Advanced Tactical FighterunknownVelocity1990
JetFighter II: Advanced Tactical FighterunknownVelocity1990
JetFighter II: Advanced Tactical FighterunknownVelocity1990
JetFighter: The AdventureunknownVelocity1988
JetpackActionAdam Petersen1993
JetpackActionSoftware Creations Ltd.1993
JetpackActionSoftware Creations1993
Jetpack: Christmas SpecialAction1993
Jetpack: Christmas SpecialActionSoftware Creations1993
Jetsons: The Computer GamePuzzleHi-Tec Software Ltd.1992
Jetsons: The Computer GameunknownHi-Tec1992
Jetsons: The Computer GameunknownHi-Tec1992
JetstrikeSimulationRasputin Software1994
Jewel MasterunknownPeter Siamidis1992
Jewel ThiefunknownPaul Ligeski1992
Jewel Thief 1.3unknownServantWare1992
Jewels of DarknessAdventure1986
Jewels of Darkness \(Trilogy\)AdventureLevel 9 Computing1986
JezzBallunknownDima Pavlovsky1992
JigsawedunknownTito Messerli, Microsoft1991
Jill of the JungleAction1992
Jill of the JungleActionEpic Games1992
Jill of the Jungle: Episode 1unknownEpic MegaGames1992
Jill of the Jungle: Episode 1ActionEpic MegaGames1992
Jill of the Jungle: Episode 1unknownEpic MegaGames1992
Jill of the Jungle: Episode 2ActionEpic MegaGames1992
Jill of the Jungle: Episode 3ActionEpic MegaGames1992
Jill of the Jungle: The Complete TrilogyActionEpic MegaGames1992
Jill of the Jungle: The Complete TrilogyunknownEpic MegaGames1992
Jill of the Jungle: The Complete TrilogyRPGEpic MegaGames1992
Jill the GoddessActionWOPR2K2001
Jim Henson';s Muppet Adventure - Chaos at the CarnavalActionMicromosaics1989
Jim Power - The Lost Dimension in 3DActionLoriciel1993
Jimmy Connors Pro Tennis TourSportUnknown1990
Jimmy Connors Pro Tennis Tourunknown1991
Jimmy Connors Pro Tennis TourSportBlue Byte Software1989
Jimmy White Whirlwind Snookerunknown1991
Jimmy White's Whirlwind SnookerSportVirgin1991
Jimmy White's Whirlwind SnookerunknownVirgin1991
Jimmy White's Whirlwind SnookerunknownVirgin1991
JinxterAdventureMagnetic Scrolls1987
Jo Guest in the Milk RoundAdultInteractive Girls Club1994
Joan of ArcStrategy1989
Joan of Arc - Siege and the SwordStrategyBroderbund1989
Joe & Mac - Caveman NinjaActionNew World Computing1991
Joe & Mac: Caveman NinjaActionData East1991
Joe & Mac: Caveman NinjaunknownData East1991
Joe & Mac: Caveman NinjaunknownData East1991
Joe and Mac Cavemen NinjaAction1991
Joe BladeActionPlayers Software1986
Joe BladeunknownPlayers Software1992
Joe Blade IIActionPlayers Software1988
Joe Montana Footballunknown1990
Joe Montana FootballunknownSEGA1990
Joe Starman on Planet XRPGSpareWizard2018
John Elway's QuaterbackunknownMelbourne House1988
John Madden FootballSportElectronic Arts1989
John Madden Footballunknown1989
John Madden FootballunknownElectronic Arts1988
John Madden FootballAdventureElectronic Arts1988
John Madden FootballunknownElectronic Arts1988
John Madden Football IIunknownElectronic Arts1991
John Madden Football IIunknownElectronic Arts1991
John Saul's Blackstone Chronicles: An Adventure in TerrorAdventureLegend Entertainment1998
Johnny CastawayunknownSierra1991
joinwareunknownHarold Cruz Ortizunknown
Jonah Barrington's SquashunknownMastertronic1987
JonathanAdventureSoftware 20001993
Jones in the Fast LaneStrategySierra1992
Jones in the Fast Laneunknown1991
Jones in the Fast LaneActionSierra On-Line Inc.1991
Jones in the Fast LaneStrategySierra On-Line1990
Jones in the Fast LaneStrategySierra1990
Jones in the Fast LaneStrategySierra1990
Jones in the Fast LaneAdventureSierra1990
Jones in the Fast LaneAdventureSierra1990
Jonny Quest: Curse of the Mayan WarriorsunknownHollyware1993
Jordan vs Bird: One on OneunknownElectronic Arts1988
Jordan vs. Bird: One-on-OneSportElectronic Arts, Inc.1988
Journey to the Center of the EarthAdventureFrogwares2003
Journey to the Center of the Earthunknown1988
Journey: The Quest BeginsAdventure1989
Joust VGAActionDave and Ron Sharpless1990
Joust VGAActionDave and Ron Sharpless1990
Joust VGAAction1990
Joyous RebelRPG1996
Jr. Pac-ManActionThunder Mountain1988
Judge DreddActionAcclaim1996
Judge Dredd: Dredd versus Deathunknownunknown
JuicedunknownJuice Games2005
Julius Erving vs. Larry Bird One-on-oneunknownElectronic Arts1984
Jump 'n BumpAction1998
Jumper Dude & XerixunknownMojo Software1996
JumpjoeActionKevin Bales1984
Jumpman 2ActionApogee1991
Jumpman Lives!ActionApogee Software1991
JumpStart First GradeunknownKnowledge Adventure1995
JumpStart KindergartenunknownKnowledge Adventure1995
JumpStart ToddlersunknownKnowledge Adventure1996
Jungle BookunknownVirgin Interactive Entertainmentunknown
Jungle BookunknownCoktel Vision1988
Jungle HuntunknownAtari1984
Jungle StrikeStrategyGremlin1995
Jungle StrikeunknownHigh Score Productions1995
Jungle Strikeunknown1995
Jungle StrikeActionGremlin1995
Jungle StrikeActionElectronic Arts1995
Jurassic ParkAdventureOcean1993
Jurassic Parkunknown1993
Jurassic ParkunknownOcean1993
Jurassic ParkunknownOcean1993
Jurassic Park: Operation Genesisunknownunknown
Jurassic WarunknownTranquil Revolt in Computer1997
Justicieros, LosAdventurePicmatic1993
JutlandunknownSoftware Sorcery1995
KA-50 HokumSimulationVirgin Interactive1995
KA-50 HokumunknownVirgin1994
KaasMiscSM spellen1994
Kaiser Deluxe \(German\)StrategySoftgold Computerspiele1995
Kamikazi AlienActionVeriSoft Works1982
KampfgruppeStrategyStrategic Simulations Inc.1986
Karate Joe for Windows 3.1unknownSteve Sivulka, WinGames1994
Karate KingActionEdiciones Manali1991
Karate ManunknownRey Kroona1995
KarnovActionData East1987
KarnovActionData East1987
KarnovunknownData East1987
Kasparov’s GambitPuzzleHeuristic Software, Electronic Arts1993
Kasparov';s GambitStrategyElectronic Arts1993
Kathy RainAdventureClifftop Games2016
Katie's FarmEducationalLawrence Productions1991
Keef The ThiefAdventureElectronic Arts1989
Keef the ThiefunknownElectronic Arts1989
Keef the ThiefPuzzleElectronic Arts1989
KeeperRLStrategyMichał Brzozowski2018
Ken´s LabyrinthActionFreeware1993
Ken’s LabyrinthActionAdvanced Systems1993
Ken's Labyrinthunknown1993
Ken's LabyrinthunknownEpic Megagames1993
KengiPuzzleSoftware 20001991
KenoSimulationTed Gruber Software1989
KentrisPuzzleKen Silverman1991
Kerboom!unknownKurt W. Dekker1995
Kerboom!unknownKurt W. Dekker1995
Keys to MaramonRPG1990
KGBAdventureVirgin Games1992
KGBAdventureVirgin Interactive Entertainment1992
KhalaanStrategyRainbow Arts Software GmbH1990
KhalaanunknownRainbow Arts1990
KhurdianunknownIceberg Software1993
Kick Boxing StreetActionEdiciones Manali1992
Kick Off 2SportAnco Software1990
Kick Off 2SportAnco Software1990
Kick Off 3 - European ChallengeSportAnco Software1994
Kick Off 96SportAnco Software1996
Kick Off 97SportAnco Software1997
Kid Pix Painting and CreativityunknownBroderbund1995
Kids on KeysEducationalSpinnaker1984
Kids Rule OK 2unknownAlternative Software1994
Killing CloudunknownImage Works1991
Killing Timeunknownunknown
King Arthur's K.O.R.T. DeluxeunknownMVP Software1995
King Arthur's Knights of the Round TableStrategyMVP Software1994
King Arthur's Knights of the Round TableStrategy1994
King DeckunknownAntiMatter Entertainmentunknown
King Kong 10ActionThird Wave Information Co., Ltd1996
King of ChicagoActionCinemaware1988
King of Chicagounknown1987
King of the RoadSimulationSoftlab-NSK2002
King Pin arcade sports bowlingSportTeam 171995
King´s quest II - Romacing the throneAdventureSierra1987
King´s quest IIIAdventureSierra1987
King´s Quest IV - The perils of RosellaAdventureSierra1988
King´s Quest V - Absence makes the heart go yonderAdventureSierra1990
King´s Quest VI - Heir today gone tomorrowAdventureSierra1992
King's BountyStrategyNew World Computing1990
King's Quest II: Romancing the ThroneAdventureSierra On-Line1987
King's Quest VII: The Princeless BrideAdventureSierra On-Line1994
King's Quest: Quest for the CrownAdventureSierra On-Line1984
King’s BountyStrategyNew World Computing1990
King’s QuestAdventureSierra On-Line, Inc.1984
King's BountyStrategyNew World Computing1990
King's Quest II: Romancing the ThroneAdventureSierra On-Line Inc.1985
King's Quest III: To Heir is HumanAdventureSierra On-Line Inc.1986
King's Quest VI: Heir Today, Gone TomorrowAdventureSierra On-Line Inc.1992
King's Quest: Quest for the CrownAdventureSierra On-Line Inc.1984
King';s Bounty - The LegendRPGKatauri Interactive2008
King';s Table - The Legend of RagnarokStrategyGameTek1993
King';s ValleyActionKonami1985
King's Quest 1 - SCI remakeAdventureSierra1990
King's Quest 7 - The Princeless BrideunknownSierra1994
King's Quest 8 - Mask of EternityunknownSierra1998
King's Quest III Redux: To Heir is HumanAdventure2011
King's Table: The Legend of RagnarokStrategy1993
King's Quest 2: Romancing the ThroneAdventureSierra1987
King's Quest 2: Romancing the ThroneAdventureSierra1987
King's Quest 2: Romancing the ThroneAdventureSierra1987
King's Quest 2: Romancing the ThroneAdventureSierra1987
King's Quest 3: To Heir is HumanunknownSierra1987
King's Quest 3: To Heir is HumanunknownSierra1987
King's Quest 3: To Heir is HumanunknownSierra1987
King's Quest 3: To Heir is HumanunknownSierra1987
King's Quest 3: To Heir is HumanunknownSierra1987
King's Quest 6: Heir Today, Gone TomorrowunknownSierra1992
King's Quest 6: Heir Today, Gone TomorrowunknownSierra1992
King's Quest 6: Heir Today, Gone TomorrowunknownSierra1992
King's Quest 6: Heute Geerbt und Morgen VerschwundenunknownSierra1992
King's Quest 6: Heute Geerbt und Morgen VerschwundenunknownSierra1992
King's Quest 6: Heute Geerbt und Morgen VerschwundenunknownSierra1992
King's Quest VI - Heir today gone tomorrowAdventureSierra1992
King's Quest: Quest for the CrownAdventureSierra1984
King's Quest: Quest for the CrownAdventureSierra1984
King's Quest: Quest for the CrownAdventureSierra1984
King's Quest: Quest for the CrownActionSierra1984
King's Quest: Quest for the CrownunknownSierra1984
King's Quest: Quest for the CrownunknownSierra1984
King's Quest: Quest for the CrownunknownSierra1984
King's Quest: Quest for the CrownunknownSierra1984
King's Table: Legend of RagnarokunknownMirage1993
Kingdom - The Far ReachesAdventureInterplay Entertainment1996
Kingdom at WarStrategyInterscan1992
Kingdom at WarStrategyManaccom Pty Ltd.1995
Kingdom O' MagicAdventureGT Interactive Software Corp.1996
Kingdom of HamilAdventureJonathan Partington1987
Kingdom of HamilAdventure1987
Kingdom of KrozActionApogee1987
Kingdom of Kroz 2Action1990
Kingdom Under FireActionPhantagram Co., Ltd.2001
Kingdom: The Far ReachesAdventure1995
Kingdoms of GermanyStrategyRealism Entertainment1994
Kingdoms of GermanyStrategy1994
KingmakerunknownU.S. Gold1993
KingmakerunknownU.S. Gold1993
Kingmaker - The Quest for the CrownStrategyThe Avalon Hill Game Company1994
Kingpin: Life of Crimeunknownunknown
Kings of beachSportElectronic Arts1989
KixMiscEdward Mueller1995
KlaxPuzzleTengen, Inc.1990
Klik & PlayunknownClickteam1994
Klik & PlayunknownClickteam1994
Klik & Play for Schoolsunknownunknown
Klik of the KollossusunknownSixunknown
Klingon Honor Guardunknownunknown
Knight ExchangeStrategySoftdisk1988
Knight GamesSportMastertronic1988
Knight Gamesunknown1988
Knight GamesSportMastertronic1987
Knight GamesunknownMastertronic1986
Knight GamesunknownMastertronic1986
Knight GamesunknownMastertronic1986
Knight Lore RemakeunknownDevilish Games2002
Knight orcAdventure1987
Knight Rider: The GameActionDavilex2002
KnightmareActionKonami JPN1986
Knightmare RemakeActionDemon Videogames2015
Knights of LegendRPGOrigin Systems1989
Knights of LegendRPG1989
Knights of LegendunknownOrigin1989
Knights of the DesertStrategy1983
Knights of the SkySimulationMicroProse1990
Knights of the SkySimulation1990
Knights of the SkyunknownMicroprose1990
Knights of XentarRPGMegaTech Software1994
Knights of XentarRPGMegaTech1994
Knights of XentarRPGMegatech1994
Knights of Xentar - NR18 patchRPGMegatech1994
Kobayashi NaruAdventureMastertronic1987
Kobayashi NaruAdventure1987
Kobayashi NaruunknownMastertronic1987
Kobayashi NaruunknownMastertronic1987
Kobayashi NaruunknownMastertronic1987
Koło FortunyunknownDariusz Pyżanowski1992
Kome BumbActionEdiciones Mago1996
Konami's Ping Pongunknown1996
Kong's RevengeActionZigurat1991
KoolahPuzzleMarko Teittinen1991
KosmonautActionBluemoon Interactive1990
KosmonautunknownBluemoon Interactive1990
Krazy Ivanunknown1996
Kronolog - The Nazi Paradox aka Red HellAdventureMerit Software1993
Krusty’s Fun HouseActionAudiogenic1992
Krusty';s Super Fun houseActionAcclaim Entertainment1993
Krusty's Super FunhouseAction1993
Krusty's Super Fun HouseunknownAcclaim1992
KryminiPuzzleSoftware Agency1990
Krypton EggPuzzleC2V1994
Kung Fu Louie vs The Martial Art PosseActionElite Software1989
Kurt’s Spaced InvadersActionKurt W. Dekker1995
Kurt's Spaced InvadersActionKurt W. Dekker1995
Kwik Snax DizzyPuzzle1993
KyePuzzleColin Garbutt1992
KyeunknownColin Garbutt1992
KyodaiunknownRene-Gilles Deberdt1997
L.A. CrackdownAdventure1988
L.A. Law: The Computer GameAdventureunknown
L'Eternauta: Gli Invasori della Città Eternaunknown1994
L'Apprendista StregoneAdventureFreewareunknown
L'astronave condannataAdventureFreewareunknown
La Abadia del CrimenAdventureOpera Soft1987
La Abadia del CrimenAdventureOpera Soft1987
La Abadia del CrimenunknownOpera Soft1987
La ColmenaStrategy1992
La Grande ArmeeStrategy1991
LA Law: The Computer GameAdventure1992
Ladder ManActionSoleau Software1992
Laffer's UtilitiesunknownSierra1991
Laffer's UtilitiesunknownSierra1991
Laffer's UtilitiesunknownSierra1991
LAKE AdventureAdventureB.J. Best2023
Lakers vs Celtics and the NBA PlayoffsSportElectronic Arts, Inc.1989
Lakers vs. Celtics and the NBA PlayoffsunknownElectronics Arts1989
Lakers vs. Celtics and the NBA PlayoffsunknownElectronics Arts1989
Lakers vs. Celtics and the NBA PlayoffsunknownElectronics Arts1989
Landing PartyStrategyPC-SIG1989
Lands of Lore - The Throne of ChaosRPGWestwood Studios1993
Lands of Lore 2: Guardians of DestinyRPG1997
Lands of Lore: Guardians of DestinyRPGWestwood Studios1997
Lands of Lore: The Throne of ChaosRPG1993
Lands of Lore: The Throne of ChaosPuzzleVirgin Interactive1993
Lands of Lore: The Throne of ChaosRPGWestwood Studios1993
Lands of Lore: The Throne of ChaosRPGWestwood1993
Lands of Lore: The Throne of ChaosRPGWestwood1993
Lands of Lore: The Throne of ChaosunknownWestwood1993
Lands of Lore: The Throne of ChaosunknownWestwood1993
Lands of Lore: The Throne of Chaos - Patch diskAdventureWestwood1993
Lane Mastodon vs. The BlubbermanAdventureActivision1988
Lane Mastodon vs. The BlubbermenAdventureInfocom1988
Lane Mastodon vs. the BlubbermenAdventureTom Snyder Productions1988
LapiMiscD. Pavlovsky1985
Larry LoaderPuzzleSoleau Software1993
Las Vegas Video PokerStrategyMastertronic1987
Laser ChessStrategyDavid Kujawski1992
Laser LightunknownPixel Painters Corporationunknown
Laser SquadStrategyKrisalis Software1992
Laser SquadunknownKrisalis Software1994
Laser SquadunknownMythos1992
Laser SquadunknownMythos1992
Laser SquadunknownMythos1992
Laser SurgeonMiscActivision, Inc.1987
Laser Surgeon: The Microscopic MissionSimulationActivision1987
Laser Surgeon: The Microscopic MissionunknownActivision1987
Lasersoft Video GamblingunknownLasersoft1993
LaserstrikeunknownKevin Ng1993
LaserwarsStrategyForbidden Gap1994
Last Action HeroActionPsygnosis Limited1994
Last Action HeroActionPsygnosis1994
Last Call!Adultunknown
Last Days of DoomAdventureToplogika Software1988
Last Duel: Inter Planet War 2012unknown1989
Last Half of DarknessAdventureSoftLab Laboratories1989
Last Half of DarknessAdventure1989
Last Knight in CamelotActionAdventure LearningWare1996
Last Knight, TheActionAmigatek1997
Last Mission, TheActionOpera Soft1987
Last Ninjaunknown1988
Last Ninja 2unknownSystem 31988
Last Ninja 2: Back with a Vengeanceunknown1990
Last Ninja 2: Back with a VengeanceActionSystem 31988
Last Ninja, TheActionSystem 31987
Last Ritesunknownunknown
Late Night Sexy TV ShowPuzzle1994
Laura Bow - The Colonel's BequestAdventureSierra1989
Laura Bow - The Dagger of Amon RaAdventureSierra1992
Laura Bow 2: The Dagger of Amon RaAdventureSierra1992
Laura Bow 2: The Dagger of Amon RaunknownSierra1992
Laura Bow 2: The Dagger of Amon RaunknownSierra1992
Laura Bow 2: The Dagger of Amon RaStrategySierra1992
Laura Bow 2: The Dagger of Amon RaunknownSierra1992
Laura Bow in the Dagger of Amon RaAdventureSierra On-Line1992
Lawn MowerActionChristopher D. Orr.1987
Lawnmower ManMiscChristopher D. Orr1987
Lazy JonesActionTerminal Software1984
Le Fetiche Mayaunknown1989
Le Maitre Des AmesRPGUBI Soft1987
Le Maitre Des AmesRPG1987
Leaper \(VGA\)ActionLee Chapel1992
Leapfrog for WindowsunknownPenguin Programs1995
Learn The AlphabetPuzzle1993
Leather Goddesses of PhobosAdventure1986
Leather Goddesses of PhobosunknownActivision1986
Leather Goddesses of PhobosAdventureActivision1986
Leather Goddesses of PhobosunknownActivision1986
Leather Goddesses of PhobosunknownActivision1986
Leather Goddesses of PhobosunknownActivision1986
Leather Goddesses of Phobos 2Adventure1992
Leather Goddesses of Phobos 2: Gas Pump Girls Meet the Pulsating Inconvenience from Planet X!AdventureInfocom1992
Leather Goddesses of Phobos 2: Gas Pump Girls Meet the Pulsating Inconvenience from Planet X!AdventureInfocom1992
Legacy of Kain: Soul ReaverActionEidos Interactive, Inc.1999
Legacy of the AncientsRPG1989
Legacy of the WizardActionBrøderbund Software1987
Legend - The Four Crystals of TrazereRPGMindscape1992
Legend of DjelRPGCoktel Vision1987
Legend of DjelAdventureTomahawk1989
Legend of FaerghailRPGElectronic Design Hannover1990
Legend of GrimrockRPGAlmost Human Games2012
Legend of KyrandiaAdventureWestwood Studios1992
Legend of Kyrandia 2 - The Hand of FateAdventureWestwood Studios1993
Legend of Kyrandia 2: Hand of fateAdventure1993
Legend of Kyrandia 3: Malcolm's RevengeAdventure1994
Legend of MyraPuzzleGrandslam Video, LTD.1992
Legend of the Red DragonRPG1989
Legend of the Silver TalismanRPG1996
Legend of the SwordAdventureSilicon Soft1988
Legend of the SwordAdventure1988
Legends of murderRPGSoftDisk Publishing1993
Legends of Murder: Volume 1 - Stonedale CastleRPG1989
Legends of ValourRPGU.S. Gold1992
Legends of ValourRPG1992
Legends of ValourunknownU.S. Gold1992
Legends of ValourunknownU.S. Gold1992
Lego Locounknown1998
Leisure Suit LarryAdventureSierra1987
Leisure Suit Larry 1 Remake - Land of the Lounge LizardsunknownSierra1991
Leisure Suit Larry 1: In the Land of the Lounge LizardsAdventureSierra On-Line1991
Leisure Suit Larry 2AdultSierra On-Line1988
Leisure Suit Larry 2 - Goes Looking for LoveAdventureSierra1988
Leisure Suit Larry 2: Goes Looking for Love (in Several Wrong Places)AdventureSierra1988
Leisure Suit Larry 2: Goes Looking for Love (in Several Wrong Places)AdventureSierra1988
Leisure Suit Larry 2: Goes Looking for Love (in Several Wrong Places)unknownSierra1988
Leisure Suit Larry 2: Goes Looking for Love (in Several Wrong Places)unknownSierra1988
Leisure Suit Larry 2: Goes Looking for Love (in Several Wrong Places)unknownSierra1988
Leisure Suit Larry 2: Goes Looking for Love (in Several Wrong Places)unknownSierra1988
Leisure Suit Larry 2: Goes Looking for Love (in Several Wrong Places)unknownSierra1988
Leisure Suit Larry 2: Goes Looking for Love (in Several Wrong Places)unknownSierra1988
Leisure Suit Larry 2: Goes Looking for Love (in Several Wrong Places)unknownSierra1988
Leisure Suit Larry 2: Goes Looking for Love (in Several Wrong Places)unknownSierra1988
Leisure Suit Larry 3AdventureSierra1989
Leisure Suit Larry 3AdultSierra On-Line1989
Leisure Suit Larry 3: Passionate Patti auf der Suche nach vibrierenden Muskeln!unknownSierra1989
Leisure Suit Larry 5AdultSierra On-Line1991
Leisure Suit Larry 5 - Passionate Patti Does A Little Undercover WorkunknownSierra1991
Leisure Suit Larry 5: Passionate Patti Does a Little Undercover WorkunknownSierra1991
Leisure Suit Larry 5: Passionate Patti Does a Little Undercover WorkunknownSierra1991
Leisure Suit Larry 5: Passionate Patti Does a Little Undercover WorkunknownSierra1991
Leisure Suit Larry 6 - Shape Up or Ship OutunknownSierra1993
Leisure Suit Larry 6: Reib Auf oder Schieb Ab!unknownSierra1993
Leisure Suit Larry 6: Shape Up or Slip OutAdventureSierra1993
Leisure Suit Larry 6: Shape Up or Slip Out!AdventureSierra On-Line1993
Leisure Suit Larry 7 - Love for Sail!unknownSierra1996
Leisure Suit Larry Goes Looking for Love (In Several Wrong Places)AdventureSierra On-Line1988
Leisure Suit Larry in Love for Sail!AdventureSierra On-Line1996
Leisure Suit Larry: Wet Dreams Don't Dry Bonus DiskunknownCrazyBunch2018
LemmingsStrategyPsygnosis Limited1991
Lemmings (Win95)PuzzlePsygnosis1995
Lemmings 2unknownRockstar North Ltd.unknown
Lemmings 2: The TribesPuzzlePsygnosis Limited1993
Lemmings 2: The TribesPuzzlePsygnosis1993
Lemmings 2: The TribesAdventurePsygnosis1993
Lemmings 2: The TribesRPGPsygnosis1993
Lemmings 2: The TribesRPGPsygnosis1993
Lemmings 3DunknownClockwork Games1995
Lemmings 3DPuzzle1995
Lemmings 95Puzzle1994
LemrisPuzzleAutotech Software1994
LEO - Žhavá číslaAdultVochozka Trading1996
Leo the LionunknownLeryx LongSoft1997
LeovigildounknownMojon Twins2014
Les Aventures de Moktar - Vol 1: La ZoubidaAction1991
Les Manley in: Lost in L.A.Adventure1991
Les Manley in: Search for the KingAdventure1990
Les Voyageurs du Temps: La MenaceunknownDelphine1990
Let's Make a Word! DemounknownCreative Wonders1995
Lethal Tenderunknown1993
Lethal Tenderunknown?1993
Léto s OskaremAdventureVochozka Trading1997
Leyendas de LhodryeunknownIsland Dream1996
Leygref's CastleRPGFrank Dutton1986
LHXSimulationElectronic Arts1990
LHX Attack ChopperSimulationElectronic Arts1990
LHX Attack ChopperunknownElectronic Arts1990
LHX Attack ChopperunknownElectronic Arts1990
LHX Attack ChopperunknownElectronic Arts1990
Liberty or DeathStrategyKOEI1989
LieroActionMetsän Eläimet1998
Life & deathSimulationSoftware Toolworks1988
Life & death 2SimulationSoftware Toolworks1990
Life & Death 2: The Brainunknown?1990
Life & Death 2: The Brainunknown1990
Life and DeathSimulationThe Software Toolworks, Inc.1988
Life and Death II: The BrainEducationalThe Software Toolworks, Inc.1990
Life GenesisPuzzle1992
Life GenesisunknownJim Horne, Microsoft Corp.1991
Line WarsSimulationFreeware1989
LineWars 2unknown1994
LingoPuzzleDavilex Software1989
Links 386 CDunknownAccess Software1995
Links 386 ProSportAccess Software1992
Links 386 Prounknown1992
Links 386 ProunknownAccess1992
Links 386 ProunknownAccess1992
Links 386 ProunknownAccess1992
Links 386 ProunknownAccess1992
Links 386 ProunknownAccess1992
Links 386 ProunknownAccess1992
Links 386 ProunknownAccess1992
Links 386 Pro Update DiskunknownAccess1992
Links: Championship Course - Banff SpringsunknownAccess1990
Links: Championship Course - Barton CreekAdventureAccess1990
Links: Championship Course - Barton CreekunknownAccess1990
Links: Championship Course - Bay Hill ClubAdventureAccess1990
Links: Championship Course - Bay Hill ClubunknownAccess1990
Links: Championship Course - Bay Hill ClubunknownAccess1990
Links: Championship Course - Bay Hill ClubunknownAccess1990
Links: Championship Course - BighornunknownAccess1990
Links: Championship Course - Bountiful Golf ClubunknownAccess1990
Links: Championship Course - Bountiful Golf ClubunknownAccess1990
Links: Championship Course - Bountiful Golf CourseAdventureAccess1990
Links: Championship Course - Bountiful Golf CourseunknownAccess1990
Links: Championship Course - Bountiful Golf CourseunknownAccess1990
Links: Championship Course - Bountiful Golf CourseunknownAccess1990
Links: Championship Course - Castle Pines Golf ClubunknownAccess1990
Links: Championship Course - Firestone Country ClubAdventureAccess1990
Links: Championship Course - Hyatt Dorado BeachAdventureAccess1990
Links: Championship Course - Hyatt Dorado BeachunknownAccess1990
Links: Championship Course - Hyatt Dorado BeachunknownAccess1990
Links: Championship Course - Mauna KeaunknownAccess1990
Links: Championship Course - Pebble BeachunknownAccess1990
Links: Championship Course - Pebble BeachunknownAccess1990
Links: Championship Course - Pinehurst Resort & Country ClubAdventureAccess1990
Links: Championship Course - Pinehurst Resort & Country ClubunknownAccess1990
Links: Championship Course - Pinehurst Resort & Country ClubunknownAccess1990
Links: Championship Course - Pinehurst Resort & Country ClubunknownAccess1990
Links: Championship Course - Pinehurst Resort & Country ClubunknownAccess1990
Links: Championship Course - Prairie Dunes Country ClubunknownAccess1990
Links: Championship Course - The BelfryunknownAccess1990
Links: Championship Course - The BelfryunknownAccess1990
Links: Championship Course - Troon NorthAdventureAccess1990
Links: Championship Course - Troon NorthunknownAccess1990
Links: Championship Course - Troon NorthunknownAccess1990
Links: Championship Course: Innisbrook - CopperheadunknownAccess1990
Links: Fantasy Course - Devils IslandunknownAccess1990
Links: The Challenge of Golfunknown1990
Links: The Challenge of GolfSportAccess Software1990
Links: The Challenge of GolfSportAccess1990
Links: The Challenge of GolfAdventureAccess1990
Links: The Challenge of GolfAdventureAccess1990
Links: The Challenge of GolfunknownAccess1990
Links: The Challenge of GolfunknownAccess1990
Links: The Challenge of GolfunknownAccess1990
Links: The Challenge of GolfActionAccess1990
Links: The Challenge of GolfunknownAccess1990
LionunknownManley & Associates1995
LionActionSanctuary Woods1995
Lion KingunknownWestwood Studiounknown
Lionheart: Legacy of the CrusaderRPG2003
LiteratiunknownBob Provencher1994
Litil DivilAction1993
Litil DivilunknownGremlin1993
Little Big AdventureAdventureElectronic Arts1994
Little Big Adventure 2AdventureAdeline Software1997
Little Big Adventure 2 (Twinsen's Odyssey)unknown1997
Little FighterActionMarti Wong1995
Live! BoxingunknownDinamic Multimedia2001
Liverpool: the Computer Gameunknown1992
Living BallAction21st Century Entertainment1995
LivingstoneunknownEbrain Mobile2007
Livingstone 2ActionOpera Soft1989
Livingstone 2Action1989
Livingstone Supongo IIunknownOpera Soft1989
Livingstone Supongo IIunknownOpera1990
Livingstone Supongo IIunknownOpera1990
Livingstone, I PresumeActionOperasoft1988
Livingstone, I presume?ActionOpera Soft1988
Llamatron 2112unknown1992
Llaves del Tiempo, LasunknownJarel1999
llhore - Windows 3.1 DonationwareunknownStar Lizard Software1996
Lloni be GoodActionDevilish Games2000
LobSterActionScott Haag1998
LobSterActionScott Haag1998
Lock 2unknownDungeon Dwellers Designt1995
Lock 2unknownDungeon Dwellers Designtunknown
Lock-OnunknownData East1986
Lode RunnerActionBroderbund1983
Lode RunnerunknownBroderbund1983
Lode RunnerunknownBroderbund1983
Lode Runner (Remake)ActionAleksey V. Vaneev1995
Lode Runner Live!ActionAleksey V. Vaneev1995
Lode Runner: The Legend ReturnsAction1994
Lode Runner: The Legend ReturnsunknownPresage Softwareunknown
Lode Runner: The Legend ReturnsActionPresage Software, Sierra On-Line1994
Lode Runner: The Legend ReturnsunknownSierra1994
Lode Runner: The Legend ReturnsunknownSierra1994
LollypopActionRainbow Arts1994
LollypopunknownBrain Bug1994
LollypopActionRainbow Arts1995
Lombard RAC RallySimulationRed Rat Software1988
Lombard RAC RallySport1988
Lombard Rac RallyunknownMandarin Software1990
Lone Wolf: The Mirror of DeathAction1991
Lone Wolf: The Mirror of DeathunknownAudiogenic Software1991
LoomAdventureLucasfilm Games1990
Loom: Roland UpgradeunknownLucasArts1990
Loom: Roland UpgradeunknownLucasArts1990
LoopzPuzzleAudiogenic Software1990
Lord of DestructionRPG1994
Lord of the Rings - The Fellowship of the RingRPGInterplay1990
Lord of the Rings 2 - The Two TowersRPGInterplay1991
Lord of the Rings Vol. IAdventureInterplay1990
Lords of ConquestStrategyElectronic Arts1986
Lords of ConquestStrategy1987
Lords of ConquestunknownElectronic Arts1986
Lords of DoomRPG1990
Lords of MidnightStrategy1984
Lords of Midnight III: The CitadelStrategyMaelstrom1995
Lords of Midnight: The CitadelStrategy1995
Lords of The RealmStrategyImpressions1994
Lords of the RealmStrategy1994
Lords of the RealmStrategyImpressions1995
Lords of the Realm IIStrategySierra On-Line1996
LornaActionTopo Soft1990
Los JusticierosActionDinamic Multimedia1996
Lost Adventures of KrozAction1990
Lost Dutchman MineunknownMagnetic Imagesunknown
Lost Dutchman MineunknownMagnetic Imagesunknown
Lost Dutchman MineAdventureMagnetic Images1989
Lost EdenAdventureVirgin Interactive1995
Lost EdenAdventureCryo1995
Lost in TimeunknownCoktel Vision1993
Lost in TimeunknownCoktel Vision1993
Lost in TimeAdventurePyramid1992
Lost in TimeAdventureSierra On-Line Inc.1993
Lost in TimeAdventureCoktel Vision1993
Lost in TimeAdventureCoktel1993
Lost in Time: Episode 1unknownCoktel1993
Lost in Time: Episode 2unknownCoktel1993
Lost Treasures of InfocomunknownInfocom1990
Lost VikingsunknownBlizzardunknown
Lost Vikings 2unknownBlizzardunknown
Lost Vikings 2: Norse by NorsewestAdventureInterplay Productions1997
Lotus - The Ultimate ChallengeSimulationGremlin1993
Lotus: The Ultimate ChallengeSportGremlin Graphics Software Ltd.1993
Lotus: The Ultimate ChallengeunknownMagnetic Fields1993
Lotus: The Ultimate ChallengeunknownMagnetic Fields1993
Low blowunknown1990
Low BlowunknownElectronic Arts1990
Low BlowunknownElectronic Arts1990
Low BlowunknownElectronic Arts1990
LucasArts Air Combat ClassicsunknownLucas Arts1994
LucasArts Air Combat ClassicsunknownLucas Arts1994
LucasArts Air Combat ClassicsunknownLucas Arts1994
LucasArts Classic AdventuresunknownLucas Arts1992
Lucky Charms Memory MachineunknownGeneral Mills, Yumnasium Games1996
Lucky LukeunknownInfogrames1997
Lucky LukeAction1997
Luigi and SpaghettiAction1992
Luigi en CircuslandActionTopo Soft1994
Lunacy for WindowsunknownKevin Ng1995
Lunar TakeActionEdiciones Manali1989
Lure of the TemptressAdventureRevolution Software1992
Lurid LandunknownAbadion Arts1997
Lyle in Cube SectorAction2006
M LabyrinthPuzzle1993
M.A.X - Mechanized Assault & ExplorationActionInterplay Productions1996
M.U.D.S. - Mean Ugly Dirty SportSportRainbow Arts Software GmbH1990
M.U.L.E.StrategyElectronic Arts1983
M.U.L.E.StrategyElectronic Arts1983
M&M's Bag EmunknownMars, Incorporated1996
M&M's Melt EmunknownMars, Incorporated1996
M1 Tank PlatoonSimulationMicroProse1989
M1 Tank PlatoonSimulationMicroprose1989
M1 Tank PlatoonunknownMicroprose1989
M1 Tank PlatoonunknownMicroprose1989
M1 Tank PlatoonRPGMicroprose1989
M1 Tank PlatoonunknownMicroprose1989
M1 Tank PlatoonunknownMicroprose1989
Macadam BumperActionAccolade1987
MacArthur's WarStrategy1990
MacArthur's War - Battles for KoreaStrategyStrategic Simulations Inc.1990
MacArthur's War: Battles for Koreaunknown?1988
MacBlasterunknownEarl Gehr1992
Mach 3ActionLoriciels1987
Mach 3unknown1987
Mach 3ActionLoriciels1987
Mach One: America's Best 25 Entertainment Hitsunknown1991
Machiavelli the PrinceunknownMicroproseunknown
Machiavelli the PrinceStrategyMicroProse1995
MachinariumPuzzleAmanita Design2009
Machine HunterActionMGM Interactive1997
Macrow Story IIunknownunknown
Mad MixActionTopo Soft1988
Mad MixAction1988
Mad Mix 2ActionTopo Soft1990
Mad Mix GameActionTopo Soft1988
Mad NewsunknownIkarion Software1995
Mad News - ExtrablattStrategyIkarion Software1995
Mad News \(German\)StrategyIkarion Software GmbH1994
Mad Painter!ActionSteve Elder1991
Mad ParadoxRPG1994
Mad ShowMiscSilmarils1986
Mad TVStrategyRainbow Arts1991
Mad TVStrategyRainbow Arts1991
Mad TVStrategyRainbow Arts1991
Mad TV 2StrategyGreenwood Entertainment1996
MadnessunknownPilotwood Programsunknown
MaelstromStrategyDon Bluth Multimedia1992
MaelstromunknownP.A.S. Systems1994
MAELSTROMunknownP.A.S. Systems1992
Mag-RacerunknownInfinite Dreams Software1997
Magic BoxesPuzzleSoftdisk Publishing1989
Magic BoyActionBlue Turtle1993
Magic CarpetActionBullfrog1994
Magic CarpetActionElectronic Arts1994
Magic CarpetActionBullfrog1994
Magic Carpet 2 - The NetherworldsActionElectronic Arts1995
Magic Carpet 2: The Netherworldsunknown1996
Magic Johnson';s MVPSportVirgin Games1990
Magic Johnson's Basketballunknown1989
Magic Johnson's MVPunknownSportTime1989
Magic of EndoriaStrategyGerman Design Group1994
Magic of EndoriaStrategySunflowers1994
Magic PocketsActionBitmap Brothers1992
Magic PocketsActionBitmap Brothers1991
Magic PocketsActionRenegade1991
Magic School Bus Explores the Human BodyunknownMicrosoft1994
Magic: The GatheringStrategy1997
Magic: The GatheringMiscMicroprose Software, Inc.1997
Magic: The Gathering Interactive EncyclopediaStrategy1999
Magnavox OdysseyunknownMagnavox1972
MagneticStrategyX-ample Architectures1993
Magnetic CranePuzzleDialog, Moscow1989
Magnetic Scrolls CollectionAdventure1991
Mah Jongg for WindowsPuzzleRon Balewski1988
Mah Jongg SolitaireStrategyArcanum Computing1987
Majesty: The Fantasy Kingdom SimStrategyCyberlore2000
MajikActionChris Busch1990
Major StrykerActionApogee Software, LTD.1993
Major StrykerActionApogee1993
Major Strykerunknown1993
Major StrykerunknownApogee1993
Maldición de los Mac Leod, LaunknownDanisoft1990
Maldita Castilla EXActionAbylight Studios2016
Maldita EscuelaunknownMegasoft1990
Man Enough: The Ultimate Social AdventurePuzzleTsunami Media1993
Manchester UnitedunknownKrisalis1990
Manchester United - The DoubleSportKrisalis1995
Manchester United – The DoubleSportKrisalis1995
Manchester United EuropeSportKrisalis1992
Manchester United EuropeunknownKrisalis1992
Manchester United: The Doubleunknown1994
Mandrake: L'Ombra del Cobraunknown1994
Manhunter - New YorkAdventureSierra1988
Manhunter 2 - San FranciscounknownSierra1990
Manhunter: New YorkAdventureSierra On-Line1988
Manhunter: New YorkAdventureSierra1988
Manhunter: New YorkunknownSierra1988
Manhunter: New YorkunknownSierra1988
Manhunter: New YorkunknownSierra1988
Manhunter: New YorkunknownSierra1988
Manhunter: San FranciscounknownSierra1989
Manhunter: San FranciscounknownSierra1989
Manhunter: San FranciscounknownSierra1989
Manhunter: San FranciscounknownSierra1989
Maniac MansionunknownLucasArts1987
Maniac Mansion DeluxeAdventure2004
Manic KartsunknownManic Media Productions1996
Manic MinerActionAndy Noble1997
Manic MinerActionSoftware Projects1983
Manic Miner remakeAction1997
Marathon 2: Durandalunknown1996
Marble CookingPuzzle1994
Marble MadnessActionElectronic Arts1986
Marble MadnessunknownElectronic Arts1984
Marco PolounknownInfogrames1995
MariounknownWiering Softwareunknown
Mario & Luigi ScreensaverunknownNintendo1997
Mario and LuigiAction2001
Mario Andretti's Racing ChallengeSport1991
Mario Andretti's Racing ChallengeunknownElectronic Arts1991
Mario Bros VGAAction1990
Mario Bros.ActionNintendo1983
Mario is Missing!unknownThe Software Toolworks1993
Mario is Missing!unknownThe Software Toolworks1994
Mario is Missing!ActionSoftware Toolworks1992
Mario is Missing!unknownSoftware Toolworks1992
Mario Teaches TypingEducationalInterplay1992
Mario Teaches TypingunknownInterplay1992
Mario Teaches TypingunknownInterplay1992
Mario Teaches TypingunknownInterplay1992
Mario Teaches TypingunknownInterplay1992
Mario!!! RemakeAction1995
Mario's Game GalleryunknownPresage Software1995
Mario's PlayschoolunknownThe Software Toolworks1995
Mario's Game GalleryStrategy1995
Mario's Time MachineunknownSoftware Toolworks1993
Martian DreamsRPGOrigin1991
Martian MemorandumAdventureunknown
Martian MemorandumAdventureAccess Software1991
Martian MemorandumunknownAccess Software1991
Martian MemorandumunknownAccess Software1991
Masque Caribbean Stud PokerunknownJames Michael1995
Master BlasterunknownKeypunch Software1987
Master NinjaunknownParamount Software1987
Master of MagicunknownSimTexunknown
Master of MagicStrategyMicroprose Software, Inc.1994
Master of MagicStrategyMicroProse1994
Master of MagicStrategyMicroprose1994
Master of MagicunknownMicroprose1994
Master of MagicunknownMicroprose1994
Master of Orionunknownunknown
Master of OrionStrategyMicroprose Software, Inc.1993
Master of OrionStrategySimTex1993
Master of OrionStrategyMicroprose1993
Master of OrionunknownMicroprose1993
Master of Orion 1 + 2StrategyMicroProse1993
Master of Orion 2: Battle at AntaresStrategy1996
Master of Orion 3StrategyAtari2003
Master of Orion 3Strategy2003
Master of Orion II: Battle at AntaresStrategySimTex1996
MasterblazerunknownRainbow Arts1991
Mastertrivial - IMiscSPE1988
Math CircusPuzzleGreygum Software1993
Math ClimbersunknownComputerEasy1992
Math RabbitPuzzleThe Learning Company1987
Math RabbitPuzzleLearning Co1987
Math RabbitPuzzleLearning Co1987
Math RescueEducational1992
Math RescueActionRedwood Games, Apogee Software1992
Math RescueEducationalApogee Software, LTD.1992
Math RescueunknownApogee1992
Mathe-Blaster: Auf der Suche nach SpotunknownDavidson & Associates, Inc.1994
Maupiti IslandAdventureLankhor1990
Maupiti IslandAdventure1991
Maupiti IslandunknownLankhor1991
Maupiti IslandunknownLankhor1991
Maupiti IslandunknownLankhor1991
Max Mix 3DActionRetromakes2020
Max Payneunknownunknown
Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payneunknownunknown
Maximum RoadkillunknownBits Studios1996
Mayday SquadunknownCubway Software1989
Maze AdventuresMiscKeyPunch / Scott Miller1989
Maze of Galious Remake, TheunknownBrain Games2002
MazemakerunknownMichael Liebert1992
McDonald LandAction1992
McDonaldlandActionVirgin Games1992
MChess ProfessionalPuzzleMarty Hirsch1992
MDK (Murder, Death, Kill)ActionShiny Entertainment1997
MDK 2ActionInterplay2000
Me marcho pa' Francia 98unknownPapada Soft1998
Mean 18SportAccolade1986
Mean 18unknown1986
Mean 18unknownMicrosmiths1986
Mean StreetsAdventureAccess Software1989
Meat Puppetunknownunknown
Mech BrigadeStrategy1987
Mech CommanderStrategyFASA Studio1998
Mech WarStrategy1992
Mecha 8ActionÓscar Toledo2012
Mechwarrior 2SimulationActivision1995
MechWarrior 2: 31st Century CombatSimulationActivision1995
Mechwarrior 2: MercenariesSimulationActivision1996
Mechwarrior 3SimulationZipper Interactive1999
Medieval Lords: Soldier Kings of EuropeunknownSSI1991
Medieval WarriorsunknownMerit Software1991
Meet Chuck for Horse LoversunknownEd's Educational Games1997
Mega BlastunknownL.K. Avalon1995
Mega BoxMiscDinamic1991
Mega Box 2MiscDinamic1992
Mega lo ManiaStrategySensible Software1991
Mega Lo ManiaStrategySensible Software1991
Mega Lo ManiaunknownSensible Software1991
Mega ManActionCapCom, U.S.A.,Inc1990
Mega ManunknownHi-Tech Expressions1990
Mega ManRPGHi-Tech Expressions1990
Mega Man 3unknown1992
Mega Man 3: The Robots are RevoltingunknownHi-Tech Expressions1992
Mega Man 3: The Robots are RevoltingunknownHi-Tech Expressions1992
Mega Man Xunknown1995
Mega Man XActionCapcom1993
Mega Man X3unknown1998
Mega Man X4unknown1998
MegacorpunknownDinamic Software1987
Megafenix ReloadedActionCoptron Games2007
MegaTraveller 1: The Zhodani ConspiracyunknownParagon1990
Megatraveller 2unknownParagon Studiosunknown
MegaTraveller 2: Quest for the AncientsunknownParagon Software1991
MegaTraveller CD-ROM: The Zhodani Conspiracy & Quest for the AncientsunknownParagon Software1996
MegatronunknownStanley Design Team1995
MegaZeuxActionSoftware Visions1994
MegaZeuxunknownSoftware Visions1994
Menace of Dr. Spoil SportAdventureDavid Leithauser1992
MenzoberranzanRPGDreamForge Intertainment1994
Mephisto Gideon ProfessionalPuzzleLokasoft1993
Merchant ColonyStrategycompany1991
Merchant Colonyunknown1991
Merchant Princeunknown1993
Merchant PrinceStrategyQuantum Quality1995
Mesh: Hero DefiantunknownEverett Kaser1998
Metal & Lace: The Battle of the Robo BabesActionMegaTech Software1993
Metal & Lace: The Battle of the Robo BabesActionMegaTech1993
Metal & laceAction1993
Metal GearActionKonami1987
Metal GearActionBanana Development1990
Metal GearunknownKonami1990
Metal GearunknownKonami1990
Metal Gear 2 - Solid SnakeActionKonami1990
Metal MarinesStrategy1993
Metal MarinesStrategyMindscape1994
Metal MutantAction1991
Metal RageunknownTitus1996
Metaltech: BattledromeSimulation1994
Metaltech: Battledrome – Robotic Combat NetworkSimulationDynamix1995
Metaltech: EarthsiegeSimulation1994
Metaltech: EarthSiegeSimulationDynamix1994
Meteor MissionActionKurt W. Dekker1995
MeteorsMiscScott Miller1989
Meurtres en SeriePuzzleCobra Soft1987
Mgt aka Magic TankStrategyLoriciels1986
Miami ViceAction1989
Michael Jordan in FlightSportElectronic Arts1992
Michael Jordan in FlightunknownElectronic Arts1993
Míchel Fútbol MasterunknownDinamic1989
Mick's Strip PokerStrategy1999
Mickey MouseunknownGremlin Graphics1988
Mickey's Space AdventureAdventureDisney1986
Mickey’s Space AdventureAdventureSierra On-Line1984
Mickey's Space AdventureAdventure1985
Mickey's ABC: A Day at the FairunknownDisney1992
Mickey's Jigsaw PuzzlesunknownDisney1991
Mickey's Runaway ZoounknownDisney1991
Mickey's Space AdventureunknownSierra1985
Micro League BaseballSportMicro League1989
Micro MachinesSimulationCode Masters1994
Micro Machines 2unknownSupersonic1995
Micro Machines V3ActionCodemasters1998
Micro! DeluxePuzzleAcumen Software1995
MicrocosmunknownThe Creative Assembly1994
MicroLeague baseballunknown1984
MicroLeague BaseballunknownMicroLeague Multimedia1984
MicroLeague Baseball 2unknown1989
MicroLeague FootballunknownMicroLeague Multimedia1992
MicroLeague Wrestlingunknown1989
MicroManunknownBrian L. Goble1993
MicropedeActionRobert B. Easter1994
MicroProse Entertainment Pack Vol #1: Dr Floyd's Desktop ToysunknownMicroprose1993
Microprose Pro SoccerSportMicroProse1989
MicroProse Soccerunknown1988
Microsoft AdventureAdventureMicrosoft1981
Microsoft AdventureAdventureMicrosoft1981
Microsoft ArcadeActionMicrosoft1981
Microsoft ArcadeunknownMicrosoft1993
Microsoft ArcadeunknownMicrosoft1993
Microsoft CruelunknownKen Sykes1990
Microsoft Dangerous Creatures Screensaver 1unknownMicrosoft1994
Microsoft Dangerous Creatures Screensaver 2unknownMicrosoft1994
Microsoft DecathlonSportIBM1982
Microsoft Decathlonunknown1982
Microsoft DecathlonSportMicrosoft1982
Microsoft DecathlonunknownMicrosoft1982
Microsoft Entertainment PackPuzzleMicrosoft1992
Microsoft Entertainment PackunknownMicrosoft1992
Microsoft Entertainment Pack Volume 2unknownMicrosoft1991
Microsoft Entertainment Pack Volume 3unknownMicrosoft1991
Microsoft Entertainment Pack Volume 4unknownMicrosoft1992
Microsoft Entertainment Pack Volume 4unknownMicrosoft1992
Microsoft Flight Simulator (v3.0)SimulationMicrosoft Game Studios1988
Microsoft Flight Simulator 1.0unknownMicrosoft1982
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2.0unknownMicrosoft1984
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2.0unknownMicrosoft1984
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2.0unknownMicrosoft1984
Microsoft Flight Simulator 3.0Simulation1988
Microsoft Flight Simulator 3.0SimulationsubLOGIC1988
Microsoft Flight Simulator 3.0SimulationMicrosoft1988
Microsoft Flight Simulator 3.0unknownMicrosoft1988
Microsoft Flight Simulator 4.0SimulationMicrosoft1989
Microsoft Flight Simulator 4.0SimulationMicrosoft Corporation1989
Microsoft Flight Simulator 4.0unknownMicrosoft1989
Microsoft Flight Simulator 4.0unknownMicrosoft1989
Microsoft Flight Simulator 4.0unknownMicrosoft1989
Microsoft Flight Simulator 4.0unknownMicrosoft1989
Microsoft Flight Simulator 4.0 Sound, Graphics & Aircraft UpgradeunknownMicrosoft1989
Microsoft Flight Simulator 4.0 Sound, Graphics & Aircraft UpgradeunknownMicrosoft1989
Microsoft Flight Simulator 5.0SimulationMicrosoft Corporation1993
Microsoft Flight Simulator 5.0SimulationMicrosoft1993
Microsoft Flight Simulator 5.0SimulationMicrosoft1993
Microsoft Flight Simulator 5.0SimulationMicrosoft1993
Microsoft Flight Simulator 5.0unknownMicrosoft1993
Microsoft Flight Simulator 5.1unknownMicrosoft1995
Microsoft Flight Simulator 5.1unknownMicrosoft1995
Microsoft Flight Simulator Update DiskSimulationMicrosoft1993
Microsoft Game ShopunknownMicrosoft1990
Microsoft GolfunknownAccess1992
Microsoft Mouse Microsoft PaintbrushunknownMicrosoft1990
Microsoft PeggedunknownMike Blaylock1990
Microsoft QuickBASiC 4.5unknownMicrosoft1988
Microsoft Return of ArcadeunknownMicrosoft1996
Microsoft Return of ArcadeSimulationMicrosoft1996
Microsoft Reversi for Windows 3.xunknownMicrosoft1990
Microsoft Space SimulatorSimulationMicrosoft1994
Microsoft Space SimulatorunknownMicrosoft1994
Microsoft Space SimulatorAdventureMicrosoft1994
Microsoft Space SimulatorunknownMicrosoft1994
Microsoft Space SimulatorunknownMicrosoft1994
Microsoft Tetris for Windows, version 2.0unknownMicrosoft1990
Microsoft TicTacticsunknownRobert Donner1990
Microsoft Windows 3.11unknownMicrosoft1994
Middle EarthRPGVirgin1988
Midnight RescueActionThe Learning Company1990
Midtown MadnessunknownAngel Studios1999
Midtown MadnessSport1999
Midtown Madness 2unknownAngel Studios2000
Midway CampaignStrategy1983
Midwinter 2StrategyRainbird1990
Midwinter IIunknownMicroprose1991
MiedosoActionM. Toscano1996
MiG-29 FulcrumSimulationDomark1991
MiG-29 FulcrumSimulation1991
MiG-29 FulcrumunknownDomark1991
MiG-29 FulcrumunknownDomark1991
MiG-29 FulcrumunknownDomark1991
MiG-29: Deadly Adversary of Falcon 3.0unknownSpectrum Holobyte1993
MiG-29M Super FulcrumSimulation1989
Might & Magic Book 1 - Secret of the Inner SanctumRPGNew World Computing1987
Might and Magic 2: Gates to Another WorldRPG1988
Might and Magic 3: Isles of TerraRPG1991
Might and Magic 4: Clouds of XeenRPG1992
Might and Magic 5: Darkside of XeenRPG1993
Might and Magic 7: For Blood and HonorRPG1999
Might and Magic Book One: Secret of the Inner SanctumRPG1987
Might and Magic II: Gates to Another WorldunknownNew World Computing1988
Might and Magic II: Gates to Another WorldRPGNew World Computing1989
Might and Magic II: Gates to Another WorldRPGNew World Computing1989
Might and Magic II: Gates to Another WorldAdventureNew World Computing1989
Might and Magic II: Gates to Another WorldunknownNew World Computing1989
Might and Magic III: Isles of TerraunknownNew World Computing1991
Might and Magic III: Isles of TerraRPGNew World Computing1991
Might and Magic III: Isles of TerraRPGNew World Computing1991
Might and Magic III: Isles of TerraunknownNew World Computing1991
Might and Magic III: Isles of TerraAdventureNew World Computing1991
Might and Magic III: Isles of TerraunknownNew World Computing1991
Might and Magic III: Isles of TerraunknownNew World Computing1991
Might and Magic V: Dark Side of XeenRPGNew World Computing1992
Might and Magic: Book One - Secret of the Inner SanctumStrategyNew World Computing1986
Might and Magic: Clouds of XeenunknownNew World Computing1992
Might and Magic: Swords of XeenRPG1995
Might and Magic: The Secret of Inner SanctumRPGNew World Computing1987
Might and Magic: The Secret of Inner SanctumRPGNew World Computing1987
Might and Magic: The Secret of Inner SanctumunknownNew World Computing1987
Might and Magic: The Secret of Inner SanctumunknownNew World Computing1987
Might and Magic: World of XeenRPG1994
Might and Magic: World of XeenRPGNew World Computing1994
Mighty Bomb JackActionTecmo1986
Mighty BombjackActionElite Systems1990
Mike Ditka Ultimate Footballunknown1991
Mike Ditka Ultimate FootballunknownAccolade1991
Mile BonesunknownAndre Needham1994
Millenium 2.2StrategyParagon1991
Millenium: Return to EarthunknownElectric Dreams1990
Millennia: Altered DestiniesSimulation1995
Mimi & The MitesActionThe Unobstructed Reason Corporation1995
Mind Dance Volume IIunknownPoly Concepts1988
Mind MirrorMiscElectronic Arts1986
MindwheelAdventureSynapse Software1984
Mine BombersunknownSkitso Productionsunknown
Mine ShaftActionSierra / IBM1983
Mine ShaftActionSierra On-Line1983
Mine ShaftunknownSierra1983
Miner 2049erActionMicro Fun1983
Miner VGAMiscFrodoSoft1989
MinesunknownIan Heath1990
Mines of TitanRPGWestwood Associates1989
MinesweeperunknownCurt Johnson1992
Minesweeper Beta 2.9unknownDuff Software1990
Mini Puttunknown1988
Mini-PuttunknownElectronic Arts1987
MiniwarMiscJussi Aittoniemi1992
Minus 90MiscALO-Software1993
Mirage ThunderunknownSoftstar Information1993
Mirror MagicPuzzle1995
Missile Attack!unknownPeter Siamidis1992
Missile CommandActionPeter Siamidis1992
Missing: Since JanuaryAdventureunknown
Missing: The 13th VictimAdventureunknown
Mission Attack Demo DiskunknownElectronic Arts1990
Mission CriticalAdventureunknown
Mission CriticalunknownLegend Entertainment Company1995
Mission CriticalAdventureLegend Entertainment1996
Mission Force: CyberstormunknownDynamix1996
Mission UFO: A Solar System OdysseyPuzzleJ and B Associates1992
Mission: ImpossibleAdventure1991
Mission: MainframeRPG1987
Mister GasActionProein1989
MithosActionOpera Soft1990
Mixed up Fairy TalesunknownSierra1991
Mixed up Mother GooseAdventureSierra1987
Mixed Up Mother Goose DeluxeunknownSierra1995
Mixed-Up Fairy TalesAdventureSierra On-Line Inc.1991
Mixed-Up Fairy TalesunknownSierra1991
Mixed-Up Fairy TalesunknownSierra1991
Mixed-Up Mother GooseunknownSierra1987
Mixed-Up Mother GooseunknownSierra1987
Mixed-Up Mother GooseunknownSierra1987
Mod DemounknownRichard Carmanunknown
Mode ExplorationunknownBernard Josquinunknown
Modeling the DreamunknownPhil Shatz1994
Modem WarsStrategyOzark Softscape1988
MoebiusActionOrigin Systems1987
Moktar Adventure \(french\)ActionTitus1991
Mole's QuestunknownDreamers Guild1993
Monday Night Footballunknown1989
Monkey Island 1 - Secret of Monkey IslandunknownLucasArts1990
Monkey Island 2 - LeChuck's RevengeunknownLucasArts1991
MonoActionEdiciones Manali1992
MonopolizeStrategyFrank R. Neal1984
MonopolyStrategyDon Philip Gibson1985
MonopolyunknownLeisure Genius1985
MonopolyunknownLeisure Genius1989
MonopolyunknownLeisure Genius1989
Monopoly (Adam Stevens)Strategy1998
Monopoly \(the official one\)StrategyLeisure Genius1988
Monopoly DeluxeStrategyVirgin Interactive1992
Monopoly DeluxeunknownVirgin Games1992
Monopoly DeluxeStrategy1992
Monster BashAction1993
Monster BashActionApogee Software, LTD.1993
Monster BashunknownApogee1993
Monster MathEducationalIBM1983
Monster Truck MadnessSport1996
Montezuma's RevengeActionBCI Software1984
Montezuma's RevengeAction1984
Montezuma's RevengeunknownParker Brothers1984
Monty Python & the Quest for the Holy GrailPuzzle7th Level1996
Monty Python's Complete Waste of TimePuzzle7th Level1994
Monty Python's The Meaning of LifeAdventure7th Level1998
Monty Python's Flying CircusunknownCore Design Limitedunknown
Monty Python's Flying CircusAction1991
Monty Python's Flying CircusActionVirgin1990
Monty Python's Flying CircusunknownVirgin1990
Monuments of MarsActionApogee1991
Monuments of MarsAction1991
Monuments of MarsActionApogee Software1991
Monuments of MarsunknownApogee1991
MoofunknownMartyn Smith1998
Moon BugsActionWindmill Software1983
Moon PatrolActionAtarisoft1983
Moon PatrolAction1983
Moon PatrolunknownAtari1983
MoonbaseStrategyWesson International1990
Moonshine RacersSport1991
Moonstone: A Hard Days KnightRPG1992
Moonstone: A Hard Days KnightRPGMindscape1992
MoonwalkerActionUS Gold1989
Moraff's RevengeRPGMoraffWare1988
Moraff's BlastActionMoraffware1991
Moraff's Dungeon of the UnforgivenRPG1993
Moraff's StonesPuzzleMoraffWare1991
Moraff's Super Blast 3PuzzleMoraffware1993
Moraff's WorldRPG1991
Mordor: The Depths of DejenolRPG1995
More Vegas Games Entertainment Pack for WindowsunknownThe Dreamers Guild1993
Moria 2AdventureAJM861986
Morkin 2StrategyAnthony Hamilton1992
Morkin 2StrategyAnthony Hamilton1992
Morkin IIStrategyAnthony Hamilton1992
Mortadelo y FilemónAdventureZeta Multimedia1998
Mortadelo y FilemónAdventureZeta Multimedia1999
Mortadelo y FilemónAdventureZeta Multimedia2000
Mortadelo y FilemónAdventureZeta Multimedia2000
Mortadelo y FilemónAdventureZeta Games2001
Mortadelo y FilemónAdventureZeta Games2001
Mortadelo y FilemónMiscZeta Games2002
Mortadelo y FilemónAdventureZeta Games2002
Mortadelo y FilemónMiscZeta Games2003
Mortadelo y Filemón IIunknownDro Soft1989
Mortal Coil: Adrenalin IntelligenceunknownCrush! Ltd.1995
Mortal KombatActionMidway1992
Mortal KombatSportMidway1993
Mortal KombatunknownMidway1993
Mortal KombatunknownMidway1993
Mortal KombatunknownMidway1993
Mortal KombatunknownMidway1993
Mortal KombatunknownMidway1993
Mortal Kombat 2unknownMidway Games, Inc.unknown
Mortal Kombat 3ActionMidway Games1995
Mortal Kombat 3Action1995
Mortal Kombat IIActionMidway1994
Mortal Kombat IIActionMidway1994
Mortal PongActionCheesy Software1997
Mortville ManorAdventure1988
Moscow NightsunknownBlack Legend1993
MotActionOpera Soft1989
MotActionOpera Soft1989
Moteur 3DunknownBernard Josquinunknown
Moto RacerSimulationDelphine Software1997
Motor Cityunknown1994
Motor ManiaSportUnknown1988
Motorbike MadnessunknownMastertronic1988
Motorbike MadnessunknownMastertronic1988
Mountain Bike RacerunknownPositive1990
Moving and Scrolling EditorunknownBernard Josquinunknown
MozaikAdultImage Line Entertainment1993
Mr. Drumstix' Music StudiounknownHowling Dog Systems1993
Mr. TinyActionHammer Technologies1999
Ms Pac PCAction1995
MS-DOS 6.22unknownMicrosoft1993
Ms. Pac-ManActionAtari Games1983
Ms. Pac-ManActionNamco1982
Ms. Pac-ManunknownAtari1983
Ms. Pac-ManunknownAtari1983
MTV's Remote ControlPuzzleHi-Tech Expressions1989
Multi ActionMiscDinamic Multimedia1997
Multi Sports IIMiscDro Soft1992
Mundial de FútbolunknownOpera Sport1990
Mundial de ItaliaunknownEdiciones Manali1990
Mundo Perdido, ElunknownTopo Soft1987
MuP: Podivná hraAdventureAdam Rambousek, Petr Hliněný1999
Muppet Adventure No.1: Chaos at the CarnivalunknownHi-Tec1989
Murder by the Dozenunknown1983
Murder ClubAdventure1991
Murder in SpaceAdventureHi Tech Software1990
Murder in the Atlanticunknown1988
Murder in VeniceAdventureCobra Software1990
Murder Makes Strange DeadfellowsunknownTiger Media1992
Murder Makes Strange DeadfellowsAdventureTiger Media1992
Murder on the ZinderneufAdventureElectronic Arts1984
Murder on the Zinderneufunknown1984
Murder on the ZinderneufAdventureElectronic Arts1983
Murder!unknownU.S. Gold1990
Murders in Spaceunknown1990
Murders in SpaceunknownInfogrames1990
Murders in SpaceunknownInfogrames1990
Murders in SpaceunknownInfogrames1990
Museum MadnessunknownNovotrade1994
Museum MadnessunknownMECC1994
Mushroom ManiaActionBritanniaunknown
Mutan ZoneActionOpera Soft1988
Mutanoid Word ChallengeunknownLegacy Software1992
Mutant Chicken RacesSimulation1996
Mutants from the DeepActionLocomalito2021
Muzeum mrtvolAdventureComputer Experts1993
Muzzle VelocityunknownDigi4Fun1996
My ChessStrategyDavid Kittinger1984
My TennisunknownDima Bashurov1985
My TennisunknownDima Bashurov1985
MyChessPuzzleSoftware Toolworks1979
MylkunknownBart Gold1994
MystPuzzleCyan Worlds1999
MystAdventureBrøderbund Software1993
Mysteries of the OrientunknownNew Zone Production1994
Mystery at the MuseumsPuzzle1993
Mystery of the MummyAdventure1988
Mystic Midway: Rest in PiecesunknownPhilips Interactive Media1994
Mystic TowersActionApogee Software, LTD.1994
Mystic TowersPuzzleApogee1994
Mystic TowersunknownApogee1994
Myth KnightmareAdventureKonami1989
Myth: The Fallen LordsStrategy1997
NahlakhRPGTom Proudfoot Games1994
Nani Roma 4x4 RaidunknownGaelco Móviles2006
NanotankunknownTwin Dolphin Games1993
Narco PoliceActionDynamic Multimedia1990
Narco PoliceActionDinamic1990
Narco PoliceunknownDinamic Software1990
Narco PoliceAdventureDinamic Software1990
Nascar RacingSimulationSierra Online1994
NASCAR RacingunknownSierra1994
NASCAR Track PackunknownSierra1994
NASCAR: Track PackunknownSierra1994
National Lampoon's Chess Maniac 5 Billion and 1StrategySpectrum Holobyte1993
Navcom 6 - The Persian Gulf DefenseSimulationCosmi Corporation1988
Navcom 6: The Persian Gulf DefenseSimulation1988
Navigation SimulatorunknownNaval Education1991
Navy MovesActionDinamic Software1990
Navy SEALActionCosmi Corporation1989
Navy SealAction1989
Navy SealunknownCosmi1989
Navy StrikeSimulationEmpire Interactive1996
NBA Jam Tournament EditionSportAcclaim Entertainment1995
NBC ScreensaverunknownNBC1994
NCAA - Road to the Final FourSportBethesda Software1991
NCAA: Road to the Final FourunknownBethesda1992
NCAA: Road to the Final FourunknownBethesda1992
NebulusActionU.S Gold1988
NebulusPuzzleHewson Consultants1987
NecromanticsunknownEffigy Software1996
Need for Speed II: Special EditionSportElectronic Arts1997
Need for Speed, TheSportElectronic Arts1994
Need for Speed: Hot PursuitunknownCriterion Games2010
Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2unknownElectronic Arts Canada2002
Need for Speed: ProStreetunknownEA Black Box2007
Need for Speed: UndercoverunknownEA Black Box2008
Need for Speed: Underground 2unknownEA Black Box2004
Negra Nocheunknown3PSoft1994
Nemesis the Go MasterStrategyNemesis Enterprises1991
Nemesis: The Wizardry AdventureunknownSir-Tech1996
Neon Genesis Evangelion - Iron Maidenunknownunknown
Nephi's QuestunknownCompuclassics1990
Nerves of SteelActionMerit Studios1995
NESTICLEunknownBloodlust Software1998
NET:ZoneunknownCompro Games1996
NethackRPGStichting Mathematisch Centrum1992
NetHack - Falcon's EyeRPG2001
Nether Earth RemakeunknownBrain Games2002
NetherworldActionHweson Consultants1990
NetherworldActionHewson Consultants1988
Network Q RAC Rally ChampionshipSimulationEuroPress1994
Never MindPuzzlePsygnosis1989
Neverwinter NightsRPGAtari2005
Neverwinter NightsRPGStrategic Simulations Inc.1991
Neverwinter NightsRPGSSI1991
New GyrussActionDevilish Games2003
New Math Blaster Plus!unknownDavidson & Associates1990
New Star Soccer 5SportNew Star Games2011
New York CrimesAdventurePendulo Studios2012
Next SpaceunknownMagic Systems1997
NFL ChallengeSportXOR Corporation1985
NFL Coaches Club FootballunknownMicroprose1993
NFL FootballSportKonami1992
NFL Footballunknown1992
NFL FootballunknownKonami1992
NFL Pro League Footballunknown1989
NFL Pro League FootballunknownMicro Sports1995
NFL Pro League Football \(1991 Edition\)SportMicro Sports Inc.1991
NHL ’94SportElectronic Arts1993
NHL 95SportElectronic Arts1994
NHL 96unknown1995
NHL Hockeyunknown1993
NHL HockeySportElectronic Arts1993
NHL HockeyunknownElectronic Arts1993
NHL HockeyunknownElectronic Arts1993
Nick Jr. Play Math!unknownViacom New Media1995
Nicky BoomAction1992
Nigel Mansell's World Championship RacingunknownGremlin1993
Night BreedAction1990
Night HunterActionUBI Soft1988
Night HunterAction1988
Night HunterunknownUbiSoft1988
Night HunterunknownUbiSoft1988
Night Mission PinballActionSublogic Corporation1982
Night mission pinball 3.0PuzzlesubLOGIC1988
Night RaidActionArgo Games1992
Night Raidunknown1992
Night ShiftunknownLucasArts1990
Night ShiftunknownLucas Arts1990
Nightlong: Union City ConspiracyAdventureTrecision1998
NihilistunknownBits Corporation1996
Ninga Demo ReelunknownNinga1991
Ninja GaidenAction1990
Ninja GaidenunknownTemco1989
Ninja GaidenunknownTemco1989
Ninja Gaiden 2: The Dark Sword of ChaosAction1990
Ninja Gaiden 2: The Dark Sword of ChaosunknownGameTek1991
Ninja RabbitsunknownMicrovalue1992
Ninja RabbitsunknownMicrovalue1992
Niño MalounknownCyberniño2001
Nippon Safes, Inc.AdventureDynabyte1992
Nippon Safes, Inc.Adventure1992
Nisus Missile MasterunknownScott A. Murray1994
Nitemare-3DunknownDavid P. Gray1994
Nmongo BongoActionEdiciones Manali1991
No ExitAction1990
No Greater Gloryunknown1991
No Greater Glory: The American Civil WarStrategySpace Time Simulations1991
No Greater Glory: The American Civil WarunknownSpace Time Simulations1991
No Greater Glory: The Civil WarStrategySSI1991
No One Lives Forever 2: A Spy in H.A.R.M’s WayActionMonolith2002
Nobunaga's AmbitionStrategyKOEI Co., Ltd.1988
Nobunaga's Ambition 2Strategy1989
Nobunaga's Ambition 6Strategy1994
NoctropolisAdventureFlashpoint Productions1994
Nocturnal IllusionunknownApricot1997
Nonsense beta 2.0unknownCreation Madnessunknown
Nord and Bert Couldn't Make Head or Tail of ItAdventure1987
North & SouthStrategyInfogrames1989
North & SouthActionInfogrames1990
Norton Commander 1.0unknownPeter Norton Computing1986
Norton Commander 2.0unknownPeter Norton Computing1988
Norton Commander 3.0unknownPeter Norton Computing1989
Norton Commander 4.0unknownSymantec1993
Norton Commander 5.0unknownSymantec1995
Norton Commander 5.51unknownSymantec1998
Norton Editor 2.0unknownSymantec1990
Norton Utilities 3.0unknownPeter Norton Computing1985
Norton Utilities 7.0unknownSymantec1993
Nova 9unknownSierra1991
Nova 9StrategySierra1991
Nova 9 - Return of Gir DraxonActionSierra1991
Nova 9: The Return of Gir Draxonunknown1991
NOW: A Computer Chess ProgramPuzzleImagination Enterprises1991
NoxRPGWestwood Studios2000
NS ArnhemSimulationR. Plokhaar1994
NS HilversumSimulationR. Plokhaar1995
Nuclear BowlsunknownZigurat1986
Nuclear WarStrategy1989
Nuclear WinterunknownSteven Hugg1992
Number MunchersEducationalMecc1990
Number MunchersPuzzle1990
Number MunchersPuzzleMECC1986
NY WarriorsunknownVirgin1991
NyxQuestunknownOver The Top Games2009
Oberon 69ActionG.LL.1990
ObitusRPGPsygnosis Limited1991
ObliteratorActionPsygnosis Limited1989
Ocean RangerStrategyActivision1988
Ocean TraderSimulationSoftware 20001996
Ocean Traderunknown1995
Oddworld: Abe's OddyseeActionGT Interactive Software Corp.1997
Odell Down UnderunknownMECC1994
Odell Down UnderunknownMECC1994
Off RoadSimulationMontsoft1988
Off RoadActionMontsoft1988
Off Shore WarriorSimulationTitus1988
Off Shore Warriorunknown1988
Off to EuropeEducationalGlamus1992
Offensive: Western Front 1944-45unknownWave Software1996
Office Darts 301unknownEugene Briski1994
OgreStrategyJoe Applegate1987
Oh No, More LemmingsStrategyPsygnonis1991
Oh No! More LemmingsunknownDMA1990
Oh No! More LemmingsunknownDMA1990
Oh No! More LemmingsRPGDMA1990
Oh No! More LemmingsRPGDMA1990
Oh No! More LemmingsRPGDMA1990
Oh No! More LemmingsunknownDMA1990
Oh No! More LemmingsunknownDMA1990
Oh No! More LemmingsStrategyDMA1990
Oil BaronsSimulationStarsoft Development1992
Oil BaronsStrategyEpyx1983
Oil ImperiumPuzzleReline Software1989
Oil Imperiumunknown1989
Oil';s WellActionSierra Online1984
Oil';s WellActionSierra Online1990
Oil's WellAction1984
Oil's WellActionSierra1983
Oklib';s RevengeAdventureCastle Technologies1992
OligopolyStrategyP.C. Design Associates1987
Olimpiadas 92: AtletismounknownTopo Soft1992
Olimpiadas 92: Gimnasia DeportivaunknownTopo Soft1992
Oliver & CompanyAction1989
Oliver and CompanyActionCoktel Vision1989
Olympic Games 92unknownOpera Plus1992
Olympic SoccerSportSilicon Dreams1996
Olympic SoccerunknownSilicon Dreams1996
OmegaStrategyOrigin Systems1989
OmegaunknownElectronic Arts1989
OmegaunknownElectronic Arts1989
Omikron: The Nomad Soulunknown1999
Omni Play Basketballunknown1990
Omnicron ConspiracyRPGEpyx1989
On SafariunknownInfogrames1990
On SafariunknownInfogrames1990
On the BallunknownAscon GmbH1993
On the Ball - World Cup EditionSportAscon GmbH1994
Once Upon a ForestAdventureSanctuary Woods1995
Once Upon a ForestAdventure1995
Once Upon a Time - AbracadabraAdventureCoktel Vision1991
Once Upon a Time - Baba YagaAdventureCoktel Vision1991
Once Upon a Time - Little Red Riding HoodAdventureCoktel Vision1991
Onda FlaskanunknownNiklas Hemsidaunknown
One Must Fall 2097ActionEpic MegaGames1994
One Must Fall 2097ActionEpic MegaGames1994
One Must Fall 2097ActionEpic Megagames1994
One Must Fall: 2097ActionEpic Games1994
One Unit Whole BloodActionAtari1998
One-on-One Basketballunknown1988
Onside Complete SoccerunknownMovietime1996
OnslaughtunknownHewson Consultants1990
Oo-ToposAdventurePolarware, Inc.1987
OozeAdventureDragonware Games1989
Ooze: Creepy NitesAdventure1989
OpenTTDStrategyMicroprose Software, Inc.2005
Opera Super SportsMiscOpera Plus1992
Operación CyberActionEdiciones Manali1989
Operation Body CountAction1994
Operation Body CountunknownCapstone1994
Operation Bodycountunknown1994
Operation CleanerPuzzleJan Nyman1998
Operation CleanstreetsunknownSilmarils1988
Operation CleanstreetsunknownSilmarils1988
Operation Combat II: By Land, Sea & AirStrategy1993
Operation Combat: Computer Battle GameStrategy1990
Operation CrusaderunknownThe Avalon Hill1994
Operation Europe: Path to Victory 1939-45Strategyunknown
Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisisunknownunknown
Operation HarrierunknownUS Gold1990
Operation OverlordunknownRowan1994
Operation OverlordunknownRowan1994
Operation StealthAdventureInterplay1990
Operation StealthAdventure1990
Operation StealthunknownDelphine1990
Operation StealthunknownDelphine1990
Operation StealthunknownDelphine1990
Operation StealthAdventureDelphine1990
Operation StealthunknownDelphine1990
Operation StealthunknownDelphine1990
Operation WolfActionTaito1989
Operation WolfunknownTaito1989
Operation: Cleanstreets (a.k.a Manhattan Dealers)ActionInfogrames1988
Operation: Cleanstreets (Manhattan Dealers)ActionSilmarils, Broderbund1988
Operation: Inner Spaceunknown1994
Operation: Inner SpaceActionSoftware Dynamics1994
OrdagounknownP. Torrecilla1991
Oregon TrailunknownMECCunknown
Oregon Trail DeluxeSimulationMECC1992
Origin FXunknownOrigin1993
Orion BurgerunknownSanctuary Woods1996
Orion BurgerAdventureSanctuary Woods1996
OscarActionFlair Software, LTD.1994
Oseong-gwa HaneumAdventureGoldstar Software1993
OuijaunknownMago Soft1996
Out of This WorldunknownEric Chahi1994
Out of this WorldunknownDelphine1990
Out of this WorldunknownDelphine1990
Out on a LemActionUnknown1984
Out RunSportSEGA1989
Out RunSportSEGA1989
Out RunSportUnlimited Software1989
Outer RidgeActionWizard Software1995
OutpostMiscSierra On-Line Inc.1994
Outpost 2unknownDynamix1997
Over the NetunknownGenias1991
Over the Net!unknown1990
Over the ReichStrategy1996
OverlordunknownRowan Software1994
OxydPuzzleDongle ware1992
Oxyd Magnum!unknownDongleware1993
P.H.M. PegasusSimulationLucasFilm Games1988
P47 The Freedom FighterSimulationFirebird Software1990
P47 Thunderboltunknown1990
Pac 2000ActionEdiciones Mago1996
Pac GalPuzzleJ. Jimenez1982
Pac GirlPuzzleJ. Jimenez1982
Pac ManPuzzleOrion Software1983
Pac ManActionFreeware2001
Pac ManiacAction1993
Pac PCAction1995
Pac-GalActionAl J. Jiménez1982
Pac-MaineActionRaymond T. Albert1988
PachinkounknownBrian Kentunknown
Pacific GeneralunknownStrategic Simulations, Inc. (SSI)unknown
Pacific GeneralStrategySSI1997
Pacific IslandsStrategyEmpire Software1992
Pacific IslandsActionEmpire Software1992
Pacific IslandsunknownEmpire Interactive1992
Pacific IslandsunknownEmpire Interactive1992
Pacific StrikeSimulationOrigin Systems1994
Pacific StrikeunknownElectronic Arts1994
Pack 3MiscOpera Soft1989
Pack Dinamic 90unknownDinamic1990
Pack Opera 25MiscDDM1994
Pack PCunknownOpera Soft1985
Pack PC Opera SoftunknownOpera Soft1990
Pack PowersportsMiscZigurat1991
Pack RatActionSteve Blanding1992
Pack Regalo Amstrad PCMiscDinamic1988
Pack Regalo Gun StickunknownDinamic Software1989
Pack Regalo GunstickMiscDinamic1989
Pack Super Juegos CDMiscDDM1998
PackmanActionG. E. Leikam1987
Paganitzu, Episode One: Romancing The RoseActionApogee1991
Pájaros de Bangkok, LosunknownAD1988
PakoActionUranium Software1994
Pako 2ActionUranium Software1995
Paladin + Quest Disk - The Scrolls of TalmouthRPGOmnitrend Software1988
Paladin 2StrategyImpressions Games1992
Panda Dodge-ballSportPanda Entertainment1994
Pandemonium!ActionCrystal Dynamics, Inc.1997
Pang ReturnsActionTopGam2006
Pangea - Return to Planet EarthRPGInteractive Computer Entertainment1993
Panthers in the ShadowsSimulationHPS Simulations1995
Panza Kick BoxingSportFutura1990
Panza Kick BoxingunknownLoriciels1990
Panzer BattlesStrategy1990
Panzer GeneralStrategySSI1994
Panzer GeneralStrategy1994
Panzer GeneralStrategySSI1994
Panzer GeneralStrategySSI1994
Panzer GeneralRPGSSI1994
Panzer GeneralunknownSSI1994
Panzer General 2StrategyStrategic Simulations1997
Panzer General 3D - AssaultSimulationStrategic Simulations1999
Panzer General IIStrategySSI1997
Paper BoyActionElite Systems1987
Paper Boy 2ActionMindscape1991
PaperboyActionAtari Games1984
Paperboy 2ActionTengen1991
Paperboy 2ActionTengen1992
ParadigmAdventureJacob Janerka2017
Paragon (Street Ball)ActionGamer's Edge, id Software1988
Paranoid ParachutersunknownMarkJenkins666unknown
ParashooterActionPeter Leahy1998
ParatrooperActionOrion Software, Inc.1982
Paris Dakar 1990SimulationTomahawk1990
PasqilPuzzleMiloš Zavřel1998
Pasqil GoMokuPuzzleMiloš Zavřel1999
Patrician 2: Quest for Powerunknown2000
PatriotunknownThree-Sixty Pacific1993
Patton Strikes Back: The Battle of the BulgeunknownBroderbund1991
Patton vs RommelStrategyElectronic Arts1986
Paulie PythonunknownCraig P. Thompson1993
PC Arcade ActionMiscJackson1992
PC AsteroidsActionRobe Inie2001
PC Atlético de Madrid 2000unknownDinamic Multimedia1999
PC AtletismounknownFX Interactive2000
PC Barça '99unknownDinamic Multimedia1998
PC BasketunknownDinamic Multimedia1993
PC Basket 2.0unknownDinamic Multimedia1994
PC Basket 3.0unknownDinamic Multimedia1995
PC Basket 4.0unknownDinamic Multimedia1996
PC Basket 4.5unknownDinamic Multimedia1997
PC Basket 6.0unknownDinamic Multimedia1998
PC Bowl - Electron LanesunknownBearWare Systems1986
PC CalciounknownDinamic Multimedia1995
PC CalciounknownDinamic Multimedia1995
PC Calcio 2001unknownDinamic Multimedia2001
PC calcio 3.0 (94/95)SportDinamic1994
PC Calcio 4.0unknownDinamic Multimedia1996
PC calcio 4.0 (95/96)SportDynamic1995
PC calcio 5.0 (96/97)SportDynamic1996
PC Ciclismo 95unknownDDM1995
PC FútbolunknownDinamic Multimedia1993
PC FútbolunknownDinamic Multimedia1999
PC Fútbol 2000unknownDinamic Multimedia2000
PC Fútbol 2000unknownDinamic Multimedia2000
PC Fútbol 2000 Selección EspañolaunknownDinamic Multimedia2000
PC Fútbol 2001unknownDinamic Multimedia2000
PC Fútbol 2005unknownGaelco2004
PC Fútbol 4.0unknownDinamic Multimedia1995
PC Fútbol 4.5unknownDinamic Multimedia1995
PC Fútbol 5.0unknownDinamic Multimedia1996
PC Fútbol 5.0unknownDinamic Multimedia1997
PC Fútbol 5.0unknownDinamic Multimedia1997
PC Fútbol 5.0unknownDinamic Multimedia1997
PC Fútbol 5.0unknownDinamic Multimedia1997
PC Fútbol 6unknownDinamic Multimedia1999
PC Fútbol 6.0unknownDinamic Multimedia1997
PC Fútbol 6.0unknownDinamic Multimedia1998
PC Fútbol 6.0unknownDinamic Multimedia1998
PC Fútbol 6.0unknownDinamic Multimedia1998
PC Fútbol 7unknownDinamic Multimedia1998
PC Fútbol 7unknownDinamic Multimedia1999
PC Fútbol ArgentinaunknownDinamic Multimedia1995
PC Fútbol ArgentinaunknownDinamic Multimedia1995
PC Fútbol Argentina 4.0unknownDinamic Multimedia1996
PC Fútbol Selección EspañolaunknownDinamic Multimedia1998
PC GolunknownDDM1993
PC Illustrator 3.0unknownComputer Graphics Group1985
PC Liga 94-95unknownDDM1994
PC Liga 95-96unknownDDM1995
PC MaziacsActionS. Romero2002
PC MusunknownCírculo A.S.M.1996
PC PókerunknownCírculo A.S.M.1997
Pc PoolSportn.d.1984
PC Pool ChallengesunknownIBM1984
PC Premier 5.0unknownDinamic Multimedia1997
PC Premier 6.0unknownDinamic Multimedia1998
PC RallyunknownDDM1995
PC Real Madrid '99unknownDinamic Multimedia1998
PC Real Madrid 2000unknownDinamic Multimedia1999
PC Real Madrid Basket '99unknownDinamic Multimedia1998
PC Selección Española de FútbolunknownDinamic Multimedia1996
PC TrivialMiscVirtual Software1995
PC Trivial ProMiscVirtual Software1997
PC TuteunknownCírculo A.S.M.1996
PC Vuelta 95unknownDiáspora1995
PC Zone Demo Disk (Sep 2 1993)unknown?1993
PC-GammonPuzzleSentient Software1992
PC-ManPuzzleOrion Software, Inc.1982
PC-ManActionOrion Software1982
PC-ManActionOrion Software1982
PCKaiser++StrategyMartin Gelter1992
PedeicideActionLoren Blaney2012
PedeicideActionLoren Blaney2012
Pedro TankActionSammyspace Software1998
PensatorunknownPepetoni Soft1996
Pentamino 1.0unknownIgor Davydov1993
Penthouse Electric JigsawAdultmicroPHAZE, Merit Software1991
Penthouse electric jigsawPuzzle1990
Penthouse Hot NumbersAdultMagic Bytes1992
Penthouse Hot NumbersPuzzle1993
Penthouse Hot Numbers DeluxeAdultMagic Bytes1993
Penthouse Hot Numbers DeluxeunknownMagic Bytes1993
Penthouse MahjongunknownMagic Bytes1993
People's GeneralStrategy1998
Pepper's Adventure's in TimeunknownSierra1993
Pepper's Adventures in TimeAdventure1993
Pepper's Adventures in TimeunknownSierra1993
Perestroika (Toppler)ActionLocis1990
Perfect General IIunknownQuantum Quality Productions1995
Perico DelgadounknownTopo Soft1989
Perry MasonAdventureTelarium1986
Pescador Espacial 2, ElunknownAnaya1986
Pete Rose BaseballSportAbsolute, Dynamix, GameStar1988
Pete Rose Pennant FeverunknownGamestar1988
Peter Pan & Eagle Eye Mysteries CD-ROMunknownEA Kids1994
PGA GolfSportElectronic Arts1990
PGA Tour GolfSportElectronic Arts1990
PGA Tour golfunknown1990
PGA Tour GolfunknownElectronic Arts1990
PGA Tour GolfStrategyElectronic Arts1990
PGA Tour GolfunknownElectronic Arts1990
PGA Tour Golf: Tournament Course DiskunknownElectronic Arts1990
Phantasie 1RPG1987
Phantasie 3 : The Wrath of NikademusRPGSSI1988
Phantasie 3: The Wrath of NikademusRPG1987
Phantasie III: The Wrath of NikademusunknownSSI1988
Phantasie III: The Wrath of NikademusSimulationSSI1988
Phantasie III: The Wrath of NikademusunknownSSI1988
Phantasmagoria 2AdventureActivision1996
Phantasmagoria: A Puzzle of FleshAdventure1996
Phantasy Star Online: Blue Burstunknownunknown
Phantomas PCunknownTraperic2005
Phantomas Saga 0: UprisingActionCEZ GS2008
Phantomasa ReduxunknownHorrorosoft2007
Pharao's Tomb Vol 1-4ActionApogee1990
PharaohStrategyImpression Games1999
Pharaoh's CurseunknownAmbrosine1998
Pharaoh's PursuitunknownLone Star Micro1990
Pharoah's CurseAction1998
PHM PegasusunknownLucas Arts1988
Pick 'n PilePuzzleUbi Soft1990
Pictionary: The Game of Quick DrawStrategy1989
Pictionary: The Game of Quick DrawunknownOxford Mobius1989
Pictionary: The Game of Quick DrawunknownOxford Mobius1989
Pikachu HunterunknownPilotwood Programsunknown
Pikachu's FantasyunknownCMCunknown
Pikachu's RevengeunknownAlbert Herreraunknown
PikaTronunknownBrad Lowenbergunknown
Pinball 3D~VCRunknownSpidersoft1996
Pinball Construction SetMiscElectronic Arts1985
Pinball Construction SetunknownElectronic Arts1985
Pinball DreamsActionDigital Illusions1993
Pinball DreamsAction1993
Pinball DreamsAction21st Century Entertainment1993
Pinball Dreamsunknown21st Century Entertainment1992
Pinball Dreamsunknown21st Century Entertainment1992
Pinball Dreams 2Action21st Century Entertainment1994
Pinball Dreams 2Action1994
Pinball Dreams 2Action21st Century Entertainment1994
Pinball Dreams IIunknownSpidersoft1994
Pinball FantasiesActionDigital Illusions1994
Pinball FantasiesAction1994
Pinball FantasiesAction21st Century Entertainment1994
Pinball Fantasiesunknown21st Century Entertainment1992
Pinball FantasiesAction21st Century Entertainment1992
Pinball IllusionsAction1995
Pinball IllusionsAction21st Century Entertainment1995
Pinball IllusionsActionDigital Illusions1995
Pinball MagicAction1990
Pinball WorldAction1995
Pincha BolaActionEdiciones Manali1990
Ping-PongunknownEdiciones Manali1990
Pink Umbrellasunknownunknown
Pinky and the Brain ConcentrationunknownKids' WB1996
PinwheelunknownTroy Zerr1995
Pipe DreamPuzzleLucasfilm1989
Pipe DreamunknownLucasArts1991
Pipe DreamunknownScott Thomson1990
Pipe Maniaunknown?1989
PipesPuzzleCreative Software1983
PirateerAdventureAlien Soft1995
Pirateer 2unknownAlien Soft1998
Pirates of the Barbary CoastStrategyStarsoft / Keypunch1987
Pirates of the Barbary CoastunknownStarsoft1987
Pirates! GoldActionMicroprose Software, Inc.1993
Pirates! GoldStrategyMicroProse Software1993
Pirates! GoldunknownMicroprose1987
Pirates! GoldunknownMicroprose1987
Pirates! GoldunknownMicroprose1987
Piso ZeroActionZigurat1991
Pit FighterAction1991
Pit-FighterActionAtari Games, Tengen1990
Pitfall: The Mayan AdventureAction1995
Pitstop 2SimulationEpyx1988
Pitstop 2unknownEpyx1984
Pitstop IISportEpyx1984
Pizza ConnectionStrategySoftware 20001994
Pizza ConnectionRPGSoftware 20001994
Pizza ConnectionunknownSoftware 20001994
Pizza TycoonStrategyMicroProse1994
Pizza TycoonSimulationSoftware 20001994
Pizza TycoonStrategySoftware 20001994
Plague of the MoonAdventure1994
Plague: In the Maze of the MindunknownSoftforum1996
Plan 9 from Outer SpaceAdventureGremlin1992
Plan 9 From Outer SpaceAdventureGremlin1992
Plan 9 From Outer SpaceunknownGremlin1992
Planescape - TormentRPGAtari1999
Planet of LustAdventure1989
Planet X3unknown8-Bit Productions2018
Planet X3unknown8-Bit Productions2018
Planet X3unknown8-Bit Productions2018
Planet X3unknown8-Bit Productions2018
Planet's EdgeRPG1991
Planet's Edge - The Point of No ReturnunknownNew World Computing1991
Planet's Edge - The Point of No ReturnunknownNew World Computing1991
Planet's Edge - The Point of No ReturnunknownNew World Computing1991
PlayboyAdventureVictory Software1994
Playhouse Strip PokerStrategy1988
Playhouse Strip PokerAdultPlayhouse1988
Plundered HeartsAdventure1987
Poder de la Kínbreton, ElunknownPro-Imagyna1997
Point of AttackStrategyHPS Simulations1991
Pokeball GounknownSunrider Entertainmentunknown
Pokemon ExplodeunknownGizworks1999
Pokemon Shoot-UpunknownMarkJenkins666unknown
Poko Memorial: 18 Hole Miniature Golfunknown1987
Pole PositionSimulationUnknownunknown
Pole PositionunknownNamco1988
Pole Position 2SimulationMindscape1982
Pole Position 2unknownEpoch Co.1986
Police Quest - in Pursuit of the Death AngelAdventureSierra1987
Police Quest (VGA Remake)Adventureunknown
Police Quest 2 - The VengeanceAdventureSierra1988
Police Quest 2: The VengeanceAdventureSierra On-Line Inc.1988
Police Quest 2: The VengeanceunknownSierra1988
Police Quest 2: The VengeanceunknownSierra1988
Police Quest 2: The VengeanceunknownSierra1988
Police Quest 2: The VengeanceAdventureSierra1988
Police Quest 2: The VengeanceActionSierra1988
Police Quest 2: The VengeanceActionSierra1988
Police Quest 2: The VengeanceActionSierra1988
Police Quest 2: The VengeanceunknownSierra1988
Police Quest 2: The VengeanceunknownSierra1988
Police Quest 2: The VengeanceunknownSierra1988
Police Quest 3 - The KindredAdventureSierra1990
Police Quest 3: The KindredAdventureSierra On-Line Inc.1992
Police Quest 3: The KindredunknownSierra1991
Police Quest 3: The KindredunknownSierra1991
Police Quest 3: The KindredAdventureSierra1991
Police Quest 3: The KindredunknownSierra1991
Police Quest 3: The KindredunknownSierra1991
Police Quest II: The VengeanceAdventureSierra On-Line1988
Police Quest III: The KindredAdventureSierra On-Line1991
Police Quest: SWATAdventureunknown
PolyWindows DeskPlusunknownQuadram Software1985
PongActionFabrizio Zavagliunknown
Pong v.2.1 cloneAction1984
PonorkyStrategyJaroslav Křepinský1991
PoogabooActionOpera Soft1991
Pool 'm UpSportDommelsch1999
Pool of RadianceRPGSSI1988
Pool of RadianceRPG1988
Pool of RadianceRPGSSI1988
Pool of RadianceRPGSSI1988
Pool of RadianceunknownSSI1988
Pool of RadianceunknownSSI1988
Pool of RadianceunknownSSI1988
Pool of RadianceunknownSSI1988
Pool SharkunknownGT Interactive1997
Pools of DarknessRPG1991
Pools of DarknessunknownSSI1991
Pools of DarknessStrategySSI1991
Pop IdolunknownCodemasters2003
PopcornPuzzleLacral Software1988
Popeye 2ActionSyndicate Inc.1992
Popeye 2Action1992
PopulousStrategyBullfrog, Electronic Arts1989
PopulousStrategyElectronic Arts1989
PopulousunknownElectronic Arts1989
PopulousunknownElectronic Arts1989
PopulousunknownElectronic Arts1989
PopulousunknownElectronic Arts1989
PopulousunknownElectronic Arts1989
PopulousunknownElectronic Arts1989
Populous 2StrategyElectronic Arts1993
Populous 2unknownElectronic Arts1993
Populous 2unknownElectronic Arts1993
Populous 2AdventureElectronic Arts1993
Populous 2unknownElectronic Arts1993
Populous 2unknownElectronic Arts1993
Populous 2 - Trials of the Olympian GodsStrategyBullfrog1991
Populous 2: Trials of the Olympian GodsStrategy1993
Populous II: Trials of the Olympian GodsStrategyElectronic Arts1993
Populous II: Trials of the Olympian GodsStrategyBullfrog1992
Populous: Promised LandsStrategyElectronic Arts1989
Populous: Promised LandsunknownElectronic Arts1989
Populous: The BeginningStrategy1998
PornPipeAdultImage Line Entertainment Software1993
PorntrisAdultImage Line Entertainment Software1993
Port Royaleunknown2002
Portal Mágico, ElunknownVTF Soft1998
Ports of CallStrategyAris Entertainment1994
Ports of Callunknown1989
Ports of CallSimulationInternational Software Development Corp.1989
Ports of CallStrategyKlein & Ulrich1987
Ports of CallStrategyAegis1987
Ports Of Call & Double X SlotsunknownMojo Software1996
Post MortemActionTroll Soft1995
PostalActionRunning With Scissors2003
Postal 2ActionRunning With Scissors2003
Postman Pat 3: To the RescueAction1992
PowballActionAnthony Hamilton2000
Power DollsStrategy1994
Power DriftSport1990
Power DriftunknownActivision1990
Power DriveunknownRage1994
Power DriveSport1994
Power DriveunknownUS Gold1994
Power Putt GolfunknownClubware1992
Power Putt GolfunknownClubware1992
Power ShooterActionJay Kramer1993
Power ShooterActionJay Kramer1993
Power StruggleStrategy1988
Powerboat USA: Offshore Superboat RacingunknownElectronic Arts1990
PowerdromeunknownElectronic Arts1990
PowerHits: BattleTechunknownWestwood Associates, Dynamix1994
PowermongerStrategyElectronic Arts1990
PowermongerStrategyElectronic Arts1990
PowermongerunknownElectronic Arts1990
PowermongerunknownArtech Digital Entertainments1992
PraetoriansunknownKalypso Media2020
Prairie Dog HuntAction1993
Prairie Dog Hunt 2 - Judgement DayunknownIan Firth1994
Prairie Dog Hunt ProunknownIan Firth1995
Prairie Dog Hunt Pro '97unknownIan Firth1997
Pray for DeathunknownLightShock Software1996
Pray for DeathAction1996
Predator 2ActionKonami1991
Predator 2unknown1991
PrehistorikActionTitus Interactive1991
Prehistorik 2ActionTitus1993
Prehistorik 2Action1993
Prehistorik 2ActionTitus1993
Prehistorik 2ActionTitus1993
Premier Managerunknown1992
Premier ManagerStrategyGremlin1992
Premier Manager 2StrategyGremlin1993
Premier Manager 3StrategyGremlin1995
Premier Manager 3 DeluxeunknownRealms of Fantasy1995
Premier Manager 97unknownGremlin1997
Premier Manager 98unknownGremlin1997
Premier Manager Ninety NineunknownGremlin1999
Presentation: Autodesk 3D Studio 3unknownEnlighten1994
President ElectSimulationStrategic Simulations, Inc.1988
President's ChoiceunknownSpinnaker1984
Press Your Luckunknownunknown
Pressing BoxingunknownEdiciones Manali1991
Presumed GuiltyunknownCosmi1989
Příhody z Galské země (Kajko i Kokosz)AdventureSeven Stars1994
Primal RageAction1995
Primal RageActionTime Warner Interactive, Inc.1994
Prince of EvilActionSoftstar1993
Prince of PersiaActionBroderbund1990
Prince of PersiaActionBrøderbund Software1989
Prince of PersiaActionBrøderbund1991
Prince of PersiaActionBroderbund1989
Prince of PersiaunknownBroderbund1989
Prince of PersiaAdventureBroderbund1989
Prince of PersiaunknownBroderbund1989
Prince of PersiaunknownBroderbund1989
Prince of PersiaunknownBroderbund1989
Prince of PersiaunknownBroderbund1989
Prince of PersiaunknownBroderbund1989
Prince of PersiaunknownBroderbund1989
Prince of PersiaunknownBroderbund1989
Prince of PersiaunknownBroderbund1989
Prince of PersiaRPGBroderbund1989
Prince of Persia 2ActionBroderbund1993
Prince of Persia 2: The Shadow & The FlameActionBrøderbund Software1993
Prince of Persia 2: The Shadow & The FlameunknownBroderbund1993
Prince of Persia 2: The Shadow & The FlameRPGBroderbund1993
Princess Maker 2unknown1993
Princess Maker 2SimulationGainax1993
Principio del Fin, ElAdventureBass Software1994
Prisoner of IceAdventure1995
Prisoner of IceAdventureInfogrames1995
Private EyeAdventureSimon & Schuster Interactive1996
Private Eye MysteriesunknownAccess Software1993
Pro Evolution Soccer 2010SportKonami2009
Pro Managerunknown1985
Pro ManagerunknownAvalon Hill1984
Pro-League BaseballunknownKeypunch1987
Profanation 2unknown4MHz2017
Project IGI: Im Going InActionUbi Soft2000
Project NeptuneStrategyInfogrames1989
Project NeptuneAction1989
Project NomadActionGameTek1993
Project ParadiseActionSoft Enterprises1997
Project Space StationSimulationAvantage1987
Project XActionTeam 171995
Project XinatraActionDemon Videogames2016
Project-XActionPsygnosis Limited1994
ProliferationStrategySilicon Commander1995
Prophecy 1 - The viking childActionElectronic Zoo1990
Prophecy of the ShadowRPG1992
Prophecy of the ShadowRPGSSI1992
Prophecy of the ShadowRPGSSI1992
Prophecy of the ShadowunknownSSI1992
Prophecy: The Fall of TrinadonRPGActivision1988
Prophecy: Viking ChildunknownGametek1991
Prost Grand PrixSportInfogrames1998
ProtostarAdventureTsunami Media1993
ProtostarAdventureTsunami Media1993
Protostar: War on the FrontierunknownTsunami Games1993
Protostar: War on the FrontierSimulation1993
Protostar: War On The FrontierunknownTsunami1993
PršíPuzzleMartin Filip1991
PršíMiscPavel Káš1993
PršíPuzzleMartin Filip1991
Psi 5StrategyAccolade1986
Psi 5 Trading Co.unknownAccolade, Inc.1986
Psi 5 Trading CompanySimulation1986
PSI-5 Trading CompanyMiscAccolade1985
Psion ChessPuzzlePsion Software1985
Psion ChessStrategy1985
Psycho KillerunknownDelta 4 Interactive1993
Psycho PinballActionCodemasters1995
Psycho PinballActionCodemasters1995
Psycho PinballActionCodemasters1995
PsychonautsAdventureDouble Fine Productions2005
Pub PokerunknownRussell Oates1993
Pub PoolSportMastertronic1987
Pub PoolunknownMastertronic1987
Punky DuckunknownCondor Software1996
Punq, the FleaActionPaco Suárez2003
Purple Saturn DaySportEpyx1989
Purple Saturn DayunknownERE Informatique1989
Purple Saturn DayunknownERE Informatique1989
Push OverPuzzleOcean1992
Putt-Putt Joins the ParadeEducationalHumongous Entertainment1992
PuzzleMiscEdiciones Manali1989
Pyjamarama remakeunknownR. Granado2004
Pyramid PowerAction1986
Pyramids of EgyptAction1989
Pyro 2MiscMichael O'brien1990
QBasic GorillasStrategyMicrosoft Corporation1991
QBasic NibblesActionMicrosoft Corporation1991
QBasic NibblesAction1991
QCARD.DLLunknownStephen Murphy1994
QuadralienunknownAstral Software1988
QuadralienunknownAstral Software1988
QuadrigaunknownInternational Software Factory1993
QuakeActionid sofware1996
QuakeActionID Software1996
Quake 2Actionid software1997
Quake 2ActionID Software1999
Quake IIActionid Software1997
Quake III Arenaunknownunknown
Quake IVActionRaven Software, id Software2005
Quality of Lifeunknown1995
QuarantineActionGameTek Inc1994
Quarantine 2: Road WarriorSport1995
Quarky & Quaysoo';s Turbo ScienceEducationalSierra1992
Quarky & Quaysoo's Turbo SciencePuzzle1992
QuarterPoleSimulationMicroleague Interactive Software1993
Queen of Tenshindo 95Strategy1995
Quest 2: The Forest TrapunknownMVD Software1997
Quest for Glory [remake]AdventureSierra1992
Quest for Glory 1: So You Want to be a HeroStrategySierra1989
Quest for Glory 1: So You Want to be a HerounknownSierra1989
Quest for Glory 1: So You Want to be a HerounknownSierra1989
Quest for Glory 2 - Trial By FireAdventureSierra1990
Quest for Glory 2: Trial by FireunknownSierra1990
Quest for Glory 2: Trial by FireStrategySierra1990
Quest for Glory 2: Trial by FireunknownSierra1990
Quest for Glory 2: Trial by FireAdventureSierra1990
Quest for Glory 2: Trial by FireunknownSierra1990
Quest for Glory 2: Trial by FireunknownSierra1990
Quest for Glory 3 - Wages of WarAdventureSierra1992
Quest for Glory 3: Der Lohn Des KriegesunknownSierra1992
Quest for Glory 3: Wages of WarunknownSierra1992
Quest for Glory 3: Wages of WarStrategySierra1992
Quest for Glory 3: Wages of WarunknownSierra1992
Quest For Glory 4 - Shadows of DarknessunknownSierra1993
Quest for Glory 4: Shadows of DarknessunknownSierra1993
Quest for Glory 4: Shadows of DarknessunknownSierra1993
Quest for Glory 4: Shadows of DarknessunknownSierra1993
Quest for Glory I: So you Want to be a HeroRPGSierra On-Line1992
Quest for Glory I: So You Want To Be A Hero?AdventureSierra On-Line Inc.1992
Quest For Glory IV: Shadows of DarknessRPGSierra On-Line1993
Quest for Glory V: Dragon FireAdventureSierra On-Line1998
Quest for The TimebirdAdventureFirebird1989
Quest: The Dungeon EscapeunknownMichael Duhm1996
Quest: The Dungeon EscapeunknownMichael Duhm1996
Questprobe featuring Human Torch and The ThingAdventure1985
Questprobe Featuring Spider-ManAdventure1986
Questprobe featuring The HulkAdventure1984
Questron 2RPGStrategic Simulations Inc.1988
Questron IIunknownSSI1988
Questron IIunknownSSI1988
Quick Majik AdventureRPGNeurosport1991
Quick the Thunder RabbitActionTitus1994
QuicKitunknownTopo Soft1993
Quik the Thunder RabbitActionTitus Interactive1994
QuinkStrategyCBS Software1984
R TypeActionIrem1987
R.A.MActionTopo Soft1990
R.B.I. Baseball 2SportTengen1990
R.B.I. Baseball 2unknownTengen1990
Ra!unknownRainbow Arts1990
Race Drivin'Sport1992
Race Drivin';SimulationTengen Inc.1991
Race the NagsSportDick Olsen1992
Race the NagsunknownDick Olsen1993
RACE: The WTCC GameunknownSimBin2006
Race!SimulationCarl Erikson1989
RacerunknownPC Solutions1994
RacerunknownPC Solutions1994
Rack 'emSportAccolade1988
Rad WarriorActionEpyx1987
Rad WarriorAction1986
Rad WarriorunknownPalace Software1987
Radio BaseballSportElectronic Arts1986
Radix - Beyond the VoidActionEpic MegaGames1995
Radix: Beyond the Voidunknown1995
Radix: Beyond the VoidActionEpic Games1995
Rage of MagesActionMonolith Productions, Inc.1998
Ragnarok aka ValhallaRPGOptyk1993
Rags to Richesunknown1993
Rags to RichesunknownInterplay1993
RAH-66 Comanche versus Ka-52 HokumSimulationRazorworks1999
RaidenSimulationImagitec Design1994
Railroad EmpireStrategySeika Corporation1989
Railroad TycoonunknownMicroproseunknown
Railroad TycoonStrategyMicroProse1990
Railroad TycoonStrategyMicroprose1990
Railroad TycoonunknownMicroprose1990
Railroad TycoonunknownMicroprose1990
Railroad TycoonunknownMicroprose1990
Railroad Tycoon 2unknown1998
Railroad Tycoon DeluxeStrategy1993
Railroad Tycoon Deluxeunknown1993
Railroad Tycoon DeluxeStrategyMicroProse1990
Railroad Tycoon DeluxeRPGMicroprose1990
Railroad Tycoon DeluxeunknownMicroprose1990
Railroad Tycoon DeluxeunknownMicroprose1990
Railway ChallengeunknownSunflowers1993
Rallo GumpActionEdge Creations1994
Rallo GumpunknownHomebrew Software1994
Rally ChampionshipsSimulationFlair Software1994
Rally ChampionshipsunknownFlair Software1994
Rally SportSimulationJukka Jakala1996
Rally TrophyunknownBugbear2001
Rally-KSimulationKurt W. Dekker1995
Ralph Bosson';s High SeasSimulationGarde Games of Distinction1988
Rambo - First Blood Part 2AdventureMindscape1985
Rambo 3ActionTaito1989
Rambo 3unknownOcean1989
Rambo IIIActionOcean Software1988
Rambo: First Blood Part IIAdventureAngelsoft1985
RampartStrategyElectronic Arts1992
RampartActionElectronic Arts1992
RampartActionElectronic Arts1992
RampartRPGElectronic Arts1992
RampartRPGElectronic Arts1992
RanxActionUbi Soft Entertainment Software1990
Ranx: The Video Gameunknown1990
Raptor - Call of the ShadowsActionApogee1994
Raptor: Call of the ShadowsActionApogee Software, LTD.1994
Raptor: Call of the ShadowsActionApogee1994
Raptor: Call of the ShadowsActionCygnus1994
Raptor: Call of the ShadowsunknownCygnus1994
Rath-ThaunknownK.F.R. Soft1992
Rattler RaceunknownChristopher Lee Fraley1991
Ravenloft - Strahd';s PossessionRPGStrategic Simulations Inc.1994
Ravenloft: Der Fluch des GrafenAdventureSSI1994
Ravenloft: Stone ProphetRPG1995
Ravenloft: Strahd's PossesionunknownSSI1994
Ravenloft: Strahd's PossesionunknownSSI1994
Ravenloft: Strahd's PossesionAdventureSSI1994
Raylroad tycoonStrategyMicroProse1990
RaymanActionUbi Soft1995
Re-VoltSimulationAcclaim Entertainment1999
Re!MiscPivoňka Software1993
Re! (Mariáš)Puzzle19931995
Re! (Mariáš)Puzzle1993unknown
Reader Rabbit 1unknownThe Learning Company1997
Realms of Arkania - 2. Star TrailRPGAttic Entertainment1994
Realms of Arkania 3 - Shadows over RivaRPGAttic Entertainment1996
Realms of Arkania Vol. 2: Star TrailunknownSir-tech Software, Inc.1994
Realms of Arkania: Star TrailActionAttic1994
Realms of ChaosAction1995
Realms of ChaosunknownApogee1995
Realms of ChaosunknownApogee1995
Realms of the HauntingAdventureunknown
Realms of the HauntingActionGremlin Interactive Ltd.1996
Reaping The DungeonRPG1993
Rebel Charge ChickamaugaunknownSSI1987
Rebel Runner - Operation: Digital CodeunknownFamily Production1997
Red BaronSimulationBMB Compuscience1984
Red BaronSimulationSierra1990
Red BaronActionDynamix, Sierra On-Line1990
Red BaronSimulationDynamix1990
Red BaronSimulationSierra1990
Red BaronunknownSierra1990
Red BaronunknownSierra1990
Red BaronRPGSierra1990
Red Baron: Mission BuilderunknownSierra1990
Red Baron: Mission BuilderunknownSierra1990
Red Baron: Mission BuilderRPGSierra1990
Red CatActionDavilex1994
Red Dwarf Adventure, Part 1unknownMichael Dodson1999
Red Dwarf Adventure, Part 3unknownMichael Dodson1999
Red Dwarf Adventure, Part 4unknownMichael Dodson1999
Red Dwarf Adventure, Part 5unknownMichael Dodson1999
Red Dwarf: Infinity Welcomes Careful DriversAdventure1996
Red Dynamite PackMiscPositive1991
Red FactionActionTHQ Inc.2001
Red GhostunknownMaelstrom Games1997
Red Hook's RevengeMiscImagiSoft1993
Red LightningStrategySSI1989
Red sky at morningStrategy1993
Red Storm RisingSimulationMicroProse1989
Red Storm RisingSimulationMicroProse1989
Red Storm RisingSimulationMicroProse1989
Redhook's RevengeStrategyImagiSOFT1993
Redhook's RevengeStrategy1993
Redneck Deer Huntin’unknownunknown
Redneck Rampageunknownunknown
Redneck Rampageunknown1997
Reelect JFKAdventureunknown
Reelect JFKunknown1994
RematchunknownNiklas Hemsidaunknown
Remote ControlPuzzle1989
Rendezvous with RamaAdventureTelarium1984
Rendezvous with RamaAdventure1985
Rendezvous with RamaunknownTrillium1985
Renegade Legion InterceptorStrategy1990
Renegade Legion: InterceptorunknownSSI1990
RenjuunknownPC Solutions1994
Republic: The Revolutionunknownunknown
Rescate AtlántidaunknownDinamic1989
Rescate en el GolfoActionOpera Soft1991
Rescate en el GolfounknownOpera Soft1990
Rescue at RigelRPGEpyx1983
Rescue at RigelRPG1983
Rescue RoverPuzzleSoftDisk1993
Rescue RoverPuzzleid Software1991
Rescue RoverPuzzle1991
Rescue Rover 2Puzzle1991
Rescue Rover 2 (Dognapped!)Puzzleid Software1991
Resolution 101unknownAstral1990
Resolution 101ActionAstral1990
Restricted Areaunknownunknown
ResummaunknownJ.S. Fransesch1999
Retro Basket MasterunknownCheapeeSoft2021
Retro City RampageActionVBLANK Entertainment2012
Return FireActionWarner Interactive1996
Return of the Incredible Machine - ContraptionsunknownDynamix2000
Return of the PhantomAdventureMicroprose1993
Return of the PhantomunknownMPS Labs1993
Return of the PhantomAdventureMicroProse1993
Return of the PhantomAdventureMicroprose1993
Return of the PhantomAdventureMicroprose1993
Return to DoomAdventure1988
Return to KrondorRPGActivision1998
Return to KrondorRPG1998
Return to KrozAction1990
Return to RingworldAdventureTsunami Media1994
Return to RingworldAdventureTsunami Media1994
Return to ZorkAdventure1993
Return to ZorkAdventureInfocom1993
Return to ZorkAdventureInfocom1993
Returned RacoonActionKyunghee University1992
ReunionunknownAmnesty Design1994
ReunionStrategyGrandslam Entertainment1994
ReunionunknownAmnesty Design1995
Revenge of DefenderActionEpyx1988
Revenge of DefenderActionEpyx1988
Revenge of the DefenderunknownEpyx1989
Revenge of the DefenderunknownEpyx1989
Revenge of the Mutant CamelsActionLlamasoft, LTD.1994
Rex Nebular and the Cosmic Gender BenderAdventureMicroProse1992
Rex Nebular and the Cosmic Gender BenderAdventureMicroprose1992
Rex Nebular and the Cosmic Gender BenderAdventureMicroprose1992
Rex Nebular and the Cosmic Gender BenderAdventureMicroprose1992
Rex Nebular and the Cosmic Gender BenderunknownMicroprose1992
Rex Nebular and the Cosmic Gender-BenderAdventureMicroProse1992
RexChessPuzzleLarry Kaufman, Don Dailey1989
Rick DangerousActionCore Design1989
Rick DangerousAction