1990 Games


Robot 493
007 The Spy Who Loved Meunknown
007 - Lord Bromley's EstateunknownDomark
007 - Lord Bromley's EstateunknownDomark
007 - Lord Bromley's EstateunknownDomark
007 - Q's ArmouryunknownDomark
007 - Q's ArmouryunknownDomark
2010 Street FighterActionCapcom Co., Ltd.
21 BlackjackunknownAtariServ
21 BlackjackunknownAtariServ
3 in ThreePuzzleCinemaware
3D Noughts & CrossesPuzzleGuy Argo
3D PoolSportMicroPlay Software
3D SnookerunknownPlayers Premier Software
3Tris / 3Wiz!PuzzleFrancesco M. Munafo
3Wiz!PuzzleFrancesco M. Munafo
4 en RayaActionIDSA
4D Sports DrivingSportBrøderbund Software
4D Sports Tennisunknown
4D Sports TennisSportMindscape, Inc.
4D Sports: DrivingunknownBroderbund
4D Sports: DrivingRPGBroderbund
4D Sports: DrivingRPGBroderbund
5 Exitos de Opera SoftMiscOpera Soft
5 Exitos de Opera SoftMiscOpera Soft
5 Exitos de Opera SoftMiscOpera Soft
5 Exitos de Opera SoftMiscOpera Soft
76 in 1MiscTsang Hai, Supervision
99 BottlesMiscPad Parrot Productions
A Game of StrategyStrategyHenrik Hoexbroe
A Game of StrategyStrategyHenrik Hoexbroe
A Legacy for Alaric II - The Magic IsleunknownZenobi Software
A Legacy for Alaric II - The Magic IsleunknownZenobi Software
A Legacy for Alaric II - The Magic IsleunknownZenobi Software
A-10 Tank KillerunknownDynamix
A-10 Tank KillerunknownDynamix
A-10 Tank KillerunknownDynamix
A-10 Tank KillerunknownDynamix
A-10 Tank KillerunknownDynamix
Abadox: The Deadly Inner WarActionMilton Bradley
Action ServiceunknownCobra Soft
Action Stations!unknownInternecine
ActRaiserActionEnix Corporation
ActRaiserActionQuintet, Enix
Adidas Championship Footballunknown
Adidas Championship FootballunknownOcean
adidas Championship Tie BreakunknownStarbyte Software
Adidas Championship Tie Breakunknown
Adidas Championship Tie-BreakunknownOcean
Adidas Championship Tie-BreakunknownOcean
Adidas Championship Tie-BreakunknownOcean
Adult Twounknown
Advanced Destroyer SimulatorSimulationFutura
Advanced Destroyer Simulatorunknown
Advanced Destroyer SimulatorSimulation
Advanced Destroyer SimulatorStrategyFutura
Advanced Lawnmower Simulator IIunknownJA Software
Advanced Pinball SimulatorunknownCodemasters
Advanced Pinball SimulatorunknownCodemasters
Advanced Pinball SimulatorunknownCodemasters
Advanced Pinball SimulatorunknownCodemasters
Advanced Tactical Fighter 2Simulation
Advanced Tactical Fighter IIunknownDigital Integration
Adventures of LolounknownHAL Laboratory, Inc.
Adventures of Lolo 2PuzzleHAL Laboratory
Adventures of Lolo 2PuzzleHAL Laboratory, Inc.
Adventures of Lolo IIunknownHAL Laboratory, Inc.
Adventures of Rad Gravity, TheActionInterplay Productions Ltd.
Aerial AssaultunknownSega Corporation
African Trail SimulatorSportCrom Software
African Trail SimulatorSport
AggressionStrategyExpert Source Code
Air BusterActionKaneko
Air Strike USASimulationCinemaware
Air Strike USASimulation
Air WarriorunknownOn-Line Entertainment
Air WarriorunknownOn-Line Entertainment
Airstrike USASimulationSpotlight Software
Airstrike USAunknownDigital Integration
Akcionar IIunknownINFO Soft
AknadachunknownProxima Software
Akuma-kun: Makai no WanaStrategyBandai America, Inc.
Akumajou Special: Boku Dracula-kunActionKonami Computer Entertainment Japan, Inc.
Al Ladron!unknownLuis F. Sanchez
Al Unser Jr. Turbo RacingunknownData East Corporation
Alex Kidd in Shinobi WorldActionSEGA
Alice : eventyrspill basert på "Alice in Wonderland"unknownIngar Holm m.fl
Alien BrigadeActionAtari Corporation
Alien ForceActionRobert Epps
Alien ForceunknownRobert Epps
Alla Scoperta Dell'InformaticaunknownFederico Motta Editore
Alpha WavesActionInfogrames
Alpha WavesAction
Alpha WavesSimulationInfogrames
Alpha WavesunknownInfogrames
Altered BeastActionSega
Altered BeastAction
Altered BeastActionSega Corporation
Altered DestinyAdventureAccolade
Altered DestinyAdventureAccolade
AmadoPuzzleYong Choi
Amo del Mundounknown
Amo del MundounknownPositive
Amo del MundoActionPositive
Amo del MundoActionPositive
Amo del MundoActionPositive
Amo del MundoActionPositive
Angel Nieto Pole 500unknownOpera Sport
Angel Nieto Pole 500unknownOpera Sport
Angel Nieto Pole 500unknownOpera Sport
Angel Nieto Pole 500unknownOpera Sport
Angel Nieto Pole 500unknownOpera Sport
Angel Nieto Pole 500unknownOpera Sport
Angel Nieto Pole 500unknownOpera Sport
Angel Nieto Pole 500ccunknown
Another WorldActionInterplay
Another WorldActionDelphine
Another WorldAdventureDelphine
Another WorldunknownDelphine
Ante-Up at The Friday Night Poker ClubStrategy
ApacheunknownJuan Antonio Paz Salgado
Arana, LaunknownYear Zero Software
Arcade Fruit MachineunknownZeppelin Games
Arcade Fruit MachineunknownZeppelin Games
Arcade Fruit MachineunknownZeppelin Games
Arcade Fruit MachineunknownZeppelin Games
Arcade Fruit MachineSimulationZeppelin Games Limited
Arch Rivals: A Basketbrawl!SportAcclaim Entertainment, Inc.
AresunknownMixt Software
AresunknownMixt Software
AresunknownMixt Software
Armor AlleyActionInformation Access Technologies
Arnold the AdventurerunknownZenobi Software
Arnold the AdventurerunknownZenobi Software
Assault CityActionSega Corporation
Assault Courseunknown
Assault CourseunknownPlayers Premier Software
Assault CourseunknownPlayers Premier Software
Astro Fang: Super MachineunknownA Wave
At the CarnivalPuzzle
Atari Double Monopoly v3.1unknownS.L.C.
Atari Double Monopoly v3.1unknownS.L.C.
AtmoidsunknownAndre Weber
Atom AntunknownHi-Tec Software
Atom Antunknown
Atom AntunknownHi-Tec Software
Atomic Punk (Bomber Boy)ActionHudson Soft
AtomixPuzzleThalion Software GMBH
ATP Tour SimulatorunknownProxima Software
Aussie Safariunknown
Aventura Espacial, Launknown
Aventura Espacial, LaunknownAventuras AD
Aventura Espacial, LaunknownAventuras AD
Aventura Espacial, LaunknownAventuras AD
Aventura Espacial, LaunknownAventuras AD
Aventura Espacial, LaunknownAventuras AD
Aventura Espacial, LaunknownAventuras AD
Aventura Espacial, LaunknownAventuras AD
Axe of Kolt, TheunknownFSF Adventures
Axe of Kolt, TheunknownFSF Adventures
Axe of Kolt, TheunknownFSF Adventures
Axe of Kolt, TheunknownFSF Adventures
Axe of Kolt, TheunknownFSF Adventures
Axe of Kolt, TheunknownFSF Adventures
Axe of Kolt, TheunknownFSF Adventures
Axe of Kolt, TheunknownFSF Adventures
Axe of Kolt, TheunknownFSF Adventures
Axe of Kolt, TheunknownFSF Adventures
Axe of Kolt, TheunknownFSF Adventures
Axe of Kolt, TheunknownFSF Adventures
B.A.T.AdventureUBI Soft
B.A.T.unknownUbi Soft
B.A.T.RPGUbi Soft
Back to the Future 2ActionImage Works
Back to the Future Part IIunknownImages Software
BackgammonunknownMicroforum Manufacturing
Backgammon RoyaleStrategyOxford Softworks
Bad BloodRPG
Bad DreamunknownProxima Software
Bad DreamunknownProxima Software
Bad DudesActionData East Corporation
Bad Dudes vs. Dragon NinjaunknownOcean Software, Inc.
Bad News BaseballSimulationTecmo, Ltd.
Baken Hisshou Gaku: Gate InunknownKAC
Bakushou! Ai no GekijouunknownCoconuts
Bakushou! Star Monomane ShitennouunknownPack-in-Video Co., Ltd.
Balance of the PlanetEducationalChris Crawford
Balloon KidActionNintendo
Bandit Kings of Ancient ChinaStrategyKoei / Infogrames
Bang! Bang!Strategy
Banger RacerunknownCult Games
Banger RacerunknownCult Games
Bangers & Mashunknown
Banyon WarsStrategyWilliam Soleau
Bard's tale 3: Thief of fateRPGElectronic Arts Inc.
Bargon AttackAdventureCoktel Vision
Baseball Simulator 1.000SportCulture Brain
Bases Loaded II: Second SeasonSportJaleco
Basket MasterSportDynamic Multimedia
Batman The MovieActionOcean
Batman: the MovieAction
Battle Chess 2 - Chinese ChessStrategyInterplay Productions
Battle Chess 2: Chinese ChessStrategy
Battle Chess 2: Chinese ChessunknownInterplay
Battle CommandSimulationOcean Software
Battle FleetunknownNamco Ltd
Battle For AtlantisStrategySoleau Software
Battle of the Bulgeunknown
Battle of the Bulge, TheunknownCCS
Battle of the Bulge, TheunknownCCS
Battle of the Bulge, TheunknownCCS
Battle Stadium: Senbatsu Pro YakyuuunknownIGS
Battles of NapoleonStrategySSI
Battles of NapoleonStrategySSI
BattleTech: The Crescent Hawk's RevengeunknownWestwood Associates
BattleTech: The Crescent Hawk's RevengeunknownWestwood Associates
BattleTech: The Crescent Hawks' RevengeStrategy
Beetlejuice - Skeletons in the ClosetActionHi-Tech Expressions
Berlin 1948AdventureTime Warp
Beverly Hills CopAction
Beverly Hills Copunknown
Beverly Hills CopunknownTynesoft
Beverly Hills CopunknownTynesoft
Big BoggleunknownGameTek
Big BusinessStrategyDigiTek
Big Businessunknown
Big BusinessunknownDigiTek
BigfootSportAcclaim Entertainment, Inc.
Bikkuriman World: Gekitou Sei SenshiunknownHudson Soft, LTD.
Bill & Ted's Excelent AdventureAdventureOff The Wall Productions
Bill Elliot's NASCAR ChallengeunknownKonami
Bill Elliot's NASCAR ChallengeunknownKonami
Billy The KidAction
BiosActionEdiciones Manali
Blades of steelunknown
Blades of SteelunknownKonami
Blazing Thunderunknown
Blazing ThunderunknownHi-Tec Software
Blazing ThunderunknownHi-Tec Software
Blazing ThunderunknownHi-Tec Software
Blaznivy DomunknownMiro & Rasto
Blinky's Scary SchoolunknownZeppelin Games
Blinky's Scary SchoolunknownZeppelin Games
Blitzkrieg - Battle at the ArdennesMisccompany
Block ForceActionRCM
Blodia Land: Puzzle QuestunknownTonkin House
Blood Moneyunknown
BloodwychunknownImage Works
Bloody PawsunknownG.LL. Software
Bloody PawsunknownG.LL. Software
Bloody PawsActionG.LL.
Bloody Warriors: Shan-Go no GyakushuuunknownToei Animation
Blue Max: Aces of the Great WarSimulation
Blue Max: Aces of the Great WarSimulationThree-Sixty Pacific, Inc.
Bodo Illgner's Super Soccerunknown
Bog of BritunknownStormbringer Software
Bonanza Bros.ActionSEGA Enterprises
Bonanza Bros.ActionSEGA Enterprises
Boulder DashunknownData East Corporation
Bounce ZoneAction
BoxeounknownEdiciones Manali
Boyd File, TheunknownZenobi Software
Breach 2StrategyOmnitrend Software
Breach 2unknownImpressions
Breach 2unknownImpressions
Break NeckunknownLusitania
Bridge HopperPuzzleI. Harness
Brush RollerActionRCM Group
Buck RogersRPGSSI
Buck Rogers: Countdown to DoomsdayRPGSSI
Buck Rogers: Countdown to DoomsdayRPGSSI
Buck Rogers: Countdown to DoomsdayRPGSSI
Budokan: The Martial SpiritActionElectronic Arts
Buggy RangerunknownDinamic Software
Buggy RangerunknownDinamic Software
Buggy Rangerunknown
Buggy RangerActionDinamic
Buggy RangerActionDinamic
Buggy RangerActionDinamic
Buggy RangerActionDinamic
Buggy RangerunknownDinamic
Burai FighterunknownTaito America Corporation
CabalunknownMilton Bradley
CadaverRPGBitmap Brothers
Caesar's PalacePuzzleRealtime Associates
California Games 2SportEpyx, Inc.
California games 2SportEpyx
California Games IIActionEpyx, Inc.
Camp CantitoeAdventureDevin Garrity
Campeones PCMiscTopo Soft
Can I Cheat the Deathunknown
Captain Comic 2unknownComputerEasy
Captain Comic 2unknownComputerEasy
Captain Comic 2 - Fractured RealityActionColor Dreams
Captain Planetunknown
Captain SkyHawkunknownMilton Bradley
Captain Tsubasa II: Super StrikerunknownTecmo, Ltd.
Carlos Sainzunknown
Carlos SainzunknownZigurat
Carlos SainzunknownZigurat
Carlos SainzunknownZigurat
Carlos SainzunknownZigurat
Castle AdventureunknownG.I. Games
Castle MasterAdventureDomark Software
Castle Masterunknown
Castle MasterunknownIncentive Software
Castle MasterAdventureIncentive
Castle master 2unknown
Castle Master 2 - The CryptAdventureDomark Software
Castle Master II The Cryptunknown
Castle Master II - The CryptunknownIncentive Software
Castle Master II - The CryptunknownIncentive Software
Castle of DeceitunknownBunch Games
Castle of DragonunknownSeta
Castle of Illusion starring Mickey MouseActionSEGA
Castle of Illusion starring Mickey MouseActionSEGA of America, Inc.
Castle QuestunknownHudson Soft, LTD.
Castles of ConfusionunknownKE-Soft
CastlevaniaActionUnlimited Software
Caveman GamesSportData East Corporation
CavemaniaunknownAtlantis Software
CavemaniaunknownAtlantis Software
Caverna del Dragón de Bronce, LaunknownDanisoft
CaverniaunknownZeppelin Games
Caves of Bewbewsunknown
Caves of ThorAdventureApogee
CefalusunknownEdiciones Manali
CentaurPuzzleVictor Vikhrev
CentaurPuzzleVictor Vikhrev
CentipodunknownChallenge Software
CenturionunknownElectronic Arts
Centurion - Defender of RomeStrategyElectronic Arts
Centurion: Defender of RomeStrategyBits of Magic
Challenge of the DragonunknownColor Dreams
Champions of KrynnRPGSSI
Champions of KrynnRPGSSI
Champions of KrynnRPGSSI
Champions of KrynnunknownSSI
Chase H.Q. II - Special Criminal InvestigationsunknownOcean
CheckersunknownGregory Thatcher
Chessmaster 2000, TheunknownDro Soft
Chessmaster 2000, TheunknownDro Soft
Chip ’N Dale: Rescue RangersActionCapcom
Chip's Challengeunknown
Chip';s ChallengePuzzleEpyx
Chip'n Dale: Rescue Rangers : The Adventure in Nimnul's CastleunknownWalt Disney
Chiyonofuji no OoichouunknownFace
Choy Lee Fut Kung Fu Warriorunknown
Choy-Lee-Fut Kung-Fu WarriorunknownPositive
Ci U Than Trilogy I La Diosa de Cozumelunknown
Ci-U-Than Trilogy I - La Diosa de CozumelunknownAventuras AD
Ci-U-Than Trilogy I - La Diosa de CozumelunknownAventuras AD
Ci-U-Than Trilogy I - La Diosa de CozumelunknownAventuras AD
Ci-U-Than Trilogy I - La Diosa de CozumelunknownAventuras AD
Ci-U-Than Trilogy I - La Diosa de CozumelunknownAventuras AD
Ci-U-Than Trilogy I - La Diosa de CozumelunknownAventuras AD
Ci-U-Than Trilogy I - La Diosa de CozumelunknownAventuras AD
Circuit's EdgeRPG
Circuit's EdgeunknownWestwood
Circus CaperActionToho
Cisco Heat: All American Police Car RaceSportJaleco Ltd.
Clash At DemonheadunknownVic Tokai Corporation
Classic ConcentrationunknownGameTek Inc
Classic Trainer IIunknownGTI Software
Cloud KingdomsPuzzleMillenium
Cloud KingdomsPuzzle
Člověče nezlob se!unknownAriel Software
Človeče, nehnevaj sa!unknownOndro Vršanský
Člověče, nezlob se!MiscAriel Software
Clue: Master DetectivePuzzleLeisure Genius
CocineroActionEdiciones Manali
Code Name: ViperActionCapcom Co., Ltd.
Codename: IcemanAdventureSierra
Colección Amstrad PCWMiscOpera Soft
ColorisunknownWoMo Team
Colossus Backgammonunknown?
Colossus Bridgeunknown?
Colossus Draughtsunknown?
ColumnsPuzzleSEGA Enterprises
Command HQStrategyMicroplay
Commander Keen - Episode 1Action
Commander Keen 1: Marooned on MarsActionApogee Software, LTD.
Commander Keen 2: The Earth ExplodesActionid Software
Commander Keen 2: The Earth ExplodesActionApogee Software, LTD.
Commander Keen 3: Keen Must Die!Actionid Software
Commander Keen 3: Keen Must Die!ActionApogee Software, LTD.
Commander Keen in Invasion of the VorticonsActionApogee
Commander Keen, chapter one: Marooned on MarsunknownApogee
Commander Keen: Aliens Ate My Babysitter!unknownApogee
Commander Keen: Invasion of the VorticonsActionApogee
Commander Keen: Invasion of the VorticonsunknownApogee
Commander Keen: Invasion of the VorticonsunknownApogee
Commander Keen: Invasion of the VorticonsunknownApogee
Como la Vida Misma - O ParecidounknownBurga's Adventure
Como la Vida Misma - O ParecidounknownBurga's Adventure
Como la Vida Misma (o parecido)unknownBurgas Adventures
Computer DiplomacyStrategyLeisure Genius
Conflict - The Middle East Political SimulatorSimulationVirgin Mastertronics
Conflict: The Middle East Political SimulatorStrategyVirgin Interactive Entertainment
Conflict: The Middle East Political SimulatorStrategyVirgin
Conflict: The Middle East Political SimulatorunknownVirgin
Conflict: The Middle East Political SimulatorunknownVirgin
ConquerorActionRainbow Arts
Conquest of CamelotAdventureSierra
Conquest of the Crystal PalaceunknownAsmik
Contagion + Z-ForceunknownAtari
Corazon del Angel, ElunknownYear Zero Software
Corazón del Ángel, ElunknownYear Zero
Corazón del Ángel, ElunknownYear Zero
Corona Magica, Launknown
Corona Mágica, LaActionProein
Corona Mágica, LaActionProein
Corona Mágica, LaActionProein
Corona Mágica, LaActionProein
Corona Mágica, LaActionProein
Corona Mágica, LaActionProein
CorporationActionDimension Creative Designs
Corvette ZR-1 ChallengeunknownMilton Bradley
Cougar ForceAction
CountdownAdventureAccess Software
CountdownunknownAccess Software
Covert actionStrategyMicroProse
Covert ActionStrategyMicroProse
Covert ActionunknownMicroprose
Covert ActionAdventureMicroprose
Cowboy DuelunknownD.J. Stepanenko
Cowboy Kidzunknown
CozumelunknownAventuras AD
CozumelunknownAventuras AD
CozumelunknownAventuras AD
CozumelunknownAventuras AD
CozumelunknownAventuras AD
CozumelunknownAventuras AD
CozumelunknownAventuras AD
CozumelunknownAventuras AD
Crack DownunknownU.S. Gold
Crack DownunknownU.S. Gold
Crack DownunknownSega
Crash CourseunknownSpectrum Holobyte
Crawling Horror, TheunknownYear Zero Software
Crawling Horror, TheunknownYear Zero Software
Crawling Horror, TheunknownYear Zero Software
Crazy QuaderunknownBit Power
CreaturesActionApex Designs
Crime does not payActionTitus Interactive
Crime TimeAdventureStarbyte
Crime TimeAdventureByteriders
Crime WaveActionAccess Software
Crime WaveAction
Crime WaveunknownAccess
Crime WaveStrategyAccess
Crime WaveStrategyAccess
Crossbow: The Legend of William Tellunknown
CrystalisRPGSNK Corporation
CrystalisRPGSNK Corporation
Crystals of ArboreaRPG
Crystals of ArboreaRPGSilmarils
Crystals of ArboreaRPGSilmarils
Cuban MissionunknownBolsoftware Communications
Cuban MissionunknownBolsoftware Communications
Cubik RoadActionProein
Cueva del Dragón, LaActionEdiciones Manali
Cyberball Footballer in the 21st Centuryunknown
Cybergenic Ranger: Secret of the Seventh PlanetunknownSymtus
Dai Kaijuu: DeburasunknownData East Corporation
Dames Simulatorunknown
Damocles: Mercenary IIAdventureNovagen
Dan Dare III The Escapeunknown
Dan Dare III - The EscapeunknownVirgin Games
Dan Dare III - The EscapeunknownVirgin Games
Dan Dare III - The EscapeunknownVirgin Games
Danger StreetunknownManuel Soft
Dangerous DaveActionSoftdisk, Inc.
Dangerous DaveActionSoftdisk Publishing
Dangerous Dave in Copyright InfringementActionJohn Carmack, Tom Hall
DariusunknownThe Edge Software
Dark CenturyActionTitus France
Dark Designs 1: Grelminar's StaffRPG
Dark Designs 2: Closing the GateRPG
Dark StrengthsunknownOmikron Software
Dark Strengths - IntrounknownOmikron Software
DarkspyreRPGEvent Horizon
Darwin's DilemmaPuzzleAndre Ouimet
Das BootSimulationArtech
Das BootSimulationThree Sixty
Das Boot: German U-Boat SimulationSimulation
Das Haus oder: Was habe ich da falsch gemacht?StrategyAriolasoft
Das StundenglasAdventureWeltenschmiede
Dash Galaxy in the Alien AsylumActionData East Corporation
Dash YarouunknownVisco
David Wolf - Secret AgentAdventureDynamix
Dawn RaiderActionSoftstar
Dawn Raiderunknown
Day of the PharaohStrategyChip
Day of the Viperunknown
Days of ThunderSimulationMindscape
Days of ThunderunknownMindscape International
Days of ThunderSportMindscape, Inc.
Days of ThunderunknownMindscape
Days of ThunderunknownMindscape
De CineMiscOcean
Deadly Evilunknown
Deadly EvilunknownPlayers Premier Software
Deadly EvilunknownPlayers Premier Software
Death by BackgammonStrategy
Death RaceActionAGCI
Death's Ticketunknown
DeathbotsunknownA Wave
Deathdream IIActionIber
DeathtrackSimulationActivision, Inc.
Decision at GettysburgStrategy
Deek's DeedsunknownBass-On
Deep Dungeon IV: Kuro no YoujutsushiunknownAsmik
Defenders of the EarthunknownEnigma Variations
Defenders of the EarthunknownEnigma Variations
Defenders of the EarthunknownEnigma Variations
Defenders of the EarthunknownEnigma Variations
Defenders of the Earthunknown
Deja Vu 2: Lost in Las VegasAdventure
Deliverance: Stormlord 2ActionHewson Consultants Ltd.
Deliverance: Stormlord IIActionHewson Consultants
Delta ChargeunknownThalamus
Delta ChargeunknownThalamus
Delta ChargeunknownThalamus
Demo Sampler: Fight for VictoryunknownLucas Arts
Demon SwordActionTaito America Corporation
Der Ritter der MuslirundeunknownPeter Diehm
Destination EarthstarActionAcclaim Entertainment, Inc.
Destiny MissionunknownWilliams Technology
Destiny MissionunknownWilliams Technology
Destiny of an EmperorRPGCapcom Co., Ltd.
Destrucción de América, LaunknownC. Bádenas
Dick Tracyunknown
Dick Tracyunknown
Dick TracyunknownBandai America, Inc.
Dick Tracy Crimestoppers Print KitunknownDisney
Dick Tracy Crimestoppers Print KitunknownDisney
Dick Tracy: The Crime-Solving AdventureunknownDisney
Dick Tracy: The Crime-Solving AdventureunknownDisney
Die Maden kommenunknownGold Dragon
Die SucheunknownNSS
Digger T. Rock: The Legend of the Lost CityunknownMilton Bradley
DilemmaunknownNew Atari User
Dirty HarryActionMindscape, Inc.
Dirty HarryActionGray Matter, Mindscape
Disney’s Duck Tales: The Quest for GoldActionWalt Disney Computer Software
Dizionario Di InformaticaunknownFederico Motta Editore
Dizzy - Prince of the Yolk FolkActionCodemasters
Dizzy - Prince of the Yolk FolkActionCodemasters
Dizzy DiceunknownPlayers
Doce Trabajos de Heracles, LosunknownAventuras Mitologicas
Doce Trabajos de Heracles, LosunknownAventuras Mitologicas
Don Doko DonunknownTaito America Corporation
Don JuanunknownF.J. Rodríguez
Doraemon: Gigazombie no GyakushuuunknownEpoch
Double BlocksPuzzleErnest Yale
Double DareunknownGameTek Inc
Double DashunknownProxima Software
Double DashunknownProxima Software
Double Dragon 3 - The Rosetta StoneActionTechnos Japan
Double Dragon 3 – The Rosetta StoneActionTechnos Japan
Double Dragon 3: The Rosetta StoneActionTechnos
Double Dragon 3: The Rosetta StoneunknownTechnos
Double Dragon IIActionTechnōs Japan
Double Dragon II: The RevengeActionAcclaim Entertainment, Inc.
Double Dribbleunknown
Double DribbleunknownKonami
Double HawkActionSega Corporation
Double TennisunknownVM Soft
Downtown Nekketsu Koushinkyoku: Soreyuke DaiundoukaiunknownTechnos Japan Corp.
Dr. MarioPuzzleNintendo
Dragon Ball Z: Kyoushuu! SaiyajinunknownBandai America, Inc.
Dragon FighterActionTowa Chiki
Dragon FighterActionNatsume
Dragon LordStrategy
Dragon Quest IV: Michibikareshi Mono-tachiunknownEnix Corporation
Dragon Spirit: The New LegendunknownBandai America, Inc.
Dragon StrikeActionWestwood, Strategic Simulations, Inc.
Dragon StrikeSimulation
Dragon UnitunknownAthena
Dragon Warrior IIunknownEnix Corporation
Dragon Warrior IVRPGEnix, Chunsoft
Dragon WarsRPG
Dragon's Lair 2: Time WarpActionSullivan Bluth Interactive Media, Inc.
Dragon's BreathunknownSpotlight Software
Dragon's BreathunknownSpotlight Software
DragonflightRPGThalion Software
Dragons of FlameunknownU.S. Gold
Dragons of Flameunknown
Dragons of FlameunknownU.S. Gold
DreadnoughtunknownByte Back
Driller (a.k.a. Space Station Oblivion)ActionEpyx
Duck GalleryunknownRichard Gore
Duck Tales: The Quest for GoldAction
Duck Tales: The Quest for GoldActionThe Walt Disney Company
Duck Tales: The Quest for GoldunknownDisney
Dudes with AttitudeunknownA Wave
DuneStrategyVirgin Games
Dungeon ExplorerRPGJohn Murphy
Dungeon ExplorerRPG
Dungeon KidunknownBothtec (Quest)
Dungeon Magic: Sword of the ElementsRPGTaito America Corporation
Dyna Blaster (Bomberman)ActionHudson Soft Company Ltd.
Dynamite DüxActionSega Corporation
Dynasty Warsunknown
Dynowarz: The Destruction of SpondylusunknownBandai America, Inc.
E Motionunknown
E-MotionunknownU.S. Gold
E-MotionunknownU.S. Gold
E-MotionunknownUS Gold
E-SWATunknownSega Corporation
Eagle's Riderunknown
Eamon 001 - Main Hall & Beginners Caveunknown
Eamon 001 - Main Hall & Beginners Caveunknown
Eamon 020 - The Black DeathunknownNelson, J.
Eamon 024 - Black MountainunknownNelson, J.
Eamon 037 - Quest for the Holy GrailunknownHodson, E.
Eamon 038 - City in the CloudsunknownHodson, E.
Eamon 044 - Escape From the Orc LairunknownHinkleman, J.
Eamon 045 - SwordquestunknownPender, R.
Eamon 047 - FuturequestunknownPender, R.
Eamon 049 - The Castle KophinosunknownDoumakes, D.
Eamon 069 - The Black Castle of NagogunknownBurrows, D.
Eamon 077 - Temple of the TrollsunknownNelson, J.
Eamon 084 - Castle of RivenetaunknownKarsten, R.
Eamon 108 - The Mines of MoriaunknownRuby, S.
Eamon 114 - Thror's RingunknownZuchowski, T.
Earth ShakerunknownMichael Batty
Earth ShakerunknownMichael Batty
Earth ShakerunknownMichael Batty
Eco PhantomsActionElectronic Zoo
Edd the DuckunknownImpulze
Edd the DuckunknownImpulze
Edd the DuckunknownImpulze
Edd the Duckunknown
Edward O. Thorp's Real BlackjackunknownVilla Crespo
Electric Crayon Deluxs - Teenage Mutant Ninja TurtlesEducationalMerit Software
Electric JigsawPuzzleMerit Software
Emil-HilfunknownDieter Barthold
Emlyn Hughes Arcade QuizunknownAudiogenic Software
En la Sima del Buho MalditounknownJarel
Enchanted PencilsAdventureAndy Backer
EngendrounknownJorge Durán
Escape from HellRPGElectronic Arts
Escape from HellRPG
Escape from HellunknownElectronic Arts
Escape from Hodgkin's ManorunknownZenobi Software
Escape from Planet of Robot Monstersunknown
Escape from the Planet of Doomunknown
Escape from the Planet of the Robot MonstersActionTengen
Escape from the Planet of the Robot MonstersunknownDomark
Escape from the Planet of the Robot MonstersunknownDomark
Escape from the Planet of the Robot MonstersunknownDomark
Escape from the Planet of the Robot MonstersunknownDomark
Escape from the Planet of the Robot Monstersunknown
Escape From ZolAdventureCommodore Format
Espada Sagrada, LaunknownTopo Soft
Espada Sagrada, Launknown
Espada Sagrada, LaunknownTopo Soft
Espada Sagrada, LaunknownTopo Soft
Espada Sagrada, LaunknownTopo Soft
Espada Sagrada, LaunknownTopo Soft
Espada Sagrada, LaunknownTopo Soft
EswatActionUS Gold
Etrange Castelunknown
European Championsunknown
European ChampionsunknownE&J Software
European ChampionsunknownE&J Software
European Soccer ChallengeunknownPlayers Software
European Soccer ChallengeActionSoftware Sorcery
ExcessusunknownWazertown Works
ExcessusunknownWazertown Works
ExcessusunknownWazertown Works
ExcessusunknownWazertown Works
Eye of the Beholder - Vol. 1RPGSSI
F 16 Fighting Falconunknown
F-14 TomcatSimulationActivision
F-14 TomcatunknownActivision
F-15 City WarunknownA Wave
F-16 Fighting FalconunknownVirgin Mastertronic
F-ZeroSportNintendo Co., LTD
F1 Race!SportJoel Quejada
F29 RetaliatorSimulation
F29 RetaliatorunknownOcean
F40 Pursuit SimulatorSportTitus
FacesStrategySpectrum Holobyte
FallthruAdventurePaul H. Deal
Familie TreeEducationalThomas Keith Stone
Famous Five, The Five on a Treasure Islandunknown
Famous Five, The - Five on a Treasure IslandunknownEnigma Variations
Famous Five, The - Five on a Treasure IslandunknownEnigma Variations
Famous Five, The - Five on a Treasure IslandunknownEnigma Variations
Fantastic American FootballunknownZeppelin Games
Fantastic American FootballunknownZeppelin Games
Fantasy World DizzyActionCodemasters
Fantasy World DizzyunknownCodemasters
Fantasy World DizzyunknownCodemasters
Ferrari Formula OneSportElectronic Arts
Fighter BomberunknownActivision
Fighter Bomberunknown
Filler \(Russian\)StrategyGamos
Final Fantasy IIIRPGSquare Co., Ltd.
Final Fantasy IIIRPGSquare
Final FightActionCapcom
Final MissionunknownNatsume Co., Ltd.
Final OrbitunknownInnerprise
Fire & Forget 2 - The Death ConvoySimulationTitus
Fire & Forget IIunknownTitus Software
Fire and Forget II The Death Convoyunknown
Fire Hawk: Thexder - The Second ContactunknownSquare
Fire Hawk: Thexder - The Second ContactStrategySquare
Fire KingRPGElectronic Arts
Fire KingunknownSSG
Firestone, Theunknown
Fireworks for Windows 3.1unknown
Fisher-Price: I Can RememberunknownGameTek Inc
Fisher-Price: Perfect FitunknownGameTek Inc
Flight of the IntruderSimulation
Flight of the IntruderunknownSpectrum Holobyte
Flight of the IntruderunknownSpectrum Holobyte
Flight of the IntruderunknownSpectrum Holobyte
FlintstonesActionHanna-Barbera Productions, Inc.
Flip!unknownNorbert Hagemann
Football ChampionsunknownCult Games
Football ChampionsunknownCult Games
Football Champions - IntrounknownCult Games
Football Manager World Cup Editionunknown
Football Manager World Cup Editionunknown
Football Manager World Cup Editionunknown
Football Manager - World Cup EditionunknownAddictive Games
Ford simulator 2Sport
Forgotten Realms Iii - Secret Of The Silver BladesAdventureSSI
Formula One: Built to WinSportSeta
Formula One: Built to WinSportWinky Soft
Fountain of DreamsRPGElectronic Arts
Frankenstein JnrunknownCodemasters
Frankenstein JnrunknownCodemasters
Frankenstein Jnrunknown
Frankenstein: The Monster ReturnsActionTose, Bandai
Freakin' Funky FuzzballsunknownSir-tech
Freakin' Funky FuzzballsunknownSir-tech
Freakin' Funky FuzzballsunknownSir-tech
Fruit Machine 2 Simulatorunknown
Fruit Machine Simulator 2 - Mega TrekunknownCodemasters
Fruit Machine Simulator 2 - Mega TrekunknownCodemasters
Fruit Machine Simulator 2 - Mega TrekunknownCodemasters
Fuga, LaunknownAventuras AM
Full Metal PlaneteStrategy
Full Metal PlaneteunknownInfogrames
Full Throttle IIunknownZeppelin Games
Future Bike Simulatorunknown
Future WarsAdventureDelphine Software
Future warsAdventureInterplay
Future WarsunknownDelphine
Future WarsActionDelphine
Future WarsunknownDelphine
Future WarsunknownDelphine
Future Wars: Adventures in TimeAdventureInterplay Productions
Galactic BattleActionSoftdisk Publishing
Galactic EmpireStrategyCoktel Vision
Galactic EmpireunknownTomahawk
Galleons of Gloryunknown
Galleons of Glory: The Secret Voyage of MagellanStrategyBrøderbund
Galleons of Glory: The Secret Voyage of MagellanunknownBrøderbund
Gambler Jiko Chuushinha 2unknownAsmik
Game GenieunknownGaloob
Garfield Winter's Tailunknown
Garfield - Winter's TailunknownThe Edge Software
Garfield - Winter's TailunknownThe Edge Software
Gargoyle's QuestAdventureCapcom
Gargoyle’s QuestActionCapcom
Gargoyle's QuestActionCapcom Co., Ltd.
Gato con Botas, ElunknownI. González
Gauntlet IIActionMindscape, Inc.
Gazza's Super Soccerunknown
Gazza's Super Soccerunknown
GeishaAdventureCoktel Vision
GeishaAdultCoktel Vision
GeishaPuzzleCoktel Vision
GeishaunknownCoktel Vision
Ghostbusters IIActionActivision
Glaggs It!unknownPower Per Post
Gods of War, TheunknownZenobi Software
Gods of War, TheunknownZenobi Software
Gods of War, TheunknownZenobi Software
Gods of War, TheunknownZenobi Software
GoJoeActionBJB Productions
Golden AxeActionSega
Golden AxeActionSega
Golden AxeActionSega
Golden AxeunknownSega
Golden AxeunknownSega
Golden AxeunknownSega
Golden AxeunknownSega
Golden BasketunknownOpera Soft
Golden Basketunknown
Golden BasketunknownOpera Sport
Golden BasketunknownOpera Sport
Golden BasketunknownOpera Sport
Golden BasketunknownOpera Sport
Golden BasketunknownOpera Sport
GolfamaniaActionSega Corporation
Good Moonunknown
Goofy's Railway ExpressunknownDisney
GP RiderSportSega
GP RiderSportSega
Gradius IIIunknownKonami
Grand Prix Circuitunknown
Grand Prix CircuitunknownAccolade
Great Boxing: Rush UpunknownVisco
Gremlins 2ActionTopo Soft
Gremlins 2ActionTopo Soft
Gremlins 2ActionTopo Soft
Gremlins 2ActionTopo Soft
Gremlins 2ActionTopo Soft
Gremlins 2ActionTopo Soft
Gremlins 2ActionTopo Soft
Gremlins 2: The New BatchActionElite Systems
Gremlins 2: The New BatchActionSun Electronics
Gremlins 2: The New BatchActionSun Electronics
Gremlins 2: The New BatchActionSun Corporation of America
GripplePuzzleDoug B.
Grue-Knapped!unknownFSF Adventures
Grue-Knapped!unknownFSF Adventures
Gruta del Oraculo, LaunknownJavi
Gruta del Oraculo, LaunknownJavi
Gruta del Oraculo, LaunknownJavi
Guardian Angel, Theunknown
Guardian Angel, TheunknownDinamic Software
Guardian Angel, TheunknownDinamic Software
Guardian II Revenge of the Mutantsunknown
Gumboots AustraliaAdventure
Gun NacunknownTonkin House
Gunboat – River Combat SimulationSimulationAccolade
Gwain the HafflingunknownPanic Software
Halls of Montezuma: A Battle History of the United States Marine CorpsunknownSSG
Halls of Montezuma: A Battle History of the United States Marine CorpsunknownSSG
Hammer BoyunknownDinamic
Hammerin’ HarryActionIrem
Hampa 1930unknownJ. Izquierdo - L. Calvo
Hampa 1930unknownJ. Izquierdo - L. Calvo
Hampa 1930unknownJ. Izquierdo
Hampa 1930unknownJ. Izquierdo
Happy Birthday BugsunknownKemco/Seika
Hard Drivin'Sport
Hard Drivin' 2Sport
Hard Drivin'unknownDomark
Hard Drivin'unknownDomark
Hard Drivin' 2unknownDomark
Hard NovaRPGElectronic Arts
Hard NovaunknownElectronic Arts
Hard NovaunknownElectronic Arts
Hardball IISportAccolade
Harlem GlobetrottersSportGameTek
HatrisPuzzleBullet-Proof Software
HavocunknownPlayers Premier Software
Heat WaveSportAccolade
Heavy BarrelunknownData East Corporation
Heavy Metalunknown
Heavyweight Champ - James "Buster" Douglas Knockout BoxingunknownSega Corporation
Helter Skelterunknown
Helter SkelterunknownAudiogenic Software
Helter Skelter - EditorunknownAudiogenic Software
HeresvilleunknownWazertown Works
Highway Patrol 2Sport
Highway Patrol IIunknownMicroids
Highway Patrol IIAdventureMicroids
Highway Patrol IIunknownMicroids
Hissatsu Shigoto NinunknownBanpresto
Hockey League Simulatorunknown
Honey PeachAdultSachen
Hong Kong PhooeyunknownHi-Tec Software
Hong Kong PhooeyunknownHi-Tec Software
Hong Kong PhooeyunknownHi-Tec Software
Hong Kong Phooeyunknown
Horror Zombies from the CryptActionAstral Software
Hot PopSportActivision
Hot Rodunknown
House on the Tor, TheunknownZenobi Software
Hoyle - Book of Games Vol. 2unknownSierra
Hoyle - Book of Games Vol. 2unknownSierra
Hoyle - Book of Games Vol. 2unknownSierra
Hoyle - Book of Games Vol. 2SimulationSierra
Hoyle - Book of Games Vol. 2unknownSierra
Hoyle's Book of Games 2 - SolitaireunknownSierra
Hugo's House of HorrorsAdventureGray Design Associates
Hugo’s House of HorrorsAdventureGray Design Associates
Hugo's House of HorrorsAdventureGray Design Associates
Hugo's House of HorrorAdventureGray Design Ass.
Hugo's House of HorrorsAdventure
Hugo's House of HorrorsunknownGray Design Associates
HydraActionIce Software
Hyper Lode RunnerActionBandai
HypsysActionDro Soft
Ice Breakerunknown
Ice BreakerActionTopo Soft
Ice BreakerActionTopo Soft
Ice BreakerActionTopo Soft
Ice-BreakerunknownTopo Soft
Ice-BreakerunknownTopo Soft
IcewarunknownKen Coates
Ikari III: The RescueAction
Il Filo di AriannaunknownFederico Motta Editore
Image FightActionIrem Software Engineering, Inc.
ImperatorunknownVictory Computing
ImperatorunknownVictory Computing
ImperiumStrategyElectronic Arts
ImperiumStrategyElectronic Arts
Impossamole - Part 1 - KlondikeunknownGremlin Graphics Software
Impossamole - Part 2 - OrientunknownGremlin Graphics Software
Impossamole - Part 3 - AmazonunknownGremlin Graphics Software
Impossamole - Part 4 - IcelandunknownGremlin Graphics Software
Impossible MissionunknownTengen - U.S. Gold
Impossible Mission IIActionKonami
Indiana Jones 3unknownProxima Software
Indiana Jones 3 FM-Towns Version - and the Last CrusadeunknownLucasArts
Indiana Jones 4 - A Zlata Soska KeltuunknownProxima Software
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade: The Action GameActionTengen - U.S. Gold
InfiltratorActionMindscape, Inc.
Infiltrator, TheunknownLim Thye Chean
Inhumanos, LosunknownDelta Software
Inhumanos, LosunknownDelta Software
Inhumanos, Losunknown
Inhumanos, LosActionDelta
Inhumanos, LosActionDelta
Inhumanos, LosActionDelta
Inhumanos, LosActionDelta
Insector XunknownTaito America Corporation
International 3d TennisSportPalace Software
International 3D Tennisunknown
International 3D TennisunknownPalace Software
International Soccer ChallengeSportRed Rat Software
International Soccer ChallengeunknownMicroStyle
Invasion ForceunknownCCS
Iron LordStrategyUbi Soft
Iron LordStrategy
Iron LordunknownUbi Soft
Iron LordunknownUbi Soft
Ironman Offroad RacerSimulationVirgin
Ironman's Offroad RacingunknownTradewest
Ironman's Offroad RacingunknownTradewest
Ironman's Offroad RacingunknownTradewest
Isaki Shuugorou no Keiba Hisshou GakuunknownImagineering
Ishido: The Way of StonesunknownAccolade
It Came from the Desertunknown
It Came From the DesertStrategyCinemaware
It Came from the DesertunknownCinemaware
It Came from the DesertunknownCinemaware
Italian SupercarunknownCodemasters
Italian SupercarunknownCodemasters
Italian Supercarunknown
Italy 1990SportU.S. Gold Ltd.
Italy 1990unknown
Italy 1990unknown
Italy 1990SportU.S. Gold
Italy 1990unknownCodemasters
Italy 90 aka World Class SoccerSportUS Gold
J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings, Vol. IRPG
Jack Nicklaus' Greatest 18 Holes of Major Championship GolfSportAccolade
Jack Nicklaus' Greatest 18 Holes of Major Championship GolfSportAccolade
Jack Nicklaus' Unlimited Golf & Course Designunknown
Jack Nicklaus'; Unlimited Golf & Course DesignSportAccolade
Jack Nicklaus'; Unlimited Golf & Course DesignSportAccolade
Jack Nicklaus' Unlimited Golf & Course DesignunknownAccolade
Jack Nicklaus' Unlimited Golf & Course DesignunknownAccolade
Jackie Chan’s Action Kung FuActionHudson Soft
Jackie Chan's Action Kung FuActionHudson Soft Company Ltd.
Jackson CityunknownG.LL. Software
Jackson CityunknownG.LL. Software
Jackson CityunknownG.LL. Software
Jackson CityActionG.LL.
Jackson CityActionG.LL.
Jackson CityActionG.LL.
Jackson CityActionG.LL.
Jahangir Khan World Championship SquashunknownKrisalis
Jahangir Khan’s World Championship SquashSportKrisalis Software
Jajamaru Gekimaden: Maboroshi no KinmajouunknownJaleco
James Bond: The Stealth Affair (Operation Stealth)AdventureDelphine Software
James Pond: Underwater AgentActionMillennium
Jason of the Argonautsunknown
Jeopardy! 1st EditionunknownGametek
Jeopardy! 2nd EditionunknownGametek
Jeopardy! 4th EditionStrategyShareData
Jeopardy! Sports EditionunknownGametek
Jeopardy!: 25th Anniversary EditionunknownGameTek Inc
Jet 37unknown
JetFighter 2 - Advanced Tactical FighterSimulationVelocity
Jetfighter 2: Advanced Tactical FighterSimulation
JetFighter II: Advanced Tactical FighterunknownVelocity
JetFighter II: Advanced Tactical FighterunknownVelocity
JetFighter II: Advanced Tactical FighterunknownVelocity
Jigoku Gokuraku MaruunknownPack-in-Video Co., Ltd.
Jimmy Connors Pro Tennis TourSportUnknown
Joe Montana Footballunknown
Joe Montana FootballSportSega Corporation
Joe Montana FootballunknownSEGA
John Madden FootballSportElectronic Arts
Jones in the Fast LaneStrategySierra On-Line
Jones in the Fast LaneStrategySierra
Jones in the Fast LaneStrategySierra
Jones in the Fast LaneAdventureSierra
Jones in the Fast LaneAdventureSierra
Joshua's WorldsAdventureJoshua Chapman
Journey to SiliusActionSun Electronics
Journey to SiliusActionSun Corporation of America
Joust VGAActionDave and Ron Sharpless
Joust VGAActionDave and Ron Sharpless
Joust VGAAction
Juanito en busca de su Baloncitounknown3PSoft
Jungle Warriorunknown
Jungle WarriorunknownZigurat Software
Jungle WarriorunknownZigurat Software
Jungle WarriorActionZigurat
Jungle WarriorActionZigurat
Jungle WarriorActionZigurat
Kabuki: Quantum FighterActionHuman Entertainment
Kagerou DensetsuunknownPixel Painters Corporation
Kenny Dalglish Soccer Managerunknown
Kenny Dalglish Soccer ManagerunknownImpressions Software
Kenny Dalglish Soccer Managerunknown
Kenny Dalglish Soccer ManagerunknownImpressions Software
Kenny Dalglish Soccer MatchunknownImpressions Software
Kenny Dalglish Soccer MatchunknownImpressions Software
Keys To MaramonAdventureMindcraft
KhalaanStrategyRainbow Arts Software GmbH
KhalaanunknownRainbow Arts
Kick Offunknown
Kick Off 2SportAnco Software
Kick Off 2unknown
Kick Off 2unknownAnco Software
Kick Off 2SportAnco Software
Kick Off World Cup EditionunknownAnco Software
Kickle CubiclePuzzleIrem Software Engineering, Inc.
Kid Kool and the Quest for the Seven Wonder HerbsunknownVic Tokai Corporation
Kilburn Encounter, TheunknownS-P-C-
King´s Quest V - Absence makes the heart go yonderAdventureSierra
King's BountyStrategyNew World Computing
King’s BountyStrategyNew World Computing
King's BountyStrategyNew World Computing
King's Quest 1 - SCI remakeAdventureSierra
Kingdom of Kroz 2Action
Kiteretsu DaihyakkaunknownEpoch
KlaxPuzzleTengen, Inc.
KlaxActionHudson Soft, LTD.
Knight ForceunknownTitus
Knight MovePuzzleJV Dialog
Knights of the SkySimulationMicroProse
Knights of the SkySimulation
Knights of the SkyunknownMicroprose
KosmonautActionBluemoon Interactive
KosmonautunknownBluemoon Interactive
KraalunknownHewson Consultants
Krazy KreaturesunknownA Wave
Krion Conquest, TheActionVic Tokai Corporation
KrtekunknownProxima Software
KryminiPuzzleSoftware Agency
Kurogane Hiroshi no Yosou Daisuki! Kachiuma DensetsuunknownNichibutsu
Kwik SnaxActionCodemasters Software
LA Drugs BustunknownPlayers Software
LA Drugs BustunknownPlayers Software
Labyrinth GamesunknownRaxoft - Omikron Software
Labyrinth Games - IntrounknownRaxoft - Omikron Software
LasermaniaunknownL.K. Avalon
LasermaniaunknownL.K. Avalon
LasermaniaunknownL.K. Avalon
LasermaniaunknownL.K. Avalon
Last ArmageddonunknownYutaka
Last Ninja 2: Back with a Vengeanceunknown
Last Ninja RemixActionEclipse Software Design
Last Vampire, TheunknownAtlantis Software
Last Vampire, TheunknownAtlantis Software
Lazzy LarryunknownPeer-Soft
Legacy, TheunknownZenobi Software
LegendunknownZafiro Software Division
Legend of FaerghailRPGElectronic Design Hannover
Les Manley in: Search for the KingAdventureManley and Associates, Inc.
Les Voyageurs du Temps: La MenaceunknownDelphine
LHXSimulationElectronic Arts
LHX Attack ChopperSimulationElectronic Arts
LHX Attack ChopperunknownElectronic Arts
LHX Attack ChopperunknownElectronic Arts
LHX Attack ChopperunknownElectronic Arts
Life & death 2SimulationSoftware Toolworks
Life & Death 2: The Brainunknown?
Life & Death 2: The Brainunknown
Life and Death II: The BrainEducationalThe Software Toolworks, Inc.
Light Corridor, TheunknownInfogrames
Light Corridor, TheunknownInfogrames
Light Corridor, TheunknownInfogrames
Light Corridor, TheunknownInfogrames
Line of FireunknownU.S. Gold
Line of Fireunknown
Links: Championship Course - Banff SpringsunknownAccess
Links: Championship Course - Barton CreekAdventureAccess
Links: Championship Course - Barton CreekunknownAccess
Links: Championship Course - Bay Hill ClubAdventureAccess
Links: Championship Course - Bay Hill ClubunknownAccess
Links: Championship Course - Bay Hill ClubunknownAccess
Links: Championship Course - Bay Hill ClubunknownAccess
Links: Championship Course - BighornunknownAccess
Links: Championship Course - Bountiful Golf ClubunknownAccess
Links: Championship Course - Bountiful Golf ClubunknownAccess
Links: Championship Course - Bountiful Golf CourseAdventureAccess
Links: Championship Course - Bountiful Golf CourseunknownAccess
Links: Championship Course - Bountiful Golf CourseunknownAccess
Links: Championship Course - Bountiful Golf CourseunknownAccess
Links: Championship Course - Castle Pines Golf ClubunknownAccess
Links: Championship Course - Firestone Country ClubAdventureAccess
Links: Championship Course - Hyatt Dorado BeachAdventureAccess
Links: Championship Course - Hyatt Dorado BeachunknownAccess
Links: Championship Course - Hyatt Dorado BeachunknownAccess
Links: Championship Course - Mauna KeaunknownAccess
Links: Championship Course - Pebble BeachunknownAccess
Links: Championship Course - Pebble BeachunknownAccess
Links: Championship Course - Pinehurst Resort & Country ClubAdventureAccess
Links: Championship Course - Pinehurst Resort & Country ClubunknownAccess
Links: Championship Course - Pinehurst Resort & Country ClubunknownAccess
Links: Championship Course - Pinehurst Resort & Country ClubunknownAccess
Links: Championship Course - Pinehurst Resort & Country ClubunknownAccess
Links: Championship Course - Prairie Dunes Country ClubunknownAccess
Links: Championship Course - The BelfryunknownAccess
Links: Championship Course - The BelfryunknownAccess
Links: Championship Course - Troon NorthAdventureAccess
Links: Championship Course - Troon NorthunknownAccess
Links: Championship Course - Troon NorthunknownAccess
Links: Championship Course: Innisbrook - CopperheadunknownAccess
Links: Fantasy Course - Devils IslandunknownAccess
Links: The Challenge of GolfSportAccess Software, Inc.
Links: The Challenge of GolfSportAccess Software
Links: The Challenge of GolfSportAccess
Links: The Challenge of GolfAdventureAccess
Links: The Challenge of GolfAdventureAccess
Links: The Challenge of GolfunknownAccess
Links: The Challenge of GolfunknownAccess
Links: The Challenge of GolfunknownAccess
Links: The Challenge of GolfActionAccess
Links: The Challenge of GolfunknownAccess
Little League Baseball Championship SeriesunknownSNK Corporation
Little MagicunknownData East Corporation
Little Nemo: The Dream MasterActionCapcom
Little Nemo: The Dream MasterActionCapcom Co., Ltd.
Little Nemo: The Dream MasterActionCapcom
Little Ninja BrothersunknownCulture Brain
Little Puff in Dragonlandunknown
Little Puff in DragonlandunknownCodemasters
Little Wandering Guru, TheunknownZenobi Software
Livingstone Supongo IIunknownOpera
Livingstone Supongo IIunknownOpera
LogoPuzzleStarbyte Software
Lombard Rac RallyunknownMandarin Software
LoomAdventureLucasfilm Games
LoomAdventureLucasfilm Games
Loom: Roland UpgradeunknownLucasArts
Loom: Roland UpgradeunknownLucasArts
LoopzPuzzleMindscape, Inc.
LoopzPuzzleAudiogenic Software
Lord of the Rings - The Fellowship of the RingRPGInterplay
Lord of the Rings Vol. IAdventureInterplay
Lords of ChaosunknownBlade Software
Lords of Chaos - World 1 - The Many Coloured LandunknownBlade Software
Lords of Chaos - World 1 - The Many Coloured LandunknownBlade Software
Lords of Chaos - World 2 - The Slayers DungeonunknownBlade Software
Lords of Chaos - World 2 - The Slayers DungeonunknownBlade Software
Lords of Chaos - World 3 - Ragaril's DomainunknownBlade Software
Lords of Chaos - World 3 - Ragaril's DomainunknownBlade Software
Lords of Chaos - World 4 - The Islands of IrisunknownBlade Software
Lords of Chaos - World 4 - The Islands of IrisunknownBlade Software
Lords of Chaos - World 5 - The Tombs of the UndeadunknownBlade Software
Lords of Chaos - World 5 - The Tombs of the UndeadunknownBlade Software
Lords of DoomRPG
Lords Of Doom (English Version)AdventureStarbyte Software
LornaActionTopo Soft
LornaActionTopo Soft
LornaActionTopo Soft
LornaActionTopo Soft
LornaActionTopo Soft
LornaActionTopo Soft
Lost Adventures of KrozAction
Lost in the AmazonunknownAtlas Adventure Software
Lost Temple, TheunknownZenobi Software
Lost Temple, TheunknownZenobi Software
Lost Treasures of InfocomunknownInfocom
LotterieunknownCommodore Disc
Lotus Esprit Turbo ChallengeSportMagnetic Fields
Lotus Esprit Turbo ChallengeunknownGremlin Graphics
Lotus Esprit Turbo ChallengeunknownGremlin Graphics Software
Lotus Esprit Turbo Challengeunknown
Lotus Esprit Turbo ChallengeSportGremlin
Lotus Esprit Turbo Challenge - InfounknownGremlin Graphics Software
Lotus Esprit Turbo Challenge - InfounknownGremlin Graphics Software
Low blowunknown
Low BlowunknownElectronic Arts
Low BlowunknownElectronic Arts
Low BlowunknownElectronic Arts
Low G Man: The Low Gravity ManActionTaxan
Lunar LanderActionMarvelous Interactive
Lupo AlbertounknownIdea Software
M.U.D.S. - Mean Ugly Dirty SportSportRainbow Arts Software GmbH
M.U.L.E.unknownMindscape, Inc.
Mac BoomActionTony Breitzman
Mac Spudd!AdventureRobert Carr
MacArthur's WarStrategy
MacArthur's War - Battles for KoreaStrategyStrategic Simulations Inc.
Mad Dog McCreeActionAmerican Laser Games, Inc.
Mad MaxunknownMindscape, Inc.
Mad Mix 2unknown
Mad Mix 2ActionTopo Soft
Mad Mix 2ActionTopo Soft
Mad Mix 2ActionTopo Soft
Mad Mix 2ActionTopo Soft
Mad Mix 2 En el Castillo de los Fantasmasunknown
Mad Mix 2 - En el Castillo de los FantasmasunknownTopo Soft
Magic JewelryPuzzleRCM Group
Magic JohnunknownJaleco
Magic Johnson's BasketballunknownDro Soft
Magic Johnson's BasketballunknownDro Soft
Magic Johnson's Basketballunknown
Magic Johnson';s MVPSportVirgin Games
Magic Johnson's BasketballunknownMelbourne House
Magic Johnson's BasketballunknownMelbourne House
Magic Johnson's BasketballunknownMelbourne House
Magicians ApprenticeunknownThe Guild
Magicians ApprenticeunknownThe Guild
MagicLand DizzyActionCodemasters Software
Magnetic III: The Disk BustunknownCharles M. Duncan
Magnetic Moon II - Starship QuestunknownFSF Adventures
Magnetic Moon II - Starship QuestunknownFSF Adventures
Magnetic Moon II - Starship QuestunknownFSF Adventures
Magnetic Moon II - Starship QuestunknownFSF Adventures
Magnetic Moon II - Starship QuestunknownFSF Adventures
Magnetic Moon II - Starship QuestunknownFSF Adventures
Magnetic Moon II - Starship QuestunknownFSF Adventures
Magnetic Moon II - Starship QuestunknownFSF Adventures
Magnetic Moon II - Starship QuestunknownFSF Adventures
Magnetic Moon II - Starship QuestunknownFSF Adventures
Magnetic Moon II - Starship Quest - IntrounknownFSF Adventures
MajikActionChris Busch
Maldicion de los Mac Leod, LaunknownDanisoft
Maldición de los Mac Leod, LaunknownDanisoft
Maldición de los Mac Leod, LaunknownDanisoft
Maldición de los Mac Leod, LaunknownDanisoft
Maldita EscuelaunknownMegasoft
Maldita EscuelaunknownMegasoft
Maldita EscuelaunknownMegasoft
Maldita EscuelaunknownMegasoft
ManagerunknownCommodore Disc
Manager, TheunknownGTI Software
Manager, TheunknownGTI Software
Manchester Unitedunknown
Manchester UnitedunknownKrisalis
Manhunter 2 - San FranciscounknownSierra
Mansion QuestunknownG.I. Games
Mantis 2unknownRaven Adventures
Mario Bros VGAAction
Marked SquareunknownRUN/IDG Communications
MatendoujiunknownBothtec (Quest)
Mau-MauunknownCommodore Disc
Maupiti IslandAdventureLankhor
MazeunknownSYS PD
Maze ManunknownLoadstar
Maze ManunknownCP Verlag
Mazium IVunknownCharles M. Duncan
Mechanized AttackunknownSNK Corporation
Mega ManActionCapCom, U.S.A.,Inc
Mega ManunknownHi-Tech Expressions
Mega ManRPGHi-Tech Expressions
Mega Man 3ActionCapcom
Mega Man 3ActionCapcom Co., Ltd.
Mega ParatrooperunknownCP Verlag
MegamaxunknownCP Verlag
MegaTraveller 1: The Zhodani ConspiracyunknownParagon
Meikyuu JimaunknownIrem Software Engineering, Inc.
Menace BeachunknownColor Dreams
Menagerie, TheunknownStormbringer Software
Mendel PalaceActionHudson Soft, LTD.
Metal Gearunknown
Metal GearActionBanana Development
Metal GearunknownKonami
Metal GearunknownKonami
Metal Gear 2 - Solid SnakeActionKonami
MethyhelunknownThe Guild
MethyhelunknownThe Guild
Michael Jackson’s MoonwalkerActionSega
Michael Jackson’s MoonwalkerActionSega
Michael Jackson's MoonwalkerunknownSega Corporation
Michael Jackson's MoonwalkerActionSEGA of America, Inc.
Microball 4unknownCharles M. Duncan
Microball 5unknownCharles M. Duncan
MicroLeague Baseball IIunknownMicroleague Sports
Microsoft CruelunknownKen Sykes
Microsoft Game ShopunknownMicrosoft
Microsoft Mouse Microsoft PaintbrushunknownMicrosoft
Microsoft PeggedunknownMike Blaylock
Microsoft Reversi for Windows 3.xunknownMicrosoft
Microsoft Tetris for Windows, version 2.0unknownMicrosoft
Microsoft TicTacticsunknownRobert Donner
Midnight MutantsActionRadioactive Software
Midnight RescueActionThe Learning Company
Midnight ResistanceunknownOcean
Midnight ResistanceunknownOcean
Midnight Resistanceunknown
Midnight ResistanceunknownOcean
Midnight ResistanceunknownOcean
Midwinter 2StrategyRainbird
Mig BustersunknownPlayers Premier Software
Mig Bustersunknown
Mig BustersunknownPlayers Premier Software
Might and Magic: Book One: Secret of the Inner SanctumunknownGakken
Mighty BombjackActionElite Systems
Millenium: Return to EarthunknownElectric Dreams
MillionaerunknownPDPD Software
Minas Perdidas, LasunknownAventuras AM
MinesunknownIan Heath
Minesweeper Beta 2.9unknownDuff Software
Mini RacersunknownJack-A-Lantern Software
Mini-TrisunknownMarkt & Technik
Miser, TheunknownZenobi Software
MisjaunknownL.K. Avalon
Miss Mind: AniaunknownJanusz Bien
Miss Mind: AniaunknownJanusz Bien
Missile CommandunknownCP Verlag
Missile CommandunknownCP Verlag
Mission Attack Demo DiskunknownElectronic Arts
Mission CobraunknownBunch Games
Mission: ImpossibleActionUltra Games, Konami
Mission: ImpossibleActionUltra Games
MithosActionOpera Soft
MithosActionOpera Soft
MithosActionOpera Soft
MithosActionOpera Soft
MithosActionOpera Soft
Mixed-Up Mother Goose (Enhanced)AdventureSierra On‑Line, Inc.
Mizushima Shinji no Dai KoushienunknownCapcom Co., Ltd.
Moai KunPuzzleKonami
Moero!! Juudou WarriorsunknownJaleco
Mondu's Fight PalaceunknownActivision
Monkey Island 1 - Secret of Monkey IslandunknownLucasArts
Monty Python's Flying Circusunknown
Monty Python's Flying CircusunknownVirgin
Monty Python's Flying CircusActionCore Design
Monty Python's Flying CircusActionVirgin
Monty Python's Flying CircusunknownVirgin
Moon Blasterunknown
Moon RangerActionBunch Games
MoonbaseStrategyWesson International
Mortadelo y Filemon II Safari Callejerounknown
Mortadelo y Filemon II - Safari CallejerounknownDro Soft
MotorPsychoSportBlueSky Software
Mountain Bike RacerunknownZeppelin Games
Mountain Bike RacerunknownZeppelin Games
Mountain Bike RacerunknownPositive
Mountain Bike RacerunknownPositive
Mountain Bike RacerunknownPositive
Mountain Bike RacerunknownPositive
Mouryou Senki MadaraunknownKonami Computer Entertainment Japan, Inc.
Mozgprocesor v1.0CunknownComputer Adventure Studio
Mozgprocesor v1.0CunknownComputer Adventure Studio
Mr. GasunknownDro Soft
Mr. Gasunknown
Mr. Ray's Fusebox v2.0unknownRay Irish
Mundial de Futbolunknown
Mundial de FútbolunknownOpera Sport
Mundial de FútbolunknownOpera Sport
Mundial de FútbolunknownOpera Sport
Mundial de FútbolunknownOpera Sport
Mundial de FútbolunknownOpera Sport
Mundial de ItaliaunknownEdiciones Manali
Muppet Adventure: Chaos at the CarnivalActionHi Tech Expressions
MurderPuzzleU.S. Gold
Murder in SpaceAdventureHi Tech Software
Murder in the MediterraneanunknownLoadstar
Murder in VeniceAdventureCobra Software
Murder!unknownU.S. Gold
Murders in Spaceunknown
Murders in SpaceunknownInfogrames
Murders in SpaceunknownInfogrames
Murders in SpaceunknownInfogrames
Musashi no BoukenunknownSigma Enterprises
Music LogicunknownProxima Software
Mystere: Fuga dal Castello di LocknessunknownGenias
MythosunknownOpera Soft
MythosunknownOpera Soft
Nantettatte!! BaseballunknownSunsoft
NARCunknownAcclaim Entertainment, Inc.
Narco PoliceActionDynamic Multimedia
Narco Policeunknown
Narco PoliceActionDinamic
Narco PoliceActionDinamic
Narco PoliceActionDinamic
Narco PoliceActionDinamic
Narco PoliceActionDinamic
Narco PoliceActionDinamic
Narco PoliceActionDinamic
Narco PoliceunknownDinamic Software
Narco PoliceAdventureDinamic Software
Navy MovesActionDinamic Software
Navy SealsActionOcean
Nekketsu Koukou Dodgeball-bu: Soccer-henunknownTechnos Japan Corp.
Nephi's QuestunknownCompuclassics
NES Play Action FootballSimulationNintendo Co., LTD
NetherworldActionHweson Consultants
Neuseeland Kiwi GmbHunknownPeter Diehm
Neuseeland Kiwi GmbH 2unknownPeter Diehm
Neverending Story 2, TheActionLinel
NeverestunknownCharles M. Duncan
New Ghostbusters IIActionHAL Laboratory, Inc.
New Math Blaster Plus!unknownDavidson & Associates
New York Warriorsunknown
Nezvestny - 007unknownPredator Software
NFL Pro League FootballSportDavid Holt
Nichibutsu Mahjong III: Mahjong G MenunknownNichibutsu
Night BreedActionOcean
Night BreedunknownOcean
Night BreedunknownOcean
Night BreedAction
Night Hunterunknown
Night ShiftunknownLucasArts
Night ShiftunknownLucas Arts
Nightmare on Elm Street, AunknownLJN
NightracerunknownMarkt & Technik
Ninja CrusadersunknownSammy
Ninja GaidenAction
Ninja Gaiden 2: The Dark Sword of ChaosAction
Ninja Gaiden II: The Dark Sword of ChaosunknownTecmo, Ltd.
Ninja GolfActionBlueSky Software
Ninjara Hoi!unknownASCII
Nintendo World Championships 1990unknownNintendo Co., LTD
Nintendo World CupSportTechnos Japan
Nintendo World CupSportNintendo of America Inc.
Nishimura Kyoutarou Mystery: Super Express Satsujin JikenunknownIrem Software Engineering, Inc.
No Exitunknown
No ExitAction
NoahunknownMichael Young
Nobunaga's AmbitionStrategyKoei
Norman's LamentunknownZenobi Software
North & SouthActionInfogrames
North and SouthStrategy
Norton Editor 2.0unknownSymantec
Nuclear Adventure or the North BaseunknownJRC
Number MunchersEducationalMecc
Number MunchersPuzzle
Oberon 69unknownG.LL. Software
Oberon 69unknownG.LL. Software
Oberon 69ActionG.LL.
Oberon 69ActionG.LL.
Oberon 69ActionG.LL.
Oberon 69ActionG.LL.
Oberon 69ActionG.LL.
OdiseaunknownJuana Pueblo Soft
OdiseaunknownJuana Pueblo Soft
OdiseaunknownJuana Pueblo Soft
Oeka Kids: Anpanman to Oekaki Shiyou!!unknownBandai America, Inc.
Oh No! More LemmingsunknownDMA
Oh No! More LemmingsunknownDMA
Oh No! More LemmingsRPGDMA
Oh No! More LemmingsRPGDMA
Oh No! More LemmingsRPGDMA
Oh No! More LemmingsunknownDMA
Oh No! More LemmingsunknownDMA
Oh No! More LemmingsStrategyDMA
Oil ChallengeunknownMarkt & Technik
Oil imperiumSimulationRainbow Arts
Oil';s WellActionSierra Online
Olimpo en GuerraunknownE.J. Villalobos
Omni Play Basketballunknown
Omni-Play Horse Racing Sport of KingsunknownVirgin Mastertronic
On SafariunknownInfogrames
On SafariunknownInfogrames
One of Our Wombats is Missing!unknownZenobi Software
One of Our Wombats is Missing!unknownZenobi Software
OnslaughtunknownHewson Consultants
Operation Com●BatStrategyMerit Software
Operation Combat: Computer Battle GameStrategy
Operation HanoiunknownPlayers Premier
Operation Hanoiunknown
Operation HarrierunknownUS Gold
Operation StealthAdventure
Operation StealthAdventureDelphine Software International
Operation StealthunknownDelphine
Operation StealthunknownDelphine
Operation StealthunknownDelphine
Operation StealthAdventureDelphine
Operation StealthunknownDelphine
Operation StealthunknownDelphine
Operation WolfActionOcean
Orb 3-DunknownHi Tech Expressions
Oregon Trail, TheSimulationMECC
Oriental Gamesunknown
Out of OrderunknownRUN/IDG Communications
Out of this WorldunknownDelphine
Out of this WorldunknownDelphine
OutlawunknownPlayers Premier Software
Over the Net!unknown
P 47 Thunderbolt The Freedom Fighterunknown
P-47 Thunderbolt - The Freedom FighterunknownFirebird Software
P47 The Freedom FighterSimulationFirebird Software
P47 Thunderboltunknown
Pachio-kun 3unknownCoconuts
Pack Dinamic 90unknownDinamic
Pack PC Opera SoftunknownOpera Soft
Paint by NumberunknownLoadstar
PalamedesPuzzleTaito, Hot-B
PalermounknownPeter Diehm
Panza Kick BoxingSportFutura
Panza Kick Boxingunknown
Panza Kick Boxingunknown
Panza Kick BoxingunknownLoriciels
Panzer BattlesStrategy
Para AcademyunknownZeppelin Games
Para AcademyunknownZeppelin Games
Para AcademyunknownZeppelin Games
Paradroid 90ActionGraftgold
PararenaSportjohn calhoun
Paris Dakar 1990SimulationTomahawk
Parodius Da!unknownKonami Computer Entertainment Japan, Inc.
Peek-A-Boo PokerAdultPanesian Ltd.
Penalty Soccerunknown
Penelty SoccerunknownGame Busters
Penthouse electric jigsawPuzzle
Perestroika (Toppler)ActionLocis
Persecución en AustraliaunknownRafa Vico
Persecución en AustraliaunknownRafa Vico
Persian Gulf InfernounknownMagic Bytes
Persian Gulf InfernounknownMagic Bytes
PGA GolfSportElectronic Arts
PGA Tour GolfSportElectronic Arts
PGA Tour golfunknown
PGA Tour GolfunknownElectronic Arts
PGA Tour GolfStrategyElectronic Arts
PGA Tour GolfunknownElectronic Arts
PGA Tour Golf: Tournament Course DiskunknownElectronic Arts
PhaedraunknownPretzel Logic
Phantasy Star III: Generations of DoomRPGSEGA Enterprises
Phantom FighterActionFCI
Pharao's Tomb Vol 1-4ActionApogee
Pharaoh's RevengeunknownCompute!
Pharaoh's PursuitunknownLone Star Micro
Photo SafariunknownLoadstar
Pick 'n' Pileunknown
Pick 'n' PileunknownUbi Soft
Pick 'n' PileunknownUbi Soft
Pick 'n PilePuzzleUbi Soft
PilotwingsSportNintendo Co., LTD
Pin-BotunknownNintendo Co., LTD
Pinball Magicunknown
Pinball MagicAction
Pincha BolaActionEdiciones Manali
Ping-PongunknownEdiciones Manali
Ping-PongunknownEdiciones Manali
Pipe DreamunknownScott Thomson
Pipe DreamunknownBullet-Proof Software
Pipe ManiaunknownEmpire Software
Pipe Maniaunknown
Pipe ManiaunknownEmpire Software
Pipe's PeakunknownLoadstar
Pipeline RununknownCP Verlag
Pit-FighterActionAtari Games, Tengen
Pit-FighterActionAtari Games, Tengen
Pit-FighterActionAtari Games, Tengen
Pit-FighterActionAtari Games, Tengen
Pit-FighterActionAtari Games, Tengen
Plagues of Egypt, TheunknownMichael Young
Plagues of Egypt, TheunknownMichael Young
Planet RaiderunknownCompute!
Planet SmashersActionAtari Corporation
Plaque ManunknownRUN/IDG Communications
PlastronunknownHarlequin Software
PlastronunknownHarlequin Software
PlastronunknownHarlequin Software
Pn Riotunknown
Poli DiazunknownOpera Soft
Poli DiazunknownOpera Soft
Police Quest 3 - The KindredAdventureSierra
Pop Upunknown
Pop-TopunknownRUN/IDG Communications
Poseidon - Planet ElevenunknownHi-Tec Software
Poseidon - Planet ElevenunknownHi-Tec Software
Postino, Il IIunknownSuper Game 2000
Power and MagicunknownZigurat Software
Power and Magicunknown
Power BlazerunknownTaito America Corporation
Power DriftunknownActivision
Power DriftSport
Power DriftunknownActivision
Power MagicActionZigurat
Power MagicActionZigurat
Power MagicActionZigurat
Power SoccerunknownTokuma Shoten
Power Tetrisunknown
Power-PunchunknownRUN/IDG Communications
Powerboat USA: Offshore Superboat RacingunknownElectronic Arts
PowerdromeunknownElectronic Arts
PowermongerStrategyBullfrog Productions, Ltd.
PowermongerStrategyElectronic Arts
PowermongerunknownElectronic Arts
Predator 2ActionKonami Corporation
Prehistoria, LaunknownGrupo Creators Union
Prehistoria, LaunknownGrupo Creators Union
Prehistoria, LaunknownCreators Union
President no SentakuunknownHOT・B
Prince ClumsyunknownCodemasters
Prince ClumsyunknownCodemasters
Prince ClumsyunknownCodemasters
Prince ClumsyunknownCodemasters
Prince de Perseunknown
Prince of PersiaActionBroderbund
Prison RiotunknownPlayers Premier Software
Prison RiotunknownPlayers Premier Software
Prison RiotunknownPlayers Premier Software
Pro Boxing SimulatorunknownCodemasters
Pro Boxing SimulatorunknownCodemasters
Pro Boxing SimulatorunknownCodemasters
Pro Boxing Simulatorunknown
Pro Golf SimulatorunknownCodemasters
Pro Golf Simulatorunknown
Pro Golf SimulatorunknownCodemasters
Pro Golf SimulatorunknownCodemasters
Pro Tennis SimulatorunknownCodemasters
Pro Tennis Tour - Great CourtsunknownUbi Soft
Pro Tennis Tour - Great CourtsunknownUbi Soft
Profesional Tennisunknown
Professional Go-Kart SimulatorunknownZeppelin Games
ProjectyleSportEldritch the Cat
Prophecy 1 - The viking childActionElectronic Zoo
Protostar - War on the FrontierMisccompany
Puffy's SagaunknownUbi Soft
PullunknownCP Verlag
Punch-Out!!unknownNintendo Co., LTD
PushunknownMarkt & Technik
PuzzleunknownA Wave
Puzzle ShuffleunknownCP Verlag
PuzzlewordunknownCommodore Disc
PuzznicPuzzleTaito America Corporation
PyramidunknownA Wave
Pyramiden HerounknownPeter Diehm
Pyro 2MiscMichael O'brien
QuadraunknownCP Verlag
QuadratounknownCP Verlag
QuadronunknownStefan Wiegmann
QuarthunknownKonami Computer Entertainment Japan, Inc.
Quest for Glory 2 - Trial By FireAdventureSierra
Quest for Glory 2: Trial by FireunknownSierra
Quest for Glory 2: Trial by FireStrategySierra
Quest for Glory 2: Trial by FireunknownSierra
Quest for Glory 2: Trial by FireAdventureSierra
Quest for Glory 2: Trial by FireunknownSierra
Quest for Glory 2: Trial by FireunknownSierra
Quest Of GarnathAdventurePublic Domain
Quest of KingsunknownHoward Feldman
Questmaster I - The Prism Of HeheutotolAdventureMiles Computing
Questreader: Alchemist's QuestunknownLoadstar
Quick Draw McGrawunknownHi-Tec Software
QuicknessunknownCharles M. Duncan
R.A.MActionTopo Soft
R.A.MActionTopo Soft
R.A.MActionTopo Soft
R.A.MActionTopo Soft
R.B.I. Baseball 2SportTengen
R.B.I. Baseball 2SportTengen
R.B.I. Baseball 2unknownTengen
R.B.I. Baseball 2unknownTengen
Ra!unknownRainbow Arts
Race AceunknownCompute!
Race, Theunknown
Race, TheunknownPlayers Premier Software
Race, TheunknownPlayers Premier Software
Race, Theunknown
Rad Racer IISportSquare Co., Ltd.
Rad Ramp Racerunknown
Rad Ramp RacerunknownMastertronic Plus
Rad Ramp RacerunknownMastertronic Plus
RadaxunknownCP Verlag
Railroad TycoonStrategyMicroProse
Railroad TycoonStrategyMicroProse
Railroad TycoonStrategyMicroprose
Railroad TycoonunknownMicroprose
Railroad TycoonunknownMicroprose
Railroad TycoonunknownMicroprose
Railroad Tycoon DeluxeStrategyMicroProse
Railroad Tycoon DeluxeRPGMicroprose
Railroad Tycoon DeluxeunknownMicroprose
Railroad Tycoon DeluxeunknownMicroprose
Rainbow IslandsActionOcean
Rainbow IslandsunknownTaito
Rainbow IslandsActionOcean Software, Inc.
Rainbow Islands The Story of Bubble Bobble 2unknown
Rainbow Islands - The Story of Bubble Bobble 2unknownOcean
Rainbow Islands - The Story of Bubble Bobble 2unknownOcean
Rainbow Islands - The Story of Bubble Bobble 2unknownOcean
Rainbow Islands - The Story of Bubble Bobble 2unknownOcean
Rally BikeSportRomstar
Rally Cross SimulatorunknownCodemasters
Ram RodunknownRUN/IDG Communications
RAMSunknownMarkt & Technik
RanxActionUbi Soft Entertainment Software
Ranx: The Video Gameunknown
Raster RunnerunknownMastertronic Plus
Raster Runnerunknown
Ray's MazeAdventureRay Dunakin
Raylroad tycoonStrategyMicroProse
RealmsStrategyElectronic Arts
RecoilunknownRUN/IDG Communications
Red BaronSimulationSierra
Red BaronActionDynamix, Sierra On-Line
Red BaronSimulationDynamix
Red BaronSimulationSierra
Red BaronunknownSierra
Red BaronunknownSierra
Red BaronRPGSierra
Red Baron: Mission BuilderunknownSierra
Red Baron: Mission BuilderunknownSierra
Red Baron: Mission BuilderRPGSierra
ReedereiunknownUnited Software
Renegade Legion InterceptorStrategy
Renegade Legion: InterceptorunknownSSI
ReportunknownMarkt & Technik
ReportunknownMarkt & Technik
ResacaunknownAlberto Vinuela
Rescate en el GolfounknownOpera Soft
Rescate en el Golfounknown
Rescate en el GolfounknownOpera Soft
Rescate en el GolfounknownOpera Soft
Rescate en el GolfounknownOpera Soft
Rescate en el GolfounknownOpera Soft
Rescue MissionunknownSystems Editoriale
Rescue: The Embassy MissionunknownKemco/Seika
Resolution 101unknownAstral
Resolution 101ActionAstral
RetourunknownCommodore Disc
Return to KrozAction
RevolutionunknownFuture Publishing
Rick Dangerous 2ActionCore Design
Rick Dangerous 2ActionCore Design
Rick Dangerous 2ActionMicroStyle
Rick Dangerous IIunknown
Rick Dangerous IIActionCore Design
Rings of MedusaAdventureStarbyte
Rings of MedusaunknownStarbyte Software
Rise of the DragonAdventureSierra
RoadBlastersSportMindscape, Inc.
Roadwar 2000unknownWizardware Group
Roadwar 2000unknownWizardware Group
Roadwar EuropaunknownWizardware Group
Roadwar EuropaunknownWizardware Group
Robbo IIunknownRoboSoft
Robbo KonstruktorunknownL.K. Avalon
Robbo KonstruktorunknownL.K. Avalon
Robbo KonstruktorunknownL.K. Avalon
Robin Smith's International CricketunknownChallenge Software
Robocop 2unknownOcean
RobodemonsActionColor Dreams
Robot TraxxunknownSuper Game 2000
Rocket RangerActionKemco/Seika
RollergamesActionKonami Industry Co. Ltd
RollergamesunknownUltra Games
Romance of the Three Kingdoms 2StrategyKOEI
Rome: Pathway to PowerAdventureMillennium
Rooms of the Lost JewelunknownScience Fair
Rorke's DriftunknownImpressions
RotorunknownArcana Software
RotorunknownArcana Software
Ruff and ReddyunknownHi-Tec Software
Ruff and ReddyunknownHi-Tec Software
Ruff and ReddyunknownHi-Tec Software
Ruff and Reddy in The Space Adventureunknown
Ruff and Reddy in The Space AdventureunknownHi-Tec Software
Ruff and Reddy in The Space AdventureunknownHi-Tec Software
Ruff and Reddy in The Space AdventureunknownHi-Tec Software
Ruine EcksteinunknownKudi-Soft
Rychle SipyunknownS.I.S.
Rychle SipyunknownMAJA Software - CID Software
Rychle SipyunknownMAJA Software - CID Software
RyshkaunknownCP Verlag
S.T.U.N. RunnerSport
Saint Dragonunknown
Saint Valentinunknown
Saiyuuki World 2: Tenjoukai no MajinunknownJaleco
Samsara NagaunknownVictor Entertainment Inc.
Sands of FireStrategyThree-Sixty Pacific
Sanrio CarnivalunknownCharacter Soft
Santa Paa and FiumacciounknownFolklife Terminal Club
Santa's Xmas CaperunknownZeppelin Games
Santa’s Xmas CaperActionZeppelin Games Limited
Sargo NoidzPuzzleLinda Fowler
SatanunknownDinamic Software
SatanunknownDinamic Software
SatanunknownDinamic Software
SatoriPuzzleRinzai Satori
Save MaryActionAtari, Inc.
Sawfish Software Public Domain #1unknownSawfish Software
Sawfish Software Public Domain #1unknownSawfish Software
SchatzsucherunknownMarkt & Technik
SchatzsucherunknownMarkt & Technik
Schwert & Magie Folge 3 & 4unknownGDG
Schwert und Magie 3: Das PiratenhausRPGGerman Design Group
Schwert und Magie 4: Die Burg des MagiersRPGGerman Design Group
Schwert und Magie IIunknownGerman Design Group
Scontro FinaleunknownSuper Game 2000
Scrabble deluxeStrategyVirgin Interactive
Scramble SpiritsunknownGrandslam Entertainments
Scramble SpiritsunknownGrandslam Entertainments
Scramble SpiritsunknownGrandslam Entertainments
Scramble Spiritsunknown
Scrapyard DogActionBlueSky Software
ScrewlightunknownSeban Software
ScrewlightunknownSeban Software
SD Battle Oozumou: Heisei Hero BashounknownBanpresto
SD Gundam Gachapon Senshi 3: Eiyuu SenkiunknownYutaka
SD Gundam Gaiden: Knight Gundam MonogatariunknownBandai America, Inc.
SD Hero Soukessen: Taose! Aku no GundanActionBanpresto
SeahawkunknownAtlantis Software
Secret of the Silver BladesRPG
Secret of the Silver BladesunknownSSI
Secret of the Silver BladesunknownSSI
Secret of the Silver BladesunknownSSI
Secret of the Silver BladesunknownSSI
Secret of the Silver BladesAdventureSSI
Secret of the Silver BladesunknownSSI
Secret of the Silver BladesunknownSSI
Secret of the Silver BladesunknownSSI
Secret of the Silver Blades v1.0unknownSSI
Secret Weapons of the LuftwaffeunknownLucasArts
Section PiunknownCompute!
SeeschlachtunknownCommodore Disc
Senda SalvajeunknownZigurat Software
Senda SalvajeunknownZigurat Software
Senda SalvajeunknownZigurat Software
Senda SalvajeActionZigurat
Senda SalvajeActionZigurat
Senda SalvajeActionZigurat
Senor del Dragon, ElunknownGrupo Creators Union
Senor del Dragon, ElunknownGrupo Creators Union
Sex OlympicsAdultFree Spirit
Sex OlympicsAdventure
Sex OlympicsunknownFree Spirit Software
Shadow Dancer: The Secret of ShinobiActionSEGA Enterprises
Shadow KnightsActionid Software, Inc.
Shadow KnightsAction
Shadow Of The BeastunknownReflections Interactive Limited
Shadow of the Beast 2ActionReflections Interactive Limited
Shadow of the NinjaunknownNatsume Co., Ltd.
Shadow of the NinjaActionNatsume
Shadow SorcererActionU.S. Gold
Shadow SorcererunknownSSI
Shadow Warriorsunknown
Shanghai IIunknownSunsoft
Shanghai II: Dragon’s EyePuzzleActivision
Shanghai II: Dragon’s EyePuzzleActivision
Shanghai II: Dragon’s EyePuzzleActivision
Shanghai II: Dragon's EyePuzzle
Sharkey's 3D PoolunknownMicroplay
Sherlock Holmes - The Case of the Beheaded SmugglerunknownZenobi Software
Sherlock Holmes - The Case of the Beheaded SmugglerunknownZenobi Software
Sherlock Holmes - The Lamberley MysteryunknownZenobi Software
Sherlock Holmes - The Lamberley MysteryunknownZenobi Software
Sherlock Holmes - The Lamberley MysteryunknownZenobi Software
Sherman M4unknown
ShiftunknownCP Verlag
Shingen The RulerunknownHOT・B
Shooting GalleryActionNels Anderson
Shove ItunknownLoadstar
Shove It! The Warehouse GamePuzzleDreamWorks
Shufflepuck CafeunknownPony Canyon
Shutterbug's PicturesunknownLoadstar
Sid Meier’s Railroad TycoonStrategyMicroProse Software
Sideral WarunknownDelta Software
Sideral Warunknown
Sideral WarActionDelta
Silent AssaultunknownColor Dreams
Silent Service 2SimulationMicroProse
Silent Service IISimulationMicroProse
Silver SurferActionArcadia
Sim EarthSimulationMaxis
SimEarth: The Living PlanetStrategyMaxis
SimEarth: The Living PlanetStrategyMaxis
SimEarth: The Living PlanetunknownMaxis
SimEarth: The Living PlanetunknownMaxis
SimEarth: The Living PlanetunknownMaxis
SimEarth: The Living PlanetunknownMaxis
SimEarth: The Living PlanetunknownMaxis
SimEarth: The Living PlanetunknownMaxis
SimEarth: The Living PlanetunknownMaxis
Simplex 3Dunknown
Simulador Profesional de TenisunknownDinamic Software
Simulador Profesional de TenisunknownDinamic
Simulador Profesional de TenisunknownDinamic
Simulador Profesional de TenisunknownDinamic
Simulador Profesional de TenisunknownDinamic
Simulador Profesional de Tennisunknown
Sin NombreunknownJuana Pueblo Soft
SirwoodunknownOpera Soft
SirwoodunknownOpera Soft
SirwoodunknownOpera Soft
Sirwood - IntrounknownOpera Soft
Sito PonsunknownZigurat
Sito PonsunknownZigurat
Sito PonsunknownZigurat
Sito PonsunknownZigurat
Sito Pons 500cc Grand PrixunknownZigurat Software
Sito Pons 500cc Grand PrixunknownZigurat Software
Sito Pons 500cc Grand Prixunknown
Sito Pons 500cc Grand PrixSport
SITrisPuzzleStevens Institute of Technology
Skate DragonunknownIris Soft
Skate or Die 2: The Search for Double TroubleunknownElectronic Arts
Skatin' USAunknown
Ski AdventureunknownPeter Diehm
Ski or DieSportElectronic Arts
Ski or DieSportElectronic Arts
Ski or DieActionElectronic Arts
Skull & CrossbonesunknownTengen
SlalomunknownSYS PD
Slap ShotActionSega Corporation
Slap ShotSportSanritsu Denki, Sega
Slaughter Caves, TheunknownZenobi Software
Sliding BlocksunknownLoadstar
Sliding Tile Puzzle 1.0unknownPaul Beckingham
Slightly MagicunknownCodemasters
Slightly MagicunknownCodemasters
Slightly MagicunknownCodemasters
Sly Spy Secret Agentunknown
SmailyunknownZigurat Software
SnakeunknownSYS PD
Snake for OneunknownCP Verlag
Snake Rattle N RollActionRare
Snake Rattle N RollActionRare
Snake’s RevengeActionKonami
SnarfActionEverett Kaser
SnoopyAdventureThe Edge
SnoopyunknownThe Edge Software
SnoopyunknownThe Edge Software
SnoopyunknownThe Edge Software
SnoopyunknownThe Edge
Snoopy and PeanutsAdventure
Snow BrothersActionToaplan Co.
Soccer Challengeunknown
Soccer ChallengeunknownAlternative Software
Soccer ChallengeunknownAlternative Software
Soccer Directorunknown
Soho MissionunknownDaren Pearcy
Soko-Ban - EditorunknownOmikron Software
Solar Empireunknown
Solar Jetman: Hunt for the Golden WarpshipActionTradewest, Inc.
Solar Jetman: Hunt for the Golden WarpshipActionRare
SolitaireunknownFrozen Ice
SolitaireunknownFrozen Ice
SolitaireunknownFrozen Ice
SolitaireunknownFrozen Ice
SolsticeunknownEpic / Sony Records
Solstice: The Quest for the Staff of DemnosActionCSG Imagesoft Inc.
Solstice: The Quest of the Staff of DemnosAdventureSoftware Creations
Sonic Boomunknown
Sooty & Sweep's Fun With NumbersunknownAlternative Software
Sooty and Sweepunknown
Sorcerian: Master ScenariounknownSierra
Space 1889RPG
Space AceunknownCP Verlag
Space Duellunknown
Space Froggyunknown
Space Harrier IIunknownGrandslam Entertainments
Space Harrier IIunknownGrandslam Entertainments
Space Harrier IIunknownGrandslam Entertainment
Space Harrier IIunknownGrandslam Entertainments
Space Harrier IIunknownGrandslam Entertainments
Space RiderunknownHi-Tec Software
Space RiderunknownHi-Tec Software
Space RiderunknownHi-Tec Software
Space RiderunknownHi-Tec Software
Space Rider Jet Pack Co.unknown
Space Rider - Jet Pack Co.unknownHi-Tec Software
Space rogueRPGOrigin Systems
Spaced Outunknown
SpacefighterunknownCP Verlag
Spagetthi Western Simulatorunknown
Spaghetti WesternunknownZeppelin Games
Spaghetti WesternunknownZeppelin Games
Spectre of Castle Coris, TheunknownFSF Adventures
Spectre of Castle Coris, TheunknownFSF Adventures
Spectre of Castle Coris, TheunknownFSF Adventures
Spectre of Castle Coris, TheunknownFSF Adventures
Speedball 2: Brutal DeluxeSportBitmap Brothers
Speedball 2: Brutal DeluxeSportImage Works
Speedball 2: Brutal DeluxeunknownImage Works
Speedy DeliveryunknownLoadstar
Spellcasting 101: Sorcerers get all the GirlsAdventureLegend Entertainment Company
Spellcasting 101: Sorcerers get all the girlsAdventure
Spellcasting 101: Sorcerers Get All the GirlsAdventureLegend Entertainment
Spellcasting 101: Sorcerers Get All the GirlsAdventureLegend Entertainment
Spellcasting 101: Sorcerers Get All the GirlsunknownLegend Entertainment
Spellcasting 101: Sorcerers Get All the GirlsSimulationLegend Entertainment
Spider-Man Vs. the KingpinActionSEGA
Spindizzy WorldsPuzzleActivision, ASCII Entertainment
Spirit of ExcaliburAdventureSynergistic Software
Spooky CastleunknownAtlantis Software
SpotunknownVirgin Mastertronic
Spot: The Video Game!PuzzleArcadia
StalkerunknownZenobi Software
Star ControlActionAccolade
Star ControlStrategy
Star ControlStrategyAccolade
Star ControlunknownToys for Bob
Star ControlunknownToys for Bob
Star DragonunknownProxima Software
Star FrontierunknownSeth Hopkinson
Star StrikeunknownCompute
Starlite - Screen Saver for MS WINDOWSunknownData Becker
Starship HectorActionHudson Soft, LTD.
StarTropicsActionNintendo Co., LTD
Startropics: A Test of Island Courage!AdventureLocomotive
STED: Iseki Wakusei no YabouunknownKAC
Steel EagleunknownPlayers Premier Software
Steel Eagleunknown
Steel EagleunknownPlayers Premier Software
Stellar 7ActionDynamix
Stellar 7unknown
Stellar 7unknownSoftware Entertainment Company
Stellar 7ActionSoftware Entertainment Company
Stir Crazy Featuring BobounknownInfogrames
Storm Across EuropeStrategySSI
Storm Across EuropeunknownSSI
Storm-Tamer: The Numehra SagaunknownLoadstar
Stormlord II Deliveranceunknown
Stormlord II - DeliveranceunknownHewson Consultants
Stormlord II - DeliveranceunknownHewson Consultants
Stormlord II - DeliveranceunknownHewson Consultants
Stormlord II - DeliveranceunknownHewson Consultants
Stormlord II - DeliveranceunknownHewson Consultants
Stormovik: SU-25 Soviet Attack FighterunknownElectronic Arts
StradenkunknownCommodore Disc
Street Fighter 2010: The Final FightunknownCapcom Co., Ltd.
Street Fighter 2010: The Final FightActionCapcom
Street RodSportCalifornia Dreams
Street RodSportCalifornia Dreams
Street RodunknownCalifornia Dreams
Street RodunknownCalifornia Dreams
Street Rod 2SimulationCalifornia Dreams
Strider 2unknown
StrikerunknownCult Games
Strip LogikunknownDouble Pig Soft
StuffyunknownCP Verlag
STUN RunnerSimulationDomark Software
Stunt Car RacerSimulationMicrostyle
Stunt DriverunknownSpectrum Holobyte
Stunt DriverunknownSpectrum Holobyte
Stunt DriverunknownSpectrum Holobyte
StuntsSportBrøderbund Software
Subbuteo The Computer Gameunknown
Subbuteo - The Computer GameunknownElectronic Zoo
Subbuteo - The Computer GameunknownElectronic Zoo
Submarine AttackActionSEGA Enterprises
Submarine AttackunknownSega Corporation
Sunny ShineunknownElectronic Arts
Sunny Shine – On the Funny Side of LifeAdventureRainbow Arts
Super Aliunknown
Super CActionKonami
Super CActionKonami Computer Entertainment Japan, Inc.
Super CActionKonami
Super Carsunknown
Super CarsunknownGremlin Graphics Software
Super CarsunknownGremlin Graphics Software
Super CarsSportMagnetic Fields
Super ContraActionDistinctive Software
Super Glove BallActionMattel
Super Mario WorldActionNintendo
Super Mario WorldActionNintendo Co., LTD
Super SkiunknownMicroids
Super SkiunknownMicroids
Super Solvers - Ancient EmpiresEducationalThe Learning Company
Super Solvers - OutNumberedEducationalThe Learning Company
Super Solvers - Treasure MountainEducationalThe Learning Company
Super Solvers: Challenge of the Ancient EmpiresAction
Super Solvers: Challenge of the Ancient Empires!unknownThe Learning Co
Super Solvers: Outnumbered!unknownThe Learning Co
Super Solvers: Treasure Mountain!Puzzle
Super Solvers: Treasure Mountain!unknownThe Learning Company
Super Solvers: Treasure Mountain!unknownThe Learning Company
Super Stock CarunknownMastertronic Plus
Super Stock CarunknownMastertronic Plus
Super Stock Carunknown
Super Stock CarunknownMastertronic Plus
Super Tank SimulatorunknownCodemasters
Super Ted The Search for Spotunknown
Super-RaceunknownMarkt & Technik
Superkid in SpaceunknownAtlantis Software
Superkid in SpaceunknownAtlantis Software
Superleague SoccerunknownAudiogenic Software
Superstar Outdoor SoccerunknownMindscape
SuprallayunknownDouble Density
Supremacy: Your Will Be DoneStrategy
Supremacy: Your Will Be DoneStrategyProbe
SurroundunknownCommodore Disc
Sword of the SamuraiRPGMicrprose
Swords and SerpentsRPGAcclaim Entertainment, Inc.
Taipei 3.10unknownDave Norris
Taipei 4.0unknownDave Norris
TakeOne - Windows Version 0.01unknownEirSoft
Tales of Mathematica, TheunknownZenobi Software
Tales of Mathematica, TheunknownZenobi Software
Tamura Koushou Mahjong SeminarunknownPony Canyon
Tangled Tales: The Misadventures of a Wizard's ApprenticeunknownOrigin Systems
Tank 1990ActionYanshan Software
Tank BattleunknownPetri Hassinen
Tank ShootoutunknownCompute!
Tank WarsunknownDan Ellis & Douglas Huggins
Tank WarsStrategy
Tank WarsActionKenneth Morse
Tank WarsunknownKenneth Morse
Tank Wars 3.0StrategyKenny Morse
Tantei Jinguuji Saburou: Toki no Sugiyuku Mama niunknownData East Corporation
Target: RenegadeunknownTaito America Corporation
Taromancien, Leunknown
Team YankeeStrategyOxford Digital Enterprises Ltd.
Team YankeeunknownOxford Digital Enterprises
Tear Down the WallPuzzleLangin Software
Tecmo BowlunknownTecmo, Ltd.
Tecmo World Cup SoccerSportTecmo, Ltd.
Tecmo World WrestlingunknownTecmo, Ltd.
Tecmo World WrestlingSportTecmo
Teenage Mutant Hero TurtlesunknownPalcom
Teenage Mutant Ninja TurtlesunknownImage Works
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles +3unknownUltraSoftware
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IIActionUltra Software Corporation
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Arcade GameActionKonami
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Arcade GameActionUltra Games
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: World TourunknownMerit Software
Telly WiseunknownFastback
Telly WiseunknownFastback
Temple of KrozAction
Tennis Cupunknown
Terminator, TheActionBethesda Softworks
TesseraePuzzleInline Design
Test Drive 3 - The PassionSimulationAccolade
Test Drive II Scenery Disk: California ChallengeSportAccolade
Test Drive III: Road & CarunknownAccolade
TetrisPuzzleMatt Plavcan
Tetris 2unknownFuxoft
Tetris 2.0Puzzle
The Adventures of Captain Comic 2unknownColor Dreams
The Adventures of Rad GravityunknownActivision
The Amazing Spider-ManAction
The AmuletunknownTiara Software
The Basket ManagerunknownSimulmondo
The Best Play Pro Yakyuu IIunknownASCII
The Big Deal - Ante-Up at the Friday Night Poker Clubunknown?
The Big Deal - Ante-Up at the Friday Night Poker Clubunknown?
The Big HouseunknownABBUC
The Big HouseunknownABBUC
The Bugs Bunny Birthday BlowoutAdventureKemco/Seika
The Bugs Bunny Hare-Brained AdventurePuzzleWarner Bros
The Bugs Bunny Hare-Brained AdventureActionHi Tech Expressions
The Cardinal of the Kremlinunknown
The ChessmasterStrategyHi Tech Expressions
The ConvictsunknownDomain Software
The Dark Heart of UukrulRPGBroderbund
The Dark Heart of UukrulRPGBrøderbund
The Dark Heart of UukrulRPGBroderbund
The Dark Heart of UukrulRPGBroderbund
The Dark Heart of UukrulunknownBroderbund
The EmperorunknownFrederik Holst
The Final Crusade of KrozAction
The FlinstonesActionHi Tech Expressions
The FlinstonesActionHi Tech Expressions
The Game of HarmonyPuzzle
The Global Dilemma: Guns or ButterStrategy
The Gold of the AztecsunknownKinetica
The Incredible Machine \(TIM\)PuzzleSierra
The Keys to MaramonunknownMindcraft
The Laffer UtilitiesunknownSierra
The Last StarfighterunknownMindscape, Inc.
The Light CorridorPuzzle
The Lord of the Rings, Vol 1unknownInterplay
The Lord of the Rings, Vol 1unknownInterplay
The Lord of the Rings, Vol 1unknownInterplay
The Lord of the Rings, Vol. IRPGInterplay
The Lost IslandunknownBen Gunn
The Lost PatrolStrategyOcean
The Lost PatrolAdventureOCEAN
The Magic KristallunknownPeter Diehm
The Miracle Piano Teaching SystemunknownThe Software Toolworks, Inc.
The North Sea InfernounknownMagic Bytes
The Price is RightPuzzle
The PunisherunknownLJN
The Puzzle Page #068unknownLoadstar
The Pyramids of EgyptActionSoftdisk, Inc.
The Savage EmpireRPGOrigin
The UnexpectedunknownRUN/IDG Communications
The Womblesunknown
Theme Park MysteryunknownKonami
Theme Park MysteryunknownKonami
Theseus and the MinotaurunknownThe Guild
Theseus and the MinotaurunknownThe Guild
Thexder 2 - Fire HawkActionSierra
Thing on a Springunknown
Think TankunknownCompute!
Thomas the Tank Engine: Fun with WordsunknownAlternative Software
Thomas the Tank Engine's Fun with Wordsunknown
Thunder & LightningunknownRomstar
Tic Tac Too MuchunknownLoadstar
TictacunknownNinja & Oho
Tie BreakSportStarbyte Software
Tiles of FateunknownA Wave
Tim's RacerunknownCommodore Disc
Time LordActionMilton Bradley
Time Machineunknown
Time MachineunknownActivision
Time MachineunknownActivision
Times of LoreActionToho
TitanunknownAtlantis Software
TitanmanActionHenrik Høxbroe
TitusunknownCP Verlag
Tizpan our of the Jungleunknown
TKO Professional BoxingunknownLance Haffner Games
Tokyo GangunknownG.LL. Software
Tokyo GangunknownG.LL. Software
Tokyo Gangunknown
Tokyo GangunknownG.LL. Software
Tom & Jerry - Cat-astropheActionHi-Tech Expressions
Tom and the GhostActionUbi Soft
Tom Jones - A Zlata Soska InkuunknownProxima Software
Top Gun: The Second MissionunknownKonami Computer Entertainment Japan, Inc.
Total RecallActionAcclaim Entertainment, Inc.
Total RecallActionInterplay, Acclaim Entertainment
Tracon 2unknown
Traffic JamunknownRUN/IDG Communications
TransporterunknownCP Verlag
Transylvania 3: Vanquish the NightAdventure
TrapdoorsunknownCharles M. Duncan
Treasure Trapunknown
Treasure TrapunknownElectronic Zoo
TritonunknownMarkt & Technik
TrogActionAcclaim Entertainment
Tron 90unknown
Tuma 7unknownDelta Software
Tuma 7unknownDelta Software
Tuma 7unknown
Tuma 7unknownDelta Software
Tuma 7unknownDelta Software
Tuma 7unknownDelta Software
Tuma 7unknownDelta Software
Tuma 7unknownDelta Software
Tunnels & Trolls: Crusaders of KhazanRPGNew World Computing, Inc.
Tunnels & Trolls: Crusaders of KhazanunknownNew World Computing
Tunnels & Trolls: Crusaders of KhazanunknownNew World Computing
Tunnels & Trolls: Crusaders of KhazanRPG
Turbo Out RununknownSega
TurretialunknownCharles M. Duncan
TurricanActionRainbow Arts
TurricanunknownRainbow Arts
TurricanunknownRainbow Arts
TurricanunknownRainbow Arts
TurricanActionRainbow Arts Software
TurricanActionRainbow Arts Software
TurricanActionRainbow Arts
TV JatekunknownE'90
TV Sports BasketballSportCinemaware
TV Sports: Basketballunknown
TV Sports: FootballunknownCinemaware
Twin CobraunknownSammy
Twin WorldunknownUbi Soft
TwisterunknownCharles M. Duncan
TXunknownCP Verlag
Tygus HorxunknownMarkt & Technik
Uchuu Keibitai SDFunknownHAL Laboratory, Inc.
Ultima 6 - The False ProphetRPGOrigin System
Ultima 6: The False ProphetRPGElectronic Arts
Ultima 6: The False ProphetunknownElectronic Arts
Ultima 6: The False ProphetRPGElectronic Arts
Ultima 6: The False ProphetStrategyElectronic Arts
Ultima 6: The False ProphetunknownElectronic Arts
Ultima IV: Quest of the AvatarunknownORIGIN Systems
Ultima VI: The False ProphetunknownOrigin Systems
Ultima VI: The False ProphetRPGOrigin
Ultima: Quest of the AvatarunknownFCI
Ultimate BasketballSportSammy
Ultra-SmashunknownMarkt & Technik
Ultraman Club 2: Kaettekita Ultraman ClubunknownYutaka
UMS 2: Nations at WarStrategy
Un SquadronActionUS Gold
Uncharted WatersStrategyKOEI Co., Ltd.
Undercover ZoneunknownMarkt & Technik
Universe 3StrategyOmnitrend
Unnatural SelectionStrategyMaxis
UnrealActionOrdilogic Systems
UralunknownMarkt & Technik
US HistoryEducationalBureau Development
USS John Young The Naval Warfare SimulatorunknownMagic Bytes
USS John Young The Naval Warfare SimulatorunknownMagic Bytes
Vampyr - Talisman of InvocationRPGBrian Weston, Victor Shao
Vampyr: Talisman of InvocationunknownBrian Weston
Vanquish!unknownRUN/IDG Communications
VaxinePuzzleThe Assembly Line
Vegas DreamunknownHAL Laboratory, Inc.
VendettaunknownSystem 3
Vengeur, Leunknown
VGA SharksActionAlive Software
VGA SharksunknownAlive Software
Vic 15unknownSYS PD
Vicoli PericolosiunknownSuper Game 2000
Vier gewinntunknown
VirusunknownNintendo Co., LTD
Visual Star TrekSimulationtbf
Visual Star Trekunknown
Vivo o MortounknownSuper Game 2000
Vychodni BankaunknownGibon & Mise
VyrusunknownCP Verlag
Wacky DartsunknownCodemasters
Wacky DartsunknownCodemasters
Wacky WheelPuzzleAndrew Welch
Wall Street KidStrategySofel
Wally Bear and the No! GangunknownA Wave
Wanpaku Duck Yume BoukenunknownCapcom Co., Ltd.
War of the LanceStrategy
WarballunknownCP Verlag
Wargame Construction SetunknownSSI
WarlordsStrategyStrategic Studies Group (SSG)
WastelandsunknownCP Verlag
Wayne Gretzky HockeySportBethesda Softworks
Wayne Gretzky HockeyunknownBethesda
Wayne Gretzky HockeyunknownBethesda
Wayne Gretzky HockeyunknownBethesda
Wayne Gretzky Hockey 2SportBethesda Softworks
WCW World Championship WrestlingunknownFCI
WeaverunknownMarkt & Technik
Weird DreamsunknownRainbird
Wells & FargounknownPeter Diehm
Werewolf: The Last WarriorunknownData East Corporation
What IQunknown
Wheel of Fortune: Family EditionunknownGameTek Inc
Where in Europe is Carmen Sandiego?PuzzleBroderbund Software
Where in Europe is Carmen Sandiego?unknownBroderbund
Where in Europe is Carmen Sandiego?unknownBroderbund
Where in Europe is Carmen Sandiego?ActionBroderbund
Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?PuzzleBroderbund Software
Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? (Deluxe)EducationalBrøderbund Software
Where in Time is Carmen SandiegoPuzzleBroderbund Software
Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego?PuzzleBrøderbund
Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego?PuzzleBroderbund
Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego?PuzzleBroderbund
White WashunknownPeter Weighill
White WashunknownPeter Weighill
White WashunknownPeter Weighill
Wierd WarunknownJohn Zielinsky
Wild Streetsunknown
Win, Lose or DrawunknownHi Tech Expressions
Winding RoadsunknownCharles M. Duncan
Windows 3.1 Shareware: BACKGAMMunknownGeorge Sutty
Windows 3.1 Shareware: bangbaunknownDavid B. Lutton II
Windows 3.1 Shareware: BANGBANGunknownDavid B. Lutton II
Windows 3.1 Shareware: bgunknownGeorge Sutty
Windows 3.1 Shareware: BG06unknownGeorge Sutty
Windows 3.1 Shareware: BLACKJCKunknownJohn Washburn
Windows 3.1 Shareware: CHAOSunknownChuck Lindgren
Windows 3.1 Shareware: checkeunknownGregory Thatcher
Windows 3.1 Shareware: chessexeunknownDaryl Baker
Windows 3.1 Shareware: COLUMN2unknownJohn Rotenstein
Windows 3.1 Shareware: COLUMNSunknownJohn Rotenstein
Windows 3.1 Shareware: CRIBBAGEunknownGreg Baker
Windows 3.1 Shareware: CURA21unknownAlan J. Sawyer
Windows 3.1 Shareware: gnuchessunknownDaryl Baker
Windows 3.1 Shareware: gounknownFolio Corp.
Windows 3.1 Shareware: GUITAR3unknownDavid Sampson
Windows 3.1 Shareware: HEXTETRSunknown
Windows 3.1 Shareware: HEXTRISunknown
Windows 3.1 Shareware: KLOTZunknownWolfgang Strobl
Windows 3.1 Shareware: klotz211unknownWolfgang Strobl
Windows 3.1 Shareware: KLTZ211AunknownWolfgang Strobl
Windows 3.1 Shareware: LANDERunknownGeorge Moromisato
Windows 3.1 Shareware: landerwunknownGeorge Moromisato
Windows 3.1 Shareware: lateblitunknownPhil A. Arneson
Windows 3.1 Shareware: LTBLIT31unknownPhil A. Arneson
Windows 3.1 Shareware: mastmindunknownJames M. Curran
Windows 3.1 Shareware: mbunknownAndre Needham
Windows 3.1 Shareware: MILEBONSunknownAndre Needham
Windows 3.1 Shareware: MISERunknownMark Laffoon
Windows 3.1 Shareware: mmindunknownMark Laffoon
Windows 3.1 Shareware: MOKUunknownChris Graham
Windows 3.1 Shareware: MRMINDunknownJames M. Curran
Windows 3.1 Shareware: PIPEunknownScott Thomson
Windows 3.1 Shareware: PIPEDRMunknownScott Thomson
Windows 3.1 Shareware: POKERunknownArti Haroutunian
Windows 3.1 Shareware: PUZZLE11unknownPaul Beckingham
Windows 3.1 Shareware: QUADunknownScott Ferguson
Windows 3.1 Shareware: SLOTunknownBrett McDonald
Windows 3.1 Shareware: SPACEWunknownAdam Tauo
Windows 3.1 Shareware: SPCWALLSunknownAdam Tauo
Windows 3.1 Shareware: TETRISSunknownDave Edson
Windows 3.1 Shareware: TOunknownJimmy Kavanagh
Windows 3.1 Shareware: TTTWunknownJPSoft
Windows 3.1 Shareware: W_HOPunknownDavid A. Feinleib
Windows 3.1 Shareware: W-HOPunknownDavid A. Feinleib
Windows 3.1 Shareware: WINPENTEunknownDarrell Plank
Windows 3.1 Shareware: WINPOKERunknownGlenn L. Swonk
Windows 3.1 Shareware: WINSLOTunknownBrett McDonald
Windows 3.1 Shareware: WINTRISunknownKipnis Enterprises
Windows 3.1 Shareware: wormwarunknownKirk Saathoff
Windows 3.1 Shareware: YACHT1unknownFrank Bielsik
Windows 3.1: AFORCEunknownRobert Epps
Windows 3.1: LANDER3unknownGeorge Moromisato
Windows 3.1: YATCunknownDuff Software
Wing CommanderSimulation
Wing CommanderActionOrigin Systems
Wing CommanderActionOrigin Systems
Wing CommanderActionOrigin
Wing CommanderunknownElectronic Arts
Wing CommanderunknownElectronic Arts
Wing CommanderunknownElectronic Arts
Wing CommanderunknownElectronic Arts
Wing CommanderStrategyElectronic Arts
Wing CommanderStrategyElectronic Arts
Wing CommanderStrategyElectronic Arts
Wing Commander: The Secret MissionsunknownElectronic Arts
Wing Commander: The Secret Missions 2ActionElectronic Arts
Wing Commander: The Secret Missions 2unknownElectronic Arts
Wings Of FuryActionBroderbund
Wings of FuryunknownBroderbund
Wizard WillyunknownCodemasters
Wizard's DoomunknownLoadstar
Wizardry 6: Bane of the Cosmic ForgeRPG
Wizardry 6: Bane of the Cosmic ForgeunknownSir-Tech
Wizardry 6: Bane of the Cosmic ForgeunknownSir-Tech
Wizardry III: Diamond no KishiunknownASCII
Wombles, TheunknownAlternative Software
Wombles, Theunknown
WonderlandAdventureVirgin Mastertronic
WonderlandunknownMagnetic Scrolls
WonderlandunknownMagnetic Scrolls
Wonderland 2unknownBen Zotto
World Championship Boxing ManagerSportGoliath Games
World Championship Boxing ManagerunknownGoliath Games
World Championship Boxing ManagerunknownGoliath Games
World Championship Boxing Managerunknown
World Championship Boxing ManagerunknownKrisalis
World Championship SoccerunknownElite Systems
World CupunknownD&H Games
World Cup ChallengeunknownPlayers Premier Software
World Cup ChallengeunknownPlayers Premier Software
World Cup Italia '90unknownSega Corporation
World SoccerunknownZeppelin Games
World SoccerunknownZeppelin Games
World SoccerunknownZeppelin Games
World Soccerunknown
World Soccerunknown
World SoccerunknownZeppelin Games
World SoccerunknownZeppelin Games
World SoccerunknownZeppelin Games
Worldcup 90: Arcade SoccerunknownGenias
Worlds of Ultima: The Savage EmpireRPG
Worlds of Ultima: The Savage EmpireRPGOrigin
Worlds of Ultima: The Savage EmpireunknownOrigin
Worlds of Ultima: The Savage EmpireunknownOrigin
Wrath of the Black MantaActionTaito Corporation
Wrath of the DemonActionReadySoft Incorporated
Wrath of the DemonunknownReadySoft
WrithenunknownRUN/IDG Communications
WWF WrestleMania ChallengeunknownLJN
X Outunknown
X RockAdultSoft-World
X-Men 2 - The Fall of the MutantsActionMedalist International
XaptronActionRinzai Satori
XenocideActionPangea Software
XenocideunknownPangea Software
Xenon 2 - MegablastActionBitmap Brothers
XexyzunknownHudson Soft, LTD.
XiphosActionElectronic Zoo
XonoxunknownFilorux Duo
XonoxunknownFilorux Duo
XonoxunknownFilorux Duo
XonoxunknownFilorux Duo
XorunknownProxima Software
Yo! NoidActionCapcom
Yo! NoidunknownCapcom Co., Ltd.
Yogi Bear & Friends in the Greed MonsterunknownHi-Tec Software
Yogi Bear & Friends in the Greed MonsterunknownHi-Tec Software
Yogi Bear & Friends in the Greed MonsterunknownHi-Tec Software
Yogi Bear & Friends in the Greed MonsterunknownHi-Tec Software
Yogi Bear & Friends in the Greed MonsterunknownHi-Tec Software
Yogi Bear & Friends in the Greed MonsterunknownHi-Tec Software
Yogi Bear and Friends in The Greed MonsterunknownHi-Tec Software
Yogi Bear and Friends in The Greed MonsterunknownHi-Tec Software
Yogi Bear and Friends in The Greed MonsterunknownHi-Tec Software
Yogi Bear';s Math AdventuresEducationalGenus Microprogramming
Yogi's Great EscapeunknownHi-Tec Software
Yogi's Great EscapeunknownHi-Tec Software
Yogi's Great EscapeunknownHi-Tec Software
Yogi's Great EscapeunknownHi-Tec Software
Yogi's Great EscapeunknownHi-Tec Software
Yogi's Great EscapeunknownHi-Tec Software
Yogi's Great EscapeunknownHi-Tec Software
Yogi's Great Escapeunknown
Yogi's Great EscapeunknownHi-Tec Software
Yogi's Great EscapeunknownHi-Tec Software
Ys II: Ancient Ys Vanished The Final ChapterunknownVictor Entertainment Inc.
Zahlen RatenunknownWinfried Fiedler
Zak McKracken FM-Towns - and the Alien MindbendersunknownLucasArts
Zal ApiunknownSuper Game 2000
ZeliardRPGGame Arts / Sierra
ZeliardunknownGame Arts
ZeliardunknownGame Arts
ZeliardunknownGame Arts
ZeliardunknownGame Arts
Zero WarunknownHarlequin Software
Zero WarunknownHarlequin Software
Zoids: MokushirokuunknownTomy
ZombiunknownUbi Soft
ZombiunknownUbi Soft
ZombiunknownUbi Soft
Zombi Cassette VersionunknownUbi Soft
ZoZoomunknownCP Verlag
ZoZoomunknownCP Verlag
ZyxunknownCP Verlag