Lostgames Abandonware

Lostgames Abandonware

Robot 139
007: License to killActionDomark1989
1-0 Soccer ManagerSportWizard Games of Scotland, Ltd.1992
1000 migliaSportSimulmondo1991
10th Frame BowlingSportAccess Software1987
1830: Railroads & Robber BaronsStrategyAvalon Hill1993
1869StrategyMax design1993
20000 Leagues Under the SeaAdventureCoktel Vision1988
221B Baker StreetStrategyDatasoft1987
2400 A.D.RPGOrigin Systems1987
2c4 (Forza 4)StrategyFreewareunknown
3-DemonActionPC Research Inc.1983
3D World BoxingSportSimulmondo1992
3D World TennisSportSimulmondo1993
4-D Sports BoxingSportElectronic Arts, Inc.1991
4D Prince of persiaActionFreeware1991
4th and InchesSportAccolade1987
4x4 Off-Road RacingSportEpyx, Inc.1988
5 Days a StrangerAdventureFreeware2003
5A Side SoccerSportMastertronic1984
5th FleetStrategyAvalon Hill1995
688 Attack SubSimulationElectronic Arts1989
7 ColorsPuzzleInfogrames1991
7 Days a SkepticAdventureFreeware2004
8088 OthelloStrategyM.W. Bayley1985
A Nightmare on Elm streetActionActivision1988
A-MazeActionWizard Games1989
A10 Tank KillerSimulationDynamix, Inc.1989
A320 AirbusSimulationThalion1991
Absolute PinballAction21st Century Entertainment1996
AbuseActionCrack Dot Com1995
Ace IISimulationCascade1987
Action FighterActionFirebird1989
Action in The North AtlanticSimulationGeneral Quarters Software1989
Actua Soccer 3SportGremlin1999
Advanced civilizationStrategyAvalon Hill1996
Adventures in SereniaAdventureSierra On-Line1986
Adventures of Robin HoodAdventureMillennium1992
African RaidersSportCoktel Vision1986
Air BallActionMicrodeal1987
Airborne RangerActionMicroProse Software, Inc.1988
Aldo AgainAdventureYahoo Software1989
Aldo´s AdventureActionYahoo Software1987
Aleshar: World of IceRPGFreeware1997
Alex Higgins World SnookerSportLindensoft1988
AlfActionBox Office1987
Alien breedActionTEAM 17 - AVM1993
Alien breed - ObliterationActionFreeware2005
Alien breed: Tower assaultActionTeam 171994
Alien CabalActionQASoft1997
Alien CarnageActionFreeware1993
Alien PhobiaActionn.a.1997
Alien PhobiaActionn.a.1997
Alien RampageActionSoftdisk Publishing1996
Alien SyndromeActionSEGA1989
Alien TrilogyActionAcclaim1996
Alien virusAdventureVic Tokai1996
All dogs go to heavenActionMerit Studios1989
Alley CatActionIBM1984
Alone in the darkAdventureInterplay1992
Alone in the dark 2AdventureInterplay1994
Alone in the dark 3ActionInfogrames1995
Alpha StormActionPsygnosis1997
Alpha WavesActionData East1990
Altered beastActionSEGA1990
Altered destinyAdventureAccolade1990
Amazing MazeActionFreeware1983
Amazon: Guardians of EdenAdventureAccess Software1992
American GladiatorsSportGameTek1992
Ancient Art of WarStrategyBrøderbund Software, Inc.1984
Ancient land of YsRPGBrøderbund1988
Ancient land of YsRPGBrøderbund1988
Annals of RomeStrategyPSS1986
Another worldActionInterplay1991
Antartic adventuresActionFreeware1984
Anti ballistic missileActionDavis Disks1982
AntiXonixActionD. Pavlovsky1985
Anvil of dawnRPGStrategic Simulations Inc.1996
Apache strikeActionActivision1989
Apollo 18 - Mission to the MoonSimulationAccolade1988
Arcade VolleyballSportMicroforum1987
Archer Maclean´s PoolSportVirgin Interactive1992
ArchipelagosStrategyBritannica Software1989
Archon UltraStrategyStrategic Simulations Inc.1994
ArkanoidActionTaito Software Inc.1988
Arkanoid II - The Revenge of DohActionTaito Software Inc.1989
Armaeth - The lost kingdomAdventureGrand Slam1993
Armor AlleyActionThree-Sixty Pacific1990
ArnhemStrategyCases Computer Simulations1987
AscendancyStrategyThe Logic Factory, Inc.1995
Aspar GP masterSportDinamic Multimedia1988
Assault TrooperActionWebfoot Technologies1997
Assault TrooperActionWebfoot Technologies1997
Asterix & ObelixActionInfogrames1996
Asterix: Operation GetafixActionCoktel Vision1989
Astro BlasterActionRolf Franzon1988
AutoduelRPGORIGIN Systems, Inc.1988
AvishPuzzleBUG Multisystem Ltd.1993
Avoid the noidActionFreeware1987
Avventura nel castelloAdventureFreeware1982
Awesome Earl in: Skate RockSportAlternative1987
Axis & Allies: Iron Blitz EditionStrategyMicroProse1999
B-17 Flying fortressSimulationFreeware1992
B.A.D.ActionWebfoot Technologies1997
B.A.T.AdventureUBI Soft1990
Baby Jo in Going HomeActionLoriciel1991
Back to the future 2ActionMirrorsoft1990
Back to the future 3ActionImage Works1991
Bad BloodRPGOrigin Systems1990
Bad Street BrawlerActionMindscape1987
BananoidActionBanana Development1989
Bandit Kings of Ancient ChinaStrategyKOEI Co., Ltd.1989
BarbarianActionPalace software1988
Barbarian 2ActionPalace Software1989
Barbie Super ModelActionHi-tech Expressions1993
Bard's TaleRPGElectronic Arts Inc.1987
Bard's tale 2: Destiny knightRPGElectronic Arts Inc.1988
Bard's tale 3: Thief of fateRPGElectronic Arts Inc.1990
Bargon AttackAdventureCoktel Vision1990
BataliaActionThe right brothers1986
Batman: The Caped CrusaderActionOcean1988
Batman: the movieActionOCEAN1990
Battle Isle 93 - The Moon of ChromosStrategyBlue Byte Software, Inc.1993
Battle of AusterlitzStrategyGeneral Quarters Software1989
Battle WrathActionCerebral1995
Battlearena ToshindenActionPlaymates Interactive Entertainment1996
BattleTech 2: The Crescent Hawk's RevengeStrategyInfocom1991
BC RacersSportFreeware1993
BeastActionDan Baker1986
BeastActionDan Baker1986
Beethovens 2ndActionHi Tech Expressions1993
Beetlejuice Skeletons in The ClosetActionHi-Tech Expressions, Inc1990
Below the rootAdventureWindham Classics1984
Beneath a steel skyAdventureFreeware1994
Bert and the snakeActionBill Piazza1983
Betrayal at KrondorRPGSierra On-Line1993
Beverly Hills CopActionTynesoft1990
Beyond castle WolfensteinActionMuse Software1984
Beyond ColumnsStrategyBrad P. Taylor, LLC1989
Bicycle HolidayPuzzleSWFTE International1991
Big Game FishingSimulationSimulmondo1991
Blip & BlopActionFreeware2002
Blobby VolleySportFreeware2000
BlockadePuzzleDon Laabs1986
Blood BowlSportMicro League1995
BloodnetRPGMicroProse Software, Inc.1994
Blues brothersActionTitus1991
Blues Brothers IIActionTitus1993
Bluewater HunterSportEncore1999
Boulder DashActionFirst Star Software1984
Boulder dash IIActionFirst Star Software1985
Bouncing BabiesActionDave Baskin1984
Boxer rebellionPuzzleK.L. Carpenter1982
Bram Stoker´s DraculaActionPsygnosis1993
Bricks 2000PuzzleFreeware2000
Bridge HopperActionI. Harness1989
Bruce LeeActionDatasoft, Inc.1984
Brutal Sports: FootballSportMillennium Interactive1993
Bubble bobbleActionTaito1987
Bubble GhostPuzzleAccolade1988
BudokanSportElectronic Arts1989
Buffalo Bills Rodero gamesActionMicroValue1989
Burger BlasterAction??1987
Burger TimeActionData East1982
Bush BuckStrategyPC Globe Inc.1991
Bush BuckStrategyPC Globe Inc.1991
BushidoActionEbenel Enterprises1983
Bust a movePuzzleFreeware1997
California gamesSportEpyx1988
California games 2SportEpyx1990
California games 2SportEpyx1990
Cannon FodderActionVirgin Interactive1993
Cannon Fodder 2ActionVirgin Interactive1994
Captain Comic 2 - Fractured RealityActionComputerEasy1990
Car and DriverSportElectronic Arts1992
Carrier CommandSimulationRealtime Games1988
Castle AdventureRPGFreeware1985
Castle of Dr.BrainAdventureSierra On-Line1991
Catacomb Abyss 3DActionSoftdisk Publishing1992
CavequestRPGLightwave Consultants1985
Caverns of BobActionBob Robert1985
Challenge of the Ancient EmpiresPuzzleLearning Company1991
Championship BackgammonStrategySpinnaker1987
Championship BoxingSportSierra On-Line1984
Championship manager '93SportDomark1993
Championship manager ItaliaSportDomark1992
Chaos engineActionVirgin interactive1992
Chess 8088StrategyDon Berg1984
Chip´s ChallengePuzzleEpyx1992
Circus GamesActionKeypunch1987
Circus MaximusStrategyAvalon Hill1985
Classic ConcentrationPuzzleShareData1987
CoachSportNew Era Software1989
Cold DreamsActionImmortality Production1995
Commander Keen 6 - Aliens Ate My Baby SitterActionFormGen, Inc.1991
Commander Keen: Episode 1ActionApogee1990
CommandoActionData East1985
Conan - The CimmerianRPGVirgin Interactive1992
Conquests of The LongbowAdventureSierra On-Line1993
ConstructorStrategyAcclaim Entertainment1997
Contraption ZackPuzzleMindscape1989
Cool Croc TwinsActionEmpire Interactive1992
Cool spotActionVirgin Interactive1994
Corridor 7: Alien invasionActionCapstone Software1995
Cosmic CrusaderActionFuntastic1982
Cover girls strip pokerAdultEmotional pictures1991
Covert actionStrategyMicroProse1990
Crazy CarsSportTitus Interactive1987
Crazy Cars IISportTitus Interactive1989
Crazy cars IIISportTitus1994
Crime cityAdventureImpressions1993
Crime cityAdventureImpressions1993
Crime does not payActionTitus Interactive1990
Crime WaveActionAccess Software1990
Cruise for a corpseAdventureInterplay1991
Crusader 2: No RegretActionOrigin Systems1996
Crusader 2: No RegretActionOrigin Systems1996
Curse of enchantiaAdventureCore Design1992
Cyber empireStrategyStrategic Simulations Inc1992
Cyber RaceActionCyberdreams Inc.1993
CyClonesActionStrategic Simulations Inc.1984
DaggerfallRPGBethesda Softworks1995
Dangerous DaveActionSoftdisk Publishing1990
Dark AgesActionApogee1991
DarkseedAdventureCyberdreams, Inc.1992
Daughter of the serpentAdventureMillennium1992
Day of the TentacleAdventureLucasArts1993
DeathtrackSportActivision Publishing, Inc.1989
Deep Space: Operation CopernicusActionSir-Tech1987
Defender of the crownStrategyCinemaware1988
Demon BlueActionMicroValue1993
Desert RatsStrategyCases Computer Simulations1987
Desert StrikeActionGremlin1994
Diabolik - 01 - Inafferrabile CriminaleActionSimulmondo1992
Diabolik - 02 - La Gemma di SalomoneActionSimulmondo1992
Dig dugActionAtari Games1983
Digger (remake)ActionFreeware2000
DinoPark TycoonSimulationMECC1993
Dizzy - Fantasy WorldActionCodemasters1991
Dizzy - MagiclandActionCodemasters1993
Dizzy - Prince of the Yolk FolkActionCodemasters1990
Dizzy - Prince of the Yolk FolkActionCodemasters1990
Donald Duck´s PlaygroundActionSierra / Disney1988
Double dragonActionArcadia1988
Double dragon 2 - The revengeActionVirgin Interactive1989
Double Dragon 3 - The rosetta stoneActionVirgin Interactive1992
Dr. Who: Dalek AttackActionAdmiral Software1992
Dr.Doom´s revengeActionMedalist International1989
DragonsActionF.A. Willshaw1986
Dream ZoneAdventureBaudville1987
Driller (a.k.a. Space Station Oblivion)ActionEpyx1990
Drug Wars: A Game Based on the New York Drug MarketAdultJohn E. Dell1984
Duck talesActionDisney1988
DuneStrategyVirgin Interactive1990
Dune 2StrategyVirgin Interactive Entertainment1992
Dungeon masterRPGFTL Software1988
Dungeon of ShalanAdventureSoftDisk Publishing1988
Dungeons of KrozAdventureSoftdisk Publishing1989
Dylan Dog - 01 - La regina delle tenebreActionSimulmondo1992
Dylan Dog - 02 - Ritorno al crepuscoloActionSimulmondo1992
Dylan Dog - 03 - Storia di nessunoActionSimulmondo1992
Dylan Dog - 04 - OmbreActionSimulmondo1992
Dylan Dog - 05 - La mummiaActionSimulmondo1992
Dylan Dog - 06 - MaelstromActionSimulmondo1992
Dylan Dog - 07 - Gente che scompareActionSimulmondo1992
Dylan Dog - 08 - La clessidra di pietraActionSimulmondo1992
Dylan Dog - 09 - Il maleActionSimulmondo1992
Dylan Dog - 10 - I vampiriActionSimulmondo1992
Dylan Dog - 11 - IL marchio rossoActionSimulmondo1993
Dylan Dog - 11 - IL marchio rossoActionSimulmondo1993
Dylan Dog - 12 - Il lungo addioActionSimulmondo1993
Dylan Dog - 13 - I killer venuti dal buioActionSimulmondo1993
Dylan Dog - 14 - Il Bosco degli assassiniActionSimulmondo1993
Dylan Dog - 15 - InferniActionSimulmondo1993
Dylan Dog - 16 - FantasmiActionSimulmondo1993
Dylan Dog - 17 - Il cimitero dimenticatoActionSimulmondo1993
Dylan Dog - Gli UccisoriActionSimulmondo1992
Dyna Blaster (Bomberman)ActionHudson software1991
Eco Quest 1: The Search for CetusAdventureSierra On-Line1992
EGA BackgammonPuzzle??unknown
EGA BombActionRad Delaroderie1988
ElectranoidActionPixel Painters1994
Elite plusSimulationFreeware1991
Elvira IIAdventureAccolade1991
Empire- Wargame of the centuryStrategyInterstel1987
EncounterActionCory Bruening1984
Eye of HorusActionLogotron1989
Face offSportGamestar1989
Faery tale adventure II: Halls of the deadRPGEncore1997
Fallen AngelActionEmerald Software1989
Fantasy empiresStrategyStrategic Simulations Inc. (SSI)1993
Fantasy GeneralStrategyStrategic Simulations Inc.1996
Fast BreakSportAccolade1987
FIFA 97SportElectronic Arts, Inc.1996
FIFA Soccer 96SportElectronic Arts, Inc.1995
Final conflictActionImpressions1991
Final FighterActionZOK-Software2001
Final FrontierStrategyPSS1989
Fire and ForgetSportTitus1988
Fire and Forget 2 - The Death of ConvoySportTitus Interactive1990
Fire FighterStrategyEben Sprinsock1985
Fire FighterStrategyEben Sprinsock1985
Fire PowerActionFreeware1988
First samuraiActionImage Works1991
First samuraiActionImage Works1991
FlashbackActionStrategic Simulations Inc1992
Fleet SweepActionMirror Images1983
Flight of the amazon queenAdventureFreeware1995
Floppy FrenzyActionWindmill Software1982
Ford SimulatorSimulationThe SoftAd Group1987
Ford Simulator 2SimulationThe SoftAd Group1989
Ford simulator 5SimulationThe SoftAd Group1994
Forgotten Realms: Unlimited AdventuresRPGStrategic Simulations, Inc.1993
Fox RangerActionSoft Action1992
Fury of the FurriesActionMindscape Inc.1993
Future warsAdventureInterplay1990
Future warsAdventureInterplay1990
Fuzzys World of Miniature Space GolfSportPixel Painters1995
Gabriel KnightAdventureSierra On-Line1993
Galactic battleActionSoftdisk1989
GalaxianActionAtari Games1983
Game Over 2 (a.k.a. Phantis 2)ActionDinamic Software1987
Gamma Force in: Pit of A ThousandAdventureInfocom1988
Gauntlet 2ActionMindscape1989
Genghis KhanStrategyKOEI1989
Ghostbusters 2ActionActivision Publishing, Inc.1989
Ghosts n GoblinsActionCapcom Entertainment1987
Giana Sisters 32KActionMYTH1998
GladiatorActionForgotten Sages1992
Goal!SportVirgin Interactive1994
God of thunderPuzzleFreeware1993
Golden AxeActionSynthetic Dimensions1990
GoodyActionOpera Soft1987
Gran Prix CircuitSportAccolade1988
Grand monster slamActionRainbow Arts1989
Grand Prix 500 IISportMC2-Microids1991
Grand prix manager 2SportMicroProse1996
Grand Theft AutoActionRockstar Games1997
Gremlins 2: The New BatchActionElite Systems1990
Guilty: Innocent until caught 2AdventurePsygnosis1995
Guy Spy and the crystals of ArmageddonActionReadySoft Incorporated1992
Guy Spy and the crystals of ArmageddonActionReadySoft Incorporated1992
Hammer boyActionDinamic Software1991
HardnovaRPGElectronic Arts Inc.1990
Heavy MetalActionAccess1989
HeimdallActionCore Design1992
Heimdall 2ActionCore Design1994
Heirs to the throneStrategyQuantum Quality Productions1993
Helicopter SimulatorSimulation??unknown
Hero QuestStrategyGremlin1991
Heroes of the LanceActionStrategic Simulations Inc. (SSI)1988
Heroquest 2004StrategyFreeware2004
Highway HunterActionSafari Software1995
Holiday islandSimulationSunflowers1997
Horror Zombies from The CryptActionMillennium1991
Hoyle Official Book of GamesStrategySierra On-Line1989
Hugo II, WhodunitAdventureCDRP1991
Icon: The quest for the ringActionMacrocom1984
IgnitionSportVirgin Interactive Entertainment1997
Igor: Objective UikokahoniaAdventureOptik1995
Il drago delle caverneAdventureFreewareunknown
Il giardino incantatoAdventureFreeware1995
Impossible Mission IIActionKonami1990
In Search of Dr. RiptideActionPack Media1994
In the dead of nightAdventureTrecision1995
Indiana Jones: Temple of DoomActionAtari Games1989
Innocent until caughtAdventurePsygnosis1993
Interactive Girls collectionAdultInteractive Girls Club1993
International Ninja RabbitsActionMicroValue1993
Into The Eagles NestActionMindscape Inc.1987
Ironman Super offroadSportVirgin Interactive1990
Ishar: Legend of the fortressRPGSilmarils1992
Isle Of The DeadActionMerit Software1993
It came from the desertAdventureFreeware1991
Italy 1990SportU.S. Gold Ltd.1990
Janitor JoeActionKevin Bales1984
JetpackActionSoftware Creations1993
JetpackActionSoftware Creations1993
Jimmy Connors Pro Tennis TourSportUBI Soft1990
John Madden FootballSportElectronic Arts1989
Jordan vs. Bird: One-on-OneSportElectronic Arts, Inc.1988
Jr. Pac-ManActionThunder Mountain1988
Jumpman livesActionApogee1991
Jungle StrikeActionGremlin Interactive Ltd.1995
Jurassic ParkActionOCEAN1992
KarnovActionData East1987
Keef The ThiefAdventureElectronic Arts1989
Ken´s LabyrinthActionFreeware1993
KGB (aka. Conspiracy)AdventureCryo Interactive1992
Kick Off 2SportAnco Software1990
King of ChicagoActionCinemaware1988
King Pin arcade sports bowlingSportTeam 171995
King´s quest II - Romacing the throneAdventureSierra1987
King´s quest IIIAdventureSierra1987
King´s Quest IV - The perils of RosellaAdventureSierra1988
King´s Quest V - Absence makes the heart go yonderAdventureSierra1990
King´s Quest VI - Heir today gone tomorrowAdventureSierra1992
King's QuestAdventureSierra1987
King's Quest VI - Heir today gone tomorrowAdventureSierra1992
Kingdom of KrozActionApogee1987
Kings of beachSportElectronic Arts1989
Knight ExchangeStrategySoftdisk1988
Knight GamesSportMastertronic1987
Knight GamesSportMastertronic1987
KnightmareActionKonami JPN1986
Knights of XentarAdultMegaTech Software1994
L.A. CrackdownAdventureEpyx, Inc.1988
L'Apprendista StregoneAdventureFreewareunknown
L'astronave condannataAdventureFreewareunknown
Lakers vs Celtics and the NBA PlayoffsSportElectronic Arts, Inc.1989
Lands of Lore: The throne of chaosRPGVirgin Games, Inc.1993
Laser Surgeon: The Microscopic MissionSimulationActivision1987
Laser Surgeon: The Microscopic MissionSimulationActivision1987
Laura Bow 2: the Dagger of Amon RaAdventureSierra On-Line1992
Laura Bow: Colonel's BequestAdventureSierra On-Line1989
Lawn MowerActionChristopher D. Orr1987
Legends of murderRPGSoftDisk Publishing1993
Lemmings (Win95)PuzzlePsygnosis1995
Lemmings 2: The tribePuzzlePsygnosis1993
Lemmings XmasPuzzlePsygnosis1993
Leygref's CastleRPGFrank Dutton1986
Life & deathSimulationSoftware Toolworks1988
Life & death 2SimulationSoftware Toolworks1990
Line WarsSimulationFreeware1989
Lode RunnerActionBrøderbund1983
Lombard RAC RallySportRed Rat1989
Loom (ega)AdventureLucasArts1990
Lord of the rings - Vol.1RPGInterplay1990
Lords of ConquestStrategyEon Softwares1985
Lords of The RealmStrategyImpressions1994
Lure of the temptressAdventureVirgin Interactive Entertainment1992
Mad MixActionTopo Soft1988
Mad TVStrategyRainbow Arts1991
Magnetic CranePuzzleDialog1989
Mah Jongg SolitairePuzzleNels Anderson1987
Manchester United - The DoubleSportKrisalis1995
Manchester United EuropeSportKrisalis1992
Manhunter 2: San FranciscoAdventureSierra On-Line1989
Manhunter: New YorkAdventureSierra On-Line1988
Master of magicStrategyMicroProse Software, Inc.1994
Mean 18SportAccolade1986
MegalomaniaStrategyUbiSoft Entertainment1991
MegaTraveller: The Zhodani ConspiracyRPGParagon Software1989
Metal gearActionKonami1987
Mickey's Space AdventureAdventureDisney1986
Micro League BaseballSportMicro League1989
Micro machinesSportOcean Software Ltd.1994
Micro Machines 2SportCodemasters1995
Microsoft Flight Simulator (v3.0)SimulationMicrosoft Game Studios1988
Midnight RescueActionThe Learning Company1990
Mind MirrorSimulationElectronic Arts1985
Mine ShaftActionSierra On-Line1983
Mine ShaftActionSierra On-Line1983
Mixed-Up Mother GooseAdventureSierra On-Line1987
MoebiusRPGOrigin Systems1987
Monopoly DeluxeStrategyVirgin Interactive1992
Montezuma's RevengeActionBCI Software1984
MoonwalkerActionUS Gold1989
Moraff's RevengeRPGMoraffWare1988
Mortal KombatActionAcclaim1993
Ms. Pac-ManActionAtari Games1983
MTV's Remote ControlPuzzleHi-Tech Expressions1989
Murder in VeniceAdventureCobra Software1990
Neverwinter NightsRPGStrategic Simulations Inc.1991
Night mission pinballPuzzlesubLOGIC1982
Night mission pinball 3.0PuzzlesubLOGIC1988
Nippon Safes, Inc.AdventureDynabyte1992
Nobunaga's AmbitionStrategyKOEI Co., Ltd.1988
North & SouthStrategyInfogrames1989
NovatronActionVeriSoft Works1982
ObliteratorActionMelbourne House1989
Ocean RangerSimulationActivision1989
Ocean TraderSimulationSoftware 20001995
Oil imperiumSimulationRainbow Arts1990
OligopolySimulationXOR Corporation1988
OmegaStrategyOrigin Systems1989
One must fall 2097ActionFreeware1994
Operation Body CountActionCapstone1994
Operation StealthAdventureInterplay1990
Operation wolfActionTaito1989
Operation: Cleanstreets (a.k.a Manhattan Dealers)ActionInfogrames1988
Out RunSportSEGA1989
Out RunSportSEGA1989
Pac ManActionFreeware2001
Pac-GirlActionAl J. Jiménez1982
Paper Boy 2ActionElite Systems1987
ParatrooperActionOrion Software1982
PC calcio 3.0 (94/95)SportDinamic1994
PC calcio 4.0 (95/96)SportDynamic1995
PC calcio 5.0 (96/97)SportDynamic1996
Pc PoolSportn.d.1984
Pc-ManActionOrion Software1982
PGA Tour GolfSportElectronic Arts1990
Pinball dreamsAction21st Century Entertainment1993
Pinball FantasiesPuzzle21st Century Entertainment1994
Pipe ManiaPuzzleEmpire Interactive1989
PlatoonActionData East1985
Police Quest 2 - The VengeanceAdventureSierra On-Line, Inc.1988
PopulousStrategyElectronic Arts Inc.1989
Ports of callSimulationAegis International1992
Power driveSportUS Gold1994
Predator 2ActionKonami Corporation1990
Prehistorik 2ActionTitus1993
Prince of persiaActionBr?derbund1989
Prince of persia 2ActionBr?derbund1993
Project NeptuneActionEpyx1989
Prophecy 1 - The viking childActionElectronic Zoo1990
Prophecy: The Fall of TrinadonRPGActivision1988
Prost Grand PrixSportInfogrames1998
ProtostarAdventureTsunami Media1993
ProtostarAdventureTsunami Media1993
Psychic WarRPGBrøderbund1989
Push OverPuzzleOcean1992
Quest for The TimebirdAdventureFirebird1989
R-TypeActionElectric Dreams Software1989
Rad WarriorActionEpyx1987
Rambo IIIActionOcean1989
RampartActionElectronic Arts1992
Raylroad tycoonStrategyMicroProse1990
Raylroad tycoonStrategyMicroProse1990
RealmsStrategyElectronic Arts1990
Realms of Arkania - Blade of destinyRPGFantasy Productions1992
Red BaronSimulationFreeware1990
Red LightningSimulationStrategic Simulations Inc. (SSI)1989
Red Storm RisingSimulationMicroProse1988
Return of the PhantomAdventureMicroprose1993
ReunionStrategyGrandslam Entertainment1994
Revenge of DefenderActionEpyx1988
Revenge of DefenderActionEpyx1988
Rex Nebular and the Cosmic Gender BenderAdventureMicroProse1992
Rick DangerousActionCore Design1989
Rick Dangerous 2ActionMicroStyle1990
RisicoStrategyVirgin Interactive1989
Roadwar 2000AdventureStrategic Simulations, Inc.1987
Robocod (James Pond 2)ActionMillennium1993
Robotron: 2084ActionAtari Games1984
RockstarStrategyWizard Games1989
Rollo and The Brush BrothersActionWindmill Software1983
Romance of The Three KingdomsStrategyKOEI1989
Rome: Pathway to PowerAdventureMillennium1990
Round 42ActionFreeware1986
Rush 'N AttackActionKonami1989
Santa ParaviaStrategyKeypunch1988
Scopa FreeStrategyFreeware1999
Scrabble deluxeStrategyVirgin Interactive1990
Scuba VentureActionSoftdisk Publishing1993
Sea DragonActionAdventure International1983
SEAL TeamSimulationElectronic Arts1993
Sensible soccerSportSensible software1992
Sensible World of Soccer 95/96SportSensible Software1996
Sensible World of soccer 96/97SportSensible Software1996
Sentinel Worlds 1: Future MagicRPGElectronic Arts1989
Serve & VolleySportAccolade1987
Settlers of catanStrategyFreeware1998
Sex OlympicsAdultFree Spirit1990
Sexy droidsAdultEleven Software1992
Shadow of the cometAdventureInfogrames1994
ShawlPuzzleAcademy Soft1986
Shufflepuck CafeActionBrøderbund1989
Silent serviceSimulationMicroProse Software, Inc.1985
Silly master blasterActionRussco1985
SilpheedActionSierra On-Line1987
Simulman - 01 - Simulman!ActionSimulmondo1993
Simulman - 02 - Nella morsa di SS-DOSActionSimulmondo1993
Simulman - 03 - Nel regno di DoorsActionSimulmondo1993
Simulman - 04 - Il mondo simulatoActionSimulmondo1993
Simulman - 05 - I rapitori di sogniActionSimulmondo1993
Simulman - 05 - I rapitori di sogniActionSimulmondo1993
Simulman - 06 - Luna ParkActionSimulmondo1993
Simulman - 07 - Il grande freddoActionSimulmondo1993
Simulman - 08 - Il giardino virtualeActionSimulmondo1993
Simulman - 09 - Il giocattolaioActionSimulmondo1993
Simulman - 10 - PentagramActionSimulmondo1993
Simulman - 11 - Jailhouse RockActionSimulmondo1993
Sinbad and the throne of the falconActionCinemaware1988
Skyfox II: The Cygnus ConflictActionElectronic Arts1988
Snack Attack IIActionFuntastic1982
Soccer KidActionKrisalis Software Ltd.1994
Softstar PokerStrategySoftstarunknown
SokobanPuzzleASCii Corporation1984
Solo FlightSimulationMicroProse1985
Solomon's KeyActionU.S. Gold Ltd.1987
Sopwith 2ActionFreeware1985
Space AceActionReadySoft Incorporated1989
Space CommandersActionColumbia Data Products1983
Space CrusadeStrategyGremlin1992
Space invadersActionTaito1978
Space Quest: Chapter IAdventureSierra On-Line, Inc.1986
Space Quest: The Lost ChapterAdventureFreeware2001
Space rogueRPGOrigin Systems1990
SpeedballSportImage Works1991
Spy HunterSportMidway1984
Spy vs. Spy 3: Arctic AnticsActionFirst Star1987
Spy vs. Spy 3: Arctic AnticsActionFirst Star1987
Star CommandActionStrategic Simulations Inc1988
Star control IIAdventureAccolade1992
Star GooseActionLogotron1988
Star QuakeActionBubble Bus1987
StargateActionAtari Games1985
Station NasaSimulation??unknown
Steel ThunderSimulationAccolade1989
Steel ThunderSimulationAccolade1989
Stellar 7ActionDynamix1992
Street fighterActionCapcom1988
Street fighter 2ActionCapcom1992
Street fighter 2ActionCapcom1992
Street rodSportCalifornia Dreams1989
Street rod 2SportCalifornia Dreams1991
Street Sports SoccerSportEpyx, Inc.1988
Strip BlackjackAdult??unknown
Strip poker 2AdultArtworx1982
Strip Poker 3AdultArtworx1991
Strip Poker ProfessionalAdultArtworx1995
Stuntcar racerSportMicroplay1989
Su-25 StormovikSimulationElectronic Arts1990
Super HueySimulationCosmiunknown
Super Huey 2SimulationCosmiunknown
Super kartsSportManic Media Production1995
Super Mario BrossAction??1994
Super NovaAdventureApogeeunknown
Techno CopActionUS Gold1988
Teen AgentAdventureFreeware1994
Teenage QueenAdultInfogrames1988
Terminator 2: Judgment dayActionOCEAN1992
Text - 01 - MefistoActionSimulmondo1992
The Adventures of Captain ComicActionMichael Denio1988
The amazing SpidermanActionParagon Software1989
The Beverly HillbilliesAdventureIntraCorp1993
The Dark Queen of KrynnRPGStrategic Simulations, Inc.1992
The Elder Scrolls: ArenaRPGBethesda Softworks1995
The FlinstonesActionHi Tech Expressions1990
The FlinstonesActionHi Tech Expressions1990
The Games: Summer ChallengeSportAccolade1992
The Games: Winter ChallengeSportAccolade1991
The GooniesActionFreeware1986
The great escapeAdventureOCEAN1987
The great Giana sistersActionRainbow Arts1987
The HobbitAdventureMelbourne House1983
The Last NinjaActionActivision1988
The Last Ninja 2: Back With a VengeanceActionActivision1989
The legend of KyrandiaAdventureWestwood Studios1994
The Legend of Kyrandia 2 - Hand of fateAdventureWestwood Studios1994
The legend of ZeldaActionNintendo Co., Ltd.1986
The Lost PatrolAdventureOCEAN1990
The Lost PatrolAdventureOCEAN1990
The ManagerSportSoftware 20001991
The sevent spirits of RaActionSir-tech Software, Inc.1987
The simpsonsActionKonami1991
Theme ParkStrategyElectronic Arts1994
Titus the foxActionTitus1992
Top GunSimulationThunder Mountain1987
Touche: Adventures of The Fifth MusketeerAdventureUS Gold1997
Transport TycoonSimulationMicroprose1994
Transport TycoonSimulationMicroprose1994
Treasure TrapActionElectronic Zoo1991
Triplane TurmoilActionFreeware1996
TroddlersPuzzleSales Curve Interactive1993
TroddlersPuzzleSales Curve Interactive1993
Turok: Dinosaur HunterActionAcclaim Entertainment1998
Turrican 2002ActionPekaro Software2002
UFO: Enemy UnknownStrategyMicroprose1994
UFO: The Card GameStrategyFreeware1994
Ultima underworld II : Labyrinth of WorldsRPGORIGIN Systems Inc.1992
UniverseAdventureCore Design1994
UnoStrategyCarel Schutteunknown
Vette!SportSpectrum Holobyte1989
Vette!SportSpectrum Holobyte1989
Vida XAdultInteractive Girls Club1993
VizActionProbe Entertainment1992
WarlordsStrategySSG Strategic Studies Group Pty Ltd.1990
Ween: The ProphecyAdventureSierra On Line1993
Who framed Roger RabbitActionDisney1987
Winter GamesSportEpyx1987
Winter Olympics: Lillehammer ´94SportUS Gold1993
World EmpireStrategy??unknown
Worlds of ultima: martian dreamsRPGOrigin Systems1991
WWF WrestleManiaSportOCEAN1991
X-COM: Terror from the deepStrategyMicroprose1995
X-COM: Terror from the deepStrategyMicroprose1995
Zany GolfSportElectronic Arts1988
Zany GolfSportElectronic Arts1988
ZeliardActionSierra On-Line1993
Zool 2ActionGremlin1994
Zool 2ActionGremlin1994