Title | Genre | Company | Year |
Curse of Issyos, The | Action | Locomalito | 2015 |
Griel’s Quest for the Sangraal | unknown | Karoshi Corp. | 2005 |
Hollywood Monsters | Adventure | Pendulo Studios | 1997 |
Maldita Castilla EX | Action | Abylight Studios | 2016 |
New York Crimes | Adventure | Pendulo Studios | 2012 |
NightStone | unknown | Virgin Interactive | 2001 |
NyxQuest | unknown | Over The Top Games | 2009 |
Path to Mnemosyne | unknown | Hidden Trap | 2018 |
Runaway | Adventure | Pendulo Studios | 2001 |
Runaway 2 | Adventure | Pendulo Studios | 2006 |