The Good Old Days

The Good Old Days

Robot 614
007: Licence to KillunknownDomark1989
007: Licence to KillunknownDomark1989
1000 Miglia: 1927-1933 Volume 1ActionSimulmondo1992
1000 Miglia: 1927-1933 Volume 1unknownSimulmondo1992
1000 Miglia: 1927-1933 Volume 1ActionSimulmondo1992
101 Monochrome MazesunknownIBM1983
1497: Five Years AfterStrategyJan Hagqvist1996
1830 Railroads and Robber BaronsStrategyAvalon Hill1995
1830: Railroads & Robber BaronsStrategyAvalon Hill1995
1869StrategyMax Design1992
1869unknownMax Design1992
1869: History Experience Part IStrategyMax Design1992
1942: The Pacific Air WarunknownMicroprose1994
1st Division ManagerSportCodemasters1993
221B Baker StreetPuzzleDatasoft1986
2400 ADunknownOrigin1988
3 Ninjas Kick BackActionMalibu Interactive1994
3 Skulls of the ToltecsAdventureRevistronic1996
3-K TriviaunknownIBM1984
3D Construction KitunknownDomark1991
3D Construction KitunknownDomark1991
3D CyberPuckSportTicsoft1994
3D Shooter & Five DiceunknownMojo Software1996
3D SpacewarsActionGraftgold1983
3D World & FlashcardsunknownMojo Software1996
3D World BoxingunknownSimulmondo1992
4D Sports BoxingunknownMindscape1991
4D Sports BoxingunknownMindscape1991
4D Sports Boxing 2.0unknownMindscape1991
4D Sports: DrivingunknownBroderbund1990
4D Sports: DrivingRPGBroderbund1990
4D Sports: DrivingRPGBroderbund1990
4th & InchesunknownAccolade1988
4th & InchesunknownAccolade1988
4th & InchesunknownAccolade1988
5th FleetunknownAvalon Hill1994
5th FleetStrategyAvalon Hill1994
5th Fleet Scenario Module 1unknownAvalon Hill1994
688 Attack SubunknownElectronic Arts1989
688 Attack SubunknownElectronic Arts1989
688 Attack SubActionElectronic Arts1989
688 Attack SubunknownElectronic Arts1989
688 Attack SubunknownElectronic Arts1989
688 Attack SubunknownElectronic Arts1989
8 Ball DeluxeActionPAS Systems/Amte1993
9:05AdventureAdam Cadre2000
A Golden WakeAdventureGrundislav Games2014
A Journey into XanthAdventureNeil Sorenson1993
A Line in the SandunknownSSI1992
A Line in the SandunknownSSI1992
A Mind Forever VoyagingAdventureInfocom1985
A Mind Forever VoyagingAdventureInfogrames1985
A New BeginningAdventureDaedalic Entertainment2010
A Nightmare on Elm StreetunknownSharedata1989
A-10 Tank KillerunknownDynamix1990
A-10 Tank KillerunknownDynamix1990
A-10 Tank KillerunknownDynamix1990
A-10 Tank KillerunknownDynamix1990
A-10 Tank KillerunknownDynamix1990
A-Train Construction SetStrategyOcean1992
A-Train Construction SetunknownOcean1992
A-Train Construction SetunknownOcean1992
A320 AirbusSimulationThalion1992
A320 AirbusSimulationThalion1992
A320 Airbus Vol. 2SimulationGames 4 Europe1995
A320 Airbus: Edition USASimulationThalion1993
A4 NetworksunknownAtari1995
A4 NetworksunknownAtari1995
Aa HarimanadaActionSega1993
Aaargh!ActionMelbourne House1988
Abandoned Places: A Time for HeroesunknownArtGame1992
ABC Monday Night FootballunknownData East1989
ABC Wide World of Sports: BoxingunknownData East1991
ABC Wide World of Sports: BoxingunknownData East1991
ABC Wide World of Sports: BoxingunknownData East1991
Abenteuer AtlantisunknownKnorr1992
Abenteuer EuropaAdventureSPD1994
Abenteuer EuropaAdventureSPD1994
Abobo's Big AdventureActionTeam Bobo2012
Abrams Battle TankSimulationDynamix1988
Abrams Battle TankSimulationElectronic Arts1988
Absolute PinballActionUnique Development Studios1996
AbuseActionCrack dot com1996
Academy: Tau Ceti IIunknownCRL Group1986
ACE 2unknownCascade Games1987
ACE 2unknownCascade Games1987
Ace of AcesunknownUS Gold1986
Aces of the DeepSimulationDynamix1994
Aces of the DeepSimulationDynamix1994
Aces of the DeepunknownDynamix1994
Aces of the Deep: Expansion DiskunknownDynamix1994
Aces of the Deep: Expansion DiskunknownDynamix1994
Aces of the PacificSimulationDynamix1992
Aces of the PacificSimulationSierra1992
Aces of the PacificRPGSierra1992
Aces of the PacificunknownSierra1992
Aces of the PacificunknownSierra1992
Aces of the PacificunknownSierra1992
Aces of the PacificActionSierra1992
Aces of the PacificunknownSierra1992
Aces of the Pacific - Patch BRPGSierra1992
Aces of the Pacific - WWII: 1946unknownSierra1992
Aces of the Pacific - WWII: 1946unknownSierra1992
Aces of the Pacific - WWII: 1946unknownSierra1992
Aces of the Pacific - WWII: 1946unknownSierra1992
Aces Over EuropeSimulationDynamix1993
Aces over EuropeSimulationDynamix1993
Aces over EuropeSimulationDynamix1993
Aces over EuropeunknownDynamix1993
Aces over EuropeunknownDynamix1993
Aces over Europe patch diskunknownDynamix1993
AcquireStrategyAvalon Hill1991
Action FighterunknownSega1989
Action FighterunknownSega1989
Action FighterunknownSega1989
Action ServiceunknownCobra Soft1990
Action Stations!unknownInternecine1990
Actua SoccerSportGremlin1995
Advanced Destroyer SimulatorStrategyFutura1990
Advanced Lawnmower SimulationSimulationGardensoft1988
Advanced Tactical Fighter IIunknownDigital Integration1990
Adventure in SereniaunknownSierra1982
Adventure MathunknownEpic MegaGames1992
Adventures of Willy BeamishunknownSierra1991
Adventures of Willy BeamishunknownSierra1991
Adventures of Willy BeamishunknownSierra1991
After BurnerSimulationSega1989
After Burner IIunknownSega1989
After DarkunknownBerkeley Systems1993
Agatha Christie: Murder on the Orient ExpressAdventureAWE Productions2006
Agent USAunknownScholastic1984
Aide de CampunknownHPS1993
Aide de Camp Module: Stalingrad PocketunknownHPS1993
Air Duel: 80 Years of DogfightingunknownMicroprose1993
Air Duel: 80 Years of DogfightingunknownMicroprose1993
Air SupportActionPsygnosis1992
Air WarriorunknownOn-Line Entertainment1990
Air WarriorunknownOn-Line Entertainment1990
Airborne RangerunknownMicroprose1987
Airborne RangerunknownMicroprose1987
Airborne RangerSimulationMicroprose1987
Airborne RangerunknownMicroprose1987
Airborne RangerunknownMicroprose1987
AirlineStrategyFalken Software1991
Airstrike USAunknownDigital Integration1990
AirtaxiActionSebastian Pech2001
AkalabethRPGRichard Garriott1980
AlbionRPGBlue Byte1996
ALF: The First AdventureunknownBox Office1987
Alias 'The Magpie'AdventureJ. J. Guest2018
Alien Bash IIActionGlen Cumming1995
Alien BreedActionTeam 171991
Alien BreedActionTeam171992
Alien BreedunknownTeam171992
Alien Breed 3DActionTeam 171995
Alien Breed 3D II: The Killing GroundsActionTeam 171996
Alien Breed II: The Horror ContinuesActionTeam 171993
Alien Breed Special Edition 1992ActionTeam 171992
Alien Breed: Tower AssaultActionTeam 171994
Alien CarnageActionApogee1994
Alien IncidentAdventureGameTek1996
Alien LegacyStrategyYbarra Productions1993
Alien LegacyunknownSierra1993
Alien LegacyunknownSierra1993
Alien RampagePuzzleInner Circle Creations1996
Alien SyndromeunknownSEGA1989
AliensActionSoftware Studios1986
All New World of LemmingsRPGPsygnosis1994
All New World of LemmingsSimulationPsygnosis1994
All New World of LemmingsunknownPsygnosis1994
All New World of LemmingsunknownPsygnosis1994
Alla Scoperta Dell'InformaticaunknownFederico Motta Editore1990
Alley CatActionSynapse Software1984
Alley CatActionSynapse Software1984
AlleywayActionIntelligent Systems1989
Allied GeneralStrategySSI1995
AloneAdventurePaul Michael Winters2020
Alone in the DarkAdventureInfogrames1992
Alone in the Dark 2AdventureInfogrames1994
Alone in the Dark 3AdventureInfogrames1994
Alpha WavesSimulationInfogrames1990
Alpha WavesunknownInfogrames1990
Alter EgoRPGActivision1986
Altered BeastActionSega1988
Altered BeastActionSega1988
Altered DestinyAdventureAccolade1991
Amarillo Slim's Real Poker: 5 Card StudunknownVilla Crespo1989
Amazon: Guardians of EdenunknownAccess1992
Amazon: Guardians of EdenunknownAccess1992
Amazon: Guardians of EdenunknownAccess1992
Ambush at SorinorStrategyMindcraft1993
Ambush at SorinorStrategyMindcraft1993
Ambush at SorinorunknownMindcraft1993
An American TailunknownCapstone1993
AnchorheadAdventureMichael S. Gentry1998
Ancient Art of WarunknownBroderbund1984
Ancient Art of War at SeaunknownBroderbund1987
Ancient Art of War at SeaActionBroderbund1987
Ancient Domains of MysteryRPGThomas Biskup1994
Ancient Land of YsunknownNihon Falcom1989
Ancient Land of YsActionNihon Falcom1989
Ancient Land of YsActionNihon Falcom1989
Ancients I: Death WatchRPGFarrware1993
Ancients II: Approaching EvilRPGFarrware1993
Ancients II: Approaching EvilRPGEpic Megagames1993
Andor's TrailRPGOskar Wiksten2010
Andromeda ApocalypseAdventureMarco Innocenti2012
Andromeda AwakeningAdventureMarco Innocenti2011
Animal QuestunknownAlive Software1992
Animal QuestunknownAlive Software1992
Animation CreationunknownIBM / Mouseworks Computing1983
Anno 1602: Creation of a New WorldStrategyMax Design1998
Another WorldActionInterplay1990
Another WorldActionDelphine1990
Another WorldAdventureDelphine1990
Another WorldunknownDelphine1990
AnstossunknownAscon GmbH1993
AnstossunknownAscon GmbH1993
AnstossunknownAscon GmbH1993
Anstoss: World Cup EditionunknownAscon GmbH1993
Anvil of DawnRPGDreamForge Intertainment1995
Apogee Software Bonus Disk 7unknownApogee1991
Apogee Software Shareware LibraryunknownApogee1992
Apollo 18: Mission to the MoonunknownArtech1988
Apple PanicunknownBroderbund1982
Appointment with F.E.A.R.RPGPuffin Books1985
Arabian NightsActionKrisalis1993
Arcade #2unknownKeypunch Software1988
Arcade Blockbusters!unknownCapcom1991
Arcade FootballunknownSoftware Simulations1989
Arcade GamesunknownKeypunch Software1988
Arcade GamesunknownKeypunch Software1988
Arcade HitsunknownCapcom1991
Arcade PoolActionTeam 171994
Arcade PoolunknownTeam 171994
Arcade PoolRPGTeam 171994
Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magick ObscuraRPGTroika Games2001
Archer Maclean's PoolunknownVirgin1992
ArchipelagosPuzzleAstral Software1989
ArchipelagosunknownAstral Software1989
ArchipelagosunknownAstral Software1989
ArchonunknownElectronic Arts1983
Archon – The Light and the DarkActionElectronic Arts1983
Archon UltraunknownSSI1994
Archon UltraunknownSSI1994
Arctic AdventureunknownApogee1991
Arkanoid 2 - Revenge of DohActionTaito1988
Arkanoid 2 - Revenge of DohActionTaito1988
Arkanoid II: Revenge of DohActionTaito1988
Armada 2525unknown?1991
Armaëth: The Lost KingdomunknownGrandslam1993
Armchair QuarterbackunknownShareData1986
Armor AlleyunknownThree-Sixty Pacific1991
Armor AlleyPuzzleThree-Sixty Pacific1991
Armor AttackActionGCE1982
Armorik the Viking: The Eight ConquestsunknownInfogrames1988
Arnie 2ActionZeppelin Games1993
Ascii SectorActionChristian Knudsen2009
Ashes of EmpireActionMidnight1992
Asterix: Operation GetafixunknownCoktel1989
Astro Fire & Arcade PaddleunknownMojo Software1996
ATAC: The Secret War Against DrugsunknownMicroprose1992
ATAC: The Secret War Against DrugsunknownMicroprose1992
ATAC: The Secret War Against DrugsunknownMicroprose1992
ATAC: The Secret War Against DrugsunknownMicroprose1992
AttilaStrategyLüder Osmers1996
Auf dem Weg nach EuropaunknownBundesregierung1991
AutoduelRPGElectronic Arts1988
AV-8B Harrier AssaultunknownDomark1992
AV-8B Harrier AssaultunknownDomark1992
AV-8B Harrier AssaultunknownDomark1992
AvalonActionHewson Consultants1984
Avoid the NoidActionCalifornia Merchandising Concepts, Inc.1989
Avoid the NoidActionSharedata1989
Avoid the NoidSimulationSharedata1989
AwakeningAdventureGeorg Rottensteiner2015
Awesome Earl in SkateRockunknownBubble Bus1988
Aztec TombPuzzleEndurion2023
B-17 Flying FortressunknownMicroprose1992
B-17 Flying FortressunknownMicroprose1992
B-17 Flying FortressunknownMicroprose1992
B.A.T.unknownUbi Soft1990
B.A.T.RPGUbi Soft1990
B.A.T. IIunknownUbi Soft1992
B.A.T. IIunknownUbi Soft1992
B.C. KidActionFactor 51992
Baby Jo in Going HomeunknownLoriciel1991
Back to SkoolAdventureMicrosphere1985
Back to the Future Part IIunknownImages Software1990
BackgammonunknownMicroforum Manufacturing1990
Backgammon 5.0unknownOdesta1983
BackstageAdventureArt Department1993
Bad BloodunknownOrigin1990
Bad CatunknownRainbow Arts Software1987
Bad DudesunknownData East1988
Bad DudesunknownData East1988
Bad MachineAdventureDan Shiovitz1998
Balance of PowerunknownMindscape1986
Balance of Power: The 1990 EditionStrategyIncredible Technologies1989
BaldiesStrategyCreative Edge1995
Ball RaiderActionDiamond1988
BananoidActionWilliam Rieder1989
Bandit Kings of Ancient ChinaStrategyKoei / Infogrames1990
Bank HeistActionFox Video Games1983
BansheeActionCore Design1994
Bar GamesunknownAccolade1989
Barbarian: The Ultimate WarriorActionPalace Software1987
Barcarolle in YellowAdventureVictor Ojuel2023
Barry McGuigan World Championship BoxingSportSportsware Productions1985
Basket PlayoffunknownSimulmodno1992
Batman ForeverActionAcclaim1996
Batman ReturnsActionKonami1993
Batman ReturnsunknownSpirit of Discovery1992
Batman: The Caped CrusaderunknownOcean1988
Batman: The Caped CrusaderunknownOcean1988
Batman: The MovieActionOcean1989
Battle BugsPuzzleEpyx1995
Battle BugsunknownSierra1995
Battle BugsunknownSierra1995
Battle ChessPuzzleInterplay1989
Battle ChessunknownInterplay1989
Battle ChessunknownInterplay1989
Battle ChessAdventureInterplay1989
Battle ChessAdventureInterplay1989
Battle ChessStrategyInterplay1989
Battle ChessStrategyInterplay1989
Battle ChessunknownInterplay1989
Battle ChessunknownInterplay1989
Battle Chess 2: Chinese ChessunknownInterplay1990
Battle Chess 4000unknownInterplay1992
Battle CityActionNamco1985
Battle for WesnothStrategyVarious2004
Battle IsleStrategyBlue Byte1991
Battle IsleStrategyBlue Byte1991
Battle IsleRPGBlue Byte1991
Battle Isle 2StrategyBlue Byte1993
Battle Isle 2200StrategyBlue Byte1993
Battle Isle 3: Shadow of the EmperorStrategyBlue Byte1995
Battle Isle Data DiskStrategyBlue Byte1991
Battle Isle Data Disk 2unknownBlue Byte1991
Battle of AntietamunknownSSI1987
Battle Squadron: The Destruction of the Barrax EmpireActionInnerprise1989
Battles of DestinyunknownQQP1992
Battles of NapoleonStrategySSI1990
Battles of NapoleonStrategySSI1990
BattleTech CompilationunknownActivision1992
BattleTech CompilationunknownActivision1992
BattleTech: The Crescent Hawk's InceptionStrategyWestwood Studios1988
BattleTech: The Crescent Hawk's RevengeunknownWestwood Associates1990
BattleTech: The Crescent Hawk's RevengeunknownWestwood Associates1990
Bazooka SueAdventureStarbyte1997
BC RacersActionCore Design1994
BC's Quest for TiresunknownSierra1984
Beach VolleySportOcean1989
Beavis and Butt-Head in Virtual StupidityAdventureViacom New Media1995
Beet the DevilAdventureCarolyn VanEseltine2011
Behind the Iron GateActionEgo1995
Being Andrew PlotkinAdventureJ. Robinson Wheeler2000
Below the RootunknownWindham Classics1984
Beneath A Steel SkyAdventureRevolution Software1994
Beneath A Steel SkyAdventureRevolution1994
Beneath A Steel SkyunknownRevolution1994
Beneath A Steel SkyRPGRevolution1994
Beneath A Steel SkyunknownRevolution1994
Beneath a Steel SkyunknownRevolution1994
Berlin 1948unknownRainbow Arts1989
Berlin ConnectionAdventurePromotion Software1994
Bermuda SyndromeAdventureCentury Interactive1996
Beverly Hills CopunknownTynesoft1990
Beverly Hills CopunknownTynesoft1990
Beyond Castle WolfensteinunknownMuse1985
Beyond ColumnsPuzzleBrad P. Taylor1989
Beyond Zork: The Coconut of QuendorunknownInfocom1987
Beyond Zork: The Coconut of QuendorRPGInfocom1987
Bi-Fi Roll: Action in HollywoodAdventureFreelance Development1994
Bi-Fi Roll: SnackzoneAdventureArt Department1993
Big Blue Disk SamplerunknownSoftdisk1989
Big BoggleunknownGameTek1990
Big BusinessunknownDigiTek1990
Big TopunknownFuntastic1983
Biing! – Sex, Intrigen und SkalpelleStrategyreLINE Software1995
Biker Mice From MarsActionKonami1994
Bill & Ted's Excellent AdventureunknownCapstone1990
Bill Elliot's NASCAR ChallengeunknownKonami1990
Bill Elliot's NASCAR ChallengeunknownKonami1990
Billy the Kid Returns!unknownAlive Software1994
Bio MenaceActionApogee1993
Birds of PreyunknownElectronic Arts1991
Birds of PreyunknownElectronic Arts1991
Black CryptRPGRaven Software1992
Black DahliaAdventureTake-Two Interactive1998
Black GoldStrategyStarbyte1991
Black GoldStrategyRainbow Arts1991
Black Sect 2: The Cursed CryptAdventureBrocanty Games2020
Black ThorneActionInterplay1994
Blade WarriorActionImage Works1991
Blades of SteelunknownKonami1990
Blake Stone: Aliens of GoldActionApogee1993
Blake Stone: Aliens of GoldActionApogee1993
Blake Stone: Aliens of GoldunknownApogee1993
Blake Stone: Aliens of GoldunknownApogee1993
Blake Stone: Aliens of GoldunknownApogee1993
Blake Stone: Aliens of GoldunknownApogee1993
Blake Stone: Aliens of GoldunknownApogee1993
Blake Stone: Aliens of GoldunknownApogee1993
Blake Stone: Aliens of GoldunknownApogee1993
Blake Stone: Aliens of GoldunknownApogee1993
Blake Stone: Planet StrikeunknownApogee1994
Blake Stone: Planet StrikeunknownApogee1994
Blake Stone: Planet StrikeunknownApogee1994
Blaster MasterActionSunSoft1988
BlasteroidsActionImage Works1989
BlindAdventureAndrew Metzger2011
BlissAdventureCameron Wilkin1999
Blobby VolleySportD. Skoraszewski2001
BlockbusterActionAudiogenic Software1988
BlockoutPuzzleP.Z.K. Co. Development Group1989
Blood & MagicStrategyInterplay1996
Blood 2ActionSilverfox2003
Blood MoneyunknownPsygnosis1989
Blue Angels: Formation Flight SimulationunknownAccolade1989
Blue Angels: Formation Flight SimulationunknownAccolade1989
BMX SimulatorSportCodemasters1986
Bo Jackson BaseballunknownData East1991
Bo Jackson BaseballunknownData East1991
Body BargainAdventureAmanda Lange2012
Body BlowsActionTeam171993
Body BlowsunknownTeam171993
Body Blows GalacticActionTeam 171994
Body Blows: Have the Fight of Your Life!ActionTeam 171993
BogeymanAdventureElizabeth Smyth2018
BombuzalunknownImage Works1989
BombuzalunknownImage Works1989
Border ZoneAdventureInfocom1987
Border ZoneAdventureInfocom1987
Borland Turbo Basic 1.0unknownBorland1988
Borland Turbo C++unknownBorland1992
Borrowed TimeAdventureInterplay1986
Boulder DashunknownFirst Star Software1984
Boulder Dash 1 & 2unknownFirst Star Software1985
Boulder Dash Construction KitunknownFirst Star1987
Breach 2unknownImpressions1990
Breach 2unknownImpressions1990
Breakfree & XerixunknownMojo Software1996
Breakthru in 3DActionAvalon Hill1984
BreathlessActionFields of Vision1996
Bricks 2000PuzzleInner-Smile.com2000
BrixPuzzleEpic MegaGames1992
BrogueRPGBrian Walker2009
Broken Sword II: The Smoking MirrorAdventureRevolution Software1997
Broken Sword: The Shadow of the TemplarsAdventureRevolution Software1996
Bruce LeeunknownDatasoft1984
Brutal Sports FootballSportMillennium1993
Brutal Sports FootballunknownMillenium1993
Brutal: Paws of FuryActionGameTek1995
Brutal: Paws of FuryActionGameTek1995
Bubble BobbleunknownTaito1989
Bubble GhostunknownAccolade1988
Buck Rogers - Planet of ZoomActionSega1984
Buck Rogers – Planet of ZoomActionSega1984
Buck Rogers: Countdown to DoomsdayRPGSSI1990
Buck Rogers: Countdown to DoomsdayRPGSSI1990
Buck Rogers: Countdown to DoomsdayRPGSSI1990
Buck Rogers: Matrix CubedRPGSSI1992
Buck Rogers: Matrix CubedRPGSSI1992
Buck Rogers: Matrix CubedStrategySSI1992
Budokan: The Martial SpiritActionElectronic Arts1990
Buffalo Bill's Wild West ShowSportTynesoft1989
Bug HuntActionAtari1987
BuggedAdventureAnssi Räisänen2001
Buggy BoySportTatsumi1987
Buggy RangerunknownDinamic1990
Buick DimensionsunknownGeneral Motors1992
Building PanicActionYamada No Ana Project2001
Bump 'n' BurnActionSofteyes1994
Bumpy's Arcade FantasyPuzzleLoriciel1992
Bundesliga Manager ProfessionalunknownSoftware 20001992
Bundesliga Manager HattrickSportKRON Software1994
Bundesliga Manager HattrickunknownSoftware 20001994
Bundesliga Manager HattrickStrategySoftware 20001994
Bundesliga Manager Hattrick SupporterSimulationSoftware 20001994
Bundesliga Manager ProfessionalunknownSoftware 20001992
Bundesliga Manager ProfessionalSimulationSoftware 20001992
Bundesliga Manager ProfessionalunknownSoftware 20001992
Bundesliga Manager ProfessionalunknownSoftware 20001992
Bunny BricksActionSilmarils1993
Burning SteelunknownSSI1995
BurntimeStrategyMax Design1993
Buzz Aldrin's Race into SpaceunknownVirgin1992
Byzantine PerspectiveAdventureLea Albaugh2009
CadaverunknownImage Works1991
CadaverunknownImage Works1991
CadaverunknownImage Works1991
CadaverunknownImage Works1991
Cadaver: The PayoffAdventureImage Works1991
Caesar IIStrategyImpressions1995
California GamesSportEpyx1988
California GamesSportEpyx1988
California Games 2unknownEpyx1991
California Pro GolfunknownMastertronic1989
Call of Cthulhu: Shadow of the CometAdventureInfogrames1993
Callahan's Crosstime SaloonAdventureLegend Entertainment1997
CampaignSimulationEmpire Software1992
Campaign: Tactical & Strategic War SimulationunknownEmpire1992
Cannon FodderStrategySensible Software1993
Cannon FodderunknownVirgin1993
Cannon FodderunknownVirgin1993
Cannon Fodder 2unknownVirgin1994
Cannon Fodder 2unknownVirgin1994
Cannon Fodder 2: Once More Unto the BreachStrategySensible Software1994
Capital PunishmentActionclickBOOM1996
Captain Bloodunknown1988
Captain Comic 2unknownComputerEasy1990
Captain Comic 2unknownComputerEasy1990
Captain Cutter's TreasureAdventureGarry Francis2021
Captain DynamoActionCodemasters1992
Captain Gysi – Galaxis FuturaAdventureBURNS Entertainment1998
Captain Gysi und das Raumschiff BonnAdventurePDS1997
Captain Gysi und das Raumschiff BonnAdventurePDS1997
Captain Verdeterre's PlunderAdventureRyan Veeder2013
Captain ZinsunknownDresdner Bank1994
Car & DriverunknownLerner Research1992
Car & DriverunknownLerner Research1992
Car and DriverSportElectronic Arts1992
Card SharksunknownShareData1988
Caren and the Tangled TentaclesAdventurePrior Art2015
Caribbean DisasterStrategySilver Style1996
CarmageddonSimulationStainless Software1997
Carrier Strike: South Pacific 1942-44unknownSSI1992
Carriers at WarunknownSSG1993
Carriers at War 2unknownSSG1993
Carriers at War: Construction KitunknownSSG1993
CasanovaActionIber Soft1989
Castle AdventureAdventureBen Chenoweth2012
Castle AdventureRPGKevin Bales1985
Castle MasterAdventureIncentive1990
Castle of Dr BrainPuzzleSierra On-Line1991
Castle of the Winds I: A Question of VengeanceunknownEpic Megagames1994
Castle of the Winds I: A Question of VengeanceunknownEpic Megagames1994
Castle of the Winds II: Lifthransir's BaneunknownMonkey Business1994
Castles 2: Siege & ConquestStrategyInterplay1994
Castles 2: Siege & ConquestunknownInterplay1994
Castles 2: Siege & Conquest demounknownInterplay1994
Castles II: Siege & ConquestStrategyInterplay1994
Castles: The Northern CampaignAdventureInterplay1991
Castles: The Northern CampaignAdventureInterplay1991
CastlevaniaActionUnlimited Software1990
Castlevania II: Simon's QuestActionKonami1988
Cataclysm: Dark Days AheadRPGKevin Granade2013
Catacomb 3DunknownSoftdisk1991
Catch the KreisActionDregenrocks2001
CatFight: The Ultimate Female Fighting GameActionPhantom Card1996
Cave NoireActionKonami1991
Caveman Ugh-LympicsunknownDynamix1989
Caverns of the Snow WitchRPGPuffin Books1984
Central Point PC Tools ProunknownCentral Point1993
CenturionunknownElectronic Arts1990
Centurion: Defender of RomeStrategyBits of Magic1990
Ceremony of InnocencePuzzleReal World Multimedia1997
Challenge of the Five Realms: Spellbound in the Realm of NhagardiaunknownMicroprose1992
Challenge of the Five Realms: Spellbound in the Realm of NhagardiaunknownMicroprose1992
Chamber of the Sci-Fi Mutant PriestessAdventureCryo1989
Chambers of ShaolinActionThalion1989
Champion of the RajActionLevel 9 Computing1991
Champions of KrynnRPGSSI1990
Champions of KrynnRPGSSI1990
Champions of KrynnunknownSSI1990
Championship Golf: The Great Courses of the World - Volume I: Pebble BeachunknownInterplay1986
Championship Lode RunnerunknownBroderbund1984
Championship ManagerunknownDomark1993
Championship Manager '93StrategyDomark1993
Chaos EngineActionBitmap Brothers1993
Chaos EngineunknownBitmap Brothers1993
Charlie de EendActionWiering Software1996
Charlie the DuckActionWiering Software1996
Chase H.Q.SportOcean1989
Chess SimulatorunknownInfogrames1989
ChessNet 3unknownDesign Track1994
Chewy: ESC von F5AdventureBlue Byte1995
Chicago 90unknownMicroids1989
Chicken InvadersActionInterAction Software1999
Chip'n Dale: Rescue Rangers : The Adventure in Nimnul's CastleunknownWalt Disney1990
Chip's ChallengeunknownEpyx1991
Christoph KolumbusStrategySoftware 20001994
Chuck Yeager's Advanced Flight TrainerunknownElectronic Arts1987
Chuck Yeager's Advanced Flight TrainerunknownElectronic Arts1987
Chuck Yeager's Air CombatunknownElectronic Arts1991
Chuck Yeager's Air CombatActionElectronic Arts1991
Chuck Yeager's Air CombatunknownElectronic Arts1991
Circuit's EdgeunknownWestwood1990
Circus AttractionsunknownRainbow Arts1989
Cisco HeatunknownImage Works1991
Cisco Heat: All American Police Car RaceSimulationJaleco1991
CitadelActionVirtual Design1995
City of ThievesRPGPuffin Books1983
Civil WarunknownThe Avalon Hill1987
Civilization VStrategyFiraxis2010
CJ's Elephant AnticsunknownCodemasters1991
Claas APS-SpielActionClaas1995
Classifiche e PrimatiunknownFederico Motta Editore1992
Clean SweepActionGCE1982
Clock TowerAdventureHuman Entertainment1995
Club Football: The ManagerunknownTeque1994
Clue: Master DetectivePuzzleLeisure Genius1990
Cobra MissionunknownMegaTech Software1992
Code name: Hell SquadActionDigital Dreams2000
Code: EuropeunknownCompu-Teach1993
Codename IcemanunknownSierra1989
Cohort II: Fighting for RomeStrategyImpressions1993
Cohort: Fighting for RomeStrategyImpressions1991
Cold IronAdventureAndrew Plotkin2011
Colonial ConquestStrategySSI1987
Colony Wars 2492StrategyBlack Legend1996
Color LinesPuzzleGamos Ltd1992
Color the TruthAdventureBrian Rushton2016
Colossus Backgammonunknown?1990
Colossus Bridgeunknown?1990
Colossus Chess XStrategyCDS1989
Colossus Chess XStrategy?1989
Colossus Draughtsunknown?1990
Comanche: Maximum OverkillSimulationNovalogic1993
Comanche: Maximum OverkillunknownNovalogic1993
Comanche: Maximum OverkillunknownNovalogic1993
Comanche: Maximum OverkillunknownNovalogic1993
Comanche: Maximum OverkillunknownNovalogic1993
Comanche: Mission Disk 1 - Global ChallengeunknownNovalogic1993
Comanche: Mission Disk 1 - Global ChallengeunknownNovalogic1993
Comanche: Mission Disk 1 - Global ChallengeunknownNovalogic1993
Comanche: Mission Disk 2 - Over the EdgeunknownNovalogic1993
Comanche: Mission Disk 2 - Over the EdgeunknownNovalogic1993
Comanche: Mission Disk 2 - Over the EdgeunknownNovalogic1993
Combat Classics 3unknownEmpire1994
Combat CourseunknownCobra Soft1989
Coming AttractionsunknownFreeware Demo1991
Command & ConquerStrategyWestwood Studios1995
Command & Conquer Update DiskunknownWestwood1995
Command H.Q.StrategyMicroplay1991
Command HQStrategyMicroprose1991
Command HQunknownMicroprose1991
Commander Keen in Goodbye, Galaxy!ActionApogee1991
Commander Keen in Invasion of the VorticonsActionApogee1990
Commander Keen, chapter one: Marooned on MarsunknownApogee1990
Commander Keen: Aliens Ate My Babysitter!unknownid Software1991
Commander Keen: Aliens Ate My Babysitter!unknownid Software1991
Commander Keen: Aliens Ate My Babysitter!unknownid Software1991
Commander Keen: Aliens Ate My Babysitter!unknownid Software1991
Commander Keen: Aliens Ate My Babysitter!unknownid Software1991
Commander Keen: Aliens Ate My Babysitter!unknownid Software1991
Commander Keen: Aliens Ate My Babysitter!unknownApogee1990
Commander Keen: Aliens Ate My Babysitter!Actionid Software1991
Commander Keen: Goodbye, Galaxy!ActionApogee1991
Commander Keen: Goodbye, Galaxy!unknownApogee1991
Commander Keen: Goodbye, Galaxy!unknownApogee1991
Commander Keen: Goodbye, Galaxy!unknownApogee1991
Commander Keen: Goodbye, Galaxy!ActionApogee1991
Commander Keen: Invasion of the VorticonsActionApogee1990
Commander Keen: Invasion of the VorticonsunknownApogee1990
Commander Keen: Invasion of the VorticonsunknownApogee1990
Commander Keen: Invasion of the VorticonsunknownApogee1990
Commander Keen: Keen DreamsunknownSoftdisk1992
Commander Keen: Keen DreamsunknownSoftdisk1992
Commander Keen: Keen DreamsunknownSoftdisk1992
Commander Keen: Keen DreamsunknownSoftdisk1992
Companions of XanthunknownLegend Entertainment1993
Companions of XanthunknownLegend Entertainment1993
Companions of XanthunknownLegend Entertainment1993
Complete Chess SystemunknownOxford Softworks1993
Computer DiplomacyStrategyLeisure Genius1990
Conan the CimmerianunknownVirgin1991
Conan the CimmerianunknownVirgin1991
Concurrent DOS (CDOS) 386unknownDigital Research1989
Conflict EuropeunknownMirrorsoft1989
Conflict in VietnamunknownMicroprose1987
Conflict: Korea the First Year 1950-1951unknownSSI1992
Conflict: Middle EastunknownSSI1991
Conflict: The Middle East Political SimulatorStrategyVirgin Interactive Entertainment1990
Conflict: The Middle East Political SimulatorStrategyVirgin1990
Conflict: The Middle East Political SimulatorunknownVirgin1990
Conflict: The Middle East Political SimulatorunknownVirgin1990
Congo Bongounknownsega1984
Conquered KingdomsunknownQQP1992
ConquerorActionRainbow Arts1990
ConquestunknownWindmill Software1983
Conquest of JapanunknownImpressions1992
Conquest of the New WorldStrategyInterplay1996
Conquests of Camelot: The Search for the GrailunknownSierra1989
Conquests of Camelot: The Search for the GrailunknownSierra1989
Conquests of the LongbowAdventureSierra On-Line1991
Conquests of the LongbowAdventureSierra1991
Conquests of the LongbowunknownSierra1991
Conquests of the LongbowunknownSierra1991
Conquests of the LongbowunknownSierra1991
ContraActionBanana Development1988
Cool SpotActionVirgin Interactive Entertainment1994
Cool SpotActionVirgin1994
Cool WorldActionTwilight1993
Cool WorldActionOcean1993
Cool WorldunknownOcean1993
Corncob 3DunknownMVP Software1991
Corncob 3DunknownMVP Software1991
Corncob DeluxeunknownPersonal Companion Software1994
CorporationunknownCore Design1990
Corridor 7unknownCapstone Software1994
Cosmic CrusaderunknownFuntastic1982
Cosmic SheriffunknownDinamic Software1989
Cosmic SpaceheadunknownCodemasters1993
Cosmo's Cosmic AdventureActionApogee1992
Cosmo's Cosmic AdventureActionApogee1992
CountdownunknownAccess Software1990
Coverdisk: PC Games (1992/10)unknown1992
Coverdisk: PC Games (1992/11)unknown1992
Coverdisk: PC Games (1993/03)unknown1993
Coverdisk: PC Games (1993/05)unknown1993
Coverdisk: PC Games (1993/06)unknown1993
Coverdisk: PC Games (1993/07)unknownElectronic Arts1993
Coverdisk: PC Games (1993/08)unknown1993
Coverdisk: PC Games (1993/09)unknownMindcraft1993
Coverdisk: PC Games (1993/10)unknownInterplay1993
Coverdisk: PC Games (1993/11)unknown1993
Coverdisk: PC Games (1993/12)unknown1993
Coverdisk: PC Games (1994/01)unknownEpic Megagames1993
Coverdisk: PC Games (1994/02)unknown1994
Coverdisk: PC Games (1994/03)unknown1994
Coverdisk: PC Games (1994/04)unknown1994
Coverdisk: PC Games (1994/05)unknown1994
Coverdisk: PC Games (1994/06)unknown1994
Covert ActionStrategyMicroProse1990
Covert ActionunknownMicroprose1990
Covert ActionAdventureMicroprose1990
Crack DownunknownSega1990
Crash 'n BurnActionCrystal Dynamics1993
Crash CourseunknownSpectrum Holobyte1990
Crazy BlasterActionThe Future Was 8 Bit2019
Crazy Cars IIIunknownTitus1992
Crazy Cars IIIunknownTitus1992
Create with Garfield! Deluxe EditionunknownAhead Designs1987
CreaturesActionApex Designs1990
Creatures 2: Torture TroubleActionApex Designs1992
Creatures Egg DiskunknownWarner Interactive1997
Cribbage MasterunknownNinga Software1992
Crime and PunishmentPuzzleImagic1984
Crime CityAdventureImpressions1992
Crime CityAdventureInteractive Fantastic Fiction1992
Crime Does Not PayActionTitus1991
Crime TimeAdventureByteriders1990
Crime WaveunknownAccess1990
Crime WaveStrategyAccess1990
Crime WaveStrategyAccess1990
Crisis at the KremlinStrategySpectrum Holobyte1992
Crisis in the KremlinStrategySpectrum HoloByte1992
Croisère pour un cadavreunknownDelphine1991
Croisère pour un cadavreunknownDelphine1991
Cross CheckSportSunflowers1994
Cruise for a CorpseAdventureDelphine Software International1991
Cruise for a CorpseAdventureDelphine1991
Cruise for a CorpseunknownDelphine1991
Crusade in EuropeunknownMicroProse1986
Crusader: No RegretActionOrigin1996
Crusader: No RemorseActionOrigin1995
Crypto CubePuzzleDesignWare1983
Crypto CubePuzzleDesignWare1983
Crystal CavesAction1991
Crystals of ArboreaRPGSilmarils1990
Crystals of ArboreaRPGSilmarils1990
Curse of EnchantiaAdventureCore Design1992
Curse of EnchantiaAdventureCore Design1992
Curse of the Azure BondsRPGSSI1989
Curse of the Azure BondsRPGSSI1989
Curse of the Azure BondsunknownSSI1989
Curse of the Azure BondsunknownSSI1989
Curse of the Azure BondsunknownSSI1989
Curse of the Azure BondsActionSSI1989
Curse of the CatacombsActionFroggman1993
Curse of the CatacombsActionFroggman1993
CursedAdventureNick Rogers2011
Cyber EmpiresStrategySSI1992
Cyber EmpiresunknownSSI1992
Cybercon IIIunknownUS Gold1991
Cybergenic Ranger: Secret of the Seventh PlanetunknownSymtus1990
CyborgunknownSentient Software1982
Czorian Siegeunknown?1983
DaemonsgateunknownImagitec Design1993
Daily Double Horse RacingunknownCDS Software1988
Dalek AttackunknownAlternative Software1992
Dames SimulatorunknownInfogrames1991
Damocles: Mercenary IIAdventureNovagen1990
Dangerous Dave in the Haunted MansionActionSoftdisk1991
Dangerous StreetsActionMicromania1993
Dare to DreamunknownEpic Megagames1993
Dark AgesunknownApogee1991
Dark AgesunknownApogee1991
Dark CastleunknownSilicon Beach1986
Dark LegionsStrategySilicon Knights1994
Dark LegionsunknownSSI1994
Dark SeedAdventureCyberdreams1992
Dark Seed IIAdventureCyberdreams1995
Dark Sun - Shattered LandsunknownSSI1993
Dark Sun - Shattered LandsunknownSSI1993
Darkiss! Wrath of the Vampire – Chapter 2: Journey to HellAdventureMarco Vallarino2016
DarklandActionPsytronik Software2022
Darkmere: The Nightmare's BegunActionZero Hour1994
Dart 'm UpSportDommelsch1999
Das AmtunknownGreenwood1995
Das BootSimulationThree Sixty1990
Das ErbeAdventureComad1991
Das Haus oder: Was habe ich da falsch gemacht?StrategyAriolasoft1990
Das MagazinStrategyHoney Design1988
Das Schloß Von Dr. BrainunknownSierra1991
Das schmutzige ErbeAdventureUmweltbundesamt1993
Das Schwarze Auge 2: SternenschweifunknownAttic1994
Das Schwarze Auge: Die SchicksalsklingeRPGAttic1992
Das StundenglasAdventureWeltenschmiede1990
Das Telekommando kehrt zurückAdventureTelekom1993
Daughter of SerpentsAdventureMillennium1992
Daughter of SerpentsAdventureMillenium1992
Dave Goes Nutz!ActionSoftdisk1993
David Wolf: Secret AgentunknownDynamix1989
Dawn PatrolSimulationRowan Software1994
Dawn PatrolSimulationEmpire Interactive1994
Dawn PatrolunknownEmpire Interactive1994
Day of the PharaohStrategyChip1990
Day of the TentacleAdventureLucasArts1993
Days of ThunderunknownMindscape1990
Days of ThunderunknownMindscape1990
De Gouden KelkAdventureUnknown1987
Death BringerActionEmpire1991
Death GateAdventureLegend Entertainment1994
Death Knights of KrynnRPGSSI1991
Death Knights of KrynnRPGSSI1991
Death Knights of KrynnActionSSI1991
Death Knights of KrynnAdventureSSI1991
Death Knights of KrynnunknownSSI1991
Death MaskActionApache Software1995
Death of SchligAdventurePeter Timony2011
Death or Glory: The Battle of MorganStrategyFirst Step1994
Death RallyActionApogee1996
Deathbringer: The Sword of AbaddonActionEmpire Software1991
Deathtrap DungeonRPGPuffin Books1984
Decisive Battles of the American Civil War, Vol. 2unknownSSG1988
Deer HunterSimulationSunstorm Interactive1997
Defcon 5unknownCosmi Corporation1987
Defender of the CrownStrategyCinemaware1987
Defender of the CrownunknownCinemaware1987
Defender of the CrownunknownCinemaware1987
Defender of the CrownunknownCinemaware1987
Deja Vu 2: Lost in Las VegasAdventureIcom Simulations1989
Deja Vu 2: Lost in Las VegasAdventureMindscape1989
Deja Vu I & II: The Casebooks of Ace HardingunknownICOM Simulations1992
Deja Vu: A Nightmare Comes TrueAdventureIcom Simulations1986
Delta VActionBethesda Softworks1994
Delta VunknownBethesda1993
Deluxe Scrabble for WindowsunknownVirgin1992
Deluxe Ski JumpingSportMediamond2000
Deluxe Trivial PursuitPuzzleDomark1992
DeluxePaint IIunknownElectronic Arts1988
DeluxePaint IIunknownElectronic Arts1988
Delvion Star InterceptorunknownDigital Dreams Multimedia1995
Demo Sampler: Fight for VictoryunknownLucas Arts1990
Demon AttackunknownImagic1984
Demon's CrestActionCapcom1994
Demon's ForgeunknownSaber Software1987
Demon's Tomb: The AwakeningunknownVirgin1989
Demon's Tomb: The AwakeningunknownVirgin1989
Demons of the DeepRPGPuffin Books1986
Der BaulöweunknownSoftware 20001994
Der PatrizierStrategyAscon1992
Der PatrizierRPGAscon1992
Der PlanerStrategyGreenwood Entertainment1994
Der Produzent – Die Welt des FilmsStrategySilver Style1996
Der rasende ReporterStrategyPromotion Software1994
Der Schatz im SilberseeAdventureLinel1994
Der Stein der WeisenAdventureKingsoft1984
DescentSimulationParallax Software1994
Descent 2ActionParallax Software1996
Desert StrikeActionElectronic Arts1992
Desert Strike: Return to the GulfActionElectronic Arts1992
DesperabisAdventureFlorian Born2000
Destination: MarsunknownCompu-Teach1991
Destruction DerbySportPsygnosis1995
DiabloRPGBlizzard Entertainment1996
Dick Tracy Crimestoppers Print KitunknownDisney1990
Dick Tracy Crimestoppers Print KitunknownDisney1990
Dick Tracy: The Crime-Solving AdventureunknownDisney1990
Dick Tracy: The Crime-Solving AdventureunknownDisney1990
Die Abenteuer von MicromanunknownBrian L. Goble1994
Die Akte Paul BennetAdventureMichael Baltes2015
Die Enviro-Kids greifen einAdventureArt Department1996
Die FuggerStrategyThe Electric Ballhaus1988
Die Fugger IIStrategySunflowers1996
Die HardunknownDynamix1989
Die HardunknownDynamix1989
Die HardunknownDynamix1989
Die Hard 2: Die HarderunknownGrandslam Video1992
Die Höhlenwelt-Saga: Der leuchtende KristallAdventureWeltenschmiede1994
Die KathedraleAdventureSoftware 20001991
Die Sage von NietoomAdventure4th Generation Studios1995
Die Schöne Und Das BiestunknownInfogrames1993
Die SiedlerStrategyBlue Byte1993
Die SiedlerRPGBlue Byte1993
Die SiedlerunknownBlue Byte1993
Die SiedlerunknownBlue Byte1993
Die Stadt der Löwen oder The Final Singapore SlingAdventurePM Entertainment1989
DIF-1 Laser TankActionSoftstar1991
Dig DugunknownAtari1983
Dig-Dogs: Dumm GelaufenunknownBC GmbH Verlags1994
Dig-Dogs: StreetbustersunknownBC GmbH Verlags1994
Dime CityStrategyCyberdyne Systems1995
DiplomacyStrategyAvalon Hill1984
Discovery – In the Steps of ColumbusStrategyImpressions1991
DiscworldAdventurePerfect 10 Productions1995
Discworld II: Missing Presumed…!?AdventurePerfect Entertainment1996
Dive BomberunknownUS Gold1988
Dizionario Di InformaticaunknownFederico Motta Editore1990
Dizzy - Prince of the YolkfolkunknownCodemasters1993
Dizzy DiceunknownPlayers1990
Dogfight: 80 Years of DogfightingunknownMicroprose1993
Dogs of WarStrategySoftware Engineering1997
Dogs of WarActionElite1989
Domark PC Games Collection Vol 1unknownDomark1992
DominatorActionSystem 31989
DominusStrategyVisual Concepts1994
DominusStrategyUS Gold1994
Don't Go AloneRPGAccolade1989
Don't Go AloneRPGAccolade1989
Donald Duck's PlaygroundunknownSierra1988
Donald's Alphabet ChaseunknownDisney1988
Donald's Alphabet ChaseunknownDisney1988
Donkey Kongunknown1983
Donkey Kong Jr.ActionNintendo1988
DoomActionid Software1993
DoomActionid Software1993
Doomunknownid Software1993
Doomunknownid Software1993
Doomunknownid Software1993
Doomunknownid Software1993
DoomAdventureid Software1993
DoomRPGid Software1993
Doomunknownid Software1993
Doomunknownid Software1993
Doomunknownid Software1993
Doomunknownid Software1993
Doomunknownid Software1993
Doom 2Actionid Software1994
Doom 2: Hell on EarthActionid Software1994
Doom patch diskAdventureid Software1993
Doom: Aliens!!unknownid Software1993
Doom: Special EditionStrategyid Software1993
Doom: Special EditionRPGid Software1993
Doomdark's RevengeStrategyBeyond Software1984
Doraemon 2: Animal Planet LegendActionEpoch1992
DOS-Trend Heftdiskette 4/5/93unknownPearl Agency1993
DOS-Trend Heftdiskette 8/9/93unknownPearl Agency1993
Double CrossunknownMicroforum Manufacturing Inc.1991
Double DragonunknownTechnos1988
Double Dragon 2: The RevengeunknownTechnos1989
Double Dragon 2: The RevengeunknownTechnos1989
Double Dragon 2: The RevengeunknownTechnos1989
Double Dragon 2: The RevengeunknownTechnos1989
Double Dragon 2: The RevengeunknownTechnos1989
Double Dragon 3 – The Rosetta StoneActionTechnos Japan1990
Double Dragon 3: The Rosetta StoneActionTechnos1990
Double Dragon 3: The Rosetta StoneunknownTechnos1990
Double DribbleunknownKonami1990
Double DunkSportAtari1989
Downhill ChallengeunknownBroderbund1989
Downhill ChallengeunknownBroderbund1989
Dr FrankenActionElite1992
Dr SbaitsoPuzzleCreative Labs1992
Dr. Drago's Madcap ChaseStrategyBlue Byte1995
Drachen von LaasunknownAttic1991
Dracula UnleashedAdventureIcom Simulations1993
Dragon Lore: The Legend BeginsAdventureCryo1994
Dragon SpiritunknownNamco1988
Dragon WarsRPGInterplay1990
Dragon's LairActionAdvanced Microcomputer Systems1983
Dragon's BreathunknownSpotlight Software1990
Dragon's BreathunknownSpotlight Software1990
Dragon's LairunknownDigital Leisure1989
Dragon's LairunknownDigital Leisure1989
Dragon's LairunknownDigital Leisure1989
Dragon's LairunknownDigital Leisure1989
Dragons of FlameunknownSSI1989
DragonstoneRPGCore Design1995
DrakkarunknownDiabolic Software1989
DreadnoughtsStrategyTurcan Research Systems1992
Dream ZoneAdventureNaughty Dog1987
DreamwebAdventureEmpire Interactive1994
DreamwebAdventureEmpire Interactive1994
Druid 2: EnlightenmentActionFirebird1987
Duck Tales: The Quest for GoldunknownDisney1990
Ducks Ahoy!ActionCBS Software1984
Duke NukemunknownApogee1991
Duke Nukem 2unknownApogee1993
Duke Nukem 2unknownApogee1993
Duke Nukem 2unknownApogee1993
Duke Nukem 3DAction3D Realms Entertainment1996
Duke NukumunknownApogee1991
Duke NukumunknownApogee1991
Duke NukumActionApogee1991
DumbtrisPuzzlePhilip Winterberg2001
Dune 2: The Battle for ArrakisunknownElectronic Arts1992
Dune 2: The Battle for ArrakisAdventureElectronic Arts1992
Dune 2: The Battle for ArrakisunknownElectronic Arts1992
Dune 2: The Battle for ArrakisunknownElectronic Arts1992
Dune 2: The Battle for ArrakisunknownElectronic Arts1992
Dune 2: The Building of a DynastyunknownElectronic Arts1992
Dune 2: The Building of a DynastyunknownElectronic Arts1992
Dune 2: The Building of a DynastyunknownElectronic Arts1992
Dune 2: The Building of a DynastyunknownElectronic Arts1992
Dune 2000StrategyWestwood Studios1998
Dune II: The Building of a DynastyStrategyWestwood Studios1992
Dungeon HackRPGSSI1993
Dungeon HackRPGSSI1993
Dungeon KeeperStrategyBullfrog1997
Dungeon MasterRPGFTL1989
Dungeon MasterRPGFTL1989
Dungeon Master 2: The Legend of SkullkeepunknownFTL Games1994
Dungeon Master 2: The Legend of SkullkeepunknownFTL Games1994
Dungeon Master 2: The Legend of SkullkeepunknownFTL Games1994
Dungeon Master's Assistant Volume I: EncountersunknownSSI1988
Dungeon Master's Assistant Volume II: Characters and TreasuresunknownSSI1989
Dungeon MercenaryRPGhgames2016
Dunkle SchattenAdventureArt Department1994
Dunzhin - Warrior of Ras Volume 1unknown?1982
Duracell: Run the BunnyunknownAdware1996
Dyna BlasterunknownHudson1992
DynatechunknownMagic Bytes1992
E-MotionunknownUS Gold1990
Earl Weaver BaseballunknownElectronic Arts1988
Earth Command: The Future of Our World is in Your HandsStrategyVisionary Media1993
Earthworm JimActionShiny Entertainment1995
East vs West: Berlin 1948AdventureRainbow Arts1989
East vs West: Berlin 1948AdventureRainbow Arts1989
East vs West: Berlin 1948AdventureRainbow Arts1989
Eco Quest: The Search for CetusAdventureSierra On-Line1992
EcopolicyStrategyFrederic Vester1989
EcoQuest: Die Suche nach CetusunknownSierra1992
EcoQuest: The Search for CetusAdventureSierra1992
EcoQuest: The Search for CetusunknownSierra1992
EcoQuest: The Search for CetusunknownSierra1992
Edward O. Thorp's Real BlackjackunknownVilla Crespo1990
Eight Ball DeluxeActionAmtex1993
Einmal Kanzler seinStrategyComputerpartner T&S GmbH1991
Eishockey ManagerStrategySoftware 20001993
Eksperyment DelfinunknownThe Seven Stars1996
El-FishStrategyElectronic Arts1993
Electro ManunknownEpic Megagames1992
ElectromanunknownEpic Megagames1992
Elefanten!Strategyelefanten Schuh GmbH1993
Elite PlusunknownMicroplay1991
Else we get mad!ActionAmiga Wave2017
Elvira II: Jaws of CerberusunknownAdventuresoft1991
Elvira: The Arcade GameunknownFlair Software1991
Elvira: The Arcade GameunknownFlair Software1991
ElysiumunknownMagic Bytes1992
Emmanuelle: A Game of EroticismunknownTomahawk1989
Empire DeluxeStrategyWhite Wolf Productions1993
Empire DeluxeStrategyNew World Computing1993
Empire DeluxeunknownNew World Computing1993
Empire DeluxeunknownNew World Computing1993
Empire DeluxeunknownNew World Computing1993
Empire Deluxe ScenariosunknownNew World Computing1993
Empire Soccer 94unknownEmpire1994
Empire: Wargame of the CenturyStrategyInterstel Corporation1987
Energie-ManagerStrategyRauser Advertainment1993
Engineering Jones and The Time Thieves of DSPeaPuzzlePrentice Associates1991
EnterpriseunknownMelbourne House1989
Epic PinballActionEpic MegaGames1993
Epic PinballunknownEpic Megagames1993
Epic PinballunknownEpic Megagames1993
Epic PinballunknownEpic Megagames1993
Epic PinballunknownEpic Megagames1993
Epic Pinball - Crash & BurnunknownEpic Megagames1993
Epic Pinball - CyborgirlunknownEpic Megagames1993
Epic Pinball - CyborgirlRPGEpic Megagames1993
Epic Pinball - Deep SeaunknownEpic Megagames1993
Epic Pinball - EnigmaunknownEpic Megagames1993
Epic Pinball Pack 1unknownEpic Megagames1993
Epic Pinball Pack 2unknownEpic Megagames1993
Epic Pinball Pack 3unknownEpic Megagames1993
Epic: The Adventure BeginsSimulationDigital Image Design1992
Erben des ThronsunknownGerman Design Group1992
Eric and the FloatersActionHudson Soft1983
Eric the UnreadyAdventureLegend Entertainment1991
Eric the UnreadyAdventureLegend1991
Escape from HellunknownElectronic Arts1990
Escape from SantalandAdventureJason Ermer2011
Escape from SummerlandAdventureJoey Jones2012
EsheepSimulationGod's Pet Lama Corp.1998
Europa Universalis IIStrategyParadox Entertainment2001
European Soccer ChallengeActionSoftware Sorcery1990
Evasive ActionunknownSoftware Toolworks1994
Evasive ActionunknownSoftware Toolworks1994
Evil Blood Wolfensteinunknownid Software1992
Ewe Woz 'Ere DXActionDesign/Chaos2021
Exotic Car ShowroomunknownCapstone1992
Expert Puzzles and MazesunknownJay W. Littman1992
Extreme AssaultActionBlue Byte1997
Extreme PaintbrawlActionCreative Carnage1998
Eye of HorusunknownFanfare1989
Eye of HorusunknownFanfare1989
Eye of the BeholderRPGWestwood Studios1991
Eye of the BeholderRPGSSI1991
Eye of the BeholderAdventureSSI1991
Eye of the BeholderAdventureSSI1991
Eye of the BeholderunknownSSI1991
Eye of the BeholderunknownSSI1991
Eye of the BeholderunknownSSI1991
Eye of the Beholder 1 & 2unknownSSI1991
Eye of the Beholder 2: Legende von DarkmoonRPGSSI1992
Eye of the Beholder 3RPGSSI1993
Eye of the Beholder 3: Assault on Myth DrannorAdventureSSI1993
Eye of the Beholder 3: Assault on Myth DrannorunknownSSI1993
Eye of the Beholder 3: Assault on Myth DrannorunknownSSI1993
Eye of the Beholder 3: Assault on Myth DrannorunknownSSI1993
Eye of the Beholder 3: Assault on Myth DrannorunknownSSI1993
Eye of the Beholder III: Assault on Myth DrannorRPGSSI1993
Eye of the StormunknownRebellion Developments1993
F-117A Nighthawk Stealth Fighter 2.0unknownMicroprose1991
F-117A Nighthawk Stealth Fighter 2.0unknownMicroprose1991
F-117A Nighthawk Stealth Fighter 2.0unknownMicroprose1991
F-14 TomcatunknownActivision1990
F-15 Strike EagleunknownMicroprose1984
F-15 Strike EagleunknownMicroprose1984
F-15 Strike EagleunknownMicroprose1984
F-15 Strike Eagle 2unknownMicroprose1989
F-15 Strike Eagle 2unknownMicroprose1989
F-15 Strike Eagle 2unknownMicroprose1989
F-15 Strike Eagle 2: Operation Desert StormunknownMicroprose1989
F-15 Strike Eagle 3unknownMicroprose1993
F-15 Strike Eagle 3unknownMicroprose1993
F-15 Strike Eagle 3unknownMicroprose1993
F-16 Combat PilotunknownElectronic Arts1989
F-16 Combat PilotunknownElectronic Arts1989
F-16 Combat PilotunknownElectronic Arts1989
F-16 Combat PilotunknownElectronic Arts1989
F-19 Stealth FighterunknownMicroprose1988
F-19 Stealth FighterunknownMicroprose1988
F-19 Stealth FighterunknownMicroprose1988
F-19 Stealth FighterunknownMicroprose1988
F1 ManagerunknownSimulmondo1989
F29 RetaliatorunknownOcean1990
F40 PursuitunknownTitus1989
Face Off!SportActivision1989
Faces ...tris IIIunknownSpectrum Holobyte1990
FairAdventureHanon Ondricek2016
Fairlight: A PreludeAdventureThe Edge1985
FalconunknownSpectrum Holobyte1989
FalconunknownSpectrum Holobyte1989
FalconunknownSpectrum Holobyte1989
Falcon 3.0SimulationSpectrum HoloByte1991
Falcon 3.0SimulationSpectrum Holobyte1991
Falcon 3.0unknownSpectrum Holobyte1991
Falcon 3.0: Mig-29unknownSpectrum Holobyte1991
Falcon 3.0: Operation Fighting TigerunknownSpectrum Holobyte1991
Falcon A.T.unknownSpectrum Holobyte1988
Falcon A.T.unknownSpectrum Holobyte1988
Falcon BeertenderActionFalcon1983
Fallout 2RPGBlack Isle Studios1998
Fantasy EmpiresStrategySSI1994
Fantasy EmpiresunknownSSI1994
Fantasy EmpiresunknownSSI1994
Fantasy EmpiresunknownSSI1994
Fantasy EmpiresunknownSSI1994
Fantasy EmpiresunknownSSI1994
Fantasy GeneralStrategySSI1996
Fantasy PakunknownKeypunch Software1987
Fantasy World DizzyunknownCodemasters1990
Fantasy World DizzyunknownCodemasters1990
FascinationAdventureCoktel Vision1992
Fast BreakunknownAccolade1988
Fates of TwinionunknownSierra1993
FearsActionBomb Software1996
Feasibility ExperimentAdventureChannel 8 Software1983
Ferrari Formula OneunknownElectronic Arts1989
Ferrari Formula OneunknownElectronic Arts1989
Ferrari Formula OneunknownElectronic Arts1989
Field CombatActionJaleco1985
Fields of GloryStrategyMicroProse1994
Fields of GloryStrategyMicroprose1994
Fields of GloryunknownMicroprose1994
Fields of GloryunknownMicroprose1994
Fiendish Freddy's Big Top o' FunActionGray Matter1989
FIFA International SoccerunknownElectronic Arts1994
Fifteen MinutesAdventureAde McT2014
Fighter BomberunknownActivision1989
Fighter Bomber: Advanced Mission DiscunknownActivision1989
Fighter WingunknownMerit Studios1995
Fighter Wing: Manual ViewunknownMerit Studios1995
Fightin' SpiritActionLight Shock1996
Fighting WarriorActionMelbourne House1985
Final Doom: The Plutonia Experimentunknownid Software1993
Final Doom: TNT: Evilutionunknownid Software1993
Final FightActionCreative Materials1991
Final OrbitunknownInnerprise1990
Fire & IceunknownGraftgold1993
Fire & IceunknownGraftgold1993
Fire FighterActionImagic1982
Fire Hawk: Thexder - The Second ContactunknownSquare1990
Fire Hawk: Thexder - The Second ContactStrategySquare1990
Fire KingunknownSSG1990
Fire PowerunknownMicroprose1988
Fire-Brigade: The Battle for Kiev 1943unknownPanther Games1991
FireTeam 2200unknownRAW Entertainment1991
First SamuraiunknownUbi Soft1992
Fish BowlAdventureEthan Rupp & Joshua Rupp2012
Fish FilletsPuzzleALTAR Interactive1998
Fishing DerbySportActivision1980
Fist +ActionMelbourne House1988
Fist 2: The Legend ContinuesActionMelbourne House1986
Five-A-Side Indoor SoccerunknownMastertronic1986
Flames of FreedomunknownMicroprose1991
FlashbackAdventureDelphine Software International1993
Flashback: The Quest for IdentityunknownDelphine1993
Fleet DefenderSimulationMicroProse1994
Fleet DefenderSimulationMicroprose1994
Fleet DefenderunknownMicroprose1994
Fleet Defender: ScenarioSimulationMicroprose1994
Fleet SweepunknownMirror Images Software1983
Flight Commander 2unknownAvalon Hill1994
Flight of the Amazon QueenAdventureInteractive Binary Illusions1995
Flight of the Amazon QueenAdventureWarner Interactive1995
Flight of the Amazon QueenunknownWarner Interactive1995
Flight of the Amazon QueenunknownWarner Interactive1995
Flight of the IntruderunknownSpectrum Holobyte1990
Flight of the IntruderunknownSpectrum Holobyte1990
Flight of the IntruderunknownSpectrum Holobyte1990
Flight UnlimitedSimulationLooking Glass Studios1995
Floor 13StrategyP.S.I.1992
Flowers of MysteriaAdventureDavid Sweeney2018
Fool's ErrandunknownMiles Computing1989
Football GloryunknownCroteam1994
Football ManagerStrategyAddictive Games1982
Ford Simulator IIunknownFord1987
Formula One Grand PrixSportMicroProse1992
Freakin' Funky FuzzballsunknownSir-tech1990
Freakin' Funky FuzzballsunknownSir-tech1990
Freakin' Funky FuzzballsunknownSir-tech1990
Freddy FishunknownMirror Images Software1983
Freddy HardestunknownDinamic1988
Freddy PharkasAdventureSierra1993
Freddy PharkasunknownSierra1993
Freddy PharkasunknownSierra1993
Freddy Pharkas: Frontier PharmacistAdventureSierra On-Line1993
Frederick Pohl's GatewayAdventureLegend1992
Frederick Pohl's GatewayunknownLegend1992
Frederik Pohl's GatewayAdventureLegend Entertainment1992
Free DC!unknownCineplay1991
Freeway FighterRPGPuffin Books1985
Friendlyware PC ArcadeunknownFriendlysoft1983
Frogger 2 - Three DeepunknownKonami1984
Front LinesunknownImpressions1994
Front Page Sports Football ProunknownDynamix1993
Front Page Sports Football ProunknownDynamix1993
Front Page Sports: FootballunknownDynamix1992
Frontier: Elite 2SimulationGameTek1993
Frontier: Elite 2SimulationGameTek1993
Frontier: Elite 2unknownGameTek1993
Frontier: Elite 2unknownGameTek1993
Frontier: First EncountersunknownGameTek1993
Full ContactActionTeam 171991
Full Metal PlaneteunknownInfogrames1990
Full ThrottleAdventureLucasArts1995
Fury of the FurriesActionKalisto1993
Fury of the FurriesActionKalisto1993
Future WarsunknownDelphine1990
Future WarsActionDelphine1990
Future WarsunknownDelphine1990
Future WarsunknownDelphine1990
Gabriel Knight: Les Peches des AncetresunknownSierra1993
Gabriel Knight: Sins of the FathersunknownSierra1993
Gabriel Knight: Sins of the FathersActionSierra1993
Gabriel Knight: Sünden der VäterunknownSierra1993
Gabriel Knight: Sünden der VäterunknownSierra1993
Galactic EmpireunknownTomahawk1990
Galactic Warrior RatsunknownSummit Software1993
Galdregon's DomainunknownPandora1989
Galleons of Glory: The Secret Voyage of MagellanStrategyBrøderbund1990
Galleons of Glory: The Secret Voyage of MagellanunknownBrøderbund1990
Game & Watch Gallery 2ActionNintendo1998
Game of Worlds TournamentPuzzleAde McT2016
Game Over & PhantisunknownDinamic1988
Game Over IIunknownDinamic1988
Gamer's Edge SamplerunknownGamer's Edge1991
Gamma Force - The Pit of a Thousand ScreamsAdventureActivision1988
Gamma Force in The Pit of a Thousand ScreamsAdventureTom Snyder Productions1988
Gargoyle's QuestAdventureCapcom1990
Gargoyle's Quest 2: The Demon DarknessRPGCapcom1992
GarrisonActionRainbow Arts1988
Gary Grigsby's Pacific WarunknownSSI1992
Gary Grigsby's War in RussiaunknownSSI1993
Gateway 2: HomeworldAdventureLegend Entertainment1993
Gateway II: HomeworldAdventureLegend1993
Gateway to the Savage FrontierunknownSSI1991
Gateway to the Savage FrontierAdventureSSI1991
GateworldunknownHomebrew Software1993
Gauntlet 2unknownAtari1989
Gauntlet 2unknownAtari1989
Gazza IIunknownEmpire1991
Gear WorksunknownHollyware1993
Geheimprojekt DMSOPuzzleArt Department1993
Geheimprojekt DMSOunknownMerckle GmbH1993
GeishaPuzzleCoktel Vision1990
GeishaunknownCoktel Vision1990
Gendai Daisenryaku EXunknownSystemSoft1993
Genetic SpeciesActionMarble Eyes1998
Geopolitique 1990StrategySSI1984
Get WitchyActionDigital Monastery2019
Gettysburg: The Turning PointunknownSSI1986
Ghostbusters IIunknownActivision1989
Giana Sisters: Twisted DreamsActionBlack Forest Games2012
Girl SimulatorAdventureUnknown1986
Girl's Club – The Fantasy Dating GamePuzzlePhilips P.O.V. Entertainment1992
Give My Regards to Broad StreetActionConcept Software1985
GladiatorsActionSteve Metcalf1993
GladiatorsActionSmash 161989
Global ConquestStrategyMicroProse1992
Global ConquestStrategyMicroplay1992
Global DominationunknownImpressions1993
Global EffectStrategyMillennium1992
Global EffectStrategyMillenium Interactive1992
Global EffectStrategyMillenium Interactive1992
GloomActionBlack Magic1995
Gloom 3: Zombie EditionActionAlpha Software1997
Go SimulatorunknownIshi Press International1992
Go SimulatorunknownIshi Press International1992
GobliiinsPuzzleCoktel Vision1992
Gobliins 2: The Prince BuffoonPuzzleCoktel Vision1993
Goblin's Quest 3unknownSierra1994
Goblins 3PuzzleCoktel Vision1994
God of ThunderAdventureAdept Software1993
GodsActionBitmap Brothers1991
GodsActionBitmap Brothers1991
GodsStrategyBitmap Brothers1991
Gold of the Americas: The Conquest of the New WorldunknownSSG1989
Gold RushAdventureSierra1988
Gold RushAdventureSierra1988
Gold RushunknownSierra1988
Gold RushunknownSierra1988
Gold Rush!AdventureSierra On-Line1988
Golden AxeActionSega1990
Golden AxeActionSega1990
Golden AxeunknownSega1990
Golden AxeunknownSega1990
Golden AxeunknownSega1990
Golden AxeunknownSega1990
Golden WingActionCopper Sky2018
GoodyActionOpera Soft1987
GoodyActionOpera Soft1987
Goof TroopPuzzleCapcom1993
Goofy's Railway ExpressunknownDisney1991
Grand Monster SlamActionGolden Goblins1989
Grand Prix 500ccunknownMicroïds1987
Grand Prix CircuitunknownAccolade1988
Grand Prix UnlimitedunknownAccolade1992
Grand Theft AutoActionDMA Design1997
Grandmaster ChessunknownCapstone1992
Grandmaster ChessStrategyCapstone1992
Grave YardageSportActivision1989
Great CourtsSportBlue Byte1989
Great Courts 2unknownBlue Byte1991
Great Naval Battles Vol. II: Guadalcanal 1942-43unknownSSI1994
Great Naval Battles Vol. IV: Burning Steel, 1939-1942StrategySSI1995
Great Naval Battles: North Atlantic 1939-43 - America in the AtlanticunknownSSI1993
Great Naval Battles: North Atlantic 1939-43 - Scenario BuilderunknownSSI1993
Great Naval Battles: North Atlantic 1939-43 - Super Ships of the AtlanticunknownSSI1993
Green BeretActionImagine1986
Grim FandangoAdventureLucasArts1998
Grounded in SpaceAdventureMatt Wigdahl2009
Grover's Animal AdventuresunknownHi-Tech1987
Guerrilla WarActionSNK1989
Guerrilla WarunknownData East1987
Guerrilla WarunknownData East1987
Gulf StrikeunknownThe Avalon Hill1985
GunboatActionFive Ways Software1987
Gunboat – River Combat SimulationSimulationAccolade1990
GunfrightActionUltimate Play The Game1985
Gunship 2000SimulationMicroProse1992
Guy Spy and the Crystals of ArmageddonunknownReadysoft1992
Guy Spy and the Crystals of ArmageddonunknownReadysoft1992
Hacker II: The Doomsday PapersAdventureActivision1986
Halloween HarryRPGApogee1994
Halloween HarryunknownApogee1994
Halls of Montezuma: A Battle History of the United States Marine CorpsunknownSSG1990
Halls of Montezuma: A Battle History of the United States Marine CorpsunknownSSG1990
Hammer BoyunknownDinamic1990
Hammer of the GodsStrategyHolistic Design1995
HamstersPuzzleInterQuest Productions1993
HangmanunknownMicroforum Manufacturing Inc.1992
Hard Drivin'unknownDomark1990
Hard Drivin'unknownDomark1990
Hard Drivin' 2unknownDomark1990
Hard Hat MackunknownElectronic Arts1984
Hard NovaunknownElectronic Arts1990
Hard NovaunknownElectronic Arts1990
Hardball 2unknownAccolade1989
Hardball 2unknownAccolade1989
Hardball 3unknownAccolade1992
Hardball 3unknownAccolade1992
Hardball 3unknownAccolade1992
Harley-Davidson: The Road to SturgisunknownMindscape1989
HarpoonunknownThree-Sixty Pacific1989
HarpoonStrategyThree-Sixty Pacific1989
HarpoonunknownThree-Sixty Pacific1989
HarpoonunknownThree-Sixty Pacific1989
HarpoonunknownThree-Sixty Pacific1989
Harpoon 2unknownThree-Sixty Pacific1994
Harpoon BattleSet 2: North Atlantic ConvoysunknownThree-Sixty Pacific1989
Harpoon BattleSet 2: North Atlantic ConvoysunknownThree-Sixty Pacific1989
Harpoon BattleSet 2: North Atlantic ConvoysunknownThree-Sixty Pacific1989
Harpoon BattleSet 3: The MED ConflictunknownThree-Sixty Pacific1989
Harpoon BattleSet 3: The MED ConflictunknownThree-Sixty Pacific1989
Harpoon BattleSet 4: IOPGunknownThree-Sixty Pacific1989
Harpoon Challenger Pak - Signature EditionunknownThree-Sixty Pacific1989
Harpoon Designers' Series 1: BattleSet EnhancerunknownThree-Sixty Pacific1989
Harpoon Designers' Series 2: Post-Graduate Naval Operations & TacticsunknownThree-Sixty Pacific1989
Harpoon Patch DiskunknownThree-Sixty Pacific1989
Harpoon Scenario EditorunknownThree-Sixty Pacific1989
Harpoon Scenario EditorunknownThree-Sixty Pacific1989
Harrier Jump JetunknownMicroprose1992
Harrier Jump JetStrategyMicroprose1992
HarvesterAdventureDigiFX Interactive1996
Headline Harry and The Great Paper RaceunknownDavidson & Associates1991
Heart of AfricaStrategyOzark Softscape1985
Heart of ChinaAdventureDynamix1992
Hearts of IronStrategyParadox Entertainment2002
Heavy on the MagickAdventureGargoyle Games, Ltd1986
HeimdallunknownCore Design1992
Heimdall 2unknownCore Design1994
Heimdall 2: Into the Hall of WorldsRPGThe 8th Day1994
Heirs to the ThroneunknownGerman Design Group1992
Helicopter MissionSimulationRauser Advertainment1993
Helicopter MissionunknownBundeswehr1993
Helicopter MissionunknownBundeswehr1993
Hell: A Cyberpunk ThrillerAdventureTetragon1994
Hellcat AceunknownMicroprose1984
Hellowoon: Das Geheimnis des ZauberstabsAdventureDragonware1987
HereticActionRaven Software1994
HereticActionid Software1994
Hereticunknownid Software1994
Hero QuestRPGGremlin1991
Hero Quest II: Legacy of SorasilRPGGremlin1994
Hero's Quest: So you Want to be a HeroRPGSierra On-Line1989
Hero's Quest: So You Want to be a HerounknownSierra1989
Hero's Quest: So You Want to be a HerounknownSierra1989
Hero's Quest: So You Want to be a HeroStrategySierra1989
Heroes of Might and MagicStrategyNew World Computing1995
Heroes of Might and Magic II: The Succession WarsStrategyNew World Computing1996
Heroes of Might and Magic III: The Restoration of ErathiaStrategyNew World Computing1999
Heroes of the 357thunknownElectronic Arts1992
Heroes of the 357thunknownElectronic Arts1992
Heroes of the 357thunknownElectronic Arts1992
Heroes of the LanceunknownSSI1989
Heroes of the LanceAdventureSSI1989
Heroes of the LanceStrategySSI1989
Heroes of the LanceunknownSSI1989
HexenunknownRaven Software1995
HexenAdventureRaven Software1995
Hexuma – Das Auge des KalAdventureWeltenschmiede1992
Hexx: Heresy of the WizardRPGPsygnosis1994
Hibernated 1: This Place is DeathAdventurePond Soft2018
Hidden AgendaStrategySpringboard1988
Hidden AgendaStrategyTrans Fiction1988
High Command: Europe 1939-'45unknownThree-Sixty Pacific1992
Highway Hunter: Episode 1unknownB&N Companies1995
Highway Patrol IIunknownMicroids1990
Highway Patrol IIAdventureMicroids1990
Highway Patrol IIunknownMicroids1990
Hill Street BluesStrategyKrisalis1991
Hired GunsunknownPsygnosis1993
Hired GunsRPGPsygnosis1993
History Line 1914-1918StrategyBlue Byte1992
History Line 1914-1918StrategyBlue Byte1992
History Line 1914-1918unknownBlue Byte1992
Hits for Six: Vol. 7unknownPrism Leisure1994
Hocus PocusunknownApogee1994
Hocus PocusunknownApogee1994
Hocus PocusPuzzleApogee1994
Hole in One Miniature Golfunknown1989
Holiday Lemmings 1993PuzzlePsygnosis1993
Holiday MakerAdventurePM Entertainment1988
Hollywood PicturesStrategyStarbyte1995
Home AloneunknownManley & Associates1991
Homeword SpellerunknownSoftware Design Associates1986
Homey D. ClownunknownCapstone1993
Hostage: Rescue MissionActionInfogrames1989
Hot WheelsSimulationMattel1985
Hotel MarioActionPhilips Interactive Media1994
HotshotunknownPrism Leisure1989
House of CardsunknownVirgin1989
House of HellRPGPuffin Books1984
Hoyle - Book of Games Vol. 1unknownSierra1989
Hoyle - Book of Games Vol. 1unknownSierra1989
Hoyle - Book of Games Vol. 1unknownSierra1989
Hoyle - Book of Games Vol. 1unknownSierra1989
Hoyle - Book of Games Vol. 2unknownSierra1990
Hoyle - Book of Games Vol. 2unknownSierra1990
Hoyle - Book of Games Vol. 2unknownSierra1990
Hoyle - Book of Games Vol. 2SimulationSierra1990
Hoyle - Book of Games Vol. 2unknownSierra1990
Hoyle - Book of Games Vol. 3unknownSierra1991
Hoyle - Book of Games Vol. 3unknownSierra1991
Hoyle Classic GamesunknownSierra1995
Hugo 2: Whodunit?AdventureGray Design Associates1992
Hugo II: Whodunit?AdventureGray Design Associates1992
Hugo III: Jungle of Doom!AdventureGray Design Associates1993
Hugo på Nye EventyrActionITE1994
Hugo's House of HorrorsAdventureGray Design Associates1990
Hugo's House of HorrorsunknownGray Design Associates1990
Human Killing MachineActionTiertex1988
Hunger DaemonAdventureSean M. Shore2014
Hunter HuntedActionDynamix1996
HurlementsActionUbi Soft1988
Hurra DeutschlandStrategyPromotion Software1994
Hurra DeutschlandunknownRainbow Arts1994
HydraActionIce Software1990
HypsysActionDro Soft1990
I Have No Mouth, and I Must ScreamAdventureThe Dreamers Guild1995
I, Damiano: The Wizard of PartestradaAdventureBantam Software1985
Ice ClimberActionNintendo1984
Icewind DaleRPGBlack Isle Studios2000
Icicle WorksActionCommodore1985
IK+SportSystem 31988
Ikari WarriorsunknownData East1986
Ikari Warriors II: Victory RoadunknownData East1986
Il Filo di AriannaunknownFederico Motta Editore1990
IlyadActionUbi Soft1989
ImperatorStrategyThomas Wolf1983
Imperial Conquest 2StrategySerious Games1997
ImperialismStrategyFrog City1997
Imperialism 2: The Age of ExplorationStrategyFrog City1999
ImperiumStrategyElectronic Arts1990
ImperiumStrategyElectronic Arts1990
Imperium RomanumAdventureEGO Software1996
Impossible MissionActionEpyx1984
Impossible Mission IIunknownEpyx1988
In ExtremisunknownUS Gold1993
In the ChipsunknownCreative Software1984
In the Dead of NightAdventureTrecision1994
IncaActionCoktel Vision1993
IncaunknownCoktel Vision1993
IncaunknownCoktel Vision1993
IncaAdventureCoktel Vision1993
IncaActionCoktel Vision1993
IncaActionCoktel Vision1993
IncaunknownCoktel Vision1993
Inca 2unknownCoktel Vision1993
Inca 2unknownCoktel Vision1993
IncubationStrategyBlue Byte1997
Indiana Jones and his Desktop AdventuresAdventureLucasArts1996
Indiana Jones and his Desktop AdventuresunknownLucas Arts1996
Indiana Jones and his Desktop AdventuresunknownLucas Arts1996
Indiana Jones and his Desktop AdventuresunknownLucas Arts1996
Indiana Jones and the Fate of AtlantisAdventureLucasArts1992
Indiana Jones and the Fate of AtlantisAdventureLucas Arts1992
Indiana Jones and the Fate of AtlantisunknownLucas Arts1992
Indiana Jones and the Fate of AtlantisunknownLucas Arts1992
Indiana Jones and the Fate of AtlantisunknownLucas Arts1992
Indiana Jones and the Fate of AtlantisAdventureLucas Arts1992
Indiana Jones and the Fate of AtlantisunknownLucas Arts1992
Indiana Jones and the Fate of AtlantisunknownLucas Arts1992
Indiana Jones and the Fate of AtlantisAdventureLucas Arts1992
Indiana Jones and the Fate of AtlantisAdventureLucas Arts1992
Indiana Jones and the Fate of AtlantisRPGLucas Arts1992
Indiana Jones and the Fate of AtlantisunknownLucas Arts1992
Indiana Jones and the Fate of AtlantisunknownLucas Arts1992
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis: The Action GameunknownLucas Arts1992
Indiana Jones and the Last CrusadeAdventureLucasfilm Games1989
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade: The Action GameunknownLucas Arts1989
Indiana Jones and the Temple of DoomunknownLucas Arts1989
Indiana Jones and the Temple of DoomAdventureLucas Arts1989
Indianapolis 500SportPapyrus1989
Indianapolis 500: The SimulationunknownPapyrus1989
Indianapolis 500: The SimulationunknownPapyrus1989
Indianapolis 500: The SimulationunknownPapyrus1989
Indianapolis 500: The SimulationunknownPapyrus1989
Indianapolis 500: The SimulationunknownPapyrus1989
Indianapolis 500: The SimulationunknownPapyrus1989
Indianapolis Motor Speedway Expansion PackunknownPapyrus1993
Indy HeatSportTradewest1992
IndyCar RacingSportPapyrus1993
IndyCar RacingunknownPapyrus1993
IndyCar RacingunknownPapyrus1993
IndyCar RacingunknownPapyrus1993
IndyCar Racing Expansion PackunknownPapyrus1993
Inferno: The Odyssey ContinuesActionDigital Image Design1994
Infiltrator IIunknownMindscape1988
Infra ArcanaRPGMartin Törnqvist2011
Inherit the Earth – Quest for the OrbAdventureDreamer's Guild1994
Inherit the Earth: Quest for the OrbAdventureThe Dreamers Guild1995
Innocent Until CaughtAdventureDivide By Zero1994
Innocent Until CaughtAdventurePsygnosis1994
Innocent Until CaughtunknownPsygnosis1994
Inordinate DesireunknownBlack Legend1995
Inspektor Zebok: Das ErbeAdventureSillyWood Productions1994
Intel386 SX Math CoProcessor UtilitiesunknownIntel1991
InterfaceAdventureBen Vegiard2009
International AthleticsSportOpera Soft1992
International AthleticsSportTrue Emotions1992
International Championship AthleticsSportGolden Sector1991
International KarateSportSystem 31986
International KarateunknownSystem 31986
International Ninja RabbitsunknownMicroValue1991
International Rugby ChallengeunknownOxford Mobius1993
International Sensible SoccerunknownSensible Software1992
International SoccerActionCommodore1983
International SoccerunknownZeppelin1994
International Soccer ChallengeunknownMicroStyle1990
International TennisunknownZeppelin1993
International TennisunknownZeppelin1993
InterphaseunknownImage Works1989
Into the Eagle's NestActionPandora1987
Invasion of the Mutant Space Bats of DoomActionPop Software1994
Invasion of the Mutant Space Bats of DoomActionPop Software1994
Iron CrossunknownNew World Computing1994
Iron LordunknownUbi Soft1990
Iron LordunknownUbi Soft1990
Iron SeedStrategyChannel 71994
Ironman's Offroad RacingunknownTradewest1990
Ironman's Offroad RacingunknownTradewest1990
Ironman's Offroad RacingunknownTradewest1990
Irvine Quik & the Search for the Fish of TragleaAdventureDuncan Bowsman2012
Ishar 2: Messengers of DoomunknownSilmarils1994
Ishar 3: The Seven Gates of InfinityRPGSilmarils1994
Ishar 3: The Seven Gates of InfinityRPGSilmarils1994
Ishar: Legend of the FortressunknownSilmarils1992
Ishar: Legend of the FortressAdventureSilmarils1992
Ishido: The Way of StonesunknownAccolade1990
Island of the Lizard KingRPGPuffin Books1984
Isle of the Deadunknown?1993
It Came From the DesertStrategyCinemaware1990
It Came from the DesertunknownCinemaware1990
It Came from the DesertunknownCinemaware1990
Italy 1990SportU.S. Gold1990
Italy 1990unknownCodemasters1990
Italy 90 SoccerunknownSimulmondo1989
JabatounknownAventuras AD1989
Jack Flash: Mutiny of the ThingsActionCAPS Softwaredesign1994
Jack Nicklaus Golf & Course Design: Signature EditionunknownAccolade1992
Jack Nicklaus Screen SaversunknownAccolade1994
Jack Nicklaus' Greatest 18 Holes of Major Championship GolfunknownAccolade1988
Jack Nicklaus' Unlimited Golf & Course DesignunknownAccolade1990
Jack Nicklaus' Unlimited Golf & Course DesignunknownAccolade1990
Jagged AllianceStrategySir-Tech1995
Jagged AllianceStrategySir-Tech1995
Jagged Alliance 2StrategySir-Tech1999
Jagged Alliance: Deadly GamesStrategySir-Tech1996
Jahangir Khan World Championship SquashunknownKrisalis1990
James Clavell's ShogununknownVirgin1986
James Clavell's ShogununknownVirgin1986
James Clavell's ShogununknownVirgin1986
James Clavell's Shōgun: A Story of JapanAdventureInfocom1989
James Pond 2 - Codename: RobocodActionElectronic Arts1991
James Pond 2 - Codename: RobocodAdventureElectronic Arts1991
James Pond 2 - Codename: RobocodunknownElectronic Arts1991
James Pond 3: Operation StarfishActionMillennium1994
James Pond II: Codename RobocodActionMillennium1991
James Pond: Underwater AgentActionMillennium1990
Jazz JackrabbitActionEpic MegaGames1994
Jazz JackrabbitActionEpic Megagames1994
Jeopardy!PuzzleSharedata Inc1987
Jeopardy! 1st EditionunknownGametek1990
Jeopardy! 2nd EditionunknownGametek1990
Jeopardy! Sports EditionunknownGametek1990
Jet Set WillyActionSoftware Projects1984
JetFighter II: Advanced Tactical FighterunknownVelocity1990
JetFighter II: Advanced Tactical FighterunknownVelocity1990
JetFighter II: Advanced Tactical FighterunknownVelocity1990
JetFighter: The AdventureunknownVelocity1988
Jetsons: The Computer GameunknownHi-Tec1992
Jetsons: The Computer GameunknownHi-Tec1992
Jill of the Jungle: Episode 1unknownEpic MegaGames1992
Jill of the Jungle: Episode 1ActionEpic MegaGames1992
Jill of the Jungle: Episode 1unknownEpic MegaGames1992
Jill of the Jungle: Episode 2ActionEpic MegaGames1992
Jill of the Jungle: Episode 3ActionEpic MegaGames1992
Jill of the Jungle: The Complete TrilogyunknownEpic MegaGames1992
Jill of the Jungle: The Complete TrilogyRPGEpic MegaGames1992
Jimmy White's Whirlwind SnookerunknownVirgin1991
Jimmy White's Whirlwind SnookerunknownVirgin1991
Joan of ArcStrategyChip1989
Joe & Mac: Caveman NinjaunknownData East1991
Joe & Mac: Caveman NinjaunknownData East1991
Joe BladeunknownPlayers Software1992
Joe Montana FootballunknownSEGA1990
Joe Starman on Planet XRPGSpareWizard2018
John Elway's QuaterbackunknownMelbourne House1988
John Madden FootballunknownElectronic Arts1988
John Madden FootballAdventureElectronic Arts1988
John Madden FootballunknownElectronic Arts1988
John Madden Football IIunknownElectronic Arts1991
John Madden Football IIunknownElectronic Arts1991
John Saul's Blackstone Chronicles: An Adventure in TerrorAdventureLegend Entertainment1998
Jonah Barrington's SquashunknownMastertronic1987
JonathanAdventurePhoenics C.R.1993
JonathanAdventureSoftware 20001993
Jones in the Fast LaneStrategySierra On-Line1990
Jones in the Fast LaneStrategySierra1990
Jones in the Fast LaneStrategySierra1990
Jones in the Fast LaneAdventureSierra1990
Jones in the Fast LaneAdventureSierra1990
Jonny Quest: Curse of the Mayan WarriorsunknownHollyware1993
Jordan vs Bird: One on OneunknownElectronic Arts1988
JoustActionWilliams Electronics1982
Judge DreddActionAcclaim1996
Julius Erving vs. Larry Bird One-on-oneunknownElectronic Arts1984
Jumper Dude & XerixunknownMojo Software1996
Jungle BookunknownCoktel Vision1988
Jungle HuntunknownAtari1984
Jungle StrikeActionGremlin1995
Jungle StrikeActionElectronic Arts1995
Junior ArithmancerPuzzleMichael Z. Spivey2018
Jurassic ParkunknownOcean1993
Jurassic ParkunknownOcean1993
KA-50 HokumunknownVirgin1994
Karamalz CupSportArt Department1993
Karate ChampSportData East1985
KarnovunknownData East1987
Keef the ThiefunknownElectronic Arts1989
Keef the ThiefPuzzleElectronic Arts1989
KeeperRLStrategyMichał Brzozowski2018
Ken's LabyrinthunknownEpic Megagames1993
KGBAdventureVirgin Interactive Entertainment1992
KhalaanunknownRainbow Arts1990
Kick Off 2SportAnco Software1990
Kid Icarus: Of Myths and MonstersActionNintendo1991
Kids Rule OK 2unknownAlternative Software1994
Killing CloudunknownImage Works1991
King's BountyStrategyNew World Computing1990
King's Quest 1: Quest for the CrownAdventureSierra On-Line1987
King's Quest II: Romancing the ThroneAdventureSierra On-Line1987
King's Quest IV: The Perils of RosellaAdventureSierra On-Line1988
King's Quest V: Absence Makes the Heart go Yonder!AdventureSierra On-Line1990
King's Quest VII: The Princeless BrideAdventureSierra On-Line1994
King's Quest: Quest for the CrownAdventureSierra On-Line1984
King's Quest 2: Romancing the ThroneAdventureSierra1987
King's Quest 2: Romancing the ThroneAdventureSierra1987
King's Quest 2: Romancing the ThroneAdventureSierra1987
King's Quest 2: Romancing the ThroneAdventureSierra1987
King's Quest 3: To Heir is HumanunknownSierra1987
King's Quest 3: To Heir is HumanunknownSierra1987
King's Quest 3: To Heir is HumanunknownSierra1987
King's Quest 3: To Heir is HumanunknownSierra1987
King's Quest 3: To Heir is HumanunknownSierra1987
King's Quest 6: Heir Today, Gone TomorrowunknownSierra1992
King's Quest 6: Heir Today, Gone TomorrowunknownSierra1992
King's Quest 6: Heir Today, Gone TomorrowunknownSierra1992
King's Quest 6: Heute Geerbt und Morgen VerschwundenunknownSierra1992
King's Quest 6: Heute Geerbt und Morgen VerschwundenunknownSierra1992
King's Quest 6: Heute Geerbt und Morgen VerschwundenunknownSierra1992
King's Quest: Quest for the CrownAdventureSierra1984
King's Quest: Quest for the CrownAdventureSierra1984
King's Quest: Quest for the CrownAdventureSierra1984
King's Quest: Quest for the CrownActionSierra1984
King's Quest: Quest for the CrownunknownSierra1984
King's Quest: Quest for the CrownunknownSierra1984
King's Quest: Quest for the CrownunknownSierra1984
King's Quest: Quest for the CrownunknownSierra1984
King's Table: Legend of RagnarokunknownMirage1993
Kingdoms of England II, Vikings: Fields of ConquestStrategyKrisalis1992
KingmakerunknownU.S. Gold1993
KingmakerunknownU.S. Gold1993
Kings of the BeachunknownElectronic Arts1988
Kirby's Dream LandActionHal Laboratory1992
Klik & PlayunknownClickteam1994
Knight GamesSportEnglish Software1986
Knight GamesunknownMastertronic1986
Knight GamesunknownMastertronic1986
Knight GamesunknownMastertronic1986
Knight OrcAdventureLevel 9 Computing1987
Knights of LegendunknownOrigin1989
Knights of the SkyunknownMicroprose1990
Knights of XentarRPGMegaTech1994
Knights of XentarRPGMegatech1994
Knights of Xentar - NR18 patchRPGMegatech1994
Kobayashi NaruunknownMastertronic1987
Kobayashi NaruunknownMastertronic1987
Kobayashi NaruunknownMastertronic1987
Kronolog: The Nazi ParadoxunknownMerit Software1993
Krusty's Super Fun HouseunknownAcclaim1992
Kult: The Temple of Flying SaucersAdventureExxos1989
La Abadia del CrimenAdventureOpera Soft1987
La Abadia del CrimenunknownOpera Soft1987
LabyrinthAdventureLucasfilm Games1986
Laffer's UtilitiesunknownSierra1991
Laffer's UtilitiesunknownSierra1991
Laffer's UtilitiesunknownSierra1991
LAKE AdventureAdventureB.J. Best2023
Lakers vs. Celtics and the NBA PlayoffsunknownElectronics Arts1989
Lakers vs. Celtics and the NBA PlayoffsunknownElectronics Arts1989
Lakers vs. Celtics and the NBA PlayoffsunknownElectronics Arts1989
LancelotAdventureLevel 9 Computing1988
Lands of Lore: Guardians of DestinyRPGWestwood Studios1997
Lands of Lore: The Throne of ChaosRPGWestwood Studios1993
Lands of Lore: The Throne of ChaosRPGWestwood1993
Lands of Lore: The Throne of ChaosRPGWestwood1993
Lands of Lore: The Throne of ChaosunknownWestwood1993
Lands of Lore: The Throne of ChaosunknownWestwood1993
Lands of Lore: The Throne of Chaos - Patch diskAdventureWestwood1993
Lane Mastodon vs. The BlubbermanAdventureActivision1988
Lane Mastodon vs. the BlubbermenAdventureTom Snyder Productions1988
Laser LordsAdventureSpinnaker Software1992
Laser SquadunknownMythos1992
Laser SquadunknownMythos1992
Laser SquadunknownMythos1992
Laser Surgeon: The Microscopic MissionunknownActivision1987
Last Action HeroActionPsygnosis1994
Last Day of SummerAdventureDoug Orleans2011
Last Ninja 2unknownSystem 31988
Laura Bow 2: The Dagger of Amon RaAdventureSierra1992
Laura Bow 2: The Dagger of Amon RaunknownSierra1992
Laura Bow 2: The Dagger of Amon RaunknownSierra1992
Laura Bow 2: The Dagger of Amon RaStrategySierra1992
Laura Bow 2: The Dagger of Amon RaunknownSierra1992
Laura Bow in the Dagger of Amon RaAdventureSierra On-Line1992
Law of the WestAdventureAccolade1986
Lazy JonesActionTerminal Software1984
Leather Goddesses of PhobosunknownActivision1986
Leather Goddesses of PhobosAdventureActivision1986
Leather Goddesses of PhobosunknownActivision1986
Leather Goddesses of PhobosunknownActivision1986
Leather Goddesses of PhobosunknownActivision1986
Leather Goddesses of Phobos 2: Gas Pump Girls Meet the Pulsating Inconvenience from Planet X!AdventureInfocom1992
Leather Goddesses of Phobos 2: Gas Pump Girls Meet the Pulsating Inconvenience from Planet X!AdventureInfocom1992
Legend of GrimrockRPGAlmost Human Games2012
Legends of ValourunknownU.S. Gold1992
Legends of ValourunknownU.S. Gold1992
Leisure Suit Larry 1: In the Land of the Lounge LizardsAdventureSierra On-Line1991
Leisure Suit Larry 1: In the Land of the Lounge LizardsAdventureSierra1987
Leisure Suit Larry 2: Goes Looking for Love (in Several Wrong Places)AdventureSierra1988
Leisure Suit Larry 2: Goes Looking for Love (in Several Wrong Places)AdventureSierra1988
Leisure Suit Larry 2: Goes Looking for Love (in Several Wrong Places)unknownSierra1988
Leisure Suit Larry 2: Goes Looking for Love (in Several Wrong Places)unknownSierra1988
Leisure Suit Larry 2: Goes Looking for Love (in Several Wrong Places)unknownSierra1988
Leisure Suit Larry 2: Goes Looking for Love (in Several Wrong Places)unknownSierra1988
Leisure Suit Larry 2: Goes Looking for Love (in Several Wrong Places)unknownSierra1988
Leisure Suit Larry 2: Goes Looking for Love (in Several Wrong Places)unknownSierra1988
Leisure Suit Larry 2: Goes Looking for Love (in Several Wrong Places)unknownSierra1988
Leisure Suit Larry 2: Goes Looking for Love (in Several Wrong Places)unknownSierra1988
Leisure Suit Larry 3: Passionate Patti auf der Suche nach vibrierenden Muskeln!unknownSierra1989
Leisure Suit Larry 3: Passionate Patti in Pursuit of the Pulsating Pectorals!AdventureSierra1989
Leisure Suit Larry 5: Passionate Patti Does a Little Undercover WorkunknownSierra1991
Leisure Suit Larry 5: Passionate Patti Does a Little Undercover WorkunknownSierra1991
Leisure Suit Larry 5: Passionate Patti Does a Little Undercover WorkunknownSierra1991
Leisure Suit Larry 6: Reib Auf oder Schieb Ab!unknownSierra1993
Leisure Suit Larry 6: Shape Up or Slip OutAdventureSierra1993
Leisure Suit Larry 6: Shape Up or Slip Out!AdventureSierra On-Line1993
Leisure Suit Larry Goes Looking for Love (In Several Wrong Places)AdventureSierra On-Line1988
Leisure Suit Larry in Love for Sail!AdventureSierra On-Line1996
Leisure Suit Larry: Wet Dreams Don't Dry Bonus DiskunknownCrazyBunch2018
Lemmings 2: The TribesPuzzlePsygnosis1993
Lemmings 2: The TribesPuzzlePsygnosis1993
Lemmings 2: The TribesAdventurePsygnosis1993
Lemmings 2: The TribesRPGPsygnosis1993
Lemmings 2: The TribesRPGPsygnosis1993
Les Manley: Lost in L.A.unknownAccolade1991
Les Manley: Search for the KingunknownAccolade1990
Les Voyageurs du Temps: La MenaceunknownDelphine1990
Lethal Tenderunknown?1993
LHX Attack ChopperSimulationElectronic Arts1990
LHX Attack ChopperunknownElectronic Arts1990
LHX Attack ChopperunknownElectronic Arts1990
LHX Attack ChopperunknownElectronic Arts1990
Life & Death 2: The Brainunknown?1990
Link: The Faces of EvilActionAnimation Magic1993
Links 386 ProunknownAccess1992
Links 386 ProunknownAccess1992
Links 386 ProunknownAccess1992
Links 386 ProunknownAccess1992
Links 386 ProunknownAccess1992
Links 386 ProunknownAccess1992
Links 386 ProunknownAccess1992
Links 386 Pro Update DiskunknownAccess1992
Links: Championship Course - Banff SpringsunknownAccess1990
Links: Championship Course - Barton CreekAdventureAccess1990
Links: Championship Course - Barton CreekunknownAccess1990
Links: Championship Course - Bay Hill ClubAdventureAccess1990
Links: Championship Course - Bay Hill ClubunknownAccess1990
Links: Championship Course - Bay Hill ClubunknownAccess1990
Links: Championship Course - Bay Hill ClubunknownAccess1990
Links: Championship Course - BighornunknownAccess1990
Links: Championship Course - Bountiful Golf ClubunknownAccess1990
Links: Championship Course - Bountiful Golf ClubunknownAccess1990
Links: Championship Course - Bountiful Golf CourseAdventureAccess1990
Links: Championship Course - Bountiful Golf CourseunknownAccess1990
Links: Championship Course - Bountiful Golf CourseunknownAccess1990
Links: Championship Course - Bountiful Golf CourseunknownAccess1990
Links: Championship Course - Castle Pines Golf ClubunknownAccess1990
Links: Championship Course - Firestone Country ClubAdventureAccess1990
Links: Championship Course - Hyatt Dorado BeachAdventureAccess1990
Links: Championship Course - Hyatt Dorado BeachunknownAccess1990
Links: Championship Course - Hyatt Dorado BeachunknownAccess1990
Links: Championship Course - Mauna KeaunknownAccess1990
Links: Championship Course - Pebble BeachunknownAccess1990
Links: Championship Course - Pebble BeachunknownAccess1990
Links: Championship Course - Pinehurst Resort & Country ClubAdventureAccess1990
Links: Championship Course - Pinehurst Resort & Country ClubunknownAccess1990
Links: Championship Course - Pinehurst Resort & Country ClubunknownAccess1990
Links: Championship Course - Pinehurst Resort & Country ClubunknownAccess1990
Links: Championship Course - Pinehurst Resort & Country ClubunknownAccess1990
Links: Championship Course - Prairie Dunes Country ClubunknownAccess1990
Links: Championship Course - The BelfryunknownAccess1990
Links: Championship Course - The BelfryunknownAccess1990
Links: Championship Course - Troon NorthAdventureAccess1990
Links: Championship Course - Troon NorthunknownAccess1990
Links: Championship Course - Troon NorthunknownAccess1990
Links: Championship Course: Innisbrook - CopperheadunknownAccess1990
Links: Fantasy Course - Devils IslandunknownAccess1990
Links: The Challenge of GolfSportAccess Software1990
Links: The Challenge of GolfSportAccess1990
Links: The Challenge of GolfAdventureAccess1990
Links: The Challenge of GolfAdventureAccess1990
Links: The Challenge of GolfunknownAccess1990
Links: The Challenge of GolfunknownAccess1990
Links: The Challenge of GolfunknownAccess1990
Links: The Challenge of GolfActionAccess1990
Links: The Challenge of GolfunknownAccess1990
Litil DivilunknownGremlin1993
Little Big AdventureAdventureAdeline Software1994
Little Big Adventure 2AdventureAdeline Software1997
Little Blue MenAdventureMichael S. Gentry1998
Little Computer PeopleStrategyActivision1985
Little Nemo: The Dream MasterActionCapcom1990
Little SamsonActionTaito1992
Livingstone Supongo IIunknownOpera1990
Livingstone Supongo IIunknownOpera1990
Livingstone, I presume?ActionOpera Soft1988
Lock-OnunknownData East1986
LocomotionPuzzlePrestige Softwareentwicklung1992
Lode RunnerActionBrøderbund1983
Lode RunnerunknownBroderbund1983
Lode RunnerunknownBroderbund1983
Lode Runner: The Legend ReturnsunknownSierra1994
Lode Runner: The Legend ReturnsunknownSierra1994
Lombard Rac RallyunknownMandarin Software1990
Lone Wolf: The Mirror of DeathunknownAudiogenic Software1991
LoomAdventureLucasfilm Games1990
Loom: Roland UpgradeunknownLucasArts1990
Loom: Roland UpgradeunknownLucasArts1990
LoopzPuzzleAudiogenic Software1990
Lord of the Rings Vol. IAdventureInterplay1990
Lords of ConquestunknownElectronic Arts1986
Lords of Midnight III: The CitadelStrategyMaelstrom1995
Lords of the RealmStrategyImpressions1995
Lords of the RealmStrategyImpressions1995
Lords of the Realm IIStrategyImpressions1996
Lords of the Rising SunStrategyCinemaware1989
Lords of TimeAdventureLevel 9 Computing1983
Los JusticierosActionDinamic Multimedia1996
Lost Dutchman MineAdventureMagnetic Images1989
Lost EdenAdventureCryo1995
Lost in TimeAdventureCoktel Vision1993
Lost in TimeAdventureCoktel1993
Lost in Time: Episode 1unknownCoktel1993
Lost in Time: Episode 2unknownCoktel1993
Lost Treasures of InfocomunknownInfocom1990
Lotus Esprit Turbo ChallengeSportGremlin1990
Lotus: The Ultimate ChallengeunknownMagnetic Fields1993
Lotus: The Ultimate ChallengeunknownMagnetic Fields1993
Low BlowunknownElectronic Arts1990
Low BlowunknownElectronic Arts1990
Low BlowunknownElectronic Arts1990
LucasArts Air Combat ClassicsunknownLucas Arts1994
LucasArts Air Combat ClassicsunknownLucas Arts1994
LucasArts Air Combat ClassicsunknownLucas Arts1994
LucasArts Classic AdventuresunknownLucas Arts1992
Lucky LukeActionCoktel Vision1987
Lure of the TemptressAdventureRevolution Software1992
LusterAdventureJared Smith2011
M.U.L.E.StrategyElectronic Arts1983
M.U.L.E.StrategyElectronic Arts1983
M1 Tank PlatoonSimulationMicroProse1989
M1 Tank PlatoonSimulationMicroprose1989
M1 Tank PlatoonunknownMicroprose1989
M1 Tank PlatoonunknownMicroprose1989
M1 Tank PlatoonRPGMicroprose1989
M1 Tank PlatoonunknownMicroprose1989
M1 Tank PlatoonunknownMicroprose1989
MacArthur's War: Battles for Koreaunknown?1988
Mach One: America's Best 25 Entertainment Hitsunknown1991
Machiavelli the PrinceStrategyMicroProse1995
MachinariumPuzzleAmanita Design2009
Mad CityActionKonami1988
Mad DoctorAdventureCreative Sparks1985
Mad NewsStrategyIkarion1995
Mad NewsunknownIkarion Software1995
Mad News - ExtrablattStrategyIkarion Software1995
Mad TVStrategyRainbow Arts1991
Mad TVStrategyRainbow Arts1991
Mad TV 2StrategyGreenwood Entertainment1996
Mag!!!StrategyGreenwood Entertainment1995
Magic BoyunknownBlue Turtle1993
Magic CarpetActionBullfrog1994
Magic Johnson's MVPunknownSportTime1989
Magic of EndoriaStrategyGerman Design Group1994
Magic of EndoriaStrategySunflowers1994
Magic PocketsActionBitmap Brothers1991
Magic PocketsActionRenegade1991
Mah Jongg for WindowsPuzzleRon Balewski1988
Majesty: The Fantasy Kingdom SimStrategyCyberlore2000
Major StrykerunknownApogee1993
Make Your Own Murder PartyPuzzleTrans Fiction Systems1986
Man Enough: The Ultimate Social AdventurePuzzleTsunami Media1993
Manchester UnitedunknownKrisalis1990
Manchester United – The DoubleSportKrisalis1995
Manchester United EuropeunknownKrisalis1992
Manhunter: New YorkAdventureSierra On-Line1988
Manhunter: New YorkAdventureSierra1988
Manhunter: New YorkunknownSierra1988
Manhunter: New YorkunknownSierra1988
Manhunter: New YorkunknownSierra1988
Manhunter: New YorkunknownSierra1988
Manhunter: San FranciscounknownSierra1989
Manhunter: San FranciscounknownSierra1989
Manhunter: San FranciscounknownSierra1989
Manhunter: San FranciscounknownSierra1989
Maniac MansionAdventureLucasfilm Games1987
Manic MinerActionBug-Byte Software1983
Marble MadnessPuzzleElectronic Arts1986
Marble MadnessunknownElectronic Arts1984
Marco PoloStrategyInfogrames1994
Mario Andretti's Racing ChallengeunknownElectronic Arts1991
Mario is Missing!unknownSoftware Toolworks1992
Mario Teaches TypingunknownInterplay1992
Mario Teaches TypingunknownInterplay1992
Mario Teaches TypingunknownInterplay1992
Mario Teaches TypingunknownInterplay1992
Mario's Time MachineunknownSoftware Toolworks1993
Martian DreamsRPGOrigin1991
Martian MemorandumAdventureAccess Software1991
Martian MemorandumunknownAccess Software1991
Martian MemorandumunknownAccess Software1991
Masks of MayhemRPGPuffin Books1986
Master Axe: The Genesis of MysterXActionAxe To Grind1997
Master BlasterunknownKeypunch Software1987
Master NinjaunknownParamount Software1987
Master of MagicStrategyMicroProse1994
Master of MagicStrategyMicroprose1994
Master of MagicunknownMicroprose1994
Master of MagicunknownMicroprose1994
Master of OrionStrategySimTex1993
Master of OrionStrategyMicroprose1993
Master of OrionunknownMicroprose1993
Master of Orion II: Battle at AntaresStrategySimTex1996
MasterblazerunknownRainbow Arts1991
Math ClimbersunknownComputerEasy1992
Math RabbitPuzzleThe Learning Company1987
Math RabbitPuzzleLearning Co1987
Math RabbitPuzzleLearning Co1987
Math RescueunknownApogee1992
Mathe-Blaster: Auf der Suche nach SpotunknownDavidson & Associates, Inc.1994
Maupiti IslandunknownLankhor1991
Maupiti IslandunknownLankhor1991
Maupiti IslandunknownLankhor1991
Mayday SquadunknownCubway Software1989
Mayhem in MonsterlandActionApex Designs1993
Maze AdventuresunknownKeypunch Software1986
McDonald LandActionVirgin Interactive Entertainment1992
Mean 18unknownMicrosmiths1986
Mean StreetsAdventureAccess Software1989
Mech CommanderStrategyFASA Studio1998
MechForceStrategyRalph H. Reed1989
MechWarrior 2: 31st Century CombatSimulationActivision1995
Mechwarrior 2: MercenariesSimulationActivision1996
Medieval Lords: Soldier Kings of EuropeunknownSSI1991
Medieval WarriorsunknownMerit Software1991
Mega BlastunknownL.K. Avalon1995
Mega Lo ManiaStrategySensible Software1991
Mega Lo ManiaStrategySensible Software1991
Mega Lo ManiaunknownSensible Software1991
Mega ManunknownHi-Tech Expressions1990
Mega ManRPGHi-Tech Expressions1990
Mega Man 3: The Robots are RevoltingunknownHi-Tech Expressions1992
Mega Man 3: The Robots are RevoltingunknownHi-Tech Expressions1992
MegacorpunknownDinamic Software1987
MegaTraveller 1: The Zhodani ConspiracyunknownParagon1990
MegaTraveller 2: Quest for the AncientsunknownParagon Software1991
MegatronunknownStanley Design Team1995
MegaZeuxActionSoftware Visions1994
MegaZeuxunknownSoftware Visions1994
MenzoberranzanRPGDreamForge Intertainment1994
Merchant ColonyStrategyImpressions1991
Merchant PrinceStrategyQuantum Quality1995
Metal & Lace: The Battle of the Robo BabesActionMegaTech Software1993
Metal & Lace: The Battle of the Robo BabesActionMegaTech1993
Metal GearActionBanana Development1990
Metal GearunknownKonami1990
Metal GearunknownKonami1990
Metal MarinesStrategyMindscape1994
Metal MutantPuzzleSilmarils1991
Metaltech: Battledrome – Robotic Combat NetworkSimulationDynamix1995
Metaltech: EarthSiegeSimulationDynamix1994
Miami ViceActionOcean1986
Michael Jordan in FlightunknownElectronic Arts1993
Mickey's ABC: A Day at the FairunknownDisney1992
Mickey's Jigsaw PuzzlesunknownDisney1991
Mickey's Runaway ZoounknownDisney1991
Mickey's Space AdventureunknownSierra1985
Micro MachinesActionCodemasters1993
Micro Machines 2: Turbo TournamentActionCodemasters1995
Micro Machines V3ActionCodemasters1998
Micro! DeluxePuzzleAcumen Software1995
MicroLeague BaseballunknownMicroLeague Multimedia1984
MicroLeague FootballunknownMicroLeague Multimedia1992
MicroProse Entertainment Pack Vol #1: Dr Floyd's Desktop ToysunknownMicroprose1993
Microsoft AdventureAdventureMicrosoft1981
Microsoft AdventureAdventureMicrosoft1981
Microsoft ArcadeunknownMicrosoft1993
Microsoft ArcadeunknownMicrosoft1993
Microsoft DecathlonunknownMicrosoft1982
Microsoft Entertainment PackPuzzleMicrosoft1992
Microsoft Entertainment PackunknownMicrosoft1992
Microsoft Entertainment Pack Volume 2unknownMicrosoft1991
Microsoft Entertainment Pack Volume 3unknownMicrosoft1991
Microsoft Entertainment Pack Volume 4unknownMicrosoft1992
Microsoft Entertainment Pack Volume 4unknownMicrosoft1992
Microsoft Flight Simulator 1.0unknownMicrosoft1982
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2.0unknownMicrosoft1984
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2.0unknownMicrosoft1984
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2.0unknownMicrosoft1984
Microsoft Flight Simulator 3.0SimulationsubLOGIC1988
Microsoft Flight Simulator 3.0SimulationMicrosoft1988
Microsoft Flight Simulator 3.0unknownMicrosoft1988
Microsoft Flight Simulator 4.0unknownMicrosoft1989
Microsoft Flight Simulator 4.0unknownMicrosoft1989
Microsoft Flight Simulator 4.0unknownMicrosoft1989
Microsoft Flight Simulator 4.0unknownMicrosoft1989
Microsoft Flight Simulator 4.0 Sound, Graphics & Aircraft UpgradeunknownMicrosoft1989
Microsoft Flight Simulator 4.0 Sound, Graphics & Aircraft UpgradeunknownMicrosoft1989
Microsoft Flight Simulator 5.0SimulationMicrosoft1993
Microsoft Flight Simulator 5.0SimulationMicrosoft1993
Microsoft Flight Simulator 5.0SimulationMicrosoft1993
Microsoft Flight Simulator 5.0unknownMicrosoft1993
Microsoft Flight Simulator 5.1unknownMicrosoft1995
Microsoft Flight Simulator 5.1unknownMicrosoft1995
Microsoft Flight Simulator Update DiskSimulationMicrosoft1993
Microsoft Game ShopunknownMicrosoft1990
Microsoft GolfunknownAccess1992
Microsoft Mouse Microsoft PaintbrushunknownMicrosoft1990
Microsoft QuickBASiC 4.5unknownMicrosoft1988
Microsoft Return of ArcadeunknownMicrosoft1996
Microsoft Return of ArcadeSimulationMicrosoft1996
Microsoft Space SimulatorunknownMicrosoft1994
Microsoft Space SimulatorAdventureMicrosoft1994
Microsoft Space SimulatorunknownMicrosoft1994
Microsoft Space SimulatorunknownMicrosoft1994
Microsoft Windows 3.11unknownMicrosoft1994
Midwinter IIunknownMicroprose1991
Midwinter II: Flames of FreedomStrategyMaelstrom1991
MiG-29 FulcrumunknownDomark1991
MiG-29 FulcrumunknownDomark1991
MiG-29 FulcrumunknownDomark1991
MiG-29: Deadly Adversary of Falcon 3.0unknownSpectrum Holobyte1993
Might and Magic II: Gates to Another WorldRPGNew World Computing1989
Might and Magic II: Gates to Another WorldRPGNew World Computing1989
Might and Magic II: Gates to Another WorldAdventureNew World Computing1989
Might and Magic II: Gates to Another WorldunknownNew World Computing1989
Might and Magic III: Isles of TerraRPGNew World Computing1991
Might and Magic III: Isles of TerraRPGNew World Computing1991
Might and Magic III: Isles of TerraunknownNew World Computing1991
Might and Magic III: Isles of TerraAdventureNew World Computing1991
Might and Magic III: Isles of TerraunknownNew World Computing1991
Might and Magic III: Isles of TerraunknownNew World Computing1991
Might and Magic IV: Clouds of XeenRPGNew World Computing1992
Might and Magic V: Dark Side of XeenRPGNew World Computing1992
Might and Magic V: Darkside of XeenRPGNew World Computing1992
Might and Magic: The Secret of Inner SanctumRPGNew World Computing1987
Might and Magic: The Secret of Inner SanctumRPGNew World Computing1987
Might and Magic: The Secret of Inner SanctumunknownNew World Computing1987
Might and Magic: The Secret of Inner SanctumunknownNew World Computing1987
Might and Magic: World of XeenRPGNew World Computing1994
Mike Ditka Ultimate FootballunknownAccolade1991
Millenium: Return to EarthunknownElectric Dreams1990
Millennium 2.2StrategyElectric Dreams1989
Mind Dance Volume IIunknownPoly Concepts1988
MindwheelAdventureSynapse Software1984
Mine CaveActionElmar Wenners2017
Mine ShaftunknownSierra1983
Mine StormActionGCE1981
Mines of TitanunknownInfocom1989
Mini Golf PlusActionStarbyte1988
Mini-PuttunknownElectronic Arts1987
Mirage ThunderunknownSoftstar Information1993
Mission Attack Demo DiskunknownElectronic Arts1990
Mission CriticalAdventureLegend Entertainment1996
Mixed-Up Fairy TalesunknownSierra1991
Mixed-Up Fairy TalesunknownSierra1991
Mixed-Up Mother GooseunknownSierra1987
Mixed-Up Mother GooseunknownSierra1987
Mixed-Up Mother GooseunknownSierra1987
Moai KunPuzzleKonami1990
Modem WarsStrategyOzark Softscape1988
Monkey Island 2: Le Chuck's RevengeAdventureLucasArts1992
MonopolizeStrategyFrank R. Neal1984
MonopolyunknownLeisure Genius1989
MonopolyunknownLeisure Genius1989
Monster BashunknownApogee1993
Montezuma's RevengeunknownParker Brothers1984
Monty Python & the Quest for the Holy GrailPuzzle7th Level1996
Monty Python's Complete Waste of TimePuzzle7th Level1994
Monty Python's Flying CircusActionCore Design1990
Monty Python's The Meaning of LifeAdventure7th Level1998
Monty Python's Flying CircusActionVirgin1990
Monty Python's Flying CircusunknownVirgin1990
Monuments of MarsunknownApogee1991
Moon PatrolunknownAtari1983
Moonshine RacersActionPeakStar1991
Moonstone: A Hard Days KnightRPGMindscape1992
More Vegas Games Entertainment Pack for WindowsunknownThe Dreamers Guild1993
Morkin IIStrategyAnthony Hamilton1992
Mortadelo y Filemón IIunknownDro Soft1989
Mortal KombatSportMidway1993
Mortal KombatunknownMidway1993
Mortal KombatunknownMidway1993
Mortal KombatunknownMidway1993
Mortal KombatunknownMidway1993
Mortal KombatunknownMidway1993
Mortal Kombat IIActionMidway1994
Mortal Kombat IIActionMidway1994
Mortal PongActionCheesy Software1997
Moscow NightsunknownBlack Legend1993
MotActionOpera Soft1989
Motorbike MadnessunknownMastertronic1988
Motorbike MadnessunknownMastertronic1988
MS-DOS 6.22unknownMicrosoft1993
Ms. Pac-ManunknownAtari1983
Ms. Pac-ManunknownAtari1983
Muppet Adventure No.1: Chaos at the CarnivalunknownHi-Tec1989
MurderPuzzleU.S. Gold1990
Murder at the Diogenes ClubAdventureBerkley1987
Murder Makes Strange DeadfellowsAdventureTiger Media1992
Murder on the AtlanticunknownCobra Soft1988
Murder on the Mississippi: The Adventures of Sir Charles FoxworthAdventureActivision1986
Murder on the ZinderneufAdventureFree Fall Associates1983
Murder on the ZinderneufAdventureElectronic Arts1983
Murder!unknownU.S. Gold1990
Murders in SpaceunknownInfogrames1990
Murders in SpaceunknownInfogrames1990
Murders in SpaceunknownInfogrames1990
Museum MadnessunknownMECC1994
Mutanoid Word ChallengeunknownLegacy Software1992
Mystic TowersPuzzleApogee1994
Mystic TowersunknownApogee1994
Myth: History in the MakingActionSystem 31989
Narco PoliceunknownDinamic Software1990
Narco PoliceAdventureDinamic Software1990
NASCAR RacingunknownSierra1994
NASCAR Track PackunknownSierra1994
NASCAR: Track PackunknownSierra1994
Navigation SimulatorunknownNaval Education1991
Navy SealunknownCosmi1989
NBA JamSportAcclaim1993
NCAA: Road to the Final FourunknownBethesda1992
NCAA: Road to the Final FourunknownBethesda1992
NebulusPuzzleHewson Consultants1987
Nemac IVActionZenTek1996
Neon NoirAdventureMassimo Loi2022
Nephi's QuestunknownCompuclassics1990
Nether EarthStrategyArgus Press Software1987
NeuroDancer: Journey into the Neuronet!PuzzleElectric Dreams1994
NevermoreAdventureNate Cull2000
Neverwinter NightsRPGSSI1991
New Math Blaster Plus!unknownDavidson & Associates1990
NFL Coaches Club FootballunknownMicroprose1993
NFL FootballunknownKonami1992
NFL Pro League FootballunknownMicro Sports1995
NHL HockeySportElectronic Arts1993
NHL HockeyunknownElectronic Arts1993
NHL HockeyunknownElectronic Arts1993
Nigel Mansell's World Championship RacingunknownGremlin1993
Night HunterunknownUbiSoft1988
Night HunterunknownUbiSoft1988
Night ShiftunknownLucas Arts1990
Night TrapPuzzleDigital Pictures1992
Night/Shift: A Cypherpunk AdventureAdventureEclectic Imaginations2023
Nightlong: Union City ConspiracyAdventureTrecision1998
Ninga Demo ReelunknownNinga1991
Ninja CarnagePuzzleResistance2021
Ninja GaidenunknownTemco1989
Ninja GaidenunknownTemco1989
Ninja Gaiden 2: The Dark Sword of ChaosunknownGameTek1991
Ninja KageActionHudson Soft1984
Ninja RabbitsunknownMicrovalue1992
Ninja RabbitsunknownMicrovalue1992
No Greater Glory: The American Civil WarStrategySpace Time Simulations1991
No Greater Glory: The American Civil WarunknownSpace Time Simulations1991
No Greater Glory: The Civil WarStrategySSI1991
No Second PrizeSimulationThalion1992
NoctropolisAdventureFlashpoint Productions1994
North & SouthStrategyInfogrames1989
Norton Commander 1.0unknownPeter Norton Computing1986
Norton Commander 2.0unknownPeter Norton Computing1988
Norton Commander 3.0unknownPeter Norton Computing1989
Norton Commander 4.0unknownSymantec1993
Norton Commander 5.0unknownSymantec1995
Norton Commander 5.51unknownSymantec1998
Norton Editor 2.0unknownSymantec1990
Norton Utilities 3.0unknownPeter Norton Computing1985
Norton Utilities 7.0unknownSymantec1993
Nova 9unknownSierra1991
Nova 9StrategySierra1991
NY WarriorsunknownVirgin1991
Odell Down UnderunknownMECC1994
Off to EuropePuzzleGlamus1991
Oh No! More LemmingsunknownDMA1990
Oh No! More LemmingsunknownDMA1990
Oh No! More LemmingsRPGDMA1990
Oh No! More LemmingsRPGDMA1990
Oh No! More LemmingsRPGDMA1990
Oh No! More LemmingsunknownDMA1990
Oh No! More LemmingsunknownDMA1990
Oh No! More LemmingsStrategyDMA1990
Oil's WellActionSierra1983
Ollie Ollie Oxen FreeAdventureCarolyn VanEseltine2013
OmegaunknownElectronic Arts1989
OmegaunknownElectronic Arts1989
Omnicron ConspiracyunknownEpyx1989
On SafariunknownInfogrames1990
On SafariunknownInfogrames1990
On the BallunknownAscon GmbH1993
One Must Fall 2097ActionEpic MegaGames1994
One Must Fall 2097ActionEpic Megagames1994
OnslaughtunknownHewson Consultants1990
Operation Body CountunknownCapstone1994
Operation CleanerPuzzleJan Nyman1998
Operation CleanstreetsunknownSilmarils1988
Operation CleanstreetsunknownSilmarils1988
Operation CrusaderunknownThe Avalon Hill1994
Operation HarrierunknownUS Gold1990
Operation OverlordunknownRowan1994
Operation OverlordunknownRowan1994
Operation StealthAdventureDelphine Software International1990
Operation StealthunknownDelphine1990
Operation StealthunknownDelphine1990
Operation StealthunknownDelphine1990
Operation StealthAdventureDelphine1990
Operation StealthunknownDelphine1990
Operation StealthunknownDelphine1990
Operation WolfunknownTaito1989
Operation: Inner SpaceActionSoftware Dynamics1994
Origin FXunknownOrigin1993
Orion BurgerAdventureSanctuary Woods1996
Out of this WorldunknownDelphine1990
Out of this WorldunknownDelphine1990
Out RunSportUnlimited Software1989
Over the NetunknownGenias1991
Oxyd Magnum!unknownDongleware1993
Pacific GeneralStrategySSI1997
Pacific IslandsActionEmpire Software1992
Pacific IslandsunknownEmpire Interactive1992
Pacific IslandsunknownEmpire Interactive1992
Pacific StrikeunknownElectronic Arts1994
Pack Dinamic 90unknownDinamic1990
Pack PCunknownOpera Soft1985
Pack PC Opera SoftunknownOpera Soft1990
Pack Regalo Gun StickunknownDinamic Software1989
PackmanActionG. E. Leikam1987
Paganitzu, Episode One: Romancing The RoseActionApogee1991
Panza Kick BoxingunknownLoriciels1990
Panzer GeneralStrategySSI1994
Panzer GeneralStrategySSI1994
Panzer GeneralRPGSSI1994
Panzer GeneralunknownSSI1994
Panzer General IIStrategySSI1997
Paperboy 2ActionTengen1992
Paperboy 2ActionTengen1992
ParadigmAdventureJacob Janerka2017
Paradroid 90ActionGraftgold1990
Paradroid IIActionMarc S. Seter1994
ParashooterActionPeter Leahy1998
Passengers on the WindAdventureInfogrames1988
PatriotunknownThree-Sixty Pacific1993
Patton Strikes Back: The Battle of the BulgeunknownBroderbund1991
PaybackActionApex Designs2001
PC CalciounknownDinamic Multimedia1995
PC Illustrator 3.0unknownComputer Graphics Group1985
PC Pool ChallengesunknownIBM1984
PC Zone Demo Disk (Sep 2 1993)unknown?1993
PC-ManActionOrion Software1982
PCKaiser++StrategyMartin Gelter1992
Penguin AdventureActionKonami1986
Penthouse Hot Numbers DeluxeunknownMagic Bytes1993
Penthouse MahjongunknownMagic Bytes1993
Pepper's Adventures in TimeunknownSierra1993
Perry Mason: The Case of the Mandarin MurderAdventureTelarium1985
Pete Rose Pennant FeverunknownGamestar1988
PGA Tour GolfunknownElectronic Arts1990
PGA Tour GolfStrategyElectronic Arts1990
PGA Tour GolfunknownElectronic Arts1990
PGA Tour Golf: Tournament Course DiskunknownElectronic Arts1990
Phantasie III: The Wrath of NikademusunknownSSI1988
Phantasie III: The Wrath of NikademusSimulationSSI1988
Phantasie III: The Wrath of NikademusunknownSSI1988
Phantom ClubAdventureOcean1988
Pharaoh's PursuitunknownLone Star Micro1990
Pharaoh's Tombunknown1990
PHM PegasusunknownLucas Arts1988
Pick Up the Phone Booth and DieAdventureR. Noyes1996
Pictionary: The Game of Quick DrawunknownOxford Mobius1989
Pictionary: The Game of Quick DrawunknownOxford Mobius1989
Pinball Construction SetunknownElectronic Arts1985
Pinball DreamsSport21st Century Entertainment1992
Pinball Dreamsunknown21st Century Entertainment1992
Pinball Dreamsunknown21st Century Entertainment1992
Pinball Dreams IIunknownSpidersoft1994
Pinball FantasiesSport21st Century Entertainment1992
Pinball Fantasiesunknown21st Century Entertainment1992
Pinball FantasiesAction21st Century Entertainment1992
Pinball IllusionsActionDigital Illusions1995
Pinball ManiaSportSpidersoft1995
Pipe Maniaunknown?1989
Pirates of the Barbary CoastunknownStarsoft1987
Pirates! GoldStrategyMicroProse1993
Pirates! GoldunknownMicroprose1987
Pirates! GoldunknownMicroprose1987
Pirates! GoldunknownMicroprose1987
Pitstop 2unknownEpyx1984
Pizza ConnectionStrategySoftware 20001994
Pizza ConnectionRPGSoftware 20001994
Pizza ConnectionunknownSoftware 20001994
Pizza TycoonStrategySoftware 20001994
Plan 9 from Outer SpaceAdventureGremlin1992
Plan 9 From Outer SpaceAdventureGremlin1992
Plan 9 From Outer SpaceunknownGremlin1992
Planet X3unknown8-Bit Productions2018
Planet X3unknown8-Bit Productions2018
Planet X3unknown8-Bit Productions2018
Planet X3unknown8-Bit Productions2018
Planet's Edge - The Point of No ReturnunknownNew World Computing1991
Planet's Edge - The Point of No ReturnunknownNew World Computing1991
Planet's Edge - The Point of No ReturnunknownNew World Computing1991
Playing GamesAdventureKevin Jackson-Mead2011
Pole PositionunknownNamco1988
Police Quest 2: The VengeanceunknownSierra1988
Police Quest 2: The VengeanceunknownSierra1988
Police Quest 2: The VengeanceunknownSierra1988
Police Quest 2: The VengeanceAdventureSierra1988
Police Quest 2: The VengeanceActionSierra1988
Police Quest 2: The VengeanceActionSierra1988
Police Quest 2: The VengeanceActionSierra1988
Police Quest 2: The VengeanceunknownSierra1988
Police Quest 2: The VengeanceunknownSierra1988
Police Quest 2: The VengeanceunknownSierra1988
Police Quest 3: The KindredunknownSierra1991
Police Quest 3: The KindredunknownSierra1991
Police Quest 3: The KindredAdventureSierra1991
Police Quest 3: The KindredunknownSierra1991
Police Quest 3: The KindredunknownSierra1991
Police Quest 4: Open SeasonunknownSierra1993
Police Quest II: The VengeanceAdventureSierra On-Line1988
Police Quest III: The KindredAdventureSierra On-Line1991
Police Quest: In Pursuit of the Death AngelAdventureSierra On-Line1987
PolyWindows DeskPlusunknownQuadram Software1985
Pool 'm UpSportDommelsch1999
Pool of RadianceRPGSSI1988
Pool of RadianceRPGSSI1988
Pool of RadianceunknownSSI1988
Pool of RadianceunknownSSI1988
Pool of RadianceunknownSSI1988
Pool of RadianceunknownSSI1988
Pool SharkunknownGT Interactive1997
Pools of DarknessunknownSSI1991
Pools of DarknessStrategySSI1991
PopulousunknownElectronic Arts1989
PopulousunknownElectronic Arts1989
PopulousunknownElectronic Arts1989
PopulousunknownElectronic Arts1989
PopulousunknownElectronic Arts1989
PopulousunknownElectronic Arts1989
Populous 2StrategyElectronic Arts1993
Populous 2unknownElectronic Arts1993
Populous 2unknownElectronic Arts1993
Populous 2AdventureElectronic Arts1993
Populous 2unknownElectronic Arts1993
Populous 2unknownElectronic Arts1993
Populous II: Trials of the Olympian GodsStrategyBullfrog1992
Populous: Promised LandsStrategyElectronic Arts1989
Populous: Promised LandsunknownElectronic Arts1989
Ports of CallStrategyKlein & Ulrich1987
Ports of CallStrategyAegis1987
Ports Of Call & Double X SlotsunknownMojo Software1996
PowballActionAnthony Hamilton2000
Power DriftunknownActivision1990
Power DriveunknownUS Gold1994
Power StruggleStrategyPSS1988
Powerboat USA: Offshore Superboat RacingunknownElectronic Arts1990
PowerdromeunknownElectronic Arts1990
PowermongerStrategyElectronic Arts1990
PowermongerunknownElectronic Arts1990
PowermongerunknownArtech Digital Entertainments1992
Prehistorik 2ActionTitus1993
Prehistorik 2ActionTitus1993
Premier ManagerStrategyGremlin1992
Premier Manager 2StrategyGremlin1993
Premier Manager 3StrategyGremlin1995
PremiereActionCore Design1992
President's ChoiceunknownSpinnaker1984
Presumed GuiltyunknownCosmi1989
Primal RageActionProbe1996
Prince of PersiaActionBrøderbund1991
Prince of PersiaActionBroderbund1989
Prince of PersiaunknownBroderbund1989
Prince of PersiaAdventureBroderbund1989
Prince of PersiaunknownBroderbund1989
Prince of PersiaunknownBroderbund1989
Prince of PersiaunknownBroderbund1989
Prince of PersiaunknownBroderbund1989
Prince of PersiaunknownBroderbund1989
Prince of PersiaunknownBroderbund1989
Prince of PersiaunknownBroderbund1989
Prince of PersiaunknownBroderbund1989
Prince of PersiaRPGBroderbund1989
Prince of Persia 2: The Shadow & The FlameunknownBroderbund1993
Prince of Persia 2: The Shadow & The FlameRPGBroderbund1993
Prisoner of IceAdventureInfogrames1995
Private EyeAdventureSimon & Schuster Interactive1996
Pro ManagerunknownAvalon Hill1984
Pro Tennis Tourunknown1989
Pro-League BaseballunknownKeypunch1987
Professional Ski SimulatorSportCodemasters1987
Professor FrankAdventureLaurence Kilday2011
Project BattlefieldActionMirage Media1995
Project FirestartActionDynamix1989
Project XActionTeam 171992
ProjectyleSportEldritch the Cat1990
ProliferationStrategySilicon Commander1995
Prophecy of the ShadowRPGSSI1992
Prophecy of the ShadowRPGSSI1992
Prophecy of the ShadowunknownSSI1992
Prophecy: Viking ChildunknownGametek1991
Prospector PeteActionBritish Software1986
Protostar: War On The FrontierunknownTsunami1993
Psi 5 Trading Co.unknownAccolade, Inc.1986
Psychic DetectiveAdventureElectronic Arts1996
Psycho KillerAdventureDelta 4 Interactive1992
Psycho PinballActionCodemasters1995
Psycho PinballActionCodemasters1995
Pub PokerunknownRussell Oates1993
Pub PoolunknownMastertronic1987
Pub Trivia SimulatorPuzzleCodemasters1989
Purple Saturn DayunknownERE Informatique1989
Purple Saturn DayunknownERE Informatique1989
QuadActionNick Sumner1988
QuadralienunknownAstral Software1988
QuadralienunknownAstral Software1988
Quake IIActionid Software1997
Quest for Glory 1: So You Want to be a HeroStrategySierra1989
Quest for Glory 1: So You Want to be a HerounknownSierra1989
Quest for Glory 1: So You Want to be a HerounknownSierra1989
Quest for Glory 2: Trial by FireunknownSierra1990
Quest for Glory 2: Trial by FireStrategySierra1990
Quest for Glory 2: Trial by FireunknownSierra1990
Quest for Glory 2: Trial by FireAdventureSierra1990
Quest for Glory 2: Trial by FireunknownSierra1990
Quest for Glory 2: Trial by FireunknownSierra1990
Quest for Glory 3: Der Lohn Des KriegesunknownSierra1992
Quest for Glory 3: Wages of WarunknownSierra1992
Quest for Glory 3: Wages of WarStrategySierra1992
Quest for Glory 3: Wages of WarunknownSierra1992
Quest for Glory 4: Shadows of DarknessunknownSierra1993
Quest for Glory 4: Shadows of DarknessunknownSierra1993
Quest for Glory 4: Shadows of DarknessunknownSierra1993
Quest for Glory I: So you Want to be a HeroRPGSierra On-Line1992
Quest For Glory IV: Shadows of DarknessRPGSierra On-Line1993
Quest for Glory V: Dragon FireAdventureSierra On-Line1998
Questprobe Featuring Spider-ManAdventureAdventure International1984
Questron IIunknownSSI1988
Questron IIunknownSSI1988
R.B.I. Baseball 2unknownTengen1990
Ra!unknownRainbow Arts1990
Rad WarriorunknownPalace Software1987
Rags to RichesunknownInterplay1993
Raid on Bungeling BayActionBrøderbund1984
Railroad TycoonStrategyMicroProse1990
Railroad TycoonStrategyMicroprose1990
Railroad TycoonunknownMicroprose1990
Railroad TycoonunknownMicroprose1990
Railroad TycoonunknownMicroprose1990
Railroad Tycoon DeluxeStrategyMicroProse1990
Railroad Tycoon DeluxeRPGMicroprose1990
Railroad Tycoon DeluxeunknownMicroprose1990
Railroad Tycoon DeluxeunknownMicroprose1990
Railway ChallengeunknownSunflowers1993
Rally ChampionshipsunknownFlair Software1994
Rambo 3unknownOcean1989
Rambo: First Blood Part IIAdventureAngelsoft1985
RampageActionBally Midway1986
RampartActionElectronic Arts1992
RampartActionElectronic Arts1992
RampartRPGElectronic Arts1992
RampartRPGElectronic Arts1992
Raptor: Call of the ShadowsActionApogee1994
Raptor: Call of the ShadowsActionCygnus1994
Raptor: Call of the ShadowsunknownCygnus1994
Rath-ThaunknownK.F.R. Soft1992
Ravenloft: Der Fluch des GrafenAdventureSSI1994
Ravenloft: Strahd's PossesionunknownSSI1994
Ravenloft: Strahd's PossesionunknownSSI1994
Ravenloft: Strahd's PossesionAdventureSSI1994
Realms of Arkania: Star TrailActionAttic1994
Realms of ChaosunknownApogee1995
Realms of ChaosunknownApogee1995
Rebel Charge ChickamaugaunknownSSI1987
Rebel PlanetAdventureAdventure Soft1985
Rebelstar RaidersStrategyJulian Gollop1984
Red BaronSimulationDynamix1990
Red BaronSimulationSierra1990
Red BaronunknownSierra1990
Red BaronunknownSierra1990
Red BaronRPGSierra1990
Red Baron: Mission BuilderunknownSierra1990
Red Baron: Mission BuilderunknownSierra1990
Red Baron: Mission BuilderRPGSierra1990
Red Storm RisingSimulationMicroProse1989
Red Storm RisingSimulationMicroProse1989
Red SunsetActionESP Soft2020
Redhook's RevengeStrategyImagiSOFT1993
Rendezvous with RamaunknownTrillium1985
Renegade Legion: InterceptorunknownSSI1990
Rescate en el GolfounknownOpera Soft1990
Rescue on Fractalus!ActionLucasfilm Games1984
Resolution 101unknownAstral1990
Resolution 101ActionAstral1990
Retro City RampageActionVBLANK Entertainment2012
Retro Wars Episode IV¼AdventureAmiga Wave2016
Return of Double DragonActionTechnos Japan1992
Return of the PhantomAdventureMicroProse1993
Return of the PhantomAdventureMicroprose1993
Return of the PhantomAdventureMicroprose1993
Return to RingworldAdventureTsunami Media1994
Return to ZorkAdventureInfocom1993
Return to ZorkAdventureInfocom1993
Returned RacoonActionKyunghee University1992
Revenge of the DefenderunknownEpyx1989
Revenge of the DefenderunknownEpyx1989
Rex Nebular and the Cosmic Gender BenderAdventureMicroprose1992
Rex Nebular and the Cosmic Gender BenderAdventureMicroprose1992
Rex Nebular and the Cosmic Gender BenderAdventureMicroprose1992
Rex Nebular and the Cosmic Gender BenderunknownMicroprose1992
Rex Nebular and the Cosmic Gender-BenderAdventureMicroProse1992
Rick DangerousActionCore Design1989
Rick DangerousActionCore Design1989
Rick DangerousRPGCore Design1989
Rick DangerousunknownCore Design1989
Rick Dangerous IIActionCore Design1990
Rick Davis's World Trophy SoccerunknownNovotrade1989
Riders of RohanunknownKonami1991
Riders of RohanunknownKonami1991
Riders of RohanunknownKonami1991
Ring CycleRPGMaelstrom1996
Rings of MedusaStrategyStarbyte1989
Rings of Medusa GoldStrategyStarbyte1994
Rings of Medusa II: The Return of MedusaRPGStarbyte1991
Rings of Medusa II: The Return Of MedusaunknownStarbyte1991
Rings of ZilfinunknownSSI1987
Ringworld: Revenge of the PatriarchAdventureTsunami Media1992
Ringworld: Revenge of the PatriarchAdventureTsunami1992
Ripley's Believe It or Not! – The Riddle of Master LuAdventureSanctuary Woods1995
Rise of the DragonAdventureDynamix1991
Rise of the RobotsActionMirage Technologies1994
Rise of the Triad: Dark WarActionApogee1995
Rise of the Triad: Dark WarunknownApogee1995
Rise of the Triad: Dark WarunknownApogee1995
Rise of the Triad: Power PackActionApogee1995
Rise Out from DungeonsPuzzleASCII Corporation1983
Risky WoodsunknownElectronic Arts1992
Risky WoodsActionElectronic Arts1992
Risky WoodsunknownElectronic Arts1992
Rival GangsActionzxpresh2021
River City RansomActionTechnos Japan1989
Road Kill & XerixunknownMojo Software1996
Road RashSportElectronic Arts1994
Road RashSportElectronic Arts1992
Roadwar 2000unknownWizardware Group1990
Roadwar 2000unknownWizardware Group1990
Roadwar EuropaunknownWizardware Group1990
Roadwar EuropaunknownWizardware Group1990
Robin & OrchidAdventureRyan Veeder2013
Robinson's RequiemunknownSilmarils1994
Robocop 3unknownOcean1992
RoboSportStrategyThe Dreamers Guild1992
RoboSportStrategyElectronic Arts1992
RoboSportActionElectronic Arts1992
RoboSportActionElectronic Arts1992
Robot CommandoRPGPuffin Books1986
Robotron 2084unknownAtari1983
Rock 'n' Roll RacingActionInterplay1993
Rock 'n RollunknownRainbow Arts1989
Rock 'n RollunknownRainbow Arts1989
Rock 'n Shaolinunknown?1994
Rock Star Ate My HamsterStrategyCodemasters1988
Rock'n RollPuzzleRainbow Arts1989
Rocket RangerunknownCinemaware1988
Rocket RangerunknownCinemaware1988
Rockford: The Arcade GameunknownFirst Star Software1988
Rockford: The Arcade GameunknownFirst Star Software1988
Roger Rabbit: Hare Raising HavocunknownDisney1991
Roger Rabbit: Hare Raising HavocunknownDisney1991
Rogue64RPGBadger Punch Games / Bitmap Soft2021
Roll 'm UpSportDommelsch1999
Rollo and the Brush BrosunknownWindmill Software1984
Romance of the Three Kingdoms III: Dragon of DestinyunknownKOEI1994
Rome: Pathway to PowerunknownMillenium1992
Rome: Pathway to PowerunknownMillenium1992
Rooms of DoomAction1991
Rorke's DriftunknownImpressions1990
RotorunknownArcana Software1990
RotorunknownArcana Software1990
RotoxunknownCreative Materials1991
Rules of EngagementunknownOmnitrend Software1991
Rules of EngagementunknownOmnitrend Software1991
Rules of Engagement 2unknownImpressions1993
Rules of Engagement 2unknownImpressions1993
SaborActionGamos Ltd1991
SaboteurActionDurell Software1986
Sam & Max Hit the RoadAdventureLucasArts1994
Sam & Max Hit the RoadAdventureLucas Arts1994
Sam & Max Hit the RoadActionLucas Arts1994
Sam & Max Hit the RoadunknownLucas Arts1994
Sam & Max Hit the RoadunknownLucas Arts1994
SandstormunknownMVP Software1993
Santa's Xmas CaperActionZeppelin Games1992
SatanunknownDinamic Software1990
SatanunknownDinamic Software1990
SatanunknownDinamic Software1990
Scenario: Theatre of WarActionStarbyte1992
Schwert und Magie 1: Das geheimnisvolle KrautRPGGerman Design Group1989
Schwert und Magie 2: Der unheimliche TempelRPGGerman Design Group1989
Schwert und Magie 3: Das PiratenhausRPGGerman Design Group1990
Schwert und Magie 4: Die Burg des MagiersRPGGerman Design Group1990
Schwert und Magie 5: Das Haus des VampirsRPGGerman Design Group1991
Schwert und Magie 6: Der Turm des TodesRPGGerman Design Group1991
Schwert und Magie 7: Unter Wasser!RPGGerman Design Group1992
Schwert und Magie 8: Insel der WunderRPGGerman Design Group1992
Scorpion SwampRPGPuffin Books1984
Scotland YardPuzzleMarkt & Technik1987
Screen Antics: Johnny CastawayunknownSierra1993
Scubaman's QuestunknownAlive Software1994
Sea RogueunknownMicroplay1992
Sea RogueunknownMicroplay1992
Sea RogueunknownMicroplay1992
Seal TeamunknownElectronic Arts1993
Search for the TitanicunknownCapstone1989
Seas of BloodRPGPuffin Books1985
Seasonal Apocalypse DisorderAdventureZan and Xavid2020
Secret AgentunknownApogee1992
Secret AgentunknownApogee1992
Secret of ManaAdventureSquare1994
Secret of Mana 2AdventureSquare1995
Secret of the Silver BladesunknownSSI1990
Secret of the Silver BladesunknownSSI1990
Secret of the Silver BladesunknownSSI1990
Secret of the Silver BladesAdventureSSI1990
Secret of the Silver BladesunknownSSI1990
Secret of the Silver BladesunknownSSI1990
Secret of the Silver BladesunknownSSI1990
Secret Weapons of the LuftwaffeSimulationLucasfilm Games1991
Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe: Do 335 PfeilSimulationLucas Arts1991
Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe: He 162 VolksjägerunknownLucas Arts1991
Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe: P-38 LightningSimulationLucas Arts1991
Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe: P-80 Shooting StarSimulationLucas Arts1991
Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe: P-80 Shooting StarRPGLucas Arts1991
Sensible GolfActionSensible Software1994
Sensible SoccerActionSensible Software1992
Sentinel Worlds 1: Future MagicRPGElectronic Arts1988
Sentinel Worlds 1: Future MagicRPGElectronic Arts1988
Sentinel Worlds 1: Future MagicRPGElectronic Arts1988
Serve & VolleyunknownAccolade1988
Set the Hostages FreeActionTexaSoft1985
Seven Cities of Goldunknown19841984
Seven Cities of GoldunknownElectronic Arts1993
Sex OlympicsunknownFree Spirit Software1990
Sex Vixens from SpaceunknownFree Spirit Software1989
Sfida OlimpicaunknownFederico Motta Editore1992
ShadeAdventureAndrew Plotkin2000
Shadow CasterRPGRaven Software1993
Shadow CasterunknownRaven1993
Shadow FighterActionGremlin1995
Shadow of YserbiusunknownSierra1993
Shadow SorcererActionU.S. Gold1990
Shadow SorcererunknownSSI1990
Shadow WarriorAction3D Realms Entertainment1997
ShadowgateAdventureIcom Simulations1987
ShadowrunRPGData East1993
ShamusunknownSynapse Software1984
ShannaraAdventureLegend Entertainment1995
Shaq FuActionDelphine Software International1995
Shard of InovarAdventureBulldog Software1987
Sharkey's 3D PoolunknownMicroplay1990
Shattered Pixel DungeonRPGEvan Debenham2014
Sherlock Holmes: Another BowAdventureBantam Software1985
Sherlock Holmes: Another BowAdventureBantam1985
Sherlock Holmes: Another BowAdventureBantam1985
Sherlock Holmes: Consulting Detective Vol. IPuzzleIcom Simulations1991
Sherlock Holmes: Consulting Detective Vol. IIPuzzleIcom Simulations1992
Sherlock Holmes: Consulting Detective Vol. IIIPuzzleIcom Simulations1992
Sherlock Holmes: Crimes and PunishmentsAdventureFrogwares2014
Sherlock Holmes: The Riddle of the Crown JewelsunknownInfocom1987
Sherman M4unknownLoriciels1989
Ship of WhimsyAdventureU.N. Owen2011
Shufflepuck CafeSportBrøderbund1989
Shuttle: The Space Flight SimulatorSimulationVektor Grafix1992
Shuttle: The Space Flight SimulatorSimulationVektor Grafix1992
Shuttle: The Space Flight SimulatorunknownVektor Grafix1992
Sid & Al's Incredible ToonsunknownSierra1993
Sid Meier's CivilizationStrategyAtari1991
Sid Meier's CivilizationunknownAtari1991
Sid Meier's CivilizationStrategyAtari1991
Sid Meier's CivilizationStrategyAtari1991
Sid Meier's CivilizationRPGAtari1991
Sid Meier's CivilizationRPGAtari1991
Sid Meier's CivilizationunknownAtari1991
Sid Meier's CivilizationunknownAtari1991
Sid Meier's CivilizationunknownAtari1991
Sid Meier's ColonizationStrategyMicroprose1994
Sid Meier's ColonizationRPGMicroprose1994
Sid Meier's ColonizationunknownMicroprose1994
Sid Meier's ColonizationunknownMicroprose1994
Sid Meier's Pirates!unknownMicroprose1987
Sid Meier's Pirates!AdventureMicroprose1987
Side Arms Hyper DyneunknownCapcom1988
Siege: Dogs of WarStrategyMindcraft1992
Sierra & Dynamix Coming Attractions Demo DiskunknownSierra1991
Sierra Championship BoxingunknownSierra1985
Sierra DemosunknownSierra1991
Silent HunterSimulationSSI1996
Silent ServiceunknownAtari1985
Silent Service – The Submarine SimulationSimulationMicroProse1985
Silent Service 2unknownMicroprose1990
Silent Service IISimulationMicroProse1990
SilpheedActionSierra On-Line1989
SilverballunknownEpic Megagames1993
SilverballunknownEpic Megagames1993
SilverballunknownEpic Megagames1993
SilverballunknownEpic Megagames1993
Silverball Plus 2unknownEpic Megagames1993
Sim HealthunknownMaxis1994
SimAntStrategyElectronic Arts1991
SimAntunknownElectronic Arts1991
SimAntunknownElectronic Arts1991
SimAntunknownElectronic Arts1991
SimAntunknownElectronic Arts1991
SimAntAdventureElectronic Arts1991
SimAntunknownElectronic Arts1991
SimAntunknownElectronic Arts1991
SimAntunknownElectronic Arts1991
SimCityStrategyElectronic Arts1991
SimCityStrategyElectronic Arts1991
SimCityunknownElectronic Arts1991
SimCityunknownElectronic Arts1991
SimCityunknownElectronic Arts1991
SimCityRPGElectronic Arts1991
SimCityRPGElectronic Arts1991
SimCityunknownElectronic Arts1991
SimCityAdventureElectronic Arts1991
SimCityActionElectronic Arts1991
SimCityActionElectronic Arts1991
SimCityunknownElectronic Arts1991
SimCityunknownElectronic Arts1991
SimCityunknownElectronic Arts1991
SimCity 2000StrategyMaxis1994
SimCity 2000StrategyElectronic Arts1994
SimCity 2000unknownElectronic Arts1994
SimCity 2000unknownElectronic Arts1994
SimCity 2000unknownElectronic Arts1994
SimCity 2000unknownElectronic Arts1994
SimCity 2000unknownElectronic Arts1994
SimCity 2000 Scenarios Vol. I: Great DisastersActionElectronic Arts1994
SimCity 2000 Scenarios Vol. I: Great DisastersunknownElectronic Arts1994
SimCity 2000 Szenarien Teil 1: Grosse KatastrophenunknownElectronic Arts1994
SimCity 2000: Berlin 1994RPGElectronic Arts1994
SimCity 2000: Urban Renewal KitunknownElectronic Arts1994
SimCity 2000: Urban Renewal KitunknownElectronic Arts1994
SimCity ClassicunknownMaxis Software1993
SimCity ClassicunknownMaxis Software1993
SimCity ClassicunknownMaxis Software1993
SimCity Classic GraphicsunknownMaxis Software1993
SimCity Graphics Set 1: Ancient CitiesunknownElectronic Arts1991
SimCity Graphics Set 2: Future CitiesunknownElectronic Arts1991
SimCity Graphics Set 2: Future CitiesRPGElectronic Arts1991
SimCity Graphics Set 2: Future CitiesunknownElectronic Arts1991
SimCity Graphics Set 2: Future CitiesunknownElectronic Arts1991
SimCity Graphics Set 2: Future CitiesunknownElectronic Arts1991
SimCity Terrain EditorActionElectronic Arts1991
SimCity Terrain EditorunknownElectronic Arts1991
SimCity Terrain EditorRPGElectronic Arts1991
SimCity Terrain EditorunknownElectronic Arts1991
SimCity Terrain EditorunknownElectronic Arts1991
SimCity Terrain EditorunknownElectronic Arts1991
SimCity Terrain EditorunknownElectronic Arts1991
SimEarth: The Living PlanetStrategyMaxis1990
SimEarth: The Living PlanetStrategyMaxis1990
SimEarth: The Living PlanetunknownMaxis1990
SimEarth: The Living PlanetunknownMaxis1990
SimEarth: The Living PlanetunknownMaxis1990
SimEarth: The Living PlanetunknownMaxis1990
SimEarth: The Living PlanetunknownMaxis1990
SimEarth: The Living PlanetunknownMaxis1990
SimEarth: The Living PlanetunknownMaxis1990
SimFarmunknownElectronic Arts1993
SimFarmunknownElectronic Arts1993
SimFarmunknownElectronic Arts1993
SimLifeunknownElectronic Arts1992
SimLifeunknownElectronic Arts1992
SimLifeAdventureElectronic Arts1992
SimLifeunknownElectronic Arts1992
SimLifeunknownElectronic Arts1992
SimLifeunknownElectronic Arts1992
Simon the SorcererAdventureAdventure Soft1993
Simon the SorcererAdventureAdventuresoft1991
Simon the SorcererAdventureAdventuresoft1991
Simon the SorcererunknownAdventuresoft1991
Simon the SorcererunknownAdventuresoft1991
Simon the SorcererunknownAdventuresoft1991
Simon the SorcererunknownAdventuresoft1991
Simon the SorcererunknownAdventuresoft1991
Simon the SorcererunknownAdventuresoft1991
Simon the SorcererunknownAdventuresoft1991
Simon the Sorcerer 2: The Lion, the Wizard and the WardrobeAdventureAdventuresoft2000
Simon the Sorcerer II: The Lion, the Wizard and the WardrobeAdventureAdventure Soft1995
SimTower: The Vertical EmpireStrategyMaxis1994
SimTower: The Vertical EmpireStrategyMaxis Software1994
SimTower: The Vertical EmpireunknownMaxis Software1994
SimutransStrategySimutrans Community1999
Sink or SwimunknownZeppelin1993
Six Silver BulletsAdventureWilliam Dooling2018
Sixth Sense InvestigationsAdventureCineTech1998
Skate DragonunknownIris Soft1990
Skate or DieunknownElectronic Arts1987
Skate or DieunknownElectronic Arts1987
Skate or Die!SportElectronic Arts1987
Skeleton KrewActionCore Design1995
Ski or DieActionElectronic Arts1990
Skool DazeAdventureMicrosphere1985
Skool Daze: Klass of '99AdventureRichard Jordan1999
Sky KidActionNamco1986
Sky RunnerunknownSpinnaker1987
Sky RunnerunknownSpinnaker1987
Sky SharkunknownTaito1989
SkyRoadsSportBluemoon Software1993
Slam Tilt: The Pinball GameAction21st Century Entertainment1996
Slipstream 5000SportThe Software Refinery1995
Snake Rattle 'n' RollActionRare1989
SnoopyunknownThe Edge1990
Snoopy's Game ClubunknownAccolade1992
SnowquestAdventureEric Eve2009
Soccer KidSportKrisalis1993
Software ManagerStrategyKaiko1994
Soko-BanPuzzleASCII Corporation1984
Sol NegrounknownOpera Soft1988
Solar Jetman: Hunt for the Golden WarpshipActionRare1990
Solar Winds SagaAction1993
Solitaire's JourneyPuzzleDestiny Software Productions1992
Solitaire's JourneyPuzzleQQP1992
Solitaire's JourneyunknownQQP1992
Solo FlightSimulationMicroProse1983
Solo FlightSimulationMicroprose1983
Solomon's KeyPuzzleTecmo1988
Solomon's Key 2PuzzleTecmo1993
Solstice: The Quest of the Staff of DemnosAdventureSoftware Creations1990
Sonic the HedgehogActionSega1991
SopwithActionBMB Compuscience1984
Sorcerer of the Claymorgue CastleunknownAdventure International1993
Sorcerian: Master ScenariounknownSierra1990
Soul CrystalAdventureStarbyte1992
SoullessActionPsytronik Software2012
Space 1889unknownParagon1991
Space AssassinRPGPuffin Books1985
Space BattlesunknownKeypunch Software1987
Space CavernActionApollo1981
Space Commanders IIActionajf1983
Space CrusadeStrategyGremlin1992
Space CrusadeStrategyGremlin Graphics1992
Space CrusadeStrategyGremlin Graphics1992
Space FederationunknownInterplay1994
Space GuardianunknownOmric Corporation1982
Space HarrierunknownSEGA1989
Space HulkStrategyElectronic Arts1993
Space HulkStrategyElectronic Arts1993
Space JobActionKarstadt AG1993
Space M+A+XunknownFinal Frontier Software1986
Space Marines: The Steel EmperorStrategySoftware 20001995
Space Quest 1: The Sarien EncounterAdventureSierra1987
Space Quest 2: Vohaul's RevengeAdventureSierra1987
Space Quest 2: Vohaul's RevengeAdventureSierra1987
Space Quest 2: Vohaul's RevengeAdventureSierra1987
Space Quest 2: Vohaul's RevengeunknownSierra1987
Space Quest 3: The Pirates of PestulonAdventureSierra1989
Space Quest 4: Roger Wilco and the Time RippersAdventureSierra1991
Space Quest 5 Patch DiskunknownSierra1993
Space Quest 5 Patch DiskunknownSierra1993
Space Quest 5: Die Nächste MutationunknownSierra1993
Space Quest 5: The Next MutationunknownSierra1993
Space Quest 5: The Next MutationunknownSierra1993
Space Quest 5: The Next MutationunknownSierra1993
Space Quest I: The Sarien EncounterAdventureSierra On-Line1991
Space Quest II: Vohaul's RevengeAdventureSierra On-Line1987
Space Quest V: The Next MutationAdventureDynamix1993
Space RogueSimulationGryphon Software1989
Space School Simulator: The AcademyunknownCRL Group PLC1987
Space StrikeunknownDatamost1982
Space TaxiPuzzleMuse1984
Space Taxi 2ActionTwilight Games2004
SpacewarActionB Seiler1985
Spaceward Ho!unknownNew World Computing1992
Spacewrecked: 14 Billion Light Years From EarthunknownCelestial Software1991
Spear of Destinyunknownid Software1992
Spear of Destinyunknownid Software1992
Spear of Destinyunknownid Software1992
Spear of DestinySimulationid Software1992
Spear of Destiny Mission 2: Return to Dangerunknownid Software1992
Spear of Destiny Mission 3: Ultimate Challengeunknownid Software1992
Special ForcesunknownMicroprose1992
Special ForcesunknownMicroprose1992
Special ForcesunknownMicroprose1992
Spectre ChallengerunknownVelocity1992
Speed HasteSportNoriaworks1995
Speed Racer in The Challenge of Racer XunknownAccolade1993
SpeedballSportBitmap Brothers1988
SpeedballunknownBitmap Brothers1988
SpeedballAdventureBitmap Brothers1988
Speedball 2: Brutal DeluxeSportBitmap Brothers1990
Speedball 2: Brutal DeluxeSportImage Works1990
Speedball 2: Brutal DeluxeunknownImage Works1990
Spellcasting 101: Sorcerers Get All the GirlsAdventureLegend Entertainment1990
Spellcasting 101: Sorcerers Get All the GirlsAdventureLegend Entertainment1990
Spellcasting 101: Sorcerers Get All the GirlsunknownLegend Entertainment1990
Spellcasting 101: Sorcerers Get All the GirlsSimulationLegend Entertainment1990
Spellcasting 201: The Sorcerer's ApplianceAdventureLegend Entertainment1991
Spellcasting 301: Spring BreakAdventureLegend Entertainment1992
Spellcasting 301: Spring BreakAdventureLegend1992
Spellcasting 301: Spring BreakunknownLegend1992
Spellcasting 301: Spring BreakAdventureLegend1992
Spellcasting 301: Spring BreakunknownLegend1992
SpellCraft: Aspects of ValorRPGAsciiware1992
Spelljammer: Pirates of RealmspaceunknownSSI1992
Spelljammer: Pirates of RealmspaceunknownSSI1992
Spelljammer: Pirates of RealmspaceunknownSSI1992
Spelljammer: Pirates of RealmspaceunknownSSI1992
Spider and WebAdventureAndrew Plotkin1998
SpiderbotunknownAddictive Games1988
SpidertronicPuzzleERE Informatique1988
SpiralAdventureJustin Morgan2012
Spirit of ExcaliburStrategyVirgin Games1990
Spiritual WarfareunknownWisdom Tree1993
Spitfire AceunknownAtari1984
Spitfire AceunknownAtari1984
Spoils of WarStrategyGerman Design Group1992
Spoils of WarStrategyGerman Design Group1992
Sports MastersunknownEmpire1993
Sports SpectacularunknownKeypunch Software1988
Spot: The Video Game!PuzzleArcadia1990
Spy HunterunknownSEGA1984
SSN-21 SeawolfunknownElectronic Arts1994
St. ThomasStrategySphinx1994
Star CommandunknownSSI1988
Star CommandunknownSSI1988
Star ControlStrategyAccolade1990
Star ControlunknownToys for Bob1990
Star ControlunknownToys for Bob1990
Star Control 2unknownToys for Bob1992
Star Control 2unknownToys for Bob1992
Star Control II: The Ur-Quan MastersRPGAccolade1992
Star CrusaderunknownTake-Two1994
Star Fleet 2: Krellan CommanderunknownInterstel1989
Star Fleet I: The War Begins!SimulationInterstel Corporation1983
Star Fleet I: The War Begins!unknownCygnus1983
Star Fleet II: Krellan CommanderSimulationInterstel Corporation1989
Star GeneralStrategyMindscape1996
Star Goose!unknownLogotron1988
Star Goose!unknownLogotron1988
Star Goose!PuzzleLogotron1988
Star Goose!unknownLogotron1988
Star LegionsunknownMindcraft1992
Star PackunknownLogotron1992
Star Saga: Two - The Clathran MenaceunknownMasterPlay1989
Star Trek 5: The Final FrontierunknownLevel Systems1989
Star Trek 5: The Final FrontierunknownLevel Systems1989
Star Trek 5: The Final FrontierunknownLevel Systems1989
Star Trek: 25th AnniversaryAdventureInterplay1992
Star Trek: Judgement RitesunknownInterplay1993
Star Trek: Judgement RitesAdventureInterplay1993
Star Trek: Judgement RitesStrategyInterplay1993
Star Trek: Judgement Rites - Movie & Sound PackunknownInterplay1993
Star Trek: Judgment RitesActionInterplay1993
Star Trek: The Kobayashi AlternativeunknownMicromosaics1985
Star WarsunknownAtari1989
Star Wars ChessunknownSoftware Toolworks1993
Star Wars RebellionStrategyLucasArts1998
Star Wars: Rebel AssaultActionLucasArts1993
StarflightRPGBinary Systems1987
StarflightRPGElectronic Arts1987
StarflightunknownElectronic Arts1987
StarflightunknownElectronic Arts1987
Starflight 2unknownBinary Systems1989
Starflight 2unknownBinary Systems1989
Starflight 2RPGBinary Systems1989
Starship TravellerRPGPuffin Books1983
Startropics: A Test of Island Courage!AdventureLocomotive1990
Steam SkyStrategyBartek Jasicki2016
Steel MachineActionSPC Vision1993
Steel ThunderunknownAccolade1989
Steel ThunderunknownAccolade1989
Steigenberger HotelmanagerStrategyFirst Step1991
Stellar 7unknownSoftware Entertainment Company1990
Stellar 7ActionSoftware Entertainment Company1990
Stellar CrusadeunknownSSI1988
Stellar CrusadeunknownSSI1988
Stellar EmpiresStrategyTahuya Bay Software1993
Stir Crazy featuring BobounknownInfogrames1988
Stone AgePuzzleEclipse Productions1992
Stop the ExpressActionHudson Soft1983
Storm Across EuropeunknownSSI1990
Storm Masterunknown1992
Stormovik: SU-25 Soviet Attack FighterunknownElectronic Arts1990
Strategy GamesunknownKeypunch Software1987
Street FighterunknownCapcom1988
Street FighterunknownCapcom1988
Street FighterunknownCapcom1988
Street Fighter IIActionCapcom1992
Street Fighter IIunknownCapcom1992
Street Fighter IIunknownCapcom1992
Street Fighter II: The World WarriorActionU.S. Gold1992
Street Fighting ManunknownMastertronic1989
Street RodSportCalifornia Dreams1990
Street RodunknownCalifornia Dreams1990
Street RodunknownCalifornia Dreams1990
Street Rod 2unknownCalifornia Dreams1991
Street Rod 2unknownCalifornia Dreams1991
StrifeRPGRogue Entertainment1996
Strike AcesunknownActivision1989
Strike BaseActionMax Design1996
Strike CommanderunknownElectronic Arts1993
Strike CommanderSimulationElectronic Arts1993
Strike CommanderSimulationElectronic Arts1993
Strike Commander Speech PackunknownElectronic Arts1993
Strike Commander: Tactical OperationsRPGElectronic Arts1993
Strike Commander: Tactical OperationsSimulationElectronic Arts1993
Strike Commander: Tactical OperationsunknownElectronic Arts1993
Strike FleetunknownLucas Arts1988
Strike ForceunknownKeypunch Software1993
Strike ForceunknownKeypunch Software1993
Strike SquadunknownMindcraft1993
StrikerActionDerek Williams1985
Strip Poker 2unknownArtworxs1988
Strip Poker ProfessionalunknownArtworxs1993
Strip Poker Professional Data Disk 1: Kathy & MorganActionArtworxs1993
Strip Poker Professional Data Disk 10: Allison & MeganActionArtworxs1993
Strip Poker Professional Data Disk 11: Amy & JessicaActionArtworxs1993
Strip Poker Professional Data Disk 12: Christi & RebeccaActionArtworxs1993
Strip Poker Professional Data Disk 13: Barbra & MeredithActionArtworxs1993
Strip Poker Professional Data Disk 14: Erika & SergioActionArtworxs1993
Strip Poker Professional Data Disk 15: Jill & MarianneActionArtworxs1993
Strip Poker Professional Data Disk 16: Cindy & MichelleActionArtworxs1993
Strip Poker Professional Data Disk 2: Jack & SamanthaActionArtworxs1993
Strip Poker Professional Data Disk 3: Gina & HollyActionArtworxs1993
Strip Poker Professional Data Disk 4: Desiree & StaceyActionArtworxs1993
Strip Poker Professional Data Disk 5: Kelly & MaureenActionArtworxs1993
Strip Poker Professional Data Disk 6: Melissa & SuziActionArtworxs1993
Strip Poker Professional Data Disk 7: Maria & TraciActionArtworxs1993
Strip Poker Professional Data Disk 8: Donna & VickyActionArtworxs1993
Strip Poker Professional Data Disk 9: Lisa & MikeActionArtworxs1993
Stunt Car RacerSportMicrostyle1988
Stunt Car RacerunknownMicroprose1988
Stunt Car RacerPuzzleMicroprose1988
Stunt Car RacerunknownMicroprose1988
Stunt DriverunknownSpectrum Holobyte1990
Stunt DriverunknownSpectrum Holobyte1990
Stunt DriverunknownSpectrum Holobyte1990
Stunt IslandSimulationDisney1992
Stunt IslandunknownDisney1992
Stunt IslandunknownDisney1992
StyxunknownWindmill Software1983
Suburban CommandounknownAlternative Software1993
Subwar 2050unknownMicroprose1994
Summer Games 2unknownEpyx1986
Summer OlympiadunknownTynesoft1988
Sunday AfternoonAdventureChristopher Huang2012
Sunny Shine – On the Funny Side of LifeAdventureRainbow Arts1990
Sunset RidersActionKonami1993
SupaplexPuzzleThink!Ware Development1991
SupaplexPuzzleThink!Ware Development1991
Super CActionKonami1990
Super CarsSportMagnetic Fields1990
Super Castlevania IVActionKonami1991
Super CauldronunknownTitus1992
Super ContraActionDistinctive Software1990
Super Football SundayunknownAvalon Hill1985
Super Hang-Onunknown?1987
Super Huey IIunknownCosmi Corporation1988
Super Jeopardy!PuzzleGameTek1991
Super Jeopardy!PuzzleGameTek1991
Super Jeopardy!unknownGameTek1991
Super Jeopardy!unknownGameTek1991
Super Mario Bros. Print WorldunknownHi Tech Expressions1991
Super Mario Bros. Print WorldunknownHi Tech Expressions1991
Super Mario LandActionNintendo1989
Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden CoinsActionNintendo1992
Super MetroidActionNintendo1994
Super Off RoadActionTradewest1992
Super SkiunknownMicroids1990
Super SkiunknownMicroids1990
Super Solvers: Challenge of the Ancient Empires!unknownThe Learning Co1990
Super Solvers: Outnumbered!unknownThe Learning Co1990
Super Solvers: Treasure Mountain!unknownThe Learning Company1990
Super Solvers: Treasure Mountain!unknownThe Learning Company1990
Super Space InvadersunknownTaito1991
Super Space InvadersunknownTaito1991
Super Space InvadersunknownTaito1991
Super Space InvadersunknownTaito1991
Super SprintSportAtari Games1986
Super Street Fighter II TurboActionGameTek1996
Super Street Fighter II: The New ChallengersActionCapcom1994
Super TennisSportTokyo Shoseki1991
Super TetrisunknownSpectrum Holobyte1991
Super TetrisunknownSpectrum Holobyte1991
Super Wing CommanderActionOrigin1994
Super ZaxxonunknownSEGA1984
Superhero League of HobokenunknownLegend Entertainment1994
Superhero League of HobokenunknownLegend Entertainment1994
SuperKartsActionManic Media Productions1995
Superleague SoccerunknownImpressions1989
Superman: The Man of SteelunknownFirst Star1991
Superski ChallengeunknownMicroids1988
Superstar Ice HockeyunknownMindscape1987
Superstar Ice HockeyunknownMindscape1987
Superstar Indoor SoccerunknownMindscape1987
Superstar Indoor Sports Volume 1unknownMindscape1987
Superstar Outdoor SoccerunknownMindscape1990
Superstar Ping-PongSportSilvertime1986
SuperVoice 2.0unknownPacific Image Communications1995
Supremacy: Your Will Be DoneStrategyProbe1990
Supreme Ruler: Cold WarStrategyParadox Interactive2010
Supreme WarriorActionCrystal Dynamics1993
Survival KidsRPGKonami1999
Sven BømwøllenActionPhenomedia2002
Sweet HomeRPGCapcom1989
SWIVActionRandom Access1991
Sword of AragonStrategySSI1989
Sword of AragonStrategySSI1989
Sword of DestinyActionGremlin1985
Sword of the SamuraiActionMicroProse1989
Sword of the SamuraiRPGPuffin Books1986
Swordquest: EarthworldActionAtari1982
Swordquest: FireworldActionAtari1983
Swordquest: WaterworldActionAtari1983
Symantec Game PackunknownSymantec1991
SyndicateunknownElectronic Arts1993
SyndicateunknownElectronic Arts1993
SyndicateunknownElectronic Arts1993
SyndicateunknownElectronic Arts1993
SyndicateunknownElectronic Arts1993
Syndicate WarsStrategyBullfrog1996
Syndicate: American RevoltActionElectronic Arts1993
Syndicate: American RevoltunknownElectronic Arts1993
System ShockRPGLooking Glass Studios1995
System ShockunknownElectronic Arts1994
System ShockunknownElectronic Arts1994
System ShockunknownElectronic Arts1994
Taco FictionAdventureRyan Veeder2011
TacOpsunknownArsenal Publishing1994
TacOpsunknownArsenal Publishing1994
Tag Team WrestlingunknownData East1986
Taipan for WindowsStrategyThomas J. Carroll2002
Take a Break! PinballunknownSierra1993
Tales of Maj'EyalRPGNetcore Games2012
Tales of the Unknown: The Bard's TaleRPGInterplay1987
Talisman of DeathRPGPuffin Books1984
Tangled TalesunknownOrigin1989
Tank WarsunknownKenneth Morse1990
Tank: The M1A1 Abrams Battle Tank SimulationunknownSphere1989
TapperActionBally Midway1983
TapperActionBally Midway1983
TapperActionBally Midway1983
Task Force 1942SimulationMicroProse1992
Task Force 1942SimulationAtari1992
Tass Times in Tone TownunknownActivision1985
Tau CetiunknownCRL Group1985
Tavern CrawlerRPGJosh Labelle2020
Taz-ManiaActionRecreational Brainware1992
Tchibo Spiele PaketunknownTchibo-Software1995
Teacher BustersActionM. Breyer1985
Team SuzukiunknownKonami1991
Team SuzukiunknownKonami1991
Team YankeeunknownOxford Digital Enterprises1990
Ted Paladin and the Case of the Abandoned HouseAdventureAnssi Räisänen2011
Teenage Mutant Hero TurtlesunknownImage Works1990
Teenage Mutant Ninja TurtlesunknownImage Works1990
Teenage QueenunknownERE Informatique1988
TeenagentAdventureMetropolis Software House1995
TelengardRPGAvalon Hill1985
Tempest 2000ActionLlamasoft1994
Temple of Apshai TrilogyunknownEpyx1985
Temple of TerrorRPGPuffin Books1985
Tender Loving CarePuzzleAftermath1998
Tenth PlagueAdventureLynnea Dally2011
Terminal Interface for Models RCM301-303AdventureVigiMech Corporation2018
Terminal VelocityunknownApogee1995
Terminator 2unknownOcean1991
Terminator 2: The Arcade GameunknownAcclaim1993
Terminator 2: The Arcade GameunknownAcclaim1993
Terminator RampageActionBethesda Softworks1993
TerraquakeAdventureAdventure Soft1985
Terror of the CatacombsunknownSoftdisk1993
Terror of the CatacombsunknownSoftdisk1993
Test DriveActionAccolade1987
Test DriveunknownAccolade1987
Test Drive 2unknownAccolade1989
Test Drive 2 Scenery Disk: European ChallengeunknownAccolade1989
Test Drive III: Road & CarunknownAccolade1990
Test Drive III: The PassionunknownAccolade1990
TetrisPuzzleSpectrum Holobyte1989
TetrisunknownSpectrum Holobyte1989
TetrisunknownSpectrum Holobyte1989
Tetris TriounknownSpectrum Holobyte1992
Tetris: The Soviet ChallengeStrategySpectrum HoloByte1988
Tex Bonaventure and the Temple of the Water of LifeAdventureJim Warrenfeltz2013
The 7th GuestPuzzleTrilobyte1993
The Addams FamilyActionOcean1991
The Adventures of Captain Comic 2unknownColor Dreams1990
The Adventures of Robin HoodAdventureMillennium1991
The All New Family FeudunknownShareData1989
The Alpine EncounterunknownRandom House1985
The Amazing Spider-ManunknownParagon1990
The Amazon TrailunknownMECC1993
The Ancient Art of War in the SkiesunknownMicroprose1992
The Barber of SadvilleAdventureTim Browse2007
The Bard's Tale II: Destiny KnightRPGInterplay1986
The Bard's Tale III: Thief of FateRPGInterplay1988
The Bard's Tale 2: The Destiny KnightRPGInterplay1986
The Bard's Tale 2: The Destiny KnightunknownInterplay1986
The Bard's Tale 2: The Destiny KnightunknownInterplay1986
The Bard's Tale 3: Thief of FateRPGInterplay1988
The Bard's Tale Construction SetunknownInterplay1991
The Bard's Tale Construction SetunknownInterplay1991
The Bard's Tale Construction SetunknownInterplay1991
The Bard's Tale: Tales of the UnknownRPGInterplay1987
The Bard's Tale: Tales of the UnknownunknownInterplay1987
The Bard's Tale: Tales of the UnknownAdventureInterplay1987
The Basket ManagerunknownSimulmondo1990
The Beverly HillbilliesunknownCapstone1993
The Big Deal - Ante-Up at the Friday Night Poker Clubunknown?1990
The Big Deal - Ante-Up at the Friday Night Poker Clubunknown?1990
The Big Deal - Gin King-Cribbage Kingunknown?1989
The Big Deal - Trump Castleunknown?1988
The Big Deal - Trump Castleunknown?1988
The Black CauldronunknownSierra1986
The Black CauldronunknownSierra1986
The Black CauldronunknownSierra1986
The Black CauldronRPGSierra1986
The Black CauldronunknownSierra1986
The Black CauldronunknownSierra1986
The Black LilyAdventureHannes Schueller2014
The Blackwell LegacyAdventureWadjet Eye Games2006
The Blue & the GrayunknownImpressions1993
The Bugs Bunny Hare-Brained AdventureActionHi Tech Expressions1990
The Cardinal of the KremlinunknownIntraCorp1990
The Carl Lewis ChallengeStrategyTeque1992
The Case of the Cautious CondorAdventureTiger Media1991
The Castle of Dr BrainPuzzleSierra1991
The Castle of Dr BrainunknownSierra1991
The Catacomb AbyssunknownSoftdisk1992
The CaveAdventureEway 10 Software2005
The Chaos Engine 2ActionBitmap Brothers1996
The Charge of the Light BrigadeunknownImpressions1991
The Chase on Tom Sawyer's IslandunknownDisney1987
The Chessmaster 3000unknownSoftware Toolworks1991
The Chessmaster 3000unknownSoftware Toolworks1991
The Child MurdererAdventureMichael Zerbo1994
The Citadel of ChaosRPGPuffin Books1983
The Clue!Strategyneo Software1994
The Colonel's BequestAdventureSierra1989
The Colonel's BequestAdventureSierra1989
The Colonel's BequestunknownSierra1989
The Colonel's BequestunknownSierra1989
The Complete Universal Military SimulatorunknownIDI1993
The Computer Edition of Risk: The World Conquest GameunknownLeisure Genius1989
The Curse of Monkey IslandAdventureLucasArts1997
The Curse of RabensteinAdventurePuddle Soft2020
The CyclesunknownAccolade1989
The Daedalus EncounterAdventureMechadeus1995
The Dame Was LoadedAdventureBeam Software1996
The Dark HalfunknownCapstone1992
The Dark Heart of UukrulRPGBrøderbund1990
The Dark Heart of UukrulRPGBroderbund1990
The Dark Heart of UukrulRPGBroderbund1990
The Dark Heart of UukrulunknownBroderbund1990
The Dark Queen of KrynnunknownSSI1992
The Dark Queen of KrynnStrategySSI1992
The Dark Queen of KrynnunknownSSI1992
The Detective GameAdventureArgus Press Software1986
The DigAdventureLucasArts1995
The Dream TeamunknownOcean1992
The Duel in the SnowAdventureUtkonos2009
The Elder Scrolls: ArenaRPGBethesda Softworks1994
The Elder Scrolls: ArenaunknownBethesda1994
The Elfen Maiden: A Comedy of Error MessagesAdventureAdam Le Doux2011
The End of He-Man!AdventureMr Creosote2002
The Entropy CageAdventureStormrose2014
The Even More! Incredible MachineunknownSierra1993
The Even More! Incredible MachineunknownSierra1993
The Even More! Incredible MachineActionSierra1993
The Faery Tale Adventure: Book 1unknownMicroIllusions1988
The Faery Tale Adventure: Book 1unknownMicroIllusions1988
The Faery Tale Adventure: Book 1unknownMicroIllusions1988
The Feeble FilesPuzzleAdventure Soft1997
The Forest of DoomRPGPuffin Books1983
The Fourth ProtocolStrategyHutchinson Computer Publishing1985
The GamblerunknownKeypunch Software1985
The Games '92: EspañaunknownOcean1992
The Games '92: EspañaunknownOcean1992
The Games: Summer ChallengeunknownAccolade1992
The Games: Summer EditionunknownEpyx1988
The Games: Winter ChallengeunknownAccolade1991
The Gene Machine – The Great British AdventureAdventureDivide By Zero1996
The Godfather: The Action GameunknownCreative Materials1991
The Gold of the AztecsunknownKinetica1990
The Grandest FleetunknownQQP1994
The Great Giana SistersActionTime Warp1987
The Great War: 1914-1918StrategyBlue Byte1992
The Guild of ThievesAdventureMagnetic Scrolls1987
The Guild of ThievesAdventureMagnetic Scrolls1987
The Hand of FateAdventureWestwood Studios1993
The Heart of SalamanderlandActionJuan J. Martínez2024
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the GalaxyAdventureInfocom1984
The HobbitAdventureMelbourne House1982
The Hollywood MurdersAdventureMichael Zerbo1996
The Holy GrailunknownHayden1984
The HordeStrategyCrystal Dynamics1993
The Hound of ShadowAdventureEldritch Games1989
The Hound of the BaskervillesPuzzleOn-Line1991
The HoursAdventureRobert Patten2011
The House at the End of Rosewood StreetAdventureMichael Thomét2013
The HulkunknownLoad'N'Go1984
The HumansunknownGameTek1992
The HumansunknownGameTek1992
The HumansunknownGameTek1992
The HumansunknownGameTek1992
The HumansunknownGameTek1992
The Humans 2unknownGameTek1993
The Hunt for Red OctoberActionBeam Software1991
The Hunt for Red OctoberunknownOxford Digital Enterprises1987
The Imagination NetworkunknownSierra1994
The Imagination NetworkunknownSierra1994
The Immortalunknown1991
The Impossible BottleAdventureLinus Åkesson2020
The IncidentPuzzleKHAN Games2015
The Incredible HulkActionU.S. Gold1994
The Incredible MachineunknownSierra1992
The Incredible MachineunknownSierra1992
The Incredible MachineunknownSierra1992
The Incredible Machine 2unknownSierra1994
The Incredible Machine 2RPGSierra1994
The Incredible Machine 2unknownSierra1994
The Incredible Toon MachineunknownSierra1994
The IslandAdventureAndy Brown2012
The Island of Dr BrainPuzzleSierra1992
The Island of Dr BrainRPGSierra1992
The Island of Dr Brain - PatchRPGSierra1992
The Island of Dr Brain - PatchunknownSierra1992
The Island of Dr. BrainPuzzleSierra On-Line1992
The Jungle BookunknownVirgin1995
The Keys to MaramonunknownMindcraft1990
The King of ChicagoAdventureCinemaware1986
The King of ChicagounknownMindscape1986
The Last ExpressAdventureSmoking Car Productions1997
The Last MissionunknownOpera1987
The Legacy: Realm of TerrorRPGMagnetic Scrolls1992
The Legend of KyrandiaAdventureWestwood Studios1992
The Legend of Kyrandia 2AdventureElectronic Arts1993
The Legend of Kyrandia 2RPGElectronic Arts1993
The Legend of Kyrandia Book Three – Malcolm's RevengeAdventureWestwood Studios1994
The Legend of RagnarokStrategyImagitec1993
The Legend of ZeldaRPGNintendo1986
The Lemmings ChroniclesunknownPsygnosis1994
The Lion KingunknownVirgin Interactive1994
The Lion King Playable DemounknownVirgin Interactive1994
The Lord of the Rings, Vol 1unknownInterplay1990
The Lord of the Rings, Vol 1unknownInterplay1990
The Lord of the Rings, Vol 1unknownInterplay1990
The Lord of the Rings, Vol 2: The Two TowersunknownInterplay1992
The Lord of the Rings, Vol 2: The Two TowersunknownInterplay1992
The Lords of MidnightStrategyBeyond Software1984
The Lost AdmiralunknownQQP1991
The Lost AdmiralunknownQQP1991
The Lost Episodes of DoomunknownID Software1995
The Lost Files of Sherlock HolmesAdventureElectronic Arts1992
The Lost Files of Sherlock HolmesAdventureElectronic Arts1992
The Lost Files of Sherlock HolmesAdventureElectronic Arts1992
The Lost Treasures of InfocomunknownInfocom1991
The Lost Treasures of Infocom Vol IIunknownInfocom1991
The Lost Treasures of Infocom Vol IIunknownInfocom1991
The Lost TribeStrategyLawrence Productions1992
The Lost VikingsStrategyInterplay1993
The Lost VikingsunknownInterplay1993
The Lost VikingsAdventureInterplay1993
The Lost VikingsunknownInterplay1993
The Lost VikingsunknownInterplay1993
The Lost Vikings 2: Norse By NorsewestPuzzleBlizzard Entertainment1995
The Lurking HorrorAdventureInfocom1987
The Lurking HorrorAdventureInfocom1987
The Magic CandleunknownMindcraft1989
The Magic CandleunknownMindcraft1989
The Magic CandleunknownMindcraft1989
The Magic CandleunknownMindcraft1989
The Magic CandleunknownMindcraft1989
The Magic Candle 2unknownMindcraft1991
The Magic Candle 2unknownMindcraft1991
The Magic Candle 2unknownMindcraft1991
The Magic Candle 3unknownMindcraft1992
The Magic Candle 3unknownMindcraft1992
The ManagerStrategySoftware 20001992
The ManagerAdventureSoftware 20001992
The Neverending Story II: The Arcade GameunknownLinel1990
The New York Times Crossword Puzzles Vol. 3unknownShareData1987
The New Zealand StoryActionTaito1988
The Oregon TrailStrategyThe Learning Company1988
The PatricianStrategyAscon1992
The PatricianunknownAscon1992
The Perfect GeneralStrategyWhite Wolf Productions1991
The Perfect GeneralStrategyWhite Wolf1991
The Perfect GeneralunknownWhite Wolf1991
The Perfect GeneralunknownWhite Wolf1991
The Perfect GeneralunknownWhite Wolf1991
The Perfect General IIStrategyQuantum Quality Productions1994
The Perfect General Scenario Disk: World War II Battle SetunknownWhite Wolf1991
The Perfect General Scenario Disk: World War II Battle SetunknownWhite Wolf1991
The Perfect General: Greatest Battles of the 20th CenturyunknownWhite Wolf1991
The President is Missing!unknownCosmi Corporation1988
The ProphecyAdventureCoktel Vision1993
The ProphecyAdventureCoktel Vision1993
The PunisherunknownParagon1990
The Pyramids of EgyptActionSoftdisk1985
The Quest for the Holy GrailAdventureDream Software1984
The Quest for the Time-BirdAdventureInfogrames1989
The Quest for the Time-BirdAdventureInfogrames1989
The Revenge of MoriartyAdventureSpectral Images2019
The Rings of KetherRPGPuffin Books1985
The RocketeerunknownNovaLogic1991
The Sacred Armour of AntiriadActionPalace Software1986
The Savage EmpireRPGOrigin1990
The ScoopunknownTelarium1989
The Scottish Open: Virtual GolfunknownCore Design1995
The Secret Codes of CYPHER: Operation WildlifeunknownTanager1991
The Secret Island of Dr. QuandaryunknownMECC1992
The Secret of Monkey IslandAdventureLucasfilm Games1990
The SentinelActionFirebird1986
The SettlersStrategyBlue Byte1993
The SettlersStrategyBlue Byte1993
The SettlersunknownBlue Byte1993
The Sierra NetworkunknownSierra1992
The Sierra NetworkunknownSierra1992
The Simpsons: Bart vs the Space MutantsunknownAcclaim1991
The Simpsons: Bart vs the Space MutantsunknownAcclaim1991
The Simpsons: Bart vs the Space MutantsunknownAcclaim1991
The SimsStrategyMaxis2000
The SluggerunknownPlatinum Productions1988
The Software Toolworks Game Pack 3unknownSoftware Toolworks1993
The Spy Who Loved MeActionDomark1989
The Strength of NationsunknownIsrael del Rio1988
The SummoningunknownMicroprose1992
The Superhero League of HobokenAdventureLegend Entertainment1994
The Taking of Beverly HillsunknownIntracorp1992
The Taking of Beverly HillsunknownIntracorp1992
The Telwynium: Book One – Winter's DawnAdventurePowerhoof2021
The TerminatorSimulationBethesda Softworks1991
The TerminatorunknownBethesda1991
The TerminatorAdventureBethesda1991
The Terminator 2029unknownBethesda1992
The Terminator: RampageActionBethesda Softworks1993
The Test is Now READYAdventureJim Warrenfeltz2012
The Testament of Sherlock HolmesAdventureFrogwares2012
The Third CourierunknownAccolade1989
The Three StoogesunknownCinemaware1987
The Town With No NameAdventureDelta 4 Interactive1992
The Tracer SanctionunknownActivision1984
The Train GamePuzzleMicrosphere1983
The Train: Escape to NormandyActionAccolade1987
The TreehouseunknownBroderbund1993
The Ultimate Doomunknownid Software1993
The Wacky World of Miniature GolfPuzzlePhilips Sidewalk Studio1993
The Warlock of Firetop MountainRPGPuffin Books1982
The Way of the Exploding FistSportMelbourne House1985
The Way of the TigerActionGremlin1986
The Wicker WomanAdventureKevin McGrorty2011
The WitnessAdventureInfocom1983
The World's Greatest Baseball GameunknownEpyx1985
Theatre of WarunknownPsygnosis1992
Theatre of WarRPGPsygnosis1992
Theatre of WarunknownThree-Sixty Pacific1992
Their Finest Hour: The Battle of BritainunknownLucas Arts1989
Their Finest Hour: The Battle of BritainunknownLucas Arts1989
Theme HospitalStrategyBullfrog1997
Theme ParkStrategyBullfrog1994
Theme ParkStrategyElectronic Arts1994
Theme ParkunknownElectronic Arts1994
Theme Park MysteryunknownKonami1990
Theme Park MysteryunknownKonami1990
There is Only PowerStrategyporousnapkin2015
ThexderActionGame Arts1987
They Stole a MillionStrategyAriolasoft1986
Thimbleweed ParkAdventureTerrible Toybox2017
Thimbleweed Park - Spritesheet DiskAdventureTerrible Toybox2017
Thunder BladeunknownSEGA1989
Thunder BladeunknownSEGA1989
Thunder BladeunknownSEGA1989
Thunderhawk AH-73MunknownVirgin1991
Tie FighterunknownLucas Arts1995
Tie FighterAdventureLucas Arts1995
Tie FighterunknownLucas Arts1995
Tie FighterunknownLucas Arts1995
Tie FighterAdventureLucas Arts1995
Tie FighterAdventureLucas Arts1995
Tie FighterunknownLucas Arts1995
Tie FighterunknownLucas Arts1995
Tie FighterunknownLucas Arts1995
Tie Fighter DemounknownLucas Arts1995
Tie Fighter DemounknownLucas Arts1995
Tie Fighter: Defender of the EmpireunknownLucas Arts1995
Tie Fighter: Defender of the EmpireunknownLucas Arts1995
Tie Fighter: Defender of the EmpireunknownLucas Arts1995
Tiger RoadunknownUS Gold1989
Tigers on the Prowl 2unknownHPS1996
Time CommandoActionAdeline Software1996
Time Gate: Knight's ChaseAdventureInfogrames1995
Time ZoneAdventureOn-Line Systems1982
TimequestAdventureLegend Entertainment1991
TimequestAdventureLegend Entertainment1991
Timothy Leary's Mind MirrorunknownElectronic Arts1985
Tintin on the Moonunknown1989
Tiny SkweeksunknownInline1992
Tiny SkweeksunknownInline1992
Tiny SkweeksunknownInline1992
Titus the Fox: to Marrakech and BackActionTitus1991
Toi Acid GameunknownIber Soft1989
Tom and JerryunknownHi-Tech Expressions1991
TomahawkSimulationDigital Integration1985
Tomb RaiderPuzzleCore Design1996
Tony & Friends in Kellogg's LandActionFactor 51994
Tony La Russa Baseball IIunknownSSI1993
Tony La Russa's Ultimate BaseballunknownSSI1991
Tony La Russa's Ultimate BaseballunknownSSI1991
Top Gun: Danger ZoneunknownKonami1991
Torin's PassageAdventureSierra On-Line1995
TornadounknownSpectrum Holobyte1993
TornadounknownSpectrum Holobyte1993
Tornado: Operation Desert StormunknownSpectrum Holobyte1993
Total EclipseunknownSpotlight1989
Touché – The Adventures of the 5th MusketeerAdventureU.S. Gold1995
TowerStrategyBAO Ltd.1996
TrafficAdventureDan S. Yu2024
Trail BlazerActionMr Chip Software1986
TrailblazerSportShadowBit Interactive2004
TransparentAdventureHanon Ondricek2014
TransplantActionJumping Jack Flash1992
Transport TycoonStrategyMicroProse1994
Transport TycoonStrategyMicroprose1994
Transport TycoonunknownMicroprose1994
Transport Tycoon Scenario and Alternate GraphicsunknownMicroprose1994
Traps 'n' TreasuresActionNightingale1993
Treasure TrapunknownElectronic Zoo1990
Treasures of the Savage FrontierunknownSSI1992
Treasures of the Savage FrontierunknownSSI1992
Treasures of the Savage FrontierStrategySSI1992
Treasures of the Savage FrontierunknownSSI1992
Trial of ChampionsRPGPuffin Books1986
Triple Action Volume 2unknown1993
TripleAStrategySean Bridges & Others2001
Trivia 101unknownIBM1984
Trivial PursuitunknownOxford Digital Enterprises1987
TroddlersPuzzleSales Curve Interactive1993
TroddlersPuzzleAtod Design KB1993
Troll's TaleunknownSierra1984
TrollsActionFlair Software1992
True LiesActionBeam Software1994
TruggPuzzleDigital Workshop1995
Trump Castle IIunknownCapstone1991
Tube WarriorsActionDynabyte1994
Tubular WorldsunknownDongleware1994
Tunnels & Trolls: Crusaders of KhazanunknownNew World Computing1990
Tunnels & Trolls: Crusaders of KhazanunknownNew World Computing1990
Tunnels of Armageddonunknown1989
Turbo Out RununknownSega1990
TurricanActionRainbow Arts1990
TV and Cinema 101unknownIBM1984
TV Sports BasketballSportCinemaware1990
TV Sports FootballunknownCinemaware1988
TV Sports FootballunknownCinemaware1988
TV Sports FootballunknownCinemaware1988
Twilight: 2000unknownMicroprose1991
Twilight: 2000unknownMicroprose1991
Twilight: 2000unknownMicroprose1991
Ufo: Enemy UnknownStrategyMythos1994
Ufo: Enemy UnknownAdventureMythos1994
Ufo: Enemy UnknownAdventureMythos1994
Ufo: Enemy UnknownRPGMythos1994
Ufo: Enemy UnknownunknownMythos1994
UFO: Enemy UnknownunknownMythos1994
Ugh!PuzzlePlay Byte1992
UltimaRPGCalifornia Pacific Computer1981
Ultima 1: The First Age of DarknessRPGOrigin1986
Ultima 1: The First Age of DarknessRPGOrigin1986
Ultima 1: The First Age of DarknessSimulationOrigin1986
Ultima 2: The Revenge of the EnchantressRPGOrigin1982
Ultima 2: The Revenge of the EnchantressSimulationOrigin1982
Ultima 3: ExodusunknownOrigin1985
Ultima 3: ExodusSimulationOrigin1985
Ultima 4: Quest for the AvatarRPGElectronic Arts1987
Ultima 4: Quest for the AvatarRPGElectronic Arts1987
Ultima 5: Warriors of DestinyRPGElectronic Arts1988
Ultima 5: Warriors of DestinyRPGElectronic Arts1988
Ultima 5: Warriors of DestinyunknownElectronic Arts1988
Ultima 6: The False ProphetRPGElectronic Arts1990
Ultima 6: The False ProphetunknownElectronic Arts1990
Ultima 6: The False ProphetRPGElectronic Arts1990
Ultima 6: The False ProphetStrategyElectronic Arts1990
Ultima 6: The False ProphetunknownElectronic Arts1990
Ultima 7, part II: Serpent IsleRPGElectronic Arts1993
Ultima 7, part II: Serpent IsleAdventureElectronic Arts1993
Ultima 7, part II: Serpent IsleunknownElectronic Arts1993
Ultima 7, part II: The Silver SeedRPGElectronic Arts1993
Ultima 7, part II: The Silver SeedunknownElectronic Arts1993
Ultima 7: Die Schwarze PforteRPGElectronic Arts1992
Ultima 7: Die Schwarze PforteAdventureElectronic Arts1992
Ultima 7: Die Schwarze PforteRPGElectronic Arts1992
Ultima 7: Die Schwarze PforteunknownElectronic Arts1992
Ultima 7: The Black GateunknownElectronic Arts1992
Ultima 7: The Black GateunknownElectronic Arts1992
Ultima 7: The Black GateAdventureElectronic Arts1992
Ultima 7: The Black GateunknownElectronic Arts1992
Ultima 7: The Black GateunknownElectronic Arts1992
Ultima 7: The Forge of VirtueRPGElectronic Arts1992
Ultima 8 Speech PackRPGElectronic Arts1994
Ultima 8: PaganRPGElectronic Arts1994
Ultima I: The First Age of DarknessRPGOrigin1986
Ultima II: The Revenge of the EnchantressRPGOrigin1982
Ultima III: ExodusRPGOrigin1983
Ultima IV: Quest of the AvatarRPGOrigin1987
Ultima IX: AscensionRPGOrigin1999
Ultima Underworld 2: Labyrinth of the WorldsunknownElectronic Arts1993
Ultima Underworld: The Stygian AbyssRPGOrigin1992
Ultima V: Warriors of DestinyRPGOrigin1988
Ultima VI: The False ProphetRPGOrigin1990
Ultima VII, part 2: Serpent IsleRPGOrigin1993
Ultima VII: The Black GateRPGOrigin1992
Ultima: Escape from Mount DrashActionSierra On-Line1983
Ultima: Worlds of Adventure 2: Martian DreamsRPGElectronic Arts1991
Ultima: Worlds of Adventure 2: Martian DreamsunknownElectronic Arts1991
Ultimate Body BlowsActionTeam 171994
Ultimate Body BlowsActionTeam 171994
UltrabotsunknownElectronic Arts1993
Ulysses and the Golden FleeceunknownSierra1981
UMS 2: Nations at WarunknownRainbird1991
UMS 2: Nations at WarunknownRainbird1991
UnCivStrategyYair Morgenstern2021
Under FireunknownAvalon Hill1987
Undersea AdventureunknownEdusoft1994
UndoAdventureNeil deMause1995
UninvitedAdventureIcom Simulations1987
UniverseAdventureCore Design1994
UniverseAdventureCore Design1994
Unlimited AdventuresunknownSSI1993
Unnatural SelectionunknownElectronic Arts1993
Unnecessary RoughnessunknownAccolade1993
Unnkulia Zero: The Search for AmandaunknownD.A. Leary1993
UnrealActionEpic MegaGames1998
UnrealunknownUbi Soft1991
UnrealunknownUbi Soft1991
Uridium 2ActionGraftgold1993
Utopia: The New WorldsRPGGremlin1992
V for Victory: D-Day Utah BeachunknownThree-Sixty Pacific1991
V for Victory: D-Day Utah Beach 2.0unknownThree-Sixty Pacific1991
V for Victory: Gold-Juno-SwordunknownThree-Sixty1993
V for Victory: Gold-Juno-SwordunknownThree-Sixty1993
V for Victory: Market GardenunknownThree-Sixty1993
V for Victory: Market GardenunknownThree-Sixty1993
V for Victory: Velikiye LukiunknownThree-Sixty1993
ValhallaunknownNorsehelm Production1992
Vampyr: Talisman of InvocationunknownBrian Weston1990
VanSlug: X MissionunknownSoft Action1995
Veil of DarknessRPGEvent Horizon1993
Veil of DarknessunknownSSI1993
Veil of DarknessAdventureSSI1993
Vengeance of ExcaliburAdventureSynergistic1992
Vermeer – Die Kunst zu erbenStrategyAscaron1997
Versailles 1685: A Game of Intrigue at the Court of Louis XIVAdventureCryo1997
VestigesAdventureJosephine Wynter2011
VeteranunknownSoftware Horizons1988
Vette!SportSpectrum HoloByte1989
VGA SharksunknownAlive Software1990
Victor LoomesAdventurePromotion Software1993
Vier GewinntStrategyUnknown1983
VindicatorsActionAtari Games1988
Virtual WorldsunknownIncentive Software1991
Vision 2unknownLBS1994
Voyages Of DiscoveryStrategySoftware 20001994
Voyeur II: Watching is not enough…PuzzlePhilips Interactive Media1996
Wacky WheelsunknownBeavis Soft1994
Wacky Wheels - Upgrade & Patch DiskunknownBeavis Soft1994
Walls of RomeStrategyMindcraft1993
Walls of RomeStrategyMindcraft1993
Walls of RomeunknownMindcraft1993
War in the Middle EarthunknownMelbourne House1989
War in the Middle EarthunknownMelbourne House1989
War of the LanceunknownSSI1989
War WindStrategyDreamForge Intertainment1996
Warcraft: Orcs & HumansStrategyBlizzard Entertainment1994
Warcraft: Orcs & HumansStrategyBlizzard1994
Wargame Construction SetunknownSSI1990
Wargame Construction Set II: Tanks!unknownSSI1994
Wargame Construction Set II: Tanks! Scenario Disk 14unknownSSI1994
Warlock: The AvengerActionMillennium1991
WarlordsStrategyStrategic Studies Group (SSG)1990
Warlords 2unknownSSG1993
Warlords 2: Scenario BuilderStrategySSG1993
Warlords IIStrategyStrategic Studies Group (SSG)1993
Warlords III: Reign of HeroesStrategyStrategic Studies Group (SSG)1997
WarpathActionSynthetic Reality1994
Warriors of LegendunknownVirgin1993
WastelandRPGElectronic Arts1988
WastelandRPGElectronic Arts1988
WastelandunknownElectronic Arts1988
Wayne Gretzky HockeyunknownBethesda1990
Wayne Gretzky HockeyunknownBethesda1990
Wayne Gretzky HockeyunknownBethesda1990
Wayne Gretzky Hockey 2unknownBethesda1991
Wayne Gretzky Hockey 3unknownBethesda1992
Wayne's WorldunknownCapstone1993
Weird DreamsAdventureRainbird1989
Weird DreamsunknownRainbird Software1988
Weird DreamsunknownRainbird Software1988
WeirdnessAdventurePatrick Walton2005
Western Front: The Liberation of Europe 1944-1945unknownSSI1991
Western GamesActionMagic Bytes1987
WET: The Sexy EmpireStrategyInteractive Strip1998
Wetten Dass..?PuzzlePCSL1991
Whale's VoyageunknownFlair Software1993
Wheel of Fortune Featuring Vanna WhiteunknownGametek1991
Wheel of Fortune: Golden EditionunknownGametek1991
Wheel of Fortune: Golden EditionunknownGametek1991
Wheel of Fortune: New Second EditionunknownGametek1988
Where in America's Past is Carmen Sandiego?unknownBroderbund1991
Where in America's Past is Carmen Sandiego?unknownBroderbund1991
Where in Europe is Carmen Sandiego?unknownBroderbund1990
Where in Europe is Carmen Sandiego?unknownBroderbund1990
Where in Europe is Carmen Sandiego?ActionBroderbund1990
Where in Space is Carmen Sandiego?unknownBroderbund1993
Where in the U.S.A. is Carmen Sandiego?unknownBroderbund1994
Where in the U.S.A. is Carmen Sandiego?unknownBroderbund1994
Where in the U.S.A. is Carmen Sandiego?unknownBroderbund1994
Where in the U.S.A. is Carmen Sandiego?unknownBroderbund1994
Where in the U.S.A. is Carmen Sandiego?unknownBroderbund1994
Where in the U.S.A. is Carmen Sandiego?PuzzleBroderbund1987
Where in the U.S.A. is Carmen Sandiego?PuzzleBroderbund1987
Where in the USA is Carmen Sandiego?PuzzleBrøderbund1987
Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?unknownBroderbund1994
Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?unknownBroderbund1994
Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?unknownBroderbund1991
Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?unknownBroderbund1986
Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?unknownBroderbund1986
Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego?PuzzleBrøderbund1990
Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego?PuzzleBroderbund1990
Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego?PuzzleBroderbund1990
Where Time Stood StillAdventureDenton Designs1988
Who Framed Roger RabbitunknownBuena Vista Software1988
Wild Cup SoccerSportTeque1994
Wild StreetsActionTitus1989
Wild West – The Incredible Adventures of Donald ReddishAdventureProline1993
Wild West: The Incredible Adventures of Donald ReddishAdventureProline1993
Wild West: The Incredible Adventures of Donald ReddishAdventureProline1993
Window WizardunknownreLINE1991
Windows Entertainment Pack 1PuzzleMicrosoft1992
Windows Entertainment Pack 2PuzzleMicrosoft1991
Windows Entertainment Pack 3PuzzleMicrosoft1991
Windows Entertainment Pack 4unknownMicrosoft1992
WindwalkerunknownElectronic Arts1989
Wing CommanderActionOrigin1990
Wing CommanderunknownElectronic Arts1990
Wing CommanderunknownElectronic Arts1990
Wing CommanderunknownElectronic Arts1990
Wing CommanderunknownElectronic Arts1990
Wing CommanderStrategyElectronic Arts1990
Wing CommanderStrategyElectronic Arts1990
Wing CommanderStrategyElectronic Arts1990
Wing Commander 2: Special Operations 1ActionElectronic Arts1991
Wing Commander 2: Special Operations 1unknownElectronic Arts1991
Wing Commander 2: Special Operations 1unknownElectronic Arts1991
Wing Commander 2: Special Operations 1unknownElectronic Arts1991
Wing Commander 2: Special Operations 2unknownElectronic Arts1991
Wing Commander 2: Speech Accessory PackActionElectronic Arts1991
Wing Commander 2: Speech Accessory PackAdventureElectronic Arts1991
Wing Commander 2: Speech Accessory PackunknownElectronic Arts1991
Wing Commander 2: Speech Accessory PackunknownElectronic Arts1991
Wing Commander 2: Vengeance of the KilrathiActionElectronic Arts1991
Wing Commander 2: Vengeance of the KilrathiAdventureElectronic Arts1991
Wing Commander 2: Vengeance of the KilrathiunknownElectronic Arts1991
Wing Commander 2: Vengeance of the KilrathiunknownElectronic Arts1991
Wing Commander 2: Vengeance of the KilrathiunknownElectronic Arts1991
Wing Commander 2: Vengeance of the KilrathiStrategyElectronic Arts1991
Wing Commander 2: Vengeance of the KilrathiStrategyElectronic Arts1991
Wing Commander AcademySimulationOrigin1993
Wing Commander AcademyunknownElectronic Arts1993
Wing Commander AcademyunknownElectronic Arts1993
Wing Commander AcademyunknownElectronic Arts1993
Wing Commander AcademyunknownElectronic Arts1993
Wing Commander ArmadaunknownElectronic Arts1994
Wing Commander II: Vengeance of the KilrathiActionOrigin1991
Wing Commander III: Heart of the TigerActionOrigin1994
Wing Commander: PrivateerunknownElectronic Arts1993
Wing Commander: PrivateerActionElectronic Arts1993
Wing Commander: PrivateerunknownElectronic Arts1993
Wing Commander: Privateer: Righteous FireActionElectronic Arts1993
Wing Commander: Privateer: Speech PackActionElectronic Arts1993
Wing Commander: The Secret MissionsunknownElectronic Arts1990
Wing Commander: The Secret Missions 2ActionElectronic Arts1990
Wing Commander: The Secret Missions 2unknownElectronic Arts1990
Wing Nuts: Battle in the SkyActionRocket Science Games1997
Wings of FuryunknownBroderbund1989
Wings of GlorySimulationOrigin1994
WinRiskStrategySteve Stancliff1992
Winter GamesSport1986
Winter Olympiad 88unknownTynesoft1988
Winter Olympics: Lillehammer '94unknownU.S. Gold1993
WinWheelunknownRussell R. Mueller1991
Wizard of WasdRPGRandy Gill2020
Wizardry 2: The Knight of DiamondsunknownSir-Tech1982
Wizardry 3: The Legacy of LlylgamynunknownSir-Tech1983
Wizardry 4: The Return of WerdnaRPGSir-Tech1987
Wizardry 5: Heart of the MaelstromunknownSir-Tech1988
Wizardry 6: Bane of the Cosmic ForgeunknownSir-Tech1990
Wizardry 6: Bane of the Cosmic ForgeunknownSir-Tech1990
Wizardry 7: Crusaders of the Dark SavantRPGSir-Tech1992
Wizardry 7: Crusaders of the Dark SavantRPGSir-Tech1992
Wizardry 7: Crusaders of the Dark SavantunknownSir-Tech1992
Wizardry: Proving Grounds of the Mad OverlordRPGSir-Tech1984
Wizardry: Proving Grounds of the Mad OverlordRPGSir-Tech1984
Wizardry: Proving Grounds of the Mad OverlordRPGSir-Tech1984
Wizardry: The Return of Werdna – The Fourth ScenarioRPGSir-Tech1987
WizballActionSensible Software1987
Wodan – The TrialStrategyArbeitskreis Spielkultur1999
WolfunknownManley & Associates1994
Wolfenstein 3DActionid Software1992
Wolfenstein 3DActionid Software1992
Wolfenstein 3DRPGid Software1992
Wolfenstein 3DActionid Software1992
Wolfenstein 3Dunknownid Software1992
Wolfenstein 3DActionid Software1992
Wolfenstein 3Dunknownid Software1992
Wolfenstein 3Dunknownid Software1992
Wolfenstein 3Dunknownid Software1992
Wolfenstein 3Dunknownid Software1992
Wolfenstein 3D: Super UpgradesActionid Software1992
Wolfenstein 3D: Super Upgradesunknownid Software1992
Wonder Boy in Monster WorldActionSega1992
Wonder Project JRPGEnix1994
WonderlandunknownMagnetic Scrolls1990
WonderlandunknownMagnetic Scrolls1990
Woolly JumperActionPsytronik Software2011
Word RescueunknownApogee1992
WordtrisunknownSpectrum Holobyte1991
World at War: Volume II - StalingradunknownAvalon Hill1995
World Championship Boxing ManagerunknownKrisalis1990
World Championship SoccerunknownElite1991
World CircuitunknownMicroprose1992
World Circuit: The Grand Prix Race SimulationunknownMicroprose1992
World Class Leader BoardunknownUS Gold1987
World Cup Soccer: Italia '90unknownVirgin1989
World Cup Soccer: Italia '90unknownVirgin1989
World Cup USA '94unknownU.S. Gold1994
World DartsSport1001 Limited1987
World GamesunknownEpyx1986
World Karate ChampionshipSportSystem 31986
World Tour GolfSportElectronic Arts1986
World Tour TennisunknownElectronic Arts1993
World War II: Battles of the South PacificunknownQQP1993
World War II: Battles of the South PacificunknownQQP1993
Worlds of Ultima 2: Martian DreamsunknownElectronic Arts1991
Worlds of Ultima: The Savage EmpireRPGOrigin1990
Worlds of Ultima: The Savage EmpireunknownOrigin1990
Worlds of Ultima: The Savage EmpireunknownOrigin1990
WormsActionTeam 171995
Worms: The Director's CutActionTeam 171997
Wrath of the DemonunknownReadySoft1990
Wurmi aus FrankfurtActionUnknown1985
WWF European Rampage TourunknownArc Developments1992
WWF RawActionLjn1994
WWF WrestleManiaActionTwilight1992
WWF WrestlemaniaActionOcean1992
WWF WrestlemaniaActionOcean1992
WWF WrestlemaniaunknownOcean1992
WWF WrestleMania – The Arcade GameSportAcclaim1995
X-Com: Terror from the DeepunknownMicroprose1995
X-Com: UFO DefenseAdventureMythos1994
X-WingunknownLucas Arts1993
X-WingunknownLucas Arts1993
X-WingunknownLucas Arts1993
X-WingunknownLucas Arts1993
X-WingAdventureLucas Arts1993
X-WingunknownLucas Arts1993
X-Wing: B-WingunknownLucas Arts1993
X-Wing: B-WingunknownLucas Arts1993
X-Wing: Imperial PursuitunknownLucas Arts1993
X-Wing: Imperial PursuitunknownLucas Arts1993
X-Wing: Imperial PursuitunknownLucas Arts1993
X-Wing: Imperial PursuitunknownLucas Arts1993
X-Wing: Imperial PursuitunknownLucas Arts1993
X-Wing: Upgrade KitunknownLucas Arts1993
X-Wing: Upgrade KitunknownLucas Arts1993
XadiumActionMr Chip Software1987
XargonunknownEpic Megagames1993
XargonunknownEpic Megagames1993
XargonunknownEpic Megagames1993
XargonunknownEpic Megagames1993
XenocideunknownPangea Software1990
XenonunknownBitmap Brothers1988
XenonStrategyBitmap Brothers1988
XenonActionBitmap Brothers1988
XenonActionBitmap Brothers1988
Xenon 2unknownBitmap Brothers1989
Xenon 2ActionBitmap Brothers1989
Xenon 2unknownBitmap Brothers1989
Xenon 2ActionBitmap Brothers1989
Xenon 2unknownBitmap Brothers1989
Xeonjia: Ice AdventuresPuzzleDeepDaikon2019
XF5700 Mantis Experimental FighterunknownMicroprose1992
XF5700 Mantis Experimental FighterunknownMicroprose1992
XF5700 Mantis Experimental FighterunknownMicroprose1992
Xmas LemmingsPuzzleDMA Design1993
XTreme RacingActionSilltunna Software1995
Yie Ar Kung-FuActionImagine1985
Yie Ar Kung-Fu 2: The Emperor Yie-GahActionKonami1985
You Don't Know JackPuzzleJellyvision1998
Zak McKracken and the Alien MindbendersAdventureLucasfilm Games1988
ZeewolfActionBinary Asylum1994
Zeewolf 2: Wild JusticeActionBinary Asylum1995
Zelda: The Wand of GamelonActionAnimation Magic1993
ZeliardunknownGame Arts1990
ZeliardunknownGame Arts1990
ZeliardunknownGame Arts1990
ZeliardunknownGame Arts1990
Zeppelin – Giants of the SkyStrategyIkarion1994
Zoda's Revenge: Startropics IIActionNintendo1994
Zombie MassacreActionAlpha Software1998
Zombies Ate My NeighborsActionKonami1993
Zone 66ActionEpic MegaGames1993
Zone 66ActionEpic MegaGames1993
Zool 2unknownGremlin1994
Zork 1 - 2 - 3unknownActivision1981
Zork I: The Great Underground EmpireAdventureInfocom1981
Zork II: The Wizard of FrobozzAdventureInfocom1982
Zork III: The Dungeon MasterAdventureInfocom1982
Zork Nemesis: The Forbidden LandsPuzzleActivision1996
Zork Quest 1: Assault on Egreth CastleAdventureActivision1987
Zork Quest 2: The Crystal of DoomAdventureActivision1988
Zork ZerounknownInfocom1989
ZorkQuest II: The Crystal of DoomAdventureTom Snyder Productions1988
ZorkQuest: Assault on Egreth CastleAdventureTom Snyder Productions1988
ZorroAdventureU.S. Gold1986