Title | Genre | Company | Year |
4x1 | Misc | 100% by Dinamic | 1988 |
5 Exitos de Opera Soft | Misc | Opera Soft | 1990 |
Aaargh! | Action | Melbourne House | 1987 |
Abadía del Crimen, La | unknown | Opera Soft | 1987 |
Abadía del Crimen, La | unknown | Manuel Pazos | 2001 |
Abeja Sabia 1, La | unknown | Anaya | 1986 |
Abeja Sabia 2, La | unknown | Anaya | 1986 |
Abeja Sabia 3, La | unknown | Anaya | 1986 |
Abracadabra | unknown | Proein | 1988 |
Abu Simbel Profanation | unknown | Dinamic | 1985 |
Adel | unknown | Mind Games | 1987 |
Aerobic | unknown | Idealogic | 1986 |
After the War | Action | Dinamic | 1989 |
Aguas Bravas | unknown | Load n Run | 1986 |
Ale Hop! | Action | Topo Soft | 1988 |
Alien 8 Remake | unknown | Manuel Pazos | 2009 |
Alien Confination | unknown | Physical Dreams | 2021 |
Alien Syndrome | Action | ACE | 1988 |
Alien: Escape | unknown | Physical Dreams | 2022 |
Alonso Racing 2005 | unknown | TopGam | 2004 |
Altered Beast | Action | Activision | 1989 |
Amazonas | unknown | Telarium | 1984 |
Amo del Mundo | Action | Positive | 1990 |
Amores de Brunilda, Los | unknown | Retroworks | 2013 |
Amoto's Puf | Action | SPE | 1988 |
Ananas | Action | SPE | 1988 |
Anarkoid | Action | BrainDead | 2002 |
Angel Nieto Pole 500 | unknown | Opera Sport | 1990 |
Angels vs Devils | Action | Enigma Software | 2003 |
Arcticfox | unknown | Electronic Arts | 1986 |
Ark-A-Noah | Action | Matra | 2000 |
Arkkube | Action | Devilish Games | 2001 |
Arm Wrestling | Action | Imanok | 2004 |
Aspar G.P. Master | unknown | Dinamic | 1988 |
Astro Assembler | Action | Hollywood Publishin | 2001 |
Astrowulards, The | Action | Off Software | 1987 |
Autocrash | Action | Zigurat | 1991 |
Aventura Espacial, La | unknown | Aventuras AD | 1990 |
Aventura Original, La | unknown | Aventuras AD | 1989 |
Averno | Action | Proein | 1989 |
Awakening, The | Action | Oniric Factor | 2019 |
Barbarian | Action | Bitvision | 2018 |
Barbarian II | unknown | Palace | 1988 |
Barnabasket | unknown | barnaJocs | 1989 |
Bat Man | unknown | FX software | 2014 |
Batman | Action | Ocean | 1989 |
Beepertron | Action | Dioniso | 2006 |
Berzerk | Action | BrainDead | 2002 |
BeTiled! | unknown | CEZ Silver | 2007 |
Bingo | unknown | J.L. del Río | 1983 |
BitLogic | Action | OXiAB Game Studio | 2016 |
Black Beard | Action | Topo Soft | 1988 |
Black Jack | unknown | Idealogic | 1985 |
Blackjack | unknown | Sony | 1984 |
Blocker | unknown | Sygran | 1985 |
Bloody | Action | Sygran | 1987 |
Blusy Shop | unknown | MSXNAKE | 2005 |
Boing Boing | Action | Idealogic | 1983 |
Bomb Jack | Action | Kralizec | 2004 |
Brick Breaker | Action | Dro Soft | 1987 |
Brick, The | Action | Delta | 1989 |
Brisca | unknown | Stars | 1985 |
British Bob | Action | Relevo Videogames | 2009 |
Bronx | Action | Animagic | 1989 |
Bubble Rain | unknown | Imanok | 2001 |
Buccaneers | Action | G.LL. | 1989 |
Bufonada | unknown | Roolandoo | 2022 |
Buggy Ranger | Action | Dinamic | 1990 |
Bumpy | Action | GTS | 1987 |
Bumpy | unknown | Loriciels | 1989 |
Buran | Action | Proein | 1990 |
Burn Us | Action | Carambalán Studios | 2018 |
C.R.B. | Action | Kronos | 1993 |
Camelot Warriors | unknown | Dinamic | 1985 |
Campanera | unknown | Physical Dreams | 2022 |
Caos Begins | unknown | Hikaru Games | 2007 |
Capitán Sevilla | Action | Dinamic | 1988 |
Capitán Trueno, El | Action | Dinamic | 1989 |
Carlos Sainz | unknown | Zigurat | 1990 |
Carlos Sainz 2 | unknown | TopGam | 2004 |
Casanova | unknown | Iber | 1989 |
Castillo de Godless, El | unknown | Idealogic | 1985 |
Cat 'n' Mouse | unknown | Imanok | 2002 |
Cavernas | Action | Jorge Pérez | 1986 |
Caverns of Titan | Action | JLTurSan | 2005 |
Cazafantasmas II | Action | Activision | 1989 |
Chase H.Q. | Action | Ocean | 1989 |
Cheating Wives | Misc | Crappysoft | 2005 |
Chessmaster 2000, The | Misc | Mindscape | 1986 |
Chicago's 30 | Action | Topo Soft | 1988 |
Chichén Itzá | unknown | Aventuras AD | 1992 |
Chuck Yeager's | unknown | Electronic Arts | 1987 |
Cid, El | unknown | Dro Soft | 1987 |
Ciencias Naturales 8º EGB | unknown | Azahar | 1985 |
Cita con Rama | unknown | Telarium | 1984 |
Cobra's Arc | unknown | Dinamic | 1986 |
Colección de Exitos Dinamic | Misc | Dinamic | 1988 |
Colección Dinamic 90 | Misc | Dinamic | 1989 |
Coliseum | Action | Topo Soft | 1988 |
Colt 36 | Action | Topo Soft | 1987 |
Comando Quatro | unknown | Zigurat | 1989 |
Comando Tracer | Action | Dinamic | 1988 |
Comic, Arcade & Aventura | Misc | Dro Soft | 1991 |
Compra y Vende | unknown | Idealogic | 1985 |
Computer Wars | unknown | Crappysoft | 2004 |
Con Licencia para Matar | Action | Domark | 1989 |
Continental Circus | unknown | Virgin Games | 1989 |
Corazón del Ángel, El | unknown | Year Zero | 1990 |
Corsarios | Action | Opera Soft | 1989 |
Cosme Stible | Action | Iber | 1988 |
Cosmic Sheriff | Action | Dinamic | 1989 |
Cozumel | unknown | Aventuras AD | 1990 |
Crazy Buggy | Action | Crappysoft | 2005 |
Crazy Climber | Action | Ventamatic | 1984 |
Curro Jiménez | Action | Zigurat | 1989 |
Cyberbig | Action | Animagic | 1989 |
Dados | unknown | - | 2006 |
Dakar 2007 | unknown | EA Mobile | 2006 |
De Cine | Misc | Ocean | 1990 |
Defcom 1 | Action | Iber | 1989 |
Defensa del Estrecho | Action | Infopress | 1986 |
Descubrimiento de América, El | unknown | OMK | 1986 |
Desperado | Action | Topo Soft | 1987 |
Destroyer | Action | Mind Games | 1986 |
Destroyer | Action | Retroworks | 2014 |
Devil's Castle | unknown | Manhattan Transfer | 1985 |
Diana Cave Adventure | Action | Oniric Factor | 2020 |
Dim X | Action | Kai Magazine | 2016 |
Dimensión Omega | Action | Positive | 1989 |
Dinamic 5º Aniversario | Misc | Dinamic | 1989 |
Dinamic Pack '92, The | Misc | Dinamic | 1991 |
Dip Dip | Action | Microbyte | 1985 |
Dominó | Misc | Microhobby | 1985 |
Dominó | Misc | Idealogic | 1985 |
Don Quijote | unknown | Dinamic | 1987 |
Donkey Xote | unknown | Revistronic | 2008 |
Dracula | unknown | P.P.P. Ediciones | 1986 |
Dragón Dorado | unknown | David Díaz | 1998 |
Dragonworld | unknown | Telarium | 1986 |
Duck Hunt | Action | Karoshi Corp. | 2004 |
Duck Out! | Action | Dro Soft | 1989 |
Dustin | unknown | Dinamic | 1986 |
Eat Blue! 2004 | unknown | Paxanga Soft | 2004 |
Emilio Butragueño ¡Fútbol! | unknown | Topo Soft | 1988 |
Emilio Butragueño 2 | unknown | Erbe | 1989 |
Emilio Sánchez Vicario | unknown | Zigurat | 1989 |
En busca de Mortadelo | unknown | Alfonso Fdez. Borro | 1988 |
Enchanted | Action | Positive | 1989 |
Erbe 88 | Misc | Erbe | 1988 |
Eric and the Floaters | Action | Hudson Soft | 1983 |
Espada Sagrada, La | unknown | Topo Soft | 1990 |
F-1 | unknown | Zigurat | 1991 |
Factory Infection | Action | Karoshi Corp. | 2004 |
Fahrenheit 451 | unknown | Telarium | 1984 |
Faraón | unknown | ABC Soft | 1985 |
Fenimore Fillmore's Revenge | Adventure | Nobilis | 2008 |
Final Bout | Action | Imanok | 2000 |
Final War | unknown | Alfredo Delgado | 1988 |
Fire Warrior | Action | Electromagic | 1991 |
Flop Chop | Action | Sony | 1985 |
Forajidos | Action | Edisoft | 1986 |
Fostiator | Action | CDIV Games | 2000 |
Franky | unknown | SPE | 1988 |
Freddy Hardest | Action | Dinamic | 1987 |
Frog | Action | Advance | 1985 |
Funky Punky | unknown | Sygran | 1987 |
Fútbol | unknown | Indescomp | 1985 |
FX-15 | Action | Mind Games | 1987 |
Game Over | Action | Dinamic | 1987 |
Gauntlet | Action | AAMSX | 2013 |
Gelatino | Action | Physical Dreams | 2020 |
Gelatino 2 | Action | Physical Dreams | 2021 |
Gemini Wing | Action | Virgin Games | 1989 |
Genesis | Action | Retroworks | 2010 |
Genghis Khan | unknown | Positive | 1991 |
Geo | unknown | Mind Games | 1987 |
Geografía de España | unknown | QLS | 1987 |
Gerente, El | unknown | DIMensionNEW | 1984 |
Ghost | Action | Mind Games | 1989 |
Ghost | Action | AAMSX | 2017 |
Globi-Blod | Action | Iveson | 1986 |
Gniffel | Misc | Dioniso | 2004 |
Gnomo Fedor en la Caverna Perdida, El | Action | Idealogic | 1986 |
Golden Basket | unknown | Opera Sport | 1990 |
Gommy, Defensor Medieval | Action | Retroworks | 2009 |
Gonzzalezz | Action | Opera Soft | 1989 |
Gorgeous Gemma | unknown | Impulse9 | 2013 |
Gradius III | Action | Imanok | 2001 |
Gremlins 2 | Action | Topo Soft | 1990 |
Guerra de las Vajillas, La | unknown | AD | 1988 |
Guillem de Berguedà | unknown | Centre Divulgador d | 1985 |
Guillermo Tell | Action | Opera Soft | 1989 |
Guru Logic | unknown | Karoshi Corp. | 2003 |
Guss en la Atlántida | unknown | Creativos Editorial | 1985 |
Guss en la Máquina del Tiempo | unknown | Creativos Editorial | 1985 |
Hades | Action | J.M. Rodríguez | 1984 |
Hammer Boy | Action | Dinamic | 1991 |
Hamster Loco | Action | Ebrain Mobile | 2008 |
Head Over Heels | unknown | FX software | 2016 |
Heat Seeker | Action | Mind Games | 1986 |
Heroes Arena | Action | Imanok | 2010 |
Highway Encounter | unknown | Vortex | 1985 |
Highway Fighter | Action | Kai Magazine | 2017 |
Highway to Heaven | Action | Topo Soft | 1987 |
Hostages | unknown | Infogrames | 1988 |
Humphrey | Action | Zigurat | 1988 |
Hundir la Flota | Misc | M.A. Soft | 1991 |
Hyperball | Action | Mind Games | 1985 |
Hypsys | Action | Dro Soft | 1989 |
I Need Speed | Action | CEZ GS | 2009 |
Ice Breaker | Action | Topo Soft | 1990 |
Indiana Jones y la última Cruzada | Action | U.S. Gold | 1989 |
Indoor Race | Action | Mind Games | 1987 |
Infiltrado | Action | GTS | 1986 |
Inhumanos, Los | Action | Delta | 1990 |
Intocables, Los | Action | Ocean | 1989 |
Intrépido | Action | Mind Games | 1988 |
Invasion of the Zombie Monsters | Action | Relevo Videogames | 2010 |
Iron War | Action | Mind Games | 1986 |
Isla del Tesoro, La | unknown | Windham Classics | 1985 |
Italian Stallion | unknown | Impulse9 | 2007 |
J.E.T.P.A.C. | Action | Imanok | 2009 |
Jabato | unknown | Aventuras AD | 1989 |
Jackson City | Action | G.LL. | 1990 |
Jagdverband 44 | Action | Hammer Technologies | 2000 |
Jardines de Zee Wang Zu, Los | unknown | Jos b | 2006 |
Jawbreaker II | Action | Maggoo | 2014 |
Jinj 2 | unknown | Retroworks | 2012 |
Johny Comomolo | unknown | Dro Soft | 1986 |
Jony y el Trono del Jaguar | unknown | P.P.P. Ediciones | 1987 |
JP-500 | Action | P.P.P. Ediciones | 1987 |
Juega... Seguro | unknown | Mind Games | 1989 |
Juegos de Inteligencia | unknown | ACE Soft | 1985 |
Jump | Action | Zigurat | 1992 |
JumpinG | Action | Dimension Z | 2011 |
Jungle Warrior | Action | Zigurat | 1990 |
Karateka | unknown | Broderbund | 1984 |
Katmosis | unknown | Juan Prada | 1987 |
Khazzad-Dum | unknown | Idealogic | 1987 |
King Leonard | Action | Mind Games | 1986 |
Knight Ghost | unknown | Juliet Soft | 1986 |
Knight Lore Remake | unknown | Retroworks | 2009 |
Kong's Revenge | Action | Zigurat | 1991 |
KPI Ball | Action | Boh-ken | 2000 |
Krom | Action | OMK | 1989 |
Kronos | Action | barnaJocs | 1989 |
Krypton | Action | Manhattan Transfer | 1985 |
Laberinto | unknown | Advance | 1985 |
Laberinto | unknown | Sputnik World | 2014 |
Last Mission, The | Action | Opera Soft | 1987 |
Legado | Adventure | Amiga Wave | 2016 |
Legend | unknown | Delta | 1990 |
Leyenda de Standard, La | unknown | Physical Dreams | 2019 |
Leyendas | unknown | Mind Games | 1989 |
Liberator | Action | Proein | 1989 |
Life on Earth | Action | Kai Magazine | 2018 |
Life on Mars | Action | Kai Magazine | 2015 |
Light Corridor, The | unknown | Infogrames | 1990 |
Lilo | Adventure | Kai Magazine | 1995 |
Livingstone | unknown | Ebrain Mobile | 2007 |
Livingstone Supongo II | unknown | Opera Soft | 1989 |
Lorna | Action | Topo Soft | 1990 |
M - Alien Paranoia | Action | Dinamic Multimedia | 2000 |
M.A. Games | Misc | M.A. Soft | 1998 |
Mad Fox | Action | Manhattan Transfer | 1986 |
Mad Mix 2 | Action | Topo Soft | 1990 |
Mad Mix Game | Action | Topo Soft | 1988 |
Made in Spain 5 Estrellas | Misc | Zigurat | 1989 |
Mag the Magician | unknown | Radastan | 2017 |
Magic Johnson's Basketball | unknown | Melbourne House | 1990 |
Magic Pinball | Action | OMK | 1987 |
Magical Stones | unknown | Dioniso | 2005 |
Mago de Oz, El | unknown | Windham Classics | 1985 |
Mago Volador 1, El | unknown | Anaya | 1986 |
Mago Volador 2, El | unknown | Anaya | 1986 |
Malaika | unknown | Karoshi Corp. | 2006 |
Malaika | Action | Relevo Videogames | 2013 |
Maldita Escuela | unknown | Megasoft | 1990 |
Manicomio | unknown | Crappysoft | 2005 |
Mansión de Pinosverdes, La | unknown | NA Software | 1991 |
Mansion, The | Adventure | Yermani Soft | 2005 |
Mantis 1 | unknown | Raven Adventures | 1989 |
Mantis 2 | unknown | Raven Adventures | 1989 |
Mapgame | unknown | Erbe | 1985 |
Marbella Vice | Adventure | Picmatic | 1994 |
Mecano Oasis | Action | P.P.P. Ediciones | 1987 |
Mecha 8 | Action | Óscar Toledo | 2012 |
Mega Box | Misc | Dinamic | 1991 |
Mega Box 2 | Misc | Dinamic | 1992 |
Megachess | Misc | Iber | 1988 |
Meganova | Action | Dinamic | 1988 |
Megatanques | Action | Bosoft | 1992 |
Mekong | Action | Iber | 1988 |
Memory | Misc | Compulogical | 1988 |
Merlin | Action | Mind Games | 1986 |
Metal Action | Misc | Dinamic | 1989 |
Metal Dragon | Action | Kai Magazine | 2021 |
Metropolis | Action | Topo Soft | 1989 |
Míchel Fútbol Master | unknown | Dinamic | 1989 |
Miedoso | Action | M. Toscano | 1996 |
Miki va a Esquiar | Action | P.P.P. Ediciones | 1986 |
Mil Caras | unknown | Idealogic | 1982 |
Misco Jones | Action | Radastan | 2013 |
Misión Rescate 1 | unknown | Anaya | 1986 |
Misión Rescate 2 | unknown | Anaya | 1986 |
Misterio del Nilo, El | unknown | Zigurat | 1987 |
Mithos | Action | Opera Soft | 1990 |
Monster Hunter | unknown | Nerlaska Studio | 2006 |
Moonwalker | unknown | U.S. Gold | 1989 |
Mortadelo y Filemón | unknown | Magic Bytes | 1987 |
Most Amazing Memory Game, The | unknown | Idealogic | 1986 |
Mot | Action | Opera Soft | 1989 |
Motojet | Action | Jorge Pérez | 1986 |
Motorbike Madness | Action | Mastertronic | 1988 |
Motorista Sideral 1, El | unknown | Anaya | 1986 |
Motorista Sideral 2, El | unknown | Anaya | 1986 |
Mountain Bike Racer | unknown | Positive | 1990 |
Mr. Chef & the Sausages | Action | Paxanga Soft | 2004 |
Mr. Cracksman | Action | Relevo Videogames | 2013 |
Mr. Mole | Action | Nerlaska Studio | 2007 |
Multi Action | Misc | Dinamic Multimedia | 1997 |
Multi Sports II | Misc | Dro Soft | 1992 |
Mundial de Fútbol | unknown | Opera Sport | 1990 |
Mundial de Fútbol - Italia '90 | unknown | Virgin Games | 1989 |
Mundo Perdido, El | unknown | Topo Soft | 1987 |
Mutan Zone | Action | Opera Soft | 1988 |
Mutants from the Deep | Action | Locomalito | 2021 |
Mystical | Action | Infogrames | 1991 |
Myths and Dragons | Action | Kai Magazine | 2017 |
Namake’s Bridgedrome | unknown | Buresto Faiya! | 2005 |
Narco Police | Action | Dinamic | 1990 |
Naufragio | unknown | Rymsoft | 1987 |
Náyade Resistance | Action | Pentacour | 2013 |
Nebula Wars | Action | J.C. Enrique | 1989 |
NeoPONG 512 | Action | Z80ST Software | 2010 |
Night City | Action | Yermani Soft | 2006 |
Night Driver | Action | Karoshi Corp. | 2007 |
Ninja Kage | Action | Hudson Soft | 1984 |
Ninja Savior | unknown | Relevo Videogames | 2015 |
Nonamed | unknown | Dinamic | 1986 |
North & South | unknown | Infogrames | 1989 |
Nuclear Bowls | unknown | Zigurat | 1986 |
Nueve Príncipes en Amber | unknown | Telarium | 1984 |
Nugis | Action | Eternal Dreams | 2003 |
Oberon 69 | Action | G.LL. | 1990 |
Obliterator | Action | Melbourne House | 1988 |
Olé, Toro | Action | Dinamic | 1985 |
Oniric Kung-Fu | Action | Oniric Factor | 2016 |
Opera Storys. 1 | Misc | Opera Soft | 1989 |
Operation Sertun | Action | O.V.M. | 1986 |
Ormuz | unknown | Iber | 1988 |
Pack Monstruo | Misc | Dinamic | 1987 |
Pack Powersports | Misc | Zigurat | 1991 |
Paco 2 | Action | Physical Dreams | 2021 |
Paco el Bombas | Action | Physical Dreams | 2020 |
Pang Returns | Action | TopGam | 2006 |
París-Dakar | unknown | Zigurat | 1988 |
Patrullera X.H63 | Action | GTS | 1986 |
Payaso Explorador 1, El | unknown | Anaya | 1986 |
Payaso Explorador 2, El | unknown | Anaya | 1986 |
Pedrosa GP 2007 | unknown | Gaelco Móviles | 2007 |
Penguin Adventure | Action | Konami | 1986 |
Penguin Race | Action | Dioniso | 2003 |
Perico Delgado | unknown | Topo Soft | 1989 |
Perry Mason | unknown | Telarium | 1985 |
Persecución en Australia | unknown | Rafa Vico | 1990 |
Phantis | Action | Dinamic | 1987 |
Phantomas Saga: Infinity | unknown | CEZ GS | 2006 |
Phanton en Ataque | Action | GTS | 1986 |
Picture Puzzle | unknown | Karoshi Corp. | 2004 |
Ping-Pong | unknown | Ediciones Manali | 1990 |
Pink Panther | unknown | Magic Bytes | 1988 |
Piso Zero | Action | Zigurat | 1991 |
Poder Oscuro, El | Action | Zigurat | 1988 |
Poirot | unknown | Microhobby | 1985 |
Poogaboo | Action | Opera Soft | 1991 |
Post Mortem | unknown | Iber | 1988 |
Post Mortem | Action | Troll Soft | 1995 |
Power Magic | Action | Zigurat | 1990 |
Pretty Kingdom | unknown | Nerlaska Studio | 2014 |
Profanation 2 | unknown | 4MHz | 2017 |
Profesión: Detective | unknown | Idealogic | 1982 |
Pulga, La | Action | Indescomp | 1983 |
QBIQS | unknown | Z80ST Software | 2010 |
R.A.M | Action | Topo Soft | 1990 |
R.A.M 2 | Action | Topo Soft | 1988 |
Rampart, The | Action | Iber | 1988 |
Rath-tha | Action | Positive | 1989 |
Red Dynamite Pack | Misc | Positive | 1991 |
Relevo's Snowboarding | unknown | Relevo Videogames | 2020 |
Reliquia, La | unknown | Roolandoo | 2020 |
Rescate Atlántida | unknown | Dinamic | 1989 |
Rescate en el Golfo | Action | Opera Soft | 1991 |
Resumma | unknown | J.S. Fransesch | 1999 |
Rex Hard | unknown | Mister Chip | 1987 |
Rick | Action | Edisoft | 1987 |
Rigoberto el Cazador | Action | Edisoft | 1987 |
Rise Out from Dungeons | Puzzle | ASCII | 1983 |
Roadwars | Action | Melbourne House | 1987 |
Robocop | Action | Ocean | 1988 |
Rock'n Roller | Action | Topo Soft | 1988 |
Rocky | unknown | Dinamic | 1985 |
Rolling Thunder | unknown | Imanok | 1997 |
Roma | unknown | Sony | 1986 |
Runaway 2 | Adventure | Pendulo Studios | 2006 |
Running Man, The | Action | Grandslam | 1989 |
S.o.L.o. | unknown | Roolandoo | 2021 |
Sabotaje | Action | Sygran | 1987 |
Sabrina | Action | Iber | 1988 |
Saimazoom | unknown | Dinamic | 1984 |
Score 3020 | Action | Topo Soft | 1989 |
Secreto de la Pirámide, El | unknown | Manhattan Transfer | 1986 |
Sector 88 | Action | Kai Magazine | 2016 |
Seleniak | Action | Guzuta | 2004 |
Senda Salvaje | Action | Zigurat | 1990 |
Sex Bomb Bunny | unknown | Matra | 1999 |
Shinobi | Action | Virgin Games | 1989 |
Ship | Action | SPE | 1988 |
Shmup! Kai | Action | Imanok | 2020 |
Shooting Range | Action | New Frontier | 1989 |
Shouganai | Action | Paxanga Soft | 2013 |
Shup | unknown | Mind Games | 1986 |
Silent Shadow | Action | Topo Soft | 1988 |
Silphy | unknown | Iber | 1988 |
Simulador Profesional de Tenis | unknown | Dinamic | 1990 |
Sir Camelot y el Rey Arturo | Misc | Load n Run | 1985 |
Sir Fred | unknown | Made in Spain | 1985 |
Sir Sigfrid | unknown | Luis I. García | 1989 |
Sito Pons | unknown | Zigurat | 1990 |
Skate Air | Action | Yermani Soft | 2006 |
Skate Dragon | unknown | OMK | 1986 |
Skull Exillon / Post Mortem | Misc | Iber | 1989 |
Skull Exilon | Action | Iber | 1988 |
Sky War | Action | OMK | 1988 |
Sleep Walker | unknown | Dinamic Multimedia | 1999 |
Smaily | Action | Zigurat | 1990 |
Snail Maze | Action | Karoshi Corp. | 2004 |
Stop the Express | Action | Hudson Soft | 1983 |
Yie Ar Kung-Fu 2: The Emperor Yie-Gah | Action | Konami | 1985 |