2015 Games


Robot 247
Adiós a la Casta Episode 1Action4MHz
Armagetron AdvancedActionArmagetron Advanced Team
AwakeningAdventureGeorg Rottensteiner
Axiom VergeActionThomas Happ Games
Baboon!ActionRelevo Videogames
Caren and the Tangled TentaclesAdventurePrior Art
Curse of Issyos, TheActionLocomalito
Die Akte Paul BennetAdventureMichael Baltes
E7 E7 E7 EE: the story of the greatest copy protection ever inventedunknownMark Pilgrim
FrogalotActionCNG Soft
Jet-PacoActionMojon Twins
Knightmare 2 ZXActionClimacus
Knightmare RemakeActionDemon Videogames
Life on MarsActionKai Magazine
MindshadowunknownRebecca Heineman
Misterio de la Isla de Tökland, ElunknownESP Adventure
More than a PrisonActionLTS Games Team A
Ninja SaviorunknownRelevo Videogames
PACA PONGActionkingPenguin
Paranormal OutbreakActionNoxtale1
Paranormal OutbreakActionNoxtale1
Pentacorn QuestunknownNightwolf
SM 22unknownMatteo Trevisan
The IncidentPuzzleKHAN Games
The Return of Traxtorunknownusebox.net
There is Only PowerStrategyporousnapkin
UFO: Alien InvasionStrategy