1989 Games


Robot 247
007 Licence to Killunknown
007 - Licence to KillunknownDomark
007 - Licence to KillunknownDomark
007 - Licence to KillunknownDomark
007 License to KillActionDomark
007: Licence to KillActionQuixel, Domark Limited
007: Licence to KillunknownDomark
007: Licence to KillunknownDomark
1989 Ford Simulator IIStrategyThe SoftAd Group
1st Person PinballSimulationTynesoft Computer Software
2 Days in NYAdventureDavid A. Zatz
2 por 1: Black Beard/Mad Mix GameMiscErbe
2 por 1: Tuareg/Silent ShadowMiscErbe
3-D PacunknownSecret Games
3-D Pac PlusunknownSecret Games
3D CheckersPuzzleFred Moulden
3D LabyrintunknownBusy Software - Fuxoft
3D LabyrintunknownBusy Software - Fuxoft
3D Poolunknown
3D PoolunknownFirebird Software
3D PoolunknownFirebird Software
3D PoolunknownFirebird Software
3D PoolunknownFirebird Software
3D PoolunknownFirebird Software
3D PoolunknownFirebird Software
4 Soccer Simulators - 11-a-Side SoccerunknownCodemasters Gold
4 Soccer Simulators - 11-a-Side SoccerunknownCodemasters Gold
4 Soccer Simulators - 11-a-Side SoccerunknownCodemasters Gold
4 Soccer Simulators - Indoor SoccerunknownCodemasters Gold
4 Soccer Simulators - Indoor SoccerunknownCodemasters Gold
4 Soccer Simulators - Soccer SkillsunknownCodemasters Gold
4 Soccer Simulators - Soccer SkillsunknownCodemasters Gold
4 Soccer Simulators - Street SoccerunknownCodemasters Gold
4 Soccer Simulators - Street SoccerunknownCodemasters Gold
4 Soccer Simulators - Street SoccerunknownCodemasters Gold
4th & InchesSportAccolade
688 Attack SubSimulationElectronic Arts
688 Attack SubunknownElectronic Arts
688 Attack SubunknownElectronic Arts
688 Attack SubActionElectronic Arts
688 Attack SubunknownElectronic Arts
688 Attack SubunknownElectronic Arts
688 Attack SubunknownElectronic Arts
750cc Grand Prixunknown
A Legacy for Alaric v2unknownZenobi Software
A Legacy for Alaric v2unknownZenobi Software
A Legacy for Alaric v3unknownZenobi Software
A Legacy for Alaric v3unknownZenobi Software
A Legacy for Alaric v3unknownZenobi Software
A Nightmare on Elm streetAction
A Nightmare on Elm StreetunknownSharedata
A Personal NightmareAdventureBox Office
A Personal NightmareAdventure
A Shadow on GlassunknownPsychaedelic Hedgehog Software
A Shadow on GlassunknownPsychaedelic Hedgehog Software
A Spell of Christmas IceunknownStar Dreams
A Spell of Christmas IceunknownStar Dreams
A Team, Theunknown
A Thief in the NightunknownWesty Productions
A Thief in the NightunknownWesty Productions
A-10 Tank KillerSimulationDynamix, Inc.
A-ZoneunknownB.Ware Software
AaarghActionMelbourne House
Aaargh!unknownMelbourne House
ABC Fun KeysEducationalC.E. Krehbiel
ABC Monday Night FootballSportData East USA
ABC Monday Night FootballunknownData East
Abrams Battle TankSimulationDynamix, Inc.
Ack! ManActionCarey Nash
Action CountdownMiscKixx
Action CountdownMiscKixx
Action FighterSport
Action FighterunknownFirebird Software
Action FighterunknownFirebird Software
Action Fighterunknown
Action FighterunknownFirebird Software
Action FighterunknownSega
Action FighterunknownSega
Action FighterunknownSega
Action in the North AtlanticStrategyGeneral Quarters Software
Action in the North AtlanticStrategy
Advanced Soccer SimulatorunknownMastertronic Plus
Advanced Soccer SimulatorunknownMastertronic Plus
Advanced XoruAdventureCastle Technologies
Adventurers' Museum, TheAdventureLee Chapel
Adventures of Dino RikiActionHudson Soft, LTD.
Adventures of Tom SawyerunknownSeta
African Raiders-01Sport
After BurnerSimulationSEGA
After BurnerSimulation
After BurnerActionSunsoft
After BurnerSimulationSega
After Burner 2SimulationSega
After Burner IIunknownSega
After the WarActionDinamic Software
After the WarunknownDinamic Software
After the Warunknown
After the WarunknownDinamic Software
After the WarunknownDinamic Software
After the WarunknownDinamic Software
After the WarunknownDinamic Software
After the WarunknownDinamic Software
After the WarunknownDinamic Software
After the WarunknownDinamic Software
After the WarunknownDinamic Software
After the WarunknownDinamic Software
After the WarActionDinamic
After the WarActionDinamic
After the WarActionDinamic
After the WarActionDinamic
After the WarActionDinamic
After the WarActionDinamic
After the WarActionDinamic
Agatha's FollyunknownZenobi Software
Agatha's FollyunknownZenobi Software
Agatha's FollyunknownZenobi Software
Agatha's FollyunknownZenobi Software
Akuma no ShōtaijōAdventureKemco/Seika
Aldo AgainActionBen and Dave Ibach
Aldo AgainAction
Alex Kidd in the Enchanted CastleActionSEGA Enterprises
Alex Kidd: High-Tech WorldActionSEGA Enterprises
ALFActionSega Corporation
Alice in WonderlandAdventureR.C. Johnson
Alice in WonderlandAdventure
Alien Research CentreunknownZenobi Software
Alien SyndromeActionSega
Alien SyndromeActionTengen
Alien SyndromeunknownSEGA
All dogs go to heavenActionMerit Studios
All Dogs Go to HeavenAction
All Point Bulletinunknown
All-Pro BasketballSportVic Tokai Corporation
AlleywayActionIntelligent Systems Co.
AlleywayActionIntelligent Systems
Altered Beastunknown
Altered BeastActionActivision
Amarillo Slim's Real Poker: 5 Card StudunknownVilla Crespo
Amazing Spider-Man, TheActionParagon Software Corporation
American DreamMiscCoconuts
American Turbo Kingunknown
American Turbo KingunknownVirgin Mastertronic
Ancient Land of YsRPGKyodai
Ancient Land of YsRPGKyodai
Ancient Land of YsunknownNihon Falcom
Ancient Land of YsActionNihon Falcom
Ancient Land of YsActionNihon Falcom
AndurilunknownGors Soft
Anillo, ElunknownJuan Antonio Paz Salgado
Anillo, ElunknownJuan Antonio Paz Salgado
Ankoku Shinwa: Yamato Takeru DensetsuunknownTokyo Shoseki
ApacheActionF.J. Barroso
Apache StrikeSimulationUnknown
APB - All Points BulletinunknownDomark
APB - All Points BulletinunknownDomark
APB - All Points BulletinunknownDomark
Arcade Flight Simulatorunknown
Arcade Flight SimulatorunknownCodemasters
Arcade Flight SimulatorunknownCodemasters
Arcade Flight SimulatorunknownCodemasters
Arcade Flight SimulatorunknownCodemasters
Arcade FootballunknownSoftware Simulations
Arcade Trivia QuizunknownZeppelin Games
Arcade Trivia QuizunknownZeppelin Games
Arcade Trivia QuizunknownZeppelin Games
Arcade Trivia QuizunknownZeppelin Games
Arcade Trivia QuizunknownZeppelin Games
Arcade Trivia QuizunknownZeppelin Games
Arcade Trivia QuizunknownZeppelin Games
Arcade Trivia QuizunknownZeppelin Games
Arcade Trivia Quiz Simulatorunknown
Arch RivalsSportMidway
Arch RivalsSportMidway
Arch RivalsSportMidway
ArchipelagosPuzzleAstral Software
ArchipelagosunknownAstral Software
ArchipelagosunknownAstral Software
Archon II Adeptunknown
Archon II - AdeptunknownElectronic Arts
Archon II - AdeptunknownElectronic Arts
Arkanoid 2: The Revenge of DohAction
Arkanoid Editorunknown2c
Arkanoid II - The Revenge of DohActionTaito Software Inc.
Armed WormsActionJonas Kukkonen
ArmyStrategyDwain Goforth
ArmyStrategyDwain Goforth
Arthur: The Quest for ExcaliburAdventureBob Bates
Arthur: The Quest for ExcaliburAdventure
ArtilleryStrategyKirk Crawford
ArturaunknownGremlin Graphics Software
ArturaunknownGremlin Graphics Software
ArturaunknownGremlin Graphics Software
ArturaunknownGremlin Graphics Software
Aspar GP MasterSport
Asterix - Operation GetafixAdventureCoktel Vision
Asterix: Operation Getafixunknown
Asterix: Operation GetafixunknownCoktel
Astro Marine CorpsunknownDinamic Software
At the Carnival (aka The Puzzle Gallery)PuzzleCliff Johnson
AusterlitzStrategyDr. Peter Turcan
Austerlitz 1805unknownCCS
Australian Rules Footballunknown
Australian Rules Football - The Outback Amateur LeagueunknownAgain Again
Australian Rules Football - The Outback Amateur LeagueunknownAgain Again
Australian Rules Football - The Victorian Football LeagueunknownAgain Again
Australian Rules Football - The Victorian Football LeagueunknownAgain Again
Australian Rules Football - The Victorian Football LeagueunknownAgain Again
Australian Rules Football - The Victorian Football LeagueunknownAgain Again
AutobotsPuzzleL. Scott Emmons
Aventura en WildlandunknownInfodisc
Aventura Original, Launknown
Aventura Original, LaunknownAventuras AD
Aventura Original, LaunknownAventuras AD
Aventura Original, LaunknownAventuras AD
Aventura Original, LaunknownAventuras AD
Aventura Original, LaunknownAventuras AD
Aventura Original, LaunknownAventuras AD
Aventura Original, LaunknownAventuras AD
Aventura Original, La - Part 1 - La BusquedaunknownAventuras AD
Aventura Original, La - Part 1 - La BusquedaunknownAventuras AD
Aventura Original, La - Part 1 - La BusquedaunknownAventuras AD
Aventura Original, La - Part 1 - La BusquedaunknownAventuras AD
Aventura Original, La - Part 1 - La BusquedaunknownAventuras AD
Aventura Original, La - Part 2 - El EncuentrounknownAventuras AD
Aventura Original, La - Part 2 - El EncuentrounknownAventuras AD
Aventura Original, La - Part 2 - El EncuentrounknownAventuras AD
Avoid the NoidActionSharedata, Inc.
Avoid the NoidActionCalifornia Merchandising Concepts, Inc.
Avoid the NoidActionSharedata
Avoid the NoidSimulationSharedata
Axe of RageAction
Back to the FutureunknownLJN
Back to the FutureActionLJN Toys, Beam Software
Bad DudesActionData East
Bad Street BrawlerActionMattel
Baker's DozenPuzzleEric Snider
Bakushou!! Jinsei GekijouunknownTaito America Corporation
Balance of Power - The 1990 EditionStrategyMindscape
Balance of Power: The 1990 EditionStrategyIncredible Technologies
Balloon Busterunknown
BananoidActionBanana Development
BananoidActionWilliam Rieder
BanatronActionThomas G. Hanlin III
BanaTronActionThomas G. Hanlin III
Bandai Golf: Challenge Pebble BeachSimulationBandai America, Inc.
Bandit Kings of Ancient ChinaStrategyKoei
Bandit Kings of Ancient ChinaStrategy
Bar GamesSportAccolade
Bar GamesunknownAccolade
Barbarian 2ActionPalace Software
Barbarian II The Dungeon of Draxunknown
Bard's TaleRPGElectronic Arts
Barroom BrawlunknownAH
Baseball Star: Mezase SankanouunknownSNK Corporation
Baseball StarsSportSNK Corporation
Baseball StarsSportSNK Corporation
Basketball NightmareActionSega Corporation
Batman - The MovieunknownOcean
Batman - The MovieunknownOcean
Batman - The MovieunknownOcean
Batman - The Puaj EditionunknownMicro House
Batman - The Puaj EditionunknownMicro House
Batman: The MovieActionOcean
Battle ChessPuzzleInterplay
Battle ChessunknownInterplay
Battle ChessunknownInterplay
Battle ChessAdventureInterplay
Battle ChessAdventureInterplay
Battle ChessStrategyInterplay
Battle ChessStrategyInterplay
Battle ChessunknownInterplay
Battle ChessunknownInterplay
Battle of AusterlitzStrategyGeneral Quarters Software
Battle Out RunSportSEGA Enterprises
Battle Out RunActionSega Corporation
Battle ShipsunknownMirage
Battle ShipsunknownMirage
Battle Squadron: The Destruction of the Barrax EmpireActionInnerprise
BattlestarStrategyGregory Braun
BattleTech: The Crescent Hawks' RevengeRPGWestwood Studios
Beach VolleyunknownOcean
Beach Volleyunknown
Beach VolleySportOcean
BeetrisPuzzleSimsalabim Software
Behind Closed Doors III - Revenge of the AntsunknownZenobi Software
Behind Closed Doors III - Revenge of the AntsunknownZenobi Software
Behind Closed Doors III - Revenge of the AntsunknownZenobi Software
Behind Closed Doors IV - Balrog's Day OutunknownZenobi Software
BelegostunknownCybexlab Software
Berlin 1948Adventure
Berlin 1948unknownRainbow Arts
Bestial WarriorunknownDinamic Software
Beyond ColumnsPuzzle
Beyond ColumnsPuzzleBrad P. Taylor
Beyond the Black HolePuzzleSoftware Toolworks
Beyond the Black HoleAction
Big Blue Disk SamplerunknownSoftdisk
Big Top o' FunMiscMindscape
BilliardsunknownM. Miklyaev
Billy the Kidunknown
Billy the KidunknownVirgin Mastertronic
Bionic NinjaunknownZeppelin Games
Bionic Ninjaunknown
Bionic NinjaunknownZeppelin Games
Black JackunknownInfodisc
Black LampunknownAtari
Black LampunknownAtari
Black LampunknownAtari
Black LampunknownAtari
Black Tigerunknown
BlackjackStrategyJ. S.
Blade Warriorunknown
BlasteroidsActionImage Works
Blip!unknownSilverbird Software
Block O ManiaPuzzle
BlockoutPuzzleCalifornia Dreams
Blood MoneyunknownPsygnosis
BloodwychRPGMirrorsoft Ltd.
Blue Angel 69Puzzle
Blue Angel 69AdultMagic Bytes
Blue Angels: Formation Flight SimulationSimulation
Blue Angels: Formation Flight SimulationunknownAccolade
Blue Angels: Formation Flight SimulationunknownAccolade
BMX Air MasterSportTNT Games
BMX Freestyleunknown
BMX Freestyle SimulatorunknownCodemasters
BMX Freestyle SimulatorunknownCodemasters
BMX Freestyle SimulatorunknownCodemasters
BMX Freestyle SimulatorunknownCodemasters
BMX Simulator 2unknownCodemasters
BMX Simulator 2unknownCodemasters
BMX Simulator 2unknownCodemasters
Bomb FusionunknownMastertronic
Bomb FusionunknownMastertronic
Bomber RaidActionSega /EU - Activision NA
BombfusionunknownVirgin Mastertronic
BombfusionunknownVirgin Mastertronic
BombuzalunknownImage Works
BombuzalunknownImage Works
Boot CampAction
Bounty HunterunknownCodemasters
Bounty HunterunknownCodemasters
Bounty Hunterunknown
Bounty Hunter, TheunknownZenobi Software
BoxxlePuzzleThinking Rabbit
Brick, Theunknown
Brick, TheunknownDelta Software
Brick, TheActionDelta
Brick, TheActionDelta
Brick, TheActionDelta
Brick, TheActionDelta
Bridge HopperActionI. Harness
Brik-BatunknownNew Atari User
British Super LeagueunknownCult Games
British Super LeagueunknownCult Games
Bronx Street Copunknown
Bubble BobbleActionTaito America Corp.
Bubble BobbleActionTaito Corporation
Bubble BobbleunknownTaito
BudokanActionElectronic Arts
Buffalo Bill's Wild West Showunknown
Buffalo Bill's Wild West ShowSportTynesoft
Buffalo Bill's Wild West Showunknown
Buffalo Bills Rodero gamesActionMicroValue
Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle, TheActionKemco
Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle, TheActionKemco
Bust OutunknownDennis Debro
By Fair Means or Foulunknown
By Fair Means or FoulunknownSuperior Software
By Fair Means or FoulunknownSuperior Software
Caesars PalaceStrategy
California Pro GolfunknownMastertronic
Canada Trading CompanyunknownMulft
Cannon FodderStrategyFantasy Computing
Canyon WarriorunknownMastertronic Plus
Canyon WarriorunknownMastertronic Plus
Caper in the Castro (aka Murder on Main Street)AdventureCM Ralph
Capital!unknownANALOG Computing
Capitan Truenounknown
Capitan TruenounknownDinamic Software
Capitán Trueno, ElActionDinamic
Capitán Trueno, ElActionDinamic
Capitán Trueno, ElActionDinamic
Capitán Trueno, ElActionDinamic
Captain Kook - Part 1 - The OrbitunknownEssential Myth
Captain Kook - Part 2 - The EarthdropunknownEssential Myth
Captain SkyhawkActionRare
Card's ShowunknownJudesoft
Carrier CommandStrategyMicroplay
Carrier Commandunknown
Carrier CommandunknownRainbird Software
Carrier CommandunknownRainbird Software
Carrier CommandSimulationMicroplay
CasanovaunknownIber Soft
CasanovaActionIber Soft
Case of the Cautious Condor, TheAdventureTiger Media
Casino GamesSimulationCompile
Casino GamesActionSega Corporation
Casino KidStrategySofel
Castle of the Winds: Part 1RPG
Castle of the Winds: Part 2RPG
Castlevania III: Dracula’s CurseActionKonami
Castlevania III: Dracula's CurseActionKonami Computer Entertainment Japan, Inc.
Castlevania: The AdventureActionKonami
CatacombActionSoftdisk Publishing, PC Arcade
Catch'emMiscDave Edson
Caveman Ugh-lympicsSportElectronic Arts
Caveman Ugh-Lympicsunknown
Caveman Ugh-LympicsunknownDynamix
Caverns of KrozAction
Caverns of Kroz 2Action
Caves of Thorunknown
Cazafantasmas IIActionActivision
CD ManActionCreative Dimensions
CD-ManActionCreative Dimensions
CD-Man 2ActionCreative Dimensions
CementeriounknownPelusa Software
Cesta BojovnikaunknownUltrasoft
Cesta BojovnikaunknownUltrasoft
Chamber of the Sci-Fi Mutant PriestessAdventureCryo
Chamber of the Sci-Mutant PriestessAdventureMindscape
Chamber of the Sci-Mutant PriestessMiscData East Corporation
Chambers of ShaolinActionThalion
Championship BowlingSportRomstar
Championship Jet Ski Simulatorunknown
Championship Jet Ski Simulator - EasyunknownCodemasters
Championship Jet Ski Simulator - EasyunknownCodemasters
Championship Jet Ski Simulator - HardunknownCodemasters
Chase H.Q.unknownOcean
Chase H.Q.unknownOcean
Chase H.Q.unknownOcean
Chase H.Q.unknown
Chase H.Q.unknownOcean
Chase H.Q.ActionOcean
Chase H.Q.SportOcean
Chess Player 2150PuzzleOxford Softworks
Chess SimulatorunknownInfogrames
ChessmasterPuzzleSoftware Toolworks
ChessmasterPuzzleSoftware Toolworks
Chicago 90SimulationMicroids
Chicago 90unknownMicroids
Chicago 90unknown
Chicago 90unknownMicroids
China Sea Traderunknown
Chip’s ChallengePuzzleEpyx
Chip's ChallengePuzzleEpyx, Inc.
Choujin: Ultra BaseballunknownCulture Brain
Chuck Yeager's Advanced Flight TrainerunknownElectronic Arts
Circle of Richness v1.2unknownBig K Software
Circus Attractionsunknown
Circus AttractionsunknownRainbow Arts
Circus Gamesunknown
Clasic Tenisunknown
Classic Concentration 2PuzzleSharedata
Classic PunterunknownGTI Software
Classic PunterunknownGTI Software
Classic Trainerunknown
Classic TrainerunknownGTI Software
Clock Chess '89unknownCP Software
Clone InvadersActionGary Quiring
Clone InvadersActionGary Quiring
Cloud MasterunknownSega Corporation
Clue Master DetectivePuzzleVirgin Mastertronic
CoachSportNew Era Software
Cobra ForceunknownPlayers Premier Software
Cobra ForceunknownPlayers Premier Software
Cobra ForceunknownPlayers Premier Software
Cobra Forceunknown
Cobra TriangleSportRare, Nintendo
Cobra TriangleActionNintendo of America Inc.
Code-name: IcemanAdventure
Colección Dinamic 90MiscDinamic
Colección Dinamic 90MiscDinamic
Colección Dinamic 90MiscDinamic
Colección Dinamic 90MiscDinamic
Colossus Chess XStrategyCDS
Colossus Chess XStrategy?
ColourbindunknownDaton Software
Comando Quatrounknown
Comando QuatrounknownZigurat Software
Comando QuatrounknownZigurat Software
Comando QuatrounknownZigurat Software
Comando QuatrounknownZigurat
Comando QuatrounknownZigurat
Comando QuatrounknownZigurat
Comando TracerunknownDinamic Software
Comando Tracerunknown
Comando TracerunknownDinamic Software
Combat CourseunknownCobra Soft
Comecocos 3DActionMicrohobby
Con Licencia para MatarActionDomark
Concurrent DOS (CDOS) 386unknownDigital Research
ConflictStrategyVic Tokai Corporation
Conflict EuropeunknownMirrorsoft
Conflict: EuropeStrategy
ConquerorStrategyRainbow Arts
Conquests of Camelot: The Search for the GrailunknownSierra
Conquests of Camelot: The Search for the GrailunknownSierra
Continental CircusunknownVirgin Mastertronic
Continental CircusunknownVirgin Mastertronic
Continental CircusunknownVirgin Mastertronic
Continental Circusunknown
Continental CircusunknownVirgin Games
Contraption ZackPuzzleMindscape
CorsariosunknownOpera Soft
CorsariosunknownOpera Soft
CorsariosActionOpera Soft
CorsariosActionOpera Soft
CorsariosActionOpera Soft
CorsariosActionOpera Soft
CorsariosActionOpera Soft
CorsariosActionOpera Soft
CorsariosActionOpera Soft
Cosmic EpsilonunknownAsmik
Cosmic PirateunknownByte Back
Cosmic PirateunknownByte Back
Cosmic PirateunknownByte Back
Cosmic PirateunknownByte Back
Cosmic Sheriffunknown
Cosmic SheriffunknownDinamic Software
Cosmic SheriffunknownDinamic Software
Cosmic SheriffunknownDinamic Software
Cosmic SheriffActionDinamic
Cosmic SheriffActionDinamic
Cosmic SheriffActionDinamic
Cosmic SheriffActionDinamic
Cosmic SheriffunknownDinamic Software
Cosmic Soldier: Psychic WarRPG
Cosmic WarsunknownKonami Computer Entertainment Japan, Inc.
Count DuckulaunknownAlternative Software
Count Duckulaunknown
County CricketunknownD&H Games
Cowboy KidzunknownByte Back
Crab Attack IIActionAndrew & Scott Lindsey
Crack CityunknownZenobi Software
Crack CityunknownZenobi Software
Crack of Doom, TheAdventureBeam Software
Crack Upunknown
Crack-UpunknownAtlantis Software
Crack-UpunknownAtlantis Software
Crack-Up!unknownAtlantis Software
Crack-Up!unknownAtlantis Software
Crazy CarsSimulationTitus
Crazy Cars 2SimulationTitus
Crazy Cars 2Sport
Crazy Cars IIunknown
Crazy Clown JumperunknownANALOG Computing
Crazy Clown JumperunknownANALOG Computing
Crazy Shootunknown
Crime BustersunknownGradiente
CrossbowActionAbsolute Entertainment
Crystal MinesunknownColor Dreams
Crystal of Power, TheunknownFantasy
Curro JimenezunknownZigurat Software
Curro Jimenezunknown
Curro JiménezActionZigurat
Curro JiménezActionZigurat
Curro JiménezActionZigurat
Curse of the Azure BondsRPGSSI
Curse of the Azure BondsRPG
Curse of the Azure BondsRPGSSI
Curse of the Azure BondsRPGSSI
Curse of the Azure BondsunknownSSI
Curse of the Azure BondsunknownSSI
Curse of the Azure BondsunknownSSI
Curse of the Azure BondsActionSSI
CybernationunknownPlayers Software
Cybernoid: The Fighting MachineunknownAcclaim Entertainment, Inc.
Cybor-StienunknownB.Ware Software
Cycles, TheunknownAccolade
Cycles, TheunknownAccolade
Cycles, Theunknown
Cycles, The: International Grand Prix RacingSportAccolade
Cygnus X1unknownAtari
Cygnus X1unknownAtari
D-37unknownBeja Soft
D.N.A. WarriorunknownCascade Games
D.N.A. WarriorunknownCascade Games
D.N.A. WarriorunknownCascade Games
Daily Double Horse RacingSportArtworx
Dance AerobicsunknownNintendo Co., LTD
Dark Centuryunknown
Dark Heart of Uukrul, TheRPGDigital Studios Limited
Dark Powerunknown
Das Dorf der TotenunknownPower Per Post
Das Schwarze SchlossunknownProfiteam Software
Das Schwert SkarunknownMarkt & Technik
David Wolf: Secret AgentActionDynamix, Inc.
David Wolf: Secret AgentunknownDynamix
Day of the PharaohStrategy
Day Of The ViperRPGAccolade
Dead AngleunknownSega Corporation
DeadendersunknownTop Ten Software
Death BringerRPGPandora
Death Stalkerunknown
DeathtrackSportActivision Publishing, Inc.
Decisive Battles of the American Civil War: Vol. 2Strategy
Deep, Theunknown
Defcom 1unknown
Defcom 1ActionIber
Defcom 1ActionIber
Defcom 1ActionIber
Defcom 1ActionIber
Defender of the CrownunknownThe Cat
Defender of the CrownunknownThe Cat
Defender of the CrownunknownThe Cat
Deja Vu 2: Lost in Las VegasAdventureIcom Simulations
Deja Vu 2: Lost in Las VegasAdventureMindscape
Demi-GodunknownSoftel Software
Demon RacerunknownAntic
Demon StalkersAction
Demon's Tomb - The AwakeningAdventurecompany
Demon's Tomb: The AwakeningAdventure
Demon's WinterRPG
Demon's Tomb: The AwakeningunknownVirgin
Demon's Tomb: The AwakeningunknownVirgin
Demons WinterRPGStrategic Simulations, Inc.
Der Verlassene PlanetunknownMarkt & Technik
Desert CommanderStrategyKemco/Seika
Desperado 2unknown
Destruccion de America, La - Part 1 - El ComienzounknownConrado Badenas
Devil ManunknownNamco Ltd
Dia Despues, ElunknownBolsoftware Communications
DiatmarunknownSantiago Marquez
DiatmarunknownS. Márquez
Die Alien SlimeunknownMastertronic Plus
Die Alien SlimeunknownMastertronic Plus
Die Alien Slimeunknown
Die HardActionActivision
Die HardunknownDynamix
Die HardunknownDynamix
Die HardunknownDynamix
Die PyramideunknownCP Verlag
Die Stadt der Löwen oder The Final Singapore SlingAdventurePM Entertainment
Die Turme von HanoiunknownMarkt & Technik
Dig Dug II: Trouble in ParadiseunknownBandai America, Inc.
Dimension OmegaunknownPositive
Dimension OmegaunknownPositive
Dimension OmegaunknownPositive
Dimension OmegaunknownPositive
Dimensión OmegaActionPositive
Dimensión OmegaActionPositive
Dimensión OmegaActionPositive
Dimensión OmegaActionPositive
Dinamic 5º AniversarioMiscDinamic
Dinamic 5º AniversarioMiscDinamic
Dinamic 5º AniversarioMiscDinamic
Dinamic 5º AniversarioMiscDinamic
DinosActionCarlos Fierro
Discopack +3unknownNew Frontier
Disney’s DuckTalesActionCapcom
Dive BomberSimulation
Dizzy III Fantasy World Dizzyunknown
Dizzy III - Fantasy World DizzyunknownCodemasters
Dizzy III - Fantasy World DizzyunknownCodemasters
Dizzy III - Fantasy World DizzyunknownCodemasters
Dizzy III - Fantasy World DizzyunknownCodemasters
Dizzy III - Fantasy World DizzyunknownCodemasters
Dizzy III - Fantasy World DizzyunknownCodemasters
Dizzy III - Fantasy World DizzyunknownCodemasters
Dizzy III - Fantasy World DizzyunknownCodemasters
Dizzy IV Magicland Dizzyunknown
Dizzy IV - Magicland DizzyunknownCodemasters
Dizzy IV - Magicland DizzyunknownCodemasters
Dizzy IV - Magicland DizzyunknownCodemasters
Dizzy IV - Magicland DizzyunknownCodemasters
Dizzy IV - Magicland DizzyunknownCodemasters
Dizzy IV - Magicland DizzyunknownCodemasters
Dogs of WarActionElite
DominatorunknownElectric Dreams Software
DominatorunknownElectric Dreams Software
DominatorActionSystem 3
Don Juan TenoriounknownFrancisco Javier Rodriguez Para
Don Quijote de la ManchaunknownAventuras Level 10
Don Quijote de La ManchaunknownLevel 10
Don't Go AloneRPGAccolade
Don't Go AloneRPGAccolade
Don't Go AloneRPG
Don't Go AloneRPGAccolade
Double Dragon 2 - The RevengeActionVirgin Mastertronic
Double Dragon 2: The RevengeunknownTechnos
Double Dragon 2: The RevengeunknownTechnos
Double Dragon 2: The RevengeunknownTechnos
Double Dragon 2: The RevengeunknownTechnos
Double Dragon 2: The RevengeunknownTechnos
Double Dragon II The Revengeunknown
Double DunkSportAtari
Downhill ChallengeunknownBroderbund
Downhill ChallengeunknownBroderbund
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. HydeActionBandai America, Inc.
Dr. Jekyll vs Mr HydeunknownMorbosoft
Dr.Doom´s revengeActionMedalist International
Dragon Ball 3: Gokuu DenunknownBandai America, Inc.
Dragon Breedunknown
Dragon BreedunknownActivision
Dragon Buster II: Yami no FuuinunknownNamco Ltd
Dragon ForceStrategyInterstel Corporation
Dragon LordStrategyOutlaw
Dragon NinjaunknownNamco Ltd
Dragon Spiritunknown
Dragon Spirit: Aratanaru DensetsuunknownNamco Ltd
Dragon WarriorunknownNintendo Co., LTD
Dragon WarsRPGInterplay
Dragon’s LairActionAdvanced Microcomputer Systems
Dragon's LairAdventure
Dragon's LairunknownDigital Leisure
Dragon's LairunknownDigital Leisure
Dragon's LairunknownDigital Leisure
Dragon's LairunknownDigital Leisure
Dragons of FlameRPGSSI
Dragons of FlameRPG
Dragons of FlameunknownSSI
DrakkarunknownDelta Software
DrakkarunknownDiabolic Software
Drazen Petrovic BasketunknownTopo Soft
Drazen Petrovic BasketunknownTopo Soft
Drazen Petrovic BasketunknownTopo Soft
Drazen Petrovic BasketunknownTopo Soft
Drigus und Drolanunknown
Duck Out!unknownDro Soft
Duck Out!ActionDro Soft
Duck Out!ActionDro Soft
Duck TalesActionCapcom Co., Ltd.
DuckTalesActionCapcom Co., Ltd.
Dungeon MasterRPGFTL
Dungeon MasterRPGFTL
Dungeon Master: Chaos Strikes BackRPGFTL Games
Dungeon Master's Assistant Volume II: Characters and TreasuresunknownSSI
Dungeons of KairnRPG
Dungeons of KrozActionScott Miller
Dungeons of Kroz 2Action
Dynamic Duounknown
Dynamic DuounknownFirebird Software
Dynamic DuounknownFirebird Software
Dynamite Duexunknown
DynamixunknownVirgin Mastertronic
Eamon 007 - The Devil's TombunknownJacobson, J.
Eamon 016 - The Caves of MondamenunknownNelson, J.
Eamon 021 - The Quest for MarronunknownNelson, J.
Eamon 030 - The Underground CityunknownAdelson, S.
Eamon 032 - House of Ill Reputeunknown
Eamon 035 - The Lair of MutantsunknownHodson, E.
Eamon 058 - The Land of DeathunknownBerge, T.
Eamon 060 - The Sewers of ChicagounknownJ. Allen
Eamon 072 - House On Eamon RidgeunknownBerge, T.
Eamon 074 - DharmaquestunknownPender, R.
Eamon 081 - The Rescue MissionunknownBrown, D.
Eamon 085 - The Time PortalunknownKuypers, E.
Eamon 094 - Blood FeudunknownKrebs, R.
Eamon 098 - Slave Pits of KzorlandunknownHersam, R.
Eamon 109 - The Forest of FearunknownRuby, S.
Eamon 118 - PittfallunknownStarkey, S.
Earl Weaver BaseballSportElectronic Arts
EarthBound Beginnings (Mother)RPGApe, Pax Softnica, Nintendo
East vs West: Berlin 1948AdventureRainbow Arts
East vs West: Berlin 1948AdventureRainbow Arts
East vs West: Berlin 1948AdventureRainbow Arts
Eat ItunknownMarko Teittinen
Eat ItunknownMarko Teittinen
EcopolicyStrategyFrederic Vester
EGA wallsPuzzlePolik
EgawallsActionMichelangelo Policarpo
EgawallsActionMichelangelo Policarpo
Electra-ball: Sport of the FutureunknownANALOG Computing
Elven WarriorunknownPlayers Premier Software
Emilio Butragueño 2unknownErbe
Emilio Butragueño 2unknownErbe
Emilio Butragueño 2unknownErbe
Emilio Butragueno Futbol IIunknown
Emilio Butragueno Futbol II - CampeonatounknownErbe Software - Ocean
Emilio Butragueno Futbol II - CampeonatounknownErbe Software - Ocean
Emilio Sánchez VicariounknownZigurat
Emilio Sánchez VicariounknownZigurat
Emilio Sánchez VicariounknownZigurat
Emilio Sánchez VicariounknownZigurat
Emilio Sanchez Vicario Grand Slamunknown
Emilio Sanchez Vicario Grand SlamunknownZigurat Software
Emlyn Hughes International SoccerunknownAudiogenic Software
Emmanuelle: A Game of EroticismAdventureCoktel Vision
Emmanuelle: A Game of EroticismAdultCoktel Vision
Emmanuelle: A Game of EroticismAdventure
Emmanuelle: A Game of EroticismunknownTomahawk
Emo Yan no 10 Bai Pro YakyuuunknownHect
End Zoneunknown
End ZoneunknownAlternative Software
End ZoneunknownAlternative Software
Engendro!unknownJorge Duran Ponsa
EnterpriseunknownMelbourne House
Escape from the Planet of the Robot MonstersActionAtari Games, Domark
Escape from Wacciunknown
Esgrima Electricounknown
Espacio Maligno I, ElunknownDaniel Perez Espinosa
Espacio Maligno II, ElunknownDaniel Perez Espinosa
Espacio Maligno, ElunknownD. Pérez
Evil Donjonunknown
Examen, ElunknownBurga's Adventure
Examen, ElunknownBurgas Adventures
Exploding WallunknownByte Back
Explora 2Adventure
Eye of HorusActionMindscape
Eye of HorusActionLogotron
Eye of HorusunknownFanfare
Eye of HorusunknownFanfare
F-15 Strike Eagle 2SimulationMicroprose
F-15 Strike Eagle 2unknownMicroprose
F-15 Strike Eagle 2unknownMicroprose
F-15 Strike Eagle 2unknownMicroprose
F-15 Strike Eagle 2: Operation Desert StormunknownMicroprose
F-15 Strike Eagle IISimulation
F-16 Combat PilotSimulationElectronic Arts
F-16 Combat PilotSimulation
F-16 Combat PilotunknownElectronic Arts
F-16 Combat PilotunknownElectronic Arts
F-16 Combat PilotunknownElectronic Arts
F-16 Combat PilotunknownElectronic Arts
F-29 RetaliatorSimulationDigital Image Design Ltd.
F1 ManagerunknownSimulmondo
F40 PursuitunknownTitus
F40 Pursuit SimulatorSport
Face offSportGamestar
Face Off!SportActivision
FalconunknownSpectrum Holobyte
FalconunknownSpectrum Holobyte
FalconunknownSpectrum Holobyte
Fallen AngelActionEmerald Software
Fallen AngelAction
Famicom Jump: Eiyuu RetsudenunknownBandai America, Inc.
Famicom Yakyuu BanunknownEpoch
Family PinballunknownNamco Ltd
Fantastic SoccerunknownZeppelin Games
Fantastic SoccerunknownZeppelin Games
Fantasy World DizzyActionCodemasters Software
Fantasy World Dizzy for the Sinclair ZX SpectrumunknownCodemasters
Faria: Fuuin no TsurugiunknownHi-Score Software
Fast BreakSportAccolade
Fast FoodActionCodemasters Software
Fast Food Dizzyunknown
Fast Food DizzyunknownCodemasters
Fast Food DizzyunknownCodemasters
Fast Food DizzyunknownCodemasters
Fast Food DizzyunknownCodemasters
Fatal RunSportSculptured Software
Fatal RunSportSculptured Software
Federico HyperspyActionCompulogical
Ferrari Formula 1Sport
Ferrari Formula OneSimulationElectronic Arts
Ferrari Formula OneunknownElectronic Arts
Ferrari Formula OneunknownElectronic Arts
Ferrari Formula OneunknownElectronic Arts
Fester’s QuestActionSun Electronics
Fester's QuestActionSun Corporation of America
Fidelity Chessmaster 2100Strategy
Fiendish Freddy's Big Top o' FunActionGray Matter
Fighter BomberSimulationActivision
Fighter BomberunknownActivision
Fighter Bomber: Advanced Mission DiscunknownActivision
Fighting SoccerunknownActivision
Fighting Soccerunknown
Final Fantasy Legend, TheRPGSquare Co.
Final FightActionCapcom Co., Ltd.
Final FrontierStrategyPSS
Final FrontierStrategy
Final OrbitActionAftershock Entertainment
Fire SharkActionToaplan
Fire-Brigade - The Battle for Kiev - 1943StrategyPanther Games
Fist of the North StarunknownTaxan
Flipull (Plotting)PuzzleTaito
Flipull (Plotting)PuzzleTaito
Flipull: An Exciting Cube GameunknownTaito America Corporation
Flying Dragon: The Secret ScrollunknownCulture Brain
Fool's ErrandunknownMiles Computing
Football Manager 2 - Expansion KitunknownAddictive Games
FootballerunknownCult Games
Footballer of the Year 2unknown
Forastero, ElunknownGrupo Creators Union
Force of FourunknownKenneth Boynton
Forgotten WorldsActionCapcom
Forgotten Worldsunknown
Freddy Hardest in South ManhattanunknownDinamic Software
Freddy Hardest in South Manhattanunknown
Friday the 13thunknownLJN
Friday the 13thActionAtlus, LJN Toys
FrightfulActionCrom Software
From Out of a Dark Night SkyunknownZenobi Software
From Out of a Dark Night SkyunknownZenobi Software
Fruit Machine SimulatorunknownCode Masters
Fruit Machine SimulatorunknownCode Masters
Fruit Machine Simulator - Cash 'n' GrabunknownZeppelin Games
Fruit Machine Simulator - Cash 'n' GrabunknownZeppelin Games
Fuksoft IIunknownRaxoft
Futur Racerunknown
Future Wars: Time TravellersAdventureDelphine Software
Galactic battleActionSoftdisk
Galaxy Forceunknown
Galaxy ForceunknownActivision NA - Sega EU
Galdregon'S DomainAdventurePandora
Galdregon's DomainunknownPandora
GalenunknownMandragora Software
Ganbare Goemon 2unknownKonami Computer Entertainment Japan, Inc.
Ganbare Pennant Race!unknownKonami Computer Entertainment Japan, Inc.
Gato con Botas, ElunknownNacho Gonzalez Cutre
Gauntlet 2AdventureMindscape, Atari Games
Gauntlet 2unknownAtari
Gauntlet 2unknownAtari
Gekitotsu Yonku BattleunknownIrem Software Engineering, Inc.
Gekitou Stadium!!unknownTecmo, Ltd.
Gemini Wingunknown
Gemini WingActionVirgin Games
Genghis KhanStrategyKOEI
Gengis KhanStrategy
GeniusunknownBusy Software
GhostActionMind Games
Ghost LionStrategyKotobuki System Co., Ltd.
Ghostbusters 2ActionActivision
Ghouls 'n' Ghostsunknown
Gilbert Escape from Drillunknown
Gilbert - Escape from DrillunknownAgain Again
Gilbert - Escape from DrillunknownAgain Again
Gilbert - Escape from DrillunknownAgain Again
Girlfriend Construction SetSimulationTom Scheffler
GladiatorsActionSmash 16
Gnome Ranger II - Ingrid's Back!unknownLevel 9 Computing
Gnome Ranger II - Ingrid's Back!unknownLevel 9 Computing
Gnome Ranger II - Ingrid's Back!unknownLevel 9 Computing
Gnome Ranger II - Ingrid's Back!unknownLevel 9 Computing
Gnome Ranger II - Ingrid's Back!unknownLevel 9 Computing
Gnome Ranger II - Ingrid's Back!unknownLevel 9 Computing
Goblin Gazette, The - Issue 1unknownZenobi Software
Goblin Gazette, The - Issue 2unknownZenobi Software
Goblin Gazette, The - Issue 2unknownZenobi Software
GodsunknownSimon & Julia Barnsley
GodsunknownSimon & Julia Barnsley
GodsunknownSimon & Julia Barnsley
GodsunknownSimon & Julia Barnsley
Godzilla: Monster of Monsters!unknownToho
Gold of the AmericasStrategyStepehen Hart, Ian Trout
Gold of the Americas: The Conquest of the New WorldStrategy
Gold of the Americas: The Conquest of the New WorldunknownSSG
Golden AxeActionSEGA Enterprises Ltd.
Golden AxeActionSEGA of America, Inc.
Gone Fishingunknown
GonzzalezzunknownOpera Soft
GonzzalezzunknownOpera Soft
GonzzalezzunknownOpera Soft
GonzzalezzunknownOpera Soft
GonzzalezzunknownOpera Soft
GonzzalezzunknownOpera Soft
GonzzalezzActionOpera Soft
GonzzalezzActionOpera Soft
GonzzalezzActionOpera Soft
GonzzalezzActionOpera Soft
GonzzalezzActionOpera Soft
Gordello Incident, TheunknownTartan Software
Gordello Incident, TheunknownTartan Software
Gordello Incident, TheunknownTartan Software
Gordello Incident, The - IntrounknownTartan Software
Gordello Incident, The - IntrounknownTartan Software
Gozonji: Yaji Kita Chin DouchuuunknownHAL Laboratory, Inc.
Gradius III - The OutbreakActionKonami
Grand monster slamActionRainbow Arts
Grand Monster SlamActionGolden Goblins
Grand Prixunknown
Grand PrixunknownD&H Games
Grand Prix CircuitSportAccolade
Grand Prix Simulator 2unknownCodemasters
Grave YardageSportActivision
Great Courtsunknown
Great CourtsSportBlue Byte
Gregory Loses his ClockunknownMastertronic Plus
Gregory Loses his ClockunknownMastertronic Plus
Grid Iron 2unknownAlternative Software
GridwarsunknownPage 6
GrimeMiscMark Elendt
Guerrero SolitarioActionInfodisc
Guerrilla WarunknownSNK Corporation
Guerrilla WarActionImagine
Guerrilla WarActionSNK
Guillermo Tellunknown
Guillermo TellActionOpera Soft
Guillermo TellActionOpera Soft
Guillermo TellActionOpera Soft
Guillermo TellActionOpera Soft
GyrussunknownUltra Games
H.A.T.E. - Hostile All Terrain EncounterunknownGremlin Graphics Software
Hamsters en Folieunknown
Hard Drivin'unknown
Hard Drivin'unknownDomark
Hard Drivin'unknownDomark
Hard Drivin'unknownDomark
Hardball 2unknown
Hardball 2unknownAccolade
Hardball 2unknownAccolade
Harley Davidson: Road To SturgisSimulationMindscape
Harley-Davidson: The Road to SturgisunknownMindscape
HarpoonunknownThree-Sixty Pacific
HarpoonStrategyThree-Sixty Pacific
HarpoonunknownThree-Sixty Pacific
HarpoonunknownThree-Sixty Pacific
HarpoonunknownThree-Sixty Pacific
Harpoon BattleSet 2: North Atlantic ConvoysunknownThree-Sixty Pacific
Harpoon BattleSet 2: North Atlantic ConvoysunknownThree-Sixty Pacific
Harpoon BattleSet 2: North Atlantic ConvoysunknownThree-Sixty Pacific
Harpoon BattleSet 3: The MED ConflictunknownThree-Sixty Pacific
Harpoon BattleSet 3: The MED ConflictunknownThree-Sixty Pacific
Harpoon BattleSet 4: IOPGunknownThree-Sixty Pacific
Harpoon Challenger Pak - Signature EditionunknownThree-Sixty Pacific
Harpoon Designers' Series 1: BattleSet EnhancerunknownThree-Sixty Pacific
Harpoon Designers' Series 2: Post-Graduate Naval Operations & TacticsunknownThree-Sixty Pacific
Harpoon Patch DiskunknownThree-Sixty Pacific
Harpoon Scenario EditorunknownThree-Sixty Pacific
Harpoon Scenario EditorunknownThree-Sixty Pacific
Hayauchi Super IgounknownNamco Ltd
Heart BrokenunknownAtlantis Software
Heart BrokenunknownAtlantis Software
Heart BrokenunknownAtlantis Software
Heart Broken - Adventure 3unknownAtlantis Software
Heavy BarrelActionData East Corporation
Heavy MetalActionAccess
Hellfire AttackunknownMartech Games
Helter SkelterActionThe Assembly Line
Helter SkelterPuzzle
Hermitage, TheunknownPegasus Developments
Hermitage, TheunknownZenobi Software
Hermitage, TheunknownPegasus Developments
Hero's Quest: So you Want to be a HeroRPGSierra On-Line
Hero’s Quest: So You Want To Be A HeroRPGSierra On-Line
Hero's Quest: So You Want to be a HerounknownSierra
Hero's Quest: So You Want to be a HerounknownSierra
Hero's Quest: So You Want to be a HeroStrategySierra
Heroes of the Lanceunknown
Heroes of the LanceunknownSSI
Heroes of the LanceAdventureSSI
Heroes of the LanceStrategySSI
Heroes of the LanceunknownSSI
HF ColumnsunknownLogo
Hi Q Quizunknown
Hidden Agendaunknown
High SteelunknownScreen 7
High Steelunknown
High SteelunknownScreen 7
High SteelunknownScreen 7
Highway Patrolunknown
Hissatsu Doujou YaburiunknownSigma Enterprises
HitunknownZenobi Software
Hobble Hunter, TheunknownCompass Software
Hobble Hunter, TheunknownCompass Software
Hokuto no Ken 3: Shinseiki Souzou: Seiken RetsudenunknownToei Animation
Hole in One Miniature GolfSportDigitek
Hollywood SquaresunknownGameTek Inc
Hollywood SquaresPuzzle
Holy DiverActionIrem Software Engineering, Inc.
Horror CityActionNovotrade
Hostage: Rescue MissionActionInfogrames
Hostages: The Embassy MissionunknownKemco/Seika
Hot WheelunknownIngo Linkweiler
HotshotunknownPrism Leisure
House of CardsStrategy
House of CardsunknownVirgin
Hoyle - Book of Games Vol. 1unknownSierra
Hoyle - Book of Games Vol. 1unknownSierra
Hoyle - Book of Games Vol. 1unknownSierra
Hoyle - Book of Games Vol. 1unknownSierra
Hoyle Official Book of GamesStrategySierra On-Line
Hoyle Official Book of Games: Volume 1MiscSierra On-Line Inc.
Human Killing MachineSportU.S. Gold
Human Killing Machineunknown
Hyakki YagyouunknownOpera House
Hydlide 3: Yami Kara no HoumonshaunknownNamco Ltd
HyperoidActionFree Software Foundation
HypsysunknownTechno Arts
HypsysunknownTechno Arts
HypsysunknownTechno Arts
HypsysunknownTechno Arts
HypsysActionDro Soft
HypsysActionDro Soft
HypsysActionDro Soft
Ice Temple, Theunknown
Idol HakkendenAdventureTowa Chiki
If It Moves, Shoot ItActionBroderbund
Il Etait Une Foisunknown
IlyadActionUbi Soft
Impossible Mission-IIunknownA Wave
In the Days of Knights & KingsStrategyEntrex Software
Incredible Shrinking SphereunknownElectric Dreams Software
Incredible Shrinking SphereunknownElectric Dreams Software
Indiana Jones 3 - and the Last CrusadeunknownLucasArts
Indiana Jones and the Last CrusadeActionLucasGames
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusadeunknown
Indiana Jones and the Temple of DoomActionAtari Games
Indiana Jones and the Temple of DoomunknownLucas Arts
Indiana Jones and the Temple of DoomAdventureLucas Arts
Indiana Jones y la última CruzadaActionU.S. Gold
Indianapolis 500SimulationPapyrus Design Group
Indianapolis 500Sport
Indianapolis 500SportPapyrus
Indianapolis 500: The SimulationunknownPapyrus
Indianapolis 500: The SimulationunknownPapyrus
Indianapolis 500: The SimulationunknownPapyrus
Indianapolis 500: The SimulationunknownPapyrus
Indianapolis 500: The SimulationunknownPapyrus
Indianapolis 500: The SimulationunknownPapyrus
InfectionunknownVirgin Mastertronic
InfectionunknownVirgin Mastertronic
International FootballunknownCult Games
International KarateSportSystem 3
InterphaseunknownImage Works
Into the Eagles NestActionBanana Development
Intocables, LosActionOcean
Intruder AlertunknownCompass Software
Intruder AlertunknownCompass Software
InvasionunknownPower Per Post
Iron SoldierunknownPlayers Premier Software
Iron SoldierunknownPlayers Premier Software
Iron SoldierunknownPlayers Premier Software
Ironman Offroad RacingSportVirgin Games
IronSword: Wizards & Warriors IIunknownAcclaim Entertainment, Inc.
IskibActionCompute! Publication
ISS Incredible Shrinking Sphereunknown
It Came From the DesertAdventureCinemaware
It Came from the DesertActionCinemaware
Italia '90 World Cup Soccerunknown
Italia '90 - World Cup SoccerunknownVirgin Games
Italy 90 SoccerunknownSimulmondo
JabatounknownAventuras AD
JabatounknownAventuras AD
JabatounknownAventuras AD
JabatounknownAventuras AD
JabatounknownAventuras AD
JabatounknownAventuras AD
JabatounknownAventuras AD
JabatounknownAventuras AD
JabatounknownAventuras AD
JabatounknownAventuras AD
Jabato \(Spanish\)AdventureAventuras AD
Jajamaru NinpouchouunknownJaleco
James Clavell's Shōgun: A Story of JapanAdventureInfocom
James Clavell's ShogunAdventureInfocom
James Clavell's ShogunAdventure
JawsunknownScreen 7
Jaws: The Computer GameunknownStarSoft Development Laboratories
Jaws: The Computer GameunknownStarSoft Development Laboratories
Jaws: The Computer GameunknownStarSoft Development Laboratories
Jeopardy! 3rd EditionStrategyShareData
Jeopardy! Junior EditionStrategyShareData
Jeopardy! Junior EditionPuzzleRare, GameTek
Jeopardy!: Junior EditionunknownGameTek Inc
Jesus: Kyoufu no Bio MonsterunknownKing Records
Jim Henson';s Muppet Adventure - Chaos at the CarnavalActionMicromosaics
Jimmy Connors Pro Tennis TourSportBlue Byte Software
Jimmy Connors Pro Tennis TourSportBlue Byte Software
Jmeno RuzeunknownGolden Bat
Joan of ArcStrategy
Joan of ArcStrategyChip
Joan of Arc - Siege and the SwordStrategyBroderbund
Jocky Wilson's Darts ChallengeunknownZeppelin Games
Jocky Wilson's Darts ChallengeunknownZeppelin Games
Joe Blade IIIunknownPlayers Premier Software
Joe Blade IIIunknown
John Elway'S QuarterbackSportVirgin Games
John Madden FootballSportElectronic Arts
John Madden Footballunknown
Johny VaynaunknownPedro Amador Lopez
Johny VaynaunknownPedro Amador Lopez
Johny VaynaunknownPedro Amador
Journey: The Quest BeginsAdventureInfocom
Journey: The Quest BeginsAdventure
Juanito en Busca de su Baloncitounknown3P Soft
Juega... SegurounknownMind Games
Juego de la Oca, Elunknown
Juego de la Oca, ElunknownZafiro Software Division
Juego de la Oca, ElMiscZafiro
Juego de la Oca, ElMiscZafiro
Jungle WarfareunknownVirgin Mastertronic
Jungle Warfareunknown
KarnovActionData East
Karth of the Jungle I & IIAdventureErik R. Batzloff
Ke Rulen los PetasunknownIber Soft
Ke Rulen los Petasunknown
Keef The ThiefAdventureElectronic Arts
Keef the ThiefunknownElectronic Arts
Keef the ThiefPuzzleElectronic Arts
Keiba Simulation: HonmeiSportNichibutsu
KemshuunknownCult Games
Kendo WarriorunknownByte Back
Kendo WarriorunknownByte Back
Kenny Dalglish Soccer ManagerSportCognito
Kenny Dalglish Soccer ManagerunknownCognito
KenoSimulationTed Gruber Software
KeopsunknownOscar Soft
KGB Super SpyunknownCodemasters
Kick OffunknownAnco Software
Kick OffunknownAnco Software
Kick OffunknownAnco Software
Kick OffunknownAnco Software
Kick OffunknownAnco Software
Kilburn EncounterunknownSCP Hackers
Kings of beachSportElectronic Arts
KlaxPuzzleTengen Inc.
KlaxPuzzleTengen Inc.
Knight RiderSportAcclaim Entertainment, Inc.
Knights Of LegendAdventureOrigin Systems Inc
Knights of LegendRPG
Knights of LegendunknownOrigin
Konamic Sports in SeoulunknownKonami Computer Entertainment Japan, Inc.
KosmosunknownAtlantis Software
KosmosunknownAtlantis Software
Krazy MazesunknownANALOG Computing
Kult: The Temple of Flying SaucersAdventureExxos
Kung Fu KnightsunknownFirebird Software
Kung Fu Louie vs The Martial Art PosseActionElite Software
Kung-Fu HeroesActionCulture Brain
Kyuukyoku TigerunknownCBS / Sony Group
La RivoltaunknownSuper Game 2000
Lakers versus Celtics and the NBA PlayoffsSportElectronic Arts, Inc.
Lakers vs. Celtics and the NBA PlayoffsunknownElectronics Arts
Lakers vs. Celtics and the NBA PlayoffsunknownElectronics Arts
Lakers vs. Celtics and the NBA PlayoffsunknownElectronics Arts
Landing PartyStrategyPC-SIG
LarryunknownLuiz Cressoni Filho
Las Vegas CasinounknownZeppelin Games
Laser DuellunknownHappy Computer
Laser DuellunknownHappy Computer
Laser SquadActionBlade Software
Last BattleActionSEGA Enterprises
Last Duelunknown
Last DuelunknownU.S. Gold
Last Duel: Inter Planet War 2012unknown
Last Half of DarknessAdventureSoftLab Laboratories
Last Half of DarknessAdventure
Last Race, Theunknown
Laura Bow - The Colonel's BequestAdventureSierra
Le Fetiche Mayaunknown
Le PresidentunknownMarkt & Technik
Legacy of the AncientsRPG
Legend of DjelAdventureTomahawk
Legend of the Red DragonRPG
Legends of Murder: Volume 1 - Stonedale CastleRPG
Leisure Suit Larry 3AdventureSierra
Leisure Suit Larry 3AdultSierra On-Line
Leisure Suit Larry 3: Passionate Patti auf der Suche nach vibrierenden Muskeln!unknownSierra
LembracsPuzzleMichael D. Speir
Letterforms & IllusionPuzzleScott Kim and Robin Fe Samelson
LeyendasunknownMind Games
LiberatorunknownProein Soft Line
Liberty or DeathStrategyKOEI
Libro Negro, ElunknownYear Zero Software
Libro Negro, ElunknownYear Zero Software
Life Force SalamanderunknownKonami Computer Entertainment Japan, Inc.
LightmareunknownZenobi Software
Line of FireActionSega
Line WarsSimulationFreeware
LingoPuzzleDavilex Software
Livingstone 2ActionOpera Soft
Livingstone 2Action
Livingstone Supongo IIunknown
Livingstone Supongo IIunknownOpera Soft
Livingstone Supongo IIunknownOpera Soft
Livingstone Supongo IIunknownOpera Soft
Livingstone Supongo IIunknownOpera Soft
Livingstone Supongo IIunknownOpera Soft
Livingstone Supongo IIunknownOpera Soft
Livingstone Supongo IIunknownOpera Soft
Livingstone Supongo IIunknownOpera Soft
Livingstone Supongo IIunknownOpera Soft
Livingstone Supongo IIunknownOpera Soft
Lode Runnerunknown
Lombard RAC RallySportRed Rat
Lords of the Rising SunStrategyCinemaware
Lost CavesunknownPlayers Premier Software
Lost Cavesunknown
Lost Dutchman Mineunknown
Lost Dutchman MineAdventureMagnetic Images
Lunar TakeActionEdiciones Manali
LysisunknownCP Verlag
M1 Tank PlatoonSimulationMicroProse
M1 Tank PlatoonSimulationMicroprose
M1 Tank PlatoonunknownMicroprose
M1 Tank PlatoonunknownMicroprose
M1 Tank PlatoonRPGMicroprose
M1 Tank PlatoonunknownMicroprose
M1 Tank PlatoonunknownMicroprose
MacBanditActionDan Jacoby
Mach 3unknownProein Soft Line
Mach 3unknownProein Soft Line
Mach WarriorunknownLogica 2000
Made in Spain 5 EstrellasMiscZigurat
Made in Spain 5 EstrellasMiscZigurat
Made in Spain 5 EstrellasMiscZigurat
Magic BoxesPuzzleSoftdisk Publishing
Magic Candle, TheRPGMindcraft
Magic Johnson's Basketballunknown
Magic Johnson's MVPunknownSportTime
Magic PinunknownCommodore Disc
Magic Poker 64unknownCP Verlag
Magic WayunknownOMK
Magnetic CranePuzzleDialog, Moscow
Magnetic II: Rad VibesunknownCharles M. Duncan
Magnetic MoonunknownFSF Adventures
Magnetic MoonunknownFSF Adventures
Magnetic MoonunknownFSF Adventures
Magnetic MoonunknownFSF Adventures
Magnetic MoonunknownFSF Adventures
Magnetic MoonunknownFSF Adventures
Magnetic MoonunknownFSF Adventures
Magnetic MoonunknownFSF Adventures
Magnetic MoonunknownFSF Adventures
Magnetic Moon - IntrounknownFSF Adventures
Major LeagueunknownIrem Software Engineering, Inc.
Maldita EscuelaunknownMegaSoft
Manhunter 2: San FranciscoAdventureSierra On-Line
Manhunter: San FranciscounknownSierra
Manhunter: San FranciscounknownSierra
Manhunter: San FranciscounknownSierra
Manhunter: San FranciscounknownSierra
Maniac Mansion EnhancedunknownLucasArts
Mantis 1unknownRaven Adventures
Mantis 1unknownRaven Adventures
Mantis 1unknownRaven Adventures
Mantis 2unknownRaven Adventures
Mantis 2unknownRaven Adventures
Mantis 2unknownRaven Adventures
Mappy KidsActionNamcot
Mappy KidsunknownNamco Ltd
Maquina del Tiempo, Launknown
Máquina del Tiempo, LaunknownNoel Llopis
Marble MadnessActionMilton Bradley
Marble ManiaunknownMarkt & Technik
Maria's Christmas BoxunknownAnco Software
Marusa no OnnaunknownCapcom Co., Ltd.
Master Blast 89unknownDisk User
Master Chu and the Drunkard HuunknownColor Dreams
Master Mind 89unknownJohn M. Charroux
MasterMatch v2.0unknownChuck Mullally
Match ManiaunknownCompute!
MaydayunknownPeter Machala Software
Mayday SquadunknownCubway Software
Maze AdventuresMiscKeyPunch / Scott Miller
Maze ManiaunknownHewson Consultants
Maze ManiaunknownRack-It
Maze Maniaunknown
Maze ManiaunknownHewson
Maze RununknownRUN/IDG Communications
MazerunnerunknownANALOG Computing
MaziumunknownCharles M. Duncan
Mazium II: Warp into the Danger ZoneunknownCharles M. Duncan
Mean StreetsAdventureAccess Software
MechForceStrategyRalph H. Reed
MechWarriorSimulationDynamix, Inc.
Mega CrossunknownSettimana Games/Edigamma
MegaeroeunknownSuper Game 2000
MegaTraveller: The Zhodani ConspiracyRPGParagon Software
Mei Tantei Holmes: M Kara no ChousenjouunknownTowa Chiki
Meimon! Takonishi Ouendan: Kouha 6 Nin ShuuunknownAsmik
Memorias de un HobbitunknownJSJ Soft
Memorias de un HobbitunknownJSJ Soft
Memorias de un HobbitunknownJSJ Soft
Memorias de un HobbitunknownJSJ Soft
Memory TilesunknownRUN/IDG Communications
Mesto RobotuunknownZenit Centrum Beroun
Metal ActionMiscDinamic
Metal ActionMiscDinamic
Metal ActionMiscDinamic
Metal ActionMiscDinamic
Metal FighterunknownColor Dreams
Metal ForceunknownCP Verlag
Meteor DodgeunknownRUN/IDG Communications
MeteorsMiscScott Miller
MetropolisunknownTopo Soft
MetropolitanaunknownSettimana Games/Edigamma
Mezzi da GuerraunknownSettimana Games/Edigamma
Miami ViceAction
Miami ViceunknownOcean
Michel Futbol MasterunknownDinamic Software
Michel Futbol MasterunknownDinamic Software
Míchel Fútbol MasterunknownDinamic
Míchel Fútbol MasterunknownDinamic
Míchel Fútbol MasterunknownDinamic
Míchel Fútbol MasterunknownDinamic
Mickey MouseActionKotobuki System
Micro GolfunknownSettimana Games/Edigamma
Micro League BaseballSportMicro League
Micro MouseunknownLothlorien
Micro Mouseunknown
Micro MouseunknownMastertronic Plus
Micro Mouse Goes DebuggingunknownLothlorien
MicroballunknownCharles M. Duncan
Microball 2unknownCharles M. Duncan
Microball 3unknownCharles M. Duncan
MicroLeague Baseball 2unknown
MicroLeague Wrestlingunknown
Microprose Pro SoccerSportMicroProse
Microprose SoccerunknownMicroprose Software
Microprose SoccerunknownMicroprose Software
Microprose SoccerunknownMicroprose Software
Microprose Soccerunknown
Microprose SoccerunknownMicroprose Software
Microprose SoccerunknownMicroprose Software
Microsoft Flight Simulator 4.0SimulationBruce Artwick Organization Ltd.
Microsoft Flight Simulator 4.0SimulationMicrosoft Corporation
Microsoft Flight Simulator 4.0unknownMicrosoft
Microsoft Flight Simulator 4.0unknownMicrosoft
Microsoft Flight Simulator 4.0unknownMicrosoft
Microsoft Flight Simulator 4.0unknownMicrosoft
Microsoft Flight Simulator 4.0 Sound, Graphics & Aircraft UpgradeunknownMicrosoft
Microsoft Flight Simulator 4.0 Sound, Graphics & Aircraft UpgradeunknownMicrosoft
Mig 29 Fighterunknown
MiG-29M Super FulcrumSimulation
Might and Magic Book Two Gates to Another WorldunknownNew World Computing
Might and Magic Book Two Gates to Another WorldunknownNew World Computing
Might and Magic Book Two Gates to Another WorldunknownNew World Computing
Might and Magic II: Gates to Another WorldRPGNew World Computing
Might and Magic II: Gates to Another WorldRPGNew World Computing
Might and Magic II: Gates to Another WorldAdventureNew World Computing
Might and Magic II: Gates to Another WorldunknownNew World Computing
Mighty Nerd vs. the SupervillainsRPGISM
Mike Read's Pop Quizunknown
Military Schoolunknown
MiljoonakeikkaunknownT&F Software
Millennium 2.2StrategyElectric Dreams
Millo BixounknownSuper Game 2000
Minas Perdidas, LasunknownAventuras AM
MindseekerunknownNamco Ltd
Mine SweeperunknownCompute!
Miner VGAMiscFrodoSoft
Mines of TitanRPGWestwood Associates
MiningunknownMarkt & Technik
MiraggiounknownSuper Game 2000
Mirax ForceunknownZeppelin Games
Mirax ForceunknownZeppelin Games
MiscellixunknownSettimana Games/Edigamma
Miss Mind: SaraunknownJanusz Bien
Miss Mind: SaraunknownJanusz Bien
Missile Ground Zerounknown
Missile Ground ZerounknownVirgin Mastertronic
MissionunknownMarkt & Technik
Mission ImpossibubbleunknownHewson
Mister GasActionProein
Mister GasActionProein
Mister GasActionProein
Mister GasActionProein
Mobile Manunknown
ModulusunknownSystems Editoriale
Monday Night Footballunknown
MonopolyunknownLeisure Genius
MonopolyunknownLeisure Genius
Monster PartyActionBandai America, Inc.
Monster PartyActionBandai, Sonata
MonstersunknownSettimana Games/Edigamma
Monte Carlo CasinounknownCodemasters
Monte Carlo CasinounknownCodemasters
Monte Carlo CasinounknownCodemasters
Montezuma's RevengeActionParker Brothers
MoonwalkerActionEmerald Software Ltd.
MoonwalkerunknownU.S. Gold
MoonwalkerunknownU.S. Gold
MoonwalkerunknownU.S. Gold
MoonwalkerunknownU.S. Gold
Mortadelo y Filemón IIunknownDro Soft
Mostri, IunknownSuper Game 2000
MotunknownOpera Soft
MotunknownOpera Soft
MotunknownOpera Soft
MotunknownOpera Soft
MotunknownOpera Soft
MotunknownOpera Soft
MotunknownOpera Soft
MotunknownOpera Soft
MotunknownOpera Soft
MotunknownOpera Soft
MotActionOpera Soft
MotActionOpera Soft
MotActionOpera Soft
MotActionOpera Soft
MotActionOpera Soft
MotActionOpera Soft
MotActionOpera Soft
MotActionOpera Soft
MotActionOpera Soft
MotherunknownNintendo Co., LTD
Moto Cross SimulatorunknownCodemasters
Moto Cross Simulatorunknown
Moto Cross SimulatorunknownCodemasters
Moto Cross SimulatorunknownCodemasters
Moto Cross SimulatorunknownCodemasters
Motocross ChampionunknownKonami Computer Entertainment Japan, Inc.
Motor MassacreunknownGremlin Graphics Software
MotorheadunknownCP Verlag
Moulin Rouge Senki: Melville no HonoounknownGakken
Mountain BikeunknownZeppelin Games
Mountain BikeunknownZeppelin Games
Mouse PartyunknownB. Halsall
Moving Targetunknown
Moving TargetunknownPlayers Premier Software
Mozg ProcesorunknownComputer Adventure Studio
Mozg ProcesorunknownComputer Adventure Studio
Mr. Robot IIunknownMirek M.
Mr. Robot IIunknownMirek M.
MTV's Remote ControlPuzzleHi-Tech Expressions
Mundial de Fútbol - Italia '90unknownVirgin Games
Mundo FantasticounknownDT Soft
Mundo FantásticounknownD.T. Soft
Munsters, Theunknown
Muppet Adventure Chaos at the CarnivalunknownHenson Associates
Muppet Adventure No.1: Chaos at the CarnivalunknownHi-Tec
Murder off MiamiunknownCRL
Murder OneunknownLoadstar
Mutan ZoneunknownOpera Soft
Mutan Zoneunknown
Mutan ZoneunknownOpera Soft
Mutan ZoneunknownOpera Soft
Mutant FortressunknownPlayers Premier Software
Mutant Fortressunknown
MysterixunknownCP Verlag
Mystery QuestunknownTaxan
MythunknownMagnetic Scrolls
Myth History in the Makingunknown
Myth - History in the MakingunknownSystem 3 Software
Myth KnightmareAdventureKonami
Myth: History in the MakingActionSystem 3 Software, Ltd.
Myth: History in the MakingActionSystem 3
Na Balkanu Nista NovounknownSamir Ribic - Zeljko Juric
NaCl: NatriumchloridunknownCP Verlag
Navy SealActionCosmi
Navy SealunknownCosmi
Navy SealAction
Navy SealunknownCosmi
Nebula WarsActionJ.C. Enrique
Necro PlasmunknownGrant Jaquest
NEMESIS Go MasterPuzzleBruce Wilcox
Never MindPuzzlePsygnosis
New Intro GameunknownSystems Editoriale
New Zealand Story, TheActionTaito
New Zealand Story, Theunknown
Next ZoneunknownSuper Game 2000
NFLSportAtlus, LJN
NFL Pro League Footballunknown
Night Gunnerunknown
NightwingunknownSoftel Software
Ninja CommandounknownZeppelin Games
Ninja CommandounknownZeppelin Games
Ninja CommandounknownZeppelin Games
Ninja CommandounknownZeppelin Games
Ninja CommandounknownZeppelin Games
Ninja Commandounknown
Ninja Cop SaizouunknownKyugo Boueki
Ninja GaidenunknownTemco
Ninja GaidenunknownTemco
Ninja IIunknownSuper Game 2000
Ninja IIIunknownSuper Game 2000
Ninja Massacreunknown
Ninja MassacreunknownCodemasters
Ninja MassacreunknownCodemasters
Ninja MassacreunknownCodemasters
Ninja MassacreunknownCodemasters
Ninja MassacreunknownCodemasters
Ninja VIunknownSuper Game 2000
Ninja Warriorsunknown
Nishimura Kyoutarou Mystery: Blue Train Satsujin JikenunknownIrem Software Engineering, Inc.
Nobunaga's Ambition 2Strategy
North & SouthStrategyInfogrames
North & SouthStrategyInfogrames
North & SouthunknownInfogrames
North & SouthunknownInfogrames
North & SouthunknownInfogrames
Norton Commander 3.0unknownPeter Norton Computing
Nuclear WarStrategy
ObliteratorActionPsygnosis Limited
ObliteratorunknownMelbourne House
ObliteratorunknownMelbourne House
ObliteratorunknownMelbourne House
ObliteratorunknownMelbourne House
ObliteratorunknownMelbourne House
Ocean RangerSimulationActivision
Off Shore Warriorunknown
Off the WallActionAtari Corporation
Official Father Christmas Game, Theunknown
Official Father Christmas, TheunknownAlternative Software
Oil ImperiumPuzzleReline Software
Oil Imperiumunknown
Oil Imperium (Black Gold)StrategyreLINE Software
Olimpo en GuerraunknownEduardo Jose Villalobos
Oliver & CompanyAction
Oliver and CompanyActionCoktel Vision
Olli & Lissa III The Candlelight Adventureunknown
Olli & Lissa III - The Candlelight AdventureunknownCodemasters
Olli & Lissa III - The Candlelight AdventureunknownCodemasters
OmegaStrategyOrigin Systems Inc
OmegaunknownElectronic Arts
OmegaunknownElectronic Arts
Omega Dimensionunknown
OmidorunknownP. Sabath
Omni-Play BasketballSportMindscape Inc
Omnicron ConspiracyRPGEpyx
OozeAdventureDragonware Games
Ooze: Creepy NitesAdventure
OpacunknownSettimana Games/Edigamma
Opera Storys. 1MiscOpera Soft
Opera Storys. 1MiscOpera Soft
Opera Storys. 1MiscOpera Soft
Operación CyberActionEdiciones Manali
Operation GunshipunknownCodemasters
Operation Gunshipunknown
Operation GunshipunknownCodemasters
Operation HormuzunknownAgain Again
Operation HormuzunknownAgain Again
Operation Hormuzunknown
Operation Thunderboltunknown
Operation ThunderboltunknownOcean
Operation ThunderboltunknownOcean
Operation UshkuratunknownMarkt & Technik
Operation WolfActionTaito
Operation WolfActionTaito America Corporation
Operation WolfunknownTaito
OrsitalunknownCommodore Disc
OUTunknownCP Verlag
Out for the CountunknownDynamite Designs
Out RunSportSEGA
Out RunSportSEGA
Out RunSportUnlimited Software
OutriderunknownSystems Editoriale
Overrun: EuropeunknownSSI
P.O.W.: Prisoners of WarunknownSNK Corporation
Pac Boyunknown
Pac Landunknown
Pac-LandunknownGrandslam Entertainments
Pac-LandunknownGrandslam Entertainments
Pac-LandunknownGrandslam Entertainments
Pac-MaennchenunknownMarkt & Technik
Pachio-kun 2unknownCoconuts
Pack 3MiscOpera Soft
Pack Regalo AmstradMiscDinamic
Pack Regalo Gun StickunknownDinamic Software
Pack Regalo GunstickMiscDinamic
Palace HotelunknownAventuras AD
Palace Hotelunknown3PSoft
Para Assault CourseunknownZeppelin Games
Para Assault CourseunknownZeppelin Games
Paranoia Complex, Theunknown
Passing ShotunknownImage Works
Passing ShotunknownImage Works
Passing ShotunknownImage Works
Passing ShotunknownImageworks
Passing Shotunknown
Pasteman Pat - BillboardunknownSilverbird Software
PatienceunknownCP Verlag
Pawns of WarunknownZenobi Software
Pawns of War II - The InfiltratorunknownZenobi Software
Pendant of Logryn, TheunknownZenobi Software
Perestroika (Toppler)ActionLocis
Perfect BowlingunknownTonkin House
Perico DelgadounknownTopo Soft
Perico DelgadounknownTopo Soft
Perico DelgadounknownTopo Soft
Perico DelgadounknownTopo Soft
Perico Delgado Maillot Amarillounknown
Periscope UpunknownAtlantis Software
Peter Beardsley's Soccerunknown
Peter Pack Ratunknown
Peter Pack RatunknownSilverbird Software
Petrovic BasketballunknownTopo Soft
Phantasy Star IIRPGSEGA Enterprises
Phobos: Get Out of JailunknownCommodore Disc
Pictionary: The Game of Quick DrawStrategy
Pictionary: The Game of Quick DrawunknownOxford Mobius
Pictionary: The Game of Quick DrawunknownOxford Mobius
Pinball MagicSimulationLoriciels
Pinball PowerunknownMastertronic Plus
Pinball PowerunknownMastertronic Plus
Pinball PowerunknownMastertronic
Pinball Powerunknown
Pinball QuestRPGJaleco
Pipe DreamPuzzleLucasfilm
Pipe ManiaunknownEmpire
Pipe ManiaunknownEmpire
Pipe Maniaunknown?
Pirx 2unknownJan Kuchar
Planet of LustAdventure
Plasma BallunknownAtlantis Software
PlusounknownSuper Game 2000
PogotronunknownGame Busters
Pomsta Å íleného Ataristy (Multi Pascal 2.7)AdventureViktor LoÅ¡Å¥ák & ZdenÄ›k Polách
Pool of Radiance v1.1unknownSSI
PopulousStrategyBullfrog, Electronic Arts
PopulousStrategyElectronic Arts
PopulousunknownElectronic Arts
PopulousunknownElectronic Arts
PopulousunknownElectronic Arts
PopulousunknownElectronic Arts
PopulousunknownElectronic Arts
PopulousunknownElectronic Arts
Populous: Promised LandsStrategyElectronic Arts
Populous: Promised LandsunknownElectronic Arts
Populous: The Promised LandsStrategyBullfrog Productions, Ltd.
Ports of Callunknown
Ports of CallSimulationInternational Software Development Corp.
Poseidon Wars 3-DActionSega Corporation
Postman Pat 2unknownAlternative Software
Postman Pat 2unknown
Postman Pat 2unknownAlternative Software
Postman Pat IIunknownAlternative Software
Postman's Destinyunknown
Power DriftSportActivision
Power Driftunknown
Power DriftunknownActivision
Presumed GuiltyunknownCosmi
Prince of PersiaActionBrøderbund Software, Inc.
Prince of PersiaActionBrøderbund Software, Inc.
Prince of PersiaActionBrøderbund Software
Prince of PersiaActionBroderbund
Prince of PersiaunknownBroderbund
Prince of PersiaAdventureBroderbund
Prince of PersiaunknownBroderbund
Prince of PersiaunknownBroderbund
Prince of PersiaunknownBroderbund
Prince of PersiaunknownBroderbund
Prince of PersiaunknownBroderbund
Prince of PersiaunknownBroderbund
Prince of PersiaunknownBroderbund
Prince of PersiaunknownBroderbund
Prince of PersiaRPGBroderbund
Pro HockeyunknownReal Image Software
Pro Mountain Bike SimulatorunknownAlternative Software
Pro Mountain Bike SimulatorunknownAlternative Software
Pro Mountain Bike SimulatorunknownAlternative Software
Pro Mountain Bike SimulatorunknownAlternative Software
Pro Mountain Bike Simulatorunknown
Pro Mountain Bike Simulator - EditorunknownAlternative Software
Pro Power Boat SimulatorunknownCodemasters
Pro Power Boat SimulatorunknownCodemasters
Pro Power Boat SimulatorunknownCodemasters
Pro Skateboard SimulatorunknownCodemasters
Pro Skateboard SimulatorunknownCodemasters
Pro Skateboard Simulatorunknown
Pro Skateboard SimulatorunknownCodemasters
Pro Tennis Tourunknown
Prochazka Starou PrahouunknownSoftware Studio
Professional Ski SimulatorunknownCodemasters
Project FirestartAdventureElectronic Arts
Project FirestartunknownElectronic Arts
Project FirestartunknownElectronic Arts
Project FirestartActionDynamix
Project NeptuneStrategyInfogrames
Project NeptuneAction
Prophecy: the Fall of TrinadonRPG
ProtectorunknownMastertronic Plus
ProtectorunknownMastertronic Plus
Psycho CityunknownPlayers Software
Psycho Cityunknown
Psycho FoxActionVic Tokai
Psycho FoxActionSega Corporation
Psycho HopperunknownMastertronic Plus
Psycho Hopperunknown
Psycho HopperunknownMastertronic Plus
Pub TriviaunknownCodemasters
Pub Triviaunknown
Pub TriviaunknownCodemasters
Pub TriviaunknownCodemasters
Pub Trivia SimulatorEducationalCodemasters
Pub Trivia SimulatorPuzzleCodemasters
Pueblo de la NocheunknownGrupo Creators Union
Pueblo de la NocheunknownCreators Union
Puffy's SagaunknownUbi Soft
Puffy's SagaunknownUbi Soft
Puffy's SagaunknownUbi Soft
Punch & JudyunknownAlternative Software
Punch & Judyunknown
Punch and JudyunknownAlternative Software
Pungoland!unknownSecret Games
Pungoland!unknownSecret Games
Pungoland!unknownSecret Games
PunkillerunknownSystems Editoriale
Pure-Stat College BasketballunknownSoftware Simulations
Purple Saturn DaySportEpyx
Purple Saturn DayunknownERE Informatique
Purple Saturn DayunknownERE Informatique
Push 'EmunknownMarkt & Technik
PuzzleunknownCommodore Disc
PuzzleMiscEdiciones Manali
Puzzle, TheunknownSpectrum Club
Pyramids of EgyptAction
Q BillionPuzzleSETA Corporation
QuadrigaunknownMarkt & Technik
QuantumunknownBinary Zone
Quarter Back ScrambleunknownPony Canyon
Quest for Glory 1: So You Want to be a HeroStrategySierra
Quest for Glory 1: So You Want to be a HerounknownSierra
Quest for Glory 1: So You Want to be a HerounknownSierra
Quest for The TimebirdAdventureFirebird
Question of Sport, Aunknown
QuintyunknownNamco Ltd
R Hood's GoldunknownLoadstar
R-TypeActionElectric Dreams Software
R.C. Grand PrixActionSeismic Software NA - Sega EU/AU
Race!SimulationCarl Erikson
Racer Mini Yonku: Japan CupunknownKonami Computer Entertainment Japan, Inc.
Radar LockActionAtari
Raid 2020ActionColor Dreams
Railroad EmpireStrategySeika Corporation
Rainbow ChaserActionCommodore Disk User
Rally Crossunknown
Rally SimulatorunknownZeppelin Games
Rally SimulatorunknownZeppelin Games
Rambo 3ActionTaito
Rambo 3unknownOcean
Rambo IIIActionSEGA
RastanunknownSega Corporation
Rath Thaunknown
RatterflatterunknownMagic Disk
Real CarambolaunknownSettimana Games/Edigamma
Real Stunt Experts, Theunknown
Recherche Miss X Deseperementunknown
RecoveryunknownJioi Chabek
Red Gum IIunknownMarkt & Technik
Red HeatunknownOcean
Red Heatunknown
Red LightningStrategySSI
Red Storm RisingSimulationMicroProse
Red Storm RisingSimulationMicroProse
Red Storm RisingSimulationMicroProse
Reggie Jackson BaseballunknownSega Corporation
Remote ControlPuzzle
RenegadeunknownTechnos Japan
RenegadeunknownTechnos Japan
RenegadeunknownTechnos Japan
Renegade III The Final Chapterunknown
Renegade III - The Final ChapterunknownImagine Software
Renegade III - The Final ChapterunknownImagine Software
Renegade III - The Final ChapterunknownImagine Software
ReptonunknownAlligata Software
ReptonunknownAlligata Software
ReptonunknownAlligata Software
Repton 2unknownAlligata Software
Repton 2unknownAlligata Software
Rescate Atlantidaunknown
Rescate AtlantidaunknownDinamic Software
Rescate AtlantidaunknownDinamic Software
Rescate AtlantidaunknownDinamic Software
Rescate AtlántidaunknownDinamic
Rescate AtlántidaunknownDinamic
Rescate AtlántidaunknownDinamic
Rescate AtlántidaunknownDinamic
Rescue PodunknownCompute!
Retarded Creatures & CavernsunknownZenobi Software
Retarded Creatures & CavernsunknownZenobi Software
Retour d'Ali Gator, Leunknown
Revenge of Defenderunknown
Revenge of Shinobi, TheActionSEGA Enterprises
Revenge of the DefenderunknownEpyx
Revenge of the DefenderunknownEpyx
RexChessPuzzleLarry Kaufman, Don Dailey
Rick DangerousActionCore Design
Rick DangerousunknownFirebird
Rick Dangerousunknown
Rick DangerousunknownFirebird Software
Rick DangerousunknownFirebird Software
Rick DangerousunknownFirebird Software
Rick DangerousAction
Rick DangerousActionCore Design, Microplay Software
Rick DangerousActionMicroplay
Rick DangerousActionCore Design
Rick DangerousActionCore Design
Rick DangerousRPGCore Design
Rick DangerousunknownCore Design
Rick Davis's World Trophy SoccerunknownNovotrade
Ring WarsunknownCascade Games
Rings of MedusaStrategyStarbyte
Río BlancoActionMicrohobby
RisicoStrategyVirgin Interactive
RiskStrategyParker Brothers
River City RansomActionTechnos Japan Corp.
River City RansomActionTechnos Japan Corp.
River City RansomActionTechnos Japan
Road RunnerSport
Road RunnerunknownTengen
RoadburnerActionPlayers Premier
RobbounknownL.K. Avalon
Robo RunnerunknownCP Verlag
RoboCopActionData East Corporation
Robot AttackunknownMastertronic
Rock 'n RollunknownRainbow Arts
Rock 'n RollunknownRainbow Arts
Rock Star Ate My HamsterSimulationCodemasters
Rock Star Ate my HamsterunknownCodemasters
Rock'n RollPuzzleRainbow Arts
Rock'N RollActionRainbow Arts
RockstarAdventureWizard Games
Rollercoaster RumblerActionTynesoft
RollingounknownSuper Game 2000
Romance of The Three KingdomsStrategyKOEI
Romance of the Three Kingdoms IIStrategyKOEI Co., Ltd.
Rompe MurosActionInfodisc
Rough House 21unknownNick Wilkins
RoulettunknownCommodore Disc
RouletteunknownHeinz Prangenberg
Royal RescueunknownCompute!
Rugby Bossunknown
Rugby ManagerunknownMastertronic Plus
Run the GauntletunknownOcean
Run the Gauntletunknown
Running Man, TheActionGrandslam
Ruote CorazzateunknownSuper Game 2000
Rush 'N AttackActionKonami
Rush'n Attackunknown
Russisch RouletteunknownCommodore Disc
Safari GunsActionInforgrames Europe
Safari Gunsunknown
Sagaia (Darius II)ActionTaito
Sagaia (Darius II)ActionTaito
Sagaia (Darius II)ActionTaito
Saigon Combat Unitunknown
Saigon Combat UnitunknownPlayers Premier Software
Saigon Combat UnitunknownPlayers Premier Software
Sail AwayStrategyJerry D. Lumpkins
Saint and Greavsieunknown
Sam: Der SchatzsucherunknownMulft
Sands of FireStrategyThree-Sixty Pacific
Sanxion - The Spectrum RemixunknownThalamus
Sanxion - The Spectrum RemixunknownThalamus
Sargon 4StrategySpinnaker Software
SatanActionDinamic Software
SatanunknownDinamic Software
SatanunknownDinamic Software
SatanunknownDinamic Software
Satomi HakkendenunknownSNK Corporation
ScapeghostunknownLevel 9 Computing
ScapeghostunknownLevel 9 Computing
ScapeghostunknownLevel 9 Computing
Scavenger Hunt 3DunknownLoadstar
SchiebereienunknownCP Verlag
Schwert & Magie Folge 1 & 2unknownGDG
Schwert und Magie 1: Das geheimnisvolle KrautRPGGerman Design Group
Schwert und Magie 2: Der unheimliche TempelRPGGerman Design Group
Schwert und Magie IunknownGerman Design Group
Score 3020ActionTopo Soft
Score 3020ActionTopo Soft
Score 3020ActionTopo Soft
Scramble SpiritsunknownSega Corporation
Scroller GameunknownCommodore Disc
Scuba KidzunknownSilverbird Software
Scuba Kidzunknown
SD Gundam Gachapon Senshi 2: Capsule SenkiunknownShinsei
Sea FighterunknownSecret Games
Search for the TitanicunknownCapstone
Secret QuestRPGAxlon
Sei Contra SeiunknownSuper Game 2000
Seirei GariunknownHudson Soft, LTD.
SenesisunknownSuper Game 2000
Sentinel Worlds 1: Future MagicRPGElectronic Arts
Sentinel Worlds I: Future MagicunknownElectronic Arts
Sergeant Slaughters Mat WarsunknownMindscape
Sesame Street 123unknownHi Tech Expressions
Sesame Street ABCunknownHi Tech Expressions
Sex Vixens from SpaceAdventure
Sex Vixens from SpaceunknownFree Spirit Software
Sexy PuzzleMiscSPE
Shadow DancerActionSega
Shadow of the BeastActionReflections Interactive Limited
Shadow of the BeastActionPsygnosis Limited
Shanghai WarriorsunknownPlayers Software
Shanghai Warriorsunknown
SharkunknownPlayers Premier Software
SharkunknownPlayers Premier Software
SharkunknownPlayers Premier Software
SharkunknownPlayers Premier
Sharkey’s 3D PoolSportAardvark Software
Sharkey’s 3D PoolunknownAardvark Software
Sharp ShooterunknownANALOG Computing
SheriffunknownAntonio de Haro Leon
SheriffunknownA. de Haro
Sherman M4SimulationLoriciels
Sherman M4Simulation
Sherman M4unknownLoriciels
Shin Moero!! Pro YakyuuunknownJaleco
Shin Satomi Hakkenden: Hikari to Yami no TatakaiunknownToei Animation
ShinobiunknownVirgin Games
ShinobiunknownVirgin Games
ShinobiActionVirgin Games
ShinsendenunknownIrem Software Engineering, Inc.
Shoot the Moon!unknownLoadstar
Shooting RangeunknownBandai America, Inc.
Shooting RangeActionNew Frontier
Shooting RangeActionNew Frontier
Shufflepuck Cafèunknown
Shufflepuck CafeActionBrøderbund
Shufflepuck Cafeunknown
Shufflepuck CafeSportBrøderbund
Sidewinder IIunknownMastertronic
Sidewinder IIunknownMastertronic Plus
Sidewinder IIunknownMastertronic Plus
Silent ServiceunknownUltra Games
SilkwormunknownVirgin Games
SilkwormunknownVirgin Games
SilkwormunknownVirgin Games
SilpheedActionSierra On-Line
Sim Cityunknown
Sim CityunknownMaxis
Sim CityunknownInfogrames
Sim CityunknownInfogrames
SimCitySimulationMaxis Software Inc.
SinisterunknownSuper Game 2000
Sir SigfridunknownLuis I. García
Sir SigfridunknownLuis I. García
Sir SigfridunknownLuis I. García
Sir SigfridunknownLuis I. García
Sir SigfridunknownLuis I. García
Six GamesunknownSuper Game 2000
Skate Warunknown
Skateboard JoustunknownSilverbird Software
Skateboard JoustunknownSilverbird Software
Skateboard Joustunknown
Skatin' USAunknownAtlantis Software
Skating ChampunknownSuper Game 2000
Skull Exillon / Post MortemMiscIber
Skullduggery - Adventures in HorrorAdventureDavid Jewett
Sky Sharkunknown
Sky SharkActionTaito America Corporation
Sky SharkunknownTaito
SkyfoxunknownElectronic Arts
Slap ShotunknownCompute!
SlashunknownMarkt & Technik
Slembl: The RevangeunknownSam-Matrix
Snake Rattle 'n' RollActionRare
Snoball in HellunknownAtlantis Software
Snoball in Hellunknown
Snoball in HellunknownAtlantis Software
Snooker ManagementunknownD&H Games
Snooker ManagementunknownCult Games
Snooker ManagementunknownD&H Games
Snooker ManagerunknownImage Software
Snooker ManagerunknownImage Software
Snoopy and Peanutsunknown
Soccer 7unknownCult Games
Soccer DirectorunknownGTI Software
Soccer StarunknownCult Games
Soccer StarunknownCult Games
Sol Negrounknown
Sol Negro - Special EditionunknownOpera Soft
Sol Negro - Special EditionunknownOpera Soft
Solar Invasionunknown
Soldier of Lightunknown
SolpusunknownSuper Game 2000
Something HappenedunknownPeter Machala Software
Son of Stagefright, the SequelAdventureMike McCauley
Sooty and SweepunknownAlternative Software
Space AceActionReadySoft Incorporated
Space AceAdventure
Space CondorsunknownRUN/IDG Communications
Space HarrierActionSega
Space HarrierunknownTakara
Space HarrierunknownSEGA
Space LandingunknownGambrinus Software
Space Quest 3 - The Pirates of PestulonAdventureSierra
Space RogueAdventureOrigi
Space RogueSimulationGryphon Software
Space ShuttleunknownMarkt & Technik
Space Smugglersunknown
Space Smugglersunknown
Space WarsunknownByte Back
Special Toddlerunknownn Raeburn & L'oreal
Speed ZoneunknownMastertronic
Speed ZoneunknownMastertronic
Speedboat AssassinunknownMastertronic Plus
Speedboat AssassinunknownMastertronic Plus
Speedboat AssassinunknownMastertronic Plus
Speedway HerounknownCP Verlag
SphericalunknownRainbow Arts
SphericalPuzzleRainbow Arts
Spi DroidunknownVinsoft
Splatterhouse: Wanpaku GraffitiActionNamco
Splatterhouse: Wanpaku GraffitiunknownNamco Ltd
SpookedunknownPlayers Premier Software
SpookedunknownPlayers Premier Software
Sport of KingsSportSportTime
Sporting TrianglesunknownCDS Microsystems
SpringreitenunknownCP Verlag
Sprint RaceunknownCommodore Disc
Star Fleet 2: Krellan CommanderStrategy
Star Fleet 2: Krellan CommanderunknownInterstel
Star Fleet II: Krellan CommanderSimulationInterstel Corporation
Star MoonunknownSettimana Games/Edigamma
Star RiderunknownPaul Lay
Star RiderunknownPaul Lay
Star Saga: Two - The Clathran MenaceStrategy
Star TreckunknownVolker W.
Star Trek - The Computer GameunknownAirline Software
Star Trek 5: The Final FrontierunknownLevel Systems
Star Trek 5: The Final FrontierunknownLevel Systems
Star Trek 5: The Final FrontierunknownLevel Systems
Star Trek Combat Arenaunknown
Star Trek TNG: The Transinium ChallengeAdventureTRANS Fiction Systems
Star Trek V: The Final FrontierActionLevel Systems
Star Trek: the next generation - The transinium challengeAdventure
Star WarsunknownAtari
Star Wars 2unknown
Star Wars III Return of the Jediunknown
Star Wars III Return of the Jediunknown
Star Wars III - Return of the JediunknownDomark
Star Wars III - Return of the JediunknownDomark
Star Wars III - Return of the JediunknownDomark
StarflightunknownElectronic Arts
StarflightunknownElectronic Arts
Starflight 2unknownBinary Systems
Starflight 2unknownBinary Systems
Starflight 2RPGBinary Systems
Starflight 2 - Trade Routes of the Cloud NebulaRPGBinary Systems, Electronic Arts
Starflight 2: Trade routes of the Cloud NebulaRPG
Starglider 2Simulation
Starglider 2 - The Egrons Strike BackunknownRainbird Software
Starglider 2 - The Egrons Strike BackunknownRainbird Software
Stars Stripes and Mr BushunknownCeri Williams
Stars Stripes and Mr BushunknownCeri Williams
Stealth ATFunknownActivision
Steel ThunderStrategyAccolade
Steel Thunderunknown
Steel ThunderSimulationAccolade
Steel ThunderunknownAccolade
Steel ThunderunknownAccolade
Storm Across Europe v1.0unknownSSI
Storm WaveunknownSuper Game 2000
StormlordunknownHewson Consultants
StormlordunknownHewson Consultants
StormlordActionHewson Consultants
Strada di FuocounknownSuper Game 2000
Street CopunknownBandai America, Inc.
Street Fighting ManunknownMastertronic
Street GangunknownPlayers Software
Street Gang FootballunknownCodemasters
Street Gang FootballunknownCodemasters
Street Gang FootballunknownCodemasters
Street Gang Footballunknown
Street RodSimulationCalifornia Dreams
Street RodunknownCalifornia Dreams
Street RodSportCalifornia Dreams
Street RodActionCalifornia Dreams
Street SkateunknownSuper Game 2000
StriderunknownCapcom Co., Ltd.
Strike AcesunknownActivision
Strike FleetSimulation
StrikerunknownCult Games
Stunt Car Racerunknown
Stunt Car RacerunknownMicro Style
Stunt Car Racerunknown
Stunt Car RacerunknownMicrostyle
Stunt Car RacerunknownMicro Style
Stunt Car RacerSport
Stunt Car RacerSimulationMicroprose Software, Inc.
Stunt Car RacerSportMicroStyle
Stuntcar racerSportMicroplay
SubmarineStrategyMatt Kaufman
Subway VigilanteunknownPlayers Premier Software
Subway Vigilanteunknown
Super 8unknownLoadstar
Super ActiveunknownSuper Game 2000
Super Boy IActionZemina
Super Boy IIActionZemina
Super Chinese 2: Dragon KidunknownCulture Brain
Super Dodge BallunknownSony (CSG) Imagesoft
Super Dodge BallSportTechnos Japan
Super Dragon SlayerunknownCodemasters
Super FootballSportAtari
Super HusaunknownBeWeSoft
Super LatkaunknownTomi Malinen
Super LeagueunknownPlayers Premier Software
Super LeagueunknownPlayers Premier Software
Super Mario Bros IIIunknown
Super Mario LandActionNintendo R&D1
Super Mario LandActionNintendo Co., LTD
Super Mario LandActionNintendo
Super Monaco GPSportSEGA
Super Monaco GPSportSEGA
Super Monaco GPSportSEGA
Super Nudge 2000unknownMastertronic
Super Nudge 2000unknownMastertronic
Super Nudge 2000unknownMastertronic
Super OswaldunknownSilverrock Productions
Super RacerunknownCommodore Disc
Super RugbyunknownTSS
Super SapiensunknownProein Soft Line
Super Sapiensunknown
Super Scramble Simulatorunknown
Super Scramble SimulatorunknownGremlin Graphics Software
Super Solvers - Midnight RescueEducationalThe Learning Company
Super Solvers: Midnight Rescue!EducationalThe Learning Company
Super Tank Simulatorunknown
Super Tank SimulatorunknownCodemasters
Superbike Trans-AmunknownCodemasters
Superbike Trans-AmunknownCodemasters
Superleague SoccerunknownImpressions
Superman The Man of Steelunknown
Superman: The Man of SteelAction
Superstar Pro WrestlingunknownPony Canyon
Superstition Part 1 Tulgey Woodsunknown
SurfwaveunknownLogica 2000
Sweet HomeunknownCapcom Co., Ltd.
Sweet HomeRPGCapcom
Sweet HomeRPGCapcom
Sword of AragonStrategyStrategic Simulations, Inc.
Sword of AragonStrategy
Sword of AragonStrategySSI
Sword of AragonStrategySSI
Sword of the SamuraiStrategy
Sword of VermilionActionSEGA Enterprises Ltd.
T Birdunknown
T-BirdunknownMastertronic Plus
Taboo: The Sixth SenseunknownTradewest, Inc.
Taipei XL 1.1unknownR&E Software
Taito Chase H.Q.unknownTaito America Corporation
Take Downunknown
Takeda Shingen 2unknownHOT・B
TalismanunknownDMA Design
Tangled TalesRPGOrigin Systems
Tangled TalesRPG
Tangled TalesunknownOrigin
Tanigawa Kouji no Shougi Shinan IIIunknownPony Canyon
Tank ActionunknownCP Verlag
Tank AmbushunknownCompute!
Tank: The M1A1 Abrams Battle Tank SimulationunknownSphere
TargetunknownMartech Games
TargetunknownMartech Games
Target Ballunknown
Task ForceunknownPlayers Premier Software
Task ForceunknownPlayers Premier Software
Task Forceunknown
Task ForceunknownPlayers Premier Software
Teacher TroubleunknownPegasus Software
Tecmo BaseballSportTecmo, Ltd.
Tecmo World Cup ’90SportTecmo
Tecmo World Cup ’90SportTecmo
Teenage Mutant Ninja TurtlesActionKonami
Teenage Mutant Ninja TurtlesActionKonami
Teenage Mutant Ninja TurtlesActionKonami
Tenchi o KurauunknownCapcom Co., Ltd.
Tenkaichi Bushi: Keru NaguuruunknownNamco Ltd
Tennis AceunknownSega Corporation
Tennis Cupunknown
Terao no Dosukoi OozumouunknownJaleco
TerrorpodsunknownMelbourne House
TerrorpodsunknownMelbourne House
TerrorpodsunknownMelbourne House
Terry's Big AdventureunknownGrandslam Entertainment
Test Drive 2unknownAccolade
Test Drive 2 - The DuelSimulationAccolade
Test Drive 2 Scenery Disk: European ChallengeunknownAccolade
Test Drive II - The DuelSportAccolade
TetrisunknownHero Music
TetrisPuzzleBullet-Proof Software
TetrisPuzzleBullet-Proof Software
TetrisPuzzleBullet-Proof Software
TetrisPuzzleSpectrum Holobyte
TetrisunknownSpectrum Holobyte
TetrisunknownSpectrum Holobyte
TetrixunknownDarryl Yong
TetrixunknownDarryl Yong
TetrixunknownDarryl Yong
TetrixunknownDarryl Yong
TetrixunknownDarryl Yong
TetrixunknownSystems Editoriale
TetronunknownCommodore Disc
TetrysunknownJulian Burger
The Adventures of Bayou BillyActionKonami Computer Entertainment Japan, Inc.
The all new Family FeudPuzzle
The All New Family FeudunknownShareData
The Amazing Spider-Man and Captain America in Dr. Doom's Revenge!Action
The Battle of OlympusunknownBrøderbund Software
The Bewitch CastleunknownPM Software
The Big Deal - Gin King-Cribbage Kingunknown?
The Bugs Bunny Crazy CastleunknownKemco/Seika
The Colonel's BequestAdventure
The Colonel's BequestAdventureSierra
The Colonel's BequestAdventureSierra
The Colonel's BequestunknownSierra
The Colonel's BequestunknownSierra
The Computer Edition of Risk: The World Conquest GameunknownLeisure Genius
The computer edition of ScrabbleStrategy
The Crack of DoomAdventure
The CyclesSport
The CyclesunknownAccolade
The Dark Heart of UukrulRPG
The Duel: Test Drive 2Sport
The Explorer’s Guide to the Whirlitzer of WisdomAdventureRoger Allen
The Faery Tale AdventureRPGMicroillusions
The Golden FleeceAdventure
The Guardian LegendunknownBrøderbund Software
The Hound of ShadowAdventure
The Hound of ShadowAdventureEldritch Games
The Invadersunknown
The KristalAdventure
The Last Ninja 2 - Back With a VengeanceActionActivision
The Legacy of the NecromancerAdventureLee Chapel
The Lord of KingunknownJaleco
The Lost Dutchman MineAdventureMagnetic Images
The Magic CandleRPG
The Magic CandleunknownMindcraft
The Magic CandleunknownMindcraft
The Magic CandleunknownMindcraft
The Magic CandleunknownMindcraft
The Magic CandleunknownMindcraft
The Magic of ScheherazadeRPGCulture Brain
The Money Game II: Kabutochou no KisekiunknownSofel
The Puzzle Page #060unknownLoadstar
The Puzzle Page BestunknownLoadstar
The Quest for the Time-birdAdventure
The Quest for the Time-BirdAdventureInfogrames
The Quest for the Time-BirdAdventureInfogrames
The Quest of KronunknownCommodore Disc
The Red ObeliskunknownLoadstar
The Running ManunknownGrandslam Entertainment
The ScoopAdventureSpinnaker Software
The ScoopAdventure
The ScoopunknownTelarium
The Search for Santa CluesunknownLoadstar
The Secret of Monkey IslandAdventureLucasfilm Games
The SentinelPuzzle
The Spy Who Loved MeActionDomark
The Third CourierAdventureAccolade
The Three StoogesAdventureActivision
The Train GameunknownP. Hardcastle
The Two VikingsunknownCP Verlag
The Uncanny X-MenActionLJN
The UntouchablesActionOcean
The Untouchablesunknown
The Untouchables for the Sinclair ZX SpectrumunknownOcean
The UsurperAdventure
The Warsaw TetrisunknownGizmo Magic Software
The Warsaw TetrisunknownGizmo Magic Software
Their Finest Hour - Battle of BritainunknownLucasArts
Their Finest Hour: The Battle of BritainSimulation
Their Finest Hour: The Battle of BritainunknownLucas Arts
Their Finest Hour: The Battle of BritainunknownLucas Arts
Think TwiceunknownMarkt & Technik
Thunder BladeunknownSEGA
Thunder BladeunknownSEGA
Thunder BladeunknownSEGA
ThunderbirdsActionPack-In-Video, Activision
ThunderbirdsunknownPack-in-Video Co., Ltd.
Thunderbirds - Mission 1 - Mine RescueunknownGrandslam Entertainments
Thunderbirds - Mission 2 - Sub CrashunknownGrandslam Entertainments
Thunderbirds - Mission 3 - Bank JobunknownGrandslam Entertainments
Thunderbirds - Mission 4 - Evil HoodunknownGrandslam Entertainments
Tief im Kerker gefangenunknownCommodore Disc
Tiempos de MagiaunknownGrupo Creators Union
Tiger RoadunknownUS Gold
Time BanditAction
Time Res-QunknownMulft
Time Scannerunknown
Time ScannerunknownActivision
Time SoldierunknownSNK Electrocoin
Time SoldiersActionSega Corporation
Time StruggleunknownMarkt & Technik
Times of LoreRPG
TimezoneunknownCP Verlag
Tintin on the MoonActionInfogrames
TM Network: Live in Power BowlunknownEpic / Sony Records
To The EarthunknownNintendo Co., LTD
Toi Acid Gameunknown
Toi Acid GameunknownIber Soft
Tom & JerryunknownMagic Bytes
Tom & Jerryunknown
Tom & Jerry: Hunting High and LowunknownMagic Bytes
Tom Sawyer no BoukenunknownSeta
TomcatunknownPlayers Software
TomcatunknownPlayers Software
TomcatunknownPlayers Software
Tommy Lasorda BaseballSportSega
Tongue of the FatmanAction
Top CalciounknownSuper Game 2000
Topo, ElunknownCDS Microsystems
Topo, ElunknownCDS Microsystems
Torneo Open di GolfunknownSuper Game 2000
Torussa LifeunknownMarkt & Technik
Total EclipseunknownSpotlight
Tower of Light, TheunknownCaris Software
Tower of Light, TheunknownCaris Software
Tower of Light, TheunknownCaris Software
Track & Field IIunknownKonami Computer Entertainment Japan, Inc.
Tracon: Air Traffic Control Simulatorunknown
Trader IIunknownHDS
Trader IIIunknownHDS
Trantor: The Last Stormtrooperunknown
Trap IIunknownSuper Game 2000
Treble ChampionsunknownChallenge Software
TriounknownCP Verlag
Trivial PursuitStrategy
Trudnaya DorogaunknownBlacksoft
Tunnels of ArmageddonSimulationCalifornia Dreams
Turbo Chopperunknown
Turbo Cup ChallengeunknownLoriciels
Turbo OutRunSportSEGA
Turbo Skate FighterunknownZeppelin Games
Turbo Skate FighterunknownZeppelin Games
Twin EagleunknownRomstar
Twin Turbo V8unknownCodemasters
Twin Turbo V8unknownCodemasters
Twin Turbo V8unknown
TwinBee 3: Poko Poko Dai MaouunknownKonami Computer Entertainment Japan, Inc.
Typhoon of SteelunknownSSI
Typhoon of SteelunknownSSI
Uj VadnyugatunknownSelindek Software Studio
Uj Vadnyugat IIunknownSelindek Software Studio
UlisesActionOpera Soft
UlisesunknownOpera Soft
UlisesunknownOpera Soft
Ultima: ExodusunknownFCI
Ultima: Seija e no MichiunknownPony Canyon
Ultimate Tron IIunknownMasters' Design Group
Umbral, ElunknownJaime Cristobal Urbicain
UndergroundunknownCP Verlag
Universe 2StrategyOmnitrend
Untouchables, TheunknownOcean
Untouchables, Theunknown
Untouchables, TheunknownOcean
UrthwurmActionVictor H. Shao
Vampyr: Talisman of InvocationRPG
Vampyr: The Talisman of InvocationActionVictor H. Shao
Vegas Connection: Casino Kara Ai o KometeunknownSigma Enterprises
Venganza de Rufo, LaunknownQuasimodo Soft
Vette!SportSpectrum Holobyte
Vette!SportSpectrum HoloByte
Victory RoadunknownImagine Software
Victory RoadunknownImagine Software
Victory RoadunknownImagine Software
VietnamunknownSoftware Club
Vietnam '75unknownF/S Data
VigilanteunknownU.S. Gold
VigilanteunknownU.S. Gold
VigilanteunknownSega Corporation
VogeljagdunknownErnst Kleiner
VolkunknownAtrox Programming
VolkunknownAtrox Programming
WabbitunknownCommodore Disc
Wagyan LandunknownNamco Ltd
WahnunknownCP Verlag
Walter Payton FootballunknownSega Corporation
WamwortunknownDinamic Software
Wanted!ActionSega Corporation
War BattleunknownHulk, Wraith & Fame
War BattleunknownHulk, Wraith & Fame
War EaglesSimulationCosmi Corporation
War in Middle EarthunknownMelbourne House
War in Middle Earthunknown
War in Middle EarthunknownDro Soft
War in Middle EarthunknownMelbourne House
War in the Middle EarthunknownMelbourne House
War in the Middle EarthunknownMelbourne House
War MachineunknownPlayers Premier Software
War MachineunknownPlayers Software
War Machineunknown
War of the LanceunknownSSI
WarlordunknownGerman Design Group
WarlordunknownGerman Design Group
WarlordunknownGerman Design Group
WastelandsSportGame On
Wayne Gretzky HockeySportBethesda Softworks
Weird DreamsPuzzleMicroProse
Weird DreamsAdventureRainbird
Wellington at WaterloounknownCCS
Wellington at WaterloounknownCCS
WelltrisPuzzleSpectrum HoloByte
Wembley Greyhoundsunknown
Wham BallunknownCompute!
What Was ThatunknownBolsoftware Communications
What Was ThatunknownBolsoftware Communications
Wheel of Fortune: Junior EditionunknownGameTek Inc
Where in time is Carmen Sandiego?Adventure
Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego?EducationalBrøderbund Software
White Lion Densetsu: Pyramid no Kanata niunknownKemco/Seika
White WaterunknownCompute!
Who Framed Roger RabbitActionLJN
WickedunknownElectric Dreams
Wild StreetsActionTitus
Wild WaterunknownBug-Byte Software
Wild WaterunknownBug-Byte Software
WillowunknownCapcom Co., Ltd.
Windows 3.1 Shareware: CUBE2unknownKevin McFarland
Windows 3.1 Shareware: GOLFunknownKen Sykes
Windows 3.1 Shareware: STARBASEunknownWaid Reynolds
Windsurf WillySportSilmarils
Windsurf Willyunknown
WindwalkerunknownElectronic Arts
Windwalker (Moebius 2)RPG
Wings of FurySimulationBroderbund Software
Wings of Furyunknown
Wings of Furyunknown
Wings of FuryunknownBroderbund
Winter TermunknownAd. Lomer
Winter-HolidaysunknownSystems Editoriale
Wizard FightunknownCP Verlag
Wizardry II: Llylgamyn no IsanunknownASCII
Wonder Boy III: The Dragon’s TrapRPGSEGA Enterprises
Wonder Boy III: The Dragon's TrapActionSega Corporation
Wonderboy in MonsterlandunknownActivision
World Bowl Deja VuunknownLoadstar
World Championship SoccerSportSEGA Enterprises
World Cup SoccerSportNovotrade
World Cup Soccer: Italia '90unknownVirgin
World Cup Soccer: Italia '90unknownVirgin
World GamesSportMilton Bradley
World Grand-Prix: Pole to FinishunknownData East Corporation
World RaceunknownSuper Game 2000
World Super TennisunknownAsmik
World Trophy SoccerunknownNovotrade
World Trophy SoccerunknownNovotrade
WP Tennis Teil 2unknownWolfgang Polenda
WraparoundunknownRUN/IDG Communications
WWF WrestleManiaSportAcclaim Entertainment, Inc.
X-Men - Madness in MurderworldActionParagon Software Corporation
X-OutActionRainbow Arts
X-OutunknownRainbow Arts
X-OutunknownRainbow Arts
XenonActionMelbourne House
XenonunknownCP Verlag
Xenon 2unknownBitmap Brothers
Xenon 2ActionBitmap Brothers
Xenon 2unknownBitmap Brothers
Xenon 2ActionBitmap Brothers
Xenon 2unknownBitmap Brothers
Xenon 2: MegablastActionBitmap Brothers
Xybots NoteunknownRaw Deal
YatzyunknownRUN/IDG Communications
Ys: The Vanished OmensRPG
Ys: The Vanished OmensActionNihon Falcom Corp.
Zak McKracken Enhanced - and the Alien MindbendersunknownLucasArts
Zappa RoidzActionSoftdisk
ZauberwaldunknownMarkt & Technik
ZBBS 64 v1.2unknownMr. Bill
Zig Zag 2 New LevelsunknownMirrorsoft
Zipi y ZapeunknownDro Soft
Zipi y Zapeunknown
Zipi y ZapeunknownDro Soft
Zone 2unknown
Zone TrooperunknownGame Busters
Zone TrooperunknownGame Busters
Zone TrooperunknownGame Busters
Zork Quest: The Crystal of DoomAdventure
Zork ZerounknownInfocom
ZybexunknownZeppelin Games
ZybexunknownZeppelin Games
Zygon WarriorunknownECP