1988 Games


Robot 249
'89 Dennou Kyuusei UranaiEducationalJingukan
007 Live and Let Dieunknown
007 - Live and Let DieunknownDomark
007 - Live and Let DieunknownDomark
100000 Dollar PyramidMiscBox Office
1040 TerminatorunknownAntic
19 Part 1 - Boot CampunknownCascade Games
1943 The Battle of Midwayunknown
1943: The Battle of MidwayActionCapcom Co., Ltd.
1943: The Battle of ValhallaActionCapcom Co., Ltd.
2 por 1: Desperado/SurvivorMiscErbe
2 por 1: Goody/The Last MissionMiscOpera Soft
2 por 1: Goody/The Last MissionMiscOpera Soft
2 por 1: Wells Fargo/Rock'n RollerMiscErbe
2 por 1: Wells Fargo/Rock'n RollerMiscErbe
20,000 Leagues Under the SeaAdventureCoktel Vision
2088unknownZeppelin Games
2400 A.D.RPGOrigin Systems, Inc.
2400 ADunknownOrigin
2x1: El Poder Oscuro - ArkosMiscZigurat
2x1: El Poder Oscuro - ArkosMiscZigurat
2x1: Hundra · Turbo GirlMiscDinamic
2x1: Hundra · Turbo GirlMiscDinamic
2x1: Megacorp · Don QuijoteMiscDinamic
2x1: Megacorp · Don QuijoteMiscDinamic
2x1: Meganova · Capitán SevillaMiscDinamic
2x1: Meganova · Capitán SevillaMiscDinamic
3D Starfighterunknown
3D Stock Car ChampionshipunknownFirebird Software
3D Stock Car ChampionshipunknownFirebird Software
3D Stock Car ChampionshipunknownFirebird Software
3D Stock Car ChampionshipunknownFirebird Software
4th & InchesunknownAccolade
4th & InchesunknownAccolade
4th & InchesunknownAccolade
4th & Inchesunknown
4x1Misc100% by Dinamic
4x1Misc100% by Dinamic
4x1Misc100% by Dinamic
4x4 Off Road Racingunknown
4x4 Off-Road RacingSimulationEpyx
4x4 Off-Road RacingunknownU.S. Gold
4x4 Off-Road RacingunknownU.S. Gold
8 EyesActionThinking Rabbit
8 EyesActionSeta
A Dudley DilemmaAdventuretbf
A Dudley DilemmaAdventure
A Nightmare on Elm streetActionActivision
A-Team, TheunknownZafiro Software Division
A-Team, TheunknownZafiro Software Division
A-Team, TheunknownZafiro Software Division
A-Team, TheunknownZafiro Software Division
A-Team, TheunknownZafiro Software Division
A-Team, TheunknownZafiro Software Division
A.R.N.O.L.D.unknownStatic Soft
Aaargh!ActionMelbourne House
Abadia del Crimen, LaunknownOpera Soft
Abadia del Crimen, LaunknownOpera Soft
AbracadabraunknownProein Soft Line
Abrams Battle TankSimulationDynamix
Abrams Battle TankSimulationElectronic Arts
ACE 2088 - The Space-Flight Combat SimulationunknownCascade Games
ACE 2088 - The Space-Flight Combat SimulationunknownCascade Games
ACE 2088 - The Space-Flight Combat SimulationunknownCascade Games
ACE 2088 - The Space-Flight Combat SimulationunknownCascade Games
ACE 2088 - The Space-Flight Combat SimulationunknownCascade Games
ACE 2088 - The Space-Flight Combat SimulationunknownCascade Games
ACE 2088 - The Space-Flight Combat SimulationunknownCascade Games
Action Forceunknown
Action Force IIunknownVirgin Mastertronic
Action Force IIunknownVirgin Mastertronic
Action Force IIunknownVirgin Mastertronic
Action Force IIunknownVirgin Mastertronic
Action Force IIunknownVirgin Mastertronic
Action Serviceunknown
Advanced Lawnmower SimulationSimulationGardensoft
Advanced Pinball Simulatorunknown
Advanced Tactical Fighterunknown
Adventure!AdventureEpiboly Software
AdventureMakerMiscEpiboly Software
Adventures of Bayou Billy, TheActionKonami, Inc.
Adventures of Captain Comic, TheActionColor Dreams
Adventures of Captain Comic, TheActionColor Dreams
AftermathunknownAlternative Software
AftermathunknownAlternative Software
AftermathunknownAlternative Software
AfteroidsunknownZigurat Software
AfteroidsunknownZigurat Software
Agent 99unknownAlkohol Soft
Aigina'S ProphecyActionvic Tokai Inc
Air Attack IIStrategyJeff Miller
Airborne RangerStrategyMicroProse
Airborne Rangerunknown
AirwolfActionKyugo Boueki
AirwolfActionBeam Software
AkiraunknownTaito America Corporation
Ale Hop!ActionTopo Soft
Alex Higgins World SnookerSportLindensoft
Alex Kidd: The Lost StarsActionSEGA
Alex Kidd: The Lost StarsunknownSega Corporation
AlfActionAlien Productions
Alf - World of WordsEducationalVision Software
Alf';s Thinking SkillsEducationalVision Software
Aliants: The Desperate Battle for EarthActionKeyPunch
Alien Attackunknown
Alien Fires 2199 ADRPG
Alien SyndromeActionAce
Alien SyndromeActionACE
Alien SyndromeActionACE
Altered BeastActionSEGA
Altered BeastunknownActivision
Altered BeastunknownActivision
Altered BeastunknownActivision
Altered BeastActionSega
Altered BeastActionSega
Alternate Reality - The CityRPGDataSoft
Alternate Reality: The CityRPG
American Football: Touchdown FeverSportKAC
Amoto's PufunknownSPE
Amoto's PufunknownSPE
Amoto's PufActionSPE
Amoto's PufActionSPE
Analog ManunknownANALOG Computing
Analog ManunknownANALOG Computing
Ancient land of YsRPGBrøderbund
Ancient land of YsRPGBrøderbund
Andy CappunknownMirrorsoft
Andy CappunknownMirrorsoft
Andy CappunknownMirrorsoft
Andy CappunknownMirrorsoft
Andy CappunknownMirrorsoft
Annals of RomeStrategy
AnticipationStrategyNintendo Co., LTD
Apollo 18 - Mission to the MoonSimulationAccolade
Apollo 18: Mission to the MoonunknownArtech
AquasquadunknownAtlantis Software
Arcade #2unknownKeypunch Software
Arcade GamesunknownKeypunch Software
Arcade GamesunknownKeypunch Software
Arcade VolleyballSportCOMPUTE! Publications, Inc.
Arcanoid IVunknownRambit
Arctic AdventureActionApogee
Arctic FoxunknownElectronic Arts
Arctic Foxunknown
Arctic FoxunknownElectronic Arts
Arctic FoxunknownElectronic Arts
Arctic Fox for the Sinclair ZX SpectrumunknownElectronic Arts
Argos no JuujikenunknownSalio
ARK...ActionScott DeMers
ArkanoidPuzzleTaito, Nova Logic
Arkanoid 2 - Revenge of DohPuzzleTaito, Nova Logic
Arkanoid 2 - Revenge of DohActionTaito
Arkanoid 2 - Revenge of DohActionTaito
Arkanoid II - Revenge of DohunknownImagine Software
Arkanoid II - Revenge of DohunknownImagine Software
Arkanoid II - Revenge of DohunknownImagine Software
Arkanoid II: Revenge of DohActionTaito
Arkanoid III Doh Strikes Againunknown
Arkanoid IVunknown
Arkanoid Vunknown
Arkanoid: Revenge of DOHActionTaito America Corporation
ArkosunknownZigurat Software
ArkosunknownZigurat Software
ArkosunknownZigurat Software
ArkosunknownZigurat Software
ArkosunknownZigurat Software
ArkosunknownZigurat Software
ArkosunknownZigurat Software
ArkosunknownZigurat Software
ArkosunknownZigurat Software
ArkosunknownZigurat Software
ArkosunknownZigurat Software
ArkosunknownZigurat Software
Armorik the Viking: The Eight ConquestsunknownInfogrames
Arnhem: The Market Garden OperationStrategy
Artillery Combat \(EGAbomb\)StrategyRad Delaroderie
Aspar G.P. MasterunknownDinamic
Aspar G.P. MasterunknownDinamic
Aspar G.P. MasterunknownDinamic
Aspar G.P. MasterunknownDinamic
Aspar G.P. MasterunknownDinamic
Aspar G.P. MasterunknownDinamic
Aspar G.P. MasterunknownDinamic
Aspar GP masterSportDinamic Multimedia
Aspar GP Masterunknown
Aspar GP MasterunknownDinamic Software
Aspar GP MasterunknownDinamic Software
Asterix et la Potion Magiqueunknown
Astro BlasterActionRolf Franzon
AtalanAdventureAtlas Adventure Software
Atomic Battleunknown
Atomic Driverunknown
AtrogunknownZafiro Software Division
ATV Simulatorunknown
Auto DuelSimulationOrigin
AutoDuelActionChuck Bueche (Chuckles)
AutoduelRPGElectronic Arts
Awesome EarlSportBubble Bus Software
Awesome Earl in SkateRockAction
Awesome Earl in SkateRockunknownBubble Bus
BackgammonunknownCDS Microsystems
BackgammonunknownCDS Microsystems
BackgammonunknownCDS Microsystems
Bad DudesunknownData East
Bad DudesunknownData East
Bad Dudes VS Dragon NinjaAction
Bad Dudes Vs Dragon NinjaActionData East
Bad Dudes Vs Dragon NinjaActionData East
Balance of Power: The 1990 EditionStrategyChris Crawford
Ball Breaker IIunknownCRL Group
Ball Breaker IIunknownCRL Group
Ball Breaker IIunknown
Ball Breaker IIunknownCRL Group
Ball Breaker IIunknownCRL Group
Ball Breaker IIunknownCRL Group
Ball RaceSimulationCarl McLawhorn
Ball RaiderActionDiamond
BallblazerActionPony Canyon
Balrog and the Cat, TheunknownZenobi Software
Balrog and the Cat, TheunknownZenobi Software
BarbarianActionPalace software
BarbarianunknownMelbourne House
BarbarianunknownMelbourne House
BarbarianunknownMelbourne House
BarbarianunknownMelbourne House
BarbarianunknownMelbourne House
Barbarian 2: Dungeons of DraxActionPalace Software, LTD.
Barbarian IIunknownPalace
Barbarian II - The Dungeon of DraxunknownPalace Software
Barbarian Part 3unknown
Bard's Tale, TheunknownElectronic Arts
Bard's Tale, TheunknownElectronic Arts
Bard's Tale, The - Party MergerunknownElectronic Arts
Bard's Tale, The - Party MergerunknownElectronic Arts
Bard's Tale, The - Party MergerunknownElectronic Arts
Bard's Tale 3 - Thief of FateRPGInterplay
Bard's tale 2: Destiny knightRPGElectronic Arts Inc.
Base, The - Part 1 - The PrisonunknownThe Guild
Base, The - Part 2 - The Submarine BaseunknownThe Guild
Bases LoadedunknownJaleco
BASIC BiorhythmsunknownAntic
Basket Coachunknown
Basket CoachunknownRym Soft
Batman The Caped Crusaderunknown
Batman - The Caped Crusader - Part 1 - A Bird in the HandunknownOcean
Batman - The Caped Crusader - Part 1 - A Bird in the HandunknownOcean
Batman - The Caped Crusader - Part 1 - A Bird in the HandunknownOcean
Batman - The Caped Crusader - Part 2 - A Fete Worse than DeathunknownOcean
Batman - The Caped Crusader - Part 2 - A Fete Worse than DeathunknownOcean
Batman - The Caped Crusader - Part 2 - A Fete Worse than DeathunknownOcean
Batman: the Caped CrusaderAdventureOcean
Batman: The Caped CrusaderunknownSpecial FX Software
Batman: The Caped CrusaderunknownSpecial FX Software
Batman: the Caped Crusaderunknown
Batman: The Caped CrusaderunknownOcean
Batman: The Caped CrusaderunknownOcean
Battle ChessPuzzleInterplay
Battle ChessStrategy
Battle ChessStrategyInterplay Productions
Battle FieldunknownAtlantis Software
Battle FieldunknownAtlantis Software
Battle FieldunknownAtlantis Software
Battle of Olympus, TheRPGInfinity
Battle of Olympus, TheRPGInfinity
Battle Shipsunknown
Battle ShipsunknownEncore
Battle ShipsunknownEncore
Battle ShipsunknownEncore
Battle Valleyunknown
Battle ValleyunknownRack-It
Battle ValleyunknownRack-It
Battlehawks 1942StrategyLucasFilm Games
Battlehawks 1942Simulation
BattleTech - The Crescent Hawks InceptionRPGInfocom, Accolade
Be-Bop High School: Koukousei Gokuraku DensetsuunknownData East Corporation
Beach Buggy Simulatorunknown
Beach Buggy SimulatorunknownSilverbird Software
Beach Buggy SimulatorunknownSilverbird Software
Beach Buggy SimulatorunknownSilverbird Software
Beach Buggy SimulatorunknownSilverbird Software
Beach Buggy SimulatorunknownSilverbird Software
Beast of Torrack Moor, TheunknownMarlin Games
Beast of Torrack Moor, TheunknownZenobi Software
Behind Closed DoorsunknownZenobi Software
Behind Closed DoorsunknownZenobi Software
Behind Closed DoorsunknownZenobi Software
Behind Closed Doors II - The SequelunknownZenobi Software
Behind Closed Doors II - The SequelunknownZenobi Software
Behind Closed Doors II - The SequelunknownZenobi Software
Best Play Pro YakyuuunknownASCII
Beyond the Ice PalaceunknownElite Systems
Beyond the Ice Palaceunknown
Beyond the Ice PalaceunknownElite Systems
Beyond the Ice PalaceunknownElite Systems
Beyond the Ice PalaceunknownElite Systems
Beyond the Ice PalaceunknownElite Systems
Big Screen Herounknown
Bio Spheresunknown
Bionic Commandounknown
Bionic CommandoAction
Bionic CommandounknownCapcom Co., Ltd.
Bismarck: The North Sea ChaseunknownDatasoft
Black BeardActionTopo Soft
Black BeardActionTopo Soft
Black BeardActionTopo Soft
Black BeardActionTopo Soft
Black BoxunknownAntic
Black LampunknownFirebird Software
Black LampunknownFirebird Software
Black LampunknownFirebird Software
Black LampunknownFirebird Software
BlackbeardunknownTopo Soft
Blade Eagle 3-DActionSega Corporation
Blade WarriorunknownCodemasters
Blade WarriorunknownCodemasters
Blades of SteelSportKonami
Blades of SteelunknownKonami Computer Entertainment Japan, Inc.
Blaster MasterunknownSunsoft
Blaster MasterActionTokai, Sunsoft
Blaster MasterActionSunSoft
Blitzkrieg - Battle at the ArdennesStrategyCommand Simulations
BlockbusterActionAudiogenic Software
Blood BrothersunknownGremlin Graphics Software
Blood BrothersunknownGremlin Graphics Software
Blood BrothersunknownGremlin Graphics Software
Blood BrothersunknownGremlin Graphics Software
Blood BrothersunknownGremlin Graphics Software
Blood BrothersunknownGremlin Graphics Software
Blood Brothersunknown
Blood BrothersunknownGremlin Graphics Software
BMX KidzunknownFirebird Software
BMX KidzunknownFirebird Software
BMX Kidzunknown
BMX KidzunknownFrebird
BMX KidzunknownFirebird Software
BMX Ninjaunknown
BMX NinjaunknownAlternative Software
BMX NinjaunknownAlternative Software
Bob Morane Ocean Murphyunknown
Bob Morane - Chevalerieunknown
Bob's Full Houseunknown
Bob's Full HouseunknownDomark
Bomber RaidActionSanritsu Denki Co.
Bop'N Wrestleunknown
Borland Turbo Basic 1.0unknownBorland
Boulder Dash - Construction KitunknownDatabyte
Boulder Dash - Construction KitunknownDatabyte
Boulder Dash - Construction KitunknownDatabyte
Boulder Dash - Construction KitunknownDatabyte
Boxing ManagerunknownD&H Games
Break Out IIunknownTB Software
Bride of Frankensteinunknown39 Steps
Bride of Frankensteinunknown39 Steps
Bride of Frankensteinunknown
Bubble Bobble 2unknown
Bubble GhostAction3RE International
Bubble GhostunknownAccolade
Bubble Ghostunknown
Bubble GhostunknownAccolade
Buggy BoyunknownElite Systems
Buggy BoyunknownElite Systems
Buggy Boyunknown
Buggy Boy - East TrackunknownElite Systems
Buggy Boy - Offroad TrackunknownElite Systems
Butcher Hillunknown
California GamesSportEpyx
California GamesActionEpyx, Inc.
California GamesSportEpyx
California GamesSportEpyx
California Pro GolfSportMastertronic Group
California RununknownAlternative Software
California RununknownAlternative Software
California RununknownAlternative Software
Canasto Rebellion, TheunknownTrevor Taylor
Canasto Rebellion, TheunknownTrevor Taylor
Capitan SevillaunknownDinamic Software
Capitan SevillaunknownDinamic Software
Capitan Sevillaunknown
Capitan SevillaunknownDinamic Software
Capitan SevillaunknownDinamic Software
Capitán SevillaActionDinamic
Capitán SevillaActionDinamic
Capitán SevillaActionDinamic
Capitán SevillaActionDinamic
Capitán SevillaActionDinamic
Captain America Defies the Doom Tubeunknown
Captain America - Defies the Doom TubeunknownGo!
Captain America - Defies the Doom TubeunknownGo!
Captain America - Defies the Doom TubeunknownGo!
Captain BloodAdventureEre Informatique
Captain ComicActionMichael Denio
Captain Power and the Soldiers of the FutureActionBox Office Inc.
Captain Power and the Soldiers of the FutureunknownBox Office
Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Futureunknown
Captain SilverunknownTokuma Shoten
Captain TsubasaunknownTecmo, Ltd.
Card SharksPuzzleSharedata
Card SharksunknownShareData
Carrier CommandSimulationRainbird
Castlevania II: Simon's QuestActionKonami
Caverna Infernal, LaunknownDigital Launch
Caverna Infernal, LaunknownDigital Launch
Centerfold SquaresPuzzle
Centerfold SquaresAdultArtworx Software
CeriusunknownAtlantis Software
CeriusunknownAtlantis Software
Chain Reactionunknown
Championship SprintunknownElectric Dreams Software
Championship Sprintunknown
Championship Sprint - Track EditorunknownElectric Dreams Software
Championship Sprint - Track EditorunknownElectric Dreams Software
Championship Sprint - Track EditorunknownElectric Dreams Software
Charlie ChaplinMiscU.S. Gold
Chase H.Q.SportTaito
Chessmaster 2100StrategySoftwork Toolworks
Chicago 30'sunknown
Chicago 30'sunknownTopo Soft
Chicago's 30ActionTopo Soft
Chicago's 30ActionTopo Soft
Chicago's 30ActionTopo Soft
Chicago's 30ActionTopo Soft
Chicago's 30ActionTopo Soft
Chicago's 30 / Silent ShadowMiscTopo Soft
Chopper CommandoSimulationUnknown
Chou Wakusei Senki: MetafightunknownSunsoft
Chubby Gristleunknown
Chubby GristleunknownGrandslam Entertainments
Chubby GristleunknownGrandslam Entertainments
Chubby GristleunknownGrandslam Entertainments
Chuugoku SenseijutsuunknownJaleco
Cid, ElunknownMastertronic
Classic AxiensunknownBubblebus Software
Classic Axiensunknown
Classic AxiensunknownBubblebus Software
Classic ConcentrationPuzzleShareData
Classic ConcentrationPuzzle
Clever & Smartunknown
Clever & Smartunknown
Cloud 99unknownMarlin Games
Cloud 99unknownMarlin Games
Cobra CommandActionData East Corporation
Cobra CommandActionData East
Colección de Exitos DinamicMiscDinamic
Colección de Exitos DinamicMiscDinamic
Colección de Exitos DinamicMiscDinamic
ColiseumActionTopo Soft
ColiseumActionTopo Soft
ColiseumActionTopo Soft
ColiseumActionTopo Soft
Coloriage Les Petits Malins IIunknown
Comando TracerActionDinamic
Comando TracerActionDinamic
Comando TracerActionDinamic
Combat Zone Mentorunknown
ComiclandunknownThe Art of Games
Computer Maniac's Diaryunknown
ContraActionBanana Development
Cops 'N' RobbersunknownAtlantis Software
Cops 'N' RobbersunknownAtlantis Software
Cops 'N' RobbersunknownAtlantis Software
Corona, Launknown
Corona, LaunknownSPE
Corona, LaunknownSPE
Corona, LaunknownSPE
Corporate Raider: The Pirate of Wall Streetunknown
CorruptionAdventureMagnetic Scrolls
Cosme StibleActionIber
Cosmo Police: GalivanActionNichibutsu
Crack’edActionAtari Corporation
Crack’edActionAtari Corporation
Crafton & Xunk L'Ange de Cristalunknown
Crazy CarsunknownTitus
Crazy Cars IIunknownTitus
Crazy Cars IIunknownTitus
Cricket CaptainunknownD&H Games
Cricket Crazyunknown
Cricket-Crazy - Part 1unknownThe Dreaming Djinn
Cricket-Crazy - Part 2 - The MatchunknownThe Dreaming Djinn
Crime BusterunknownAtari
Crime BustersunknownPlayers Software
Crime BustersunknownPlayers Software
Crime BustersunknownPlayers Software
Cross Canada CycleunknownPatrick Ip
Cross-Town Crazy Eight v2.3unknownXLEnt Software
CrosswizeunknownFirebird Software
CrosswizeunknownFirebird Software
Crucial Testunknown
Crystal CastlesunknownAtari
Crystal CrisisunknownPage 6
Cuatro en Raya, Lasunknown
Cup FootballunknownCult Games
Current EventsunknownAntic
Cybernoid - The Fighting MachineunknownHewson Consultants
Cybernoid - The Fighting MachineunknownHewson Consultants
Cybernoid - The Fighting MachineunknownHewson Consultants
Cybernoid - The Fighting MachineunknownHewson Consultants
Cybernoid - The Fighting MachineunknownHewson Consultants
Cybernoid - The Fighting MachineunknownHewson Consultants
Cybernoid - The Fighting MachineunknownHewson Consultants
Cybernoid - The Fighting MachineunknownHewson Consultants
Cybernoid - The Fighting MachineunknownHewson Consultants
Cybernoid - The Fighting MachineunknownHewson Consultants
Cybernoid II - The RevengeunknownHewson Consultants
Cybernoid II - The RevengeunknownHewson Consultants
Cybernoid II - The RevengeunknownHewson Consultants
Cybernoid II - The RevengeunknownHewson Consultants
Cybernoid II - The RevengeunknownHewson Consultants
Cybernoid II - The RevengeunknownHewson Consultants
Cyborg HunterActionSega /EU - Activision NA
Cycle Race Roadman: Gekisou!! Nihon Isshuu 4000kmunknownTokyo Shoseki
CyrtaborunknownDaniel Klodt
CyrtaborunknownDaniel Klodt
Daily Double Horse RacingunknownCDS Software
DaisenryakuunknownBothtec (Quest)
Daley Thompson's Olympic ChallengeunknownOcean
Daley Thompson's Olympic ChallengeunknownOcean
Daley Thompson's Olympic Challengeunknown
Daley Thompson's Olympic ChallengeunknownOcean
Dame Scannerunknown
Damned Forest, TheunknownCult Games
Dan Dare II Mekon's Revengeunknown
Dan Dare II - Mekon's RevengeunknownVirgin Games
Dan Dare II - Mekon's RevengeunknownVirgin Games
Dan Dare II - Mekon's RevengeunknownVirgin Games
Dan Dare II - Mekon's RevengeunknownVirgin Games
Dan Dare II - Mekon's RevengeunknownVirgin Games
Dan Kitchen’s Tomcat: The F-14 Fighter SimulatorActionImagineering
Dan Kitchen’s Tomcat: The F-14 Fighter SimulatorActionImagineering
Dance Of The VampiresAdventureInteractive Technology
Dangerous DaveActionUptime Disk Monthly
Dangerous Dave in the Deserted Pirate's Hideout!unknownJohn Romero
Dark ChambersActionAtari Corporation
Dark ChambersunknownAtari
Dark ChambersunknownAtari
Dark ChambersActionAtari Corporation
Dark FusionunknownGremlin Graphics Software
Dark FusionunknownGremlin Graphics Software
Dark FusionunknownGremlin Graphics Software
Dark Fusionunknown
Dark FusionunknownGremlin Graphics Software
Dark SideActionIncentive
Dark Sideunknown
DartsSportBob Boylan
Das Alte HausunknownRossi-Soft
Das MagazinunknownAriolasoft
Das MagazinStrategyHoney Design
Dawn RaiderunknownAtlantis Software
Daylight RobberyunknownAtlantis Software
Dea TenebrarumunknownSystem 4
Dea TenebrarumActionSystem 4
Death StalkerunknownCodemasters
Death StalkerunknownCodemasters
Death StalkerunknownCodemasters
Death StalkerunknownCodemasters
Death StalkerunknownCodemasters
Death SwordunknownDesigner Software
Death SwordunknownDesigner Software
Death SwordAction
Decisive Battles of the American Civil War Vol. 2 and 3StrategyStrategic Studies Group
Decisive Battles of the American Civil War, Vol. 2unknownSSG
Decisive Battles of the American Civil War: Vol. 1Strategy
Deep Dungeon III: Yuushi e no TabiunknownSquare Co., Ltd.
Deep, TheunknownU.S. Gold
Deep, TheunknownU.S. Gold
Defender IIunknownHAL Laboratory, Inc.
Defender of the crownStrategyCinemaware
Deja Vu: Akumu wa Hotouni Yatte RaitaunknownKemco/Seika
DelfoxunknownDinamic Software
DelfoxunknownDinamic Software
DeluxePaint IIunknownElectronic Arts
DeluxePaint IIunknownElectronic Arts
Demon from the Darkside III - The Devils HandunknownCompass Software
Demon from the Darkside IV - Shadows of the PastunknownCompass Software
Demon from the Darkside IV - Shadows of the PastunknownCompass Software
Demon StalkerRPGMicro Forte
Demon's RevengeunknownFirebird Software
Demon's Revengeunknown
Demon's RevengeunknownFirebird Software
Demon's RevengeunknownFirebird Software
Demon's WinterRPGStrategic Simulations, Inc.
DenizenunknownPlayers Software
DenizenunknownPlayers Software
Densetsu no Kishi: ElrondunknownJaleco
DervishunknownThe Power House
Desert FalconunknownAtari
DesolatorunknownU.S. Gold
DetornatorunknownImpact Software
Diablo!unknownNebula Design Software
Diablo!unknownNebula Design Software
Diablo!unknownNebula Design Software
Diablo!unknownNebula Design Software
Diablo!unknownNebula Design Software
Diablo!unknownNebula Design Software
Diablo!unknownNebula Design Software
Diablo!unknownNebula Design Software
Diablo!unknownNebula Design Software
DiamondunknownDestiny Software
DiamondunknownDestiny Software
DiamondunknownDestiny Software
Die FuggerStrategyThe Electric Ballhaus
Die Murmeln des Dr. CreepunknownMarkt & Technik
Discology +3unknownNew Frontier
Dive BomberunknownAcme Animation
Dive BomberunknownUS Gold
Dizzy Amstrad Action Special Editionunknown
Dizzy II Treasure Island Dizzyunknown
Dizzy II - Treasure Island DizzyunknownCodemasters
Dizzy II - Treasure Island DizzyunknownCodemasters
Dizzy II - Treasure Island DizzyunknownCodemasters
Dizzy II - Treasure Island DizzyunknownCodemasters
Dizzy II - Treasure Island DizzyunknownCodemasters
Dizzy II - Treasure Island DizzyunknownCodemasters
Dizzy II - Treasure Island DizzyunknownCodemasters
Dizzy II - Treasure Island DizzyunknownCodemasters
Djevojka sa Zapada - The Western GirlunknownSuzy Soft
Dokuganryuu MasamuneunknownNamco Ltd
Dolphin Boating Simulatorunknown
Dome TrooperunknownMatand Software
Domes of Sha, TheunknownRiver Software
Domes of Sha, TheunknownRiver Software
Domes of Sha, TheunknownRiver Software
DominoesunknownCDS Microsystems
DominoesunknownCDS Microsystems
DominoesunknownCDS Microsystems
Don't Say It, Spray ItunknownPirate Software
Don't Say It, Spray ItunknownPirate Software
Donald DuckunknownKemco/Seika
Donald Duck´s PlaygroundActionSierra / Disney
Donald Duck's PlaygroundunknownSierra
Donald LandunknownData East Corporation
Donald's Alphabet Chaseunknown
Donald's Alphabet ChaseunknownDisney
Donald's Alphabet ChaseunknownDisney
Donkey Kong ClassicsunknownNintendo Co., LTD
Donkey Kong ClassicsActionNintendo
Donkey Kong Jr.ActionNintendo
Double DragonActionArcadia
Double Dragon 2: The RevengeActionTechnos Japan Corp.
Dr. ChaosunknownFCI
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde - Part 1 - DichotomiesunknownEssential Myth
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde - Part 1 - DichotomiesunknownEssential Myth
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde - Part 1 - DichotomiesunknownEssential Myth
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde - Part 1 - DichotomiesunknownEssential Myth
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde - Part 2 - DuplicityunknownEssential Myth
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde - Part 2 - DuplicityunknownEssential Myth
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde - Part 2 - DuplicityunknownEssential Myth
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde - Part 2 - DuplicityunknownEssential Myth
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde - Part 3 - DenouementunknownEssential Myth
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde - Part 3 - DenouementunknownEssential Myth
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde - Part 3 - DenouementunknownEssential Myth
Dr. Scrimes Spook Schoolunknown
DraconusunknownZeppelin Games
DraconusunknownZeppelin Games
Dracula in LondonStrategy
Dragon Ball: Dai Maou FukkatsuunknownBandai America, Inc.
Dragon NinjaunknownImagine Software
Dragon NinjaunknownImagine Software
Dragon Ninjaunknown
Dragon NinjaunknownImagine Software
Dragon NinjaunknownImagine Software
Dragon PowerunknownBandai America, Inc.
Dragon Quest III (Dragon Warrior III)RPGChunsoft
Dragon Quest III: Soshite Densetsu e...unknownEnix Corporation
Dragon SpiritunknownNamco
Dragon Warrior III (Dragon Quest III)RPGChunsoft, Enix
Dragon Warrior III (Dragon Quest III)RPGChunsoft, Enix
Dream WarriorunknownU.S. Gold
Dream WarriorunknownU.S. Gold
Dream Warriorunknown
Dream WarriorunknownU.S. Gold
Dream WarriorunknownU.S. Gold
Dream ZoneAdventureBaudville
Dream ZoneAdventure
Driller - Space Station OblivionStrategyIncentive
Duck talesActionDisney
Duck Tales The Quest for GoldActionDisney
Duct, TheunknownGremlin Graphics Software
Duct, Theunknown
Duct, TheunknownGremlin Graphics Software
Dungeon MasterRPGFTL
Dungeon Master's Assistant Volume I: EncountersunknownSSI
Dungeon of ShalanAdventureSoftDisk Publishing
DungeonLordsunknownBrian Bradley
DustinunknownHewson Consultants
Dusty Droid and the Garbage GobblersunknownPirate Software
Dusty Droid and the Garbage GobblersunknownPirate Software
Dyna StarunknownPirate Software
Eamon 034 - Death's GatewayunknownLinden, R.
Eamon 059 - Jungles of VietnamunknownAllen, J.
Eamon 088 - The Shopping MallunknownPorter, A.
Eamon 092 - The FugitiveunknownDoumakes, D.
Eamon 099 - In the Clutches of TorrikunknownNelson, J.
Eamon 111 - A Vacation in EuropeunknownSmith, D.
Eamon 112 - Hills of HistoryunknownSmith, D.
Eamon 113 - The Life - Orb of MevtrelekunknownVolberding, R.
Earl Weaver BaseballunknownElectronic Arts
EarthlightunknownFirebird Software
EarthlightunknownFirebird Software
EarthlightunknownFirebird Software
EarthlightunknownFirebird Software
EarthlightunknownFirebird Software
EchelonSimulationAccess Software
EchelonunknownU.S. Gold
EGA BombActionRad Delaroderie
EGA Trekunknown
Egger Land: Meikyuu no FukkatsuunknownHAL Laboratory, Inc.
Electric Crayon Deluxe - Dinosaurs are ForeverEducationalPolarware
Elevator BoyunknownM.M.G.
EliminatorunknownHewson Consultants
EliminatorunknownHewson Consultants
EliminatorunknownAlternative Software
EliminatorunknownHewson Consultants
EliminatorunknownHewson Consultants
ElizaSimulationJoseph Weizenbaum
ElysionunknownTokyo Shoseki
Emi-chan no Moero YakyuukenAdultSuper Pig
Emilio Butragueño ¡Fútbol!unknownTopo Soft
Emilio Butragueño ¡Fútbol!unknownTopo Soft
Emilio Butragueño ¡Fútbol!unknownTopo Soft
Emilio Butragueño ¡Fútbol!unknownTopo Soft
Emilio Butragueño ¡Fútbol!unknownTopo Soft
Emilio Butragueno Futbolunknown
Emlyn Hughes International Soccerunknown
Empire - War of the CenturyStrategyInterstel
Empire Strikes BackActionDomark
En busca de MortadelounknownAlfonso Fdez. Borro
En busca de MortadelounknownAlfonso Fdez. Borro
En busca de MortadelounknownAlfonso Fdez. Borro
Encyclopedia of War - Ancient BattlesunknownCCS
Encyclopedia of War - Ancient BattlesunknownCCS
Encyclopedia of War - Ancient BattlesunknownCCS
Encyclopedia of War - Ancient Battles - DesignerunknownCCS
Encyclopedia of War - Ancient Battles - DesignerunknownCCS
Encyclopedia of War - Ancient Battles - DesignerunknownCCS
Encyclopedia of War: Ancient BattlesStrategy
Entrepreneur JungleunknownAntic
Erbe 88MiscErbe
Erbe 88MiscErbe
Erbe 88MiscErbe
Erbe 88MiscErbe
Erika to Satoru no Yume BoukenunknownNamco Ltd
Escape from CastleunknownJioi Chabek
Escape from KhoshimaunknownAtlantis Software
Escape from KhoshimaunknownAtlantis Software
Eternal DaggerAdventureSSI
European Five-a-SideunknownSilverbird Software
European Five-a-SideunknownSilverbird Software
Eva Strip Wordunknown
Evaristo el PunkyunknownSPE
Evaristo el PunkyunknownSPE
Every Second Countsunknown
Every Second CountsunknownTV Games
Every Second CountsunknownTV Games
ExchangeunknownRassilon Software
Exploding Fist+unknownFirebird Software
Explorer XXXIunknownDro Soft
Explorer XXXIActionDro Soft
F-14 TomcatSimulationActivision Publishing, Inc.
F-18 HornetActionImagineering
F-19 Stealth FighterSimulation
F-19 Stealth FighterSimulationMicroProse
F-19 Stealth FighterunknownMicroprose
F-19 Stealth FighterunknownMicroprose
F-19 Stealth FighterunknownMicroprose
F-19 Stealth FighterunknownMicroprose
Faery Tale AdventureAdventureMicroillusions
Fairly Difficult MissionunknownZodiac Software
Fairly Difficult MissionunknownZodiac Software
Fairly Difficult MissionunknownZodiac Software
Fairly Difficult MissionunknownZodiac Software
Fairly Difficult MissionunknownZodiac Software
Fairly Difficult MissionunknownZodiac Software
Fairly Difficult MissionunknownZodiac Software
Fairly Difficult MissionunknownZodiac Software
Fairly Difficult MissionunknownZodiac Software
Fairly Difficult MissionunknownZodiac Software
Falcon - The F-16 Flight SimulatorSimulationSpectrum HoloByte
Falcon A.T.unknownSpectrum Holobyte
Falcon A.T.unknownSpectrum Holobyte
Falcon ATSimulationSpectrum Holobyte
Famicom Meijin SenunknownSNK Corporation
Famicom WarsStrategyNintendo Co., LTD
Family CircuitunknownNamco Ltd
Family Mahjong II: Shanghai e no MichiunknownNamco Ltd
Family Quiz: 4-nin wa RivalunknownAthena
Fanky Punky v2unknownP.J. Software
Fanky Punky v2unknownP.J. Software
Fantasy Zone II: Opa-Opa no NamidaunknownSunsoft
Fast BreakSportAccolade
Fast BreakunknownAccolade, Inc.
Fast BreakunknownAccolade
Fast BreedunknownMaster Home Computers Group
FederationunknownCRL Group
Fernandez Must Dieunknown
Fernandez Must DieunknownImage Works
Fighting GolfunknownSNK Corporation
Fighting RoadunknownToei Animation
Final AssaultunknownU.S. Gold
Final AssaultunknownU.S. Gold
Final AssaultunknownU.S. Gold
Final Assault aka Chamonix ChallengeSportInfrogrames Europe
Final Fantasy IIRPGSquare
Final Fantasy IIRPGSquare Co., Ltd.
Final LapunknownNamco Ltd
Final WarunknownAlfredo Delgado
Final WarunknownAlfredo Delgado
Fire & ForgetSimulationTitus
Fire and ForgetunknownTitus
Fire and ForgetunknownTitus
Fire and ForgetSport
Fire and Forget 2Sport
Fire PowerStrategyMicro Illusions
Fire PowerAction
Fire PowerunknownMicroprose
Firehouse RescueEducationalGameTek
First ExpeditionSimulation
Fist +ActionMelbourne House
Fleet CommanderunknownASCII
Flintstones, Theunknown
Flintstones, TheunknownGrandslam Entertainments
Flintstones, TheunknownGrandslam Entertainments
Flintstones, TheActionTeque Software Development
Football Manager 2unknownAddictive Games
Football Manager 2unknown
For Gold or Gloryunknown
For Gold or GloryunknownAlternative Software
For Gold or GloryunknownAlternative Software
Forgotten Realms I - Pool Of RadianceAdventureSSI
Formula 1unknownOMK
Four by Four SquareunknownRassilon Software
Foxx Fights BackunknownImage Works
Foxx Fights BackunknownImage Works
Freddy HardestAction
Freddy HardestunknownDinamic
Free ClimbingunknownZafiro Software Division
Free ClimbingunknownZafiro Software Division
Free ClimbingunknownZafiro Software Division
Free ClimbingunknownZafiro Software Division
Free ClimbingunknownZafiro Software Division
Free ClimbingunknownZafiro Software Division
Free ClimbingunknownZafiro
Free ClimbingunknownZafiro
Freedom Fighterunknown
Freedom FighterunknownThe Power House
Freedom ForceunknownSunsoft
Freedom ForceActionSunsoft
FrightmareunknownCascade Games
Fuddo & SlamunknownZenobi Software
Fuddo & Slam - PicturesunknownZenobi Software
Fudou Myouou DenunknownTaito America Corporation
Fury, TheunknownMartech Games
Fusion 2unknown
G.I. HerounknownFirebird Software
G.I. HerounknownFirebird Software
G.I. Herounknown
G.I. HerounknownFirebird Software
Galactic ConquerorActionTitus France
Galactic Conquerorunknown
Galactic GamesunknownActivision
Galactic ProtectorunknownSega Corporation
Galaga: Demons of DeathActionBandai America, Inc.
GalaxStrategyKeith Reick
Galdregon's DomainRPG
Gambler Jiko ChuushinhaunknownAsmik
Game OverActionDinamic Software
Game Over & PhantisunknownDinamic
Game Over IiActionDinamic Software
Game Over IIunknownElectronic Arts
Game Over IIunknownElectronic Arts
Game Over IIunknownElectronic Arts
Game Over IIunknownElectronic Arts
Game Over IIunknownDinamic
Games, The Winter Editionunknown
Games, The: Winter EditionSportEpyx, Inc.
Gamma ForceAdventureInfocom
Gamma Force - The Pit of a Thousand ScreamsAdventureActivision
Gamma Force in The Pit of a Thousand ScreamsAdventureTom Snyder Productions
Garfield Big, Fat, Hairy Dealunknown
Garfield - Big, Fat, Hairy DealunknownThe Edge Software
Garfield - Big, Fat, Hairy DealunknownThe Edge Software
GarrisonActionRainbow Arts
Gary Lineker's Hot Shot!unknown
Gary Lineker's Hot-Shot!unknownGremlin Graphics Software
Gary Lineker's Super SkillsunknownGremlin Graphics Software
Gary Lineker's Super Skillsunknown
Gauntlet IIunknown
Gauntlet IIunknown
Genpei Touma Den: Computer BoardgameunknownNamco Ltd
GhostbustersunknownRafa Vico
Ghouls ’N GhostsActionCapcom
Ghouls ’N GhostsActionCapcom
Ginga Eiyuu DensetsuunknownKemco/Seika
Glacier PatrolActionTelegames
Gnome Ranger 2: Ingrid's BackAdventure
GokkastPuzzleBig 'Elro'
Gold RushAdventureSierra
Gold RushAdventureSierra
Gold RushAdventureSierra
Gold RushunknownSierra
Gold RushunknownSierra
Gold Rush!Adventure
Gold Rush!AdventureSierra On-Line
Golgo 13: Top Secret EpisodeunknownVic Tokai Corporation
Golvellius: Valley of DoomRPGCompile
Golvellius: Valley of DoomAdventureSega Corporation
GoodyunknownOpera Soft
Gradius IIunknownKonami Computer Entertainment Japan, Inc.
Gradius II (Vulcan Venture)ActionKonami
Gran Prix CircuitSportAccolade
Grand Prix CircuitSportAccolade
Grand Prix CircuitunknownAccolade
Grand Prix TennisunknownMastertronic Added Dimension
Grand Prix Tennisunknown
Great Giana Sisters, Theunknown
Great TankunknownSNK Corporation
Green Death, TheunknownCasventures
Green Death, TheunknownCasventures
Green DoorunknownTartan Software
Grover's Animal AdventuresunknownHi-Tech Expressions
Guardians of Infinity: to Save KennedyAdventure
Guerra de las Vajillas, LaunknownDinamic Software
Guerra de las Vajillas, LaunknownDinamic Software
Guerra de las Vajillas, LaunknownDinamic Software
Guerra de las Vajillas, Launknown
Guerra de las Vajillas, LaunknownDinamic Software
Guerra de las Vajillas, LaunknownAD
Guerra de las Vajillas, LaunknownAD
Guerra de las Vajillas, LaunknownAD
Guerra de las Vajillas, LaunknownAD
Guerrilla WarunknownImagine Software
Guerrilla WarunknownImagine Software
Guerrilla Warunknown
GuevaraunknownSNK Corporation
Gun.SmokeActionCapcom U.S.A., Inc.
Gunpowder CharlieunknownAtari User
Gunpowder CharlieunknownAtari User
Gunpowder, Treason and PlotunknownRedwood Designs
HabilitunknownIber Soft
HabilitunknownIber Soft
Hamte DamteunknownCross Technics
HangmanPuzzleKhobey Software
HangmanPuzzleKhobey Software
Hanjuku HeroStrategySquare Co., Ltd.
Heart BreakunknownAtari
Heavy MetalunknownPage 6 Magazine
Hercules Slayer of the Damnedunknown
Hercules - Slayer of the DamnedunknownGremlin Graphics Software
Hercules - Slayer of the DamnedunknownGremlin Graphics Software
Heroes of the LanceActionSSI
Heroes of the LanceunknownU.S. Gold
Hidden AgendaStrategySpringboard
Hidden AgendaStrategyTrans Fiction
Hiryuu no Ken II: Dragon no TsubasaunknownCulture Brain
Hit Squad, Theunknown
Hit Squad, TheunknownCodemasters
Hit Squad, TheunknownCodemasters
Hitler no Fukkatsu: Top SecretunknownCapcom Co., Ltd.
Holiday MakerAdventurePM Entertainment
Hollywood SquaresPuzzleGametek
Hopper Copperunknown
Hopper CopperunknownSilverbird Software
Hopper CopperunknownSilverbird Software
Hopping Madunknown
Hopping MadunknownElite Systems
Hoshi wo Sagashite...ActionSega Corporation
HototogisuunknownIrem Software Engineering, Inc.
HotshotunknownAddictive Games
Human Killing MachineunknownU.S. Gold
Human Killing MachineunknownU.S. Gold
Human Killing MachineActionTiertex
HumphreyunknownZigurat Software
HumphreyunknownZigurat Software
Hunt for Red October, The Based on the Bookunknown
Hunt for Red October, The - Based on the BookunknownGrandslam Entertainments
HurlementsActionUbi Soft
IBM BASIC QuizEducationalApogee
Ice HockeySportNintendo
Ice HockeyunknownNintendo Co., LTD
If Monks Had MacsEducationalBrian Thomas
Iggy Iggopolis Into the VoidActionDavid Bayard
IK+SportSystem 3
Ikari Warriorsunknown
Ikari WarriorsunknownElite Systems
Ikari WarriorsunknownElite Systems
Ikari Warriors 2: Victory Roadunknown
Ikari Warriors II: Victory RoadunknownSNK Corporation
Im Namen des KoenigsunknownR&E Software
Impact!unknownAudiogenic Software
Impact!unknownAudiogenic Software
Impossible Mission 2ActionEpyx
Impossible Mission IIunknownU.S. Gold
Impossible Mission IIunknownU.S. Gold
Impossible Mission IIunknown
Impossible Mission IIunknownEpyx
Indiana Jones and the Temple of DoomActionMindscape, Inc.
Infiltrator 2unknown
Infiltrator IIunknownMindscape
Infiltrator: Adventure #1unknownLee Offenberger
Ingrid';s BackAdventureLevel 9 Computing
Inner Lakes, TheunknownEssential Myth
Inside OutingAdventureThe Edge
Inside OutingunknownThe Edge Software
Inside OutingunknownThe Edge Software
Inside OutingunknownThe Edge Software
IntensityunknownFirebird Software
IntensityunknownFirebird Software
IntensityunknownFirebird Software
IntensityunknownFirebird Software
Intergalactic Cage MatchunknownEntertainment USA
Intergalactic Cage MatchunknownEntertainment USA
International Rugby SimulatorunknownCodemasters
International Rugby Simulatorunknown
International Rugby SimulatorunknownCodemasters
International Rugby SimulatorunknownCodemasters
International SpeedwayunknownSilverbird Software
International SpeedwayunknownSilverbird Software
Into the Eagle's NestunknownAtari
IntrépidoActionMind Games
Io - Into OblivionActionFirebird
Iron Tank: The Invasion of NormandyunknownSNK Corporation
Jack and the BeanstalkunknownRiver Software
Jack and the BeanstalkunknownRiver Software
Jack Nicklaus' Greatest 18 Holes of Major Championship GolfSportAccolade
Jack Nicklaus' Greatest 18 Holes of Major Championship GolfSportAccolade
Jack Nicklaus' Greatest 18 Holes of Major Championship GolfunknownAccolade
Jack the Ripperunknown
JackalunknownKonami Computer Entertainment Japan, Inc.
Jarinko Chie: Bakudan Musume no Shiawase SagashiunknownKonami Computer Entertainment Japan, Inc.
Jekyll Hakase no Houma ga TokiunknownToho
Jeopardy!unknownGameTek Inc
Jeopardy!PuzzleRare, GameTek
Jeopardy! New Sports EditionStrategyShareData
Jester QuestunknownZenobi Software
Jester QuestunknownZenobi Software
Jester QuestunknownZenobi Software
Jet Bike Simulatorunknown
Jet Bike Simulator - ExpertunknownCodemasters Plus
Jet Bike Simulator - StandardunknownCodemasters Plus
Jet Bike Simulator - StandardunknownCodemasters Plus
JetFighter - The AdventureSimulationVelocity
JetFighter: The AdventureunknownVelocity
Jeu du Roy, Leunknown
Jocky Wilson's Darts ChallengeunknownZeppelin Games
Jocky Wilson's Darts ChallengeunknownZeppelin Games
Joe BladeunknownPlayers
Joe BladeunknownPlayers
Joe Blade IIunknown
Joe Blade IIunknownPlayers Software
Joe Blade IIunknownPlayers Software
Joe Blade IIunknownPlayers Software
Joe Blade IIunknownPlayers Software
Joe Blade IIActionPlayers Software
John Elway's QuaterbackunknownMelbourne House
John Madden FootballunknownElectronic Arts
John Madden FootballAdventureElectronic Arts
John Madden FootballunknownElectronic Arts
Jordan vs Bird: One on OneunknownElectronic Arts
Jordan vs. Bird: One-on-OneSportElectronic Arts, Inc.
Journey to the Center of the Earthunknown
JoustActionHAL Laboratory, Inc.
Jr. Pac-ManActionThunder Mountain
Jumbo Ozaki no Hole in One ProfessionalunknownHAL Laboratory, Inc.
Jungle BookunknownCoktel Vision
K'Kai AdventureAdventureScott Sams
Kaguya Hime DensetsuunknownVictor Entertainment Inc.
Kakefu-kun no Jump Tengoku: Speed JigokuunknownVic Tokai Corporation
KalahunknownAnalog - Bruce C. Smith
Kame no Ongaeshi: Urashima DensetsuunknownHudson Soft, LTD.
Kamen no Ninja: AkakageunknownToei Animation
Kamen Rider Club: Gekitotsu Shocker LandunknownBandai America, Inc.
Kane IiActionMastertronic
KatakisActionRainbow Arts
KenseidenActionSEGA Enterprises
KenseidenActionSega Corporation
Ki no Bouken: The Quest of KiunknownNamco Ltd
Kickle CubiclePuzzleIrem
Kikstart 2unknownMastertronic
Kikstart 2unknownMastertronic
Kikstart 2unknownMastertronic
Kikstart 2unknownMastertronic
Killer 'ThellounknownMark T. Price
King of ChicagoActionCinemaware
King of KingsunknownNamco Ltd
King´s Quest IV - The perils of RosellaAdventureSierra
King's Quest 2: Romancing the ThroneAdventureSierra
King's Quest 3: To Heir Is HumanAdventureSierra
Kingdom of KrozAction
Kings of the BeachSportElectronic Arts
Knight ExchangeStrategySoftdisk
Knight GamesSportMastertronic
Knight Gamesunknown
Knight RiderSportAcclaim Entertainment
Konami Wai Wai WorldunknownKonami Computer Entertainment Japan, Inc.
Kujaku OuunknownPony Canyon
Kyuukyoku Harikiri StadiumunknownTaito America Corporation
L.A. CrackdownAdventure
L.E.D. Stormunknown
LabyrinthsunknownANALOG Computing
LancelotunknownLevel 9 Computing
LancelotunknownMandarin Software
LancelotunknownMandarin Software
LancelotunknownMandarin Software
LancelotunknownMandarin Software
LancelotunknownMandarin Software
LancelotunknownMandarin Software
LancelotunknownMandarin Software
LancelotunknownMandarin Software
LancelotunknownMandarin Software
LancelotAdventureLevel 9 Computing
Lane Mastodon vs. The BlubbermanAdventureActivision
Lane Mastodon Vs. The BlubbermenAdventureInfocom
Lane Mastodon vs. the BlubbermenAdventureTom Snyder Productions
Las Vegas CasinounknownZeppelin Games
Las Vegas CasinounknownZeppelin Games
Las Vegas CasinounknownZeppelin Games
Laser SquadStrategyTarget Games, Krisalis Software Ltd.
Laser SquadunknownBlade Software
Laser SquadunknownBlade Software
Laser SquadunknownBlade Software
Laser SquadunknownBlade Software
Laser SquadunknownBlade Software
Laser SquadunknownBlade Software
Laser SquadunknownBlade Software
Last Days of DoomAdventureToplogika Software
Last Ninjaunknown
Last Ninja 2unknownSystem 3 Software
Last Ninja 2unknownSystem 3
Last Ninja 2: Back with a VengeanceActionSystem 3 Software, Ltd.
Last Ninja 2: Back with a VengeanceActionSystem 3
Last Ninja 2: Back with a VengeanceActionSystem 3
Leaderboard TournamentunknownU.S. Gold
Leaderboard TournamentunknownU.S. Gold
Leaderboard TournamentunknownU.S. Gold
League ChallengeunknownAtlantis Software
League ChallengeunknownAtlantis Software
LeapsterunknownAlternative Software
Leather Goddesses Of Phobos (Solid Gold Edition)AdventureInfocom
Lee Enfield Space AceunknownInfogrames
Legend Of BlacksilverAdventureEpyx
Legend of the SwordAdventureSilicon Soft
Legend of the SwordAdventure
Legendary WingsunknownCapcom Co., Ltd.
Legends of the Lost Realm I: The Gathering of HeroesRPGAvalon Hill
Leisure Suit Larry 2AdultSierra On-Line
Leisure Suit Larry 2 - Goes Looking for LoveAdventureSierra
Leisure Suit Larry 2: Goes Looking for Love (in Several Wrong Places)AdventureSierra
Leisure Suit Larry 2: Goes Looking for Love (in Several Wrong Places)AdventureSierra
Leisure Suit Larry 2: Goes Looking for Love (in Several Wrong Places)unknownSierra
Leisure Suit Larry 2: Goes Looking for Love (in Several Wrong Places)unknownSierra
Leisure Suit Larry 2: Goes Looking for Love (in Several Wrong Places)unknownSierra
Leisure Suit Larry 2: Goes Looking for Love (in Several Wrong Places)unknownSierra
Leisure Suit Larry 2: Goes Looking for Love (in Several Wrong Places)unknownSierra
Leisure Suit Larry 2: Goes Looking for Love (in Several Wrong Places)unknownSierra
Leisure Suit Larry 2: Goes Looking for Love (in Several Wrong Places)unknownSierra
Leisure Suit Larry 2: Goes Looking for Love (in Several Wrong Places)unknownSierra
Leisure Suit Larry Goes Looking for Love (In Several Wrong Places)AdventureSierra On-Line
Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards (B&W)AdventureSierra
Life & deathSimulationSoftware Toolworks
Life and DeathSimulationThe Software Toolworks, Inc.
Life ForceActionKonami Computer Entertainment Japan, Inc.
Lightning SimulatorunknownSilverbird Software
Lightning SimulatorunknownSilverbird Software
Lightning SimulatorunknownSilverbird Software
Lightning Simulator - IntrounknownSilverbird Software
Little Green ManActionBug-Byte
Live And Let DieActionDomark
Livingstone, I PresumeActionOperasoft
Livingstone, I presume?ActionOpera Soft
Loaded BrainunknownHBSF
LodestoneunknownCross Educational Software
Lombard RAC RallySimulationRed Rat Software
Lombard RAC RallySport
Long Wayunknown
Loogaroo Werewolf Simulatorunknown
Loogaroo - Werewolf SimulatorunknownTop Ten Software
Lord of the SwordActionSega Corporation
Lost Dutchman's MineunknownAhoy!
Lunar Rescue (1988 PCAI version)ActionMike Saenz
MacArthur's WarunknownSSG
MacArthur's War: Battles for Koreaunknown?
MacBreakActionKeith Laepple
Mad CityunknownKonami Computer Entertainment Japan, Inc.
Mad CityActionKonami
Mad MixActionTopo Soft
Mad MixAction
Mad Mix Gameunknown
Mad Mix Gameunknown
Mad Mix GameActionTopo Soft
Mad Mix GameActionTopo Soft
Mad Mix GameActionTopo Soft
Mad Mix GameActionTopo Soft
Mad Mix GameActionTopo Soft
Mad Mix GameActionTopo Soft
Mad Mix GameActionTopo Soft
Mad Mix Game - The Pepsi ChallengeunknownU.S. Gold
MagnetronunknownFirebird Software
MagnetronunknownFirebird Software
MagnetronunknownFirebird Software
MagnetronunknownFirebird Software
MagnetronunknownFirebird Software
MagnetronunknownFirebird Software
Mah Jongg for WindowsPuzzleRon Balewski
Main FrameunknownActionsoft
Main FrameunknownActionsoft
Maison IkkokuunknownBothtec (Quest)
Major League BaseballSportLJN
Manager 64unknownInternational Software
Manhunter - New YorkAdventureSierra
Manhunter 2 - San FransiscoAdventureSierra
Manhunter: New YorkAdventureSierra On-Line
Manhunter: New YorkAdventureSierra
Manhunter: New YorkunknownSierra
Manhunter: New YorkunknownSierra
Manhunter: New YorkunknownSierra
Manhunter: New YorkunknownSierra
Maniac MansionAdventureLucasfilm Games
Manoir du Comte Frozarda, Leunknown
Manollo - El CavernicolaunknownIber Soft
Manollo el CavernícolaunknownIber
MarauderunknownHewson Consultants
MarauderunknownHewson Consultants
MarauderunknownHewson Consultants
MarauderunknownHewson Consultants
Mario Bros.unknownAtari
Marooned!unknownChezron Software
Marooned!unknownChezron Software
Mask IIunknownGremlin Graphics Software
Mask III Venom Strikes Backunknown
Mask III - Venom Strikes BackunknownGremlin Graphics Software
Mask III - Venom Strikes BackunknownGremlin Graphics Software
Mask III - Venom Strikes BackunknownGremlin Graphics Software
Mask III - Venom Strikes BackunknownGremlin Graphics Software
Master BallunknownSuper Game 2000
Masterchess v1.2unknownMarkt & Technik
Masters ConcentrationunknownMillhouse
Mastertrivial - IMiscSPE
Mata Hariunknown
Match Me If You CanunknownLoadstar
Matsumoto Tooru no Kabushiki Hisshou GakuunknownImagineering
Matta BlattaunknownFirebird
Matta BlattaunknownFirebird
Matterhorn ScreamerunknownDisney Software
Matterhorn Screamer!unknownWalt Disney Computer Software
Maze Hunter 3-DunknownSega Corporation
Maze MasterunknownCompute!
Medusa's CaveunknownMagimax Inc.
Mega Apocalypseunknown
Mega Man 2ActionCapcom
Mega Man 2ActionCapcom Co., Ltd.
Mega-ApocalypseunknownMartech Games
Mega-ApocalypseunknownMartech Games
MeganovaunknownDinamic Software
Memory ChallengeunknownCommodore Magazine
Mental MoonsunknownBinary Zone
Mercenary II - The Second CityunknownNovagen Software
Mercenary II - The Second CityunknownNovagen Software
Metal Armyunknown
Metal ArmyunknownPlayers Software
Metal ArmyunknownPlayers Software
MetropolunknownZafiro Software Division
MetropolisunknownThe Power House
Mickey MouseunknownGremlin Graphics
Mickey MouseunknownGremlin Graphics Software
Mickey Mouseunknown
Mickey MouseunknownGremlin Graphics
Mickey MouseunknownGremlin Graphics
Mickey Mouse Space AdventureunknownSierra
Micro Drivin'unknownSoftel Software
Micro MUDunknownVirgin Games
Micro Whistunknown
MicroballunknownAlternative Software
MicroballunknownAlternative Software
Microprose Pro SoccerSportSensible Software
Microprose SoccerunknownMicroProse
MicroProse Soccerunknown
Microsoft Flight Simulator (v3.0)SimulationMicrosoft Game Studios
Microsoft Flight Simulator 3.0Simulation
Microsoft Flight Simulator 3.0SimulationsubLOGIC
Microsoft Flight Simulator 3.0SimulationMicrosoft
Microsoft Flight Simulator 3.0unknownMicrosoft
Microsoft QuickBASiC 4.5unknownMicrosoft
Middle EarthRPGVirgin
Might and Magic 2: Gates to Another WorldRPG
Might and Magic Book One Secret of the Inner SanctumunknownNew World Computing
Might and Magic II: Gates to Another WorldunknownNew World Computing
Mike Gunnerunknown
Mike GunnerunknownDinamic Software
MillipedeunknownHAL Laboratory, Inc.
Mimzoid Death DudeunknownGrant Jaquest
Mind Dance Volume IIunknownPoly Concepts
Mind GamesunknownCommodore Disc
MindfighterunknownAbstract Concepts
Miner 2049'erunknown
Mines of MerlinunknownAhoy!
Mines of Titan (Mars Saga)RPGWestwood Studios, Inc.
MinesweeperunknownBinary Zone
Mini Golf PlusActionStarbyte
Mini Puttunknown
Mini-Zork I - The Great Underground EmpireunknownInfocom
Mini-Zork I The Great Underground EmpireunknownInfocom
Mission ElevatorunknownKixx
Mission ElevatorunknownKixx
Mission Elevatorunknown
Mission ElevatorunknownKixx
Mission GenocideunknownSilverbird
Mission of LifeunknownTommi Koistinen
Mission TransmiterunknownMarkt & Technik
Mission X-2unknownMarkt & Technik
Missione RecuperounknownSuper Game 2000
Mit Jeans & Hellebarde: Vor dem SturmunknownElectronic Design
Modem WarsunknownElectronic Arts
Modem WarsunknownElectronic Arts
Modem WarsunknownElectronic Arts
Modem WarsunknownElectronic Arts
Modem WarsStrategyOzark Softscape
Moero!! Junior Basket: Two on TwounknownJaleco
Moero!! Pro TennisunknownJaleco
Momotarou DentetsuunknownHudson Soft, LTD.
Monopoly \(the official one\)StrategyLeisure Genius
Monopoly DeluxeunknownLeisure Genius
MonoszkopunknownLaszlo Nyitrai
Moraff's RevengeRPGMoraffWare
Mortadelo y FilemonunknownDro Soft
Mortville ManorAdventure
MotocrossunknownRUN/IDG Communications
Motor ManiaSportUnknown
Motorbike MadnessunknownMastertronic
Motorbike MadnessActionMastertronic
Motorbike MadnessunknownMastertronic
Motorbike MadnessunknownMastertronic
Mr. GinounknownSuper Game 2000
Mr. WinounknownHewson
Mrazik 88unknownPhalas
Ms. PacmanunknownThunder Mountain
Muncher, TheunknownGremlin Graphics Software
Muncher, TheunknownGremlin Graphics Software
Mundo Perdido, ElunknownTopo Soft
Mundo Perdido, ElunknownTopo Soft
Murder in the Atlanticunknown
MurphyunknownPirate Software
MurphyunknownPirate Software
Mushroom ManiaunknownArcadia
Mutan ZoneActionOpera Soft
Mutan ZoneActionOpera Soft
Mutan ZoneActionOpera Soft
Mutan ZoneActionOpera Soft
Mutan ZoneActionOpera Soft
Mystery of the Indus ValleysunknownAlternative Software
Mystery of the Indus ValleysunknownAlternative Software
Mystery of the MummyAdventure
N.E.I.L.unknownAlternative Software
N.E.I.L. AndroidunknownAlternative Software
Nakajima Satoru F-1 HerounknownVarie
Namco ClassicunknownNamco Ltd
Napoleon SenkiunknownIrem Software Engineering, Inc.
NARCActionWilliams Entertainment Inc.
NARCActionWilliams Electronic
Nasty Cave AdventureunknownThor Vidar Hjelmervik & Oistein Ihle
National, TheunknownD&H Games
NATO Assault CourseunknownCRL Group
NATO Assault CourseunknownCRL Group
NATO Assault CourseunknownCRL
Navcom 6 - The Persian Gulf DefenseSimulationCosmi Corporation
Navcom 6: The Persian Gulf DefenseSimulation
Navy MovesunknownDinamic Software
Navy Movesunknown
Navy MovesunknownDinamic Software
Navy MovesunknownDinamic Software
Navy MovesunknownDinamic Software
Navy MovesunknownDinamic Software
Near MissStrategySimon & Schuster
NebulusActionU.S Gold
Nekketsu Koukou Dodgeball-buunknownTechnos Japan Corp.
Nekyuu KousienunknownSega Corporation
NetherworldunknownHewson Consultants
NetherworldunknownHewson Consultants
NetherworldunknownHewson Consultants
NetherworldActionHewson Consultants
NeuromancerAdventureElectronic Arts
NeuromancerunknownElectronic Arts
NeuromancerunknownElectronic Arts
NeutmareunknownCP Verlag
New Zealand StoryActionTaito America Corporation
Nexuss MCMLXXXVIII: Part IunknownEGR General Programming
Nigel Mansell's Grand PrixunknownMartech Games
Nigel Mansell's Grand PrixunknownMartech Games
Night HunterActionUBI Soft
Night HunterAction
Night HunterunknownUbiSoft
Night HunterunknownUbiSoft
Night MissionunknownLoadstar
Night mission pinball 3.0PuzzlesubLOGIC
Night RaiderunknownGremlin Graphics Software
Night Raiderunknown
Night RaiderunknownGremlin Graphics Software
Ninja GaidenActionTecmo, Ltd.
Ninja Gaiden (Shadow Warriors)ActionTecmo
Ninja Scooter SimulatorunknownSilverbird Software
Ninja Scooter SimulatorunknownSilverbird Software
Ninja Scooter Simulatorunknown
NipponunknownMarkt & Technik
Nobunaga's AmbitionStrategyKOEI Co., Ltd.
Nomad of TimeunknownAlternative Software
NormanunknownThe Power House
North Starunknown
North StarunknownGremlin Graphics Software
North StarunknownGremlin Graphics Software
Norton Commander 2.0unknownPeter Norton Computing
Now You See ItunknownRUN/IDG Communications
O.K. Yah!unknownPirate Software
O.K. Yah!unknownPirate Software
Oak Flat Nuclear Power Plant SimulatorunknownGametech
ObliteratorActionMelbourne House
ObsternteunknownInput 64
Ocean ConquerorunknownHewson
Ocean RangerStrategyActivision
OdinshrineunknownThe Guild Adventure Software
Off RoadSimulationMontsoft
Off RoadActionMontsoft
Off Shore WarriorSimulationTitus
Off Shore Warriorunknown
Office AttackActionRico Vaccaro
Oil DefenseunknownCompute!
OK KOunknownSuper Game 2000
OlderunknownSuper Game 2000
OligopolySimulationXOR Corporation
Omega Force OneunknownMarkt & Technik
On GreenunknownMikko Heleva
One for OneunknownCommodore Magazine
One-on-One Basketballunknown
OopsunknownThe Big Apple Entertainment Company
Open DoorunknownTartan Software
Operation CleanstreetsunknownSilmarils
Operation CleanstreetsunknownSilmarils
Operation WolfunknownOcean
Operation WolfunknownOcean
Operation WolfunknownOcean
Operation WolfunknownOcean
Operation WolfunknownOcean
Operation WolfunknownOcean
Operation Wolfunknown
Operation WolfunknownOcean
Operation WolfunknownOcean
Operation: Cleanstreets (a.k.a Manhattan Dealers)ActionInfogrames
Operation: Cleanstreets (Manhattan Dealers)ActionSilmarils, Broderbund
Out RunSportUS Gold
Out RununknownU.S. Gold
Out RununknownU.S. Gold
Out Rununknown
OutcrushunknownMarkt & Technik
OutlawunknownPalace Software
OverkillunknownAtlantis Software
OverlanderunknownElite Systems
OverlanderunknownElite Systems
OverlanderunknownElite Systems
Overrun - Europe v1.0unknownSSI
OxygeneunknownAtari Team
P.H.M. PegasusSimulationLucasFilm Games
P.H.M. PegasusunknownElectronic Arts
P.H.M. Pegasusunknown
P.O.W.: Prisoners of WarActionSNK Corporation
P51 Mustang Flight SimulatorSimulationBullseye Software
Pac Maniaunknown
Pac Maniaunknown
Pac Maniaunknown
Pac-MaineActionRaymond T. Albert
Pac-ManiaActionNamco Limited
Pac-ManiaActionNamco Limited
Pac-ManiaunknownGrandslam Entertainments
Pac-ManiaunknownGrandslam Entertainments
Pac-ManiaunknownGrandslam Entertainment
Pac-ManiaunknownGrandslam Entertainments
Pac-ManiaunknownGrandslam Entertainment
Pack Regalo Amstrad PCMiscDinamic
Pack Regalo SinclairMiscDinamic
Pacman's RevengeunknownIdem Soft
Paha JuttuunknownAri ja Mikko Hypponen
Paha Juttu 2unknownAri ja Mikko Hypponen
Paha Juttu 3unknownAri ja Mikko Hypponen
PairunknownPierre Messier
Pair OffunknownLoadstar
Pajaros de Bangkok, LosunknownDinamic Software
Pajaros de Bangkok, LosunknownDinamic Software
Pajaros de Bangkok, Losunknown
Pajaros de Bangkok, LosunknownDinamic Software
Pajaros de Bangkok, LosunknownDinamic Software
Pajaros de Bangkok, LosunknownDinamic Software
Pajaros de Bangkok, LosunknownDinamic Software
Pajaros de Bangkok, LosunknownDinamic Software
Pájaros de Bangkok, LosunknownAD
Pájaros de Bangkok, LosunknownAD
Pájaros de Bangkok, LosunknownAD
Pájaros de Bangkok, LosunknownAD
Paladin + Quest Disk - The Scrolls of TalmouthRPGOmnitrend Software
PallinounknownSuper Game 2000
Para Assault CourseunknownZeppelin Games
Para Assault CourseunknownZeppelin Games
Para Assault Courseunknown
Paragon (Street Ball)ActionGamer's Edge, id Software
Paris-Dakar Rally SpecialunknownCBS / Sony Group
Passengers on the WindAdventureInfogrames
Passengers on the Wind IIunknownInfogrames
Paul der KaeferunknownCP Verlag
Peasants Tale, Aunknown
Pegasus BridgeunknownPSS
Pepsi ColaunknownMiami-Soft
Periscope UpunknownAtlantis Software
Persian GulfunknownSystems Editoriale
Persian GulfunknownSystems Editoriale
PET Nuclear Power PlantunknownCreative Computing
Pete Rose BaseballSportAbsolute, Dynamix, GameStar
Pete Rose Pennant FeverunknownGamestar
Peter Beardsley's International FootballunknownGrandslam Entertainment
Peter Beardsley's International FootballunknownGrandslam Entertainments
Peter Beardsley's International FootballunknownGrandslam Entertainments
Peter Beardsley's International FootballunknownGrandslam Entertainment
Phantasie 3 : The Wrath of NikademusRPGSSI
Phantasie III: The Wrath of NikademusunknownSSI
Phantasie III: The Wrath of NikademusSimulationSSI
Phantasie III: The Wrath of NikademusunknownSSI
PhantisActionDinamic Software
Phantom ClubunknownOcean
Phantom ClubunknownOcean
Phantom ClubunknownOcean
Phantom Clubunknown
Phantom ClubAdventureOcean
Pharaoh's RevengeunknownManley & Associates
Pharaoh's RevengeunknownManley & Associates
PHM PegasusunknownLucas Arts
PiggyunknownBug-Byte Software
Pik'em vNFL 5.0unknownMarathon Software
Pink PantherunknownGremlin Graphics Software
Pink Pantherunknown
Pink PantherunknownMagic Bytes
Pink PantherunknownMagic Bytes
Pipe Mania (Pipe Dream)PuzzleAssembly Line
PiratesunknownSuper Game 2000
Pirx 1unknownCook
Pitstop 2SimulationEpyx
Pivot PointunknownCommodore Magazine
Plan AheadunknownLoadstar
Plate Formeunknown
Platform ZoneunknownSuper Game 2000
Playhouse Strip PokerStrategy
Playhouse Strip PokerAdultPlayhouse
Plot, TheunknownFirebird Software
Pocket RocketsunknownCapcom
Poder Oscuro, ElunknownZigurat Software
Poder Oscuro, ElunknownZigurat Software
Poder Oscuro, Elunknown
Poder Oscuro, ElActionZigurat
Poder Oscuro, ElActionZigurat
Poder Oscuro, ElActionZigurat
Podraz 6unknownAntok Software
Podraz IIIunknownToHeSoft
Podraz IVunknownFuxoft
Pogostick Olympicsunknown
Pogostick OlympicsunknownSilverbird Software
Pogostick OlympicsunknownSilverbird Software
Pole PositionunknownNamco
Pole Position IISport
Pole Position IIunknownMindscape
Police Quest 2 - The VengeanceAdventureSierra
Police Quest 2: The VengeanceAdventureSierra On-Line Inc.
Police Quest 2: The VengeanceunknownSierra
Police Quest 2: The VengeanceunknownSierra
Police Quest 2: The VengeanceunknownSierra
Police Quest 2: The VengeanceAdventureSierra
Police Quest 2: The VengeanceActionSierra
Police Quest 2: The VengeanceActionSierra
Police Quest 2: The VengeanceActionSierra
Police Quest 2: The VengeanceunknownSierra
Police Quest 2: The VengeanceunknownSierra
Police Quest 2: The VengeanceunknownSierra
Police Quest II: The VengeanceAdventureSierra On-Line
Pon una Tarantula en tu VidaunknownNosequesoft
Pon una Tarántula en tu VidaunknownNosequesoft
Pool of RadianceunknownSSI
Pool of RadianceRPG
Pool of RadianceRPGSSI
Pool of RadianceRPGSSI
Pool of RadianceunknownSSI
Pool of RadianceunknownSSI
Pool of RadianceunknownSSI
Pool of RadianceunknownSSI
Pool of Radiance v1.0unknownSSI
Pool of Radiance v1.1unknownSSI
Pool of Radiance v1.1unknownSSI
PopcornPuzzleLacral Software
Post MortemunknownIber
Post MortemunknownIber
Postman PatunknownAlternative Software
Postman Patunknown
Power Play HockeyunknownElectronic Arts
Power Signal BoxunknownDee-Kay Systems
Power StrikeActionCompile
Power StrikeActionSega Corporation
Power StruggleStrategy
Powerplay - Game of the GodsunknownPlayers Software
PredatorActionPack-in-Video Co., Ltd.
President ElectSimulationStrategic Simulations, Inc.
President Is Missing Pre ReleaseunknownCosmi
Press Your LuckunknownGametek
PrestavbaunknownUV Software
Price of PerilunknownInput 64
Price of PerilunknownInput 64
Prizrak NulyunknownBeWeSoft
Pro Yakyuu Satsujin Jiken!unknownCapcom Co., Ltd.
PROBEunknown21st Century
Professional BMX SimulatorunknownCodemasters
Professional BMX Simulator Standardunknown
Professional BMX Simulator - ExpertunknownCodemasters Plus
Professional BMX Simulator - ExpertunknownCodemasters Plus
Professional BMX Simulator - ExpertunknownCodemasters Plus
Professional BMX Simulator - ExpertunknownCodemasters Plus
Professional BMX Simulator - StandardunknownCodemasters Plus
Professional BMX Simulator - StandardunknownCodemasters Plus
Professional BMX Simulator - StandardunknownCodemasters Plus
Professional BMX Simulator - StandardunknownCodemasters Plus
Professional FootballerunknownCult Games
Professional FootballerunknownCult Games
Professional Snooker SimulatorunknownCodemasters
Proof of DestructionunknownMastertronic
Prophecy: The Fall of TrinadonRPGActivision
Psycho Pig U.X.B.unknownU.S. Gold
Psycho Pig U.X.B.unknown
Psycho Pigs UXBunknownU.S. Gold
Psycho Soldierunknown
Psycho SoldierunknownImagine Software
Puc-Muc!unknownStriezel Software Industries
Puc-Muc!unknownStriezel Software Industries
Pulse WarriorunknownMastertronic
Punk Starunknown
Punk StarunknownIber Soft
Pure-Stat FootballunknownSoftware Simulations
Pure-Stat FootballunknownSoftware Simulations
Purple HeartActionCRL
Purple HeartunknownCRL
QuadunknownCommodore Disc
QuadActionNick Sumner
QuadralienunknownAstral Software
QuadralienunknownAstral Software
Quadratic AreaunknownInput 64
QuadraxunknownSuper Game 2000
Quarterstaff: The Tomb of SetmothAdventureAmy Briggs
Quest for the Golden Eggcup, Theunknown
Quest for the Golden Eggcup, TheunknownMastertronic
Quest for the Golden Eggcup, TheunknownMastertronic
Quest for the Golden Eggcup, TheunknownMastertronic
Quest for the Golden Eggcup, TheunknownMastertronic
Quest for the Poorly SnailunknownFuturesoft
Quest for the Poorly SnailunknownFuturesoft
Quest for the Poorly SnailunknownFuturesoft
Quest for the Poorly SnailunknownFuturesoft
Quest for the Poorly SnailunknownFuturesoft
Quest for the Poorly SnailunknownFuturesoft
Questron 2RPGStrategic Simulations Inc.
Questron IIunknownSSI
Questron IIunknownSSI
Questron IIunknownSSI
Questron IIunknownSSI
Questron IIunknownSSI
R Typeunknown
R-TypeunknownElectric Dreams Software
R-TypeunknownSega Corporation
R.A.M 2ActionTopo Soft
R.B.I. BaseballSportTengen
R.C. Pro-AmSportRare, Ltd.
R.C. Pro-AmSportNintendo Co., LTD
Race Against Time, TheunknownCodemasters Plus
Rack 'emSportAccolade
Racket AttackSportJaleco
Rad RacerSportNintendo Co., LTD
Rad WarriorunknownEpyx
Rail Traffic Control: Liverpool Lime StreetunknownDee-Kay Systems
Rainbow ChaserunknownPsychonetix
Rainbow Islands: The Story of Bubble Bobble 2unknownTaito America Corporation
Rally RacerunknownCompute!
Rally Simulatorunknown
Ralph Bosson';s High SeasSimulationGarde Games of Distinction
Ramble over NazcaunknownSystems Editoriale
RamboActionAcclaim Entertainment
Rambo 3unknown
Rambo IIIunknown
Rambo IIIunknownOcean
Rambo IIIActionOcean Software
Rambo IIIunknownSega Corporation
RampageunknownMonarch Development
RampageunknownMonarch Development
RampageActionData East Corporation
Rampart, TheActionIber
Random Champ 8unknownBlinkey Bill
RascanunknownSuper Game 2000
RastanunknownImagine Software
RaumpatrouilleunknownCommodore Disc
Raven, Theunknown8th Day Software
Raw RecruitunknownMastertronic Added Dimension
Raw-MasterunknownTomi Blinnikka
Reach!unknownCommodore Magazine
Ready Steady GounknownAlternative Software
Realm of DarknessunknownRiver Software
Rebel Star II - Alien Encounter - 1 PlayerunknownSilverbird Software
Rebel Star II - Alien Encounter - 1 PlayerunknownSilverbird Software
Rebel Star II - Alien Encounter - 1 PlayerunknownSilverbird Software
Rebel Star II - Alien Encounter - 2 PlayersunknownSilverbird Software
Rebel Star II - Alien Encounter - 2 PlayersunknownSilverbird Software
Red DoorunknownTartan Software
Red DoorunknownTartan Software
Red DoorunknownTartan Software
Red Storm RisingSimulationMicroProse Software
RegeszparbajunknownPeter Porosz
Reigen DoushiunknownPony Canyon
RenegadeunknownTaito America Corporation
Renegade II - Target RenegadeunknownImagine Software
Renegade II - Target RenegadeunknownImagine Software
Renegade II - Target RenegadeunknownImagine Software
Renegade II - Target RenegadeunknownImagine Software
Renegade II - Target RenegadeunknownImagine Software
RepelunknownChris Sorrel & Jim Walker
Rescue MissionunknownSega Corporation
Return Of The JediActionDomark
Return to DoomAdventure
Revenge of DefenderActionEpyx
Revenge of DefenderActionEpyx
RevolverunknownAlternative Software
RexunknownMartech Games
RexunknownMartech Games
RexunknownMartech Games
Rik the Roadieunknown
Rik the RoadieunknownAlternative Software
Ripple IslandunknownSunsoft
Risk: Disk EditionunknownVirgin Games
River Raid IIActionActivision
Road BlastersunknownU.S. Gold
Road BlastersunknownU.S. Gold
Road Blastersunknown
Road BlastersunknownU.S. Gold
Road RaiderunknownMindscape
RoadkillerunknownSuper Game 2000
RoadwarsunknownMelbourne House
Robo WarriorunknownJaleco
RoboCopActionOcean Software
Robot EscapeunknownSPE
Robot EscapeunknownSPE
Robot RescueunknownLoadstar
Robot ScapeActionSygran
Rock 'n RollerunknownTopo Soft
Rock 'n Rollerunknown
Rock 'n RollerunknownTopo Soft
Rock Star Ate My HamsterStrategyCodemasters
Rock'n RollerActionTopo Soft
Rock'n RollerActionTopo Soft
Rock'n RollerActionTopo Soft
Rock'n RollerActionTopo Soft
Rocket RangerAdventureCinemaware
Rocket RangerunknownCinemaware
Rocket RangerAction
Rocket RangerunknownCinemaware
Rocket RangerunknownCinemaware
RockfordunknownMastertronic Added Dimension
RockfordunknownMastertronic Added Dimension
Rockford: The Arcade GameunknownMastertronic
Rockford: The Arcade GameunknownMastertronic
Rockford: The Arcade GameunknownMastertronic
Rockford: The Arcade GameunknownFirst Star Software
Rockford: The Arcade GameunknownFirst Star Software
Roll OffunknownLoadstar
RollerballunknownHAL Laboratory, Inc.
Rolling ThunderActionU.S. Gold
Rolling ThunderunknownU.S. Gold
Rolling Thunderunknown
Rolling ThunderunknownU.S. Gold
Rolling ThunderunknownU.S. Gold
Romance of the Three KingdomsStrategyKOEI
Romantic encounters at the domeAdventure
RouletteunknownMarkt & Technik
RouletteunknownInput 64
Roy Of The RoversSportGremlin Graphics Software Ltd
Roy of the RoversunknownGremlin Graphics Software
Rubber Bandit BallunknownRUN/IDG Communications
Runestone of Zaobab, TheunknownEric Stewart
Runestone of Zaobab, TheunknownEric Stewart
S.A.S. Combat SimulatorunknownCodemasters
S.A.S. Combat SimulatorunknownCodemasters
S.D.I. Strategic Defence Initiativeunknown
S.D.I. - Strategic Defence InitiativeunknownActivision
S.D.I. - Strategic Defence InitiativeunknownActivision
S.T.I. - The Search for Terrestrial IntelligenceunknownBug-Byte Software
SabotageunknownZeppelin Games
Sack RaceunknownAhoy!
Saint Seiya: Ougon Densetsu Kanketsu-henunknownShinsei
Saiyuuki WorldunknownJaleco
Salad no Kuni no Tomato HimeunknownHudson Soft, LTD.
SalamanderunknownImagine Software
Salva BubuunknownSuper Game 2000
SamuraiunknownMarkt & Technik
SamuraiunknownMarkt & Technik
Samurai Warrior - The Battles of Usaji YojimbounknownFirebird Software
Samurai Warrior - The Battles of Usaji YojimbounknownFirebird Software
Samurai Warrior: The Battles of Usagi YojimbounknownFirebird
Samurai Warrior: The Battles of Usagi YojimbounknownFirebird
Sanada Juu YuushiunknownKemco/Seika
Santa ParaviaStrategyKeypunch
Sargon 4PuzzleSpinnaker Software Corporation
Sargon IVPuzzleDan and Kathe Spracklen
Sargon!unknownSuper Game 2000
SAS Combat Simulatorunknown
Saturn's 10 MoonsunknownItalien Computer Adventures
SavageActionMicroplay Software
SavageunknownFirebird Software
SavageunknownFirebird Software
SavageunknownFirebird Software
SavageunknownFirebird Software
SavageunknownFirebird Software
SavageunknownFirebird Software
Savage - IntrounknownFirebird Software
Scavengers of the Mutant WorldRPGInterstel Corporation
Schach v1unknownMarkt & Technik
Schiffe versenkenunknownCommodore Disc
SchlossgeistunknownInput 64
SchlossgeistunknownInput 64
SchmoozerAdventureMichael J. Bruno
Score 3020unknownTopo Soft
Score 3020unknownTopo Soft
Score 3020unknown
SDI 64unknownMarkt & Technik
Secret Defenceunknown
Sensha Senryaku: Sabaku no KitsuneunknownKemco/Seika
Sentinel Worlds 1: Future MagicRPGElectronic Arts
Sentinel Worlds 1: Future MagicRPGElectronic Arts
Sentinel Worlds 1: Future MagicRPGElectronic Arts
Serve & VolleySportArtech Digital Ent.
Serve & VolleyunknownAccolade
Serve & VolleyunknownArtech Digital Ent.
Sex Vixens from SpaceunknownFree Spirit Software
Sexy Wordsunknown
ShackledunknownU.S. Gold
Shade of Swordsunknown
Shadows of MordorRPGBeam International
Shanghai KarateunknownPlayers Software
Shanghai KarateunknownPlayers Software
Shanghai Karateunknown
Shanghai KarateunknownPlayers Software
Sherlock: The Riddle of the Crown JewelsAdventure
Shoot OutunknownMartech Games
Shoot OutunknownMartech Games
Shoot OutunknownMartech Games
Shoot OutunknownMartech Games
Shot the Goulds!unknownSystems Editoriale
Shoukoushi CeddieunknownFuji TV
Shuttle SimulatorunknownRita Jay
Side Armsunknown
Side Arms Hyper Dyneunknown
Side Arms Hyper DyneunknownCapcom
SidewinderActionArcadia Software
Silent Shadowunknown
Silent ShadowActionTopo Soft
Silent ShadowActionTopo Soft
Silent ShadowActionTopo Soft
Silent ShadowActionTopo Soft
Silent ShadowActionTopo Soft
Silk WormunknownTecmo
Sinbad and the throne of the falconActionCinemaware
Sir Tommy: A Game of Old PatienceunknownLoadstar
Skate CrazyunknownGremlin Graphics
Skate CrazyunknownGremlin Graphics Software
Skate CrazyunknownGremlin Graphics Software
Skate Crazyunknown
Skate or DieSportElectronic Arts
SkateballunknownUbi Soft
SkateballunknownUbi Soft
Skateboard Construction SystemunknownPlayers Premier Software
Skateboard KidzunknownSilverbird Software
Skelvullyn Twineunknown8th Day Software
Skelvullyn Twineunknown8th Day Software
Skelvullyn Twineunknown8th Day Software
Skelvullyn Twine - Introunknown8th Day Software
Skull ExilonActionIber
Sky Hunterunknown
Sky SharkSimulationTaito
Sky WarActionOMK
Sky WarActionOMK
Sky-RununknownMarkt & Technik
Skyfox 2 - The Cygnus ConflictActionElectronic Arts
Skyfox II: The Cygnus ConflictSimulation
Slap and TickleunknownPalace Software
Sliding Block PuzzlesunknownLoadstar
Slimey's MineunknownSilverbird
SlugunknownAlternative Software
Smiley in SpaceunknownAsle Havelana
Smurf HuntingunknownAtestsoft
Snap SnakeunknownAhoy!
Snookered - General Knowledge EditionunknownTop Ten Software
SnowplowunknownANALOG Computing
SoapboneunknownSuper Game 2000
Software HouseunknownCult Games
Software HouseunknownCult Games
Software HouseunknownCult Games
Soko-BanPuzzleThinking Rabbit, Spectrum HoloByte
Soko-BanPuzzleThinking Rabbit, Spectrum HoloByte
Soko-BanPuzzleThinking Rabbit, Spectrum HoloByte
Sol NegrounknownOpera Soft
Soldier of FortuneunknownFirebird Software
Soldier of FortuneunknownGraftgold
Soldier of LightunknownACE Software
Solo wuerfelnunknownMarkt & Technik
Solomon no Kagi – Oujo Rihita no NamidaunknownSalio
Solomon's KeyPuzzleTecmo
Solomon's KeyActionProbe
Solomon's KeyAction
SophistryunknownCRL Group
SophistryunknownCRL Group
Sorcerer LordStrategyPSS
Sorcerer LordunknownPersonal Software Services
Sordoth's CastleRPGTimothy A. Dorcas Jr. (Designed Images)
Source of LightunknownChristoph Cemper
Space EnemyunknownCommodore Disc
Space FightunknownCP Verlag
Space FightunknownCP Verlag
Space Harrier 3-DActionSega Corporation
Space Harrier IIActionSega
Space Hero: The HerounknownDjango
Space JackunknownThe Power House
Space JackunknownThe Power House
Space JackunknownThe Power House
Space RacerSimulationLoriciels
Space Racerunknown
Space RacerunknownLoriciels
Space WarriorunknownCP Verlag
Spaceballs IIunknownBombjack
Special DeliveryunknownRUN/IDG Communications
Speed HawkunknownAtari
Speed RununknownRed Rat Software
Speed ZoneunknownMastertronic
Speed ZoneunknownMastertronic
Speed ZoneunknownMastertronic
SpeedballSportBitmap Brothers
SpeedballunknownBitmap Brothers
SpeedballAdventureBitmap Brothers
SpellCasterActionSega Corporation
SpiderbotunknownAddictive Games
SpidertronicPuzzleERE Informatique
SpiralonunknownMarkt & Technik
Spitting Imageunknown
Spitting ImageunknownDomark
Sports SpectacularSportKeypunch
Sprint MasterSportAtari
Spy DefenseunknownCompute!
Spy Vs Spy 3 - Artic AnticsunknownEpyx
Spy vs Spy 3: Arctic AnticsStrategy
Spy vs Spy III Arctic Anticsunknown
Spy vs Spy III - Arctic AnticsunknownDatabyte
Star BladeunknownBarry & Bruce Adams
Star BladeunknownBarry & Bruce Adams
Star CommandRPGStrategic Simulations Inc
Star CommandStrategy
Star CommandunknownSSI
Star CommandunknownSSI
Star FarceunknownMastertronic
Star GooseActionSpinnaker
Star GooseActionLogotron
Star Goose!ActionLogotron Ltd
Star Goose!unknown
Star Goose!unknownLogotron
Star Goose!unknownLogotron
Star Goose!PuzzleLogotron
Star Goose!unknownLogotron
Star PawsunknownSoftware Projects
Star Rank Boxing 2 v1.0unknownGamestar
Star SlayerunknownUnicon Designs
Star Trek - The Rebel UniverseStrategySimon & Schuster
Star Trek: First ContactAdventureMicromosaics
Star Trooperunknown
Star WarsSimulation
Star WarsunknownDomark
Star WarsunknownDomark
Star WarsunknownDomark
Star Wars DroidsunknownMastertronic Added Dimension
Star Wars DroidsunknownMastertronic Added Dimension
Star Wars Droidsunknown
Star Wars II The Empire Strikes Backunknown
Star Wars: Return of the JediunknownDomark
Star Wars: Return of the JediunknownDomark
StarburstunknownCommodore Disc
StardustunknownFire Eagle
Stellar CrusadeStrategy
Stellar CrusadeunknownSSI
Stellar CrusadeunknownSSI
Sterne wie StaubunknownCP Verlag
Stir Crazy Featuring Bobounknown
Stir Crazy featuring BobounknownInfogrames
Stock'n BondsunknownMaBo-Soft
Stop BallunknownMastertronic
Storm Warriorunknown
StormtrooperunknownCP Verlag
StratahexunknownCommodore Magazine
StrategounknownSuper Game 2000
Street FighterActionCapcom
Street Fighterunknown
Street FighterunknownCapcom
Street FighterunknownCapcom
Street FighterunknownCapcom
Street Fighter US VersionunknownCapcom
Street Gangunknown
Street HassleunknownMelbourne House
Street HassleunknownMelbourne House
Street Sports BasketballunknownU.S. Gold
Street Sports SoccerSportEpyx, Inc.
Street Sports SoccerunknownEpyx
Strike FleetunknownLucas Arts
Strip GameunknownDiamond Software
Strip Poker 2Strategy
Strip Poker 2unknownArtworxs
Strip Poker IIAdultArtworx Software
Strip Poker II PlusAdultAnco Software
Strip Poker II+unknown
Stunt Bike SimulatorunknownSilverbird Software
Stunt Bike SimulatorunknownSilverbird Software
Stunt Bike SimulatorunknownSilverbird Software
Stunt Bike SimulatorunknownSilverbird
Stunt Bike Simulatorunknown
Stunt Car RacerSportMicrostyle
Stunt Car RacerunknownMicroprose
Stunt Car RacerPuzzleMicroprose
Stunt Car RacerunknownMicroprose
Stunt CycleunknownRUN/IDG Communications
Sturgrat: Mission IunknownLoadstar
SublineunknownSuper Game 2000
SubmarinerunknownAtlantis Software
SuburbiaunknownMarkt & Technik
Suesue a Sarkany Susu the DragonunknownAndor/THS
Sukeban Deka IIIunknownToei Animation
Summer ChallengeunknownTynesoft
Summer GamesunknownAtari
Summer Gamesunknown
Summer OlympiadunknownTynesoft
Summer OlympiadSportTynesoft
Summer OlympiadunknownTynesoft
Super BattleshipStrategy
Super Black OnyxunknownBullet-Proof Software
Super BuggyunknownSuper Game 2000
Super DiscusunknownSybilasoft
Super Dyna’mix BadmintonSportPax Softnica
Super Hang-OnSport
Super Herounknown
Super HerounknownCodemasters
Super HerounknownCodemasters
Super HerounknownCodemasters
Super HerounknownCodemasters
Super HueySimulationCosmi
Super Huey 2SimulationCosmi
Super Huey IISimulation
Super Huey IIunknownCosmi Corporation
Super Huey UH-IXunknownCosmi
Super Mario Bros. 2ActionNintendo
Super Mario Bros. 2ActionNintendo of America Inc.
Super Mario Bros. 3ActionNintendo
Super Mario Bros. 3ActionNintendo Co., LTD
Super Pac ManunknownImaic Productions
Super Pac-ManunknownNamco
Super RacingunknownSega Corporation
Super Snake SimulatorunknownM. Chip Software
Super Sports The Olympic Challengeunknown
Super StuntmanunknownCodemasters
Super StuntmanunknownCodemasters
Super StuntmanunknownCodemasters
Super Stuntmanunknown
Super StuntmanunknownCodemasters
Super Team GamesunknownNintendo Co., LTD
Super TrolleyunknownMastertronic
Super TrolleyunknownMastertronic
Super Trolleyunknown
Super Truxunknown
Super YahtseeunknownD.P. Smyth
Superman: Man of SteelunknownTynesoft
Superski ChallengeunknownMicroids
SupertruxunknownElite Systems
SupertruxunknownElite Systems
Sword Slayerunknown
Sword SlayerunknownPlayers Software
Sword SlayerunknownPlayers Software
SynisterunknownAndrew Routledge & Dr. Ice
SyntaxunknownBlue Ribbon Software
T WrecksunknownGremlin Graphics Software
TagunknownRUN/IDG Communications
Taipei XL 1.0unknownMartin Lange
Taiyou no Shinden: Aztec 2unknownTokyo Shoseki
Take a Trip to BritainunknownreLine Software
Take Down WrestlingSportGamestar
Takeda ShingenunknownHOT・B
Takeshi no Sengoku FuuunjiunknownTaito America Corporation
TambanianunknownSuper Game 2000
Tanigawa Kouji no Shougi Shinan IIunknownPony Canyon
Tank AttackunknownCDS Microsystems
Tank AttackunknownCDS Microsystems
Tank AttackunknownCDS Microsystems
Tank AttackunknownCDS Microsystems
Tank CommandActionFroggo Games
Tank CommandunknownAtlantis Software
Tank CommandunknownAtlantis Software
Tank CommandunknownAtlantis Software
Target Plusunknown
Target RenegadeActionImagine
Tauz KelbunknownRassilon Software
Tauz KelbunknownRassilon Software
Techno CopActionU.S. Gold
Techno Copunknown
Techno-CopunknownGremlin Graphics Software
Teenage QueenPuzzleERE Informatique
Teenage QueenAdultInfogrames
Teenage QueenunknownERE Informatique
Ten SpeedunknownMastertronic
Tennis 2021unknownMarkt & Technik
Tennis SystemsunknownSystems Editoriale
Tennis-CatunknownMarkt & Technik
Tensai BakabonunknownSega Corporation
Teodoro: Vita da GattiunknownSuper Game 2000
Terminal CityunknownAsh & Dave
Terminal CityunknownBinary Zone
TerminatorunknownThe Power House
TerramexunknownGrandslam Entertainments
TerramexunknownGrandslam Entertainments
Test MasterunknownE&J Software
TetrisunknownBullet-Proof Software
Tetris (Desk Accessory)PuzzleSpectrum HoloByte
Tetris: The Soviet ChallengeStrategySpectrum HoloByte
ThargonunknownItalien Computer Adventures
The $100,000 pyramidPuzzle
The Astronomy QuizPuzzle
The Bard's Tale III: Thief of FateRPGInterplay
The Bard's Tale 2: The Destiny KnightRPG
The Bard's Tale 3: Thief of FateRPGInterplay
The Big Deal - Trump Castleunknown?
The Big Deal - Trump Castleunknown?
The BoomtownRPGMindscape
The California RaisinsunknownBox Office
The California RaisinsunknownBox Office
The ColonyAdventure
The Extirpator!unknownFirebird
The Extirpator!unknownFirebird
The Extirpator!unknownFirebird
The Faery Tale Adventure: Book 1unknownMicroIllusions
The Faery Tale Adventure: Book 1unknownMicroIllusions
The Faery Tale Adventure: Book 1unknownMicroIllusions
The Games - Summer EditionSportEpyx
The Games: Summer EditionunknownEpyx
The HoneymoonersMiscFirst Row Software
The Hunt for Red OctoberSimulationArgus Press Software
The Last GuardianunknownTynesoft
The MachineunknownSystems Editoriale
The Mars SagaunknownElectronic Arts
The Mars SagaunknownElectronic Arts
The Money GameunknownSofel
The MunstersunknownTiger Developments
The MutantunknownRiver Software
The Naval Battle of Guadalcanalunknown1st Step Software
The New Zealand StoryActionTaito
The Oregon TrailStrategyThe Learning Company
The PailgameunknownE. Schwan
The PailgameunknownMarkt & Technik
The President is MissingunknownCosmi
The President is Missingunknown
The President is Missing!unknownCosmi Corporation
The PunisherAdventureParagon Software
The Red PlanetunknownCommodore Disc
The Sea PhantomunknownFree Spirit Software
The Shadows of MordorAdventure
The SluggerSportMastertronic
The SluggerunknownPlatinum Productions
The Sporting News Baseballunknown
The StarchildunknownGrant Thomson
The Strength of NationsunknownIsrael del Rio
The Three StoogesunknownCinemaware
The Train Escape to NormandySimulation
The TriathronunknownKAC
The TripodsunknownBombjack
The Twilight ZoneAdventure
The WallunknownHiassoft
The WallunknownBombjack
The WarriorsunknownSuper Game 2000
The Wizard's CastleunknownJoseph Power
Thing!unknownPlayers Software
Thing!unknownPlayers Software
ThorunknownProein Soft Line
Thud RidgeSimulation
Thud Ridge: American Aces in 'NamunknownAcme Software
Thunder Bladeunknown
Thunder BladeunknownU.S. Gold
Thunder BladeunknownSega Corporation
Thunder Fighterunknown
Thunder Force IIActionTechnosoft
ThunderbladeunknownU.S. Gold
Tiger AttackunknownAtari
Tiger AttackunknownAtari
Tiger AttackunknownAtari
Tiger Heli IIunknown
Tiger HellunknownTriad
Tiger RoadunknownGo!
Tiger RoadunknownGo!
Tiger RoadunknownGo!
Tiger Roadunknown
TigrisunknownR&E Software
TigrisunknownR&E Software
Time and Magik I - Lords of TimeunknownMandarin Software
Time and Magik II - Red MoonunknownMandarin Software
Time and Magik II - Red MoonunknownMandarin Software
Time and Magik II - Red MoonunknownMandarin Software
Time and Magik III - The Price of MagikunknownMandarin Software
Time and Magik III - The Price of MagikunknownMandarin Software
Time and Magik TrilogyunknownLevel 9 Computing
Time and Magik: The TrilogyAdventure
Time BanditActionMichTron
Time CombatunknownSuper Game 2000
Time FighterunknownCRL
Time FliesunknownFirebird Software
Time FliesunknownFirebird Software
Time OutunknownZafiro Software Division
Time Outunknown
Time SubwayunknownAhoy!
Time ThiefunknownBig Sky Software
Times of LoreRPGORIGIN Systems, Inc.
Times of LoreunknownOrigin Software
Times of LoreunknownOrigin Software
Times of LoreunknownOrigin Software
Times of LoreunknownOrigin Software
Times of Lore - Intro 1unknownOrigin Software
Times of Lore - Intro 1unknownOrigin Software
Times of Lore - Intro 2unknownOrigin Software
Times of Lore - Intro 2unknownOrigin Software
To Hell and BackunknownCRL
TolunknownBobek Software
Tomb of HorrorunknownAhoy!
Toobin’ActionAtari Games, Tengen
Toobin’ActionAtari Games, Tengen
Top Levelunknown
Top RiderunknownVarie
TorneounknownSuper Game 2000
Total Eclipseunknown
Total EclipseunknownIncentive Software
Total EclipseunknownIncentive Software
Total Eclipseunknown
Touhou Kenbun RokuunknownNatsume Co., Ltd.
Tour de ForceunknownGremlin Graphics Software
Tour de ForceunknownGremlin Graphics Software
Tour of DutyunknownBombjack
Tower TopplerunknownAtari
Tower Toppler \(Nebulus\)ActionHewson
Track and FieldunknownOcean
Track and Fieldunknown
Track Suit Managerunknown
Tracksuit ManagerunknownGoliath Games
Tracksuit ManagerunknownGoliath Games
Trail WestunknownLoadstar
Train, The Escape to Normandyunknown
Transputer ManunknownPalace Software
TransylvaniaunknownShane Holtman
TransylvaniaunknownShane Holtman
Trap ShootunknownAhoy!
Trap Transformabile Zona ArcadeunknownSuper Game 2000
Traverse SpainunknownX Software
Treasure DiverunknownCompute!
Treasure Island Dizzy (Dizzy 2)AdventureCode Masters
Trek TriviaPuzzleApogee Software, Ltd.
Triple ComandounknownDro Soft
Triple Comandounknown
Triple CommandounknownDro Soft
Triple CommandounknownDro Soft
TronunknownSystems Editoriale
Tron v.1unknownJ. Assmann & St. Kuhr
Tron v1unknownJ. Assmann & St. Kuhr
Tron v1unknownMarkt & Technik
Tron: The RaceunknownTorsten Karwoth
Trouble in Spaceunknown
Trump CastleunknownCapstone
Trump Castle: The Ultimate Casino Gambling SimulationStrategy
Trump Castle: The Ultimate Casino Gambling SimulationSimulationCapstone Software
Turbo Boat SimulatorunknownSilverbird Software
Turbo Boat SimulatorunknownSilverbird
Turbo Boat Simulatorunknown
Turbo Girlunknown
Turbo GirlunknownDinamic Software
Turbo SkiunknownAhoy!
Turf Formunknown
Turf-FormunknownBlue Ribbon Software
TV Mogulunknown
TV Sports FootballunknownCinemaware
TV Sports FootballunknownCinemaware
TV Sports FootballunknownCinemaware
Twilight ZoneAdventureGigabit Systems, Inc.
Twin CobraunknownBinary Zone
TwisterunknownShane Broadberry
Typhoon of Steel - AsiaunknownSSI
Typhoon of Steel - EuropeunknownSSI
Typhoon of Steel - PacificunknownSSI
Typhoon of Steel - PacificunknownSSI
Typhoon of Steel Asia v1.1unknownSSI
Typhoon of Steel Europe v1.1unknownSSI
Typhoon of Steel Pacific v1.1unknownSSI
Uchi Mata 2unknownMartech Games
UFO 1988unknown
Ultima 5 - Warriors of DestinyRPGOrigin System
Ultima 5: Warriors of DestinyRPGElectronic Arts
Ultima 5: Warriors of DestinyRPGElectronic Arts
Ultima 5: Warriors of DestinyunknownElectronic Arts
Ultima V: Warriors of DestinyunknownOrigin Systems
Ultima V: Warriors of DestinyRPGOrigin
Ultimate TronunknownMarkt & Technik
Ultra-SprintunknownInput 64
Ultra-SprintunknownInput 64
UMS - The Universal Military SimulatorStrategy
UndergroundunknownSystem 4
UndurixiunknownCBT Software
UnicumunknownHappy Computer
UnicumunknownHappy Computer
UninvitedAdventureICOM Simulations Inc
Universe, Space and LifeunknownSystems Editoriale
Universe, Space and LifeunknownSystems Editoriale
Up for GrabsunknownSummit Software
Up PeriscopeSimulationActionsoft Corp.
Up Periscope!Simulation
UpirunknownCybexlab Software
UpwardunknownANALOG Computing
UpwardunknownANALOG Computing
Vampire's EmpireunknownMagic Bytes
Vampire's EmpireunknownGremlin Graphics Software
Vector BallunknownMastertronic Added Dimension
Vector Ballunknown
Vector BallunknownMastertronic Added Dimension
Vee KlorosunknownAhoy!
Vegas RouletteunknownCarl Lockman
VegetronunknownSuper Game 2000
VerliesunknownCP Verlag
VeteranunknownSoftware Horizons
Victory Roadunknown
Video Card ArcadeunknownCDS Microsystems
Video Card ArcadeunknownCommercial Data Systems
Video Card ArcadeunknownCDS Microsystems
Video Card Arcadeunknown
Video CrapsunknownLoadstar
Video PokerunknownLoadstar
Video PokerunknownLoadstar
Video PokerunknownRUN/IDG Communications
Viejo Archivero, ElunknownAventuras Level 10
VigilanteActionIrem Corp.
Vindicator, TheunknownImagine Software
Vindicator, Theunknown
Vindicator, TheunknownImagine Software
Vindicator, TheunknownImagine Software
VindicatorsActionAtari Games
VirusunknownFirebird Software
Visions of the Aftermath: The Boomtownunknown
Viva Las VegasunknownEpic / Sony Records
VixenunknownMartech Games
VixenunknownMartech Games
VixenunknownMartech Games
VixenunknownMartech Games
VixenunknownMartech Games
VixenunknownMartech Games
VixenunknownMartech Games
Volleyball SimulatorSportRainbow Arts Software GmbH
VoltageunknownCP Verlag
Vs. ExcitebikeSportNintendo
Vulcan: The Tunisian CampaignStrategy
WafflesunknownMarkt & Technik
WahlkampfunknownNorddeutscher Computer Club
WandererActionSteven Shipway
WanderungunknownMarkt & Technik
War CarsunknownFirebird
War Cars Construction KitunknownFirebird
War Cars Construction KitunknownFirebird
War Cars Construction KitunknownFirebird
War Cars Construction Kit 3unknownFirebird
War in Middle EarthStrategy
War Spaceunknown
Warlock's QuestunknownInfogrames
Warlords: The First Battle!unknownSentinent Software
WarshipStrategyStrategic Simulations Inc.
WastelandRPGElectronic Arts, Interplay
WastelandRPGInterplay, Electronic Arts
WastelandunknownElectronic Arts
WastelandRPGElectronic Arts
WastelandRPGElectronic Arts
WastelandunknownElectronic Arts
Water SkiSportFroggo Games
Way of the Exploding Tits, TheunknownShattered Dreams
Way of the Exploding Tits, TheunknownShattered Dreams
Wayne Gretzky HockeySportBethesda Softworks
WeaselunknownMarkt & Technik
Weaver of her Dreams, Theunknown8th Day Software
WEC Le MansunknownImagine Software
WEC Le MansunknownImagine Software
WEC Le MansunknownImagine Software
WEC Le Mansunknown
WEC Le MansunknownImagine Software
WEC Le MansunknownImagine Software
Weird DreamsPuzzle
Weird DreamsunknownRainbird Software
Weird DreamsunknownRainbird Software
Wells & FargounknownTopo Soft
Wells & Fargounknown
Wells & FargounknownTopo Soft
Wembley GreyhoundsunknownCult Games
Wembley GreyhoundsunknownCult Games
Werewolves Of LondonActionViz Design
Werewolves of LondonunknownMastertronic
Werewolves of LondonunknownViz Design
Werewolves of LondonunknownMastertronic
Werewolves of LondonunknownViz Design
Werewolves of LondonunknownMastertronic
Western FighterunknownCP Verlag
Wheel of FortuneunknownGameTek Inc
Wheel of FortunePuzzleRare, GameTek
Wheel of Fortune: New Second EditionunknownGametek
WheeliesunknownMicro Selection Plus
Wheelies IIunknown
Where in Europe is Carmen Sandiego?AdventureBrøderbund Software
Where in Europe is Carmen Sandiego?unknownBroderbund
Where Time BeganunknownDazzling Dennis
Where Time Stood StillAdventureDenton Designs
Where Time Stood StillunknownOcean
Who Framed Roger RabbitunknownWalt Disney Software
Who framed Roger RabbitAction
Who Framed Roger RabbitunknownBuena Vista Software
Will Harvey's Zany GolfSportSandcastle
WillowAdventureMindscape Inc
Willy Wino's Stag NightunknownSilverbird Software
Willy Wino's Stag Nightunknown
Willy Wino's Stag NightunknownSilverbird Software
Willy Wino's Stag Nightunknown
Willy Wino's Stag NightunknownSilverbird Software
Win, Lose or DrawPuzzle
Windows 3.1 Shareware: WORDHAIunknownMichael F. C. Crick
Winter ChallengeunknownTynesoft
Winter Olympiad 88unknown
Winter Olympiad 88unknownTynesoft
Wishbringer (Solid Gold Edition)AdventureInfocom
Wishbringer Solid Gold EditionunknownInfocom
Wizard PlusunknownMarkt & Technik
Wizard WarzAdventureGo!
Wizard WarzunknownGo!
Wizard Warzunknown
Wizardry 4: The Return of WerdnaRPG
Wizardry 5: Heart of the MaelstromRPGSir-tech Software, Inc.
Wizardry 5: Heart of the MaelstromunknownSir-Tech
Wizardry II Knight of DiamondsunknownSir-Tech
WizboysunknownMarkt & Technik
WolfmanunknownCRL Group
WolfmanunknownCRL Group
WolfmanunknownCRL Group
Wonder Boy III: Monster LairActionWestone Bit Entertainment
Wonder Boy in Monster LandunknownSega Corporation
Wooden Ships and Iron MenunknownAvalon Hill
Word WhizPuzzle
WordsearchunknownCDS Microsystems
Work Games: A Real Life GameunknownSystems Editoriale
Work Games: A Real Life GameunknownSystems Editoriale
World ChampionsunknownE&J Software
World ChampionsunknownE&J Software
World Class Leader Boardunknown
World Class Track MeetunknownNintendo Co., LTD
Wuckel: Die Flucht der SumpfgeisterunknownMarkt & Technik
WulfpackunknownBlue Ribbon Software
WulfpackunknownBlue Ribbon Software
WurmliunknownMarkt & Technik
XaraxunknownFirebird Software
XaraxunknownFirebird Software
XaraxunknownFirebird Software
XenodronunknownCP Verlag
XenonActionBitmap Brothers
XenonunknownMelbourne House
XenonunknownHenky Designs
XenonunknownMelbourne House
XenonunknownBitmap Brothers
XenonStrategyBitmap Brothers
XenonActionBitmap Brothers
XenonActionBitmap Brothers
Xenon for the Sinclair ZX SpectrumunknownMelbourne House
XenophobeActionSun Corporation
XenophobeActionSun Corporation
Xevious: The AvengerActionBandai America, Inc.
XiangqiunknownMarkt & Technik
Yacht RaceSportEric Acosta
Yarkon Bluesunknown
Yes, Prime MinisterSimulationOxford Digital Enterprises
YetiunknownDestiny Software
YetiunknownDestiny Software
YetiunknownDestiny Software
Youkai DouchuukiunknownNamco Ltd
YsRPGVictor Entertainment Inc.
Yuppi';s Revenge \(German\)StrategyAriolasoft GmbH
Yuppie's RevengeunknownZuheir Urwani
Yuppie's RevengeunknownZuheir Urwani
ZahadaunknownJH Software
Zak McKracken - and the Alien MindbendersunknownLucasArts
Zakliaty Zamok ProgramatorovunknownDelphine Soft
Zany GolfSportElectronic Arts
Zauberlord Sorcerer LordunknownPersonal Software Services
Zauberlord Sorcerer LordunknownPersonal Software Services
ZenithunknownCreative Sparks
ZodiaunknownAtlantis Software
ZolyxunknownFirebird Software
Zone Trooperunknown
Zone TrooperunknownCascade Games
Zone TrooperunknownCascade Games
Zoom!StrategyDiscovery Software
Zoom!PuzzleDiscovery Software
Zoom!PuzzleDiscovery Software
Zork Quest 2 - The Crystal of DoomAdventureInfocom
Zork Quest 2: The Crystal of DoomAdventureActivision
Zork Quest I - Assault On Egreth CastleAdventureInfocom
Zork Quest I: Assault on Egreth CastleunknownInfocom
Zork Quest II: The Crystal of DoomunknownInfocom
Zork ZeroAdventureInfocom
ZorkQuest II: The Crystal of DoomAdventureTom Snyder Productions
ZorkQuest: Assault on Egreth CastleAdventureTom Snyder Productions
ZuulunknownCP Verlag
ZybexunknownZeppelin Games