1998 Games


Robot 999
100 Schafe KartenMisc'Tiki' Kuestenmacher
101: The Airborne Invasion of NormandyStrategy
1080° SnowboardingSportNintendo
15 OSunknownLaszlo Nyitrai
15 OS Betu PuzzleunknownLaszlo Nyitrai
1D Tetrisunknown
240 RacingSport
25ActionDevilish Games
25ActionDevilish Games
2K5ActionDoomHammer Software
3D Railroad: Concept and DesignStrategyAbracadata
3D Thinking LabEducationalEdmark
3D Ultra NASCAR PinballActionDynamix
45 in 1MiscJ.Y. Company
A Hero for SoraniaunknownAdventure Probe Software
Absolute StocksStrategySplinter Software
Abu Simbel Profanation RemakeunknownM.A. Soft
Abu Simbel Profanation RemakeunknownM.A. Soft
Acid TetrisPuzzle
Advanced Binary SimulatorunknownRadovan Garabik
Advanced Death Simulatorunknown
Advanced Milkfloat Simulator, TheunknownStuart Brady
Advanced W*nking SimulatorunknownA.J. Moss
Advanced Wallpaper Simulatorunknown
Adventures of Mr. Reach: Dunk Mr. PlaqueActionJohnson and Johnson
After Dark GamesActionBerkeley Systems
AgeanPuzzleSplinter Software
AgitatePuzzleSplinter Software
aGORA: Soul of the OracleRPGKnowble Design
Ai to Yuujou no Neko Monogatari: Jingle Cats: Love Para Daisakusen no MakiPuzzleSony Music Entertainment
AkaklikéEducationalCécile Chaumet
Alien ConspiracyActionEpic Banana
All-Star Baseball 99SportAcclaim Entertainment
All-Star Baseball 99SportAcclaim Entertainment
America's Greatest Arcade Hits 3DActionMacSoft
AnacrosticsPuzzleCountry Road Software
AnchorheadAdventureMichael S. Gentry
Anno 1602: Creation of a New WorldStrategyMax Design
Aquazone DeluxeStrategy9003inc
AresActionAmbrosia Software
Argo AdventureAdventureBBS Interactive Multimedia
Army MenStrategy
Army Men 2Strategy
Arthur's Computer AdventureunknownBroderbund
Asghan: The Dragon SlayerActionSilmarils
AshcanStrategyJerry Fritschle
Assault VehiclesActionMidas Interactive
AstroRock 2000ActionLogicware
Axis and AlliesStrategy
Axium AdventuresAdventureSoleau Software
B-RoomPuzzleYoshiro Kato
B&B BaseballSportToshiaki Nagawa
Babszem JatekunknownLaszlo Nyitrai
Babszem JatekunknownLaszlo Nyitrai
Backyard SoccerSportHumongous Entertainment
Bad MachineAdventureDan Shiovitz
Bakusou PC Choro QActionTakara/Inner Brain
Baldur's GateAdventureBlack Isle Studios
Baldur's GateRPGBioware
Baldur's GateRPG
Banjo-KazooieActionRare, Nintendo
Basket Case 2.0PuzzlePaul J. Costa
Best Thing Since Sliced Bread, Theunknown
Black DahliaAdventureTake-Two Interactive
Black Land v1.0unknown
Blood 2 - The ChosenActionAtari
Body HarvestActionDMA Design
Booger BungeeunknownBlackeye Software
Brány SkeldaluRPGNapoleon Games
Brojke i SlovaunknownNikola Alivojvodic
Caesar 3unknown
Caesar IIIStrategyImpressions Games
CapaunknownLaszlo Nyitrai
Captain Gysi – Galaxis FuturaAdventureBURNS Entertainment
Carmageddon 2ActionSCi (Sales Curve Interactive)
Carmen Sandiego Math DetectiveEducationalBrøderbund
Caso Cerrado II: El PueblounknownPapada Soft
Castle ChaosRPGModern Ancients Software
Chaos MinigolfunknownAntonio Barra
Cheese Magnateunknown
ClaustrofobiaunknownTeam Software
Color TailsPuzzleCountry Fox
Commandos: Behind Enemy LinesStrategy
Conflict: FreespaceSimulationVolition
Cool SliderPuzzleCountry Fox
Croc: Legend of the GobbosActionFox Interactive, Inc.
Crop Circles: Escape from Planet 3ActionZero Entertainment
d-thingActionAle Volz
Darius Gaidenunknown
Dark VengeanceActionMacSoft
Death By SolitaireunknownDarren Schebek
Delta ForceActionNovalogic
Derby Stallion '98unknownNintendo Co., LTD
Descent: FreeSpace - The Great WarSimulationVolition, Inc.
Descent: FreeSpace - The Great WarSimulation
DethKarzSimulationBeam Software
Diablo 1 DieBlo Item UtilityRPGMichaelPollet
Die by the SwordActionTreyarch Invention
Die by the SwordActionInterplay Productions
Digger RemasteredActionAndrew Jenner
Dink SmallWoodRPGRobinson Technologies
Dink SmallwoodRPG
Dink SmallwoodActionIridon Interactive
Disney's Ariel's Story StudioEducationalDisney Interactive
Disney's Bonkers: Wax Up!AdventureSega Corporation
Dope Warsunknown
Double AgentunknownFlair Software
Dr. Brain Thinking Games: Puzzle MadnessPuzzleKnowledge Adventure
Dragón DoradounknownDavid Díaz
Dragón DoradounknownDavid Díaz
Dream Wars!ActionJohn Butler
Dune 2000StrategyWestwood Studios
Dune 2000StrategyWestwood Studios
DX-Ball 2Action
Egypt 1156 B.C.: Tomb of the Pharaoh (aka Pharaoh's Gold)AdventureCryo Interactive
El Pequeño FreaksteinEducationalEdi Group
Elder Scrolls Adventures: Redguard, TheActionBethesda Softworks
Elmo's Art WorkshopEducationalCreative Wonders
Elmo's PreschoolEducationalChildren's Television Workshop
EsheepSimulationGod's Pet Lama Corp.
Extreme PaintbrawlActionCreative Carnage
Falcon 4.0SimulationMacSoft
Fallout 2RPGBlack Isle Studios
Fallout 2RPG
Fallout 2RPGBlack Isle Studios
Famicom Tantei Club Part II: Ushiro ni Tatsu ShōjounknownNintendo Co., LTD
Fatal RelationsAdventure
Fawn IIRPGArmadillo Games
Feline SleepyunknownAdventure Probe Software
Final Fantasy VIIRPGSquare
Fish FilletsPuzzleALTAR Interactive
Football Fanaticunknown
Forestia (FR)AdventureLaserMedia
Fray LuisActionHollywood Publishin
FroggerActionMajesco Entertainment
Fuck QuestAdultRichard Eter
Fuck QuestAdventure
Galactic Multiplication & DivisionEducationalEdmark
Galactic Revolt: The Fall of the EmpireActionJonas Echterhoff
Galax EmpiresunknownBBM
Game & Watch Gallery 2ActionNintendo
Gardyloo GolfSportEpic Banana
GCSE: PhysicsEducationalDorling Kindersley
Genetic SpeciesActionMarble Eyes
Genjū RyodanunknownAxela
Giana Sisters 32KActionMyth
Giana Sisters 32KActionRainer Sinsch
Grim FandangoAdventureLucasArts
Grim FandangoAdventureLucasArts
Guarida Valshar, LaunknownJarel
Hades ChallengeAdventureDisney Interactive
Half-LifeActionSierra On-Line Inc.
Hameru to MonsterPuzzleEBA Planning Office
Heart of DarknessActionAmazing Studios
Heart of DarknessActionInterplay Entertainment
Heiwa Parlor! Mini 8: Pachinko Jikki Simulation GameunknownNippon Telenet
Helikoptertengeralattjaro VadaszunknownLaszlo Nyitrai
Helikoptertengeralattjaro VadaszunknownLaszlo Nyitrai
HoldmentesunknownLaszlo Nyitrai
HoldmentesunknownLaszlo Nyitrai
HoldmentesunknownLaszlo Nyitrai
House of the Deadunknown
IdinActionAle Volz
iMacGeddonActionRudi Muiznieks
Jade Cocoon: Story of the TamamayuRPGGenki
Janosch - Tiger und Baer im StrassenverkehrEducationalTerzio
Jazz Jackrabbit 2ActionEpic MegaGames
Jazz the Jackrabbit 2: Holiday Hare '98ActionGathering of Developers
Jet Set Willy - IvyunknownFilsoft
Jewel of Arabia: DreamersRPGQuarter Note Software
Jewels II: The Ultimate Challenge (aka Gems of Darkness)AdventureBardworks
Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu: Basic Han '98unknownKonami
John Saul's Blackstone Chronicles: An Adventure in TerrorAdventureLegend Entertainment
Jump 'n BumpAction
JumpStart Adventures 6th Grade: Mission EarthquestAdventureKnowledge Adventure
Jungle ParkAdventureSaru Brunei/Digitalogue
Kaged: The Magic OrbsPuzzleMonkey Byte
KalahaPuzzleJoachim Kulla
King of ParkingPuzzleFantasoft
King's Quest 8 - Mask of EternityunknownSierra
Kirby's Dream Land 3ActionNintendo Co., LTD
LabirintusunknownLaszlo Nyitrai
Le Louvre: Collections et PalaisEducationalMontparnasse Multimedia
Legend of Zelda, The: Ocarina of TimeRPGNintendo
Lego Locounknown
Let's Go Read 2: An Ocean AdventureEducationalEdmark
LieroActionMetsän Eläimet
Little Blue MenAdventureMichael S. Gentry
LobSterActionScott Haag
LobSterActionScott Haag
Lost in Space Animated Learning AdventureEducationalSound Source Interactive
M.A. GamesMiscM.A. Soft
M.A. GamesMiscM.A. Soft
M.A. GamesMiscM.A. Soft
MacAddict FMV Adventure GameAdventureMacAddict
Madeline Big Adventures: Deluxe CollectionAdventureCreative Wonders
Magic 6unknownLoadstar
Manhattan Apartment Hunter: DemoAdventureIWS Interactive
Manic Miner 5 - Los Peligros del LSDunknownIgnacio Perez Gil
Manic Miner 6 - The Buddha of SuburbiaunknownBroadsoft
Manic Miner 6 - The Buddha of SuburbiaunknownBroadsoft
Manic Miner 7unknownCraig Rothwell
Mars RisingActionDavid Wareing
MastermindunknownLaszlo Nyitrai
Mastermind 128kunknownLaszlo Nyitrai
Mate in TwounknownLoadstar
MathatronEducationalInterlynx International Inc.
Mathville SpeedwayEducationalCourseware Solutions
Max and the PiratesEducationalBVM Produktion
Me marcho pa' Francia 98unknownPapada Soft
Mech CommanderStrategyFASA Studio
Mega Man X3unknown
Mega Man X4unknown
Mesh: Hero DefiantunknownEverett Kaser
Metal Gear SolidActionKonami
Micro Machines V3ActionCodemasters
Millennium AssaultunknownBinary Zone
Miner! 1998unknownThe Skull & Ron Longfellow
Mini Yonku Let's & Go!!: Power WGP 2unknownNintendo Co., LTD
Miss MilliganunknownLoadstar
Miss MilliganunknownLoadstar
MocsarbolunknownLaszlo Nyitrai
Monopoly (Adam Stevens)Strategy
Montezuma’s Return!ActionTarantula Studios
Monty Python's The Meaning of LifeAdventure7th Level
Mood 3unknownNoName
MoofunknownMartyn Smith
Moon ForceunknownBinary Zone
Mortadelo y FilemónAdventureZeta Multimedia
Moving Puzzle - CatsPuzzleRavensburger
Mundo de Mr. Emulator, ElunknownJavier Ortiz
Mystery ChessunknownLoadstar
NAM (Napalm)ActionTNT Team
Name That GamePuzzleGilles Bergeron
Nanosaur + Nanosaur ExtremeActionBrian Greenstone
Negy a NyerounknownLaszlo Nyitrai
NESTICLEunknownBloodlust Software
Nightlong: Union City ConspiracyAdventureTrecision
Norton Commander 5.51unknownSymantec
Nu, Pogodi!unknownDatri Software
Nuts and BoltsActionRonan Dowling
Nyaaaah! 08: Lick and Let LickunknownBinary Zone
O!Kay! CD-ROM 1998EducationalBVM Produktion
Ocean BoundStrategyRichard White
One Unit Whole BloodActionAtari
Operation CleanerPuzzleJan Nyman
Ot Egy SorbanunknownLaszlo Nyitrai
OthellounknownLaszlo Nyitrai
OthellounknownLaszlo Nyitrai
OxounknownLaszlo Nyitrai
Pack Super Juegos CDMiscDDM
Pajama Sam 2: Thunder And Lightning Aren't So FrighteningAdventureHumongous Entertainment
ParashooterActionPeter Leahy
PasqilPuzzleMiloš Zavřel
PC Barça '99unknownDinamic Multimedia
PC Basket 6.0unknownDinamic Multimedia
PC Fútbol 6.0unknownDinamic Multimedia
PC Fútbol 6.0unknownDinamic Multimedia
PC Fútbol 6.0unknownDinamic Multimedia
PC Fútbol 7unknownDinamic Multimedia
PC Fútbol Selección EspañolaunknownDinamic Multimedia
PC Premier 6.0unknownDinamic Multimedia
PC Real Madrid '99unknownDinamic Multimedia
PC Real Madrid Basket '99unknownDinamic Multimedia
Pedro TankActionSammyspace Software
People's GeneralStrategy
Pharaoh's CurseunknownAmbrosine
Pharoah's CurseAction
Pirateer 2unknownAlien Soft
Poke Alex in the EyeunknownA.J. Moss
Poke Alex in the Eye IIunknownA.J. Moss
Polis 1AdventureVision Park
Populous: The BeginningStrategy
Portal Mágico, ElunknownVTF Soft
Project MagellanActionPlaid World Software
Prost Grand PrixSportInfogrames
Purple Demon 3unknown
QuakeunknownA.J. Moss
Quake II - Ground ZeroActionid Software
Quest for CamelotStrategyFunnybone Interactive
Quest for Glory V: Dragon FireAdventureSierra
Quest for Glory V: Dragon FireAdventureSierra On-Line
Rage of MagesActionMonolith Productions, Inc.
Railroad Tycoon 2unknown
Reader Rabbit's Math Ages 4-6EducationalInc.
Reader Rabbit's Math Ages 4-6EducationalInc.
Reading Blaster: Ages 9-12EducationalDavidson and Associates
RealGirls Strip PokerPuzzlePokai Software
RealPoolSportDigital Fusion
Red Baron 3DSimulationDynamix, Inc.
Redline RacerSportCriterion Studios
Return to KrondorRPGActivision
Return to KrondorRPG
Ring ni KakerounknownMasaya
Ringside BoxingunknownReslain Software
Robbo 96-98unknownL.K. Avalon
Robo RaidunknownBinary Zone
Robo RumbleStrategy
Rockett's Adventure MakerEducationalPurple Moon
Rockett's First DanceEducationalPurple Moon
Rockett's Tricky DecisionEducationalPurple Moon
Rockman & ForteunknownCapcom Co., Ltd.
Rocky Mountain Trophy Hunter: Interactive Big Game HuntingStrategySunstorm Interactive
Rogue the Dog!unknownBinary Zone
Sabrina, the Teenage Witch: SpellboundAdventureKnowledge Adventure
SanitariumAdventureASC Games
Sanrio Tiny Park: Volume 4unknownSanrio Co. Ltd.
SaperunknownPawel Ruczko
Science ArcadeEducationalMars Software
Scooby Doo In Monster ManorActionCartoon Network
Sea BattleMiscInfogrames
Secret Paths to the SeaEducationalPurple Moon
Sentinel ReturnsPuzzle
Sesame Street: Grover's TravelsEducationalEncore Software
Settlers of catanStrategyFreeware
Settlers of CatanStrategy
Shadow Warrior: Twin DragonActionLevel Infinity, Wylde Productions
SinActionRitual Entertainment
Sint NicolaasActionWiering Software
Sítio do Picapau AmareloActionTec Toy
Sixth Sense InvestigationsAdventureCineTech
Skaut Kwatermaster CDunknownLK Avalon
Skull vs. You: SCBA BoxingunknownThe Skull
Sliggy on PatrolunknownBinary Zone
Sliggy S.O.S.unknownMirage
SlugsunknownMirage Designs
Solitaire XXXunknownStephan Abramowski
Space BallsunknownLuigi Pantarotto
Space InvaderActionIO Development
Spider and WebAdventureAndrew Plotkin
SpråklådanEducationalAlfabeta Gammafon Multimedia
Square EyesunknownC.W. May
Star Ocean: The Second StoryActionSony Computer Entertainment Europe Ltd.
Star Wars RebellionStrategy
Star Wars RebellionStrategyLucasArts
StarCraftStrategyBlizzard Entertainment Inc.
Starship TitanicMiscSimon & Schuster Interactive
Super Famicom WarsunknownHAL Laboratory / Nintendo
Super Punch-Out!!™ActionHAL Laboratory / Nintendo
Super Solvers Reading Ages 9-12EducationalThe Learning Company
SWAT: Slots with a TwistunknownLoadstar
Tail GunnerActionTim Enloe
TeethunknownBinary Zone
Tender Loving CarePuzzleAftermath
Test Drive Offroad 2SimulationAccolade
That Pythonesque Footunknown
The D ShowPuzzleDisney Interactive
The Feeble FilesAdventureAdventure Soft
The Fish Who Could WishEducationalTivola
The Interstate 76 ArsenalSimulationActivision
The Journeyman Project 3: Legacy of TimeAdventure
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DXAdventureNintendo Co., LTD
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of TimeActionNintendo Co., LTD
The Ninja Task IIunknownBinary Zone
The Original MulanunknownPioneer Soft
The Pioneer! v2.00unknownM. Rizal S. Hasibuan
The Puzzle Page #164unknownLoadstar
The Puzzle Page #165unknownLoadstar
The Puzzle Page #166unknownLoadstar
The Puzzle Page #167unknownLoadstar
The Puzzle Page #168unknownLoadstar
The Puzzle Page #170unknownLoadstar
Thief: The Dark ProjectActionLooking Glass Studios
Thief: The Dark Projectunknown
Thief: The Dark ProjectActionEidos Interactive, Inc.
Thinkin' Things: Sky Island MysteriesEducationalEdmark
Tili-ToliunknownLaszlo Nyitrai
Toad AwayunknownLoadstar
Tom Clancy';s Rainbow SixStrategyRed Storm Entertainment
Tomb Raider III: Adventures of Lara Croftunknown
Tomb Raider: Unfinished BusinessActionCore Design Ltd.
TorpedounknownLaszlo Nyitrai
TossaunknownBinary Zone
Total SoccerSportLiveMedia UK
TrekkyunknownBinary Zone
Trespasser: Jurassic ParkActionDreamWorks Interactive
Turok: Dinosaur HunterActionAcclaim Entertainment
Udoiana RaunesAdventure
UjpuziunknownLaszlo Nyitrai
Ultimate Wizardry Archives, TheRPGSir-tech Software, Inc.
Uncle Albert's Magical AlbumAdventureEmme/Lexis Numérique
UnrealActionEpic Games
UnrealActionEpic MegaGames
VikingsAdventureFrance Telecom Multimedia
Virtual Chess 64PuzzleTitus
Virtual Physics: The Eggs of TimeEducationalCubic Science
War MachinesActionJohn Butler
WarBirds 2.75SimulationiENtertainment Network
Warcraft Adventures: Lord of the ClansAdventure
Warhammer 40000: Chaos GateStrategyRandom Games
Wario Land IIActionNintendo Co., LTD
WET: The Sexy EmpireStrategyInteractive Strip
Windows 3.1 Shareware: BAD-TOYSunknownTibo Software
Windows 3.1 Shareware: MMPLYR10unknownPC WholeWare
Windows 3.1 Shareware: TAROT27AunknownEdward A. Aviza
Wizard of Wor '98unknownSYS64738
Wizard of Wor 98Action
World War 2.5 - Hitler's RevengeunknownA.J. Moss
WormaroundunknownBinary Zone
Wrecking Crew '98unknownHAL Laboratory / Nintendo
WurmunknownDavid Hoogvorst
X-Files Trivia ChallengeEducationalBrian Kelley
X-Men: The Ravages of ApocalypseActionMacSoft
X-Plane 4SimulationLaminar Research
XconqStrategyStan Shebs
Yogurt CommercialAdventureEpic Banana
Yoot Tower (aka The Tower II/2)StrategyOPeNBooK9003 Inc.
You Don't Know JackPuzzleJellyvision
Zero CriticalAdventureBethesda Softworks
Zombie MassacreActionAlpha Software